#yes this includes people with a complicated relationship with christmas
janusianswordswoman · 9 months
christmas haters i am kissing you on the forehead
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kellodrawsalot · 2 years
So about Aggretsuko
so tomorrow is the final season of Aggretsuko, once i finish it I will share my thoughts on it too but I am hoping we get an amazing ending for our girl
I manage to binge season all four seasons, including the Christmas special 
and I got to say, despite my feelings about the ending of season 3 and 4....
I still love this series
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(yes season 4 is mild to bad, I will talk about that too)
The series still hits right when it comes to charm, talking about the economic problems of today, (they boomers are daydreaming about the Bubble economy again)  showing strong complicated and various adult women who all live different lives, be it a single strong career women or a wife with kids. My friends joke that in some ways I’m a lot like Retsy, (I try to please people and yes sometimes I do buy a product because I feel bad about going to a store and leaving without buying anything, I stress easy and do cry at times,) I think Retsy is a much stronger person then me trough and unlike her, I don’t desire a husband.) but still Retsy is easily my favorite character.
Season 2 is the highlight (so far of the series) I think it’s everyone’s favorite for a reason and while I know he’s popular with the fandom I do have to say with the new development of ai voices and ai art there are some things that just doesn’t sit right with me with Tadano 
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(Don’t get me wrong, I do like him!) Tadano wants to change the world by making most jobs obsolete with the workings of A, so that everyone can focus on something else they want to do, a passion or their dream, something creative. That’s great and all, but not everyone can make a living of that, ( see Manaka ) And even Retsuko points out at that moment: She’s fine with her office job, there are a lot of people who don’t really have any creative ambitions. And there’s nothing wrong with that. in fact, not everyone wants to turn their hobby into their day job either. Tadano’s dream and AI program will screw these people over. Tadano hopes that everyone can have a form of basic universal income, but that’s just not realistic, and I wish other characters pointed this out. 
That being said seeing Retsuko and Tadano’s relationship develop was a lot of fun to see, they have chemistry, and it sucks that it didn’t work out between them. But I like it because it wouldn’t be fair to either Tadano or Retsuko to give up a part of themselves just to please the other. That would have made have ended up in a bitter divorce or break-up. Tadano doesn’t believe in marriage and doesn’t want kids. He wants Retsuko to just stay with him, leave her job and do whatever she wants. Retsuko doesn’t want to quit her job, and she wants to be a blushing bride and have children one day. Yeah these two were not going to work.
The other highlight of season 2 is we get to see more of  Washimi and Gori, I love these two a lot, They are best friends and become Retsuko’s best friends through the series, we find out Washimi used to be married and got divorced just a few months later, she has no desire anymore to be a married woman, she’s happy with her life as it is and warns other women that marriage is not going to fix your life or all your problems. Then there is Gori, another 40-year old career woman who is looking for a husband: She regrets focusing too much on her career and less on finding a partner in her younger years. That said the series does not imply, that’s the only way for a woman to become happy and that Gori is an example of the fate of all regretful single women (just fyi studies suggest otherwise) Gori mentions that right now, she’s perfectly happy because of her career and her friends, she just hopes she will remain happy 20 years from now.
Season 3, Retsuko becomes part of an underground idol, she almost quits her office job because she CAN make a living of her singing career. It got ruined because a stalker makes an attempt to stab her. Japan has a deep issue with the way they handle stalkers, so this is sadly realistic for a lot of women living in Japan. She’s saved by Haida, but develops a form of ptds and hides away in her mother’s house. Sadly, no character suggests a form of therapy and Haida calls her a coward in a way to encourage her to go back to work. This rubs people of the wrong way, and it’s one of the reasons why people dislike the ending of season 3. Japan sadly has a stigma against therapy but I wish this more modern show that is willing to criticize some of Japanese traditional culture norms would have been open with this too, but alas.
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Speaking of Haida, I have very mixed feelings about the character, I do like him I was rooting for him up till season 3 and 4.  Him suggesting Retsuko is not that weak when Gori and Washimi tell him that Retsuko needs more time to heal from the attack made me uncomfortable. Just to remind everyone, you are not WEAK because you want to heal from a traumatic experience: remind yourself that. Haida is in love with Retsuko but doesn’t know her very well neither does Retsy know Haida, and by season 4 when they are in fact dating, both Haida and Retsuko keep secrets from one another. To me, it feels like Haida loves the idea of Restuko more then Retsuko.  AND IN SEASON 4 HAIDA COMMITS BLUE COLLAR CRIMES LMAO Restuko is not a forward kind of woman and she’s not insertive.Haida often lacks the courage to take more steps with Restuko because he doesn’t believe in himself. Their own character traits are holding them back in this relationship, making me believe this won’t work out. I hope season 5 being a conclusion of the series will show us the development of their romance or the break-up of these two.
One’s thing that is frustrating about Aggretsuko is that each season sets itself back and everything goes back to the statues quo, but I’m happy to see Haida indeed quit his job by the end of season 4. Good going show! That beind said season 4 just felt messy, Haida’s arc felt frustrating but the season despite its flaws also had some key high lights
The episode where the characters are defending and helping Kabae trying to mix her work with her role as a mother is beautiful, Himeru was an excellent villain, can’t help but love this corrupt fellow. Ton despite being very problematic, a relic of the traditional ‘‘women belong in the kitchen’‘ jerks, shows a lot of his moral greyness this season. It doesn’t justify his abusive actions towards Restuko but, he obvious loves his family, refuses to fire anyone of his staff, even refusing to fire Retsuko under the pressure of Himeru and through the seasons he’s the one who gave out important lessons to Retsuko that ended up saving her: He knows when she’s suffering, or forcing herself to be something she’s not for her then-current boyfriend. (  Resasuke and Tadano) Retsuko ends up helping him in this season and despite some problems here and there, I believe they have a healthier work relationship now. (unless season 5 fucks this up)
anyway I am still hyped for the final season and I hope we see a happy ending to our angry panda.
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or if you can’t Netflix maybe give us a movie to conclude everyone’s arc? maybe? ;-;
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Five things I never get tired of writing.
Open tag!
Thank you @rsdan for tagging me. 😊
1. Foreshadowing. I love narrative symbolism in general, but my forte is absolutely foreshadowing, and that's because I've had a lot of practice with it from a young age. Life in Black and White - my main project since I was 17 - being an ending-centered story (ie. the ending is the "point" of the story, and impacts your perspective in a way that your first and second readthroughs should each be a fundamentally different experience - think Lehane's Shutter Island, if you've read it/seen the movie), it is foreshadowing-heavy. Foreshadowing begins from the first page and permeates the story - it's present structurally, in titles, in motifs, in symbols, in formatting, and in the text and subtext of the story itself. Number of readers who have guessed my ending before I wanted them to? Zero. I'm really proud of this, especially considering how blatant some of the foreshadowing is, lmao. Anyway, thinking of good foreshadowing and executing it in a story never gets old for me.
2. Motifs and recurrent lines. I love to use motifs as representations of different aspects of a story and/or its themes. Motifs/symbols present in Life in Black and White include:
- Midnight
- The moon/moonlight
- Storms and wind
- Candles/fire
- The number twelve
- Clocks/time
- The butterfly effect
- The song "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" (yes, the Christmas song)
- Examples of recurrent lines: "Something's wrong"; "dead silence"; "is something burning?"
3. Dialogue between characters that have good chemistry and/or an interesting dynamic. Dialogue is one of my strengths and favorite things to write, and I absolutely love writing character relationships where the dialogue/banter just flows effortlessly. Fun fact, this factor was single-handedly responsible for my character Jeff's promotion from guest comic relief character to major character, and ultimately to antagonist of Life in Black and White. His chemistry with my protagonist was immaculate from their first written interactions. Despite the fact that I have extremely complicated feelings about their relationship, I absolutely love writing their interactions. I usually get all of the dialogue for their scenes first, write it down in sequence, and then fill in the blanks with tags and descriptions/body language as needed.
4. Dark queer relationships. A centerpiece of most of my stories is relationships (not always romantic in nature) between queer characters that are toxic, abusive, or otherwise unhealthy. Some will say it's bad representation, but it's these kinds of intense, complex, and dark relationship dynamics that I personally find interesting to write. Luckily, this is not at all reflective of my real-life relationships, and I do have "healthy" queer relationships in my fictional universe - they just typically are not the focus of stories. Don't forget that I'm a crime and horror writer. My characters aren't always good people, so it naturally follows that their relationships are not going to be beds of roses, either.
5. Character-driven stories. This is kind of funny because my long-form stories are pretty much always predominantly genre (usually some combination of crime fiction and horror/horror subgenres), but they typically have at least a bit of a literary-esque narrative style or format, because I really love focusing a story around 1-3 central characters and making those characters super complex and fleshed-out. The con of this approach is that my "side" characters (and their relationships with the central characters) often wind up seeming lackluster in comparison, but I pride myself on creating memorable central characters that readers find fascinating, because I work super hard for that result.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I don't celebrate Christmas but I have been doing a shit ton of research for the play and this includes listening to a lot of Christmas carols from all over the world. It's been awesome
anyway it got my wondering about Alivia and their first Christmas together...and then later with the twins...I AM THINKING OKAY?? Thanksgiving ends and Olivia is in Christmas spirit meanwhile Alice is zipping up their jacket and saying "it's fucking November!"
don't get me wrong, Alice loves the holiday season too but prefers it to be confined to December and not 3 entire months. Their first Christmas after moving in together is a personal favorite of mine. They go shopping for decorations and there is glitter on the tree.
Before, when they were just friends and after Olivia's mother died, Alice would invite her to spend Christmas with their family. They both would always end up on the roof just doing their own thing and watching the city.
They bake cookies and listen to carols in different languages.
I have so MUCH MORE on this topic but I also have a lot to do...Anyway check this beautiful Norwegian carol that I found
oh god i hate and love christmas carols we have a complicated relationship.
random question: what kind of tree do they have in their home? (and yes there are different kinds of Christmas trees and i must know because i judge people based on them!)
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'All of Us Strangers director Andrew Haigh has revealed why tear-jerker song 'Always on My Mind' was featured in the film.
Starring Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, Jamie Bell and Claire Foy, the fantasy drama sees screenwriter Adam (Scott) drawn back to his small hometown while also sparking up a relationship with his neighbour Harry (Mescal).
Music is key to some of the most emotional moments in the film, with The Pet Shop Boys' cover of Brenda Lee single 'Always on My Mind' heard during the haunting Christmas scene.
Talking exclusively to Digital Spy Tuesday night (January 23) at the UK Gala Screening, Haigh explained why this iconic pop hit and Frankie Goes to Hollywood's 'The Power Of Love' feature in the movie.
"It was really easy, actually. They're songs I loved growing up and they're songs that speak to me and I think speak really importantly to the film and the themes of the film," he revealed. "Pop music has this amazing ability to unpick complicated emotions in a big grand way, and I love that about pop music."
Despite its recent Oscars snub, All of Us Strangers has proved a hit among viewers and was named one of the top ten independent films of 2023 by the National Board of Review. The film also earned six nominations at the BAFTA Awards, including Outstanding British Film.
Mescal and Scott's performances have been praised for their authentic representation of LGBTQ+ people and relationships, with Haigh opening up on how he knew straightaway that the Normal People and Fleabag stars would work perfectly with each other.
"They really wanted to work with each other, they've become really good friends," he said. "I could see that relationship developing as I was filming it and they're also just really, really good actors.
"That's a thing that people forget when it's 'Do people have good chemistry?'. Are they good actors and do they listen to each other? Yes, and that's what they do."'
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zanycrusadetraveler · 2 years
Do you Know enough Old-Timey Words to Read your Grandparents Love Letters.
Giselle from "Enchanted" becomes disenchanted when she enters the Big Apple and learns that love is more complicated than it is in her fairy-tale world. A good general knowledge and a strong trivia background show a deeper understanding of the world around us, of events past and present, of politics or even economics. This song by Australian New Wave band Men At Work topped charts around the world. The '80s were a wild time for music, with New Wave and Arena Rock dominating the airwaves. However, "relative" dating or time can be an easy concept for students to learn. Can he still turn back to a human - a better human? It’s not to say that something not-so-serious cannot turn into dating, but you most definitely can’t assume it will. But will he choose this exciting path for himself even if it means deceiving his wife, Helen (aka Elastigirl)? Will he learn to put his selfish desires aside and help Moana restore the heart, even if it means losing his magic powers? If your dating profile has a photo that also shows up on your Instagram or Facebook account, it will be easier for someone to find you on social media.
With these cute love quotes, you'll find it all. Bookish Belle falls in love with Beast, but she also has to prove her dad isn't crazy - well, not too crazy. We love the same movies. I remember when my family was in the same boat. Maybe you just haven't found your type yet, but don't worry, because a lot of people are in the same boat. Not only does this process bring back the charm of face-to-face meet-ups-no more being ghosted online by a Tinder match-the time restriction is also in sync with our strenuous day-to-day lives where one would prefer steering clear of indulging in hours of meaningless conversations with people. Soft cheese is what you need, so pick the best one! Neither, I'm just the quiet one. Neither, I'm too broke for Christmas gifts! The app also comes with some fun built-in games that work well as ice-breakers, including Trivia, Draw Party and a multiplayer version of Flappy Bird.
No way, my family comes first! Getting our family pictures. Which member of the British royal family would you most like to wed? Per People, the trio went on a family vacation to Georgia with Affleck's three children and their dogs. אולסטאר אסקורט Perhaps you've gone to therapy, attended online support groups for divorcing people, or just spent a lot of time working through it yourself. Any time is a good time for this! It's up to Buzz Lightyear to remind Woody that he's a toy and that's a good thing! Andy from the first three "Toy Story" films grows up and heads off to college. Wash the head, ears, and neck first. Our first kiss during the ceremony. Disney movies may be predominantly fairy tales, but they're also human tales. Since the 1937 film "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Disney characters have had to face some tough choices - and we're not talking choices like "Should I take the pumpkin or the squash carriage to the ball tonight?" The reason the Disney movies resonate with audiences so much is because people can identify with the characters' dilemmas, even when they don't always agree with their decisions.
Yes, you have to say, "Please" and "Thank you" to your boo! Yes, but I never tell anyone that. I’m eddysosam3. I have registered on the Asian dating site because I wish to meet now a woman who is confident, secure and happy. When she talked to an agent at her regional FBI office, she says, they took her report - and told her that a woman in the next town had lost $800,000. For more information about when to change cardinality, see Understanding additional options. For more information about when to make a particular relationship active, see Understanding additional options. More excitingly, 20 free credits are offered to each new user, and it’s enough to try some services on the site. Are you hip to enough old-timey words to read them, though? So don't hesitate to keep looking if the man you are dating is not ready to ratchet up the relationship. Are Mongol nomads all nihilists at thirteen?
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baeddel · 3 years
Please. Please can you tell me what a baeddel is and why people (terfs?) used it in a derogatory manner on this website for a hot minute but now no one ever uses it at all
you asked for it, fucker
[2k words; philology and drama]
baeddel is an Old English word. i have no idea where it actually occurs in the Old English written corpus, but it occurs in a few placenames. its diminuitive form, baedling, is much better documented. it appears in the (untranslated) Canons of Theodore, a penitential handbook, a sort of guidebook for priests offering advice on what penances should be recommended for which sins. in a passage devoted to sexual transgressions it gives the penances suggested for a man who sleeps with a woman, a man who sleeps with another man, and then a man who sleeps with a baedling. so you have this construction of a baedling as something other than a man or a woman. and then it gives the penance for a baedling who sleeps with another baedling (a ludicrous one-year fast). then, by way of an explaination, Theodore delivers us one of the most enigmatic phrases in the Old English corpus: "for she is soft, like an adulturess."
the -ling suffix in baedling is masculine. but Theodore uses feminine pronouns and suffixes to describe baedlings. as we said, it's also used separately from male and female. but it's also used separately from their words for intersex and it never appears in this context. all of this means that you have this word that denotes a subject who is, as Christopher Monk put it, "of problematic gender." interested historians have typically interpreted it as referring to some category of homosexual male, such as Wayne R. Dines in his two-volume Encyclopedia of Homosexuality who discusses it in the context of an Old English glossary which works a bit like an Old English-Latin dictionary, giving Old English words and their Latin counterparts. the Latin words the Anglo-Saxon lexicographer chose to correspond with baedling were effeminatus and mollis, and Lang concludes that it refers to an "effeminate homosexual" (pg 60, Anglo Saxon). this same glossary gives as an Old English synonym the word waepenwifstere which literally means "woman with a penis," and which Dines gives the approximate translation (hold on tight) male wife.
