#jeez how many loose ends you've got
Okay, I finally finished reading the newest chapters of Foxtail & Wolfsbane and Ash&Skylight. First off, wow and thank you! I honestly love these stories so freaking much. You’re such an amazing writer. I caught myself asking “how do they come up with this stuff?” Your creativity is off the charts. Jeez, and your OCs are to die for. I still think about Cy like every day.
Anyways, Foxtail & Wolfsbane- I’m loving the progression between Rowan and my girl. It’s obvious that Rowan deeply cares for her, perhaps even loves her. I think that because of the way he’s lived, he has closed the door to believing that love exists for him. However, he’s starting to come to a realization that love can be real with her. I wonder how that will play out, because she still loves Remus. Talk about major miscommunications between fox girl and her boys Also, not my heart cracking reading about him and tonks 🫠.
Now onto Ash & Skylight- I absolutely adore Oliver and my girl! He’s so cute and she is so lovestruck when she’s with him 🥹. I’m honestly happy that they finally did it lol. It’s been a long awaited piece I wanted to read, but totally worth it. It actually makes me nervous, because you said it wouldn’t be a happy ending. I have a question I’m not sure you can answer, but I’m curious anyways. Will we see Charlie and my girl interact again?
Thank you so much for blessing me with all of the wonderful writing. It is honestly such a joy to read your work. You’re actually my favorite author on here 🤭. I think I’ve been with you since 2020 or 2021, I honestly don’t remember when you first published light and dark. ’m always looking forward to reading more from you!!
Please take care and happy new year!!!!
Hello hello! Going to give quite a lengthy reply to this (with spoilers), so please read under the cut:
Always so good to hear from you! ♥
I'm glad to hear that the stories feel creative. I worry about whether my plots make sense because so much of it is stuff that I think of and isn't necessarily rooted in the Potter world. But I enjoy thinking about different versions of what a magical world might be. I honestly think I like world-building as much as, if not more than, character-building. As for the OCs, I have so many OCs in my mind that I want to share with you, so I'm happy to hear that you like them. For Cyrille specifically, I do have Light and Dark snippets that I want to share; I just have to find time somehow to get back into that headspace.
I can't say too much about Foxtail & Wolfsbane because we're approaching the tipping point now where everything is about to break loose, but I will say that I was surprised with how much I personally feel a pull between OC and Rowan. Rowan ended up being a much more sympathetic character that I expected him to be, to be honest. He's got a sunfire soul; he just doesn't know what to do with it.
Regarding Ash & Skylight, it really has been puppy love so far and I imagine that element will stay throughout the relationship, just because of how they each think. But yes, the 'sad ending' tag is there for a reason. As for whether Charlie will return, I think that we will see him again, but his reappearance may be more subtle and limited than expected.
Really and truly, thank you for reading my stories with such care. I'm very happy and lucky that you read my work and I know that you've been with me since Light and Dark. It's wild how much time has passed already. I hope my stories will always continue to be a small place of comfort and happiness for you. I also hope 2022 treated you well and kindly and that 2023 will be an even better year for you. Thanks again for your lovely comment!
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purpleshaded15 · 2 years
C1 The world has been so hard on Percy...
Looking back into C1, I can’t help but notice how hard the whole campaign has literally been for Percy. 
Tragic Past & Traumatic backstory is a given.
But the world itself has been hard on him. Like it’s always out to try and hurt him so much more than he already was.
The Legend of Vox Machina itself has the entire Briarwood Arc traumatize Percy over and over again. It’s almost half the season, 5/12 episodes, where he froze in PTSD. (Ep 3 Blue screen, Ep 5 Sun Tree, Ep 7 Cass, Ep 9 Archie, Ep 10 Cass.)
Campaign spoilers: 
Ripley made sure to distribute guns so he will lifelong suffer the guilt of what he unleashed into the world. 
His demon wants to eat him. Still out there.
His villains kept coming back even to C3. 
2 Gods he tried to put his faith in, (1 he asked for guidance/help in a moment of desperation, 1 he shared a vision/value of knowledge) has rejected him in favor of others. One called him broken, one called him mad. Well, at least he can say he tried.... (Also, can they really be Gods if all they saw in him was a broken madman? Not a man who’s clearly trying his best to become someone else than that...?)
---- rant on------ I’ve got pent up thoughts & emotions from before so I’ll just put it here...
