#jeez it's been so long since I tagged things on here I had to look up every step of the way and I'm suffering
nothomegal · 9 months
Broo please Hear me out.. how would y/n react to pyramid Head/pyra giving them a paper flower??
(i bet pyra saw some survivor make a paper flower and just watched how they made it so he could make one for you cause like there's no actual flowers in silent hill)
Aww that's so sweet! Hope you don't mind if I respond with a lil' fic instead of a messy doodle 😅 I just have so many things to say!
"Little flower"
(Pyramid Head x GN Reader)
Warnings: none, just fluff!
World count: 1.6k
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—"What you're thinking about, big guy?"—
The voice of his human awokened the monster out if his erratic state. By the look on (Y/N)'s face, it seems like they've been trying to get his attention for a little while.
—“Is everything alright?"—
He let out a short metallic clank and nodded ones.
—“Just zoned out I see.”— you chuckle as you lean against his broad shoulder. —“I was daydreaming too, but had to stop when someone began to squeeze me a bit too much."— you add.
Squeeze-? Oh, right. The beast was currently walking through a corridor of the building they've unofficially turned into their home. Only that, Pyra was the one moving. (Y/N) meanwhile was being carried by the monster, their body effortlessly supported and held closely by one massive arm of their lover, whose grip was a bit too tight at that moment.
The two of them were silent most of the walk, just enjoying the presence of the other one. But the quietness was interrupted when (Y/N) softly hummed.
—"Have I ever told you you're very handsome?"— you playfully say as you look at his pyramid shaped helmet.
(Y/N) couldn't hide their grin, not when their lover lowered his head down as if he got flustered. Only when a small giggle escaped them is when Pyra squeezed them against himself, causing them to laugh instead.
—"Alright alright, I get it. No saying pretty things about the big scary Pyramid Head."—
Pyra doesn't react to their comment, at first. But soon a quiet little growl would slip from inside his helmet as he moves it to then gently nuzzle one of the edges against them. (Y/N) giggles again, and responds to the gesture by running one hand along the rough metallic surface of their lover's head.
Pyra's been acting very clingy since he had returned. A few hours prior he had left abrubtly, leaving his little human all confused. Despite being a tag startled, (Y/N) wasn’t too concerned, probably his duty as an executioner and punisher of Silent Hill calling. But imagine their surprise that when as soon as he came back, instead of a usual greeting like nuzzling his helmet against them or licking their cheek, the monster simply yoinked them up and began to walk with them in his arms.
The whole time their walk lasted, (Y/N) couldn't stop thinking about what Pyra could have in mind. They've been his for a long time already and know that things never happen out of the blue with him, there is always some sort a reason for everything he does. Though some could be quite... Silly or small, maybe straight up petty. (like when they were 'too tolerant' with a Creeper, a fucking bug. Jeez they probably were carried and manhandled like a rag-doll for a week-)
They zone back in when Pyra suddenly stops and gently sets them back on their feet. (Y/N) eyes the room curiously, but it seemed to have nothing out of the ordinary or special, just another abandoned room of Silent Hill.
—"So... You want to chill in here for..."—
Their voice quietens when the beast suddenly sticks the sword into the floor and stalks towards one of the few furnitures the room had. (Y/N) observes him in silence, curiosuty slowly morphing in confussion when they witness their lover open and take something from the inside. Huh? Okay... That's something new.
And the silence remains even when the monster turns back and begins to make his way towards them.
The executioner is known for his brutality and determination, never backing away or leaving his victim be, always hunting them down and providing the scariest of the punishments...
This is how everyone viewed him. Viewed it.
(Y/N)? They already seen a side of him that no mortal or creature could ever imagine, but it seems like such side had corners yet to reveal.
When close enough, Pyra reaches for (Y/N)'s hand and brings it towards himself, their palm facing up. Then, he places...
(Y/N)'s breath shakes a little and eyes wide when they see what was placed on their hand.
Flowers. Paper flowers.
The time seemed to freeze and reality fade away. (Y/N) couldn't believe their eyes. Pyra... Pyramid Head himself, just gave them a gift?...
They take in the apparence of said gift. The flowers weren't perfect, more like a bunch of scrunched paper shaped the best it can be into a flower. But even if the result wasn't the most perfect, the effort and care put into these was reflected... Wait, did...
(Y/N) slowly drags their gaze towards the monster, who was standing in front of them completely still.
...Did he made these?
...For them?
The silence was suffocating. (Y/N) remained frozen in place, their eyes now directed again to the flowers but their gaze seemed lost. The beast remained just as still, even his breathing got quieter.
Pyra is known for his steel composure. He never experienced anything like fear or anxiety. If anything, he is the sourse of these. But now? Now he's probably feeling something of this for the first time of his existence. Was that a bad decision? Did he reopened the already scarred wounds by reminding (Y/N) of the real world and the fact that they've been gone for so long? That they will never return to see the real flowers and life without him going absolutelly ballistic about it?
Maybe it is, maybe it was a bad idea... But the attempt was worth it, right?... They always observed the few pictures and paintings of nature with such fond eyes, trying to take in and store that little piece of landscape into their memory. They always showed particular likeness to flowers, sometimes drawing those and commenting which are their favorites. He never really got the point of these though, but (Y/N) liked them so it had to be important.
Only when he witnessed some unfortunate newcomer making some using paper, is when he really started to think about it. And after seeing how (Y/N) perked up when they saw yet another landscape drawing, something just snapped inside of him and he knew he had to take action.
And now, seeing how still his human is, he really began to second guess his decision. They must be dissapointed with the results, he had to try harder and be more careful... But it's so damn hard to fold the paper without breaking it with these damn huge hands of his-.
The sudden sensation of arms wrapping tightly around his waist pulled the monster out of his thoughts. Pyra tilts his helmet down, looking at (Y/N), who's face was hidden in his chest. Their shoulders would shake at times and a muffled huff would come out... Are... Arethey sobbing?
Pyra of course tensed, clearly affected by seeing his lover cry. But when (Y/N) lifted their head and looked up at him...
—"Thank you... Thank you so much...!"—
Yes, there were tears in their eyes... And so the shine of absolute hapiness and gratitude, so pure that it resembled the eyes of an angel, at least to him.
—"I-... It's just-..."— you let out a small chuckle as you struggle to put your thoughts and emotions into words. —"It's just... No one ever did something so... So loving and special for me."—
(Y/N) falls silent again as they snuggle closer to Pyra, most likely realizing that no ammount of words could express just how thankful they were. As they're clinging to their lover like a lifeline, they feel his body slowly relax and then contract just enough for him to wrap his arms around their form, hugging them back.
They stayed like this for a good ammount of minutes, just holding each other while (Y/N) spoke time to time, gifting Pyra with their lovely voice and more gratitude. It's a small thing, yes, but for (Y/N) is huge. Especially because a creature who never even concerned itself with such silly meaningless things like flowers made it, putting its time and effort into the gift for them.
When it became clear that the snuggles wouldn't end anytime soon, (Y/N)'s body is suddenly lifted into the air and swung over a shoulder to then be carried towards the closest wall. Despite being manhandled, (Y/N) couldn't stop smiling and would often giggle as they're transported like a sack of potatos. It's a bit of a contrast with the usual gentleness their partner handles them. But hey, Pyra's allowed to have some fun too!
They're both soon settled down, embracing each other once again. Pyra sitting and leaning against the wall while (Y/N) is cofortably nestled on his lap and against his chest. They observe the paper flowers, fingers carefully tracing along the imperfect petals that they're looking at with such love-filled eyes.
—"They're beautuful, really. You're very talented."—
A small rumbling groan escapes from Pyra's helmet as he tights his grip around them.
—"I'm serious! You're an amazing artist!"— you exclaim. —"Just look! Your hands and strenght have the triple of my size and power yet you still managed to make it look like a flower! Bet If I tried to make one it would end up looking like some cursed paper mess."—
He groans, clearly disagreeing with their statement. (Y/N) simply sighs with a giggle.
—"If you don't believe me then we could try to make some more later."— you cassually comment.
Pyra remains quiet, thinking. Eventually he makes a noise and dips his head in a small nod, agreeing with the suggestion. (Y/N) smiles, their eyes sparkling with excitement and joy, as genuine as from a little kid. 
The monster would definitely smile if he had a face for it. He haven't seen (Y/N) this bright and alive ever since they realized their feelings for each other are mutual.
Looks like his assumptions were right, flowers indeed are important for his human if it made them feel like this.
To be honest...
He kinda likes them too now.
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in1-nutshell · 6 months
Third request since you opened them, I just have a lot of ideas. I was rereading the Bee's team meets megatons daughter with the opposite personality Buddy and it got me thinking. You know how Knockout, Breakdown, Steve, and maybe Soundwave? Couldn't tell. But you know how all of them switched side because of Buddy in that one fic you wrote? (Or maybe not, there's a nagging thought in the back of my mind that I dreamed that.) Imagine they all notice that Buddy's missing and there's a slight panic because yeah, Buddy can take care of herself but why wouldn't she tell them? They find out that Buddy's back on earth and now there are a few ex-cons standing at the scrapyard's gate. (Or maybe Knockout never left earth and already knew she was there? Because there's that one episode where Bumblebee and Strongarm are thrown into the car lot with the uhm, wheel cuff things, and it pans out to a very suspicious cherry red Aston Martin. I refuse to believe that's not Knockout. And since Fixit (I think, can't remember.) and the humans had to go and rescue them maybe Buddy tagged along and Knockout saw them? Buddy might've also seen Knockout and decided to get the wheel cuff off of him as well. (Or maybe he didn't have a wheel cuff, can't remember. Jeez, how much have I said that?)) Anyways this was just a really long ramble of an idea that can be taken multiple ways. So do what you wanna do with this.
There's a bit of an explanation on the timeline in here. If it sounds a bit confusing, feel free to let me know so I can explain it better.
Also, added a little extra in here...
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality reactions from Knockout, Breakdown, Steve, and Soundwave finding out she went missing
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Familial, Cybertronain reader
RiD 2015
Going through the canon timeline of megs daughter.
Soundwave does get sent to the shadow zone through an altercation.
Buddy never finds out what happened to him.
She believes that he left Megatron during the chaos.
She was a bit sad that he never came back to talk to her or anything, but she also believed that he was taking some time to find himself after being a Decepticon for so long.
Knockout and Breakdown end up having joint stay between earth and Cybertron.
The pair loved driving through Earth scenery and was a place to escape Cybertron for a while.
Most of the Decepticons had started their new lives on Cybertron now that the war was over.
Buddy was no different.
Not only had she started a brand-new life, Buddy and Steve had recently become Conjunx Endura after a while of dating.
Steve had been on an away assignment for his work when Buddy left through the portal of their shared habsuite.
Steve walking into their home.
“Buddy! I’m back!”--Steve
“Buddy! I’m back?”--Steve
Steve starts looking around the home.
“Buddy? Buddy if this is another joke, I don’t like it!”--Steve
A few minutes later…
Knockout looks at his monitor seeing Steve calling.
“Breakdown its Steve!”--Knockout
“Put him on.”--Breakdown
Steve shows up on the screen.
“Hey Ste—”--Breakdown
“SHE’S GONE!”--Steve
Breakdown and Knockout out jump a bit.
“Gone? Who’s gone?”--Knockout
Steve has his servo on his helm.
“Calm down Steve. Maybe she went out for a walk or something. Or maybe she went to go visit a friend. Remember last time?”--Breakdown
“…Maybe your right…”--Steve
“But if she doesn’t come back in a week then let us know.”--Breakdown
“Steve nods and hangs up.
One week later…
Steve starts calling Knockout and Breakdown.
Breakdown answers.
“Hey—Primus Steve!”--Breakdown
Steve looks tired and on the verge of a literal break down.
Soundwave, meanwhile, had spent his time looking for Megatron’s signal. He escaped the shadow zone a couple weeks before Buddy showed up, so he didn’t know that she was here.
Soundwave picks up on a frantic link between Knockout, Breakdown and Steve about Buddy disappearing.
He follows the frequency to Breakdown and Knockout which scares them half to death.
“Soundwave!”—Breakdown and Knockout
Soundwave stands there with his arms crossed.
“We don’t know. Steve just told us she went missing from their home.”--Breakdown
Soundwave clenches his servos a bit.
The sound of a portal gets their attention.
Out pops out Steve.
“I’m here! I’m—SOUNDWAVE?!”--Steve
“Steve is here to assist us on the search for Buddy.”--Knockout
Soundwave steps to Steve.
Knockout and Breakdown step to Steve’s side.
“He is Buddy’s Conjunx Soundwave. He has the right to be here.”--Breakdown
Soundwave freezes a bit hearing it.
Steve gulps a bit but puts on a brave face.
“Yes, I’m her Conjunx. A Conjunx that’s worried for her safety. We’d really appreciate it if you helped us find her.”--Steve
Soundwave pauses a bit and turns to Knockout.
“As I was saying, a day’s weeks ago I was booted and taken to the yard where I saw this other Autobot get stuck there too, awfully annoying mind you. And then look who shows up but Bumblebee and his new crew.”--Knockout
“He has a new team?”--Steve
“Yes, and I swear I heard him say ‘Buddy’. I thought at the time he was remembering her from Cybertron, but now that she went missing, there is a chance that Bumblebee might know where she is.”--Knockout
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go!”--Steve
“Slow down Steve we don’t even have a trail on where—”--Breakdown
“Signal—found. 30—minutes—east—city. Coordinates on—commlink.”--Soundwave
“Now we go!”--Steve
Steve transforms and speeds down the road.
