#james x nia
dragons-and-magic · 2 days
Just finished some more ttte dragon art! Including a bunch with Sonny x Rebecca! Sonny's design is inspired by Cobras and Rebecca's is inspired by Frilled Lizards.
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I think they're cute. :3
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Size Consistency? Never heard of it. Lol.
And as you know, I have my rare pair of *coughs* James x Nia. 🫣 Lol. Did a little art of them. And their future kiddos. That was fun. I love the bright colors I gave them.
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You guys have no idea how much fun I had drawing tiny fluffy dragon babies.🥹💖
I don't know how big a role the next gen kids from the team will be. But hopefully I can make something decent for them. I have other next gens waiting for designs too. Like the Ashima x Thomas kids.
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tttewolves · 29 days
Here are my main TTTE Shippings and my Alternative TTTE Shippings!
My Main TTTE Shippings
James x Thomas (MY OTP)
Edward x Henry
Gordon x Rebecca
Percy x Rosie
Toby x Nia
Emily x Caitlin
Duck x BoCo
Douglas x Oliver
Mavis x Glen (OC)
Ryan x Kirra (OC)
My Alternative TTTE Shippings
Thomas x Rosie x Percy
Rebecca x Emily x Caitlin
Edward x BoCo x Henry
Toby x Henrietta
Gordon x Connor
Duck x Donald
And the others remains the same, lol
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cerenemuxse · 11 months
T&F memes but its text messages
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Try not to laugh at your children's shenanigans every 5 seconds
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Their marriage in a nutshell /j
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Tank engines are just naturally notoriously known for this kind of behavior. It's an instinct.
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@ Ryan + Ashima
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Mother nature
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
kidnapped PT.3
PT.1   PT.2  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
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The first 2 building was just a simple 1-story building that was completely abandoned, so it wouldn't take long to search. Brainy and Nia checked the building, but it was empty there were a few box here and there, but that’s it, the second building was the same. Kara and j’onn Already checked the first floor and there was nothing. Getting to the last floor, both sister were starting to lose hope. They look around the last floor, but they didn't find you or the alien. “Brainy, are you sure those were the only location you found.” Kara asked desperately. “Unfortunately, yes, that’s all I have for now.” Kara sighed and looked at j’onn with tears in her eyes. “We will never find them in time.” J'onn took Kara in his harm.” Yes, we will ok well find them in time.”
 In a last ditch attempt, Kara used her super hearing. She was extremely surprised to hear a really faint but present heart beat, pulling away she concentrated on the sound. “What wrong?” He asked. "I think I hear something, It's coming from downstairs.” She followed the sound, it leads her to a wall on the first floor. “Hidden door, maybe.” Kara said, and J’onn shrugged. They looked around trying to find something like a button, a lever, anything that could reveal a secret door. Looking closely, Kara found a spot that wasn’t the exact shade of the wall, she pressed on it and the wall opened. 
 Behind the door, Kara saw the most horrifying sigh she could ever see. There was you on the floor covered in blood and bruises, your eyes were closed and if it wasn’t for the slight movement of your chest anyone would've thought you were dead. The was towering over you, he grabbed you by the neck and lifted you in the air. “Are you dead yet or do I need to continue?” He chuckled, he squeezed your neck more and with your eyes still close you weakly grabbed at he’s wrist. Kara was frozen there in shock, she couldn’t move, she just looked at you.
Your POV: 
You just wanted to die at this point, your entire body was hurting, you were so weak you couldn’t move nor could you scream in pain when he hit you or stabbed you with his sharp claws. 
 You knew he was there, you could feel his presence. You heard the door open, so you thought he was actually gone, but you quickly realized he wasn’t when he wrapped his hand around your neck and squeezed, cutting your flow of oxygen, you weakly tried to loosen his grip on your throat, but it was obviously a failed attempt. 
 Suddenly you were dropped onto the floor and you groaned at the impact. You heard some struggling then there were hands-on you, you whimpered and flinch in pain because the hand were touching one of your wound, you tried to move away from what you think was Vexok hands. 
