#japanese olaf
gwydpolls · 10 months
Time Travel Question 34: Medievalish and Earlier 3
These Questions are the result of suggestions from the previous iteration.
This category may include suggestions made too late to fall into the correct earlier time grouping. Basically, I'd already moved on to human history, but I'd periodically get a pre-homin suggestion, hence the occasional random item waaay out of it's time period, rather than reopen the category.
In some cases a culture lasted a really long time and I grouped them by whether it was likely the later or earlier grouping made the most sense with the information I had. (Invention ofs tend to fall in an earlier grouping if it's still open. Ones that imply height of or just before something tend to get grouped later, but not always. Sometimes I'll split two different things from the same culture into different polls because they involve separate research goals or the like).
Please add new suggestions below if you have them for future consideration. All cultures and time periods welcome.
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lewishamiltonstuff · 6 months
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xpuigc-bloc · 20 days
Sayoko Yamaguchi
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
A new axis? Wouldn't be a surprise in these times. The west seeks confrontation with China and it will have if they continue on this road.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Nel mentre il Governo Cinese, guidato da Xi Jinping, lavora per la Pace, per la costruzione di un Mondo Multipolare e di un Vero Multilateralismo (真正的多边主义), la Germania e il Giappone Neo-Militarista si riavvicinano, per rafforzare gli scambi sia in ambito economico che in ambito militare in funzione anti-Cinese ⚔️
🤔 Germania e Giappone, nuovamente unite contro una potenza socialista. Cosa vi ricorda? 🤔
Scholz e Kishida, invece di indugiare nell'avventurismo anti-Cinese e anti-Comunista, dovrebbero ricordarsi cosa è successo l'ultima volta che i loro due Paesi si sono "uniti nel settore della Difesa" - più passa il tempo, e più sembra che la Germania si stia ritrasformando nella Germania nazista e che il giappone si stia attrezzando per tornare all'impero giapponese|
🤮 Il Governo Tedesco e il Governo Giapponese sono accomunati dall'aver avuto sul loro territorio i due peggiori regimi nella storia dell'umanità, dal Nazismo Hitleriano delle camere a gas al Militarismo Giapponese dell'Unità-731 e del Massacro di Nanchino 🤢
🔍 Per chi volesse approfondire, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Mao Ning: "Il Giappone deve riflettere sulla sua lunga storia di aggressioni e rispettare le preoccupazioni per la sicurezza dei suoi vicini asiatici" 🇨🇳
🔺La Repubblica Popolare Cinese commemora le vittime del Massacro di Nanchino ad opera dei militaristi giapponesi
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 While the Chinese Government, led by Xi Jinping, works for Peace, for the construction of a Multipolar World and True Multilateralism (真正的多边主义), Germany and Neo-Militarist Japan are getting closer again, to strengthen exchanges both in the economic and military fields in an anti-Chinese function ⚔️
🤔 Germany and Japan, united again against a socialist power. What does it remind you of? 🤔
Scholz and Kishida, instead of indulging in anti-Chinese and anti-Communist adventurism, should remember what happened the last time their two countries "joined in the defense sector" - the more time passes, the more it seems that Germany is transforming back into nazi Germany and that Japan is gearing up to return to the Japanese empire.
🤮 The German Government and the Japanese Government are united by having had the two worst regimes in the history of humanity on their territory, from the Hitlerian Nazism of the gas chambers to the Japanese Militarism of Unity-731 and the Nanjing Massacre 🤢
🔍 For those who want to learn more, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺Mao Ning: "Japan must reflect on its long history of aggression and respect the security concerns of its Asian neighbors" 🇨🇳
🔺The People's Republic of China commemorates the victims of the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese militarists
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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lizzibennet · 4 months
i’m always sad on my birthday. it’s a tradition of sorts.