“…He’s good to Buddy. Their a good match for each other.”--Breakdown
Soundwave looks at Steve’s retreating form.
“Soundwave—will see—about that.”--Soundwave
It’s nighttime when they arrive to the scrapyard.
Knockout thinks about literally knocking on the door.
They hear Buddy yelling.
“Okay we need a good plan—”--Knockout
Steve uses Breakdown like a steppingstone and launches himself over the high wall.
“Or we can go in guns blazing I guess…”--Knockout
Breakdown offers Knockout and Soundwave a way over.
He could wait until they opened the door.
Soundwave and Knockout are now over the wall.
All the scrapyards’ alarms are sounding.
The team is on high alert when Fix-it mentions the Decepticon signals inside the scrapyard.
Bee tells Buddy to get Denny and Russel out of the area.
Buddy grabs her friends and sets on leading them to the other side of the scrapyard with Fix it.
Steve is dodging blasters and staffs like it was his job back in the Decepticons.
He is slightly hurt that Bee didn’t recognize him but then again, he does have a pretty basic frame.
Steve raises his servos in surrender.
“HOLD IT! HOLD IT!”--Steve
“Freeze Decepticon!”--Strongarm
“Hey! I said hold it! Now, I’m not here to hurt anyone—”--Steve
“I am.”--Soundwave
The weapons get charged up and ready to attack.
“WE are not here to attack. Listen, Bumblebee, we’re just here to—”--Steve
“Where did everyone go?”--Breakdown
Breakdown and Knockout walk in on the standoff.
“Knockout? Breakdown? What is going on?!”--Bumblebee
Steve face palms.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to explain but everyone here seems to keep on interrupting me!”--Steve
“Now. We came here to ask you if you’ve seen Buddy around?”—Steve
The team immediately gets ready to attack.
“If you think we’re about to give her to you, then your sorely mistaken.”--Drift
“So, you do know where she is!”--Steve
Grimlock steps up front.
“And you’re going to have to go through me if you want her.”--Grimlock
“Fine by me.”--Steve
Meanwhile, with Buddy...
“I think we’re safe here.”--Buddy
“Thank the Prime’s.”—Fix-it
Buddy freezes.
She quickly looks at Denny Russel and Fix it.
“Stay here.”--Buddy
With that Buddy sprints back.
Grimlock had grabbed Steve and slammed him to the ground when he tried to get past him.
Steve luckily manages to get out of his grip and falls back.
Buddy is sprinting back to the main part of the scrap yard ready for whatever she was going to face.
She hides behind some used oil barrel and takes a peek at who the trouble was.
Buddy spots Steve on his knees, holding his side a bit.
She runs out of her hiding place.
Most of Team Bee looks in shock that Buddy starts running past them.
“Buddy! Don’t—”--Grimlock
The team hesitantly puts some of their weapons down.
Buddy rushes over to Steve, who was frozen seeing Buddy there.
“Primus Steve are you okay? That denting doesn’t look too—Oof!”--Buddy
Steve fights the shooting pain on his side and flings his arms around Buddy pulling her incredibly close.
“Oh, Thank the Allspark you’re okay!”--Steve
He lets go to look her over.
“Are you hurt? Where did you go? Were you kidnapped? What’s—“--Buddy hugs him tight making him go quiet.
He just wraps his arms around her and stifles a sob in his throat.
“I’m sorry… I didn’t know this was going to be such a long mission, but when Prime calls you, you gotta go.”--Buddy
“Excuse me when Prime what?”--Steve
Team Bee is extremely confused.
Soundwave takes a few steps forward and Buddy launches at her uncle he hugs back surprising everyone.
Then she goes to Knockout and Breakdown.
There is a lot to explain.
Steve stays by Buddy’s side the entire time.
“Hey Buddy, who is… Steve exactly?”--Denny
“He’s my Conjunx.”--Buddy
Steve feels a swell of pride and love hearing those words.
Steve grabs Buddy’s servo.
“That’s still sounds nice, you know.”--Steve
Buddy smiles shyly at him.
“Your Conjunx!”—Team Bee
“How come you never told us?!”--Sideswipe
“It never came up?”--Buddy
“What’s a Conjunx?”--Russel
“The Earth equivalent of a significant other.”--Breakdown
“You’re married?!”--Russel
Buddy looks at Steve.
“That’s a story for another time.”--Buddy
“No, that’s a story for now.”--Sideswipe
“Another time.”--Buddy
In the end Knockout and Breakdown end up going back to their home on earth. They do offer their services in case something bad does happen in their area.
Soundwave decides to take some time for himself not knowing what to do with everything now that the war is over.
Steve decides to stay in the scrapyard with Buddy and Team Bee.
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janeyseymour · 10 months
Can you write a Mel x reader where they go to the PECSA and there is only one bed available? They describe themselves as reaaaally good friends until everything changes.
Can you make it with a happy ending? Ty ❤️
I hope this is what you were asking for!
What happens at PECSA...
WC: ~3k
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“PECSA,” Melissa grins. “Here we come!” She turns in her seat to glance at you sitting in the back. Barb and her had been kind enough to let you tag along with them.
“Oh, Y/N,” Barb chuckles as she drives. “You have no idea what you just got yourself into tagging along with the two of us.”
“I know what I got myself out of by not going with Janine and Jacob,” you giggle. “I still don’t know how Gregory puts up with the two of them sometimes.”
“Love does weird things to that man,” Barb makes a face. “God, I can’t wait to not have to listen to those lectures and relax in a hot tub instead. I’ve been around a while, I don’t know why I’m still required to go to these things”
“I’m ready for a couple of math-o-ritas, and then I’ll be schmoozing all of the different companies to get them to donate supplies to Abbott,” Melissa cheers from her seat.
You, on the other hand, aren’t quite sure what to expect. The last time you went to PECSA, you mostly just kept to yourself and kept your head down. You were a new teacher, and you figured you should at least look like you were trying. But that was last year. Now, you have Melissa and Barbara to help you out, and if the three of you get caught not participating... you’re sure one of them will get you out of the sticky situation.
It takes you a bit longer to get to your destination, and both senior teachers are all grins once you’re finally there.
“Oh, PECSA,” Melissa sighs in content as she grabs her bags. “How I’ve missed you.”
“Come on, Melissa,” Barbara laughs. “If we want to be able to raid the minibar before the opening dinner, we have to get in there! Now!”
The redhead all but rolls her eyes as she moves out of the way, allowing the kindergarten teacher to grab her various bags.
“Jeez, Barbara,” you laugh as you look at the amount of things she’s packed for a weekend. You have one duffel bag and a backpack filled with everything you could possibly need, and she has... is that really five bags?
“I’m very serious about my nighttime routine, Y/N,” she says lowly. “I don’t look this good by doing nothing, you know.”
“C’mon, you two,” the redhead teases the two of you. “Let’s go check in and get settled in.”
You let Melissa and Barbara check in first before you step up to the counter. 
“Checking in for Y/N,” you say politely.
The clerk clicks around a few times on his computer before giving you a look. “I don’t have a reservation under that name.”
You look baffled. You had booked your room months in advance- you had booked it with Melissa’s guidance because she knew a guy who could get you a good deal. “That’s impossible, you say softly. I booked my room months ago.”
“Did you get a confirmation email?” The concierge asks.
“I did,” you mumble as you pull out your phone, searching for it. You pull it up as proof.
Your coworkers are watching curiously. It hadn’t taken that long for them to check in.
“You think she’s okay?” Melissa leans in close to Barb.
“I’m not sure,” the kindergarten teacher replies. “She looks a little frazzled.”
“I’ll check on ‘er,” the redhead tells her friend. “Watch my stuff.”
“You okay?” Melissa comes up behind you and sets a hand on your shoulder.
You take a shaky breath. “Fine. They just messed up my reservation, so now they’re looking to see where they can put me, and they’re figuring out how much I get back since I won’t be put in as nice of a-”
“They fucked up your reservation?” the redhead cuts you off. “Oh... Vinnie’s gonna get an earful about this one.”
“It’s okay,” you lay a hand on her arm. “It’s fine. It’s all gonna get squared away, and then we can focus on having a good time at PECSA.”
“No, I’m gonna-” Melissa looks like something has triggered her ‘fight-or-fight’ response.
“It’s okay,” you promise her. “It’s all gonna be fine. Things happen, mistakes happen.”
She doesn’t look very happy, but she does take a breath. If you say it’s fine, she’s trusting you. She goes over and tells Barb what’s happening, and they both come and stand at your sides.
Except then the clerk is coming back over to you, and he doesn't look too excited to share whatever news he has with you.
“Miss Y/N, I am so sorry,” he states quietly. “We’re operating at maximum capacity for this weekend due to the conference, and we will not be able to fit you in. We are in the process of providing a full refund to you as we-”
“What the hell?” Melissa asks from behind you. “How’d you goof up that bad?”
“Mel, it’s okay,” you say quietly. “I’ll just find a different hotel to stay in.”
“No, you’re not,” the second grade teacher bites out. “Because you’ll be staying with me in my room.”
“And we expect a full refund for her,” Barbara cuts in. “And some sort of credit. It’s the least you can do for the poor girl.”
“Guys, it’s fine,” you turn red. They’re fighting for you, and the idea of staying with Melissa? Well... you’ve had a thing for her since you first started at Abbott, but it’s never gone anywhere past coworkers. Staying with Melissa could be dangerous territory if you weren’t careful.
“Like hell we’re gonna let you stay somewhere,” the redhead tells you seriously as she picks up your bags. “The plan is to get hammered, and there ain’t no way I’m lettin’ you take an Uber to and from a different hotel.”
“She’ll be accepting an apology in some form of credit,” Barbara hits the concierge with a stern look again before the three of you walk away.
“Maybe I should just go-”
“Go where, kid?” Melissa rolls her eyes. “Barb drove, so you’re stuck here. Might as well make the best of it, yeah? Now, are you gonna share a room with me, or spend your time on one of these nasty ass couches in the lobby?”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?” you ask.
“Nope,” the redhead pops her ‘p’. “Let's go, hon. If we hurry we can still get a couple of glasses of wine in before tonight’s event.”
The three of you get into the elevator and head for your rooms. 
“I’ll meet you down at the pool in an hour?” Barb asks. At yours and Melissa’s nods, she lets herself into her room next to Melissa’s... and now yours too.
The redhead unlocks your door and gestures for you to go first. You look around. This place is... wow. It’s really nice. Whatever her cousin Vinnie did to get her this nice of a room had to have been pretty big. You set your things on the floor over by the rather uncomfortable looking couch that is taking up space on the other side of the room.
“Oh come on, Y/N,” Melissa chuckles. “You can put your stuff on the bed.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude,” you mutter nervously, tucking a hair behind your ear and rubbing your collar bone gently.
“You ain’t intruding. I invited you to stay with me for the weekend,” she says pointedly. She glances at where you’ve decided to set your things. “And you’re not sleeping on that ratty ass couch, so don’t even try it.”
“You don’t think this is... weird for us to share a bed?”
“It ain’t weird if you don’t make it weird,” your colleague shrugs as she reaches for her bag. She pulls out a couple of shooters. “Now, are you ready to get PECSA weekend started or what?”
You, Barb, and Melissa end up by the pool an hour later. You had made your appearance, and now you were fully taking advantage of the fact that everybody else was so preoccupied with PECSA events that you had the entire pool room to yourselves.
“Best weekend of the year,” the kindergarten teacher raises her glass. 
“Seriously,” Melissa responds. “Bottomless margs, a heated pool, and a relaxing weekend with two of my favorite people.” While Barb smiles, you blush. You didn’t know you were that high up on her list. You honestly weren’t even sure you were on her good list to begin with, so hearing that you were in ranks with the kindergarten teacher definitely took you by surprise.
“To PECSA,” you say quietly and take off your coverup before reaching for your book. You miss the way that Melissa’s eyes check you out, just like how you had missed it in the hotel room.
You end up falling asleep not much later, a glass of mimosa sitting next to you, and your novel is open and laying on your chest.
Melissa looks over to you. “Wow.” She can’t remember the last time she’s seen you so still- so at peace. You were always running around at Abbott, and even when you were sitting, a part of your body was almost always bouncing up and down. Now, you just look calm. You look... gorgeous. Even with your hair tied up carelessly and no makeup on, Melissa thought you looked absolutely stunning. 
“Poor girl’s been working herself so hard this year,” Barbara tuts. “She’s been exhausted lately.”
That was not what the redhead was referring to, but she’ll play along. “I know,” she laughs nervously. “We’ve barely been here for an hour, and she’s already fallin’ asleep on us. Hope she can keep up with us later tonight.”
“It’s a good thing we were there when the clerk told her there wasn’t any more room,” Barb says, lips turned up. “Otherwise the poor thing would’ve probably Ubered home and not enjoyed this weekend with us.”
“Yeah,” the second grade teacher says noncommittally. She’s still got her eyes on you. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen you looking more beautiful than you do dozing off in the lounge chair. 
