#jeen yuhs
tygerland · 1 year
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Kanye West is photographed for his College Dropout album at the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Community Center in Harlem, NYC, New York (2003) by Danny Clinch.
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shokuto · 2 years
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Getting a good handle on my definitive Starling redesign
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livingthelifebased · 1 year
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jeen-yuhs Experience - February 12, 2022
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cjsdivineillusion · 1 year
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konquerny · 2 years
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ethan---ng · 5 days
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gud mornin'
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cato-of-blamesociety · 7 months
32 Weeks Tracklist/Song Picks pt. 3 (weeks 17-24)
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How/Why did I choose/chose to use the songs I did
*Full breakdown, updated in real time(weekly)*
17. Killer Mike ft. El-P, thankugoodsir x Don't Let The Devil
I have always respected Killer Mike as an artist and I a few years back respected his political endeavors. Mike has never let me down lyrically when I heard him on features. Honestly, though I respect him, I never really got into his music. I did at one point either last year or the year prior, check out his album "R.A.P. Music" and I started listening to the RTJ series. His vocal presence is one of a kind. I have this thing where I feel that an artist's recorded voice really determines if I want to hear them. There are several emcees that I just can't get into due their voices not being conducive to my ears. Mike and El-P have amazing deliveries. In June (2023) Killer Mike drops 'Michael' and I knew from the very first listen that this album is/would be a classic. I listened to it on repeat for a week. Andre 3000 makes an appearance on my favorite track "Scientist & Engineers". I actually have many songs on this album I f*ck with: "Something for the junkies", "Motherless", "Slummer", "Talk'n that shit", and "Run". In June, I was nearing the end of writing for #32weeks, and I was having a hard time (as usual) finding a beat. I knew I wanted to incorporate some instrumentals from this album. I truly wanted to use "Scientist & Engineers" but I didn't feel as eccentric as Dre, and the intro before the beat drops, was too long lol. Instead, I landed on "Don't Let The Devil'. I had this melody in my head that came when vibing to beat. It becomes those opening lines "Tell me, do you smell me? That's peace of mind, and deep patchouli" (the fragrance oil I have been wearing since my early 20's) and it led me to to rhyme Halle Berry. Then I went on a tangent to try an remember where did I hear "almost went Eric Benet....never do Eric Benet" and then I remember it's Jay Z's line from "Kill Jay Z". After I complete the comparisons, I launch into some metaphors that to this day are some of my favorites on this project. I used one more instrumental from this album, but I will share when it's time. Hope you enjoy the track!
18. Pusha T ft. Jay Z, Pharrell x Neck and Wrist Don't Lie
If there is one thing you can guarantee from Push, when he releases a project, not only will the album but fire, but he usually has a great knack for themes/motifs/stories, but dude is soooo creative at giving the listener "dope" lines. Like when I want to hear a rapper speak about cocaine...I usually prefer Pusha. His wordplay, and metaphors are immaculate when it especially outlines hustling/moving coke. Which is why I didn't even hesitate, as soon as "Almost Dry" came out, I was all over it. The beats, the cadence, and stories made that project amazing. going into #32WeeksMixtape, I quickly understood that I wanted use a beat from his album. So many good ones, "Brambleton", "Dreaming of a Past"(Donnie's sample gives me chills and makes me tear up each time I hear this come on...), "Just So You Remember"(reminds of a movie that I can't recall the title of..), "Diet Coke"(only I can have a snow fight...damn fire) "Rock N Roll"(Ye and Cudi...c'mon man what else you what) "Scrape it off"...basically you see the problem...all of them are hot. I just kept coming back to "Neck and Wrist Don't Lie". This one just was more so my cadence/vibe. The first line that came to me one while airing the beat on repeat "Roll around the South side, stereo banging.." That bar lead to talking about my Orgone pendant. Then I flowed into the idea of talkign about my wife...I couldn't resist...which is a reference to the track before (week 17) where I mention my smell/colgne/oils I wear are Patchouli and Peace of Mind. AFter knocking out those lines, I got into a string of drug based lines, which are derived from the "cooking" analogy. After I got to "Rappy Mason", I got stuck again. But then we changed gears and I wanted highlight that I admire Dolph and Nipsey for their business ventures and I too would love B.L.A.M.E to be a company/brand that I run and nothing else. I want to be the boss. Anyway I hope you enjoy the visuals. I love when things don't straight away make sense, this makes us think harder, and even ask questions. So please feel free to comment on here or on the video with questions or thoughts!