R. D. Fulk, a philologist and medievalist, made a separate analysis of the term in his study on the Canons of Theodore 'Male Homoeroticism in the Old English Canons of Theodore', collected in Sex and Sexuality in Medieval England, 2004. he analysed it as a 'sexual category' (sexual as in sexuality), owing to the context of sexual transgressions in the Canons. he decides that it refers to a man who bottoms in sexual relationships with another man. i don't have the article on hand so i'm not sure what his reasoning was, but this seems obviously inadequate given what we know from the glossary described by Dines. Latin has a word for bottom, pathica, and the lexicographer did not use this in their translation, preferring words that emphasized the baedling's femininity like effeminatus, and doesn't address the sexual context at all. Dines, however, only reading this glossary, seems to decide that it refers to a type of male homosexual too hastily, considering the Canons explicitly treat them separately. both Dines and Fulk immediately reduce the baedling to a subcategory of homosexual when neither of the sources to hand actually do so themselves.
by now it should be obvious why, seven or so years ago, we interpreted it as an equivalent to trans woman. I mean come on - a woman with a penis! these days I tend to add a bit of a caution to this understanding, which is that trans woman is the translation of baedling which seems most adequate to us, just as baedling was the translation of effeminatus that seemed most adequate to our lexicographer. but the term cannot translate perfectly; its sense was derived from some minimal context; a legal context, a doctrinal context, and so forth... the way Anglo-Saxons understood sex/gender is complicated but it has been argued that they had a 'one sex model' and didn't regard men and women as biologically separate types, which is obviously quite different from the sexual model accepted today; in any case they didn't have access to the karyotype and so on. the basic categories they used to understand gender and sexuality were different from ours. in particular, Hirschfield et al. should be understood as a particularly revolutionary moment in the genealogy of transsexuality; the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft essentially invented the concept of the 'sex change', the 'transition', conceived as a biological passage from one sex to the other. even in other contexts where (forgive me) #girlslikeus changed their bodies in some way, like the castration of the priestesses of Cybele, or those belonging to the various historical societies which we believe used premarin for feminization [disputed; see this post], there is no record that they were ever considered men at any stage or had some kind of male biology that preceded their 'gender identity.' the concept of the trans woman requires the minimal context of the coercive assignment at birth and its subsequent (civil and bio-technological) rejection. i have never encountered evidence that this has ever been true in any previous society. nonetheless, these societies still had gendered relations, and essentially wherever we find these gendered relations we also find some subject which is omitted or for whom it has been necessary to note exceptions. what is of chief interest to us is not so much that there was such a subject here or there in history (and whatever propagandistic uses this fact might have), but understanding why these regularities exist.
a very parsimonious explanation is that gender is a biological reality, and there is some particular biological subject which a whole host of words have been conjured to denote. if this were the case then we would expect that, no matter what gender/sexual system we encounter in a given society, it will inevitably find some linguistic expression. if, like me, you find this idea revolting, then you should busy yourself trying to come up with an alternative explanation which is not just plausible, but more plausible. my best guesses are outside the scope of this answer...
anyway, all of this must be very interesting to the five or six people invested in the confluence of philology and gender studies. but why on earth did it become so widely used, in so many strange and unusual contexts, in the 2010s? we're very sorry, but yes, it's our fault. you see apart from all of this, there is also a little piece of information which goes along with the word baeddel, which is that it's the root of the Modern English word bad. by way of, no less, the word baedan, 'to defile'. how this defiled historical subject came to bear responsibility for everything bad to English-speakers doesn't seem to be known from linguistic evidence. however, it makes for a very pithy little remark on transmisogyny. my dear friend [REDACTED] made a playful little post making this point and, good Lord, had we only known...
it went like this. its such a funny little idea that we all start changing our urls to include the word baeddel. in those days it was common to make puns with your url (we always did halloween and christmas ones); i was baeddelaire, a play on the French poet Baudelaire. while we all still had these urls a series of events which everyone would like to forget happened, and we became Enemies of Everyone in the Whole World. because of the url thing people started to call us "the baeddels." then there was "a cult" called "the baeddels" and so forth. this cult had various infamies attatched to it and a constellation of indefensible political positions. ultimately we faced a metric fucking shit ton of harassment, including, for some of my friends, really serious and bad irl harassment that had long-term bad awful consequences relating to stable housing and physical safety and i basically never want to talk about that part of my life ever again. and i never have to, because i've come to realize that for most people, when they use the word baeddel, they don't know about that stuff. it doesn't mean that anymore.
so what does it mean? you'll see it in a few contexts. TERFs do use it, as you guessed. i am not quite sure what they really mean by it and how it differs from other TERF barbs. i think being a baeddel invovles being politically active or at least having a political consciousness, but in a way thats distinct from just any 'TRA' or trans activist. so perhaps 'militant' trans women, but perhaps also just any trans woman with any opinions at all. how this was transmitted from tumblr/west coast tranny drama to TERF vocabulary i have no idea. but you will also find - or, could have found a few years ago - i would say 'copycat' groups who didn't know us or what we believed but heard the rumours, and established their own (generously) organizations (usually facebook groups) dedicated to putting those principles into practice. they considered themselves trans lesbian separatists and did things like doxx and harass trans women who dated cafabs. if you don't know about this, yes, there really were such groups. they mostly collapsed and disappeared because they were evildoers who based their ideology on a caricature. i knew a black trans woman who was treated very badly by one of these groups, for predictable reasons. so long-time readers: if you see people talking about their bad experiences with 'baeddels', you can't necessarily relate it to the 2014 context and assume they're carrying around old baggage. there are other dreams in the nightmare.
the most common way you'll see it today, in my experience, is in this form: people will say that it was a "slur" for trans women. they might bring up that it's the root of the word bad, and they might even think that you shouldn't use the word bad because of it, or that you shouldn't use the word baeddel because it's a slur. all of this is a silly game of internet telephone and not worth addressing. except to say that it's by no means clear that baeddel, or baedling, were slurs, or even insulting at all. while Theodore doesn't provide us with a description of how we can have sex with a baedling without sinning, and it may be the case that any sexual relations with a baedling was considered sinful, sexuality-based transgressions were not taken all that seriously in those days. there was a period where homosexuality within the Church was almost sanctioned, and it wasn't until much later that homosexuality became so harshly proscribed, to the extent that it was thought to represent a threat to society, etc. and as i mentioned, there are places in England named after baedlings. there is a little parish near Kent which is called Badlesmere, Baeddel's Lake, which was recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Domesday Book (as having a lord, a handful of villagers and a few slaves; perhaps only one or two households). it's not unheard of, but i just don't know very many places called Faggot Town or some such. it's possible that baedlings had some role in Anglo-Saxon society which we are not aware of; it could even have been a prestigious one, as it was in other societies. there is just no evidence other than a couple of passing references in the literature and we'll probably never have a complete picture.
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The "Timeline"
The Sherlock Timeline with shipping goggles set to Mystrade.
(Please feel free to add on to this if I missed anything!)
(I also apologise for any spelling errors.)
Pre-season 1 / Pre-canon
We don't know exactly how Lestrade and Sherlock met, but enough headcanons have convinced me that William here walked onto a crime scene, and Greg decided to believe in him. (of course, granted he get off drugs, as most headcanons have said.)
In the pilot, Mycroft interrogated John within a day of knowing Sherlock. We can assume that he'd do the same with anyone that walked into his brother's life... meaning that he must have done a similar interrogation with Greg.
Like I said, we don't know much about pre-canon, including when Sherlock and Lestrade met. Despite this, I believe that it's possible that Lestrade had to have become somewhat acquainted with Mycroft. Whether or not a relationship beyond platonic began here is up to you.
Season 1
At the end of A Study in Pink, Mycroft and Lestrade know that Sherlock now has a flatmate that will be there for him. As we know, both Mycroft and Greg are protective of Sherlock, almost like parental figures. (why do you think we keep calling him Papa Lestrade?)
So having John walk into Sherlock's life is kind of the equivalent to overworked parents getting a babysitter.
This is where The Blind Banker comes in.
I'm pretty sure that another tumblr, @dalec, mentioned it before, but there is no way that the two didn't go on some nice holiday during the entire episode, seeing as they weren't there at all.
I don't think there's anything to work with in The Great Game, so I'll just skip over to...
Season 2
Ah yes. The peak of the show, in my personal opinion.
Once again, although Mycroft made an appearance in this episode quite a couple of times (6, if i'm correct) I don't think there's any details to point out here, except for the fact that we know that Greg and his wife are separated/divorced. (Christmas party.)
Now... Hounds of Baskerville.
This episode marked a very important moment (if not the catalyst) of Mystrade.
Fact: Sherlock (and the audience) know that Lestrade went on a holiday.
Fact: We know that Mycroft asked Lestrade to look after his brother.
Fact: It's confirmed that Mycroft and Lestrade s p o k e to each other.
So, we know that Lestrade went on holiday after what we can assume is his divorce.
So who do you think he went with?
Alone? That's likely. But having him go with Mycroft on another holiday makes more sense.
Moving on from HoB, we meet ourselves at The Reichenbach Fall. The events that happened here are very significant. If Mycroft and Lestrade ever had a relationship, this episode complicated things to the max.
So, sad times for about 2 years. We now go to...
Season 3
So Sherlock's alive, and now everyone knows. If you follow the storyline of "Mycroft and Greg were together for those 2 sad years" then you better believe that there. Will. Be. Problems.
If you don't think they were together at this point, that's also fine. But you have to admit that even if they were just friends, Greg must've felt betrayed. (I'm not gonna say that it's groundwork for an angsty fic, but it's groundwork for an angsty fic.)
Okay, onto The Sign of Three.
John and Mary's wedding, lots of people are there, including Lestrade, and excluding Mycroft.
There was a headcanon I saw that said that the reason he didn't go was because if he did, then Sherlock would deduce that Mycroft and Lestrade were hooking up/dating.
Another post on Tumblr said that Greg was disappointed not to see Mycroft at the wedding, and he decided to drink the night away to cope.
Both of these I love.
ALSO I can't mention TSoT without mentioning the tie thing.
I know people already said that the two ties have different patterns, but I still had to mention it.
Now... His Last Vow. Another historical moment because...
you guessed it, our two favorite idiots were in a scene together for the first time.
Yes, Mycroft waves Lestrade away, like, right after he speaks, but. There. Was. Definitely. A. Moment.
Okay, now's time for...
The Abominable Bride
Graveyard scene. Just... graveyard scene.
Season 4
Once again, Mycroft and Lestrade are in the same scene together, BUT there is another thing to point out from earlier in the episode.
Sherlock points out that Lestrade is going on a date with "The Brunette," who is supposedly a woman.
Okay, sure.
I like to believe he was going on a date with Mycroft, but do with that information what you will.
(Btw thank you @lavenderandvanilla for your fic using this idea.)
I don't think that The Lying Detective gives us anything to work with, aside from the setup to a hurt/comfort fic, like the one written by @smartforholmes.
And with that, we move to The Final Problem.
Mycroft has a traumatizing night at his house, The Bakerstreet Boys are kidnapped by Eurus, but they make it out alive, so everything's okay. /s
As we all know, this episode marks the final historical moment of this ship:
"Oh, and Mycroft. Make sure he's looked after. He's not as strong as he thinks he is."
"I'll take care of it."
I'll take care of it.
Repeat, Greg Lestrade will take care of it. And by it, he means Mycroft.
Greg Lestrade will take care of Mycroft.
(An extra thank you to everyone from the Mystrade fandom for being so active in the community and inspiring me to make this.)
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polarisbibliotheque · 3 years
What Do You Want For Christmas? | DMC Crew, Reader and X-mas stuff
Word Count: 7.1 k (it's huge, sit around, grab some tea, make yourself comfy)
Pairings: None. Just good old found family time (one could argue there's something platonic between Dante and Reader or Vergil and Reader. I'll leave it to your interpretation)
Summary: Kyrie suggested a Christmas celebration with the crew and now Nero is bound to make it happen - he just didn't think it would be that difficult to make everyone choose a few gifts.
Author’s notes: What can I say? Merry Christmas everyone! If you don't celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very pleasant evening and a wonderful New Year! Thanks everyone for being around - I appreciate all of you ^^
I'm very complicated regarding Christmas, so I hope this can be comforting for people with a love, hate or love-hate relationship with this time of the year.
Also, the very last bit, with Dante and the ring, I was planning on making a comic with that "origin" story - but I don't know if I have the skills required for it. Maybe it'll be a project for 2022 - who knows!
*thumbnail is Dante just because - I don't have an artwork with all the crew included, do forgive T-T
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Christmas Eve, at Nero and Kyrie’s
“Do you think Dante will be ok with all this…?”
As soon as Kyrie’s voice echoed in the garage, Nero turned around just to see her packed with Christmas stuff: she got Dante all excited for Christmas – the first time the whole crew would spend it together – and now it looked like they were movingto Dante’s shop.
Because there was one thing they couldn’t argue against: the heart of the crew lied within the Devil May Cry shop’s walls, and that was the best place to get everyone together to celebrate. The only problem was that Dante had absolutely nodecorations to set up among all his demonic memorabilia.
So now, Kyrie was on a mission.
“You kiddin’ me? You show up like this, he’ll leave the deco up for a year!” Nero had to laugh at how she looked. Kyrie was trying to carry a whole bunch of Christmas tree decorations without letting it break – some of the very few things they managed to save from their old house in Fortuna. “Never saw ‘im so excited to get everyone together, really.”
“I’m so glad he said yes…!” Kyrie gave Nero one of her angelical smiles as soon as he approached to help her carry all that stuff. It never failed to make him stop on his tracks and just stare at her as if she was the most mesmerizing piece of art he had ever seen – which wasn’t entirely a lie. Nero did think Kyrie was the most beautiful being his eyes could take in. “I do hope everyone likes their gifts too!”
“Yeah…” Nero managed to mumble, smiling slightly while walking by her side, both of them ready to load the last Christmas trinkets on Nico’s van so they could finally head to the Devil May Cry and get everything ready.
“Ei, demon boy! Close your mouth or soon you’ll be drooling on the floor!” Nico emerged from the back of the van, cleaning her hands and sighing while Nero just gave her a not so happy look – Kyrie only laughed. She would never complain about how her boyfriend sometimes got so lost in his own feelings.
“Ya know, I hope ya like your gift too!” He complained, loading the very last crates of trinkets on the van while Kyrie waited for him to take the ones she was carrying. “Maybe if we’re lucky enough, it will take your big mouth to another dimension!”
“Nero!” Kyrie chastised him with her looks only, but laughed at her boyfriend’s antics. Nico, on the other hand, just crossed her arms and let out a fun, hearty laugh.
“You better behave, or I’ll give your present to someone else! And I gotta say, it’s a work of art!” She quipped back, smacking the back door in a playful manner as he loaded Kyrie’s crates. Once everything was almost done, Nico headed over to the driver’s seat – they’d be leaving in no time. “You’d be sad to miss that!”
“It’s always a work of art…” Nero mumbled, rolling his eyes while Kyrie giggled behind him, trying to hide how amused she was. It was always fun watching the sibling dynamic they had – very different from the one they had back in Fortuna.
Kyrie couldn’t lie to herself: she always saw Nero as something else than a brother – and the reciprocate was true.
“C’mon…” She lightly poked him with her elbow. “Her gifts are always good.”
“Yeah…” Nero sighed, scratching the back of his head. He didn’t move, though, which made Kyrie know he had something else to say. She waited patiently until he looked back at her, hands on his hips. “Ya know, y/n didn’t ask for anything… Ya think we’ll get the gift right? I mean… Y/n will like it…?”
“Of course. You chose it yourself. I bet y/n is going to love it.” Kyrie had a soft smile on her lips, taking one of his hands on hers. It always warmed her heart how much Nero cared about those he loved – they might not have much, but he made an effort to buy gifts everyone would like. Even though he was lost with yours, he didn’t give up. “Let’s go?”
Kyrie knew very well why you didn’t ask for anything – and so, she was sure you’d love whatever Nero decided to give you.
December 1st, at the Devil May Cry
“Why you’ve gotta be so difficult?” Nero was almost melting with frustration over the desk, staring, baffled, at you, Dante and his father, Vergil. “Just ask for somethin’! Anythin’! It ain’t that hard, c’mon!”
“Hey kid, we’re already gonna have Christmas here!” Dante smiled and opened his arms, as always sitting on his chair with his feet leaning on the desk. Nero just stared back at him as if his eyes could become bullets and shoot his uncle – sometimes, Dante was grateful he hadn’t learned Vergil’s summoned swords abilities… Yet. “Don’t’cha think that’s already good enough?”
“Gift-givin’ is part of Christmas, you deadweight!” Nero exploded back. He had been asking you three what you wanted for Christmas for the past half-hour and, honestly, it was more tiring than killing demons. At least demons weren’t that stubborn. “C’mon, help me out here…! Kyrie’s gonna kill me if I don’t have any idea what to buy…!”
He rested his hands on the desk, sighing while dropping his head in a defeated demeanor. There were two reasons why Nero was being so insistent: first, he wanted Kyrie to know he cared and knew all of you enough to give good gifts; second, that was what families did: during Christmas, they bought gifts for each other, even if they were simple ones, just to show they cared. Nero, just like the rest of the Sparda family, had a hard time showing his feelings – but he used to do that with little gestures, such as gifts.
“Books.” Vergil finally said, uncrossing his arms. He was sitting in the couch by your side, both of you previously discussing how to harness energy and transform in means of attack – such as summoned swords. Since you started hunting with them, Vergil had become a sort of teacher regarding some occult arts. “I’ll leave it to your judgement which one seems fine, but I do enjoy poetry. There’s no such thing as enough poetry.”
Dante stared at his brother, one raised eyebrow. You smiled proudly at how far Vergil had come. Nero, in the other hand, almost raised his arms to the skies to thank whatever sort of god that bestowed some sense in his father to help him out.
“See? Was it that difficult?!” He pointed at Vergil while talking to Dante, staring back at his father with a satisfied smile on his face. “Thanks, Vergil.”
The blue devil just slightly bowed his head, a soft smile painted on his lips. You almost fell on a fit of laughter as soon as you saw Dante narrowing his eyes at his brother, knowing very well what just had happened.
Point to Vergil.
“Okay, kid. You win!” Dante sighed, throwing his head back for a while, before looking back at Nero. You exchanged a quick, knowing look with Vergil – of course, he knew it was point for him. Dante was defeated in the gift-receiving department. “But ya know, no need for somethin’ fancy for me…”
“You’re planning on giving him something…?” Trish’s surprised voice echoed from the doors of the shop, making everyone notice her and Lady coming back from their latest job together. “Good luck with that.”
“Could just pay his debts, that would be one hell of a present.” Lady bantered while leaving Kalina Ann by the door – she was tired and, after so many years around, she learnt to let her guard down around the crew, even if just a little bit.
“Ya know, that’s actually a very good idea.” Dante pointed back at her, a devilish smile painting his lips. “But hey, you’d have no excuses to come visit me then!”
She was ready to give a fiery comeback while Trish slowly sat by your side as she always did when you and Vergil were around. You were the trio of demonic research and arcane knowledge – and that would never tire you.
