#james hunt x niki lauda
Hii, I saw your f1 request post and I would like to ask if you could write some James x Niki when they were sharing a flat? Maybe James was bringing home so many girls and Niki was like hey I want a piece of that (James) too
☆ my love mine all mine (part 1) — niki lauda x james hunt
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tags: teasing, jealous!niki
note: this is short but I had a lot of fun writing it
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Niki was so tired of that continuous bustle of girls in their flat. He knew that living with James would’ve been tricky, but the fun they had in those little moments off track, when they shared a few jokes and a laugh, led him to the decision that after all it wasn’t such a bad idea. James was all in all a good flatmate: generally clean and he almost never cooked for himself (sometimes Niki would make dinner for both of them). Maybe a little too loud at times, but nothing he couldn’t bear. They even found themselves often talking about races and cars and watching Formula 1 together. Basically the only real issue were the girls, and Niki wondered if James interpreted his discomfort as jealousy towards him. It was on the contrary towards them.
Niki knew without any doubt he wasn’t quite a ladies’ man, if not for his not so good looking appearance, for his asocial and at times grumpy attitude. And the strong german accent certainly wasn’t of any help. Besides, he was focused on his job now more than ever. Though he sometimes caught himself thinking about a relationship, he never actually looked for it. Far more were the times he caught himself thinking about James.
One night Niki came back home late. He changed in more comfortable clothes and decided to make some scrambled eggs with berries jam, one of his favourite dishes. The noise of an opening door caught his attention. James and two beautiful girls headed talking and laughing out of his room. They inevitably looked in Niki’s direction. He understood they were about to leave and that James was walking them to the door.
“Good night.” He said with a shy smile. The girls waved back at him and then quickly disappeared in the hallway, the door closed behind them.
“Is everything alright?” Niki asked to his roommate, stirring the eggs on the pan with a spoon.
James walked in the kitchen and leaned on the countertop. “Why wouldn’t it be?”
“They usually leave in the morning. I was ready to make breakfast for everyone tomorrow.” The statement was sarcastic, but he actually made breakfast for the guests all the times.
“I wasn’t really in the mood.”
“Oh, that’s a news.”
James looked amused. “For real. I just thought we could watch the race together tonight.”
Niki was flabbergasted. Weird. James Hunt giving up on sex just to spend time with him? “I repeat: are you sure you’re okay?”
“What? You wished to have a piece of that too?”
“I don’t think they would’ve welcomed the suggestion.”
“I wasn’t talking about them.”
Niki froze.
What in the actual fuck. He couldn’t believe he just said that. How was he supposed to answer that? What was James even thinking? Was he trying to build a castle of false hopes and erotic dreams in his already overthinking mind? Mein Gott, he hated when he did that.
He turned towards him, praying the redness on his cheeks wasn’t so evident to the eye. “Are you drunk?”
James’ lips curved in a smirk. “I’m not. Your eggs are burning by the way.”
Niki went instantly back to the pan, muttering curse words in german.
Laughing, James walked out of the kitchen. “I’ll buy popcorns and some ice cream to eat on the sofa. You try not to set the building on fire.” And just like that he left the apartment.
Well, that was definitely one of the most embarrassing episodes of his life.
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hereticpriest · 3 months
Life and Death
Relationship: Niki Lauda x Reader, Niki Lauda x Reader x James Hunt
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Angst, Pregnancy, Nurburgring Crash, Injury Recovery, Idiots in Love, Postpartum Depression, Motherhood, The Pressure of Motherhood, Motherhood Magazines Should Be Burnt, Misogyny, Near Death Experiences, James Hunt is the Perfect Birth Partner, Comfort Sex, Supportive James Hunt, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Mild petplay, Puppy James Hunt, Dry Humping, Light Dom/sub, Dominant Reader, Threesome - F/M/M, Open Relationships/Complicated Relationship Dynamics, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Self-Doubt, Body image issues, Creampies
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They keep looking at you.
Niki's team, the ones with the radios, keep looking at you as if they expect you to fall apart as you step back into the main part of the garage while rubbing your massive belly. Which means something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong, and you are a liability - or, your condition is - which means something is wrong with Niki. You'd just been in the bathroom for the 600th time you needed to pee today - the joys of pregnancy, especially carrying an active Lauda baby that liked to stomp on your bladder. You can hear the dramatic rambling of the radio announcer as you step further out, your lips pursing as he mentions a crash. Fear grips your heart, and you swear it stops dead in your chest. You feel cold.
"What is it?"
"We don't know if he was in it." One of the mechanics replies, attempting to sound soothing. Your heart drops. You cup your massive belly from below, stroking your hands over the broad expanse of it reassuringly, as if telling your baby that everything will be okay. As if they can hear everything, and might be scared for their father as well.
"But you think he was.” You whisper, wide-eyed and unsure. Almost as if you are the harbinger of your own end, your own fucking banshee telling you of your coming death, you suddenly hear the announcer. The information comes in pieces.
Niki was in a crash. His car is on fire. Two more cars have hit him, and they can't get through the flames to retrieve him. He is on fire, and they cannot get him out of the car. Niki is dying, and no one can save him.
One of the managers moves quickly to grab you as you feel your world spin, and you cling to his arms to try and stay upright. Luca, you think. He murmurs something to you in Italian, or perhaps it's English but your mind is too far gone to hear him.
"They have to get him."
Tears fill your eyes, and you blink them away, angry with your own weakness. Your husband is dying and here you are, crying like you're the one in pain.
"They will. Mrs. Lauda, come on, you need to sit down."
"I don't need to sit down, I need my husband!"
You don't lose consciousness, but a part of you wishes you had. They take Niki to the hospital and you lie about your condition to avoid being placed in a room instead of with him. Even if ‘with him’ means the waiting room down the hallway from his room. You spend hours - countless hours - in a daze as you stare down Niki's hallway while they endeavour to save him. Clay arrives with a bag of your things, and a cushion for you to make the uncomfortable hospital chairs less unbearable. Tony arrives with food shortly after, and you let him bully you into checking your blood pressure, which is unsurprisingly high. You tell the nurse in no uncertain terms that if you're being treated for the obvious results of a traumatic incident and are thus unable to see your husband the second he's stable, you will use your God-given, pregnancy-ordained leeway to have a colossal hissy fit and ruin their week.
No one protests. Well, one of the doctors protests, however the nurses bully him into leaving you alone. They're well aware that putting you in a room will only worsen your condition. As a compromise, you let them check your blood pressure every hour, you eat at scheduled intervals, and you drink a near constant stream of glasses of water. Which means you pee more than you sit solemnly to wait. Hours more pass before the priest arrives at the hospital's behest, and you scowl at him despite the seemingly sincere condolences he offers you.
"He's not dead." You remind the pastor, and he gives a gentle apology that makes your blood boil, "He'll kick you out if you start giving him rites. He needs encouragement, not to be given up on."
Despite your warning, the priest comes bumbling out of the room a few minutes later, and you hear your husband's voice, raspy and weak from the fire and smoke. It gives you a moment of relief - a brief respite that you're not crazy to think that Niki is going to survive this. That you won't be widowed so quickly after your wedding. That you won't have to learn to live without him. It seems impossible now that you've had him - like you were living a half life until you found the missing piece of you. Willi Dungl, Niki's masseuse and friend, arrives as the next in the rotating wheel of Niki's friends and 'coworkers' that seem to have been volun-told to take care of you while he recovers. He brings food and a small blanket, corrects your posture, and when you tell him that you're too pregnant for good posture, he spends a good five minutes holding your belly up to give your back a break. It's an impressive feat - you're almost eight months along, and it shows.
They let you see Niki what feels like hours later, long after Willi has left, and visitors have been limited for the night. Long after letting you know that by some miracle, Niki has stabilised. You'd nearly broken down the door to his room right there and then. Your blood pressure finally goes down enough for the nurses to give you a bit of breathing room, though you heard them tittering about the likelihood you would need an emergency c-section when you passed them by for one of your thousand pee breaks. The only reason you didn’t step in and give them shit is because you could hear the concern in their voices. They weren’t gossiping - they were planning ahead and making sure everyone was informed as to your condition.
It doesn’t stop you from wanting to crack their heads together.
As you walk into Niki’s room, you steel yourself, knowing what awaits you beyond the door, even if you don’t know the extent of it. Niki lays on his bed, his skin raw and red and weeping under once-white bandages. You sit beside him in the chair set beside his bed, lean your side against the bed, and settle in for the long run.
“I love you, Niki Lauda. So does our baby.”
He’s in a coma, but you hope somewhere, deep down, he might be able to hear you.
No one ever talks about how difficult recovery is. How painstaking. How long it takes to feel a little bit more like yourself. Rarely does anyone discuss what bearing witness to someone's recovery feels like. How soul-crushing it can be to watch the person you love most suffer and endure. There isn't a guide for preparing to grieve your new husband, or how best to support his recovery while nearly eight months pregnant. No one warned you about how difficult it would be to not be able to help - to be physically incapable of helping - after a life of complete independence.
You spend your days at Niki's bedside - your OBGYN appointments are moved to the hospital where he is being cared for, and you like your new doctor well enough. She is very no nonsense, but she doesn't harp on you for neglecting yourself in the wake of your husband's condition. Instead, she finds solutions. She gives a list of dietary requirements to Tony, who takes care of your meals despite your insistence that you can manage on the hospital's food. He tells you later that many of the driver wives have been helping by making meals for him to bring. Gem that he is who knows you far too well after so long, he even brings a stack of thank you cards with their names and addresses so that you can write cards for everyone. You've always been fond of cards and letters, and it gives you something to do.
Your doctor requires tests of your blood pressure - twice daily rather than hourly like the nurses had originally been doing - and gives you a list of stretches that you have to do at least three times a day. The only thing you disagree with - the only thing you're truly upset about - is that she makes you stay out of Niki's room whenever he's being treated. When they first started changing his bandages after he awoke, they would let you sit at his bedside to offer whatever support you could. They didn't let you stay in the room for any major treatments, of course, but the little things. Your doctor felt that being in the room was far too upsetting, and the benefit to Niki was negligible in comparison to the harm it would do to you.
You don't tell her that sitting in the hallway and listening to him scream is no better. The unknown is just as terrible as the image of the raw wounds in your mind's eye whenever you lay your head on your pillow to sleep for the night. Living in a hotel for six weeks as a pregnant woman isn't ideal, but you refuse to leave your husband's side for longer than a night.
You married an idiot.
Six weeks after his crash at Nurburgring, Niki Lauda returns to Formula One racing at the Italian Grand Prix, against all odds and against all medical advice. You follow him to Italy, also against medical advice, because you're also an idiot. Thankfully, Niki's idiocy precludes him from being able to fight you on your own idiocy. Worst case scenario, you remind him, you'll give birth in Italy. There are worse things. In the end, he concedes so long as he has a flight on standby to take you home the moment the race is done.
There's a conference in Monza first, and Niki tries his damndest to get you not to attend, but you tell him to fuck off while rubbing cocoa butter into your expansive belly. You offer him a gentle smile afterwards to soothe the damage your snippy tone may have done, reaching out to touch one of the uninjured places on his arm. He takes a breath, adjusting the hat he's insisting on wearing as armour, and you pout at him.
"I love you, honey." You murmur, then again, "Ich liebe dich."
"Ich liebe dich auch."
Standing in the back with James Hunt, who you've only just begun to forgive for baiting Niki into racing in Germany, makes you begin to regret your decision. You can see Niki's nerves even if no one else can, and the reporters are like sharks.
“And what did your wife say when she saw your face?” The journalist asks, and you take a single step before James grabs your arm to stop you in your tracks.
“She said, 'Sweetie, you don't need a face to drive. You just need a right foot.'” Niki replies, earning laughter from the other reporters, but a scowl from the bastard one. You’d actually told him that he would be beautiful to you no matter what happened, that you still wanted him even injured (which earned you a croaky, dirty laugh) and that so long as he loved you, you would never stop loving him either. That was, however, far too personal for Niki to confess to this fuckwit.
"I'm being serious. Do you really think your marriage can survive with the way you look now? Do you think your baby will be scared of you?" The asshole asks with a callous sneer. You break James' grip, weightily shoving a chair out of your way as you begin to walk towards the reporter, but James grabs you just above the belly.
"Wait, wait, darling, you can't-"
“I’m being serious too.” You distantly hear Niki say, but you’re so distracted by trying to get James’ hands off of you that you barely pay attention.
"Like hell I can't!" You shout, and the scuffle draws attention while Niki stares at you in mixed horror and adoration, "Hey, why are you asking Niki questions that should be meant for me, huh? Come ask me to my face how I feel about my husband, you shitstain fucking coward!"
Niki cuts the conference as you're mid-rant, getting up and making his way towards the door where James is doing his best to drag you without compressing your tummy. You're not making it easy on him, but the moment you notice Niki going in the same direction, you stop fighting the Brit.
"You make him pay, James, you understand me? Then we'll be even." You mutter under your breath, and James nods darkly in your periphery, his normally smiling mouth twisted into a frown. The moment Niki is within reach, you stop him before leaving the room and kiss him as softly as you can.
"Darling, they're taking photos." James whispers, and while Niki stiffens, you are not put off in the slightest. So long as you're not hurting Niki - or at least, hurting him more than he's happy to endure to kiss you - you have nothing to be ashamed of.
"Let them." You murmur, breaking the kiss and giving Niki an adoring little smile while James breaks away from you both, "I love you, Niki Lauda."
"I love you, Mouse."
When the news reaches your ears that the reporter in question disappeared shortly after the conference and was last seen with a bloody mouth and possible missing teeth, you let go of the remaining anger in your heart towards James. Well, almost all of it. Enough to begin healing.
You've never been very good at letting go.
Watching Niki get into the car is almost as painful as the first time you watched him try and put on his helmet after the accident, but you let him go with every ounce of strength in your body. Tony tries to make you sit, but you refuse, so he instead stands beside you with his hand on your upper back just in case. Niki's start is shaky at best, which doesn't surprise you at all - you know he's scared despite how he tried to hide it. Luca pauses in his own celebration to squeeze your arm reassuringly as Niki gets back into his stride, and you nod to him, listening to the announcer narrate the race with bated breath.
Despite his rocky start, Niki Lauda places fourth in a stunning recovery that seems to completely overshadow the victors. He deserves this, you remind yourself. He deserves to be praised for his strength and resilience, even if it hurts you to watch him race again. You smile as he's celebrated by the mechanics and his peers, nearby reporters going nuts in their attempts to take a good photograph. Tony is the only one who sees you wiping tears from your eyes, your hand cupping your belly protectively.
The flight from Italy is long, and admittedly brutal even though you leave immediately after the race. Part of that is because you're fairly sure you're approaching labour, though you say nothing to anyone until the plane has landed and you're heading towards your car. 
"Niki, my love?"
"Yes?" He asks skeptically at your odd tone, and you pause as you feel dripping down your leg. He stops with you, putting a hand on your belly, "Are you okay?"
"My water broke, honey."
Niki takes a breath, stunned, then presses his hand to the centre of your back and ushers you towards his car, "I'll drive."
Yeah, you bloody well hope so. If your racecar driver husband wasn't driving you to the hospital, you'd throw a fit. Like hell you’re waiting for an ambulance.
Wilhelm Lauda is born in the wee hours of the morning after 12 hours of labour. Tony and his wife Liliana, the latter of whom was meant to be your support during the birth, arrive an hour late. In their stead, the most shocking person is able to make it in time to hold your hand - James Hunt, on a two and a half hour direct flight from London, is able to make it early into your labour to replace the struggling Niki. Watching you go through such immense pain was not something he ever wanted to do, and he admitted to a certain empathy now after watching you in early labour.
Your birth plan had never included your husband holding your hand through the birth - he was traditional and wanted to wait in the hall to avoid getting in anyone's way - but that had only gotten more important since his accident. He was in too much pain to have his hand squeezed off by you, and getting even the smallest bump would likely cause him quite a bit of pain. Even after James arrived, he stayed with you through the early labour to comfort you while you made your best attempt at breaking James' hand, until, of course, it was determined that you were in active labour. Niki left before the epidural, and you focused on James' blanched face through it to distract yourself from the pain.
James was a good birth partner, you had to admit. He held your hand even when you were screaming, wiped your face with a cool wet rag when you got sweaty, and played along swimmingly when you began cursing out your husband loud enough that there was no chance he couldn't hear you outside. One of the nurses gave him a funny look when he kissed your temple, as she had already asked about him once or twice, wondering if perhaps he was a family member. She was smart enough not to push, however, considering the long list of threats you'd already made at Niki for putting you through this.
At the end of it all, Wilhelm came into the world screaming with you, wailing as he was cleaned off and the cord was cut, but quieted the moment he was placed on your heaving chest. James left you to get Niki, and you blinked blearily as your husband pressed a kiss to your sweaty forehead, then cupped your cheeks and kissed your eyelids, before finally pressing his lips to yours.
"It's a boy." The nurse informs you both, and you sigh happily as you run delicate fingers over the top of his head. The babe nestles into your chest, and you let him rest there for a moment before carefully picking him up and laying him on his back in your arms so Niki can see him properly.
"What are we calling him?" You ask your husband as he pulls a chair close to the bed so he can see.
"Wilhelm. Wilhelm James." Niki replies, and James chokes on a sob, his hand pressed to his mouth in your periphery.
"A good name. Wilhelm James Lauda." You agree. The nurse steps in once you've both had a moment, taking your son to check him out while Niki sits on one side of your bed and James takes the other. James lets you sip on some water, then refreshes the cloth he'd been wiping your face with and wipes your face and neck down properly. Niki, meanwhile, holds your hand gently and tells you how proud he is of you in whispered German.
Soon enough, Wilhelm is brought back to you, and his mewling encourages the nurse to help you pull your gown down in the front to try breastfeeding for the first time. He latches quickly, and Niki smiles as he watches his son with all the love in the world. Only an idiot could ever look at him and think him cold. The nurse gives James a weird look when she realises that he’s watching you breastfeed, your other breast hanging out of your gown, and your husband gently stroking your shoulder and arm delicately. You’re sure she only doesn’t say anything because neither yourself nor Niki seem bothered.
"Hungry boy." James comments, "he'll be a little hamster like his father, constantly snacking, with chubby little cheeks."