“Are you gonna be okay this weekend sharing the place with her?” She knows about Melissa’s little thing for you. She knows how much the redhead cares about you, and she understands how strong the other woman’s feelings are for you.
“I’ve held it together for this long, I can do it for another weekend,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “I have to. I ain’t jeopardizing our friendship.”
“But this weekend you have to share a room,” the kindergarten teacher argues.
“A bed,” Melissa coughs out awkwardly. “We’re sharing a bed. It's totally normal. Friends share beds all the time. I told her I wasn’t going to let her sleep on that ratty ass couch they have in there. But I’ll be... I’ll be fine.”
“You sure about that?” Barbara teases. 
“I’ll be fine. It’ll be fine. Everything will be just... I’ll be fine.”
“Say it one more time, and I’ll believe you,” the older teacher chuckles. 
“I’ll be fine,” Melissa huffs. She takes her eyes off of you to take a sip of her drink. “I just can't get too hammered now.”
That’s what she said. But that was also four hours ago, and five drinks ago. You three are currently down at one of the parties. Barbara is speaking with a few of the handlers from different supply companies, you have had your fair share of drinks and are starting to stumble, and Melissa refuses to leave your side. She glares down pretty much anybody who even thinks about trying to talk to you.
Someone from Addington decides that they don’t give a damn about Melissa’s harsh looks and has to come over to attempt to flirt with you. You’ve made it quite clear you are having no parts of it, but he just won’t leave you alone. Melissa doesn’t like this one bit. She doesn’t intervene just yet though. She knows you are a strong independent woman who can handle this- unless you give her some sort of signal to ask for help.
“I’m really okay,” you slur out. “I don’ wan’ another. Thanks-s though.”
He just keeps trying to get you to drink another one, trying to make conversation with you even though you aren’t interested. He’s ignoring the fact that the redhead is right there with you too. You give Melissa a look that she interprets to be a plea for help. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t, but that’s how she takes it.
“Hey, asshole,” the second grade teacher finally taps his shoulder. “She said she ain’t interested, so beat it.”
“And who are you?” he looks her over. “Old, washed up-”
“I’d watch it if I were you,” Melissa glares him down. “Now get outta here, before I help you outta here.”
“Who even are you?” the charter teacher asks. 
Melissa, thinking that you are too inebriated to remember this tomorrow, bites the bullet. She wraps her arms around your waist and helps to steady you. “Her girlfriend. Now, seriously: beat it before I beat you.”
“Damn,” he puts his hands up in surrender as he walks away. “The hot ones always turn out to be gay.”
You’re intoxicated, but not because of the copious amount of tequila you’ve had tonight. No, it’s because of a certain coworker's arms being snaked around your waist and holding onto you tightly. 
“I think maybe it’s time for bed,” Melissa tells you gently as she continues to hold you up. You giggle as you lean into her, fully embracing how close you are and loving it.
“You’re- you’re warm,” you tell her. “I like that about you.”
“Well, yeah,” she laughs as she guides you towards where Barbara is sitting. “Hey, Barb. I think this one’s had enough, so I’m gonna take her up to the room and get her to bed, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Barb!” You try to launch yourself at the veteran teacher.
“Oh! Y/N!” the kindergarten teacher laughs. She lets you hug her, quietly mouthing, ‘Is she okay?’ to Melissa. At the redhead’s nod, she mouths, ‘Are you okay?’ to which Melissa nods again.
“Alright, sweetheart,” the second grade teacher helps pry you off of Barbara. “I think it’s about time we get up to our room and into bed.”
“Mhmm,” you hum. “As long as- as long as you stay with me.”
“I never said nothin’ ‘bout leaving,” she assures you. “Now c’mon.” 
The two of you somehow manage to get back up to the room, and at this point, Melissa is practically dragging you. She keeps one arm looped around your waist while she tries to open the door for you. It unlocks, and she pushes it open before guiding you to the bed.
“Sleep, hon,” Melissa instructs. 
“Don’ wanna sleep in this,” you gesture to the dress you’re wearing. She can’t necessarily blame you- it doesn’t look terribly comfortable.
“Okay, hon,” she sighs. She opens your duffel, blushing immediately. “Is there anything specific you want in here?”
“My t-shirt,” you mumble, already curled up on your side of the bed. She digs through your duffel bag, only to realize you forgot to pack a night shirt. Thank god she packed an extra. She quickly goes to her side of the bed and finds the spare shirt. 
She throws the shirt at you and instructs you to change, but you’re still struggling after several minutes. With a sigh, Melissa knows she’s going to have to help you change. She wishes she was undressing you, not helping you redress.
Once you’re finally changed, she helps you slip into bed and pulls the blankets up and around you. The teacher moves a few stray hairs away from your face before tracing a gentle line down your cheek with the pad of her thumb.
“Mel,” you whine when she pulls her hand away from your face. “Don’t go.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart,” she promises you. “I’m just gonna change for bed myself, and then I’ll be right back, yeah?” You nod, and she walks into the bathroom with her own pajamas.
She takes a long time in the bathroom. You’re struggling to keep your eyes open, but you don’t want to fall asleep without her arms around you- they are safe. Secure. When she comes out, she’s shocked to see that you’re still awake.
“Hey sleepyhead,” she chuckles. “I thought you’d be asleep by now.”
“Waiting for you,” you try, but fail, to stifle a yawn. “C’mon.”
She climbs into bed, and you waste no time wiggling your way into her arms. You tangle
your legs together and force her to hold you as you rest your head on her shoulder.  
“You good, hon?” Melissa asks you gently, just barely daring to press a kiss to your hair.
“Wish we could do this sober,” you mumble, sleep threatening to take you. “But ‘m too nervous to say anything to you when not drunk.”
The redhead is fairly certain she’s hallucinating. Did you just admit you wished you could cuddle with her? Lay in bed with her and fall asleep in her arms?
“Well, sweetheart,” the second grade teacher sighs heavily. “Let’s just get past tonight, see what you remember tomorrow, and then we can talk.”
You nod. You’re still drunk, but you’re pretty aware of everything that is happening, and you know you’ll remember all of this tomorrow. But it’s that extra little bite that liquid courage gives you that allows you to say, “I love you, Mel,” before you tighten your grip on her and give in to sleep. 
Melissa’s eyes widen slightly, but she doesn’t hesitate in saying, “I love you too, Y/N.” She presses a sweet kiss to the side of your head, and prays to God that when the two of you wake up everything is okay.
339 notes · View notes
russett-pots · 2 years
could you do a smut-fluff where minju and y/n are both first-time beginners and you both laugh and tease each other as you explore each other’s bodies and have virgin sex
There is Time for Everything
Kim Minju
Words: 2.8k
Tags: Virgin sex, fingering, first time for both, accidental breeding
Well last one for today. Happy Minju day. Hope yall endured these three horrible fics.
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You carefully place the diode on the breadboard.
“Seriously, you haven’t done it?”
“Come on, Hyung!”
“How long have you been dating?”
“Since we’re seniors in high school.”
“So that’s like two or three years? Am I right?”
“Something like that.”
“And you still haven’t had sex?!”
“Shush! I don’t want everyone to know…”
“Jeez, you should have done that a long time ago.”
You put the wire on the other side and then slam your fist on your desk.
“We’re just waiting for the right time. It’s like if we’re going to try it isn’t going to happen.”
Your friend places the battery in the complete circuit.
“Look, let me teach you some things. Get a condom and do it! If not tonight some other time. What matters is that you should do it. You and Minju might not last if you aren’t going to have sex.”
“I guess you’re right…”
“Come with me after the lab class.”
“Okay, hyung.”
Your friend is your upperclassman. You met him in a class when he was behind and now you are practically meeting each other in every subject.
He has a reputation for being a party boy at the university. Everyone wants to be at his parties and he has a very high “body count”. While you are there still a virgin, like your girlfriend, Kim Minju.
Ah, Minju, you have been high school sweethearts. You played soccer for the school. You aren’t the most awkward student but you aren’t the most outgoing. You are just in the middle. But it is perfect timing for when you met Minju. She was just another member of the cheer squad and you have both developed feelings for each other.
You have done everything together, going on dates, and meeting each other parents. Even her dad has approved of you. But there is one thing you haven’t done with her and that is to take each other’s virginity. Both of you have been virgins since birth and haven’t had a taste of sex.
It has been awkward when you tried to initialize it. It would be out of the blue and Minu would either have time or would be busy with something else. And when Minju tries to ask you, the same thing to you. It is either you are reviewing for a test to keep your spot in the varsity or you’ll be busy with soccer practice.
Regardless, you never had time to actually do it together.
“Okay, we should be finished.” You say as you finalize the lab report.
“Thank you, sir.” You and your friend say to your teacher before heading out.
“Finally I can go home.” You announce as your stretch your arms. “It’s getting late.”
“Up-up-up. Where are you going?”
“Ugh, are we really going to do this?”
“Yes, we are.”
Your friend drags you with him. He brings you to the nearest convenience store and goes to the counter.
He coughs trying to hide his words. “Condoms please.”
The clerk rolls his eyes and just scans a pack and quickly bags it before anyone else notices it. Your friend brings you out of the store and hands you the bag. 
“Here, this should what you need.”
You take a peek at what’s inside.
“No problemo. Just promise me you’ll do it tonight if not this week at least.”
“Okay. Okay…I’ll just have to find a time when Minju would be free. She lives in with her parents. So maybe when she is staying at her friend's apartment.”
“Yeah whatever, Next week. Tell me what happens, okay?”
Then your phone vibrates. You pick it up and on the caller ID is Minju. “Speaking of the devil. I have to go. Bye,” you tell your friend.
“Bye!” He shouts as you walk away.”
You answer the call and head back to the campus. “Jagi-ya. What’s up?”
“Oppa, are you busy?”
“No. Not really. Why?”
“Wanna have dinner? I need to ask you something. It’s important and I want to tell you in person.”
“Sure. Where do you want to eat?”
“Hmmmm….I know this new rice bowl. It isn’t far.”
“Ah, I think I know what you mean. See you there.”
“Oki, see ya.” Minju hangs up the phone.
You put your phone back in your pocket. You breathe out.
I guess I can ask her then.
You head to the restaurant Minju was talking about. It’s a new place but since it is at a late hour there aren’t many people. When you got there. It is practically just you and Minju left.
Minju and you got to the counter.
You order. “Can I have the beef bulgogi please?”
The cashier replies. “Anything else?”
Minju walks up. “Can I have the bacon and egg please?”
“Is that all?”
“Yup.” You answer.
The cashier takes your order and sends it to the kitchen. You and Minju go to the dining area and sit down.
“Minju, did you want to say something?”
“Oppa, I just…wan…want to…ask you…”
“I want to a…as…a…ask. You if you want to have s..s…seee….”
“Yes. Ugh, sorry I just wanted to ask…”
“Look, you can say no if you want.”
“It’s just my girl friends have been pushing me to have sex with you.”
“I…well…my friend also…”
“Well, he bought me condoms.”
You show the bag that your friend gave you.
Then Minju picks up a bag also from a convenience store. “They did the same to me.”
“Is it time?”
Then your order gets called. You and Minju pick up the food and eat it nicely. The food is delicious. You would say it is already your favorite for the week. Anyway, you talk more to Minju about your plans.
“Minju, can you do it tonight?”
“No, not really…”
“Maybe we shouldn’t…”
“No! We’re going to do this, okay? It has been a long time running and we should have done this a long time ago.”
“Okay. Okay. Okay. Calm down Minju.”
“Sorry. I’m just nervous.”
“Well, we don’t need to do….”
Minju glares at your face. You stay silent.
“Look, tonight. I have to be with my parents but tomorrow. I told them I’m staying at one of my friend’s place. Then we can do it then. Okay?”
“I’ve got to go now bye, Oppa.”
Minju stands up and reaches to kiss you on the cheek but before her lips touch. You turn your head and make her kiss your lips. A short yet passionate kiss.
“Minju, Just a teaser for tomorrow.”
Minju blushes as she walks away.
It is already Friday night. You have something planned but don’t know if you are going to succeed. A night with your girlfriend.
Minju is already on her way. You have put on some perfume. Your bedroom is spotless, prepared some snacks before anything would be going down.
Then there is a knock on the door. You peek thru the peephole and there is Minju. She is wearing a cute top with a matching skirt. Something she would wear to your dates. She is always cute when she wears something like that.
“Come in.” You open the door.
Minju comes in and kisses you on the cheek. “Oppa, you alright?”
“Yeah... just nervous. Are we really going to do it?”
“Yes! Yes! Of course…” Minju affirms but also sounds as nervous as you.
You move up to her and grab her waist with both of your arms and you look down at her with your obviously confused face.
“Uhhhh…. what are you doing?” Minju asks you.
“Isn’t this how things start?”
“No? I don’t know. Let’s try to start things naturally. Do you have anything to drink?”
“Hold on.” You stop Minju in your living room then head to the fridge.
There is a couple of bottles of Soju. “What do you want to do with Soju?” You shout from the kitchen.
“Is it flavored?”
“You have Yakult?”
You pick up the unopened pack of Yakult and a couple of bottles and two glasses then head back to the living room. Minju helps you with all of the ingredients and places them on the table.
Sitting beside each other, you try to be comfortable, facing Minju as she looks at you back.
“Drinks!” You remembered why you brought them with you.
