#jazzalil fic
justarandombrit · 4 months
32. “You're everything to me.” - Jazzalil (Firebringer)
Today, Zazzalil thought, was an absolute fucking shitshow.
Burning down the village, getting blamed for everything, and on top of that Snarl's back?!? The only thing that would make this day worse would be having to grovel at Jemilla's feet to try and get her to come help. Oh damn it.
If Zazz got any closer to Jemilla she'd have ended up between her legs. She wasn't quite prepared to do that, but she was mentally bracing herself for the possibility, considering how unmoving Jemilla was.
“Jem, JJ, Milly, please. We need you, those fucking idiots are trying to… I don't even know, and I definitely don't want to find out.”
Jemilla sighed.
“Zazz, look, I get it, but you exiled me, and I'm perfectly happy here.”
Zazzalil frowned and muttered, “Yeah, with all your husbands and wives, I know.”
Jemilla raised an eyebrow.
“Jealous, much?”
Zazzalil immediately stood up (her hand brushed against Jemilla's calf, which she definitely didn't have feelings about), and huffed.
“This isn't about me and you! It's about the safety of the tribe. I may have stooped low today, but I'm not here to grovel at your feet.”
Jemilla raised the other eyebrow.
“Okay, okay fine! I love you, you're everything to me, you're the best leader the tribe has ever had, and I- we really, really need your help. Happy?”
Despite being entirely red in the face, Jemilla still seemed to be trying to keep her cool.
“What's in it for me?”
Zazz really didn't want to have to resort to this, but it wasn't like she had a choice. She tried to make her voice as neutral as possible for the situation (although she couldn't prevent a little bit of hopefulness seeping in).
“Well, you'd have to leave all of your spouses behind… and, I know exchanging fifty for one might not sound like a good trade but–”
A slight grin snuck its way onto Zazzalil’s face.
“You didn't even know who I was offering!”
Jemilla smiled, “Oh, I knew.”
Ohhhhhhhh I love them so much. They deserved a kiss in the show smh
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The Saga of Fire King Zazzalil
(i WILL write this one day, i promise)
Inspired by Burn by lilfinch.
Setting is a somewhat futuristic world, where humans, machines and alien immigrants live in harmony. Hatchetfield was founded by a human and a bug, who were the first mayors of the town.
Some respects to the DCEU Snyderverse will be paid, such as the factor of the Super Friends being a league of six, with Mera as a seventh member.
The Lords In Black are morally ambiguous, and they and Webby were once mortals who ascended to godhood by going beyond the impossible and kicking logic to the curb. They promptly went against a crusade against the Abrahamic God, and each one had a hand in subduing him although it was Webby who dealt the killing blow.
Zazzalil, Lex and Hannah are Owen and Curt's adopted daughters, and they all have different powers, Zazzalil's being the most obvious one:fire.
Jemilla is the adopted daughter of the chief of police Molag, and unlike her mom, she firmly believes that superheroes are the cause of all trouble in the world and that puts her into conflict with Zazz.
The Princess is called Jasmine, in line with the Disney Aladdin movie.
Keeri is Max Jägerman's twin sister and they both lust after the same woman.
Installment #1:The Fire King
Zazzalil Carvour-Mega is a student of Galaxia High in the tiny town of Hatchetfield. After hearing the legend of the Lords In Black from her local librarian, Sherrezade, she aspires to be like them one day, despite being just a normal girl.
One day, she stumbles upon a mysterious meteor, and suddenly finds herself on fire...but not harmed by it. Impressed by her new powers, Zazzalil sets out to change the world, under the moniker of Fire King. But balancing school time and hero work is not an easy job, especially when Jemilla Jarrett, the most popular girl at school, loathes her Fire King identity. To make matters worse, Zazz finds herself falling for Jemilla...
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Mouthface/Princess, Keeri/Grace Chasity, Grunt/Emberly, one-sided Tiblyn/Chorn, Bug/February, Lex/Ethan, Steph/Pete, Tim/Craphole, Tootsie/Mega-Girl, Taz/Up, Ja'far/Sherrezade, Paul/Emma, Curt/Owen
Installment #2:Fire King, Meet Super Friends
After defeating Snarl, Zazzalil becomes an internet sensation and, what's better, she's now officially dating Jemilla. Her newfound fame catches the eyes of the Super Friends, the protectors of Earth, and she is arranged to meet them. She expects to go to the big city...but turns out the Super Friends are coming to Hatchetfield, much to her surprise.