Tony and Liliana arrive shortly after, and James departs to let them come in, kissing you on the forehead goodbye. He promises to visit soon to help out with the little one, sidehugs Niki gently, then heads off. You have no doubt he'll spend a night with one of the nurses before heading home. Niki helps you cover up before Tony and Liliana come in, and you can't help but smile as Liliana gives Niki's hand a gentle squeeze. It's her first time seeing him since the accident, but she doesn't stare, too kindhearted and far too preoccupied with the baby.
You're discharged in the morning after both yourself and Wilhelm pass all of your health checks, and Tony and Liliana meet you at your home in Salzburg with food and a helpful attitude. Tony brings in their baby shower gift, a rocking chair which he puts in Wilhelm's room. Then, he makes his way to your bedroom, changing the bedsheets for you since you haven't been home in a few days. He throws a load of laundry on, then sets about finding things to clean or move for you guys while Liliana forces a meal on you and Niki, then tidies the kitchen.
Not once do Tony and Liliana ask you what needs to be done - they assess the house together, then set about doing things themselves, only asking for permission if they have to touch anything personal. It takes a huge weight off of your shoulders not to have to think about anything to do with housework. Willie arrives to help Niki, which takes one more worry off of your plate, and you get to simply focus on your son. You're thrilled to find that - at least for now, as you're aware colours change - your son has inherited his father's beautiful blue eyes. He sleeps easily when you hold him against your chest, and he eats without much fuss, but finding the right way to get him to burp takes a bit of work. He fusses whenever you try to change his diaper, but you learn quickly that it's simply because he's taken after his father in another way - the babe hates to be cold for even a moment.
Tony and Liliana leave after a week, and are swiftly replaced by your parents, who take control of Wilhelm immediately and give you a chance to spend some time with Niki. Willie teaches you the exercises he's putting Niki through, and recommends a couple for you to use to rebuild strength after giving birth, though he warns you to take it very easy until you've healed. Willie cried when told the baby's name, and Niki seems very proud of getting that reaction out of the older man, boasting about it gently to you while you rub medicated cream into his skin for him. Thankfully, Niki's grafts have been healing well despite his insistence on racing so shortly after his accident. The donor site on his thigh has healed pretty well, but is still very sensitive, so you're careful even when you apply the moisturizing skin cream he was instructed to use.
Niki's brother Florian visits before your parents leave, and you all have dinner together, only interrupted once by a fussy Wilhelm who needs to be fed. Niki follows you up the stairs, slipping his arms around you while you feed your son, resting his head on your shoulder as much as he can while he rocks with you. Afterwards, he takes Wilhelm from you and burps him while you clean up and set out a change for him for after dinner. You manage to make it through dinner without the baby fussing again, but you're quick to take him upstairs to change him the moment he starts up again. Your mom is kind enough to tidy up for you, while Niki entertains your father and his brother.
Finally, after two and a half weeks of constant company, you're left alone. It's more difficult, certainly, having to maintain the house while caring for your newborn, but at first, the peace of isolation is a relief. Niki does his best to help out where he can, though it often seems that his best way of helping is laying shirtless on the couch with Wilhelm on his chest, keeping your infant occupied with a nap in the sun. Willie visits frequently enough that you teasingly tell him he should move in, and you often find him holding your son while Niki does his stretches, the look on his face soft enough to melt your heart.
Just under a week and half later, Niki flies to Japan with Willie and his team. As would be expected, you're unable to join him with a newborn to care for, and it breaks your heart. You spend the day before he leaves clingier than you've ever been with Niki, as if you need to soak up every moment with him in case it might be your last. Niki does his best to reassure you that everything will be fine without promising anything that he can't, but after his accident, his reassurances fall flat. He does his best, though, rubbing your back as you curl up in his arms for an afternoon nap, pressing kisses to your hair. He leaves on Friday morning with a tearful kiss from you and a snuggle from Wilhelm, promising you that he'll do his best to be safe. He gives you no false platitudes, even now, when you might've been soothed by a lie.
You watch the coverage of the race on television while snuggling with your son, Liliana bustling around your kitchen to ensure you eat something today. Her presence is a balm, but you can feel her gaze on you, and you know she's worried. She, too, does not lie to you. Instead, she gives you half of one of her Valium and a glass of water, then sits at your side to hold your son and rub your back. The rain in Japan has you panicking despite your best efforts, and the Valium helps to soothe your raw and aching nerves. You'll have to get a script from your doctor for the next time Niki gets in one of those death machines - because he will, no matter how much it makes you worry. You'd never ask him to stop. It would be like asking him to give up a part of himself, and you will never be a wife who does that, no matter how much you worry about him. You can swallow your own worries, chased with a little pill or a glass of wine (or six).
In the end, Niki defies all expectations as he is wont to do. He quits on lap 2 of the Japanese Grand Prix, to the great fury of Ferrari. James takes the championship by a single point, and Niki phones you to let you know he's going to attend James' championship celebration, as if he didn't just lose. You're, unfortunately, relatively sedated by this point, and Liliana has to take the phone from you to let Niki know that you're just exhausted. Whether you tell him about the Valium is your choice, not hers, so she doesn't mention it. She promises to take care of the baby, and to let you know that he'll be home soon.
Niki flies himself home, because of course he does. As he steps into your home in Salzburg, he finds you curled up in a chair in the baby's room, both of you fast asleep, while Liliana cleans up the remnants of lunch. He wakes you with a kiss to your temple, and you smile sleepily at him, leaning up to catch his lips with yours. There's nothing but love in your eyes as you look at him, even in the vulnerability of waking up, and Niki isn't quite sure how he got so lucky. He’d worried you would look at him differently, but there isn’t even a hint. You love him. You truly, deeply love him.
"I'm glad you're home." You whisper against his lips, and he smiles.
"I'm glad to be home, Mouse."
Willie rubs oil between his hands, warming it up before he begins to rub Niki’s back in slow but firm movements. You watch through the open door, gently rocking your son in your arms as Willie soothes your husband’s pain as much as he can. Thank god for the stern Austrian man, for he withstood Niki’s grumpier moments with ease, gave as good as he got, and found interesting ways to get Niki to do as he was told. You helped where you could - you cooked off of Willie’s strict diet plan and only rarely went off of it to make Niki his favourite schnitzel, you helped him with his stretches and exercises every day, and freely tattled on your husband when he didn’t do all of them. You cared for your son, and only rarely asked Niki for his help, though he was always eager to do the fun things with your baby boy - napping and snuggling being his usual baby duties. You kept the house clean since Niki couldn’t do too much with his healing bones and burnt lungs, on top of his still-healing skin grafts.
“Mouse.” Niki murmurs, and you blink, startled out of your thoughts. You’re still in the doorway, but you’ve stopped rocking, and the baby is stirring in your arms.
“Yes, love?” You ask, resuming your rocking, and he pats the table gently to call you over. You crouch beside the massage table, and Niki presses a kiss to Wilhelm’s fuzzy little head, breathing in the scent of your baby. He takes your hand, and you kiss his knuckles, then lean in to press the softest kiss to his lips while holding Wilhelm’s head to avoid him wiggling and smacking it. You whisper that you love him, then kiss below his grafts to avoid irritating anything, and he sighs as he processes the dual sensation of Willie’s firm hands on his back, and his wife’s gentle touch. Niki smiles at you, and your heart melts, the burdens weighing down your shoulders temporarily lifted by his love.
“I’ll leave you two alone. I’ve got to get ready to feed the baby before he gets fussy.” You hum as Wilhelm begins to stir again, and Willie scoffs.
“Strong boy doesn’t get fussy. His papa gets fussy. Wilhelm is simply hungry for he is growing.”
You laugh, smudging your thumb across the tip of Niki’s nose teasingly, offering Willie a friendly wink, then carrying your son down to the living room to get settled on the sofa while you feed him. You rub your belly, still pretty round even almost a month after giving birth, and flip through a motherhood magazine to make yourself feel bad about not having magically lost the baby weight yet. Guilt has been a place you’ve lived for the last couple of months while doing the best you could and finding it not quite enough. Advice from other women who’ve raised a baby before you has done nothing but make you feel worse, and yet you keep seeking it out. Maybe this magazine will have the miracle cure that will make it all make sense. Maybe this magazine will give you the piece of advice you’re missing that will make you feel less like you can’t measure up to the women who came before you. You were fine when Liliana was here - with her help, you were almost able to manage the baby, keep the house clean, care for Niki, and maintain your appearance to the degree you had before your pregnancy. Now, you were struggling to balance multiple plates, and wishing you were an octopus.
Wilhelm smacks his chubby hand against the side of your breast with a nipple-smothered cry, and you roll your eyes, giving him your finger to hold like he likes to when he’s breastfeeding.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Bad mommy. Sorry, little man.”
Later that evening, after putting the baby to bed and cleaning up what you couldn’t during the day, you snuggle up with your husband, curling around him from behind while he sighs blissfully under the gentle stroking of your hand on his stomach. Just as you’re beginning to drift in that hazy, comfortable place between sleep and wake, Niki shifts against you with a shiver. Instinctively, you press a couple of kisses to his shoulder, sliding your hand from under his shirt into his boxers to find him hard and leaking. You still can’t have sex, according to your doctor, so you carefully roll Niki onto his back and crawl down between his legs.
“You don’t have to, mausi.” Niki whispers, but his cock throbs as you tap it against your tongue.
“Let me make you feel good, Niki.” You murmur back to him, then pop the head past your lips while he groans deeply in response. His fingers tangle in your hair, and you take your time warming him up, looking up at him through your lashes because you know he needs to see it. You know that he needs to know how much you want him, burns or not, and this is the best way for you to show him while you’re still recovering from childbirth. You take your time making him come, and you swallow it down without a second thought, then snuggle up against him again with a lazy yawn. You’re exhausted. You’ve never before been so bone-deep tired.
“Goodnight, love.” You whisper, already drifting.
“Goodnight, mausi.”
James arrives three weeks later to a spotless house, a home cooked meal, a freshly changed and swaddled baby curled up to nap on Niki’s chest, and the fresh, wafting scent of body wash from upstairs. Niki greets him with a hug, though James is quick to take the baby from him, cradling him delicately in his arms. Niki smiles at the sight of James with his son, watching the way the tall blond man strokes his fingertips delicately across the baby's chubby cheeks and thumbs his little chin as if he's made of glass. It's easy to see that he's already smitten. Niki slips an arm around James' waist, and his friend leans into him a little bit, but doesn't put any real weight on him.
"Is she upstairs?" James asks while gazing at the baby, and Niki nods, his lips pulling into a frown before smoothing out, "What is it?"
"She ran around the house like mad all day, cleaning and cooking. She ran upstairs for a shower before you arrived, claiming she has to look nice if we're having company." Niki replies, and James scoffs.
"I barely count as company - I'm more of a lapdog, really. She didn't have to do all of this."
"This is what I told her. She has been..." Niki trails off, then sighs, stroking his fingertip over Wilhelm's little nose, then steering James towards the dining room to eat, "You will see."
James hands Niki a couple of papers that were rolled up in his back pocket, watching as the other man unfolds them and looks them over. Clear STD tests. He folds them and tucks them into James’ back pocket again, a bit of a grin on his face. Niki had discussed having sex again with James when they spoke on the phone, and seeing that all three of you were interested, James got a test. It was the responsible thing to do, and it would allow for a better experience since you were back on birth control.
“Then, I suppose it is a good thing that I did not buy condoms.” Niki murmurs, and James snorts, nudging him gently while he puts Wilhelm into his highchair.
“I would not have appreciated the late night run to the store.”
You join them a few minutes later, and James instantly knows why Niki is so worried. You look stunning, as always, but you have dark circles under your eyes, and your smile is strained. You're wearing a dress that suits your frame, and your hair is done up nicely to accentuate your face. He's never seen you put this much effort into your appearance - he's used to you wearing Niki's shirts and jeans, or simple but pretty dresses. You look lovely, certainly, but there's a certain lack of surety in your eyes that he's never seen before.
"Hello darling." James murmurs, handing the baby to Niki so that he can stand and wrap his arms around you, "You didn't need to do all this, love, it's only me."
"It was no trouble, James." You insist, and he presses a kiss to your cheek, then pulls you up in a big squeeze.
"I'm here to help, darling, put me to work all you like. Come sit and have dinner, take a load off." He insists, pulling out your chair, and you melt a little under the gentle affection. Niki notices, but he's not jealous of James. He knows where your love and lust lies, and the care you've given him since his accident has eased much of his initial worries. Instead, he realises how little time he's had with you since Liliana left. He spends plenty of time with Wilhelm, cuddling while you bustle around and do the things you can't do with a baby in your arms. But his wife? He only spends his nights with you, frequently interrupted by the baby for feedings.
When is the last time he kissed his wife beyond a peck on the cheek?
"I don't know if I'll be able to get through a whole meal. Wilhelm is probably going to get hungry soon. But I'll eat what I can, and come back after he's done." You say before taking a bite of food, and James raises an eyebrow.
"I'll feed him while you eat, it's no trouble. I'll get some cuddle time." James replies, and you hesitate.
"Oh, I haven't been pumping."
"... God, that must be exhausting, darling. Why not? My sister-in-law swears by it, says it makes it so much easier to do things while my brother feeds the tykes."
You hesitate, drumming your fingers anxiously against the table, then shrug, "I... well, a lot of the mommy magazines I've been reading say it isn't good for babies not to be fed naturally."
James and Niki scoff in unison, but soften when they notice your clear distress.
"They say that to make you feel bad, lovey, not to help you. Plenty of mums formula feed their tykes and they end up fine. I reckon the writers of those magazines use them themselves while telling other mums not to." James insists, and you soften a little as he strokes his hand over yours, then squeezes your fingers.
"I would like the chance to feed Wilhelm." Niki comments, and you soften even further, even cracking a smile as your husband rubs his foot against your calf under the table soothingly, "We have a pump - Regazonni's wife sent it as a gift."
"I... well, I could try. I do produce a lot of milk... it would be nice not to have to constantly drop everything every two to three hours." You admit, and Niki nods.
"I will get it out of the baby closet and we will try it." He states firmly, and you nod your agreement, digging into your meal with a bit more gusto now that you feel a little bit better about your circumstances. Your husband compliments the meal first, thankful as always that you’ve made him something delicious, but even more so because he knows that this schnitzel breaches Willie’s diet. James gives you a gentle nudge as he swallows a mouthful, letting you know exactly how delicious this meal is and how nice it is to have someone cook for him. You’re sure it’s a little pathetic how quickly your heart races to get a little bit of appreciation, but you can’t help yourself. Niki always appreciates everything you do for him, but even he will admit he sometimes forgets to say - he’d warned you when you married him, so it did not come as a surprise.
You knew how he felt for you. You knew that he loved and appreciated you.
You knew. And yet…
“Get your pre-pregnancy body back? You gave birth to a human being. How could this be possible? What is this scheiße?” Niki asks, and James scoffs, rolls his eyes and rips the page out of the magazine.
“Listen to this garbage - How to keep your husband happy. The first suggestion is to wear a fancy dress, put makeup on, do your hair up, and greet your husband at the door when he gets home from work. Suggestion two, give your husband a massage or rub his feet after a long day at work. Bloody hell. Suggestion three is to tell your husband to go golfing or for a drink with his buddies and not to complain about him not spending time at home. And then it scolds women for daring to miss their husbands while they’re at work all day, tells them off for being selfish for wanting their husbands to do chores or help with the kids after a long day of work, and reminds women that men provide their lives for them. Is this from the forties? You can’t tell me this was published this year.” James rants as he tears several papers from the magazine, and Niki sneers, watching as Wilhelm slobbers on a chewy ring, enjoying some tummy time.
“I’ve got yet another article on how to lose the baby weight by starving yourself and working out somehow with the no time you have while raising a baby and keeping a house.” Niki rips a page out, followed by a second, “Ah, and another diet plan. Willie would have a heart attack if I showed him this.”
“Why are you ripping pages out of my magazines?” You ask as you step into the living room, and James pats the sofa between himself and Niki.
“We’re taking the nonsense out.” He informs you, and Niki greets you with a soft kiss as you sit beside him, earning himself a happy noise that has him grinning.
“And James is taking the knitting patterns.”
“They’re half-decent.” The Brit excuses himself, pecking your cheek.
“I can’t believe you’ve been reading this, Mouse. Every article was written by someone who hates women, you understand this, yes?” Niki asks, and you hesitate until his arm slips around your waist.
“That blond woman down the road, Bauer… She gave me one. She’s got three kids, so I thought…” You trail off, then sigh, leaning your head gently on Niki’s shoulder.
“You should take your child-rearing advice from your friends and family, Mouse. Liliana is a phone call away.” He reminds you, and you sigh, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I know. I just want to be a good wife and mother-”
“You are. You are my perfect wife, Mouse, and you have been a good, attentive mother to our son. Nothing in these magazines will improve you.” Niki cuts you off, and James pats your knee, then lays down on the floor with Wilhelm, letting the baby hold his finger in his tiny hand. You let Niki guide your head down onto his shoulder, closing your eyes and settling in, and as you melt into him like chocolate on a hot day, Niki realises exactly how starved for affection you’ve become. He sighs quietly, picking up the breast pumps from the dish towel beside him and handing them to you.
“This does not look comfortable.” You inform him, but you obediently unzip your dress from the side, letting it fall around your waist but no lower. James glances at you over his shoulder, wiggling his fingers for Wilhelm, and you let him look all he likes as you remove your bra and drop it beside you. You get situated against Niki, then get the pumps set up and begin the process.
“How is it?” James inquires a few minutes later, and you give him a small frown.
“There isn’t a tiny jaw mashing my nipple, but it's only marginally more comfortable.” You reply, nostrils flaring as you squeeze the pump. Uncomfortable didn't even begin to cover it.
“You’ll get used to it, love. Niki’ll make them feel better afterwards, won’t you, mate?” James coos from the floor, and you kick his foot gently, huffing a quiet laugh. For once, you have nearly an hour of full, uninterrupted time in which your baby has someone else physically capable of caring for him. He’s been fed recently enough that he should be fine for a bit, and he’s happy, and when he does begin to fuss, James offers to change him rather than make you stop pumping and get up. Having help is blissful.
