#japanese goals october 2022
tokidokitokyo · 2 years
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Fall is in the air and it's a cozy time to study Japanese. It's also a time of the year that marks the busy season for students and employees alike. This fall I have been focusing on reading, trying to read anything and everything, and focusing on retaining things like vocabulary and kanji from these readings.
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What I've Been Reading This Month
夜カフェ (Yoru Cafe) - A chapter book aimed at children, with the characters being around middle school age. Cute and heartwarming, but with a very slow pace, this is the first book in a series.
月刊少女野崎くん (Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun) - A manga about a male high school student who illustrates girls' manga, his female classmate and fan, and all the other characters around him that he inserts into his work.
おじさまと猫 (A Man and His Cat) - A manga about an older man and the cat he adopts. Funny but with plenty of tear-jerking moments, this is a fast and adorable read.
NHK News Web Easy - Quick, easy-to-read articles designed for language learners and school kids to read. You can turn on/off ふりがな and the articles include up-to-date news information.
NHKニュース - The regular NHK news site, for when I have some more time, to read more in-depth articles for a Japanese audience.
絵本 (picture books) - Reading picture books with my son is a great way to practice 1) reading walls of hiragana, 2) reading aloud, 3) daily words with my son.
にほんごたどく (Tadoku Graded Readers) - A treasure trove of free graded readers for beginners and those who want to practice reading in Japanese. (Might I particularly recommend デカりんご).
Other Study Tools I Used This Month
renshuu.org - Kanji & vocabulary quizzes
Jisho.org - English/Japanese Dictionary (one of the most used dictionaries)
weblio - Japanese-Japanese Dictionary
言葉で遊ぼう (Kotoba de Asobo) - Japanese Wordle
Japanese podcasts
Things to Try Next Month
I spent October working on reading, and trying to focus on attaining new vocabulary and kanji knowledge at the same time. So in November, I'd like to focus on a different aspect of Japanese learning. I would like to get back into grammar, reviewing and learning new grammar points.
Handbook of Japanese Grammar - A grammar learning resource, separated by each grammar point.
日本語の森 (Nihongo no Mori) - Grammar videos separated by level, short and sweet for review or learning new grammar.
As the year comes to an end I will be looking back at how I started this monthly diary of my Japanese studies, and where I am now. I would like to review my goals and renew them. Have some of them changed? Definitely! Have some of them remained unfulfilled? Most certainly. But that is a natural part of the language learning process, and the changes in my goals reflect the changes in my priorities and the evolution of my knowledge of the language. So look forward to that in the next update!
Thanks as always for reading!
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fostersffff · 1 year
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Many of you are already aware that Right Stuf was acquired by Crunchyroll late last year in August of 2022 in order to expand the latter's eCommerce services. Since then, we've all been wroking hard towards integrating our collective websites into a one-stop shop for everything anime and manga. And now that time has come... On October 10, 2023 Right Stuf will sunset and all listed products at https://www.rightstufanime.com will migrate over to their new home at the Crunchyroll Store at https://store.crunchyroll.com. It's the end of an era, to be sure, but all of us at Crunchyroll want to assure you that this is also the beginning of a bright (orange) future! So, what does Right Stuf's sunset mean going forward? First off, and most importantly, anime and manga fans will still be able to find all r (sp?) products, which were previously listed at Right Stuf, now at the Crunchyroll Store! Our Buyers will continue to place purchase orders and we have a goal to reach even more fans who love owning the physical products you offer. We also want to continue to pursue and partnership opportunities with you; from exclusive items and mutually beneficial promotions just to name a few. With the integration we've practically acquired a new superpower, piggybacking on Crunchyroll's already expansive reach into anime fandom via its streaming services, and, with that in mind, we're aiming to grow our eCommerce offerings as well. Looking to the immediate future we are still planning for a 2023 Holiday Sale similar to what Right Stuf has been known for, but there will be some changes to how the sale operates. We'll be reaching out to you soon with details to follow and hope to have you onboard for the Crunchyroll Holiday Sale in 2023! We're fans, just like you, and we want to see anime and manga continue to thrive and grow! We appreciate your support but if you have any questions or concerns please reach out to any member of the buying/merchandising team.
I have said it so many times before but I need to urge everyone now, when it's on the precipice of being too late, if you have any internationally (primarily Japanese) licensed media you want to own forever, now is the time to do it. Sony, via Crunchyroll, owns a worryingly large share of the anime and manga distribution market, both digital and physical, and the more they own, the worse it's going to be for consumers. It's going to be even more worse in the event Crunchyroll fucks something up, like how The Embracer Group bought up all those video game developers, then a single deal fell through and now they and everything they bought might be on death's door. When it comes to corporate consolidation and monopolies, consumers will lose one way or another.
If you can support official releases of things you love, please do so to ensure that you will always have access to it. And- failing that- never forget that piracy is always a valid option.
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mariacallous · 10 months
As former president Donald Trump’s Truth Social social media platform teeters on the brink of financial collapse, a group of shitposting cartoon dogs known for mocking Russia’s war efforts in Ukraine has infiltrated the platform. They’re trying to bring it down from the inside before the 2024 US election.
The North Atlantic Fella Organization (NAFO) is an online activist group founded last year to combat pro-Russia propaganda related to the invasion of Ukraine. Last month, the group turned its attention to Trump’s social network and launched a campaign to take over the trending topics section on the website. The group says that the operation, which included 50 “NAFO commandos,” as members targeting Truth Social call themselves, was so successful that those running the campaign now have a long-term goal: Take down Truth Social completely.
“The goal we have in mind, which is lofty, is to help bring the platform down ahead of the 2024 election,” Rock Kenwell, the pseudonymous leader of the NAFO commandos, tells WIRED. “We know it's going to be an aggregator for extremism and probably violence the way things are looking at this point.”
Describing the Truth Social platform’s current environment, Kenwell compared the challenge of combating the spread of pro-Trump messaging on the platform with “dealing with your racist uncle that nobody wants at the Thanksgiving dinner table because he’s just obnoxious and looking to fight with everybody.”
Truth Social was launched in early 2022 by Trump, who had been kicked off of mainstream platforms for inciting violence. Trump claimed that the network would challenge “Big Tech platforms” like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter as a free speech platform open to everyone, but in the 18 months since it started, the site has failed to attract anyone outside of Trump sycophants and QAnon conspiracy groups, and has instead become the butt of late night comedy. Last week, a filing to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) showed that the platform had lost $31 million since it launched.
