#january's rambles
duskowithapen · 5 months
The Museum's Grand Reopening
Part One
January's Rambles Day Three
Word count: 297
Summary: Drabble about the Express attending the Grand Reopening of the Belobog History and Culture Museum
The Museum's Grand Reopening
“Whoooaaa, it’s so big!” March exclaimed as they walked through the entrance hall towards the museum proper, “No wonder it took Stelle and Pela so long to get everything up and running again!”
“Indeed – they have both worked hard to return the museum to working order,” Dan Heng tugged the younger girl out of the way of another distracted visitor before continuing, “We will have to offer our congratulations when we see them.”
“That’s right, you haven’t seen Stelle yet! You need to see her – she looks so pretty, right Himeko?” March spun around without any consideration of the people around her, and Dan Heng sighed as he caught her waving arm it hit someone.
Himeko chuckled, saying, “Yes, Stelle has cleaned up quite nicely. Bronya arranged for Serval to take her shopping this morning, and March and I helped her get ready earlier. Apparently, there were a few last-minute things to take care of before the opening, so Stelle promised to meet us in the History-Culture Hall in about…” Himeko trailed off, tilting her wrist to check her watch, “20 minutes. That gives us time to browse some of the exhibits first. Does anyone have anything they’d like to look at first?”
Welt cleared his throat politely. “I find myself curious about a sculpture Stelle mentioned in the Industrial Hall – Gears and Wisdom, I believe?”
“We can start there if you’d like, Welt,” Himeko said before turning to her younger companions, “And you two?”
March waved her camera. “Stelle told me to check out some of the paintings! She bet me ten credits that I wouldn’t be able to figure out where they were painted from!”
“I should probably accompany March,” Dan Heng sighed, “I’ll make sure we meet you in the History-Culture Hall on time.”
To be continued... when I'm not throwing up
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kiwiwisdeathday · 9 months
somewhat of a dumb idea I had a year ago but what if instead of skywings living in boring ass mountains they lived in plateaus so they can actually kind of blend in and not stick out with their bright red n orange scales
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zprite-x · 3 months
For Whom the Bell Tolls
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Time marches on
Alternates + individuals under cut!
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bizarrelittlemew · 3 months
i was hoping to make a post like this under happier circumstances, but here goes.
as some of you know, everything with the cancellation and renewal campaign has happened right on top of the worst part of my mom's cancer treatment (plus the show was cancelled on my actual birthday 💀). i won't go into details, but it's been tough. lots of ups and downs, mostly downs, luckily ending (for now) on as much of an up as circumstances allow. the whole thing has been weirdly tied to the cancellation for me, kind of amplifying every feeling. the grief got mixed up, and there was so much of it - mourning the loss of the kind of future i thought i'd have with my mother and the time we might not get, mourning the end of a show that means so much to me and is such a big part of my life. different types of grief, sure, and of different magnitudes, but in one big ugly swirl. i sort of had a breakdown right at the start of february, and it was because of news about my mom, but it morphed into my brain telling me everything i'd ever written was shit and wanting to delete it all. stuff like that, spilling over.
anyway. i was holding off on writing this post to see if the show got picked up by someone else. but i still want to say it. because what also spilled over was the support and community from this fandom, and being in this space (despite the rough times and high emotions) helped me through it, because of all of you here. whether we talk regularly, or you left a comforting reply or simply a like on one of my posts about having a hard time (i tried to keep them few), or wrote a nice comment on a fic, or said something funny or nice or insightful in the tags of a gifset, or was active here (or on twt) in any way, talking/sharing/creating stuff about the show - THANK YOU.
you all helped me through all the ups and downs, and i am so grateful. thank you for being here, listening, distracting, helping me feel some joy despite the horrors. i love you and i love this incredible show and all it has brought and will continue to bring and inspire, and although it should go without saying, i'm not going anywhere. just do me a favor and give yourself a big ol' hug from me, and know that you made a difference for some random guy on the internet (but in reality for many more, and for this fandom as a whole, just by being here and being you) 💕
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egophiliac · 5 months
thank you for blessing us with twst pokemon au i appreciate it greatly. if i may ask you a question
how does one read book 7 without selling their soul to the deep dark web. i've been wanting to read the other parts for a while but i can't find a place with all the chapters. i've seen translations on youtube but i don't think they have all of them?
(also why'd you government name mickey like that on your last post what did he do)
thank you! :D
I'm not really sure where to find up-to-date main story translations, so opening it up to the floor for other people to chime in! for reference, the latest release in JP was episode 7 chapter 6 on December 11th, which covered 7-88 through 7-100. fingers crossed for more in February...but that's where we're at right now!
