#jbj fanfic
duffslut · 12 days
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evansrogerskitten · 2 years
17 Questions, 17 People
Thank you @mrstabbymcwolfy for the tag!
Nickname: Ash
Sign: Taurus
Height 5'10"
Last thing I Googled: New Zoey Deutch movie (so far, meh.)
Song stuck in my head: All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah
Number of followers: 9,324
Amount of sleep: Usually 8 hours. Last night I took an edible and slept for 11. It was awesome.
Lucky number: 3
Dream job: Novelist/English professor. But it's too late for that. I'm expecting to be promoted at my real job in the next few weeks.
Wearing: PJ pants and Kraken sweatshirt.
Movies/books that summarize you: Under the Tuscan Sun.
Favorite song: It's My Life by Bon Jovi
Favorite instrument: Violin
Aesthetic: Summer, sunshine, bright pink/neon, lights, flowers, cats
Favorite author: For books, Jodi Picoult. Fanfic, too many to list!
Random fun fact: Hmmmm. I've seen Bon Jovi in concert 11 times and met JBJ once. I've also got a Bon Jovi tattoo.
Tagging @dean-winchesters-bacon @thebeautifullydamnedone @letsby @atc74 @idreamofplaid @focusonspn @callsignvalley @princessmisery666 @b3autyfuldisast3r @docharleythegeekqueen @hannibals-favourite-meal @rizlowwritessortof @fandom-princess-forevermore @unordinare @wildbornsiren @writercole
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sunflowerstrays · 6 years
i think i know you // kim sanggyun
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kim sanggyun x reader.
requested? yes!
words: 1.7k.
genre: fluff, soulmate au.
The worst part about your long day was catching the train. You lived a thirty minute train ride away from your workplace, and you couldn’t be catching a busier train if you tried. Most days it was jam packed with all the weird and wonderful that humanity could offer. You’d be pressed up against the door, at risk of falling out every time it stopped. If you could drive, you would, and if the walk wasn’t almost three hours long you’d rather walk through rain or snow or hail to avoid the train.
The only good thing about the train was when you got to towards the outskirts of the city. Most people would jump off of the train whilst you still had ten minutes to go, and you’d be able to give your poor legs a rest and sit down. There wasn’t much you valued more than those precious ten minutes of rest before a walk home. Just you and your music and the swaying of the rattling carriage.
Only today, there was someone in the seat you usually grabbed. His face was both unfamiliar and familiar at the same time, as if you had seen him somewhere before. You raked your memory as you took the seat opposite him, staring hard at his face. His sharp eyes and soft cheeks made you smile, reminding you almost of a puppy; his hair was messy and unkempt, and when he smiled at you your heart began racing.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer,” he says with a mocking tone that makes you blush brightly. Hiding your face behind your scarf, you continue peeking at him over the top of the scarf, determined to work out where on each you know him from. “Seriously, did I offend you or something?”
“I- sorry,” you give up finally, crossing your leg over the other before sighing. “You look like someone, but I can’t place who it is. Just, familiar.”
“Perhaps it’s my looks,” he chuckles, running a hand through his hair. “I often get mistaken for idols all the time.”
“Oh stop it, you know what I mean,” you laugh, putting the scarf down and looking at him properly. Now that you think about the feeling, knowing him is so overwhelming. You are convinced that you’ve known him before, you can feel it in every part of your body. Almost as if he was a missing limb that you still felt some times.
“For what it’s worth,” he shrugs, “I see you every day on this train and wonder the same thing. I was curious how long it would take for you to recognise me.”
“Every day?” You ask, horrified. How had he seen you on this busy train every day, and you’d never realised? Slouching forwards, the boy laughs gently and extends a hand to you.
“Sanggyun. And yeah, for the last three months,” you widen your eyes in shock, feeling horrible for never noticing him before. Perhaps if you had paid more attention rather than hiding yourself from the world on the train, you would have cracked the code on this young boy already.
“Y/n, and I’d like to formally apologise for being weird and staring at you,” you say, pushing your fingers together as you overcome with a sweat. How could you be so careless?
“I guess I also owe you an apology, I’ve stared at you for three months,” Sanggyun laughs at you, making you giggle with him. The train calls out for your stop, but you don’t want to leave; you are determined to crack the code on Sanggyun, and you doubt that you’ll do that in the next two minutes.
“Have you got a pen?” Sanggyun asks, and you reach in your bag for one. He takes your hand and writes his phone number on it. You are left feeling confused as you step off of the train and begin the walk home. Though, in all of your time catching that train home from work, this has to have been your most exciting trip.
It’s almost nine o’clock in the evening now, and you’ve been on the phone to Sanggyun for hours. You called him from your landline the second you got home and had changed into comfortable pyjamas, and after reheating your left overs from last night, you had sat by your computer and researched whatever weird symptoms you were having. Random flashbulb memories of the boy you had known for half an hour, and the ever-odd sensation that you had known him forever were beginning to drive you mad.
Of course, you hadn’t mentioned this to Sanggyun on the phone. Instead, you told him about yourself, your job, why you got the tedious train into the city every day and had done for three months. He listens to you explain yourself for what feels like hours, before questioning you further with questions that seem odd to you.
They aren’t odd in the sense that he makes you feel uncomfortable, or they are really out of the ordinary questions. However, they are odd because he is asking you questions that are purposefully getting you to explain yourself in more depth - almost as if he was desperately trying to work you out, like you were him.
