#jay eric
uwmspeccoll · 1 month
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A Corvidae Feathursday
Here are some more wood-engraved birds -- both black and white and hand-colored --by British author and wood engraver Eric Fitch Daglish (1892-1966) from his 1948 publication Birds of the British Isles, published in London by J. M. Dent & Sons in 1948 in a limited edition of 1500 copies. Today we display all the corvids from this volume, from top to bottom:
Common Raven (Corvus corax)
Western Jackdaw (Coloeus monedula)
Red-billed Chough (pronounced "chuf"; Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)
Spotted Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes) 
Eurasian Magpie (Pica pica)
Rook (Corvus frugilegus)
 Carrion Crow (Corvus corone)
 Eurasian Jay (Garrulus glandarius)
Read more about this book plus view a hand-colored engraving of a Hoopoe here.
View more Feathursday posts.
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thunderc1an · 3 months
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Happy Pride Month from Mousewhisker & Jayfeather
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theaawalker · 9 months
A Run For Your Money [Eric x Reader]
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Pairing: Eric x gender-neutral!reader Song Inspo: One Dance by Drake ft. Justin Bieber Word Count: 2,004 Summary: A new Dauntless initiate, y/n, captures Eric's attention. As trouble follows you, Eric is always nearby with a keen smirk. But you won't go down without a fight, promising to give the brutal faction AND instructor a run for their money. Warnings: violence, fighting, mentions of death Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
Bam! Bam-bam, bam!
You are by yourself in the initiate training room beating on a punching bag. Today is one the rare days off that initiates get, and you chose to spend your time training. You made up your mind to transfer to this faction, so you did't intend to ease up on your pursuit until you make the cut. It seems that a group of female initiates were attracted by the punching sounds and have come to investigate. After seeing you, one of them attempts to show you how it's done.
Jace is bigger than her friends; one would assume that she was Dauntless born had the classes not been separated. She picks you up and throws you to the side, ready to set an example. You come back, jump and hock a leg around her neck, flipping her on her back to the ground. You land in a crouch, "Come on dude, don't be an asshole."
It's obvious that she nor her friends expected you to take her down. They thought that you would be intimidated like most of the other initiates, but Jace didn't hold her surprise for long.
"Well, that was unexpected, but not entirely unwelcome." She pushes off the floor and hops to her feet. You rise up with her as they meet for a handshake.
"Jace, Candor."
"Y/N." You turn away from her to go drink from your water bottle. Jace watches you for a moment.
"Which faction are you from, Y/N?" She asks. You blink and drink from your bottle before setting it back down.
"That's not important." You say. Jace isn't satisfied with your answer and is about to ask you another question.
"I couldn't agree more." The girls stiffen and jerk around to face Eric, posted up like a soldier with a sadistic glare in his eyes. "Do any of you want to explain to me why you're not downstairs?" His voice is menacing and full of authority. Jace and her friends look at each other confused. One of them tries to respond, but she's a stuttering mess.
"Bu-but w-w-we uh, I thought um.. I mean, we uh-."
Eric, having heard enough, cuts her off, "Got it. I'll give you a chance to make it down there, and you'd better make it before I get back down there." The girls scramble past him and rush down the stairs. You hadn't moved, choosing to remain silent until they had gone.
"Isn't today our day off?" You look at Eric expectantly. You aren't surprised when he starts grinning at you.
"Correct." He's walking towards you while shrugging off his jacket.
"Then why did you scare them away?" He smirks at the question and sets his jacket down near your water bottle.
"I'll be your sparring partner for today." You blink slowly.
2 hours later, you and Eric are both sweaty on the mats, breathing heavily as you stretch together.
"Thanks for the workout." Eric was impressed with you, and he's looking forward to welcoming you into Dauntless.
"No problem, I really enjoyed it. Thank you." You didn't expect the offer, but you appreciated it. Eric isn't known to associate with initiates outside of making sure Four is training them properly. So, while surprised that he wanted to spar, you weren't going to say no.
