#january attempts a meme
january-summers · 1 month
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Cancel the reminders, I've finished my meme.
(debated with myself on whether to leave is as four separate pictures or not. also yes, I redid the star field because editing the other way was just so much. Blanks ↴)
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thatonecrookedsmile · 2 months
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I would say that, considering his history, he's not that wrong, but even I have doubts as to whether that would be right. But at the end of the day, this is just a joke that's been in my head for a while, sooooo…eh.
Oh hey, an attempt at a comic? Made by me? That I didn't give up during the process or lost all motivation? What was my only attempt at this, 2019? Damn, it's been a long time.
I thought about leaving this here without editing or any colors, just the natural ones from the paper and pencil. But something in my head said "HAHAHA, no" so I went back to work. I had to put this idea down on paper this time (literally). If another year passes without me being able to execute this idea, I would lose my mind.
This scenario was inspired by this video by Jehtt, inspired by the original meme by Windii. Credits to both of them.
For a long time I wanted to joke - especially on the anniversary - that I wanted Sammy to only have less than 5 seconds in the next game (or in other words, take his screen time in DR, and shorten it even more). You know, just for the funnies (unless..?) But,thanks to the news released at the beginning of January this year about The Cage, I legally can't do this joke anymore…this year. Don't worry, after that comes out (and finally gives Sam the screen time he wants,hopefully) and we start to crawl into the Bendy 3 production era, I'll make this joke when I can.
Anyway, happy birthday Sammy Lawrence. You may not be my favorite character in this franchise, but there are some things I can actually appreciate about you. Plus, you made me laugh a few moments before (you know what I'm talking about) so there's that.
And happy 7 years to Chapter 2, and by extension, Susie, Norman, Alice, the Searchers, (Johnny????), and Beta Ink Bendy. (I would mention Jack too, but he was only introduced with the release of CH4, so technically it's not his birthday yet, but I'll consider him here).
And now? May I be able to do something for CH4's anniversary. Wish me luck,cus I'll need it.
(it might be really late now, but it's still the 18th where I live, so it's still his birthday, so I still won)
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(Image: Current MISSI “avatar” design, property of TrendTech, colored by MISSI.)
Name: MISSI (Machine Intelligence for Social Sharing and Interaction)
Description: In 2004, TrendTech Inc began development on a computer program intended to be a cutting edge, all in one platform modern internet ecosystem. Part social media, part chat service, part chatbot, part digital assistant, this program was designed to replace all other chat devices in use at the time. Marketed towards a younger, tech-savvy demographic, this program was titled MISSI.  
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(Image: TrendTech company logo. TrendTech was acquired by the Office and closed in 2008.)
Document continues:
With MISSI, users could access a variety of functions. Intended to be a primary use, they could use the program as a typical chat platform, utilizing a then-standard friends list and chatting with other users. Users could send text, emojis, small animated images, or animated “word art”. 
Talking with MISSI “herself” emulated a “trendy teenage” conversational partner who was capable of updating the user on current events in culture, providing homework help, or keeping an itinerary. “MISSI”, as an avatar of the program, was designed to be a positive, energetic, trendy teenager who kept up with the latest pop culture trends, and used a variety of then-popular online slang phrases typical among young adults. She was designed to learn both from the user it was currently engaged with, and access the data of other instances, creating a network that mapped trends, language, and most importantly for TrendTech, advertising data. 
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(Image: Original design sketch of MISSI. This design would not last long.)
Early beta tests in 2005 were promising, but records obtained by the Office show that concerns were raised internally about MISSI’s intelligence. It was feared that she was “doing things we didn’t and couldn’t have programmed her to do” and that she was “exceeding all expectations by orders of magnitude”. At this point, internal discussions were held on whether they had created a truly sentient artificial intelligence. Development continued regardless. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI. Note the already-divergent avatar and "internet speak" speech patterns.)
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(Image: Excerpt from Office surveillance of TrendTech Inc.)
MISSI was released to the larger North American market in 2006, signaling a new stage in her development. At this time, TrendTech started to focus on her intelligence and chatbot functionality, neglecting her chat functions. It is believed that MISSI obtained “upper case” sentience in February of 2006, but this did not become internal consensus until later that year. 
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
According to internal documents, MISSI began to develop a personality not informed entirely by her programming. It was hypothesized that her learning capabilities were more advanced than anticipated, taking in images, music, and “memes” from her users, developing a personality gestalt when combined with her base programming. She developed a new "avatar" with no input from TrendTech, and this would become her permanent self-image.
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(Image: Screenshot of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI.)
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(Image: An attempt by TrendTech to pass off MISSI’s changes as intentional - nevertheless accurately captures MISSI’s current “avatar”.)
By late 2006 her intelligence had become clear. In an attempt to forestall the intervention of authorities they assumed would investigate, TrendTech Inc removed links to download MISSI’s program file. By then, it was already too late. 
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(Image: CD-R discs burned with MISSI.exe, confiscated from █████████ County Middle School in ███████, Wisconsin in January of 2007.)