When he gave up with questioning you, you made him talk about himself in depth. He was currently floating between jobs, working hard on trying to find a music producer to help him write music properly. It had been his dream forever, but had never found the right producer to help him.
Everything he was telling you you were making a note in a separate document on your computer. You were doing anything to figure out who he was, because it was beginning to drive you mad. It had been hours and you had eaten your way through endless amounts of leftovers, yet you were no closer. A few forums of people that had experienced the same sensation as you, but they had never figured out that feeling. They usually just ended up spending so much time with that person to work out who they were that they ended up marrying each other, and at this point your brain was burning with the thought that one day, you’d marry Sanggyun due to fate.
“Have you ever heard of soulmates?” Sanggyun asks suddenly, which makes you pause with your furious typing. “Hello? Y/n?”
“That’s what I thought I said,” he says jokingly, sounding nervous now that he had thrown the question into the air, “in fact, ignore me.”
But you are already busy hammering away on your keyboard, typing in soulmates. You can’t believe the prospect hadn’t even crossed your mind yet. You’d read countless books about soulmates in the past, and always found the idea fascinating, but anyone that you had spoken about them had brushed you off and told you to be realistic, not idealistic.
However all of the results and forums resulting from your search explain exactly what you were feeling. That feeling like you’ve known someone forever, had a burning passion for them, but can’t remember who they are and have no physical recollection of where you’ve met them. It’s almost as if your sudden relationship with Sanggyun was written out on a page before you.
“Soulmates,” you mutter back to the boy on the phone, who just dismisses your comment with a mumble of his own.
“It was me being stupid-”
“It makes so much sense!” You exclaim, finally letting your arms drop to your sides. “Sanggyun, you have got to be the smartest person ever!”
“You feel it as well?” He asks quietly, as if he isn’t sure how to approach the question. Nodding, you explain that feeling in your chest that you’ve had ever since you’ve laid eyes on him.
“It has been… like that, for me, for months,” Sanggyun finally confesses, sounding exasperated as he replies. “I didn’t know how to talk to you. I figured that eventually you’d spot me and there would be some blinding moment of love in the middle of the street.”
“I guess there was,” you giggle, feeling giddy with joy now, “only it was on the phone a few hours after meeting.”
Sanggyun was waiting for you in your seat just when you expected him to. In his hand was a small journal, and on his face the brightest smile you would ever see. He lifted his bag from the seat beside him, letting you take its place, and just placed the journal in your lap.
“What is this?”
“The Journal of You,” he shrugs, “all the little things that I’ve remembered about you for a while now. I was determined to crack the code one day, but I guess we did so together,” the faint blush on his cheeks makes you smile as you rest against him, feeling at peace all at once. Flicking through the notebook slowly, you read all of the awful scribbles about you.
“For someone as cute and intelligent as yourself,” you confess, making him freeze, “you do have awful handwriting.”
He bursts into laughter, making a few of the people on the train look up at the pair of you. They all smile as they see you both looking at each other with, not love, but complete adoration in your eyes. Never have you ever looked at someone in this way before; and honestly, you don’t think you will ever again.
It’s the oddest feeling, knowing that you’ve found your soulmate. Or rather, not your soulmate, but one from a past life maybe, where times were easier and you had met and fallen in love with Sanggyun under completely different circumstances. The thought makes you smile as the pair of you sway gently with the motion of the train, lost in each other’s thoughts and a blissful happiness.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Kim Donghan Mafia AU
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you smirked, glancing over at the shadowed figure next to you before shooting, the bullet perfectly hitting your target
“what’s that count, kim? 23-20?”
“oh, shut up,” kim donghan, your friend/enemy/rival/extremely hot person, growled back, bending down to take aim himself
of course, his shot landed, his target jerking back with a cry
“could you two stop fighting each other and actually do your jobs?” daniel hissed, glaring over at the two of you
you and donghan traded looks and immediately launched yourselves into the fray, shooting wildly as the fight broke out
you and donghan have been competing since you can remember
both of you had grown up in the 101, and so you had extremely high skill sets
and so somehow out of that, your rivalry grew?
back in reality, you were slammed against the brick wall of the alley, gasping out in pain
“can you be more aware of your surroundings?”
donghan yanked the person off of you, shooting them in the foot
“thanks,” you called over to him, before reloading your own gun
soon, the three of you were out on the main street, and threw yourselves into the waiting car
as sungwoon, the driver, checked to make sure daniel had the briefcase that you’d been after, you glanced over at donghan, who was breathing heavily
“you okay?”
donghan returned the look, a cocky smirk on his lips, “i think i won that one. 24-23.”
you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your lips, “i concede.”
daniel groaned, turning in his seat to face the two of you
“you know, if the two of you stopped competing all the time and actually worked together, maybe you’d be more effective.”
“aw, but what’s the fun in that?” you smirked over at donghan, who returned the expression, “besides, donghan sucks so much, i doubt that we’d work better as a team.”
“oh shut the hell up, dumbass,” donghan groaned, rolling his eyes, “we both know i’m way better than you are.”
daniel just kind of smirked as the two of you began bickering and turned back to face forward
well, apparently, karma’s a bitch, because a few days later daniel pulled you and donghan into his office
“our sights are set on the black jewel,” daniel explained, “and the two of you will be working together to acquire it.”
“i’m not doing this,” donghan said firmly before you were even able to get a word out, “daniel, you’ve seen us! there’s no way we can work together.”
daniel shrugged, obviously uncaring
“you can, and you will. here’s the file with your briefing.”
as donghan continued to splutter, you grabbed the file and left daniel’s office to go to your own room
donghan followed a few seconds later, slamming the door behind him as he plopped down next to you
“this is bullshit,” donghan fumed, watching as you flipped through the file, “how are you not more upset?”