“Have your feelings changed regarding James?” Niki asks quietly, and you shake your head, happy that he keeps checking in even though he asked you this same question before James arrived to visit, “Good.”
“Have yours?” You inquire, fairly sure you know the answer.
“No, Mouse, they haven’t.��
You feed Wilhelm some time later, change him for bed, then rock him to sleep in your arms. It takes time - your little one takes after you in having trouble falling asleep - but eventually you’re able to transfer him into his crib and head back downstairs. Niki and James are still in the living room, however they’ve moved since you left. Niki is mostly in the same spot, sprawled across the sofa to get comfortable. But, where once James sat on the floor, stretched out like a lazy lion, he now lays across your sofa. He’s lost his shirt in the transition, but otherwise, both men are still clothed. They’re kissing, which is a lovely sight, and James’ hand has slipped up under Niki’s shirt to stroke his trembling stomach. You can see the way Niki arches beneath James, his hips rolling up into the Brit’s in a needy way that tells you you haven’t been taking care of him as well as you thought you had.
You’re not jealous - truly, you’re not. It isn’t jealousy that festers in your guts. No, the rot that has taken a hold within you has been growing as your body changed. As who you are changed. As you brought your blessed son - the thing you love most - into the world, a disease had taken root. You once thought that you couldn’t love anything as much as you loved Niki, until Wilhelm was born with your heart beating in his chest along with his own. And that was part of the problem, wasn’t it? You were failing as a wife or as a mother no matter what choices you made, weren't you? Or had you simply placed the bar out of your reach in order to punish yourself for not being able to grasp it?
Everything had changed in a matter of months. You had gone from a newlywed preparing for your first child with your husband to a wife, mother, and caregiver who was struggling just to tread water. This new you - this exhausted, sad, disorganised you laden with baby weight and dark circles - was inferior to the old you, wasn’t it? Change for the better was an ideal, and something to strive for, but you had not improved, had you? You now exist as a lesser thing than the woman that Niki loved, and that he and James had so craved.
Your downward spiral is interrupted by a breathy gasp, and a low moan that you recognise as if it were your own. Your focus returns to your present, and your eyes meet the stormy baby blues of your husband. His mouth is lax with pleasure, but in your surprise, you find honesty awaiting you etched into the lines of his face. His love is plain to see, written in the softness of his gaze, the jumping pulse visible in his neck, and most obviously in the way he reaches for you.
Niki reaches for you. While blanketed by the sun incarnate, by his rival and close friend, by a man desired by countless people across the world, Niki Lauda reaches for you. The sun moves atop him, golden skin flexing over built muscles, and the blue of the sky on a warm summer day finds you. Warmth suffuses you, sinking deep into your bones and heating you up from the inside out as James grins. He doesn't love you, but there is a deeply held affection in his gaze as he looks upon you. He doesn’t love you, but he has had you more than once, and he keeps coming back for more, something he has always been reticent to do in other relationships.
“Started without me?” You ask, and your voice cracks, but you swallow down your emotion and let yourself be infected by their lust. You lace your fingers with Niki’s as soon as you’re within reach and sit at his head, shifting over a little bit so Niki can rest his head in your lap. You grasp his other hand and hold both gently in your hands, lifting them so you can kiss his fingers. James takes the opportunity you give him, kissing his way down Niki’s chest and nipping gently at the curve of his stomach. You transfer both of his hands into one of yours, then let the other trail down Niki’s body, combing your fingers back through James’ hair to grab hold of it.
“Ahhh, fuck.” James rumbles, letting you pull his head back, his eyes rolling back in his head.
“Would you mind helping me out, puppy?” You ask in a light, playful voice while letting go of his hair to instead stroke his cheek. He sighs blissfully, leaning into your hand to nuzzle gently, nodding his head, “Good boy, pup. Yes, you are. Good puppies don’t use their words, they just wag their tails and do as they’re told, don’t they?”
James nods again, his hips pressing into Niki’s and forcing a broken groan from your husband’s lips.
“Good boy. Now, would you mind undressing my husband for me, puppy?”
Niki lets out a little laugh as James hops right to it, pushing Niki’s shirt up to tangle around his arms that you’re still holding in place. You release his hands, pulling his shirt up to tangle around his wrists, then reach down to stroke your hand over his chest. His pecs have a little layer of softness overtop, giving you something to grab ahold of and squeeze, drawing a shaky gasp out of Niki’s lips.
“Is this comfortable, Niki? Or would you prefer your arms lower?” You ask, and Niki stretches a little, then settles.
“It is fine. I will let you know if I am uncomfortable.” He promises, and you hum your approval, rolling his nipples between your fingers as a reward while James wiggles Niki’s pants down over his slim hips.
“Puppy, leave Niki’s underwear for now. Be a good boy and take your own clothes off now. Puppies don’t wear clothes, do they, silly thing?” You croon, and James hops off the couch quickly, pulling his shirt up over his head and tossing it, then hurrying to unbutton his jeans. You stroke your hands down over Niki’s body, and he moans as your breasts brush against his face, pressing a kiss into your cleavage while you slide your bare palms down over his stomach. You begin to sit up more, but Niki moves his ‘restrained’ hands to grasp at your chest, and you giggle nervously as you catch them.
“Naughty, Niki, love.” You hum, but he’s already got you figured out, and you soon find yourself pressed back into the sofa beneath your husband.
“Why aren’t you letting me touch you?” Niki asks, and you hesitate, “Is this more of the bullshit from magazines?”
“I look different, Niki.” You mumble, and he sighs, looking over your fully clothed body with love and regret in his eyes.
“I have not shown you enough affection. I forgot to tell you how beautiful you are - I have not told you since the hospital, have I?” Niki muses, and James scoffs, giving your husband a gentle push to the shoulder.
“Christ, mate, no wonder-”
“James, you may help or you can be dog. Pick one. But dogs do not talk.” Niki cuts him off while coaxing you to shift so that he can unzip your dress. James sits beside you, running his fingers through your hair and tilting your head so he can kiss you, soft and gentle but no less passionate.
“My perfect little Mausi, taking care of me, and the house, and our son with very little thanks. You must tell me when you have needs, Mausi, I cannot read your mind. And do not give me bullshit about not wanting to be a burden. You are my wife - you could never be a burden. You take such good care of everyone, Mausi. You make it look so effortless that I have clearly taken you for granted, haven’t I?” Niki murmurs as he rids you of your dress, then kisses his way down your neck, unclasping your bra as he goes.
“The Rat hasn’t told you how beautiful you are, Mouse, so let me.” James whispers against your lips, stroking your cheeks as you lean into his hands, “Look at you. How did a woman as stunning as you become touch-starved? You’re so beautiful, Mouse. Don’t give me that look - you are! And no less gorgeous than you were before, either. Motherhood has made your body softer and all the better for holding.”
You shiver as he kisses his way down the other side of your neck, pausing only to help Niki take your bra off and discard it. They trail down together, and you nearly jump out of your skin as warm hands grasp your breasts and squeeze gently. Niki is the first to take initiative, swirling his tongue around the soft bud of your nipple then popping it into his mouth. He moans around a mouthful of you, and it takes everything in you to avoid grabbing his hair, and to instead be gentle with him. James watches for a moment before following suit, taking your nipple into his mouth and sucking, thrilled to find you much less gentle with him. Your fingers tangle in his golden locks, pulling sharply on his hair, your head thrown back on the sofa cushions with astonishment.
“Tastes so good, Mausi.” Niki moans as he swallows a mouthful of milk, his eyes half-lidded with desire, “you’re so soft. I’ve never felt anything so soft.”
You whine, cheeks hot with embarrassment and delight intertwined as you struggle to comprehend the message that they’re both clearly trying to drill into your thick skull. James adjusts a little, and you pet his hair as he rubs the length of his cock against your thigh, grinding in little circles.
“You’re so hard, James.” You manage to squeak out, and he moans around a mouthful of you, blinking open those sky-blue eyes to stare up at you as he grinds a little harder, “Niki got you worked up, didn’t he?”
“Niki started it. You got me here.” James replies after finally releasing you with a wet smack.
“The chance to have me raw got you-” You begin to excuse, and Niki cuts you off with a kiss.
“Getting to feel you without a rubber in the way is exciting, Mouse, but the important part of it is because it’s you. I’ve never cared about having to wear a condom. But getting to have you? I’d do a hell of a lot for a chance with you.” James corrects you, squeezing your hips and groaning at the plush of them, “Can’t decide if I want to face you or take you from behind, y’know? Perfect bloody tits and those soft lips, or that fucking beautiful ass of yours pressing into my hips. Think I could have both?”
You giggle into the kiss even as you nod, and Niki breaks it to kiss your cheek, “I know how I want you.”
“Do you?” You inquire playfully, already feeling like a weight has been lifted from your chest.
“Mmm, but you might have to stretch first.” Niki teases, and you laugh, brushing your thumb delicately over his cheek while you cup his face softly in your hand.
“As long as you help me.” You purr, stealing a kiss from your husband and stroking his hip, then tugging his underwear down his thighs, “Take these off now.”
Niki obediently kicks them off, getting comfortable beside you while you pull James into a kiss and nip his bottom lip, sucking it into your mouth. You pull the golden blond closer to you until his pelvis presses against your thigh, then give his ass a firm squeeze, nipping him as he chases your retreating lips.
“Go ahead, puppy. You can hump my leg if you want.” You purr, turning your attention back to your husband and wrapping your fingers around his cock. He’s achingly hard in your hand, the tip flushed red and leaking precum which you swipe up with your thumb to ease the glide. Niki wraps his lips back around your nipple, swirling his tongue around the hard bud while James snuggles closer and follows suit. You find yourself lost in sensation as James rolls his hips into your thigh and Niki fucks the tight precum-slick circle of your fingers, both moaning around you. You’re not surprised that Niki cracks first, crawling between your legs and spreading them open into the space he was once occupying.
“Mausi?” Niki murmurs like a question, and you know what he’s asking. You pull him closer, kissing him so softly it’s barely a whisper.
“I told you, you don’t have to ask me, Niki. I always want you.”
The reminder of your words from so long ago rings heavy for Niki, full of love and promise, and he doesn’t ask again before pressing the head of his cock inside of you. It’s been a very long time, and thus it takes a moment of gently rocking his hips to get all the way in, but you both sigh at the sensation. Niki is gentle as he pushes your leg up against the back of the couch to get a bit more room, making sure not to stretch too far. James lets out a soft whine you barely thought him capable of, sweet as sugar, and you smile at him as you bring him down into a kiss.
“Wait your turn, pup. I promise I’ll let you have me.” You murmur, but you’re generous (and conscious) enough to wrap a slick hand around his aching cock and give him something to fuck into for now. James’ refractory period is notoriously short, and his libido is high enough to keep up with two partners easily, so you know you’ll have to take care of him more than once. Especially with Niki’s condition being what it is - capable of sex, but certainly not of anything too strenuous.
Your husband seems to be trying to prove you wrong, each rough thrust going deep and pulling soft ‘ah ah ah’s from his lips. He’s pent up, your poor love. His cheeks are pink with the effort, eyes hazy and darker blue from how blown his pupils are. You pull him down into a gentle kiss, rolling your hips to meet him while your other hand remains busy with James. It’s a bit clumsy - you surprised Niki, and he hadn’t aimed very well - but you’ve never been particularly good at multitasking, and you’re sure James prefers you focusing what little dexterity you have to the hand stroking his cock.
“Close.” Niki whispers into the kiss, and you practically purr, nuzzling your nose against his.
“Good. Come for me, Niki.”
“Fill her up, Nik, I wanna fuck your cum into her.” James groans, and Niki shivers, his rhythm breaking for a moment. He never quite recovers, but you don’t blame him. You hug him close to you, releasing James in order to hold your husband while he shatters in your arms, his hips rolling in sloppy grinds to try to get deeper and maintain the sensation for as long as he can.
“I love you.” You whisper, and Niki gasps it back to you as he lets you take his weight. Sensing James’ impatience, your husband sighs as he pulls out of your blissful heat, swapping places on the couch so he still has a good view.
“Do you think you’ve earned it, puppy?” You ask, and James grins, rubbing your hips.
“Oh, definitely.”
A snort leaves you, but you lean in for a kiss despite his impertinence, “How do you want me?”
“Hands and knees, please.” James replies in a bit of a sing-song voice, and he helps you adjust, his large hands finding home on your hips. You open your mouth to tease him, but he’s quicker on the draw, and you find your words lost as he thrusts into you. His groan is one of bliss - you know he’s fucked other women raw before, so you’re unsure why he’s so thrilled with the chance with you, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Having him want you - need you - this badly is almost more than you can handle. What did you do to deserve this? Why does James keep coming back to you when he’s so obviously desirable - capable of having anyone he wants whenever he wants. You’d say it’s for Niki, but James knows he can fuck Niki if he wants and he’s chosen to fuck you instead.
“You feel so good, Mouse. So fucking good. Sloppy with Niki’s cum. So hot and tight and pulling me in deeper.” James praises you, pressing a line of kisses up your spine that have you shivering, “If it were to be anyone, it would be you two.”
Your heart swells, and you rock back into him eagerly, heat coursing through you at the idea of having James around more often. You’ve never resented him for not being around all the time, and you were with Niki before James became a part of your relationship, but you do miss him when he’s gone. You know Niki does too. You wish sometimes that he could be with you two all the time, but you know he needs his freedom. You know that he wouldn’t be able to give up his flings, and the fun he has when he’s not with you and Niki. You know that it would stifle him, and you’d never want to ask that of him. You’re happy in your marriage, and if James found a relationship that worked for him, you would never hold it against him should he break it off with you. That being said, you were happy to have him while you could. James fit with you and Niki - not like a missing piece, but like a welcome and enriching addition. You and Niki are whole without James, but having him around is special.
You breathe his name, eyes rolling back in your head as James angles your hips and plunges deeper on his next thrust. He presses a firm hand in the centre of your sweaty back, low moans falling from his lips as he fucks you harder, deeper, his thrusts beginning to lose rhythm.
“You’re driving me mad, love. Fucking mental. How’s a man meant to keep his head with pussy this fucking good?” He croons, stroking his hand down the curve of your back to smack your ass gently.
“I-I thought it would be worse after giving birth.” You admit shakily, and James scoffs, spanking you a little harder almost as punishment.
“Ridiculous. No, you’re fucking perfect, Mouse. Feel like heaven, so tight and wet and sweet. I’m fucking all of Niki’s cum out of you, making a mess of the sofa, yeah? Don’t worry, I’m gonna - fuck - I’m gonna replace it all. Fill you up.”
James grunts as he redoubles his efforts, fucking into you harder, his breathing harsh as he gets closer. You can feel him throbbing inside of you, and you nearly yelp as familiar fingers press and roll your clit just right while James clutches your hips so tightly it nearly hurts. He fucks you harder, a desperate groan slipping from his lips as he tips over the edge and fucks his spend into you like he’s trying to plant it in your womb. You’re sure your cervix is going to be sore later, but you couldn’t care less right now.
No, all you care about is the way James tips back on the couch, dragging you with him to lay back against his chest, still balls deep inside of you.
“You look good together.” Niki murmurs, sighing as he gets shakily to his feet, “Let’s move to the bedroom - there’s not enough space down here.”
Later that evening, after having to crawl out of bed to feed your son, you snuggle down between Niki and James while they stroke your bare skin and whisper gentle praises. James strokes his thumb under your eye, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“You look tired, Mouse. Get some rest.” He whispers, and Niki peppers kisses across your shoulders.
“We should go to Ibiza. Get away, enjoy the warmth, and find someone to help with the baby to give us time for each other.” Niki murmurs, hugging you tightly from behind while James pets your hair back out of your face. You’d love to say that you agreed wholeheartedly and kissed them both goodnight, but truthfully, you were asleep before Niki even finished his sentence.
The next morning, you all pack up your belongings and head to the airstrip. Niki flies you all to Ibiza, and you get a call less than an hour after getting to your lavish home from Liliana.
“I’ve been trying to reach you for hours, honey. Tony and I have hopefully very good news!” Liliana coos, and you pin the phone between your ear and your shoulder as you position Wilhelm in your arms to let him latch.
“What’s the news? Sorry, Lil, we just flew out today. You must have gotten the voicemail from me before we arrived.” You reply, watching as James and Niki rub sunscreen into each other by the pool.
“We’re moving to Ibiza, honey. We want to be closer to you. I’m getting bored being at home with nothing to do while Tony’s gone, and we were talking, and we thought maybe I could help you out a little. You’ve got so much on your plate.” Liliana rambles, clearly thinking you might be upset, though you can’t imagine why.
“Liliana, please, stop. I’m thrilled. I miss you both so much, all the time. It’s hard being here alone, without my family. And I do need help. I was just talking to Niki about getting someone to help us. Having you here with me would mean so much to me, and to Niki too. He loves you and Tony. If there’s anything I can do to help you guys, let me know.” You interrupt, and Liliana giggles.
“Well, about that. We might have already bought a place. We’re packing up our apartment right now.” Liliana admits, and you cheer, “So, we’ll be in Ibiza in a week, and our belongings are going to be arriving a little while after us.”
You smile, pressing a gentle kiss to Wilhelm’s forehead as he gurgles, milkdrunk and happy.
“I can’t wait to see you. We’ve got a bright future ahead of us, Lil.” You murmur, and Liliana laughs happily.
“There’s my girl. You sound like you’re a bit more yourself, don’t you? I’ll call you when we get to town, okay?”
“Okay. Love you both. Tell Tony I can’t wait to see him lying by the pool like a boiled lobster.” You tease, and Liliana’s cackles make you beam. Finally, you have hope for the future. And perhaps now, knowing help is coming, you’ll be able to enjoy having James around. James had promised to stay with you for as long as he could, unless you got sick of him. He’ll help both you and Niki find and care for your happiness - and you both clearly need the help. Together, you will figure out how to move forwards.
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f1yogurt · 2 years
INTJ and ENFP - "the golden pair"
A lot of people have wondered why Niki Lauda and James Hunt became such good friends despite having polar opposite personalities. Even Niki himself said he didn't know why he and James clicked so easily. So I've decided to present an MBTI take on it by using quotes from various sources.