1 RQ - telling a man who already thinks he’s broken beyond repair but still trying (at least the reason he sought her was to get guidance or answer on how) to fix it and this Goddess just reaffirms that he indeed is broken and there’s just no fixin it?! F#(k Off! 
2 - Ioun - Here’s a nerdy ass tinkerer who put so much value on knowledge and history that his INT is maxed at 20 (w/out magical things to boost it) purely because he’s a science guy. He knows the importance of knowledge. He tried to keep the spread of dangerous knowledge (guns) just like Ioun kept dangerous knowledge too. Then you brush him off because of his “secret” at the time (which eventually came out) while choosing a person who has been SO MUCH MORE SECRETIVE. Lying. Manipulating. Rolling so high in deception that no one could find out the truth. He never even confided in his supposed “bestfriend” his menial problem. (Compared to Percy’s problem/s, Scanlan’s is absolutely menial. Heck, it’s real world family problem that even I went through that shit and my case is actually worse than this bard’s family issues. Scanlan’s ARC is the best? Where his problem is about establishing connection w/ his daughter? Tell that to Percy who will never establish much more & deeper connection w/ his parents...)
And when others were insight checking him (Scanlan), he rolls for persuasion/deception instead of opening up! Then he guilt-trips them with it, saying VM don’t know anything about him, that they don’t care. The manipulation... before and after !!!
He does tell stories in song, but he doesn’t write them. He doesn’t sing the praises of knowledge. He doesn’t even understand nor appreciate the gravity of what was given to him... And more over, he twists the story & memories even of his friends. I will never be able to accept that choice!!! ----- rant over-----
Percy’s already been so hard on himself. Why must the world be so hard on him too?! 
The only thing in the world that wanted him was the darkness & evil. LOL 
If it weren’t for Vox Machina (& Vex especially), he might’ve literally become the devil. 
Oh, yeah, the contract is still out there too... XD
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Sky Gallery (7/11)
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previous chapter / next chapter
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
Chapter 7
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Misumi: …zu… Kazu~…
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Kazunari: ….?
Kazunari: (Huh... I feel asleep without realizing again….)
Misumi: Kazu~, wake up~.
Kazunari: Sumi…?
Misumi: You’re awake~! He’s up, you two~!
Yuki: About time.
Muku: Good morning, Kazu-kun!
Yuki: Now get a move on, and make sure to just pack the essentials.
Kazunari: Huh? What? What’s going on?
Misumi: C’mon, hurry~!
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Kazunari: ???
Kumon: Oh, here they are.
Tenma: You're late.
Izumi: I've already packed all our things.
Kazunari: Even Director-chan's here, what's happening?
Kumon: Now now, let's not dwell on the details! Just get in the car!
Kazunari: Car....
Misumi: I'm the driver for today~!
Kumon: Sumi-san driving is rare!
Muku: Misumi-san has excellent driving skills, so don't worry.
Tenma: Should we have been worried?
Izumi: Do you guys want me to drive instead?
Yuki: Please no. That's what I'd really worry about.
Izumi: Ehh~.....
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Misumi: We're here~!
Kumon: We made it~!
Muku: What a clean room!
Yuki: Even though we're out in the country again, it's still quite different from our training camps.
Tenma: I'm really glad we were able to check-in early.
Kazunari: ...Hang on, I still don't know what's going on!
Tenma: As you can see, we're on a trip.
Misumi: You said you wanted us all to go on one together, remember~?
Kazunari: Yes, still, why now all of a sudden???
Yuki: You've looked troubled lately.
Kumon: That's too blunt!
Yuki: There's no point in beating around the bush.
Misumi: Come in~!
(door slides open)
Izumi: Everyone here? I came to collect them.
Kumon: Yep!
Kazunari: Collect?
Izumi: During this trip, smartphones are banned, so I'm going to keep them all in one place.
Tenma: This trip is a digital detox. The purpose is for us to enjoy nature, refresh our minds, and distance ourselves from social media and the noise of the city.
Kazunari: Why are we going out of our ways to...?
Tenma: As a creator, this is perfect for you. I've been told trips like these help you feel refreshed and inspired.
Tenma: Even with my latest filming, this helped me relax.
Yuki: Yours was unavoidable, though.
Tenma: I suppose. Anyways, SNS is usually an indispensable part of Kazunari's life, so I think it'd be good for him to experience something like this at least once.