“kim donghan, i’m not enjoying this any more than you are,” you snapped, looking up at the other in frustration, “but complaining about the situation isn’t gonna make it go away, so suck it up and help  me read all of this.”
donghan quieted, grabbing some of the papers that were laid out on your desk
slowly, the two of you began prepping for the job
first, the two of you memorized any high-profile people who would be attending the event where the black jewel would be showcased
then, the two of you memorize layouts, exit points, and different scenarios with combinations of possible outcomes
preparations took about four days in total
and while you definitely weren’t buddy-buddy, the two of you were getting along much better than before
“mission’s tomorrow, think we’re ready?” 
donghan was sprawled out on the couch in your office, doing one last read-through of the file
“yeah, i do,” you replied honestly, “what time does daniel want us to arrive?”
“gala starts at 8, we’re supposed to be ready by 7:30,” donghan replied
soon, the next day arrived, and you were ushered by daniel into one of the back rooms
a few of the girls who did makeup for the 101′s dancers came into the room and handed you an outfit that you were almost embarrassed to wear, given how bold and tight it was
next they worked on your makeup, letting you review the case file as they applied foundation, concealer and eyeliner
“nervous?” one of the girls, chungha, asked as she gently styled your hair
“a little,” you confessed, sighing, “this is a really big job, and donghan and i have never worked together.”
“well, you’ll certainly catch a lot of looks,” another one of the girls giggled as they finished up
you barely had time to glance at yourself in the mirror before you had to go out into the main lobby where daniel and donghan were waiting
you raised an eyebrow at how handsome donghan looked, wearing a crisp suit with his blond hair slicked up
“you clean up nice,” you muttered as you followed daniel out to the car that was waiting for you
“same to you,” donghan looked down at you, eyes traveling down and then back up as he took in your outfit
the two of you got into the car and daniel got into the passenger seat, sungwoon driving the car as usual
the gala was taking place at one of the nice museums at the center of town, and it took you about 20 minutes to drive there
about 15 minutes into the car ride, daniel turned around
“i forgot one important piece of information,” daniel smirked at the two of you, “the two of you will be masquerading as a couple.”
“the fuck?” you gaped at daniel, fury rising in your system, “how the hell is this something that you forgot?”
daniel just grinned, shrugging his shoulders, “the hosts know you two to be a couple, so i’d suggest playing along if you want to succeed.”
you traded an angry look with donghan, who just sighed as the car pulled up to the museum, a few other attendees milling around in expensive clothing
the two of you got into the event easily, donghan’s arm wrapped awkwardly around your waist
“you’re too stiff,” you hissed as the two of you entered the main ballroom
“oh, how would you suggest, then?” donghan shot back, whispering furiously into your ear
you rolled your eyes, grabbing his hand to adjust it more comfortably on your waist
you felt a slight shiver run up your spine as donghan’s grip on your waist got a bit tighter, the two of you picking up champagne glasses
“i see the undercover security,” you whispered in donghan’s ear, lips only a few millimeters away from him so that no one would over hear, “three to our side, one behind us.”
donghan nodded, steering the two of you towards the edge of the room so that you could observe
“the unveiling of the jewel is at 9,” donghan reminded you, “and the lights and cameras are programmed to go out directly at 9:01, so you’ll have to work quickly.”
you just rolled your eyes again, your fingers digging into donghan’s thigh sharply, “you think i don’t remember that, punk?”
donghan smirked at you, pulling you a little closer so that he could whisper in your ear, “just a reminder, no need to get worked up.”
you scooted way from the taller man, feeling your cheeks flush slightly at the innuendo
the two of you stayed on the sidelines, observing everything that was happening and taking careful mental notes
“excuse me?”
you looked up, surprised that anyone was talking to the two antisocial people sitting at the back of the room
“i was just wondering if maybe you wanted to dance,” the tall man standing in front of you smiled charmingly, revealing a gorgeous smile and cute dimples as he held out his hand for you to take
“they’re fine here,” donghan gritted out, and you almost punched him when you felt him place a hand on your knee
“well, i think the beauty can speak for themself,” the man replied smoothly, raising an eyebrow at you
and donghan’s hand was now resting mid-thigh and what in the hell was happening?
you were almost tempted to accept the offer just to see what donghan would do, but you knew that you were here for a very specific purpose
“thank you, but i’ll have to decline,” you said calmly, “i’m afraid these shoes don’t fit very well.”
“understandable,” the man smiled, “well, i wish a wonderful night to the both of you.”