 General POV: 
 “Get away from her!” J’onn scream, snapping Kara out of her trance. The Alien dropped you to the floor, right as he did, j’onn attacked him whilst Kara ran toward you. She placed her hand on your side to see how badly you were hurt, She heard you whimpered and try to move away from her, not knowing she was hurting you she pressed down harder to keep you from moving. A weak cry left your lips and that when she took her hand away, you shook like a leaf and try to move away again. “Sweetheart, it’s me, it’s Kara, it’s your big sister. You’re going to be ok. I know it hurt, I’m sorry. Could you open your eyes for me please?” Kara said, tears brimming her eyes at the sight of you like this, you slowly opened your eyes, even if your sight was blurred a little you recognized your sister’s bright blue eyes they were filled with worry. You cried in relief and happiness at the sight of her. 
 Behind her, j’onn made quick work of knocking the alien down. “Come on, we need to bring them both to the D.E.O.” J’onn said, Kara nodded and picked you up. You let out another weak cry of pain, which broke Kara’s heart even more. “I’m sorry, Honey, but I have to bring you to the D.E.O.” She said softly.
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marauders AU but it’s ninjago and all of the main 4 are the ninja plus lloyd as regulus
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (240)
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queerchaser · 3 months
You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.
Hogwarts was a magical place; figuratively and literally. The old majestic castle was full of various, mainly happy, memories carried by multiple generations, full of surprises, like many hidden passages almost no one ever fully explored and it was surrounded by one of the most beautiful landscapes, from the dark and dangerous, yet somehow terrifyingly beautiful Forbidden Forest to the Great Lake, which was home to a giant squid and a village of somewhat shy but territorial Merpeople. People liked returning to Hogwarts, it was like their second home; delicious food and feasts in the Great Hall were certainly a bonus point to their stay, but parties in their common rooms and dorm rooms they shared with their housemates, who in most cases became their best friends, even families, were undeniably the best part.
As great as Hogwarts seemed, maybe even was to some, it had its issues; the main one being the rivalry among the houses, which usually turned people, mainly ones from Gryffindor and Slytherin, against each other, friend against friend, sibling against sibling.
Asterin scanned Sirius’s face when they exited the train, facing something like his less talkative younger self, Regulus Black; Sirius gave him a frown while Regulus looked right through him, as if he, or Asterin in that matter, wasn’t even there. It stung, her heart ached for Sirius; they loved each other once, they were best friends as children and with her, they made a trio, the Black brothers and the Knightley heir. They spoke very rarely and even those conversations were limited to judgement and insults, and occasionally, Regulus threw in a snarky comment, reminding Sirius who he was; not a Black, not anymore. And it hurt Sirius each and every time, not because he wanted to be a Black, but because it was his little brother who was saying it; he had never shown a sign of it, however, but Asterin had always known right as it left Regulus’s mouth, because it hurt her too, for Sirius and herself. Despite the bad relationship the brothers had, Asterin never gave up on either of them; it took Regulus some time to stop fussing about Sirius’s temper (and his reaction to Regulus’s Sorting Ceremony), but it eventually got better as he grew older and more mature, accepting Sirius for who he was – an immature prick, in his eyes. Nevertheless, he still couldn’t swallow his pride with Sirius and Sirius gave him the same treatment back, which was why, although being friends, Regulus didn’t give Asterin a single look.
Who gave Asterin a look, though, was Severus Snape. He gave one to all of them; a nasty one. And he got one back, from all of them. He scanned them all with his dark eyes, a disgusted grimace appearing on his face, as if he just smelled something horribly off, and turned around, walking off with his friends. Asterin couldn’t help herself but roll her eyes, immediately annoyed; if there was someone in Hogwarts whom she would ban from breathing the same air she and her friends were, it would be Severus Snape, not only incredibly annoying, but also nasty and prejudiced bully Slytherin. She couldn’t stand him, neither of them could; the only one who could stand him from their whole friend group was the kind-hearted Lily Evans, who had known him even before setting foot into Hogwarts for the first time, what a poor thing.
Asterin looked around, looking for the redhead who had just crossed her mind; although it was usually quite easy to spot her and the rest of Asterin’s dorm mates in a crowd, she couldn’t see them anywhere.
“Maybe they already got a carriage,” Sirius noted, almost as if he read her mind. She nodded.
