#jay halstead x voight!reader
adarafaelbarba · 4 years
Heeey. I'd love the prompt “I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.” with Hank Voight and daughter, and they're both cops working in the intelligence unit?
So sorry this is so late! I hope this is what you were looking for when you sent me the request 🙈🥰
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Voight!Reader
Requested: yes
Request: «Heeey. I'd love the prompt “I’m bulletproof…but please, don’t shoot me.” with Hank Voight and daughter, and they're  both cops working in the intelligence unit?» -anon and «Can you do an imagine where reader is the daughter of hank Voight and she's pregnant with Jay's kid and Jay's panicking coz he doesnt think he will be a good dad but Hank is like "you already got my approval son" and they have a father/son moment?» -anon
A/N: I’m putting these together cause I feel they would fit well -Karen
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If there was one thing you knew, it was that your father was protective. He had been that way all your life. Especially after your mom and your older brother, Justin, were killed. You only had each other, and well, Olive and Daniel, Justin’s wife and son. Yet he didn’t stop you from joining the police force, in fact, he was the one that brought you to intelligence. That way he could look after you.
That’s how you met Jay, and you fell hard for the former army ranger. Your father wasn’t too happy at the idea of you and Jay getting together. But he knew that once you had set your mind to something, there wasn’t much he could say or do to deter you from it. That didn’t mean your father would be easy on Jay though.
You didn’t know how you and Jay could be so reckless. Always so careful with protection, and the fact that you were on the pill, it took you by complete shock when you found yourself pregnant. Telling Jay was one thing, but telling your father, now that was something completely different. You were my no means scared of your father, if anything you were more scared for your boyfriend. It was just that, you didn’t want to disappoint your father.
Jay was beyond happy when you told him, crying into your shoulder before dropping to his knees and pressing kisses to your still flat stomach. However, it kept him on his toes whenever he was around your father.
You had been feeling unwell for a couple of days and therefore decided to stay home, for some reason that had your father accuse Jay of breaking your heart. Your poor boyfriend almost spilt the beans about your pregnancy.
When you found out about your father’s outburst you were less than pleased. And he could tell. Whenever you needed to release some anger you went to the firing range. It was a good way to keep up with your aim not that you would be allowed out in the field when you came out about your pregnancy, Jay was already telling you to stay back if it got too intense, scared something would happen to you and the baby.
Putting down your weapon on the table in front of you you let out a breath, pressing the button to get your target paper over to you. «Wow, you still got it kiddo», your father said, approaching you. «Yeah, wanna see for yourself?» you asked, not looking at him, checking your weapon. «You want to talk about it?» he was cautious now.
Moving the target back, you cocked your gun, «Not really, I want to shoot.» You shrugged, pulling the trigger.
You almost missed him gulp when you finished, emptying your gun and putting it down. «I’m bulletproof … but please, don’t shoot me sweetie», he commented. «Tell me what’s wrong. Why are you ignoring my calls?» he added, crossing his arms over his chest. «Why do you think? You’re scaring Jay. Threatening him. I know you worry about me, but Jesus Christ dad! You don’t have to be so overly protective. I can take care of myself», you groaned, hands thrown up in the air to show how annoyed you were. «That’s it? You’re mad cause I’m throwing your boyfriend around a little bit?» he chuckled. «Don’t make me punch you.» that made him drop his tone.
«I worry about you sweetie, when you didn’t show up to work for a week. And the sour mood you had when you returned. I though he had broken your heart», he confessed. «I didn’t show up to work because I got sick. My mood was sour simply because when I got back to work I still wasn’t feeling good.» he tried to say something, but you stopped him, «I’m pregnant, that’s why I’ve been feeling sick», you said. «Does Jay know?» you nodded at this. «I told him as soon as I found out. He told me we had to tell you soon, but I wanted to wait cause I didn’t know how to tell you without you freaking out and doing something stupid, but then you went and did something stupid after all», you said, your dad looking at you with a mock hurt expression on his face.
«I’m happy for you both sweetheart, I really am», he confessed, pulling you in for a hug. «Thank you dad, can you please go easy on Jay from now on? He’s not leaving anytime soon.» at this your father nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead. «Cross my heart.»
You were about to round the corner up in the bullpen when you overheard them. «I didn’t have a good role model on the father front. What if I’m just as bad as he was? The kid will resent me, worst of (Y/N) will hate me if something happens», he murmured. «You’ll do great Jay, I have faith in you, both of you. Besides, my daughter speaks highly of you, she’s not done that, ever. So there’s a lot you’ll have to do to get on her bad side, trust me. You’ve already got my approval son», you father said. Listening to the two talking about the future made your heart swell.
As long as you’d known Jay, you hadn’t heard about, or much less seen, these moments between Jay and your dad. You knew Jay looked up to your father, and you’d once or twice heard your dad talk about how one day Jay would take over the unit.
You felt guilty listening in on their conversation, but you genuinely needed to go through the bullpen to get to the stairs leading down to the front desk. Fishing your phone out of your pocket you walked out in the open, pretending like you hadn’t just heard everything. «Hey, heading home?» Jay asked, approaching you, «Yeah, just need to hand this file to Trudy and I’m out. Bye dad», you responded, smiling at your father. «Let me walk you down», Jay offered.
«Go home, both of you», your father said, hugging you before shaking Jay’s hand. «Let’s go», you murmured, taking Jay’s hand in yours. «Bye dad, love you!» you called, «love you too sweetie.»
taglist: @thatesqcrush 
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uncasualfangirl · 2 years
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one-sweet-gubler · 2 years
Is That My Shirt? *HV IMAGINE*
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@grimmducky requested "13 or 17 for Voight please"
So why not both?
13. neck kisses
17. "Is that my shirt?"
The deep, low snores woke you from your slumber. The golden hue of the sunrise peaking through the curtains, cascading the muscular body laid next to you. A heavy callused hand rested on your hip, thumb resting against your waist.
A small smile placed itself on your features, your body relishing in the comfort the bed brought you, along with the person beside you.
When you met Hank Voight, you never thought you'd be his safe space, his little secret, his girl. You thank your lucky stars everyday that the gruff man across the bar decided to chat you up.
His voice, a melody you never wanted to lose. His hands, a feeling you never wanted to forget the feel of. His heart, that had you written all over it.
But at the moment, you needed to pee. Terribly bad. Softly, you placed a soft kiss on his clean shaven jawline. Carefully yet dreadfully pulling yourself from his grasp. You hummed in delight as you chuckled softly, how could you forget last nights activities? Clothes strewn across the room, his badge placed carefully on the bedside table.
Soft giggles, hot bodies, heated kisses and reminders of last night placed sporadically along your chest brought you back to reality as you leaned down, grabbing the first shirt you could find, a pair of clean underwear from your drawer, and a pair of leggings filled your arms as you entered the bathroom.
A quick, steamy shower helped you wake up more than you already were. Braiding your hair back and out of your face, you through on the shirt, your underwear and leggings before making your way downstairs.
Instinct took over, filling the coffee pot and starting it, you then began prepping breakfast, just the way Hank liked it. Two eggs over-easy, 2 slices of buttered toast, a slice of bacon and a cup of black coffee.
As you watched the eggs cook, you felt a pair of hands find their home on your hips, a face burried itself in your neck. Lips kissing absentmindedly on the soft skin.
"Mmm, bed was cold without you." Hank's voice never failed to make you weak in the knees. But his morning voice sent you six feet under.
"Would've been very warm if I didn't get up and go to the restroom." You smiled as you heard a chuckle, the rumble in his chest against your back.
"Breakfast looks good, as always." Hank spoke, placing a kiss to your temple before walking to the coffee pot, pouring him and you a cup.
You smiled softly, buttering his toast as you plated his meal. You turned around and placed his plate on the table before taking your seat on the kitchen counter.
A smirk graced itself on Hank's face, placing the coffee cups down, he walked over placing himself between your legs. Hands rubbing softly up and down your thighs. You placed your hands softly on his biceps, smiling at him as he stared at you.
"Is that my shirt?" He spoke, a chuckle leaving his lips.
"Hmm," You looked down and smiled to yourself, "I guess it is."
Smirking, Hank leaned in, kisses being placed all over your jawline and neck.
"Looks so good on you. Want to know a secret?" He quizzed, still placing kisses on your neck.
You simply nodded, unable to form a word. He sure knew how to get you.
"It would look better on the floor." He smirked against your neck, nibbling softly as you giggled.
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Worship (J. Halstead)
Summary: Erin comes back for a case, and you second guessed your relationship with Jay.
Word: 1.7k
Requested: Yes
Warnings or A/N:
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“The team is gonna end up finding out,”
You looked at Jay and shrugged. “Well, I’m not telling them, are you?”
Jay shakes his head no. “No, but-”
You grabbed Jay’s chin gently and pulled it to look at you. “We’ve been doing a pretty great job at keeping it secret, so let’s just not worry about them finding out and keep doing what we are doing,”
Jay leaned in and gave you a kiss. “I’ll see you at the precinct,”
You kissed him, got out of his car and then into yours. You always had a thing from Jay ever since Intelligence started but eventually he got together with Erin. It killed you seeing him together with her but you waited too long to tell him so it was ultimately your fault but they didn’t last. They were on and off until Erin got a job offer to work for the FBI in New York. A year after that, Jay had told you one night at Molly’s that he had been interested in you just as long as you were with him but he just thought he had no chance with you so he never said anything. Now it's been about two years since you guys were dating. You and Jay decided in the very beginning that you didn’t want the team to find out about you so you guys never arrived at the unit at the same time, you never rode in the same car, if you went out on a date it was always out of town. You didn’t mind the secret and neither did Jay. Your relationship has never gotten in the way of a case.
You pulled up to the unit and saw Jay’s truck already sitting there, you figured he just went in so you waited a few minutes before walking up to the unit. You had just gotten to the last step when you saw the team surrounding your desk including Jay. “Hey guys?”
The team turned and dispersed. That’s when you saw Erin sitting on top of your desk. “Y/N,”
“Erin? What are you doing here?”
“I’m helping you on this new case,”
“Oh okay, can you move the reunion to somewhere else that isn’t my desk please?”
“Oh shit I’m sorry,”
Erin jumped off the desk and walked towards Jay’s desk. You catch Jay looking at you but you looked away and went to your desk. You didn’t know how to feel about Erin coming back but you kept it under control.
“Why doesn’t Erin and Jay go undercover? You know since they literally have dated and they have chemistry,”
Your heart had skipped a beat when Ruzek said that. You know he wouldn’t have said that if he knew but that hurt. You guys have a lead on the prime suspect and it’s at a nightclub in the city but he’s only looking for couples. So the team is spitting balling ideas. Voight shook his head. “Planning on it.. If you hadn’t noticed by the other victims, he’s going after brunettes and as it seems he doesn’t have a preference for the men,”
You held in a scoff. Of course Erin was gonna be paired up with Jay to play as a couple. Shocker.
The team was at the nightclub. Ruzek was towards the front door. Kim was towards the back. Voight was in the car looking at the front. You were at the bar. Atwater was sitting at a table close to you and Jay. You and Jay were on the dance floor. Jay kept trying to put his hands on her hips and press her against his chest. You knew this was all just for the act but you couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy. “I see the prep. He’s walking in with at least one person,” Voight voice came through the walkie.
“Yeah I got eyes on them,” That was Ruzek.
You saw Erin do a spin. “I see him,”
He was heading over to the vip section, which was close to the bar. Erin grabbed Jay’s hand and walked past the vip section to the bar. She stood next to you, and started to flirt with Jay and played with his hair. “Just like old times, huh?”
“Didn’t think I’d ever come back here to Chicago, much less to work with Intelligence,”
Before Jay even could answer, you saw the prep walking up to them. You put your glass up to your lips before speaking. “He’s walking over here,”
“Hi, I couldn’t help but notice how gorgeous of a couple you two are. I’m a photographer and I would absolutely love to take your photos. As a couple of course,”
“We would just love that, wouldn’t you babe?”
“I would,”
The suspect nodded and handed him his card. “Here’s my card. Call me and we’ll set up a time,”
You rode back to the unit with Ruzek and the entire ride was silent. You were just too tired to talk. He parked his car and you saw Jay’s truck was still there. “See you tomorrow,”
“Yeah see ya,”
You hopped out of Ruzek’s car and started to walk to your car. You saw Jay walk around his truck to look at you. “Hey, you coming over later?”