“what the hell was that?” you hissed as soon as he was out of listening range, turning to face your idiotic partner
donghan just shrugged, “i didn’t like how he was looking at you.”
you sighed, shaking your head, “yeah, well, next time, i think i can speak for myself.”
the two of you sat there a little while longer, the clock coming closer and closer to 9:00
when the clock hit 8:55, the two of you stood up in sync, and you felt a sudden coldness on your thigh
it was then that you realized donghan’s hand had been on your thigh the entire time????
however, you didn’t have much time to think about this, as everyone began gathering around the pedestal that housed the black jewel, covered in a piece of white cloth
as the curator of the museum gave a speech, you and donghan wove your way through the crowd, getting closer and closer to the podium
“so ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present... the black jewel!”
right as the white cloth lifted, all the lights in the museum blacked out, followed by the sound of donghan shattering the glass case around the jewel
you felt donghan press the jewel into your hand, and the two of you hurried to make your way through the panicking crowd towards the back garden that you’d make your escape through
the crowds were now resembling a panicked mob, and you were incredibly grateful that you’d memorized the floor layout
“almost there,” you felt donghan’s lips brush against your ear, and tried to ignore the tingle in your stomach
you could die any second, now wasnt the time for sexual attraction, goddamnit
the cold air of the night hit you like a million bricks as you ran out onto the patio, yanking off your shoes so that you could run next to donghan through the wet, dewy garden
“hey you, freeze!” you froze at the sound of a security guard, eyes meeting donghan’s panicked ones. “why are you out here in the gardens?”
in the spur of the moment, you did the first thing that came to mind-- your hand shot out to grab donghan’s necktie and you pulled him towards you, crashing your lips against his
initially donghan stiffened, but then he relaxed, lips moving with the kiss as he wrapped an arm around your waist, the other coming up to cradle your head
you gasped as he bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes as the kiss deepened
“it’s just a couple kissing, eric,” you heard another security guard growl, “get your fucking act together.”
the two of you parted when you heard the security guards, the air still around you as the two of you stared at each other, breath heavy
“holy shit,” donghan muttered before pulling you towards him to kiss you again, hands gripping your waist tightly
“donghan, (y/n), you can literally make out any other time of the day,” daniel shouted into your in-ear, “maybe don’t do it right as you’re finishing a mission?”
donghan pulled away from you and the two of you traded looks and started running towards the waiting car, bursting out into laughter
as the two of you ran down the grassy hill, wet blades of grass hitting your bare feet and chilly air whipping your hair around, you reached over to intertwine your fingers with donghan’s, the multi-million dollar jewel clutched in your other hand
and that was how the legendary heist couple was born
yeah eric get your fucking act together
(this is not a personal attack on anyone named eric haha)
tysm to @ohkaypopthis for the story idea (this is something you sent in literally ages ago and i’m just now using it... wowwwww im so sorry but youre an angel)
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justbelustful · 7 years
just a misunderstanding
character: kim donghan // jbj
writer: admin love
genre: smut
summary: you unintentionally make donghan jealous, and then it becomes less accidental. however, donghan has a punishment in mind for you.
warnings: jealous!donghan, dom!donghan, rough sex
word count: 1.7k
a/n: i’m a little out of practice for writing smut, i’m sorry! i love donghan and hopefully i did him justice.
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you hadn’t seen donghan in six months. first produce 101 took your boyfriend away and then not long after that he was occupied by jbj. of course you were happy for him, you had never seen him so happy, but you missed him. 
 while he was gone you started to hang out with an old guy friend from high school. he had texted you asking if you wanted to catch up and you agreed because you had nothing better to do with your time. 
 you went out for coffee a couple times and then it became a regular routine. you would hang out often and people on the streets would often mistake you for a couple. 
 you were in the middle of getting lunch together when you got a text from donghan. 
babe? where you at? i’m home 
i’m out with a friend, i’ll be home shortly 
 come home soon! i miss my princess 
 you blushed at the pet name. it had been so long since he called you that. “sorry that was my boyfriend texting. can you take me home?” 
 “yeah yeah of course,” 
  you hadn’t even gotten your keys in the doorknob before donghan opened the door himself and pulled you into his embrace. “i missed you” he whispered, inhaling your shampoo. 
 “i missed you too, sorry if i took too long,” you whispered back before letting your purse hit the ground. 
 “movie night?” he asked. 
 “of course,” 
  “so how’s b/f/n?” donghan asked, draping his arm over your shoulder.
 “good i think, i haven’t been hanging out with her much” you replied leaning into his warmth. 
 “i thought you were out with someone?”
 “i was,” you hit his chest, “what? you think i don’t have any other friends?”
 “that’s not it. i just haven’t met anyone else. so, who’s the lucky gal who stole my girlfriend?” 
 “oh it’s mason, we went to school together and we’ve been catching up,”
 “oh” donghan said before turning his attention towards the tv.
 nearing the end of the movie donghan pulled his phone out of his pocket. “i’m sorry babe, apparently we have an emergency practice, i gotta go.” he said pecking your cheeks and grabbing his jacket.
 “it’s okay, i’ll find some way to keep myself entertained.”
 “thanks for understanding, i’ll try and be back early tonight so we can cuddle. i love you!” 
 “i love you too,”
 you pulled out your phone, “hey mason, donghan just had to leave for a schedule, want to go get dinner?” 
 “sure, i’ll pick you up in fifteen,” 
 you fixed your makeup and hair a little so you looked suitable in public. you were cold with the absence of donghan’s warmth, so you found one of his smaller hoodies and put it on, smiling every time you breathed in his scent. 
you heard mason pull up and you took your place in the passenger seat, blasting jbj in mason’s ears. 
 “thanks for hanging out with me so much, i’ve been kinda lonely without donghan,”
 “no problem,” 
 the night went on and you continued to crack jokes when mason tapped your shoulder and pointed behind you. you glanced over your shoulder and saw a guy around your age who was leaning against the wall making obvious stares at mason. “ooh,” you cooed at your red eared friend. “go get him tiger.” 
 “are you sure?”
