#jean pierre mixte
clubartaesthetic · 9 months
She fell first, but he fell harder
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feltit-wroteit · 8 months
Better For Me. Not You.
Jean-Pierre Magnan x Reader
Your boyfriend doesn't understand why you need to attend school when you have him to teach you. But, for you, there is nothing more important than getting an high education. A fight might be what your boyfriend needs in order to not make a fuss at school.
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You had arrived in France after your parents decided England had became to bland. Sure it was a huge change, but not a sad one. You didn't have a lot of friends back in England so nothing was left when you set trail. But here, it was perfect.
On your first day, your parents went to buy some meet at the Magnan's and that is where you met Jean-Pierre. You two immediately clicked and the rest was history. It started with you going back every few days to purchase new meat and finished with Jean-Pierre courting you and becoming your boyfriend. It wasn't hard for you to fall in love with him. He was like the men you read about in your books that your parents had bought when moving here.
Jean-Pierre taught you everything he knew when you had asked him if he could. Schools for girls were very prestegious and you hadn't known a thing beside litterature. He was the perfect teacher. Always taking his time when you didn't understand something. You now were almost his equal which meant you were more than an average student. That is what your boyfriend said anyways and that was enough validation for you.
Recently though, the relationship had been rocky. Jean-Pierre's school was oppening its door for a few girls and you had gotten and acceptable letter three weeks ago. It was your first day today, and officially the one week mark of you not talking to your boyfriend. He probably thought that he was the one ignoring you, but it was the other way around. You couldn't even look at him after what had happened that afternoon while you guys were havimg à nice pic-nic.
-One week ago-
"Fuck! I don't want you too. It should be the only good reason!" You looked at him and waited for him to say he was joking. Hoping he was joking. Nothing came..."I don't know what to say Jean-Pierre-" "Don't say anything. Just do as I say." Of course you knew your boyfriend had controling tendencies but he had never used them on you. "Jean-Pierre Magnan. You will not speak to me like that. I deserve respect. Besides, it doesn't matter what you want in this." He scoffed. "Well, yeah it does." You looked at him and finally decided to put your sandwich down. Your appetite was no longer there. "Oh yeah? And how may that be true? Explain away." You motioned for him to do so after whipping your hand clean from your lunch's remnants. "I am your future husband after all." He looked ta you with fire in his eyes. You looked at him with disgust. "What is that suppose to mean? That I can't be a good wife because I have an education. That I am less than a woman for wanting to do something that only men had the right to do not so long ago but should be reachable to anyone? You digust me right now Magnan." You voiced your thoughts and let your frustration take over. "No. But it means that you have me and that is plenty enough to learn- I don't want you around all these boys! There I said it." He tried to reach for your hand thinking this thing was resolved and it was now your turn to scoff. "How much of a man are you? Maybe I shouldn't be your wife since you think me for a brainless damsel who will jump at any boy in my usual unfaithfulness? You are selfish." You said as you pulled your hand from his getting up. He got up with you and you saw the regret painted on your face. But it was too late. "Y/N... That is not what I meant. I was being selfish. Pardon me, please?" "Good to see you taking responsibility for your actions. But your selfishness will get us nowhere. Maybe me going to school isn't good in your books, but in mine? It is too good to be true. And you, of all people, know how bad I want this. Shame on you Magnan." You stabbed his chest with your index finger and let tears fall from your eyes. "I am so sorry, darling. Please forgive me. I lost my thoughts-I-I..." You looked in his eyes and pulled your finger away from his chest. Silence was the inly thing leaving your mouth and that didn't sit well with your boyfriend. You picked your stuff up from the ground and went to leave. "What are you doing, Y/N?" He followed you slightly. You turned around and made a distance with your hand gently placed on his abdomen. "I think it's better if we both take time to breath. See you at school Jean-Pierre." You turned your back to him once more and left.
Jean-Pierre sat back down and slammed his fist on the grass after gripping his hair by the roots. "Fuck!"
You were looking at the class board and you noticed your name after some slight searching. Right beside his. You sighed and went to see the other girls that had arrived. This day would be a long one.
When you entered your classroom, Jean-Pierre had kept you a seat beside him and smiled at you. You smiled slightly and went to sit at an empty desk. First period was soent with him looking at you and you trying to focus and answer all of the teachers' questions. The teachers were pretty impression and the other boys were now looking at you too. Not in any way were you comfortable. They were looking at you like a rat in a labotary. Maybe you should've sat with your boyfriend at the front.
When it was time for lunch, you made your way to the cafeteria but were snatched from the waist. You let a squeak out and landed in a man's embrace. "Let go of me! I'm married!" You screamed and only heard a laugh. "We're married now? I thought we were at the divorce stage, darling." The man let you go and you replaced your hair. "Jean-Pierre." You curtsied. "Oh dear Y/N, please forgive me? I can't live with the thought of you hating me. I admit, I was dumb." You looked him dead in the eye and nodded. "I trust you. But please, promise me to never be this controling of me ever again. I won't let it slide quite easily next time." You stayed cold and he nodded fastly. He went forward and reached for your hand. He laid a quick but soft kiss on your lips and smiled "I promise, darling! But can tou sit next to me? A compromise? I don't like all of them eating you up from their stares. I know you answering all the question is attractive, but only I can look at you with wanting eyes. Right?" You both laughed slightly. "Of course my love. Besides I was not comfortable amd want to dedicate all of my attention to the subject at hand." He smiled at you and replaced a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "Good." He kissed you again. "Good you replied with a smile.
While walking to the cafeteria, your head was rethinking of specific thing your boyfriend had said in that room. "So... You were dumb, huh? Do I make your head go mushy, mister Magnan?" You nudged your shoulder against his. "Oh shut it! You're stupid-" You faked a dramatic gasp. "Take thay back right now, Jean-Pierre Magnan!" There was a beat of silence before you burst in laughter.
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by-lalani · 8 months
carpe diem ⊶ joseph descamps
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-“she's a, she's a lady
and i am just a boy"
in which a school of boys open its grounds to thirteen girls, and they have no idea how to act
started: january 4, 2024
status: ongoing!!
warnings: cursing, smoking, immature teen boys, mentions of homophobia, mentions of misogyny, mentions of abuse, violence, mentions of body image, i don't own ANY gifs (thank pinterest for that), but the cover and picture are mine, probably more, i'll add more later on as i go
tags: joseph descamps, jean dupin, michele magnan, simone palladino, martine gomez, annick sabiani, charles vergoux, original character, romance, joseph descamps x oc, mixer 1963, voltaire high
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meltinghun · 8 months
Complicated ; Jean-Pierre Magnan.
summary; since the start of the school year, Jean-Pierre and reader have competed with each other for the first place on everything, that is until reader starts to neglect herself.
warnings: fem!reader, ANGST!!!, fluff, swearing, academic enemies-to-lovers, feelings of failure, reader has a shitty family AND doesn't take care of her health (dead dove do not eat? idk?), canon typical misogyny, they're so mean but they like each other (i promise!!).
w/c: 2.8k
author note: i want to thank everyone who encouraged me to keep writting, your comments made me blush and giggle so hard, omg!!!! <3
I got stuck in this o.s for more than a month because I really liked the idea but I wasn't convinced on how it was turning out, but anyways, I had to upload something after being inactive for so long lmao.
