#jealous sibling boba time
notthestarwar · 10 months
Thinking about an au where Omega still gets made but for whatever reason isn't born and just stays in stasis. So Boba has a twin that's kind of frozen in time though he's got no idea
And then when Geonosis happens, Arla winds up finding Boba and takes him in and since she's rasing Boba she figures she better try and get her other few million nephews back. But obviously they belong to the republic so it's this long protracted legal battle with her trying to gather evidence to build her case and as she does so, life carries on she's picking up bounties, raising Boba. And then, she comes across information that indicates Boba isn't the only non altered clone and comes across evidence that omega exists. And she manages to argue the case for taking her at least, pretty easily thanks to the terms of Jango's contract and the fact he only agreed to sell altered clones to the republic
So then it's just arla, Boba, and a baby and arlas still trying to fight for custody of the clones
And bobas pretty jealous of omega cause it was just him and arla but now the baby needs all the attention and everyone always mentions how much the baby looks like arla but nobody says that about him
Anyway eventually she finds evidence of the chips and brings palpatines plans crashing down around him
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carolina-star · 1 year
Sw Modern AU The Fett Family 1999 edit
Jango's children (whit Jango)
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Jango have so many children.
So Alpha is the oldest one and he used to the help Jango with the little ones (and the house), until Cody comes. And he started to help too. Then Alpha left the house and Cody was the one in charge of the little siblings (and the house). He's still in charge. Is the curse of the good kids.
Jango likes big families. Jango's favorite is Boba. He put a lot of pressure in his children.
Alpha don't want more little siblings. In this point this is ridiculous. He almost hace a heart attack after Wolffe and Cody accident. Good father.
Wolffe is a sweet baby having a really bad time. He's having a life crisis.
Everyone is having a hard time (they almost lose Wolffe and Cody)
Alpha and Wolffe are great big brothers.
Fox studies to much. He cares for his siblings.
Fordo wants to be a good father and brother.
Rex is a great brother. He's worry about Cody and Wolffe (specially Cody).
Cody's name is Kote. He wants to be a good son and brother. He should put himself first sometimes. He's afraid to disappoint Jango. Loves his family. He loves grandpa Jaster. He's Jaster favorite. Jaster choose his name "Kote". The inspo for Cody´s name
Since all their big brothers left the police Cody and Rex are the only one left following Jango and Jaster steps.
Bly is stressed. He want to date Aayla but a lot of things are happening.
More things are going to happen.
Boba wants to conquer the world. He doesn't like to share and is jealous of Omega.
Omega is a sweet baby.
The big refernce a family tree with the names and all link inside.
Jaster´s children Jaster, Arla and Jango
Arla´s children Arla, Gregor, Keeli, Waxer an Boil
Alpha´s children Alpha, Howzer, Trooper the dog and Jesse
Fordo´s children Fordo and Ponds
The cousins Hevy, Hardcase and Kix
SW Modern AU Masterlist
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mrssabinecallas · 1 year
Gekko as your Boyfriend |H.C.|
Pairing: Mateo “Gekko” De La Fuente/ GN! Reader
In which we take a dive into what Gekko would be like as your Boyfriend!
CW: Fluff, The Critters (❤️), Reader is assumed to be a part of VP
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Ok starting off, you cannot tell me his creatures wouldn’t love you. If Gekko likes you, they like you.
(snuggles with dizzy, playing games with wingman, etc)
His love language is quality time, with physical touch as a close second.
He just wants to be around you 24/7, with you in his arms and just loving each other.
He doesn’t care what dates are like. As long as he gets to be with you and see you smile, hes the happiest man in the world.
Would def let you dye his hair, or ask you to help if he needs to dye it. He thinks it looks better when you do it (and he totally doesn’t just want to spend time with you)
Matching tattoos?
yes. matching tattoos.
Imagine he had a little heart of your favorite color on his wrist, and you had a matching one of his favorite color on yours (i’m melting)
Boba dates are a must
If you have never had boba, he is just so excited to introduce you to the world of flavors you can explore
If you do like boba, expect to have it a lot, he likes to come home and surprise you with it a lot.
Since your on the Protocol with him, you both like to train together
One time, Brimstone caught you both kissing in the commons area, he almost had a stroke.
(He had to go find Sage to tell you to both knock it off because he thought it would be awkward if he did it)
((it would be))
You’re both best friends with Neon, but you do get jealous of her sometimes.
Gekko and Neon just had this chemistry that can be mistaken for romantic, but they both assure you it’s totally platonic.
If you ever got hurt out on a mission, he would be right there to take care of you in any way he could, and vice versa.
He absolutely hated seeing you get hurt, so much so that he would jump in front of you to protect you
It was cute
Once he threw himself in front of the line of fire and took a bullet to the shoulder, yet refused to get out of the way.
It was sweet, but you hated seeing him hurt as much as he hated seeing you hurt.
Sage was not happy that he was being so reckless.
In which Mateo would tell her it was his knight in shining armor moment.
I feel like he would brag about you a lot.
Like “I have the best parter in the world, they’re so caring and… ugh I miss them so much, Im going to call them.”
He wouldn’t talk to Reyna about you at first though, he was scared of her
When he did start to open up about your relationship to her, she started to like you more.
You always thought Reyna was constantly judging you, but when she came around, she protected you and Mateo like you were her younger siblings.
She secretly holds so much love for you both in that small heart of hers.
Did i mention skating dates?
They’re a must.
If you don’t know how to skate, Mateo wants to teach you so bad he literally drags you out to do it.
(It’s totally not an excuse to hold your waist as he keeps you balanced)
If you do know how to skate, y’all are constantly competing. Races, Tricks, anything you can think of, you’ll challenge each other.
You really do bring out the best in each other
Except for that one time that Mateo broke his board because he was angry you beat him…
He’s been super gentle with his gear since that day.
You also learned to let him win most of the time
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welcome to my gekko arc.
I will write for other valorant agents, juuuust mostly gekko :>
My inbox is open! ask away people!!
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arlerts-angel · 5 months
𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃
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our playlist ♡
childhood friends to lovers , sweet tooth , "this made me think of you so i bought it", late night talking, deep conversations, "i don't know who i'd be without you but i don't want to find out"
who: armin arlert
ship name: mykaru 🤍
anniversary: november 11th
zodiac: we're both scorpios
love languages: his is quality time and mine is words of affirmation
career: armin works in the tech field and i'm a writer!
first impressions: i thought he was adorable and wanted to SQUEEZE HIM. he wouldn't speak to me lol
getting closer: mikasa introduced me to armin because she thought we'd get along well. armin and i had a lot in common but he was very nervous to talk to me. he quickly realized that we were neighbors so we'd walk home together and get to know each other
notable supportive people: mikasa!! i am forever grateful for her introducing us 🥺 and i'm very thankful that eren encouraged him to "nut up and talk to me"
problems in the relationship?: i struggle with retroactive jealousy (iykyk lol)
how you approach problems: most issues that come up are resolved fairly easily and quickly but with my retroactive jealousy it takes lots of reassurance and patience on armin's end
falling in love: i fell first, and hard. armin took a while to come to terms with his feelings but one day we were just hanging out and we looked at each other and just. we just knew.
first date: we went to an art museum and got boba!!
favorite kind of date: surprise dates! armin is so thoughtful and is very good at planning dates that i'd never even think of.
first kiss: we had our first kiss on a walk home one day. we were just talking then stopped in our tracks. we looked at each other and he said "i wanna kiss you but it might suck. n-not because of you though! i-i don't think i'm a good kisser." so i leaned in and kissed him.
confession: he knew i had feelings for him early on. we didn't date until much later. years, in fact. we met in middle school and didn't start dating until our freshman year of high school. he came over to hang out and he just spilled his guts to me 🤍
favorite forms of affection: i love kissing him, he loves to cuddle 🥰
who cooks: me! he's a better baker
who gets the other to come to bed: him
ways you comfort your f/o: i like to stroke his hair and rub his back
who is more jealous/how do you handle jealousy?: i'm more jealous 100%. he knows this, and makes an effort to make me feel respected and as comfortable as possible in situations where i may not be feeling the most secure.
how you cuddle: he lays on his back and i lay my head on his chest <3
what you love most about them: god it's so hard to pick a favorite thing about him because i love everything. i'll say his patience and willingness to put in effort for us 🤍 he has such a kind heart and he's pretty nice to look at too 😍
what they love most about me: "you have a big heart and care greatly for people, strangers even. you put others before yourself without a second thought."
proposal: it was very thoughtful. he took me to our favorite musueum and proposed at my favorite exhibit. eren and mikasa were there to see it 🤍
wedding: we had a small wedding. mikasa was our maid of honor and sasha's siblings were the ring bearers/flower girls 🤍 eren was best man (of course!) levi officiated the wedding and jean and connie were groomsmen! my bridesmaids were sasha and historia.
about pregnancy: currently expecting baby no. 1!! it took a few tries with some negatives along the way, but now we're gonna be welcoming a sweet baby girl in the new year!! you can visit @arlertlife for more domestic/family self-ship content!
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art commissioned from @stoned-eren + @wiispywitch
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ferretrade · 4 months
bts + a single slow desire (or the sequel 👁️) for CoDay ask game!! 🧡☀️🧡☀️🧡
omg this is one of my favorites and most thought-out aus, so uhh I could talk forever :)
Cody's mom and Jango divorce when she's only one and split custody pretty evenly at first. After her mom moves for work, she decides she wants to stay with Jango primarily (because of her sisters) and stays with her mom weekends, breaks, etc.
She also hero-worshiped her dad a bit since she was the favorite until Boba was born.
Cody's surname was Marshall-Fett but she dropped the Fett when she turned 18 and could do so legally. Marshall is her mom's surname.
She planned to go to college (and get away from her dad) but couldn't in the end because the gym hit some hard times and Jango was a mess, so she stepped up to take care of her siblings and the family business.
Originally, her dream was to compete internationally and get to the Olympics for boxing, but she didn't have the resources (money or time). Now she wants to coach Rex to make it.
She had a real rebellious streak and did some stupid shit when she was a teenager. Not that she'll talk about it because she's a Good Example for her siblings and she will keep them out of trouble no matter what she has to do.
She loves dogs and cats equally. Someday, she might like a dog as a running buddy. Something decently big and fast.
She lives for gym wear. It's hard to get her in anything else. And if you do, it's still probably oversized or spandex.
Cody doesn't like being boxed in with expectations and she likes what she likes. People don't expect her to be feminine, but she loves pedicures and fancy baths and "girly" stuff too.
She has a bunch of piercings in her ears but they've all pretty much closed up because she would take them out for boxing and eventually forget to put them back in.
In high school, she played field hockey (like every good queer girl does) and was the most loathed person in model UN because she was stubborn and unyielding.
She was not looking for a relationship when she met Obi-Wan. As angry and sad (and abandonment issue-y) as she was when Obi-Wan ghosted her, she was a tiny, tiny bit relieved. (If it was anyone other than Obi-Wan, she wouldn't have given them a second chance.)
Cody was really jealous of and mad at Boba for years because of her messed up relationship with her dad, but eventually she grew up and got over it. She relates the most to him now because he gets the same conditional love she used to get and she's trying her best to protect Boba from all the bullshit.
ok I'll stop there but I really just go on for days lmao
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ayoharuko · 2 years
Genshin Impact Bf Headcanons
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Hello again!
Now its time for our beautiful and pretty boys time for shine✨
Tysm for everyone who liked part 1 and 2 I'm so grateful for that😊
Also check out part 1 and part 2 if u guys haven't yet cause uhm....because i told u so!(╹ڡ╹ )
Anyways lets not stall anymore shall we and get on with it~!( •̀ ω •́ )✧
REMINDER: These characters don't belong to me but to hoyoverse and this is just a fictional work so please don't take it seriously.
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(Inazuma Boys)
~Boba Man~ (Kamisato Ayato)
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~Sly Boyfriend~
• Ya know...i would've just titled him as the prince type boyfriend cause i think he's a gentleman but at the same time i see him as....a sly fox who loves...loves to tease you, like he just finds entertainment by your red face and flustered reactions. Truly a fox man he is.
• When you get into a relationship with this man you have got to get used to he's sassy remarks about somethings and i imagine that you also sadly get affected by he's attitude.
• You and ayaka are besties✨ I feel like at first you'd feel like she didn't really like you because she didn't talk to you or get near you. oh how wrong you were...she actually SIMPS for you, she admires you. she actually watches how you train with a sword probably why she loves you. So when ayato is busy you and ayaka either have tea and chat or spar together. She's my ice princess💕 
• Now sometimes ayato does get jealous of he's sister. Of how much you both get to spend time together. There are sometimes where the siblings fight over you lol. He will cling to you for a whole day without letting ayaka near you claiming that she's had you enough.
• Since he's sometimes lazy to do he's paperwork he tells thoma to send you to him at once. Meaning just so he can get kisses and cuddles from you so he can get energy to complete he's work.
• Gets jealous easily. Once he spots someone hitting on you, He's.telling.that.man.off, Since he's sassy he will talk about how the said person shouldn't be hitting on a taken person and how its disrespectful. SLAYYYY😫
• Overprotective but knows you can handle yourself. But sometimes he does send guards to go with you since he knows clans or the fatui will try and use you against him. and he doesn't want you to get hurt.