Meanwhile, Chief Molag reveals to Jemilla a deadly secret, along with what happened to her birth parents. Can Jemilla cope with the fact that she has powers? What is Mayor Spaceclaw plotting? And, most importantly, will the Fire King once again make it out alive?
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Clark/Bruce, Barry/Victor, Arthur/Mera, Mouthface/Princess, Bug/February, Lex/Ethan, Grunt/Emberly, Junior/Pincer
Finale:The King's Last Temptation
A year has passed since Mayor Spaceclaw was exposed and peace was restored to Hatchetfield, and now Zazzalil and Jemilla are expecting to graduate from high school. They have made big name for themselves as the crime-fighting duo Fire King and Crystal Queen, while also having made peace with their new identities, the Destroyer Of Worlds and the White Devil.
However, things quickly get bad when Superman gets trapped inside a red sun, and the girls are summoned to the Watchtower. They need each other now more than ever—the Super Friends(and the world) are counting on them!
Pairings:Zazzalil/Jemilla, Clark/Bruce, Barry/Victor, Arthur/Mera
Addendum #1:Tales From Hatchetfield
(Chapter 1:In A Town Gone Mad)
One of the two unsung love stories from Hatchetfield. The Dikrats family's youngest child has always been somewhat of a ditz, but in his defense, he's just seven, and too young to think about love...right?
Craphole never gave a thought of what's going on between his mom and dad, or his sister and Jasmine. All that changes when he meets Tim Houston, two years older than him, on the playground, and for some STRANGE reason, he can't stop thinking about him. Could this be what the grown-ups call love?
Pairings:Tim/Craphole, Mouthface/Princess, Jack Bauer/Slippery When Wet, background Ja'far/Sherrezade and Tom/Becky
(Chapter 2:The Love Song Of Junior Spaceclaw)
Another of the two unsung love stories from Hatchetfield. Junior, the mayor's son, is being groomed to be the next evil overlord but he fails to live up to the standards his father set and copes by smoking pot.
One day, he meets Pincer, a wandering scorpion rogue looking for fresh human meat to eat, and what started out as a simple deal becomes something more but their evil love is put at stake when a new hero known as the Fire King emerges, and threatens to destroy everything. But if they're gonna lose, they'll do it together.
Pairings:Junior/Pincer, Bug/February, background Taz/Up and Tootsie/Mega-Girl
(Chapter 3:Zazzalil, I Am Your Father)
Set one year before the rise of the Fire King. Thirteen-year-old Zazzalil Carvour-Mega grew up idolizing heroes, and both her fathers. One day, Owen Carvour, her Pops, takes her to his workplace on Take Your Kid To Work Day, and there, she finds out a horrifying secret.
Faced with the fact that her Pops is a rogue, Zazzalil falls into a dilemma. But soon, she realizes that the Deadliest Man Alive is not your average supervillain, and there's more to him than meets the eye...
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boyinjeans · 5 years
can i have some uhh domestic jazzalil? i will sacrifice 10 mosquitoes
[my eyes turn black and i cry blood and begin speaking in tongues]
it is done
I’ve always been jealous of Zazzalil. Not a jealous hatred, no, but more of a jealous love. I envy the way she so effortlessly connects with people, I love the way she can make a quip without even thinking about it, and I especially love how she can roll out of bed and look like Aphrodite in the dusk as Apollo streaks across the sky, setting her ablaze with more beauty than you thought possible.
However, Zazzalil is also the laziest person I know. I had to drag her out of bed and carry her into the kitchen and force feed her her breakfast. I love her more than anything, but I hate getting her up in the morning. I’ve forced her onto my sleep schedule, and she does not like it. Early to bed, early to right. We go to sleep at about 10:00 every night and wake up at 5:30 every morning. I wake up so early because we live in the middle of the “fucking woods”—Zazzalil’s words. She pretends to hate living in the countryside, but she loves all the friendly animals and the peace, I know it—and I have to drive for an hour and a half to get to my job in the city. I’m a supervisor at modeling agency. Big bucks. Zazzalil doesn’t need to work, but she insists. Really it’s kind of ironic that she refuses to be unemployed but I have to literally drag her lazy ass out of bed every morning. She works in the city too, but at Costco. She’s a sample lady. And I adore her.
Today is particularly hard, though. She hated getting up even more than usual, she barely told me she loved me before leaving the car, and she wouldn’t sing along to the death metal I play every morning just for her to wake up. I’m worried that something is bothering my love. So worried that I can barely focus all day. No one notices much, though, since we’re preparing for a runway show this weekend. I just have to make sure none of the models kill each other or die.