ENFP & INTJ - honesty, loyalty, humor, one is strong where the other is weak
Niki // INTJ: introverted, intuitive, thinking, judging James // ENFP: extroverted, intuitive, feeling, perceiving
ENFPs are curious, sensitive, trusting, fun, and popular. INTJs are thoughtful, deliberate, honest, socially awkward, but have integrity and inner strength. INTJs are the anchor in stormy weather, and ENFPs are the sails for high adventure. They both have a mutual need to be alone or independent at times, but they make a great team as they both respect people with hearts of gold. (x)
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Each type’s auxiliary cognitive function is the other’s tertiary. That means there is an ease of understanding between the two of them. They both find a mutual dislike of the mundane aspects of life and will frequently look to “shake things up”. This friendship can be electrifying and helps each counterpart grow in new, exciting ways.
Why are ENFPs and INTJs an ideal pair?
ENFPs and INTJs may only share one letter preference in common (N for intuition) however, they share two common cognitive functions; Introverted Feeling and Extraverted Thinking. (x)
INTJs like to make sense of everything (and everyone) and an ENFP is an exciting challenge to say the least.
INTJs are fluid in thought and in conversation. It's an absolute breath of fresh air for an ENFP that spends most of their time engulfed by high electric mental surges.
Growth and attraction: one is strong where the other is weak.
INTJs are drawn to the ENFP’s warm, outgoing nature, and enthusiasm. ENFPs are naturally playful, open-minded, and have a good sense of humor. ENFPs, in turn, are drawn to the INTJs resolve, intellectual passion, and driven nature. INTJs have an intense focus and a natural efficiency and goal-oriented nature that is captivating to the ENFP. (x)
INTJs tend to harbor a dark side, whether in the form of emotions that they have a hard time/avoid exploring or a more intellectual dark side. ENFPs are truly unafraid of the dark. Their natural curiosity and unrelenting positivity draws them to the INTJ; the Ne desire to explore is overpowering for an ENFP when intrigued. Nothing will stop an ENFP from investigating once their attention is captured. The INTJ in turn is thrown off by the disarming level of openness ENFPs offer - it’s a true case of opposites attract. One is drawn to the mysterious, the other to the uncapped effusiveness. (x)
The ENFP and INTJ each have a different tolerance for social situations. There is a balance between heart and head with these personality types and each of you can help the other become a better, more well-rounded person. Once you’ve breached the “getting to know you” phase, the INTJ can be the ENFP’s favorite sounding board and the ENFP will become the INTJ’s greatest cheerleader.
ENFPs are attracted to the INTJ's solitary confidence, honest outlook of the corrupted world, unique ideals, passion, hard work, and charmingly witty sense of humor. Despite being extroverts, ENFPs enjoy non-awkward mutual silence, exactly like INTJs. But when the pair of them do talk, it is never shallow - they are always leaving the shore.
The Intellectual Dream Team
The ENFP and INTJ are the intellectual dream team. The ENFP’s main cognitive function acts as a tireless idea-generator and the INTJ’s main cognitive function optimizes ideas. They can be an unstoppable force for innovation.
When the two work in concert with each other, a wonderful combination of morality, ethics, and objective logic can be applied to any problem. When the two are out of sync with each other, the INTJ will see the ENFP as a head-in-the-clouds idealist who doesn’t understand how the real world works and the ENFP will see the INTJ as a stone-cold bastard who doesn’t give two shakes for their fellow human beings. 
The ENFP and INTJ will quickly click as their conversations focus on impressions, ideas, opinions, and theories. 
Similar Mindset
INTJs and ENFPs are going to hit it off and experience a natural spark because they will both live and thrive in the world of ideas, possibilities, and meanings. The INTJ may feel that the ENFP is speaking out loud intuitive thoughts and feelings that they have internalized. The ENFP may feel that the INTJ is grasping a deeper and more focused approach and insight into their ideas and possibilities, causing them to have a clearer focus and perception themselves.
For both the ENFP and INTJ, discovering new things is extremely important. In fact, when they first meet it can feel refreshing to talk with someone at length about deep ideas rather than the small-talk they both dread. This mutual connection over life-long learning and a refusal to take ideas at face-value can act as a fantastic relationship base. 
Good Communication...most of the time.
They both appreciate direct and honest communication.
The ENFP is clearly an Extrovert, so expressing inner thoughts and ideas happens more naturally than it does for the INTJ. The upside to this communication dynamic is the INTJ sometimes feels happy to let the ENFP carry the conversation. It puts less pressure on them to come up with something to say and allows the INTJ more mental energy to break down the ideas presented to them by the ENFP.  It’s a great combo, until the INTJ feels steamrolled by the ENFP. (x) 
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It’s the chemistry of the mystery in meeting someone totally opposite of ourselves, yet oddly bonding. Imagine that you have lived all your life perceiving the world through a different lens than most people. Everyone around you is boring because they all think the same. You ask yourself, 'How can they all be like that? Why doesn't anyone think for themselves?’ Then in comes along an ENFP. Someone who is as weird and quirky as yourself, but with better social skills. Finally, you have found someone who actually fulfills you.
A healthy ENFP helps an INTJ grow.
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olliegracefics · 3 months
James hunt, sweating: Niki Lauda, there’s something I need to ask you- Niki Lauda: Finally! You’re proposing! James hunt: How’d you know? Niki Lauda: James hunt, you’ve dropped the ring five times during dinner. Niki Lauda: I even picked it up once.
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marionvonwolfstadt · 3 months
I kinda feel bad for spamming you but anyways what are your favorite f1 ships?
Don't feel bad, I'm overjoyed! ☺️
I've always been a multi-fandom, multi-shipper, but everybody has their fav, so: Lestappen and SebMark for sure, I enjoy most ships with Charles and Seb in them. And I just have to mention Niki Lauda x James Hunt, because 'Rush' changed my brain chemistry. We watched it in the bus on our way to Maranello and yeah, my first F1 ship so I'm fond of it. And I'm a big sap for Sargebon (is that the name?) Logan x Alex are the cutest but also the angst is there <3
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amosanguis · 2 years
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f1 + the onion headlines (5/?)
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agendabymooner · 8 months
better enemies than strangers ! jenson b. x ofc (hunt!driver!ofc)
summary: the brawn gp documentary had a fifth episode in which julia james ‘jj’ hunt, daughter of late james hunt, discussed the story of her one-year career at brawn gp as driver number two. she talked about him quite a lot, to say the least— especially when he had done nothing but get on her nerves and defend her for being the only woman in the grid back in the 2000s.
content warning: enemies-to-lovers trope (briefly), teammates-to-lovers, ofc-heavy, mentions of sexism in f1, brawn gp documentary based, tweets at the very end, godparent!niki lauda mentioned
note: it’s been stuck in my photo gallery for a while now. expect some honey honey sometime next week or this week! enjoy xx
a - n masterlist // o - z masterlist
if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader @enhacolor @roseandtulips @woweewoowa @magnummagnussen @happy-nico @architect-2015
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profeyandere · 1 year
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ʟɪɴᴋꜱ ↪ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴅᴀɴɪᴇʟ ʙʀᴜ̈ʜʟ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ ↪ ᴡᴀᴛᴛᴘᴀᴅ
ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏꜱ ↪ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 3.7ᴋ ↪ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴɪᴋɪ ʟᴀᴜᴅᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ↪ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ: ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴxɪᴇᴛʏ ᴀᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋꜱ, ᴛᴀᴜɴᴛꜱ, ɴᴇʀᴠᴏᴜꜱɴᴇꜱꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴ ᴀᴄᴄɪᴅᴇɴᴛ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ʙᴜʀɴꜱ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴏᴘᴇʀᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ.
English is not my native language, so I apologize for any mistake and if you can help me improve it, I will greatly appreciate it. I hope you enjoy it :D
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Niki was aware that he had been the most recognized driver of the season, something that he did not doubt at the beginning of the season due to his victory the previous year and his championship title. Many were going to praise him for his superb racing performance, but by 1976, he had been recognized for something other than his superb and slightly careful driving, having stood out among the other competitors for always being mindful of the risks involved each race would carry with it a certain amount of danger, or they could have even named him in various magazines over the months to talk about his rivalry with James, being a topic that was talked about a lot during conferences, or even his way of being so surly with the rest of the participants in the race, being nicknamed in different ways for this. But this time, it was for various reasons that publicists and distinct media tried to get an interview with the well-known Formula 1 driver, and it's not like you'd have to be smart enough to know why. You only had to see Niki, his physique, and the reasons why the man was now being so valued after the competition had ended was summed up by seeing his face. The Austrian knew that he had never been considered the most graceful man on the entire planet, not even in Europe or Austria, but he had enough confidence in himself not to give importance to the comments of his fans, and those who were not so much, and it did not depend in any sense on public opinion; if that had been the case, it is most likely that he would have already gone into depression due to the number of fans of the sport who insulted him for being the rival of another runner or for his very different personality compared to other pilots. The bad thing happened with that happy accident that changed his life so radically, with which he almost lost it due to the great pride that prevented him from withdrawing from the race before the catastrophe happened, merely guided by the desire to shut up James Hunt, and to those who had suggested that he was a coward for simply wanting to cancel the race due to the dire conditions in which the German track was found after the heavy rain that was suffering that first day of August. That same thing caused not only his life to have been hanging by a thread, even the fact that he could have left the good woman who had become his friend and who had accompanied him that day to encourage him in his career helpless, but also all confidence and self-esteem that he had vanished in the same way that the rain did when his car had gone up in flames. The Austrian not only had to deal with an intense recovery for five weeks while hoping to get back on the racetrack, but the shame that he would have to spend the rest of his life while people looked not at him, but at the grafts placed in some areas of his hands that were not so visible but were on his head and a large part of his face; somehow, many likened that transplanted skin to a strange meat mask, as if he were a human raccoon. It was a cruel joke, and Lauda knew that he had to get used to it as soon as possible, even if he wanted the majority of the world's population to focus more on his professional achievements or the masterful way in which he had managed to survive before on something so superficial as his new skin was or his appearance very similar to that of a bald rat; this last similarity, although it relieved the tension of many, further irritated the man in question who had suffered the accident.
He had only longed to silence the mouths of those who had always seen him as a coward, even more so after what happened, but he only received the occasional mockery, the incessant glances of the fans to see what was under his cap, the softer comments from his racing team, and the pity of those closest to him. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong, and in the great photo session to which he had been invited to be able to cover the latest Formula 1 book where everything that happened during the season would be mentioned, with several unpublished interviews from all the runners of the year with images of their respective cars and analysis of these and various graphics where a view of all the tracks in which they had participated would be offered with the position of each one of the participants, and various extra and curious data that could call the attention of the fans, is where the ineptitude of some of the high positions of the media was most appreciated. "Scheisse," the pilot muttered to himself as he tried to calm down, noticing how his right leg was trembling violently as a result of the nerves he was having at that precise moment, clenching his teeth to the point of thinking that if he exerted a little more pressure between them, it would end up breaking them.
If Niki's mind could already reach unimaginable speeds when he was on the race track while fighting for glory, in moments of nervousness and anxiety that very rarely reached him, it caused his mind to distort any element of reality and begin to imagine the worst possible scenarios. Niki hated with all his soul the anxiety that the accident had caused him. Many advised him to go to a mental health specialist, even if by then psychology was not classified as an exact science even though a part of it was medically and clinically oriented, but he supposed that it was unnecessary because he survived, he didn't understand what trauma the accident that hadn't already affected him could cause him, but when he began to feel his first wave of anxiety hit him after his first post-recovery race, he knew it wasn't going to be a one-shot thing time. The symptoms of the anxiety attacks returned to him suddenly with the discussion between him and the director of the magazine, the latter being the one who constantly insisted that Niki take off the red cap that always accompanied him, whether it was within the circuit of races or during interviews and even in his day to day if he was going to be seen in public. The fact that Lauda revealed his scars, his grafts, was something that everyone longed to see and, if the magazine had those very special images that everyone wanted to see, they were sure that finally someone else would want to buy it just to see because of the morbidity they caused injuries from your accident. That damned cap —Niki thought constantly— that damned accident had been what had destroyed his life, and people only wanted to have something from him because of the disgust or ridicule he could cause in others. In a moment of anger, completely irrational and driven by the stress that the situation had caused him, Niki forcefully grabbed his mythical red cap with small patches from his different sponsors and held it in his hands, being able to see in these the small scars of his operation and light skin graft due to how extreme his injuries had been in some other areas of his body. There were many emotions that he felt at once that finally caused an explosion inside him when, without even letting him think for a second about his actions, he angrily threw his cap towards the door of the small trailer that they had used to want to do some of his makeup. The already discovered areas of the grafts would impact the spectators even more, and they would be noticed as reddish or more reddish than they already were, being the place where he could also dress in what they had chosen for him, among which a suit stood out careers similar to his but not completely identical, while the other garments were rather mundane and unremarkable, darker and less conspicuous.
He saw in himself nothing more than a simple wrinkled raisin with huge teeth. If in itself he had caused laughter among the crowd due to his large incisors that made him look like a rat, being nicknamed "The Rat King" for this very reason, the fact that half of his face was covered by skin from other parts of his body and his head were still slightly wrapped on a few occasions by bandages to keep the area not so irritated by the friction of the cloth against the grafts had caused the laughter to multiply and now it was louder than ever.
"Mr. Lauda," a sweet and calm voice called him, your voice, one of the photographers who had witnessed the entire discussion with remarkable surprise while ignoring her boss's instructions to take pictures of him unsuspectingly while trying to remove his cap. Niki did not want to see anyone, much less someone belonging to the team of that moron who was in charge of that important magazine, even if you had refused to ridicule him like some of those present, "They are waiting for you on the photography set. Well, more like me, who pays me for this, in addition to the lighting equipment, costumes, and makeup." Your shaky voice caught his attention, and when he finally turned his icy blue gaze on you, he could make out how you had an awkward half-smile that might once have amused him, but now it only made him feel strange as he I could make out how you nervously drummed your fingers on the camera that you held in your little hands. He had been received in the same way by other people, making sure that the eyes of his interlocutors always moved away from his irises and focused on other areas of his face; he was embarrassing and intimidating. "Tell your boss to put the photographs where they fit. I'm going to get out of here," he indicated sternly, seeing how your body seemed to stop its involuntary movement once your eyes seemed to rest on it intensely as if you were observing something fascinating or completely out of the ordinary. "What?" Niki didn't know why you didn't answer him, and it wasn't until he noticed that his cap was a few centimeters from your shoe that he was finally able to answer that question he had asked himself a few seconds ago. You were seeing him without a cap, you were witnessing something that he too much prevented the rest of the world from seeing, and that caused a feeling of weakness to run through his body whenever it happened.
Now, the roles had been reversed: You could judge him, and he had to shut up and endure your judgment of him. You witnessed the cold, distant look of the pilot turn to a fearful one, the same one you might see in a small child who has just witnessed the worst thing he could have imagined, or perhaps as a young boy who has just been discovered by his parents having found out that he had done something terrible; in either case, the feeling that Lauda was then transmitting was one of fear.
Your heart could not help but skip a beat because not only had the previous discussion brought the underlying feelings of everyone present to the surface, but you seemed to be one of the first people to have seen the physical state in which he was the driver after the big crash that shocked all fans of the sport; Just by remembering the images that your television had broadcast, you could notice how the hairs on your arm stood on end. There were mixed feelings, and in that caravan, Niki felt cornered and ashamed of having to deal with someone else's opinion, a smirk from another fan, or a derogatory comment from someone who thought he was a class jerk.
You acted in silence. You believed that the words were not necessary because perhaps he would end up misinterpreting them due to his state of nervousness and defense. You carefully bent down to pick up his cap, still holding your big professional camera in your other hand even though it was hanging from your neck by a strap, gently shaking the garment a little to remove any traces of dirt it had caught. As it fell to the ground, you approached the pilot to return it to him, placing it gently on the table in front of him next to your work object, smiling softly and kindly before taking a seat across from him in the old chair that he loved so much you had reused it during the last season; you had already made a mental note of changing it, you even swore you had mentioned it to one of the people in charge of the photo shoots, mainly because your butt was starting to hurt, and you had just sat down, so you did not want to imagine how the Austrian must feel in front of you or any of the other guests who had accepted this little job. By this point, while you were pondering the possibility that you might lose the shape of your ass, Niki had already put her cap back on, keeping her gaze on a different point in the room other than you. "I hope you don't consider leaving us here. He's an idiot, he's like that with everyone," you mentioned, being the first of the two to speak, showing your willingness to have a quiet conversation with him to address the issue that had led him to sit there, trying to run away from the gaze of other people. "If he thinks you have a flaw or something that he might get more people to buy the magazine, he'll do whatever it takes to show it, even if it's personal or makes the celebrity he's dealing with uncomfortable. I think he even once almost hid in the closet of this trailer just to get a picture of a Motocross rider so he could show the tattoo he had of his ex-girlfriend or something similar; when the guy in question found out, he almost sued us, and it didn't surprise me at all when we found out about it." Niki remained silent, watching you now as he tried to figure out the reason why you were still with him there. At that moment you wanted to be a fortune teller to find out what he was thinking or to have the power to disappear because you didn't think you could bear the Austrian's intense gaze for much longer. "I think he also made a pass like that to a woman he modeled for us, but I don't remember exactly what sport she was in," you muttered, trying to find a suitable topic of conversation, even if your mind wasn't quite sharp enough then to choose something in particular to make the tension between them vanish. But honestly, what conversation could arise between a racing driver and a photographer? Unless each other's respective fields were discussed, it was unlikely that anything genuine would come of that encounter. "I'd even swear something similar happened with Hunt, but it was with his shirt, and he didn't have much qualms about taking it off either, honestly," you continued, turning your gaze back to him when you realized how you seemed to have gotten so involved in your world that you hadn't even noticed how you had started to ramble, finally realizing that his intense gaze was for you to shut up and leave him alone. "Sorry."
