#jamie x cersei
luminescent-chorus · 1 year
Sibling complex
Supernatural  / Dexter / Crimson Peak / The Borgias / Wynonna Earp / Ginger Snaps / From dusk till dawn / Sharp Objects / Boondock Saints
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afraid-of-pants · 10 months
Jamie and Cersei Lannister - All Scenes from HBO's Game of Thrones - Part 1 of 8
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Jaime and Brienne separate for the first time
Game of Thrones 3x07 "The Bear and the Maiden Fair"
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
Um, hello there. I just wanted to ask, can you write yandere headcanons of House Lannister? I just read that you can, but if not then I’m sorry and you can skip it anyway. But if you can then it’ll be wonderful
2nd request: ''Hi, umm… I know that you’re probably busy with requests and asks, but um can you write Yandere platonic Lannisters with the Reader? If you can of course'' - send by Anon.
"Hear Me Roar." — House Lannister.
❝ 🦁— lady l: I'm sorry for the delay but I think you're used to it, right? Lol, I really apologize. These last few months have been absolute madness and my grandfather is sick, my father too and everything is out of control. Anyway, I hope you like these headcanons!
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of death by fire, threats and implied murder.
❝🦁pairing: yandere platonic!house lannister x gender neutral!reader.
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None of this was planned or thought through. Just happened. Your introduction to House Lannister just…happened. Some would say you were lucky, others that you were cursed to have to deal with this family, but none of that really mattered. It didn't matter because you're with them and they won't let you.
Contrary to what many people think, your family was already close in the right measure to the Lannisters, your family was from a House Vassal of the Lannisters so you already had a connection, but it wasn't really strong or similar to what it became in the next few years. Your mother was a close friend of Joanna's and both of them shared the pregnancy, you grew up alongside the twins and that was something that solidified the bond between the three of you.
You, Cersei and Jamie were inseparable. Though Tywin was initially apprehensive about this relationship, Joanna eased her husband's concerns by demonstrating how much she adored you too. It was quite common to see the three of you playing together at Casterly Rock for everyone's amusement. The three of you were never apart, and Cersei sulked when she was forced to say goodbye to you. She hated it.
Tywin was never really close to you, it wasn't because he had anything against you or anything, he was just distant. But that all changed when tragedy struck your family and you were forced to flee to the protection of the Lannisters. Your parents had apparently insulted the Mad King and, as a form of punishment, he had given orders to burn your family. You were the only one to survive because you were protected by Tywin and Joanna. They were your family now. Whether you want to or not.
Cersei was over the moon when she heard you were her sibiling now. And Jamie couldn't be happier to finally have you with them, really with them. Joanna didn't mind, she was happy and she really adored you and was quick to refer to you as hers, Tywin tried to be rational and the voice of reason saying you'd just stay with them until everything worked out, but nothing would work out, not after he became as obsessed with you as the rest of your family.
Joanna was a loving and very kind mother, she absolutely adored you and spoiled you in spades. You were allowed to do whatever you wanted and get away with no punishment. She tried to fight her growing obsession, she really tried out of consideration for her late friend but when you called her ''mother'' for the first time, there was no going back. You were hers from that moment on. She loves spending time with you, reading or doing whatever you like.
Tywin was an authoritative figure and that has never changed over the years, he has only the best for you in mind and that's why he is so strict, but he has a soft side that shows only to his wife and you. He tries to be as tough as his wife doesn't even try, but he will always give in to you. Especially if you look at him with tears in your eyes, his heart melts right there and he does what you ask on the spot. Just like Joanna, you can get away with whatever you do because to him you could never do wrong. You were perfect, and anyone who dared to disagree would find it no good to cross Tywin Lannister.
Jamie is the quietest of his family, he is the understanding brother with your feelings and is always there to protect and take care of you. He is the most protective of his family and he is very suspicious of anyone who tries to get too close to you. He will get into fights for you, feeling proud and triumphant when he gets your support during a fight. Jamie adores you so much, you're the closest thing to an understanding brother he's ever had and he'd be damned if he let anyone take you away. You were a Lannister and always would be.
Cersei is the most possessive and greedy of her family, she will do anything to get your attention and will fly into a rage if she doesn't get it. She hates sharing you with anyone other than her and her twin brother. Cersei might even see you as she sees Jamie, as an extension of herself and not really a person. Like a possession. Something that belongs to her and she's not the type to share. She loves spending time with you, talking, gossiping or just enjoying your company.