Kazunari: --.
Kumon: Whatever, today, let's just let loose and have some fun!
Muku: I heard there's a fireworks display tonight too. I'm so excited!
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Misumi: This feels nice~.
Muku: The air's so fresh
Kumon: It's good that there's so few people here, it's pretty relaxing!
Kazunari: .....
Izumi: Sorry for forcing you to come.
Izumi: It's just that recently, you've seemed so tired, Kazunari-kun. Everyone in Summer Troupe's been worried about you.
Kazunari: .....I know. I'm glad they brought me here. Surrounded by nature like this, I can forget about all the bad things.
Izumi: Kazunari-kun...
Kumon: Hey, you two, check this out! There's so many fish swimming around!
Izumi: Oh, there are!
Kumon: ーーU-Uwoh!
Izumi: Kumon-kun!?
Kumon: Pleh.
Muku: Kyu-chan, are you okay!?
Kumon: Haha, I slipped! I'm fine though, I can stand~!
Tenma: Jeez... How did you even manage to fall down there.
Kazunari: ....Pfft.
Muku: Kazu-kun?
Kazunari: ....Ahahaha!
Kazunari: Kumopi, what kinda parkour move was that!
Misumi: Kazu laughed~.
Kumon: Ehehe.... You're not safe either, Kazu-san!
Kazunari: Uwah!
Tenma: Hey, that stuff's cold! What're you doing!
Yuki: Nice dodging, idiot.
Tenma: In that case, why don't you try!
Yuki: ーーHey!
Misumi: Me too, me too~! Splash, splash~!
Kazunari: Water fight~!
Muku: Waa, it's cold!
Kumon: I'm taking you all down with me~!
Izumi: Ahaha!
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Tenma: Sigh... How do we always overdo it.
Yuki: We got so into it, that we all ended up getting drenched.
Muku: Well, at least in this weather, our clothes should dry quickly if we hang them outside.
Misumi: I had fun~.
Muku: Are we changing and then heading out again?
Kumon: The atmosphere in this room's pretty nice, so how about a nap first!
Yuki: Now? It's not even lunch yet....
Muku: We were up early this morning.
Misumi: I feel like I could sleep well~.
Yuki: Whatever. It's decided, let's take a break.
Tenma: Good grief... Guess I don't have a choice, I'll go let Director know.
Kumon: Why don't you just message her on LIMEーーOh, right, that's banned.
Muku: I forgot about that.
Misumi: Kazu, let's nap together~.
Kazunari: Okay.
Muku: ....Zzz...
Kumon: ...Snz...zz...
Kazunari: ......
Kazunari: (I'm wide awake, I can't sleep.)
Kazunari: (I've got nothing to do, and I don't have my phone, much less Inste.)
Kazunari: (If I had it in my hand right now, I'd be on it without thinking. Maybe drastic measures like this is just what I needed.)
Tenma: ....Kazunari?
Kazunari: Oh, sorry, did I wake you?
Tenma: No, I was already up. Can't sleep?
Kazunari: Mhm.... Just doing a little thinking.
Tenma: ....In that case, why don't you join me for a bit.
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mrsbarnes107 · 4 years
Secret of the Widow
-part seven-
Summary: Post Endgame time period. The team is healing, trying to navigate this new normal they’ve found themselves in when Bucky and Sam bring home a stray with an attitude and a secret. Will the broken team take her in? Or is it too much to bare?
Warnings: language, *eventual* violence and smut, death, fluff, angst
Pairings: Bucky x OC
Disclaimer: this is posted to Wattpad as well and it WILL HAVE PLOT. I’m a Bucky hoe so there will be smut and romancy stuff but this is a series, so plot plot plot and slow burn.
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Something was blinding me and I was wrapped in a cocoon of warmth.
I cracked my eyes open, sunlight streaming in and effectively burning my retinas. A big yawn escaped as cat stretched across my bed, popping my joints deliciously.
Of course that's when I noticed that I was in my bed. The bed I was very much NOT IN last night.
I stumbled to the bathroom, throwing on some spandex shorts along the way. The mirror revealed a very distraught woman. Jeez I'm a mess. Puffy eyes, wild hair, pillow creases on my cheek. With a sigh I throw my hair into a bun and wash my face and teeth, staring down my reflection.
Where on earth did this ginormous hoodie come from? This thing is like a dress, I cant even see my shorts and I KNOW it's not mine.