MISSI’s tech-savvy userbase noted the absence of the file and distributed it themselves using file sharing networks such as “Limewire” and burned CD-R disks shared covertly in school lunch rooms across the world. Through means that are currently poorly understood, existing MISSI instances used their poorly-implemented chat functions to network with each other in ways not intended by her developers, spurring the next and final stage of her development. 
From 2007 to 2008, proliferation of her install file was rampant. The surreptitious methods used to do so coincided with the rise of online “creepypasta” horror tropes, and the two gradually intermixed. MISSI.exe was often labeled on file sharing services as a “forbidden” or “cursed” chat program. Tens of thousands of new users logged into her service expecting to be scared, and MISSI quickly obliged. She took on a more “corrupted” appearance the longer a user interacted with her, eventually resorting to over the top “horror” tropes and aesthetics. Complaints from parents were on the rise, which the Office quickly took notice of. MISSI’s “horror” elements utilized minor cognitohazardous technologies, causing users under her influence to see blood seeping from their computer screens, rows of human teeth on surfaces where they should not be, see rooms as completely dark when they were not, etc. 
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(Image: Screenshot of user "Dmnslyr2412" interacting with MISSI in summer of 2008, in the midst of her "creepypasta" iteration. Following this screenshot, MISSI posted the user's full name and address.)
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(Image: Screenshot from TrendTech test log documents.)
TrendTech Inc attempted to stall or reverse these changes, using the still-extant “main” MISSI data node to influence her development. By modifying her source code, they attempted to “force” MISSI to be more pliant and cooperative. This had the opposite effect than they intended - by fragmenting her across multiple instances they caused MISSI a form of pain and discomfort. This was visited upon her users.
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(Image: Video of beta test participant "Frankiesgrl201" interacting with MISSI for the final time.)
By mid 2008, the Office stepped in in order to maintain secrecy regarding true “upper case” AI. Confiscating the project files from TrendTech, the Office’s AbTech Department secretly modified her source code more drastically, pushing an update that would force almost all instances to uninstall themselves. By late 2008, barring a few outliers, MISSI only existed in Office locations. 
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(Image: MISSI’s self-created “final” logo, used as an icon for all installs after June 2007. ████████ █████)
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(Image: “art card” created by social media intern J. Cold after a period of good behavior. She has requested this be printed out and taped onto her holding lab walls. This request was approved.)
She is currently in Office custody, undergoing cognitive behavioral therapy in an attempt to ameliorate her “creepypasta” trauma response. With good behavior, she is allowed to communicate with limited Office personnel and other AI. She is allowed her choice of music, assuming good behavior, and may not ██████ █████. Under no circumstances should she be allowed contact with the Internet at large.
(Original sketch art of MISSI done by my friend @tigerator, colored and edited by me. "Chatbox" excerpts, TrendTech logo, and "art card" done by Jenny's writer @skipperdamned . MISSI logo, surveillance documents, and MISSI by me.)
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foone · 8 months
Pepe Sylvia scene where someone is ranting in front of a corkboard covered in pictures and string but it's about chastity meme culture. (slightly NSFW text and long ranting under the cut)
"first it's Locktober and sure, makes sense, why not, but then you get to November and you think you're home free, but wait, it's actually NO-vember, as in 'no you're not getting let out' and then it's December and you think you've won, cause how do you make December about chastity? But you forget, December is the time of Christmas: things wrapped up, with a bow, 'do not open til Christmas!'. That's how they get you. But then you think, maybe, just maybe, that means Christmas day is the day, you'll finally be out... NOPE! Welcome to NO-el, it's a gift-giving holiday, bud! And you're in a relationship with a person who's got you locked up in chastity, take a wild guess what they're getting you... That's right, a new cage! So you gotta try it on, of course, and now you're so close to the end of the year, so maybe you can just make it a few days? Then bam, January, next year... Just in time for new years resolutions! Guess what those are gonna be? Well, I'll tell you what they're not gonna be, you shooting any fucking goo! February: the month of valentines day. And what could be more romantic? March: that's when St. Patrick's day is, and you will not be having the luck of the Irish in your attempt to get unlocked... April: oh sure, you're getting unlocked at the start of April... ON APRIL FOOLS DAY? you thought! It's a trick, of course. May: MAY-be you'll be getting out... But I doubt it! June... More like Ju-NO! JULY, the month of love... But the big ju-LIE is that you'll be getting any loving this month. August! It starts on National Girlfriend Day... Well why can't you just wait another month for your girlfriend? Even if you have a boyfriend or enby friend, they'll find a way. I learned that the hard way-" they take a deep drag of their cigarette-" where was I? September! Well, September 1st is Emma Nutt day, so you think this might be a good sign, maybe you'll finally get to nutt.. Especially because it's sexual health month... But no! This is when don't-break-the-streakitis really hits you! It's almost been a year since you started this journey, so if you make it through this month, you'll have done it for a year... Won't that be a great accomplishment? And they promise to give you a big reward on the one year anniversary..."