“It's a very easy platform to manipulate. It's a very primitive, social media environment,” adds Kenwell.
Kenwell, along with other members of NAFO, posts anonymously to avoid blowback from the individuals and groups they are targeting. They also represent themselves online by using various cartoons of the Shiba Inu, a Japanese breed of dog that became a popular internet meme in 2013.
While most of NAFO’s activity takes place on X, the website formerly as Twitter, Kenwell had considered targeting Truth Social after he was inspired in part by a campaign earlier this year run by three friends—including the founder of the Birds Aren’t Real satirical conspiracy movement—who managed to get the #DeSantis2024 hashtag trending on Truth Social before it suddenly shut down.
But Kenwell was finally convinced to take action when he saw the Biden campaign join Truth Social. Biden’s campaign team joined Truth Social in October and briefly surged past the Trump campaign account in terms of followers, though the Trump account, with almost 65,000 followers, has since surpassed the Biden account, which currently has almost 56,000 followers.
On October 31, Kenwell launched his campaign to try and take over the trending topics section on Truth Social by using anti-MAGA hashtags. Just 50 members were involved in the initial wave, but they successfully got hashtags that could be misinterpreted as pro-MAGA onto the trending list, including misspelt phrases like #StollenElection or #ErectionFraud. This goal was achieved in a matter of hours, according to screenshots shared with WIRED of the platform’s trending topics.
In the space of 10 days, the Commandos posted over 8,200 “Truths” containing their anti-Trump hashtags. “These guys are way easier to trigger than the Russian spambots over on Twitter,” wrote NAFO member Pinkeye McGrew in a private Truth Social group hours after the operation began.
The campaign was orchestrated in this private group, and everyone in the group shared (or “reTruthed”) each other’s posts to make it look like there were a lot more people involved.
The hashtags were eventually removed from the trending list, but Kenwell claims the campaign had an even greater impact on the platform: “We actually made Truth Social take down new app downloads from the app store,” Kenwell says. “We made them shut off new account registration just after our campaign began.”
Truth Social was in fact unavailable to download from the app store, and new registrations were closed around the time the campaign took place. However, this has periodically happened at other times on Truth Social and WIRED could not independently verify that the NAFO campaign was responsible for closing new registrations.
Truth Social did not respond to WIRED’s requests for comment about NAFO’s campaign to impact Truth Social’s trending list, why it closed registrations around this time, and whether the decision was linked to NAFO’s campaign.
The success of the campaign did, however, entice around 200 NAFO members to sign up for future anti-Truth Social campaigns, Kenwell tells WIRED.
NAFO is planning to spread pro-Ukraine content on the platform later this month. “The thing is to get the word out in that environment about the realities of what's happening in Ukraine because, it being a MAGA environment, they are pro-Russia, they're very anti-Ukraine,” Kenwell says.
Next, the group will take aim at the few advertisers who have decided to pay Trump to sell gold, alternative medicine, and Trump merchandise on his platform.
Kenwell says he has a database of around 50 Truth Social ads queued up and ready to be faked and deployed at once. “So, all of a sudden, it's just a glut of fake ads,” Kenwell says. “It's really easy to fake ads on Truth Social … If we can take any ad and get a couple of thousand false versions of that ad running, nobody can really identify what is the original ad anymore and what's fake.”
While the operation was being conducted by anonymous accounts, the campaign was far from top secret. On X, Kenwell detailed exactly what the group was doing and how new members could join in a thread he called the NAFO Commandos Quick Start Guide.
Though a few of the NAFO accounts have been taken down—including a spoof Russian Embassy account, which was taken down for pretending to be an official government agency—Kenwell says he’s not worried about being kicked off Truth Social.
"We don't care, because we'd just try again, we'd make new accounts and get back on there again,” Kenwell says. “Anyway, I don't believe that they have the capability or the personnel to deal with something like this on an ongoing basis.”
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TOKYO, Sept 7 (Reuters) - Japan launched its lunar exploration spacecraft on Thursday aboard a homegrown H-IIA rocket, hoping to become the world's fifth country to land on the moon early next year.
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) said the rocket took off from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan as planned and successfully released the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM).
Unfavourable weather led to three postponements in a week last month.
Dubbed the "moon sniper," Japan aims to land SLIM within 100 metres of its target site on the lunar surface.
The $100-million mission is expected to start the landing by February after a long, fuel-efficient approach trajectory.
"The big objective of SLIM is to prove the high-accuracy landing ... to achieve 'landing where we want' on the lunar surface, rather than 'landing where we can'," JAXA President Hiroshi Yamakawa told a news conference.
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The launch comes two weeks after India became the fourth nation to successfully land a spacecraft on the moon with its Chandrayaan-3 mission to the unexplored lunar south pole.
Around the same time, Russia's Luna-25 lander crashed while approaching the moon.
Two earlier lunar landing attempts by Japan failed in the last year.
JAXA lost contact with the OMOTENASHI lander and scrubbed an attempted landing in November.
The Hakuto-R Mission 1 lander, made by Japanese startup ispace (9348.T), crashed in April as it attempted to descend to the lunar surface.
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SLIM is set to touch down on the near side of the moon close to Mare Nectaris, a lunar sea that, viewed from Earth, appears as a dark spot.
Its primary goal is to test advanced optical and image processing technology.
After landing, the craft aims to analyse the composition of olivine rocks near the sites in search of clues about the origin of the moon. No lunar rover is loaded on SLIM.
Thursday's H-IIA rocket also carried the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) satellite, a joint project of JAXA, NASA and the European Space Agency.
The satellite aims to observe plasma winds flowing through the universe that scientists see as key to helping understand the evolution of stars and galaxies.
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Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (7011.T) manufactured the rocket and operated the launch, which marked the 47th H-IIA rocket Japan has launched since 2001, bringing the vehicle's success rate close to 98%.
JAXA had suspended the launch of H-IIA carrying SLIM for several months while it investigated the failure of its new medium-lift H3 rocket during its debut in March.
Japan's space missions have faced other recent setbacks, with the launch failure of the Epsilon small rocket in October 2022, followed by an engine explosion during a test in July.