You shook your head. “No,”
“This is the third time this week that you said no. Why?”
“Jay, if you can’t tell, this week has been pretty busy and I’ve just been tired. That’s all there is,”
Jay nodded and seemingly bought it. “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow then,”
You were sitting outside the photography studio in the Intelligence van watching Erin fawn all over Jay while talking to the suspect. You rolled your eyes at this. “It’s like nothing has ever changed between them,”
Atwater nodded towards what Ruzek said. “No doubt,”
About ten minutes passed and then you saw two people walk into the studio. “I thought this was a closed shoot?”
“It is,”
You quickly grabbed the walkie and pressed the button to talk. “Serg, we got a problem,”
“What is it?”
“Two other people just walked into the studio,”
“Okay, keep still. Jay and Erin can handle this if not they’re use the signal,”
You three kept your eyes peeled at the camera. Jay and the other two people had started arguing and one of the guys pushed Jay into the wall and the feed was stopped. “Voight, we need to get in there. The feed is gone,”
“Let’s go,”
You jumped out of the van and ran into the building with the team following you. When you walked into the studio, Erin was on her knees with a gun to her head and Jay was pushed against a corner with a gun pointed at him. Blood running down his face from a forehead wound. Probably happened when he was pushed against the wall. “CHICAGO PD! DROP THE GUN!”
The guy that had the gun pointed at Erin, pointed the gun at me. Before you got the chance to take the shot, one of the boys took the shot. You looked over towards the other corner and saw that the other guy was hiding behind the desk. You mentioned for Ruzek to go over there. You looked over at Jay. Jay was now the one that was pointing the gun at the prep. You put your gun into the holster and walked over to the prep, handcuffed him and read him his rights. “Search the place,”
You didn’t look at Jay but Voight walked over to where Jay was. “What happened?”
“I don’t know. We were talking about the price of the photos and in comes these two came in. Started arguing with us. Pushed me against the wall. Guessing breaking the camera and then pistol whipped me,”
You looked over at the cop that wasn’t a part of Intelligence “Hey you, put him in the back of your car,”
You all walked towards where the voice came from and it was a dark room with tens of photos of victims. You thought that you had all the victims’ names but you were clearly wrong. “What the hell?”
You and the team were at Molly’s after bringing them in and Erin questioning them. You were sitting next to Adam. Kevin was sitting next to Jay. Erin was sitting at the end of the table. You weren’t really talking but just listening. “How was it working together again?”
Erin was the first to answer. “It was really good. Strange but good,”
Ruzek smirked. “So did it bring up any romantic feelings?”
Your heart dropped when he asked that and you just didn’t have the energy to listen to them talk about Erin and all the memories they have together, so you excused yourself and went home.
You were home for about half an hour before you heard someone knock on your door. You got up off your couch and walked to your door. You looked through your peephole and saw that it was Jay. You opened your door and moved to where he could come in. You closed your door and turned around just in time to see Jay throwing his jacket on your couch. “Are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you? Don’t tell me that it’s nothing cause I know for a fact there’s something. Is it Erin?”
You sighed. “She’s just more mature than me. She's prettier than me. She’s the perfect age for you. So I understand why you’ll want her back,”
Jay just stood there in shock. “Are you crazy?”
“I don’t want her back? I want you. I’ve wanted you since the beginning and you know that. You are the one that I think about every single moment. The first thought in the morning and the last thought before I go to sleep. I crave your touch. I’m so in love with you that it drives me insane,”
Jay didn’t say anything else but comes and smashes his lips on yours. Before you knew it, he's got both of your hands in his grip above my head with one hand, and he's using his other to pin me to the wall. The rest of the night he just showed you how much he truly worshiped you.
“Hey Voight, we need to tell you something?”
“If it's about you two dating I already know. You’re a great influence on eachother you’ve both become better people and cops since being together,”
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
I’ll Protect you
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One where Y/N is Jay’s Daughter and she get’s kidnapped and her has to find her
A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this ! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interaction on my work. 
Jay’s POV
“Why you smiling so much” Hailey asked 
I looked up at Hailey and gave a little laugh I didn’t even realize I was smiling so much. 
“Yeah I was talking to Y/N and she’s coming down from LA to visit me” I said 
“Wow that’s awesome I know it’s been a while since you last seen her” Hailey said 
“Yeah it’s been over a year you know with the pandemic and her being away at college it’s been hard for her to come back home and now that’s she going to be here I was thinking now is a perfect time as any to tell her were getting married and want to elope” I said 
“I love that Idea and we can’t get married without her being there,” Hailey said, smiling up at me and kissing me softly on the lips. 
Suddenly the moment was interrupted by both our phones going off and I groaned dramatically making her laugh. 
We looked down at our phones and of course it was work saying we caught a case. 
“Come on let’s head out” I said 
The ride over to the precinct was quiet considering it was early in the morning. Hailey broke the silence between us 
“So I totally forgot to ask when is Y/N coming in and how long is she staying ” Hailey asked 
“She’s flying down this weekend and staying a week and she’ll be excited about being a part of the wedding I know it will mean a lot to her” I said 
“I know and I couldn’t have done it without her being there it wouldn’t have been right”  She said smiling over at me 
“ I agree” I said 
We reached the district at the point and we got out and made our way in. Everyone was piling in. 
“So what do we got” Adam said sitting down at his desk. Everyone at this point was gathered around and sitting at their desk. 
“Alright everyone listen up we got something big today” Voight said 
He tapped a picture to the white board and it was hard to see but when he moved away I was taken back to see who it was. 
It was a picture of Y/N’s mom. She was never a part of her life  and Y/N didn’t even know what she looked like. 
We were teens when we had her I was barely sixteen and her mom was a year older than me. She left about a month after Y/N was born saying she couldn’t handle it and wasn’t ready. 
I tried to keep in touch with Emma but she never wanted any part of it and it broke my heart. I think I always had some resentment towards her. The fact she could just leave and never look back I  will never understand. 
Seeing her picture on the wall up there I didn’t know if she was alive or dead and I couldn’t process how I felt at the moment. 
“Emma what is she doing up there is she okay” I asked 
“Wait you know her” Voight asked 
“Yeah she’s Y/N’s mom” I said 
“Well Jay I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but Emma died at 11pm last night from a home break in ” Voight said being short on the details. 
“Why is it random and if it’s a random break in why are we working this case” I asked, confused there were things that weren’t lining up. 
“Hey Jay maybe we should take in private about this sense this case became personal” Voight said 
“Nah I’m good we didn’t have a relationship she left when Y/N was a month old I tried reaching out to her a few times when Y/N was little to get her to be a part of her life but she never made any contact so I let it go” I said 
“Still Jay you knew her are you gonna be okay” Kim asked 
“I’m good on this so what happened” I asked 
“Emma was working as a CI with the homicide division she was helping them work a case about the murder of a drug dealer she was working with a local gang but apparently a couple months ago she got clean and wanted out of that life” Voight said 
“So someone must have made her then.” Atwater said 
“Not possible she was living out a safe house only the detectives working this case knew where she was” Voight said 
“So we got dirty cops but why would they turn on her” Adam said
“We don’t know but if this case makes it out to the news then it’s going to turn bad so the Brass is all over this and wants us to handle this quietly and fast so let’s get to work” Voight said 
“Where do you want us to start” Hailey said 
“Jay and Hailey go talk to the detectives involved with her case Kevin and Kim go take a look at the house and Adam you do a deep dive on the vic let’s get to work” Voight said 
Me and Hailey got our Jackets and walked out. I didn’t really say i mean there wasn’t much to say also I couldn’t place how I was feeling. 
We hopped in the Car and I drove away. I could feel Hailey starting at me but she didn’t say anything either. Probably didn’t know what to say  it was such a complicated situation. 
“I’m sorry Jay I know you said you guys never got in touch or she wasn’t around but she was still the mother of your child” Hailey said 
“I know but I always resented her I mean I can’t imagine not being apart of Y/N’s live and leaving her I never wrapped my mind around the fact a mother would walk out of their child’s life. “ I said 
“I know but she was involved with drugs a gang i imagine it wasn’t easy for her.” Hailey said 
“You know I always told her not to come around anymore that neither of us wanted her around but I didn’t know she was going through that and I can’t help but think what if I didn’t say that I mean she was the mother of my child” I said 
Hailey grabbed my hand and it squeezed it tight. 
“I can’t help but now think that Y/N really now will never know her mom and that’s not fair I didn’t mean what I said to Emma before I was just mad and now she died without knowing that” I said 
“Look it was a tough situation for the both of you but she probably knew you were just upset I mean she was clean doing the right thing she was turning her life around and it’s okay for you to mourn that loss Jay” Hailey said 
“I can’t help but keep thinking that of course this happens when Y/N finally comes down to see me I mean what am I going to tell her” I said 
“The truth her mom was sick but she was getting better and died trying to make a difference. And maybe we will have this case wrapped up by this weekend” Hailey said 
“Yeah I hope” I said 
We reached the 99th precinct where the detectives were. We made our way inside and went up to the desk sergeant 
“Detective Halstead and Detective Upton were here to speak to two of your dectevies Hooper and Barnes”  I said flashing my badge to her 
“What’s this about what do you want with them” She asked 
“Were working a case and we need some information from them” Hailey asked 
“There upstairs go on ahead” She said 
Me and Hailey just looked at each other. There were some weird vibes we were getting. We had to keep this close to the vest if anyone knew we were suspecting Cops of murder it could get real ugly. 
We walked up the stairs to the unit and we were meant with not so welcoming looks. 
“How can we help you officers” One of the men said 
“It’s detectives and were looking for detectives Hooper and Barnes any idea where they are” Hailey asked and when she did another guy walked over he was tall and skinny with brown hair and brown eyes, 
The other one Hailey was talking to was short and fat with black hair and black eyes.  I’m guessing we were talking to our guys the way they were looking at us. 
“How can we help you detectives” he said in a snarky condescending way. 
“Let’s do this in private” Hailey said 
The two of them looked at each other and just laughed. These guys were getting under my skin and I tried my best to keep my cool not wanting to cause problems.  Which was harder said then done. 
“Fine by me you want to explain why one of your CI’s was found dead in a safe house that only the two of you know about”  I said. 
“The hell are you accusing of” The shorter fat one said 
“I’m not accusing you of anything I’m just asking questions” I said 
“Yeah well you come up here to my unit accusing me of being dirty what the hell is wrong with you” The taller one said 
“This is why we asked to talk in private were not accusing anyone of anything we just need to know what happened when was the last time you talked to her” Hailey asked nicely trying to diffuse the situation. 
“Look we talked to her last night she said she was fine she seemed in a good mood” The short one said 
 “What about” I asked 
“She said she was gonna meet her daughter for the first time down a coffee shop downtown we tried to convince until the case was over but she said she was in town for a limited time so we told her we would send plain clothes with her to keep her safe”  The tall man said 
“When was the last time you physically saw or talked to her “ I asked 
“Last night around 6 she was fine so we didn’t feel the need to go over” The tall man said 
“Was there anyone watching her at all” I asked trying not to get upset 
“There should have been two uni’s who went by and checked on her later that night but other than that no it’s a safe house for a reason we thought she would have been safe” The shorter man said 
“Okay thanks and which one is which again” Hailey asked 
“I’m Barnes” The taller man said 
“I’m Hooper” The Shorter said 
“Thanks we’ll be in contact” Hailey said and we walked away 
I’m still not sure how I feel about these guys something in my gut isn’t sitting right with me. It’s just a feeling in the pit of my stomach. 
“I’m guessing you didn’t know that Y/N was planning on meeting her mom” Hailey asked me as we were getting into the car. 
“No I didn’t she didn’t tell me I don’t even know how they got into contact” I said 
“We need to call her see if there is anything she knows” Hailey asked 
“Yeah I’m way ahead of you” I said pulling out my phone. 
I hooked it up to the car’s bluetooth and dialed her number.  The phone started ringing and I kept thinking in my head please answer the phone. After a few rings thankfully she did. 