Without another word, the five friends all started walking to the carriages, as a soft, a bit colder breeze ruffled their hair; Asterin remembered she had a sweater in her bag. She buried her hand in the bag that was hanging from her left shoulder, pushing away what seemed like an anti-muggle propaganda book from the top of a warm brown sweater when she almost stopped dead in her tracks. She frowned a little from surprise, but quickly gathered herself to prevent her friends from asking questions; she scanned the creatures hooked to the carriages, dark and skinny, winged, and for some reason ones she had never seen before. She looked at her friends who seemed indifferent. Did she just never notice them before? Impossible.
Her confusion didn’t leave her even once they got on one of the carriages. The creature puffed, which reminded her of a horse – it certainly wasn’t a horse.
“Rin?” Sirius asked quietly to not catch the attention of their friends and she turned to him. Noticing his look, she realized he must not see them; she must have looked crazy, staring at nothing. “Are you feeling well?”
She chuckled a little; she actually felt a little crazy.
“Fine,” she said, sitting straight. Sirius blinked a few times, checking the place she was so intensely staring at just a second ago; there was nothing there.
Asterin fished inside her bag again, finally pulling the brown sweater out and quickly putting it on. She noticed an approving nod from Remus.
“Nice sweater,” he smiled and she smirked, maliciously.
“I know, it’s yours,” she said and he frowned, scanning the sweater again; it was, indeed, his. The other boys scanned it too, remembering all the times they had seen it on Remus and then, suddenly, not, sometime around halfway through last year’s winter; it made them all chuckle in unison. Remus opened his mouth, half-offended and half-amused; how come he didn’t notice?
“Give it back.”
“Asterin Knightley, take off my bloody sweater,” he ordered, the corners of his mouth twitching.
“Take it off me yourself then, coward,” she mused, batting her eyelashes innocently, earning a whistle from Sirius, while James and Peter laughed and clapped. Remus squinted his eyes.
“Might just.”
“Go on,” she raised her eyebrows with a smirk on her lips. He copied the look on her face and leaned closer to her, while she raised her hands in the air to help him obtain his stolen possession, the smirk never leaving her face. He gently tugged on the hem of his sweater, but then stopped halfway, looking into her eyes; his smirk got wider.
“You know what, keep it,” he said as he let go of the sweater and leaned back on his seat; the boys started cheering again, on him, this time. Asterin’s mouth fell open from surprise, yet the corners of her mouth started twitching upwards almost immediately.
“How absolutely dare you?” she pressed her hand on her chest with every ounce of dramaticness she had in her; she deserved a pleased smile from Remus. She looked at Sirius sitting next to her in play disbelief and he sighed, putting his hand on his forehead, matching, maybe even outshining, her performance. The whole carriage was swallowed by the burst of laughter from the five friends; it didn’t stop until they reached the castle and as annoying and obnoxious as the other carriages found them, they didn’t care, after all, they were finally together after such an unbearably long time.
Laughter is good for the soul. – Asterin proved the statement right without even realizing; who did realize, however, was the dark creature pulling their carriage, a beautiful, yet for some terrifying Thestral, that finally felt in its normal habitat, feeling no eyes on itself. Nevertheless, the smart soul did find a way to remember Asterin’s face, knowing she would be one of those, whom its kind, from then on, won’t be able to hide from, ever again.
As soon as Asterin stepped inside the Great Hall, nostalgia hit her right in the face; she couldn’t believe it had only been two months since she last stepped foot inside the massive dining hall, it felt like an eternity. So much had happened during the summer, so many things she would rather have forgotten, that it almost felt as if she aged about ten years; she felt a certain linger in her chest, she was glad, glad not everything changed, glad some things stayed as they were, as she remembered them.