• When he's free you both go to he's favorite boba store and just drink and chill while chatting🥺
• I feel like sometimes ayato would do these playfights with you. ya know just casual teasing and making the other jealous, when asked by ayaka and thoma why you both do this you both just respond that its an act of love🥰
• Since he has the money....boom. your getting spoiled, like just look and tell him its your's, he thinks you deserve the best(I mean you do queen/king✨)
• He's an annoying but sweet boi. But we/you love him~
Nicknames: My love, sweetheart, dear, darling and honey
Voice line about you: “ *Sigh* Why am i sighing? My dear love is spending time with ayaka again...hmm..thoma! Take care of this for me...I'm just gonna seal my darling back~”
When he talks to you: “Hmmm...sweetheart I'm back~, ah there you are. i missed you...where were you? Oh...you were with traveler? Can you at least give me your attention today? I've been needing more y/n in my life..?”
~Perfect Malewife~ (Thoma)
~Golden Retriever Boyfriend~
• Doesn't he just give that vibe!?
• He's perfect. 
• Cooks and cleans for you, always cooks for you everyday. for breakfast, dinner, snacks. ANYTHING EVEN IF ITS FROM SOMEWHERE ELSE HE WILL COOK IT FOR YOU.
• He always smiles and it honestly will brighten anyone's day with it including yours, If your sad he's bright demeanor suddenly dies down and gets upset himself. 
• Your parents probably love him more then they love you-(jk), likewise if you have any siblings they would instantly love him...he's like a big brother to them. whose strict yet fun. Imagine him playing/messing around with your siblings🥺
• Ayato at one point did get jealous....boba man is jealous of you-
• When your days and work are done you both would be laying in bed and he's just going on about how he's day went. He would also be the type to cuddle you close while kissing your forehead💘
• Taroumaru loves you. you and thoma would take turns in hanging out with the cute boi🥺
• Overall thoma is the boyfriend you instantly wanna marry💖✨
Nicknames: Babe, wifie, milady and my love
Voice line about you: “No no taroumaru this isn't for you haha..this is for y/n..ah! Lady ayaka can you please take this to y/n?‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there wafie! I missed you. Alot of things happened today...wanna hear it?‟
~One and oni!~ (Arataki Itto)
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~Himbo Boyfriend~
• Himbo energy. I'm you guys can already sense it...feel it...
• Takes you bug hunting and then to he's battles for support even if sometimes went he actually loses your the one paying...poor you-
• Shinobu appreciates you alot since your the only ones who are sane and you help her keep the boys from going to jail. She loves you like a big sister💕 The gang also got attached to you since they saw how happy their boss was with you so they started to love you as well. 
• He unintentionally hits you with he's elbows because your shorter then him-. He carries you on he's shoulder tho.
• Swears that he loves you more then miss hina-
• When your sad/upset immediately tells the gang about it and they try to cheer you up by doing these weird stage plays and eventually it gets them to trouble😔
• Even if you know how to fight he doesn't let you lift a finger. part of the reason is because he doesn't want you to get hurt, other part is cause he wants to show off😅 But when he does let you...he falls inlove with you all over agin...cause to him you fighting and kicking asses are hot, sexy and beautiful to him.
• He definitely asks you for mora just to buy you a gift😂
• You bet you have ALOT of nicknames. he likes to think he's creative with them✨
• He loves you alot for accepting him as he is so with pride he always talks about you to people and the gang!(Shinobu tells you about this)
• Himbo boyfriend 100%
Nicknames: Babe, baby, lovebug, hottie, he's one and only, honey etc (alot more but he just thinks of them at radom times)
Voice line about you: “Woww...aren't the just amazing!?‟
When he talks about you: “Heyyy lovebug! What? N-no i don't need anything from you...ok maybe i do...c-can i have like...a little bit of mora? Like just 800 mora please?‟
~Furry General~ (Gorou)
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~Puppy Boyfriend~
• What'd you expect?
• He's territorial but also very shy when it comes to you and gets flustered easily. If he's feeling possessive he marks you with he's scent and in other ways too...and when he's shy he just blushes around you alot.
• Your the only one who has the privileged of touching he's ears and tail and when you guys are alone he lets you run your fingers through he's fluffy tail and soft ears. He thinks its very relaxing and you help him groom he's tail and he LEAVES for it✨
• You know that scene in he's event i think(i forgor) where yae miko was talking about how he probably sleeps while hugging he's tail? Well he used to and now he just hugs you while wrapping he's tail around you. he sleeps as the little spoon he rarely becomes big spoon.
• He always remembers your scent and how you walk so when he instantly hears your footsteps or smells you from a mile away he's tail starts wagging and the soldiers who see it don't tell gorou since they know he would be embarrassed but they find it cute how head over heels is their general to you💖
• Kokomi and yae miko ALWAYS teases you both...sadly
• When you get hurt in battle poor baby blames himself for not being able to protect you...so please hold him and reassure him that your fine...
• Since he's basically a dog. I bet before you guys started dating he would talk about you to the other dogs in inazuma since he had no one to talk to about it. and the dogs would actually help him sometimes but always leading you to him, causing tiny accidents and more. So he actually feels grateful for he's furry friends.
• He honestly gets really upset when you go somewhere that he can't follow(Monstadt, liyue or sumeru)He can't help but miss you alot and when you get back he clings to you for the rest of the day.
• He's very loyal to you and is honestly a very good boy💕
Nicknames: My mate and mine
Voice line about you: “Why do i seem upset? I miss my m-mate alot...wait..NO AHHH YOU DIDN'T HEAR THAT-‟
When he talks to you: “Y-your back! Hm? i-i can smell another persons scent on you...thats no good...c-can you come here...my mate?‟
~Sassy Detective~ (Shikanoin Heizou)
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~Flirty Boyfriend~
• You thought kaeya was worse? Hah! heizou’s wayy worse....
• If your a person who gets shy easily heizou will tease you NONSTOP my man has no mercy....he thinks it's funny and cute(Asshole)
• But despite this he brings you with him to solve some cases of course only the minor and safe ones...he wouldn't want he's precious love to get hurt now can he?
• He randomly pins you to a wall and flirts aka tells you cheesy pick-up lines....and their SO CRINGE💀 
• He has no shame even flirting with you in public.
• I'm sure you guys are aware of that pic genshin posted at he's birthday right? WELL I BELIEVE HE WILL TEASE YOU WITH THOSE EXPRESSIONS OF HIS LIKE TAKE THAT INFO HOWEVER YOU WANT. like he'll purposely moan just to see you blush-
• Whenever a person flirts with you, you best believe heizou to be right there by your side flexing how he's a detective and can get the poor person inprisoned.....
• When he's not being an ass he treats you to a nice meal sometimes and buys you flowers with a side of jewelry too✨
• Complements you every single day💖
• When you do something impressive something as solving a case before him he will shower you with praise and affection.
• kisses that come out of nowhere are he's favs. and when you do that to him he'll have a shocked face with a bit of blush but instantly calms he's composure and teases you back but take it to another level. by that i mean grabing your chin, pulls you by the hips and kisses you roughly and hungrily(^///^)
• Even if he's a flirty asshole sometimes you love him~💖
Nicknames: Mine, baby, sweetheart, dear and beautiful
Voice line about you: “Their getting hi on AGAIN? What can't people just understand that their mine? *Sighs* Traveler can you help me teach that person a lesson? You won't get into trouble i assure you~‟
When he talks to you: “Hey there beautiful~ Awe don't shy away from me now...let me see your cute face~‟ (If you think that line is familiar good job)
~Mr.Samurai~ (Kaedehara Kazuha)
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~Gentle Boyfriend~
• He'd be the calm and gentle type who just wants to be with you.
• If your in the crux you and him would be spending your time either chatting with beidou or laying down at the birds nest just looking at the sky.
• Kazuha often writes haiku’s about you...and tells them to you while you both are chilling, he's another one who won't go a day without completing you and at least hugging or kissing you on the cheek or forehead.
• The crew coos at how cute your relationship is and support you too very much💕 Although sometimes beidou will scold you both for slacking off at certain chores. 
• You and kazuha have a room to yourselves since the crew wants to respect your boundaries as a couple and because beidou doesn't wanna see pda-
• Beidou gives kazuha these talks about how to treat you, to not make you cry, respect your boundaries and just giving advice to him(She cares about you both alot such a mother💘)
• He often also cooks for you. and when he tries new recipes your always he's taste tester. He values your opinions alot and appreciates it when your being honest with him.
• He teaches you how to use a sword or how to defend yourself since he knows if people find out about your connection to him they will certainly use you to get him....but even so he still protects you and is very obversing of you guys surroundings. especially when you guys are outside, he doesn't wanna lose you now....
• He treats you like glass sometimes since he's afraid your gonna break and he's gonna lose you.
• He oftens has nightmares of he's friend and about losing you too...eventually when he wakes up from it he holds you tighter and closer to him...
• Whenever you guys dock somewhere he buys you small trinkets at that place as a souvenir.
• He also sings or hums to you whenever you both go to sleep he's voice is honestly the most softest thing ever💖
• He lets you tie he's hair whatever he enjoys feeling your hands in he's hair.
• He actually isn't shy to tell people that he loves you or tell that your his s/o he finds pride that you choose a dead man and he feels like he doesn't deserve your beautiful and kind self.
• He will protect and love you until the end of time...because your the light that made he's life colorful again.
Nicknames: My dove, my love and my muse
Voice line about you: “Isn't y/n just beautiful? What? haha...yes its obvious that i love them very much indeed...‟
When he talks to you: “My dove...would you like to hear the haiku I've written again for you?‟
~Scaramoche~ (Kunikuzushi)
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~Cold Boyfriend~
• Now some people actually wanna know that out of every man in the world...why did you choose him? Why did you choose someone whose heartless and cold? Simple. You love him. Even sometimes scara doubts why you love him when he's basically someone who can't control he's mouth, and he's reminded by you that you fell for whats behind that attitude of his.
• Now when you break all of his walls and when he starts letting you in bit by bit he starts being unintentionally nice to you. it would shock him and he's subordinates, if your hot he'll buy you a popsicles if your cold he'll give you his coat he'll even let you borrow his hat, basically he becomes more cold to everyone but has a soft spot for you and everyone knows it.
• When your in that stage where his walls are broken down in private he'll start showing his kunikuzushi side while in public he'll only hold your hand while shouting at people. He'll also(surprisingly)ask for kisses and cuddles bluntly with a blush of course.
• Ah...another one that buys you whatever you want with that fatui money✨Just ask him nicely and he'll buy it for you.
• When he's away and busy he sends 2 or 3 fatui agents to watch over you at least since he knows that some people will use you against him and for fatui information so he's extremely careful when with you.
• If your smart with your words you can easily stop scara from sealing the gnosis and turning his back from the fatui. and if you do then consider yourself a pat on the back.
• When he makes sure that your deep asleep he whispers to you about how lucky he is to have you and how he loves you very much with kisses on the forehead. He also thanks you for being patient with him since he knows that he isn't exactly the best person to be with but he thanks you regardless. he knows he should be saying those things to you when your awake but he just can't bring himself to do so....so for now its a secrets.
• He has nightmares about ei and he's old friends so please comfort him and hug him...
•He sometimes puts his work aside and goes to you just to cuddle with you.
•Anyone who disrespects you are instantly dead however if your fast enough to stop him he will just pull you aside, leave you at a place and go back to those trash and beat them to a pulp🙂 Same goes for people who hits on you their  instantly gone or barely alive....your his and only his
• One time he noticed that traveler had kept asking about you and he thought that the traveler liked you even if they just wanted to ask you something...
• When you ask for attention he immediately saids your being to needy when his needy himself.
• He might be cold and all but for you his ready to fight the entire universe just for you💕
• To him your the one who gave him a heart. A heart that beats for you, he understands what love is because of you and his grateful for that. Your the only think that keeps him sane...so please...please don't leave him...
Nicknames: Dumbass, mine, my world and my light(The last 2 only in private)
Voice line about you: “What? What about y/n? Stop asking me about them...wait..do you perhaps..like y/n? Don't delay it now?! You've been asking about them since you've seen me! Let me tell you something traveler they belong to me. their mine. got that?‟
When he talks to you: ‟What do you want? I'm busy, kisses and c-cuddle? I-i suppose i have time for that...your so needy“
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Omg this took quite a while...mostly at ayato and scara’s parts but i managed
Now im gonna say it for part 3 its the sumeru guys but....it might come out a bit late since i haven't started sumeru yet because of school which sucks but i know the characters i just kinda dont know how they act so thats the problem but I'll try and explore sumeru when i have the time during the weekend
Tysm for reading this far and i hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm sorry if their are any grammer or spelling mistakes and i advice you guys to read part 1 or 2 whatever you wanna start first its fineo(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Also feel free to ask requests its always open!
Ok..imma stop rambing now and say goodbye lol.
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vanishedangels · 11 months
Clan of Warriors
Click here for First chapter
Summary: While rebuilding Mandalore, Mand'alor Din Djarin is questioned by his people because of his beliefs and origins. In the dawn of a civil war, the council resolves that The Mand'alor must join in marriage with someone close to Bo-Katan Kryze. He’s forced to marry Koska Reeves and accept a loveless union. In the meantime, Din is having a secret relationship with his son’s Master, Jedi Luke Skywalker, his dream of having his own clan of warriors is about to fade away.
Pairing: Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker
Characters: Din Djarin, Luke Skywalker, Grogu, Leia Organa, Cara Dune, Koska Reeves, Bo-Katan Kryze, Axe Woves, OC, Peli Motto, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett, Paz Vizsla, Owen Lars, Beru Whitesun, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Wedge Antilles, The Armorer.
Rating: Explicit (+18)
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence. Explicit Smut.
Tags: Canon Compliant, Post Season 2 Finale, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Friends To Lovers, Fluff, Angst, Demisexual Din Djarin, Top Luke Skywalker, Bottom Din Djarin, Top Din Djarin, Bottom Luke Skywalker, Protective Din Djarin, BAMF Luke Skywalker, Adorable Baby Yoda, Sassy Leia Organa, Gai Bal Manda, Blindfolds, Sub Din Undertones, Fantasies, Jealous Luke, Keldabe Kiss, Smut, Jealous Din, Dirty Talk, Face Reveal.