“Y/N I need to talk to you” I said trying to conceal my panic and worry 
“Look dad I’m sorry I should have told you but I wanted to surprise you and I didn’t mean to be a big deal” She said into the phone 
“Y/N It’s okay she’s your mom I understand but you didn’t need to keep this from me” I said 
“Uhh what are you talking about” She said confused 
Me and Hailey both gave each other a confused look 
“Y/N what are you talking about” I asked 
“I’m talking about the fact I broke into your apartment well not broke I know where you keep your spare key but some guy in your building didn’t know who I was and called the cops I texted you about it one of the cops knew me and let me go” She said 
“Wait your home” I asked 
“Yeah I am what are you talking about” Y/N asked me. 
“Y/N I don’t want to talk about this over the phone can you meet me down at the district” I asked 
“You can borrow my car I left my keys on the dining room table and it’s the black sedan in the parking lot” Hailey said 
“Okay thank you is everything okay though your worrying me” Y/N said 
“It’s fine we just have a couple of questions to ask you nothing major okay” I said 
There was a noise in the background that sounded like knocking. 
“Y/N what is that” Hailey asked 
“I don’t know someone’s at the door” Y/N said 
It was quiet and we were guessing she went to the door she came a few minutes later 
“It’s two police officers they said the said you sent them over here” Y/N said 
“Hey Y/N you listen to me I didn’t send anyone over there where are you right now” I said trying to keep my voice calm but that wasn’t happening. 
“I’m in the spare bedroom getting my bag” She said panicking 
“It’s going to be okay were on our way just keep the door locked okay and try to block yourself in their i’m coming sweetheart” I said panic clear in my voice. 
There was loud knocking and banging going on and voices yelling out Y/N’s name, my leg was shaking and I could barely sit in the seat. 
“Y/n How you doing are you okay did you block the door” Hailey asked 
“ I think so there’s not much in there I put the dresser in front and some other things on top I’m in the closet now” Y/N said 
“Good your doing good were almost there sweetheart” I said 
There was a loud bang and then I heard Y/N scream and then the line went dead.  I tried calling her back over and over but nothing. 
I could feel my heart jump into my stomach. My anxiety was so high I thought I was going to pass out. 
Hailey started calling Voight and I was so distracted I didn’t even notice. 
“Sarge we got a situation we just talked to Y/N she’s in town and we think she was just kidnapped. We couldn't hear much when the line went dead. Barnes and Cooper said that Emma was going to meet Y/N but it sounds like it wasn’t her” Hailey said 
“Where was she at when the call was made” Voight asked. 
“Mine and Jay’s Apartment  112th park place apartment C she just got to town we had no idea she came in so early” Hailey said 
“Were on our way and sending all available units” Voight said 
“What the hell is going on Hailey how did they know where live and why pretend to be Y/N to Emma and is Y/N alive or dead” I asked I didn’t even bother wiping the tears from my face.
Not knowing if my child was alive or dead was the worst feeling in the world. Something I would never wish on anyone 
We rolled up to the apartment about 5 minutes later and I didn’t even say anything to anyone. Some of intelligence was outside but I didn’t stop to say anything. 
When I made it up to the apartment I looked around and she was nowhere to be seen. I couldn’t tell if it made me feel better or not. 
At least now she had a fighting chance. I thought they wouldn’t take her if she was already gone. 
I went back downstairs to where everyone was and they all just looked at me with sad looks. 
“One of our own is missing and we need to find so let’s go back to the district and pull everything we have on Emma her known associates if it wasn’t Y/N she was talking to let’s find out who” Voight said 
We all headed back to the district.  Hailey grabbed my hand and Squeezed it. If anything happened to Y/N i wouldn’t know what I would do. 
I tried to block those thoughts of my head. I couldn’t keep going thinking like this. 
We arrived at the district and when we walked in Platt came from the behind to greet us 
“Jay I’m so sorry you bet your ass were gonna catch these bastards” Platt said 
“Thanks I appreciate it” I said 
We walked upstairs and I sat down at my desk and looked at the picture of me and Y/N it was from her last trip down here and we went Ice Skating together. I just looked at the picture and smiled. 
Then Kim spoke up and broke me out of my thoughts. 
“I think I know who was pretending to be Y/N to Emma” Kim said 
“Multiple calls came from a phone traced back to a  Gemma Collins she’s got a rap sheet for solicitation and drug use her and Emma shared a cell for a few months up in stateside” Kim said 
“Why would Gemma pretend to be Y/N though” Atwater asked 
“Apparently Gemma works for the latin side Kings was getting up there was running and selling Emma was working with her until Emma went clean maybe Gemma found out and was using it against her” Kim said 
“One possibility but pretending to be someone’s daughter that’s way personal and whack “ Atwater said 
“Hey I got something the two detectives when was the last time they said they saw Emma” Ruz asked 
“Around six why” I said 
“That’s a lie we got pod cameras on Emma’s corner we saw the two of them going 30 minutes before Emma’s time of death” Ruz said 
“Why lie what the hell is going on” I said 
“I don’t know but what ever the hell is going on it’s gotta involve the Police Department and we got corruption” Ruz said 
“What ever the hell is going on we have to figure it out before anything happens to  Y/N” I said 
“Were all over it Jay but we gotta tread carefully” Voight said 
“Let’s deep dive into these detectives every arrest every CI every little thing they done.” Voight said
We got to work trying to make every connection and anything to lead us to where Y/N might be. We were running on borrowed time but we had to get this right. 
No matter how corrupt or anything this case might be we will find Y/N and bring her home..
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wandawxdow · 3 years
One Chicago fic recs
Chicago PD
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Jay Halstead X Reader
Where Have You Been by Resanoona
Somebody’s Watching by Resanoona
get a room by onechicagolife
personal space heater by onechicagolife
Jay Halstead X Hailey Upton (Upstead)
“Fake Vows Don’t Count” by Lady_RhaeSnow18
“Tactical Gear! Really Jay?” by Lady_RhaeSnow18
Mr and Mrs Chuckles by Lady_RhaeSnow18
bundled up by Ruzek-Halstead
The Cure To Nightmares by onecpd
pillow talk by imjustwritingg
no better view by anniesardors
Compass by fank0ne
you’re my home by hailsstead
Be Alone Together by proseccoandpd
Crash My Party by AnnaJustice
i want your midnights by fromiftowhen
injury by ruzekhalstead
Things Left Unsaid by ilithiyarys
whatever works by ruzekhalstead
Silver Lining by detectiveupstead
Retribution by blackfriars
Butterfly Bandages by CosmosInMyPocket
Trudy. Officer Trudy Platt by CosmosInMyPocket
As Long As We’re Flying by onecpd
i miss you, i'm sorry by imjustwritingg
Don't Carry This by sumsflowers
One to Three by TheWritingGiant
Halstead!Sister & Brothers
Drunk Tank by malewk172
Stupid Game by study-coffee-chicago
Chicago Fire
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Kelly Severide x Stella Kidd (Stellaride)
Red Rope, Haul Out by fighterkimburgess
Where I Want to Be by RT219
thanking my lucky stars by vhslmtd
Becoming Three by pinkliberty
There’s Something Else by pinkliberty
How Much Longer by pinkliberty
448 notes · View notes
fromasgardandback · 3 years
Detective Chuckles
Jay Halstead x Reader
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masterlist | oneshots
Laughing through the streets, Jay and I clung to each other to steady ourselves. A hard days work was followed by one too many drinks at Molly’s. The case we got this morning involved a family who was kidnapped and held for ransom. It was dark and terrifying trying to find their location. We almost didn’t make it, but by the grace of God we did. It took a harder toll on Jay and me, and well we don’t like to do things alone when it comes to us as partners in the job and our relationship. Half an hour passed at Molly’s, then one, then two, then three and by then we were pretty drunk. Herrmann cut us off a while ago, but we still had something in our system to continue to laugh and joke around. The city streets were quiet. There was barely anyone out. That’s when we saw the traffic cones across the street.
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“Jay” I whispered, “Jay! The cones. The orange traffic cones.” I pointed. He looked at me with knowing eyes.
“No.” He giggled. “No, I am not doing that.” 
“Yes, we are.” I skipped over to the construction on the side of the road. I picked up the cone laughing. Slightly stumbling and almost falling over. I put it on my head. Jay then sighed and grabbed a cone, putting it on his head as well. We laughed so loud we could hear the neighbors snickering from above us.
We ran into the empty street dancing and messing around. Jay grabbed my hand pulling me close to dance. We couldn’t be as close as we wanted to due to the cones on our heads, but that just made us laugh harder. He grabbed his phone and hit play on his music. The song starts playing and we start imitating playing the guitar and drums. 
“I LOVE YOU!” I yell at him, not knowing where he is due to not being able to see through the cone.
“I LOVE YOU MORE!” Jay yelled at me giggling. He gently took off the cone my head, smiling wide.
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Jay and I walked home after our fun in the street. It wasn’t like this all the time. But it feels nice to be silly and a teenager again. Not caring about what happens, or the consequences of the next morning. We loved being able to share this part of us with each other. We did have our differences and preferences on certain things, but one thing we know is that we wouldn’t want to do this with anyone else. Jay was my whole world, and when you have the world, you don’t want to let it go. 
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“You are the best thing that has happened to me Y/N. How did I get so lucky to find you?” He kissed my face gently, holding me close in bed. 
“I’ve been wondering the same thing too.” Pure admiration on my face. 
“I’m gonna marry you one day.” Jay pecked my lips.
“I can’t wait to be your Mrs. Halstead.”
389 notes · View notes
emiewritesthings · 3 years
jealousy, jealousy ✩ jay halstead
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summary: in which it takes an impromptu hospital visit for jay to realise what he so nearly lost.
warnings: swearing, drink getting spiked, angst bby, also hailey slander that i do not mean oops :(
requested?: yess 
I’m so glad you’re back, I’ve missed your writing! can I request one where reader and jay are dating and they have a big fight right before they go out to a party or something. Then while you’re out there’s lots of tension and you’re avoiding each other but your drink gets spiked. And one of your friends noticed you’re not ok and tells jay and he helps you and takes you to med and apologises for not looking out for you
a/n: ur gonna make me cry thank u for ur request and kind words <3
Contrary to what her mother used to tell people, Y/n Y/l/n didn’t like fighting with those she loved. In fact, she’d go as far as to say that she tried to avoid confrontation at all costs, sickened by the way she’d feel after an argument or the feeling that the bond with someone she cared about was at jeopardy over uncommunicated words and a raised voice. That’s why, when she had sensed something off with Jay she had not shied away from questioning him about it.
“Have I done something wrong?” Crawling closer to her boyfriend that had been lying on the bed watching her get ready in menacing silence for the last 30 minutes. Y/n’s chin rested on his bare chest, watching keenly to observe the beauty that rested in his face. The offer of her small smile on her pink stained lips was not reciprocated as it commonly was on a day to day basis. Instead his lips stayed in a straight line, eyes full of fire that Y/n convinced herself wasn’t meant to scorch her, but the longer the silence continued the more doubts she carried.
“I don’t know, have you?” His voice was accusingly stern. Fuck, she thought coming around to the reality that she was most likely approaching an argument with the only man who had ever loved her wholeheartedly. It wasn’t like they hadn’t argued before, but something told her that this wasn’t one of the occasions that what was about to follow would be dissolved by the time they left the house.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Pushing herself up, she kneeled beside him, slightly wounded by the tone he’d chosen to use so casually. The distance that had been created between them physically felt like it was growing with every pause and sharp glare.
“Yesterday I went to find you during my lunch break. Thought we could go to that sushi place you like, but instead I got downstairs and Trudy tells me you’ve already gone to eat with Carter.” With a swipe of her eyes over his face, Y/n felt stupid for not having seen it before. The way his eyebrows twitched down, eyes greener than usual and a frown that didn’t resemble sadness, but frustration. Was he… jealous?
Idiotically, she had gotten so caught up in the ridiculous idea that Jay was envious of Carter, a snort of laughter exhaled from her nose. Carter and Y/n had known each other way before the woman had met her boyfriend. They’d gone to high school together, before both attending the academy. It felt like fate that the pair had then been partnered up, but that’s where their connection ended. If their relationship was to be more than something would have happened way back when. It wasn’t like Jay didn’t know this, they had met on multiple occasions with her partner labelling her good friend as a ‘good guy’. Oh how the tables had turned.
“This is funny, is it?” Jay fumed, unable to believe that she could even find an ounce of this situation humorous. His teeth grinded against each other, hands fisting at the  sheets beneath him, his frustration not depleting.