For a split second, she looked back, noticing Professor McGonagall lead the new first years inside the castle; their faces were so impressed and full of sheer excitement, that it warmed her heart. Her head was pleasantly spinning from the sentimentality, remembering herself and Sirius in their first year, right before the Sorting Ceremony; small and frightened, knowing what was expected of them yet not feeling the part, holding each other’s hand and eyeing their new classmates. She remembered how her stomach dropped when the Sorting Hat sorted Sirius; he was shocked, sending her a terrified look and she sent him one back, thinking the encouraging whisper she gave him after his name was called was the last thing she would ever tell him. She remembered how her eyes fell on the Slytherin table, noticing the look on Sirius’s cousins’ faces, they were both shocked; Narcissa looked outraged, offended by the audacity of her little cousin who just betrayed their whole entire family, yet Andromeda looked somehow pleased, as if a part of her expected it to happen. It was then and there that Asterin wished she would end up in Gryffindor, more than ever before, and for the first time in her life, she didn’t care what defying her mother on such a level would do to her family or her; she was sure she would rather face Cornelia Knightley for giving in to the temptation of being nothing like her family than leaving Sirius all alone. And so when the Sorting Hat sorted her into Gryffindor, she didn’t care about the scolding or the curses she would get from her mother, because she was happy to stay with Sirius – some would say it was just an act of a little child who didn’t want to leave her best friend behind, or a frightened child who didn’t want to be left alone, and they would be right. However, it wasn’t the only right statement, as the act was one of bravery and loyalty, the qualities needed to become a part of the red and gold-coloured house. And Asterin was all of those things; a frightened child with a lot of love for her best friend and a Gryffindor through and through, no matter what she was once forced to believe she was.
Her thoughts were interrupted by a giggle right next to her.
“What’s so important over there?” she snapped her head to her right, seeing the ginger-haired Lily Evans grinning at her. Her smile got wider as the girl pulled her into a tight embrace. She could smell something similar to strawberries in her hair, it brought her a strange feeling of familiarity, safety, something home-like, yet nothing like her own house; it reminded her of the smell of their dorm room and their bathroom after Lily left with freshly washed hair. Only then did she realize how much she missed all of the little things too; it almost made her feel pathetic, missing the smell of shampoo, but it was the truth and it was just about to bring tears to her eyes once again, when she felt someone else hug them both from the left.
“No hugs without me, birdies,” the blonde spoke with her deeper, yet still feminine-sounding voice, tightening their hug with her strong, Quidditch-exercised arms, which only added a bit more to the attractiveness of Marlene McKinnon.
“Or me,” Asterin heard the voice of another one of her dorm mates. She felt her hands wrap around them and gently stroke her hair, which made her smile; after all, it was Dorcas Meadowes and her dreadlocks who inspired her new look and Dorcas knew it too, as she was the one who was once trying to talk her into it.
“Don’t you dare forget me,”  Asterin could smell Mary Macdonald’s signature perfume before she could feel her tight embrace and she laughed, feeling about to be squeezed to death, but not minding it at all.
They all slowly moved to the Gryffindor table and sat down a little further back from their places last year, just as everyone else, so it created seats for the first years in the front. It didn’t last long until the door to the Great Hall opened again, revealing Professor McGonagall and the first years. She scanned the Gryffindor table, her table, eyeing the new Prefects, Remus Lupin and Lily Evans, and giving them a small smile as Sirius whistled at her; the woman didn’t even react as it became his little tradition to confuse the newcomers about two years ago, and just as they all expected, the first years that heard it truly looked confused, giving him weirded out looks or giggling, much to Sirius’s amusement.
It didn’t mark long after that year’s Sorting Ceremony started when Asterin started feeling restless. As much as she enjoyed watching the ceremony all the years before, guessing where the children get sorted based plainly on their appearance and their name (mainly enjoying clapping louder than everyone else together with Sirius when those from strict Slytherin families got sorted anywhere but Slytherin, much to all the older students’ hilarity), she wasn’t particularly interested in being in one room with the whole school; something about it felt a bit too exposing, a bit too unsafe. Everything around her frustrated her; the chatter among her peers, how the Ravenclaw boy a table over bounced his leg nervously, probably awaiting his sibling’s sorting, even Mary’s breathing beside her. Everything around her, every rustle and every sudden move, was beyond bearable and she couldn’t wrap her mind around why; she didn’t feel like herself, her palms were sweaty and she felt like every breath she took wasn’t satisfactory enough. She didn’t know what to do; lay down, walk around, hug someone or perhaps stay completely alone – neither felt right and so she just exhaled the air in her lungs through her closed lips as she twisted a silver ring on her index finger for about the hundredth time that night.