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The latin teacher handed each student their graded exams, occasionally throwing back handed comments when he saw necessary, visibly enjoying the defeated faces of the students that didn't receive a satisfactory grade.
With an audible sigh, he extended the paper towards Y/N, shaking his head to emphatise his dissaprovement.
"You were the only reason as to why I was starting to believe that it was a good idea to integrate girls to the school." He raised his eyebrows. "But I'm starting to regret it."
The loud comment reverberated on the walls and hurt her ears, making her shrink in her seat with embarrassment when the big red 7/20 was placed in front of her. When the professor continued walking around, she heard a subtle chuckle coming from the left, turning her head in that direction. Founding a pair of big green eyes already staring at her in amusement.
"And I'm starting to believe that, after all, you are not a threat at all." A small smirk painted his face before continuing. "Maybe you fooled all of us into believing that you were actually smart, but I guess you aren't at all."
Her throat closed at the same time that she felt the need to throw up, she didn't knew what was wrong with her, she stayed up late studying for the tests, wrote her own resumes and even recited them out loud to try and memorize it, but no matter what she tried, the formulas didn't seem to stick to her brain, the numbers and symbols seemed like the exact same thing and confused them with each other and even the words of her history homework seemed to be written on a foreign language. She felt like a failure ever since her parents started to demand even better grades than she already had, spending her days and nights studying and having little to almost no sleep at all, investing all her time into trying to regain her star student position.
She was exhausted, sometimes even getting to the point of hallucinating things from the lack of rest, but convincing herself that she didn't deserve it until her parents were more than proud of her. And that seemed so far away.
Blinking away the tears, she tried to keep up with her facade, "Maybe you should start to mind your own business, Magnan." She managed to spat through gritted teeth.
"And that's where you're wrong, again." She groaned in annoyance. "See, when something makes you feel miserable, it is completly of my business because it makes me feel amazing."
She took a sharp inhale, and before she could say something, the sound of the bell indicating the start of reccess pierced the air. Rapidly, she gathered her belongings and almost sprinted out of the classroom, earning a severe reprimend from the teacher that she didn't care enough to hear.
"Miss L/N!" He made an offended sound. "Women, they are so sensitive... That's why they don't belong here."
She made a straight path towards the teachers restrooms, and only after locking the door did she allowed herself to let out a choked sob. The tears falling down and making a mess everywere, a hand coming up her face to try to muffle her desperate cries.
She really didn't know what was wrong with her.
Maybe she was the problem.
Everything came down like a ton of bricks falling on her, from the pressure of trying to be a role model for her family, to the hurtful words of Jean-Pierre that striked a nerve. Usually it wouldn't bother her that much and instead she would have a comeback ready to throw at him, but lately that wasn't the case, the highlights of her day used to be the moments were they started bickering at each other, sharing defying looks and victorius smirks in the way. She awaited those moments so eagerly.
But now she was lacking the strength to think on a smart jab to get right back at him, and even when she did manage to come up with something, it didn't bring her any satisfaction at all like it used to. Instead, she just felt drained.
Once again, the bell rang indicating to everyone that the classes resumed once again, but rather of getting out of her little hiding spot, she just stayed there, not feeling ready to face yet another deception.
Nor face again those mesmerizing green eyes.
A sharp headache made her wince slighty, she's been having them since a few days ago, sometimes were more powerful than others and today it seemed like one of the days were she felt like digging out her brain out of her head. She splashed some water on her face and looked at the mirror, looking away almost immediately when she took note of how sick she looked.
Opening the door, she carefully made her way to the infirmary, thinking to herself that some minutes with the school's nurse could excuse her absence in the class. A sudden feeling of dizziness caused by the sudden movement almost made her trip over, but before it happened, a strong hand took hold of her arm, keeping her from falling.
"What is wrong with you? Where the hell were you?" Jean-Pierre gave her a severe look that harbored his concern.
"I already told you to mind your own business." With all the strength she could muster, she pushed herself free out of his hold, the anger bubbling on her veins. "I don't owe you nothing, so get out of my sight and leave me the fuck alone. You would do me a great fucking favor."
Her harsh words left him completly dumbfounded, never before had she talked to him like that, even on the days when he annoyed her out of her mind. He saw how she moved towards the stairs, holding tightly onto the rails; moving closer to her hunched form, he felt the sudden and desperate need to ask her what was the problem, if he could help her in any way.
"I'm here against my will, Miss Couret sent me to look out for you." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth. "She was worried because she didn't saw you at recess, even more when you weren't at the classroom."
The lie slipped off naturally from him. Miss Couret didn't sent him to look out for her, he scaped class by coming up with some excuse about needing to ask something important about his latin competence, the truth was that he was the one who worried about her absence. But she didn't need to know that tiny detail.
Jean-Pierre would never admit it out loud, but he saw the drastic change on his rival's attitude, and it got him concerned. He would secretly listen to conversations of her friends that involved Y/N herself as a main topic, that's how he got to know how strict her parents were with her and it made his stomach churn with worry.
The weird thing was, he really didn't know why he cared so much, neither why he couldn't stop thinking about her. She was the first thing on his mind when he waked up, thinking about new ways to annoy her and have her total attention on him, he thought about her on the afternoon while doing homework, wondering if she managed to do the excersices better that him, and she was also his last thought before dozing up to sleep, anxiously waiting for the morning to come to do that rutine all over again.
He really didn't knew why.
A grip on his sleeve made him stop on his tracks and turn his torso towards her, his free hand instinctively coming up to rest it on her forearm.
"I think I will pass up." She mumbled with a lost look on her eyes. "If you let me fall, I will kill you, Magnan."
And not even a second later, everything turned black to her.
- - - - - - - - - -
The fist thing she noticed was the slight smell of pine blending up with the strong one coming out of the medicines, a small sigh leaving her lips before opening her eyes, stumbling almost immediately with the image of Jean-Pierre sitting beside the bed she was lying, and from what she could see, he was engrossed with a latin book.
Her heart raced and a hundred thoughts per second invaded her head. He could've left her with the nurse to come back to class, why was her still there? Was he waiting for her to wake up? But also, what if he was only there to be the first one to laugh at her? The questions overwhelmed her inmensely, so she decided to ask first the important ones.
"How long have I've been unconsious?" The sudden sound of her voice making him shot his head up, she could swore he almost looked relieved.
"I, uhm... Here, I bet you are thirsty." He cleared his voice before handing her a cup of water. "It wasn't for that long, just a couple hours. The school's over in less than forty minutes, so we can go home anytime."
She emitted a groan. "No wonder why I feel like I slept for years, I missed the whole day!" Leaving the cup on the bedside table, she glanced quickly around the nursery. "Where's Mrs. Bellanger?"