“Kind of, yeah.” Realising that there was no room for jokes, Y/n felt her face harden. She couldn’t believe the first conversation she was having with her boyfriend on a Saturday evening was about her coworker that was suddenly a threat to the man she assured everyday she loved more than anything. It felt like she was trapped in some kind of sand timer. With each second the conversation continued, an ounce of tension filled the bedroom and would continue to do so until Y/n was completely paralysed by the atmosphere created. “Baby, he's my partner, I think you’re overreacting a little?”
“Overreacting? Y/n he’s everywhere!” The anger that had been bubbling in his chest started overflowing into his words, each syllable leaving his lips like a strategically fired bullet. “I mean you guys literally have no boundaries. Like last week I came downstairs to find him sitting besides you at the table eating our fruit loops. And at work he’s glued to your side quite literally, I saw him waiting outside the women’s toilets for you. Then when we finally get some time to relax at Molly’s, alone, he’s always at our table with a drink he’s ordered only for you. Not to mention his eyes are always on your ass, like the sick little perv he is.”
“Jay!” Y/n objects, shaking her head at the out of order comment. She realised he was pissed off, but Carter had not done anything wrong. Sure he enjoyed spending time with her, but she really didn’t think Jay could speak considering his relationship with his current and old partner.
“Tell me I’m wrong, Y/n. The guy is clearly in love with you and you are fucking blind if you can’t see that!” Throwing his arms in the air, Y/n couldn’t listen to anymore of the rant she’d accidentally released when asking what she thought was a simple question. Really she was only expecting a ‘yes’ or ‘no’, yet here she was. Pushing herself away from the bed, she stormed back and forth at the end of the bed before distracting herself with covering her lashes with some mascara.
“I don’t want to talk to you when you are like this.” Mumbling not wanting to poke herself in the eye, she avoided where Jay was staring back at her in the mirror. She knew that her talk with Jay wasn’t heading anywhere productive, there was no way of reasoning with him when so much pent up anger was dictating his mood and words. Hopefully he would be back to normal, or at least semi back to normal, by the time they had to leave for Georgia’s party in approximately 10 minutes. Jay hadn’t been too keen to go, knowing the people Y/n’s friends surrounded herself with weren’t the greatest, but Y/n had insisted and managed to twist his arm.
Though right now, Y/n couldn’t think of anything she’d rather do less.
“Why? ‘Cause you know I’m right. I’m not hearing you deny it!”
“Are you kidding me?” And she was off. Jay had put too much pressure on the neck of the bottle that had been containing her irritation, resulting in the cork to pop out and her composure to break down replaced with a stream of suppressed thoughts. “I am sorry if my professional partnership with Carter is threatening you, but the way you are acting right now is not okay. You never see me questioning your relationship with Hailey or back when you were with Erin. So what? I get along with Carter, he’s my friend, Jay.”
“You might want to tell him that, because I don’t think you’ve made that clear.” The make up bag in her hand fell to the floor when the mumble became audible to her ears. Their eyes now collaborating in a painful staring contest, each as angered as the other.
“So now this is all my fault?” Unbelievable, she thought. He had the nerve to question her loyalty? Her faithfulness? “Because I’m the one that let my partner kiss me aren’t I? Oh wait…” In hindsight she may have pushed too far, but in the moment she felt no guilt, keeping her head held high as Jay sat up, an uncomfortable expression on his face.
“I told you that was a mistake… Hailey didn’t know I was in a relationship and-.” His justification wasn’t needed, she’d heard it before both by the mouth of her boyfriend and his partner. She’d agreed to forgive them both, but it wasn’t something she could easily forget. “Why are you making this about me and Hailey? This is about Carter and you!”
“Of course it is, because I’m the one with the villainous partner. God forbid the perfect little Hailey did something wrong, huh?” Grabbing her things once again and returning them to the dresser, Y/n didn’t look at the expression on his face, set on getting the hell out of there. She utterly despised the atmosphere breeding in their home.
“Why are you so threatened by her?” The question felt like a slap in the face, and for a moment Y/n started feeling a deep pain in her chest. With her back facing Jay, her shoulders rose and fell as she took a deep breath trying to stay under control and not overpowered by her emotions.
“Oh please, threatened? Absolutely not. But if you want to talk about partnerships without boundaries, I think you need to look at your own before you start accusing others. Like for starters, why did you give her a key to our place without asking me? And why have every single one of our dates in the last month been interrupted by a call from her with paperwork that could definitely wait until the morning. Lest we forget the time she got wasted 30 minutes into my birthday party and insisted you and only you took her home only for you to not come back the entire night.”
The longer she went on, the more foolish she felt. Y/n had spouted off things she had shrugged off and kept restrained in the back of her mind for months. It wasn’t that she disliked her Hailey, in fact she wouldn’t put past them having been good friends had everything not played out the way it had. Maybe she was blind in seeing the ways Carter had gotten in between her and Jay, but she hadn’t missed the way the blonde had wormed her way in the midst of her relationship.
“I’ll meet you outside,” She announced, feeling her need to continue arguing growing insignificant. Each of them felt the punches of the other’s words against their hearts, but both were far too stubborn to face the damage they had done.
No words were exchanged between the couple from the moment they got in the cab to when they passed the threshold of the club. Y/n couldn’t help but feel strange not having her hand secured in Jay’s grasp. It felt second nature, and now the feeling of their fingers not being intertwined felt stranger than them being in such a way.
“IF IT ISN’T MY FAVOURITE COUPLE!” The yell that admitted Georgia’s mouth challenged the volume at which the repetitive lyrics were being churned out of the speaker. The woman, who was sporting a plastic tiara and birthday sash didn’t waste time, pulling Y/n and Jay into her embrace. ‘I’M SO GLAD YOU MADE IT. BUT I HAVE TO SAY, Y/N, I SPECIFICALLY SAID NO ONE COULD LOOK HOTTER THAN ME ON MY BIRTHDAY AND YET HERE YOU ARE.” Soon her hand was slapping Y/n’s butt, sending a small yelp to slip from her lips.
“I’m getting a drink.” Jay mumbled, though he was gone before either woman could process what he’d said. Frowning, Y/n watched as he walked away, wishing she could start the entire day over again. She didn’t regret what she had said, she meant every word. Though it hadn’t been how she planned on getting the truth out of Jay, or sharing how she felt about the past.
“DON’T TAKE THIS THE WRONG WAY,” Georgia was cut off by her burp that had her giggling for a good 5 seconds afterwards. “BUT YOU LOOK LIKE YOU COULD DO WITH A GOOD DANCE AND I THINK I HEAR OUR SONG STARTING TO PLAYYY!” It was a complete lie, both of them knew that. They didn’t have a song, but that wouldn’t stop the mighty but miniature Georgia Russo.
Gripping her friend's hand, Y/n was being led into the lion’s den with just an intoxicated 5ft woman to defend her. The heat emitting off the bodies around them was a little gross, but as Y/n’s hips began moving, the disgust was forgotten and she fell into an addictive rhythm. It had been so long since she had gone into a club that didn’t have to do with a call of a disruptive or aggressive drunk club goer, oh how she’d missed the feeling.
Song after song passed, until Y/n’s eyes came to focus on her surroundings to find Georgia was grinding on some tattooed, half naked man whilst a brunette that was indeed not Jay had found himself behind her. As they moved her attention should have been on her new found dance partner, though all she could find herself looking at was the green eyes that studied her from one of the surrounding booths.
His tongue was trapped between his teeth. Closed fists resting on the table with a few empty glasses surrounding him, though there was no one around him to blame the missing alcohol on. He watched the way the man’s hands hovered over her waist, having been given direct instructions that he could not touch what was not his. She may have been pissed at Jay and wanting nothing more than to forget his existence but she had enough respect not to feed into the thoughts that plagued his mind.
“Hey,” The man called out, as the song fizzled into the next. Y/n’s head turned away from Jay to peer over her shoulder at the sweaty individual. “You want to get a drink, I think I’m about to pass out?” Hesitating, not wanting to leave Georgia with someone neither of them knew, the stranger didn’t give her time to think, placing his hands on her shoulders and guiding her towards the bar.
Sat side by side on the bar stool, Y/n placed her phone on the counter top, as the man besides her ordered for them. Realising she had already been in the club for nearly two hours, she was about to go grab it again when it was suddenly elbowed onto the floor.
“Oh, shit!” Y/n immediately hopped off her stool to save what she hoped wasn’t a broken phone, sighing in relief when she saw only the smallest of scratches on her already wrecked screen protector. “I’m so sorry, I’m so clumsy.” Running a hand through his hair, something felt off to the off duty officer though she couldn’t put her finger on it. Glancing back around to look for Jay, she had hoped he may have picked up on a similar vibe with the man, though thinking about it she was sure she couldn’t talk to her boyfriend about the man she’d been dancing with all night.
When she was facing the front, she realised sweaty stranger man (she really wished she’d asked him his name) had his glass in hand and was gesturing towards her. Picking it up, she didn’t even have time to peer into the glass to see what she was drinking, before he’d necked his.
“Go on, try to get it down in one!” he cheered on, slapping the bartop a couple of times in hopes it would encourage her.
“Is it supposed to look like this?” It was murky, like it had been discoloured somehow. Though Y/n couldn’t see anything. The man insisted it was fine, and with too much trust the liquid had disappeared down her throat moments later, face wrinkling in disgust when the taste kicked in. “Okay, you have shite taste in drinks.” Laughter surrounded her, the sound echoing strangely in her mind.
“Uh, go on then.”
It had only been a couple drinks, with minimal chatter between. Y/n had no intentions of ever knowing the man besides her. He didn’t share the same depths as Jay, nor could he ever compare to the way he looked so naturally handsome no matter what he was doing. Whoever this man was he was not and never would be her Jay.
“Come on, princess, one more dance?” His voice had become distorted, as his hand rested once again on her shoulder, though she couldn’t feel it. Waves of unfamiliarity washed upon her body, as if something foriegn was invading her nerves in an attempt to shut her down.
“U-uh, no, no I don’t think so.” Pushing herself to her feet, the feeling only got worse. Her hands gripping the stool, wondering how two drinks had hit her so hard. She was sure the man was calling out for her to come back, though she had become dead set on getting air.
Her head was in a bubble, her vision deteriorating with each step she took. Her ears felt like they had been clogged with water, her head becoming far too heavy for her to carry on her neck. What was wrong with her? She managed to get herself outside, feeling the cool breath wrap its arms around her and hold her tightly.
“Y-Y/n?” Georgia, she thought. However by the time she heard her voice her vision was completely gone all together, body doubled over with all fours on the cobbled back alley. Never had anyone seen a birthday girl, that had been drinking since 3pm, sober up so quickly until Georgia saw the state of one of her dearest friends. “What have you taken? Have you drank too much?”
“J-Jay, I want Jay.”
“Y/n, what have you taken?”
With no response, the panic started to spread when people noticed that Y/n was unresponsive, now laying in Georgia’s lap. Slapping her hand lightly against Y/n’s cheek, there were a few light groans until utter silence. The artificial blonde glanced up at the man she’d come out to join for a cigarette.
“Stay here with her, I’ll be back in a second.” The man, a little traumatised at the sight, nodded absentmindedly. Georgia strode quickly back into the club, pushing through crowds of people until she spotted the man feeling sorry for himself alone at a table for 6. “Jay, Jay, Jay.” She breathed out in a rushed breath.
“Not now Georgia.” He groaned into his beer, feeling it not even plaster over the cracks that came with a broken heart. The more beers he went through, the more he’d hoped he would feel confident about what he had said to his one true love. Yet all he felt was a sickening sense of guilt and shame for scaring off the only person he could ever want into the arms of someone else.
“I’m not messing with you right now, Jay. It’s Y/n.” No more needed to be said for Jay to rush to his feet, pushing aside the feeling of the booze hitting. Hearing the frightened tone of a girl he’d once compared to the effects of cocaine made him feel like he’d not even touched a drop of the stuff.
“Where?” Georgia nodded her head, a little baffled at what had happened. Leading the man out of the club, she stopped before she got to the girl that was leant against the wall, head lulling back with no sign of consciousness. Jay’s eyes broke out into tears as he dived to hold her close to him, his hands caressing her cold cheeks that he loved to peck when she expected it least. Sometimes he’d do it purposefully at work just to see her embarrassed as Platt yelled some insult or her colleagues whispered. But never had she asked him to stop.