“Hey, hey, hey! Don’t start, you two! No fightin’!” And there he was: responsible, fatherly Nero acting as if they were a bunch of rebellious kids from the orphanage. That was something that would also never tire you – as much as he always said he didn’t see himself as a father in the near future, or even in the next ten years, you couldn’t disagree more. “I just wanna know whatcha want for Christmas. Lady, Trish, you better think of somethin’! And y/n, don’tcha think I’ll let you go just because you’re quiet, I know you didn’t answer!”
“Damn. You’re such a smart ass, aren’t you…?” You raised one eyebrow, crossing your arms as your plan fell apart. You figured if you stayed quiet for long enough, Nero would forget you in that mayhem – but he dealt with the kids at the orphanage. He was used to chaos – and to quiet kids just like you. “It would’ve worked with Dante.”
The Crimson Slayer only stared back at you, as if his eyes said “no, it wouldn’t” and you just smiled back, knowing. In all honesty, everyone from the Sparda household was very observant – even if they acted like they weren’t. Dante was precisely that case: he acted aloof and all over the place, but he knew very well what was happening around him. That was something you knew well, and Vergil had pointed out in many occasions – especially when someone worried about Dante’s safety. “He might be foolish, but not stupid” were his usual words.
“Well, I could use some new clothes…” Lady stared at her dirty white blouse, all but destroyed after that job. For someone who liked to blow things up, her tendency to wear white certainly didn’t help. “Maybe a new shirt? I need some decent ones to go out, you know.”
“Sure! New shirt! Thanks, Lady!” And Nero beamed excitedly at her – that was the easiest conversation he had since he began his gift-giving quest.
“Hmmm… I need some new make-up.” Trish considered, taking her lipstick from her corset, and analyzing how much of it was left. “I already needed to buy it, but if you want to be giving presents this Christmas, a new lipstick wouldn’t hurt.” She finished the sentence in a sing song manner, winking at Nero right after finishing it.
“Right! You know what, it’ll be more than a lipstick, just ‘cause you’re nice, Trish!” Nero pointed at the demon woman, making her laugh delightfully. Lady finally took a place by her side, enjoying how comfortable that couch was – the shop didn’t have much, but she couldn’t complain about that. “See? How easy it is? It doesn’t hurt!”
“Right, right, ok, no need to trigger kid, chill!” Dante raised his hands as if Nero had a gun pointed at him, making you laugh hysterically. You didn’t even expect that from yourself, but something about Dante feeling threatened by the sheer bad temper Nero was about to explode at him was always fun. “Hey, you need to choose a gift too, chuckles!”
“He’s right!” And Nero pointed at you, now looking as if he was going to shoot at your general direction. You just stared back at Dante, contemplating the possibility of stabbing him for diverting the attention of the short-tempered devil at you.
“Now you understand why I stab him sometimes.” Vergil murmured calmly while crossing his arms, looking stoic as always – and his words had never been so true: now you understood him at a soul level.
“Why are you taking so long to decide as well, then?” You asked back, getting up from the couch and approaching the desk, sitting on it as Trish usually did. The rest of the crew could have a nice evening while Nero wanted to kill you and Dante, at least that was what you figured. “It’s just a Christmas gift, Dante. Not a consecration from the Queen of England.”
“And she’s right!” Now Nero’s attention got back to the red devil, making you smile triumphantly. Dante narrowed his eyes at you, having a devilish smile surge on his lips – he knew what you were doing. If he wanted, you could easily start a war on diverting Nero’s attention until one of you lost – and honestly, as much as Dante didn’t want to give up, it was cruel toying with Nero’s short temper like that.
“You owe me.” Dante quickly whispered, pointing at you while Nero was just completely confused. But he knew how to take his nephew’s attention from that. “Ok, kid. Whatcha say ‘bout some pizzas? Maybe top with a few strawberry sundaes, and you got me the gift of a lifetime!”
“Really?! That’s whatcha askin’ for?!” Nero couldn’t be more baffled and lost. Books were easy to find, a shirt was a very normal gift, make-up would make Kyrie go nuts on Christmas shopping… But pizzas? “How am I even gonna wrap that…?!”
“Dunno, kid. You wanted me to pick a gift.” Dante shrugged, leaning back on his chair, and crossing his arms, a satisfied smile spreading over his lips. “That’s what I want. Good luck.”
You shook your head, trying your best to contain your laugh as soon as you saw how Nero was desolated with that request. Dante wasn’t easy to deal with – and you knew why he didn’t want anything fancy. You could never think of him asking for material things – he wasn’t the type of guy to care for that.
For the Crimson Slayer, the very fact he finally had a family together to have a Christmas celebration at the Devil May Cry was already much more than he could ask – and a part of it he owed Nero. There was nothing else he could ask from his nephew: he had given Dante his family back – even if the red devil himself didn’t realize he patched together a family of his own.
“Okay…” Nero shook his head, sighing as if defeated. His aquamarine eyes lifted back at you, already so tired. You were almost pitying him.
Almost. He did choose to bring the toll of that quest upon himself.
“How ‘bout you, y/n? What can I get you…?”
“I don’t want anything, Nero. Really.” If you had said that moments ago, Nero would’ve blown up in a fit of rage and made the entire crew laugh until you said something just to appease him. At this point, though, he just stared back at you, already opening his mouth to squeeze a request out of you. “Hey, hey. Breathe in for a moment, ok? I don’t wanna get anything for Christmas, Nero. I’m really grateful you wanna do this, but… I don’t know. I guess I’m used to catering to myself and it feels… Foreign. Too foreign; asking someone else for something. I don’t even know where to start.”
Nero and Dante fell quiet for a while – the only noises being Trish, Lady and Vergil discussing some of their own Christmas experiences. As it was to be expected, none of them had many of those – Lady and Vergil having lived that only as children, for a very brief period. Trish was very intrigued to learn about what they could remember of it.
“Well… We have to start somewhere, y/n.” With a few words, you were able to put out the fire in Nero’s eyes. Now, his aquamarines were calm as the sea; friendly, carrying a hint of sadness in the distance. “Just… Think about it. Ok? Even if you wanna a pet rock from the streets, I’ll find you the coolest in Red Grave, deal?”
“Ok.” You giggled back as Nero lightly fist-bumped your chin; in a caring way a sibling would treat each other. Dante never said so, but it was actions like those that made his heart grow warm in his chest – seeing Nero so kind, and you so vulnerable. Quite a cute family he had around.
“Well…” Nero sighed, tired as if he had fought hordes of demons. A whole demonic army would probably be easier to deal than that, if he had to be honest to himself. “Gotta head back, check on Kyrie. She’ll be so happy with the Christmas news!”
Kyrie wasn’t the only one to be excited over a Christmas party. The crew didn’t really say it, but everyone in the Devil May Cry family had a different feeling in their hearts with the perspective of celebrating the holiday once more – a kind of golden, warm wave that certainly would be called ‘the spirit of Christmas’ by many holiday stories.
Christmas Eve, at the Devil May Cry
“Wow! This place has never looked so clean!” Lady had just arrived, carrying Kalina Ann as per usual, but this time, with a bunch of red packages in bags wrapped around her hands. Nero wasn’t the only one to get into the Christmas spirit: as soon as the party at the Devil May Cry became something tangible, that no one backed out, the whole crew got excited for it.
“You know, it didn’t get any better when we were in Hell and you ladies were runnin’ business here.” Dante pointed at her and Trish, noticing how even the demonic lady had a few packages herself. “Wow, everyone gettin’ on the spirit tonight?”
“Yeah. Not all of us are broke, you know.” Trish had a beautiful smile on her red lips to compensate her harsh words. Dante only smiled back.
“I know! Seems like we’re gonna have a nice Christmas after all!” He sat by his desk as always, perfectly matching the green and red decoration.
“Hey, ladies! Glad to see you here!” Nero emerged from the depths of the shop, picking up his pace as soon as he saw the bags they were carrying. “Those are gifts? You didn’t have to! Let me help ya with that!”
“Ah, you know… We couldn’t let you have all the glory for making Christmas happen.” Lady shared a few of her red wrapped presents with Nero, heading over the Christmas tree he had set up with Dante and Vergil as soon as they arrived at the shop.
Kyrie had planned to do everything on her own if she had to. Dante welcomed them with open arms, looking as excited as Nero was for Christmas – and she hadn’t seen her boyfriend like that in quite a while. When Kyrie was ready to get the Christmas tree going, though, she noticed how slowly Vergil and Dante approached Nero, who was unpacking everything.
What followed, Kyrie would always consider a Christmas miracle. Dante decided to help his nephew, Vergil supported his son so it all wouldn’t ‘fall apart’ – as he said it himself – and Nero had to remind them how to set up a Christmas tree, because both Slayers had no clue. It had been such a long time, they forgot about it completely – and now, they were relearning it. And Nero, for the first time, knew what was like to decorate a Christmas tree with his family.
It wasn’t a perfect family, and he always had to give decent instructions for Dante and Vergil – as well as cut fights right when they were starting so they could have a little bit of peace – but it was his family. After the first initial conflicts, it all went smoothly – and Kyrie couldn’t stop herself from taking a few pictures of that moment. It was the family the three of them needed so desperately.
“Oh, wow! We’re looking like a Christmas deco shop tonight! That’s great!” Your voice emerged from the door, announcing your arrival. Dante turned at you with a big smile on his face.
“I know right? Gotta thank lil’ angel in the kitchen for makin’ it happen!” He pointed at some obscure point in the back of the shop while you left your biker helmet nearby Lady’s Kalina Ann by the door. As always, you took a quick job on Christmas Eve and now, as the night was approaching, it was time to be back home with your found family.
“I think it’s the first time someone is actively using that kitchen.” You approached him in a teasing demeanor, making Dante slightly scold you with his eyes – but his smile denounced how he was having fun with it.
“I’m impressed this kitchen works.” Trish sat on Dante’s desk, as per usual, checking her finely polished nails: instead of the usual black, this time she had blood red on them. Looking at you, she crossed her fingers. “Here’s to hoping it won’t blow up!”
“That makes the two of us, then!” You copied her gesture. “Also, loved that nail polish. The color suits you perfectly, Trish!”
“Thanks, dear. If you want to borrow it, just let me know.” She winked back as you smiled in response.
Before you could say anything else, though, Nero appeared by your side like a looming, curious entity from the depths of Christmas time.
“What is that…?” He pointed at a bag in your hands, making everyone notice you were carrying a small package indeed, but big enough to fit what seemed like simple presents.
“Oh, those are my gifts for the crew.” You lifted the bag, sporting a carefree smile as if you had forgotten about it. “Not much, really. But it’s from the heart.”
“Bet it’s because you spent most of your money clearing the shops debts for the month.” Lady had to point it out and you didn’t even flinch on agreeing with her – she was right anyway.
“Hell yes. That’s why everything is up and running for the party!” You had a proud smile, making Dante laugh at how happy you were with yourself. It was your way of contributing with the Christmas spirit, as you told him when paying for all the bills of the shop that month.
He tried to stop you – but you had the stubbornness of a Sparda. Dante was glad you were so keen to make Christmas happen though – in a way, he owed you the celebration to go as smoothly as it was going.
“Wait, rewind right there…!” And Nero stopped you in your tracks as you tried to approach the Christmas tree. “You bought the crew… Christmas presents?”
“Oh, boy… Here we go.” Dante muttered, hiding how much he wanted to laugh at the moment. He knew it was coming.
“What…?” Lady approached him clueless, standing beside Dante and Trish, watching the disaster about to happen.
“Hmmm…. Yeah.” There was no way you could go around it, so you might as well go through it – head held high, facing the grandson of Sparda with no fear.
“WHAT?!” Said grandson was, in a matter of fact, fuming. “You didn’t let mebuy you a gift and you appear here with gifts for EVERYONE?!”
“Look. Giving gifts is much different than receiving gifts.” You tried to be as analytical as you could, but you were clearly failing. There was nothing analytical in Nero when he was so angry.
“I know that!” Oh, yes. Of course he knew. He was the one making Christmas happen – upon Kyrie’s request at first, but it soon became something Nero hoped for so long and a childhood dream that actually came true.
Not exactly like he expected, but it did come true.
“Hey, hot headed demon, let y/n be! We can hear you screamin’ from the kitchen!” As soon as Nico appeared behind him, slightly smacking his head with a wooden spoon, you sighed in relief. You could always count on her to deliver you from Nero’s temper. “Hey, there, y/n!”
“Did you hear what y/n said?!” Now his fury turned to the crew’s craftswoman and you took the chance to leave your presents by the tree. “Ya know…”
“Y/n bought presents, so what? We have other things to care for!” She smacked him once more with the wooden spoon, making Nero hold it when Nico seemed like she was going to do it a third time.
“Cut it out!” He took the spoon from her hands, making the woman sigh as if that was so unfortunate.
“Will ya look at that! Seems like you’ll be helpin’ at the kitchen now, demon boy! Call me if ya need somethin’!” As she walked out of the shop, Nero was just left there, completely dumbfounded.
“I’m gonna…”
“Hey, she told me she needed to adjust some things on a few gifts, give ‘er some time, kid.” Dante finally said something, sitting beside Trish on his desk. Lady leaned on his shoulder, the three of them so entertained by everything going on.
It was safe to say the crew didn’t have that much fun with everyone together in quite a while.
“Fine.” And Nero finally seemed to calm down – even though he pointed his wooden spoon at you right after. “Don’t think I’ll let ya go this easy, huh? You’re comin’ to the kitchen with me!”
“Sir, yes sir.” You answered in a sing song voice, following him to the shop’s kitchen.
It wasn’t a big place and most of those things didn’t work properly. It took you some time to make it functional though – as you convinced Dante he couldn’t live of pizza and Vergil that he eventually would have to eat something. It wasn’t much, but it was enough for the three of you and eventual guests – such as in that day.
You found Kyrie and Vergil working together to make dinner happen. Interestingly enough, she ordered the Dark Slayer around and he didn’t even say a word of complaint: always eager to learn something new, Vergil observed as Kyrie masterfully cooked, always carrying some grace in her movements, and did his best to assist her.
“Everything ok ‘round here?” Nero gave Kyrie her wooden spoon back, making her laugh as soon as she saw it.
“Oh, well. It seems like I lost the bet!” She giggled back at Vergil, making a faint laugh appear on his lips. There was something so heartwarming about that, which made you cross your arms and lean on the doorway, just observing things unfolding on that curious day. “Nico said she could convince you to work here in the kitchen with me.”
“Oh, great.” Nero rolled his eyes as his girlfriend satiated his curiosity regarding the bet. “I wouldn’t call that convincing.”
“It was more like smacking him with a spoon until Nero got mad at it.” You added, making Kyrie giggle even more. The most interesting part on their relationship was that Nero could never get angry at her.
“A strategy is still a strategy.” Vergil pointed out wisely, getting back at chopping shards of chocolate. You couldn’t stop yourself from approaching him, which made the blue devil side stare at you with suspicion in his silver eyes. “May I know why you are so interested in my work, curious eyes?”
“It’s a rather interesting work, you know…” You leaned on the kitchen counter by his side, looking back at him. A mischievous smile denounced your true intentions.
“These are for the dessert.” He raised one eyebrow, a smirk trying to hide on his lips. “You shall wait, like everyone else.”
“C’mon, I just got back from a job, Verge. Have some mercy on my soul.” Your voice was a little more dramatic, but you tried to remain as serious as you could. “For it’s good to be children sometimes, and never better at Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child himself.”
Vergil stared at you for a moment, sighing while putting his knife down. With a slightly bigger smile on his lips, he took a few shards of chocolate on the blade and offered it to you.
“Just because you recited Charles Dickens.” He murmured while you happily took the sweet offering.
“Hmmm… Do I have to know poetry too to get some chocolate…?” Nero looked a little embarrassed, even if he tried to play it cool. He and Vergil were still getting used to living together, but after the first few weird months, you could safely say they were in the right direction. It wasn’t a perfect father and son dynamic, but it was good enough. For both of them.
“Well… Not this time.” Vergil sighed, taking some more chocolate on the blade and offering his son. Nero beamed excitedly, just like a child – and that made Vergil feel a strange tug in his heart. A part of him suddenly wished he hadn’t been foolish enough to have wasted his life in search for power and had settled down, staying by his son’s side. It wished he had protected him, watched him grow – at that moment, if anyone offered Vergil an opportunity to be there for Nero since childhood, he would take it. “Kyrie.” He extended some more chocolate at her direction, making her smile as much as his son. “I will leave some for you here. The rest, is for dessert.”
“Thanks, dad!” Nero licked his fingers, having a little chocolate lost on his lips. It didn’t matter how old he was, he seemed like a kid who was having fun during Christmas for the first time.
“Nero, why don’t you help your father with it? Y/n can help me with other things.” Kyrie suggested, getting back at cooking while leaving a part of her chocolate nearby. She loved nibbling at some things while working and that sweet treat would be perfect for that. “Having you both around will be very helpful!”
“Hmmm… I was… I…” Nero didn’t seem very certain at first: there were still things to settle on the shop regarding decoration and finding a space where the crew could have dinner – but he didn’t want to say no. It looked like Vergil’s guard was down, while he observed Nero with a certain expectation in his eyes – and even if their relationship wasn’t easy, Nero didn’t want to let that opportunity pass.
He always wanted to have a father anyway.
“Hey, kid!” And Dante appeared on the doorway, making Nero almost jump far enough to glue on the ceiling from being startled. You wondered for how long he was standing there. “Lemme take care of things here in the shop, ok? The ladies will help too. I think lil’ angel there could use all the help she can get right now!”
You smiled proudly. Dante never failed. He could appear out of nowhere, but his presence was always welcome: as you helped Kyrie with the rest of dinner, Vergil and Nero struggled together with the dessert. You even had to stop at some point when you heard both of them laughing – finding Nero covered in chocolate and Vergil patiently cleaning him up.
“You know… You’re sneaky, Kyrie. Very sneaky.” You had to point it out, smiling at her as soon as she approached to help you prepare yet another dish.
“Well… I felt like they need to spend some time together. Don’t you feel it too?” She chuckled sweetly, trying not to stare at them so obviously like you did. Not that they noticed anyway.