“Hey, J?”
“Yeah Clark?” I ask, looking up from my blank clipboard. Did I forget to grab my itinerary this morning? “One second. Tiblyn! Itinerary!” I snap my fingers and Tiblyn is running up to me with my itinerary in hand. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome!” Tiblyn says before walking off, speaking rapidly into a headset. She’s quite attractive. She would be a model if she weren’t such a damn good stage manager. She does the real hard work, she should get paid more than me.
“Anyways, what is it Clark?”
“I was just going to tell you the hospital called. Your wife—“
I don’t even let him finish before I drop my clipboard and start sprinting out the door. I thank God that billowy pants are in fashion right now, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to run this fast. I don’t bother getting my car, that would only slow me down. I have my stupid little backpack on—PR makes me carry it around—so I have all my belongings. It’s only two blocks away, I can make it.
I run in and practically slide to the front desk.
“Zazzalil Miller?”
“You must be Jemma Miller? Spouse?” The woman doesn’t even look up, she’s tapping away furiously at her keys. Jemma Miller, I think. I haven’t been called that in years. Jemilla just kinda stuck in college.
“Room 619.” I thank her before walking as quickly as I can to the elevator. They won’t let you run in here. I press the button to the sixth floor and the close doors button about a hundred times after. I know the button doesn’t really work, but all the adrenaline in my body needs to go somewhere. Why is she is even in the hospital?
“Zazz?” I ask when I find her room. She’s hooked up to an IV and a cannula is her nose. I’ve never seen her skin look so pale before. She looks like she’s on the brink of death.
“What’s up, J-Mills?” She smiles and snaps finger guns at me. I can’t believe she’s joking around. I rush to her side and sit at the chair by her bed.
“What’s up with me? What’s up with you? You were fine this morning.” I brush the hair out her face and rest my hair there on her cheek. She’s burning up.
“Was I really Jemilla?”
“What do you mean?” I ask. My voice is thick with concern. I just want to know what happened to my baby.
“I told you I didn’t feel good this morning, Jemma.” She never uses my real name.
“You-You never feel good in the morning, Zazzalil, that’s just how you are,” I laugh in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“I haven’t felt good in a long time, honey,” she smiles sadly and puts her hand over mine. “They ran some tests and they think I have an auto immune deficiency. I passed out at Costco in the bread aisle. It was kind of funny, actually.
“Zazzalil, why didn’t you tell me it was serious? I would have listened.”
“I didn’t want to worry you.” She laughs. “Besides, I’m fine. They’re gonna jack me up on meds and hope I don’t feel like death all the time. They said some things like chronic fatigue syndrome and auto immune deficiency, and so my half conscious ass says ‘Call my god damn wife’ and passes out. I’m glad they called you.”
“I’m glad they called me too, Zazz,” I sniff, trying to hold back tears. “Maybe you should quit at Costco. After this weekend I pretty much don’t have to work for a month, we can just be together and—“
“Jemilla, please. You act like I’m dying. I’m alright. I never say I’m alright. You know how dramatic I am. Really, though, this time, I’m okay. Okay?”
“Okay,” I nod, still a little unconvinced.
“I love you, Jemilla.”
I smile at her. She still makes me swoon. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
When we get home, Zazzalil has to sleep for a long time. I don’t try to stop her from it because it’ll “throw off the sleep schedule,” and all she does when she wakes up is snack and cuddle into my side while I do some online work. I adore how cuddly she gets when she doesn’t feel well, but I hate that she doesn’t feel well. I would take away all her disease if I could.
I look over to see her asleep on my shoulder, arms around my waist and covered in a fluffy blanket and one of my hoodies. Even pale, sickly, and eyes sunken, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen.
I’ll be with you every step of the way, I think. We’re gonna do this together.
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averlym · 3 years
Do you have a favourite ship?
ehe i don't really ship the queens now but sometimes people request stuff! and i just like to explore that dynamic between the two as a pair? not quite into the romance thing feel free to see my art as romantic/platonic
a list of ships for six: a badly drawn diagram
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(plus blank template if you want to reblog with yours 👉👈)
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celestialflights · 4 years
jazzalil summer camp au aesthetic
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“they were like two enemies in love with each other.”
- fyodor dostoevsky
in which two girls who hate each other find themselves at the same summer camp, and begin to hate each other a bit less...