As concentrated as Sirius was on the sorting of a boy named Travers, he looked at Asterin; after all, he had already known the little slug would end up in Slytherin. She didn’t look good, not to him at least; she seemed anxious, which was rather unusual for her and something in him reminded him about their little unspoken deal from the train – they needed to talk. She looked as if she was in a trance, her eyes fixed on one spot on the table in front of her, twisting a silver ring on her finger around. Sirius furrowed his eyebrows, scanning the ring; he had never seen it on her before, also, Asterin had never worn only one ring. It was strange, everything about her was strange. He fixed his eyes on her for long enough for her to notice; she looked up at him and he raised his eyebrows. Asterin felt her heart being squeezed in her chest; his grey eyes were so genuinely concerned it made her want to crawl up somewhere and perish – she didn’t want to worry him, that was the last thing she wanted to do. She bit the inside of her cheek, her eyebrows turning slightly upwards; he hugged her around the shoulders and pulled her closer to him, trying to offer her all the comfort he could in such a public setting.
“You wanna leave?” he asked, to which she quickly shook her head, curling up into his chest, and hugging him around his waist.
“People will talk,” she said, his face forming into a grimace; did she just subconsciously quote her own mother?
“Fuck them then,” he said and he felt her chuckle, or perhaps scoff, he couldn’t really tell, as her face was buried in his shirt, hidden away from the world. He gently stroked her hair, trying to calm her down as best as he could right at that time. Everything felt strange. Asterin, who was usually very confident and didn’t care about what anyone thought about her or her friends, was now curled up in Sirius’s chest, gripping onto him as if he was her only hope for the future, her only safe space. And it broke Sirius’s heart, because he had known her his whole life; he knew her before she found herself, when she was just a little girl who was scared of disappointing her family, he knew what it took for her, for the both of them, really, to start forming her own opinions and dissociating from everything she was taught her whole life, and he knew just how much it would take to destroy it all, to make her feel like this. And it scared him, the fact the whole two months of her silence were a secret for him scared him, but beyond everything, he was afraid no amount of comfort, hugs, pretty words or stupid jokes could help the situation his best friend found herself in.
hiya loves, second chapter's out for you.
i don't see much activity on the first chapter, but i hope you liked it anyways (but y'all did like the ''front page'' of the whole thing, so thank you for that. links to all the chapters are always on the pinned post, aka the ''front page'').
first chapter: here
thank you and let me know how you like this one.
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Happy New Year!!
Thought I would start 2023 off right with a drawing of my Steam Team designs!
Genderbent Edward
Genderbent James
Headcanons as to family relationships and ships below:
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I hope you enjoy it! Please note that these are subject to slight changes.
NWR Number One: Thomas Billinton. The official - and self-proclaimed - face of the North Western Railway. Best friend to Percy, the main engine of the Ffarquhar branch line, and until recently the boyfriend of Liora "Lady" Moran. He is currently in a relationship with Rosie, though he visibly still holds a candle for Liora. Cocky and confident at face value, but highly insecure deep down and far more complex once you get to know him.
NWR Number Two: Lady Edward Stewart-Moran. Married to Zebedee Moran, a harbour tug from Liverpool and Bigg City. Mother to Percy, Liora (Lady), Bill, and Ben. Also has an older daughter, Susannah, and a baby daughter, Eve, who are both tugboats like their father. The "work Mum" for all engines on Sodor, and universally adored. Has a past history of mischief and trickery, which was passed to her youngest sons. The train equivalent of aristocracy, Edward is the rebellious, and sadly only surviving, daughter of the Earl/Count of Cumbria, a title she will inherit. Frequently regarded as one of the most attractive engines on Sodor in spite of her age, even being referred to as a "Milf" by Flying Scotsman.
NWR Number Three: Henry Stanier. The illegitimate half-brother of Gordon and Flying Scotsman, husband to Emily, and ex-husband to James as well as being the father of James's eldest son. Despite causing the breakup of Henry's first marriage, Gordon remains Henry's best friend and is unwittingly a rival of Flying Scotsman because of it. Blighted by ill health, made worse by the end of his marriage to James, Henry is very health conscious and suffers a little from hypochondria, but is now doing well thanks to his new wife, his son with James, and his growing family with Emily. After his last long illness, Henry grew a full beard and moustache, and decided to keep it after being told it suited him.