The country aims to send an astronaut to the moon's surface in the latter half of the 2020s as part of NASA's Artemis programme.
Japan launches 'Moon Sniper' mission | AFP
7 September 2023
Japan's "Moon Sniper" mission blasted off Thursday as the country's space programme looks to bounce back from a string of recent mishaps, weeks after India's historic lunar triumph.
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italeteller · 1 year
Is there any modern isekai anime you think are actually worth watching? Or is it all just the same toxic wish fulfilment garbage at this point?
Fear not anon, there's actually some good modern isekai anime still! But first, some hearsay:
-While I didn't personally vibe with it, I've heard a lot of good things about Re:Zero, but I've also heard a lot of bad and cringe things about it, so it's up to you I guess
-Ascendance of a Bookworm is another I don't know anything about, but I've heard good things
Now for the ones I have actually watched:
-My next life as the villainess: all routes lead to doom! is a 2021 isekai where a teen girl dies and gets reborn into the world of her favorite dating sim, but she's in the body of Katarina, the awful rotten-hearted villainess, and to top it all off she's 7 years-old.
Katarina soon realizes that, if her new life progresses the same as the game's, all she's got to look forward to is banishment or death, because game!Katarina is a major bitch so nobody loves her, and she starts taking measures for her inevitable doom: she learns to farm so she'll be able to procure food is she's banished, tries her hand at magic and swordfighting so she'll be able to defend herself, and other stuff like that
She's also a naturally nice person to everybody in the game so all the boys and girls end up falling in love with her, which she completely doesn't notice because she's dead certain that the game has to go on the preplanned route so she has no idea everybody who's supposed to romance and/or befriend the game's protagonist wants to jump her bones instead.
It's a pretty fun series, and while it's no benchmark of storytelling, it does have a few genuinely good plot twists and heartwarming moments. I wish it would end up as a proper bisexual harem, but I knows the odds aren't good, sadly.
Also, if you do watch it, stick to the first season. The second season is bad. Like Bad bad. Makes you regret the time you spent watching it-Bad. There's a movie coming on December, which I hope is good and redeems the franchise, but if not, the first season is good
Saihate no Paladin/The Faraway Paladin is another 2021 isekai where a random dude gets reincarnated as a baby in the ruins where a great evil is sealed, and gets adopted by three undead: a skeleton warrior, a mummy priestess and a ghost wizard. They raise him, teach him to fight, magic and miracles, and then send him off to the world when he turns 15. It's a pretty decent story, it has a slow start, taking some 5 episode to properly set up the MC's circumstances and goals before his journey, and it's got a second season coming on October so if you wanna catch up, you'll get more content soon
My only problem with it is that it should be a fantasy anime. The isekai part is... I mean it's there, it seems like there will be something with the gods and the different cycles of reincarnation, but it could very easily have been a fantasy story and lose nothing. The main character having been a random japanese man before reincarnating doesn't really add anything, so idk if you wanna count it as an isekai or not
Tensei Shitara Ken Deshita is a 2022 isekai-that-should-have-been-a-fantasy where another random japanese dude is reincarnated into a magic sword. He immediately goes "welp, time to discard everything about my previous life and be the best sword I can" and begins slaughtering monsters to grind levels. He eventually becomes a super OP weapon and that's when he gets found by his future master, a preteen catgirl slave whose caravan is escaping from a two-headed zombie bear
The catgirl gets the sword and kills the bear, the sword uses his telekinetic powers to kill the slaver by snapping his neck 180° degrees, burns the slave contract and they team up. The sword restores the girl's name, Fran, which she had lost when she became a slave, and Fran names the sword "Teacher", and they set out to grind levels so that Fran may evolve - because she's a member of the Black Cat race, which is the only race in that world that can't evolve, which is why they're discriminated and sold as slaves, and Fran wants to prove her race can evolve after all
This one I have a love-hate relationship with. It does a lot of the shit I hate on other isekais, but it also does a lot of things I like. Yes, Fran is ridiculously OP with little effort thanks to being able to share Teacher's skills, and she breezes through most challenges effortlessly which is often anticlimactic as hell, but she's got an actual tangible goal and a personality so she's already more interesting than your average isekai MC. There's no romance and almost no fanservice, and when there is it's always with the adult women in the series, so that's another bullet dodged
But on the other hand, the slavery plot is introduced, and then dropped almost entirely except for a bunch of obviously evil people who all get punished, and meanwhile everybody else is super nice to Fran and nobody brings up the fact that hey, she was a legal slave until not too long ago and her race is still being enslaved and nobody's doing anything about it, ain't that fucked up? No? Nobody wanna say anything? Idk, it's a fun romp but it's also very power-fantasy-trash at the same time. It's got a second season confirmed in production, maybe that will do something with the slavery plot
The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady is a 2023 series that should really have a shorter name, my god. It's another should've-been-a-fantasy isekai and it's. Hmm. It's got some amazing first episodes, but then they tried to cram A LOT of plot into the rest and fucked it all up. A lot of stuff makes very little sense, character motivations are all out of whack, and you get the feeling that they really needed another cour, or at least 6 more episodes, to fit it all in properly
It's one of those series that you can see the potential it had, how great it could've been if it had been allowed, and it makes you kinda sad that you'll never see it unless you go to read the light novels. The reason for this rush is that the studio wanted to end the series on the end of the third light novel, which is where the main girl gets together with her girlfriend as a canon, explicit, openly gay couple, which is a deeply respectable, dare I even say admirable goal, but I still wish it had had more episodes so it hadn't had to sacrifice the rest of the series for it
The Executioner and her Way of Life is a 2022 series, the final pick of the list, and the one I like the most, so of course it's only got one season and no confirmed sequel because god hates me, personally
The main character, Menou, is a teenage priestess from her world's church, and she's also in charge of killing all the japanese people who get isekai'd into her world. Menou doesn't enjoy the killing and feels guilty for it, but she knows she must do it to stop the ridiculous powers the isekai'd are given from bringing ruin to her world. One such power is the one that turned her whole village, people and buildings alike, into ash when she was little. She was rescued and raised by Flare, the world's strongest warrior, whose power is only matched by her mental instability, which she gladly passed to her apprentice
The story proper begins when Menou meets Akari, the new japanese teenager in town, and finds out Akari's power prevents her from dying. Thus, Menou takes Akari on a trip across the continent to see the sights and find a weapon strong enough to kill her before Akari goes nuclear. Akari, meanwhile, is ecstatic, because she doesn't know Menou wants to kill her, and because she's down horrendous for her from the moment their eyes meet, loudly and openly fantasizing about the romantic adventures they'll have and telling her stuff like "you're the only one for me" to her face
As the series goes on, you start to notice there's something very, very wrong with Akari
Another such character is Momo, Menou's junior who is also loudly and openly in lesbians with her, very annoyed that Menou spends so much time with Akari, and also very off in the head. I hope you're seeing a pattern here
The final character in this delightful ensemble is Asuna, the princess of the realm and the most well adjusted character in the series. She's a wandering knight who loves a good fight and develops the most hilarious crush on Momo, who wants nothing to do with her and is constantly antagonizing Asuna, attacking her, ambushing her and throwing her into deadly traps, only for the princess to walk it off and offer to buy her a drink. It's honestly hilarious
And there you have it, my personal isekai reccommendation list. Hope you find at least one that suits your tastes
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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U.S. Marine Corps now has two F-35C squadrons
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/24/23 - 16:00
The United States Marine Corps officially established the Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 311 as the second squadron of its kind in service, with the reactivation ceremony of its F-35C Lightning II aircraft held on April 14 in Miramar, California.