He nodded his head at you, grabbed his jacket and walked away. You watched him leave, strutting out of the training room with such confidence. He didn't even look like someone who'd been in a fight. You honestly feel inspired. One day, you're going to really give him a run for his money.
[ time skip - visitng day ]
When visiting day rolls around, Eric doesn't see his source of amusement. He wanders into the training room to see you finishing a set of pull ups. He stands in the entry way watching you come down to stretch. You bend down to the front, holds it, and then bend back into a back-bend.
You see him but don't say anything. You don't know how long he's been standing there watching, but since he didn't say anything neither will you. You take a few minutes to quickly stretch your body before picking up your water bottle and walking away. You almost makes it past him, but he stretches out an arm to stop you.
"Not so fast." You aren't looking at him, but he's looking at you. "Why aren't you down there with everyone else?"
"There's no one down there for me." You walk around him, and he lets you go. He sees that you're upset, but it isn't his place to comment on it.
[ time skip - next day ]
Early the next morning, Eric comes across you doing laps around the training room. You pause at seeing him there.
"You want to run?" You nod, your chest heaving with your breathing. "Come with me." You look around, unsure if you should follow him.
"I have training in an hour." He smirks at you.
"I'll make sure you're back in time." You nod again and follow him.
They run to a cliff spot with a full view of the sunrise. You hadn't watched the sunrise since being in Dauntless; you missed it. You wonder if this could be a regular thing for you again.
"Ready to head back?" You nod. "Can I come here every morning?" He regards you for a moment before replying.
"If you remember the way."
They jog back together and make it just in time for Four's class. You head over to join the other initiates lined up. Eric walks past them, ignoring Four completely as he heads to take a shower.
The next morning, you're running back to the Dauntless compound, coming back from your sunrise viewing. You're definitely going to make it part of your routine to run there in the mornings. Halfway back to the compound, you see Eric running toward you. You pass each other, making eye contact but not exchanging words or stopping.
[ time skip ]
Despite their rocky start, you and Jace form a competitive friendship. You're often seen sparring with one another, or with Jace's friends. With individual training, you two are always trying to out-do the other. Friendly competition became a great way for the both of you to become and maintain high ranks among the initiates.
Lately, Four has the group randomly paired every day for mock fights in the ring. Somehow, you always get paired with one of Jace's friends. You haven't lost a fight yet thanks to all the practice you had with Jace. The friend, Byron, was the biggest initiate of the class, so taking down anyone else was easier for you. Bruised, blustered, and bloodied, you managed to beat him. Even Four was impressed, with Eric nodding and smirking like he predicted your victory. Byron seemed pissed as he limped back to his spot. The fact of Jace teasing him didn't make it any better. Perhaps that was the catalyst that led to this unfortunate event.
[ time skip - that night ]
You were already in bed while everyone else was at dinner. You're an early riser which also means you're an early sleeper. That particular day had tired you out more than usual, so you slept heavy enough for someone to pick you up, cradle-style, and carry you away.
The culprits? Three men disguised in all black and ski masks who tried to dump you over the chasm.
One of the Dauntless members on the cameras sees them. He's in the camera room watching them almost drop you over until you wake up suddenly. Kicking and punching, you swing around on the railing to kick one of your attackers in the head. He hits the back wall and falls unconscious. One of them somehow is shoved over chasm railing, while you punch the other one in the throat and head until they fall. You snatch off the masks of the remaining two, and your face crumbles. Hurt and betrayed to see two of Jace's friends. You recognize Byron, and knee on the other one's dick. He tries to cover himself, but you kick his head, hammering down on it with both feet. As a floored Byron and his accomplices groan, you spit on him as a final assault before you stagger up and stalk off.
Four and Eric coincidentally show up in the camera room while this fight was taking place. Four notices that particular camera feed as he glances around the room when he first walks in. He immediately zeroed in on it, coming closer as he sees the victim, who he recognized as you, wake up and fight off their assailants. Four flips out, snapping at the guy sitting in front of him for not reporting this.