today i woke up and my girlfriend, who i must point out does Not live with me, simply Was downstairs with an olaf cutout, a balloon, and a cake she made herself to resemble ice and snow because i jokingly once told her i’d order a frozen cake if i were ever to have a birthday party. (but i wouldn’t, because i don’t like my birthday. always sad on it, like i said.) she waited for me to stop crying and then handed me my present — it was a bessie coleman barbie!! i cried again lmao. we sat down, had cake for breakfast then did what we do best — fuck all — until it was lunch time. i cooked us lunch and then we went to get all dolled up because it’s my birthday, i deserve to at least look hot. we went to the mall to hunt for hello kitty 50th anniversary collection stuff. found some things!! got a free lipstick and a free chocolate truffle bc It’s My Birthday Gimme Free Shit. then we left for this japanese place i’ve been meaning to try for some time, and holy shit, it was SO good. best sushi i’ve ever had. i had a tuna nigiri with truffle oil and this little spicy pepper that was so good i might actually cry thinking about it
i’m always sad on my birthday. it’s a tradition of sorts. there are reasons and i could sit here and explain them to you but the truth of the matter is i cannot remember one single one of them for the life of me. i cannot name one. i’m sure they exist but today there was a good morning, happy birthday, i love you and a cardboard olaf and coffee with her favorite cornbread and shimeji for lunch and old 90s nostalgia as we got dressed and a dress she picked out to match mine and hello kitty glazed nuts and some very good fucking sushi and honestly, i can’t think of anything else right now. i can’t and i won’t occupy my mind with anything else at this moment. i’ll remember the bad anniversaries later, i’m sure. maybe i’ll remember them when it’s useful. maybe it will never be. ever again. maybe this is how all of my birthdays from now on go. maybe this is how they were always supposed to be. i don’t know. i wouldn’t, would i? but for once i’ll leave the dread for later. i don’t care about you, ugly ugly thing. for now, it’s all sunshine up in here, baby!
i do not know what i did to deserve to be loved so well. i’ve decided to stop questioning it. i simply choose to believe her and in turn choose to believe that i am — somehow, miraculously, unbelievingly — a person worthy of being loved by someone like her. and with that. with that. everything else becomes mere background noise
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felinefractious · 7 months
do you know if theres any harmless tailless genes that can be present in american feral cat colonies? theres a big problem with feral cats where i live and recently a kitten (maybe 6-8 months) has appeared near my property but she has no tail at all, not even a little bob. im extremely worried that the manx gene might be present in the feral colony, even though she's the only one ive seen with no tail. she's too young for it to have been an accident or an amputation, i think, and it looks completely natural. she's super skittish so unfortunately i dont have any pictures
To the best of my knowledge there are 2 types of bobtail genes that have been documented.
The “asian bobtail” is caused by a HES7 mutation. This results in a short, kinked but not absent tail and isn’t associated with any health issues. This gene is responsible for Japanese Bobtails and likely the cause for other Eastern bobtail breeds such as the Kurilian and Mekong.
The “natural bobtail” is caused by a T-Box mutation. The expression of this gene is highly variable and not predictable, ranging from a decreased tail length to an entirely absent tail. This gene is responsible for the Manx and has also been documented in other Western bobtail breed such as the American Bobtail and Pixiebob.
The “manx gene” appears to be somewhat present in American feral populations, as evidenced by the presence of “manx syndrome” in affected moggies.
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Bunni has a “stumpy” tail and is afflicted with manx syndrome effecting her gait and resulting in urinary incontinence, needing her bladder expressed manually throughout the day.
Cora has a “stumpy” tail and is effected by manx syndrome resulting in a degree of fecal incontinence which is managed reasonably well on a prescription diet.
Will doesn’t have a listed tail-length but is somewhere on the manx spectrum and has both urine and fecal incontinence due to manx syndrome.
Linguine has a “stumpy” or “longy” tail, based on the one image where it’s visible, and due to manx syndrome experiences urinary incontinence when she’s asleep.
Bob had a “rumpy riser” tail and is fully incontinent due to manx syndrome but wears a diaper without a problem.
Rumpie is a “rumpy” with no tail who has a gait effected by manx syndrome and a degree of incontinence.
Cece is a “rumpy” with no tail and has issues with constipation and doesn’t always make it to the litterbox as a result of manx syndrome.
Bunny, Monkey, Billy Cat and Olaf are all tailless “rumpy” cats with degree of incontinence. Bunny is also lame in a hind leg.