A sigh escaped from Niki's lips. You felt bad. Why would you say otherwise? You heard your boss ask him on several occasions in an amusing way to remove his cap, in a way that was too nice for what that stubborn man you worked for really was, always getting a slightly uncomfortable but negative response from the pilot as he tried to keep a bit of composure in each of the photographs for which he was modeling until finally, you could distinguish during your short break a loud voice coming from the Austrian that surprised the entire production team. His thick Austrian accent stood out among the quieter English voices engaged in various conversations across the length and breadth of the set, and soon, the two men had found themselves surrounded by all the makeup, lighting, and set equipment as they tried to understand what was happening, barely being able to make out the words of the men who were shouting at the top of their lungs. Everything happened while Niki was talking calmly with your boss, the latter being the one who begged him more and more insistently to take off his cap so he could see his bandages and burns next to his grafts while a couple of your photography colleagues were they approached on the orders of the man who paid you intending to obtain something more than the rigid body of the Austrian as a cover photo; no, your boss wanted more and was eager to get it. In short, the rest did not need to be explained. Niki got pissed off, your boss started yelling at him, and the pilot couldn't find a safer place to be than in the trailer looking for a place to calm down before he got back in his car and got the hell out of there. In an act of empathy? You didn't even know if you could call it that, you placed your hand on the fabric of the shirt that covered your shoulder, gently caressing it while you felt the soft brush of the fabric against your soft skin and lacking the orange hue of your light natural tan. You frowned gently as you tried to stop your hand, it didn't seem to respond to your commands by itself, but you gently held the collar of your shirt so you could show him the graft that you also had, the product of a freak accident that in your time you tormented for having provoked, in some way trying to show him that he was not completely alone in that fight against what others might think or simply to make him see that that situation of anxiety and nervousness, lack of self-esteem and self-confidence, had no to suffer all alone. The look full of surprise from him captivated you.
His opaque blue eyes, barely visible thanks to the bill of his cap, seemed to shine with intensity when they found that part of your shoulder that was paler than the rest, distinguishing the places where the suture had joined a certain part of your healthy skin with the transplanted from another area of his body; That image reminded him of the same marks that he had suffered from seeing every time he looked in the mirror or when he saw his own hands. "It was a few years ago, quite a few to tell the truth," you indicated, smiling softly at him while you made sure of how your image seemed to have blocked him. "I was young and crazy, and I said to myself, why not play kitchen while the beans are cooking? I put my feet up on the little low bars that surrounded the kitchen and tipped over the entire pot of burning beans. They not only affected my shoulder but also my neck and head area a bit." Niki couldn't help but gently tilt her head to the left side, watching you part your hair from the side of your head a little to show him the small skin grafts in those already healed and lightly covered areas. He didn't understand how he hadn't noticed before. "Young?" He asked, being the only word you could hear coming from between his parted lips separated by his largest incisors, watching how he licked his slightly drier upper lip.
"At eighteen years old," you answered, suddenly hearing a strange snort escape from Niki that caused your mouth to open in surprise and indignation as if you were somehow annoyed by the sound she had just emitted. "Don't laugh. I told you she was young!" You heard the snort again, causing you to cross your arms in indignation while one of your eyebrows rose slightly, waiting for him to stop. He would simply settle into his chair and gently adjust the cap on his head, leaning forward as he reached for your camera and began fiddling with it in your hands. "Yes, but I didn't expect an adult to really be as 'crazy' as you mentioned. What went through your head to do something so dangerous and stupid?" Questioned Niki while a smile, finally sincere, appeared on her face, insulting you along the way for free. But, after all, that was Niki. Sincere. "If I told you. I am a very crazy woman, Mr. Lauda. Don't push your luck with me." Soon Niki's caravan was involved in a large number of funny anecdotes and strange laughter that caught the attention of many magazine workers who were waiting impatiently for the pilot to come out.
Marlene, the Austrian pilot's best friend, had gone to the photo session to bring him the yogurts that he had asked for before leaving his house, appearing confused as she did not know where her dear friend was, encountering a strange scene that caused her heart to leap with joy because Niki was smiling and laughing in the same way he had done before the accident, and recognizing your person as the cause of those natural expressions caused a feeling of happiness. They will settle on her chest. She was happy because finally, Niki seemed to have started to love himself as he listened to all your stories about your burn and just had to see through that little round glass how his cap was now resting on the table that separated you while He was chatting animatedly with you. Marlene only hoped that the same person who was now next to the Austrian would understand that his bluish gaze full of curiosity was not just due to a few silly jokes or absurd situations, but because of a much deeper feeling that had to wait to emerge with overtime.
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1337wtfomgbbq · 3 years
James and I do not have sexual tension! We just like to argue all the time!
- Niki Lauda, at one point in time, probably.
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hope-to-hell · 3 years
Scar worship? Softness? Niki and James? You got it. Unsent Letters. James Hunt x Niki Lauda. It never happened, but perhaps it should have.
Does it hurt?
Of course it fucking hurts; it always hurts. The roots of pain grow deep and Niki is always burning with it, always waiting for the moment when the pain subsides. It never does. But distraction is a possibility; distraction has him needling at James across the pit, watching as his stupid perfect face breaks into—
A smile? Perhaps, a bit. It’s a little flash of teeth that’s there and gone, but Niki doesn’t miss it. He doesn’t miss anything. He’s blunt and he is prickly, especially now, but he sees it all. He sees the shine of oil on pavement, the shimmering mirage of heat, the tiniest bit of wear on his right rear tire. And he sees the crinkles at the corners of James’ eyes, the challenge there.
Come on. Or did the fire burn up all your nerve as well?
Asshole. Wait and see.
It’s three days until it happens. It’s three days of bad company and worse weather, three days of thunder and the rain that threatens to fall but never does. It’s hot and humid and terrible and it makes his scars itch. Niki walks the track and thinks; he veers off course to lean against a tree and pretend that everything is ordinary still.
Thought you might be here. James is serious for once; he watches closely like he’s waiting for Niki to bolt. I missed you, you know.
Missed what? The bitching? The dirty looks and middle fingers?
Yeah. James is soft and careful with his hands; every move is slow, but Niki doesn’t move. And when he feels James’ fingers brush against his cheek, Niki sighs long and deep. Hey. Niki. Can I?
Tch. If you must. (Please)
The surprise isn’t the way James runs his fingers over all those knotted scars; the surprise is in the softest brush of lips over Niki’s brow, careful like he’s the most delicate china. Beautiful.
I mean it. James draws back, his jaw tight. You think I give a fuck about the scars? Every day I wrote a letter, and every day I tore it up. Do you want to know what all those letters said?
(They said, don't die on me, you stupid prick. Not before I get the chance to kiss you. Not before I tell you—)
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
𝙧𝙞𝙫𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙮 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙡𝙧𝙮 || niki lauda x reader x james hunt
𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 : flirting with james shouldn’t have been a problem, because you and niki weren’t even that serious anyways, right?  well, it turns out you are serious, but it also turns out not to be quite the problem you expected.
𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙙 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩 : 2.8k
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 : smut (threesome, dubcon (slight), oral f and m receiving, dp/anal, spitroasting, slight degradation/dumbification, overstimulation, spanking), touch of angst, possessiveness, niki being mean (guys, it’s niki), pwp
based on a request by @creme-bruhlee which was based on a thing I told him I was working on which I wasn’t actually working on yet but then I casually wrote in one sitting when I was supposed to be doing my sleepover gah
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                       You certainly didn’t like James Hunt.  After all, you were all but contractually obligated to hate him in solidarity with your boyfriend and his biggest rival, Niki.
But you did appreciate James— for his undeniable talent as a driver, and for what he brought out in your boyfriend.  Not just on the track, but at times like this as well.
It started rather innocently, at least as innocent as any press event could be.  Niki wore you proudly on his arm, for most of the interviews: you knew that a lot of this for him was simply a publicity ploy to improve his image, but it honestly didn’t bother you that much since it was partially for publicity on your part as well (you had your own career to advance, after all).
What bothered him, though, was when James started to suddenly chat you up, undeniably flirty but just to the level that it could almost be construed as polite.
He waited until Niki was pulled away for an interview and stood just behind the camera, asking you a million questions and finding dumb excuses to touch you: first it was something in your hair, then admiring your bracelet (Niki gave it to me, you told him; Twice now he’s shown that he has fine taste, James winked in reply) until he finally stepped closer and rested his hand on your lower back.
“Let me show you what a real driver can do, sweetheart,” he offered lowly, leaning in so close that his lips brushed against your temple, and you caught Niki leaving the interview suddenly in the corner of your eye.
“And let me show you what happens when you can’t keep your hands to yourself,” Niki interrupted, shoving James back off of you before hitting him square in the jaw.  You gasped, as did the many reporters and drivers watching, but soon Niki’s attention was turned back to you, fire in his glare.
“Hey, I was just trying to be personable—” James defended as he held his face in his hand, but Niki ignored him, grabbing you by the wrist and dragging you behind him out of the press tent.
“Looks like the infamous Hunt/Lauda rivalry has come to a bit of a head, possibly over Lauda’s girlfriend—” you heard one of the reporters explain to a camera, but soon the buzz faded to silence as Niki took you further away.
“Where are we going, Niki?” you asked nervously, trailing behind him as best you could.
“Somewhere private where you can learn your lesson,” Niki answered, making you swallow dryly.  He wasn’t the sort of person you wanted to be in trouble with.
He found an empty garage and all but tossed you inside, pinning you to the wall at each shoulder.  
“The fuck do you think you’re doing, letting Hunt put his hands on you like that?” he hissed.
“I didn’t let him, he just did it!” you defended.
“Then you tell him to stop!” Niki explained, exasperated.  “Instead of standing right there, right in front of my face and doing nothing!  You can’t imagine how it feels to see another man put his hands on you— and that man...”
You hadn’t realized he cared about that sort of thing; you hadn’t realized he cared about you that much.  “I’m sorry, Niki, it won’t happen again.”
“You’re right about that,” he hissed, “it won’t happen again because you’re going to bend over that toolbox and learn not to test me."
You opened your mouth to protest and yet you were already doing it, feeling your cheeks burn as he pulled your dress up and rubbed his calloused hands over your ass and thighs.
A yelp jumped from your mouth when he hit you, but your thighs clenched together, too. "Now would be a good time to start apologizing," he suggested coldly.
"Niki, baby, I'm so so sorr— ah!" you whined again when he hit you even harder, the sound of his skin on yours echoing around the garage.
"Do you want to flirt with him? Would you rather be his flavor of the week?" Niki interrogated.
"No! Just want you, I swear," you promised, biting your lip to hold back a moan when he hit you twice in a row.
"You'll have me," he promised. "You need to remember who you belong to."
If you weren't so desperate you would've probably protested to that language, but your panties were soaked from almost nothing at all and you were in no position to debate with him.
The sound of his uniform unzipping was like music to your ears, and you purred a little when he pulled your panties down your thighs slowly. "Are you enjoying this?" he realized. "It's supposed to be a punishment and still you're soaking wet. Is that for him or me?"
"You, Niki, fuck me, please," you whined, the sound shifting into a gasp as he pushed inside you roughly, a little too deep and a little too fast for how little you'd been prepared. It was usually some level of struggle to take him but this was a very new circumstance: now he was fucking you with a point to make, with a message to send. And you got that message loud and clear as he mercilessly pounded into you, nearly knocking over the toolkit you were bent onto. "Fffuck," you stammered, holding onto the aluminum for dear life while he grunted behind you.
"You can moan louder than that, no need to suppress yourself," he encouraged.
"They could hear us, they're not too far away—"
He spanked you again and you cried out, realizing he likely wanted them to hear you; he wanted those reporters to make sure everyone knew that you were his. "Tell them who's fucking you so good, hm? Tell them who you belong to."
"Niki," you sobbed, "yours, baby, I'm yours..."
Just then, the door to the garage swung open and you gasped at the sight of James Hunt. You tried to kick Niki away and cover yourself but he didn't budge— he didn't even stop fucking you, much to your humiliation.
"I'm a little busy here, James," Niki explained with a smug grin.
"I can tell— listen, if you're gonna make us all hear this, could you at least do it right?" James frowned. "Your girl has many talents but acting is not one of them."
"Are you saying this is a performance?" Niki realized.
"You'd be able to tell the difference if you'd ever heard a woman actually finish but with you, that's impossible," James laughed. "Smart move going from behind, though, spare her from having to look at—" James motioned to his face broadly— "this whole situation you have going on."
"If you think you can do better, Hunt, I'd love to see you try."
You started about a thousand questions but didn't finish any of them, and James grinned as he shut the door behind himself. "I told you I'd show you what a real driver can do, didn't I?" he addressed you, crossing the room to where Niki had you pinned down.
Before you could say anything (not that you knew what to say), James grabbed your hair and kissed you, not quite rough yet but completely dominating as his tongue slid over yours and tickled the roof of your mouth.
"You wouldn't be doing that if you knew where her mouth had been, James," Niki chuckled.
"That sort of shit doesn't bother me, Lauda," James explained once he'd broken his lips away from yours. "It's called confidence in my masculinity, look it up sometime. I know exactly what's been in her cunt, too, and I'm still gonna show her how a real man eats pussy."
You got a little nervous at the sound of that, but wetter as well.
Niki circled to face you, clutching your jaw and examining your expression carefully as James hungrily licked and sucked at your cunt.
"If you're going to eat her cunt then let me fill it with my come first, give you a little taste of victory, eh?" Niki joked, but James pushed him away and you whined slightly when your boyfriend's cock slipped out of you... but it was only a moment before James knelt behind you, swiping his tongue over your swollen bud and drenched opening as you purred.
"I hope your jaw isn't too sore, Hunt," Niki sneered.
"It's not," James assured with saccharine faux-sweetness before diving back in to taste you further.
James stopped to lean his head out to the side. "Think she likes the sound of that, Niki— she clenched down on my tongue real tight."
"If you come for him, you won't like what I'll do to you," Niki warned you harshly. "You won't sit right for a week, at least."
"Oh, I see," Niki smirked. "You want me to tear up that little ass... should've known, you have that look about you: the kind of girl who acts innocent in public but turns into a whore when the lights go out."
Yet again James caught you reacting to what Niki said, though this time he didn't need to announce it since your own moan gave you away.
"Go ahead and fuck her then, Hunt, and get her ass ready for me," Niki instructed. You were surprised when James obeyed, standing up and unzipping his uniform as well to start rubbing his cock over your dripping pussy.
"You want it, sweetheart?" James taunted. "Ask very nicely."
"Fuck me, James, please," you sighed, and he was much more gentle than Niki had been as he filled you, letting you savor every inch of his length.
"Sounds so lovely when you say my name like that, do it again," James demanded, slowly beginning to rock into you.
"James," you breathed, gasping when Niki pushed his cock against your lips; you could taste yourself on him and it turned you on even more.
"I think we can find a better use for your mouth than boosting James' ego, yes?" Niki groaned as he started to fuck your mouth, holding your head steady. "Certainly he doesn't need any more of that."
You moaned loudly around Niki's cock when James circled his finger around your tighter rim. The first knuckle pushed in and you felt your knees wobble. Then back out again, then to the second knuckle-- each twist of his finger he went a little deeper, he even went so far as to spit on your hole which made you choke from more than just Niki's cock down your throat.
"Your girl's gotta sweet little cunt, Niki," James groaned as he fucked you faster. "You should let your pit crew use her, too, give 'em a morale boost."
"Maybe I will if she doesn't behave for us today," Niki considered, weaving his fingers into your hair to start fucking your face more roughly.
Your legs threatened to give out with the way James was fucking you; your eyes rolled back in your head with a suppressed moan as Niki kept using your mouth.
Around the same time Niki pulled his cock out to rub it over your face, James pulled out to slap his swollen head on your clit.
Another finger pushed into your ass and you made a sound that you hardly recognized as your own. "If I had known you liked it up the ass so much, you would've never taken it anywhere else," Niki promised with a growl.
Once James decided both your holes were ready, they seemed to have no trouble at all manhandling you into the position they needed— surely it was the first time you'd ever seen them work together— and soon you found yourself balanced on James' lap while Niki found his place behind you.
"Do you think you can take us both, sweetheart?" James taunted as you felt both of them teasing your holes.
"Well, I've never been fucked by two massive dicks before," you admitted, "and you have big cocks, so..."
"I'll miss that wit of yours when you become a mindless, drooling fuckdoll in the next two minutes," Niki stated plainly.
It only took ten seconds.
Your hands weakly held onto James' shoulders as you bounced on top of him, moaning lowly as you were filled beyond what you thought possible. Niki had to hold your waist to help guide you, occasionally thrusting forward to fill your ass with every inch of him.
"Ah, fuck," you moaned, reaching beside you to grab Niki's forearm in an attempt to stabilize yourself.
James tore your dress down the front and latched onto your tits, sucking hard and even letting his teeth graze one nipple while Niki used his free hand to pinch the other.
Even when your eyes fell shut and your brain was totally empty, you could tell them apart just by touch. It was Niki sucking a mark on the side of your neck, but James grabbing a rough handful of your ass. It was Niki that reached around to rub your clit, but James that nibbled and sucked on your earlobe while whispering things so dirty that your face burned hot.
"We can both feel it when you come, do it again," Niki demanded just before your third hit you.
"Give us a good squeeze, sweetheart, wanna feel that cunt milk me," James agreed.
"I-I'm coming," you gasped as your head fell back, both of them laughing and cooing proudly.
"There she goes."
"Good fucking girl."
"Gets tighter every time."
You only regained your ability to tell who said what when you felt Niki's lips against your ear, his voice soothing your aching, quivering body. "You want to be full of come, don't you?" he presumed, and you nodded sleepily. "We'll fill you as deep as we can, and you need to keep it in you for the rest of the day."
"Yes, Niki," you agreed softly.
They picked up their pace and you felt like a ragdoll as they thrust into your limp body, chasing their highs as recklessly as always until you lost your voice from moaning so loud.
James finished first, though you imagined this was one race he would’ve preferred not to win.  He bit down on your shoulder as he filled you, hard enough to leave a mark which you knew would anger Niki when he realized it.
"Tell me who you belong to," Niki pleaded one last time, coming inside you the moment you answered "you, Niki."
And then it was just the three of you, standing there in a sweaty jumble of limbs, catching your breath and trying to process what had just occurred.
“Do you think we can get out of here without too many reporters seeing?” Niki asked James.