Eric, at seeing Four agitated, walks over behind him to see you in action. He finds it humorous, not caring at all about the sorry excuse for an initiate that fell over. Lucky him that he died before Eric could get to him. Those other two would pay dearly for what they just attempted, then maybe after he's done with them will he allow them to die.
Four tries to go to the chasm, but Eric tells him to take care of the guy in front of him first. "It's over now; I'll take care of them."
Eric tells the swarming Dauntless members to get those two initiates in a holding room until he gets there. Eric left the room in search of you, but he couldn't find you. Unbeknownst to him, he passed your hiding spot -- a hallway vent -- several times, but you didn't want to reach out to him. You saw a mix of other Dauntless members and initiates milling around, and you didn't trust them. So, instead, you tucked yourself deeper into your hiding hole and slept.
[ time skip - the next morning ]
You return to your bunk after you've calmed down. Jace tries to approach you, but you flinch away from her. Who's to say she didn't orchestrate the attack? Shortly after, Four, with Eric right on his heels, sped into the room. He's relieved to find you there, and he asks if you could come with them.
You're called to a meeting with the Dauntless leaders, the parents of the dead boy, and for some reason, Jeanine Matthews. The child's mother accused you of killing her son.
"Your son tried to kill me." His mother vehemently denied it, until she's shown the video feed. Then, she flips her argument.
"But you're not dead, now are you?" You, done with the conversation already, looks over at her.
"Let me guess, you'd rather I be dead."
"Tough." You turn your head, dismissing her.
Eric is full-on grinning as the mother is short circuiting. Jeanine, ever observant of Eric and his mannerisms, notices Eric's interest in you. Thus, Jeanine also takes an interest in you. Reviewing in her mind the initiate's combat skills, she shifts her eyes over to you, who is busy staring out of the window. You could be another Eric, a great soldier to carry out her plans.
After much debate, mainly from the parents' end, you are dismissed. Due to the video evidence of the boy being involved with trying to kill you, and that he was actually bumped over by one of the boys, you are exempt from any punishment.
After the meeting, Jeanine pulls Eric to the side. He instead takes her to his office to hear what she has to say. She asks Eric what he thinks of you, to which Eric responds with a mediocre answer. He doesn't want you involved in this, but it seems his tactic isn't working. Jeanine doesn't buy it after seeing the video, and she gives Eric instructions to introduce you to the plans and get you working under him. After, she excuses herself and leaves him alone to his thoughts.
After lunch, Four escorts you to Eric's office. Four warns him not to be mean to you, and Eric tells him to get the fuck out of his office. During your meeting with Eric, he tells you the rundown of what's going to happen after you've passed your initiation. He doesn't go into too much detail, in case you have too much of an adverse reaction.
After he's done explaining, you're blunt with him, "That's stupid." Eric looks at you, but you keep your eyes on his computer and continues, "It doesn't make sense. She wants to kill people to keep the peace. And these serums, it sounds like some mind control scheme."
You look at Eric. He sees that you're smart enough to pick up on what he didn't say.
"You don't believe her, right?" You ask him. "You know that she wants to make everyone, except a select few, into mindless slaves that do whatever she wants while she rules over everything. You know that she wants a dictatorship and not peace, right?"
You pause for a moment to hone in on his unfazed expression. "Or maybe you do know, but you don't care." You look at him for a few more moments before leaning up and looking away, taking a stroll around his office.
He contemplates life while you busy yourself with looking around his office. How didn't he think about what life would be like with everyone under her new serum? He thought that he'd be done with Jeanine, and he could do whatever he wanted with Dauntless. He didn't care about the other factions. He really doesn't care about the people, but there's not much enjoyment in bossing around mindless slaves who are programmed to do what they're told anyway. How weird it would be to walk down the halls and pass people that aren't really there. Yes, there'd be no more people to piss him off, but there'd be no idiot to amuse him either. No one to hold a conversation with; no one to ignore for being stupid; and no one to threaten and watch them cower.