On October 15, 2020, the Marine Corps took a first step towards its transition to the F-35, deactivating the old VMA-311 and later reactivating the VMFA-311 with the F-35C Lightning II.
The reactivation supports the goal of the 2022 Marine Corps Aviation Plan to modernize USMC aviation. The plan prioritizes readiness, sea-based aviation and modern resources.
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“We are taking an aggressive approach to develop capabilities that will move, sustain and support the individual Marine, making the force more lethal, effective and capable of surviving,” said the then deputy aviation commander, Lieutenant General Mark R. Wise in the 2022 plan.
“The F-35C brings a long-range hunting/attack platform with the most advanced stealth and sensor capabilities of the Marine Corps,” said Lieutenant Colonel Michael P. Fisher, commander of VMFA-311. "The Harrier was a great weapon that served the Marine Corps well and was replaced by a more advanced and capable platform. The F-35 was designed for short-term and future combat."
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The Tomcats, a notable "first" aviation squadron of the Marine Corps, originally commissioned in 1942 as Marine Attack Squadron 311 at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina, where it was first deployed in support of World War II.
The squadron paved the way for Marine Corps aviation in many innovative events: it was the first marine squadron to use fighters for dive bombing missions, carried out the first naval combat mission with jets in 1950 during the Korean War, was the first marine squadron to employ the AV-8B Harrier in combat during Operation Desert Shield, the first to carry out combat missions in Afghanistan
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In 2020, the US Marine Corps Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 314 declared its initial operational capability (IOC) for the fifth-generation F-35C fighter designed to operate from U.S. Navy aircraft carriers.
In February 2022, the first U.S. Navy F-35C crashed into the South China Sea while operating on the USS Carl Vinson. Despite this setback, the Navy remains committed to the capabilities and performance of the F-35C, which was recovered on March 2 of the same year.
Tags: Military AviationLockheed Martin F-35C Lightning IIUSMC - United States Marine Corps/U.S. Marine Corps
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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francinestacy · 7 months
Stacy DR oc #3!
The ultimate Lucky Student!
Shinpei Bunji, aka, Shin!
Raised by his much older sister, also happening to be from a bloodline of psychic women, Shin is a.. less psychic man. Unlike how his punk fashion and accessories may make him appear, he is a friendly idiot with a heart of gold. His upbringing will get talked on more when we get to different ocs, but as for Shin himself, he doesn’t really ever think on that stuff. He is a simple man with a simple goal. To enjoy his teen years unabashedly. So when he wins the yearly japan ballot to become the ultimate lucky student at everfree academy, of course the simpleminded man would accept. Shin may or may not have been born with some deep rooted knowledge that he is a fictional character, and it doesn’t affect his thinking or daily life and is just something he kind of subconsciously accepts while not fully grasping, but thats a story for another day.
Personality: Egregiously stupid, aggressively simultaneously confident and unconfident, broey
Birthday: October 29th
Nationality: Japanese
Likes: Punk fashion, making friends
Dislikes: Rude people, being woken up from sleep
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javerend · 2 years
2022 Japanese Wrap-up + 2023 goals
In 2022, I went from having a lot of disconnected vocabulary and grammar knowledge in japanese to having a real baseline of literacy! 2022 started out with me doing several months of wanikani, before really starting to burn out on doing flashcards around April. In April and May, I took mostly a break from adding new cards on wanikani to do my first real sustained attempt at immersion: playing どうぶつの森 e+ on the gamecube. I really enjoyed it, but decided I still needed to do some more work before I'd be able to play it comfortably. I was spending about 30 minutes a day on average, just running around doing normal animal crossing things and also making sure to talk to villagers. A lot of them talk in non standard japanese (guliver only talking in katakana was the *worst*, lots of villagers use オイラ, etc), I will go back to this game eventually because it is my favorite animal crossing game.
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After that, I decided to go back to doing wanikani more seriously until I hit level 20. By the time I hit 20 in mid september, I was really really burning out on doing flashcards. I felt that a lot of the new vocabulary I was learning was useless to me without context (not sure if I still entirely think this, but wk vocabulary is.... strange sometimes since it is for reinforcing kanji readings and not necessarily by how common words actually are). So, I decided to completely drop wanikani **and** anki sentence mining to focus entirely on doing extensive reading. I joined the wk community forums challenge for "Read Every Day Fall 2022" and really really really enjoyed it.