The whole family was happy, everyone adored you and you adored them. Everything was perfect. Tywin and Joanna were your loving parents and Cersei and Jamie your mischievous and clingy siblings. Everything was perfect like it's never been before. Until Joanna got pregnant again. Everyone was happy about her pregnancy, including you who were longing for a younger sibling. Cersei wasn't really happy about it all, seeing as you seemed to spend more time with mom than with her because of the pregnancy. Jamie had no problem with that, not like her sister, and just enjoyed this period of Joanna's life.
When the day of delivery finally came, it was difficult and painful, you were there the whole time and you saw Joanna Lannister die. Your mother. It was as if your world had collapsed, not just yours, but Tywin and the twins' as well. You welcomed with joy Tyrion, but your father and sibilings did not. They rejected him, treating him like nothing and blaming him for Joanna's death. During the long period of mourning, you were the only company Tywin sought out. You tried to comfort him and seek solace for yourself, you were the only one to witness the Lord of Casterly Rock's vulnerability.
You were Tyrion's only constant companion as he grew up, constantly despised by his family and those around him for being a dwarf, he clung to you more and more. You were the only person who really cared for him, the one who convinced Tywin and Cersei to act with a modicum of decency around Tyrion, at least while you're around.
Tyrion is the most abrasive of his family regarding his obsession with you, he knows very well that his feelings are wrong, to say the least, but he tries to control as much as he can, although he can't help but be so attached to you. He craves your attention and approval as he grows up and even as an adult that hasn't changed. He wants your approval, if he can't get it from his father then he wants his. He is very kind to you, but he is still a Lannister, and may the Seven have mercy on anyone who dares to harm you, for Tyrion would be sure to ruin them utterly.
All Lannisters are obsessed with you in their own way and have their own infighting, Tywin and Cersei want to keep you away from Tyrion as they are sure Tyrion will be your undoing, Jamie is happy to see that you care too about your brother and he makes sure you spend your days with him and Tyrion, much to the chagrin of your father and sister. They all fight each other and wouldn't mind killing each other to have you. But everything changes when there is a threat against you and they all quickly join together to get rid of that threat quickly and painfully. May the Seven forbid anything to happen to you, for you can be sure the whole family would go wild and most likely blame each other.
There are rumors that Tywin supported Robert Baratheon because of a personal revenge, some say it was because of what the Mad King did for your dead family, others say it's because Rhaegar insulted him. Rhaegar insulted him by wanting to take you as his spouse instead of Cersei, and Tywin could not allow that. He would not allow his beloved child to be taken from him. And Cersei agreed with that completely, she didn't want you to marry and leave her, Jamie didn't seem to mind too much but he doesn't like the idea of being taken away from you, as long as you were happy he would be fine. Tyrion is the most selfless and says that if you ever want to marry, he will support you, as long as it is someone he has highly valued. You are a Lannister and therefore you must have only the best and your family will ensure that. They promise you.
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
do you write for cersei and jamie?
can you write cersei and jamie showing their innocent little sister/step-sister pleasure and praising her along the way 💕💕💕
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
“I do not think we should be doing this.” You whimpered out; even as you hardly knew what was wrong the situation still seemed bad for you to do. “Shh, does it not feel good?” Cersei whispered into your ear; her soft, bare body brushing against your own. You could only nod; words were lost to you.
“You want me to feel good too, don’t you?” She locked eyes with you; manipulating her sweet girl so well. “Yes, yes I do..” You whimpered; nodding your head so easily. “My sweet girl.” She purred into your ear. Your hands shyly began to move over her body now; brushing down her arms.
“We will wake him up.” You whimpered out; slowly looking towards Jamie sleeping peacefully beside you. “Why? Are you thinking of being loud?” Cersei couldn’t help but tease you some more. “No, of course not..” You whispered into her ear, hardly knowing what she could be on about.
Cersei only giggled before pressing soft, open mouthed kisses to your neck. Your mouth watering scent moving over her. “It seems your whispering is not so quiet.” The voice of your brother moved through the room. A soft gasp escaped you as you turned to lock eyes with his own sweet ones.
He hummed and began to turn on his side. “Did our sister kidnap you from your bed again?” He couldn’t help but tease. “She did.” You hummed; instantly burrowing into Jamie’s neck as you so sweetly mouthed at him. Cersei’s smirk only widened as she watched you; their training had you melting for them both.
“I was just showing our sweet girl how to touch herself.” Cersei hummed; smirking as Jamie’s interest peaked. The knight raised an eyebrow as his fingers slowly moved through your locks. “Can you show me?” He hummed. He watched in delight as you ducked your head so shyly; a blush easily moving over your cheeks.