“I’m going to worry about getting out of the girl first, then the building,” James decided, and the two of them helped lift you onto your numb legs, your body slow to recover from the onslaught of sensations that had been forced on you this long.  If anything was more jarring than being filled by both of them, it was both of them pulling out at once.  Come leaked out of you from more places than you cared to admit, and since James had torn your dress, Niki gave you his uniform to wear which left him in only the undershirt and boxers he wore beneath.
“I can’t believe I’m getting your spunk on my uniform right now, Hunt,” Niki grimaced, making James laugh as he zipped himself back up.  Funny enough, he looked the most normal after all this of the three of you; maybe because he always had that ‘just had some freaky sex’ look about him.  You and Niki were a bit newer to the game, so you didn’t wear it as well, but honestly you thought he looked pretty cute with his curls all messed up from when you’d run your fingers through them.
“Well,” James announced with a puffed chest and proud smile, “next time you two are having a lover’s spat, give me a call and I’ll lend a hand or cock as needed.  But I think I’ll take my leave now.”
What do you say after something like that?  Apparently the answer is nothing, considering you just nodded slightly and Niki gave him an awkward wave as he disappeared out the door with the nonchalance as his arrival.
Plunged into silence, you glanced over at Niki who was already staring at you.  “So?” he asked.  “Was he better?”
“No,” you answered right away.
“Are you sure?”
Relief washed over you when he pulled you into an embrace and kissed your forehead; you couldn’t think of the last time he was so affectionate.  “Let’s get back to the track and find you a new dress, hm?” he suggested.  “One that James Hunt absolutely won’t get his hands on.”
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Fic request! I'd love to read more about Niki and James and their early-days flatshare - maybe something a bit hurt/comfort where Niki is the one who gets the comfort, and James is unexpectedly mature and sensible (for at least a short while!)? But dealer's choice if that doesn't resonate!
☆ my love mine all mine (part 2) — niki lauda x james hunt
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tags: hurt/comfort, fluff
note: late sorry but here I am. hope you’ll like it!
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The practice didn’t go well, so Niki was particularly downhearted those days. He usually could manage well his emotions by telling himself how to improve, even when it wasn’t his fault, but sometimes it wasn’t easy. He travelled a lot and was always busy and that made him feel tired most of the time.
That night he was sitting on the bed contemplating the circuit he had drawn on a notebook.
He was concentrated when he heard the door opening and closing. “I’m home!” James walked in the apartment and knocked on Niki’s room. “Can I?”
“Uhm, yes.” Niki’s eyes did not move from the notebook.
He half opened the door and glanced inside the bedroom. “I had dinner out, hope you don’t mind.”
“Ja, I’m not hungry anyway.”
James probably had noticed his not so joyful expression, because he stepped in the room and glanced at him with arms crossed. Weird, thought Niki. When he was in a bad mood, and it wasn’t rare, James used to ignore him to avoid being treated badly.
“What happened?”
Niki shook his head and put a hand on his forehead. “Nothing, just a bad week.”
“What are you looking at?” James sat next to him on the bed and looked at the notes. “Oh, that looks familiar.” He laughed slightly and then closed his notebook. “I think you should take a break.”
Niki looked towards him in surprise. “What?”
“Some rest. Everything will get clearer then.”
“I don’t need to rest.”
“Your eyes don’t seem to agree.”
Niki sighed. He put the book aside reluctantly.
“There. Now, what’s the deal?” James was unusually kind.
“It’s just that… sometimes it gets difficult, I don’t know if I’m enough for all of this.”
“Don’t be so hard on yourself, you are more than enough. Everybody acknowledges your talent.”
“That’s bullshit! Nobody believes in me.” Niki was tired of people telling him he wasn’t suited for the sport, he was too strict and he knew one failure could made him loose the job.
“Well, I do.”
Niki looked up at him, not expecting that statement at all.
James put a hand on his shoulder. “And you should too.” He smiled. “Hey, don’t think that because we race against each other I don’t think you’re a great driver.”
“Sure, and you’re a great liar.”
“Stop that. I mean it.”
Niki couldn’t really imagine someone being actually there to support him. He felt so grateful for having James in his life. “Thank you.”
“Don’t. Now just lay down. Trust me, you’ll feel better.”
As he laid down, James’ hand hadn’t left his shoulder. He was already sleepy, so it didn’t take much before he closed his eyes. Falling asleep, he couldn’t quite comprehend what the sudden soft feeling on his cheek was. Probably a kiss. Waking up he would’ve wonder if he had dreamt of it.
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hereticpriest · 5 months
What Happens in Ibiza
Sequel to Muse
Relationship: Niki Lauda x Reader x James Hunt
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Threesome, double penetration, spitroasting, deep throating, facefucking, oral sex (m and f receiving), handjobs, vaginal fingering, anal fingering, rimjobs, safe sex, condom use, under-negotiated kink, very mild petplay, male on male anal, anal sex, switch James Hunt, switch Niki Lauda, switch Reader, praise kink, reader goes into an overstimulated space and her partners don't immediately realise.
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You knew what you got into when you married Niki Lauda. He warned you that he would forget your birthdays, and anniversaries. He warned you that he wouldn’t be good at making friends, and he wouldn’t be great in social situations. He told you that his driving was a strong priority, and that wasn’t likely to change. He would be busy with his racing season, and might have to miss out on her own work achievements and priorities. You would have to travel with him during the Formula One season, or be alone quite a bit throughout the year. If you did travel with him, you might be limited in what you could do for work throughout the year, and might have to dedicate yourself almost solely to Formula One for half the year.
What you did not expect was how frequently James Hunt would feature in your life. He visited while he was in Vienna, and again while you were back home in New York City to pack your belongings. He invited you and Niki to his home in London shortly after the 1975 season ended, but before your marriage. Three visits in a few short months, all quite impromptu but pleasant enough, with the excuse that he was in the area and thought he ‘might as well’. After visiting Ibiza for your honeymoon, Niki proceeded to buy a house there with enough privacy for the both of you to enjoy the off season together. Of course, shortly after you both finished settling in, Niki received a phone call which had him sequestered away in the house for nearly an hour while you lay out in the sun, naked as the day you were born. Your husband returns to you with a hesitant smile on his face, leaning down to cup your chest and give you a gentle squeeze from behind while pressing his lips to your cheek.
“Mouse.” He murmurs against your skin in greeting, and you know he’s about to say something he thinks you might not like. There’s a hint of hesitance to his tone that he only uses those rare times when he’s nervous about your reaction about something.
“Honey.” You reply, and he huffs a quiet laugh, stroking his hands down over your body, enjoying the sunkissed heat of your skin. His thumbs stroke over your nipples, and you hum, stretching lazily like a cat under his hands.
“That was James. He is coming to visit us.” Niki murmurs, and you roll your eyes, reaching back to tangle your fingers in his hair.
“You mean he’s coming to visit you, with the benefit of my company as a delightful bonus.” You retort, and he presses kisses down your neck to your shoulder.
“I dare say he likes you a fair bit more than me, mouse, he is just… unsure how to react with you. He is used to women who are willing to have an affair with him, and your disinterest makes him unsure how to act with you.” Niki replies, and you snort, twisting his curls around your fingers.
“I didn’t want James before we started dating.” You remind him, and Niki smiles against your skin as if that pleases him, then gently scrapes his teeth across your shoulder.
“I know. He is unused to that. Which is why he treats you like one of ‘the guys’ when he’s around, and yet he still admires you.”
“Admires me?”
“You have not seen him? He looks at what is mine, mouse. You wore that low-cut shirt in London, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of your chest. In Vienna, you wore the dress with the slit to dinner and he kept looking at your legs.” Niki replies, and you hum thoughtfully.
“I’m pretty sure I caught him looking at your ass once.” You muse, and Niki chokes on his own spit. You can’t help but laugh as you pat and rub his back, guiding him to sit on the edge of your lounge chair. Niki’s cheeks are red as he catches his breath, and you giggle a little as you skim your hand down his back to give his bum a squeeze, “I don’t blame him. It’s a very cute butt.”
Your husband gives you a flat look, but the corner of his mouth twitches, and you tap your lower lip while pouting at him. With a quiet sigh as if you’re asking for so much from him by silently demanding his affections, he leans down and kisses you softly while skimming his hand up over your bare thigh.
“He will be here in a couple of hours. You’ll need to wear a bathing suit for once.” Niki reminds you, and you raise an eyebrow at him.
“Will I?”
Niki gives you a somewhat stern look, and you begin to crack, starting to smile despite your attempts at holding back.
“What? I’m not allowed to swim naked anymore? You told me you liked watching me do things naked.” You tease, and Niki smiles a little, getting up from the chair.
“At least a bikini, mouse. You have plenty of them - let them see some sun.”
You reluctantly agree, leaning up to steal another kiss, “Why’s James coming to visit, anyways?”
“He lost his drive. Hesketh went under, and he needs a break while he looks for a new one.” Niki replies. You nod sympathetically.
“A mini vacation will be good for him.”
Niki leaves to pick James up a couple of hours later, and you put on some music in the house, dancing around while you change out the sheets in the guest room, set towels in the attached bathroom for him, and hang a spare robe on the back of the door. You spare a thought for the bookshelf where you’ve put all of the magazines you’ve modelled in, the unused outtakes tucked between them in mini albums. In the end, you leave them, unashamed of the work you’ve done before. James has seen your ads before anyways, it’s nothing new to him.
By the time James and Niki get back to the house, you’ve changed into a knee-length white linen skirt and a powder blue crochet crop top with your newest white bikini underneath. You greet them at the door, and James grins at the sight of you, looping his arms around you and lifting you off the ground to give you a squeeze.
“Hello darling! Look at you, the sun has somehow made you even more beautiful, hasn’t it?”
“It certainly hasn’t hurt, dear. You could use some, couldn’t you? You’ve lost some colour.” You give his cheeks a squeeze, and James laughs, reluctantly putting you down but holding your waist for a few seconds longer.
“Niki, how do you get anything done?” He asks, finally letting you go and clapping your husband on the back as the Austrian lugs his suitcase in.
“Unsuccessfully.” Niki retorts, and his frank tone of voice makes both yourself and James laugh. James follows Niki up to the guest room, chattering away with him, though you can see a certain stress and sadness in him. You leave him to Niki for now, setting out a tray upon which you put your sunscreen, the magazine you’re reading, a cocktail, some sliced fruit, and a spray bottle you’ve taken to using when you get a little overheated. You head outside to the pool again after putting on your sunglasses, putting your tray down, then taking off your top and skirt.
The boys join you soon after while you’re rubbing sunscreen into your legs, and you hum happily as Niki sits behind you to take the bottle from you. James grins widely at you, a certain sparkle in his eye that you’re especially fond of, as he strips his shirt off.
“Mind doing my back, darling?”
You laugh, patting the chair in front of you while you lean into Niki’s firm hands as he rubs your back. James hums as you rub sunscreen into his tanned skin, and you ignore the touch-starved way that he rubs your legs, as if finishing the job you’d been doing when they interrupted you. You sigh as Niki slips his arms around you to rub your stomach and chest, and James makes a rather adorable curious noise when he hears you.
“What are you two doing back there? Are you feeling each other up? You know, it’s only fair to include your guests if you’re going to be touching each other up.” Hunt teases playfully, and you roll your eyes, reaching around him to squeeze his pecs.
“There, satisfied, dear?”
“Well, I’m certainly not lonely anymore.”
Niki snorts, giving you a gentle pat on the hip and a kiss to the shoulder, “Done, mouse.”
You release James, handing him the bottle of sunscreen, then giving him a gentle push.
“Alright, both of you, get. This is my lounge chair, go get your own.” You insist, and Niki pecks your cheek before he gets up, settling in the chair to your left. You scowl at him when he steals a sip of your cocktail, but he only gives you a smug grin, laying back and pulling his hat down over his eyes so he can relax. James rubs sunscreen into his chest, stomach and arms, then wipes what remains on his face. He stretches, then dives into the pool, and you sip your cocktail as you watch him muck about.
“Niki! Get in with me.” Hunt calls, and you watch your husband peek out from under his hat sceptically.
“Why? So you can dunk me?”
“Oh, don’t be a bore. Get in with me! It’s boiling out, and you have to be overheating.”
Niki looks at you as if for support, but you simply raise an eyebrow at him.
“He’s right, love. Go swim with the big puppy dog, he’s lonely.” You hum, taking a sip of your cocktail, “Would you two like drinks? I’ll make you something.”
Both men agree to your terms, and you head back into the house, glancing back only briefly over your shoulder to catch two sets of pretty blue eyes glued to your ass. You make them both punchy little cocktails, heading back out to the pool, and beaming at the sight awaiting you. James and Niki are splashing each other, both smiling and laughing together. James’ hair is stringy, and he looks a bit like a wet dog, while Niki’s curls only seem to get curlier when wet. You pause by the back door, watching them fondly as Niki tries to dunk James, only to have his wrists grabbed, both of them wrestling for the upper hand. James’ grin is blinding as the sun, his hair flying around his head like spun gold as he tries to avoid being knocked over by your husband. In this light, he’s no longer boring, and you can’t help but smile at the sight of two handsome men play-wrestling like children.
You haven’t the heart to interrupt them, so you put the cocktails on your tray and lay back on your lounge chair to observe. It doesn’t take long for them to tire themselves out, but by the time they do, you’ve finished your cocktail and your magazine. James leans over your chair when he gets out to collect his drink, and you squeal as he drips all over you, then anchors his hands on either side of you and gives a mighty shake like a big dog.
“Niki!” You cry for help from your husband, but he only stands over you and rings out his hair over your head, “Oh, you bastard! You’re both awful men. Awful, bad, bad men.”
James laughs gleefully, slinging an arm over Niki’s shoulders, their prior wrestling forgotten with the united purpose of harassing you. You pout at them both, fleeing from your lounge chair, and only barely dodging James’ reaching hands that would no doubt try and toss you into the pool. You don’t give him a chance, circling towards the deep end, and dive into the water to swim across the pool. When you surface, you find yourself once again being watched, and you smooth your hair back out your face to peer at the boys.
“What?” You ask. James tilts his head like a confused dog, but his eyes are intense as he stares at you, and you blink at him.
“Mouse, your swimsuit is not as thick as you thought it was.” Niki comments, his own stare fixed firmly on your nipples where they show through the fabric. You glance down at yourself, raising your eyebrows with shock when you see how transparent the white bikini has gotten.
“Oh.” You hum, and James echoes you, then grunts when Niki elbows him in the ribs.
Dinner is a lazy affair, all three of you exhausted from the sun, the swimming, and the play fighting. You make a spread of easy but filling tapas paired with wine, so all of you can just grab what you like. You drape yourself across one of the shorter parts of the C-shaped sofa, and smile as James thumps down on the longer part, plopping his head into your lap. You pet his hair, smiling at Niki as he enters the room and claims the other short side of the sofa, draping James’ feet over his lap without a care while he nurses a glass of wine. James practically purrs as you tuck his hair behind his ear, shivering when you trace your nail around the shell of his ear.
“I hope you weren’t looking to party too much, darling. We’ve been enjoying a lazy vacation.” You muse, and James nuzzles his cheek against your thigh.
“No, this is what I wanted.” He replies, and you smile, setting your wine glass aside so you can put a couple of braids in his hair. Together, you all watch a couple of television programs and doze together, until finally, Niki gets up from the sofa to tidy up the kitchen. Taking his queue, you stroke the back of your fingers across James’ cheek, gently coaxing him awake. He yawns, stretching across your lap dramatically, and you laugh as he wiggles and fusses like a giant golden retriever.
“Okay, okay, up you get, dear.” You croon, and he obediently sits up, pecking your cheek loudly as he slips from the sofa.
“God, is it really that early? Are we going to bed at Niki-o’clock?” Hunt teases, and you snort, getting up from the sofa to drink your wine.
“It’s nearly eleven, dear, it’s far past Niki-o’clock.” You retort, stretching, nearly jumping out of your skin when Niki puts his still-slightly-damp hands on your bare sides, “Oh! Niki, your hands are cold!”
Your husband is unapologetic, wrapping his arms around your waist and putting his chin on your shoulder.
“James, if you need anything during the night, what’s mine is yours. The fridge is stocked, as is the bar cart. We’ll have breakfast in the morning, then decide on plans for the day.”
“I’ll see you both in the morning, then.” James replies, and you all head up the stairs together, splitting off at the guest room. Niki squeezes your hips as you enter your bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him, then dragging you into the bathroom with him. You take a blissfully warm and lazy shower together, and Niki promises to fuck you in the morning since Hunt is never up early and neither of you are awake enough to manage tonight. You pull on one of Niki’s shirts to sleep in, forgoing underwear, and Niki only tugs on a clean pair of boxer briefs. He drags you into his arms the moment you crawl under the sheets with him, and you sigh happily as he curls himself around you, tangling his legs with yours.
Warm skin brushes against your legs, and you come to consciousness quite suddenly, groaning softly as the bed dips beside you. You blindly reach out, hands sliding over planes of muscle without the normal softness that you’re used to. You let out a confused noise, and are gently hushed, warm hands gently stroking your arms and sides until you relax and melt into a sleepy puddle. The hands leave you, and you chase after them, wrapping your arms around a frame far bigger than what you’re used to. You snuggle closer, pressing your face into the bare expanse of warm back in front of you, and wedge your leg between the thighs of the body you’re clinging to. It isn’t Niki, which should be disconcerting, but the smell of it is familiar enough that your brain isn’t waking up.
Niki moans quietly, a waking-up sort of moan that tickles your brain, and the body in front of you vibrates as it once again shushes, except this time it isn’t aimed at you. Finally, you blink your eyes open and yawn as you take in the golden tan skin of the man in front of you. You reach past where your hands are currently laid on his stomach and find the softness of your husband. You put two and two together, and blink blearily as you realise that James Hunt is in bed with you, and he’s spooning your husband, while you spoon him.
“Why are you in bed with us, dear?”
“... I was lonely.” James admits, and you sigh quietly, stroking your hands over the man’s stomach soothingly.
“So you thought it was good idea to get in bed with us?” Niki asks sleepily, his accent even thicker when he’s only just waking up. You peer over James’ body, your chin resting on his ribs in a way that you’re sure isn’t comfortable, but you couldn’t care less. Your husband hasn’t moved to try and get away from Hunt - the Brit’s arm is wrapped around him, and you can see him stroking his stomach. A smart plan. Niki is easily soothed with petting.