You open a bottle pour on both glasses and add some Yakult for the flavor. Minju finishes her drink in one go. She shakes her head as she tries to take in the flavor. You do the same, drinking it and taking in the drink.
“Shouldn’t we….?” You lean in for a kiss. Minju takes it but quickly stops it.
“Let’s drink more.” She suggests.
Then there is a montage of You and Minju drinking and taking shots one after another. and then eating some of the snacks you have prepared. You grab more drinks from beer to more Soju. Soon there were already four bottles of Soju emptied and thee bottles of beer. 
You are already a little tipsy but one thing you noticed is that Minju is already getting a little bit more touch than before. She is trying to act more seductively, playing with you, and touching you on your arm. You too are trying to make advances to Minju. 
You never thought you’d be like this with your girlfriend. Sure, you have been drunk before but that’s when you are with friends and never drank alone. Suddenly, Minju leans in for a kiss. She pushes you down to the couch, still making out with you.
But you stop her and make her stand up straight. “Minju, are you drunk?”
“Well…” Minju hiccups. “Kinda….”
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
“Yes! I always have. I thought I’ll lose my virginity with my boyfriend and when you are there I knew it would be you.”
You kiss her on the lips, cupping her face. “Let’s take this slowly, okay?”
Minju grabs your hands, and her eyes shine on you. “Okay.”
You go back to your kiss. A passionate yet drunk kiss. Something messy yet it is between two people who love each other.
Then Minju unbuttons your shirt. You assist her in doing so. You remove Minju’s shirt, showing off her topless body.
This time you push Minju to the couch with lips still locked to each other. You undo your pants and pull it push it away. Your underwear comes off as well. Now you pull up Minju’s skirt. You notice a wet spot on her panties…
“Uhhh…. What’s this?”
Minju replies. “The girls told me to now worry about that. They said it comes when you are ready for sex.”
You shrug your shoulders and continue. Minju removes her skirt and her pantie as well. Finally, you struggle and try to remove Minju’s bra. But after embarrassing yourself in front of Minju. She stops you and removes it herself.
You both chuckle as you get to finally see each other fully naked. Minju looks down at your crotch and insects it.
“Curious… what’s the size?”
“To be honest. I haven’t measured it. Never needed to. But to my guess… five inches…?”
“What do you think of my breasts.”
“They’re aight. I mean breasts are breasts. I love them…. I mean yours. I only love your breasts.”
Minju laughs. “Only these two then.”
You move your hand to feel Minju’s slit. It is clean-shaven down there. 
“Oh, you shaved?”
“Yeah? Did you?”
“Yeah, I did but I just did it just in case.”
“In case, I didn’t?”
You stay silent for a while, but your hand is busy feeling Minju. It is wet already and just a line. You have never seen a vagina before unless you count the times when you were younger with your sister but never mind that. You play with it a bit.
You don’t really know how but you try to insert your index finger inside. Minju gasps as you try to play with her.
“You alright?”
“Yeah. Just continue.”
You just return to Minju, looking down to check if you are doing it correctly. It is confirmed when you see Minju subtly moan. Just soft and gentle moans. You think it is working so you do more. You start to move your finger faster and faster.
This brings more pleasure to Minju. Her gentle moans start to grow louder and louder. Her eyes close and she clings onto the couch. It becomes harder and harder for her to hold back. As you added your middle finger.
Minju arches her back. This is already getting intense for her. She is almost at her peak. But she gushes cum outside of her. It isn’t much. But it is more than you thought.
“Wow…that’s a lot.” You tell Minju.
She already has a bit of her hair messed up. You try to fix it but to no avail.
“Hmm.. you still look kinda cute, Minju.”
She peeks at the mirror and gets shocked. Her hair is messed up and she quickly tries to fix it.
You hold her hand. “I said you look cute. Anyway, don’t we still have something to do?”
“Ah, right.”
You are still on top of her. Now, you try to align your tip to her entrance. You play with it for a second. Then you look up, Minju’s eyes are shut, mouth closed, and holding her breath.
“Okay, I’m going in.”
You push yourself slowly, going all the way. It is going deep. Each inch is swallowed whole.
You let out a deep breath as you fully invite yourself inside Minju.
“Okay, I’m in.” Minju breathes out. It is still slightly painful for her. But she is enduring it as much as she can.
“Okay, It hurts a bit but I should be fine.”
You start thrusting as before. Your cock moves in and out as slowly as it can. Her walls are so tight. You can never expect to feel this sensation. All you have is have been jerking off to porn or maybe Minju’s picture. But this is nothing compared to the experience that you are feeling right now.
“Fuck, Minju…”
“Ah! Oppa, it feels so good.”
“Minju!” You shout her name.
It is getting better and better. Your cock entering and re-entering is feeling much better after every second. Your groans are getting louder by the second. Also, Minju is moaning louder and louder. You can see Minju’s breasts jiggle as well. 
But then you get tired and accidentally fall on Minju. Instead of complaining, Minju laughs. You awkwardly join her. But as she continues to laugh. You laugh as well. The humorous fall just made things funny.
“Oppa, come here.” Minju hugs you to cuddle.
You both lay on the couch snuggled up to each other.
“How is it for you? Is it alright?” You bring up.
“It was painful at first but as it goes on. I think I’m enjoying it.”
“Same here. Let’s finish this.”
Minju sits up on the couch and brings you to your bedroom.
Now on the bed, you go back to your position. Minju is on the bottom and you are on the top. You go back thrusting. But you can go faster than before now you have gotten used to the motion.
Things go on and on. You moving while Minju is receiving the pleasure. You can also feel it but what you are happy about is that Minju is also enjoying it.
But then your legs start to feel weak. You are about to have your orgasm. Soon you cum. You shoot everything and empty your balls.
You get off Minju and lay next to her.
“It was better than I thought.” Minju’s mouth is wide open.
You are on the bed. “I thought it was pleasurable as well.” You bring out a small smile.
But then you start to fall asleep. Things begin to drift to darkness. You are tired and the sex just made things more.
Then you jolt and wake up.
“Minju! We didn’t use a condom!”
Minju also sits up. “Did…did cum in me?”
“Do you have birth control?”
“No! I wouldn’t expect to need one.”
You lay back down on the bed with your hands on your head. “You should get tested.”
“I’ll…I’ll…take one sooon.”
“Soon?! We need to know!”
“My girls warned me about this. I need to wait for my period or miss it to check. Promise me one thing.”
“Will you be there if I’m pregnant?”
“Of course.”
Minju lies down beside you. “Then we shouldn’t worry about it, okay? If I’m not pregnant then good. But if I am then we have a lot of things to do.”
“Okay night, Minju.”
“Goodnight Oppa.”
425 notes · View notes
cringevalue · 8 months
i posted this silly little thing about pre-transition eddie coming out to uncle wayne and i wrote an extra part with steve, but the writing was sloppy so i didn’t include it in the fic. anyway! i’m gonna post it here just for funzies.
tags: steddie, trans male eddie, coming out, a little bit more wayne & eddie fluff
wc: 616
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“So, let me get this straight,” Steve started, scaring Eddie a little. Eddie expected everything to be cut off after this — hell, he expected to take a few punches before everything got cut off. “You don’t want to be called Elizabeth anymore? Or Lizzie? Or Lizard?”
“You’ve never called me Lizard,” Eddie said.
“Your Uncle Wayne has.”
“He’s my Uncle Wayne.”
“Fair enough.” Steve put his hands on his hips as he thought about everything, and Eddie groaned. “Give me a second! God damn. So, it’s Edward now?”
“Or Eddie.”
“Or Eddie. Okay. Okay. And you’re a boy?”
“You’re Eddie and you’re a boy. Got it. So, what now? Do you just want me to call you a he?”
“I mean, yeah? Kinda.”
“Okay. That’s cool, I guess.” Steve raised an eyebrow. “Do you like girls now, or…?”
“No. Yes? Maybe. I don’t know. I still like boys. I definitely like boys.”
Steve chuckled. “That’s gay.”
Eddie rolled his eyes. “You’re gay.”
“So… Are you cutting your hair?”
“No, I want to keep it long.”
Steve nodded. “Does this mean I’m actually gay?”
Eddie froze, his eyes widening just slightly. “I… What? Why would this-“
“Well, if you’re a boy, and I’m a boy…”
“Nope.” Wayne walked up and grabbed Eddie’s shoulders. “We’re done here.”
Eddie shrugged Wayne off. “Hold on… You actually like me? All that joking around was…”
“I wasn’t joking around. At least not for like, the second half of it,” Steve admitted.
“So, you-“
“I like you, Li- Eddie. I like you, Eddie.”
Wayne groaned at this point and said, “Fine! Get it over with.”
Eddie shook his fists excitedly as he walked closer to Steve. Steve grabbed Eddie’s jaw with one hand, pulling his face closer.
Steve tasted like mint toothpaste and coffee flavored chapstick, and Eddie tasted like the menthol cigarette he smoked out of desperation before coming out to Steve. Steve’s lips were soft and Eddie’s were more chapped and cracked than usual — he’s always been bad at taking care of his lips and face, but he had been intentionally neglecting that kind of self care since coming out to Wayne, because he thought it might make him more masculine.
“Five… Four… Three…”
Steve tried to pull away, but Eddie pulled him back, chuckling against his lips.
“Two… One! That’s enough!”
Eddie finally pulled away from Steve and turned around to face Wayne, who was refusing to look at either of them.
Eddie put a finger to Steve’s lips to keep him quiet and started making wet sounds with his mouth.
“I said that’s-“ Wayne whipped around, getting ready to pull them away, only to be met with Eddie loudly smacking his lips, holding back a giggle. “God damn you, kid. Say goodbye to your little boyfriend, we still have shopping to do.”
“You can borrow some of my clothes, if you-“
“No!” Eddie and Wayne cut off Steve in unison.
Steve raised his hands in mock surrender. “Jeez, okay. I was just offering.”
Eddie shook his head with a chuckle. “I’ll see you around, sweetheart.”
He gave Steve one last peck on the lips before getting forcefully dragged away by Wayne.
“I’m gonna beat your ass when we get home,” Wayne grumbled.
When they got home, Wayne forced Eddie to do a fashion show to show off the cheapest articles of clothing they got from the men’s section. Just to mess with him, Eddie had walked out in a t-shirt and his new boxers, making Wayne cover his eyes and scream.
Eventually, Eddie got to cuddle up with Wayne on the couch and watch a horror movie.
“You’re not gonna beat my ass?”
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
here’s a request if you have time: ted giving y/n a massage?
AN: @tedssweaters wrote a lovely little massage blurb that everyone should go read. I already had this request in my queue and of course, I went in a different (read: horny) direction lol s/o to @jarfishy for the encouragement to finish this one early 😛 two fics in one day, who am I?!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: AFAB!reader, One-Shot, Sports injury turned very sexy, Smut, Porn with barely any plot, facefucking, fingerfucking, General sexy things
Fic masterlist
You had been obsessed with football since you were little, your older brothers happily taught you every trick they knew while they dribbled circles around you until you were old enough to start playing against girls your own age. You had long since hung up your football dreams, though, focusing on a career in PR instead. But since you started working for AFC Richmond—and dating the head coach—you couldn’t help but want to get back on the pitch again.
Over happy hour one night you told the team how much you missed playing and they all tried to get you into a drunken round of footie on the Richmond Green, absolutely gutted when they couldn’t procure a football and the coaches told them it was too dark and they were too not-sober. But after that, the boys would occasionally drop by your office on a light practice day to invite you out and you started keeping some extra athletic clothes and boots under your desk.
“You sure it's okay,” you asked Ted each time you went to step out on the pitch, trying not to linger. Though your relationship had started completely unrelated to your employment, neither of you wanted anyone to get the wrong impression. The only people that were aware you were together were Rebecca and HR…and Keeley after that one time she had come back for something in her old desk and caught the two of you….indisposed. You had to admit the sneaking around was a little sexy, but it was a bummer in times like this when you wanted to drop a kiss on his cheek after he said, “of course! Go show those boys what-for.”
You were getting into the rhythms of playing, your lungs burning with exertion and a grin cemented to your face as you darted around. You raised a hand to Dani with a call of, “oi!” and sprinted to the ball to set yourself up for a corner kick. It felt good to score, even though you knew the boys let you have that one—granted they’d been out there for hours and you were fresh from your desk, no one could blame them for being a little slow.
You were taking the ball down the field when Sam called for a pass and you looked up for him just as O’Brien went for a slide tackle and you went down hard, with a pained grunt. Ted was hovering over you in an instant, you didn’t even know how he’d moved that quickly, and you rolled off of O’Brien and onto your stomach with a laugh.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry, you alright Y/N,” O’Brien asked with genuine remorse as he sat up on his knees, Ted right next to him his brow furrowed in concern.
“It was fair play, I’m perfectly fine Tommy Boy. Don’t apologize for that,” You went to get up but Ted stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t move yet, we should get you checked out,” Ted said and you looked at him like he was crazy.
“Ted, I’m fine. I’m a human woman, not a paper doll,” you laughed and Ted chuckled with you. “Just help me up, why don’t you?”
Ted held out a hand and you let him take most of your weight as you clambered up, took a step, and…shit that hurt. Not the worst you’d felt, but your thigh was cripplingly tight. You must have pulled your hamstring when you went down. Ted saw you grimace and his voice was frantic when he asked, “Woah now, what hurts?”