“You want to feel like that again, do you not?” Cersei hummed as you whined. The sheets falling from you as you moved to lie on your back. The two of them crowded you as they fought against reaching out to touch. Your whole body shivered at their dark eyes full of desire only placed on you.
They watched as your delicate hands slowly moved down your body; staying clear of those pretty, sweet breasts of yours. They both chuckled whilst greedily watching you. “Such a sweet girl.” Cersei cooed into your ear as you finally gained the courage to slip your hand in between your thighs.
Jamie only burrowed closer; his hardening cock brushing against your side that had your wetness gushing. Your body could only react on instinct, especially the ones they had given you. “Good girl.” He whispered into your ear; the praise coming from him especially had you whimpering. 
You locked eyes with him; your body arching from the sheets as your fingers slipped through your soaked folds. Your body jolts at the swipe of your clit. “Are you wet?” Cersei purred into your ear. You whined and burrowed into Jamie’s neck at her question whilst he only chuckled in amusement. 
“Show us…I’m hungry after you woke me up.” Jamie purred into your ear whilst your fingers moved easily; circling your clit. You blushed brightly at his words as you slowly moved into Cersei to hide from him. Sometimes, you did not know who was worse. Her own soft hands moved to those ample breasts of yours.
Her fingers brushed over your pebbling nipples as you whimpered. Their names easily fall from your mouth a little too loudly. “Do you need something in that pretty little mouth of yours?” Jamie purred. His smirk only widened as he watched you blush madly; completely lost for words as usual.
Jamie slowly moved his own hand to join you. “Poor sweet love..” He hummed, leaning closer to rest his head on your own. You shivered against him as your lips sweetly parted; his eyes following their movements. Your eyes only widened even more when two of his thicker fingers slipped inside your weeping pussy.
“Do you like that?” Cersei purred into your ear; her hot mouth already mouthing at your neck. You whimpered as your head fell to the side; giving her more room as her soft breasts brushed against your back. “He feels so good, I promise.” The lioness continued to purr her delicious words to you.
Jamie’s thumb swiped against your sensitive clit that had you crying out; your soaked walls fluttering around his fingers. “You will have to be quiet, sweet love.” Jamie whispered before leaning close. You whimpered when your lips finally met his. Jamie’s body melted for you as Cersei watched in delight.
Her eyes darkened as she manipulated the situation in front of her. She watched as you both lost yourselves in each other whilst you timidly began to rock against his fingers. “Good girl, so good.” She whispered sweetly into your ear as you whined. You head to lean away from Jamie to catch your breath.
Jamie reached for you in hunger; his fingers moving into your locks and passionately capturing your soft lips once more. Cersei couldn’t stay watching for long as her own hand moved in between your legs. She pinched your clit without warning, which was enough to have you squirting around Jamie’s leisurely thrusting fingers.
“Cersei.” Jamie scolded as he watched you fall apart. His cock only hardened at the mere sight as his fingers still stroked your spongy spot. “I want her fucking delirious with pleasure.” Cersei moaned and watched your body shake. Her dark chuckles echoed in your ear as you whimpered so prettily. 
“How does she feel?” Cersei whispered as her fingers roughly rubbed your clit still. “Tight…so tight and warm…” Jamie mumbled out and she took her opening. “Imagine her around your cock.” She hummed, manipulating him so well as his fingers quickened. A third finger was pushed inside your weeping pussy as you cried out.
“Or her mouth.. “ Cersei hummed. Her wet fingers are moving up to your mouth now to mute you. Her fingers slipped inside and she watched your eyes lock on hers; widening even as you began to suck on them. “Good girl. Our sweet, little one.” She purred and watched Jamie’s pleasure take over him. Oh, how easy he was to play with. Something he shared with you, she thought to herself.
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qyburnsghost · 8 months
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What have you guys done? 🤣
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Bracelet for Cersei Lannister
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jayseadugard · 1 year
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YOU! How come you can see Jamie Lannister as a complex character, but you can’t see the same for Sansa? Jamie literally tried to murder a child and was almost successful. Sansa did act like a “brat” for the first book but she grew up. Not only has she grown up she hasn’t try to murder innocent children. I would say that’s Jamie is also one of my favorite characters but you need to give Sansa a chance. I understand not liking her in show, as they ruined her character in the later four seasons. It’s only fair Sansa be seen as complex character, not just one way or the other.