“Who’s got a car? I need to borrow someone’s car!” he yelled, knowing that there was no use calling an ambulance who wouldn’t get here as fast as he’d arrive at med. The man next to Georgia gingerly raised his hand as the girl beside him grabbed the keys from his pocket and followed Jay who’d peeled his girlfriend from the floor and into his arms. “It’s gonna be alright, Baby. I got you.”
“Is it safe for you to drive?”
“Well either I drive or you do.” That shut Georgia right up, as Jay placed Y/n in the back seat where her friend sat with Y/n’s head resting in her lap. The drive was so quick, Jay was in utter shock they hadn’t been pulled over. What seems like seconds after pulling away from the club, they were in front of Med.
Holding her close to his chest as he carried her through the doorway, eyes followed him as he stood teary eyed calling for someone to help. For anyone to help. His mind was punished for leaving things with Y/n on such a sour note, what if this was the last time he saw her? He’d made her feel like he didn’t trust her. Like he didn’t love her. How could he ever forgive himself?
“Jay?” Ethan called out as he soon realised a stretcher had been rolled over to him, Dr Choi trying to pry the girl from his grip. Slowly he released his grasp, comfortably placing her onto the mobile bed though he knew she probably had no idea he was even there. “Jay, what happened?”
He had nothing. He didn’t know what he was meant to say. Why hadn’t he been keeping an eye on her? After he saw her heading to the bar with that guy he couldn’t bring himself to see what happened next. He knew that Y/n wasn’t the kind of girl that acting out so irrationally after a fight, but maybe he thought he deserved to feel that kind of pain. Just punishment.
“I think she took something… Or someone put something in her drink. Someone said that they thought they saw some guy put something in her drink when she dropped her phone.” Georgia read from her phone, hoping the information would help cure her sick friend. Just like Jay, she found herself cursing herself out for leaving Y/n with someone she, herself, didn’t know let alone her friend know.
“Okay, we’ll do some tests and let you know. Take a seat, okay?” Patting Jay’s arm, Ethan ran after where his newest patient and fellow friend had been wheeled off to. Whilst Georgia went to make a move towards the waiting room, Jay didn’t budge from where Y/n had been taken from him.
“She’s in good hands, let’s go, okay?” Rubbing his arm in what she hoped was a comforting manner, Jay came round enough to follow Georgia. His mind was still very much concerned with his girlfriend. He had never been a religious man, yet sitting in the stiff hospital chair he found himself praying to whatever was watching over them with some kind of higher power. He begged silently that he’d do better, as long as they didn’t take the one good thing from his side.
One moment Y/n could hardly feel anything, and then suddenly she felt everything. Her body felt like one of those punching bags she liked to watch Jay punch whenever they ventured down to the gym on their block. Her limbs were paralysed in pain, along with her head that couldn’t push itself from where it was firmly rested on the pillows.
“Baby? H-hey, baby, you hear me?” Jay, that’s who she needed, Jay. Blinking her eyes open, her hands squeezed around the large, rough one that was clinging onto her with so much love it was almost suffocating.
“Jay-,” suddenly a rush of tears came to flood her beautiful eyes that Jay had missed as they’d been closed for the last six hours. “Jay I was so scared, I don’t know what happened but one minute I was fine and then I was- I don’t know. Oh my, I was so scared, Jay.” His name brought her so much comfort, falling off her tongue and not in a spiteful way. It felt like home wrapping her in a hug so nurturing that she never wanted to go out ever again. The sobs broke the man’s heart, as he stood up and went to immediately remove the tears from cursing her skin with red streaks.
“I know, I’m sorry I wasn’t there. I’m sorry I let this happen,” Y/n’s head snapped in his direction, before it shook. She would never let him feel blame for whatever had happened in the club, she had wanted to get back at him. She wanted to feel like his existence was not needed, though this was the predicament she ended up in when he wasn’t by her side. “No it’s all my fault. If I had spent time actually looking after you instead of caught up in some delusional affair maybe none of this would have happened. I love you, I should be protecting you. I’m so sorry I’ve been such a shitty boyfriend.” Leaning forward to press kiss after kiss around her face, her childish laughter had him smiling as he pressed one longing peck against her lips.
“I’m sorry too,” Y/n croaked, pecking his lips again an addict for the way they made her entire body buzz in a way no drug or drink ever could. “Carter may be my work partner but I never want that getting in the way of our relationship. I don’t want anyone in this entire world other than you and nothing could change that. And I’m sorry for what I said about Hailey, maybe I am a little threatened by her. She is beautiful and I know that your bond is different to ours and any other, I just don’t want to share you with anyone else.”
Bringing her hand up to stroke his cheek, Jay leaned into the touch, eyes flicking closed. Y/n smiled widely, enjoying how much power she had over the man whose heart belonged to her and her’s to him.
“No, you were right. I need to separate my work relationships from my personal ones. I never want you feeling like you are second to anyone because you aren’t. You will be my number one for as long as I’m alive, I promise.” The kiss that followed was much longer than the peck they had started with, a healing one that did what all the booze and dancing couldn’t do. The two souls reunited from where they’d become torn.
“Ah, so it’s true,” the tired voice called from the door, turning to face Georgia that was standing with three coffee cups, Y/n’s lips tipped in a grin. “I heard the ER’s sexiest patient had risen from the dead.” Taking the seat on the opposite side of Jay, who’d returned to his seat with a proud smile. When he went to reach for one of the drinks, assuming at least one was for him, his hand was smacked away and suddenly they  were all consumed by the woman who was fighting a hangover she’d hoped she had sobered up enough to avoid. “Look I get you are still in hero mode, but don’t get cocky, detective.”
Y/n’s eyebrows dropped as she looked between the two.
“Hero mode?” Unsure if she even wanted to know what her friend meant by the comment. Georgia snorted, picking at the chocolate M&Ms she’d produced from her bra.
“Yes, my dear,” She hummed, gesturing towards the patient’s boyfriend, “You should have seen this guy. An absolute unit. He turned into Clark Kent or something when he saw you, driving you here when he really shouldn’t have. I mean I’m sure we nearly died like, i don’t know, five times-.” As Georgia continued to recount the story word for word, the couple glanced at each other with a look that spoke a thousand words. Y/n’s fingers slotted between his, wishing never to go another day without knowing this feeling. Without knowing that she was the luckiest woman in Chicago that could say she had Jay Halstead protecting her at all costs.  
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slytherbun · 3 years
pairing: jay halstead x reader
summary: you and jay have dinner plans late that evening but end up having a night in instead.
word count: 1.4k
warning sexual content.
requested by anon
note: daddy jay is so dominant and possessive! 🥵
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"hey daddy what do you think about this place?" you asked, scrolling through your phone.
jay had been at work for the day, your day off was today and he called you earlier to look for a place to eat dinner. when you were on the phone with him you could hear kevin, adam, and hailey near and they were teasing him.
your relationship with jay was a little unusual, you were about fifteen years younger than him. you liked to use that to tease him a lot as well, just like the intelligence team you had the pleasure of meeting. you were close with kim, hailey, and adam.
he brought you to molly's just about every night with his team, even though you couldn't even drink for another year yet. you were the love of his life and he was yours. soulmates.
twenty minutes earlier jay had walked through the door of the apartment you shared together. a towel was wrapped around his waist still from his shower.
he heard your delicate voice calling him so he walked out of the bedroom and glanced around for you. spotting you instantly, sitting on the couch with your natural beauty.
he admired your beautiful looks and sighed softly, adjusting the towel around his waist before walking over.
jay leaned over the back of the couch and laid his arm around your neck and you looked up, giving him a smile. "what's that sweetheart?" he asked.
you showed him your phone, a new restaurant around the block you had yet to try but heard about from a co-worker. while he looked at the screen, you reached your hand behind you to put your fingers through his hair. he moaned at the feeling, like putty in your small hands.
"i'd rather have dessert first." he smirked. you swallowed slowly and looked back into his eyes, seeing him still watching you. his intense stare was something he picked up from being a detective. you looked down, batting your lashes before glancing back up and he kissed your cheek.
just as quick, he was gone and walking back to the bedroom chuckling to himself. you turned your current position on the couch so you were looking backwards and gasped at the audacity he had. "what's so funny?"
"nothing. nothing at all." he shouted back from the room. you shook your head at his response and put your phone down on the table next to you. putting your hand on the couch arm, you used the extra strength to push yourself up quickly so you could get to the bottom of jay's 'joke'.
you padded down the hallway in your fuzzy socks, blowing a piece of hair away from your face. it was in a messy bun but there was a few crazy strands that didn't know what to do with themselves.
you almost reached the door when you started speaking up again. little shit. "jay i'm serious what's fun-" you paused and your eyes took in the view you were getting. "-ny."
jay was propped up with a pillow, his boxers were certainly doing nothing to hide the bulge he was sporting. his arms were behind his head like he had no care in the world. though, his chest was another story. a quite beautiful canvas.
you started from the bottom, eyeing every rip and ripple and squeezed your thighs together, feeling as if the a/c temperature had dropped in the room. by the time you made it to his face, his lips were curled up in a smirk and you narrowed your eyes at his blue ones.
leaning back against the door, your arms were crossed against your chest and you raised a brow at him. he moved his arms back from behind his head and shrugged, patting the spot next to him on the bed. "come here baby."
"make me." you challenged and he shook his head. "you're so innocent it's pretty cute." your cheeks flamed at his statement and before you knew it, you were on the bed climbing on top of him.
"excuse me?" your chest was heaving and he looked down, seeing your tits touching his chest. "mmm, an innocent little-"
before he could finish you leaned down and pushed your lower body against his cock and his breath came out hitched. "i may be cute but i'm not innocent. you should know that daddy." you teased back, using the same tone he had and he smiled.
his hands gripped your hips and you pushed down again, the two of you gasping. "if you lay down, you'll let me have my dessert now, hmm?"
"jay." you moaned when his finger rubbed over your clit. slowly, he turned with you until you were on your back and he pulled your leggings and panties down. you hummed lowly, a little excited when he spread your legs.
he leaned down, kissing the inside of both of your thighs before teasing a finger down your clit and folds. he put his finger to his mouth and licked it, watching you watch his every move. you wiggled a little at his next comment. "wet for your daddy?"
he smirked and held down your thighs before you could close them. "answer me baby or else i won't eat this sweet pussy. who are you wet for?"
he teased your nipple with his finger awaiting your response. tracing and using another to lightly squeeze your tit. you felt tears in the back of your eyes at the teasing sensation, choking out. "you, daddy."
he smiled sincerely and moved the hand from your tit to the side of your head, putting his weight into it and then leaned down to kiss you. his lips brushed along yours for a minute and you leaned up, smashing your lips into his more.
the hand by your thigh moved, his fingers brushing every bit of skin till he reached up to your pussy again. you gasped when he rubbed your clit and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue down your throat, making you moan.
your teeth clashed with his and he pushed his finger down harder, and played with your sensitive bundles quicker. "shit." you whispered between kisses.
he pulled his lips back, licking his lips and pushed back on his thighs so he was in front of your opened thighs again. "such a good girl for me." he murmured before laying down and putting his mouth on your pussy.
he spread your folds and licked every inch, taking up all of your wetness. his lips wrapped around your clit and your eyes widened, looking at him and finishing. he looked into your eyes the whole time while still in a face full of pussy and watched your eyes roll back.
after your orgasm rode out, he got up on his knees, lining himself up and you let out a deep breath when he pushed inside your walls. he pulled out and then pushed inside again, this time going deeper. you put your arms up and grabbed the pillow.
when his cock was fully inside, he started to pound in and out and watched your tits bouncing while trying to find a pace. you chanted. "daddy. daddy. daddy da-woah fuck jay." when he hit a spot that made you explode.
you squeezed tightly around him and after a few more thrusts he came as well, spilling all of his cum inside of your pussy. he collapsed on the bed next to you and you giggled.
he looked at you, with a smile and questioned, "what are you laughing about?"