19. Vince Staples x Rose Street
YOOOOO!!! In case you don't know, Vince's "Ramona Park Broke My Heart" album is just incredible. I will do my best to keep this brief...🤞🏾. Ok, first off this album dropped last April (2022). I had been wishing on a another album from Vince because "Vince Staples" (self titled) was lit. Anyway, a few days or weeks, honestly I have no clue, it is posted that Vince was to do a "live" or streamed version of the album via Moment House in May of that year. I was soooo geeked. I had missed the ONE concert that came to St. Louis in Feb 2022. It was the "Call Me If You Get Lost Tour". My wife and I did want to see Vince, but since he wasn't headlining...(and since this is before my indoctrination of Tyler, the Creator's music), we decided against it. 😢😒 My dumbass. haha. Anyway, I had selected the Monday, May 2, for our viewing. I was enchanted that entire show. I f*ck with Vince because of his musical ability, but really for his art that surrounds it. His videos are always sharing a message about class/race/violence/dangers of the music show business. "Ramona Park Broke My Heart" has some dope tracks. Like literally I can't really just list a few...but I will try my hardest. Ok.."When Sparks Fly', gave me hella chills. He basically makes you think off the bat that he is talking to his woman...and then he immediately pulls the rug out from under you. *plot twist* lol. This song reminds me of Nas' 'I gave you power'. I don't want to ruin the surprise, if you don't know, you have to listen to both songs and witness the greatness both artists display on these tracks. The other favorite that truly sticks to my mind, mainly due to the production is "Rose Street"(the skit right before it IS POWERFUL!!). I love the idea that he states he "don't sing no love songs". That might be true regarding women, but "When Sparks Fly" is nothing short of a love ballad. Rose Street was not the first beat I wanted to use. I think "Playa Ways", and "Lemonade "were top contenders, however, they just didn't fit the direction I was moving with #32weeksMixtape. "East Point Player" has high replay value, but was too slow for my flow. Rose Street's theme of denying love for women(or rather the idea of falling in love with women), or not being able to trust them, and being married to the streets had me wanting to flip the vibe. The chorus was the first idea that came to me, "She know we in love, all in, Us, all in, Trust, all in...I'm married to my very bestfriend. And it's gone be like that until the very end." The next thought was how to go about that topic. Out of nowhere, I was like "I will never forget the time you chose to say yes". I am so happy that I wrote about my proposal. It's one of those things that I guess I deemed sacred, and didn't want to ruin it by sharing it with the world. But as an artist I have come to realize and understand that the best music is the relatable stuff. If you have proposed to someone, you would know that universal feeling of 'what if they say no?'. I hope you enjoy, share, like, and comment on the video with your thoughts. It would be dope if people share their marriage proposals either on here or my "YouTube Channel Community Tab" . I love stuff like that. If you are reading this, thank you, I love you, and I hope you are well. 💙💙💙
20. Killer Mike ft. Young Thug, Dave Chappelle x Run
I know what you are thinking..."Bro, didn't you use a track from this album already?" YES!!! I Did!! Honestly I wanted to keep a tamper on the amount of artist I would use in the project, and came to the conclusion that I would use some artist/albums more than once. I actually wrote to "RUN" before I wrote to "Don't Let The Devil". I have already outlined why I gravitated to this album, so I want to highlight my content in this track. The verse is written in vignettes(I am uncertain if that is the correct word to use) but each section is a quick blurb about a point in my life. The first is me getting arrested...and not running. Second, was me getting stopped by an officer on my way to the school's gym to practice, and how that could have ended horribly...there were no witnesses, I was by myself, and truly at the mercy of this officer. He wasn't ignorant, but still.. you do get it....right? This was back in like 2006 or 2007. The next story is me playing on the team. I had respect and that's all I needed. I know I wasn't the best. I will talk that more around Week23. Next, I lay the summary of my foot game. I walked everywhere. That was life changing. My mama gave me freedom to visit friends, get a job, and I did it all independently so that I wouldn't have to wait or rely on others. It did get tricky in the winter, but even then, I would double up my jacket/hoodie and walk or run to work. I was serious about making my bread. I touch briefly on the emotional ways I ran from relationships. Gratefully, Erin would remain in my life even though I ran from her love all those years. The final story is me opening up about a being involved in a consensual sexual experience with 5 other people. I learned that day that exhibitionism or group sexual acts, were NOT my thing. I know for some this isn't big deal. But I was very uncomfortable. I also learned that it is ok to walk away/run from something like that. I am grateful that I didn't allow the pressure to keep me in that room that night. I remember everyone that was there...we really haven't talked in years, 2 are actually not on this plane of existence anymore. I am happy I found a way to express to this incident because it bothered me for years not getting it off my chest. With all that said, if you read all this...thank you again for listening. I hope all is well with you. I would love to hear from you. Feel free to hit my Youtube Channel, My email, or message me on here!