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I read 30 volumes in japanese, 29 manga + one short story, totaling 5583 pages! Word/character count in manga is super high variance, so I wouldn't try to put a hard number on this, but going from literal 0 real reading in 2021 to this in 2022 was a huge huge huge jump. I read: よつばと! volumes 1-15 耳をすませば 赤い手袋 (short story) ホリミヤ volumes 1-6 ハピネス volumes 1-2 からかい上手の高木さん volumes 1-5 and change, I also read some chapters of komi, nagatoro, and call of the night in japanese here and there. I also re-read the Tae Kim Grammar guide in October, to see if having more reading experience would make any of the stuff in the later chapter stick any better, and it absolutely did! Definitely was a good year for my japanese. Now, as we're getting closer to 2 years (and god knows how many hours) of me learning, I am actually starting to finally feel like I can *use* the language! Still many areas to improve on, and a lot more time to invest, but the time I spend feels less like grinding now, and more like just doing things I enjoy that happen to be in japanese. Towards the end of December, I decided to buy a year membership for wanikani again, since it was on sale. I would eventually like to get to level 60 here, because I have noticed the kanji I learned through wanikani I am **way** more comfortable reading than ones I've slowly picked up, but I really don't want that to be my primary goal. Eventually, it will happen, and I've spent the last few weeks cleaning up the lingering reviews that skipping 3.5 months of SRS gives you.
2023 Goals:
For 2023, my main goals are (surprise surprise) reading related!
Finish every volume of manga I currently physically own: This is the main one, I have built up a considerable backlog of reading material while the yen was weak, and I'd like to really work on thinning this out so things don't end up never getting read as I buy more stuff. I have 66 unread volumes of varying difficulty on my shelf, so this should give plenty of reading variety!
Read more things which are pure text: eventually, the goal is to be able to read things at the level I tend to enjoy reading things english (maybe slower, but still), and a lot of that happens to be really dense, academic non-fiction stuff. Manga is great, but it is not that. So this year, I'd like to get into reading children's books, light novels, short stories, and maaaaybe an actual novel, plus get more comfortable reading stuff like wikipedia. I'm starting with the magic tree house series and 夜カフェ, which I've already purchased digitally and done some test readings for. Harder to predict what I'll read like this, but as long as I make some noticeable progress here I'll be happy.
Be prepared to take the JLPT N2 test by December 2023. Maybe this is a bit ambitious, but I think it’s probably doable. Whether I actually decide to sit for the test or not, I’d like to be at a level where I would feel comfortable doing it. Taking N3 and below always felt kind of pointless to me, but N2 and N1 would actually be a cool achievement, even if it doesn't "mean" anything in terms of real proficiency. I have simple goblin brain that sees tangible reward for intangible progress and goes "ooooo shiney"
I probably won't be doing the daily updates here (they do actually take quite a bit of time to write out), but I will be posting my readings and vocabulary I pick up every day on the Wani-Kani Read every day challenge Winter 2023 forum topic!
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ashitakaxsan · 2 years
“NAKED PEAK: Climb the Mountains of Madness”
 In my joy the great author of scince fiction,occult and horror Howard Ph. Lovecraft has a great deal of good Impact on Japanese mangakas,animators as well.So that’s what led to the crowdfunded anime movie “NAKED PEAK: Climb the Mountains of Madness”.
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Plot of the movie:
“  A flight to Antarctica turns into a frantic rescue mission after the plane mysteriously vanishes. Efforts to locate the missing passengers lead rescuers to discover the plane's course set for a never-before-seen mountain range - the largest on Earth.
Towering over 10,000 feet above sea level, the Everest-eclipsing eighth wonder of the world (officially nicknamed the “Mountains of Madness”) draws attention from the world's best climbers and thrill-seekers. Although they have conquered the tallest peaks in the past, Earth's new vertigo-inducing heights are surpassed only by the dreadful horrors awaiting at the top.”
Below: Lovecraft’s “At the Mountains of Madness “ as was published on February of 1936.
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Madaraushi launched a crowdfunding campaign in October 2021 to fund the pilot anime film, which was initially titled Kyōki Sanmyaku, and is the "first step" toward an anime film.
The campaign for the pilot anime film received the 2022 CAMPFIRE Crowdfunding Award in the "Animation and Manga" category for raising more than 1400% of its goal, netting more than US$1 million (119 million yen) from almost 12,000 backers. The full-length movie is now in production, and behind-the-scene footages will stream on Madaraushi's YouTube channel.
  The anime movie is inspired from H.P. Lovecraft's similarly-titled book “At the Mountains of Madness” (titled "Kyōki no Sanmyaku ni te" in Japanese), and is a focused scenario that has players exploring and climbing a mountain in a horror-themed story. The standalone RPG has no direct connection to the Call of Cthulhu tabletop RPG, or Rob Daviau and Miguel Coimbra's similarly titled Mountains of Madness board game.
My conclusion
It seems real Thrilling case,plus the main girl of the anime movie,Inori Asama, would catch the viwers expactations.but to something much more: That nearly 90 years after author Lovecraft ‘s passing his works give meaning,and inspiration to so many out there in the world.
*So it motivates me to try create something(either drawing either novel)to entertain many.
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perryhedge · 1 year
21 Month Japanese Update
If you’re curious you can read my:
3 month update for Japanese
7 months update for Japanese
12 month update for Japanese
1.5 year journey with French (warning: long).
I should collect them all somewhere rather than using Wordpress, Notion and Tumblr, but….
So 21 months is a bit of a strange milestone, but things are kind of coming to a head and I feel like this is as good of a time as any to do an update. Ultimately with French, I didn’t quite make it to my milestones as planned (overshot my reading goal and hit ~90% of my listening goal), but instead cut things short; I ended up spending exactly 21 months before switching to Japanese. Now with Japanese, I feel pretty much ready to move on once again. This wasn’t intentional. Maybe my attention span is 21 months long.
Anyway, here’s a summary of where I’ve come and where I’m going (taking an indefinite hiatus from actively studying Japanese). This may have a bit of a melancholy mood to it, but I guess that’s just kind of where I’m at.
I kept up my spreadsheet, with two major changes:
I “quit” tracking twice, but I ended up crawling back to my spreadsheet and estimating the time I spent in between. You can see it pretty clearly between October and December 2022 (I covered it in my 12 month update) and it happened again March to April 2023. I’ve gone back and forth on whether tracking is good for me or not. I don’t think there’s as much of a “use” for it, because I don’t really have any goals with Japanese. With French, I had a reason to push to a goal — it was so I could start Japanese. But there’s nothing after Japanese for me. I’m somewhat interested in Spanish, but I don’t think I have it in me to do this a third time, and anyway I’m less passionate about it than I was for French or Japanese. Ultimately, I think I like to see the stats even if I don’t use them for anything, so I keep it around. In the future, it might become useful. And I realized that without the spreadsheet I kind of lose motivation. Without tracking, Japanese goes back to being something that’s a regular part of my life and not something I go out of my way to include in it. That might sound good to most people, aspirational maybe, but not me. I really struggled to reconnect with watching anime for years before learning Japanese gave me the passion to get into it again, and I don’t regret that at all. I’m just a goals-oriented kind of person, and at this point I don’t think I’ll change that.