Research has indicated that tailless cats experience a significantly increased rate of manx syndrome - although it can effect any tail length where the gene is present, as seen by some of these adoptable cats.
So that does put your feral at a statistical disadvantage but it isn’t a guarantee she’ll have any clinical symptoms of manx syndrome. That’s part of what makes this gene so insidious, we know rumpy cats are most likely to be impacted but beyond that it’s anyones guess which cats will display symptoms and how severe.
I think these random-bred moggies being mislabeled as manx or manx mixes is the one time I’m not bothered by breed misrepresentation, as the issues the experience are the same as the real deal and it raises awareness of manx syndrome.
More information on manx syndrome for those interested:
Genetic Welfare Problems of Companion Animals: Manx Syndrome
Manx Syndrome in Cats
Manx Syndrome and Spinal Bifida
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sbg members headcanon regarding tattoos
has the tattoo because it was still a thing in vfd at the time:
monty (hides it with multi-colorful socks with snakes on them)
sally and gustav (hides it with neutral color socks)
snicket siblings (sometimes they hide it, sometimes they don't)
denouement triplets (pre-canon, dewey hides his with blue socks, ernest hides his with green socks, and frank dies his with red socks. by canon, they wear white socks)
josephine (hides it with dark color socks or tights. during canon, her long mourning dress helps also)
raymond 'q' quagmire (hides it with white or grey socks)
olaf (pre-opera night, he used to hide it with socks of different patterns and color combinations; he liked purple zigzags socks the most. post-opera night, he switched between white or black socks. learning the true players of the opera night had olaf forgoing socks)
beatrice (hides it with socks/tights or makeup; it depends on what she's wearing)
bertrand (hides it with socks or makeup; it depends on what he's wearing)
r (hides it with socks/tights or makeup; it depends on what she's wearing)
doesn't have tattoo for they were recruited after tattoo ban:
gregor and ike + hector (they were the first recruits to be taken after the tattoo ban. gregor would have gotten the tattoo if his parents didn't get him back [via ishmael helping out/owning d anwhistle a favor] after his first recruit lead to the real h anwhistle's death)
the future joan quagmire and her sisters alex and lindsey (they were recruited during high school because the triplets were nosy about a group of students)
esme (she got recruited in middle school because she got nosy over one of her teachers; her favorite teacher in fact)
fernald (lump sbg member born after tattoo ban; fernald for a time like the idea of having the tattoo, but by the present canon events fernald is GLAD that he doesn't)
doesn't have the tattoo, but should:
georgina orwell (doesn't see herself as part of the sbg; like that stop others saying she is. anyway, georgina when recruited did got the tattoo on her ankle. however, her parents managed to take her back during the schism, and georgina before her second recruitment removed her tattoo when she was studying to become an optometrist. the organization didn't bother to ask her to get the tattoo again on a different spot of her own free choice.)
miranda, n, and olivia (they were taken at a time when the tattoo wasn't ban. their mother having to take over caligari carnival so sudden over her brother's death -he was the previous owner- made a deal with the organization to give her children directly)
larry (was taken at the same time as r on account of getting pick up while r's recruiters snatch her up. no one really knows how larry got gloss over, but he's not complaining)
haruki [murakami] (was recruited at a time when the tattoo wasn't ban. however, the japanese branch of vfd play loose with the tattoo rules and allow exemptions if argue well. his parents won their argument)
shouldn't have the tattoo, but does:
widdershins (he joined after tattoo ban was enacted, and many saw his ankle tattoo free. as such, when his associates saw his tattooed ankle one summer day, it became a mystery that needed to be solve. hides it with navy or black shocks, or bandages he wrap around his ankle)
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faustiandevil · 4 months
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I missed my fly bois. Recently rewatched Carlton-Browne of the F.O. with @soapkaars and every time Terry-Thomas and Thorley Walters were on screen I would go “It’s them! It’s Dick Dastardly and Red Max! My baby bois!”. They don’t match each other’s freak, they match each other’s stupid. Braincells are in the negative. I couldn’t capture Thorley Walters’ perfect wall-eyed expression so I just opted for something cute and gave Max the dot eyes, as Dick is dying next to him. I also had the brilliant idea to make a parody of that good line from Porco Rosso. For the last drawing I tried to use the Japanese covers from Dastardly and Muttley, because they managed to further improve a peak design and mixing it with Olaf Gulbransson’s War is a Business, because I just really liked the shapes and folds on that one.