The fact that i cried hard enough to pass out and NOT feel someone carry me to my room AND put a hoodie on me is very concerning. I need to reign in these emotions, no matter how hard it is being back in the tower.
I slip some fuzzy socks on and check the time. 6 am. Of course.
Making my way quietly down the hall I snuggle more into the cozy hoodie. It smells like musk, man, and crisp night air. This is mine now.
No one seems to be awake, so I decide to treat the team to an extravagant breakfast of waffles, bacon, and eggs. But first a very very large cup of coffee.
As the aroma of Heavens most beautiful creation fills the room I have FRIDAY shuffle my music, broadcasting it in the kitchen loud enough to dance around to but not wake the others.
Food is almost done when I'm in the middle of singing into the knife I grabbed to cut up some fruit.
I toss the knife behind me and spin around to flip the bacon, catching it with a little twirl. "I play my part and you play your games oooh you give loveee"  I begin setting the food on serving trays "a bad name."
As I'm dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the peace of cooking in an empty space, flicking the knife in the air and twirling it in my hand, I hear the team start to get up and around.
"She was a fast machine, she kept her motor clean" what a great way to start the day, bomb music and a dance party. "She was the best damn woman that I ever seen. She had sig-" as the knifes handle lands deftly in my palm, someone interrupts my concert.
"I feel like I should be serenading you right now Doll. Lookin like that, cookin food like this, definitely the best damn woman I've ever seen."
With a squeak I had launched the knife towards the voice, Bucky plucking it out of the air, right in-front of his amused blue eyes. He was leaning against the doorway, legs crossed and sleep rumpled hair. Apparently he's been there a while and apparently he was blessed with beauty no matter his state of dress.
"Barnes what the hell! Warn a girl, jeez." I put my hand over my heart to calm it while pouring a cup of coffee, walking it over to the super soldier. "And damn straight I'm the best. Glad you've noticed."
He follows me into the kitchen, leaning against the counter sipping his drink. "You're pretty skilled with this." I guess that was his warning as he catapulted the knife towards my stomach. Well I deserved that, I thought as I caught it while skipping a few songs.
"You'll come to learn I'm skilled in a few things." I say with a wink. "Although, I don't think anyone works a blade like you do Sarge."
I look up to find him staring at me with a weird expression before he shook his head and smirked. "Well Doll, I could always give you some pointers if you ever wanna train with me."
I'm jamming to Back in Black when the rest of the team walks in. Throwing Bucky a smile over my shoulder and a quick "your on, meet after breakfast?" He gives a nod and sits at the island beside the others.
This could be fun. Or a disaster. Definitely not a good idea. But a fun one for sure.
I'm still bouncing around to AC/DC when Sam scowls at me. Well he looks like a grumpy kitten in the mornings apparently.
"You are definitely Tony's creation." He grumbled, followed by a thank you, as they started scarfing down breakfast.
"Hey Ali, why are you wearing Buckys hoodie?" Peter mumbled around a giant bite of waffle, food flying everywhere.
I paused for a second then continued pouring myself some more coffee, giving Barnes a quick glance that he avoided, deeply interested in his bacon apparently.
"Oh I forgot I was still wearing it, sorry Sarge." I said with a chuckle. "Couldn't sleep last night so I watched a movie and Barnes ended up joining me. I got cold and he was ever the century old gentleman."
That earned a scoff from the old man.
"We're still leaving at lunch right? I'm craving a taco from downtown." Wanda pipped up from across the island.
"Yeah that sounds great, I'm gonna get a quick workout in beforehand."
Peter glanced up from his waffle mountain "Do you think you could stop by the lab and help me out with something? When you're done shopping?"
I see Bucky staring at me in my peripheral, eyeing the smile I force onto my lips. That lab just can't get rid of me huh Tony. "Yeah of course, I'll let you know when I'm headed there."
With that I head back to my room and throw on some shoes and a tank top, leaving Buckys hoodie on my bed. I did say it was mine now anyways.
The gym is a large, two story area with many connected rooms. I went into the sparing room, with mats on the floors and a wall of punching bags. After stretching and putting on some music, I work on the power behind my punches, trying to land harder blows for someone larger than me.
Getting lost in the feel of fist biting leather I let myself drift into thought. I still don't know how to incorporate myself into the team. They were all very kind and grateful this morning, talking about their plans and letting me know they will be interrogating the two bombers from yesterday.