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captain039 · 2 years
The golden boy
Jamie Lannister x reader
Warnings: ABO, mentions of incest, light angst? Hurt/comfort, swearing, gore, smut, calming bites, heats, age gap, mental issues
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Jamie fucking Lannister, the golden lion, the king slayer, a fucking twat. If you could go back in time and kill his stupidness you would, yet here you were tied up behind him on his horse heading back to his siege camp. You had a piece of cloth around your mouth stopping you from talking and biting his ear or apart of his neck off. You were ready to strangle him.
He stopped in the woods, set up a fire, got out some dried meat and fruits before walking over to you. He knelt, pushed down your muzzle and you glared.
“You need food” he stated.
“Fuck off” you snapped.
To be honest you weren’t entirely sure why you were this angry, you were a rather calm young woman back home. Then again that was back home and not in the jaws of a lion. You were also angry from lack of food so you took what he offered with a grumble, curse and glare. He rolled his eyes and sighed sitting down by you on his bed roll. You awkwardly ate with your tied up hands and huffed when you kept dropping pieces.
“Who taught you to eat? A wolf?” He scoffed and you glared again. He sighed shuffling over and undoing the ropes on your hands. You stared utterly confused.
“I’d rather you eat, besides your scent is awful, it food won’t make you happy nothing will” he scoffed and sat down. You were baffled but ate, he practically let you free, sort of. You wouldn’t be able to kill him, he was bigger than you, stronger and had a sword, gold hand and armour. You were exhausted though, wherever this stupid castle was, was too damn far away. His scent, seven hells to his scent. It’s hard to avoid when you’re practically pressed against his back. He smelt sweet like honey, strange for a man but it was mixed with something you couldn’t place, something woodlands and city.
Night fell and he laid down rather still, you think he actually fell asleep. Your mind jumped into action as you quietly undid you ankle binds. You were going to run, take the horse and run but anger got the best of you, killing a Lannister would get you a name and make you feel better. You snatched his sword and stood above him, but he was awake quick to block your attack. You stared a little panicked but what else did you expect really? Slaughter the king slayer? Have half of Westeros searching to kill you. You cringed before something hit you. Your legs shook your body got warm despite the cold night and you felt sick. You struggled with your body and fell to your knees on top of him. He winced but chucked the sword aside and sat up. You whimpered sounding horribly pathetic. You cursed silently feeling slick dampen your underclothes. His face was confusing to read, too many emotions mixed in his stupid eyes. You went to struggle off him, holding your stomach and shuddering when his flesh hand stopped you.
“Let me go” you muttered seeing the worry in his face, why was he worried? He had no reason to be, you’d be much weaker now, easy prey. You hissed in pain at the cramp in your stomach and curled in on yourself slightly. You felt him shuffle and your head met hard steel on his shoulder. You let out a whimper, the healer at home made it known for you to take the tea every night, be rid of the curse of the omega as she called it. No tea for days means a rather quick nearing heat. You panted harshly, finding it hard to breathe, your clothes too stuffy. You struggled again to get off grumbling in the process when he held you still. You felt tears in your eyes, maybe this was the reason for you immense anger, no damn tea.
His flesh hand hovered above your neck before resting there gently massaging the back of your head as you shook. You tried to shrug him off, but felt yourself relax. Your body sagged like a rag doll, sitting awkwardly against him. You shouldn’t be finding comfort in his touch. His hand left your neck and the noise that left your throat made you red hot with embarrassment. He shuffled around, you realised he was taking his armour off and began to panic.
“Lift your head” he muttered rather softly and you did. He shrugged off his shoulder pads and untied his chest piece before lifting that off too. You shook your head worried but he stopped, hand going back to your neck and resting you in a less hard and cold shoulder. He glanced back and shuffled with you till his back hit the tree and he relaxed his top half. He continued massaging your neck, the feeling making you want to purr like a cat. You fought against instinct though, but you didn’t put up much of a fight. Your hips were rocking, stuttering and you finally growled and pushed yourself off him with a shove. You landed rather ungracefully to the ground, groaning and curling in on yourself. The lion huffed and lifted you up making you smack his arm lightly.
“For gods sake” he muttered.
“Sit still” your whole body listened, the alpha tone settling in your skin. You sat there on his lap, letting him massage your neck.
“Sorry” he muttered and you frowned lifting your head finally.
“The fuck you sorry for” you managed cringing slightly over and he sighed.
“Using the voice on you” he mumbled and you frowned, who the hell was this man? No way in hell was this the same man that kidnapped you.