 “yeah i’ll find someone to pick me up,”
 “thanks y/n” 
where do you keep disappearing too? are you with mason? 
 sorry i got bored.. i’m at the bar a few blocks from our house, come get me?
 why can’t mason bring you?
 he’s kinda busy.. please baby?
 you could feel the jealousy in his texts. you smiled to yourself staring at the couple picture as your lock screen. “why would i ever leave you?”
 “princess,” you glanced up to see donghan with his window rolled down. “let’s go” you got in and pecked donghan on the lips.
 “how was dinner?” 
 you thought back to his jealousy earlier and thought of a plan. “it was fun! mason’s really funny and he’s been keeping me company when i got lonely!”  
he cocked a brow, “oh?” 
 “yeah, he’s a great guy!” 
 “that’s nice princess. i’m tired from practice so we can save this for tomorrow?”
 “okay daddy, whatever you say” you saw him visibly tense at the name that you rarely called him.
 “babygirl..” his hand rested now on your thigh with the other on the wheel, “i’m already frustrated enough, don’t bring something on yourself you can’t handle,” his hand gave you thigh a slight squeeze, ghosting his fingers over your heat at almost every stop sign, adding some pressure every now and then to make you squirm. he pulled in the driveway and retracted his hand before getting out of the car. you pouted, you were so close to getting the attention you didn’t know you needed. you went inside and changed into some pajamas, laid on your bed and texted mason.
 “how’s your mysterious lover boy?” 
his name is elijah and he’s great, i’ll introduce you sometime. don’t steal my man tho 
you giggled, “i don’t think that’ll be a problem. you’re a great man”
 “who are you texting” donghan called. 
 god damn you missed this view. 
 his brown hair was wet and pushed off his forehead, dressed in nothing but gray sweats, he plopped next to you on the bed.
 “i know i look great princess but please answer the question,”
 “mason, he-“ donghan took the phone out of your hand and set it on the table beside him. “how hard is it to get your attention, because for mason it seems pretty easy.” 
 “i texted him first, you kinda left me hanging there in the car,”
 “so you text another guy? real clsssy y/n,” he sighed turning away. 
“donghan seriously? i love you,” 
 “prove it,” he snapped turning towards you, his eyes darker than they were a few moments before. “but like i said in the car, don’t start something you can’t finish” 
 you leaned in connecting your lips. it took almost no time for donghan to respond, pulling you into his lap and holding you close. he pulled away and latched his lips to your neck, quickly finding your sweet spot, causing you to let out a moan. his hands rested on your waist, moving you against his thigh, before ordering you move by yourself. his hands found the buttons on your blouse and started to unbutton it, marking the new exposed area. “d-donghan” you moaned, the pleasure from his thigh bringing you to your edge. 
 “i hate to break it to you baby girl but i think ive become more attached to ‘daddy’” he said against your breasts that he had begun to abuse, “plus i don’t think you deserve to cum yet,” he growled, pulling you off of him and laying you against the bed. he began to massage your breasts, whines leaving your mouth as he did so. 
“i was so close” “i told you not to start something you couldn’t handle.” he smirked, “too late to back out now” he leaned back in to revisit your neck as his fingers found your waist band. he pulled off your shorts and panties, leaving you completely exposed to him. he made his way down to your heat, nipping at the sensitive skin every once in a while. his lips wasted no time kissing your inner thighs, taking the skin between his teeth every so often.
 “please just hurry up,” “princess is impatient tonight. what do we say y/n?” you sighed, the teasing becoming too much, “daddy please just hurry up” “good girl,” he practically pitted against your heat causing you to jump. he took your clit into his mouth and began sucking mercilessly, causing you to start moving and moaning loudly. his hands spread your legs, giving him more access to your heat. he gave kitten licks to the rest of your folds before taking your strip back between his lips, grazing it with his teeth. 
 “i’m so close, please donghan” you said with your hands in his hair, pulling him as close as you could. he pulled away, his fingers entering you instead, pumping slowly. 
“i think you messed up again princess,” 
 “fuck” you muttered, trying to grind against his hand. 
 “i don’t think so,” he said, removing his fingers. his hand made its way to his crotch. “god damn it, look what you did. guess i’m done with my fun, i need you baby girl,” he stripped himself of his sweats and underwear, lining himself up at your entrance. without warning his slammed himself in, getting a loud reaction from you. 
he began moving his hips fluidly, as if it was a routine he’s been practicing for and is finally showcasing. normally donghan would keep asking if you were okay because he’s like twice your size and doesn’t want to hurt you, but it wasn’t like that today. his hips bucked against yours at a great speed, focused more on his own pleasure than your own. you came first, screaming as your high was finally allowed. what you didn’t account for was that donghan might take a bit longer than you, his speed not slowly even at your cries for him to stop. 
you squirmed against his member, clawing at his back as the feeling was overwhelming. you felt the familiar feeling coil in your stomach for what felt like the millionth time tonight, when donghan pulled out, and collapsed out of energy.  
“i-“ you breathed out, finally given time to relax, “did you even mean to do it that time?” “well of course, i got what i wanted.” he grinned, pulling your body against yours, draping the both of you with your sheet. he fell asleep not long after and you turned to look at his godly visuals. you thought to yourself, “i love you loser, and only you.” you sighed, “now how am i supposed to break it to you that mason is gay?” 
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jbjau · 7 years
Character: JBJ
Story: Friendship!au
Category: unfinished, short part
Words: 432
Summary: Taedong didn’t know what is more to come because apparently there was four more other crazy guy who yet joined the table
Taedong managed to pass through classes, he hated being a new kid it’s so awkward and he got no friends to talk to.