At that moment, he realizes that he would be bored and alone with not a soul for company other than Jeanine and her lackeys. He grimaces at the thought and sees how unpleasant it would be. He feels ignorant for not seeing the whole picture and not thinking ahead. He's going to rectify that.
[ time skip ]
It took Eric a few weeks to get together his evidence of Jeanine's crimes and organize a trial in Candor. It was unavoidable for some of his skeletons to be exposed, but fortunately, they were overlooked in light of him turning Jeanine in. She was found guilt and set to be executed, which was done by Eric himself immediately after the sentencing.
You passed your initiation ranked #1, with Jace pulling up #2. It took you a while to feel comfortable around her again, but ultimately, it wasn't her who hurt you. Thus, it wasn't fair for you to shut her out. Plus, she physically defended you whenever one of the guys got too aggressive with you, which was a nice plus.
You were also set to start your job working under Eric. The paperwork had already been approved by the time Jeanine's plans were foiled. Also, Eric had taken to courting you. Speaking to you more and spending time with you. He wouldn't date you until after you passed initiation, but now that you had, you and Eric have been together for about 3 weeks now. He was currently taking you to meet his parents for dinner.
Five minutes in, and you were not having a good time. Still, at least there was free food. Eric's mother, Blythe, addressing you, asks yet another insulting question. "So, how long have you been sleeping with my son?"
"Blythe!" Eric and his father shout her name, but you ignore her.
"Not going to answer?"
"No, I don't see how that's any of your business."
Taken aback, Blythe seethes before responding. "My son is my business."
"Yea, you're such a great parent, so supportive of your son's choices." You hear her gasp as you sip your water, not giving her the attention.
"How dare you-"
"That's enough," Eric hisses at her. He's pleased that you're not intimidated by his mother, but he doesn't like her being insulted.
"Are you going to eat that?" Eric asks you, eyeing your plate. You cut the steak and broccoli on his plate and fork it before turning to offer it to him. You have your other hand underneath in case anything falls from the fork. He eyes you again and you blink at him expectantly. He leans in, his eyes boring into yours as he eats off your fork. You turn back to spear more food onto the fork before turning to repeat your actions.
"I can eat my own food." He says while leaning in.
"Then why didn't you?"
As the night goes on, you two pay no mind to his parents. Even though Eric's father seems to genuinely support him, you don't see any sort of relationship blossoming with him or his wife. Yet, judging by Eric's reaction to Blythe, you won't have to worry about pleasing her. Sweet.
• ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ • ♧ •
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jujubeweb · 6 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ ּּ📦 ㅤ᩿⠀﹫𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗅𝗈, ꪱ𝗍'𝗌 𝗃𝗎𝗃𝗎𝖻𝖾ㅤ׃⠀𝗍𝗎𝗆𝖻𝗅𝗋⠀ ּּ♥︎
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ploopyoopy · 1 month
Huge art dump :p
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90ssuperheroes · 1 month
the original MCU (1977-1994)
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karihighman · 8 months
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Lisseth third wheeling my favorite ships is the best thing to ever happen to The Rookie & Chicago PD 🤭😅 it’s too great!!
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wackyharpy · 9 months
Eric (Divergent) x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Eric takes care of his girlfriend after the hard day.
To find more stories — masterlist
A/N: English isn't my native language. I'm obsessed with this man, oh gods! Needed to write something like this. I'd be very happy for your comments and reblogs. Enjoy :)
Warnings ⚠️
NSFW 18+, fingering, p in v sex, she/her pronouns.
She enters their shared apartment late in the evening locking the door. Muscles all over the body ache after hard trainings with the squad she's part of. Their commander always keeps them fit.
She finished her initiation taking the third place on the rankings board. Such success for a girl, who was one of the two among other male initiates, ended up with her becoming a part of the squad of the special purpose for secret missions.