“There’s a castle near by, I’ll get you there, one of the healers can help” he added.
“Healers can’t do shit” you grumbled lying back on him.
“You’re warm” you mumbled shuffling closer to him, nose by his neck. Your mind was hazy and you couldn’t really think straight. You nosed at his neck, enjoying the honey, woodlands scent. He tilted his head… your mind blanked, stomach churned as your lips pressed against his neck. You mouthed and sucked on the skin of his neck, feeling him shudder only spurred you on. You scraped your teeth sometimes listening to him hiss. Your hips rutted against him, you could feel him hard against you. His hand landed on your hip and you froze Cersei would have your head, your arms, legs, fingers, whatever she could cut off while you were alive. You stumbled off him and went back to your tree, putting the rope back around your ankles and wrists awkwardly.
Next part ->
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angrygirlromero · 11 months
𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬ミ★
⊰ ┆𝗔𝗖𝗧 𝗢𝗡𝗘 ━
settings - dark mode,
front - hoefler text
mature audiences!
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𝗡𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗻 𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀 —
❝𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵❞
BRANDON STARK HAD BEEN DREAMING OF THE SAME GIRL HIS ENTIER LIFE, the same girl who danced under the stars every night, the same dark curls, the same soft lilac eyes, the same tanned skin every time.
Every dream was diffrent, none every once repeating, to winterfell it was no secret that the favorite part of Brandon Stark's day was when he went to sleep, why? many asked, beacuse he saw her...
- ꒰ 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀 ᵎ ִֶָ
𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐳𝐚 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐲𝐞𝐧
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—𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳—
𝐗𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐲𝐞𝐧
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—𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳—
𝐀𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐲𝐞𝐧
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—𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵—
. • • ★
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𝘢 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘦,
𝘢 𝘵𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺
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⊰ ┆ 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘂𝗲 ━ House Satyen
𝗟𝗢𝗡𝗚 𝗕𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗔𝗟 𝗢𝗙 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗧𝗔𝗥𝗚𝗔𝗥𝗬𝗘𝗡 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗕𝗘𝗙𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗩𝗘𝗟𝗔𝗥𝗬𝗢𝗡 𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗗 across the narrow sea, the Satyen family sailed to Westeros from city to town from island to kingdom the family was well known for their riches and their deep connection with sea creatures but most importantly for their dragons.
At the time of their arrival at Westeros the Satyen family stood tall and proud with five adult dragons, three male and two female, touring around the content looking for a place to settle, Xaeolys and Yeleora Satyen had searched for peace and happiness away from their home of Valyria which they believed to be a cursed land, finding best comfort in the sea rather than the heat of Valyria.
Xaeolys and Yeleora Satyen had four children, Yaela, Yaekor, Exthon and little Beatryx Satyen all four children rich with Valyrian blood and title, traveling the world on dragon back alongside their parents.
After years of touring and seeing the world the Satyen family had finally come across an island far north, an island that no one dared to venture to, for it was surrounded by killer sharks and the island was known to be a heavy turtle egg laying area, other than that the four dormant volcanos that rested upon the land was a horror for most.
But to everyone's surprise the family had managed to have their way with the feared island and its creatures, building an empires upon its land.
With the years the kingdom of Satyen Island had been know to be one of the biggest and strongest of all the eight kingdoms.
With the years to carry on their legacy and linage the four children married, their eldest daughter Yaela had wed a prince of the Kingdom of the Baratheons, Yeakor their eldest son had wed a princess of essos, Exthon had chosen a princess of the Vale an Arryn woman, and Beatryx had chosen a boy from the stark Kingdom as her husband from her many suitors.
And so on continued the Satyen bloodline, without trouble for generations to come, so when Aegon the conqueror and his first sister wives had scouted Westeros they had been surprised as to come across another Valyrian family far north with now only two dragons at their side, the conquerors deciding they would involve the family made them a very generous deal if they renounced to their titles as king and queen of their land and bent the knee their very first son would be married to their daughter to keep their blood pure, being outnumbered the family had no other choice but to accept.
For a time it worked the Targaryen's sat upon the iron throne with house Velaryon and Satyen at their side, but with generations to come and the events of the dance of dragons they strayed, the Satyen's retiring to their island preferring to stay out of the Targaryen dynasty, and that decision had keep them alive and at the top of the food chain with their dragons still at their fullest and so was their house.
This game house Satyen would win, in fact they had already won.