21. Kanye West ft. Roddy Ricch x Pure Souls
I'm gonna cut directly to the chase, the first(second, and third) time I listened to "Donda"...I didn't get it. Then I realized/learned that Donda was his mother's name. During the process of writing #32WeeksMixtape, I had already seen the Jeeny-uhs Documentary(full documentary on NETFLIX). That sh*t broke my heart. I remember hearing years ago about how much his mother poured into that boy/man. He truly felt invincible. So even though as someone who hasn't lost their mother, but has lost a father, I didn't comprehend fully his messages, but I FELT it. I knew I wanted to use a Ye beat for this project, but the issue was where would I pull from. My first instinct was to use the KIDS SEE GHOST album...so many fire tracks to use. Then I was I like, nah, maybe The Life Of Pablo---No way. I knew I couldn't live up that hype! Yeezus, though dope af, is too experimental for my style. I started clicking through Donda... Jail...OMG. I love those "guitars" in the intro, but there aren't any drums...which I prefer lol. God Breathed was a big pull, but nothing popped in my head. I think Off the Grid was a HUGE fav from this album. But again, nothing came to mind, at least nothing good. Then I heard that intro of Pure Souls, just...well you know. I am playing it right now as I write this and I am tearing up. "...and I can not sell my soul!" - fire. I sat with this beat for at least a week. I heard that "truth is what you get away huh" and it started clicking. I knew that at the top of the verse I would go into a traumatic event that happened to me during my first year as a school counselor. Not to go into too many details, but a child had nude images of themselves on their district iPad, but in a way that suggested that they did not take the photo themselves. The photos were shown to me nonchalant and something like "Look this boy got porn on his device, smh." I was the one to point out that it was the child and not an adult. THAT SH*T F*CKED ME UP!! There were several images. Protocol was violated, I did my part like I was supposed to, I did a mandated call and some more stuff. After dealing with that parent who was clearly gaslighting, hiding evidence, and was manipulative..it did a number on my psyche. Earlier in the year I had been researching about Past Life Regressions. This one guy on YouTube named Astro Einstein, was uploading his sessions with his clients and truly opened my eyes to how it could help me. One day I will share my experience more in-depth but I do talk about it on it slightly in my mixtape, week 11, Tyler, The Creator x Massa verse. Later, I was able to find a therapist to talk through it as well. I learned so much about boundaries and protecting my peace. I won't let someone violate me like this again. Anyway, I hope you rock with the song. Every time I play through the tape, after this song, comes week 22, and it always brings a sense of relief because the sequencing sets up a sort of endorphin release...you will see😉. I think those who are going through it, or just coming out of a storm, will feel the relief the most. If you are reading this still, thank you!! And if no one has told you today that they love you, motherf*cker, I do!!
22. Metro Boomin ft A$AP Rocky & Roisee x Am I Dreaming
YOOOOO!!! Ok lets go back to May of this year 2023...I don't know about you, but the sequel to the most dopest animated Spidey film was about to drop(yes I know this trailer is from Dec. 22)...but what makes this even more special...it is announced that muthaf*ckin' Metro Boomin was going to be the lead on the soundtrack. A month later, in June, the album/soundtrack is released! My wife, kids, and I had it on heavy rotation; "METRO BOOMIN PRESENTS SPIDER-MAN ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE". The whole project is fire. Some songs grew on me over time but overall amazing replay value. As you should know by now, June was heavy #32weeksMixtape writing era. I turned this on and knew I had to pick something...even though I had already used a Metro Track, "Umbrella" (from "Heroes and Villains"). "Annihilate" comes in so hot. I wanted it so bad but couldn't find a version online that sounded good enough. My next pick was "Givin' Up(Not the One)" because I think I sound as good as 21 Savage over a Metro Boomin beat. *Don't forget he is in Umbrella!*. But I felt the tempo was just slightly too slow. "Self- Love" stood out instantly however, the words just didn't come to me. OMG, I almost forgot, Danger! JID killed it, and I felt I couldn't get away from his type of flow, or do any better for that matter. This leaves me with 2 other picks that I actually land on. "Calling" & "Am I Dreaming". I will talk more about "Calling" in a few weeks. "Am I Dreaming"...those strings, they get me every f*cking time. Even now as I write this, it's playing in my earbuds. For those who haven't seen the film, which I am sure everyone has at this point, the movie's ending credits feature this track. Perfecto! Anyway, at this point in writing the project, I was just over halfway, and felt this immense burden lifted. I start reflecting on the process and the hook came to me. This was written before I saw the movie. Climbing/falling, swimming/drowning, doubting/making it to the next round, ultimately defeating myself(fear, doubt, disbelief, old behaviors) and becoming a more evolved me. this works on two levels as I