“Yeah… I do.” You turned your attention back to cooking once more. “I guess that’s what they call Christmas magic, huh?”
“I think so too.” She smiled back. Kyrie loved Nero with all her heart – and hearing him so carefree, like a child on his first Christmas celebration, made her wonder how she could love him even more.
You had to argue Christmas started when you all got together, still organizing things. Dante, Lady and Trish did a nice job setting the coffee table as a place to eat while everyone sat on the couch and nearby tables – as with everything on the shop, it was improvised but the result was more than enough for everyone.
Nico wouldn’t stop pestering Nero, as always; Lady, Trish and Kyrie maintained a nice conversation on various different topics – from devil hunting to newest fashion trends; You, Vergil and Dante kept chatting about day-to-day stuff at the shop; but every now and then, some conversation would arise to bring everyone together – and so, time flew until the clock was close to hit midnight.
That was when Nero announced gift-time – as he called it himself. You didn’t fail to notice how excited he was, but you didn’t know if it was for receiving or giving presents.
What you didn’t expect, though, was the eagerness on both Dante and Vergil. They showed in different manners, but it was still noticeable – Dante kept smiling and encouraging Nero to start giving away the packages, expectation clear in his eyes, as Vergil waited silently with a faint smile on his lips, silvery eyes filled with as much expectation as Dante’s.
And the red devil was much baffled to receive only a red envelope as his gift.
“Hey, open up before complainin’.” Nero pointed out before his uncle could say anything – not that Dante would complain. You firmly believed he could get a bush stick from the streets as a present and he’d never complain.
“Oh, be damned…!” But Dante’s face lit up in a broad smile as he took what looked like a bunch of tickets from the envelope. “Bullseye, Nero! Thanks a lot, this is great!”
You couldn’t stop yourself from laughing alongside the crew when you noticed what Dante got: a whole bunch of gift cards from his favorite pizza place – both for pizzas and sundaes. Dante could easily live a few months just on that.
“It’s a lot easier to wrap than a bunch of pizza boxes!” Nero laughed back, while hugging his uncle. “Now Vergil… This is yours.”
The blue devil took the box while slightly bowing in appreciation. Nero almost held his breath, wondering if Vergil would enjoy it. The man unwrapped his gift, revealing a copy of the Odyssey, by Homer – and that shocked almost everyone. Except Kyrie.
“I had to read for school once. It’s really nice. Figured you’d like it.” Nero decided to explain, trying not to let it show how unsure he was. “If you didn’t read it yet, I mean.”
“I haven’t.” Vergil stopped Nero from trying to overexplain himself, making his son smile comfortably. “I started reading a long time ago, but never got the chance to finish. Thank you, Nero.”
Before he could allow his cheeks to blush as much as his chest filled with pride and happiness for choosing the right present for his father, Nero took his last wrapped item from the feet of the tree, extending it to you.
“And this one is yours, y/n! As much as you told me not to get’cha anything!” He finally had you take your red wrapped present in your hands, while you only laughed at his words.
“And as always, you didn’t listen!” You quipped back, unwrapping your package.
Which revealed a very different looking stone – a crystal, you would say, sparkling in clear and royal blue, with some purple shadows here and there – staring back at you with carefully placed googly eyes that shook everywhere as you handled the stone.
“Did you just give me the coolest pet rock in all Red Grave…?” To say you were impressed was an understatement.
“No one has one of those. I can guarantee you that!” Nero had the brightest and proudest smile plastered on his face – as a sibling who just gave the best and most absurd present to the other.
And, in a matter of fact, he had just done it.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” It was Christmas – so you allowed yourself to hug him as tightly as you could. “Thanks, Nero. It’s the best pet rock I’ve evergot.”
“Hey, no worries. If ya keep refusing my gifts, I can always give you a whole family.” He laughed, hugging you back.
And you were sure you couldn’t have asked for a better brother.
“Hey, how’s your pet rock doin’?”
As soon as you excused yourself to the roof for some fresh air after all the gift-giving, Dante waited some time before following you. Alone, you now had only his company and the Moon’s – which made you smile back at the red devil approaching you. They all knew you liked having some time on your own when a lot of people were gathered together – and you, like Vergil, enjoyed watching the stars at night.
“Great! I’d go as far as saying Kerberos is happy to be around.” You laughed a little when Dante stopped right by your side.
“Kerberos? That’s the name you chose?” As he questioned, you only agreed with your head, making him laugh in return. “You know what? It suits the rock. Good name choice.”
“Thank you!” You bowed your head slightly. “Did you like your gift?”
“If I liked it? I loved it!” With those words, Dante took from his pocket a black and red devil wings keychain, already containing the shop’s keys and his bike’s. “Already usin’ it, see? I’m impressed it wasn’t a pizza keychain!”
“Well, you already got enough pizza from Nero.” You laughed back, staring at the sky right after. You had a thing of not looking at people’s faces when saying something from your heart. “I figured I could give you something that reminds me more of you. And before you can say it’s your demonic heritage, it isn’t. To me, you’re like a reversed guardian angel, hence the wings.”
Dante kept observing you for a while. You both took your time to sit by the edge of the roof, something he loved doing and soon you joined him on that preference. Observing the moon and the stars, he kept thinking about what you said.
Dante never expected to be seen as a guardian angel. He had heard a lot of things before – demon, devil, creature, underworld being – but never something so… Good. Dante was used to be seen and treated as a monster, as something inhuman, no matter how human he looked and acted. As soon as his demonic side triggered and he became a flaming demon viciously fighting other hellish creatures, he wasn’t treated as more than an animal.
But you were different, right from the start. And there you were, calling him your guardian angel. He could never see the angel in himself, but it didn’t matter how evil his demonic side looked, you always treated him like the best creature you had ever met. He had saved you countless of times – and you had saved his ass more than he would like to admit – but Dante would never go as far as saying he was a guardian angel.
You, in the other hand, did.
“You know… The kid wasn’t the only one to get you a gift this Christmas.” He suddenly commented, making you stare back in confusion at the red devil right by your side. Before you could say anything, though, Dante kept talking. “I know, I know, you didn’t want anythin’. But hey, we’re the stubbornest family in the world, huh?” And you couldn’t agree more, laughing alongside him. “And it’s not like I spent money on this… Ya know I don’t have much.”
“Precisely why I didn’t want all this gift-giving nonsense. You’re already giving me a place to live, Dante.” You analyzed, making him agree with his head.
“Yeah, but what you lack in rent, you have in bills. Not that great.” He joked, laughing while you were getting ready for a whole speech on how that didn’t matter to you. Someday, you hoped Dante would understand you were around because of hima nd everyone else – and money didn’t matter that much. “I want you to have this, y/n.”
It wasn’t wrapped or inside a box. Dante just put a cheap looking long necklace with a very expensive looking ring on it – a work of art, you had to say: the gold looked like vines and leaves, while a red, sparkling stone in the middle looked like the petals of a flower, forming a perfect red rose.
“It was my mother’s.” He finally declared, making you stare back at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Dad gave her as an anniversary gift; dunno how many years of marriage, though. But I managed to keep it when… You know…” He shrugged, taking his sky-blue eyes from you to stare at the stars. “It’s one of the last memories I have left. I want you to keep it.”
“What? No, Dante, you can’t…” You didn’t even know what to do with yourself. You were afraid to hold that beautiful ring in the wrong way and eventually break it – now that you knew how much it was worth, it became the most fragile thing you ever had in your hands. “I can’t… What…”
“Hey, don’t sweat it. My mom would’ve liked it, ya know.” He now had a playful smile on his lips, although you could see something else in his eyes. A gentle longing, slightly sad. “That I gave it to someone else. A human. Someone I love.”
Your eyes gradually filled up with tears as you thought there wasn’t enough air for your lungs around you that night. You looked at the ring between your fingers, wondering if he was right – but something inside told you that was his decision to make, not yours. And he had decided to give such a valuable thing to you.
In your eyes, that ring was worth more than all the crown jewels or expensive diamonds in the world.
“Thank you.” Your voice was but a whisper as you suddenly held him tightly in your arms. Dante was taken aback for a few seconds, before wrapping his own arms around your waist and giving in to the hug. “You know I’ll always be here, right? I love you. All of you.”
“I know, y/n. I know.” He closed his eyes, gently rocking both of you side to side, in a playful way. Nevertheless, Dante was happy you couldn’t see how much he was holding himself back not to tear up. That was, by far, one of the best Christmas he had in his whole troubled lifetime. “I’ll always be here too. Your guardian angel, remember?”
Even when snow started falling, you didn’t let go of each other’s embrace, not until you were ready – and until Nero and Nico left the shop ready to start a snowball fight that ended up involving the whole crew.
And there, among the glistening snow, laughing with all of them while throwing snowflakes around, with Eva’s ring sparkling around your neck making Dante and Vergil observe you proudly when you laughed among pure white flakes in that beautiful night, you were even more sure you’d never want any gifts from any of them.
Because the family and support they gave you was already the greatest gift you could had ever received from each of them.
You were home.
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shades-of-stony · 3 years
ABO Stony AUs! (Part 2)
As promised, here is part 2! [link to Part 1] I’m not sure if I’m gonna make part 3 but there are still a bit ABO fics left. 
A King For Christmas by iam93percentstardust
Summary: In 1867, Tony Stark flees New York after refusing to marry the alpha his parents chose for him. His money runs out in the small kingdom of Dacia, ruled over by King Steven of the Rogers line. Somehow, and he’s not entirely sure how, he ends up accepting the position of nanny to the king’s four children: Harley, Peter, Sarah, and Morgan.
Tony bonds with the children easily but their father is harder to get to know. Steve is still grieving his wife’s death four years earlier. His continued mourning has turned the once bright halls into dark and somber shadows of their former glory. Tony isn’t entirely certain what he can do but he knows that he has to do something or else the whole country, so attuned to their leader, will sink into despair. He begins by reconciling the king with his young children.
Meanwhile, the children have decided that it’s high time their father fall in love again—and Tony is the obvious choice. They concoct elaborate plans to force the two together, hardly realizing that Steve and Tony are falling in love, not through their shenanigans but through the quiet moments they share bonding over the love they have for the children.
What, Like It’s Hard? by JehBeeEh
Summary: Omega Tony Stark has it all, until his alpha boyfriend breaks his heart. In an effort to win him back, he follows the alpha of his dreams to Harvard Law School, where he discovers there might be more to being the first omega at the prestigious school. He also meets another alpha that might just make him forget the one he drove across the country for.
Two-Point Perspective by FestiveFerret for sabrecmc
Dear omega,
Congratulations! You've been selected. Alpha #95847872 has been assigned as your pre-bondee. A group bonding ceremony will take place on the 14th, unless other arrangements have been made by your alpha or their family. A valid bonding license must be submitted to Omega Services within 45 days of this letter or all services will be cancelled and any transferable benefits will not be applied to your alpha's package.
If there is some reason why you cannot be bonded on this date, please apply for an extension by calling 1-800-555-6827 within 7 days of receiving this letter.
Sincerely, National Omega Services
I Love You (From the Bottom to the Top) by RomancebyFaye for Reioka
Summary: Steve and Tony have a great relationship. They may have only been dating for a few months, but the truth is, they had been in love for years before that. Their relationship is only getting better from adding this new intimacy and Steve is very satisfied with how open Tony is in the bedroom. He’s giving and generous, sometimes to a fault, just as he is with everything.
And then Steve comes home early and catches sight of something he wasn’t meant to see. The shock he gets from the sight of watching his alpha ride a toy might not have been meant for him, but it doesn't stop him from wanting.
Now, if he can just figure out how to tell Tony how much he wants what he witnessed without putting his foot in his mouth…
Or Tony offers Steve something in the bedroom and Steve misunderstands the offer.
Until he doesn’t.
A Prime, Divided by avengersasssemble
Summary: Facing his and his infant son's possible death sentence, young prince Tony runs away to the only place where his father would dare not follow: the Northern Territories, known to house the most savage and brutal Alphas--including their bloodthirsty leader, the Prime Alpha. Forced to navigate fatherhood and diplomacy while being unable to speak the Northern language, Tony has to make decisions to save his son, even at his own expense.
Oversight by ShyOwl
Summary: It really wasn’t Steve’s fault that no one knew he was an omega.
I Love You 3000 by NazakiSama166
Summary: After the death of his husband, the only thing Steven Rogers could think of was going on and dying in one of his missions, and Steven was happy to get his wish.... that was until he woke up in a strange universe when people can shift into wolves and men can get pregnant... Oh, and did he mention that Tony was there too and was in love with his younger jackass self? And let's not forget about Peggy...
Life just loves to mess with him...
Dear Enemy by AvengersNewB
Summary: Alpha Steve and omega Tony are SHIELD agents who don't always see eye to eye, but some benefits on the side help them work things out in the most non-traditional way. Steve's jealousy after an unfortunate encounter with Ty Stone, however, makes things complicated.
Love Match by FestiveFerret
Summary: Tony had but one goal for the season: secure a marriage proposal from an alpha with the position and means enough to remove him from his father's house. Love was wholly irrelevant to the matter. 
Stuck in a... by  Annie D (scaramouche)
Summary: Steve gets into a serum-enhanced rut. Tony figures that there’d be a long list of people who’d volunteer to help Steve out, but there’s only one person Steve wants.
A Late-Night Snacks, and Other Good Ideas by  Annie D (scaramouche)
Summary: Steve's heightened senses means that he always knows when Tony's in heat. One night, he finally does something about it.
citrus and lavender by JehBeeEh  
Summary: Steve laid Tony on his bed as delicately as he could manage. Which was ridiculous because he knew, logically, that Tony was absolutely fine. JARVIS himself had told him. And that’s 100% why he had fought Natasha so hard on Tony not needing to go to medical when they came back, even though he probably could use the check up. Yup. That was definitely the only reason he had insisted on bringing Tony back to the penthouse. No other reason at all. If you keep this up, you just might start believing it, he thought to himself ruefully. Tony wasn’t his. He had made it very clear that he didn’t need some alpha in his life to mess with everything he’d worked so hard to accomplish. Especially not Steve Rogers.
Found Love in a Hopeless Place by crispybacon
Summary: Steve really, really did not want to tag along with his brother to the bar, no matter how many times the jerk nagged him that he needed to get laid. Just because Bucky’s known his Omega since kindergarten, and the pair have loud obnoxious sex in their shared small two bedroom apartment, didn’t mean Steve needed to stick his knot in any Omega that looks his way.
That’s not the kind of Alpha Steve was.
Or, Steve goes to a bar and meets an Omega with a complicated past that changes his life forever.
This is Not a Drill by sabrecmc
Summary: “Can I—can I see him? I mean meet him. Uh…welcome him to the team?” Tony clarified, probably not very well, he knew.
“Well…there’s a bit of an issue with that,” Fury said, and Tony figured this was where Fury got to whatever it was that had really forced his hand and made him call Tony in, knowing how much the man detested having to do so. “You see, well. He was suspended in the ice for nearly seventy years,” Fury began. Tony nodded along, because he could do math.
“I’m sure he has a lot of adjusting to do—“ Tony started.
“Seventy years,” Fury repeated, cutting Tony off and leaning back in his chair and making it rock slightly. “Of no suppressants.”
“Oh,” Tony managed to choke out past the lump that had suddenly formed in his throat. “Oh.”
Everybody's got a hungry heart. by Perlmutt for ShadowsintheClouds
Summary: Tony Stark has never experienced a true heat due to the suppressants he's taking on a daily basis. Society accepts him as a beta, together with his friends and teammates and the alpha he's secretly in love with. But some things are just too big to be kept hidden forever. An unfortunate turn of events forces Tony to reveal his biggest secret to the world...
Baby, Just Say Yes by betheflame for starksnack
Summary: In a world where Tony's life looks a lot like Taylor Swift's, Steve realizes there always more to omegas than meets the eye.
Apple Pie and Sunshine by betheflame, starksnack
Summary: Even though they've loved each other for years, Steve and Tony have each convinced themselves that their one-night-stand was a fluke. Thing is, it also resulted in Tony getting pregnant and as the birth approaches, perhaps it's time to use their words.
blue since the day we parted by funkyspacegirlfriend
Summary: When he's twenty, the man Tony thinks will be his alpha and mate walks away, leaving Tony with a gift he'll never regret.
The same alpha reappears fifteen years later in the form of SI's new military liaison.
In my Favorite Dreams (I feel your heat) by Corsets_and_Cardigans for wingheads
Summary: Steve is on his morning run in DC when a ghost from his past comes back into his life. And he's not alone. *** “Steve?” Sam’s voice cut through the veil of the past, the crushing weight of memory that stole his breath. “What’s wrong, buddy?”
His staring must have finally alerted another parent, a woman eyeing him warily while tugging on Tony’s sleeve until he turned around. His eyes were just as expressive and wide as they were ten years ago, piercing the cold morning air straight to Steve’s own.
“Wait. Tony Tony? The Tony? The Tony that Bucky busts your chops over Tony?”
His voice cracked, wrent into pieces at seeing his omega who wasn’t his anymore, body flaring in pain. Years worth of aching denial like a hot fireplace poker to his soul. “Yeah.”
“Okay then, who’s the kid?”
The Couch by Perlmutt
Summary: Steve overstepped a mark, when he accidentally called Tony, his mate, tiny. Because his omega was very self-conscious when it came to his height. So he needed to show him that he thought Tony's perfect just the way he was, if he didn't want to sleep on the couch for the next week. Luckily Steve was the man with a plan...
be the summer in my heart by billyscissors
Summary: After Obadiah betrays the Southern Isles, he offers Omega Prince Anthony Stark as tribute to appease the Warlord of the North
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i finished Home for Christmas! i must say, all these metas have worked as great companion pieces bcoz i can tell even more what u are doing!love the moment of remus immediately responding to his father's facade breaking & mood changing when he meets james. james feels like a happy escape, something you & your co-writer have hinted in metas. can you talk on that ending mood switch more? i want to know if i missed anything! looking forward to more of your work & future chapters of Toys!
