#japanese goods
-gameboy · 1 year
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“neko gomu” by sun-star stationary
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(via Little Egret White Bird Vintage Art Board Print by Lifeadventurer)
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raikoujapan · 1 month
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sweetbunnytears · 4 months
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scaredii-cat · 5 months
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My beautiful wife!! REAL!!!!
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orpheuslookingback · 6 months
Just got back from seeing The Boy and the Heron and its gorgeous (as expected) but right now my main thought is that Robert Pattinson NEEDS to do more voice acting, like I'm seriously so impressed he is completely unrecognizable in the film
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kennethbrangh · 3 months
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Hiroyuki Sanada as Yoshii Toranaga in Shōgun | S01E01
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Vampire Moth | 1956 — 吸血蛾
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artbysarf · 2 months
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The Moth and the Lizard are married actually
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hajihiko · 10 months
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Multilingual 🌍
Fuyuhiko: its beneficial to understand when rivals are talking in secret
Sonia: diplomacy is easier when you speak their language too
Hajime: duolingo library forced speedrun
Akane: worked in customer service
Kazuichi is just more of a Language of Numbera guy 😋
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(via Blossoming Cherry on a Moonlit Night (ca. 1932) by Ohara Koson (1877–1945). Fitted Scoop T-Shirt by Lifeadventurer)
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aro-barrel · 5 months
i’d like to read about non-white aro experiences (as well as experiences of aro people from outside the US and UK). i don’t think there are enough explicitly non-white conversations about aromanticism. i remember seeing a demographic poll a long time ago, with a majority of aromantic tumblr identifying as white, but non-white aros exist!
i want to hear from people who can’t/won’t come out because of cultural expectations or language barriers. people who use different words to describe their aromanticism. people who experience isolation from the aro community because they aren’t white (enough). i want to hear about aromanticism from new angles!
of course, no one is ever obligated to reveal their ethnicity or race online. but if anyone has seen writing on diverse aro experiences or if they want to share their own experiences, i’d like to read about other perspectives! (pls send stuff my way)
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orange-catsidy · 7 months
idk if this makes sense but i feel like most western wrestlers are very behind when it comes to marketing themselves to female fans and swerve is one of the ones who isn't. like yes a lot of male wrestlers understand that they're hot and HAVE female fans but there's a difference between that and posting pics like this
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peachssodapop · 9 months
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the mention of their different dialects and languages immediately had my enraptured
so here's a very quickly drawn comic based on I cannot seem to find a good german equivalent to silly
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 5 months
What's your opinion on the idea of the "chosen one" trope, and how it relates to Luffy in particular? Most of the controversy I've seen over Gear 5 seems to be about that specifically.
this is a really interesting question, and one i had to mull over for a bit! i think the idea of a 'chosen one' or 'destiny' more broadly can reasonably rub a lot of people the wrong way, especially in a story where freedom is such a strong thematic focus- the idea that luffy's actions might be preordained and not driven by his own will feels inherently wrong. (fortunately, i don't think they are.)
the short answer is that i think the use of prophecy in one piece works (at least for me) because it never feels like anyone else is making luffy's decisions for him. this is why it feels somewhat incorrect to me to call him a 'chosen one'- he very much makes all his choices himself.
there are prophecies surrounding him- about joy boy, about the dawn of the world, about nika- but luffy doesn't know about them, and if he did he wouldn't care. they don't define anything about him, how he acts, how he views himself. the world and narrative shapes itself around luffy, and not the other way around. you get the sense that even in the total absence of any prophecy surrounding luffy, he would still be doing the exact same thing he is doing because he only ever does exactly what he wants to do. he's as inevitable as the rising sun! the future changes to fit him!
one piece generally rejects the concept of unchangeable fate out of hand- if you tell luffy something can't be done he'll take it as a personal challenge- but it does have a lot to say about inherited will. i think it would be more accurate to say that all the strawhats and their allies, luffy especially, have in some way come to embody the inherited will and dreams of the people who came before them, whether they know it or not, both through their own experiences and because of who they already were as people.
like, the prophecies about luffy don't say he's destined to become the pirate king, or anything so specific as that. he decided on his own that he was going to do that, and that has always been his goal- to be completely free and have those he cares about be completely free. that's what he values. and it just so happens that that trait makes him fit the image of the liberator.
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