introduce my big brother. I say a lot about his athleticism, (which I go into more the next song), because we bonded heavily over basketball. I mention in week 20 (RUN remix) about how he was/is great which is how I knew I wasn't great. So imagine seeing someone who is great and still rejected! I had to include it. My brother, David, has been through a lot. I remember being old enough to see his flaws, his bad choices, and immaturity. I told myself I would never be like him. I referred to him as the role model for what I didn't want to be. Which is crazy, because as a youngin'--with out a father, I wanted to be as cool as him! As time passed, having my own kids, seeing my brother rise and fall, dealing with my own issues, it finally clicked. My brother was a human. Nothing more and nothing less. Humans make mistakes, we learn, hopefully evolve, and do less harm as we proceed. It is truly an eye opening, mind blowing, bone crushing reality, to acknowledge that someone you put on a pedestal falls...but it hurts more when you see yourself in them (empathy and compassion). David, if you ever read my sh*t, I hope you know I am proud of you. You are worthy of love. You are an awesome father, brother, uncle, and more! You have been blessed with so many f*cking talents and gifts. My hope and wish is that you see what I see when I look at you today....SUPER!!! Those of you coming and checking for Cato's sh*t, 1 year, 5 years, 10 years (ha!)from now, I love you and hope that you tell those people that you really care about that you f*cking love them too! Enjoy the song and the visuals!!
23. Lil Durk ft. Morgan Wallen x Stand By Me
I am very new to listening to Lil Durk. I remember seeing some of his early mixtapes many years ago, but wasn't interested. Students I would work with also brought him up in a few different conversations. During summer school this past year (SY 22-23, June '23) which was deep #32weeksMixtape writing era, I actually asked some kids, what Durk song(s) should I check out. This was about a month after the album dropped, which I had no idea about. The album is titled "Almost Healed". The kids told me to check out "All My Life". They recommended the track "Expedite This Letter" from the Album/mixtape "7220". Listening to it now, it cringes me out thinking that these elementary scholars shared this one with me...if you check it out, you will see why I feel grossed out. Anyway, back to "All My Life". This caught me by surprised because it features J.Cole! I was like, "Ok, I most definitely have to check this out." What I noticed is that the album opens up like a "Therapy Session" which as a school counselor, hooks me right in. Especially coming off that "Mr. Morale and The Big Steppers" almost on a daily basis, this makes me happy that another artist is opening up in a seemingly genuine way about their issues with out the bravado. This made me feel like, "I f*ck with dude." I delved into the album, now lets list the tracks I wanted to fool with the most..."All My Life" instantly I had to let go because Cole already snatched it. I didn't feel I could add anything to it. But the song is amazing. "Put Em On Ice" has a vibe I like, however, nothing came to mind. "War Bout It ft. 21 Savage"...at this point, you know when Savage is a feature, I usually f*ck with it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a solid remake beat. There were 2 others I liked and actually used. Cross the Globe ft. Juice Wrld, and "Stand By Me". I will get back to you on Cross the Globe. "Stand By Me" comes on and I hear the melody, instantly I feel nostalgic. "Ok, Lets Go Way Back..." I began with a string of exercises that I did with Big Bro Dave. I mention him in the previous post. Those days left such an impression on me. We kept track of our progress, our reps, and were really getting shredded. By Middle School my muscle mass was awesome. All the exercise I did helped keep my asthma in check. Also to clarify, Varsity did not win the state championships! SMH. I had to research it(after I already completed the damn video), and saw my school actually came in 3rd that year...which still a huge accomplishment. The game that I reference was big game because it was the last game for the season, and by winning got us a spot to play in the championship tournament. Apart of me is embarrassed for making this mistake, and being negligent in not double checking the facts. The other side of me, the artist, says who cares?! We were so f*cking excited and elated, that it FELT like we won the motherf*cking state championship title! Anyway, at this moment I would love to shout out my team mates, I appreciate those years playing along side you. I also want to shout out the coaches. I doubt you will ever see this, but I appreciate the life lessons of always hustling to get what you what, getting up and at it, and REBOUNDING! Not only is my son currently playing ball, my other son is interested as well, and I have the honor of coaching the elementary school kids I work with! These kids are just as hardworking as they are hard headed, but I love it. Appreciate anyone who is reading this right now. Let this long as post remind you that: 1. nothing lasts forever(esp pain) 2. You can always try again 3. A break can fix you(a day off, a step back, take a breather, then come back harder/better than ever). If no one has told you today, I love you...Now share that love with someone else!