"guess it sucks not knowing about that, hmm?" you teased. he leaned over, testing your reaction before tickling your stomach. "oh no p-please stop!" you pleaded. "i-i was just laughing about the fact we're going to be so late for d-dinner!" you laughed again, the tickling was about to make you run out of oxygen.
he pulled back and laid back on the bed, "how about we cuddle for a few minutes. then we can shower together to uh you know-"
"-save water and all that bull"? you joked.
he turned on his side and glanced into your eyes. it was still shocking how he landed such a beautiful, sweet, and kind girl like you. some days he wondered it if was a dream that he lived in.
he voiced with a breathless rasp. "yeah and go to dinner after that?" you nodded and scooted over so he could put his arm around you.
three hours later you leaned over, giving him a kiss before stating. "thank you for dinner tonight," you paused, and then added a little louder in his ear, "daddy."
he groaned, still half-asleep and waking up from the nap that you guys had. the two of you never made it to dinner. he knew exactly how to rile you up with the next comment he made.
"at least i had dessert."
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years
One Chicago Masterlist
By ~ @chloe-skywalker
* = Requested
Main Masterlist
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Kelly Severide:
~ Always There
~ Tell Him *
Matt Casey:
~ Eyes For You 
~ It's A Girl
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Jay Halstead:
~ Dangerous Jobs
Hank Voight: (x daughter! Reader)
~ Bullying
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Connor Rhodes:
~ Coming soon. . . (Working on it)
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toppersjeep · 2 years
Check Yes Nova
(A story in which Nova Severide Kelly’s little sister falls for the cute hacker in intelligence. But not everything is as it seems)
Chapter 1:She’s Sassy
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Novas POV
“Why are we here Kelly” I asked looking at my brother. “Sargent Voight wanted to talk to us regarding a couple fires” Kelly said. “Isn’t that more for OFI” I said. “Yeah but you were a CI for them you know the drill” Kelly said.
“Ahh if it isn’t the Severides” Trudy said I smiled. “Hi Trudy” I said. “Nova you are looking as beautiful as ever, Kelly she’s the better Severide” Trudy said. “Sure she is anyways we are here to see Hank” Kelly said. “I’ll buzz you guys up” she said I smiled.
We walked upstairs and were immediately greeted by Kevin and Adam.
“If if it isn’t little Severide” Kevin said. I hugged him. “Kev how are you” I said. “Kelly I’ll talk to you then her” Hank said. “Alright you behave” Kelly said. He walked into Voights office.
“So this is mouse” Jay said. “Is that a nickname or did you get stuck with a weird name” I said he smiled. “No uh it’s Greg” Mouse said. “Well Greg I’m Nova” I said shaking his hand. “We call her little Severide” Adam said.
“Oh come on still” I said. “Yup and it’s sticking” Kevin said I rolled my eyes. “So uh what do you I mean I hack things” Mouse said. “I am a firefighter this outfit isn’t a joke” I said he looked shocked.
“Careful she’s very sassy and sarcastic” Jay said. “No I think it’s badass that your a female firefighter and one on Squad that’s awesome” Mouse said. “So a hacker huh” I said sitting his desk. “Yep” Mouse said. “So if I need anything hacked call you” I said.
“Yeah” Mouse said I handed him my phone. “Well in case I do or you just wanna hang out sometime” I said he smiled and put his number in. “Maybe Mollys tonight” Mouse said. “Sure” I said.
“Flirting with Mouse” Erin said. “What no” I said she smirked. “Mmmh” Erin said. “So Nova” Voight said. “What’s up Sarg” I said. “So you ex Alex Hanks has been setting these fires” Voight said.
“To be fair I haven’t spoken to him since I dumped him” I said. “Which was when” Voight said. “Uh shortly after my high school graduation he became really, angry all the time” I said. “Do you think he’d trust you” Voight said.
“Probably not I kinda trashed his car one night” I said. “Don’t forget the hot wiring a car” Mouse said. “That’s sealed” Kelly said. “I’m flattered I got background checked” I said laughing. “In all seriousness I need her to go undercover to get close to him” Voight said.
“I don’t feel comfortable putting my sister at risk with an arsonist I don’t care that they dated” Kelly said. “She’s the only way we can stop this he’s killed innocent people” Voight said. “You didn’t protect Katie” I said. “She’s right our sister had to move” Kelly said.
“She’d be very protected and would have a wire” Adam said. “Yeah I can set that up” Mouse said. “The answer is no come on we gotta get back” Kelly said. “I’ll see you later Mouse” I said. “Oh again sorry it’s a habit” Mouse said. “No really I’m flattered also maybe you should lock your phone down more” I said Kevin laughed.
“Wait” he said seeing a hilarious picture of Jay. “Got you” Jay said. “Bye boys” I said. “Seriously Nova we need you” Erin said. “I’ll work something out” I said. “Alright thank you” Erin said. “Mouse 8 at Mollys” I said.
“I’ll buy” he said I smiled and walked down to meet Kelly. “I’m not letting you do it” Kelly said. “Kelly” I said. “No end of conversation I… I can’t lose you too I’ve lost enough in the past” Kelly said. “Shay was my best friend too I get it but Kelly we can stop him” I said.
“We need to get back to the firehouse Nov” Kelly said. “Alright” I said.
I walked into Mollys. I saw Mouse and sat beside him.
“Hey Otis” I said. “The usual Nov” Otis said. “Please” I said. “Make that two it’s on me” Mouse said. “I’m kinda surprised you showed” I said he smiled. “Well Jay told me a lot about you and I wanted to hear it myself” Mouse said.
“Here you are”Otis said handing us both a beer. “Well you really want the full story huh” I said he laughed. “That’s up to you but why’d you ask me out” Mouse said. “First of all this isn’t a date and secondly I think you are really cool” I said sipping my beer.
“So what do you wanna know” Mouse said. “Whatever you feel comfortable telling me” I said he smiled.
We spent hours talking. It was only Herman, Otis, Mouse and myself left in the bar. Kelly had just left with Stella.
“Alright you two” Herman said. “Right” Mouse said paying for the drinks. “Thanks Herm see you guys tomorrow” I said. We walked out to my car. “You good to drive” Mouse asked.
“Yeah” I said. “So I’m hoping we can get to know each other better” Mouse said. “I’d really like that a lot” I said. “What are you doing tomorrow” Mouse said. “I’ll be at the district I’m gonna help bring him in” I said.
“I promise you that they’ll keep you safe” Mouse said. “Oh my goodness Nova Severide” Alex said. There he was. It’s like he was watching me. “Alex” I said. “I was gonna come by 51 but your brother hates me” Alex said.
“Yeah umm actually what if we talk over lunch tomorrow or something maybe the old diner at noon” I said. “Sure that’s great who’s he” Alex said. “I’m Greg but everyone calls me mouse” Mouse said. “Your boyfriend” Alex asked.
“No ummm he’s friends with Kelly he was just making sure I’m getting home” I said. “Alright well good seeing you” Alex said. “Shit actually I forgot my keys Greg you mind taking me to Kelly’s” I said. “Yeah yeah sure” Mouse said.
“Have a great night you two” Alex said walking away. “Are you ok don’t you have your keys” Mouse asked. “I have a bad feeling please take me to Kelly’s or your place” I said. “Yeah come on I got you” Mouse said.
He drove me over to Kelly’s. We walked up and knocked on the door. Kelly opened up. Matt was cooking something in the kitchen.
“Everything ok” Kelly said. “No I just saw Alex he wanted to have lunch with me” I said. “So your doing this then” Kelly said. “Yes Kelly I am” I said. “She’d be safe and we’d have wires and trackers” Mouse said. “Look this is between us” Kelly said.
“Don’t be rude to him he’s my friend” I said. “Friends huh like Alex or Sean” Kelly said. “Kelly” I said. “No come in so we can talk privately Greg thanks for bringing her home” Kelly said.
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“Yeah of course” Mouse said. “Ummm thanks for drinks and the ride” I said. “Yeah just be safe I’ll uh check in” Mouse said. “Alright” I said. Mouse left. I walked into my brothers apartment.
“Are you serious bringing up Sean too” I said. “I’ll be in my room” Matt said. “Well is he gonna become another failed engagement” Kelly said. “First of all that’s not what happened with Roman” I said. “You’ll never admit that you fell for a cop who was in love with someone else” Kelly said.
“Like your one to tell me about relationships” I said. “Then why are you hanging around with that guy” Kelly said. “Because I trust him a lot ok Kelly and Jay says amazing things” I said. “Whatever if he hurts you too I swear” Kelly said.
“We need to talk about the other thing” I said. “Look I’m gonna be here every step of the way” Kelly said. “Do you not trust me” I said. “I don’t trust Hank Voight” Kelly said. “I get that but this guy needs to be stopped he already hurt a family” I said.
“I just can’t lose you too if you feel like it’s getting bad you need to tell me” Kelly said. “I will” I said. “Alright then you can go through with this” Kelly said.
“Great” I said. “You can sleep in the guest room” Matt said. “No Matt I don’t wanna be rude the couch is completely fine” I said. “No no you take the room a night on the couch is alright with me” Matt said. “Great thank you I’ll probably head to bed” I said.
“Don’t you need your uniform for tomorrow” Matt said. “We can stop by my apartment in the morning right” I said. “Yeah sure I’ll drive you and then to your car” Kelly said. “Alright” I said.
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one-sweet-gubler · 3 years
You Need Sleep, Jay. *IMAGINE* (JAY HALSTEAD)
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prompt(s) : #36 "I can't pretend anymore." & #50 "What keeps you up at night?"
pairing : Jay Halstead x Reader
word count : 803
requested? : Yes // @bat-luna-cat​
request : open
Here you were yet again, waking up in the early hours of the morning to your boyfriends side of the bed empty. You weren't quiet sure if he actually came home from the unit last night or if he was still there doing paper work. You rolled over and reached on your bedside table for your phone to check the time 3:36 am flashed across the top of your lockscreen. You smiled softly at the sight of your lockscreen wallpaper, your boyfriend stood beside you with his hand around your waist placed just above your bottom and your arm placed around his waist at last years Police Ball.
You unlocked your phone and saw you had an unread text message from your boyfriend.
1 New Message :
From - Jay Hot-stead - 5 hours ago
"Hey baby. It's gonna be another late night. Feel free to turn the lights off. I love you so big."
You sighed softly as you typed up a reply. Jay had been overworking himself on this case, a case brought in by New York's Special Victims Unit. You hated seeing Jay being torn between the two cities, bags becoming a permanent thing not only under his eyes, but by your front door ready to go when needed.
To : Jay Hot-stead
"Okay baby, please come home soon. Be careful. I love you."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you heard a phone chime in the office down the hall. You got up and opened your bedroom door softly, all the lights Jay had mentioned were already turned off. You sighed softly as your socked feet carried you to Jay's office where the door was cracked and light peeked into the hallway.
You slowly pushed the door open and saw Jay sat at his desk, papers spread all over his desk, reading over a vanilla folder he held in his hands.
You slowly walked over, smiling softly as Jay looked up and smiled tiredly at you.
"Hey baby girl." He spoke softly, putting the folder down on the desk and holding his arm open for you. You slowly walked over and sat sideways on his lap. Your arm finding its place around his neck as his found its way around your waist, resting at the small of your back. You softly laid your head in his shoulder, placing a soft kiss at the base of his neck.
"Hi." You spoke softly, a yawn slipping through.
You sat quietly, playing with the hair at the back of his neck as he continued looking through the paper.
"You alright?" Jay asked, squeezing your hip softly. You shrugged softly, lifting your head from his shoulder.
Reaching for the folder in his hands, you took it and laid it on the desk, closing it.
"What keeps you up at night?" Jay asked, rubbing your side as you turned your face to him. He smiled softly at you, your eyes were tired, your hair in a loose braid with strands falling out.
"Missing you. Waking up to a cold bed. My boyfriends arms not around me. Wondering if I'm gonna wake up to a text saying your flying to New York on a new lead. Being strong for us." You spoke, your fingers coming from the back of his head to his chin where you ran them over the new scruff forming.
"Baby, I'm fine. You need to be getting your sleep." Jay spoke softly, resting his forehead against yours.
"I can't pretend anymore." You spoke softly, sniffling to keep the tears at bay.
"Pretend what, baby?" He spoke softly, rubbing your back and pulling back to look at you.
"Pretending I'm not worried about you. Pretending everything is okay, when it's kind of not. Jay, I'm worried about you. You're overworking yourself." You spoke softly, looking Jay in the eye.
He sighed softly, looking down and then back up at you.
"I know I am. I'm trying not to, but this case. This case is something difficult." Jay spoke.