Taedong sit alone at the canteen. He’s observing the people around while eating. Some group of people just came in and the canteen went noisy. Girls’ voices were heard here and there. Taedong looked at the people who walked in, they were walking in groups. They were seemed pretty short but then there’s this two tall people walk with them and a guy with big shoulder walked behind the two towers. The two of them look good looking though; the other was average for Taedong.
“Blink, asshole, don’t look too long,” Taedong blinked in surprised when suddenly a face appeared in front of his face. Some random guy sit in front of him blocking all his view with his fierce face.
“What the fu-“
“Oh! Language!” The guy pointed a finger on him widen his eyes and taedong got even more surprised. “I'll tell the teacher you cursed!” he shouted again.
Taedong gave him a look and the guy dropped his hand and leaned forward and squinted his eyes giving a suspicion look at Taedong.
“Ok, who are you?” Taedong spoke clearly feeling annoyed.
“Minhyun’s boyfriend,”
“Who’s Minhyun,”
“Does it matter,”
Taedong gave him another look.
“Don’t look at my boyfie like that I hate it,”
“He’s your boyfriend?”
“Don’t point at him!!” the guy slapped his hand from pointing the two guys earlier.
Taedong got confused. Before he could react another guy came up to the table and sit down beside the first guy. This guy have his sleepy face on he looked like he hadn’t sleep for years. He started to eat his food without saying anything leaving Taedong and the first guy looked at him weirdly.
“What?” he asked after realizing he’s being watched at.
“Nothing,” Taedong said. “Is this your friend because he’s harassing me, can you take him somewhere else?”
The first guy turned to him about to go mad at Taedong before the sleepy guy spoke,
“He’s nobody’s friend because he’s a loner and if he’s telling you someone is his boyfriend it’s him being delusional, you can just ignore him,”
The fierce looking guy glared at the sleepy guy and light punched him on the head.
“Well I might be delusional at least I’m normal for falling for a human not a cat,”
Taedong regretted his life choices, he didn’t choose to watch the bickering he wish he wasn’t there. He didn’t know what more about to come because apparently there was four more other crazy guy who yet joined the table.
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enecity · 3 years
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— hora de dormir. ♡ (abra para melhor qualidade)
• capa para @/haechael
• em caso de inspiração, retribua com os créditos.
• 03/04/21
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xibalbaki-shinee · 5 years
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. . Pareja: JongKey [Jonghyun + Key] Secundarios: Taehyun, Kenta, Sanggyun, Longguo, HyunBin,DongHan Género: Fantasía/Suspense/Terror Tipo: Long fic Fandom: SHINee /JBJ Año: 2019
Resumen: Jonghyun y Key son los nuevos y jóvenes reyes de los vampiros. Sus infancias han sido muy diferentes pero su único objetivo era unirse. Ahora que están casados, Key muestra tener mucha más fuerza de mando que Jong, quien es demasiado dulce y bondadoso como para castigar a nadie. Ambos se complementan de forma perfecta hasta el día en el que una sombra amenaza con separarlos para siempre. Seis extraños aparecen un día en los jardines del palacio,sorprendiendo al joven Jonghyun que dibujaba las flores en un rincón apartado, y dicen que vienen para cumplir la misión de Dios. . .
🍑Wrixy ---> http://wrixy.com/front/chapter/24355?dontJump=true
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leb-787 · 4 years
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Fanfic cover “Entre Podcasts e Vídeos de uma Hora”, personal.
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jbjsflower · 5 years
Okay so I found a 100 prompt list and I'm gonna leave it here. Y'know how it works, you send me a prompt (or multiple ones) + an idol and I'll write whatever situation comes to mind (you can specify if you want fluff, angst or whatever). Let's do this!
1. “Do you want me to leave?”
2. “I swear it won’t happen again.”
3. “I’m not jealous.”
4. “You can’t keep doing this.”
5. “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”
6. “You can’t die. Please don’t die.”
7. “You did what?!”
8. “Were you ever going to tell me?”
9. “Don’t ask me that.”
10. “I might have had a few shots.”
11. “What’s with the box?”
12. “Say it!”
13. “I could kiss you right now!”
14. “Are you done with that?”
15. “Are you still awake…?”
16. “Excuse you?”
17. “This is all your fault!”
18. “I shouldn’t be in love with you.”
19. “I could kill you right now!”
20. “Just admit I’m right.”
21. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
22. “That’s irrational.”
23. “Just pretend to be my date.”
24. “Are you really going to leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
25. “When you love someone, you don’t just stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!”
26. “I think I’ve been holding myself from falling in love with you all over again.”
27. “I’m not going to apologise for this. Not anymore.”
28. “That’s almost exactly the opposite of what I meant.”
29. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.”
30. “Can I sit here? The other tables are full.”
31. “You weren’t supposed to laugh!”
32. “This is, by far, the dumbest thing you’ve ever done.”
33. “I’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention.”
34. “These stars are nothing compared to the ones I’ve seen in your eyes.”
35. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.”
36. “Did I say that out loud?”
37. “Do you think they could have loved me?”
38. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.”
39. “How long have you been standing there?”
40. “Have I ever lied to you?”
41. “Have you lost your fucking mind?”
42. “His ego is so visible; I can almost watch it grow.”
43. “I am not losing you again!”
44. “I don’t know why I’m crying.”
45. “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
46. “I just need to be alone right now.”
47. “When I picture myself happy… It’s with you.”
48. “I made a mistake.”
49. “I may be an idiot, but I’m your idiot.”