“I was lonely. You said what’s yours is mine.” James reminds him, and Niki huffs, stretching leisurely in Hunt’s arms. You drop your head back down onto your pillow, shifting a little to get comfortable, and James’ breath hitches. He shifts a little against you, and you grumble, petting his chest soothingly to get him to stop squirming.
“What is it, Hunt?” Niki snaps after a moment, then makes a weird squeaky sound, continuing after a suspiciously long pause, “are you hard?”
“Sorry, sorry.” James mutters, pushing at your knee gently to try and get it out from between his legs. You only obey after quite a bit of pushing.
“What is it?” You ask, and he scrunches up a little, pushing Niki’s arse away from the curve of his body.
“Your leg keeps rubbing against my dick, and you’re not wearing knickers, and I can feel it. Plus, Niki’s arse pressing back on me.” James retorts. Niki hums, and you swear you hear a hint of sympathy in his tone. You can’t help but practically purr behind the Brit as you realise he’s hard. James Hunt is hard over you and your husband. James Hunt is at least somewhat bisexual, just like you. Niki knew about you - you had discussed it before, despite having minimal experience with women, and he didn’t judge you at all. He didn’t admit to any feelings for men himself, but he wasn’t close-minded at all, so you weren’t necessarily surprised to find him feeling arousal for a man he had an emotional connection with.
“She doesn’t like wearing underwear if she doesn’t have to.” Your husband explains, a bit of heat in his voice as he glances back over his shoulder at you both. James groans, a hint higher and more submissive than you expected from him, and you pet his tummy reassuringly.
“Shh, it’s okay. Poor pup, you’re just needy, aren’t you?” You whisper, and Niki lets out a quiet, approving moan. James freezes between you both, and you sigh blissfully, sitting up and climbing on top of the Brit who snuck into your bed, straddling his lap while he lays on his back beneath you. Niki rolls over, propping himself up on his arm and peering at James with pink cheeks and desire darkened eyes.
“Is this what you wanted, James? When you crawled into our bed?” Niki asks, and you smile, leaning down to pull him up into an eager kiss while James stutters out a shaky ‘yes’ in response. Your husband sighs against your mouth, cupping your cheek, and you gently bite his lower lip.
“Are you okay with this?” You whisper, and Niki nuzzles his nose against yours, then presses your foreheads together.
“I am, mausi. Is this what you want?” He asks, and James watches you two with eager, wide eyes, his blond eyelashes fluttering as he breathes heavily.
“I suppose I could be persuaded to indulge our dear guest.” You reply with just a hint of dismissiveness in your voice, and James grabs your hips as you roll your bare cunt down on him, gasping for breath. He stares up at you with blatant desire on his face, chest heaving as he reaches out with one hand to grasp at Niki’s thigh while the other digs into your hip. Niki licks his lips, reaching out to pet your other hip, and turning his gaze on James.
“Do you have condoms? You are not fucking my wife without a condom.”
James laughs shakily, letting his head fall back on the mattress, disbelieving of how lucky he’s found himself. He lifts you so easily you let out a loud gasp, then lays you down beside your husband, who begins to strip your shirt off while Hunt heads for the door.
“In my room. I’ll be right back. Feel free to get started without me.” He calls as he practically bounds back towards his room. You immediately reach for Niki, finding him hard and aching against your palm, and you giggle. Niki curls over you to steal a couple of gentle kisses, and you arch beneath him as he sweeps his hand over your ribs to cup your breast, pinching your nipple. You roll your thumb over the head of his cock, tapping the pad of your thumb against the precum beaded at the tip to show the string of cum connecting the two.
“Ahh, my poor husband. Did the big handsome golden retriever get you hard?” You coo, and he sighs blissfully as you wrap your hand around him fully and give him a couple of strokes. Niki bats your hand away, pressing you back into the mattress while he crawls between your legs and swipes his tongue through the wet heat of your cunt. You gasp, and he pushes two fingers into you, scissoring them to spread you open. James rejoins you both with a box in hand, dropping it on the night table and smoothing his hand over Niki’s ass. Your husband moans into your cunt, and you grin, leaning up to meet James in a gentle and somewhat tentative kiss.
“You’re very occupied with his ass. You can take his boxer briefs off, if you want.” You offer to Niki’s delight, as evidenced by the way he sucks eagerly at your clit and crooks his fingers. James obediently helps Niki out of his underwear, then smoothes his hands over Niki’s ass, squeezing. You watch through half-lidded eyes as James stares, somewhat awkward and unsure. A soft laugh makes James blink at you, and you slip up from the mattress to give James’ hip a squeeze. 
“You’ve never done this before?” You ask, and he shrugs.
“Not with a man.”
“It’s not that different, darling. Niki, love, lay on your back for me. I’m going to show James what I reward you with when you’re very, very good.” You coo, and your husband is quick to follow your directions. James tilts his head curiously at the obvious excitement, and you offer James a wink as you lay on your belly on the bed and push Niki’s legs up. Gentle strokes to start with, your hand slick with spit and precum mixed, squeezing gently around the head on each upstroke. You swipe your tongue over Niki’s hole and he groans deeply, head tossed back into the pillows at the mixed sensations. James watches, fascinated, while you lap at your husband and stroke his cock, stopping briefly to roll his balls in your mouth before returning to your work. When he’s suitably relaxed and pliable, you open the night table drawer and hand James a bottle of lube. 
“Warm it up with your fingers. Go slowly - I’ve only put two fingers in him before, and mine are much smaller than yours. No such thing as too much lube, so add more if you need it. And this is a marathon, not a sprint, darling. Take your time.” You purr, your arms around James’ waist, hands stroking over his chest and stomach while he coats his fingers and rubs the viscous gel over Niki’s hole. You release James to duck into the bathroom and brush your teeth, returning to find James two fingers deep in your husband, whose hands are fisted in the sheets while he moans for more.
“It’s easier after what you did. Last time I did this, it took longer.” James admits to you as you approach, kissing across his shoulder, then wrapping your hand around him loosely. He gasps, then groans lowly, leaning back into you but continuing to fingerfuck Niki.
“Niki likes to be treated gently.” You reply softly, your voice full of love and desire in equal measure, and James looks back at you with a hint of longing in his big blue eyes, “He’s much easier to play with when he’s nice and relaxed, aren’t you, honey?”
Niki grunts an affirmative as James adds a third finger, “Show him where it is.”
You giggle, crawling onto the bed with Niki and leaning down to kiss him.
“Aww, are you missing how easy I find it every time, love? We’re not looking to make you come yet. Have patience.”
Niki frowns, and James chuckles as he crooks his fingers awkwardly, seeking but missing the mark. You would help him, but you know your husband. Prostate orgasms always take him out of commission for much longer than anything else, and you want to make this last a little. You fetch a condom and roll it onto James while he sighs blissfully at the feeling of your hands on him, though it turns into a groan as you pour a generous amount of lube in your hand and shamelessly coat his cock in it.
“He should be okay.” You murmur, and James carefully pulls his fingers out while Niki whines at the empty feeling, quickly replaced by a whimper as you notch the head of the Brit’s cock against your husband’s hole, “Go ahead, puppy. Don’t worry about making him come, I want that for myself.”
Niki makes a ‘huh?’ sound at your declaration, though it quickly turns into a deep, shaky groan as James slowly begins to push his hips forwards. You watch closely as James bottoms out, drawing moans from both himself and Niki, and you frown as James begins to pull out a little too quickly. He starts to thrust at an even pace, lost in the pleasure, while Niki scrunches up his face in discomfort but doesn’t voice any complaints. You grab James’ hips, holding him still with just the tip inside of your poor husband, digging your perfectly manicured nails into his skin a little.
“Naughty puppy. How inconsiderate. You’re being very ungrateful when we welcomed you into our bed, mutt. You have to be gentle, and take it slow. Niki hasn’t done this before.” You scold the big blond Brit, and he pants for breath, dropping his hand to rub Niki’s thigh soothingly.
“Sorry Niki, sorry.”
“Fuck off.” Niki retorts through gritted teeth, and you pout, stroking his softening cock gently.
“Was that unpleasant? Lookit you, poor thing. Lemme help, honey.” You purr, taking your husband’s cock into your mouth and giving him the softest, wettest blowjob possible just to ease him back into things. Niki tangles his fingers in your hair, breathing heavily as he starts to get hard again, and you drop your hand to stroke your fingers around his rim so that you can feel him relax. Only when you feel Niki loosen up do you pat James’ stomach again. He starts to thrust slowly, measured and gentle, and Niki grips your hair a little tighter to guide your head and keep himself interested. You guide him through it for a little while longer, bobbing your head in slow, leisurely movements until he’s starting to really enjoy the gentle thrusts.
A pouty moan leaves Niki’s lips as you let his cock slip from your mouth and slap wetly against his stomach, and you kiss your way up his body, then lay back on the bed to watch them together.
“You can hump Niki a little faster, puppy.” You purr, and James immediately speeds up, clinging to Niki’s hips for dear life, “Does he feel good?”
“So fucking good. So tight.” The Brit moans over the loud slap of skin on skin, and you smile as he lets his head fall back, stomach muscles rippling with every thrust. Niki reaches for you desperately and you lovingly curl up behind him, the back of his head pillowed on your tits while you pet his plush little tummy. You brace him as James picks up his pace a little more, losing his rhythm as he gets closer. Niki doesn’t look anywhere near coming, but you’re happy enough with that. You want him to fuck you once James is done with him, and you know he’ll be desperate, which is just how you like him.
“Are you close, pup?” You coo, and James groans out a ragged yes, struggling to make and maintain eye contact with you, “poor, desperate mutt. Go ahead and come.”
James practically howls as he gives a couple more sloppy thrusts, clinging to Niki as he comes, his fingers leaving marks in your husband’s plush thighs. He’s quick to pull out, pulling off his condom and tying it off, then heading into the master bathroom with his typical swagger, buckass naked. He returns a few moments later, collapsing onto the bed next to you both and humming pleasantly.
“Fuck, darling, you two are far more fucked up than I thought you’d be.”
“Are you complaining, mutt?” You ask, and James scoffs.
“Is that nickname going to stick? Not that I’m complaining.”
“No? Should I get you a collar?” You coo, then giggle as Niki gets up after a moment of resting his poor abused hips, dragging you across the bed towards him, “Ohh, hi honey, what could you possibly want?”
Niki manhandles you onto your stomach, and you gasp, then dissolve into eager giggles as he yanks your hips up. You give a playful little wiggle, practically purring as Niki squeezes your ass, rubbing the head of his cock against you. James watches curiously, surprised to find you being so submissive when moments before you’d been domming the shit out of him. As Niki pushes inside of you, he pushes you down into the mattress, his hand planted firmly between your shoulders. James reaches out to take one of your hands as you cling to the sheets, knitting his fingers with yours and squeezing gently.
“Fuck, mausi, you’re so wet. Have we neglected you?” Niki asks, and you moan plaintively, offering James a pout since you can’t see your husband, “was that a yes? My poor wife, taking care of me while we neglect her sweet, soft little pussy.”
James offers you a pout, worming a hand under you to squeeze your tits while he recovers, “is she tight? Do you think she could fit both of us?”
You moan at the mere idea of it, shaking your head, but Niki plants his foot in the mattress and pounds into you before you can say anything.
“She could, but not both in her cunt. She’s too tight.” Niki replies through grunts, digging his hands into your hips as sweat drips from his forehead. James chuckles, getting up onto his knees and stroking your cheek.
“Let me have your mouth for a while, darling. Once your husband is done, will you let me have you too?” He asks, and you hum, blinking glassy eyes up at him.
“Condom.” You remind him, and he sighs, pouting as he fetches another condom. He rolls it on reluctantly, and you flick your tongue over the head of his cock, kissing it gently.
“Tease.” he mutters, and you grin, then pop the head into your mouth, sucking lazily while Niki reaches around you to stroke your clit. You moan around James’ cock, and he pushes forwards a little greedily, his eyes rolling back in his head when you don’t gag. You nuzzle your nose into his pubic hair, your fingers holding the base of the condom to provide complete coverage, and James’ low rumbly groan sends shivers down your spine.
“Niki, mate, how do you not spend all day fucking her throat? Even with the rubber, she’s fantastic.” The Brit muses, and Niki grunts, stroking your clit just the way you like, the praise and gentle touches sending shivers down your spine.
“You should feel her raw. My wife is talented - her clever little tongue works magic, and her cunt is so sweet, the way she sucks me dry. She loves it when I come inside of her.” Niki rasps, and you hum your agreement around the length of James’ cock, lazy little bobs of your head encouraging the Brit to grab your hair and hold on. You pull back as you get close to the edge, not wanting to accidentally bite, and Niki speeds up his thrusts to that sloppy but eager rhythm he always melts down to when he’s about to come.
“Can I come on your face, darling?” James asks, and you blink at him, then shake your head and prop yourself up a little.
“Gimme a pearl necklace.” You purr, and Niki accommodates your fun by pulling you back against his chest instead of shoving you down into the mattress. His hips stutter as he gets closer, and his rhythm on your clit suffers, but you take over for him. He groans as he fills you up, his hands digging into your hips tight enough to bruise. James paints your chest and neck with cum a moment later after tearing off the condom, his fingers tangled in your hair, holding your head back almost lovingly.
You stroke your clit, whining plaintively when Niki pulls out to avoid oversensitivity, and you roll onto your back. Niki pants beside you, snuggling up to your side and slipping his hand between your legs, pushing two fingers into you and crooking them until he finds your spot. He strokes in time with you, peppering kisses across your cheeks, eyelids, temple and finally your lips until you come with a ragged cry that sounds almost ripped from you. You pull your hand away, but James simply replaces it with his own, skillfully strumming your clit while Niki grins against your shoulder and plays along.
“Wait, wait, s’too much.” You mumble, grasping for James’ wrist, but he simply grabs your hand in his free hand and pins it above your head.
“You deserve another.” He coos, and Niki immediately joins in, stroking your hair with his free hand while he devastates you with the other.
“You did so good for us, mein mausi. Take another, let us treat you right. You’ll let James fuck you after, won’t you? I think he deserves the pleasure of your sweet cunt.” Niki whispers praise against your ear, and you arch between them, lip caught between your teeth as they bring you hurtling towards the edge so quickly after the last orgasm. It doesn’t take long to get you there, between their filthy praises, their skilled fingers, and Niki’s mouth softly pressing butterfly kisses across your face. You scream this time when you come, head thrown back, grasping at the sheets so tightly you nearly rip them.
While James fetches another condom, Niki coaxes you through the aftermath, his love whispered sweetly directly against your ear as if it were too precious to be heard by anyone else. You let Niki clean you up with his tongue despite it being far too sensitive, whimpers escaping you that only seem to make him more eager. James gives him a gentle shove out of the way, already a little over half hard and sheathed in a condom, his eyes glazed over with eager desire.
“That thing is demonic. There’s no way his refractory period is that low.” You mutter, and Niki snorts, kissing your temple.
“Enjoy it, mausi.” He murmurs, holding your legs open as James slaps his cock against your cunt none too gently. The Brit sighs as he grinds himself against you, then notches the head against your hole and mercilessly thrusts into you, balls deep in one go. Niki hums a little at the sight, sliding his fingers through yours and giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
“God, you’re still tight.” James growls, and you gasp for breath as he sets an almost cruel pace, rutting into you like the animal you claimed he was. Your breasts bounce with every thrust, and you can see Niki staring at them approvingly.
“Good, fuck her hard. It makes her tits jiggle.” Niki instructs, and James gives a devilish grin that makes you squirm a little. You squeeze Niki’s hand tightly, and he kisses your knuckles soothingly as if he didn’t just tell his dear friend to fuck you hard and make your boobs bounce. Each thrust makes you cry out, tossing your head back into the sheets as the overstimulation makes your nerves sizzle. It’s too much, too fast, but neither James nor Niki seem sympathetic to your plight. Niki releases your hand to instead strum your clit, and James pushes your legs up a bit so he can fuck you deeper, until you can practically feel him in your lungs. You clench up, throwing your head back as you come so suddenly you barely even know what’s happened to you.
“Yeah, that’s it, come on my cock, darling. Let go for us.” James moans, and Niki echoes him, stroking his hand up over your stomach to gently soothe you while he whispers in your ear.
“You’re so beautiful, mausi. So fucking perfect for us.”
You start to drift a bit, lost in sensation, too much and not enough and overwhelming in the best and worst ways. You’re a conflicted mess. You can hear Niki whispering to you, and James panting as he ruts into you, but you can’t understand what Niki’s saying, let alone muster the strength to respond. A slap to your clit jolts you, and you cry out, tears in your eyes as Niki says something in an angry tone, followed by gentle stroking against your cheek that makes you blink to try and see through the blur. James groans above you like he’s been shot, and you shudder as he pulls out, leaving you empty and shivering.
“Mausi?” Niki asks, and you blink at him through the slight blur of tears as sensation floods back in, first sight, then sound, then the smell of Niki’s cologne, “mouse? Are you okay?”
“Is she alright?” James asks, voice shaky, his breathing heavy as he lays down beside you and brushes a hand over your stomach. Niki pets your hair back, and you lean into his touch.
“I’m okay.” You croak, and Niki breathes out a sigh of relief, “I just got… overstimulated or something.”
James presses a soft kiss to your cheek, “I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t realise you were that out of it.”
You hum, leaning into his lips, and blinking your eyes closed.
“S’okay, I didn’t expect it. Couldn’t warn you.” You mumble, and Niki kisses you softly, helping you crawl up the bed to curl up with him.
“You need to sleep, mouse,” he purrs, and you stretch and wiggle to get comfy, “we can play more tomorrow if you’re up for it.”
“Can we?” James asks, like he thought this was a one time only thing. You shrug, nuzzling your face against Niki’s chest.
“Sure. C’mere, come cuddle me. We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
After a luxurious shower in which Niki eagerly stakes his claim, and a quiet breakfast in which James does his damndest to eat you out of house and home, you all curl up on the sofa to figure out what you’d all like to do. A visit to the beach occupies most of your day together, along with lunch on the boardwalk. You head home together, sun-drunk and happy, and in James’ case perhaps a little tipsy as well. You only had one drink, and Niki didn’t drink at all since he was driving.