You didn't like hearing about the difficult cases. You knew Jay could talk to you about the softer ones, the ones with less victims. The ones that didn't involve children.
"You need sleep Jay. You can't crack this case with no sleep. I need you to sleep. I need my Jay back."
Jay softly cupped your cheeks in his hands, pulling you to him and placing a soft kiss on your lips. You kissed back before pulling away.
Standing up, you held your hands out for Jay.
"Come join me in bed, you have the day off tomorrow. Kevin or Adam can take the case for the day, give it fresh eyes." You spoke, leading the way to the bedroom, turning the office light of on the way to the bedroom.
Jay had never felt so lucky to have you in his life. He didn't know what he would do without you.
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deanstead · 3 years
down the aisle
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Request by anon: would you maybe do an engaged Jay x reader where she’s gotten to know Voight pretty well along their relationship and she asks Voight to walk her down the aisle?
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Characters: Hank Voight
Word Count: 755
Warnings: none
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You touched the ring on your finger and smiled, just as Jay walked out of the room. He smiled at you, heading for you and bending forward to give you a quick kiss.
“Everything okay?” He asked as he headed to the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water.
You nodded absentmindedly.
Jay frowned. “You worried about something?” He headed towards you, sitting on the couch and putting an arm around you.
You turned to face him, shrugging your shoulders lightly. “I’m not calling him.”
A look of knowing crossed Jay’s face as he gently took your hand in his. Jay knew that unless absolutely necessary you never referred to your father as your father. You barely had a relationship with him since the last time you’d seen him was when he’d left your mother more than twenty years ago. You probably wouldn’t even recognise him if you saw him on the street.
“I’m not calling him.” You repeated.
Jay smiled, leaning in to press a kiss to your forehead. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He whispered.
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It was only a few days later that you’d gotten an idea, a better alternative to walking down the aisle alone.
You knew Jay was at Molly’s so you’d told him you would meet him there but had made a detour to the district first.
“Hey Trudy, can you let me up to see Voight?” You asked, leaning against the desk.
Trudy raised an eyebrow but nodded, opening the gate.
You jogged up the stairs. The bullpen was already dark and only Voight was still here. You swallowed. Now that you were here, you weren’t sure if you were really doing the right thing. Maybe you should have told Jay and had him come with you.
You took another deep breath before you walked right up to his office and knocked on the open door.
Voight looked up from what he was doing, his frown lightening when he saw it was you.
You smiled. “Sorry to bother you, I wanted to… I wanted to ask you something.”
Voight closed the file he was working on. “You okay?” He asked, frowning. You couldn’t blame him either. Of course he’d think something was wrong.
You stepped into his office, your fingers unconsciously playing with the fray of the shirt you were wearing, not sure where to begin. “So, Jay and I… we’re getting married.”
Voight smiled. It was a smile you didn’t see a lot but one you knew he had in him. Over the course of your relationship with Jay, you’d met Voight enough times to know him pretty well and he looked out for you as well.
“I know, I haven’t seen you since Jay told me but I’m really happy for you and Jay. Congratulations.” Voight stood and moved forward to give you a hug.
You welcomed the hug, hugging him back. Voight stepped back, leaning against his desk as he looked at you, waiting for you to continue.
“I don’t know if Jay ever mentioned… I… my dad, he… well…” You took another deep breath to steady yourself. “I don’t have a dad, not really. So I don’t really have anyone to… you know… give me away.”
You paused. “I was just wondering if you could…”
You looked up at him mid-sentence and faltered. Maybe this was too weird. “You know what, never mind. I’m sorry.”
“Hey.” Voight’s hoarse voice stopped you in your tracks. “I’d be honoured to walk you down the aisle.”
Your head snapped up. “You would?”
Voight smiled. “Of course, I will.”
You broke into a huge smile. “Thank you.” Voight patted the side of your face affectionately, smiling.
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You took a deep breath and pressed your dress down for the millionth time.
Voight put a hand against your back and smiled, as the doors were pulled open.
You threaded your arm through his and you looked up at Jay, standing at the front of the church. You were just a mere few metres away from him, the aisle wasn’t just an aisle, it was your journey to the future with Jay.
This was it, the wedding you’d been planning for months.
“Thanks for doing this for me.” You whispered as Voight and you reached the front.
Voight smiled and gave you a hug. “Congratulations.”
You turned to look at your future and he smiled, extending his hand out to you.
With absolutely no trepidation, you put your hand in Jay’s.
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Father Figure (Jay Halstead) Part 1
Summary: For nearly two years, you were in a relationship with Jay, until a tumultuous breakup shattered your connection. Little did you know, fate had an unexpected surprise in store for you. Shortly after parting ways with Jay, you discovered that you were carrying a precious life within you. Filled with a mix of apprehension and hope, you attempted to reach out to Jay, eager to share the news, but your calls were met with silence as he stubbornly refused to answer. Fast forward six years, and Jay unexpectedly reappears at your doorstep, asking questions about a crime in the neighborhood
Words: 1163
Requested: yes
Warnings: none
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A/N: There will be multiple parts to this. Maybe 2 maybe more. This is not a new fic. This is a repost. As Tumblr has been deleting my fics. I'll reposting all 4 parts of this.
Prompts: "I have a child?"
       "Benji, come on, we're gonna be late," You shouted at your kid.
      You heard a knock on the door and you walked over to your door and opened it. It revealed two police detectives. One girl and the other you instantly recognized.
      Your ex.
      He seemed to recognize you at the same time. "Y/N?"
      You looked at him. "Jay,"
      The girl looked at us. "Do you guys know each other?"
      You looked over at her as Jay spoke. "Erin, this is Y/N. My ex. Y/N, this is my partner Erin Lindsey,"
      You smiled at her. "How can I help you, officers, today?"
      Erin looked at you for a spilt second before talking. "Can we come in for a minute?"
      You sighed and nodded your head. "Yeah,"
      Erin looked around your house. "The lady that lives across the street from you got kidnapped last night. Have you seen or heard anything suspicious lately?"
        You shook your head. "Oh my gosh and not that I can think of at the moment. I went to sleep pretty earlier last night,"
        "Mom, I need help with Ty-oh hi," You heard your son say.
        You looked at your son and walked over to him and tied his shoes. "Sorry, my son Benji. Benji, this is Detective Halstead and his partner Lindsey," You said making eye contact with Jay.
       Benji smiled and waved. "Can we ask him?" Lindsey asked.
       "Let me,"
       Lindsey nodded. "B, when Mrs. Lance was watching you the other day, did you notice anything weird? Like an unusual person or a car?"
       Benji looked at you and you could tell that he was thinking. "Yeah, I think,"
       Lindsey kneeled down to Benji's height. "Can you explain?"
      "I told you about it mom,"
      You looked at Benji then you remember what he was talking about. "Oh, yeah. Tell them, sweetie,"
       Benji nodded and looked at, Erin. "A couple of days ago. Mrs. Lance was watching me and some guy knocked on the door and started yelling at her but I couldn't hear what they were saying cause they were outside and I was inside watching a show on tv,"
       Jay kneeled down. "Do you know what the guy looked like?"
      Benji nodded. "Brown hair, He was skinny, I think he was as tall as you were,"
      "Did you see his car?"
      Benji shook his head. "No,"
      "That's enough. Benji go to your-"
      Jay cut you off. "Hold on, Benji, how old are you?"
      Benji smiled really big. "Six! I just turned six last week!"
      Jay looked up to you. "Benji, go to your room," You said.
     "We're gonna be late mom!" He said.
      You sighed. "I'll call Ryder and have him pick you up, okay?"
      He nodded and walked to his room. You pulled out your phone and texted your ex-husband to see if he could pick him up. He texted back yes.
        You turned around and faced Jay. "Yes, he's yours,"
      Jay takes a couple of steps back. "I have a child?"
     Erin coughs. "I'm gonna go outside, while you two talk about this," She said walking out the front door.
      You looked at Jay. "Yes, and before you say anything. I tried to tell you but every time I would call or text you, you would never respond. After months of trying and getting nothing back, I stopped,"
         Jay looked confused. "You could've came and seen me,"
        You scoffed at him. "You would've turned away and told me to leave,"
       At that moment, your door opens and your ex walked in. "DAD!" Benji yelled as he jumped into Ryder's arms. "Hey bud," He said. "Ready to go?"
       Ryder looked at Jay and then you. "Are you okay?"
       You nodded. "Thank you for taking him today,"
       Ryder shook his head. "Call me anytime, if it allows me to spend time with this little man, I'm down,"
       You smiled. "I'll keep that mind,"
      Ryder nodded. "Let's get you to school. I'll call you when he's been dropped off,"
      You nodded.
      "Dad! Are you gonna come-" You didn't hear what the last of that sentence was cause Ryder shut the front door.
       Jay looked from the door and then to me. "Who was that?"
      You rolled your eyes. "My ex-husband. The man who stepped up to help me with take care of your son. The only father figure your son has,"
       Jay's phone started to ring. He answered it. "Yes, white male, brown hair, my height,"
       "So far,"
       "Yes sir," He said hanging up the phone.
       "I have to go back to the precinct but this isn't over,"
       You sighed. "Didn't think it was,"
      "Y/N!" You heard Ryder yell.
       You could hear your son's feet running down the hall towards the kitchen. "Momma!" He said hugging you.
       You hugged him back. "How was school?"
        "It was good! We played with clay in art. But we had to run during p.e which I was the fastest time,"
         That didn't surprise you cause he was Jay's son after all. "That's awesome! Hey bud, can you give me and your dad some time to talk?"
       He nodded. "Is it about that guy that was here this morning?"
      You nodded. "Yeah,"
      Benji nodded and ran down the hallway and towards his room. You looked at Ryder. "What am I going to do Ryder?"
       "Did you tell Halstead the truth?"
       You nodded. "Yes, he had figured it out, He was just needing confirmation,"
      Ryder sighed. "I don't know, sweetheart. You got to think what's best for B,"
      "I know but he already has a great father figure in this life,"
      Ryder smiled at that. "Thank you but there's a difference between a biological father and a stepfather,"
      You gave him a look. "You should know better than anyone else that sperm doesn't make you a daddy. Actions do,"
      Ryder walked around the island and pulled you into a hug. You melted into his touch. You and Ryder were dating for two years until he asked you to marry him. You said yes and you were married to him for about five years. You got a divorce because you two were going into different directions in your lives. You two were still close friends and Benji obviously still sees him as his father. "That's why I know that what I'm saying is true. If my father wanted to be in my life, I would give me a chance to prove it,"
      You sighed. You had a long night ahead of you thinking about what to do in this.
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stefanmikaleson1864 · 2 years
Chicago Intelligence Part Two :)
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A/N: I hope everyone enjoys this chapter ! If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work. Also if you wanna be tagged let me know :) 
Taglist : @freyathehuntress​
You decided to take a break from all the searching because it felt like you were going through a rabbit hole that was going to be hard to get out of.
 Also with two babies in you were starving. 
It was about middle of the day and the JOC was popping we working a case but your stomach was growling so hard that even Kelly looked over at you and started laughing. 
“Man Y/N you better go feed those things there getting angry” Kelly said 
“See the twins are going to take after me and love eating” You said making the two of you both laugh. 
You got up and walked into the break room and pulled out your lunch bag full of food. You sat down and started eating when Maggie walked into the room and smiled. 
“Hey Y/N figured i would find you here” She said 
“Man I was always hungry before and now it’s a hundred times worse what’s up with you” You asked 
Maggie finished pouring her coffee then sat down across from you. 
“Hey So I talked to Jubal and Isobel and they told me your headed to Chicago tomorrow” Maggie said 
“Yeah something about OA’s name up in a conversation and my dad works as a detective where he got popped and they know each other from the  Ranger’s so there’s that problem but I’m guessing that’s why your here”  You said 
“Yeah they gave me the rundown and they want me to come with you for Backup you good with that” Maggie said 
You looked at her and smiled real bright
“Hell yeah I am of course I would love if you came and you know OA would be happy to see you”  You said 
“Great were finish out the day here then I can pick you up at your apartment tomorrow did you handle flights and hotels we can share a room and you know the area” Maggie asked 
“I totally forgot to do that honestly but I will do that right I finish eating” You said 
Scola came into the room 
“Hey Mags we gotta go we got a lead” Scola said 
“Great Thanks Y/N it’s gonna be okay” Maggie said squeezing your hand 
She got up and left and you finished your lunch. Now that she was coming you thought about telling her but you didn’t want her to think you were too emotional or not thinking clearly. 