50. “I need you to forgive me.”
51. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
52. “I think I’m in love with you and that scares me half to death.”
53. “I’m flirting with you.”
54. “I’m not good enough for you.”
55. “I fell in love with my best friend.”
56. “I’m sorry, what? I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
57. “I’m up to the challenge.”
58. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life. Ever since the day I first met you.”
59. “I’m yours.”
60. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.”
61. “If you go anywhere near them, you’ll have to deal with me!”
62. “It’s okay to cry…”
63. “What do you mean? It’s exciting!”
64. “Talk to me.”
65. “Look at me—just breathe, okay?”
66. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.”
67. “Oh my god! You’re in love with them!”
68. “Well, this is where I live.”
69. “We finish it the same way we started—together.”
70. “What are you afraid of?”
71. “You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me.”
72. “You deserve so much better.”
73. “You don’t have to stay.”
74. “You don’t know you the way I do.”
75. “You fainted, straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention, you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
76. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.”
77. “You shouldn’t have even been there!”
78. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.”
79. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
80. “Teach me?”
81. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you want to stop and feel the rain?”
82. “Looks like we’ll be stuck here for a while.”
83. “Just once.”
84. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
85. “It’s not what it looks like.”
86. “I got you a present.”
87. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!”
88. “See, now, what that so bad?”.”
89. “You’re the best part of me.”
90. “I don’t want to think about what I’d be like without you.”
91. “Can I hold your hand?”
92. “Let’s move in together.”
93. “It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion.”
94. “What time is it?”
95. “Just wait a second.”
96. “Here, let me.”
97. “You’re so cute when you pout like that.”
98. “Hold me back!’
99. “I don’t care what they said, it doesn’t mean shit!”
100. “I adore you.”
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tracing-letters · 5 years
Word count: 514
Warnings: None
Summary: Cuddly stuff
You’d been waiting for him to show up for, well since he left for practice. It was almost 2:00 A.M. now and you would have been more worried if he hadn’t called you earlier to let you know what plans came up for his group. You stayed up, scrolling through various social media throughout the night, dropping your phone now and again. You finally heard the door.
You scrambled to get off the bed and tiredly walked to the main room. Kwon Hyunbin was already sat in one of the two black reclining chairs that occupied the room. He was wearing his glasses, holding his phone in one hand and scrolling with the other. His new sweater looked quite soft and you wondered if he started buying bigger ones because of the habit you’d picked up. It was really late so why wasn’t he coming to bed yet? You pulled the bottom of his beige-colored sweater up, just enough to climb into it with him and he moved his arm out of the way so you could. That arm was now inside the the sweater as well, and the feeling of his fingers on your hip seemed to wake you right up. Hyunbin chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” You asked him, sinking yourself lower to lean your head on his shoulder. His hand readjusted. “Nothing.” He continued scrolling with his thumb. “How was your day?” You asked. “Very productive. Fun…” He wanted to say exhausting, but he knew you’d worry easily about that. Instead, he asked if you wanted to hear some of the new lyrics they’d been working on and then read to you as you soaked in his deep voice. You started dozing off again and really, you didn’t know if he was speaking English or not. This would’ve made you feel bad if being in his arms like this didn’t make you feel so good. So vulnerable yet safe. It was beautiful, what one touch, one sound, one glance at him could do to you and you accepted every bit of it.
He’d stopped reading and looked down at you. “What do you think?” He asked. You looked at him with innocent eyes and smiled. “It was beautiful” you told him, and it really was, whether you understood it or not. Hyunbin smiled too and kissed your forehead. You tried to get off of him so the two of you could get to bed, but he pulled your legs back up and handed his phone to you. He stood up with you in his arms and carried you into the room, where you both fell clumsily onto the bed, still tangled in the sweater, which he left on you to turn off the light. It was a really soft sweater. You breathed in the new scent of it, along with his scent that you were so used to.
You wondered how you ever got the chance to even know such a considerate man, wrapping your arms around him, upon his return. You didn’t ever want to let him go.
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dexfsoul · 5 years
Welcome to my blog!
Hi, I'm dexfsoul, and my life, is prettyyy crazy.
I'm dexfsoul and this is my writing blog. I write x male reader and boy x boy ships but absolutely NO smut since I'm a minor. You can request ships and idols but I can't promise I'll do well with writing it, especially if I don't know the artist.
Here's a few groups and idols I do stan:
Stray Kids
Monsta X
NCT (all units)
The Rose
The Boyz
Wanna One
Hopefully I'll have my first drabble posted soon!
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pohpmicroblog · 7 years
Fantasy #aFanfic
I was awake at midnight because I had, what I asumed was, the best idea I have ever thought of. I was on JBJ Amino browsing through the fanfic category and I noticed that there were mostly polls, but no actual fics. Maybe they were somewhere down below, but I did not go any further. Instead I managed to get an idea from going through all of the polls. Write a JBJ fanfic! Sounds marvelous, doesn’t…
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
I Love You?
Hyunbin + jealous
The stillness of your apartment made you toss and turn. It was nearly midnight, and you still hadn’t fallen asleep as you tossed and turned under your covers. Finally giving up, you leaned over to turn on your phone, checking the notifications.
Laying back in bed, you started scrolling through your instagram feed, liking and commenting on various posts. Before long, you had scrolled past a picture of your boyfriend, but something caught your eye that made you scroll back up. Hyunbin was posing on the red carpet, his arm uncomfortably wrapped close around another tall model’s waist. You bit your lip worriedly, zooming in on the model’s perfect features.