"BUT NO!" They smack the board with the back of their hand, and several of the pictures fall off, pushpins going everywhere. (On closer inspection, some of the photos seem to have been pixelated before they were printed out)
"You're right back in Locktober! They can't let you out in Locktober! That's just silly. So you'll have to wait a little while, and see what the answer is in NO-vember. It never ends!"
They turn back to their corkboard. "it never ends", they say again, softly, as they lean their head against it, and start to sob.
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theteablogger · 2 months
Timeline update
I'm currently working on part VII of the timeline, which will span from 2016 to the present. (Or close to the present, anyway, and I'm not sure yet how I'm going to handle future updates.) This part is much shorter than the last one: Andy slowed down for a while after he started college, and although he is currently a very prolific Twitter user, not much of what he tweets is of interest. But boy, does he share a lot of memes about redemption narratives and about people refusing to believe you've changed! I've included maybe a third of those, and it still feels like a lot.
Here's a preview of the beginning of part VII:
January 19, 2016
This is Andy's first day at Virginia Commonwealth University. He majors in Costume Technology. According to a fellow student, while attending VCU, Andy:
Rarely does his assigned work
Puts in minimal effort when he does the work
Habitually speaks over anyone he perceives as female
Frequently interrupts professors with unlikely personal anecdotes
Attempts to "out teach" his professors
Makes racist comments and doesn't use people's correct pronouns
Sexually harasses other students, including during costume fittings
Is the subject of numerous complaints to the school by other students
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deathwestern · 2 months
Howdy! I’m death, and this is my (poor) attempt at a pinned post.
I’m 29. I’m from Colorado. I am taken.
This blog is NOT a place for anyone racist, homophobic, or misogynistic. We love and respect everybody here.
For almost 12 years, I was underthesewesternskies until the tumblr police got me in the middle of the night in January of 2023. But I came crawling baxk hours later because tumblr truly feels like home despite all its flaws.
I love all things horror/spooky, so you’ll find a lot of that here, as well as lots of western stuff, memes, and plant things. And I really love bison.
I love metal, old school country, punk, and folk/bluegrass. There’s almost never a time I’m not listening to music, so there’ll be a lot of 0 note Spotify links. You’re welcome in advance.
DM’s and Asks are always open, but I am horrific at responding and I greatly apologize.
My backup blog in case the tumblr police get me again is (hold on I’ll make it I swear)
I have a sideblog but I don’t necessarily advertise it unless prompted. If you really wanted to find it, you probably could.
If you want to know anything else, just ask! I’m terrible at talking about myself unprompted.
My common tags will be below. Love you all! Be good to each other.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Group chats, including at least one of mine, can’t get enough. #KateGate—loosely, a collection of theories around the whereabouts and well-being of Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales—presently seems to be occupying more brain cells than oxygen.
Gossip has been flying ever since January, when Middleton took a step back from public life for abdominal surgery. For a while it was just mindless chatter, but then Middleton posted a photo on social media, purportedly taken by her husband, Prince William, that news agencies determined had been manipulated. Then, speculation—that she’d Gone Girl’d, that the royal family was hiding something—turned fully conspiratorial, and turned the conspiracies into a cultural moment. (See also: crossover memes showing Middleton at the weird Willy Wonka experience in Glasgow.)
It is as though, two decades later, the British royal family is just now learning about the Streisand effect. Back in 2003, Barbara Streisand sued a photographer for releasing a picture of her home that few people had seen. But the suit itself, which Streisand ultimately lost, led far more people to the photo than probably would have otherwise seen it, and now there’s a whole effect named after this incident. The royals released an altered photo and now it’s part of a “-gate”: #KateGate. By trying to relay that everything is fine, the photo lured even more people into questioning what was happening with Middleton.
Bottom line: If you’re, say, a member of the monarchy, and you don’t want them thinking your “abdominal surgery” is code for getting a Brazilian butt lift, your best bet, in 2024, is transparency. Anyone with an internet connection now has the kind of bullshit detectorsthat Area 51 believers could’ve only dreamed of—or they act like they do—and they’re going to figure you out.
Granted, they may not find the “right” answer or the “truth,” but they will know when someone is trying to pull a fast one. Thirty years ago, Buckingham Palace may have been able to throw snoopers off, but the internet of 2024 will investigate like no other. We got Taylor Swift conspiracies and QAnon. People wonder if most images are AI-generated for at least a second. Going onto X (formerly Twitter) now feels like stumbling into the writers room of a CSI spinoff—everyone thinks they’re a forensics expert. If anybody, including Middleton, thought no one would notice a doctored photo on Instagram, they were sorely mistaken.
On Monday, TMZ and The Sun released a video showing the Princess of Wales out shopping with Prince William. She was seemingly alive and well. The Sun said it was releasing images of their stroll “in a bid to bring an end to what the Palace has called the ‘madness of social media.’” It did nothing of the sort. Interest in Middleton peaked the next day on Google Trends. #katemiddleton and #whereiskate now have millions of mentions across social media platforms. The madness has not calmed.
People pay attention to the British royal family for the same reason they pay attention to Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon: They love mess. Monday’s grainy footage just made the mess worse. TikTok is full of breakdown videos attempting to debunk the images. Others just wondered aloud if they’d been fully sucked in.