Am I being too open? I'm usually serious and more reserved unless I'm comfortable with someone like Nicky or Tony. It's just that I want them to see more than my serious, throat slashing side. The team is already gloomy enough, but I don't want them too think I'm not taking this seriously. Finding that line is hard when I don't know how receptive three of them even are to me at the moment.
Wanda, Buck, and Peter all seem fine, but the others are more hesitant.
I finish a set with a spinning roundhouse, sending the bag against the wall, just as one of my favorite songs comes on shuffle.
Being on your own for essentially twenty-two years gives you very little option for conversation. Besides the times I stayed with Tony, I was alone. As a kid my teachers were just that and Nicky was there when he could be, but all I really had was myself.
So music is my release. All I ever really had to let loose and feel lighter when on the road or cleaning up after a mission.
So I sing along while launching daggers into a sparring dummy from across the room.
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ridiculousravenclaw · 4 years
The Life of Elara Ware : Chapter 2
Elara sat on her butterfly patterned bedsheets, a heavy leather bound book in her lap. She was studying alchemy this year and wanted to get a basic understanding of it before school started. She was lost in concentration when her bubble of thought was burst by light tapping at her window. She looked up to see a shabby brown owl rapping its beak against the glass. She smiled. "Hi Errol". Elara crossed her room and opened the window. The old bird half hopped, half collapsed inside. Looking out her window Elara saw it was now starting to get dark. The sun retreated below the horizon casting shadows of deep orange and red across the sky. It was a beautiful summer's evening, a light breeze provided respite from the unforgiving heat of the day. Errol lazily nipped at her hand letting out an exasperatedly quiet hoot. "Sorry boy, here" She detached the tightly rolled parchment from his leg then opened the empty bird cage perched on top of her drawers, gesturing for him to go inside. Errol happily obliged helping himself to water. The Wares family owl Alizeh had to stay in Elaras room as her mother couldn't stand her hooting. But she was currently out hunting and Errol looked thankful for the hospitality.
Elara undid the scroll expecting to be greeted with another message from George, so she was surprised to find it wasn't his handwriting at all. 'Hello Elara. I know George has been in contact with you but I dont know exactly how much he's said or not said so I thought it best to write you myself. You are of course still welcome to come and stay tomorrow. Though I must warn you it'll be a bit of a tight squeeze. My eldest sons Bill and Charlie are home and are in the twins room meaning Fred and George are currently in with Ron and Harry. Oh yes, Harry's staying with us as well I hope you dont mind. You'll be in Ginnys room, but again, tight squeeze. We have Hermione staying in there too. I hope this is all okay with you. I've been told to expect you by flu powder at about 11. Our house is called The Burrow, I don't know if George had said. Anyway it's all still a go is what I'm trying to say and we'll take you to Kings Cross as planned. Look forward to seeing you Molly Weasley'
Elara smiled. The note really was unnecessary but she couldn't blame Mrs Weasleys lack of trust in George giving her all the correct details. She quickly scribbled a reply on the back of the note. 'Thanks again Mrs Weasley this is really kind of you. 11 o'clock. Flu powder. I'll see you then'
It took some convincing and several treats but Elara finally managed to get Errol out of Alizehs cage and attach the note to his leg. She wasn't sure if Errol was quick enough to get the note to Mrs Weasley before tomorrow morning but it was worth a try. She sent him on his way then made her way downstairs to the living room. There she found her mother silently working her way through stacks of documents she had laid out on the sofa. Her long brown hair was wound into a messy bun on top of her head and her black rimmed glasses were perched on the end of her narrow, slender nose. She was wearing grey jogging bottoms and a light blue t shirt that hung off one shoulder. She was sat cross legged, brows furrowed in concentration. She hadn't noticed Elara walk in.
"Watcha doin?" Elara said. Her mother sent several pages scattered across the wooden floor as she jumped in surprise.
"Jeez sweet pea don't sneak up on me like that!"
Elara laughed and stepped forward to help as her mum started chasing papers around the room. "sorry. I wasn't aiming to scare you"
"yeah? then why are you laughing at me?" Her mother retorted as she tried to smack Elara on the backside with a recovered sheet. She tried to put on a disgruntled face but she couldn't hide her smile as her daughter dodged her attacks.
"hey! I'm helping!" Elara replied, smiling goofily back as she hopped out of her mothers reach.