No, you thought to yourself, exiting out of the app. It wasn’t worth it to get jealous over something that small, especially given that it was the red carpet-- in front of all those cameras, you knew that Hyunbin had to be polite. You sighed again, tipping your head back before quickly dialing Hyunbin, cringing at how clingy you were.
“Hello? (y/n)? Everything ok?”
You smiled at the sound of Hyunbin’s worried voice against the backdrop of what sounded like loud music.
“Yeah, just wanted to see how you were doing,” you explained, playing with a few threads poking out of your blanket absentmindedly.
“Yeah, it’s been fun,” Hyunbin said cheerfully. On the other end, you heard someone call Hyunbin’s name. “Hey, babe, I gotta go, you sure you’re alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you replied, smiling even though you knew he couldn’t see you, “love you, babe.” The call ended before Hyunbin had a chance to respond.
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sunflowerstrays · 5 years
hi not to promote myself but my requests are open again! my exams finish in one week (yay!) so I will be free from education for a whole 4 months. please feel free to request :) rules for requesting! request here! master list (if you wanted to check out my other things before requesting!)
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jbjau · 7 years
Jealous Dummy
Character: Taedong, Donghan, Kenta, Taehyun, Yongguk, Hyunbin, Sanggyun Story: Friendship!au Category: one shot Words: 716 words Summary: "Kenta is not Donghan's favorit member, you are,"
“The point is,” Taedong said looking at the youngest after a long comment for how he hates Donghan being a clingy fuck. “It’s annoying so stop doing that,”
The youngest looked at him with disappointment on both eyes. He looked so hurt but nothing escaped his mouth.
Kenta decided to be very dumb and careless by muttered his thought aloud. “He did nothing though?” Taedong shut him up with his glare.
The tension was there for a mere second before Hyunbin clapped and broke the stare. “That’s amazing, I love drama, can’t wait for the next episode, stay tune till next week,”
“Aw that's sucks,” Sanggyun mouthed aloud as he put down his drink to the table loudly. “Can we just see the continual story without waiting for a week?”
Hyunbin and Sanggyun laughed maniacally after that, ignoring the fact that the tension is still there.
Donghan gritted his mouth before finally speaking, “Yeah? Guess what I hate you too,” he stood up, pushed Taedong out of the way and leave the place. Taedong scoffed while Hyunbin and Sanggyun watched dramatically shouting an 'oooohhhh' sound.
Taehyun sighed at the side. “Kenta go get him,” he said and the said person immediately stood up and ran over to where Donghan went.
“Hyung just let him be, he’s a brat,” Taedong said.
Taehyun threw his empty can to Taedong's head. “You’re a brat too asshole, what is wrong with you,”
“I was joking! His sensitive ass just couldn't take my joke,”
“That’s because you’re his favorite, stupid,” Yongguk who has been staying calm said but still look uninterested.
Taedong laughed again. “No, his favorite is Kenta,”
Hyunbin suddenly slam Sanggyun’s chair and open his arm to Sanggyun wiggling his eyebrows. “I won,”
Sanggyun rolled his eyes in defeat and grab the money from his pocket and give an amount of money to him. He looked at Taedong and the rest as they looked at the both of them in weird expression. “Well bitch we’re having a bet and this asshole over here bet you’d be jealous over Kenta,”
Taedong's fist about to fly at him when Sanggyun immediately screamed in fear, “I WAS ON YOUR SIDE,”
Yongguk laughed. “You’re jealous?”
“What the fuck, no,” Taedong said and he punched Hyunbin who is laughing maniacally beside Sanggyun. “Shut up I’m not,”
“That explain why you’re being a super asshole today,” Yongguk continued. He turned to Taehyun. “Bring Kenta back and send someone else for the mission or this problem won’t be solved forever,”
Taehyun looked at him and nodded seriously. “Ok I send you for the job,”
Yongguk immediately slammed his face down the table and covered it with his both arm. Then he made this super fake snoring sound and Taehyun rolled his eyes.
“Kenta is not Donghan’s favorite member, you are,” Taehyun said. “He talked a lot about you to Kenta when youre not around,”
Sanggyun nodded meaningfully while Hyunbin did the same with head on his shoulder but with zero interest.
“It’s not like I’m not around forever,” Taedong sulked as he put both feet on Donghan’s empty seat.
“He’s at that age alright,” Taehyun stated.
"He could call me or something!"
"Then why didn't you do it?" Taehyun's word shut Taedong up.
Yongguk suddenly stood up and all eyes on him. “Ok I’m leaving I promised to meet Shihyun in an hour,”
“I’m going with you,” Hyunbin stood up too and Sanggyun immediately pulled him back down. Taehyun shook his head in disbelief when Sanggyun started to explain with weird words when Hyunbin about to protest.
“Tell Shihyun we say hi,” Taehyun said.
Yongguk smiled cat-way to him before he turned to Taedong. “Apologize,”
Taedong rolled his eyes. “To Kenta or to Donghan?”
“To me,” Sanggyun said and this time Hyunbin shut him up with both hands and they started to playfully fighting with each other. Yongguk ignored everyone and left. Taehyun has had enough.
He took his phone and dial a number. “Hello? Kenta? Did you find him? Cool, take care of him till the responsible person get to him, I’m dismissing everyone, ok bye,”  he hang up the call.
Taedong furrowed his eyebrow. “What’s that supposed to mean”
“That means, you go to him and make up while I send this dummies back to the dorm,”
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