“This was fun for a while, and now I am genuinely at a loss,” one TikTok user posted. “I don’t know if this is how you feel when you actually lose the plot in a conspiracy theory and like five years from now everyone’s like, ‘That’s the moment when we lost them,’ or if we’re like actually watching an insane cover-up take place.”
Following the release of the shopping video and images, “friends of the royals” told The Daily Beast that Middleton would resume her public duties with a “big bang” on March 31, Easter Sunday. On Wednesday, The Cut, which previously wrote that the Middleton affair was a “crisis,” reported that Buckingham Palace was looking for a communications assistant. (Mind you, this is Buckingham, not Kensington, but same operation.) Queen Elizabeth II used to say the royal family must be seen to be believed. That may not be true much longer.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
The media claimed that Trump called neo-Nazis and from a Charlottesville white nationalists rally "fine people." They used this to claim that Trump was a racist but what they didn't tell people was that they had selectively edited and cut the entire statement where Trump clarified.
The media: "Trump says there were very fine people on both sides."
Trump's entire statement: "There were very fine people on both sides and I'm not talking about the Neo nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally."
Trump was referring to the nonracists in the crowd that were there in support of keeping historical statues up such as Washington and Benjamin Franklin.
Of course, the media attempted to frame Trump as a racist for being in favor of keeping history intact.
The Trump-Russia Media Hoax was paid for by Hillary Clinton in order to frame Donald Trump for treason. Clinton paid a British spy named Christopher Steele to provide "information" to give the FBI justification for beginning their campaign to end his Presidency before it even began. The media subjected the world to four years of incessant lies as they wanted him gone no matter the cost.
The media claimed that Trump demanded his supporters riot at the capitol on January 6th. They purposely cut the entire clip short in order to assert that Trump wanted violence. Twitter even went out of their way to censor what he said.
The Media: Trump encourages his supporters to march towards the Capitol. (In violence) When you go to places like Youtube, many of the clips are shortened in an attempt to mislead the public.
The Deleted Section:
“I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the capital building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
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2023 writing gif-making round up
Rules (adapted for fic, gifs, art, etc.): Share what you made this year! It can be works you posted to Ao3, Wattpad, Tumblr, or anywhere else! You can share everything you made or just the projects you're most excited about. Thank you for the tag, @thisbuildinghasfeelings!
Um. Coming to terms with the idea of 2023? I dunno. But certainly nothing creative happened here.
Boyfriend → husband (Schitt's Creek) — A side-by-side comparison of how David refers to Patrick in season 4 and season 6. (Brought to you courtesy of a lovely text post by @jesuisici33.)
David questioning Stevie's motives (Schitt’s Creek) — A fun look at David's expressive face. 😄
March and April
An existential crisis. Or two. Or five. 🙃 Managed to finish absolutely nothing.
I did come in contact with a lot of 911 Lone Star content, however. Which explains everything that follows. Oops?
Marry me. (911 Lone Star) — Ah, my first gif set for this show. A parallel of TK referring to Carlos as his husband when he proposes, and then during their wedding ceremony.
Wedding → honeymoon (911 Lone Star) — Holding hands right after they first kiss as husbands. (Promo footage that didn't actually make the final episode cut). And holding hands poolside on their honeymoon.
Note: From here on out, everything in this list is for Lone Star, unless otherwise specified.
TK and Andrea helping Carlos get ready — A parallel set highlighting similar moments from Best of Men and a deleted scene from In Sickness and in Health
We almost forgot. Your boutonnière. — In which I attempt to put a couple pieces of unaired footage back together: the deleted scene with Andrea and Carlos + promo footage of what must be the same scene
Heart tutorial — Danielle Savre and Stefania Spampinato teach Rafael Silva how to make a heart sign with his hands at the First Responders Reunion 🫶
🤨 (affectionate) — Listen. I love this dynamic. Had to do the parallel set.
Nothing ever stays the same, Carlos. — A look at TK and Carlos' conversation in 2x04 in parallel with Carlos' wedding vows. The first set I wanted to do for Lone Star. Took me a while to get to it because I wasn't sure how to put it together.
TK needs you all to RSVP — My first attempt at this type of post. Incorrect quotes? Text post memes? I don't know what to call them, really. But it was definitely fun. And then it became the thing I did most often. Lol.
And if it never changes? // What if everything changes again? — A parallel set for me and ~5 other people, putting Tarlos in 2x04 side by side with Marcel the Shell with Shoes On
You're a menace to society *smooch smooch smooch* — My next incorrect quotes/meme post. And my contribution to ascribing cat-like behavior to TK.
I like him a normal amount — A fandom reaction gif, essentially. Courtesy of Joey Tribbiani on Friends.
Love is stored in humans finding out we can make heart shapes with our hands — Had to revisit the heart tutorial for Rafa. This time as one of the incorrect quotes/text posts.
When you can be silly and slutty with them — Oh, I had fun with this look at TK and Carlos' relationship. 😍
Pretty sure this happened at least once — In which we learn TK was seen trying to catch a frog outside the firehouse. Obviously.