Chapters: 37/?
Navigation: <- Previous Chapter • Next Chapter ->
Din hummed and walked to Grogu's room, Luke was sitting on the floor, legs crossed, the child was playing by his side with a tiny lightsaber and there were crayons around him, Din's stomach clenched thinking back to the day he saw his ad'ika on Coruscant for the first time since he left him under Luke's care, but this time the sight was heart wrenching. Luke looked at him with sadness in his eyes, he blinked, his expression exuding calmness in a way that took Din's breath away.
"I heard him." He said quietly, breaking Din's heart.
"Luke..." Din pleaded tilting his head.
"He has a point." Luke cut him off.
Chapter 37: Strength
To Din's surprise, when the door slid open Miko wasn't there, a blue helmet appeared in front of him instead.
"Vizsla?" Din asked cocking his head, he frowned behind his visor.
"Vod." The taller mandalorian paused "She's here."
Din cast a glance at Luke and Grogu behind him before looking at Paz again "Where's she?" He could feel the way his heartbeat sped up, his breath hitched as his vod nodded.
"Come with me."
Paz walked Din to his bedroom, the latter widened his eyes when he finally saw her, stoic and imposing as always, just like Din remembered her.
"Mand'alor." She nodded at Din as Paz closed the door behind him.
Din swallowed through the lump in his throat "It's been hard here without you." He said under his breath, almost incredulous.
She was standing by the window, arms folded behind her back, her horned gold beskar helmet shining faintly under the dim light, her fur coat wrapping her shoulders making her look like royalty, maybe she was meant to be their one and rightful ruler. Maybe. Din blinked astonished when she took a few steps forward "I'm with my people now."
The Armorer moved her hands forward slowly, her visor fixed on Din's "I heard about the situation, Vizsla filled me in."
"I won't give them what they want." He tilted his helmet "They should pay for what they've done." He added and he was certain about that.
"It amuses me, the fact that you didn't notice." The Armorer said moving her head to stare at Paz who was standing right beside Din.
Confusion took Din completely "Didn't notice what exactly?" He inquired.
"When I walked the distance between the ship that took me here and the headquarters I came across some of these protesters." She stressed the last word. "I would recognize one of the armours I forged in total darkness. These are not mandalorian."
That statement made Din startle, sending shivers down his spine "What?"
"They're wearing your dead tribe siblings' armours, these are the same beskar'gam that we left behind on Nevarro, when Gideon's people attacked our covert."
Din's heart skipped a beat as he felt the way his chest started to tighten "No." He muttered through gritted teeth, his hands curling into fists.
"My guess... they're imps posing as mandalorians."
His knees weakened all of a sudden "No." He said again shaking his head vigorously.
Everything around Din narrowed down to that very moment, to those very words. Suddenly all the suffering, all the pain lost its meaning, they've been dancing to these people's demands in order to preserve peace, but peace was never an option, the Armorer exposed their deceit and it became clear, Mandalore has been infiltrated by Gideon's imps in order to infect its people.
"You must be cautious if you want to see our people united." The Armorer said bringing him out of his mind. "One false move and Mandalore would remain fractured."
Din frowned looking down, his fingers resting on the hilt of the darksaber, he sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders.
"We have no time, the council will be ready to receive you any minute now." Paz declared, resting his hand on Din's pauldron.
They had no time.
Din walked into the council chamber making everyone inside the room set eyes on him as he moved aside only to reveal the two force-users behind him. The blonde Jedi was dressed in black with his long cloak wrapped around his shoulders, his expression stern but serene somehow, Din glimpsed at him, only Jedi could attain such balance, a Jedi, his Jedi. Luke was holding baby Grogu, securing him in his arms, the child was facing the council with curious eyes, almost expectant, his little hand clutching his Master's sleeve, he tilted his head letting out a little sound, Luke nodded caressing his back. Din's eyes softened behind his helmet, he knew that they were sharing thoughts through the force and his heart soared.
"What is this?" Bo-Katan's voice broke his absorption. She pressed her hands against the surface of the table "This is a council meeting, what is the Jedi doing here?" She asked and Din could tell she was certainly irked just by the tone of her voice.
"I want him to be here." Din stated and dismissed the subject in a heartbeat "I'm going to be brief." He fixed his visor on Shrune "The wedding won't happen. The deal is off."
Some of the council members let out an audible gasp, Shrune lowered his gaze, avoiding Din's visor while Bo-Katan shook her head chuckling "You can't be serious." She added staring at Din. "We've already given our word!"
"I won't negotiate with terrorists." Din deadpanned making her stop in her tracks, her body stiffened all of a sudden, it looked like she was holding her breath. She kept staring at him in silence. Din shifted his weight from one foot to the other, hand curled around the darksaber's hilt "You negotiated with them, not me. You made this arrangement with them behind my back, behind our people's back, and you call yourselves mandalorians." He started walking from one side of the room to the other, helmet pointing at them "They are holding us hostages on our own home planet and you turn a blind eye to that. They killed our people and vandalized our headquarters in order to twist our arm, and you gave in. You offered them what they wanted, willingly." He took a few steps forward coming to a halt in front of the table, facing Shrune. He leaned forward putting the darksaber on the table, not breaking eye contact with the elder member of the council, the man he looked up to since the day he set foot on Mandalore. "I'm The Mand'alor and I say they need to answer for their actions."
He leaned back and Shrune shifted his gaze from Din's visor to the saber on the table, the old man frowned looking at him again, he took in a sharp inhale "We, as the council, would never go against our Mand'alor's will." He looked at the rest of the members "Our Mand'alor has spoken and we should agree to his request."
"This is madness!" Bo-Katan finally said "This will take us down the path we were desperately trying to elude."
Shrune shook his head "Maybe we were already there..." He looked at Din tilting his head "And we were just fooling ourselves."
"No." She retorted standing up "We're not doing this, Djarin!" She narrowed her eyes pointing a finger at him "They will attack us the second they learn you're not uniting our houses."
"And we'll be waiting for them." Din said grabbing the darksaber and clipping it back to his utility belt "We count with a Jedi knight in our ranks now." He said waving his hand towards Luke who was still standing by the entrance with Grogu nestled in his arms. He carefully tried to assess Luke's expression in order to find the slightest hint of discomfort, his little Jedi looked undisturbed, but again, Jedi were good at hiding emotion and although Din knew Luke gave him his word, he couldn't help but think that maybe he was asking for too much, involving him directly like this.
"He's a foreigner, he's not one of us. You're crossing the line here." Bo-Katan argued but Shrune dissuaded her by clearing his throat and glaring at her.
"The wedding is cancelled, still we need to map out a plan, we won't say a word about this for the time being, I count on your discretion until then." He looked around nodding, before looking at Din again "Thank you, Your highness."
Din nodded at him and turned around, he could hear the voices mingling behind him, the whispers, the concern, but he wouldn't go back. This is the way.
He reached out to hold Grogu's hand and baby cooed staring at him with big brown eyes, he absentmindedly put his free hand on Luke's waist, looking at his blue eyes and the Jedi's lips curled up slightly. Suddenly Luke's eyes moved from Din to his side, Bo-Katan appeared behind The Mand'alor, looking Luke straight in the eye.
"All this because you..." She looked at Din's black visor and then she shifted her gaze to Luke "Because you're in love?" She squinted and then looked Luke up and down but he didn't make a move, he didn't make a sound.
Din swallowed tightly, granted, when this started, his initial concern was indeed about Luke, his Luke, but it progressively became bigger and deeper than that. He released his ad'ika's little hand and withdrew his hand from Luke's waist to face Bo-Katan Kryze, he tilted down his helmet, visor fixed on her face "You didn't hear a word I had spoken, did you?" He asked, his voice giving away his annoyance.
She tossed her head back, her nostrils flared before she put her helmet on and walked away from him. Din was flexing his hands in an attempt to remain composed but his blood was boiling inside his veins and he could feel his pulse pounding in his ears, did she know about it? Did she know these were imperials in mandalorian armour?
He was still staring at her retreating form when Paz leaned in to whisper to him "Shrune will see you in private right away, vod. Wait for him in your chamber." Din nodded and looked at Luke. His Jedi squeezed his hand in a reassuring way, making Din feel grateful for having him in his life.
The way I love you, cyare.
Din was sitting on the couch, resting his feet on the caf table, Grogu was sitting in his lap playing with his shiny ball, Din's hands stroking baby's back, he smiled staring at his little face, then he sighed resting the back of his head on the backrest, his mind going back to Shrune's reaction when he finally informed him of the nature of the protesters, their true identities, in the privacy of his room. He sighed again making Grogu perk his ears. Din squeezed his eyes shut and then, the warmth of two gentle hands on his shoulders soothed him, this time he sighed pleased and opened his eyes slowly, his little Jedi was standing behind the couch leaning forward, his beautiful face hovering over Din's, the blonde smiled fondly before pressing a chaste kiss on his lips, then he moved to kiss his forehead and Din relished in the softness and serenity his little clan was offering him.
If I could I would fall in love with you two all over again. Every day of my life.
"Shrune looked very disturbed." He said frowning.
"He was." Luke replied squeezing his shoulders.
"Cyare, I can't believe it, I still can't wrap my head around it. Imperials... wearing my dead siblings' armour-" His voice trailed off "Siblings they killed when I decided to rescue Grogu from the client."
Luke shushed him "Stop right there, I know where you're going."
Din shrugged "I know, I can't change the past."
"Right, love. But we can make things better."
We. How beautiful it sounded. A reality, no longer a promise.
Luke massaged his scalp, softly, eliciting a sigh from Din, pleased, he rubbed Grogu's ear with his fingers and baby giggled. This was heaven. The calm before the storm.
Shrune came back later, he walked into the chamber looking down and scratching his gray beard.
"I informed the council about the imperials." He pursed his lips "But, Mand'alor, did you realize that we can't tell real mandalorians from imposers just by looking at them?"
"My tribe leader can." Din swayed on his feet resting both hands on his hips.
"Alright, yes, our Armorer could do that, still, did you consider that they mingled with our people for almost a year? I can assure you that there are real mandalorians supporting their cause, their position, their beliefs as we talk."
Fuck. Din didn't even think about it. He let out a sharp breath as his shoulders sagged.
"I'm sorry son, but this is not that simple." He closed the distance between them and rested a hand on Din's pauldron.
Din looked at him almost defeated behind his visor "But when they realize they were supporting imps that killed our siblings they will change their mind."
Shrune pressed his lips together and nodded "They might. Still, I need to ask you something." He looked pointedly at Din's visor "If we are going to do this we should be convincing, show them that we're approaching the matter in good faith." He clicked his tongue "The Jedi is a problem, he must leave Mandalore as soon as possible."
His words made Din feel chills and his gut crawled in a very unpleasant way "No." He said flatly "He's a member of my Royal guard."
Shrune sighed, his eyes looked full of compassion, still Din felt utterly affronted by his request "I'm begging you, my Mand'alor. Please, I do believe that having him as a guard would be advantageous, notwithstanding Lady Kryze is right, our people consider him an enemy, it's not wise to keep him around while we breach the agreement." He frowned "Besides, they would believe you're breaking the deal because of him, we don't need distractions."
No. Din shook his head slowly.
"Please, son. He could return when this is over, please, meet me halfway here."
Din hummed and walked to Grogu's room, Luke was sitting on the floor, legs crossed, the child was playing by his side with a tiny lightsaber and there were crayons around him, Din's stomach clenched thinking back to the day he saw his ad'ika on Coruscant for the first time since he left him under Luke's care, but this time the sight was heart wrenching. Luke looked at him with sadness in his eyes, he blinked, his expression exuding calmness in a way that took Din's breath away.
"I heard him." He said quietly, breaking Din's heart.
"Luke..." Din pleaded tilting his head.
"He has a point." Luke cut him off.
Din took a few steps back and looked at Shrune who was still standing by the main door, he reluctantly nodded at the old man, and he nodded back before leaving the chamber. Din looked at his cyare again, exhausted and infuriated by his people's constant push, and he was taken aback by the way Luke's expression changed, little Jedi grimaced while getting on his feet slowly, even when he tried to hide it, it seemed that he was feeling the same way as Din was feeling about this matter after all.
Din spent the rest of the evening and the night working on a plan, meeting with the council in public as well as meeting with Paz, Koska and the Armorer in secret, but it was worth it, he wanted to put an end to this nonsense. He was focused on the task but he couldn't help letting his mind go to Grogu and Luke now and then, all by themselves inside his chamber, maybe missing him as much as he was clearly missing them, missing their affection.
And Luke.
The council scheduled his departure. The Jedi was leaving Mandalore the next morning when every living soul in town could witness him getting on Paz Vizsla' ship.
It was still dark outside when Din entered his chamber, he walked to the main room and the sight of his clan mended his broken heart. They were in Din's bed, both of them peacefully sleeping, they were lying on their side, Grogu's head was resting on Luke's outstretched arm, while he was holding the baby's little body close to his chest with his free hand. Din swallowed through the lump in his throat as tears started prickling at the corner of his eyes. He removed his helmet and kept walking, finally crawling into bed, Luke hummed frowning, eyes still closed as Din's hand slid from his waist to his stomach.
"Hi, babe." Din whispered softly in his ear before pressing a kiss on his temple "It's all set." He added staring at his blonde hair as he started rubbing circles on his stomach through his shirt shifting behind Luke to cuddle him. Luke smiled pleased and pressed against him.
"Good." Luke murmured.