"Some kid was playing too hard and broke his arm in the process, she told me to keep an eye on you while she took him to the hospital." He paused, momentarily doubting if he should keep going. "She also told me that you passed out due to a huge lack of sleep and a possible unbalanced diet. Tell me, did you thought that it was smart? To harm yourself in order to have the acceptance of some idiots who can't see your real value? It's not worth it if you end up like this."
As if it were an habit, her eyes got teary, losing the count on how many times she cried on the day. It bothered her so much, even more that it was happening in his presence. For a moment, he almost sounded so consternated... But either way, she wouldn't tolerate being scolded like a kid.
"Excuse you?" She exclaimed, an evident frown on her face.
"Don't try to play dumb. You know what I mean."
"Oh, so you want to know why? I'm the first granddaughter, the first niece, the first child, the older sister... It's obvious that I have to make some sacrifices, even if it's at my own expense. After all, everyone expects so much more from me." The words came out slower than before and full of venom. "Yes, it may not be really healthy, but I push myself because it's the only way to make them proud of me, and it's something that I believed you would understand, Magnan."
"And you are not wrong, I do understand you." He took a few seconds before saying his next words. "That's why I don't want you to pressure yourself to be someone that you aren't, I know what it's like to be pressured by your parents -..."
"No, you don't. You don't know how my parents are!" She interrupted him. "You don't know how it is to be belittled when you don't achieve something worthy of their interest, you don't know how its like to feel proud of yourself because you thought that you finally did something right just to find out that you failed again, or to spend every second of the day studying, priving yourself of having a social life just to feel miserable at the end of the day. And you definitely don't know how it's like to live your whole life without knowing if your family even likes you."
She didn't know when she started to cry, much less in what moment Jean-Pierre got close enough to wrap her in a tight embrace. But suddenly, she felt like the constant emptiness in her chest was being filled with something much greater than a temporary stability brought by false acceptance, it was an unknown warm and fuzzy feeling that made her anguish vanish away. It felt like that was all she needed throughout her life.
They pulled apart slowly, his hands immediately went to her face to wipe away any traces left of tears on her cheeks, and they stood there, looking at each others eyes, feeling as if they were frozen in time. 
"I may not understand entirely, but I can learn how to." He murmured. "I really want to understand you."
"But why would you bother?" She asked, confused and desperate to know. "Since the moment we met, the only thing we do is argue, we hate each other!... I tried to hurt you so many times and you have done the same to me, so please, make me understand, why would you want to help me? Why do you care?"
"Because I care about you, deeply." The words came out breathless, his eyes trying to desperately find her gaze. "I really don't know how to describe what I feel, but I do know that every time I see you, my heart goes crazy, and sometimes I wonder if it will come the day where it's going to jump out of my chest to go chasing after you. I know that every time you laugh with another person, I wish with all my soul to, someday, be worthy enough to be the cause of your smile. But I do know that if I hated you, really did, I would be happy for your downfall, but I'm not, because I can't force me to act as if I don't care about you, not anymore."
Jean-Pierre wasn't a man or words. All his life he struggled to express his feelings, but this time, it was different.
"One of the things I admire you for is the way that you don't never give up, it doesn't matter how many times I get a slighty better mark, you study harder until beating me up the next time we have an exam. You are resilient, and so damn smart that it makes me feel jealous sometimes, because I wish I could have a little bit of the determination that you possess, and I can't comprehend why you focus on your non existing flaws and ignore all your strenghts."
"I never thought..." She began with a whisper, attempting to make a joke in order to not break down completely. "I never thought that someone could ever think that highly of me, not even you."
"How could I not? You are the most incredible person I ever met, Y/N."
A violent sob reverberated on the nursery walls, and before she could even feel shame for shattering that easily due to the sweetest words she ever heard, she found herself on Jean-Pierre's hold once again.
It felt like they spend a lifetime in that embrace, hearing nothing more than the rapid beats of their hearts and sharing everything they didn't had the courage to say out loud, not yet. Squeezing the hug one last time before breaking away, she dried her face with the sleeves of her blouse, his adoring eyes never leaving her.
"Now, what? What's next from this point?" Fearfully, she asked.
"Now... I will walk you home." Seeing her confused frown, he added rapidly. "If you want to be the number one, you have to be better than me, and the first step to achieve that is to sleep well and eat some real food. You have to take care of yourself, then we will work on the rest."
"We? You will help me beating you up?"
"I want to help you to become a better version of yourself. If that costs me becoming the second of the class, then so be it."
He extended his arm in her direction, encouraging her to hold it. Slowly, she got up from the bed and hooked their arms together.
"I must admit that my home is far away and I came walking today, so you can still back down if you want."  
"Only a fool could reject such offering."
She exhaled a shaky breath, never expecting that answer. As they made their way towards the door, a sudden question hitted her.
"How did you know about my problem with my family?"
"I accidentally overheard a conversation, I didn't realise it was about you until they named you." An overwhelming warmth creeping up his face.
"Of course, 'accidentally'."
"Shut up." His reddening cheeks and the obvious attempt of a lie didn't went unnoticed, earning a light giggle from the girl.
That fluttery sensation came back to her. She never thought that it would be possible to feel this smitten over someone, even if she still struggled to admit it. While the boy couldn't stop thinking of how fortunate he felt in those moments, with the person he couldn't stop dreaming about holding onto him and walking her home for the first time, and hopefully not last. The warm breeze of the spring surrounding them as they made their way out of the school between laughs and jokes, secretly wishing to have more moments like this one in the future.
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summersd4ughter · 8 months
I feel like we don't talk about him enough.
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user2772636 · 4 months
Joseph Descamps
Fun fact: My first published fics!!!
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Douzième Fille - You, as the 12th girl of Voltaire High, must face the new opportunities given by a school that is a mix of boys and girls. Handle your feelings towards a high school bully, make friendships that will last, and study hard enough to be accepted by society.
Mr. Beauty and Brains - An interview with a famous philosophy professor who gained fame from being one of the youngest in his field and being an attractive one, too. Is an interview for a first date too much?
So American - When your french boyfriend loves to tease you about how "american" you are, you just think you should write a song about it.
Puppy Love - When the school's golden boy finds a list about a few girls in his class (which include you), all hell breaks loose. You decide you think he looks adorable mad.
Hate is *a strong word - You've been on eachothers throats since kindergarten. Now that college is coming, more competitions mean more rivalry. You can't keep bottling emotions cause they'll spill out.
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admireforever · 8 months
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villain-connoisseur · 9 months
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bad romance ↪ voltaire high a.k.a. mixte 1963 (joseph descamps x oc initially, eventual jean pierre magnan x oc)
She fell first, but he fell harder.
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visndcaitswhore · 9 months
Amavi || Ch.2
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That day Gabrielle conveniently lost her cigarettes, and she acted like the entire time she was supposed to be studying, she wasn't throwing glances at the closed window across from her every 2 minutes while tapping her leg nervously. To the point where her mom had to shout at her from downstairs because they could hear her heel thumbing on the wooden floor through the ceiling to the living room.