If Hanna-Barbera weren’t cowards and put Red Max in Dastardly and Muttley it would go a little bit like this (this is my propaganda to get people to watch Carlton-Browne):
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I passed a stranger today and it felt so weird. I knew her favorite songs, that she loves to cook japanese food, her favorite color, that she loves olaf from frozen with his hugs, her fears, some secrets she never talks about and her nicknames, but yet, she was just a stranger.
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mwcowan · 2 months
A Whole New Chapter
Happy Birthday Max (and Ripley, Olaf, and Daisy)!
June 28th was Max’s 4th birthday (and all of his 8 siblings, though we only know Ripley, Olaf, and Daisy). He celebrated with a special birthday crown, and by devouring a HUGE liver and rice pupcake that Georgia made for him. He had trouble blowing out the candle though.
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One thing Max hasn’t acclimated well to are the storms, with their heavy rain, lightning, and thunder. He’s always been shy about loud noises, and here, even the rains get loud. I’ve described the intense lightning and thunder before, but just to remind you it’s LOUD! This is all made worse by the fact that we live outside most of the time, often hanging out in our upstairs open-air foyer; even if we’re indoors we almost always have the windows open. We've read that some dogs deal with loud noises better if they wear earmuffs so we experimented. Here’s Max’s first “boom boom” helmet:
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This seemed to help so we’ve since upgraded this to a commercial model that just slips over his ears. We’re not sure if it really muffles the noise or if it just distracts him having something wrapped around his head. He also seems to deal with thunder fairly well by retreating to a ‘sanctuary’, usually underneath my desk in the main room, or Georgia’s desk in our bedroom. We hope he gets used to it quickly – now that we’re in the rainy season we get a thunderstorm almost every afternoon. He’ll get plenty of practice at least!
And Happy 60th Birthday Noel!
Continuing to celebrate birthdays, last weekend we went to Manila to attend the birthday party of our dear friend Noel. Michelle had planned a fun 80’s themed (just my thing!) night, with DJ, dancing, and of course food and drink. We saw many friends there and – small world time – even met two of our neighbors from Kawayan Cove that we hadn’t met before. Here’s Noel with more than his share of lovely ladies.
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On the Road Again
One of Georgia’s friends, way back from her McDonald’s days in the early 80’s, has a vacation house on Lake Caliraya, which is just south of the biggest lake on Luzon, Laguna de Bay. The friend had offered for us to use it anytime we wanted. Although she wasn’t there, we took the drive and spent a couple nights at the lake.
The lake is manmade, its dam constructed in 1939 by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, for one of the first hydroelectric power projects in the Philippines. The dam was blown up by retreating American troops in 1942 to keep it from being useful to the Japanese, who quickly repaired it. The Japanese in turn destroyed the dam in 1945 when they retreated. It was rebuilt in 1953 by the Philippines National Power Corporation and since no one has blown it up since, it's still generating hydroelectric power. In addition to power, this large lake (about 3 x 8km/2 x 5mi, with a convoluted 157km/98 mi shoreline) provides many recreational opportunities and supposedly the best largemouth bass fishing in the Philippines (we tried but didn’t catch any…).
Even without catching anything we enjoyed our time on this very quiet and serene lake.
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The only downside of Lake Caliraya, for us anyway, was the journey. From Kawayan Cove it’s about 160km each way which shouldn’t be that bad, about 2 hours or so, right? It’s not that bad at all for the first 40km or so, where we have nice, uncrowded highways to Tagaytay/Lake Taal. Past that though, with the exception of less than 10km on the SLEX expressway, it’s a slog along crowded, narrow, surface streets, making in all a pretty stressful 5-hour drive. The last 20km or so, when the route takes you up into the mountains and to the lake, finally let me relax a bit on a twisty but uncrowded mountain road. Reaching the subdivision entrance we continued for a bit on a normal 2-lane road… which abruptly turns into a single lane composed of two narrow strips of concrete. In some places there were drop-offs to the sides of the strips so you had to be very careful to stay centered, and MOST places there was absolutely no room for two cars to pass. Not sure what we would’ve done but luckily we didn’t meet another car either going in or out.