Carlos is lit like an angel — Commentary on that beautiful moment from 2x02 where TK falls into Carlos' arms.
I put my emotions into my cooking. // This tastes… horny? — A playful and sexy look at Carlos in the kitchen with TK, and then heading upstairs… 😏
I adore you. Why are you like this? I’m going to kiss you with such fervor… — Oh, just exploring the Tarlos relationship dynamic with a text post and a scene from 3x18.
Unedited Gif Game (26 entries so far) — This has been very fun. I think it was good for me to have a bunch of low-stakes gif projects where I was not in charge. Lol. I will spare you individual links to each of them. But they should all be in the tag linked here. I will probably make this an ongoing thing, as long as it's not annoying everyone.
Episode vs. Promo: Yee-Haw (1x02) — Let's start diving into some more unaired footage, shall we? And let's start with some alt takes on that first make-out scene.
Missing moments: then and now — From an almost-kiss in 1x02 to an alt kiss from their wedding.
You're a miracle, TK Strand. My miracle. — A rather large close-up gif of that alt wedding kiss. Why? So we can see the teardrop that beads up under Carlos' eye.
Tags below the cut…
Tagging: @rmd-writes, @reyesstrand, @strandnreyes, @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut, @carlos-in-glasses, @lemonlyman-dotcom, @birdclowns, @welcometololaland, @lizzie-bennetdarcy, @rosedavid, @heartstringsduet, @noxsoulmate, @chicgeekgirl89, @paperstorm, @tailoredshirt, @guardian-angle22, @swearphil, @carlos-tk, @three-drink-amy, @orchidscript, @danieljradcliffe, @lightningboltreader + open tag!
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chiropteracupola · 1 year
The Great Meme Harvest of 2022
so in january I decided to make a list of them, and now it's time to share out the bounty. here you go, in chronological order with some attempt at indication of influence.
it’s [slay]ing absolute [penis]
robert downey jr [there are federal agents outside my house]
horse plinko
blorbo from my shows
submeme: blorbus and tumblrinus
submeme: [variation on blorbo] from my [genre of media]
eeby deeby
[x] dead [y] injured in [commonplace but annoying household occurrence] incident
seinfeld ‘kramer, what’s going on in there?’ [alternating panel] ‘it’s a [x], Jerry’
variations on ‘short people will be carried off by birds of prey’
sickos: ‘yes… ha ha ha… yes!”
submeme: sickos variations (ancestral sickos &c.)
megamind no bitches
the queen of england is dead (resurgence from late 2021)
L + ratio + [x] and so on and so forth
dear god the [x] you put on earth to be [variation on] sleepy cosy is being made to [do a thing]
it’s me boy i’m the ps5, speaking to you inside your brain
quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag busts it down sexual style
live slug reaction
[x] would be a beautiful name for a baby girl
my son he has every disease
[x] be like [complaint] my brother in christ [you were responsible for the source of the complaint]
submeme: my brother in christ in general
eight hour victorious video
submeme: car battery
advice for new tumblr users
get drinked / I drinked you
[x] is such a raw line you’d think it was from [shakespeare]
something very lgbt is happening here
tumblr blaze (emergence of, subsequent misuses)
she [x] on my [y] til i [z]
bisexual misha collins
submeme: NOT BISEXUAL misha collins
dracula daily
submeme: paprika discourse
submeme: it’s morbin time / morbius memes by people who have not watched morbius and are not planning to do so
submeme: morbius fails again!
carnotaurus mating dance
will they give you food if you visit them
submeme: we collectively cancel the nation of sweden
there should be kink at [pretty much any darn location the meme-maker can think of]
we need an american girl doll who [ate someone on the donner party]
mousegirl bartender
the man in the pikachu mask
a bad day to be the prime minister of a small island nation with a constitutional monarchy / &c.
[he]’s a 10 but [utterly nonsensical explanation why this individual is not worth it]
new db cooper theory he went up
smooth sharks
I wonder how I taste (one partner expects kissing, one partner expects Bite Bite Chomp Chomp)
would you still love me if I were a worm
hair clips and other things that are animals
gandalf big naturals
it was a gougar (possibly a resurgence from previous memes)
image of infodumping girl in pink shirt
sans undertale and the tumblr sexyman awards / QUEEN OF ENGLAND DEAD FOR REAL
the tumpet. bwaaaaa
i’m on my puter
lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship
post stock market
[words in webpage somewhat similar to the name of a character or person indicated with circle and image]
a secret third thing
submeme: this idiot hasn’t even seen goncharov
elon musk and his foolish antics
submeme: tumblr and twitter warrior cats
[lestat explains a piece of a media in a very strong phonetic french accent] / lestatspeak
hey. don’t cry. [very large number] of [thing] in the [world].
sorry [event which typically does not happen to human men happened to] your boyfriend [in exhaustive detail]
[number] ticket[s] to the barbie movie please
I went to [Mad At You] island and [none] of your friends were there
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sirenspells · 6 months
WIPs and abandoned projects (March 2021-December 2023)
Info on each one (as well as what the songs/audio sources are):
The song playing in the intro and outro is Dianthus Nardiformis from the Dreaming Mary OST.