Since the day their commander chose her, he has never regretted. It was a right decision. She is smart and witty — former Erudite — calm and placid — a perfect person not to blab plans and inside scoop.
Additionally, she's the youngest leader's girlfriend.
To start relationships with Eric wasn't an easy decision, but two years have already passed and they're still together. Unexpectedly, Eric has turned out to be a simple person to live with. Yes, the character he has, sometimes drives her crazy, although it's not the problem that can't be solved. He's dominant, intimidating and frightening, as he was the first time she met him during the initiation.
Nevertheless, she's discovered much more other facets of his personality. He's not just that cruel leader everybody is used to seeing him. Eric can cook — the first thing that surprised her a lot. He's a good listener and adviser. He motivates her to work and to become a better version of herself — she appreciates time they spend together in the gym where he shares his knowledge of how to obtain skillfulness in fighting, shooting, plotting plans and strategies.
They've learned how to be a leader and a subordinate, a mentor and a student outside the walls of their apartment. But here, they're only Eric and her. Just a boyfriend and his girlfriend.
She walks deeper in the room greeting Eric who is finishing dinner in the kitchen area. Dim lights of lanterns illuminate the space along with the moon whose rays permeate into through the panoramic windows — their apartment is situated on the upper floors of Dauntless compartment.
She rubs red weary eyes with her calloused palms, and sits at the table in the dining area. Exhales heavily. Eric places a plate with baked salmon and veggies in front of her. He constantly pays attention to her diet for her to have energy and be healthy.
"Thanks," she smiles warmly.
Being a leader, he's never provided her with advantages that may assist her easily gain a position in Dauntless. Some people may consider, she got her place in the squad because of Eric, though that's not true. Her efforts are the reason she's there. The only benefits she has is access to products of high-quality, good clothes, domicile and protection.
She eats every now and then looking at sharp features of Eric's face, at his perfect nose and slightly plump lips, at his cheekbones which she adores to contour with the finger. Her eyes go down viewing vividly black tattoos on the neck. She feels how something is tugging in the lower abdomen.
"Eat your meal. Stop gazing at me," she hears his voice's deep timbre. Abruptly, her cheeks turn pink and she chuckles. She sees how a perfect line of Eric's lips twitches in a smirk.
"Salmon is really good," she praises dinner.
"Mhm... received two fresh fish this morning."
They finish dinner and clean the table, then do the washing-up together. Eric hides two plates in the shelf above the faucet and turns to her immediately embracing her little petite figure with his strong arms.
"Tired?" The serene tone of his voice soothes her.
She cuddles closer to his chest smelling a pleasant male scent, and just nods. She feels a soft kiss on her forehead, and then Eric rises her from the ground taking to the bathroom.
After brushing their teeth — they've got used to do all this plain routine together, the couple gets ready to take the shower. Eric turns on water and begins to undress her. She yawns finally feeling how much her muscles are strained, in need of rest. Hooded eyes watch how Eric attentively takes off all of her clothes, then undresses himself.
He's not a type of guy to say "love you" and other sweet nothings about his feelings, but she doesn't need that. She's got used to his own tongue of showing love and affection.
Before stepping into the shower cabin, Eric checks the temperature of water, only then leads her inside along with him. She closes her eyes relaxing under warm streams realizing how much her body's got exhausted. Eric massages her shoulders gently once in a while placing kisses on them, her neck, or back. He helps to soothe knots in her strained muscles. She sighs contendetly leaning back on his powerful chest. She feels that Eric is smiling, feels his tender touching on her hips and stomach. She enjoys such moments when he takes a lead, dominates but gently, and looks after her. At times like this, she feels safe and peaceful.
After the shower, he dries her wrapping in the soft towel. Eric takes her face and kisses her affectionately and possessively.
"Fancy sex?" His look is demanding and piercing.
She bites her lower lip that doesn't escape Eric's attention.
She nods, also adding:
"But I'm too tired to be active in bed."
He is silent for several seconds, just rubs her cheeks with the thumbs. Then responds:
"I'll take care of you."