Her mind was racing about how to approach this when she just decided to wing it and go with the flow. She locked her door, buttoned up her shirt, which she usually had a bit too open when in the comfort of her room, and grabbed a matchbox on one hand and a tiny rock on the other before making her way to the window.
Gabrielle noticed the lights were on. Then again, she would wake him up even if they weren't. When the peddle hit the window, it made a sound. Not too loud, not too quiet to go unnoticed by the boy inside the room. Still, he took his sweet time to answer, and Gabrielle was left glaring at his curtains, head propped up on her fist, till he finally opened them.
He must have been sleeping or was simply tired. Those were her first thoughts and the first thing she noticed about him. Aside from the white patch over his left eye, It wasn't that bad, but it was different. Kind of made her sad. Not that it changed his face that much; it could've been worse.
"Finally. I thought you died," she remarked, opting to ignore the subject for now. There is no need to be soft and make things weird.
He flipped her off, and she smiled, knowing her decision was the correct one. "Toss a few."
He fished a few out of his pocket. "Two?"
"Four." He paused and gave her a look, making her shrug. "I run out."
"You never give me more than three," he pointed out, still focused on the cigaretes in his hand. Gabrielle watched him, remembering that her father used to have a friend who had lost his eye, and he couldn't really focus on objects for a while. He would try to grab something, but he could only grab air. It was something he got used to after adjusting.
"Next time, I'll give you five." She looked at the matchbox in her hand, reading the words she had written on it: "Plus, I have a gift for you."
She was aware it wouldn't do Michele any good, but something about him not being confident, even when he is being an asshole, and locking himself in his room made her uncomfortable. Maybe because he was never meant to be quiet, even when they were younger, he was full of life. It may not seem like it at first, but he was one of the few people she knew who was unafraid to live the way he wanted. Maybe she admired him for it, or maybe she craved that quality of his to stay in her life.
His quietness unnerved her. She was the quiet one; her quiet was familiar. That's why they had been friends, she thinks. She was quiet, and he never misunderstood that. He didn't misunderstand her loudness, either. She returned the favor, knowing that's just how Joseph was—he could bite.
Biting was something they both knew how to do. Heck, she was worse than him, blowing up and lashing out like a second language. Bruised knuckles and bloody noses brought her comfort, in a way.
So, late-night smoke breaks were needed. For both of them. And for him to go back to how he was, he didn't need just a gift or one of those magazines boys liked so much. Gabrielle was going to make him remember how to be spiteful.
He tied four cigarettes together, as she had requested, and threw them at her. They were a bit off the mark, yet Gabrielle caught them and made a show of counting them, checking to see if they were unsmoked, and one of them was a bit burned at the end of it. The girl held it up, showing him "Cheap."
He smirked unapologetically, resting his arms on the stone service of the window sill. "Still waiting for my gift." His words trailed off as he watched her place that one cigarette he had tried to smoke about an hour ago but decided against it between her lips, which made him unconsciously lick his.
"My mom is going to bring you cake one of these days."
Gabrielle lit it, taking a drag and letting the sounds around them fill the quiet. Just from the floor below she could hear her sisters laughing, talmking  and running around. A few houses away there was a store, that sold the best pastries Gabrielle had ever tasted. even now, she could smell the croquembouche in the air.
He scoffed, "That's not your gift."
"I can't bake."
"I know, Cheri," he joked.
Gabrille laughed, remembering how she had created chaos in her kitchen a few years ago, to which the boy was a witness and was never planning on letting her live it down. Finally, she showed him the matchbox; he squinted at it in confusion, then looked back at her face.
Joseph didn't see how a matchbox was a gift, which made him curious in a way only Gabrielle could make him, but before he could question her, the matchbox landed on his chest, and he looked at it, pushing his hair back. He had been in the process of growing it out just at the beginning of summer, maybe because British girls liked it or because he had heard Gabrielle say she liked longer hair.
Whichever it was, the admission would only be heard by the wind alone in the privacy of his room as he lay awake in the middle of the night, his thoughts eating at him, wondering if the light in her room would shine and if he would seem too pathetically obvious if he went out to smoke.
There were words on the matchbox, written in black.
"You didn't find out from me." And he nodded, for his tongue was covered in something bitter as he remembered the older Magnan sibling. At the same time, an almost warm feeling spread through him as he looked at her. His missing eye made it harder for him to adjust to any distance or change in light for a while; therefore, this was the first time since they started their conversation that he could take her in.
Her dark curls, her olive skin tone, and her brown eyes with hints of green and flecks of gold. Her relaxed posture, leaning her cheek on her hand, the cigarette hanging from her lips—fuck, her lips—lazily .And he remembered the last time they hung out, and the bitterness spread from his tongue to the rest of his body.
Could the bitterness drown her away? Cover him completely so he can be free.
She smiled and said, "It looks good, by the way." motion towards her own eye.
No, probably not.
"I look like a pirate."
"Poor, pretty Joseph. Your handsome face scarred. How will you get through with all the girls checking you out?"
At least she did not mention Vincent Auriol.
The blonde laughed; his face was scarred; his head was a mess; his mom was distraught; and he had the audacity to laugh.
Gabrielle could never have guessed that the laugh wasn't because he was looking forward to all the girls being interested in him. But because he was cursing his luck for the one he wanted, he wouldn't be one of them.
The next day, when Gabrielle saw him walk on the school grounds, she gave Michele a look, and since Michele did not know any better, she thought it was simply because the brunette felt for her situation. It didn't even cross her mind; the look was an apologizing one.
At the end of the day, he lost an eye; it's permanent damage. Her consolation thoughts made her push away all guilt as she chatted with Simone.
Simone was definitely the easiest person to have a casual conversation with, though sometimes she took Gabrielle by surprise with her words. In her defense, being asked if you are a runaway princess from some dynasty would probably take anyone by surprise. "Since you are wearing pants so much, I thought it was because of horse riding." Simone explained, her cheeks heating up when the tall girl threw her head back with a loud laugh.
"And your first thought was that I was a princess?"
"Well, you wear them a lot." The Algerian made a motion towards her pants, with a smile that turned shy when Gabrielle leaned forward, whispering a secret:
"They make my ass look good."
The short-haired girl put a hand in front of her face, certainly not expecting her to say something like that. She had heard many boys comment on her ass, that's for sure, but it did not cross her mind that she cared about that. Gabrielle adding that 'it's not like my boobs on the big side' made her hit her shoulder, laughing.
After a while, she remembered she had to go put her gym attire on, which she was not going to do in the boys toilet, so she had Annick stand guard in case Giraud passed by. The blonde took her role seriously, insisting Gabrielle go change first so they could avoid any suspicion if she was spotted out of the girls toilets.
"We match." Gabrielle noted with a big smile as she put her hair in a high ponytail when Annick took notice of the muscles in her arms. Her mom had muscles too, but they were the type of muscles one got from working a lot, which were nothing like Gabrielle's.
"Do you work out?"
"My dad teaches me savate," she explained, walking next to her with a shrug. "I like it."