(Michael knows what he did)
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mawofthemagnetar · 3 months
Iskall once set up a gaming PC for his three-year-old nephew to play minecraft on.
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fantasykiri5 · 2 months
Sorry but I’m just not going to pay attention to some of the bad kids’ canon heights. Some of them are listed as too damn tall (and Gorgug has 100 percent grown since freshman year) so have 80 million headcanons
Like you’re telling me Riz is supposed to be 4’4”?? That’s a tall ass goblin! That’s too big to be reasonably carted around on the others’ shoulders, no no, I’m making the executive decision to draw him as 3’9” - 3’11” from now on and you can’t stop me. I’d give him another inch or two by college and that’s it.
Kristen being 5’11”? NAH She’s 5’6”. BIG 5’6” energy right there.
Adaine and Fig didn’t have their heights listed on the wiki but I’m thinking Adaine is 5’10” and Fig is 5’4”. Or Fig is also 5’10” ish and takes after Gorthalax idk but I’m leaning towards short Fig.
Fabian can actually stay same as canon at 6’1”. Maybe grow an inch or two since freshman year but honestly his still works. He’s a year older than the others, prolly grew a little earlier and plateaued early-mid sophomore year, half-elf youth look and all that. I think he lied in introductions freshman year and was about 5’11” - 6’0” and grew over the year before the others could notice the discrepancy.
And Gorgug. Gorgug. You’re telling me he reached 6’4” in freshman year and didn’t keep growing?? Mother fucker he has to have hit at LEAST one growth spurt since, puberty does not hit that early in boys that he was done growing at 14/15. I’m thinking 6’8” or so by Junior Year so far, maybe another couple inches before graduating, maybe not.
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zipstick · 1 month
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da-shrimping-station · 3 months
Cooking for the House of Lamentation
Let me start this post by saying that over the years I've had plenty of experience cooking for a lot of people. I'm no expert cook whatsoever, just a helping hand in the kitchen during festivals and occasions (which happens multiple times in a year). If you have more experience and insights, please feel free to share!
Let’s start this off by having some sort of baseline so we’re all on the same page.
MC /OC/you/us/we (and what have you) can:
follow a recipe well enough
be in the kitchen and not have it burn down
cook an edible meal at the end of it all
A fairly average cook if you will.
Now, time for chaos.
Cooking for a lot of people is…a lot. A feast for upwards of 10 people can take the whole day. Not to mention buying ingredients beforehand. How many dishes are you gonna cook? Do they go well/compliment each other? What’s the serving size? Are you gonna have desserts too? Do you have the right equipment? Are the ingredients available/accessible? Is there anyone who has a food-specific condition to look out for and make alternatives for? Are there ingredients that need to be marinated/prepped in advanced? Is everything within budget? (These are some questions at the top of my head)
Now the main concern here is volume/quantity. Beelzebub. Need I say more?
Actually, YES. It’s a house full of men. Men eat a lot. Oh, and they’re also demons. So let’s assume they eat/consume significantly more than humans. (You can pitch in your HCs for each brother regarding how much they eat) But let’s say the food has to be for 10-15 people at the very least.
There’s a whole ass booklet for the groceries, with each brother having their own page/section. Let’s assume there’s no budget constraints (Lucifer can bitch about the cost and budgeting but his brothers need to be fed). Groceries are bought in bulk. Multiple times a week. Emergency trips in the middle of the night or else they starve for breakfast. 
At some point they get their groceries delivered every 3 days or so. The runs are now for necessity/emergency.
But if a brother requests a certain dish, then it’s time to go to the market. Prepare your haggling skills.
Based off of the game (and referencing the floor plan from Wanderer’s Whereabouts), the kitchen is actually pretty spacious. Good. We need all the space we can get for this. I’d like to think Barbatos personally made sure the kitchen is fully kitted out with all the equipment and utensils one needs. (Thanks, Barbs. You’re the best!) No worries on that end.
I headcanon that the kitchen is split into 2 parts: the side where the stoves and appliances are and the side where the dirty kitchen is. That way you have access to stoves/ovens and the fancy appliances as well as being able to cook with coal or in a spit. Increases the capacity for cooking multiple dishes at once. (Please share your HCs for the kitchen!)
Prepare your hands and arms. Washing, peeling, chopping, dicing, slicing, marinating. Any and every sort of ingredient prep. How many ingredients does this dish have? Are you gonna prep one dish only? Are you gonna prep for two in advance? Mis en place (or whatever the term is im no culinary shrimp)
Also think about the sheer amount of ingredients.