“Mmmf,” you grunted, “s’okay, just pulled my hamstring.” You gestured to your left leg and Ted’s hands were on you, squeezing with a pleasure-pain that made you groan as you braced yourself on his shoulder, not realizing how inappropriate this might seem to the players still gathered around. Coach Beard loudly and pointedly cleared his throat but it was too late.
“Coach, why don’t you work my hamstrings out like that, huh,” Jamie called out, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Roy shoulder-checked him but even he smirked. Ted blushed and removed his hands immediately. You needed to get him out of here before he started apologizing and making things worse.
“Where were you when I tore my butt,” O’Brien teased and all the players laughed at that. Ted opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly cut him off.
“Ha ha,” you stuck your tongue out at Jamie and O’Brien mockingly, “come on, Coach, help me to the treatment room?” You wrapped an arm around Ted’s shoulders, your hurt leg in between so you could use him as a crutch as you limped off the pitch. He wrapped a hand around your waist to support you, being sure to keep his hand higher than necessary.
As soon as the treatment door clicked shut behind you, Ted had you wrapped tightly in his arms as if he had found you on the pitch half-dead. Thank god the actual trainer was out for the afternoon otherwise there was no way the two of you could explain this one away as platonic concern. You chuckled a little but let him hold you, his hands gripping your t-shirt as he took deep, soothing breaths.
He didn’t respond but you could feel his fingers release just a smidge.
“Teddy, I’m alright sweetheart,” you whispered with light amusement and Ted sighed and let you go.
“I know, I know you just…gave me a bit of a fright seein’ you take a tumble like that. And I’m embarrassed on top of that for not keepin’ my hands to myself and almost blowing our cover. I should have told the boys to take it easy—”
“Woah, now, none of that,” you chastised, hobbling over to sit on a treatment table. “I may not have ever been a professional athlete, but I was an athlete. I know what it’s like to be knocked down, I know the symptoms of a concussion. Hell, have I told you my front incisor is an implant? Mum was pissed after that game.” You chuckled and looked over at Ted who was wincing. “Ah, come on now darling. You see people get hurt all the time. Scrapes and bruises are little badges of hon—”
“Not you,” Ted said, his voice tight and his hands fisted in his pockets. “I don’t see you get hurt all the time. It’s not because you’re a woman or because you’re not a professional or because I don’t think you can handle yourself, I just…I love you. And I don’t want to see the person I love in pain.”
Ted had never told you he loved you before and your eyes shot to his face, searching for any indication that he didn’t mean it, that he regretted saying it. But all you saw was the vulnerability of him offering his heart on a platter. You reached a hand out towards him and he stepped closer, allowing you to tug one of his fists from the pocket of his khakis.
“I love you too, Ted Lasso,” you whispered, holding his gaze as you leaned in and he met you halfway. It was easy to forget where you were and why when he kissed you like that, but when you shifted to widen your legs so he could step between them, the tug in your thigh reminded you and you grunted into his mouth, which was not the sexy sound he’d been anticipating.
“As much as I’m loving this very sexy turn of events, do you think you could get me an ice pack?”
Ted jumped into action with a smile and you slid off the table to remove your shorts so they wouldn’t get in the way, before leaning over and locking the door. Ice pack in hand, Ted turned and you could see the way his eyes lingered, but he remained focused on attending to your injury.
“Here, why don’t you lay on your stomach and I’ll hold this for you.” You did as he asked, and jumped when the freezing cold sensation hit your skin. “Did you stretch before you got out there?”
You gave Ted a sheepish look from where your head rested on your folded arms and he clucked his tongue at you. “Well if it’s alright with you, it might be helpful to massage your other leg while this one is healing to prevent this in the future. If you’re gonna be a member of my team, ya gotta be proactive in taking care of yourself, ya know?”
You smiled and nodded as he wrapped your ice-pack thigh in a towel so it wouldn’t move and stepped to your other side, rubbing massage therapy oil between his palms before he touched you. “Does that mean you’re letting me back out on the pitch, Coach?” You didn’t mean it to be seductive, but the two of you had somehow slipped into a mild coach-player roleplay, and the moan that slipped from your lips when he pressed down deep into the muscles of your thigh didn’t help.
“As if I could tell you no,” Ted responded affectionately, using both hands to grip your thigh and rub small, deep circles down the length of the muscle. He moved down to your calf, massaging slowly and humming a tune. He switched legs, skipping your injured thigh and going straight to the calf muscle and it felt like heaven, his hands warm and firm against your skin, his long fingers wrapping briefly around your ankle. He let go and you whimpered at the loss.
“How’s your back, love?”
“If I say ‘just awful’ will you keep touching me?”
Ted laughed, a full-bellied laugh that always made you giddy when you could pull it from him. You sat up and he helped you remove your shirt and bra before you laid back down, your arms to your side, and as he walked past your head for more massage oil you couldn’t help but noticed his tented khakis. You had of course felt like this was a rather sexy scenario, but you hadn’t realized how much it was affecting Ted too. He hadn’t made any untoward comments or touched you in any way that someone with a Sports Physiology degree wouldn’t. Knowing that his care for you was NOT centered on sex, that he couldn’t be distracted from looking after you just because you were mostly nude, only made you want to fuck him more.
Ted ran his hands over your back, gently first and then with more pressure. You sighed deeply when he hit the spot between your shoulder blades that always ached from working at a computer all day. He leaned closer so he could focus in on that spot but when his erection brushed your arm he quickly tilted his hips back. You wanted to tell him it was okay but you didn’t want to embarrass him, so you settled for letting him know how much you were enjoying the experience and maybe some not-so-subtle hints.
When his thumbs worked into your lower back, you spread your legs slightly and thanked your lucky stars you had picked gray underwear today. You knew he could see how wet you were by the sharp intake of breath you heard behind you.
“Feel good,” he asked, his voice a little strained, and you smiled over your shoulder at him.
“Very. What would you say if I asked you to get my glutes…Coach?”
Ted took a deep breath that he released as a groan. “I’d say we’d need to get these off.” If you could fist pump in this position you would. You were dying for him to touch you. Not that he hadn’t been, but there were certainly more sensitive areas that could use his attention. Ted removed the towel and ice pack first, letting his long fingers trail along your inner thigh and you shuddered in anticipation. He hooked his fingers in your waistband, slid down your underwear, and then…actually massaged your glutes.
It still felt amazing, but you wanted him to sink those very capable fingers into your core, to massage your clit until you were begging for release.
“Hey, Coach?”
“Hm,” Ted hummed. You couldn’t see him from this angle but he wasn’t tilting his hips back anymore and you could feel him hard against the side of your thigh.
“This is making me very fucking horny.”
Ted laughed. “Is that right? Is that you droppin’ hints that you’d like my hands…a little lower?”
“Well if you’re offering,” you joked nonchalantly as if you weren’t prepared to beg. Ted did slide his hands down but he didn’t immediately sink his fingers into you. Instead, he treated your vulva with the same care he had treated the rest of your body, a gentle but purposeful massage that made it hard to tell whether the growing slickness between your thighs was oil, arousal, or a mix of both.
“Fuck,” you whined as Ted’s middle finger parted you and made contact with your clit, but he pulled away and you grunted in frustration.
“Turn over for me darlin’.”
Ted helped so you didn’t bother your injured leg and though you were more than excited for him to go back to touching you, the real reason you felt heat pooling in your belly was getting to look at his sweet face, concern almost fully replaced with desire, his dimple deepening when his eyes locked on yours.
“Well, hello there,” you said softly and he grinned. “Appreciate the helping hand.”
“Anytime,” Ted responded as he ran his oiled hands up your belly to your peaked nipples, massaging your breasts and leaning forward to capture your moans between his own lips. You tangled your tongue with his, relishing in the slip of his fingers as he pinched at both nipples. He stood up as he trailed one hand back to its previous location. Done teasing, he wasted no time sliding two fingers into you and you tried to keep your reaction in check but you couldn’t help but whine, “Jesus, fuck Ted you feel so fucking good.”
“Shh, I’m glad, baby,” Ted said quietly, obviously not wanting to draw attention to what was currently happening in the treatment room, “just relax and let me take care of you.” He tilted his fingers up to find the soft spot inside of you that made your soul leave your body as his thumb found your clit, his other hand still alternating between your breasts. You were whimpering and whining and Ted was steadily trying to shush you but you didn’t know how he expected you to stay quiet when he was so expertly taking you apart.
“I…I can’t, fuuck, I can’t stay quiet baby.”
“You have to darlin’, you have to be good for me.”
“Mmm,” you complained but then you caught sight of his erection yet again and you ran your hand over it, smiling when he couldn’t help but press into your palm. You tugged him closer to you by his pocket, using both hands to work his pants open and Ted chuckled, “you’re just not going to let me take care of you, are you?”
You freed Ted’s length from his boxers and smiled up at him, batting your eyelashes. “I just thought something in my mouth might help me keep quiet.”
“Christ,” Ted whispered emphatically as you stroked him a few times. Somehow in all of this fingers had never stopped their slow fucking so you knew he was up to the challenge.
“You’re going to have to fuck my mouth since I don’t have the range of motion I normally do, think you can multitask?”
Ted choked on his spit and coughed, sputtering as he answered, “You’re going to be the absolute death of me.”
But it certainly wasn’t a no, and he did as you asked when you slipped the tip of him between your lips, moving slowly to match the pace of his fingers. You moaned against him, adoring the feeling of him heavy in your mouth, letting your tongue circle the seam of him when he pulled back and relaxing your jaw when he pushed back in. He picked up the pace of both his hips and his fingers and you were so close, your whole body pulsing with desire, your injury forgotten. And then Ted slid in a third finger and you were a goner, the stretch and pressure so overwhelmingly good the only thing stopping you from screaming was his dick in your mouth.
Thankfully, when he felt you clench against his fingers he stopped moving his hips, otherwise you surely would have choked. Your chest was heaving as Ted moved to pull out of your mouth but you shook your head no, leaning over to take him in hand before you released him for a gasp of air, stroking him swiftly until you could take him again. When you were ready you sat up slightly so you had more control and used both your hand and tongue to work him over, his chin tucked to his chest and his hand covering his mouth.
“I’m gonna…baby, I’m about to…” He tried to pull back, but you shook your head again and sank down as far as you could and swallowed, feeling him come down the back of your throat. Now it was Ted’s turn to gasp for air as you sucked him clean and released him.
“Can’t believe this treatment room is still haunted,” Ted said as he tucked himself back in his khakis, “you’re a goddamn succubus.”
You laughed as he helped you back into your clothes. The two of you had been missing from training for so long, you just cleaned up the treatment room and left the stadium hoping no one was suspicious. Ted shot Beard a quick text that he was helping you get home and got just a thumbs up in return.
A couple weeks later now fully healed, Colin stopped by your office and invited you out to the pitch again. You grinned and pulled on your athletic wear, tying up your boots before stepping out next to Ted. The two of you had decided it was long time to stop sneaking around, so this time when you asked, “you sure it’s okay” and Ted told you to get out there, you thanked him with a kiss.
Both of you looked around at the team confused when no one reacted and Ted cleared his throat, “Guess I should let y’all know that, uh, Y/N and I…”
“We know, Coach,” Sam called out with a smile. “And we’re happy for you both.” The team took to the pitch but you and Ted still looked at each other confused until Isaac came over and murmured, “Training room connects to the locker room. And it's not soundproof, bruv.” You’d never seen the color drain from Ted’s face so quickly, but you just followed Isaac out onto the pitch with a smile. It had been worth it.
And despite now knowing about you and Ted—way too much about you and Ted, it seemed—the boys didn’t take it easy on you for one second. Just the way you liked it.
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a-bucket-of-trash · 2 years
Bonds Like Tree’s Roots- Kelvin x Female Reader – P1
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Prompt: A warm reunion of two ex soldiers can be the start of something else.
Tags: Fluff af because I love fluffy Kelvin uwu
A long jaded yawn crossed your body while you stretched your muscles long, in that boring noon. It was the least active time in the city, not to mention there, in that average library where you were temporarily working with your cousin. You were extremely bored, there had been no customers in hours and you had already put all the books in their place, so there was little else to do, other than perhaps reading to kill time, again.
You lazily rubbed the back of your neck, looking at the books on that particular shelf, in the foolish hope that something would catch your eye. You liked to read, but not enough to run to find a specific one, so your eyes wandered over the back of the books, while you absently hummed the instrumental version of The Sound Of Silence that was playing softly in the background. It was a library, slow instrumental tunes were the only kind of music they played, and while it was nice, it bored you sometimes.
A soft “Excuse me” sounded behind you, so you turned, looking for a moment at this man standing nearby, wearing a black leather jacket, in tune with a motorcycle outfit, black pants with pockets on the sides, military tone boots. It took you a couple of seconds to register his face, the brown hair, that pair of smiling brown eyes, before taking a short, surprised breath and saying a happy “Kelviiiiiiiin!” so hard that it made your cousin smile from the desk in the hall.
You immediately shortened the little space that was left, to hug him tightly, your arms chained around his neck, listening to him give a laughing "Hello", hugging you.