"That's kinda cool." Annick said, looking around, avoiding her gaze even when she could tell from her peripheral vision that Gabrielle had turned her head to get a look at her. She let her, mostly because a part of her was used to being starred at; she had faced worse gazes. Keeping her cool, her eyes landed on her, only to find the girl looking at her much differently than when men or spiteful girls looked at her.
Gabrielle threw her hand around Annick's shoulders; it seemed foreign for someone to do so, but her body refused to pull away. "I'll teach you if you want."
"I'll just have you do the dirty work for me."
The fact that Gabrielle nodded with clear self-assurance and no hesitation made it seem that she would in fact do something like that for her. Maybe she would do it for fun, even.
Walking inside the gym with Gabrielle holding her close gave them a strange sense of deja vu when all eyes landed on them.
"I think they are jealous of me." Gabrielle whispered in the blonde's ear, "I got the best girl in France."
"France?" Annick found it excessive to make her out to be the best out of every girl in the entire country, even when the corners of her mouth lifted slightly.
Well, the gym turned out to be a disappointment since the boys were clearly having fun while they were stuck climbing a fucking rope, which can only be fun when you are 10 years old and don't know how to do so. Some stuff is fun till you find out how to do it; then they are just chores, a way for a teacher to give them something to do so he won't have to think about them too much.
Gabrielle was just keeping herself occupied by zoning out or listening to Simone's insane scenarios about Annick being some secret Hollywood star child. Though she had to admit she had thought about that one herself, she came to the realization that kids born to famous, rich, and accomplished parents probably wouldn't be good at anything; in fact, she doubted they would even care to try. The only time she felt like butting in was when Simone complained about a bruise that had formed on her thigh by absentmindedly adding:
"The love of your life won't give a shit about a bruise or a scar, Simone."
"What if he does?" She sounded absolutely horrified by the idea.
"Then he is not the love of your life."
At some point, the four girls had gotten tired of doing the same thing over and over again, so they just sat side by side on the blue mat, with Simone and Gabriele usually starting a conversation. Which didn't go great since Annick was her usual closed-off self and Michele looked like she was sitting on hot coals the entire time, clearly anxious.
Gabrielle kept an eye on her the entire time, mostly because she was used to it from keeping her younger sisters in line when her parents told her to. Well, and even if they didn't, it was her job to help them out with anything. It could get frustrating at times; that was the role of the oldest, though her elders would say. It was a role, and everyone has roles in their families, friend groups, and society in general.
Then Michele decided to start climbing the rope again to keep herself busy, and all that was left to do was watch the boys play. Gabrielle narrowed her eyes, wrinkling her nose as if a foul smell had entered her nostrils, knowing full well she could do much better than any of them. Applebaum proved her point when a ball hit him on the side of his head, which made her scoff and look to the side.
Coincidentally to her right, where her gaze diverted, was Descamps, whom she noticed had a smirk on his face and a certain, familiar spark lighting up his face. Nothing good, she knew. But at the end of the day, none of her business exists. Still, she watched him make a sign to Dupin, his partner in crime, and they snickered together.
A thought passed through her mind at that moment. Leaning her weight to her left, she whispered to Annick. "Is Dupin pretty, or am I crazy?" Who, mostly because this was the second weirdest comment she received in the past 15 minutes, rolled her eyes. "It was just a comment. Not like I would give him the role of class president in a silver platter!" Gabrielle exclaimed, offended.
Maybe it was also a dig at the fact she thought that Annick had every right to keep the date to herself, become class president and put Giraud in her place. She deserved to be at that position, she studied the hardest, got the best scores but Annick decided that keeping a low profile would be better.
"I don't know about Dupin, but his friend has been checking you out the entire time. Maybe keep your focus there."
A beat of silence. Annick looked at her straight in the eyes, while Gabrielle wondered if she could get away with getting physical with her like she did with her younger sisters. 
Annick might be a proper lady but she was sure she would bite her if she even tried.
Gabrielle raised her hands in surrender with a laugh "Okay, I'm shutting up." 
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allurilove · 8 months
Jean-Pierre Magnan˚✧⁎⁺˳
Jean-Pierre | You fell first, and he fell harder.
Description: Jean-Pierre Magnan is a character from Mixte 1963, he’s the older senior at your school, and he’s also your best friends brother. You always had a little crush on him, as you thought he was handsome. You are waiting for your friend Michèle, and instead he comes out. Jean is always neat, put together, and occasionally smokes. And to your surprise, he talks to you.
C.AI Link: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=Zxb7r5-yfpeX82xYvk-SCU-_mdLsdUE98CcMsEmcu8A
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*If he says anything out of character or weird, I apologize!
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clubartaesthetic · 9 months
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willcmsv · 2 months
Soft Launch - Alain Laubrac x Fem Reader (FR)
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The story that follows is in French for my French Voltaire High's fans, English version is posted there!
Requested by @babydeersblog
Synopsis: Alain et toi aviez fait connaissance au début de l’année et aviez été associé à plusieurs travaux de groupes, ce qui a permis de faire évoluer votre relation au fur et à mesure. Cependant, après avoir été moqué lorsque tu as avoué des sentiments à un garçon, tu as décidé de les garder pour toi et de ne plus faire transparaître des traces d’amour. Mais Alain te fait malheureusement ressentir quelque chose que tu aimerais découvrir davantage.
Warnings: petits changements dans l'histoire de base.
Notes: n’hésitez pas à me recommander des idées de oneshots — j’écris en anglais et français!
Depuis le début de l’année, Alain et toi vous échangez des mots durant vos heures de cours. Tu as l’habitude de lui faire des petits dessins pendant qu’il t’écrit des citations ou des farces, dépendant de son humeur. Depuis son combat avec Joseph il y a quelques mois, tu es devenue la sorte d’ange gardien d’Alain, tu l’empêches de déraper et tu le défends lorsque tu en as l’occasion devant Joseph et ses amis.
Cependant, depuis ces dernières semaines, Joseph ne peut s’empêcher de vous taquiner en rappelant comment vous êtes proches et en assumant que vous vous aimez comme si cela était un jeu. Mais Joseph était comme ça. Tout était drôle pour lui et tout n’était pas grave.
Lorsque tu rentres à la maison les week-ends, tu as le droit à l'interrogatoire privé de ton frère Jean-Pierre, comme si les questions bidons de Joseph ne suffisaient pas. Pour Jean-Pierre, tu étais et resteras toujours sa petite sœur qu'il doit chérir et protéger. Il a arrêté de te voir grandir à l'âge de neuf ans.
"C'est qui Alain ?" Demanda Jean-Pierre la seconde où tu déposas ton pied à l'intérieur de ta maison.
"Un ami. Question suivante ?" Tu répondis.
Jean-Pierre fronça les sourcils. Pour lui, hors de question que tu sortes avec un garçon. Simone lui avait rappelé plusieurs fois que tu avais dix-sept ans et que tu étais assez grande pour avoir un copain, mais il était têtu et ne voulait rien savoir concernant ce sujet.
"Apparemment non, ce n'est pas ce que Joseph prétend dire."
"Joseph ! Tu le crois vraiment lui ?! C'est un idiot et il aime lancer des rumeurs sur tout ce qui bouge. Je te croyais plus intelligent…" Tu affirmas en attrapant un verre que tu remplis soigneusement d'eau.