Din chuckled closing his eyes, the sound of Grogu's snoring filling the silence surrounding them while he fell asleep embracing his man and his son, wishing he could stay in that moment forever.
The sun was out, casting shadows over the dusty streets of Mandalore as a cloaked form walked from the headquarters to the royal guard's ship, all eyes were suddenly on him, he was escorted by Paz and Koska, his hood covering his head only revealing his mouth and chin, people turned their heads incredulous to look closely to the Jedi as he walked up the ramp.
The Mand'alor was watching from afar, standing on the headquarters front step, he kept staring at the ship until it finally took off as he heard indistinct murmuring coming from the street, he looked around, everybody seemed flabbergasted, astonished. Bo-Katan looked at him sideways, she nodded in silence and he glared at her behind his helmet for a while before entering the building.
Din locked himself inside his chamber for the rest of the day. No one would dare to pester him, everyone seemed to understand that the Jedi was more than just a guest to The Mand'alor, that day everything remained quiet while their leader spent hours with his ad'ika in the royal room.
The night came again and he tucked the sleepy baby in, leaving him in his own room as he walked to the center of the chamber and sat down on the couch, he huffed leaning back staring at the ceiling. He missed Luke. He missed him with every fiber of his being.
Finally, a knock on the door. He grabbed his helmet and put it back on "Come in." He said standing up. The door slid open and the Armorer walked in with another mandalorian beside her. Din curled his hands into fists. They walked, closing the distance, coming to a halt a few feet away from him. Din set his eyes on the mandalorian next to her, their helmet was painted in black and dark green and the rest of the armour remained silver, unpainted, untouched.
The Armorer broke the silence "Silver, black and green. The colours of your clan." She nodded at Din.
Din's heartbeat sped up when the mandalorian removed their helmet and blue eyes met his visor, a mop of blonde hair all tousled and ruffled appearing before him making his breath quicken.
"I leave you now. This is the way." The Armorer said as she walked out of the chamber.
Din was blinking behind his visor, gaping at the man in front of him. His eyes roamed all over his form until he finally fixed them on his pauldron, the image of a mudhorn adorning it.
"Please, say something." Luke said with a trembling voice, Din tried to speak but he couldn't, not even in his wildest dreams did he imagine Luke Skywalker, his Luke Skywalker, wearing a mandalorian armour. And Gods, he looked breathtaking.
"I love you." Din finally said absentmindedly, reaching out to caress Luke's pauldron, the tip of his fingers brushing the edges of the mudhorn symbol, Luke shrugged slightly pressing his lips together and looking at Din through his eyelashes. "Kriff, Luke... I'm-" Speechless. "Uh, you are-" He couldn't find the words.
"Yours." Luke added grabbing his gloved hand to press his palm against his chest plate and Din's heart leapt in his chest, he could feel the way his cheeks were burning all of a sudden as something pleasant squirmed in his gut. It was curious but since they set foot on Mandalore they hardly felt the need to feel each other, to love each other, the drama around them killed the passion, the burning, the desire, and something was coming back to Din. He withdrew his hand from Luke's chest plate and removed his helmet, he cupped Luke's face pressing their bodies together in the process, looking into his blue eyes.
"You look perfect, you're a walking dream, Luke." He kissed him softly, with open eyes basking in the way Luke melted against him. Little Jedi moved his arms to hold him, soothing his hands on his back as Din nibbled at his bottom lip making him purr. "Perfect, cyar'ika. Perfect." He said under his breath as the tip of Luke's tongue trailed his upper lip.
"I want-" Luke said digging his fingers into Din's waist.
"You got it." Din groaned.
Luke tossed his head back chuckling "You didn't even know what I was about to say." He rested his hands on Din's pauldrons smirking sultry at him.
"I can tell what you want, I can feel it." Din moved his hand down between their bodies to squeeze Luke's hardening cock making him hiss "I missed you, cyar'ika. I missed this." He added, rubbing Luke's length through the fabric of his pants. "Good thing you're not wearing a codpiece." He snorted out a laugh while Luke pressed his face against his mirroring him, for the first time in a while they were enjoying themselves and Din couldn't get enough of that.
"Din." Luke breathed out glancing at Grogu's bedroom's door.
"He's sleeping." He leaned in ducking his head, he buried his face in Luke's neck, his lips brushing his skin before peppering it with kisses "Now, go on, tell me, what do you want?" He asked, his mustache tickling his ear and he could feel the way Luke shivered in his arms.
Luke blinked a few times boring into his brown eyes, smiling, lips partially open as he slid his thigh to place it between Din's and he started rubbing it against Din's crotch. Din's head was spinning only by feeling the hard beskar of the Jedi's cuisse against his own arousal, unlike Luke, he was already rock hard "Use your imagination, Mand'alor." He whispered in his ear, his voice thick with want, making Din's skin prickle.
Din pulled back staring at his eyes "As you wish, Jedi." A lopsided smile crossing his features as he started ushering Luke to the main room by tugging at his utility belt. A walking dream, his blonde Jedi, his mandalorian Jedi. And they were still together, against all odds, no matter what.
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astranne · 2 years
Your wish is my command My Goddess!
Startin this off, Bodyguard!Xiao would absolutely 100% be SO jealous if someone was to flirt with you well he'd be use to it since your famous but this person is particularly handsome????
Hes gonna be like a cat hes gonna pout and glare at you and huff until you acknowledge his existence.
Speaking of, i can see him leaving you gifts but never saying anything. Atp idk if I'm talking about Bodyguard!Xiao anymore but anyways!
He would sneak you gifts onto your desk, table, whatever is there he will put it there he wont say anything he's just gonna go "Oh, your welcome." If you say thank you Xiao. It could be for literally anything and he would still say your welcome.
He has so much potential for angst and i can feel it.
I can see Xiao as the kid who gets bullied for being academically smart but his other siblings are smarr and well versed in sports and activities. Hes the anti social emo kid who wears hoodies and blasts his music (not really angsty!xiao would rather keel over) through his headphones and not have many friends.
I CAN however see him get one friend. And this is purely for funny moments but Tartaglia would friend him unironically. I love the intorvert adopted by extrovert trope and those two fit that role well.
Childe just sitting next to Xiao after a few weeks and suddenly best friends??? Sign me up. Childe recongizing Xiao beyond his academic intelligence and Xiao feeling appreciated??? Sign me up. Childe ACTUALLY not using him for projects and to do homework like many of Xiao's "friends"???? Sign me up.
The whole Xiao and Childe dynamic has potential and wanna what help has potential? Hu Tao and Xiao
Now this? Wouldnt happen unless you tied Xiao up and locked him in the closet w Hu Tao for a week.
Now listen how did they meet?? Simple.
Hu Tao pranked Xiao on accident by putting something in his locker and ruined has his stuff and Xiao was just "👤Um." The entire time and Hu Tao, being the lovely person she is, did it again why not. I can see her being a prankster, but after awhile Hu Tao would have to end up buying Xiao's notebooks that get water damaged or burnt by something and end up giving him notes but helloooo???? GIVING HIM NOTES?????? He already memorized every math formula why is she giving HIM NOTES????
Hes so shocked he doesnt know what to do so he just goes with it. And now oh would you look at that Hu Tao is now taking him out for Boba and rambling about her favorite show. I can see Xiao not knowing anything about Boba, or just the outside world. His caregivers werent harsh on him, he just wanted to be seen by them like his older siblings :( he just wanted that validation. Know who gives it to him? Hu Tao and Childe.
"Xiao your so cool!" As he absolutely owns them in paintball?? Hes smiling so hard.
"Xiao how did you know the answer? I couldnt even get it your so smart!" After he answered a hard essay question hes literally shaking with happiness.
My boy just wants to be seen :((((
Back for a little bit of angst, Xiao wouldnt tell them he feels left out sometimes or how he gets drained. He wouldnt tell them about anything or how he feels he made it this far why would he?
I can see his siblings especially if theyre older constantly teasing him, they dont know it but they gant up on him and practically bully him into hiding his room and not coming out. Not projecting i swear
Horror movies, staying up late and eating junk food? Challenges and even going to walmart at 3:30 when Xiao is hyped up on energy drinks speeding down the aisles in carts giggling and laughing past the cameras and workers who're too tired because "dammit they do this every weekend we cant kick them out"
My Goddess i hope i delivered what you asked for!
i'm getting blessed today!!! thank you so much, i really had a blast reading through this my dear fischl anon <3 all the brainrot is under the cut hehe it escalated a bit just a tiny bit lmao
jealous and protective bodyguard!xiao, yes please. he will stare everyone down who tries to flirt with you AND is very handsome. not even five minutes in and he will be like "excuse you, but back tf off." he will do it immediatly when he notices you don't really feel comfortable... and he will be a bit more agressive 👀
bodyguard!xiao gets a certain reputaion... he is a bloody good bodyguard, very protective of his clients and their privacy. you bet everyone wants him as their bodyguard (especially when he's handsome as well)
also the gifts... asdkfubhd- he will leave all his gifts at the places he knows you will see them, watching with a small smile how you eagerly open his gifts (sue him, you really look cute when you get all excited and happy about little things)
he will spoil tf out of you, gift you with the most lavish gifts, oh and if you like his cooking, yeah, well he will always cook a full ass menu for you, just to enjoy your blissful face when you take the first bite of his heavenly food.
just... xiao. also the little cat comment made me think about cat!xiao, like,,, hybrid, like just... cat and fluffy tail and perky ears and purring xiao...
xiao is born, breed, made, created for angst. have you seen his lore?? like, come on, angst is his second third name.
okay, childe and xiao friendship. we love and we need this rn. xiao gets bullied by the jocks and it's acutally his elder siblings fault,,, because well,, they are a jock too and started teasing him. not many realize they are siblings, and since older sibling is quite popular, everyone else started teasing bullying him too. xiao swallows all the bitterness, not wanting to call his siblings out because he still loves them!! but sometimes... sometimes they don't realize he's hurting.
anti social!xiao. emo!xiao. introvert!xiao just... xiao. he is the weird loner of the school, but not quite?? like, he's smart and does so well in school and not to mention, he is handsome. not that many would admit that. but there was a time where xiao wore eyeliner before everything went downhill and some really miss those times... but they would never admit it.
he doesn't really have friends until childe comes along. and childe is a social butterfly. he is friends with the whole school but not really, he is outgoing, quite smart too and just funny to be around. he can be a jerk sometimes, but aren't we all sometimes too? he befriends xiao first for a selfish reason, hoping he would get a bit of quiet from all the noise in his life. but then he realizes how he enjoys xiao's company and sticks around.
later, when they're really thick and probably somthing like best friends, childe will admit that to xiao and they almost have a fallout
and when hu tao comes around? yeah well, prepare for chaos. childe and hu tao go along so well and you bet after a while, when Xiao feels comfortable enough, he will try and curb their chaos. not that he succeds.
hu tao still feels bad sometimes about how much she ruined from xiao's stuff, which is why she started spoiling him. she is well off, probably from a rich family, just like childe. they will spoil all the sadness and angst from xiao away
you bet hu tao is the reason why xiao now has a starbucks and bubble tea addiction this is how he meets other friends, on his own but that's for another time
yk what, with anti social and introvert xiao... gamer!xiao. what is he even doing the whole time in his room? yeah well, of course he studies, but he can't study the whole ass time and this is how he slowly became a gamer. not that many know that
but after hu tao and childe find out, you bet they will buy him a whole ass aesthetic streamer set up, even tho he doesn't stream but maybe in the future they want him happy, and all those little games make him happy. especially when he now can play with real friends, not only those people who he met online.
thanks to hu tao and childe he comes out of his shell, dressing up a bit (xiao has style. he just has a style not everyone would approve. war core/dark and tech wear. he has style and the clothes, just not the confidence wearing it) and even putting his eyeliner back on (you bet he suddenly becomes the crush of so many people)
hu tao and childe are confident people, and he somehow has to keep up. he finds his confidence once again (if we want to make this especially angsty, he was a very confident, if a bit silent child. but his family and all the teasing/bullying made him lose his confidence)
oh and if we want to create more plot, childe is a somewhat well known influencer and hu tao hops on that train too. it's easy for them to gain more followers and reach, and the extra money is certainly welcome. xiao ponders if he should start doing this too, but somehow... he's not really comfortable with that. he wants to do this in his own way. (que, xiao being the 'unreachable, mystery, but lovable and gorgeous influencer)
but he starts with streaming first, his fan base grows fast because,,, xiao is so calm, he loves all the games he plays and is so passionate about it!! he is an avid animal crossing player, always building and creating on his island and proudly showing it off to his viewers. they praise him and shower him with compliments, and he always gets all shy and blushy and you bet they will coo over him and only make things worse better
hu tao and childe just proudly show off xiao's achievements in their social media, talking about xiao and what an awesome friend he is, how smart he is and everything.
now i want cracked gamer!xiao, who looks nothing like it, but will absolutely destroy you in CoD, Val, LoL and all the other games. he is well known in the gamer community and you bet he has many admirers. okay but what about professional gamer!xiao-
okay okay, i got a bit distracted- but,,, SLEEP OVERS!!! yes omfg, yes, just yes. xiao loves energy drinks, but they get expensive if you drink so much like him. but with hu tao and childe as his walking wallets, nothing can stop his addiction. he has so much energy in this small body and childe loves to create more chaos and just gives him more. hu tao just giggling and filming all the chaos xiao creates (because that's so rare!! it's always her or childe) and never deleting it.
hhhh- all of them sleeping in these big ass beds hu tao and childe have, piling up and smacking each other while sleeping, but not caring. both hu tao and childe love cuddling, and xiao is always their victim. what if... touch starved!xiao
they would go to McDonalds at midnight, get like 60 chicken nuggest and 7 burgers, eat it on there or take the whole food with them home, talking and giggling the whole time and having to eat the food cold.