I decided to forego hitting the bare minimum and take days off when I feel like it. I even skipped SRS multiple times (I’m the guy with the 1000 day Anki streak — which by the way, I finally ended). I would encourage this for most people, but I’m not 100% sure if this is a good thing for me specifically, because I think I’m very susceptible to negative inertia, where consistency tends to be an all-or-nothing thing for me. But it’s kind of helped me adjust to the idea of putting Japanese on the backburner, so it may have been necessary.
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I think it's worth decoupling this from reading and listening, because it really is the biggest hurdle with Japanese. According to JPDB, I've hit around 9500 known words, at least the ones I've noted in the SRS. This puts me in the 85%-90% known words range for most anime and 80%-85% for most light novels, just for reference. This is pretty clearly in the intermediate phase. Though I've been learning 10 new cards a day, if I put in a couple hours of immersion in I can add far more than that to the SRS, so my backlog has grown quite a bit during my strong motivation boost in August. I expect my backlog to last me until I hit 10k known, and eventually I'll go down to 5 words a day or just however many I find. I initially thought 10k would be a good place to stop using the SRS, but I haven't yet exhausted all the common vocabulary, possibly because of the way JPDB overcounts lemmas, so I'll keep it going for quite a while longer. It's an extremely minimal, <10min/day investment.
I would say my reading is in a relatively comfortable place for my goals. I use Learn Natively to log things and I’ve noticed that generally, anything in the <25 range (which includes around 80% of manga) I can read without a dictionary and without lookups at a decent speed (depending on the text density of a volume, 1.5-2 hours on average). I can read stuff that’s a little bit more complicated in the realm of manga — I am working my way through Stone Ocean at the moment, and while I can manage it without lookups (I own a couple of the physical volumes and don’t look up words while reading them), a small amount of lookups would definitely go a long way. I read my first “proper” novel 国境の南、太陽の西 comfortably, and light novels around that level (<31, around 90% of light novels) are probably quite comfortable with lookups (my reading speed probably reaches at least 150 moji per minute, or 9,000 per hour, not amazing or anything but fine enough for me — about 8-10 hours of reading per light novel).
However, if I’m being blunt, I still don’t think my reading level is very high for my standards. Light novels tend to be written for a teenage audience, and manga certainly is, on average, less linguistically complex than those. Of course, for a second language, especially one as difficult as Japanese, being able to read at a teenage level is incredible. I don’t want to downplay the amount of work that goes into that; it took me 500 hours just to get to this point. But I also put around that much time into reading in French, and I know how much further I can get — I mean, I’ve read Balzac and Flaubert (with great difficulty). I’ve glimpsed the pinnacle of reading ability, even if it’s hazy. Not so with Japanese — I’d imagine I’m not even halfway there, and probably less if I keep taking the long route. In Japanese, I would be totally lost reading literature, or philosophy, or most nonfiction, and the problem is bigger than just vocab.
I think the best way for me to improve would be intensive reading with progressively more difficult content, with a strong focus on raw text. In my 12 month update I mentioned that I would like to just dive into literature. However, I have to admit that I’ve pretty much given up on that for the time being; I’ve failed to get into Japanese literature (admittedly, haven’t really tried — but that’s the problem, isn’t it?) and really disliked the Murakami novel I finished; and in general, when I feel like reading something it’s usually in English or French. Of course, there’s a problem here where I don’t even know what I don’t know. There are plenty of European authors that are well-regarded in the anglosphere, because translated works are popular. That’s not as much the case with Japanese literature, though there certainly are exceptions like Ishiguro, Murakami, Banana Yoshimoto, etc (and I’m generally not a fan of them stylistically). . I’ve already read plenty of French authors and I know what I like, and it’s easier for me to get interested in who influenced them or who they were in correspondence with. I don’t have that connection in Japanese.
But I think that’s pretty much okay. I didn’t get into Japanese for literature, I got into it to watch anime. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned from my success with this method, it’s that the best way to motivate me to learn something is letting me dive into it headfirst right away. If I want to learn Japanese to watch anime, you’re not going to get far telling me the best way to reach that goal is to do something completely unrelated like read novels, even if you are right. I can’t really measure how much manga is improving my vocabulary or general reading ability, but I’m certainly still learning something. I could just continue to do that until day that my vocabulary gains plateau (as measured by the SRS).
It’s funny, I encountered plenty of people with the same issue in French. They would read a bunch of comics and manga and then hit a wall and wonder why they weren’t improving. And I would always say the same thing — if you want to get better in a reasonable amount of time, you have to read a book. But if someone gave me this exact same advice now, I’d just refuse to listen. Or to put it another way, I’d just respond “then I guess I won’t get better in a reasonable amount of time.” It really is just that shrimple.
I focused a lot on reading for my first year and ended up with a huge gap between my reading and listening hours. In my second year I’ve tried to close that gap, with the goal of making it close to 50/50. I had initially thought that listening should be the focus because it’ll take more effort to improve, since that was my experience in French; then I thought the opposite; now I kind of think 50/50 should be alright. Ironically, listening has done a lot for my vocabulary, whereas I’d imagine that to come from reading. This is for two reasons:
I do a fair amount of lookups from listening (just hearing the word and typing it out) and I add the word directly to my SRS if it’s useful (I don’t bother writing custom sentences, and custom audio/images are currently not supported in JPDB).
I do most of my dedicated sentence mining using the mpv plugin for JPDB, which makes one-click vocab cards from subtitles with custom audio and screenshots.
So in the long run, focusing on listening has been good, and I generally feel my listening is pretty good for where it’s at. I’m nowhere near a wall with it, and since lack of vocabulary is still an issue, I don’t think I will feel like my pure listening ability is being tested for quite a while.