Après ton échange avec ton frère, tu te dirigeas vers ta chambre et découvre une lettre déposée sur ton lit. Elle est signée A.L.
Tu as reconnu tout de suite l'écriture de l'expéditeur et ses phrases toujours si originales que captivantes. Tu ne pus t'empêcher de sourire à chacune de ses lettres, à chacun de ses mots, de ses actions. Mais bien que cela devrait te rendre heureuse, au contraire, cela t'angoissait.
Chaque soir avant de dormir, tu réfléchissais à ce que tu voulais vraiment. Tu avais deux choix qui se présentaient à toi : lui avouer tes sentiments et risquer de te faire humilier comme auparavant, ou les garder secrets et peut-être perdre l'amour de ta vie.
L'amour de ta vie, c'est peut-être un grand mot.
Le lundi matin, après avoir quitté ton domicile, tu arrivas au lycée un peu plus tôt. Tu espérais surtout voir Alain.
"Matinale." Une voix masculine t'interpella.
Sans même te retourner, tu pus reconnaitre cette voix entre cents, même si ce n'était pas réjouissant pour toi.
"Joseph, qu'est-ce que tu me veux encore ?"
"Qu'est-ce que je te veux ? Qu'est-ce que tu me veux plutôt."
Tu leva ton sourcil, lançant inconsciemment un regard noir à Joseph.
"Même si le lycée ne me connait pas encore sous ce nom, je suis ravi de me présenter, Joseph le Cupidon." Il se baissa en mimant une révérence.
"Joseph le quoi ?!" Tu pouffas de rire à cette nouvelle imprévisible. "Tu te moques de moi, c'est ça ?"
"Est-ce que j'en ai l'air ?"
Mon sourire s'effaça immédiatement de mon visage lorsque je compris qu'en effet, il était complètement sérieux. Mais Joseph, sérieux ou non, n'est pas quelqu'un de confiance.
"Va te chercher un autre client." Tu répondis en tournant les talons.
"Tu n'as pas envie de savoir ce que ton cher Alain pense de toi ?" Un sourire narquois se forma sur les lèvres du blond.
"Pas forcément, et sûrement pas grâce à ton aide." Tu déclares.
"C’est dommage, je connais beaucoup de choses à son sujet et des choses qui pourraient t’intéresser-" Joseph s’arrêta dans sa phrase lorsque Alain arriva.
"Ça va Y/n ? Joseph…" Alain lança un coup d’œil confus à Joseph. "On peut déjà se préparer à aller en cours, t’en dis quoi ?"
Tu acquiesces et tous les deux partirent jusque dans les couloirs. Alain s’adossa au mur.
"Si Joseph t’embête, dis-le-moi."
"C’est Joseph, il est comme ça." Tu déclares.
Alain baissa son regard, comme s'il était contrarié, et contrarié par ce qui venait de se passer.
Lors du premier cours de la journée, tu ne pouvais t’empêcher de jeter de nombreux coups d’œil à Alain qui paraissait tellement concentré sur le cours. Tu étais aussi concentrée sur lui que lui sur son cours que tu ne te rendais pas compte que son regard était maintenant tourné vers toi.
Ses yeux bleus étaient encrés sur toi. Il ne bougea même pas lorsque ton regard rencontra le sien. Tes joues prirent soudainement une teinte de rose pendant qu’un sourire narquois se dessina sur le visage d’Alain.
À la sortie des cours, tu croises à nouveau la route de Joseph qui te supplia de t’accompagner jusqu’à chez toi puisque vous habitez près l’un de l’autre.
Alain, qui marchait quelques mètres plus loin, a pu apercevoir ta silhouette et celle de Joseph marcher côte à côte. Il ne put s’empêcher de ressentir de la jalousie. Pourquoi Joseph était-il toujours obligé d’être avec toi alors qu’il rêvait seulement d’être à sa place.
Le lendemain, Alain et toi aviez un travail de science à terminer, un travail qui t’obligeait à travailler pendant une durée indéfinie avec lui. Tu te réjouissais déjà d’avance de te retrouver avec lui, mais bizarrement, tu ressentais de la pression, comme si cela allait mal se passer.
Tu marches rapidement vers la salle de science en apercevant Alain qui était déjà assis sur une chaise au fond de la salle.
"Je suis en retard ?" Tu demandas.
"On va plutôt dire que je suis en avance." Alain te sourit avant de te tirer une chaise.
Le travail avança plus rapidement que prévu, tous les deux étiez concentrés, mais prenaient quelques poses afin de discuter de choses plus divertissantes et amusantes que les cours de sciences.
"Toi et Joseph, il y a…" Alain commença.
Tu écarquillas les yeux avant de répondre.
"Non, non ! C’est seulement un ami, il ne m’intéresse pas." Tu t’empressas de répondre.
Alain lança un coup d’œil à son cahier sans dire un mot, comme si ta réponse ne lui convenait pas.
Ses doigts tenaient fortement son crayon avec lequel il gribouillait dans le coin de son cahier.
Tes yeux parcouraient tout son visage, de ses boucles brunes jusqu'aux courbes fines de sa mâchoire.
"Ça ne va pas ?" Tu demandas finalement.
Les yeux d’Alain se fixèrent une nouvelle fois sur toi. Ils descendirent jusqu’à tes lèvres avant de remonter à tes yeux. Bien qu’il ne parlait pas, son regard en dévoilait tellement plus.
Tes battements de cœur s’accélèrent et tes lèvres te démangeaient de l’envie de l’embrasser.
Son visage se rapprocha doucement du tien, ton cœur manqua presque un battement.
"Ça bosse dur ?" Une voix masculine lâcha.
Alain et toi vous retournez en un sursaut avant d’apercevoir Joseph dans l’embrasure de la porte. Il te souriait de manière espiègle comme s'il avait fait ça exprès. Et tu étais sûre que c’était le cas.
"Je vais te laisser, Y/n. On se remet en commun demain." Alain remballa ses affaires et te lança un bref sourire avant de s’en aller, frôlant légèrement Joseph.
"Ça t’amuse ?!" Tu déclares.
"J’ai cru que tu n’étais pas intéressée ?" Un sourire narquois apparut sur les lèvres de Joseph.
L'après-midi, tu t'étais rendue à l'infirmerie pour prendre des médicaments pour soigner ton mal de ventre irrépressible. Avant que tu puisses à nouveau enfiler ton gilet, la porte s'ouvrit sur Alain.
"Je- Je ne pensais pas voir quelqu'un ici à cette heure." Il affirma.
Son nez saignait légèrement et tu pouvais remarquer du sang sur ses phalanges.
"Tu t'es battu ?" Tu demandas directement.
Il ne répondit pas, ses lèvres se pincèrent et il détourna le regard. Des fois, le silence est plus fort que les mots.
Tu mouillas un coton avant d'attraper doucement sa main pour la désinfecter.
"C'était pas moi… Je n'ai pas commencé." Il murmura.