just the whole group dynamic with them would be so whole some and i'm here for it!!! like,,, AHHHH i mean come on!!!!
okay, this became longer than i intended and i got distracted, but holy shit. xiao brainrot <33
thank you so much for sending this big, long ask about xiao and his brainrots <333
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drunkjaked · 2 years
Omg I'm kinda embarrassed I know you said it's not bad to reply late but this is getting out of hand... how did your presentation go? I ended up not going to the other concert because my brothers got sick and he's was my ride 😔 but I was supposed to see barns courtney he's super good live it would've been so much fun 😔 I got the necklace!! I think it's called the ballina necklace? But it's basically just the logo with a pearl in the middle it's so pretty I love it like it's my own child <3 your Spotify wrapped... miss ma'am... like that's so valid of you but damn top .005% like I can't even imagine that I just. Wow. But again so valid I love that for you <3 I don't use Spotify so I don't get all the fancy graphics and data and all that but I do get my top songs of the year and my top artist of the month which is cool but I do kinda wish I could participate 🥲 it's fine though I like the app I use! I hope you're doing well, and I hope that school isn't too bad cause lord knows it can be -_- do you have any plans for the holidays? And yeah honestly matching boba and mcdonalds I think we were meant to meet <3 I hope you have a wonder amazing day/night and that every day gets better and better <3 -💕
hey 💕💕💕don't worry about it really !!! just glad to hear from you at all <333
wow.. the presentation.. i absolutely fucked up my 7 seconds of speaking time .. humiliating, but the rest of the group did so well and im really proud of them for staying calm and getting shit done <3 im also in love with one of the boys that was in the group and we all went out for drinks after doing the presentation and i drunkenly told him that i hoped the two of us would still keep talking after finishing the pres even though we don't have to and he like .. reciprocated my hopes and told me that he thinks im cute so .. that is .. just lovely.. anyway sorry for dumping all that out in here, my bad..
sorry that you couldn't go, i hope your brother is feeling better though !!! and omds that necklace is so SO pretty.. please keep an eye on it because people (me) can just be .. downright evil these days and like.. take your things from you 🤷🤷🤷.. especially the ones that they think are really beautiful and also want to possess.. haha,,, happy for you. 🙁.
my spotify wrapped.. i was like asking other people about theirs and like .. my friend's top song was a song she listened to 64 times THE WHOLE YEAR??? like i just .. was so impressed because like every song until my top 6 has 1k plays MINIMUM like .. im so jealous of people who can consume media in appropriate quantities.. it was down from last year though, my total minutes last year were 169k .. yikes .. who was your top artist and what was you top song? if you don't mind answering, also the thing about wrapped is like it's so colourful and full of patterns that it feels a little overwhelming.. like im grateful for the stats but the package it comes in is .. too much AND ITS SO LONGWINDED LIKE IT TOOK 150K MINUTES JUST TO SEE EVERYTHING OH MY GOODNESS 👎👎👎.
i'm doing pretty good honestly.. now that my presentation is over almost all of my school related stress has gone with it, i just have two more things to hand in and i'll be able to just relax and do nothing until january when classes start up again !!!
my holiday plans are pretty tame, my siblings (2 brothers and a sister) are going to come home and we'll spend time together for like a week or something before they all leave but EXCITINGLY.. my birthday is coming up (dec 17) and i'm so excited.. my birthday is literally my favourite day of the year so im reaaaaally looking forward to it even though my plans aren't particularly special 🥳 !
how are you doing? how are your classes treating you? especially around this time of the year oh man.. any holiday plans of your own?
im happy that we did get around to meeting and i hope we can be friends for a long time !!! thank u for the well wishes, as always im hoping the same for you and that you look after yourself and have lots and lots of fun ! all my love 💕, great catching up w u as always <3
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astarab1aze · 3 months
➥ Retributor
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⸻ CLICK HERE for JJK verse information. ⸻
⸻Technical Information. // Face, Voice, etc.
01. Faceclaim. Yoru   [ Shishi no Odoriko ]  &  Personal art / Comm. art 02. Voice Claim. Miyavi, but raspy and soft
⸻Profile Information. // Name, Age, etc.
01. Name. Kaede Shikabane 02. Alias. Shizuka, Kae 03. Sex. Male 04. Gender. Male 05. Age. 19 - 28   [ Dependent ] 06. Birth Date. October 31st   [ Scorpio ] 07. Blood Type. Sub-type SAB+ 08. Race. Sorcerer ; Japanese by ethnicity. 09. Marital Status. Single   [ Multiship ] 10. Orientation. Bisexual   [ Biromantic / heavy male preference ] 11. Residence. Chimachi, a hidden nightfolk haven in Tokyo, Japan ; Currently traveling the world on assignment
⸻Physical Information. // Body, Equipment, Family, etc.
17. Physical Description. Kaede’s hair is rather long and layered, so it tends to sit in a boyish, fly-away sort of way. It’s a dark violet shade - or, pretentiously, midnight - and incredibly soft to the touch. The lighter, floral blue of his eyes contrasts nicely with his hair. More often than not, he prefers to wear it down, as he feels the style compliments his overall style; His typical outfit (for work-related things) consists of a modified white & light blue haori, black sleeveless turtleneck, modified harem pants, and no shoes. His body is slim with some light toning and he stands at a rough 5'5". His skin is somewhat unusually pale, denoting a lack of sleep and improper nutrition. He wears a crimson jade hip ornament said to have healing properties. He has an abundance of barely-there freckles all over his body and both self-harm & combat scars, a large gash across his throat and a few on each of his thighs - and many more on his arms, front, and back; Also has a birthmark under his right buttcheek. There is a surgical scar on his right hip caused by a near-ruinous injury and the surgery that followed. On each ear, his lobes are pierced, as well as two cuffs and and industrial on his right ear. Also x3, he has a phenomenal ass.
13. Equipment. He is effectively always ready for a fight, keeping a katana and at least four knives of varying styles and lengths on his person at all times. He will also have a cellphone, his wallet, a trauma kit, an infinite pocket, palmseal, singing stones, a travelling mirror, and various other magical items and tools. 14. Occupation. Sorcier, Retributor ; Glorified killer & exterminator for the Japanese arm of the US-led International Nightfolk Coallition. 15. Job Performance. Taken for granted and taken advantage of, despite proven hard work, talent, and devotion   16. Parents. Juno Miris (deceased) & Kurai Shikabane (deceased) 17. Siblings. Terin Shikabane (deceased)
⸻Personality Information. // Likes, Strengths, etc.
18. Likes. Boba, chocolate oranges, tea, most animals, time off, long moonlit walks, American food, taking naps, drawing, playing music, dancing, most teas, boys with light hair, singing, spending time with his cat Muushi, whisky, knives, flowers, black coffee, sharing snacks and drinks, ignoring phone calls, reading and researching, etc. 19. Dislikes. Inefficiency, most mushrooms, most sweet things, being forced to improvise, being flustered or confused, blood, corpses, failure, imperfection, being responsible for other people’s lives, lack of control, being noticed, his job, most nightfolk, most humans, cottonmouth cakes, FrankenLeeches (except the chocolate ones), the International Nightfolk Coallition, most other sorciers, etc.
20. Positive Traits. Honest. Diligent. Loyal. Protective. Committed. Persistent. Strong willed. Hard-working. Thoughtful. Kind. Generous. Earnest. Firm. Loving. Prepared. Giving. Mostly merciful. Self-sacrificing. Open-minded. Accepting. Proud. 21. Negative Traits. Distrustful. Obstinate. Conflicted. Reckless. Guarded. Hard-headed. Hot-tempered. Bratty. Snobby. Self-loathing. Self-conscious. Reactive. Melancholic. Isolative. Impatient. A smidge obsessive. May get jealous. Envious. Naive.  22. Goals. To reduce local and international crime rates among nightfolk in accordance with his role as retributor for the ISC 23. Desires. Freedom from his grief, and forgiveness for the lives he couldn’t save or had to take; To love and be loved as though he were truly worthy of it. He’s tired of floating through life with nothing to show for it. 24. Alignment. Neutral Good
25. Personality. Kaede has some difficulty forming relationships with other people and is generally very slow to start. Incidentally, this frees up a lot of his time, so he pours nearly all his focus into his work. He’s incredibly flawed in some aspects of his reasoning and decision-making, despite his intelligence, having assigned an arbitrary amount of blame to himself for past failures, perceived or not. He’s the small and silent type, with a spoonful of emotional baggage and social ineptitude. Though he comes off as cold and formal at times, he has a mischievous streak and can be rather playful under the right conditions. He can also be sweet and somewhat boyish, though he’s mostly a bit bratty and hardheaded. He’s a sensitive soul at the end of the day, riddled with trauma responses and other behaviors resulting from years upon years of emotional, mental, and physical abuses - where the bulk of his trust and mental health issues stem from. He has vivid flashbacks about the massacres, nightmares too, and such will drag him back into an incosollable state of fear and misery. Although, he tends to hide, like a feline trying to lick their wounds in private.
⸻Sorcery Information. // Element, Talent, etc.
26. Element. Necromancy & Lightning - high-level moderate control. 27. Shapeshifting. Not applicable - he didn’t much care for transformation as a school of magic. 28. Utility. Wards, curses, summoning, husbandry, and illusions - moderate.  29. Specialization. Illusions, Summoning, and Bestial - highly skilled thanks to years of practice and fine-tuned familial techniques handed down for generations. 30. Graduate School. Chimachi Prefectural School - one of the several magic schools in Japan with astounding repute ; Dedicated and rigorous, the educational environment is competitive and tense, but focused entirely on quality. 31. Classification. Retributor ; Granted special permissions to handle various criminals with force, at will, though is still subject to the same penalties - which are often harsher than any a criminal will recieve. 
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⸻Background Information. // Past to Present. Warning for child murder and gore.
    On July 31st, 1998, then-head of the Shikabane Clan, Taisho, called for a family reunion, expressing distressed urgency in all communications. Confused and concerned, family members from all over funneled into the clan compound. When asked, Taisho would not explain himself, insisting he had important things to discuss with the branch heads - and it was a good opportunity for the family to get together again, one last time. The impromptu banquet proceeded normally, confused whispering among the clan. Taisho ushered the branch heads into some private back room, leaving the rest of the family - including women and children - in the dining hall. Terin (8) and Kaede (6) were playing with Aoi (7) and the rest of their cousins, blissfully ignorant to the trouble brewing within the depths of the estate.
    Approximately 2 hours after the banquet began, a blood-curdling scream tore through the dining hall. There, lying face-down in a pool of her own blood and internal organs, was Kusabi (3rd branch head). Suddenly, Aoi’s parents, seated beside the children, had lost their heads, a fountain of blood spewing across the table. Within moments, the bloodshed soared to impossible heights, blood and flesh splattering across the walls and puddling on the floor. Panic broke out - even the clan’s strongest were lost. The children hid underneath the table, listening in stunned horror to the sickening squelch of everyone they knew being eaten and torn apart by experimental abominations. They huddled together and cried as any children would, frozen stock-still as 61 members of their family were slaughtered around them.
    Taisho eventually joined in the massacre himself, finishing off any stragglers with maddened glee. He killed 5 more children, including Tsubaki (13), Tatsuki (11), Kanda (9), Tenko (7), and Junko (8). Then he killed Ayato, Sanada, and both the next head, Shichi, and the 2nd branch head, Zenchou. Ultimately, the magical abominations he unleashed upon his clan turned on him and fed from his corpse - only then did the blood sacrifice he set in motion go into effect, but he couldn’t keep the power he sought to claim. The remaining Shikabane soon found their bearings and exterminated all abominations they could find - but unbeknownst to them, one had gotten away.
    It was later discovered that the heads of the branch families and the next clan head were plotting to eliminate Taisho, who had become extremely mentally unwell in his old age. In a desperate vie for the power to remain head, Taisho planned to sacrifice 60+ members of his own family in a complicated-but-straightforward ritual - hand their lives to Sanguinach in exchange.
    In the years since the Shikabane Massacre, Kaede, Terin, and Aoi were taken in by Kurai, who took over as acting head. The children attended Chimachi Prefectural, but Kaede surpassed Aoi & Terin quickly. When he reached adulthood, Kurai handed the role of clan head to Kaede. Upon forging an unbreakable pact with a youkai, Kaede took over, sacrificing his very soul to rebuild it, protect Terin and Aoi, and ensure the safety of nightfolk across the globe. He proved himself a talented sorcerer by INC standards and was recruited forthwith as an Enforcer (civil law officer) - he rose up in the ranks fairly swiftly here, as well, eventually being scouted by the Retributors and losing his choice in the matter. 
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zorilleerrant · 7 months
and if you want to do the ask game: 17?
the ask game
each of the Batchildren's favorite sibling... I've done this before, but I do go back and forth on the answers, so this is what I think at this moment before I change my mind again. (this is long tho because I count as many batkids as possible.)
Cass's favorite is Steph, and Steph's favorite is Cass. there's something about being the only girls surrounded by boys - they love Babs, but she's older, and has different pressures in the public eye, so they're not quite in the same place - that really makes them turn to each other and be like. you. you get it. and their bond is a lot older than the other girls, so it's there even once there are more of them in the Manor. also they both love boba.
Damian's favorite is Cass, but he won't admit it. the bond he has with Dick is more father-son, so it doesn't feel like a sibling bond in the same way, so for a while he feels like he's doing all the sibling bonding stuff wrong. but he's jealous of Cass overcoming her training and knowing exactly what she wants out of fighting, and it slowly morphs into respect. he just thinks she's very cool.
