icannotgetoverbirds · 2 months
reblog to hit a queerphobe with the world's brightest rainbow beam
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janusianswordswoman · 3 months
hey. psst.
afab transfem and amab transmasc are intersex-specific terms, just like intergender. you are absolutely allowed to have a weird relationship with cisness and transness, but you need to come up with your own term if you're perisex/dyadic. using these terms while perisex is a form of appropriation.
sincerely, an intersex transfem AFAB.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 2 months
To everyone who tells abuse survivors to "just leave the abusive relationship,"
and I mean this with the maximum amount of disrespect that it's possible to muster:
Fuck you.
As someone who "just left"? Fuck you to the edge of the universe and back again. I have been homeless for nearly a year and a half because I "just left".
Ultimately it was the right decision, but the struggle that comes with running away from an abuser isn't something I'd wish on anybody, much less an abuse survivor.
It is only through sheer fucking luck that we've made it as far as we have without dying or becoming too traumatized to keep living. Which, by the way, is not to say we haven't been further traumatized by leaving.
99% of the time, there is no option to "just leave". Abusers make you dependent on them so that they can keep abusing you. They cut you off from any and all support systems so if you leave, you have NOTHING.
I "just left" and I lost everything I couldn't carry on my own back. Not everyone can do that, and not a single soul should have to in order to be safe.
Usually, by the time an abuse victim is ready to "just leave," it's because literally nothing in this world would be worse than staying. We left because it was that or die. Not a single one of us in this system knew how long we would survive.
We just wanted one day, a few weeks, maybe, of freedom. Of being ourselves. It is nothing short of a gods-damned MIRCALE that we've made it this far, that we have a chance at a full and happy life with our fiancée.
I don't really have much else to say here. If you're gonna tell an abuse victim to "just leave," you better be prepared to offer them a safe place to stay and whatever else their abuser is dangling over their head to keep them in line. You better be prepared to stand between them and their abuser and say no the fuck you may not continue to hurt this person, whether that's literally or metaphorically.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 5 months
anybody know how to cope with wanting to put your abuser in a saw trap so badly that it makes it hard for you to breathe
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janusianswordswoman · 4 months
i want to kill
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icannotgetoverbirds · 5 months
biting maiming killing
guess who got ✨assaulted✨ yesterday!!!!
Context: I stopped in the threshold of the elevator because i saw that the door i was planning on going through was blocked off, and as i was about to back myself back into the elevator, some bitch PUTS HIS HANDS ON MY WHEELCHAIR (WHICH HAS SPIKES ON THE HANDLES THAT HE CONSCIOUSLY AVOIDED) TO TRY AND PUSH ME OUT OF THE ELEVATOR. and then when I told him I didn't need his help he told me "well then you can fall out of the elevator."
Fucking sick and tired of people feeling entitled to put their hands on my mobility aids, WHICH ARE AN EXTENSION OF MY BODY.
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
christmas haters i am kissing you on the forehead
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
being human is not about love. you can make your life revolve around love if you want. but to be human is to be recklessly kind and social. fuck people who push amatonormativity. just be kind for fuck's sake (do as I say not as I do).
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
Anti-endos fuck off
Alright. Sit down, shut up, and listen up. Yes, I'm a fictive. If you've got a problem with that, you can fuck right off. Yes, I'm a persecutor, a protector, a swordswoman, and an avenger. If you've got a problem with any of that, you can also fuck right off.
I'll do my best to play nice, though. Just don't make your opinions my problem and we should be chill.
Sie/hir is pronounced see and hihr respectively.
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icannotgetoverbirds · 1 month
my teacher: according to arizona law, if you hit your child hard enough to leave an imprint, it's considered abuse. Because of this, parents are afraid to spank their children lest those children call The Authorities on them.
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janusianswordswoman · 5 months
i want to Kill™
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
Dragons are like crabs
convergent evolution go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
having sex exists on a spectrum between making love and fucking nasty
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
i think getting thrown through some drywall with the proper PPE would fix me for a moment
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
hey so uh. how the hell am i supposed to deal with grieving someone who's still alive but i wish was dead?
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janusianswordswoman · 9 months
headcanon/hot take
link in botw is a loveless aromantic but that doesn't make him any less devoted to zelda. he's her guard dog and i mean that in the most flattering complimentary but also unhinged way possible.
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