Say, according to the cookbook, this dish serves 5 people and it needs 1 whole onion. Pretty straight forward right? But you’re cooking for 7 demon brothers and one being the Avatar of Gluttony. Let’s go back to the 10-15 people approximation. That means you have to increase the amount (in this case that’ll be 2 or 3 whole onions). That goes for every fucking dish. 3 onions for dish #1. What about dish #2 and #3 and so on? (Honestly, your hands must be well marinated by the time you’re done with all the prep)
Measuring the ingredients too. 1 cup of this, a tablespoon of that, a pinch of this. Please please please let there be enough soy sauce for tonight’s cooking.
Another thing: you’re probably dealing with local Devildom ingredients (which you did not even know existed until then)
Veggies? Sliced
Meats? Washed and cut.
Condiments and seasonings? All measured.
Are we ready to cook? NO.
Please clean up the peels, excesses, undesirables, and packaging.
Finally! The actual cooking part! Take a deep breath and put that pot on the stove. Good luck cuz you’re gonna be juggling between multiple dishes just to be able to get ready for dinnertime.
One dish is boiling so the meat softens? Time to fry. Oh and have you checked the one you were marinating? Please add that to the veggies in dish #2. Don’t overcook the pasta for dish #1! Please adjust the heat, that pot is boiling over. Taste test for dish #3. Hhm needs more salt. Is the meat soft enough? Good, let's season it. Please mind the fire! You’re gonna char the one you’re frying. This one has marinated long enough, we can add it to dish #2. Take dish #1 off the heat. I think it’s done. Do you think this is fried well enough?
It’s hectic. It’s a mess and a half. You make sure nothing is overcooked or undercooked. Taste test to make sure everything tastes fine. (are the dishes safe for human consumption tho)
You wish! Now you have to deal with the clean up!
Wash everything you used for cooking. Pots, pans, knives, measuring cups and spoons, plates and bowls you put the ingredients in, the tasting spoons you used, the ladles and spatulas, etc
Please clean the stoves, sinks, countertops/tabletops too.
Oh yea, put away the excess ingredients and return the condiments and seasonings.
You still there? Still got energy to study and do homework later?
Personally, i clean as i go whenever i have the time in between tending to the dishes. I hate hate hate a messy/dirty kitchen while i cook it makes me wanna rage
These fuckers better sit down and eat what you cooked. No. Who the fuck cares if someone is being rowdy or moody or being dramatic. NO ONE wastes your efforts in preparing the food. Sit down and EAT.
I mean alright, maybe you can tag team dinner prep but it’s still a lot in terms of quantity and sheer volume. Will that brother be of actual help in the kitchen?
To sum it all up,
May the Universe have mercy on MC when they’re on cooking duty.
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i've been thinking about different insults that i think c!quackity would use on c!revivebur (generally as a form of affection, but maybe not), here are some of my favourites:
you smell like if someone set a corpse on fire
dude, you look like if they let corpses chain smoke
how do you smell like someone tried to wrestle a corpse and somehow lost?
you smell like fireworks that were stored in a morgue
are you aware that they make soap that's not made of gunpowder?
you look like someone that would call just salt 'seasoning'
and yes, i think revivebur would somehow take all of these as compliments, regardless of the tone they were said in
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duskowithapen · 5 months
January's Rambles Day 7
No rambles today, I'm tired and in too much pain
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anxious-witch · 4 months
Wait. Wait am I losing my fucking mind. We started receiving photoshoot pictures only last week?? It feels like it has been three weeks at least
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coffeebanana · 5 months
suit!marino/banana noir is the crack ship i want to see in the world. my OTP. the reason i get up in the morning.
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skyward-floored · 7 months
Man why are like half the chain’s birthdays in November??
Time & Legend’s birthday is today, Twilight’s was a few days ago and Sky’s was the day before his. Not to mention Wind’s is in December (and Four’s, depending on which date you go by) so a whole bunch of them are all right around in here.
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jollycryptid · 6 months
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I went for my university's yearbook photoshoot for graduating students & I'll be done in the end of next month, so did a silly drawover :3c
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solarpunkani · 5 months
Sometimes gardening is fun stuff like watching seedlings grow and digging in the dirt and sharing harvests with neighbors and seeing butterflies and bees go crazy over your flowers
Sometimes gardening is stuff you don't like, like weeding and dealing with pest bugs or plant diseases or watering just to have it rain 3 hours later or dealing with unsuccessful plants
Sometimes, gardening is absolutely mind numbing bull shit like making an entire spreadsheet of what seeds you have and from when and when to plant and where to plant and working at it for an hour and barely even making a dent in your seed pile before you even make a DENT because you don't know what info needs to be on the sheet and what info doesn't and it keeps getting bigger and you HATE IT
Take a guess where I'm at right now
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