"causing mayhem more like"
Elara folded her arms defiantly, a devious grin on her lips
"fine. I wont help then"
Elara put up her hands in mock surrender and started walking towards the door.
"hey! not so fast. This is your doing so you can come tidy you cheeky bugger"
Elara complied with an exaggerated curtsy as her mother started to reorganize the pages.
"honestly. all I came down for was to tell you I'm going to the Weasleys at 11. now you've got me clearing up like your personal slave" Elara put on her best dramatic sigh which made her mother chuckle.
"think how I feel. it took me ages to put all this in order now I've got to do it again"
"hmm, well if you will insist on throwing things around the house"
"oi!" her mother retorted but once again she couldn't stifle her smile.
"11 did you say?" She added after a moment.
"how were you going to get there?"
"flu powder" then at the look of confusion on her mothers face she continued "that's the one where you travel through the fireplace. wosh" Elara flailled of her arms to illustrate.
"oh right. the one that scares me to death you mean?"
"that's the one"
"great!" Her mother gave her a double thumbs up but her eyes showed her disapproval. Elara rolled her eyes.
"mum how many times? it's safe. I've been using flu powder since I was 7. Everyone does"
Her mother sighed, nodding her head reluctantly "I know, I know"
They picked up the last few pages in lazy quiet before Elara went to kitchen to make them both a cup of tea. When she returned she found her mother staring into the currently empty fireplace like she was waiting for something. Elara silently stood by her side handing her a floral patterned mug. She looked at her mothers face obviously deep in thought. She looked almost upset. "mum?"
It was several moments before she answered.
"you know it doesn't matter how impressive and mystical and amazing all this is. Theres still a massive part of me that wished you took after me, not your dad."
Elara couldn't deny she felt offended, and it must've shown on her face
"no no that's not what I meant. Oh hunny your magics incredible and you make me proud every day. Please know that. It's just. I dont know. I can't lie. I'd be a lot less stressed if you just grew up to be a hairdresser or something. Something ordinary. Something risk free" Elara felt confused at the direction the conversation had taken. Quick to defend the life she loved so much she answered
"Well wheres the fun in that? mum I'm perfectly safe in the wizarding world. you must know that. it may still be weird to you but its who I am and its normal for us."
Her mother looked at her for a moment. Then smiled a strange, sad sort of smile. She started to say something, then stopped herself sipping on her tea instead. Elara could see a million thoughts spiraling behind her mothers eyes. Then, finally "yeah. yeah of course you are." Then without a word she turned and left.
As she stood alone in front of the mantelpiece, Elara had the feeling like she was missing something. Then a most unwelcome thought; that there was something her mother wasn't telling her. Her mother had always been a worrier. Fretted over her wellbeing day and night. It never bothered her. In fact Elara Ware had grown so used to her mothers fussing she almost didn't notice it anymore. But now that she stopped to think, since returning from school that summer it'd seemed to get a lot more frequent. Obsessively checking in on Elara through the day. Restricting when she could leave the house, not letting her go alone. At first Elara thought this was just her fear of her baby growing up. Now that she'd sat her exams, chosen a career path, got a boyfriend. But now she wasn't sure. Whatever it was, her mother was definitely upset by it.
The next morning Elara woke up later than she wanted to. She ran downstairs and inhaled some cereal so fast she was sure she must have set a new world record. Then back upstairs for a hurried shower, which unsurprisingly resulted in shampoo in her eyes. Swearing repeatedly and dripping water onto the tiles as she went. Elara stumbled blindly across her en suit reaching for a towel. cursing herself for not putting one out first. Quickly drying herself off she threw open her wardrobe, looking at her limited selection of clothes. most of it was packed in her trunk. She glanced out the window. It was raining and with the rain had brought cooler weather. She picked out her favourite pair of jeans and a loose white shirt with lace criss-crossed across the back.
It was only after she had triple checked her trunk, glancing at the clock and seeing she still had 30 minutes to spare, that Elara finally allowed herself to relax a bit. Mentally scolding herself for waking up late and turning her morning into a mad rush. She was gazing at her reflection in the mirror and without realizing found herself fussing with her hair. She couldn't explain why. Elara had never really cared what others though of how she looked before. Yet there she sat tucking her brown hair behind her ear, the pulling it forward, then tucking it back again. Perhaps it was the nerves of seeing her boyfriend again after weeks apart. After all they hadn't been dating that long when school ended for the holidays. Or perhaps it was the stress of meeting his whole family. But then again she already knew half of them. She may never have spent much time with Ron, Percy or Ginny but they were already acquainted. Then of course theres Fred. the twins came as a pack. you rarely get one without the other and she'd been going to school with them for 5 years.