Jason's favorite is Dick. it's awkward for him, because he really wants to reintegrate into the family and be more than just a peripheral hanger-on like he feels sometimes, but none of them feel like real siblings to him except for Dick, and sometimes Luke. there's a basis there for Dick, back when he was a kid, and he can't really figure out how to make the shift from 'technically siblings' to 'actually siblings' in his mind.
Lance's favorite is also Dick, by default, and not necessarily because he actually likes the guy, but he does appreciate how hard Dick is trying, even if he's never willing to admit it. he doesn't really know how to deal with having a brother, but he would've learned how, if he'd had the time.
Tim's favorite is Dick, too. that's his childhood hero and his original mentor, and possibly the coolest superhero to ever exist. and not only did Dick try so hard with him in order to make sure he felt loved in a way Jason didn't, but they were for a long time the only ones there, and so had a lot of time to bond one to one. Tim loves Cass, too, but he managed to bond with her as a peer in a way he never did with Dick (he still can't get over his hero-worship entirely), so it's less intimidating. and it's weird to him to think of Steph as a sibling so he tries not to put too much thought into it.
Babs's favorite sibling is Dick, because they were childhood best friends and made a pact to always be there for each other, so she feels it's important to her many friendship bracelets from him to honor that. she also tries not to play favorites with the younger siblings because it's not so good for training them, so it's easier for her to have a quick answer to the question.
Bette's favorite is Babs because she's absolutely a worthy successor, and Bette doesn't want to have to worry about who's in charge of the mantle. she also trusts Babs to hand it off when the time is right to someone else who can take it on.
Harper and Cullen's favorites are each other, even though it feels a little mean they think their relationship is realer than all the other siblings, but they do.
Claire's favorite sibling is Helena because she's simply so badass. even with superpowers, Claire just really wishes she could rise to that level, and occasionally gets Helena to train her, when possible. she's not as impressed by Cass because Cass is a lot closer to her in age, and she just never managed to be wowed by anyone else in the family right off the Bat.
Duke's favorite sibling is also Helena, because he feels a little bit the outcast with everyone at the Manor looking so similar, and so he latches onto Helena just to have another black face to look at. he trusts Luke's advice, but he doesn't think of the man as a sibling in the same way, since at least Helena really is Bruce's daughter instead of just his mentee. he doesn't get along with Damian at all because they're too similar in age, so his second favorite is Cass.
Helena's favorite sibling is Babs, for also being a peripheral member of the family, never living in the Manor, etc. because, yeah, Bruce is her dad in a very technical sense, but he's also sort of like Babs's dad, and that doesn't seem to phase her any, even though she already has a dad that she loves. due to this favoritism, Helena often gets Selena to mom Babs as well.
Turner's favorite is Tim, for managing to be so competent all the time, and confident even when he's not. he's massively impressed by the whole figuring it out thing when he. didn't. kind of jealous? but also his mind is just blown on the sheer scale of puzzle pieces it takes to do that. wishes he had a skateboard.
Luke's favorite is Tiff, because she's the baby. he always felt too responsible for what his other siblings were doing growing up, and struggled to help them with it when he was only a kid himself, but by the time Tiff comes along he's sort of got things figured out, and he can do a lot more to help her. she reminds him so much of himself at that age, with such a determined sense of justice, and the belief she can change the world. also she's so tiny???
Tam's favorite is also Tiff, because there's a unique sort of joy in being able to impart all of the things she's learned and warn Tiff away from all of her mistakes, because Luke doesn't have to deal with all the things she and Tiff do, and also he's sidestepped a lot of the issues both Tam and Jace have dealt with. Tiff looks up to her for life advice, fashion advice, school advice - all sorts of things that Luke never learned breezing through life. she takes great pains to teach Tiff how to do her hair in convenient ways, and have a great time giving each other makeovers. also. she's tiny
Jace's favorite is also Tiff. it's not just because she's the only one he's not fighting with. it's also the fact that she sees his vision and doesn't question him on it - well, he's worried about her, of course, but they have the same end goal, the same beliefs about the things that need to change, and the ability to work together to get it done. and that impresses him to see in her. also she's tiny
Tiff's favorite is Luke because he's always seemed so perfect to her, and she's put him on a little bit of a pedestal. he's her big brother and he's always so careful to be sweet to her and not yell at her, even when she's accidentally broken his things, even if he does baby her a little. and he just seems so cool all the time.
Terry's favorite is Mattie because that's his baby brother he would do anything for, and Mattie's favorite is Terry because that's his brother who always took care of him, and this would be true even if they had much closer relationships with the rest of their siblings.
Carrie's favorite is also Terry, because the rest of them feel like they're sort of distant so it makes sense they shine so brightly, but Terry's her age and he's managing to kick serious ass. she tells Mattie he's her favorite tho because it makes him feel special.
Maps's favorite is Steph, because she once talked some youtuber into eating an actual sock, or at least part of one, which is a life goal. anyway it's better than eggplant
Bao's favorite is Jason, because of all the murder. there's someone who really gets it, he thinks, and sometimes feels conflicted about all of that. but that's someone whose goals and ideals really seem to align with his.
Diego's favorite is Dick, for, um, obvious reasons. also he'll have you know they're not actually siblings, they're colleagues, and also obviously he's not going to make a move until he turns eighteen because that would just be rude. but yeah he has super huge respect for, uh, the first Robin and all that.
Merissa's favorite is Helena, because she loves to see a woman of color being in the spotlight and kicking ass. and also her mom is Catwoman and, possibly unethical life choices aside, because they were cool irresponsible decisions, well, Merissa loves cats.
Lucas's favorite is Luke because he seems like the only one in the entire constellation who's making sensible decisions. not always, obviously, but way more often than the other people. he even saw Batwing eat a vegetable on purpose once.
Dick's favorite isn't as obvious, and he'll often say Damian just because Damian is the baby and needs to hear it, or Tim if Dami's not there to complain, but his favorite sibling is his older brother. he's lionized the man to the point of unrecognizability, and he knows that, which is why he never talks about it, because he was just a person and people aren't perfect. he loved Dick, tho, and Dick loved him, and misses him every single day.
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shinsukeee · 2 years
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Hanae's half-sister since her father remarried another woman.
Complete opposite of Hanae, but in a bad way.
Jealous of Hanae for no specific reason and has tried to ruin Hanae's reputation before, still does that, actually
The exchange student before Hanae and Kiyo
"To be completely honest with you, I've described my half-sister as a pick me girl. I'd loved to insult her but that'd do me no good" - Hanae Soma
Lives with the said father of Hanae and is the current heir of the Ishikawa Company.
Whenever she finds a boy she likes, she always tells Hanae to not get close to him.
If Hanae likes someone or someone shows interest in Hanae, she tries to make them lose interest as soon as possible. This has happened in the Soma Clan and Akito really hated these type of girls, resulted to Honoka being an embarrassment in trying to ruin Hanae and attempting to win Akito over.
Trying to get Hanae's older brother to like her (platonically) and side with her, doesn't work but she's blind tbh.
21 years old
Does not have an ability as she didn't pass the criteria to actually have one during their training.
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Kaito Ishikawa
Hanae's half-twin
Clearly annoyed by Honoka's antics towards Hanae since he sees nothing to be disliked of in Hanae.
"She already accepted us into the family, why are you being so stupid?" - Kaito to Honoka
Basically a streamer
Hanae's disciple in waterbending
He and Kiyo sometimes play together whenever they both have free time
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Hanae's so-called father I won't name but his last name is Ishikawa
A two timer, which is why Hanae has half-siblings
Tries to win Hanae's trust back but no use
Gets sad whenever Hanae and Hatori seem to be happy without him, his fault for leaving those two in the Soma Clan
Tries to watch Hanae's fairy performances
Prefers Hanae over Honoka, he regrets choosing Honoka as the heir since Kaito is uninterested in family affairs like Hanae
Tries to be supportive but deeply regrets solding Hanae off to the Soma Clan and neglecting her when she was mourning the loss of his dead wife.
47 years old
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Hanae's Step Mom
Hanae doesn't resent her since she's kind
She looks young but is 45 years old
Tries to get Honoka and Hanae get along
She and Hanae often talk about flowers
She is interested in Hanae's fairy counterpart in the Soma Clan
Was scared that Hanae and Hatori will hate her because of the father but is relieved that they accept her and the children
Works in a bakery, taught Hanae some recipes so they often bake together
Listens to Hanae's problems and always supports her
Knew that she can't do anything since the father already broke Hanae's trust and love so she respects the fact Hanae can never forgive him
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Hatori Soma
Hanae's older brother and is blood-related to Hanae
He practically raised Hanae and Sebastian since the three only had each other when their father chose the other family
He also accepts his step-mom, Kaito and Honoka, but gets uncomfortable whenever Honoka sticks around him
He hates his father but subsides it since he knew it's no use anyway since it's all in the past
Was there during Hanae mourning over their mother
He and Hanae go to boba shops during their sibling dates (it's a platonic thing, don't worry. Just sibling bonding)
Would help Hanae in her studies in psychology and is proud of where she is now
protective but makes sure she also has her fun
During her fairy dances, he does not like it if her outfit is revealing
He and Hanae are each other's shoulder to lean on and cry on while Sebastian calls him old man and adds stress
During his breakup with Kana, Hanae's there to make sure he's still okay
Shigure teases him since he's spoiler the Dragon of the Soma Clan aka sea horse and since Hanae's the water fairy, Shigure teases that they're really siblings except Hanae's more blessed
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Hanae's Deceased Mother, Kaori Soma
Died in a car accident that happened in the bridge, the car sunk and Hanae happened to only escape.
Learned waterbending and is happy that her daughter is interested and is the water fairy but does pity her for always wearing a thread on her ankle to not let the curse happen when she hugs the opposite gender.
Knew that her husband has an other family but paid no mind to it since she has her own children she needs to focus on
Wishes for Hanae to accept her death and never blame herself again
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Kanari Soma
Hanae's adopted baby sister
Hanae took her in when it was the end of her shift and she saw the child freezing in the alleyway
Very grateful to Hanae for saving her and currently lives in the Soma Estate
Hatori lets her stay in his office and she will draw to pass time
Doesn't know anything about the Soma Affairs since Hanae and Hatori doesn't want her to be involved
Akito accepted her and she is happy akito's soft for her but pretend you didn't hear this from me
Hanae spoiled her with so much love and affection that she refuses to let anyone take Hanae away from her
She is 4 years old and is a little chubby
Giggles when ppl pinch her cheeks
She likes to play tea parties and has her own dolls
Would pout or puff her cheeks like Hanae since she's attached to the hip to her sister
Obedient but throws tantrums when Shigure carries her #shigureslander
Squeals whenever she sees Kiyo and thinks Kiyo is a princess
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Sebastian Soma
Hanae's biological twin
A streamer and would compete with Kaito for gifted subs if they don't compete for Hanae's compliments (it's a platonic sibling bond dw)
Sometimes bullies Kanari which results to Hanae scolding him so he glares at Kanari (in a nice way ofc)
Hatori grows even more gray hairs cause of him cause he's lazy af and wouldn't attend the appointments.
Hates their father for leaving them, did punch him once, it felt nice.
Not interested in inheriting the business.
Does not know if Hanae is Kiyo's Sugar Mommy since Hanae spends so much on Kiyo.
Sometimes he and Hanae insults each other but they'd gladly take a bullet for one another which is again, platonic love.
Currently lives alone
If he ever has a crush on someone, he tells Hanae, despite the teasing from Hanae, he literally can't keep any secrets from her
It's like Hanae's a shinobu kinnie and it makes Sebastian cry everytime he thinks about it.
Games with Kiyo and sometimes those two won't stop playing video games until Hanae tells them to.
A/N: I decided to not let Hanae have 4 brothers and have a problematic family like mine <3
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
When Obi-Wan gets to AotC, there's also about two dozen Anakin clones on-site. They're all girls because... IDK Anakin is trans. They have a hive mind and are developmentally a few years younger than Anakin himself.
It's incredibly unsettling to Obi-Wan.
It's almost definitely a "fuck with Anakin's already fragile mental health" ploy by Palpatine, along with a "what if Jedi Black Widows, for me, a Sith Lord. Wouldn't that be neat? That would be neat."
Anakin is torn between "this freaks me out" and "GANG OF BABY SISTERS LET'S GOOOOOOO."
(I just finished reading Like Real People Do by glimmerglanger, so this is definitely inspired by that and the obligatory 'lay back in bed and daydream variations on plot points of that fic you just really enjoyed,' and also a little by Same Heart, Same Blood by loosingletters.)
They're physically like 14-16 on average, and Anakin's vibrating out of his skin with a million conflicting emotions, but when he tells Padme she's just like "oh, you have a handmaiden gang!"
I told this to @willowcrowned and she suggested:
Once Anakin decides to repress the part of him that’s weirded out and just regard them as baby sisters he gets. A little strange about it The first time one of them dies he may or may not slaughter every person he can [in response to Padme's comment] Anakin starts worrying that he needs to get them cool matching outfits
I also chatted about it with @firebirdeternal and they said:
Gang of Unsettling Smol Siblings is exactly the Karma that Anakin deserves
Do you think the Clones have a kind of Collective Name that they use at first that eventually just kind of morphs into a new last name? Skysisters or something? Like Palpatine was trying to be clever and name them like the Nightsisters.
I initially went with "functionally one person" hive-mind but I'm torn.
I think maybe they're BASICALLY one person on Kamino but drift into Separate Consciousness once they're far enough apart physically that their minds don't blend from proximity anymore.
Then they start Dating (like half of them are dating Fett clones because they grew up with these dudes, it's like childhood friends romance), and Anakin loses his mind about Protecting Them and They're Too Young.