Here's the 'road' as it goes by the lake house, one of the few wide spots where two cars could pass.
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Although the drive was somewhat stressful, it was a good chance to get to know our new car. Yes! I got my Fortuner! We had to wait about a month after we ordered it (waiting for that special Platinum White Mica Pearl paint), and took delivery the day before our trip. Having a brand-new car probably added to my stress, but overall it’s a joy to drive. The Innova, which is now Georgia's mom's car, served us well, and though it’s officially not a minivan it drives like one. The Fortuner (sharing the chassis and diesel engine with the Innova and the Hilux pickup) is much sportier to drive, especially on the twisty roads. Now we have a mini-SUV and a full-size SUV!
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It's a Jungle Out There
The other day our caretakers pointed out a snake that had roosted in a vine near our pool deck, in fact right above my favorite spot to sit and read. It turned out to be a reticulated python, common all over Southeast Asia. These are the longest snakes in the world – the longest one ever captured was 33 feet (9.9m)! One of our neighbors is quite fearful of snakes and warned us to get rid of it as it will kill and eat dogs and cats, cattle, carabao… and you! Well, maybe the big ones, but this guy (less than 3’ / 1m) would only strike fear into you if you were one of the frogs that used to hang out in that spot.
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While we’re talking reptiles, yesterday when I opened our pool umbrella I was surprised by this friendly looking tuko who had taken up residence inside. A large (this one was about 10" / 25cm) and colorful member of the gecko family, these creatures are plentiful here but are very shy and you rarely see them, only hearing their loud “tu-ko, tu-ko, tu-ko” calls in the morning and evening.
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And Back to the Friendly Skies
Tomorrow we’re starting our journey back to the states, for about a 5-week visit. Check on the house, visit friends and family, go to the dentist, that sort of stuff. Max will stay here with caretaker Vima, with whom he’s become very good friends. We’ll be coming back to Manila right before Danny, Ben and Lachlan arrive for a visit in late August, which we’re excitedly looking forward to!
So that wraps up this chapter. I’ll probably be back in September.
Until then, leaving you with a couple of nice sunsets. Take care everyone!
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cannolicorgi · 2 years
//twitter ship discourse and Genshin leaks (?)
What’s with this “Tighnari and Cyno are siblings” bs? Because they said they are like siblings? And why are some people treating this as if only Asian countries use brother/sister as terms of endearment? Once again Twitter ruins other people’s perceptions of what American culture is actually like. Brother/sister and bro/sis are endearing here too, calling someone your bro doesn’t actually mean you’re related. Plus in many religions here we call everyone brother/sister. It’s not American culture, it’s just EN Twitter culture. No one calls Ayato and Itto brothers despite Itto calling him “my bro Ayato”, because they’re so obviously not brothers. Even if you ignore the fact that Tighnari and Cyno look nothing alike, don’t you think it’s a little weird that one of them is... idunno... HALF DOG?? And if Tighnari and Cyno were actually siblings, don’t you think it’d be important enough to mention in a voiceline?? Mika isn’t even out yet and we already know he’s Huffman’s little brother! I can at least understand thinking Diluc and Kaeya are brothers because most people only see the dogshit localization, so the only hint they’d get to the real relationship is the fact that Kaeya is still Kaeya Alberich and not Ragnvindr, but thinking Tighnari and Cyno are seriously brothers because they said they are “like siblings” is quite the leap for an average player.