24. Joyner Lucas ft. Timbaland x 10 Bands
First off, I knew Joyner was cold. I just never really got into him. My wife actually was bumping his sh*t before me. She shared with me ISIS...and I was like WTF!!! I had been into Logic at the time, going through his catalog. It was around this time she told me play ISIS. Hearing Joyner I was like this dude on a whole 'nother level. It took awhile but I had went through his whole album 'ADHD'. Fast forward to the #32weeks writing era, and I remembered that ADHD had some dope ass instrumentals. Lets see...ISIS is tough, but too fast, not my style, and they already murdered it twice..."double homicide kill the beat and the verses..." "The War" is sonically pleasing but I don't think I could come up with anything. "I love" is a banger for sure. Not my vibe though....ok I don't know what's going on, but sliding through this mf right now, I f*ck with all these beats. I don't what I was thinking, I think "10 Bands" came on/I found an instrumental that had good quality and closest to the original and the hook just came to me. "Parenting, Parenting, Parenting, this go out to the parents yeah!" There is one more beat that actually use from this album...i use the title track. It is something about the way the beat wobbles and is wavy. We will talk about that soon. Anyway, the verse for 10 Bands is just a blub about my boys. I try to include them in all my works now that they are here. They inspire me so much. The idea for this song is that I lay out their annoying traits, but then follow up with their amazing qualities. What is even more crazy is that as a parent we see our own personalities within our children play out in many different ways. I love them boys for real. I don't know how that video will be up. As of now they enjoy seeing themselves on the screen, but if that should change I will take it down. I almost forgot! In the verse I say "I told you they were little sh*ts.." This is a reference to the actual track/theme song of the Little Sh*ts Podcast my wife and I had did awhile back. In the video I have the Spotify track on display and circle it.
I can't believe that this is number 24...like I have been consistently creating visuals, creating snippets of those(about 2-4), posting each of those on each f*cking social media site that I have an account for, writing up the "behind the music" post on here...EVERY F*CKING WEEK FOR THE LAST 24 WEEKS!!! I know this isn't exactly the info to put in theses posts, but I know that *you*(maybe a week from this post, or a year, hell even 5 years now) will be reading this like, "Damn n*gga, it's not that hard.." 1st off, remember I work a full time job every week day, I have a family, these activities that contribute to fulfillment of a project that as of today isn't "seen" at all or taking serious. Like on my mama, this definitely the greatest project that I have ever endured. I mentioned to people before I started releasing tracks, that the #32weeks itself (the writing, the time consumed on my mf phone/CPU, the struggle to maintain sanity while dealing with tough 8hr work day, to stay connected to family, and through it all, actually see this visual mixtape to its completion! So please make some noise for me on the internet. Help me make history. Time is not on our side, but time spent building something incredible that make life feel more limitless, to me, is time well spent. Apologies if that all sounded bitter and crass, it just feels like no one sees that effort that goes into this. I love you and hope you are taking care of yourself. Give the tracks play and please share it all with a music geek who can get into my music! 💙💙💙 I just found out today another acquaintance from earlier in my life has passed. He went LIVE on Facebook and basically expressed that he was tired, he felt alone, and felt like no one loved him. He made that video yesterday(~12/20) and I saw that new of it today (12/21). RIH RM. I know I can't be there for everyone, but apart of me wishes that I reached out to him the minute I saw his video...and I didn't. 💔 So my heart is slightly heavy as I write this. I know I am not to blame, because I don't have the power to control a man's decisions. To counter the negative feelings I have right now, I chose to practice gratitude. I am grateful for my life, grateful for my wife, grateful for my sons, grateful for my family, grateful for my homies[Domo, Tyson, Will, Paris(💔💙), Brandon, my f*cking brother Dave]grateful for the chance to create music, grateful that I have grown, grateful for love...Love is...beauitful. If you see this, well mf, I am grateful for you as well.
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smokeychung · 1 year
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urbanfashionsense · 2 years
Netflix won't remove Kanye Jeen-Yuhs Documentary, Coodie & Chike own it.