She tried to shake the nerves, focussing instead on the thing she'd always liked about herself. She gazed into her eyes which were the only ones like them she'd ever known. Her right eye was a cool blue, like a river. Her left eye a pale light green flecked with yellow. The muggle doctors said it was a genetic condition with a weird name she could never remember. it didn't matter. Elara loved her eyes. they made her different. Different was good. She looked at the clock again. 20 minutes. She picked up her trunk which she'd played at the foot of her bed and began to haul it down the stairs.
"you'll write wont you"
"nah I won't bother I'll just leave you in suspense the whole year"
"Elara Ware!"
"I'm joking! I'm joking! C'mon mum I'm in my 6th year now. I'm a big girl. I'll be fine. and I'll be back before you know it."
Her mother sighed and pulled Elara into a bone crushing hug. "I know. I just worry" Elara chuckled "yeah funnily enough I've noticed"
Her mum ignored this "I love you" she mumbled into Elaras hair. "I love you too" Just then Elara noticed the time on the clock "ooh mum I've got to go. its time" Elara wriggled out of her mums grip and stepped into the fire place where her trunk was waiting. "mum the powder"
"oh yeah right"
Her mother grabbed a small clay pot from ontop of the book case. It was peculiar in shape, unpainted and unvarnished. Elara had very vague memories of making it at muggle school when she was about 7 years old. Inside was the floo powder. Elara grabbed a handful and offered one last smile to her mum. "Bye mum"
"Bye darling"
Elara dropped the floo powder onto her feet and shouted "The Burrow" With that she started to spin. Faster in faster as her living room dissolved into a blur of colour. But just before she lost sight of her mother completely she saw it again. The same sad look in her mothers eyes. She was trying to hide it but still it was unmistakably there. Why? what was Elara not understanding? Before she could even fathom the answer the spinning stopped. She was no longer in her living room. She stepped out onto a well worn rug to a wall of welcoming red headed smiles. and there standing the closest the one she was most excited to see. beaming the brightest of all "miss me?" Said George
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severide-kelly · 2 years
The Info Sheet: You Know Where To Find Me (S3, E20)
Boden asks Peter Mills to fill in on Squad as Severide is out on medical. Rice is acting Lieutenant.
Severide has his injuries checked out. His healing well and he tells the doctor he wants to be back on shift today but she wants to keep an eye on his breathing for a couple more weeks. He says he's just fine and he has no pain.
As Severide leaves his appointment he runs into Dawson and Brett. Dawson jokes it's his fault she's on ambo as Mills is filling in on Squad. Brett mentions a strange case they just had and Dawson says that Shay would have loved the victim said 'Banana'.
Kelly asks a nurse about April and she says she's not on the schedule anymore.
Severide pays April a visit. She asks how he is and they hug. He asks if she's quit and she says no, but they've given her paid leave. She said it was a wake-up call for her and she needed a break to go and see what she's been missing.
He asks to take her out before she leaves and she asks if he's trying to get her into bed. He said he was thinking of dinner. She says she has so many loose ends to tie up that she can't but says they can do something when she gets back. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her he'll hold her to that.
April comes by Severide's apartment and says she got sick of packing and needed a break. She's wearing a very sexy outfit. April shares a memory from their school days and remarks how they always made time to get away from the crowds. Kelly says he wouldn't have gotten through High school without it. April admits to faking being scared of storms to get closer to him. She said she was curious and she still is, and they kiss and start to undress one another.
Next shift, Severide is back on shift. Boden tells everyone Mills is leaving. Boden, Casey and Severide tell him to use the shift as a cooling-off period to really consider if he wants to go.
Severide keeps watching the door at Molly's. Rice says he's confident to think she'd cancel her plans to be with him. Herrmann gives Kelly a scotch and a note that just says 'Wow!'. Rice sees the note and mutters a 'Jeez'.
At Mills' goodbye party, Mills says to Kelly he must think he's crazy to walk away just when he gets back on squad. Kelly tells him if you figure out what you want, you've got to go for it. Kelly says he's proud of him.
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