Anyway, at ~500 hours my level in listening is currently at a level I’m quite happy with. I can watch most anime without Japanese subtitles (and without lookups) and understand most of it. I’ve tested the upper limits by watching a bunch of the Ghibli movies, some of which are pretty tough (Grave of the Fireflies, The Wind Rises, Porco Rosso), and while I think I could do better, I imagine most of the issue is still vocabulary. There’s domain-specific stuff I struggle with quite a lot (politics, military, sci-fi, jidaigeki) but I think I’ll focus on them individually once I feel the vocabulary plateauing.
Honestly, I don’t have much motivation to focus on Japanese anymore — but I think that may be a good thing. What’s been keeping me going these last few months is not wanting to improve, but rather watching anime that I’ve been meaning to get around to for a while. And I did, and I had a good time. The lack of motivation comes from the fact that I’ve hit the “good enough” intermediate stage, where not quite everything comes naturally, but I can still pretty much watch or read whatever I want. I’ve kind of hit what was my goal all along. So from this point forward my journey with Japanese is a matter of managing my interest in various things that are in Japanese (anime, manga, etc). And as much as I’ve kept and would like to keep a sustained interest in doing that stuff, increasingly I’ve felt like it’s a passive activity, and not something I can really count on as my only hobby. I can envision shorter bursts of motivation, sprints, maybe joining a Tadoku. But I want to focus on other hobbies. So for the first time (because I didn’t bother doing this at all with French), I’m entering a maintenance mode. I don’t feel very optimistic about it, as I am kind of an “all-or-nothing” person, so the worst case scenario of me just not thinking about Japanese very much for an extended period of time is quite likely. And if that does happen, that’s okay. I’m going to aim for a measly 1 hour a day, and since I’m including my daily SRS of about 10 minutes in that count, plus the OP/ED of anime episode, that’s 2 episodes. I don’t think I’ll improve with that amount, and I might even get a little worse from time to time, but who cares! I’m very grateful to have been on this journey, to have more or less accomplished a life long dream, and while I sit back and enjoy the view I’m going to try and find new things to do that I haven’t done before.
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fallynleaf · 2 years
i was going to post my 2023 resolutions in december, but totally ran out of time lol so here they are now:
keep doing TJPW translations as long as there is a need for them
get better at Japanese and become faster at translating
get better at Spanish
read at least a dozen books
get back into giffing!!
keep up a list of fave wrestling matches/shows/moments etc.
finish an old fic for international fanworks day (feb 15)
finish two fics for femslash february
reply to fic comments
get some sort of original short story or essay published
edit last year’s nanowrimo
write the sequel to it
finish knitting temperature scarf
get a Japanese papermaking setup going
get a basic bookbinding/boxmaking setup going
do a drawing challenge in october
fix my tumblr theme
finish cleaning/organizing my room
i’m not really much of a new year’s resolutions type of person generally, but i wanted to refocus a bit this year, since my life kinda pivoted pretty hard away from where i thought it was going to go in 2022...
the most important things are continuing with studying Japanese (and with doing the TJPW translations, now that i have hundreds of people relying on me lol), and hopefully trying to move back to doing more writing. i’m hoping to reach an upper intermediate level in Japanese by the end of the year. i have a lot more specific Japanese goals that i won’t go into lol because the list is too long and probably largely incomprehensible, but that’s more or less what it boils down to.
last year, translating was too difficult and stressful to be truly enjoyable (not to mention doing it while extremely depressed lol), but i stuck to it long enough, i think i’ve started to make it to the other side. i kept telling myself that the beginner phase is the hardest lol and as long as i forced myself to keep going, it would get easier. and it did!
it’s looking like 2023 is going to be the year of, like, actually reaping the rewards from all of my hard work. not only am i getting lots of wrestling story stuff i’ve been wanting for years, now with an actual bilingual bonus understanding, haha, but i’m also starting to reach a point where manga and books are much more doable. so that’s my carrot on a stick rn.
shame i’ll probably never have an actual career as a librarian, but, well, that was always supposed to be a means to an end for me.
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daydreamsofbooks · 2 years
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October 18, 2022
Tranquil’s Studyblr Challenge
Day 5
Today, I am grateful for my parents. (Because it’s my birthday today! I’m in a good mood even though I also have midterm exams)
Today I choose to more confident!
Today my goal is:
Ace my Japanese midterm exam!
5. Cut up some fruit for yourself. Show us what fruit you picked and why.
Mikan! Japanese orange(?
Cheated a little bit by just showing the fruit because they’re not suited for cutting.
Um. Because it’s the only fruit I have on hand right now? And they’re really good!
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savedpeople · 1 year
🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
Oh man, I'm having a hard time coming up with three facts, but here goes:
One of my "goals" this year was to watch a lot of new things. I had the goal of watching ten new things every month (movies or seasons of a TV show), and for the most part I've been able to stick to it. Some shows I'm currently watching for September/October are Inside Man (2022), Superstore, The Good Place, The Haunting of Hill House, Jujutsu Kaisen, and TWD: Daryl Dixon.
I love penguins, though I don't think this is new info for people who have followed me a while. I have a large collection of penguin plushies and other various penguin things. I'm actually running out of space to put them all so I've sadly had to slow down on buying new ones lol.
I very lazily "study" Japanese. In quotes because I don't have the energy to seriously learn the language, so I just poke at learning the characters and basic phrases. I follow a lot of Japanese artists and being able to understand even just a word or phrase here and there makes me happy.
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yuriplisetsky-rp · 2 years
Leroy Dominates to Win Skate Canada
In line for eighth GP gold
October 29, 2022
MISSASSAUGA, ON – Jean-Jacques Leroy of Canada laid a dominating performance to win Skate Canada with the highest scores of the season so far. The 25-year-old scored 101.12 in his short program, 207.05 for his free for a total score of 308.17, placing first in all three segments and winning the competition by over eighteen points. “It’s a good next step,” said the reigning Olympic Champion. “Obviously, I want to win the Grand Prix Final and Worlds, so winning both of my Grand Prix events are the next step. I have things I can improve on, of course, but I’m happy with what I did today.”
Four-time Japanese National Champion Kenjirou Minami held off to win silver, his first in a non-COVID year since winning bronze at the Internationaux de France in 2018. The 23-year-old scored 97.07 in his short, 192.31 for his free, and 289.38 overall, second in all three segments. “I’m so happy to win another medal on the Grand Prix circuit,” he said to reporters. “I want to prove that I am up there with the top skaters in the world, and I feel like I am on the right track.” He said his goals this season are to qualify for the Final, win a fifth National title, and place in the top six at Worlds.