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tahyirasavanna · 2 years
Kim K, Pete Davison, and Kanye Are All Tv Stars, One of Their Documentaries Is Nominated For An Emmy, jeen-yuhs for your Emmy Consideration
Kim K, Pete Davison, and Kanye Are All Tv Stars, One of Their Documentaries Is Nominated For An Emmy, jeen-yuhs for your Emmy Consideration
Directed by Coodie & Chike “A SUPERHERO ORIGIN STORY. Watch this series, and you can’t help but be impressed by how he got there.” ROLLING STONE “AN UNPRECEDENTED LOOK inside formative moments from the life and career of one of the biggest and most influential artists in the world today.” THE WRAP “There isn’t much like jeen-yuhs in the field. Few stars at Ye’s level would ever let us…
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ashstfu · 9 months
A list of your fav books/movies/documentaries pls!!!
my current faves (in no particular order) –
The Waves – Virginia Woolf
Kitchen – Banana Yoshimoto
The Stream of Life – Clarice Lispector
The Book of Disquiet – Fernando Pessoa
The Book of Delights – Ross Gay
Upstream – Mary Oliver
Letters to Milena – Franz Kafka
The Sea – John Banville
Notes from Underground – Dostoevsky
We Run the Tides – Vendela Vida
1984 – George Orwell
Simple Passion – Annie Ernaux
Slouching towards Bethlehem – Joan Didion
Little Weirds – Jenny Slate
Saltwater – Jessica Andrews
The Darjeeling Limited (2007)
The Last Black Man in San Francisco (2019)
Goodfellas (1990)
Whisper of the Heart (1995)
Lilo & Stitch (2002)
3 Idiots (2009)
Yi Yi (2000)
The Green Ray (1986)
Eastern Promises (2007)
Mid 90s (2018)
Do the Right Thing (1989)
Past Lives (2023)
La La Land (2016)
Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
La Haine (1995)
Vivre sa vie (1962)
Faces Places (2017)
Pamela: A Love Story (2023)
Close Up (1990)
For All Mankind (1989)
Koyaanisqatsi (1982)
Jeen-Yuhs (2022)
The Beaches of Agnès (2008)
Fire of Love (2022)
Homecoming (2019)
10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki (2019)
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livingthelifebased · 2 years
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Jeen-Yuhs West Hollywood Billboard -
February 23, 2022
Instagram: godiscesar
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unplugstar · 8 months
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Jeen-yuhs: A kanye trilogy (2022)
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stroebe2 · 1 year
2022 favorites
albums/eps :
Once Twice Melody - Beach House
Ramona Park Broke My Heart - Vince Staples
CRASH - Charli XCX
No Stylist - Destroy Lonely
Stardust - Yung Lean
Palaces - Flume
Fantasy - Jacques Greene
Icons - Two Shell
Palaces of Pity - Malibu
Crest - Bladee & Ecco2k
Cry Sugar - Hudson Mohawke
Dawn FM - The Weeknd
X - Ken Carson
Eternal Intervals - Braga Circuit
to hell with it - PinkPantheress (2021)
Agor - Koreless (2021)
Galore - oklou (2020)
movies :
The Wicker Man (1973) - Robin Hardy
Inherent Vice (2014) - Paul Thomas Anderson
All the President's Men (1976) - Alan J. Pakula
Crash (1996) - David Cronenberg
L.A. Confidential (1997) - Curtis Hanson
Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion (1970) - Elio Petri
I… For Icarus (1979) - Henri Verneuil
Carrie (1976) - Brian de Palma
Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) - Pier Paolo Pasolini
Suspiria (1977) - Dario Argento
Dog Day Afternoon (1975) - Sidney Lumet
Westworld (1973) - Michael Crichton
Rosetta (1999) - Dardenne brothers
Videodrome (1983) - David Cronenberg
Blow Out (1981) - Brian de Palma
After Hours (1985) - Martin Scorcese
The Parallax View (1974) - Alan J. Pakula
THX 1138 (1971) - George Lucas
Candyman (1992) - Bernard Rose
The Thing (1982) - John Carpenter
documentaries :
Blackfish (2013)
jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy (2022) (LOL 🖕 )
JFK: Destiny Betrayed (2021)
Children of Salò (2002)
Mirage Men (2013)
The Beginning: Making ‘Episode I’ (2001)
Disney Channel’s Theme: A History Mystery (2022)
Petites (2021)
Innommable - L’affaire Dutroux (2021)
books/reads : 
CHAOS: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties - Tom O’Neill
THE CALIFORNIAN IDEOLOGY - Richard Barbrook, Andy Cameron
Programmed to Kill: The Politics of Serial Murder - David McGowan
La Septième Obsession - Twin Peaks
La Septième Obsession - James Cameron
Jurassic Park: The Ultimate Visual History
Les dossiers X - Annemie Bulté, Douglas De Coninck, Marie-Jeanne Van Heeswyck
Fire & Blood - George R.R. Martin
L’Europe de 1815 à nos jours - Jean-Baptiste Duroselle
La pipe de Maigret - Georges Simenon
Les protecteurs - Jean Nicolas
podcasts :
Ghost Stories For The End Of The World
Programmed to Chill
Subliminal Jihad
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serbiothacoldone · 8 months
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El álbum que cambió el hip hop.