"C'est trop simple de dire ça à chaque fois, Alain."
Il inspira et expira un 'oui' silencieux et serra les dents lorsque tu appuyais sur sa plaie.
La proximité entre vous deux te permettait d'entendre les battements de son cœur et de sentir son regard sur toi pendant que tu désinfectais soigneusement sa blessure.
En déposant le coton sur la table à côté de vous, tu sentis la main immobile d'Alain frôler légèrement ta cuisse lorsque tu te déplaças.
Tu mordilles ta lèvre pour dissimuler ta préoccupation. Chacun de ses mouvements, de ses regards ou de ses mots te procurait toujours une sensation qui était impossible à décrire.
Il était devenu de plus en plus compliqué pour toi d'assumer tes sentiments sans toujours imaginer le pire. Cependant, tu voulais que ça marche avec Alain. Tu sentais toujours des papillons dans ton ventre lorsque tu le voyais te sourire dans la cour, ou lorsqu'il dissimulait des lettres dans ton sac. Sans compter les fois où tu pouvais croiser son chemin, comme dans l'infirmerie par exemple.
Tout te menait à lui et tu ressentais quelque chose de différent, quelque chose de captivant.
Le lendemain, après la fin des cours, Alain t’avait invité pour faire un tour en ville. Au début, vous marchiez en silence. Tes interactions avec lui n’étaient jamais aussi gênantes, et l’ambiance était presque pesante actuellement.
"Désolée pour hier…"
Alain tourna sa tête, presque étonné que tu t’excuses.
"Ce n’est pas ta faute." Il répondit brièvement.
Tu te mordais les lèvres, tu ne savais pas comment rendre l’ambiance plus joyeuse ou seulement moins morbide.
"Joseph est-" Tu commences avant de te faire interrompre par Alain.
"C’est toujours Joseph, Y/n. Sauf que Joseph prend un malin plaisir à t'embêter, je le remarque très bien. Il faut que tu l'ignores, parce qu'il ne va pas s'arrêter si rapidement. Alors arrange toi pour qu’il arrête, ou je vais m’en occuper moi-même."
Lorsqu’il finit de s’exprimer, tu n'as pu t’empêcher de sortir un court ‘non’ de ta bouche. Tu ne voulais pas qu’ils s’en prennent aux mains comme toujours.
Tu attrapes son bras pour le pousser légèrement vers toi. Soit tu attendais et tu risquais peut-être que la situation dégénère ou se finisse autrement que prévu, soit tu prenais ton courage à deux mains.
Alain te regardait de nouveau avec un regard rempli de désir. Tu ne savais pas ce que ce regard voulait exactement dire, mais bien que tu ne veuilles pas te tourner des films, il n’était en aucun cas amical.
"J’aimerais t’avoir à moi pour une fois… pour pouvoir agir sans que quelqu’un me coupe à chaque fois…" Alain affirma.
Vous arrivez dans une petite ruelle. Vous marchez de plus en plus lentement et vos corps se rapprochaient au fur et à mesure que vous avancez, jusqu'à ce que vos mains se frôlèrent à plusieurs reprises.
Vos deux regards se croisèrent lorsque vous sentez la main de l’autre. Alain s’avança devant toi et s’arrêta soudainement, ce qui mena à ton arrêt à toi aussi.
"Y/n, j'aimerais tellement que tu sois plus confiante, tu es jolie et intelligente. Ne te cache pas et ne te laisse pas marcher dessus par qui que ce soit."
Tes sourcils se levèrent lorsque tu entendis ses mots. Tes joues devinrent immédiatement rouges malgré le fait que tu essayais de les cacher.
Alain se pencha lentement vers toi, sa main se tendait vers ton bras. Il n’osait pas la poser autre part et attendait surtout une réponse de ta part pour le faire. Ses yeux se baissèrent de nouveau vers tes lèvres. Cependant, cette fois-ci, il ne détourna pas le regard. Malgré l’hésitation, il posa enfin ses lèvres sur les tiennes et tu répondis immédiatement au baiser. Ses lèvres douces s’appuyèrent contre les tiennes et bougeaient à la même allure que les tiennes.
Quelques secondes plus tard, vous reculez tous les deux vos visages et vous regardèrent dans les yeux avant qu’Alain t’affiche un sourire doux.
"Je n’aurais pas pensé faire ça ici… mais c’est même mieux." Il sourit et posa enfin une main sur ta taille.
Tu fus prise par les émotions et atteins à nouveau ses lèvres pour l’embrasser. Il appuya fermement sur ta taille en même temps que ses lèvres s’enfoncèrent dans les tiennes.
Sa respiration chaude soufflait contre ta peau et tu la sentais s’accélérer doucement.
Tu sentis ses lèvres former un sourire contre les tiennes et tu ne pus t'empêcher de sourire à ton tour.
De nouveau, tu sentais comme une sensation de flottement dans ton estomac. Sa main qui caressait tendrement ta taille et les mouvements de vos lèvres les unes contre les autres ne faisaient qu'empirer ton cas.
Cependant, ce que tu ne pouvais pas savoir était que du côté d'Alain, des tonnes d'émotions et de sensations envahissaient également son corps et faisait palpiter son cœur en rythme avec les battements du tien.
1758 mots.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 7 months
Have any of yall seen mixte/voltaire high?? I desperately need more descamps fanfic and I can’t find it anywhere😭😭 should I write it?? Will anybody read it??
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If you guys watch it (think it’s on prime) pls lmk 😭😭
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by-lalani · 8 months
currently writing a joseph descamps fic and bruh, the show covers next to none of the school year lmao
my fic has more of my imagination than actual canon at this point, and i’m dying lololol
lowkey losing the plot BUT WE’LL GET BACK TO EPISODE 3 SOON😭
(currently at chapter 16 and episode 3 is nowhere in sight)
someone save the characters from me and my random plot lines
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marcelllyn · 20 days
Rain kiss
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I highly recommend this series. A shame it was cancelled.
Synopsis: Descamps is in love but doesn't know how to show it.
Warnings: Smoking (DO NOT SMOKE), kissing, bullying, enemies to lovers.
Studying with boys was disturbing to say the least. The touches, the looks, the smells. Everything was disgusting and irritating, I had asked my mother a million times to change schools, but I had to settle for her big merciless no. I couldn't stand Descamps chasing me everywhere with his gang of idiots. 
    I was sitting on the patio floor, with a sketchbook between my legs. Annick, one of my few friends, was studying. After two math classes in a row, it was necessary for my sanity to rest my mind, even though I constantly cast lascivious glances at Descamps, with that eye patch that strangely enhanced his beauty. Few of the times I looked, he was already looking, definitely plotting something. 
   He could only have a problem with me, always placing his foot so that I would trip, throwing eggs in my hair, disappearing with my backpack. Since the day I arrived, I have been tormented by this half-assed pirate. 
— You should stop looking at him like you want to kill him. — Annick said, poking me.
— I'm not looking at him, just observing the place. And, as it happens, he is in front. — I went back to focusing on my doodles. 