Once you get home, you make everyone cocktails, and you raise an eyebrow when you return to the living room to find Niki and James whispering with each other. Niki pulls you into his lap, stroking his hands up your bare legs before taking his cocktail from you. James takes a sip of his, then leans down to peck your cheek, leaving his drink on the coffee table as he runs upstairs to ‘get something’. You give Niki a suspicious look.
“What are you two planning?” you ask, and Niki nuzzles against your ear, then takes another sip of his drink.
“Debauchery.” He retorts with a soft laugh, and you giggle, nuzzling your face into his neck.
“What kind?”
“Which of us would you prefer fuck your ass, mouse?” Niki asks instead of answering your question, and you practically purr, leaning up to kiss him softly. He guides your shirt off, then wiggles your shorts down over your hips, discarding both.
“You. Puppy’s sloppy and overeager.” You reply as James thumps down the stairs with a bottle of lube and condoms in his hands. He grins at you, shameless in his mischief as he tosses both onto the sofa then tears his shirt over his head, “See what I mean?”
Niki hums thoughtfully, nodding against your shoulder while he strips off your bikini as well. “Lay on your stomach, mouse.”
You obey immediately, and James watches with an eyebrow raised as Niki digs his hands into your back. You moan loudly, clinging to the couch cushions as Niki makes you melt underneath him with ease. He’s done it enough times that he knows your body as if it’s his own, and it’s not long before he has you relaxed enough that he’s sure you can handle getting prepped. James watches as Niki pours lube into his hand and warms it up, then coats you liberally, fingering a bit of it into your cunt then trailing back to your ass. He pushes one finger into you, slow but steady, and you moan quietly as you relax even further to make it easier.
“God, she takes it well. You do this often, Nik?” James asks, and Niki laughs, adding a bit more lube and a second finger.
“It was a honeymoon gift. She’s indulged me once or twice since then.” He replies, working you open slowly and carefully. James hums, sitting close to your head and running his hands gently over your back to continue the massage Niki has been giving you earlier.
“If we do this again, I’m getting an STD test first so you’ll let me go without a condom.” James mutters, and you laugh, patting his thigh soothingly. You wiggle your bottom, and Niki grins as he fucks three fingers into your pert little ass. You thought you would be nervous about this, but you’re completely at ease, and even a little eager to take them both. You know Niki will take care of you, and so will James, even if he’s a little overeager.
“Condom, James.” Niki reminds him, and James eagerly obeys, rolling a rubber on and sipping his cocktail. You crawl into James’ lap, letting him pull you down on his cock, and you hum as you snuggle up against his chest lazily. Niki situates himself behind you, stroking your back as he presses his cock into you slowly. You’re more full than you’ve ever been before, and you moan softly, almost eagerly, as Niki bottoms out. He takes over the pace, though James does bounce you in his lap, and you find yourself constantly full of one of them as they seem to match paces. Whenever Niki pushes in, James is pulling out, and whenever James thrusts up into you, Niki pulls out.
It feels like endless pleasure. A never-ending fall into hedonistic ecstasy between your husband and one of his closest friends. Niki pants against the back of your neck, murmuring praise against your skin while he chases his pleasure. You can feel his sweat drip against your back and roll down your spine, mixing with your own, and you cling to James’ shoulders desperately as the pressure and pleasure builds inside of you. The Brit strokes your stomach and breasts, murmuring gentle praise to you about how beautiful you are, and how good you are. His voice raises in pitch, a heady moan slipping from his lips as he gets closer, but Niki comes first, groaning raggedly and biting down on your shoulder to quiet himself.
James strokes your clit as Niki pulls out, thrusting up eagerly into you, his other hand clinging to your waist. He makes you come with his lips around your nipple, thumb rubbing against your clit while he bucks eagerly into you. He follows you soon after, his sweaty forehead smacking into your shoulder, a deep groan vibrating in his chest. James lays you down in Niki’s arms as he gets up from the couch, stretching as he walks naked to his bathroom. He discards the condom, washing up, then rejoins you both and collapses into your waiting arms. None of you feel fit to move. Niki lays his head on your chest, while James lays his head on Niki’s stomach in a sweaty little cuddle pile that none of you seem eager to abandon.
James leaves early the following morning, and is signed with McLaren shortly afterwards, his mood cheered up the moment he gets the news. He calls you both to celebrate, and you promise to all see each other when the next Formula One season starts. 
Perhaps, even, for a round two.
35 notes · View notes
tobaitfishwith · 3 years
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Darling what’s your name?
277 notes · View notes
darksideoftheshipps · 3 years
Multifandom ships
Part 2
Adam Jones x Tony Balerdi (Burnt 2015)
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Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
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Helmut Zemo x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
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Steve Rogers x Helmut Zemo (Marvel)
( how can you see Zemo like it rough)
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Helmut Zemo x Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes (Marvel)
( yeah polyamory hate love ) :')))
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler x John Moore (The Alienist)
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James Hunt x Niki Lauda (Rush 2013)
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Bucky Barnes x Brock Rumlow (Marvel)
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160 notes · View notes
f1yogurt · 2 years
Breakfast In Bed
Summary: After a long night out, James wants to surprise the boys with breakfast in bed.
AO3 Link - BREAKFAST IN BED -- Link to my Fic Request Guide
Rating: Mature (warning for cursing)
Characters: Niki Lauda, John Watson, James Hunt, and a brief cameo from Jody Scheckter
Relationships: James Hunt / Niki Lauda / John Watson
Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Breakfast in Bed, Sleepy Cuddles, Boys In Love, I'm sorry Niki's hungover again, I needed him to be grumpy, James Hunt is a Little S***, John is soft, Flashbacks, mentions of the 1976 crash, Scars
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: thanks to @green-like-the-sky for the fluff prompt idea, and for loving Niki and John just as much as I do
James Hunt was not an early riser. No, he was usually the party-all-nighter, drink-until-you-drop kind of man who slept until two in the afternoon the next day. However, last night’s party had oddly provided him with a proper rest, and he found himself the first one to wake up this morning.
James opened his eyes and yawned sleepily. He found himself face to face with a familiar curly head of hair. No doubt he had rolled over in his sleep to spoon Niki in the middle of the night. The Austrian was never one to protest being the little spoon, though, which James found absolutely adorable.
Hunt smiled, and he considered jostling Niki a little to wake him up so that he would have someone to tease. After a moment, though, he thought better of it. No need to wake the grumpy thing up just for James to get an earful about the importance of a good eight hours of sleep.
Instead, James sighed and gently untangled himself from where he was wrapped around Niki. He did it as gently as he could, moving Niki’s skinny limbs around strategically, but somehow Niki still woke up with the movement. James watched as the Austrian made a grumpy noise and turned over to face him.
“James?” Niki asked sleepily, reaching for the empty space that Hunt had just vacated. “James, where are you going?” The Englishman was endeared by the soft-spoken words, and by how adorable Niki looked when he was sleepy, although he really wanted to surprise Niki with something that he needed to get up for. No time to delay this morning.
“Don’t worry, Niki. I’m going to make breakfast,” he said, smiling at the Austrian. “Sorry to wake you, love.” He bent down to give Niki a little kiss. Nothing like kissing a sleepy Austrian rat. James absolutely had to tease Niki about this, and he smirked down at him.
“Don’t fall asleep again, love. You might miss my breakfast…or the entire day.” Niki opened his eyes and glared tiredly at James.
“Fuck you,” he said. James chuckled as he got up from the bed. The three of them had stumbled home last night and collapsed into bed together, and the fact that Niki was still in bed at this time in the morning meant that the Austrian must be suffering from the worst of their hangovers.
“Oh, someone’s grumpy this morning,” James said teasingly as he pulled on a pair of trousers that were lying on the floor. “Are you finally feeling those whiskies you knocked back like they were water? Because you look like hell.” Niki flipped the middle finger, clearly not in the mood to be teased this early.
“Your fault for encouraging,” Niki accused, although there was a glint of humor in the Austrian’s eyes. James smiled tenderly, and he leaned down to place another kiss on Niki’s forehead.
“I promise, love, you’ll start to feel better soon,” he said. “I’ll be back with breakfast. And I won’t burn the kitchen down this time!” Niki rolled his eyes and watched as James walked out of the room. The Austrian sighed and turned over from the empty space that James had left, scooting closer to his other bedmate.
John was just beginning to wake up after hearing the commotion between Niki and James. He felt himself enveloped in warmth as Niki latched onto him, the Austrian’s arms wrapping around John like a warm teddy bear. Niki was a notorious cuddler, especially with John. And especially if he was suffering from a hangover.
“Niki, how are you feeling?” John asked knowingly. The Irishman hadn’t drank much last night, although he knew that Niki had gone well past his usual limits. If Niki had been at his best this morning, he would have already been awake hours ago and would be up and about, telling the other two boys to hurry to rise before the sun set.
“Headache,” Niki said in response, the word muffled against the back of John’s neck. Watson chuckled softly in sympathy. When they went out drinking together, Niki sometimes tried to keep up with James, but it usually didn’t end well. This seemed to be one of those times.
“Niki, I don’t know why you didn’t stop at a few whiskies,” he said, chuckling. Niki just grunted and buried his face at the nape of John’s neck. John smiled, secretly pleased to be cuddled by Niki. Of course, he would have preferred better circumstances. But he wasn’t picky.
The two of them lay in a peaceful silence for a few minutes, listening to the distant clanging of pots from where James worked in the kitchen. Of course, though, Niki’s mind started to wander in the absence of talking.
“John, you know the tire pressures were wrong at the last practice,” he said matter-of-factly, as if he was reporting to one of the mechanics. “We also need to adjust the wing angle. I have it all worked out–” John rolled his eyes, shaking his head.
“Niki, if you start talking to me about aerodynamics and tire pressures, I am going to leave you in this bed alone,” he said. There was really no heat to his words, but Niki understood, and he fell silent. Someone needed to tell the Austrian to relax and stop thinking sometimes, and that someone was usually John.
As the smell of eggs and bacon began drifting into the bedroom, John heard his stomach growl hungrily. Niki may not be hungry, but he sure was. Plus, it would be good for the Austrian to get some food in his stomach whether he wanted it or not.
“Niki, don’t you think it’s time to get up?” he asked, already expecting one of Niki’s signature sarcastic replies. “Whatever James has cooking in there smells delicious. If we don’t go now, we might miss the breakfast miracle of the century.” Niki simply unlatched his arms from around John and shook his head.
“No, no, you go ahead,” he said. John chuckled. Niki usually wouldn’t impede on someone else’s comfort, but he would willingly deprive himself of things that he needed. Such as food.
John sighed and glanced over at how oddly cute and small Niki looked, curled up as he was beneath the covers. With how comfortable the Austrian looked, Wattie decided that slow coaxing would be needed if he ever wanted Niki to get up and get moving.
John gently moved away from Niki and sat up against the headboard, watching as the Austrian grunted and looked up in confusion at the loss of contact. John wasn’t cruel, though, and he patted his pajama-covered thigh, gesturing for Niki to follow him.
“Here, put your head in my lap,” he said gently. “We’ll see if we can’t make that headache go away.” Niki glanced up at John, and he raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“I am not giving you a blowjob, if that’s what you want,” he said, carefully scooting himself up to place his head on John’s thigh. John couldn’t suppress a laugh.
“Niki, you bastard, just lay down,” he said, propping himself against a few pillows. “I promise it will be relaxing.” Niki glanced at John skeptically once again, but he finally laid down and settled himself so that his head was resting comfortably in John’s lap.
“There, happy now?” Niki asked, although by the way he had cuddled up against the Irishman, John knew that Niki enjoyed the new position. He chuckled.
“Yes, Niki,” he replied. “I’m so happy.” John gently began stroking his hands through Niki’s hair. It was odd, to have the man so relaxed like this, but John enjoyed it. As he gently massaged Niki’s temples, his fingers grazed the leathery graft skin on Niki’s scalp. All of a sudden, John was transported back to a time when he had cradled the Austrian’s head in a similar manner, three years ago at the Nürburgring. Just after that horrific accident, when Niki had pleaded for John to tell him how his face looked, how bad his burns were, when John had wanted to tell him that everything would be alright… John swallowed and tried to bring himself back to the present. He traced his hands lightly along the leathery texture of the scars, although he didn’t linger. Niki hated any kind of lingering. Hated any kind of pity. Maybe Niki allowed John this special kind of touch because John had been there, at his worst, cradling him and reassuring him when nothing else mattered but staying alive. When the pain threatened to pull him under, John had been there. Whatever the reason, it didn’t matter now, when Niki had to pretend for all the world that he was unaffected by the one thing that had nearly cost him his life. As if he wasn’t a human who had been resurrected from the grave.
John glanced down to see if Niki was affected by the memories as well. He was surprised to find Niki staring back at him soberly with those deep, intelligent, blue eyes that seemed to expose the Austrian’s soul. It was haunting. Even though the Austrian only had flickers of memories about the entire event, John had told him about his rescue, and how he had cradled Niki’s injured head like this after the wreck. Niki had seen the video footage, too, and John knew that the memories still plagued them both.
There was a moment of silence as they just stared at each other, both reliving a time that had passed. It was only after a few minutes that Niki spoke again.
“John, about the tire pressures…” John shook his head soberly and silenced the other man by cradling Niki’s cheek in his palm.
“It’s alright Niki, just go back to sleep,” he said, shaking himself from the terrible memory. When Niki was anxious about something, he usually would default to rambling about cars and mechanical things. John ran his hands soothingly through Niki’s wavy curls again, willing them both to relax. There was no use getting unsettled about the crash again.
As usual, Niki was soothed by the Irishman’s ministrations to the point of relaxing completely. In fact, he would have fallen asleep in Wattie’s lap if James hadn’t reentered the room at that moment, breaking the tension of the memories.
“Success! Gentlemen, I have made a masterpiece!” James exclaimed, uncaring that he was interrupting a peaceful scene. Niki grunted and scowled at the loud noise, clearly ready to tell James off.
“James, you fu–”
“Ah ah, nice words only,” John scolded quickly, interrupting Niki’s onslaught of what would probably have been very nasty words indeed. “It’s too early for me to listen to you two bicker.” James just rolled his eyes, said something about ‘sensitive people,’ and placed a tray down on the edge of the bed. Hunt then launched into an eloquent presentation, describing how he had perfectly cooked the eggs, with the perfect amount of heat so he didn’t burn down the kitchen, etc. etc.
John tried to look as if he was listening attentively, but in reality he had tuned James out and was helping Niki sit up beside him. The Austrian stretched and yawned, seeming determined to get up now that James had barged into the room. Hunt was still engrossed in his own words, and Niki took the opportunity to sidle up next to John again, resting his head on the Irishman’s shoulder in content.
John felt a sense of pride and comfort as Niki snuggled against him, and he wrapped an arm around the Austrian. James, of course, was oblivious to all of this as he finally finished his enthusiastic speech. “So, now you get to try them!” Hunt said happily, pushing his tray forwards. “Eat up, eat up.” Niki pouted, looking distastefully at the food.
“I am not hungry,” he protested, glaring skeptically at the meal. John sighed because he knew that Niki would be difficult like this. He could practically feel himself slipping into mother hen mode, unnecessarily fussing over Niki.
“Look, Niki, it’s alright. Watch, I’ll even put that black pepper on it that you like,” he said. John gave James a pointed look, gesturing for him to go and get it. James groaned but fetched the pepper from the kitchen, and John seasoned Niki’s portion of eggs just right.
“There, now doesn’t that look delicious?” John looked over and was happy to see Niki’s curious expression. The Austrian was now eyeing the eggs in a more promising manner, which was honestly more than Wattie could have hoped for. John took advantage of this and scooped up a portion with his fork, then held it out to Niki.
“Here, now take a bite,” he encouraged. Niki pouted again, and turned his head away.
“Well, I am not letting you feed it to me,” he said stubbornly, taking the fork himself. He made a pleased noise as he tasted the eggs, and he nodded at James.
“Good,” he said simply, before taking another bite. James pumped a fist in victory, and John just rolled his eyes.
“James, why don’t you go clean up whatever sort of mess you left in there?” he suggested, gesturing towards the kitchen. James smiled teasingly.
“No, that’s for Niki to do later,” he said, smirking over at the Austrian. Niki just glared back, and John could tell that there was going to be a fight soon if he didn’t intervene.
“James, stop pestering,” Wattie said, shooing Hunt away from the bed. “Go make yourself useful. I’ll help you finish the dishes in a bit.” At that, James perked up and finally left the room. Niki continued eating his breakfast under John’s watchful gaze, and if John did end up feeding the Austrian his last few forkfuls of eggs, then who was to know?
When Niki was finished, John finally ate his own portion of the meal. The eggs were surprisingly good, and the bacon had been cooked…satisfactory. James came back into the room as John was just finishing up.
“Oh, by the way, Niki, if memory serves from last night, I did happen to throw your racing overalls off the balcony in a fit of drunken glee,” James said, somehow deciding that this was the right place and time to mention this. There was a heavy silence in the room as both John and Niki looked up at him in baffled surprise. “I honestly don’t know what possessed me, but it may have had something to do with the fact that…well, that I was drunk. Sorry, chap.”
That must have been the last straw, because Niki flung the covers off of himself and angrily stomped out of bed, glaring daggers at James, who had darted quickly into the kitchen area. John barely smothered a laugh, because Niki was also stark naked.
To make matters worse, someone started knocking loudly on the door. James and Niki had disappeared into the kitchen, and Niki had picked up a dish towel and was now chasing James with it, so John didn’t think that either of them would be answering the door anytime soon.
“James? We are leaving in thirty minutes for testing!” Jody Scheckter’s voice called through the door. James didn’t respond, but John heard a smack and a yelp from the kitchen, where Niki had probably flicked James with the towel.
“Arschloch!” the Austrian cursed. “Why can’t you fuck up your own things for a change?” John just remained comfortably seated in the bed and calmly finished his last bite of eggs.
“James? James! I know you’re in there!” Jody was still banging on the door. John was about to answer him, but James beat him to it.
“Jody, don’t come in unless you want to see a rat’s arse!” Hunt called, and this earned him another stinging swat from Niki. John just sighed and shook his head, wondering how he had ever gotten himself entangled into this mess of a relationship. Ah, well. He loved them both.
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