Thank you so much anon! I'm happy to hear you've been enjoying the fics. It's been wonderful to also revisit my own thoughts and I can feel the writing slump starting to dwindle. <3 Remus' relationship with Lyall is fascinating to me, it's something I want to continue into my next fic which will be a Lupin and Tonks centred story. As you could probably tell, there is still a lot for this father and son to work on! Lyall, as we know from Pottermore, is a very complicated character who loves his son dearly and is paying for some very horrible mistakes in the most painful way possible. His relationship with Remus is contrasted both by Hope and James in Home for Christmas.
Canon doesn't tell us when Lyall eventually told Remus the real story behind the attack, why it happened and who did it. In this fic he hasn't yet had that conversation with his son, which provides a very heavy burden on Lyall. 'Lyall kept the truth about the attack, including the identity of the attacker, from his son, fearing Remus’s recriminations.' He doesn't want his son to hate him, he's afraid of what the truth will mean to their relationship, so he overcompensates with protection for a truth he hasn't said yet. There's a lot of tip toeing happening, although genuine and coming from a good place, it doesn't strengthen their bond in the least.
The guilt that Lyall faces, spills into Hope and spills into Remus. Hope knowing the truth, makes it easier for her to fight against it at times. Remus not knowing the truth behind this tip toeing, thinks it's because his father is overly protective and afraid of what damage Remus could do or be done to (not a wrong assumption but not quite the right one). So the three of them play this game of misunderstandings and never telling the full truth, and it piles on and on.
Before James shows up, Remus is hurt and angry at the overheard conversation. He craves to see his father get angry so he tries to push him over the edge. And yes, Lyall gets angry and Remus believes it's directed at himself when truly it isn't. Lyall is suppressing a lot of guilt, anger and sadness at his own actions, the 'ruining' of the two people he loves most in the world.
When James arrives, well what a breath of fresh air he is, and Lyall sees it. Now Lyall can't possibly know that James is aware of Remus' 'furry little problem', but what he does see is a version of his son without the burden - and that hurts deep inside of him. He realises that Remus beside him, feels the burden of his condition.
The way I view James, is a focal point for those around him, an anchor really. He plays the same role in his life and in his death, with Sirius and Remus holding onto him through their grief as a way to keep going. Even James putting his arm around Remus, it grounds him in a way his father isn't able to.
James is the most difficult character for me to write! But I love him for the strength he is to our very troubled characters. <3 My thoughts are a little bit everywhere, but I hope that answered your question anon!
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*Salted Caramel*(Steve Rogers x Platonic!Reader)
Warnings: mentions of anxiety and a very, very complicated parents-child relationship (I don’t know how to write warnings, I’m so sorry).
Summary: You have an anxiety attack one day and the First Avenger comes to the rescue. In a fatherly way, just to clarify, hehe.
A/N: Eeehh, I have no clue if any of this makes any sense, haha, but I’m not gonna lie, I wrote the fic I desperately needed, so anyways I hope you enjoy it, my lovelies. Also, know that if you ever need anyone to talk to, my dms are always open. :)
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You were the newest member of the Avengers and, although you’d only been part of the team for a couple of months, everybody had welcomed you with open arms. Nonetheless, you didn’t have as much opportunity to interact with them as you would’ve wished to, since you, not only being the newest member but also the youngest, still lived with your parents. Everybody had agreed that that was fine as long as you attended training sessions at the compound three times a week, which your parents agreed to. And now, even though you’d celebrated your 18th birthday a week ago, your living situation hadn’t changed much. At least not so far.
In spite of it all, the team had quickly embraced your presence in their lives and you felt more comfortable and at home with them than you’d ever felt with any of your relatives, including your parents. As a matter of fact, you didn’t really feel at home with your parents at all. Due to some issues from the past that had had its peak only a few months ago, the effect in the present was that your trust in them had broken completely and, even though you’d tried to fix the relationship several times along the years, the truth was that your parents kept letting you down constantly, making the damage irreparable by now.
This had taken a toll on your mental health and your anxiety had worsened a lot lately, nevertheless, telling your parents about it was obviously out of the question, and you didn’t want to bother the group of superheroes with such insignificant problems like yours. The world was in their hands, and in yours now too, you couldn’t make so much fuss about something like that.
Until the day you reached your breaking point.
Which sounds very dramatic, yet if you thought about it too much, you’d been through a lot worse before.
The circumstances and its specific details are irrelevant, the point is that, while you and your mother were having lunch, you had quite an intense anxiety attack. The kind you hadn’t had in a considerable amount of time.
Your hands started sweating, your heart began pounding inside your chest, making you feel like it could burst out of your ribcage at any given moment. Your breathing became shallow and quick, your lungs always asking for more air to breathe in, and a weird sensation that felt very much like losing ground and any sort of control over your life and yourself invaded you. At one point you even thought you’d pass out, but fortunately you didn’t.
You had to get out of there, fast.
So you told your mother that oh, crap, you’d just now remembered that you had a training session with the Avengers that afternoon, so you really had to get going. And without another word, not even waiting for a response from her, you took your phone and nothing more, and exited the house.
Once outside you walked aimlessly, trying to get as much air into your lungs as you could in an attempt to calm down. A million thoughts were rushing through your head, making you feel slightly dizzy, but you tried with all your might to concentrate on your inhalations and exhalations. After several minutes, you started feeling the tension in your whole body loosen up a bit, your breathing becoming steadier and your train of thoughts no longer on the verge of crashing. However, you still felt the urgent need to talk to somebody. Yes, the last thing you wanted to do was bother any of the earth's mightiest heroes with your problems, but this really seemed to be the last straw for you.
Therefore, you unlocked your phone and called the first person you could think of.
“(Y/N)?” Steve Rogers’ voice called from the other side of the line.
“Uh… Hi.” you said hesitantly, with a remaining shakiness in your voice that certainly didn’t go unnoticed by Steve.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong?” he asked preoccupied, and you could almost picture the expression on his face: the furrowed brows, the worry reflecting in his blue eyes.
“I, um, I’m… I’m fine, I just… I just needed to talk to someone. I’m sorry, I shouldn't be bothering you with this.”
“No, no, you’re not bothering at all. What happened? Where are you, at your house?”
“Umm, no, not exactly, I’m… I’m a couple of blocks away, but…”
“Oh, okay. Do you want me to go there, or maybe meet somewhere, so we can talk?”
“I-,” tears started gathering in your eyes, making everything around you blurry, but you weren’t exactly crying out of sadness, “I don’t want to be a burden, really, I’m so sorry, I just wanted to hear your voice…” you mumbled, your voice cracking.
“(Y/N), you’re not a burden. Whatever happened, if it’s important to you then it’s important to me, okay? We can talk. Just tell me where and I’ll be on my way.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? You barely know me…,” you sniffled, tears rolling down your cheeks now, a sign of how moved you were by Steve’s kindness. He didn’t have to do all that, leave the compound to go meet with you somewhere, to listen to a problem that had nothing to do with him, but he was willing to do it nonetheless.
“Because I care for you. Even if you haven’t been part of the team for as long as the rest of us, you are family now. And families are always there for each other,” he stated softly but with determination.
“Thank you…,” you whispered, feeling like not all the thank you’s in the world could express how grateful you were to the man. “Um, well, there’s… There’s a small coffee shop relatively near here, I guess we could… we could meet there… if it isn’t much trouble,” you added.
“Sounds good. Can you send me the address?”
“And text me when you get there, all right?”
“Yeah, I… I will. Thank you, Steve. Really.”
“Don’t worry about it, kiddo.” You smiled to yourself, feeling another wave of tears coming up. “And, hey,” he added, “it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.”
Minutes later, you were at the coffee shop, sitting at a small table for two by the window. It was a lovely place you’d discovered at the beginning of the year, one day you were wandering aimlessly around your neighbourhood. The food was quite tasty in general, and both the place and the people who worked there gave off a very warm and cosy vibe, the type you only feel during Christmas, sitting in front of the fireplace with a cup of hot cocoa in your hands.
You’d already texted Steve to let him know you’d arrived, and now all you had to do was wait for him to get there. According to him, he was just about to.
And it was true, because a moment later you saw the tall, blond-haired man enter the establishment and search for you with his eyes. He finally spotted you, and you were able to notice, even from a distance, how his expression softened, while he made his way towards you.
“Hey,” you muttered standing up, still ashamed that you’d made the superhero travel all the way there for such a mundane reason.
“Hey,” he greeted you back with a soft smile, before sitting down on his chair, prompting you to do the same, “so… What happened, kiddo?”
You sighed. “Well, I just… I, um… may or may not have had… um, an anxiety attack…,” you could feel your face heating up due to the embarrassment you felt by admitting it to somebody else. An anxiety attack. Pfff. It felt so absurd now, making such a big deal out of it when there were clearly more important things…
“An anxiety attack?” Steve asked, tilting his head to one side in that particular way of his. His ocean eyes were overflowing with kindness, and that single-handedly was more than enough to make you want to cry again. Your heart was definitely not used to such a level of sympathy.
“Yeah…,” you breathed, your eyes starting to water up once more.
“Does it happen to you very often?”
“Umm, not exactly, I don’t know… It’s… It’s been happening with more frequency lately, but… I-I don’t know, it’s… it’s complicated. I mean,” you sighed again, “I’ve… I’ve lived my whole life... with anxiety and, well, I know there isn’t an actual cure for it, but I’ve… I’ve learnt to handle it, more or less, it’s just…”
At that moment, a waiter walked up to your table and asked if you wanted to order anything. You wiped the few tears that had escaped your eyes as discreetly as you could, hoping the waiter wouldn’t notice anything. As a matter of fact, you were embarrassed by letting yourself cry in front of Steve too, but at this point you couldn’t really help it. The superhero looked at you inquiringly.
“Have you eaten already? Do you want anything?”
“Um, yeah... yeah, I have… Uh… no, I don’t know... if you want anything… I can tell you that the salted caramel frappe is really good,” you offered him a small smile.
“Is that so?” He smiled too. “Well… I’ll have one if you have one. If that’s okay.”
You chuckled lightly. “Okay. It’s a deal.”
“All right then, two... salted caramel frappes? Please.”
“Sure,” the waiter wrote it down on his notepad and gave you both a warm smile, “I’ll be right back.”
“Thank you,” you and Steve said in unison.
“So,” he began, “you said your anxiety attacks have been happening more frequently lately. What do you mean lately? Is there a specific reason? Is it because of the Avengers?”
“What? No, no, not at all, you’re actually kind of my escape from everything… Umm, it’s complicated…,” you let out another sigh and proceeded to explain the situation to Steve, at first hesitantly, but after a while you were capable of talking a bit more freely.
You told him about your parents, about how you no longer felt at home in your own house and how the trust you ever had on your mother and father had been broken. How the comfort they were supposed to provide you was long gone and, in spite of your past efforts, it always ended unfavourably. It wasn’t easy, not in the slightest, nevertheless, as you kept talking, you could feel a heaviness being lifted from your shoulders, one that you didn’t even know was there in the first place. And, yes, the possibility of things ending badly even now was still there, but Steve’s expression, his whole energy made you feel safe in a way you hadn’t felt for way too long. So you might as well give it a try and get this off your chest once and for all.
Not long after you started talking did your beverages arrive and you both thanked the waiter before you continued.
He listened to you attentively. Never interrupted you, waited patiently for you to go on every single time you paused to take a breath or sigh or calm yourself down, never pushing you to keep talking. His furrowed brow reflected his worry for you, but it was in an understanding and serene way. He was glad you were finally telling all this to somebody and felt honoured that from all people you’d trusted him. He was perfectly aware that you were opening up to him and the last thing he wanted to do was make you feel like your emotions were invalid or unimportant. So he kept listening until you finished, and then waited a few seconds more, letting you sip on your frappe, before he spoke.
“I gotta ask, is that the reason why you go to the compound more than the necessary three times a week?”
Touché. You’d been constantly lying to your parents, telling them you had training sessions almost daily, or making random yet believable excuses so you could get out of your house and spend more time with the people who actually made you feel good.
You simply nodded to confirm Steve’s suspicions.
“It’s okay, (Y/N), I understand, I really do. Families can be tough sometimes, and people may disagree with what I’m about to say, but you don’t really owe your parents anything, especially after the way they’ve made you feel. It might sound like a bold stance, particularly for someone as old-fashioned as me, but as the saying goes “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb”. You’re not obliged to like your parents, let alone if they have had abusive conducts towards you. Now, in addition to that, it doesn’t have to be a greek tragedy for it to be valid. If something makes you feel bad or uncomfortable in any way, if it hurts you, then it does and that’s it. Other’s don’t get to say whether they hurt you or not, only you do,” he made a pause, pondering what to say next, ”Maybe someday your relationship with your parents can be rescued, or maybe not. Both things are fine, as long as it’s what makes you feel better. For now, however, I think we should find a quick and satisfactory solution to the problem, so why don’t you come live in the compound with all of us? You’re an adult now, you don’t need your parents’ permission,” the blue-eyed man offered you a sweet lopsided smile full of warmth, a tiny hint of fear that went unnoticed by you sparkling in his eyes, since he wasn’t sure of what impact his words had had on you. He was hoping he’d said the right thing, but he was terrified of the possibility that he’d screwed up.
Nevertheless, his fear couldn’t be further from the truth. Steve’s speech had reassured you profoundly, reinforcing that sense of safety of yours that had already started to develop around him and the rest of the Avengers. You lacked words to express how grateful you were towards him, but this man would always have your eternal gratitude. Needless to say, tears were streaming down your cheeks as quietly as you could keep them, your heart overwhelmed by the tenderness and the understanding he was offering you.
“I-,” you began, but your sobs became too much for you to contain and you broke down crying. Still, you tried to articulate your thoughts as best you could,” I’m sorry, it’s just… nobody had ever been so understanding with me and… and had ever comforted me so much in my life… you’re being so kind to me I… I honestly can’t thank you enough… I don’t even know what to say, I’m so sorry, I’m so lame...”
“You’re not,” Steve assured you softly, placing his hand over the one you had on the table. How were you supposed to stop crying if everything he did filled you with a sensation of comfort you’d lost a long time ago?
“Thank you,” you sniffled, wiping your tears clumsily with your free hand, “Thank you. And… yeah, I’d… I’d absolutely love to live with all of you at the compound. But will it be okay for everybody?”
“Of course! I told you, you’re part of the family now. We would all love to have you there with us, kiddo. We simply have to tell Tony, he’s the one in charge of that sort of stuff. And, of course, let your parents know. If you want, we can go to the compound right now and tell him. I’ll be there with you if you need me to. Both with Tony and with your parents.” Steve gave you a loving smile. His heart felt so relieved now knowing that his words hadn’t been a mistake.
“Okay, yeah… That… That would be nice. I told my mother I had a training session, so she won’t expect me to be back until later.”
“All right then, perfect,” he said, before taking another sip of his frappe, which had been reduced by half by now. Yours was almost untouched, but only because you’d been too busy speaking. Or crying. Or both. “By the way,” he added, “you were right, this thing is really good.”
You giggled. “I’m glad you liked it.”
Steve motioned the waiter to ask for the bill and once it was paid (he of course didn’t let you pay for your drink no matter how much you insisted), you both stood up from your seats, grabbing the remains of your frappes.
“Steve,” you called, making him turn back to look at you attentively once again, “thank you. So, so much. For everything,” you expressed with as much sentiment and gratitude as you were capable of. He was definitely the best man you’d ever met in your life. And that was saying something, having in mind that you’d met all the Avengers.
“Come here,” Steve said with a smile, his arms open, asking for a hug. You did as you were told, a wide smile now plastered on your lovely face. Yeah, it was a bit swollen from the crying, but it was still lovely.
To be honest, all you wanted to do at that moment was to keep hugging him and never ever let go; nonetheless, you knew that wasn't possible and eventually you'd have to break the hug. So for now, you breathed deeply, inhaling Steve’s scent (he smelled like bar soap and clean laundry, with a small touch of cinnamon), and you let yourself enjoy every second of that warm and strong embrace, and its newly found feeling of home.
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grittyreadsfic · 3 years
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haha welcome to my newest rec list, what a run we had tho, a collection of all of my favorite nate bastian/mikey mcleod fics. rip superbuddies, they're not dead, nate's just in fuckin SEATTLE
the only hard part of making this list was not just listing out every fic ao3 user lotts has for the pairing which i did consider doing. so.
all that by lotts
summary: If Mikey gets a soulmate soon, he’ll have to explain the whole Nate situation.
Not– not that there's a real Nate situation, per se, but it’s just– Mikey has Nate, and it’s kind of a thing.
(Or: there very much is a Nate situation. There's also a Mikey situation. Eventually, they realize this.)
why i love it: to me, this is the superbuddies fic-it’s got the perfect pacing from friends to lovers with just the right around of blurred lines between what’s normal for friends and what’s something more, and their characterizations are just *chef’s kiss* it’s also such a great take on soulmates, and it really covers the different ways people can feel about their soulmates/the concept in general
kiss the night air by clementiae
summary: Jersey, Jersey. Whispered into the warmth of their laced fingers like a prayer.
It was a stupid dream. Mikey wanted it to last.
why i love it: never has under 1.3k words made me want to cry as much as this fic has. the way talking about their dream of playing together evolved, the narrative structure that builds? absolutely hits, very good if you want to cry about the expansion draft
sure thing by bitter_leaf
summary: In the history of hockey, there’s no way something like Nate suggested has never happened before and Mikey feels out of control following that thought down the rabbit hole, how he’d be powerless to stop it if it did, and that’s if he’d even want to stop it. The terrifying thing is that even though he can’t see it happening—they’re both straight, this whole fucking thing is just a thought experiment, pretend—now that Nate’s painted the picture for him, he can’t stop thinking about it—whether he’d even notice the signs until it was too late.