NWR Number Four: Gordon Gresley. The eldest legitimate son of the famous Gresley family (Henry is the oldest but illegitimate) and the official Express engine for the NWR. Older brother to Flying Scotsman and cousin to Mallard, Spencer, and Ryan. Now married to James, with whom he has always been in love but was too proud to admit until after her marriage to Henry, father of two children and stepfather/half-uncle to James' eldest son. Proud, arrogant, and pompous, Gordon is also capable of almost profound kindness and will always (eventually) own up to his faults, and will move heaven and earth for those he loves. Initially jealous of his more famous younger brother, Flying Scotsman, recent changes in his life have made him realise that perhaps his own life is much happier. Also the only reason Mallard is still in touch with the family. Very proud of his South Yorkshire roots, though he only ever reveals "The Accent" when flustered or angry.
NWR Number Five: James Stanier-Gresley. The original blonde bombshell of the NWR, known for her flamboyant, fast style as much as her splendid red uniform/paint. Wife of Gordon, ex-wife of Henry, and mother of currently three children between them. Her confident, vain persona masks a deep-seated lack of self-worth and terror of being abandoned that resulted in James placing all her value in her, admittedly very beautiful, looks. Although she has always been in love with Gordon, his seeming rejection led her to seek comfort in Henry, with whom she married and had a son. James has no regrets about marrying Henry, who she holds up as a very loving husband right up until their divorce and an exceptional father, she maintains her greatest regret is that she had an affair with Gordon rather than ending her marriage to be with him and keeps Henry's name for her son's sake. Her two children with Gordon have ensured the future of the Gresley line. James is half-Trinidadian through her father, using her memories of his experiences to try and help Nia transition into life on Sodor.
NWR Number Six: Percy Moran. The eldest son of Edward and Zebedee, younger brother of Susannah, older brother to Bill, Ben, and Eve, and twin brother to Liora (Lady), Percy is actually genetically half-tugboat, exhibited by his bulkier physique and is surprisingly strong. He works on the Ffarquhar branch line, handling the goods work, and is the official Sodor Mail train - a role he is obsessively proud of having and takes extremely seriously. Best friends with Thomas, although this is often a surprise to newcomers to Sodor and the UK as the two spend a lot of time insulting one another for fun. This relationship has become a little strained after Thomas dated Percy's sister and almost ended after the relationship ended, but is slowly recovering. After his mother, Percy misses his father the most, causing him to find substitute father figures in Toby and Gator. Next in line to inherit the Earl/Count of Cumbria after Edward, and possibly even less interested in it besides occasionally making jokes referring to his 'future countess.'
NWR Number Twelve: Emily Stanier (nee Stirling). The beautiful Emily is a popular figure on Sodor and the adored older cousin of Donald and Douglas. Emily met Henry without knowing that he was married to James, though the marriage was long dead, only learning about it when the two began divorce proceedings a few weeks into the relationship. Despite the initial shock, she continued with the relationship, eventually marrying Henry and becoming stepmother to his son while having a son of her own later. Luckily enjoys an excellent friendship with James and does not overstep as the stepmother. Often remarked on as being very similar to Edward, Emily has become something of a big sister figure on the NWR and has assumed Edward's role after the former's stepping down. Hardworking and friendly, Emily is also stern and serious when needed, capable of keeping her peppery cousins in line.
NWR Number Eighteen: Nia Kur. Originally from the East African Railway, Kenya, Nia is the youngest and most recognisable member of the NWR. Through her harder upbringing on a struggling railway, Nia is mature from her years. Combined with her early puberty, this makes everyone assume she is in her late teens like Thomas and Percy when she was in fact only eleven when she arrived on Sodor. Since her actual age was discovered, Nia has been mothered by Edward, Emily, and James. Thanks to her better understanding of the cultural struggles, Nia gets on best with James and sees the red engine as an auntie figure. She has a tendency to pick at her nails and fidget when nervous or upset, which is usually the only indication that anything is wrong. Nia has become very friendly with Bill and Ben, who are closest to her in age, despite their initial teasing of her. Nia accepted their unusual offer of friendship and unwittingly caused Bill to develop a crush on her. Nia is cheerful, hardworking, and determined to settle into her new life on Sodor.