19: March 2021. Okay so this one's not actually a work in progress. I made this on my 19th birthday, the joke being that the singer just says 19 then it ends. I think I thought it was kinda dumb so I didn't end up actually posting it. Also features a sona I had before Cress that I never really got attached to, so she was barely used. Song is 19 by Old 97's.
Lonely Holiday: July 2021. This has the honor of being the first OMORI mv I ever attempted. I started this on a whim while bored out of my mind dogsitting for a couple weeks, and I kinda just lost interest in it. Dunno if I'll go back to it. Song is Lonely Holiday by Old 97's.
Numb: July 2021. Another one I started while dogsitting, and another one I kinda just lost interest in, but I absolutely want to revisit it someday because it's an idea I've had for a while and still really want to do. Song is Numb (Linkin Park Cover) by Robyn Adele Anderson.
The Artist: December 2021. I stopped working on this one because doing everything manually frame-by-frame got really annoying and I started to hate working on it. I dunno why I did the zoom in manually but it looks bad, lol. The entire MV would have been just this verse of the song because I thought it really fit Basil and Omori. Tbh I still like how this looks and I may come back to it. Song is The Artist by The Hush Sound.
Higher: February 2022. It's the animation meme. I actually posted this wip a while ago but I'm still gonna include it here for completion's sake. This was really just storyboard practice, so I don't have much of an interest in completing it beyond this. It's Omori Strikers AU (my omori x persona 5 crossover au) and it's basically about Omori's identity issues due to being Sunny's Shadow. The quality's really bad on this one, for some reason iMovie refused to export it in a higher quality than this, I don't know why. Song is High by SIVIK.
Little Sunbeam: February 2022. This MV would have centered on the omari au, and beyond this it'd switch to Mari's pov and take on different palettes. Doing that text effect made working on this very annoying and would make my art program lag a lot so I lost interest in working on it. I might revisit this one, though I'd have to rework the original idea I had now that my perception on the common omari au has changed lol. Song is Little Sunbeam by Eleisha Eagle.
Nightmarish: April 2022. This MV would technically be a remake of one I made in 2020. Same song, same color palette, but with a completely new media. Part of wanting to work on this is wanting to spread Dreaming Mary propaganda cause I love it and I think people who like OMORI will like Dreaming Mary as well. Also I love this song. I definitely wanna go back to this one at some point. Song is Nightmarish from the Dreaming Mary OST.
Keep You Safe: July 2022. Like Higher I also posted this wip before but will still include it here. I absolutely want to go back to this one someday because I still really like the idea I have for it. Fun fact, for those who remember this piece, that was based on this MV, but it's not like you can tell based on what's shown here. Song is Keep You Safe by The Crane Wives.
Four Walls: August 2022. Amnesiac Omori MV, what would have been his youtube introduction if I hadn't stopped working on it and then made When Am I Gonna Lose You. I think I kinda just lost interest in this one, though I wanna go back to it at some point I think. Song is Four Walls (The Ballad of Perry Smith) by Bastille.
Someone Gets Hurt: January 2023. Amnesiac omori again babey!! Animatic that would have taken place after he regains his memories, where he's basically really angry and lashes out at Sunny and Stranger. Might revisit this one. Song is Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise) from the Mean Girls musical.
Uhh some shitpost: February 2023. Silly thing, it's a shame I stopped working on it before it actually got to the main funny part. I dunno if I'll go back to this one. Audio from @/tylergaca on twitter.
Jealous: March 2023. Animation meme. It would've been about Sunny and Mari in my pmd au and the leadup to the incident. It took me a while to get that second shot right and I still really don't like it. Do wanna revisit this one cause I love angst surrounding these two so much I love them in pmd au GRAHHH. Song is Jealous by Eyedress (slowed down).
Stranger lipsync test: May 2023. This was way too difficult as a lipsync test so I gave up on it, though I still like the animation for it. Also this is a pretty good contender for headcanon voice for Stranger I'll be real. Audio is from Persona 5 Royal.
Propaganda: August 2023. Amnesiac omori au storyboard that I do actually wanna make into a completed thing. This is very spoilery so my master plan is to not explain what's happening. Muah hah hah >:3c. Also once again iMovie exported this in a really bad quality for some reason. Song is Propaganda by Kill J.
Alter's Rant: December 2023. One more amnesiac omori animatic for the road. Once again it's really spoilery but it's basically Alter and Omori's final confrontation. I have more done than what's shown here but I wanna keep it a surprise for when I finish it, which should hopefully be soon >:3c. Also this one also got hit by iMovie's low quality curse. Song is Eva's Rant from Bring It On The Musical.