You almost couldn't believe you were looking at Kelvin, not after all. That soldier who had been seriously injured, deaf and mute, by your side, during those months of extreme survival on that dangerous secret island. The one who had sat next to you when you had been rescued after several months stranded. The one you could barely see again in the hospital, while he was recovering from his injuries. The one you lost track of when you lay off the service as a soldier, since you were from a different platoon and district than his. The one you hadn't seen since then, almost a year ago, and whom you thought you'd never see again.
You squeezed him even harder. The affection you had taken for that man, on the island, had been monumental, and you were completely sure that nothing had changed on your side. You still remembered, embarrassed, how at the time you had suggested to him to become "closer", being that you both were alone on an island, and how he, somewhat uncomfortable, had written you a "I'm sorry. Engaged” that left you internally ridiculed to even now.
You had remained very good friends, companions and mutual guardians, you had put your life in his hands, just as he had done with you, until life itself had separated you. But there he was, after so many months.
You released him gently, to see him better, still absurdly close to him, touching his shoulders. It would have been weird, unless he had never refused your physical closeness, neither before nor after your mini confession. You two had gotten used to it, and he was, secretly, a hard cuddly.
"God... Look at you, Mr. Style" You laughed, patting his chest "Jeez... So long... What the hell are you doing here?" You looked at his kind eyes and his beard from a couple of days.
"What? Can't I visit whom I owe my life to?” He smiled, patting your side.
"Sounds like I'm your mother." You laughed.
"With what you took care of me when I was half dead... almost" He shook his head softly, looking you up and down "You haven't changed a thing"
"You do" You looked at him better "I almost didn't recognize you... What the hell?"
"What are you taking about?" He frowned. "I look the same."
"Visually, yes... But I'm talking about..." You pointed randomly "I don't know, your presence, your way of speaking..."
"Maybe what you're noticing is that I don't have intracranial hemorrhage, total hearing loss, and a verbal difficulty," He admitted. "I'm basically the same as before the accident, silly... But I understand you, you got to know me better when I was half brainless, it's normal."
“Right…” You gently cupped his cheeks, as you used to do when you wanted to check his head back on the island, looking at him with a concerned air “How are you? Have you healed well? Tell me you don't have serious sequelae"
“I'm fine, calm down” He smiled, touched by your constant concern “I can't hear high-pitched sounds well, I have frequent migraines, PTSD, and I developed a strange taste for boiled eggs, but nothing serious. I am medicated, very medicated"
"Thank God." You sighed, relieved. "Are you still on duty?"
"No way. Even though they hadn't let me continue, they gave me medical sick leave."
You were going to speak, but your cousin's voice crossed the library, shouting a "Do me a favor and talk somewhere else, this is not a bar!"
You gently covered Kelvin's ears with your hands, so as not to strain his ears with loud sounds, and raised your voice to answer him with "It's work time!"
"Sure! Because, as you can see, there are a lot of customers!” Your cousin laughed "Get out of here, I'll see you tomorrow!"
"Thank you! I'll tell you later!" You let go of your partner's head and looked at him “Do you have time for a coffee or do you have to go now?
"I have time, don't worry" He hesitated for a moment "If it can be in a quiet place, better... The crowds now make me a little anxious"
"Mmmm" You thought, walking through the shelves to where your backpack of things was, turning slightly to see him while you put it on "We won't find it quieter than in my house"
"Sounds good to me" He nodded, taking a pair of fabulous aviator-style sunglasses from his pocket, putting them on "I'll take you"
You smiled slightly, he looked seductively cool, with much more style than you used to see in that area. You said a quick goodbye to your cousin, who followed Kelvin with his eyes, sure that he would later ask you questions about your friend, and you left the library, with him following close behind.
You saw him go ahead and approach a good-sized black motorcycle that was parked on the sidewalk, and as soon as you got closer, he put his black military-style helmet directly on your head.
“Is it too tight or too loose?” He asked, checking your head, seeing your “ok” sign.
Kelvin got on his motorcycle, with great agility, starting the engine, which purred like a giant cat, looking at you and gesturing for you to get on.
Smiling to yourself, you climbed behind. It wasn't the first time you'd been on one of those machines, on the contrary, when you were young you were the first to get on whatever had two wheels, and in your years in service, you did everything possible to get into a motorized squad. You loved motorcycles, you had always dreamed of having one for yourself and spending a whole month just on the road, seeing the landscapes on top of an iron horse.
But now it was also Kelvin who would be driving. You were going to hold on to his waist as if you were terrified of life, just to feel him a little.
"You're going to have to tell me where and when to turn" He mentioned, looking at you out of the corner of his eye as he felt your arms hold him tightly, which made him believe that you didn't feel safe getting on one of those "Lord... I'm sorry, are you too scared to go back there? Would you rather we walk?"
"Noooo" You laughed, looking at him "I love motorcycles, I'm just being a little clingy, sorry"
"Ah" He laughed "Would you rather go fast or enjoy the engine?"
“I have no interest in breaking my neck under a truck, I prefer to go slow and enjoy the ride”
"That's my girl" He smiled, looking straight ahead again and pulling away.
Your face turned various shades of red as you felt yourself move. Still, you enjoyed the ride, a soft purr through the city streets, holding onto Kelvin's firm body, feeling his warmth slowly intoxicating you.
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s1rcus · 7 months
The Future Generations [4/?]
Rating: Mature
Words:   2203
Fandoms: Overwatch
Relationships: Moira O'Deorain/Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Characters: Moira O'Deorain, Angela “Mercy” Ziegler  
Additional tags: Trans Angela “Mercy” Ziegler, Pre-Fall of Overwatch, Kid Fic, Eventual Sex, Fake Science, POV Moira O'Deorain
Summary: Angela comes to Moira with an interesting proposal one late evening which makes the two start working closely together in secret.
Story below the cut or in AO3 here
Chapter 1 | Previous Chapter
Moira managed to avoid Angela as well as a person can avoid a coworker for four days before her hand terminal pinged with a message from Reyes.
Conference room 3. ASAP
As she arrived she saw that both Morrison and Reyes were present along with Amari, Angela and Lindholm. It was basically all of her higher-ups and she felt like she'd been called to the principal's office if it wasn't for the mood in the room. The mood was somber in a way.
"O'Deorain, perfect, take a seat," Morrison spoke.
Morrison and Reyes were seated at the other side of the table to Angela and Lindholm. Amari had decided to stand it seemed as she stood by Morrison's side. Moira pulled out a free chair from the other side of Angela and sat down giving her a quizzical look. Angela just gave her a sad smile. 
"Doctor Ziegler says you could have some good input to her current assignment. We know you have your own work and prefer to work alone so we wouldn't have asked you to come here, if Angela wouldn't have convinced us that your input really would benefit her," Morrison continued after she was properly seated.
"Fair enough. What is this about then?" Moira asked.
"You might've heard of the rumours going around about Amelie Lacroix for the past few weeks. We're sad to announce that they've been true and we got her back a few days ago. Last night though she attacked her husband as he slept and fled. Gerard has been in critical condition ever since," Morrison explained.
Jeez. That explains the odd mood.
"Why don't you just resurrect him with the staff?" She asked.
"It's not working. Or well the healing isn't working on him so I doubt that would and we'd need to let him die first and if we do that there's no coming back," Angela explained.
"What do you mean it's not working? That thing is supposed to be fool proof."
"I don't know. She clearly did something that blocks it from working. First we're gonna save Lacroix and then we're going to figure out what it is that's making my staff not work and fix it." Angela sounded desperate. This really was serious.
"So what's your plan?"
"I don't really have one. But I do know that I need you. We'll have to first figure out what's stopping the healing process. It seems like his system disables nanites or something. If Talon has this sort of technology we need to figure out a way to surpass it before it becomes a problem."
Morrison cleared his throat and both women fell silent again turning their attention back to him.
"I take it both of you understand that this is a sensitive matter and it can't reach the ears of anyone outside of this room and the select few medical personnel who have been assigned to work with Angela on this."
Moira nodded in response.
"Alright. Dismissed."
Both Moira and Angela got up from their seats. Moira gave one last glance at Reyes. He gave her a very minimal head shake. She was not going to be able to get out of this and this was to be her top priority for now. Morrison seemed deeply worried and for the first time she felt like she was seeing Reyes show any emotion as he placed a hand on his shoulder. She turned around and followed Angela out of the room. 
Angela was already halfway to the lift when the door clicked shut behind Moira. A deep breath to calm her irritation over the situation and Moira caught up with her easily with her long strides.
Angela fidgeted with her sleeve as she waited for the elevator. This had clearly taken its toll on her and Moira wanted desperately to ask how she was doing. It wasn't her place though. Moira had made it clear to Angela she wanted to keep their relationship professional and asking Angela if she was doing alright would be something she wouldn't have done before.
"I know you have some sort of plan. You always have some idea. So what are we going to do first?" She asked Angela instead as they waited for the lift. 
“We have to identify what they've done and find a way to neutralize it. I've done a couple of tests but nothing has come of them. I was hoping you'd have some ideas.”
“I might. Let me take a look at him and what you have so far. I'm sure I'll figure something out.”
“Thank you. These have been some of the most stressful 8 hours of my life.”
“Of course,” she said even though it's not like she could've done anything else but to comply.
As they worked together, Moira found herself accidentally slipping back into their old habit of flirty bickering. It seemed to be an easy way to get Angela to relax and as much as Moira hated to admit it, she was very concerned for Angela's (and the child's) well-being. So getting Angela to relax was important for both of their health. Moira just hated to blur the lines between their personal and professional lives again.
She grabbed a syringe and walked out of the lab with a quick “I need another sample from him”. She needed to get away from Angela for a minute. What she really needed was to go out and smoke but she knew Angela would disapprove of that and then that would be a whole nother thing she would be complaining about to her. So busying herself with Lacroix was the only way out of that lab for now.
Lacroix was situated in one of the small medical rooms they had behind a set of narrow corridors. Arriving at the door, Moira swiped her card and pressed her forefinger onto the reader. The door unlocked with an audible click. From inside the room looked even more sterile than the medbay. A small bed, that Lacroix laid on, was in the middle of the room against the wall. There was numerous medical equipment and lines to various drips hanging around Lacroix’s lifeless body. Only the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor was a reminder of him actually being alive.
The nurse who was currently keeping an eye on Lacroix lifted his gaze from his tablet towards Moira. She nodded to him as a greeting and he did the same before dropping his gaze back to his tablet. Moira scoffed. That was one way to spend your working time but she hoped he at least occasionally glanced at the other screen in the room. Well at least she doesn't need to partake in more human interaction for a little bit.
Moira moved to the left side of Lacroix to be as far away from the nurse (who's name she probably knew but couldn't remember) as she possibly could. She took the blood sample from Lacroix while taking as much time as she possibly could with every step of the process. After she was done with the blood she moved to the cabinets looking for a scalpel. Taking a biopsy and watching what actually happens when she introduces nanobiotics to it should tell her more than just examining some blood. And Angela wasn't around this time to tell her no. She took out a scalpel and suture kit when she found them and laid them out on a nearby table. Then she looked for a petri dish and opened it next to them. After which she tied a mask on and moved to wash her hands.
“You do know how to suture, right?” She asked the nurse.
He raised his gaze from his tablet again and gave her a rough “of course”.
“Great. Then get yourself gloved up and close this after I'm done.”
He grumbled in response but started doing as he was told.
Moira rubbed her face. She was getting tired and her test results kept being inconsistent. Maybe Angela could make some sense of them. She looked towards Angela who was reading through all their data again. She suddenly jerked and Moira realized she must be tired as well. Moira closed her computer and raised up from her position to stretch. Her back let out an audible pop. Then she gathered the sample she'd been working on and closed the lid on it before taking it back to the refrigerator.
Moira looked at Angela again. The blonde had lifted her glasses on top of her head and she was rubbing her eye with her left hand. Moira sighed, as stubborn as ever it seemed.
“I think it's time we head to bed,” she said more softly than she'd ever admit.
“But-” Angela protested. She'd lowered her glasses back to her nose and was gesturing towards the screen.
“No. Angela, you have to take care of yourself. Now more than ever.” She made her way towards Angela and leaned against her table. Facing the other woman.
“I– alright.”
Moira reached towards Angela's face and for a split second she imagined cupping her cheek and pressing a kiss on top of her head. But instead she grabbed onto Angela's glasses softly and slid them off her face. She folded them and slipped them into the breast pocket of Angela's lab coat. She took Angela's datapad from the table and helped Angela up to stand.
“Alright let's go.”
As Moira guided Angela to the elevator and into it she realized how terribly tired Angela was. In the short time it took for the elevator to arrive she leaned against her side and closed her eyes and the same happened again in the elevator itself. She decided to walk with Angela to make sure she actually got to bed and didn't decide to sleep on the first even surface she saw after getting to her room. When Moira turned with Angela towards her room the blonde let out a questioning sound. 
“I'm taking you to bed.” Angela turned to look at her surprised. “Not like that. I'm just making sure you actually make it to bed. You clearly need a good rest and you won't get that if you crash on your own couch.”
They made their way through the hallways slowly and Moira prayed no-one would be around to see her escorting Angela. If there starts to be rumours she actually has a heart Reyes would never let her forget about it. She's already on thin enough ice with Reyes when it comes to her relationship with Angela. He's been giving her weirdly vague threats on not getting attached to anyone. Hypocrite, she says.