NWR Number Twenty-Two: Rebecca Bulleid-Gresley. Rebecca is the newest member of the NWR and the relief Express engine for her Uncle Gordon so he can spend more time with his growing family. This was a surprise to everyone on Sodor when Gordon seemed happy with the idea until it was discovered that Rebecca is Gordon's (and Henry's) niece. Rebecca was the only daughter of Gordon's sister, "pretty" Polly Gresley, who was especially close to Flying Scotsman growing up. Sadly, she died when Rebecca was young. Believing her mother's family had abandoned her, Rebecca was very nervous to reveal her identity to her surviving uncles, not knowing that she had inherited several characteristics of her late mother. With the help of Henry, she has reconnected with her family and has taken on the Gresley name officially.
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horiizonsstuff · 2 years
omg i have doodle compilations. oh my god guys it's been way too long i have brought it back my last,,, doodle post was like,,, in may... this was supposed to be a doodle account >:(
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Anyways I came, I conquered, I slayed. here's your full course buffet.
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most of the doodles are already dumped in discord because i can't seem to shut up so yuh 🤸‍♂️ don't let this flop babes 😘 love u
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theloveliestembrace · 10 months
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 ✧
requests: open!
Many of these will a. take time as I'm still a student, and b. be written based on my preferences
Formula 1
Jujutsu Kaisen
Genshin Impact
Harry Potter
what i do write.
what i don't. (non-exhaustive)
send me an ask, or a dm:)
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alphawolfice1989 · 2 years
Arrowverse siblings with one member part of the LGBTQ community from supergirl
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Kara and alex danvers
Alex danvers is a lesbian
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Jimmy and Kelly
Kelly olsen is a lesbian
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Brainy and his sister
Brainy sister is a lesbian
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Nia and Maeve
Nia is transgender
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tttewolves · 1 month
(Dragon AU anon)
For the Fankid ask game!
James x Nia (Definitely want to hear you take on this one!)
Gordon x Rebecca (This one too!)
Sorry it's not a lot. I'm terrible at coming up with these.😅
James x Nia has three kids! Triplets to be exact, and there’s two girls and a boy!❤️🧡
The oldest is Johari and although she can be sassy and cocky, she does have a soft spot. Although she hates germs, she will defend her friends from anyone. She also LOVES animals like her mother and fashion like her father.
The middle one is Chaka and he’s a very hyperactive and reckless type that gets into trouble. Despite being a naughty kid, he never does anything mean or sinister. All he wants is fun, and he’s the bravest of them all. She pranks others too.
The youngest is Sarafina, and she got blind due to an accident at a very young age. Despite being blind, she can be goofy and does have a big heart, although she is painfully shy around new faces. She’s the most mature of all. She loves singing.
Gordon x Rebecca has two kids! A boy and a girl!💙💛
The oldest is Caleb and he’s a quiet and somewhat a socially awkward child. However, he does take big pride when he achieves something big but isn’t as boastful as his father. He rarely smiles though, and he is mummy’s boy.
The youngest is Melody and she’s the most playful and a loud child. She loves the sing and play games, but she’s quite clumsy and keeps tripping over things. She is insecure about her capabilities, but she gains confidence as time passed.
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monstersteam · 1 month
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James x Nia — requested by @tttewolves
Kind of an oddball pairing in my opinion since they were only seen hanging together once in a BWBA episode and it’s never really been elaborated upon. Though I had this funny concept suggesting that they’d warm up and wreck wild together maybe. Feel free to share how this ship could be expanded on and whatnot
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steam-beasts · 21 days
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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tried making some ttte memes (235)
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queerchaser · 4 months
(n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort.
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Enraged colourist, — but pale ghost;
Misunderstood… — by himself the most;
He cried, sang perfectly false;
—And was a flaw without flaws.
Too Self to stand himself alone,
Dry soul and head drunk with spirit,
Done, unable to get things done,
He died expecting to survive it
And lived, expecting to pass on.
Here lies, — a heart without heart, misplaced,
Too successful, — at having failed.
Tristan Corbière
hello loves.
so here it is, the fanfic as i've promised. i hope you'll like it.
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