Here’s a list of known relationships (to my knowledge)
Siblings: Mika, Huffman Jean, Barbara Ayato, Ayaka Ajax, Anthon, Tonia, Teucer Aether, Lumine Ei/Beelzebul, Makoto/Baal Dori, unnamed older sister Gorou, at least 4 unnamed older siblings (this might just be a pun on his name in Japanese) Xingqiu, unnamed older brother Shenhe, at least one sibling Cyrus, Iris
“Siblings”: Diluc, Kaeya Ayato, Itto Tighnari, Cyno Albedo, Klee (Alice is a stand-in mother figure by extension)
Other relatives: Shenhe, Chongyun (aunt, nephew) Xiangling, Chef Mao (daughter, father) Diona, Draff, Olaf (daughter, father, ???) Yoimiya, Ryuunosuke (daughter, father) Diluc, Crepus (son, father) Klee, Alice (daughter, mother) Jean, Barbara, Frederica, Seamus (daughter, daughter, mother, father)(parents are divorced) Eula, Schubert (niece, uncle) Niwa, Kazuha (distant relatives) Herman, Ellin (father, daughter) Cyrus, Iris, Majorie (father, aunt, daughter/niece) Guy, Tunner (son, father)
???: Kunikuzushi, Raiden Shogun, Ei, Makoto (creation/son/brother, clone/sister, creator/mother, creator’s sister/aunt) Albedo, Durin, Rhinedottir (creation/brother, creation/brother, creator)
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ryunumber · 2 years
Earthworm Jim?
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Earthworm Jim has a Ryu Number of 2/3/does not have a Ryu Number.
(CORRECTION: Per @skapokon, the situation with ClayFighter is... much weirder than I initially gave it credit for.)
(explanation below)
Earthworm Jim strikes me as a thing that has more perceived cultural impact than actual cultural impact, but even then, I'm a little surprised to report that all potential links are dead ends, but in bizarre ways.
Besides the games themselves, which seem to be self-contained, Jim's made two appearances of note. The first appearance is as a guest fighter in both versions of ClayFighter 63⅓.
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There's a couple other dead end crossovers in the ClayFighter series, but it comes real close to having a properly eligible crossover with Blizzard's The Lost Vikings. Olaf is mentioned in Helga's ending in the first game, and the other two show up as faces in Tiny's stage in 2.
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The second appearance is as a guest fighter in the PC version of Battle Arena Toshinden.
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You would think this is a clear dead end, but it turns out that Toshinden's Eiji Shinjo himself guested in the Japan-only Saturn fighting game D-Xhird, which itself features as mid-boss and final boss... Venus and Izanagi?
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So they're both deities, which tracks, but according to some lore I ran through a machine translator, Venus is the true mother of the protagonist and took part in an experiment to create Izanagi?
If I had a better grasp on anything that's going on here, I'd maybe be able to come down one way or another on Venus. (Izanagi seems hard to justify either way.) Until then, I'm leaning toward that not being the Roman goddess. But if you can read Japanese, feel free to look through this playlist and weigh in.
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Bracket E thoughts:
"Brand New Day" and "Alive" are both very good, but I'm a sucker for Anthony Warlow's Hyde. He just sounds so happy to unleash his inner evil! :)
"Philistine" fucking slaps, and as much as I love "Snuff Out the Light," I want to make everyone appreciate this rockin' number as much as I do. She spends the entire song ripping Travis apart, pointing out how his vengeance doesn't make him noble, his anger doesn't make him cool, and he's a pervy otaku. She rhymes aeternum with sternum. Having listened to both versions, I think the English version is better in the vocals because they're clearer, but the Japanese version has a kickass climax at 3:15.
I'm a perpetual fan of GLaDOS' songs, and I really enjoy the thinly veiled spite in "Still Alive."
"Mean Green Mother From Outer Space" is a fun song, but I am a self-admitted sucker for Joey Richter being a hammy villain in "Wagon on Fire".
Further research has indicated "Grand Ceremony" is indicative of the pompousness and fakeness of Manley, who is universally regarded as a prick. I don't know this game, but I can definitely get that vibe from this one.
"In the Dark of the Night" is always a classic, but I voted for "A Million Gruesome Ways to Die" because it's hilarious to me that Barnaby is threatening to kill the player in all sorts of gruesome ways the same way you'd offer a bunch of options to a really picky customer at a restaurant. He's just trying to be helpful, he's so enthusiastic about it!