Vamos a poner un poco de contexto, early 2000's, el gangsta rap es el mainstream total del hip hop, poca ambición dentro del género aun que gente como El-P, Aesop Rock o DOOM empezaban a crear esta cultura underground del hip hop abstracto, el hip hop estaba cayendo muy rápido, gente como Jay-Z o 50 eran los únicos que lanzaban material de calidad con una visión comercial a la vez.
Kanye Omari West cambió el hip hop, era un tipo normal de Chicago que hacía buenos beats, produjo temas míticos de Jay-Z en The Blueprint y comenzó a ganar reconocimiento pero nadie lo veía como un rapero, no pintaba esa imagen gangsta que reinaba en esos tiempos para el género, era un backpack rapper que hacía buenos beats. Jamás olvidare esa escena en el documental de jeen-yuhs donde iba por las oficinas de Roc-A-Fella rapeando a gente que estaba trabajando para que lo contratarán.
La producción de este álbum es única y fue groundbreaking en ese momento, vemos arreglos de violines preciosos y elegantes, beats con samples de soul que era la marca de musical de Kanye, estos samples de soul pitchados y chopeos de vocales femeninas, hacen de este álbum un proyecto disfrutable para cualquier persona, tu le pones esto a alguien fan del soul y le puede gustar, le pones esto a un hip hop nerd y le encanta, es lo que tiene ser Kanye, por cierto, otra cosa que hizo de TCD un triunfo fue la letra, por una parte vemos a un Kanye West criticando al sistema estadounidense bajo este mood de backpack rapper que narraba historias con las que cualquiera se puede sentir identificado como en Spaceship o All Falls Down, ahora si, hablemos de las canciones.
We Don't Care te introduce al mundo de este proyecto, un beat espectacular con un ritmo muy funky y con unas vocales femeninas de fondo loopeadas muy sabrosas, en este tema vemos a este Kanye criticando al sistema americano explicando como tratan a la gente negra, que solo sirven para vender drogas y que no pasaran de los 25, también se me hace comida este tipo de sonido al fondo proveniente de un peluche, es como que Kanye esta criticando con buenas vibes al sistema americano, gran intro.
Llegamos a uno de los núcleos del disco, All Falls Down, por temas como este TCD triunfó. Un tema con un coro bastante pop donde las vocales de Syleena Johnson son memorables y donde esta guitarra crea una vibe muy cabrona, la letra es bastante consciente, narra esta historia de una persona que estudia por presión de los padres pero que en verdad solo quiere unas Jordan nuevas, un Lexus para conducir. En el segundo verso Kanye se critica a él mismo por no darse valor como persona y al final criticando al hombre blanco por el racismo hacía los afroamericanos, clásico de Kanye West.
Spaceship es uno de los mejores temas de la carrera de Kanye, primero, un beat con un sample pitchado de soul precioso donde me encantan estas harmonías masculinas en el coro, beat de 3/4 cuartos, bastante peculiar para esa época donde el boom bap reinaba. La letra hermano, Kanye explicando cuando le explotaban en GAP y cómo se encerró en su 'spaceship', el hip hop, como creó 5 beats diarios durante 3 veranos seguidos para lograr ser el mejor. De los temas más inspiradores que he escuchado del tipo.
Jesus Walks es un tema legendario dentro de la densa carrera de Ye. Espectacular, comienza con unas vocales y drums marchantes, cómo si estuviéramos en un tipo de desfile militar, el sample en el coro te da esa autoridad que muestra el beat siempre, el verso inicial de Kanye es uno de los mejores que he visto jamás, criticando la visión de America sobre los negros y en el segundo expresando su amor por jesus, exclamando que ninguna canción cristiana puede chartear en los tops y esta, lo hizo, legendario.
Never Let Me Down es otro tema precioso, con unas vocales femeninas en el background super dulces y suaves, beat super frío donde Jay-Z rompe, explicando como va a mantenerse como una leyenda por los años en el hip hop, Kanye hablando de su devoción por ser el mejor de la historia y un verso spoken-word precioso de J. Ivy expresando su devoción por cristo, tema precioso. Get Em High es otro banger, un feat durísimo de Common y de Talib Kweli, coro catchy as fuck y dios mío, tu has visto ese inicio de Kanye rapeando, uno de los rapeos rítmicos mas bestias que he visto del hombre jamás, el feat de Talib Kweli me parece de los mejores del disco y en general, un tema de hip hop con una esencia muy callejera y bouncy.