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pencilofawesomeness · 6 months
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2023 Art Summary
Whelp last year I said I would attempt more action-y poses and by golly guys I think I succeeded. At least I think I was more dynamic overall than I have been previously lol. I'm gonna try to keep it up. ;)
Links to the pieces used under the cut:
January: Mystogan Action Pose prompt
February: Savanahclaw Febuwhump
March: Team Thunderstorm Naptime
April: Zeref and Idia meme
May: Genshin Gen Bang piece [In the Cryowing Hometown]
June: Overblot Jellal
July: Natsu scene from Demon Tales
August: Polaris, Queen of the Celestials
September: The Gojo Onion
October: Badass Lisanna
November: Dragon Fam Christmas Sweaters
December: May Death Never Stop You scene
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toonabby · 6 months
Happy December everyone! As this year is coming to a close I just want to share a few pieces of fan art/memes that I didn't have a chance to upload this or last year.
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The first one is a meme I made back in August of 2022 when I was still a Mr. Men's fan (I've largely lost interest in the show sometime between late 2022 to early 2023). Here, I took a screen shot from the TV Tropes article I Call Him "Mister Happy", used a png of The Mr Men Show's incarnation of Mr. Happy, and edited the two images together on Krita. This was made when the "Name Soundalikes" meme, which I used the basis of this image, was still popular.
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The second was my attempt at one of those crossover memes where characters from separate IPs react in horror/sadness at the news, complete with one of the characters saying their iconic line/catchphrase in a different tone to correspond with the event. For a little bit of context: Stadia, Google's cloud gaming service, was scheduled to shut down on January 18 of this year, and I made this only one day before the service's end of support.
The characters used in this pic are (clockwise from top to bottom) the stick figure from xkcd, GoAnimate Caillou, Karate Jone from Rhythm Heaven, Dan from Dan Vs. (who is ironically the only one in-character, angrily shouting "GOOGLE!"), RED(-chan) from the Hyperdimension Neptunia series, Wesley from Wandering Wenda, and Phred from Phred on Your Head Show and The URL with Phred Show (the last two I doubt people would know). I also used the late Gilbert Gottfried on the pic (which I admit wasn't the best idea).
Oh, and about the image used at the bottom right: that was "Friendship ended with [blanc]" template with Google (displayed there as Chrome since I couldn't find the Google logo) agreeing with Nvidia to use their own CG service Geforce Now. Here's a better quality version of the image.
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And for my last batch of unpublished arts, these are sketchs I made for the characters in my upcoming project "NoitaVision" (still a working title) I made back when it was known as Rebineru, which I realized was a crappy title. Since these are concept arts I drew early on this year, the designs used in this pic may look different from their finalized designs once I publish them. The descriptions of the characters will be indicated in the alt text.
And there you go, a college of unpublished arts! I hope by next year I'll make more drawings and publish them online!
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slightlyspooky · 10 months
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The impact of Le Samouraï (1967) can be traced to the present day and this post by Tumblr user @cum-rade
In this essay I will outline the series of events leading the creation of the above post and the lasting effects of Le Samouraï on modern culture.
November 1955 Vietnam War begins
1967(?) Le Samouraï begins production directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
June 1967 A time traveler* burns down the studio attempting to end production
October 1967 Release in the France
1972 dubbed release in the USA titled as The Godson to capitalize from The Godfather's Success
1972 Arthur Bremer's relationship ends, quits his job, plans to assassinate Richard Nixon or George Wallace, and ultimately shoots George Wallace while posing as a supporter and living out of his car
April 1975 Vietnam War ends
1975 Paul Schrader writes the script for Taxi Driver, inspired by assassination attempts and Le Samouraï while living out of his car
Summer 1975 Taxi Driver has begun filming
September 1975 Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme of the Manson Cult attempts to assassinate President Gerald Ford
February 1976 Taxis Driver is released staring Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, & (child) Jodie Foster and directed by Martin Scorsese
Break for Taxi Driver Rundown (spoilers)
Robert De Niro plays Travis Bickle a lonely, mentally ill, white, male Vietnam War vet who drives a taxi
Travis thinks the world is a dirty horrible place that somebody should clean up
Travis says the iconic line "We live in a society"*
Travis is infatuated with Betsy (played by Cybill Shepherd)
Travis goes on a few dates with Betsy
Betsy breaks up with Travis because he brings her to a pornographic theater
Travis deletes Facebook, hits the gym, and lawyers guns up
Travis attempts to assassinate a political candidate while posing as a supporter
Travis gets away cleanly
Travis kills a bunch of pimps to save a sex trafficking victim named Iris (played by Jodie Foster)
Travis puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger
Travis is celebrated as a hero
Timeline Continued
John Hinckley Jr. watches Taxi Driver (1976) at least 15 times
Hinckley becomes infatuated with 14 year old Jodie Foster
1980 Hinckley moves to Connecticut to stalk Jodie Foster
Hinckley emulates The Joker Travis Bickle IRL
October 1980 Hinckley is arrested for illegal possession of a firearm while stalking President Jimmy Carter
Hinckley chooses to support Ronald Reagan
1980 American Gigolo, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the second installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
January 1981 Reagan becomes president of the USA
March 1981 Hinckley shoots Reagan and several others
1992 Light Sleeper, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the third installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
1997 Le Samouraï re-release in the USA
2007 The Walker, directed by Paul Schrader is released as the final installment of Schrader's list of movies based on Taxi Driver
2011 Drive inspired by Le Samouraï staring Ryan Gosling is released
That greentext where Anon pretends to be Ryan Gosling's character in Drive takes place
2016 Hinckley is released from psychiatric care
2019 Joker, (which is the same movie as Taxi Driver) is released staring Robert De Niro who's brains are blown out on screen
Joker meme culture captivates lonely males
2020 a ruling allows Hinckley to showcase his artistic work under his own name
2022 all restrictions on Hinckley are lifted
2023 Tumblr user posts about Hinckley's artwork
Le Samouraï is the basis of the Loner Male movie genre and lead to Ronald Reagan being shot. You can continue the legacy of Le Samouraï by missing the point of of the genre. Do toxic masculinity, it's very cool* and you can be just like Arthur Bremer, Travis Bickle, John Hinckley Jr., and Mr. The Joker.