Angela had basically fallen asleep against her by the time they made it to Angela's door. Moira has no clue how on earth the woman walked with her the whole way. She balanced Angela against her side while she tried to unclip the key card with her other hand from Angela's lab coat’s lapel. It would probably be easier if Angela wasn't situated against her dominant side. She still managed to finally get the card and to open the door, which happens to be easier when her free hand was the one by the locking terminal. She toed the door open and half dragged Angela towards her bed, turning on the light on the way. 
Angela immediately collapsed into her bed when they got to it and showed no intention to do anything else. Moira stared at her for a while before starting to unlace her shoes. She pulled the shoes off her feet and placed them neatly next to each other by the door. She turned back toward the other woman, Angela was already sound asleep. Moira glanced around the apartment. It was bigger than hers, not that she was surprised. Angela did outrank her. There was what Moira assumed to be the bathroom past a door near the bed. Opposite the wall from the bed was a small kitchenette. Rest of the space was taken by a small wardrobe, a desk and a chair, a sofa, a TV and a coffee table. The TV also sat on a small bookcase that seemed to be mostly filled with medical journals. There were multiple photos of friends and family littered across all the surfaces. Her gaze dropped back to the sleeping form of Angela. This wasn't going to work and she knew it. She returned to remove her lab coat as well. 
“Goodnight,” she whispered and after a brief thought tentatively placed her hand on Angela's stomach. “To you as well.”
She knew the fetus wouldn't be able to hear her. It was way too small for that. It may be that she wasn't built to become a mother but she couldn't help but to think that this child would be the only one she'll ever have. She was going to be emotionally attached to them no matter what and she knew she'd be so proud of them in the future.
Feeling silly over what she'd just done, Moira pulled the covers over Angela and turned around to leave. She hooked the lab coat to the hook near the door on her way out.
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minologistt · 1 year
DEVOTION | JJK mini-series
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in which jungkook is your friends with benefits who confessed his love for you and spends a week trying to prove his love to you.
genre fwb -> lovers
warnings more lowkey rejection, implied stalking
tag list -> @mochminnie
the sound of train tracks were muffled, people snoring and babies crying were all you could hear. you were sat in silence trying to wrap your head around your current predicament.
yeah, you have been actively ignoring his text messages since monday night but you weren’t going to deny that you did feel a flutter when he took you to dinner. maybe you were just hungry and him paying for the meal was what caused that light fluffy feeling.
as you continue to think over the even you hear a tap at a window but you don’t pay any attention until you finally look up after the 4th tap. a shocked expression was planted upon your face.
there he was. the man you’ve been dreading to see since last night. jeon jungkook was hanging off the side of the train as he was struggling a bit to hang on.
he’s a maniac! a true lunatic!!
he seemed to be singing his heart out while he hung on for dear life. you rolled your eyes and moved from your seat. you tried making you way to another car but it seems as though jungkook had quickly made his way to the door and was waiting there as if he wasn’t swinging off a train mere seconds ago.
“jesus christ koo, you could’ve died just now!” you raised your voice. it seemed he wasn’t listening because he grabbed your hand as he moved passed you.
“so where are you going? you’ve been dodging my texts all day and i didn’t see you at your normal spot this morning,” jungkook rambled a bit as he sat down in an empty seat row. he pulled you down beside him and put an arm over your shoulders.
“how did you get here jk..?” you had an eyebrow raised and arms crossed over your chest. “actually i don’t wanna know, but i’m on my way home from a long case.”
“whaat, i could’ve taken you with my car ya know! you never told me about this case either..” his big eyes searched your face for god knows what.
“i don’t need to tell you that koo, it’s not your concern..” you shrugged his arm off your shoulder and shockingly he let it slide off. your heart felt like it was going to explode if he kept his arm there but things are always too good to be true. his hand landed on your thigh and rubbed lightly against the soft fabric of your pants.
“you don’t have to but i like knowing things about you..” he pouted and laid his head upon you shoulder.
“you’re so nosy for someone who isn’t my man.. jeez,”
“so let me be your man!”
a few people glanced over which in turn caused you to try and hide yourself using jungkooks large figure.
“koo you’re so loud, people are looking..!” you whisper-yelled.
“so what? i’d rather let everyone know i want you than hide it.” he smiled and kissed your forehead.
“you’re impossible.. just go away okay,”
“i’ll go away if you come with me—“
“that defeats the purpose! fuck off already kook.”
“love you more”
45 notes · View notes
“Reflections of a Distant Past” Chapter 5
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Masterlist here
Pairing: Ben Kenobi x Fem. Reader
Word Count: 8.3K
Warnings: mentions of a car crash and parental death. 
A/N: ITS FINALLY DATE NIGHT! writing this chapter and diving into each character's backstory a bit more was enjoyable and I can’t wait to continue developing these characters further. Lots planned in this slow burn. As always thanks for supporting and enjoy. Feel free to comment your thoughts and reactions as I always enjoy reading them and if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know. 
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Whether it was the intense anticipation of a date with Ben or just the busy life of adulting (or a bit of both) the half-a-week went by at light speed.
Somehow time had kicked into hyperdrive and the hours between your lazy Sat. superhero movie session and Wed.’s date night had blurred by.
Even when you woke up this morning you felt like you needed to calm yourself because you had all day to get through before you could genuinely get overly excited about what the night would bring. 
Ahsoka hadn’t helped to curb your excitement when you picked up your coffee this morning.
“So what are you wearing tonight?!” She exclaimed as you approached the counter. Giving you a once over, she pursed her lips. “Please tell me it isn’t that…..His favorite color is blue, so you should start with that.”
Rolling your eyes, you placed your purse on the counter. “Good morning to you as well Ahsoka, I’m doing fine thanks. I’d like a dirty chi latte today please…and don’t hate on my work clothes, I apologize for my ballgown being in the shop getting pressed.”
Without missing a beat or turning to look over her shoulder at you, Ahsoka sassed you back as she made your order. “Oh no, a ballgown is far too formal for Ben….something much more casual will do, a ballgown might scare him off….No, I’d say stick with something blue for good luck…..or a soft rose color…maybe yellow, you look good in those colors….”
She placed the latte down in front of you. “....What about that blue long-sleeve top you have, the thin one with the crew neck? It’s really soft. That one is good, it can get cold at night this time of year so it should be comfortable, and it can be dressed up or down….pair that with a nice pair of jeans and those chunky black heels you have….or maybe those nude ankle-strap heels that you have…”
Your mouth hung open, interrupting her. “Jeez Ahsoka, have you memorized my closet?”
Ignoring you, she studied your face. “Definitely freshen up your makeup….maybe re-do your eyes in a softer brown, they bring out the warmer tones of your eyes.”
Throwing the cash on the counter, you picked up your purse and the latte. “Bye Ahsoka, keep the change and consider it your tip for the fashion advice.”
She smiled brightly. “Thanks…Just so you know, he is really excited…he hasn’t stopped smiling since you said yes.”
Stopping, you turned around. “Really?”
The young girl with large eyes and blue-striped hair smiled. “Yup. I think he really likes you….Just relax and be yourself. She punched something in the cash register and the drawer popped open. “…Good luck Em!” She shouted as pushed the cash draw close.
That little last bit made up for the harassment about the makeup and the clothes. You knew she meant it all in good fun….but it still made you nervous.
Unannounced to her, you really liked Ben too. And despite only having been texting him for less than a full week….You had done the one thing that you told yourself not to and that was to develop full-fledged feelings before you even went on a date.
It may just be a casual dinner, but there was a lot riding on the small talk at the dinner table.
Still, if Ben was excited, then maybe everything would be alright.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were standing in front of your bedroom mirror, turning and eyeing yourself as you did any last-minute fixes or outfit changes.
You would never let her know it, but you had done everything Ashoka had suggested. The more you thought about it, her suggestions were spot on…and if she knew what he liked, why not take advantage of the advice?
The thing long sleeve dark blue shirt had paired nicely with a pair of straight-leg jeans and you had opted for the pair of ankle-strapped nude heels that Ahsoka had suggested.
Your makeup, however, changed. You had washed your day look off and opted for a more subtle and natural look this evening. A soft brown lipstick and some light brown eyeshadow and black mascara were enough…no sense in overdoing it.
Your dark brown hair was down with a nice headband that allowed your hair to flow down your shoulders and fame your face.
Turning to Coal, who sitting like a hen in the middle of your bed, you twirled and asked his opinion. Sadly though, the grumpy old cat seemed less than impressed and just stared at you blankly.
“Wow, tough crowd.” You murmured as you turned back to the mirror. “Well…I like it. I feel comfortable, confident, and ready….If Ben does’nt like it then that’s too bad.”
Before you could pretend to believe that statement or not, not the confident and comfortable part, that part was true; it was the part about it being too bad if Ben disagreed, the doorbell rang.
Looking at the clock on the nightstand, the green, large numbers glowed brightly. 7:00.
“Mr. Perfect is punctual too….”
Talking one last twirl in the mirror, you let out a short breath. You grabbed your small evening bag and slung it over your shoulder. “Bye Coal.”
But Coal ignored you.
The walk from your bedroom to the front door seemed a lot shorter than it should have, but as you were gripping the handle of the door, you took a deep centering breath.
Opening the door, you didn’t know Ben could further surprise you…but he did.
Ben Kenobi stood in front of you with a singular red rose in his hand. He wore dark jeans, camel-colored dress shoes, a white button-down shirt, and a navy blazer that made his gorgeous cerulean eyes stand out against the black of night. His strawberry blond hair and beard were trimmed and styled neatly.
He just stared at you, like you were him.
Holding out the Rose towards you, he was the first to break the silence. “Emma…You look absolutely beautiful.”
Blushing, you took it. “Thank you. Come inside while I put this in some water.”
Standing aside and holding the door open wider, you allowed him entry into your home.
“Thank you,” Ben murmured with a tight head nod.
He stood at the entry and looked around, or at least that’s what you noticed as you darted to the kitchen to grab a small vase.
“Your house... It is quite charming and cozy…very nice.”
“Thank you!” You called out over the sound of the water coming from the faucet.
Placing the singular rose hastily into the vase, you put it on the counter and shut the lights off as you darted back to the front entryway.
Ben was standing with his hands held behind his back. “You have a cat too…a long-haired one…right?”
You winced at his recognition. “Yeah sorry…I groom him regularly but the fur is so much work for me to keep up with.”
Looking alarmed, his eye grew as his eyebrows shot to his hairline. “No! Please don’t miss understand me, your house is quite clean…I was merely referring to his scent…had I not smelled him, I would hardly know you had one.”
Tilting your head at him, your eyes narrowed in confusion. “That’s odd…I didn’t think Cole had a smell…I must just be immune to it, as I said I do attempt to keep him clean but he always makes such a fuss.”  
He suddenly stiffened. “Ah….Well….I’ve always been known to have a sensitive nose and good senses…”
Judging his behavior, and what you had known about him prior to this, you came to the conclusion that he became nervous or put off very easily. You bit the inside of your lip hoping this wouldn’t become a problem in the long run…if there was a long run…
Not wanting the evening to start off wrongly before it even started, you changed the subject.
“That’s good to know…Remind me to take you candle shopping when Bath and Body Works has their half-off sale…”
He relaxed visibly and smiled. “Padme.. my roommate’s wife says I pick out all the best ones.”
“I wouldn’t doubt it.”
The tension left his shoulders and he extended his elbow out to you, an opportunity for you to link arms with him. “Shall we?”
Linking arms with him, you noticed that even though the blazar, his skin ran hot again like that day in the shop.
“Never mind candle shopping, remind me to take this guy with me when I go sledding or ice skating.”
Outwardly, all you said was, “So…where are we going?” as you locked the front door to the house.
“I thought I’d take you to this place in town, it is a little whole-in-the-wall bistro called “Angelina’s”....I’ve been there before and they have a large menu with the best comfort food….I thought it suitable for the evening.”
Stepping into him, you looked up at him. “That sounds wonderful…I have always wanted to go there and have good things about the food.”
A small gust of wind blew a stray piece of hair in your eyes, but before you could do anything to move it back, Ben gently tucked the stay piece of hair behind your ear. “Splendid.” He whispered as he looked at you.
Walking arm and arm down the steps toward the driveway, you started to slow down as you noticed his car.
It was nothing out of the ordinary. An average Honda Accord…..in a blue-gray color….the only striking thing about it was how new it was; it could only have been a year old.
Come to think of it, you had never even seen Ben behind the wheel of a car…he just always kind of…appeared.
But then again, you had never been outdoors when you had seen him, so that wasn’t a fair assumption to make.
Chuckling, he sensed your internal conversation. “Not what you were expecting? Padme drives a BMW, next time I could take that if you’d like?”
Quickly you turned to apologize to him, but he was wearing a smile that told you he was kidding. “...I know, no one ever suspects that this is my car….truthfully, it could be because I never pick them out. One of my roommates, Anakin, he’s a mechanic and I always just let him choose what car I drive because I do not care what I drive, and it’s fun for him. I give him a budget and just tell him not to pick any loud color like yellow or red…”
Stepping toward the car and unliking his arm so he could open the door for you. “This is his latest choice. It is quite comfortable too, drives nice….”
You gave him a bashful smile as you ducked your head to get into the car. “I agree, it’s a very nice car….I just had never given what you drove much thought so…it kind of took me by surprise….”