Chapter one: https://www.tumblr.com/angrygirlromero/726429456408936448/%E3%83%9F-chapter-one-dreams-of-her-brandon-stark
. • • ★
𝐍𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
WARNINGS! mature themes, possible grammar mistakes, trigger warnings!
Hi! and welcome to northern stars, I'd like to start off by welcome everyone thank you for reading, this is my first book here on tumblr, I’m very excited so please don't forget to like and leave a comment!
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sad-bbyg0bl1n · 2 years
Platonic Yandere Tywin and Targaryen! Reader concept. Tywin and reader meet when he is the hand of the king and a few years before the rebellion while Reader is still quite young. Reader is either Rhaegar's younger sister or his daughter maybe even Viserys' twin. Like maybe they meet because King Aerys likes keep reader close and often brings her every where he goes. Or Reader is normally ignored and left on her own, so she starts to take a liking to Tywin and follows him everywhere. Reader grows closer to not only Tywin but to his family as well. So when the rebellion starts he decides to take Reader to Casterly Rock and disguises her by dyeing her hair and claiming she is a distant relative they adopted. I think it's just an interesting idea, Tywin having to protect someone from a family he sought to Destroy.
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the-wanderer · 2 months
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They came in to the world together, and left this world together
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drymushroomfics · 29 days
Fraye Hill of House Lannister
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Chapter One
   Fraye Hill was basically the ward of Jamie Lannister. On a trip, Jamie had found her as a baby on the side of a gravel road. He could've killed her but something inside of him couldn't do it. He brung her to Casterly Rock before his sister had married King Robert. They all urged him against it but he fought to have her raised with the Lannisters. She remained at Casterly Rock until Joffrey was king.
            She stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the Lannisters; all golden blonde while her hair was black as night. She was raised with privilage even though she was not a Lannister. She loved to read and Tyrion Lannister read to her a lot as a child. They got along well and she knew she could always count on him. Tywin Lannister, on the other hand was a a bit harder to get a long with. Even though he scolded her, he knew how smart she was. She took to any task he put in front of her. She read a lot about war and battle. She was great at battle tactics. She had asked if she could assist in army affairs but he refused. He had stated that ladys do not concern themselves with swords and battle. He had even tried to marry her off when had turned 16 but she refused. He was angry for a while but told her that she had until the age of 19. If she had not married by then, he would see to it that she had to do as he choosed. She had agreed reluctantly. It angered Cersei Lannister. She hated being forced into marriage and she hated even more that Tywin didn't force you right away. Cersei didn't love Robert but she loved her children.  Fraye wasn't liked by Joffrey either. He had always hated her. He called her a rat and said she belonged in the trenches. She never liked him either. He was a spoiled brat who didn't understand who lucky he was. Now that he was king and her 19th name day was approaching, Joffrey would force the worst person upon her. He knew of her agreement to Tywin and the fact that he had promised a celebration for her name day, she knew nothing good would come of it.
             Fraye was known to be devilishly beautiful and had many marriage offers but she refused all. She refused to marry anyone she didn't feel something for. Now that her name day was approaching, she'd have to choose fast. That's where Kingslanding's Guard dog came in. She had seen him as soon as she arrived. He was standing beside Joffrey's throne. They had looked at each other. Something about him intruiged her right away. She wanted to know his story and she was going to find it out.
a/n: This is my first Sandor Clegane fic. I'm using an original female character. There will be themes of rape/non-consent and violence at times. I'm open to suggestions and let me know what you think. Hope you enjoy!
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themotherofblood · 1 year
I hate to break this news to you guys, the series will be going on pause for a little while; I have to hit the books yet again in order for me to go off canon.
I know there is much speculation about if Shae will instigate Tywin to cheat on the reader, or if Tywin will die.
This series will be long term and we’ve barely scratched surface; I promise this won’t be for long, just enough for me to put through a good story line to match the initial plot line I had chosen forY/N, which isn’t just plot armour and dues ex machina.
I adore all the love and support this series is got and hopefully if I’m lucky, you lovely readers would be willing to return to the story when I continue writing it.
For now I will majorly edit whatever is already posted of the series, without making any drastic changes.
I shall leave with one parting message.
The Lion will live
~ Ruie 🤍
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gotincestolympics · 11 months
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belloves · 2 months
guys I had a dream the other night that Sansa somehow escaped when the Stark men were attacked (end of season 1) and somehow Tyrion sent Podrick to get Sansa to her family so they were traveling on the road together—and obv they fall in love and Podrick is a good swordsman. and I woke up and realized that it wouldn’t work out timeline wise but it might work out post-faux marriage.
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