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talesandfluff · 4 years
Zazzalil’s last day trying out the Jemilla way comes with a load of unexpected. She only has to push through the trials laid before her.
Jazzalil college AU. Oh my god, they were roommates. Rating is T for now but subject to change in later chapters.
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squigglegigs · 5 years
listen i just want a fic where jemilla and zazzalil redefine what marriage means for future generations by delving deeper into the mutual respect they have for each other and falling deeply madly in love and shit
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starrynyxa · 4 years
if i actually pursued fic writing like my fifth grade self intended, id be unstoppable
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leonardburton · 5 years
the girl next door
Fandom: Firebringer
Relationship: Jemilla/Zazzalil
“It’s been a while since the last time I’ve had to wear ear-plugs to sleep because of your music,” a voice cut through the silence, “I thought you’d moved out.”
Zazzalil turned her head to Jemilla, the girl next door, standing on her own balcony, a few feet away from her. It had been a while since she’d seen her.
Prompt: ‘girl/boy next door’ from the starkid writes discord server
(1,718 words, 1/1, AO3 link)
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robinchirpsart · 5 years
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Starkid post-apocalypse crossover “If We Ever Grow Apart” characters (part 1)
Ja’far - Mouthface - Zazzalil - Jemilla - Mega-Girl - Tootsie
(I literally got started learning how to draw because I wanted to draw my own art pieces for my fanfictions so here we are. official visuals if you’re a reader of the fic)
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justarandombrit · 4 months
Uhhhhhhhh I have an entire Google doc of Startinwrecked shipfics based on prompts that I haven't uploaded anywhere. I don't actually know if anyone wants to read them so. Poll!
Extra info in tags!
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villlainarc · 4 years
FOR THE FIC TITLE THING; pick your favorite mika album and that’s the title, (I couldn’t pick my favorite mika album so I’m making you pick skdkskdkskd) and then ummm wait I forgot what the thing was uH,,,, Tell me,,, about this hypothetical fic named after your favorite mika song THATS what I was trying to say that’s it
hm clarification is for losers and i don’t know if u meant to pick my favorite album or my favorite song so i shall do Both
album: the origin of love
okay. okay look. okay  l o o k.  i may have said these would all very likely be sanders sides but then i forgot to take into account that i have been thinking about jazzalil all day and am currently too tired to care that most of u probably won’t understand a Word of what i’m going to say here bUT anyway—
this fic,,,, would be a jazzalil one and take place after the events of firebringer. it’d be pretty simple and basically just explore some soft domestic lesbian goodness because That’s What I Want To See, Okay,
anygay the title comes from the fact that since these guys are cavemen, this is one of the first Proper romances, if not the first one period i don’t remember where cavemen are in the Timeline Of The World and i don’t care to check either and idk i just think it would be gay and soft and Very Good
song: dear jealousy
hmm i thought for Several Minutes about taking the easy way out and just. making this about jealousy the oc of my fall/winter of 2018 twitter roleplays but then i decided Not to do that 
sO. this fic would instead be told through a series of letters written by deceit in order to cope with their feelings of jealousy about virgil suddenly finding a new home! how fun!!
yes it would end with deceit Actually Talking To Virgil and also some good fucking anxceit because I Said It Would but that would only be after Far Too Much Angst By Far
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boydykedevo · 5 years
Self care is binge reading Jazzalil fanfics at 1 am
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averlym · 4 years
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discovered Burn by @bi-gstupid​​ and it’s a brilliant story but also: zazzalil has purple fire powers and that’s all you need to know for this
small comic under the cut:
"around jemilla, zazzalil didn’t seem to have the need to reach for her fire”
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thisonesfordrawing · 5 years
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some sketches for a fic i will eventually finish, in which zazz really just wants to blow shit up and kick ass and somehow ends up saving people in the process, and jemilla really just wants to help people and save the planet and maybe kinda becomes a supervillain in the process (also oh my god, they’re roommates)
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celestialflights · 4 years
soulmates!au, meet messy, “hold on.”, jazzalil :)))
It all started with two girls putting their hand on the same seat at the same time.
Zazzalil looked up to see a pretty girl with curly hair who was presumably her classmate this year giving her a look that was already verging on stern. She assumed she was one of the new students who had joined the school after the private one not too far away had shut down, and Zazzalil probably would have greeted her warmly if it wasn't for the impasse that appeared to be developing.
“Excuse me,” the girl said with frosty politeness. “I’m sitting here.”