Padme: You're nineteen and we just got married, they can date. Anakin: THEY'RE EIGHT. Padme: And the Fett clones are ten and dying for us in the field. Get them rights before you panic about their love lives.
it could be worse, one of them could imprint on Obi-Wan. "Anakin I promise I won't yell at you for the next five stupid things you do if you can figure out a way to stop this baby from having a crush on me" (I like the idea of Obi-wan bargaining not with "I won't be mad at you ever" because they Both Know That's Not True, and instead haggling with specific allowances. Like he's handing out Stupidity Coupons)
Please imagine Mace and Obi-Wan's personal responses to the idea of suddenly having to deal with not one, not two, but OVER TWENTY SKYWALKERS.
Plo is delighted to take one off their hands.
So is Yoda.
Mace is like. okay suicide isn’t the Jedi way but on the other hand. i physically cannot deal with this Yoda: a skywalker, you say? one who is tall enough to reach the top shelf, you say? such a skywalker, bring me
Anakin would be given at least one because fuck you, suffer with us, but he's still a padawan so Ugh, fine, no.
I want to say one stays on Coruscant to hang out with the Guard, and ends up half-adopted by Padme. She keeps dressing up the Aniclone left with her in handmaiden outfits and sending selfies to Anakin.
"Hanging out with the little SiL!"
Anakin has so many issues about WHEN his genetic material was acquired.
And there's some confusion from the Fett clones about how much of a hive mind is normal for Jedi. They are confused that the answer is basically none, and "this is WHY nobody clones a Jedi"
"I have followed in our progenitor's footsteps and acquired a sibling." holds up a struggling Boba "He bites."
Ooooo okay so if they have a sort of hive mind then they probably don’t have names other than their designations on Kamino right BUT When they SEPARATE The one that picks Boba up on Geonosis gets a name specifically for that. Okay what if the one Padmé picks up gets some variant on ‘pretty’ because she’s always being dressed up BELLE Maybe Yoda’s Ani has a name that means thief? Because obviously Yoda is using Anakin to steal sweets
So, to make the timeline work...
I don't think anyone would give Anakin one of his sisters until after he's knighted at least.
So obviously when they're doing initial placements none of the sisters go to him or Obi-Wan.
Once he's knighted, of course they're already all placed with someone, and Anakin instead gets Ahsoka. He loves Ahsoka. She is also a little sister. He said so.
At some point afterwards, one of the sisters is left without a place because the Master that was in charge of her died in the field battle.
That sister then gets placed with Obi-Wan, because he's already mostly-successfully raised one Skywalker, so he can do it again.
Anakin gets to hang out with her basically all the time.
Ahsoka is very very jealous of this girl stealing Anakin's attention.
Anakin is oblivious to the rivalry.
He asks Barriss to look after them while he's discussing Adult War Things with Luminara and Obi-Wan, and Barriss gets an eye into This Mess, which is quickly colored by Ahsoka growing a puppy crush on the lovely Miss Offee herself.
Ahsoka: Ah yes, my nemesis. Anisister: Ah yes, my new older sister whom I want to impress so bad.
"I will impress her by being Stoic and Competent" "Oh my god she must think she's so much better than me what a bitch"
Anakin is oblivious to most things to be fair Anakin: Laser focused precision fighting machine who can read the tiniest body movements and predict your moves seconds in advance, who also cannot understand even the most basic social nuance. I was originally writing this as to Dunk on Anakin but then I made myself sad, because none of those things are really his fault.
So you know that post about like, Sasuke and Brooding, specifically in the context of "Brooding" as it's used to refer to Nesting Chickens? Grouchy and protective and sitting on a tennis ball trying to hatch it because they're just. "These are my Babies." Anakin Broods. Baby sisters. Must protecc. "I'm actually fine and extremely deadly in combat." "MUST PROTECT."
Bad Guy: [catches Ahsoka in a Trap] Aniclone: Must rescue sister! Aniclone: [fights, is not winning fight, gets ouched] Ahsoka tearing her way out of Trap: I lived bitch. Also: stay the fuck away from her. [murders so hard]
Ahsoka catches the Protective Older Sib feels by the traditional method: "Hey, only I'm allowed to be mean to them."
Oh Anakin has no clue what’s going on. He walks in on Ahsoka glaring at the Ani and is like!!! Little sisters!!! Bonding!!! When Ahsoka was about three seconds away from tossing her out of the airlock. Ahsoka mistakenly assumes that Barriss has a crush on the Ani, and gets even MORE jealous.
Obi-Wan is like oh god. I can’t take care of an Anakin going through puberty again. He’s great with periods and other stuff because he read about a billion books. He is TERRIBLE with everything else, as he was the first time.
IDK how old Obi-Wan's Aniclone is, probably physically the same age as Ahsoka?
Per @atagotiak on discord:
Also something something, similarities btw Anakin and Obi-Wan where like. "Am I a parent? That seems uncomfortable, I'm too young to be a dad to a kid this age, I mean I'm cool with being a mentor/caretaker but..."
Obi-Wan can't even sidestep parenthood this time.
"Is Anakin basically your dad?" "Uhhhhhh" [Muffled discussion] "So Obi-Wan is your dad." "Okay!" "WAIT NO I DIDN'T AGREE TO THIS"
Ahsoka: She's stealing my brother, that BITCH. Obi-Wan's Aniclone: new sister new sister new sister gotta make a good impression
I feel like the Sister Squad would make very effective interstellar espionage agents Even like, kind of by accident. They just get encouraged to branch out in their interests and figure out what they want to do with their lives and end up all over the dang place, and since they're all pretty dang competent they tend to gravitate towards Important Positions wherever they end up. Except for one sister who just retires to raise Space Sheep.
I like that in this AU Palpatine is just like "I will create an army of Loyal Murderers who will obey my every whim and also be a big psychological lever on my Other Pet Murderer," and then they all just Baby Duckling imprint on the first Jedi to be nice to them instead and he has to just be like "Wait no not like that."
AND one of them Steals Boba
I want Obi-Wan's Aniclone to start dating Fives. All the sisters judge her for it, because he's a Goof. A very competent, ARC Trooper goof! But a goof.
Not as goofy as Anakin, though.
Who expects a clone of Anakin Skywalker to not make questionable lifelong romantic choices impulsively?
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kuroosweakness · 4 years
main haikyuu masterlist: pt 1
-> pt 2
all characters:
haikyuu characters drinking boba habits
haikyuu responding to “where do you wanna eat”
karasuno as boba orders
karasuno boys as sweet treats
karasuno boys in haunted houses
karasuno boys as part-time workers
karasuno boys as students
s/o forgets their lunch
s/o wanting to wear matching sweaters :)
nishinoya, tanaka, kageyama, and hinata when their s/o dodges his kisses
nishinoya, asahi, tsukki, and hinata waking up their s/o who is fake sleeping
kageyama when his s/o’s phone blows up with notifications
kageyama and yamaguchi when their s/o wants something from the store
random kags and hinata headcanon :)
oikawa, iwaizumi, tendou, ushijima, akaashi, bokuto, kuroo as part-time workers
ushijima, tendou, oikawa, and iwaizumi as boba orders
when their their s/o is being made fun during a presentation // kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi
comforting their s/o // kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi
when their s/o makes plans without including them // kuroo and kenma
when their s/o dodges their kisses // kuroo, kenma, lev, and yaku
when their s/o dodges his kisses // ushijima and tendou
when their s/o dodges his kisses // oikawa and iwaizumi
when their s/o dodges his kisses // atsumu, osamu, and suna
when their s/o calls them “just a friend” // akaashi and bokuto
when their s/o wants to do face masks // akaashi and bokuto
when their s/o wants to do face masks // ushijima and tendou
when their s/o wants to do face masks // oikawa and iwaizumi
to losing their s/o in a public place // oikawa and iwaizumi
trick-or-treating with s/o // oikawa and iwaizumi
when s/o’s phone blows up with notifications // oikawa and kageyama
waking up their s/o who is fake sleeping // oikawa, kuroo, akaashi, bokuto
when their s/o is feeling cold // atsumu, suna, sakusa
when their s/o is feeling cold // akaashi and bokuto
when their s/o is feeling cold // kuroo and kenma
when their s/o asks for something from the store // akaashi and bokuto
when their s/o asks for something from the store // atsumu, suna, and sakusa
when their s/o asks for something from the store // oikawa and kuroo
“you didn’t give me enough kisses today” // akaashi and bokuto
“you didn’t give me enough kisses today” // oikawa, iwaizumi, ushijima
“you didn’t give me enough kisses today” // nishinoya and tsukishima
when their s/o gets period blood on bed sheets // oikawa and iwaizumi
when their s/o gets period blood on bed sheets // kuroo and bokuto
when their s/o asks them to open a jar // ushijima, tendou, and semi
when their s/o falls off of the bed // oikawa and iwaizumi
when their s/o falls off of the bed // kuroo and bokuto
s/o who sleeps with stuffed animals (plushies) // kuroo, bokuto, akaashi
when his s/o wipes his kisses off // atsumu, osamu, suna
when his s/o wipes his kisses off // oikawa and iwaizumi
when his s/o wipes his kisses off // kuroo, akaashi, bokuto
requested <33
oikawa comforting an insecure s/o
oikawa with a curly haired s/o
goshiki with his s/o doing facemasks together
road trip with oikawa, akaashi, and kuroo
tendou and goshiki reacts to their s/o coming out as bi
oikawa, iwaizumi, nishinoya, tanaka, and ushijima with a clumsy s/o
akaashi, tendou, tanaka, and osamu with a cutesy s/o
suna and kita helping a s/o on a panic attack
suna when his s/o accidentally calls him bro/dude
kuroo, yamaguchi, and hinata when their s/o accidentally calls them bro/dude
sugawara, kita, and goshiki when they notice their s/o’s self-harm scars
tsukki, daichi, and kenma when their s/o wants to do couple costumes
semi and suna doing a couple tiktok with s/o
shirabu and goshiki when their s/o cute their bangs and style their hair with cute pins
suna, akaashi, semi, and tsukki when their s/o wraps their legs around them when they’re gaming (tiktok trend)
iwaizumi with a chubby insecure s/o
lev, tendou, and osamu with a s/o who loves giving bone-crushing hugs
kenma, akaashi, sugawara, tsukishima when their s/o gets period blood on sheets
yamaguchi, sugawara, and ennoshita when their s/o comes to their game
bokuto and akaashi with a s/o who says “i love you” a lot
kuroo, bokuto, iwaizumi, and akaashi with an amputee s/o
iwaizumi, oikawa, and shirabu protecting s/o from a perv
iwaizumi, yaku, and sugawara with a clumsy s/o
oikawa and iwaizumi when their s/o calls them “just a friend”
atsumu and bokuto protecting s/o on a train from a perv
bokuto’s s/o passes away due to childbirth
iwaizumi, kuroo, akaashi, ushijima, and sugawara with a s/o who cries a lot
sakusa, kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi with an affectionate, small s/o
bokuto, iwaizumi, oikawa, and tendou when their s/o feeling insecure about gaining weight
sakusa, kenma, and oikawa when they’re jealous
bokuto, tendou, sugawara, and oikawa with a plus size s/o
kuroo, oikawa, osamu, and sakusa with a s/o has dimple when they smile
seijoh x manager who knits them scarves and hats
kuroo, noya, and yamaguchi with a plus size s/o
kyotani’s nightmare of losing his soft s/o
sakusa getting jealous
kuroo, iwaizumi, bokuto, ushijima, akaashi taking care of their basketball player s/o
nekoma’s reaction to yaku’s short girlfriend
ushijima, akaashi, and osamu protecting their s/o from a perv
sakusa playing his guitar for his s/o
iwaizumi and “hey shawty, is your man still around”
oikawa and “hey shawty, is your man still around”
oikawa x reader who’s a dry texter
akaashi protecting s/o from perv on train
iwaizumi, osamu, and kuroo accidentally saying “i love you” out loud
kenma and tendou with a s/o who pops their knuckles, neck, etc a lot
kuroo, ushijima, iwaizumi, oikawa, aone, tsukki when their s/o gives them a matching couple item
kuroo, ushijima, and ukai when their s/o comes out as bi
goshiki feeling like he’s not good enough
iwaizumi and akaashi as boyfriends
kenma, atsumu, yaku, and iwaizumi with a s/o who always types formally
ushijima, aone, oikawa, and iwaizumi with a bubbly nerd s/o
sakusa w/younger sister
tsukishima, kuroo, and bokuto walking in on y/n changing
kuroo, iwaizumi, and bokuto with a s/o who plays water polo
bokuto, kuroo, and iwaizumi with a s/o who doesn’t have motivation to work out
kuroo with a memer s/o
iwaizumi, kuroo, ushijima, and aone react to their s/o doing a sexy dance
karasuno, nekoma, aoba johsai when their cute manager gets hit on
kuroo, akaashi, iwaizumi reacting to their s/o sing “baby don’t stop” ( nct u song )
who’ll be jealous when their s/o is crazy for their kpop bias
kuroo and iwaizumi doing the “try not to kiss each other” tiktok challenge
iwaizumi, oikawa, kuroo, and akaashi when their s/o brings home a stray puppy
kuroo when his s/o brings food to nekoma
sakusa going to school with glasses
shiratorizawa, fukurodani, and johzenji when their manager gets hit on
tsukishima, aone, and kenma reacting to their s/o’s self-harm scars
semi, nishinoya, and komori reacting to their s/o’s self-harm scars
terushima when his s/o is mad at him
iwaizumi, kageyama, ushijima, and kenma caught making out with s/o
oikawa x iwaizumi’s little sister
iwaizumi and atsumu when their s/o overworks herself too much
semi, osamu, and lev when their s/o calls them pretty boy
semi and kuroo unintentionally putting their hand on reader’s waist to get past
bokuto, kuroo, and oikawa extravagantly proposing to their s/o
iwaizumi comforting his stressed out s/o
kenma, kuroo, and akaashi when their s/o is jealous
bokuto and oikawa with a s/o who’s in a depressive episode
s/o taking care of stressed out iwaizumi
ushijima, sakusa, atsumu, and bokuto with a s/o who plays soccer
itachiyama when their manager gets hit on