Dawn M Bennett my beloved makes this modern-day hypocritical dirty cowgirl seem unironically cool every time she sings. Also the Banzai Blasters apparently just fucking shot her parents to death which is some fucking whiplash from "Great at Crime," to say the least. Anyway go listen to Zora's surprise musical backstory.
This might just be because I'm not an Ace Attorney fan, but I didn't really get a lot out of Distant Traces of Beauty" in terms of villainy? Like from what I've read it makes sense in context but it just doesn't give me the villain vibes I was hoping for. Also I have to give points to "I'm a Professional" for being made up entirely on the spot.
Holy shit that's Captain Marvel's actress? How and why the fuck is she rocking that song so well??? Anyway vote for "Black Sheep," a.k.a the much-needed "fuck you Scott" song.
Ok I submitted "Grandpa's Going to Sue the Pants Off of Santa," but...it's not a good song. It's really not. And even without knowing Les Mis that well, Alun Armstrong is doing such a good job of getting across who Thénardier is by being such a delightful scumbag.
I already can tell "Slipping" is going to win, which is fair, but I needed to vote for "What You Feel" because it is a bop.
As several people have pointed out, "That's Not How the Story Goes" is not really a villain song so much as a song lamenting the horror of the world they live in which happens to feature Count Olaf. Since the villain is listed as Olaf and not The Narrative Itself, I voted for "The Whole Being Dead Thing," which is also a very good song in a completely opposite direction from its opponent.
Holy fuck, why is "Where There's A Whip, There's A Way" so good. Why do the orcs harmonize so well. What the shit.
Have I mentioned that I love Queen Latifah's singing? Because I love her singing. She is having so much fun here.
"Open Up Your Eyes" is a pretty good villain song in an unfortunately mediocre movie that tells me a lot about who the villain is and why she villains, while "You Will Remember" veered kind of too hard into generic rock song territory. Like, I know it's supposed to be an allusion to Ember's backstory, but that backstory wasn't even in the show itself...
Oh yeah and also the person who uploaded that video apparently committed a shooting, which isn't relevant to this bracket, but was a big surprise when I scrolled down to the comments.
Some good opinions 👍
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xpuigc-bloc · 22 days
Takato Yamamoto
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
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About the NPCs (may contain spoilers -- proceed with caution!):
Brenda Triton is a geologist. She is also Clark's wife, Luke's mother, and a friend of Hershel Layton's from university.
Otherwise known as: ブレンダ・トライトン (Japanese)
Nordic was hired by Descole to dispatch Layton & crew, but isn't very good at fighting.
Otherwise known as: ノルディック (Japanese); Olaf (Italian)
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askadvancewars · 1 year
Further research required?
For years I've thought Ryo Hirata designed Kanbei/Kikuchiyo's red armor simply because it looks great with his yellow kimono but I've recently learned about "akazonae" -- red armored samurai.
I was thinking, "man, wouldn't it be cool if Hirata designed Kanbei after this specific historical armor" but looking for credible historical sources online is difficult--the search results are littered with fictional depictions or brand names. The first link is the first and only credible source I found and it has no pictures. The few pictures I found (so far) are mostly recreations and auction listings, and none of them match Kanbei's AW1 armor. The most famous, red-armored samurai example would be Yukimura Sanada, and Hirata didn't seem referencing his iconic armor.
Gonna be looking into this a bit more but my conclusion for now is Hirata did just design Kanbei because he looked cool in a red samurai armor and not out of specific historical reference. Sonja/Asuka is also sporting a red uniform, after all, so they form a warm colors pair. Kanbei's first game Japanese design is my favorite because it's the most colorful, unfortunately, he got increasingly duller with each game. I thought AW2's blue cape was a very good compromise! It's a great personal disappointment that Reboot Camp took from Dual Strike's brown cape.
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Judging from Olaf's "self-styled samurai" comment, Kanbei's seen as samurai LARPer in-universe, though a later site profile just straight up refers to him as a samurai. He's canonically a master of martial arts.
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