With these words, he leads her to their bed that stands opposite the floor-to-ceiling windows. She sinks in the black linen that smells of them. After coming into contact with the duvet, her head and eyelids suddenly feel heavy. Drowsiness washes over her, foggy curtain falls onto her eyes.
Eric lies beside her and she immediately snuggles her nose into his bicep closing her eyes, giving her whole body to him. He unwraps the towel revealing her steamed, after the shower, body.
His calloused hand creases her breasts, plays with her already hard nipples and then goes down reaching her labia. Eric rubs them leisurely watching her reactions. She's a bit sleepy, though still reacts to his movements gasping quietly. He finds her pulsating clit giving it proper attention until her pussy is wet enough to insert two fingers inside. Her moist insides welcome them and he starts gentle but steady movements back and forth. She breathes out, moans a little, and Eric looms his head over brushing his lips against hers.
"Like it?"
"Mhm," she cuddles closer, still keeping her eyes closed.
"Open your legs wider," he commands whispering.
She obediently does as he orders. His thrusts become faster. She feels hotness rushing to her core, something tugs, then her walls clench, and she releases sticky juices orgasming. She exhales heavily feeling pleasant relief.
Eric takes out his fingers spreading clammy liquid of her pussy all over her entrance and inner labia. He pumps his already hard dick for some time and settles himself comfortably between her lean legs. He rubs pinkish head of the cock against her drenched folds, then starts intruding with his member inside.
Eric bites his lower lip feeling how her enjoyable tightness wraps his member. They both gasp. He looms over her hiding her safely from the world conquering all her senses with only his presence.
"Eric..." sweet moan of hers.
His thrusts are slow and gentle — he's not planning to make rough sex tonight. He wants her to enjoy herself, relax, and ultimately sleep peacefully.
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elennemigo · 6 months
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★ Letters Live at the Royal Albert Hall. (my set)
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Benedict reads one of Alexei Navalny's final letters.
★ The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar won an Oscar for Best Live Action Film. (my set)
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Benedict on set, filming The Thing with Feathers.
★ Benedict participated of the Next on Netflix UK event, showcasing all the new releases on the streaming platform.
★ The Hollywood Reporter article about Netflix´s Eric, with Benedict comments about working in this new series.
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★ Stills, poster and the date of release for Netflix´s Eric were revealed.
★ Benedict and Olivia Colman, reportedly, would star in The Roses, a remake of 1989´s dark comedy The War of the Roses. Jay Roach is attached to direct.
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Update April 1st:
This news has been shared by major accounts like Deadline - The Hollywood Reporter - Variety .
✧ ── ⋅ FIN ⋅ ── ✧
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twixnmix · 4 months
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Warhol superstars Eric Emerson, Jay Johnson, Tom Hompertz, and Gerard Malanga photographed by Richard Avedon, New York, 1969.
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thatseventiesbitch · 4 months
That '90s Show - season 2 😊
Coming to a screen near you: June 27
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romancemedia · 1 year
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Cartoon Romances + Beach
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Don't know which of her parents Leia reminds me of more in this moment, but she is totally Eric and Donna's daughter 🤣
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picspammer · 2 days
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TWILIGHT OF THE GODS (2024) S1E1 The Bride-Price
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fouriis · 2 years
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internetaddict104 · 11 days
I just realized that since That 90s Show takes place over the summer, and s1 is canonically 1995, and Leia turns 15 in s1, and That 70s Show ended on 1/1/80, Donna was about 2 months pregnant in the finale of That 70s Show
And since Jackie and Kelso’s son Jay is the same age as Leia, Jackie either was also pregnant at the same time, or a few months after the original finale (depending on his birthdate). There’s a slight issue with this though since Jay has his license in s1, meaning he would have to be at least 16, making his birth year 1979, but obviously we know Jackie wasn’t pregnant in That 70s Show
So we got like 2 sets of possible teen parents (and it’s double in Kelso’s case since he got Brooke pregnant in s6)
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