iwaizumi, kageyama, and kenma with a s/o who sleeps with stuffed animals ( plushies )
oikawa, bokuto, ushijima, iwaizumi with a s/o who plays the same position in volleyball as them
iwaizumi, kuroo, oikawa, and bokuto with a s/o whose first language isn’t japanese
oikawa and nishinoya with a s/o who doodles all over their own body
atsumu, bokuto, kageyama, and osamu when their s/o playfully says “i hate you”
ushijima with a s/o with bad anxiety
oikawa’s s/o has an asthma attack
karasuno meeting daichi’s s/o for the first time
asahi, oikawa, ushijima when they accidentally hit their s/o with a volleyball
kuroo, iwaizumi, and tsukishima when their s/o shows up at their game in their jersey
tendou, iwaizumi, and tsukishima with a s/o who has stretch marks
oikawa - “if you miss the serve, you get no kiss”
kuroo, akaashi, bokuto and iwaizumi when their cheerful s/o goes quiet
akaashi and bokuto with a s/o who does archery
kuroo, akaashi, bokuto and iwaizumi when their cheerful s/o goes quiet
tendou, ushijima, and iwaizumi comforting s/o who’s insecure about their weight
kageyama, kenma, hinata, and bokuto x  suga’s short younger brother
atsumu, osamu, and suna with a s/o who has a lisp and is starting speech therapy
ushijima, iwaizumi, sakusa, atsumu, and bokuto with their s/o who has scars from surgery
kuroo comforting y/n after a breakup
iwaizumi, aone, and ushijima taking care of s/o’s younger sibling
aone, nishinoya, and ushijima when their s/o shows up at their game in their jersey
tsukishima, iwaizumi, and kuroo comforting their s/o who’s having issues with their best friend
tendou, ushijima, and tsukishima when their s/o breaks down after bottling their emotions
akaashi, bokuto, asahi, kuroo, and iwaizumi when y/n’s ex talks trash about them
iwaizumi, futakuchi, and ushijima when their s/o is hurting from awful cramps
bokuto, kuroo, and akaashi comforting election-stressed s/o
atsumu and terushima supporting s/o who goes to therapy
oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo, ushijima reacting to their femboy boyfriend wearing a skirt, crop top, and thigh highs
akaashi and kita with a stressed out s/o
shiratorizawa, fukurodani, and karasuno helping their s/o who wants to be a libero
oikawa and akaashi when their s/o tells them they had depression
rich sakusa x rich s/o
tendou, kuroo, bokuto, and iwaizumi with an s/o who needs constant affirmation
kuroo/akaashi night-time cuddles
akaashi x gf who wears glasses
fukurodani and shiratorizawa with a s/o who’s the girls’ team captain
bokuto x kuroo’s twin sister
kuroo x goofball s/o with dad humor
sakusa, oikawa, and atsumu when their s/o asks them to slow dance
hinata, kageyama, and nishinoya when their s/o wants them to teach them volleyball
tsukishima, aone, and kenma’s s/o koala’ing themselves onto their lap  
kuroo comfort hcs
kuroo comfort hcs
tendou, kenma, and sugawara when their s/o is having a really rough time
iwaizumi and osamu college admission essay comfort hcs
kenma and hinata with a s/o who has severe headaches
atsumu, osamu, sakusa, and suna as younger siblings
ushijima, bokuto, tanaka, tsukishima, and kuroo when their tough s/o breaks down
bokuto, ushijima, tanaka, and tsukishima when their s/o asks if they love her
akaashi, iwaizumi, bokuto, and tendou helping their s/o who has a sprained ankle
kageyama when his s/o feels insecure
bokuto, tsukishima, tanaka, and akaashi comforting their s/o who’s in an art block
kyotani when his tough s/o breaks down
tsukishima’s lively, outgoing s/o becomes quiet and cold
bokuto, hinata, atsumu, sakusa when their short s/o wants to reach the top shelf
lev, iwaizumi, sakusa with a touch-starved s/o
iwaizumi comforting s/o who has a toxic mom
kenma when his s/o comes out to him
kunimi comforting his s/o after her bestfriend used her
akaashi when his girlfriend is on her period and wants to hug him all day
kita and akaashi when their s/o wants to serenades him
tendou and yaku helping relieve s/o’s study stress
waking up with kageyama, kenma, and akaashi
tsukishima, yamaguchi, and kuroo with a s/o who has frequent breakdowns
sakusa when his childhood crush/best friend is moving away
bokuto, tendou, and nishinoya with a s/o who has tics
osamu and bokuto when their s/o cries all the time on her period
oikawa helping his s/o go to sleep
akaashi with a s/o who cries easily
kenma and iwaizumi comforting their s/o with scars
atsumu, osamu, and sugawara cuddling their stressed s/o
kenma helping his s/o calm down
yaku and tsukishima when their s/o feels useless and like a bad person
kuroo, oikawa, tendou, kenma with a s/o who has a toxic friend
daichi, sugawara, asahi with y/n questioning their sexuality
bokuto and kuroo trying to cheer up their s/o after losing loved ones
kuroo and akaashi with a lonely s/o
kuroo and akaashi comforting their lonely s/o
atsumu, sakusa, bokuto, and hinata’s s/o koala’ing themselves onto their lap
(pt. 2 of this masterlist)
scenarios/small drabbles:
oikawa: “don’t you think you can do better than me? ( fluff )”
akaashi: where akaashi has a bad day ( fluff )
bokuto: night-time cuddles ( fluff )
(requested) kuroo and akaashi: night-time cuddles ( fluff )
(requested ) story: nishinoya toxic relationship -> sugawara healthy relationship
(requested) y/n wants akaashi to know how much she loves him
(requested) tsukki surprising his manager s/o for her birthday
770 notes · View notes
kazhan-draws · 3 years
wip wednesday
Time Travel AU!Bobadin, aka the fic that grew legs.
Who is she? From the way they interact and if Din didn’t know any better, he’d think Boba and the girl were siblings. She obviously cares and worries about him, and no matter how intent Boba seems to be on pushing her away, he just spent two hours playing dejarik against her online—and it doesn’t sound like it was the first time. But Din had never heard the name Omega before he suddenly got thrown twenty years into the past. Din was under the impression that Boba had never gotten close to any of the clones, but this is obviously another thing to add to the ‘Boba’s complicated past’ list.
“I told you I didn’t need backup,” Boba growls.
“Whatever,” she waves him off. “Who’s your shiny friend?”
“He’s none of your kriffing business,” Boba sneers.
“Aw, come on! Hunter’s asleep and the others are out, I’m alone and bored,” the girl whines. “He’s pretty impressive, I’m not sure if Echo wanted to steal his armor or climb him like a tree. Hm. Maybe both.”
Din chokes and Boba makes a distressed sound. “What the kark, Omega!”
“Are you blushing? Did that make you jealous? Do you have a crush on your tall and shiny new friend? Oh! Oh! Is he your boyfriend?” she babbles so fast Boba can only sputter indignantly, his whole face flushing in embarrassment.
Boba disconnects the call.
Din presses his lips together and regrets not having put his helmet back on to hide the smile he’s desperately trying—and failing—to suppress.
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minniethemoocherda · 3 years
Sins of the Past (Chapter 10)
Summery:  A collection of drabbles set in my modern au where the Bad Batch raise Omega after rescuing her from the abusive hands of their mother. In this chapter Jango Fett finally shows up.
When Hunter opened the front door that Saturday morning, the last person he expected to find standing on his porch, was Jango Fett.
"Hey." Jango said, as though they hadn't spoken in over ten years. As though he hadn't said that taking in his own children would be too much. As though the last time they had talked hadn't been at his brother's funeral.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Hunter growled, slamming the door behind him. The rest of his siblings were probably asleep, as he was the only one amongst them that could be called anything resembling an early bird. Still he had protected them from their parents his whole life. He wasn't about to stop now.
"Watch your language." Jango scolded. Hunter was about to go on a rant about how if he was here to discipline him then he was twenty-six years too late, when he noticed that Jango wasn't alone. Besides him, stood a young boy around Omega's age with instantly recognisable dark eyes, broad nose and golden brown skin.
Jango filled his stunned silence.
"This is my son Boba. Boba, this is Hunter."
"Hi." Boba said with a recognisable little wave. He seemed uncertain as to why he was here as Hunter was, which lead Hunter to wonder if the kid was even aware of his army of older brothers.
Hunter turned his attention back to Jango.
"I have nothing to say to you that I can say in front of the kid." Hunter told him frankly. For all of Jango's flaws, Boba was an innocent party in all of this. He didn't need to be witness to the inevitable shitshow.
For the first time in his life, Jango actually listened to him.
Jango nodded, before kneeling down in front of the kid.
"Boba, can you sit in the car for me son? You can put some music on whilst we wait."
Despite still looking a bit uncertain Boba nodded. Jango ruffled the boy's hair as he headed back to the car. Hunter hated the stab of jealousy in his chest. He squashed it down with a vengeance, turning his attention back on Jango.
"Now that the kids gone, I'll ask again. What the fuck are you doing here?"
"I heard about Omega."
God it hurt more than it should have that Jango hadn't come all this way for him. Growing up this had been all he'd ever dreamed off, to wake up to Jango waiting on their doorstep. But he refused to let himself be jealous over his little sister.
"What like you just heard about her existence? Or that she had been taken away from Nala?" He asked because that was a very important distinction.
Jango at least had the decency to look away in guilt.
"That Omega had been taken from her custody." He confessed.
"So you knew that she had been born." Hunter snorted. "Nice to see you were thinking with your other head when you decided to sleep with the woman who abused your own children."
"Hey! Look, I knew that you and Nala had your issues but I had no idea that it had been that bad-"
"Yes you did!" Hunter interrupted, trying to ignore the sting of tears behind his eyes. "Because I told you. Because I begged you to let me stay with you! So that I never had to deal with her ever again! Obviously I was expecting too much from you to believe in your own children over your latest squeeze."
Hunter could feel his fists shaking. He crossed his arms, clamping his hands under his pits to stop them from punching his father in the face. He took a shuddering breathe, forcing himself to calm down.
"If you knew Omega was born, then why did you never see her? And who is Boba's mother for that matter?"
Jango sighed and for the first time, Hunter properly took him all in. His face sagged with wrinkles carved into dark skin that had lost its golden glow. His once strong frame had lost its muscles definition and the curls of his hair were almost completely grey. His father couldn't have been more than fifty years old but he looked aged.
"After Fives ... died I... I realised how awful a father I had been to you. To all of you. So I wanted a fresh start. To do things right this time. Around the same time, Nala reached out to me. She was so upset that she had lost custody of you. At the time I felt sorry for her. We both wanted another kid, to make up for the ones we'd lost. So we came to an agreement. We would have two children between us. She would keep one and I would keep the other."
"So instead of trying to be a better father to the kids you already had, you just decided to create a new one?" Hunter stated in disbelief. He had often called his father crazy but he'd had no idea that the man was truly insane. "Where you there when Wolffe lost his eye? No, Plo Koon was. Or when Echo lost not only his arm but his twin too? No, that was Ninety-Nine. And was it you who rescued Omega from her own mother? No I did."
Hunter wasn't even angry anymore. He was just stating simple facts.
"I'm sorry." Jango said, and the haunted look in his eye told Hunter that he meant it.
Hunter had waited so long to hear those words from Jango. But now that he actually had them, he found that he didn't care. He'd gone his whole life without needing Jango. So why would he need his apology now.
"Look I'm glad that you've acknowledged how shitty a parent you were. And that out of all of us, at least Boba has a Dad that he can rely on. But." Hunter stared at his father, making sure to look Jango dead in the eye. "You are not my Dad. Ninety-Nine was more of a father to me than you ever were. In fact, he is the only person in my life I consider to be my parent."
Jango flinched at his words but Hunter wasn't in the mood to feel sorry for causing it.
"Very well. Can I at least see my daughter now." Jango said expectantly.
Hunter resisted the urge to laugh.
"She is not yours. Legally she is mine. I am her guardian now. So if you want see her, it will be up to me."
That anger he recognised from the few times he had interacted with the man sparked at the back of Jango's familiar  eyes. But Jango also knew that he wouldn't be getting anything today. Hunter had inherited his famous Fett stubbornness after all.
"Fine. I'll be in touch. For now, just tell her I said hello." Jango told him. And just like that, the first conversation Hunter had with his father in over a decade was over. Jango didn't even both look over his shoulders as he marched back to the car. From his spot on the porch, Hunter could see Boba animatedly asking questions, none of which appeared to have been answered as Jango drove off, his mouth sealed shut and gaze firmly on the road ahead.
As soon as they were out of his view, Hunter headed back inside. He slammed the door shut, leaning his head against the hard wood. He was sweating, his heart pounded in his chest and his legs felt as though they were about to buckle. He felt like he had run a marathon. Hunter never thought that he would see Jango again and he hated the power the man still had over him even after all these years. But, as shaken as he was, he also felt a sense of closure that he had never experienced before.
"Who was that?"
Hunter startled. He turned around to find Omega standing at the bottom of the stairs, limply holding Lula with one hand whilst the other rubbed sleep from her eyes.
She looked up at him, blinking in innocence.  
Hunter tried to give a reassuring smile but he knew the girl could tell that it didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Nobody important."
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