   Annick shrugged and let out a nasal laugh. And then the bell rings. I get up from the floor and let the notebook fall, the single pages come loose and scatter across the floor. As I pick up each one, someone steps on one of my drawings. 
Excuse me? — I say gently. I look up and… —Joseph Descamps. — I wrinkled my nose. 
— You should already be in the classroom. 
— Take your filthy shoe off my drawing. — I rolled my eyes. 
– Of course. — He tramples the sheet even more, tearing it. - Satisfied? 
    I take a deep breath and start to go to the living room. How could he be so handsome but so irritating? 
— You know, something cute, like you should smile more, instead of looking at me like a complete crazy person. — He puts his arm around my shoulders.
I give him a light push, and quicken my step into the living room. But he accompanied me.  I stopped in the middle in front of the room door, which was already closed. I closed my eyes at him, who had that mischievous smile. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and said: 
— What's your problem with me? — I sighed. 
— I have no problem with you. — He took a step forward. 
      Descamps was much taller than me, I had to raise my head to be able to face him boldly. 
— So why do you make me so unhappy? — I put my bangs to the side nervous about the proximity.
  He laughed, bending down a little to get closer to me. I turned around, a little scared, and opened the door, asked the teacher for permission and sat down. Joseph entered shortly afterwards with the same apathetic face and sat down. Sometimes I looked away from the board to watch him, even without wanting to, it was like a mania that I couldn't avoid. 
   When it was time to leave, I took my mobile and headed home. My mother and father had left and left a note on the table that said:
 “Go to the butcher and buy some ham and then buy two packs of cigarettes, we will be late” 
   I rolled my eyes, as always, arriving late. At least I had the whole house to myself. A silent house just for me. I made some bread, jam and threw myself on the sofa, the only noise was from the street. I didn't want to admit how bored I was when I was with or without my parents at home. In the end, it was the same. I wanted to go to my aunt Janine's house, where I have my cousins. 
    I got ready to leave the house. I went to the butcher's shop, being careful not to fall into Jean-Pierre, after the dump I gave him, I preferred to keep my distance so as not to hurt him even more. As I walked to the nearest tobacconist, I saw Joseph sitting on the sidewalk smoking, I walked right past him, hoping he would let me pass. 
— Did your parents never teach you that it was rude to ignore people you know? — He grabbed my shoulder. 
— I don't have time for your nonsense, Descamps. — I snorted. 
— I'm not doing anything, idiot. — Laughed. — Where are you going anyway? 
— It's none of your business. 
— Oh, come on, can you be good just once? 
— What do you want, anyway? — I rolled my eyes. 
— May you be good to me just once. — He raised his eyebrows. — So, is it going to happen or not?
I frowned all over my face as if my mind was simulating what was happening, firstly that his tone was light and somewhat cheerful, and his features light and not heavy and frowning as always. I considered that I was living a hallucination.
It's OK…
— I need to buy cigarettes too. — He smiled. — Shall we? 
     I walked with him in silence to the nearest tobacconist. 
— Do you know that there are already studies that prove that cigarettes are very harmful, due to the tobacco and toxins…  
   I was interrupted by his laugh. It was beautiful. 
— Don't try to act like a doctor now. 
— I'm not acting like a doctor. — I let out a nasal laugh. — Just pointing out that your lungs will be rotten by the time you reach 25. 
— Well, I still have a few glory years left, then. — He pointed to one of the tobacco shops on the street. — That's the best, I'll go buy it for you and be right back. 
  I didn't even have time to respond and he had already crossed the street. I spent the entire time waiting wondering why he was being so nice to me. If that was just another pretext for another one of his dull jokes. 
— Don't you think it's a little dangerous to be on the street alone at a time like this? — Jean-Pierre's familiar voice made me laugh internally.  
  I looked back and it was him, smoking, of course, and a little tipsy from the smell of the drink. 
— It's still late, there's no danger. 
  He smiled, inhaling once more and blowing the smoke away from my face. 
— Any reason to stand around looking at the tobacconists? I thought you hated cigarettes. 
— I came to buy for my parents. - Deep down, I thought it was cute that he remembered that. 
    I looked at the store. Joseph was crossing the street. 
— See you later, Jean. — He smiled a little awkwardly. 
— Purchased cigarettes, give my favorite brand. I think your parents will like it as much as I do… 
   Descamps stopped to look at Jean. They both looked at each other confused, I sat between two bulls about to attack each other. 
—What are you doing here? Jean asked. 
— Accompanying my classmate. And what are you doing here?  
— She doesn't need the company of an idiot like you. 
— Jean! — I snorted. —Stop talking for me.
He looked at me a little confused about the situation, after all it was every day that someone defended Descamps. 
— Are you going to tell me that you are now his friend? — Jean raged. 
  I rolled my eyes, men were so complicated sometimes. 
— I didn't say I was his friend, I just said to stop saying things for me. 
— It's not my fault for being the favorite. — Joseph said sarcastically. —Now, Pierre, if you'll excuse me, I have to escort a beautiful lady home. 
  Jean was about to say something again, but he just turned his back and walked away. At that moment, the sky was already night. I looked at Descamps who once again had that mocking smile. 
-What it was? — I asked while fixing my hair. 
— Nothing. — Laughed. — Come on, it's getting late and it's dangerous for a woman to walk alone at these hours. 
— I think it's dangerous at any time of the day. — I murmured. 
   We were laughing and commenting on some of the school's achievements. But he had a flea behind his ear, where had all that kindness come from? And suddenly I felt scared. 
— Why are you acting like this? — I asked in front of the door of my house. 
-Like this? 
— You know very well what I'm talking about. — A few drops of rain began to fall. — Being nice to me, why are you doing this? 
— Would you prefer me to be rude? Fine by me. — He shrugged.  
— That's not what I said. I just want to know the reason for your drastic change. 
— When I hurt my eye, even though I did something bad, you went with me to the infirmary and stayed there. Even when I cursed you and told you to leave me alone, why did you do that? 
— I'm the daughter of two doctors, it's almost in my blood to help someone who is going through a difficult time. — He laughed, putting a strand of hair behind his ear. — Even so, after that, you put animals in my bag, cut off a piece of my hair, among other things.
An awkward silence ensued, then he smiled, shaking his head down and muttered something incomprehensible. 
—What did you say? 
     The rain began to fall heavily. Descamps took a step closer, bending down until our noses touched. 
-I said. I'm sorry, I'm not good at showing my feelings. —He grabbed my chin. 
   We were starting to get soaked, our lips touched. A sweet and strange kiss. I quickly pushed him away, a little confused. 
— Good evening, Descamps. — She said embarrassed. 
  He immediately opened his eyes wide to say something, but I was smarter and entered my house. Leaving my purchases with him. 
   Leaning against the door, I smiled and covered my mouth as punishment for smiling, even though deep down I liked it, he was a jerk this whole time. How could I know if this wasn't just another one of his lame jokes?
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nishi4567 · 7 months
Started thinking about Simone and Jean-Pierre and immediately started crying 😭 I can't let go of the way Jean-Pierre said he would fail his exams for Simone...
17 notes · View notes