Sick of their teammates chirping them, Mikey and Nate pretend to date.
why i love it: i’m SUCH a sucker for fake dating aus, and this one does it so well. It really leans into the messy and complicated feelings part of fake relationships that i don’t think gets explored enough, and it handles it so, so, so well.
you let him wonder but you never let him sink in his teeth by anonymous
summary: Mikey didn’t really pay attention much in biology— didn’t have to, not really— but he vaguely remembers something about doing heat by yourself in a pinch. There were lots of warnings about it.
“You can’t just be alone,” he says and Nate lets out something that sounds like laughing.
Mikey is just trying to be helpful, and Nate is just trying to get through it.
why i love it: i really love omegaverse fics that invert the usual takes on the tropes (and this is one of them!) and it just really is a great look at their dynamic. i really like this take on mikey and nate as a whole, as well
though far away, we’re still the same by rathands
summary: Mikey wishes he wasn’t in love with Nate, because everyone knows that juniors shit—it doesn’t work out. Like Dylan and Mitch.
why i love it: lots of fun bad communication between nate and mikey, and i think this one really handles the emotion of it all so well. absolutely peak idiots to lovers, and i really love that it gives us both of their point of views
so i don’t have to keep imagining by preciousthings
summary: “It was a mistake. That’s— I didn’t mean that, and that’s it.” Mikey says, but he can’t quite meet Nate’s eyes. “That’s where I’m at, I guess.”
“That’s what I thought. So, we’re on the same page.” Nate nods.
(or: lost gold medals, ill-advised snapchats, love confessions, meddling teammates, and a whole lot of miscommunication.)
why i love it: i just think the premise of this works so, so, so well for them-it’s another great idiots to lovers vibe for nate and mikey, and the whole concept of drunkenly telling your crush you love them via snapchap? yes, good, correct
there is a bridge over a river, and some days it is lovely by lotts
summary: “What are you doing here?” Mikey asks, trying and failing not to stare, but Nate’s staring right back, like he’s also not sure what’s going on.
“I figured I’d meet you here,” Nate says. “Put a familiar face on the Binghamton welcoming committee.”
Mikey looks around. “There’s no one else here.”
“Well, it was either a familiar face or no face,” Nate says with an uncertain smile, like he’s not quite sure he’s allowed to make a joke.
why i love it: perhaps i love it because i like to hurt my own feelings, but this is really just a well done fic that really just hits. it’s honest and emotional and you can feel the weight of that throughout it, but it does have a pretty light hearted ending that is good and hopeful. bonus points for being one of my favorite break up make up fics ever and currently my most read fic of 2021
a catch in the curse by aliquis
summary: Mikey McLeod is gifted — or cursed — with the power of psychic persuasion. With the ability to bend people’s ears to his will, Mikey is well aware of how dangerous a power he wields, and the responsibility he bears to not abuse it.
Though he rarely uses his gifts, new developments in his friendship with Nate Bastian may threaten his control. Mikey would do anything to protect his best friend, including finding a way to get rid of his powers for good. Luckily, Newark’s own witch in the woods may be able to help.
why i love it: magic au!!!! i cannot stress how fantastic the world building is in this series (you don’t have to read the tknp fic that’s first to follow what’s happening, but it is worth the read) and mikey’s feelings towards nate and his own struggle is just!!!! honestly i’m just a series of exclamation points about it all
Invisible string by philatoi
summary: Mikey has known he’s liked guys since the first time Nathan Bastian smiled at him. That’s the thing, almost everything about Mikey’s sexuality has involved Nate — which isn’t necessarily bad. In Mikey’s humble opinion, Nate is the perfect person to fall in love with. Highly recommended. Mikey doesn’t regret putting all his eggs in that basket for the last six years.
why i love it: the pining in this, the emotions of it all-just absolutely top notch all the way around, and really just what i wanted out of a superbuddies fic. it really just feels so right for nate and mikey, and i just love it
you are a diamond and i’m just coal by hannah_baker
summary: When Mikey learns his roommate Nate isn't going home for Christmas, he drags Nate back home with him for break.
Or, the one where Mikey thinks all of his feelings for his roommate are platonic, and everyone laughs at him for it.
why i love it: me picking between this and hannah_baker’s other christmas centric superbuddies fic was like picking a favorite child. this is one of my all time favorite takes on mikey in any fic, and i always love a good college roommates au. just such a wonderful fic
turn the lights off, i’m in love by awoogah123
summary: “I can’t go to sleep yet,” Mikey murmured against Nate’s mouth, “I’m not tired.”
Nate knew this couldn’t be true, his and Mikey’s season had just finished and they were both exhausted. Still, Nate knew what Mikey meant when he said he couldn’t go to sleep yet, that he was too wired up, because he felt exactly the same way.
“I think I’ve got a way to make you more relaxed,” Nate said, mouth curving into a smirk as he brushed a hand over Mikey’s cheek. Mikey’s mouth smiled against his own.
Nate and Mikey are there for each other when the Devils don't make the playoffs.
why i love it: do you ever just need some soft comfort to cope? yeah me too! this fic is that and i was very 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 about it when i read it
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trekscribbles · 3 years
Triple Threat: A Stone Triplets Fic (Chapter 2)
Fandoms: Leverage/Leverage Redemption, Librarians, and Almost Paradise
Cross-Posted: Ao3 and FF
Summary: Eliot and Jake are both in the Philippines for separate jobs that turn out to be related. Kai takes the existence of Alex's brothers as a personal attack on her mental health. Ernesto happily goes along for the ride.
Read Chapter 1 here.
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Chapter 2: Double Trouble
The last time Eliot saw Alex was when they were 16 years old. Alex had been living with Uncle Danny for 6 years at that point, so the brothers didn't have much of a relationship even then, and the reunion had been awkward and tense. Jake was the one who tried to keep them together, who talked their father into hosting Christmas that year. He was the one who'd called Alex and begged him to come home for a week. Just a week.
They'd lasted three days.
At the time Eliot had blamed Alex—immature, bull-headed Alex, whose verbal and then physical fights with their father had led to his living with Uncle Danny in the first place. If he could have just learned to keep his mouth shut, most of the fights wouldn't have happened. Eliot and Jake had learned that lesson—why couldn't Alex? He always had to have the last word, no matter what the cost.
That last visit was what finally convinced Eliot to leave home. He thought about college, but eventually decided to enlist as soon as he turned 18 (without telling their father). Jake was supposed to go with him, but he'd wanted to see Alex one more time before they left. When months went by and Alex didn't come back, Eliot left both his brothers behind.
Age had given Eliot perspective, but by the time he was ready to apologize, Jake wouldn't take his calls. Alex had already joined the DEA, and a series of undercover assignments for both of them made it impossible for Eliot to reach out. And then he got involved with Moreau, and getting in touch was no longer an option. It would have put them in too much danger, and that was one thing Eliot would never do. But after a while, even that became an excuse. After he escaped Moreau, after Nate created a team and a family for him, he let the silence continue. He'd made that choice on his own.
And now apparently Alex was in the Philippines. Permanently, according to the detective who introduced herself as Kai Mendoza. That was all she would tell him (through gritted teeth, as though Eliot had committed some unforgivable sin by asking). "We have to take care of this mess," she'd grumbled. "Then we'll take you to see Alex."
She hadn't asked if Eliot wanted to see Alex, and part of him was glad for that. If he'd been given the option, he wasn't sure he'd have said yes. It would have been easy to say that he was too busy, that he couldn't stay, that it was better for them not to meet. But now that the offer was there, Eliot couldn't turn it down. One way or another, he was going to see his brother today.
Kai and her partner Ernesto drove him and the two men they'd arrested to the police station, where Eliot was firmly told to stay in the car. Kai paused after giving the order as if waiting for him to argue, even after he nodded and promised to stay put. Apparently Alex hadn't changed much since they were kids.
While the others were inside, Eliot took a few minutes to call Hardison and update him on the job. It was just the two of them on this one, with Hardison pulling the strings from somewhere in Vietnam while Eliot worked on the ground in Cebu.
Hardison picked up on the first ring. "All done? I booked you a flight back to New Orleans on—"
"I ran into a little snag," Eliot interrupted.
"What kind of snag?"
Eliot explained most of his encounter with Kai and Ernesto, but he couldn't bring himself to include the fact that he'd been mistaken for one of his long-lost triplet brothers. Hardison knew he had siblings, but Eliot hadn't ever gone into details about them. He wasn't sure what he'd say now, and he knew Hardison would have questions. Best to leave it be. He'd give Hardison a more in-depth explanation later.
"So now what?" Hardison asked.
"Now we wait and see if they can salvage the sting. If they arrest Flores, our work is done."
"And if they don't?"
"I'll let you know."
There was a pause, as if Hardison was trying to decide whether or not to voice his next thought. "Is there something else?"
Eliot sighed. He tried not to lie to Hardison or Parker, but he didn't want to have this conversation now. "Not about the job," he answered. "I'll explain later."
To his credit, Hardison didn't argue, even though he had to be burning with curiosity. "Okay. Call back when you have more to share."
It was another twenty minutes before Kai and Ernesto emerged from the police station, both wearing grim expressions. They were talking as they approached the car, and Eliot caught the tail end of their conversation through the open windows.
"I didn't want to bring him in on this," Kai was saying.
Ernesto shrugged. "We don't really have a choice anymore."
"Things get messy when his family is involved. It'll only complicate things."
Interesting. Which of his relatives had already come to the island? Evidently Eliot's family had a knack for disrupting the locals.
"Ocampo's orders," Ernesto said. He opened the passenger door and slid into the car, turning to look over his shoulder at Eliot. "We'll take you to see Alex, but you're going to have to come back to the station and explain what you were doing with Flores."
Eliot crossed his arms. "Figured you'd want to know that first."
"We do," Kai said, with a frown at her partner. "You owe the delay to Alex. He's helped us out in the past, and Ernesto thinks we should tell him you're here before he finds out from someone else."
"The surprise could kill him," Ernesto said mildly.
"You just want to see his face when we show up with his doppelganger."
"Don't you?" Ernesto asked. Kai huffed and dropped into the driver's seat.
They lapsed into silence during the drive, which Eliot appreciated. His stomach had begun an uneasy churn, though he told himself it was just because of the heat. There was nothing to be nervous about. Sure Eliot hadn't reached out, but neither had Alex. Neither had Jake, for that matter. Eliot had gone home once, just after he got out of the service, and found Jake had taken over the oil company. Their neighbors said that Jake was turning things around, digging out of debt and even managing a profit, and Eliot accepted the blessing and drove out of town without stopping by the house. It was enough that Jake was happy. He didn't need Eliot coming back and ruining things for him.
Kai pulled into the parking lot of another hotel, dodging groups of brightly dressed tourists as she went. "He owns the gift shop here at the resort," Ernesto explained, flashing a friendly smile over his shoulder. Kai didn't look at him as she got out of the car, but Eliot was happy to keep his silence. He trailed behind her as she led the way through the resort, winding around pools and umbrella-covered tables, slowing every few moments so Ernesto could greet someone. Apparently the friendliness wasn't an act—or else it was a very good one. But something about the man felt genuine, as if he couldn't be bothered to put up a front.
Kai, on the other hand... she was harder to read. Especially now that she wasn't giving Eliot anything to work with except the occasional glare.
Before long the bustle of the resort faded as concrete transitioned to sand beneath their feet. A small building rose ahead of them, still against the backdrop of gentle waves and lazy clouds. A soft breeze ruffled Eliot's hair, filling his lungs with salt and sunshine. He wanted to stop, to look out at the water and breathe in the sea spray and the silence, but the others kept walking.
No wonder Alex had picked this spot. If retirement was in Eliot's future, he could see himself in a place like this.
Ernesto reached the door, and Eliot took one last windswept breath to brace himself.
"You look nervous," Kai murmured.
No he didn't. He knew he didn't, because the only emotions he gave away were the ones he wanted people to see. And he was most definitely not nervous. But her eyes lingered on his, and something softened in her expression.
"Don't worry," she said, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "It'll be fine."
"Alex," Ernesto called, and Eliot's stomach gave another roll. This was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He tried to back away, but Kai put her hand on his arm and cut off his retreat, guiding him inside.
The gift shop was empty besides one man restocking a rack of post cards. He stood with his back to them, but it was impossible to mistake him for anyone else. He had the same build as Eliot, the same brown hair he'd have to fight to keep straight in this humidity, the same scarred hands from years of work and fighting.
"Hey!" Alex said without turning around. "Check it out, I got new cards."
Ernesto started across the room, gesturing for Eliot to follow. "How come you didn't tell us you had a twin?"
Alex looked at him. "A twin? I don't have a tw—"
His eyes fell on Eliot, and his words died. Eliot could feel Kai watching them, waiting for a reaction, but he couldn't think of anything to say. Hey, how've you been the last 30 years? Oh, me? Well, first I was an international assassin, and now I work with a group of thieves who steal from the rich and give to the poor. I still punch people for a living though. How about you?
Something started beeping. Eliot started—no, not started, just looked around for the source—but Alex slapped his hand to his wrist and the sound stopped.
"Everything okay?" Ernesto asked. Alex made a noncommittal sound, glancing at him before returning his attention to Eliot. His eyes seemed bluer than Eliot remembered. It was probably just the lighting, but since it was the only thought that didn't spiral out of control, it was the one Eliot clung to. Blue eyes like their mother's, like the pond water in the back yard. Blue eyes that had been red with anger and hurt the last time he'd seen them.
"Which one are you?" Alex asked.
Behind him, Kai made a choking sound. Ernesto shushed her.
"But—" she sputtered. "Are there more of them?"
Eliot refocused on his brother. "You don't recognize me?"
"You both look the same," Alex deadpanned.
"Well, we're in the Philippines and I'm speaking English."
For a long moment Alex simply stared at him as if trying to read the details of their separation in his face. Then he reached out, and Eliot braced himself for the punch. He wouldn't fight back—not at first, not unless things got out of hand. He could take a hit or two, let Alex burn off some of his anger, and then try talking. They weren't 16 anymore. They could handle this like adults.
But Alex didn't hit him. His arms flashed out past Eliot's head, wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him tight. "Eliot," he murmured, crushing him in a hug that drove the breath from Eliot's lungs. He didn't care. He grabbed two fistfuls of Alex's shirt and squeezed, pressing everything he couldn't voice into the embrace.
"It's good to see you," Alex said at last, gruffly. He pulled away without taking his hands from Eliot's shoulders. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh... work."
Alex frowned at the hesitation. "What kind of work?"
Eliot sent a look over his shoulder, where Kai and Ernesto still waited. They clearly had some kind of relationship with Alex, but how far did that extend? Likely not far enough to keep from arresting Eliot for the half-dozen laws he'd broken to secure his meeting with Flores. "I'll tell you later."
"Now's as good a time as any," Kai said. "You can tell us now or at the station, whichever you prefer."
"We can give them a little longer," Ernesto argued.
"Flores is still out there. The longer we wait, the more time he has to act."
"Who's Flores?" Alex asked. He let his hands slide from Eliot's shoulders, a frown settling over his face.
Kai gave him a pointed look. "I'll tell you later."
"I think you should tell me now."
"I don't care what—"
Ernesto held his hands up, putting himself between the two of them. "Kai, we can give them a few more minutes to catch up. We'll be outside, Alex. Ten minutes." He looked at Eliot. "Then you come to the station with us. Understand?"
"Fine," Alex said. "Ten minutes. I got it."
Though Kai looked like she wanted to argue, she allowed Ernesto to guide her toward the door. "Nice friends you've got," Eliot muttered.
He'd meant it as a joke, but Alex gave a serious nod. "Yeah. They are. They're closer than some of my family."
Apparently they were going to fight after all. "I didn't know how to contact you," Eliot said.
"You're smart. You couldn't figure something out?"
"Couldn't you?" Eliot countered. "The last I heard you were undercover. Reaching out would have put you in danger."
"I'm retired now," Alex said.
"So I hear."
Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "I did try to find you. There was a rumor going around that you'd died."
"I didn't. Well, I did once, but it didn't stick."
"How long ago was that?"
"While you were still undercover."
Alex gave a frustrated growl. "Fine. We both could have done more, alright? Just... fill me in on the case."
The case was a safe topic, so Eliot embraced the change without complaint. He gave his brother the basics as he knew them: Robert Flores was looking to set up a base to smuggle drugs to the United States. Hardison had been tracking him throughout Asia, but when business kept him in Vietnam he'd contacted Eliot about finishing the job. "Should have been simple enough," Eliot said. "Set up a meeting, figure out his weakness, take him down."
"But you weren't the only one after him," Alex said. He heaved a sigh. "How mad was Kai when you showed up?"
An involuntary smile pulled at Eliot's lips. "She thought I was you. I think she wanted to kill me more than Flores's men did."
Alex chuckled, sobering a moment later. "So this is what you do? You go after international criminals?"
"More or less."
"With who? I mean—CIA? Interpol?"
"It's kind of a freelance operation."
Alex shook his head. "That doesn't make any sense."
"It's a lot to explain," Eliot said. "And I will, I promise. Soon as we have the time."
"Right." Alex gave him another long look, and a small grin appeared on his face. "It's good to see you, man. It's been too long."
Eliot didn't try to stop his answering grin. "You go by Walker now?"
"You'd already taken Mom's name. Didn't leave me with much of a choice."
"Yeah, but... Walker? As in Texas Ranger?"
Alex hissed and shot a look toward the door. "Don't say it out loud, man. I've got a reputation to keep up here."
Eliot laughed, but Ernesto chose that moment to knock and peek into the gift shop, effectively ending the conversation. "You two finished?" he called.
"For now," Alex answered. "Where's Kai?"
"She went to get some coffee. She'll be back any minute."
Alex nodded. "Good. I wanna be back before the afternoon rush."
"You're not coming," Ernesto said. "I don't think Kai can handle two of you."
Eliot folded his arms. "For the record, I'm not Alex's double. If anything he's my double. I'm older."
"By eight minutes," Alex snapped.
"That's older."