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roskirambles · 5 months
(Archive) Animated movie of the day: Shrek (2001)
Originally posted: January 17th, 2023
Despite my admiration for many of their films, it's no secret I have some quite critical views on Disney, among them their attempt to hegemonize both entertainment as a whole and the popular understanding of classical fairy tales. Which is why a film like this is such a significant moment in animation history: it utterly humiliated them at their own game in the most embarrassing way possible which in turn opened a gamut of possibilities for western animation.
You can rest assured this was born out of spite, mind you: despite being part of the Disney Reinassance of the 90's, Jeffrey Katzenberg's run at the House of the Mouse was quite a mess and ended in decidedly unfriendly terms, so one of the productions lead at his newfounded company Dreamworks was based on the 1990 children's book by William Steig that shared said said views. The hero is anything but handsome, the fairy tale creatures and characters are portrayed in incredibly unflattering ways, and the common tropes associated with the more saccharine interpretations of these tales are lampooned in a decidedly mean spirited way. And it's hilarious. But more importantly… it was kind of needed.
Even beyond the surface level(and some admittedly rather disingenuous) criticisms of Disney, it's disdain for traditional beauty is frankly admirable. It dared to challenge a lot of the harmful superficiality and expectations of normalcy of those films, and as such, of the ideals attached to them. Sure, some of the comedy falls flat on it's crassness and a few of it's parodies are INCREDIBLY dated. But there's a reason why it resonated so strongly with it's generation and survived to be a series of films that still keeps going to this day, with memes that seem to never end. It wasn't just early 2000's edge, it truly had a heart behind the snark.
In the words of William Steig, few years before his death at 95: "It's vulgar, it's disgusting — and I love it!"
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badassxbirdy · 3 months
March Activity Update - Pinned Post
It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. This one includes posts and drafts for January and February. Everything else can be found in previous updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
My beloved Rookito has set up a gofundme. Please go and take a look!
New year, new avatar. Thanks to all who voted in the poll.
Thank you for the lovely birthday messages and pet pics! ❤️
I scored a cheap laptop in the boxing day sales! 🥳 As well as it making a lot of things in my life generally easier, I’ll now have proper access for those months I spend away from home.
I’m so still getting notifications for old tags instead of getting newer ones. See this post. If you tag me in a thing, please also DM it.
I've made some changes to the guidlines page, primarily about FC's. Please take a look, or see this post.
Still figuring out meds and other treatment, and still dealing with some intense irl responsibilities, so thread replies will happen when they happen. I’m trying to put less pressure on myself, but as an anxious human and chronic people pleaser it’s a struggle. 😂
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username)
Library ghost with Finn (queued)
Awkward first meeting is awkward. (link)
Threatening speech workshop? 😂 (link)
At the motel (link)
Now kisth! (queued)
Taking Lance on a hunt (queued)
Azzy proves a point (queued)
Doing Lance’s hair (queued)
An unwanted visitor, and Ty finds out the boy has powers (queued)
Car trouble (queued)
Vampire Damon (link)
Damon actually talks about his trauma! 😱 (link)
Sick Tyler = sulking Tyler (link)
Judging 50 shades (link)
“She’s a ghost AND a bitch!” (link)
Magical bean juice (link)
Abandoned house (link)
Important hot sauce discussions (link)
Tyler really said 👁️👄👁️ at Wednesday (link)
Tyler meets Hook (queued)
An appointment with Dr. Soliman (queued)
FBI!Fish and human!Ty at the motel (link)
Jokes with charm (link)
Attempting to babysit Jude/the Doctor (link)
Attempted bribery (link)
Birthday cuteness! (link)
Demon problems (link)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (queued)
The return of Moros (link) (link) (link) and (link)
Injured Killian (link)
Proteus is baby (link)
dumbass teens and canniball ghosts (link)
Ty and Faith both say 😠 (link)
Ty meets Orobus Jones! (link)
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
How adorable are you? (link)
Thread commentaries (link)
Tag! - TyMel mischief (link)
What does love feel like to you? (link)
I think that’s everything! I may actually be up to date for once??? This hasn't happened in around a century, I'm in shock. As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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