It did make you feel better knowing Maggie was coming; it was comforting knowing someone had your back down there.  
That knot in your stomach wasn’t going anywhere. You couldn’t tell it was just nerves or something. 
Like there was a feeling looming over you that something was coming but you couldn’t tell what it was. 
The nerves knowing OA was undercover was some dangerous guys or then so many questions you had. 
You finished your lunch and went back to the JOC. You knew the first thing that you had to do was book the flights and hotel because you knew with your pregnancy brain you would forget so easy. 
So you finished up that and headed back into trying to collect as much information as you could.
 Which was getting more harder because you didn’t want to spiral again and come to a bias on your evidence. 
So you decided to take a step back you knew you had to get familiar with OA’s case and then your dad’s case. How did it lead to an arrest. You took as many notes and made files for you and Maggie. 
You knew the basics which were simple like you knew before that your dad was also busted and then they made an arrest. 
But what was your dad’s connections and how was OA’s that is what help make the case. 
So according to the files The FBI OA went down to Chicago he then made himself in tight with one of our CI’s with a local guy named Jordan Woods. He was currently running with a group of local exterminest. 
This was the group you were worried about OA getting involved with. They were dangerous guys and didn’t play around. 
OA was the Middle man we would get the weapons and then sell them to the groups like The Rightwing extremists. Their whole thing was that they hated the government, the army and anything that stood in their way. 
Apparently Jordan was still working in the army and had been caught stealing weapons. 
The FBI flipped him and cut him a deal if he turned in his buyers. So OA came and used his Ranger background to his advantage and him and Tyler were essentially partners. 
To make this more clear OA was the brains who would make the deals and make the connections and Jordan was the inside man where he was responsible for getting the product. 
They also sold to any of the highest bidders. They didn’t discriminate from low players making a small bomb to big one planing massive attacks. That is where your dad got involved. 
Jay  went in as a buyer looking to get their hands on military style weapons. They were planning to bomb local military recruitment offices. He had PTSD from the army and wanted revenge
So once they got their evidence that OA was “involved” along with Jordan they made arrest. Probably wanting the same thing we wanted to bring down the whole ring. 
Now here is where the question how did local police department get involved with a FBI ring. On what earth did they cross paths. 
That is the missing puzzle piece that I had to figure out. FBI didn’t have access to local  department files so you would have to find that part when you got down there. 
Time went by pretty quick considering how busy you were. You made files on all known buyers. Jordan woods and even OA you needed as much information as possible.  It was late when your were done. 
The rest of the JOC already said their goodbyes to you and headed out. Jubal and Isobel were the only two left behind. 
They were in her office talking so you got up and cleared up your area and headed over there. 
You walked over and knocked on the door. Isobel signaled for you to come in. You opened up the door and headed in. 
“Hey I just wanted to let you know that I got all the information i can get the rest were going to have wait but it turns out my dad went undercover posing as a buyer and then busted OA for selling military style weapons” You said 
“No idea how local PD even got involved” Isobel asked 
“No I can’t access their files so I’m going to have to wait” You said 
Jubal got up and looked at you 
“Good work Y/N” He said 
“Thank you and I guess i should get going me and Maggie have early flights tomorrow” You said 
Jubal walked over and hugged you which you gladly hugged him back. 
You let go and Isobel walked over and also hugged you 
“Safe Travels and keep us updated” Isobel said. 
“I will every step of the way you to have a good night” You said 
“You too” they both said 
You walked out the room and grabbed all your work and stuff. You headed home and you were tired but you knew you still had to go home and pack. 
On the way home you decided it was a long shot but did it anyways and called OA. It just rang and of course he didn’t answer just voicemail. 
“Hey OA it’s me I know you probably can’t talk right now but I just wanted to say we love you and miss you and hope your keeping safe” You said leaving a voicemail. 
You made it home and it was like the twins knew you got home because you suddenly had to pee so bad and was very hungry. 
You were craving chinese so you went pee and ordered food. It was hard coming home because there were so many reminders of OA there and it was a constant reminder that he wasn’t there and it was quiet. 
So you pushed those feelings down because it made you wanna cry. So you walked into the room pulling out your suitcase and began packing. 
It was such a strange deja vu just a couple months ago you were watching OA pack up and saying goodbye now you were leaving. 
It was hard packing because you didn’t even know how long you were going to be gone. So you packed as best you could. 
Good timing because as soon you were done the food came and you were able to sit down and watch your fave show and eat. 
Your alarm went off and it was 7am. You kept pressing snooze until the last possible moment. 
You woke up and looked around you realized you had fallen asleep on the couch. Your neck and back were both hurting. 
You groaned and stretched and got up and hurried up to get ready. Taking a shower and doing your normal routine.
 Making sure you ate something too about an hour later Maggie called and said she was here. 
You walked out to the car and Maggie got out and ran over to help you with your bags. 
“Hey Y/N good morning let me help you” she said 
“Mags hey thank you” You said walking over to her. 
She grabbed your bags and you got into the car. Maggie piled everything in and then hopped in and we took off.
She looked over at you and smiled. 
“Hey how you feeling I know your nervous you gotta be” She said 
You thought about it for a second and thought it was a good idea to talk about what you were feeling because you didn’t want to hide and the two of you were on the way so it was a little late for her not to take you. 
“Something has been bugging me like the fact OA didn’t tell anyone he was under like my dad. Or why did Agent Todd have multiple calls to a known buyer on he case. Also what is local PD doing on this case” I said 
Maggie stayed quiet for a second and didn’t say anything the look on her face was saying she didn’t know what to say.  Then she spoke up
“I don’t I mean your right it doesn’t make any sense but that’s what were going to figure out” Maggie said 
“I know but it’s just this feelings i’m getting that something is wrong” You said honestly. 
“Yeah that’s normal to be worried about him I know how much he loves you and how much you love him” Maggie said 
“Yeah that’s probably it” You said 
The ride to the airport was just nonsense talk about pretty much what ever. The two of you made it through TSA and security and all that and in typical fashion you guys just made it to your flight. 
You slept through the flight feeling extra tired today. And finally 3 hours later you both made it.  
When you landed you felt the knot in your stomach get worse. It just like this was real and you were worried. 
You were now currently in the uber on the way to the hotel and Maggie looked at you and squeezed your hand. The two of you made it to the hotel and checked in. 
The hotel was really nice thanks to the FBI paying for everything. 
“Hey to bad we got a job to do because we totally could go get massages and go to the hottub” Maggie said joking.  
“ I mean OA can wait right he’ll be okay if were a day late helping him” You said joking 
“Oh absolutely he won’t even notice” Maggie said laughing. 
You guys unpacked and was ready to head out. The first stop was the 21st district. It was a weird feeling heading out there. You didn’t realize how much you had missed home. It was such a nostalgic feeling. 
“Reminds me a lot like New York in a way” Maggie said 
You two were now in the back of a uber heading down to the district. A nice SVU one thanks again to the FBI. 
“Yeah it is actually I guess that’s why I like NYC so much it reminds me of home” You said smiling at Maggie. 
It was about a 20 minute ride from the hotel to the district and a few minutes later you guys made it. 
Maggie walked up the stairs and you stood behind for a moment. Maggie looked back at you and looked at you with a confused look on her face. 
“Hey Y/N what's wrong” Maggie asked walking down to you 
“What’s our play do we go in their announce were FBI looking for him and what if we ruin his cover or what ever is going on” You asked 
“Good point we can just say we have a couple of questions to ask him that way we don’t blow his cover” Maggie said 
“Yeah okay good” You said and walked in with her
You guys walked in and there was the queen herself Trudy Platt. 
She looked up and saw and smiled and got out from behind the desk. 
“There she is Y/N omg come here look at you and that belly” Platt said walked over. 
“Sergeant Platt look at you you haven’t aged a day” You said 
The two of you hugged and then you introduced her to Maggie 
“This is Maggie she works in the FBI with me she’s an agent” You said 
“Nice to meet sergeant platt I run this place” Platt said 
“Nice to meet you sergeant we need your help looking for someone in your custody” Maggie said 
Platt walked back behind the desk. 
“Oh this is work and not social” Platt said 
“Sadly it is” You said 
“What’s the perp name” Platt asked 
“Omar Zidan he was arrested by intelligence a few days ago” You said 
“Yeah he’s here he’s down in the cell’s he’s not talking everyone is out but you can head down and see him” Platt said 
“Thank you we just need to ask him a few questions” Maggie said 
“Good because your not taking him out with Voight knowing” platt said walking out behind the desk to take you to him. 
“Voight is in charge of intelligence” You said to Maggie 
“Oh we wouldn’t dream of taking him we just got questions about a case” Maggie said. 
The three of you headed down to the cells in the basement and your heart was racing you wish he was there and you could talk to him. 
When you rounded the corner there he was sitting in a cell. He was bent down and looking at his hands so he couldn’t see you. 
“You guys have fun like I said he ain’t leaving the cell” Platt said 
“Thank you we appreciate it” You said 
Platt walked away after that and you and Maggie waited until she was gone. When you sure she was you guys walked over to him. 
“OA hey it’s Maggie and Y/N” You said 
His head popped up and he looked at you. His face shocked you. Someone had beat him up clearly he had a black eye and a cut lip. 
He gave you a relived and sad look. 
“What the hell are you guys doing here” OA asked 
“We came to help you and you clearly need it” Maggie said 
OA looked around like he was looking for someone. He didn’t say anything but you reached out and touched his face through the bars. He softened up when he felt your touch . 
“Hey what’s going how can we help” You asked 
“It’s not safe here okay you gotta get me out” OA said 
“What’s going on” Maggie asked 
“ I can’t talk about it not here it’s not safe” OA said 
“We need to talk to voight to get you out here first” You said 
He got a upset look on his face when you said that
“No don’t go near him okay please” OA pleaded 
“Why we can trust him” You asked 
“No guys im begging you don’t get involved in this case leave now” OA said 
Suddenly the door opened and a familiar voice called out 
“Y/N what the hell are you doing here” Your dad rang out 
You looked at him and ran over to him. 
“Hey dad nothing we had to question this guy over a case the FBI are working on but he’s not talking” You said 
“You could have said something to me” Jay said 
“I know but everything happened so fast” You said 
“Yeah he hasn’t been talking sense we brought him in” Jay said
“Yeah we got that” Maggie said walking over. 
“Look Y/N were really busy but can we hook up later and talk i miss you” your dad said 
“Yeah of course” You said hugging him. 
You two said your goodbyes and You and Maggie headed out. 
When you got outside Maggie looked at you with a confused face. 
“You were right something’s not right” Maggie said 
“I know we clearly need to figure out what’s going on because this isn’t right” You said 
That feeling you had gotten in your stomach was clearly on to something because what the hell is going on …
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dilfguzzler · 2 years
welcome to the dark side my friends
whats the craic welcome to @arctichotch‘s nsfw blog. nsfw means that minors need to stay at least 2ft away from me at all times thanks (fr back off)
send asks for hcs/prompts/preferences or just general thoughts you have (non-nsfw thoughts should go to @arctichotch) here is a prompt list if you need some ideas
mostly interested in doing x reader but that may be changed depending if i like the pairing suggested ig
characters i write for under the cut <3 thanks best friends
also just a general FYI, i’m a whore for poly!bau x reader so please please hmu
criminal minds
poly!bau (inc. reader)
aaron HOTchner
spencer reid
derek morgan
elle greenaway
jj jareau
emily prentiss
penelope garcia
miss ma’am alex blake
tara lewis
mr. luke alvez
breeding kink extraordinaire matt simmons
chicago pd
adam ruzek
kim burgess
hailey upton (aka prettiest person on the planet)
jay halstead
my boy mouse <3 (greg gerwitz)
hank voight (please.. hold the judgement)
chicago fire
my sweet baby otis (brian zvonecek)
joe cruz
sylvie brett
kelly severide
law and order: svu
rafael barba
olivia benson
sonny carisi
ziva david
american horror story
the evans (kit walker, james patrick march (my love), kai anderson (if gross why pretty?)) tbc
the sarah’s (cordelia goode, wilhemina venable)
ill continue to add if anyone else comes to mind
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