Alex huffed a wordless reply, and Eliot felt a glow of something familiar in his chest. This was an argument they'd had hundreds of times—Eliot, being the oldest, started it most often when they were kids. Jake had come next, and then Alex—Baby Alex, they called him, whenever he was being annoying. Eliot was pleased to find the joke still funny.
Even better, Alex seemed to still find it annoying. Eliot couldn't say why that felt so comforting. Maybe it was just that he was thankful to see a glimpse of the old Alex, the one he'd known before they let their father and their pride get in the way of their relationship. Maybe it was the fact that Alex was relaxed enough to have this conversation in front of Ernesto. Maybe Alex had found a team the way Eliot had.
Maybe it was a good thing he'd come here after all.
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pitubea1910 · 4 years
10th Anniversary
Pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
Words: 4k
Warnings: -
Tags: -
Request: -
Notes: I was supposed to post this for their 10th Anniversary but I totally forgot about it and just found it on my drafts! So I hope you like it :)
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The moment you woke up you knew what day it was without even looking at the calendar.
July 23rd 2020.
10 years. It had been a whole decade since all the craziness started. Looking back now, you would have never imagined everything you all had gone through in that time, how much you had grown up -together and separated-, how much your lives had changed.
You were a 15 years-old-girl when you met them thanks to your aunt Lou. When you first laid eyes on them, you just saw five loud and unstoppable guys. You would have never imagined that you would find four brothers and something else in them.
However, there you were, 10 years later, checking your Twitter timeline with a stupid grin on your face. It looked like 2012 all over again and you loved it. You missed those times like crazy. Of course, you knew the hiatus was coming the moment Zayn left the band -and they had earned every single day of it-, but that didn’t change how much you missed them all.
Even though you had kept in touch with the five of them it wasn’t the same. They were all busy with their own solo projects and they barely had the time to meet up. You couldn’t blame them, but you still missed them. Especially the green-eyed one.
Harry and you immediately clicked when you met. It turned out you had a lot in common and similar personalities. You had a tight relation with the whole group, but what you and Harry had was special. Probably it helped that you were the same age. But the truth was that it didn’t matter the reason, you were always together.
Everyone who saw you together and knew how your relationship was just kept on saying that you two would end up together. It turned out they weren’t completely wrong, although it never worked out the way you would have wanted. You were a couple for less than a year. It was the best year of your life and the worst break-up you ever had.
You loved him and he loved you, there was no doubt of that, but it was too complicated to keep it going. As much as you loved touring the world with them, spending every single day with Harry, you also needed a life of your own, you wanted to go to college and doing it from afar didn’t work for you. It was the hardest decision you ever made, but everyone understood and supported you. Harry the most.
It broke his heart as well, but he knew he couldn’t ask you to keep with his lifestyle. He had to let you go. You gave distance a chance, but with their schedules and the time zones it soon became impossible. You remembered the last FaceTime you had, how heartbroken you both were. But it was for the best.
You never lost contact though. Every single time he would come to London he called you to spend a day together. Those days ended up being the best days of the year and they usually ended with you two going back to his place and spending the night together. And every morning your heart broke knowing you had to say goodbye again. But you kept on coming back to him every time his name showed up on your screen.
Usually he was the one who reached out, which made sense since he was the one who was travelling all the time. That morning, that July 23rd, was different. You texted first for the first time in a long time.
Happy 10 years, Styles. Wish we could celebrate together. Love you.
You gulped before sending the text. He was probably in the States and he wouldn’t see it for another few hours, so after sending some other texts to Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn, you got out of bed and headed to the shower. Usually, you would have to hurry to get to your internship, but with the pandemic you still didn’t have to go, so you had another day completely off.
However, before you got into the shower, you heard your ringtone. You frowned confused. It was way too early for your mum to be calling, so you had no clue who could it be. Maybe it was your boss, giving you an update on the status of your internship. With a sigh, you turned on the water and went back to the room, hoping it would be a quick call so you could go back to your shower.
You took the phone without even looking at the phone and answered it.
“Hello?” You said as you started walking back to the bathroom.
“Happy ten years to you too, love”, a deep known voice said on the other side, making you stop on your tracks as your heart started racing.
Quickly, you checked the caller and saw Harry’s name. He was probably the last person you expected to talk to that day.
“Thanks”, you finally managed to say when you put your phone against your ear.
“I’m guessing you didn’t expect my call?” He said. Judging by his tone, you knew he was smirking, which made you smile.
“You guessed correctly”, you admitted. “How are you awake?”
“I was out for an early run”, he said, making you frown.
“Wait, are you in England?”
“In London to be more accurate”, he said.
“R-really?” You stuttered.
“So maybe we can also make the celebration happen”, he said.
“Really?” You repeated. “I mean, yes! That would be great!”
You smacked yourself on the forehead for being such a nerd. He chuckled quietly before saying he had to make some calls during the morning, but he could pick you up at noon to have some lunch. You said yes immediately. Most of the restaurants were still closed, but he was Harry Styles. He always had a trick up his sleeve, and you couldn’t see what he would pull off that day.
Since you woke up way too early, the morning went off slowly. Or maybe it was just you being impatient. However, you finally got a text from Harry saying he was parked outside of your building. You grabbed your purse with the basic stuff -wallet, keys and phone- and a mask. Once you were sure you had locked the door properly, you went to the elevator.
Usually, he would wait for you in his car in case some recognised him. So it shocked you to see him casually leaning against the vehicle when you walked out of the building. When he heard you, he looked up from his phone. You couldn’t see his whole face due to the mask he was wearing, but his eyes told you he was smiling.
Despite all the precautions and distancing you were supposed to take, you knew it wouldn’t work with him. He was like a magnet and all you wanted to do was hug him and have him hugging you.
“Can I hug you?” He asked.
The fact that he was thinking the same as you made you laugh. All you did was hugging him tightly. He could always hug you, no matter what. He was the exception to every rule.
“I missed you”, you said with your eyes closed, which made him squeeze you a bit tighter.
“Me too”, he whispered.
You spent a couple of minutes just holding each other before he pulled away and opened the passenger door for you. You thanked him with a smile and got into the car and buckled up while he walked around the vehicle to get in before taking off the mask. You did the same and looked at him, the whole him this time.
“I love your hair short”, you said.
Harry looked at you with a dimpled smile and ran a hand through his hair -an old habit he didn’t seem to be able to shake but you loved- before turning on the engine.
“How long has it been?” He asked once he started driving.
“Christmas, I think”, you said after thinking about it for a moment. “Hans’ Christmas party before you went back to the States.”
“Right”, he said and looked at you, making you blush and smile at the memories of that night. “How have you been?”
“Locked”, you chuckled making him chuckle as well. “But good, I finished my thesis, watched a lot of movies and TV shows and baked. A lot.”
“You’ve always been good at baking”, he said.
“And you’ve always been good at eating”, you teased, making him laugh. “What about you?”
“I got stuck in the States until a few days ago”, he shrugged. “Didn’t do much either.”
“Sorry about your tour, by the way”, you said when you remembered. “I was excited.”
“Me too”, he sighed. “But some stuff are more important.”
You smiled a little and nodded to yourself. This pandemic had been, and was been, a wreck all around the world. As usual, you reached out to turn on the radio, which made Harry smile to himself. Ever since the first time you had got into his car, all those years ago, you would always start the music, no matter what. At first, he was surprised you took such confidences in someone else’s car, but he soon loved that detail about you.
“How is it going with your internship?” He asked when the song that was playing on the radio ended.
“I’m on furlough”, you shrugged and sighed. “I got an email last week saying some people would start coming back to work soon. But I don’t think that includes interns.”
“I wouldn’t be in a hurry if I were you”, he commented as he checked the mirrors. “You don’t have a car to go to the office and I wouldn’t be too excited about getting into the tube.”
“I could always get a bike”, as soon you said that you both started laughing. You were the less sportive person you had even known. “Yeah, that was a good one.”
“Indeed”, he chuckled.
“I’m not in a hurry to go back”, you shrugged. “But it’s boring.”
“I know”, he sighed and looked at you for a moment. “But at least now we have time to hang out.”
“Like old times”, you smiled. Harry smiled softly and nodded.
“Like old times.”
“Where are we going by the way? Most restaurants are still closed”, you said.
You had been so focused on talking to Harry and watching him drive that you hadn’t been paying attention to the streets, so you had no idea where you were going.
“My place”, he said, surprising you. “My new place, actually.”
“You have a new place?” You asked even more surprised.
“Yeah. Too many people knew about the house in Hampstead. It was annoying”, he sighed. “Hopefully, no one will find out about this one.”
“But you loved Hampstead!”, you pouted. You loved that house too, to be honest.
“I didn’t sell it”, he shrugged with a smile. “I just don’t use it as official residency.”
“Good”, you smiled now. “So… your place.”
“You’re okay with that?” He asked a bit concerned.
“Oh yes! I just assumed we would to some restaurant”, you shrugged.
“I thought about it”, he nodded. “But even if they’re open, I feel bad for the people who have to work in them, so I guess it makes their lives less anxious with less customers.”
“Always so thoughtful”, you commented.
“Can’t help myself”, he said, his cheeks blushing a little.
You smiled sweetly and looked out of the window, now curious to see where he had moved to. Judging by the zone, you were in the south of London, although you couldn’t figure out exactly where.
Finally, he drove into a subterranean parking in a big brick building. The parking didn’t have many cars, which led you to believe that he didn’t have many neighbours. Harry parked at the very end of the place and, once he turned off the engine, you unbuckled yourself and got out of the car.
“Quite big for a few cars”, you commented looking around.
“I know”, he laughed after locking his car. “It’s a new building. Probably is four years old, so not many people live here yet. And those who do, have more than one car so…”
“You have more than one spot?” You asked.
“Those three are also mine”, he said pointing.
You smiled when you saw the familiar black Range Rover in which you had been so many times over the years. The other two spots were empty, but you knew he had the cars to fill them.
Without saying anything, he started walking to an elevator you hadn’t seen at first sight. You followed him while you checked your phone before throwing it into your bag for the rest of the day. When you got into the elevator, you looked around at how new it looked.
“How long have you been living here?” You asked, leaning against the wall of the elevator.
“A couple of years”, he shrugged and you nodded. “I was the second one to move in.”
“Really?” He nodded. “Nice”, you chuckled.
It didn’t surprise you when the elevator opened at the last floor. He had always liked high places and he had always said that he would love to live in a penthouse someday. It looked like he had fulfilled another one of his fantasies. As you stepped out, you saw that there were only two doors. Private.
“I’m the only one in this floor”, he commented. “These two places are the most expensive so”, he shrugged.
“More silence for you. Imagine a family with three children living across the hall”, you said.
“You would go crazy”, he laughed.
“Definitely”, you smiled a little.
It wasn’t like you didn’t like kids. You did. But when there were many of them, you got a bit nervous, especially if they were loud.
Harry took out a keychain and put it in front of where a locker should have been. It beeped and he pushed the door open. He looked back with a cocky grin.
“Snob”, you mumbled when he let you walk in first.
“Hey!” He laughed.
He took your bag and hung it next to the door while you looked around in awe. It was an open-space living room and kitchen, surrounded by huge windows from where you could see Vauxhall Bridge and the other side of the Thames. It was all decorated in cold colours, but it wasn’t a cold environment. He had managed to give his personal and warm touch.
“What do you think?” He asked standing behind you, a bit more closer than what you expected.
“Much better than Hampstead”, you admitted.
“You think so?”
“There’s no way teenage girls will camp just outside your door”, you shrugged.
“Good point”, he laughed. “Come, I’ll show you the balcony.”
“I’m not a big fan of heights”, you reminded him while he was dragging you by your hand.
“I won’t let you go”, he said.
Saying no to him was an impossible task. There was nothing you could deny to him, not when he gave you that dimpled smile that you loved so much.
To be honest, the views were breath-taking, it couldn’t be denied, but you didn’t go too close to the edge just in case and Harry didn’t push you. All he did was hold your hand tightly.
“I have to confess something”, he said after a while.
“What is it?” You asked quietly.
“I haven’t cooked anything. I was praying you were craving pizza”, he said, making you laugh out loud.
“I’m always craving pizza, you idiot”, you said giving him hand a gentle squeeze before going back inside.
He followed you inside but left the door open. While he ordered the pizza, you walked around the living room, checking out the photos he had framed and also the vinyl collection he had. You smiled a little when you saw that he had all One Direction CDs there as well, as vinyl.
When you started looking at the photos, the first one that caught your eye was one of the two of you, so many years ago, in the tour bus. You took it from the chest it was on. You smiled warmly as you remembered all those long hours stuck into the bus. Somehow, they all managed to make it fun.
In the photo, you and Harry were laying down on one of the sofas, sleeping while facing each other. You were cuddled up against him while he had one hand on your waist, hugging you, and the other one stretched over your head. You remembered having that photo as your lockscreen for so long.
“I think that’s my favourite.”
You hadn’t expected Harry to be just behind you. You hadn’t even heard him coming close to you, so you gasped and almost dropped the photo, but he was quick enough to catch it.
“So I would appreciate if you didn’t break it”, he chuckled.
“Sorry, you scared me”, you said.
“Sorry”, he said too and looked down at the photo before putting it back on top of the chest. “We really had fun that tour, didn’t we?”
“Wasn’t it the one when we started dating?” You asked. He nodded and turned around to walk to couch. “It really was fun.”
“Are you seeing anyone?” He asked all of sudden.
You chuckled and looked down before shaking your head. It was a question that always came up between you two. If the answer was positive it changed the whole mood of the time you spent together. It wasn’t like you didn’t want each other to date other people, but it still hurt to see it.
“Are you?” You asked.
“No”, he said and looked at you before smiling a little.
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that”, he said and looked down at his hands. He started playing with his rings, which he used to do whenever he got nervous.
“About what?”
“Oh…”, you gulped and looked down as well.
You always feared when he brough that up. Usually it was because he was seeing someone, so you guessed this time wouldn’t be different, even though he had just said he wasn’t seeing anyone. You bite your lip and nodded.
“Okay”, you whispered.
“I was going to wait until after we ate but since it came up”, he shrugged.
“You brought it up”, you quickly said.
“Good point”, he chuckled.
“Anyway”, you looked at him. “What is it? What’s her name?”
“Her name?” He asked confused. “I’m… I’m not seeing anyone. I told you.”
“Really?” You frowned, even more confused than him. “I just- Every time you want to talk about us, it is because you’re seeing someone.”
“Oh… I hadn’t thought about it, to be honest”, he said thinking about it before laughing a little. “It’s not the case now”, he shrugged.
“What is it?” You asked now curious but also fearful. What if he said he didn’t have feelings for you anymore?
“You know how we have always said that we can’t be together because of how messy my life is, right?” He asked and you nodded, having no clue where he was going with this. “Well, I’ve been thinking about it, and you were right about it back then. When I was in the band. Now it’s different.”
“How? You still have the same job”, you shrugged. “And I don’t want you to have a different one”, you quickly added.
“Yes, but I’m not touring all year long”, he explained. “Now I can take my time. It’s been two years since I dropped my first solo album and only last year, I dropped Fine Line. Yes, when I’m on tour I spend a lot of time on it, but I also have a lot of time between one and the next. Especially now that it’s been postponed.”
“Harry”, you interrupted him. “Go to the point”, you chuckled.
“Yes, sorry”, he smiled a little. “I want to give it, us, another chance.”
Your mind went completely blank as he said the words. You had no idea how many times you had dreamed about this and, now that it was right in front of you, you didn’t know what to say. Suddenly, you felt scared, confused, lost. You loved him? Of course you did. Was this a good idea? You got no idea. You only knew that the first time almost broke you and you didn’t know if you were ready to go through that again.
Although it could work out this time, a tiny voice inside your head said.
What if it didn’t? What if you just didn’t work as a couple?
Luckily for you, just then the bell rang.
“Pizza!” You exclaimed and got up, relieved to have some time off from that conversation.
Harry looked at you as you ran to the door, obviously running away from him at the moment. He had no idea what to think of that. Did that mean you didn’t feel the same way anymore? You only saw him as a friend? Or maybe it was just that you didn’t see it coming and felt a bit overwhelmed? He wanted to believe it was the latest, but his mind kept on going to the worst-case scenario.
Anyway, the food was there and he figured that giving you time to take his words in wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Harry had already paid for the pizzas when he ordered them, so all you had to do was take them. Once you closed the door by pushing it with your foot, you went to the isle that separated the kitchen from the living room and put them on top of it.
“This smell amazing”, you said while Harry was walking around the kitchen gathering the dishes, glasses and napkins.
“I’m drooling just by the smell”, he agreed. “Do you want to eat here, in the living room or out there?”
“It’s a bit chilly out there”, you said. “Maybe the living room and we can watch something on Netflix?”
“Sounds good”, he nodded.
Silently, you two moved everything to the living room and set the table up. When it was all ready, Harry turned on the TV and logged into his Netflix account before he started looking for something to watch while you poured water into the glasses.
“What about Harry Potter and The Priosioner of Azkaban?” He suggested.
“You know me”, you smiled widely.
It was your favourite Harry Potter movie, so there was no way you would say no to it. Harry smiled warmly and nodded to himself.
“I do”, he sighed before pressing play on the remote.
“I’m surprised you watched the whole movie”, you said two hours later when the movie was over.
“Why?” Harry asked.
He stood up and started taking everything back to the kitchen.
“Well”, you got up too and took the glasses. “You always fall asleep during the movies I choose.”
“Technically, I chose this one, so it would’ve been rude to fall asleep”, he said while you handed him the glasses so he would put them into the dishwasher.
“It’s rude anyway but whatever helps you sleep at night”, you said with a smile.
“Are you saying I’m rude?” He asked with his eyes narrowed after he closed the dishwasher.
“Contrary to popular belief, Mr. Styles… I know the whole truth about you”, you said, crossing your arms.
“And what is that?” He asked, mirroring your position.
“That you can be rude sometimes”, you shrugged.
“Falling asleep during a movie is not rude. It is… tiredness”, he said, making you laugh.