“Yeah, sorry, but I kind of need this chair.” The girl’s brow furrowed, and somehow that was enough to give Zazzalil the strong urge to glare at her. “Me and my friends all want to sit together, and there aren’t enough chairs at our table, so…” She gave the chair a tug, but the girl’s hand did not move.
“First of all, it’s ‘my friends and I’...” 
Oh, go fuck yourself, Zazzalil thought.
“...and I also want to sit with my friends.” She gestured at the other teenagers at her table, none of whom Zazzalil recognised. They all looked various degrees of uncomfortable. Zazzalil hoped that was because they all saw how unreasonable this girl was being.
“Zazz!” The call came from Keeri, Zazzalil’s best friend since elementary school, who was sitting at a table with their friend group. “Everything okay?”
“One minute.”
“Look…” Zazzalil turned back to the annoying girl as she trailed off, clearly wanting Zazzalil’s name.
“...Zazzalil,” she said reluctantly, feeling like that in itself showed weakness.
“Jemilla,” the other girl introduced herself in turn. “Anyway, Zazzalil, can’t you just find another chair? You want to sit with your friends, and I want to sit with mine. Can’t we both have what we want?”
That almost brought Zazzalil to laughter. Give up, just like that? There was no way she was giving up that easily. This chair was hers, or her name wasn’t…
“Zazzalil, Jemilla.” Both girls turned their heads to see their teacher, Molag, standing before them. Molag was a very relaxed sort of teacher, and insisted her students call her by her first name, but she still had her limits. “While I think the whole class - myself included - are all fascinated by your newfound rivalry -” She didn’t even seem to be joking “- I do need to start the lesson at some point, so if you could quickly decide who’s gonna win this round, that would be great.”
With a large sigh and a fiery glare at Jemilla, Zazzalil walked over to another table and dragged another spare seat over to her, letting the legs scrape against the floor, and flopped down onto it. She threw one last furious look at Jemilla, and her glare grew as she noticed the tiny smirk on Jemilla’s face before she looked away.
Jemilla knew she’d won, it was clear, but this was far from the end. She’d won the battle, but if she thought she’d win the war, she had another thing coming.
As the bell for recess rang, Zazzalil headed out of the classroom with Keeri and Tiblyn, who she’d just had science with. She’d barely taken a step out of the building, when she once again heard someone calling her name.
“Zazzalil, hold on!”
She looked back, and who was jogging up behind her but Jemilla, hear to apologise, no doubt. Zazzalil stood still, arms crossed. Her two friends cast her a look, and she quickly told them she’d catch up with them.
“Well?” she said once the girl had reached her and said nothing for a couple of seconds.
Jemilla looked confused. “Well, what?”
“Aren’t you going to apologise?”
Jemilla scoffed. “Me? Apologise? For what, exactly?” She crossed her arms across her chest, mirroring Zazzalil.
“Um, for embarrassing me in front of everyone this morning? For acting like just because you’ve come from some fancy school, you’re better than everyone else?” Okay, maybe she hadn’t said that, but those were the vibes Zazzalil had got.
“Wow.” Jemilla looked away, as if she was sharing a look with the camera. Then, she continued, “I’m pretty sure everyone else in that classroom knew that you were the one in the wrong. From the way you acted, it seems like you’re the entitled one, not me. For a matter of fact, I came over here to give you the chance to apologise.”
Zazzalil let out a bitter laugh, raising and then lowering and shaking her head. “What? What…” She stopped. She had just caught sight of something on Jemilla’s wrist. It was a mark, an image of two circles, linked, with a triangle pointing up into the centre. “Hold on. What is that?”
Jemilla looked where Zazzalil was pointing, seeming confused at the change of subject. “This?” She raised her arm.
“Yeah. Is… is that a drawing or something?”
“Um, no?” The girl was clearly wondering why that was her first instinct. “It’s my soulmate mark. Why do you ask?”
“Uh, it’s nothing,” Zazzalil replied quickly, subconsciously pulling her sleeves down further onto, until they began to cover her hands.
“It wasn’t nothing, I can tell.” Jemilla offered her a small, still confused smile. “Let me guess, you have an identical mark and you’re my soulmate,” she joked, and hearing the words out loud made Zazzalil feel like she’d just been punched in the stomach.
“Um, well…” Slowly, she pulled her sleeve back up, revealing the same two circles and triangle, in the exact same place as Jemilla’s. She squeezed her eyes shut, as if that would somehow lessen the impact.
Yes, oh, indeed. What were they going to do now?
word count: 953
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