The New Workout Plan, masterpiece de Kanye West, comienza con una sección de violines tensa y orquestal, todo el tema es una broma, irónicamente Kanye esta criticando al consumismo y materialismo americano poniendo este plan de gimnasio para la gente, la intro me mata de risa siempre que la escuchó, el coro es de los mejor ejecutados del álbum y el flow de Kanye es brutal, al final hay un outro con vocoder super rico y que añade una capa extra al tema.
Slow Jamz esta entre mis temas favoritos de la carrera de Kanye West, increíble. Harmonías vocales excelentes de Jamie Foxx con un beat de soul precioso con un coro coral super bello y catchy, el tema en si es una oda a artistas históricos del soul de los 70's, el verso satírico de Kanye me parece uno de sus mejores performances y Twista tiene junto a Mos Def el mejor feat del disco, lanzando un doble-tempo rapidísimo donde rompe y su flow es super dulce y bueno, uno de los temas que explican el triunfo de este proyecto.
Two Words, mi tema favorito del disco y para mi de los mejores de Kanye, la producción es de lo mejor de este tema, una canción con unas vocales femeninas y chopeos autoritarios y poderosos, con también una guitarra eléctrica imponente y un feat celestial de Mos Def, brutal su aparición y el verso de Kanye es para estudiarlo, un genio, tema con una aura gospel fuerte y una oda a la música negra, bestial.
Through The Wire es otro clásico de Kanye, este tema lo hizo con la mandíbula rota ya que casi muere en un accidente de coche una noche en Chicago, un sample de Chaka Khan super icónico y la verdad que la actitud de Kanye durante todo el tema es muy inspiradora, banger. Por último destacar Last Call, outro preciosa donde West agradece a todos los que le han permitido lanzar el álbum, así se acaba esta masterpiece.
The College Dropout es como mensaje uno de los mejores que he visto en la música, un tipo que con ambición y talento sabía que iba a lograr ser el mejor de la historia, una producción que cambió el hip hop y una letra inspiradora y relatable, de los mejores álbumes de la historia del hip hop y el mejor de Kanye West. 
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01sentencereviews · 1 year
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Ask Any Buddy (Elizabeth Purchell) @ Anthology Film Archives 
Nope (Jordan Peele) in IMAX @ AMC Lincoln Square 13
De Humani Corporis Fabrica (Lucien Castaing-Taylor & Véréna Paravel) @ 60th NYFF
We Met In Virtual Reality (Joe Hunting) @ 2022 Virtual Sundance Film Festival 
The Rehearsal, Season 1 (Nathan Fielder)
All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Laura Poitras)
TÁR (Todd Field)
Crimes of the Future (David Cronenberg)
Skinamarink (Kyle Edward Ball)
Jackass Forever (Jeff Tremaine)
Aftersun (Charlotte Wells)
Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron) in IMAX 3D @ AMC Lincoln Square 13
Artists at the Center: Tiler Peck @ New York City Center (curated by Tiler Peck)
The Fabelmans (Steven Spielberg)
Pearl (Ti West)
Decision to Leave (Park Chan-wook)
Blonde (Andrew Dominik)
RRR (S. S. Rajamouli)
The Batman (Matt Reeves)
Liquor Store Dreams (So Yun Um) @ 2022 Tribeca Film Festival
Resurrection (Andrew Semans)
Will-o’-the-Wisp (João Pedro Rodrigues) @ 60th NYFF
Orphan: First Kill (William Brent Bell)
There There (Andrew Bujalski) @ 2022 Tribeca Film Festival
Sharp Stick (Lena Dunham) @ 2022 Virtual Sundance Film Festival 
The African Desperate (Martine Syms)
After Yang (Kogonada)
Ambulance (Michael Bay)
Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood (Richard Linklater)
Babylon (Damien Chazelle)
The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh)
Deep Water (Adrian Lyne)
Disney Channel’s Theme: A History Mystery (Kevin Perjurer)
Halloween Ends (David Gordon Green)
Irma Vep (2022, Olivier Assayas)
Jacaranda Joe (1994, George A. Romero) @ Webinar w/ University of Pittsburgh
Jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy (Chike Ozah & Coodie Simmons)
Kate Berlant: Cinnamon in the Wind (Bo Burnham)
Kimi (Steven Soderbergh)
Marcel the Shell with Shoes On (Dean Fleischer-Camp)
The Munsters (Rob Zombie)
On the Count of Three (Jerrod Carmichael)
Terrifier 2 (Damien Leone)
Top Gun: Maverick (Joseph Kosinski)
Shin Ultraman (Shinji Higuchi)
Shit & Champagne (D’Arcy Drollinger) 
Showing Up (Kelly Reichardt)
Starfuckers (Antonio Marziale)
Vortex (Gaspar Noé)
The White Lotus [Season 2] (Mike White)
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