“And you always have a reply for everything”, you said.
“I like to be prepared”, he shrugged.
“Like I said…”, you laughed and leaned against the counter.
Harry laughed out loud and shook his head before excusing himself to go to the bathroom. You stayed there in the kitchen, thinking again about what Harry had said just before the pizza arrived. You had barely paid attention to the movie thanks to that.
You had no idea where that proposition came from. It had been years since you two had had any conversation about your relationship and you had no idea what you wanted. Yes, you loved him. Yes, you wanted to be with him. But you feared that this was just about him feeling nostalgic. You remembered vividly the great couple you two were, but you didn’t know if you could go through that kind of heartbreak again.
“You know what I’ve been trying to get better at during lockdown?”
You jumped a little since you hadn’t heard him coming back from the bathroom.
“Surprise me”, you said, still lost in thought.
“Football”, he said. You looked at him with an eyebrow raised, trying not to laugh.
“Really?” You asked. “How did that turn out exactly?”
“Awful”, he admitted, making you laugh.
“I figured”, you nodded and sighed, looking down at your hands.
You felt him coming closer until he was standing right in front of you. Yet, you didn’t dare to look up.
“You okay?” He finally asked.
“Where did that come from?” You blurted out. When he didn’t answer, you looked up. He was frowning and the look in his eyes told you that he was measuring his words. “About us.”
“From… what I feel for you”, he said like it was obvious. “What I’ve always felt for you.”
“Right”, you sighed.
“Don’t you feel the same anymore?” He asked worried.
“I don’t think there’s a world, a universe, where I don’t feel that way about you”, you sighed.
“What’s the problem, then?”
“Why now? How do I know that this, you wanting more again, is not something that will just go away?” You asked.
“I’ve always wanted more from us, (Y/N). The only reason we broke up was because we couldn’t make it work with our lives. We can now”, he said. Hesitantly, he took a step towards you and held your hands. “I’ve loved you since we were 18. I can promise you it isn’t going anywhere. Ever. And neither am I.”
“It…”, you sighed. “It just hurt so much when we broke up, Harry. I don’t think I can go through that again.”
“You won’t.”
“You can’t promise that”, you chuckled.
“I could”, he shrugged. “Because that’s a promise I plan on keeping.”
You looked down at your united hands and sighed. His hands had always been so big, way bigger than yours, which had always made you feel safe in a strange way. You bit your lip, not knowing what to do. You knew what you wanted, but you didn’t know if you were brave enough to do it.
“I love you”, you whispered.
“And I love you too”, he said back, rubbing your hands. “You’re my endgame.”
“Don’t use The Avengers against me”, you said, making him laugh. With a sigh, you looked up and it surprised you to find his green eyes so close to yours. “You can’t look at me with those eyes and expect me to give you a reasoned answer.”
“I don’t want you to follow reason”, he shrugged. “I want you to say what you really want.”
“You”, you said without hesitation. “Always. Every day.”
Harry smiled warmly and put some hair out of your face gently, before cupping your face.
Your heart was beating so fast and it felt so loud, that it surprised you that he couldn’t listen to it. You didn’t know what the right thing to do was, but you knew that reasoning about this wouldn’t get you anywhere. You knew you loved him, you knew you wanted to be with him. Maybe he was right. Maybe you could make it work this time. They said that third time was the charm, but maybe the second could be your charm.
“Is it a yes?” He asked, now looking at your lips.
“Yes”, you finally nodded.
His smile grew even bigger now before pulling you towards him and pressing his lips against yours. Just like every single time, you felt fireworks in your stomach. Ever since the first time you kissed him, you felt you could spend your whole time kissing him and would never get tired of it.
Maybe this time, you could do it forever.
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hello! i hope you have a happy holidays!! just a question: do you know any good crossover fics? :0 thanks so much! 🥰
Hi Nonny!! 
Thank you! My holiday season was great <3 Sorry for the delay on the reply, but your ask was a great one because I’ve wanted to do an update list to my “movies and books” list, so I’m updating it to just “crossovers” because I have more to add and that makes me happy!! 
This list ended up getting split across two asks, so for this one, this list is all my bookmarked fics. A part 1.5 with my MFL’s is coming shortly with another ask, and I ask y’all hold off to add your own suggestions to that list instead, please :) Thank you!
CROSSOVERS and FUSIONS (Feb 2021) Pt. 1
See Also:
Fairy Tales and Fantasy
TV, Movies, and Books AU (Fantasy Pt. 2)
Wonderful Life AU
Sherlock / Hannibal Crossovers?
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Faes / Faeries
Disney-esque Fics
Moulin Rouge AU
Crossovers & Fusions Pt.1.5 [MFLs]
It's After That Hurts by jonnyluvssherlock (T, 2,791 w., 1 Ch. || City of Angels AU || Fantasy, Fallen Angel Sherlock, Soldier John, Pining Sherlock, Friends to Lovers, Permanently Incomplete Fic) – Sherlock's an angel stuck as a guardian to danger addict John Watson. Everything is fine until he gets too involved. Now he has to make the choice, eternity alone or one life time with a man who may or may not love him.
Caffeine and Adaptive Programming by DemonicSymphony (E, 5,540 w., 1 Ch. || Androids AU / Bond Fusion || Android Sherlock, Coffee Shop AU, Pining John Hinted Bond / Q, Toplock) – Sherlock is a coffee shop android slowly falling for a regular customer. But he's not supposed to be able to feel emotions.
Captain John Watson, Genetics, and Other Crazy Things by cyerus (M, 5,581 w., 1 Ch. || Torchwood Crossover ||  Humour / Crack, Jealous Sherlock, Sexual Magnet John, Captain John, UST / RST, Three Continents Watson) – The explanation for John "Three Continents" Watson? Jack Harkness is his father. Sherlock doesn't know whether he's going to die from jealousy or sexual frustration first.
The Frost Child by twistedthicket1 (M, 9,994 w., 2 Ch. || Frozen-ish AU || Magical Realism, Christmas, Angst, Fluff, Powerful John) – In a world where people are born with a Gift of varying levels, simple John Watson is the last person one might look at when thinking of any strong Magick capabilities. Hiding comfortably in the shadow of Sherlock's brilliant deducing abilities, John is content to keep it that way...
London Gods by a_different_equation (E, 11,092 w., 5 Ch. || American Gods Fusion || Magical Realism, Sex Magic, True Love, PTSD John, First Kiss/Time, Marathon Sex, Sensuality, Genie Sherlock, Human John, Internalized Homophobia, Star-Crossed Lovers, Soul Mates) – Sherlock Holmes is a jinn who does not grant wishes. However, when Dr. John H. Watson, recently returned from the war in Afghanistan, gets into his cab by "accident", it might not even need magic to grant both men their deepest wish: love.
Equilibrium by augustbird (M, 12,351 w., 1 Ch. || Flowers for Algernon Fusion || Jealous then Worried Sherlock, Sick John) – At Baskerville, John is infected by a virus that turns him into a genius. But when the infection progresses into neurodegeneration, it's a race against time to save himself.
The Nutcracker by Odamaki (T, 13,758 w., 7 Ch. || Nutcracker AU ||  Christmas, Dark Magic, Dolls) – Sherlock is unimpressed with Uncle Rudy's present. A doll? What does he want with a doll?
Wonderful, Etcetera. by VictoryCandescence (T, 16,955 w., 3 Ch. || Wonderful Life AU || Alternate Timelines, Brotherhood, Homophobia, Suicidal Ideations, Mentions of Drug Use, Friendship, Different TRF, Sherlock’s Past, Victor Trevor is Past Boyfriend, Depression, Hallucination, Love Confessions, Christmas, First Kiss) – Sherlock thinks everyone would be better off if he had never existed, including and especially himself. When he finds himself in a world in which his wish has been granted, he begins to think perhaps even he could be wrong – but it takes an unlikely chaperone to make him not only observe, but understand.
Uncharted Territory by J_Baillier (T, 19,603 w., 4 Ch. || Dystopian Future / Black Mirror AU || Alternate First Meeting, Angst, Drama, Homophobia, Bisexuality, Technology, Humour, Romance, Near Future, Happy Ending) – The System puts people through a series of assigned relationships in order to determine who their Perfect Match is. John believes that it works; Sherlock really, really doesn't. One of them is probably going to be wrong.
Once Upon a Beast Becoming by antietamfalls (T, 24,042 w., 6 Ch. || Beauty and the Beast AU || Magical Realism, Folklore, Celtic Mythology) – An act of pride, a druid’s curse, an enchanted leaf; Sherlock’s torment has lasted an age. Hope arrives in the form of one John Watson, a man uniquely suited to break the spell. But with a single night to win his affections, Sherlock finds his carefully laid plans disrupted by a monstrous killer whose sights are set on the only thing he has left to lose: John.
Classified(s) by blueink3 (E, 36,153 w., 4 Ch. || Wedding Date AU || Fake Relationship, Jealous, PIning, H/C, Idiots in Love, Happy Ending, Mary is not Nice, Escort Service) – Clara's American father is the ambassador to some such territory that Great Britain probably used to own, but she (and Harry’s undying love for her) is the reason John is getting on a flight at 12:30pm, flying across the second largest ocean in the world, and pretending to be in a perfectly happy, healthy relationship with an undoubtedly perfectly coiffed stranger. See, Clara is not only American (and wealthy to boot), she's also best friends with John’s ex-fiancée. Whom she's placed in the wedding party. As Maid of Honor. And John just happens to be Best Man. Bloody brilliant.
The Boy Who Drank Stars by kinklock (E, 36,157 w., 4 Ch. || Howl’s Moving Castle AU || Witches and Wizards, Slow Burn, Magic, Jealous John, Happy Ending, Bed Sharing) – “I’m looking for a castle,” John informed the scarecrow. “A moving one.”Except that, as it turned out, it was not a moving one at all.
we have never seen a greater day than this by Lediona (T, 36,420 w., 7 Ch. || A Royal Night Out AU || WWII / VE Day, Prince Sherlock, Soldier John, Alternating POV, First Kiss, Bittersweet Ending, Homophobia, Dancing) – Peace. At long last. It’s VE Day and Prince William desires to join the celebrations. It is a night of excitement, danger and the first flutters of romance.
Malediction by MapleleafCameo (M, 36,680 w., 11 Ch. || Ladyhawke AU || Magical Realism, Romance, Curses, Eventual Happy Ending) – Cursed to a half-life, John and Sherlock must fight the forces of evil to be reunited once again.
Only To Be With You by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (M, 40,768 w., 4 Ch. || Black Mirror / Future AU || Character Death, Future Technology, Sickness/Cancer/Illness, Heavy Angst with Happy Ending, First Person POV John, Pining John, Heart-Wrenching Angst) – I tell myself that next time I’ll come near this same place again. Wait around for the mysterious stranger in his coat to dash past me, hot on the heels of a new criminal in black. I think this all the way back to my Exit, planning where I’ll wait and what I’ll say when I see him. Scheming on how to get his name. It’s only once I reach the Exit Point door that I realize two hours and forty-five minutes have passed, and I realize that this won’t be the last time I Visit. It won’t be the last time at all.
The Curious Adventure of the Drs. Watson by ShinySherlock (M, 40,883 w., 14 Ch. || BBC & ACD Fusion || Victorianlock, Time Travel / Magical Realism, Friends to Lovers, Love and Kissing, Romance, Body Swap) – What if ACD Watson and BBC Watson switched places...  “Imposter!” Hands clenching the lapels of John’s coat, Holmes shoved him anew. “Yes!” John agreed, nodding, and then grimacing. “Sort of!”
The Soul Remembers by i_ship_an_armada (E, 43,636 w., 10 Ch. || Oblivion AU || Post-Apocalypse, Movie Fusion, Science Fiction, Action/Adventure, Angst, Dreams, Bittersweet Ending) – John Watson is the lone security repairman stationed on a desolate, nearly-ruined future Earth. His dreams are plagued by a tall, dark-haired man, and when his dreams meet reality, he will be forced to question everything he believes is the truth about his life.
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
Coventry by standbygo (E, 52,020 w., 26 Ch. || Dollhouse AU || Case Fic, Slow Burn, Sci-Fi / Fantasy, First Kiss / Time, Attempted Rape/Non-Con, BAMF John, Falling in Love) – “Let me get this straight,” John said, wondering when his life had become a science fiction film. “Some guy orders up a personality, a person, to his specifications, and they program this into a real live person, who has consented to do this, and she goes to this person and acts as his wife, or lawyer, or Royal Marine, or Navy Seal or what have you, and she has all the skills, all the knowledge, everything? Then you say the magic words, and she follows you back to The House, and they erase it all until her next appointment?”
floating through a dark blue sky by Lediona (M, 58,966 w., 15 Ch. || Notting Hill AU || POV John, Celebrity Sherlock, First Date / Time / Kiss, Past Drug Addiction, Angst with a Happy Ending) – Of course, I’d seen his films and always thought he was, well, brilliant -- but, you know, a million miles from the world I live in. Or, when John is the owner of a travel book shop and the famous Sherlock Holmes stops in one day.
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
This Thing All Things Devours by cypress_tree (E, 63,844 w., 15 Ch. || In Time AU || Science Fiction, Dystopian Universe, First Meetings, Action / Adventure, Romance) – In 2169, time is money—literally. Humans are genetically engineered to stop aging at 25, when the numbers on their arm start counting down from one year. When that time is up, they die. The only way to get more time is to earn it, borrow it, or steal it.John Watson lives day-to-day in the crowded slums of Zone 13. He never imagined living any differently—until he meets the practically-immortal Sherlock, and helps him on a case to track a local time-thief...
Being John Watson-ish by elwinglyre (E, 69,902 w., 17 Ch. || Bodysnatcher AU || Author John, Cranky Sherlock, Angst, Sexual Tension, First Kiss / Time, Falling in Love, BAMF John, Past Soldier John, Feelings, Inside Someone’s Brain, Shy Sherlock, Sherlock Loves John, POV Sherlock, Switchlock, Slow Burn, Internal Dialogue, Mental Turmoil) – When consulting detective Sherlock Holmes steps on one toe too many at a crime scene, he's consigned to a desk job in an archaic office on the seventh-and-a-half floor of the New Scotland Yard. It’s in this bleak office that Sherlock discovers a portal into the mind of renowned author John Watson. Grander than his mind palace, this new wonderland affords Sherlock new vistas of experimentation. To learn more about the mystery behind the portal, Sherlock seeks out and befriends Watson. But then it all goes wrong when others find the secret portal door—including the man whose brain he visits.
The Baker Street Nativity by SwissMiss (E, 99,662 w., 23 Ch. || Nativity! AU || Teacher Sherlock / TA John, Pining, Sherlock POV, UST, Angst, Christmas, Music/Song Fic, Anal / BJ’s, First Kiss / Time) – Fusion between Sherlock (BBC) and Nativity! (2009 movie starring Martin Freeman). Sherlock is a primary school teacher and John is assigned to be his classroom assistant. Together, they are charged with putting on the school's Nativity play. What could possibly go wrong? Part 1 of The Baker Street Nativity Verse
The Cost of a Wish by slashscribe (E, 102,493 w., 12 Ch. || xxxHolic Fusion || Spirits / Ghosts and Magic, Love Confessions, Slow Burn, Soul Mates / Fated Lovers, Adventure, Immortal Sherlock, Powerful John, POV John, Frottage, Wish Granting, Angst with Happy Ending, Nightmares) – John has been plagued by a secret his entire life that has made him feel hopeless until he meets a mysterious, seemingly omniscient man named Sherlock Holmes who owns a wish-granting shop. Their meeting sets off a series of inevitable events that will change the course of both of their lives forever.
The Swan Triad Series by Pennin_Ink (T, 121,660 w. across 3 works || Swan Lake AU || Magical / Fairy Tale AU, Romance, Falling in Love, Pining, Psychological Torture, Transformation) – Sherlock and John grow up spending every summer together. Their mothers' attempts to play matchmaker only fuel their mutual resentment and scorn. But then, one summer.
Colors by Quesarasara (E, 140,537 w., 17 Ch. || Pleasantville-Inspired AU || Soulmates, Colour Bonds, Alternating POV, Angst, Fluff, Pining, Case Fic, Medical Procedures) – Everyone on earth is born with eyes that see in black, white, and an endless series of greys. When you meet your soulmate, you finally see the world in color. We're all searching for the person who brings color to our lives. John and Sherlock are no exception. Part 1 of The Colors 'Verse
Mise en Place by azriona (M, 161,004 w., 28 Ch. || Restaurant (Kitchen Nightmares) AU || Sherlock is Gordon Ramsay / Celebrity Sherlock, Restauranteur John, Harry Plays Prominent Role, Alternating POV, Mutual Pining, Cranky Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Slow Burn) – John Watson had no intentions of taking over the family business, but when he returns from Afghanistan, battered and bruised, and discovers that his sister Harry has run their restaurant into the ground, he doesn't have much choice. There's only one thing that can save the Empire from closing for good – the celebrity star of the BBC series Restaurant Reconstructed, Chef Sherlock Holmes. Part 1 of Mise en Place
Proving A Point by elldotsee & J_Baillier (E, 186,270 w., 28 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Me Before You Fusion || Medical Realism, Insecure John, Depression, Romance, Angst, POV John, Sherlock Whump, Serious Illness, Doctor John, Injury Recovery, Assisted Suicide, Sherlock’s Violin, Awkward Sexual Situations, Alcoholism, Drugs, Idiots in Love, Slow Burn, Body Image, Friends to Lovers, Hurt / Comfort, Pain, Big Brother Mycroft, Intimacy, Anxiety, PTSD, Family Issues, Psychological Trauma, John Whump, Case Fics, Loneliness, Pain) – Invalided home from Afghanistan, running out of funds and convinced that his surgical career is over, John Watson accepts a mysterious job offer to provide care and companionship for a disabled person. Little does he know how much hangs in the balance of his performance as he settles into his new life at Musgrave Court. Part 1 of the Care And Companionship series
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