Winning the bronze was Adam Loughton of Great Britain. The five-time British National Champion was fourth after the free with a score of 94.85, third in the free with a score of 191.43, and third overall with a score of 286.28. it is his first medal on the Grand Prix circuit since winning bronze at the GP Finland in 2018. “I’m thrilled to win bronze here,” said the 26-year-old. “I thought about retiring, but since my wife and best friend are both continuing, I will continue, too. I feel like I am still skating well, still healthy, so I have no reason not to keep going.”
Both Leroy and Loughton will compete at the MK John Wilson Trophy in Great Britain, the first GP event to be held there. Minami will next compete at his home NHK Trophy.
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gwently · 2 years
2023 part 2?
So fountain pens. While I really got into them in 2022, it was not my first foray into them. My first pen was a gift from an online friend way back in...2017? For my birthday. It was a Pilot Metropolitan and I immediately fucked it up, spilled ink everywhere. I was too dumb to look up how to properly fill it, though i am sure I messed up the nib as well. Since it was a gift it stayed in my room for several years until I threw it out one day, for a reason that cannot be remembered. We laughed at my incompetence and she wasn't angry, so that birthday managed to be memorable.
I don't even know what sparked my current interest in fountain pens. Think I was looking at ink drawings? and remembered these things existed and well I am firmly down the hole. I brought a lot of pens last year, trying out different filling methods or nib sizes, going for cool colours, you name it. Having disposable income for the first time and not knowing what to do with it may be a factor. Sure, I definitely do not need that many pens, but don't judge me. I sure as hell don't judge that one person who tosses in random kanji in their name or bio that is probably google translated, because to them Japanese is a fun aesthetic, not a language used and enjoyed by real people.
I mostly got the reckless spending out of my system, while there are many different inks and pens I still want to try out there's only so many I can use short term, so now the focus is on getting use of what I have and maybe selling/giving away a few. Improving my handwriting and learning cursive properly are also goals of mine, as it is very awkward trying to write a signature and only being able to make the l and t in my last name look pretty, a thing I only know from diving into the bottom of my memory containing a mental image of my mother's handwriting that can no longer be replicated.
Journaling! Right that's the main reason why I use my pens now. I've always written things down on random scrap sheets of paper as little reminders or to do lists — a habit that happens more often due to my grandmother's influence in recent years — so getting a proper journal only made sense. With fountain pens certain inks or nibs respond better on good paper, so that means I also invested in some notebooks. You can quickly see how this hobby can become a money sink if you really wanted to. Thankfully after trying out Rhodia and feeling dissatisfied, Maruman (a japanese brand) stopped my search for paper that suited what I like. I prefer spiral/ring notebooks the most so it was a double win, similar to [insert fighting game reference 0 people reading this would understand]
I lost my train of thought but it's okay, no one will read this. Here's a pen I brought in...(checks amazon purchases) October.
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(yes that is my hand, those aren't scratches it's lint)
The very famous and popular Pilot Custom 823, with a broad nib. It is a vacuum filler — one of my fav methods of filling — and managed to grab it while yen was very, very low so it was around $192 with tax, when normally it would cost me around $220-280. My most expensive pen and probably will be for a very long time. It's funny cause when I first brought it I was like damn. This is kinda mid. Like when you watch that super popular anime that's airing, only to be bewildered at what all the hype is about. Now it's one of my favourite writers, the gold nib has a softness that is fairly unique, making writing with it a breeze as it floats over paper. Sometimes you just need to sleep on things. If it wasn't for the cost I would consider getting a second one, the amber colourway in particular is gorgeous.
Right now though I am interested in vintage pens, there is definitely something nice about holding something older than my grandparents and looking up it's history, and the time period around it.
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(Not my image, credit goes to redeempens/will vintage on reddit) Today I got myself a WASP Clipper in this marvelous brown/gold pattern that is commonly called "circuit board" by collectors. It's a "lever filler", a filling method mostly absent from modern pens.
WASP is a sub-brand by famous pen manufacturer Sheaffer. WASP stands for "W.A. Sheaffer Pen", because why bother with subtlety. This pen was made sometime during the 1930s, cool stuff. Usually pens this old have the risk of having it's ink sac disintegrated, so you would have to repair it yourself or get someone to do it for you. Thankfully the pen I grabbed was already restored, so now I'm waiting on my package of ink to come in the mail to test this bad boy out.
Uhh okay this post was long so bye! This is barely 2023 related but that's what happens when you don't plan things out in advance. Here's a song from an album I've been listening to lately, Spirit World Field Guide by Aesop Rock
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f1 · 2 years
Honda Racing Corporation registers to enter F1 as power unit manufacturer in 2026 | 2022 F1 season
Honda Racing Corporation, which has a technical partnership with Red Bull, has registered with the FIA to enter the 2026 Formula 1 season as a power unit supplier. Max Verstappen won the drivers championship in a Honda-powered Red Bull last year. Honda officially withdrew from F1 at the end of 2021 and HRC took over the preparation of their engines for the team. Red Bull enjoyed an even more successful season in 2022, claiming the constructors’ title for the first time in nine years while Verstappen was crowned champion again. He clinched the title in the Japanese Grand Prix at Honda’s Suzuka circuit, after the manufacturer increased its branding on the teams’ cars. Honda, which first entered F1 in 1965 and has come and gone many times since then, announced its latest departure from the sport in October 2020. The manufacturer said at the time it intended to prioritise the development of future power unit and energy technologies in order to reach its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Since then F1 has confirmed its power unit regulations for the 2026 season. Under the forthcoming formula the total power generated by the power unit’s energy recovery system will increase to around 350kW. A spokesperson for Honda told RaceFans Formula 1’s decision to increase the electrification of its power units brought it in line with Honda’s strategy to achieve carbon neutrality, prompting their application. HRC also provides engines to Red Bull’s junior team AlphaTauri. Advert | Become a RaceFans supporter and go ad-free 2022 F1 season Browse all 2022 F1 season articles via RaceFans - Independent Motorsport Coverage https://www.racefans.net/
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