He just gave you a small chuckle as he closed the car door.
Walking briskly around the front of the car to the driver’s side, he seemed to be seated and seatbelted before you could blink….but that wouldn’t have been possible.
Boy…. if time was starting to blur that badly then you really must be nervous….
Taking a deep breath as the car backed out of the driveway, you scolded yourself for being this nervous. You were not 15 and this was not the first date you had ever been on. Granted…it had been a while…and the last time you went down this road, it hadn’t ended in the best way….but you could do better than the way you were acting.
As if Ben could sense your uneasiness, he started the conversation again.
“I apologize if I am quieter than usual…I find myself a bit nervous this evening.”
Finally relaxing, you couldn’t help but find his confession adorable. It had the desired effect of relaxing you (whether or not that was his intention), as you felt the tension and stress leave your shoulders.
“It’s okay, I…I too am a bit more nervous than I’d like to be.”
You weren’t looking at him, you just kept looking out the window. You were afraid that if you looked at him you would say something stupid.
“Well….then we’ll take things slow and go forward together so that we stay on the same page….” He turned to look at you briefly. “Sound fair?”
Glancing at him, you couldn’t help but smile. There was just something about him that put you at ease. You believed him when he said he wouldn’t rush things or make you feel pressured. “Sounds very fair.”
- - - - - - - - - - -
Ben continued to put you at ease for the remainder of the ride. The ride to the restaurant had been filled with small talk. He also appeared to be a very good driver…very intuitive; he handled the car well and drove at reasonable speeds…not exactly at the speed limit, but 5 mph over never hurt anyone.
Topics such as the eventual start of term at his work, what classes he was teaching, any exciting book launches that you were looking forward to at the store, the inevitable change of season…Ben had said that he was looking forward to that one, fall was one of his favorites.
Angelinas was a quaint, charming little bistro. Dimly lit, small candles on every table and fairy lights lined the windows and wrapped their way around the room, adding to the aesthetic.
It may be summer, but nights in northern Vermont could get pretty chilly, so you were grateful to be sitting inside…and grateful that you had chosen the long-sleeve wardrobe option.
Ben was not kidding when he said that the menu was huge. Italian, French, and American comfort food options lined page after page of the menu. Everything sounded so good, you didn’t know what to choose.
You weren’t one of those girls who ordered something different on the first date to make an impression. Nothing against them, but you were the type of girl who ordered fries and actually ate them.
Ben had suggested getting an appetizer, and the two of you settled on an order of Eggplant fires; they were paired with this zesty lemon garlic aioli that was the perfect dipping sauce. Ahsoka had turned him onto them and now he couldn’t get enough of them. You were down to try anything once, culinary-wise, and to your delight, they were actually pretty good.
For your entrees, you had decided to order a classic comfort food; an order of chicken parm over a giant bed of pasta. Ben, on the other hand, had opted for the steak, a baked potato, and broccoli…not exactly comfort food but classic enough.
Now, you found yourself halfway through the meal, and no end in sight as far as the conversation is concerned. Thankfully, you had completely relaxed and let your walls down, and so it seemed had Ben.
“Okay…okay, so let me see if I can get this straight….Padme and Anakin are married, you met Anakin in college….and they adopted Ahsoka….but in a way, you did too…did I get that right?”
“Bravo.” He raised his wine glass towards you. “Well done…not many people get it that quickly.”
“And Anakin is a mechanic…he owns the garage on Tower Street…right?”
Ben’s eyes twinkled in the glow of the candlelight. “Right again….Anakin is an excellent mechanic…Although, he is equally good with computers, perhaps better. I keep telling him to sell the garage and go work for some computer company. Better pay, better hours, and a lot less grease….” He chuckled. “But he insists on the garage…he loves working with his hands and truthfully I think he’d become like a destructive toddler if he had to sit at a desk all day; working with his hands is good for him.”
“That's hysterical, but I know the feeling. I love owning the store and couldn’t imagine being strapped behind a desk all day.”
“How long have you owned the store?” Ben asked as he took a sip of his wine.
Titling your head to the side, you had to stop and think about that. “I’m not sure… definitely longer than five years…I didn’t open it right after college but it has been….oh…yeah probably about 6-7 years.”
“You said you went to college up here, correct?”
Nodding your head, you cut a piece of chicken. “Yes….I went to the state college and majored in English. That's where I met my best friend, Paisley. We were roommates freshman year and we’ve been inseparable ever since. When we graduated, I had only planned on staying for the summer but I ended up not having much of a reason to go back home…”
Swallowing the piece of broccoli, he lifted the napkin to his face to dab at his lips. “Why is that? A job offer?”
You stiffened. This was never a fun subject, but you had allowed the conversation to go this far knowing you would have to disclose the information…he would have to know eventually. “...No…that summer, I was just goofing off and working a crap job to hang around with friends and say goodbye to my college life, planned to leave in the fall… when….well….one day I got a phone call from a police officer saying that my parents had died….”
You reached out for your glass and took a sip of wine. Ben stiffened and his eyes widened as he watched you take a drink.
Swallowing quickly, you continued.
“... head-on collision…a driver from out of town had got on the highway exit ramp from the wrong direction and well….you can imagine what happened….”
Ben just continued to stare at you, his eyes almost hollow.
Very quickly though, grief filled them as his eyebrows furrowed. “Oh…Oh, Emma…I am so sorry….that is terrible, ghastly….How old were you?”
You swallowed your next sip of wine hard. “24.”
His jaw dropped open and his eyes seemed to be even more concerned than they were before.
“Yup…about 7 years ago last month….I was an only child…no grandparents around, no siblings….Aunts and Uncles on both sides who live out of town and I hardly saw them when I was a kid… I went home to bury them, sold the house, and then came right back here in an attempt to bury the pain and heal. I’ve never left since. Paisley was my rock during that time…”
Ben seemed to have recovered from the shock.
“I can imagine. That must have been devastating…to be on such a precipice of life…like getting ready to jump off of a cliff, take off and soar, a world full of possibilities… only to be yanked backward brutally by reality….Again, I am truly sorry.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you shook your head. You didn’t want to dwell on this too much and have it ruin the tone of the evening. It had been some time and if you were being honest, the pain had healed enough where you were usually okay to talk about it; but not tonight.  
“Thank you Ben. But, it’s okay. They got to see me graduate and I had talked to them, ironically, that morning. We had a great relationship filled with beautiful memories…Most days I’ve accepted that this is reality now and I’m at peace with it…I don’t want to dwell on it too much tonight, so let us change the subject.…. How about you? Are you an only child?”
Ben took in a deep breath as if he was bracing himself for this topic. It just now occurred to you that his past might be just as tragic as yours. “No, I was the middle child. I had an older brother and a younger sister. My parents…well they were tough but they loved us…I guess you could consider them old-fashioned.”
Relaxing, you breathed out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in.
“That’s wonderful. Are you close with your siblings? Your parents?”
He pursed his lips. “My parents….well….I’m not sure if we were close…it was tough to explain…but my siblings…we were definitely close. My older brother, Michael… was one of my best friends, and my younger sister, Lillian…well she was adorable….I was always very protective of her and she loved to read, like you…”
You brightened. “That sounds like the type of sibling relationship I would want if I had siblings….what was her favorite book?”
Ben leaned forward, excited. “You know… surprisingly, it was “A Study in Scarlett.” She and I were constantly passing that book and forth when it came out….she was obsessed with it…”
Confusion…you must have not heard that incorrectly. “Ben…I think the wine is getting to me…I’m sorry but I think you said “when it came out”….that book was published in 1887…do you mean when the two of you got it as kids?”
His eyes clamped shut and you noticed his fist that was resting on the table ball up. He swallowed hard, taking a minute to visibly force himself to relax before his eyes opened.
Ben’s voice was strained when he spoke, his British accent thicker than usual.
“...Yes…forgive me, I believe the wine and the excitement are getting to me as well… yes, I mean when it came out…I think my mother must have gotten us a new edition from the bookstore at the time and we just poured ourselves over it….”
Not wanting to linger on the mess up, you chalked up to it him just being nervous and the wine; an honest mistake like he said. “How about Michale? Did he like to read?”
“He did. He used to pick up the copy and read it when my sister and I weren’t hogging it. But he was always working a lot of long hours, so he didn’t have as much free time as we did.”
“What does he do?”
“He was a banker…My father was a banker….In my family, it was customary that the oldest boy follows in the footsteps of his father, and thankfully Michael came first because I would go mad if I was a banker, not at all my idea of an enjoyable job…no, no I am all set…”
The two of you shared mutual laughter.
“Oh and history professor is much more invigorating,” you teased.
Ben’s mouth hung open in mock offense. “Now hang on there missy…I started out as a news reporter, thank you.”
You sat forward, a sudden excitement over you.
“Really?! What paper did you write for? And you refer to your siblings in the past tense, do you not see them anymore?”
Maybe it was the wine, or, maybe Ben wasn’t up to sharing as much information as he thought he was or he would like to. He had clamped his eyes shut again as if he was frustrated with himself or something was bothering him…like the questions you were asking him.
Sinking back in your chair, you didn’t like that he beat himself up so much and you didn’t want to push him into sharing anything that he didn’t want to, so you decided to back off…again.
“I’m sorry if my questions are too personal, we can change the subject and talk about something more general if you like.”
His ocean-colored eyes popped open. His usual calm and centered state returned.  “No….it’s fine…Just…I understand where your coming from when you say it’s hard to talk about your parents…Sometimes this is hard for me to talk about my family and my past as well.”
Okay….maybe you did want to prod a little.
“Why is that?” Your voice was gentle.
A small frown quirked up in the corners of his mouth. But at least he wasn’t visibly shutting down or frustrated like he was before. “It was a very long time ago and…things just fell apart one day and changed drastically….I’m not sure what happened to any of them, I lost touch….”
Looking up at you, for a brief second, you could have sworn you saw a flash of gold in his very blue eyes….probably just the glow from the fairy lights and the wine messing with you again.
Reaching out, you laid your hand palm up on the table, a gesture of comfort toward him. You kept your voice low and soft. “I understand, truly….Still, that can’t be easy…for what it is worth, I am sorry….I’m glad you have your friends that you live with for support, no one deserves to be alone. If you ever need someone to talk to, I am here.”
He smiled, a soft, half-mouthed smile as he reached out and placed his hand in yours.
Ben’s skin was soft and warm. His hand’s hands were so much larger than yours…but you could have linked your hands with his forever…there was something magnetic about his touch. In addition to his skin being so soft and warm, his hands were…comfortable. Frim, but comforting.
He must have felt similar things because he gave your hand a soft squeeze as he curled his fingers around yours.
But, as quickly as it happened, it was over.
Your hand lying palm up on the table felt cold and vulnerable without his hand in yours. If you two were closer, you would have asked him to put his hand back, having missed his touch already.
“One hour at a time. Go slow, remember, stay on the same page Em.”
Attempting to get off the heavy topics, you shifted to a neutral territory as you sipped your wine. “So…has Ahsoka started considering college? She’s a junior right?”  
Ben started bobbing his head. “Yes…she is a junior, where the time went I’m not sure, I feel like she’s growing up so fast….She does want to go to college, but I am not sure what for…” He chuckled lightly. “I’m not even sure she knows….Padme, Anakin’s wife, is always trying to get her to explore new ideas.”
“Really? What does Padme do?”
“She is a preschool teacher. She used to be a nurse at one point and she loves politics, but she switched careers and went into early childhood education….” He smiled fondly as if he could see something beyond you. “She loves children and she loves those kids she works with…she is an excellent teacher; patient, kind, and caring…they all love her.”
“It sounds like you have quite the group of amazing friends.”
“ I do…and…” he leaned in closer to you from across the table “...We put on a heck of thanksgiving….I’m just saying… it’s of legendary proportions.”
He winked playfully at you.
Covering your mouth to stifle your laughter and praying you didn’t snort, you tried to collect yourself. He had spoken with such seriousness that you thought he was going to say something else. When his tone didn’t match his words, it only added to the humor.
“Oh yeah, well here is hoping I’m still around by Thanksgiving….What about Christmas? I’m more of a Christmas gal personally…”
His eyes twinkled with enthusiasm. “Ah…Now see, whereas I leave Thanksgiving to my roommates…Christmas is MY thing…..I go all out for Christmas….We’ll have to introduce you to a Kenobi Christmas this year…” He winked at you again.
Lifting your wine glass, you tilted it towards him briefly, a cheeky grin on your face. “I’ll drink to that.”
Picking up his glass, he gently clanged it with yours. “Indeed.”
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Ben had insisted on ordering dessert.
“It’s part of the rules of a first date.” He had teased.
Not being able to choose, the two of you had decided to split a very large, but delicious piece of chocolate cake with a large scoop of cookies and cream ice cream (your choice) on the side.
The cake had been the epitome of comfort food. Four moist, rich layers of chocolate cake, with sweet, whipped chocolate frosting in between each layer and covering the whole outside.
You had barely made a dent in when Ben had announced that he was throwing in the towel and insisted that you take the rest home.
Now the two of you found yourself strolling through the night, linked arm and arm. Ben was carrying the desert bag, as he insisted that “a lady does not carry her own parcels.”
Angelina’s was in the older part of town where the stores, older houses, and duplexes were very close together. The streets were still made of cobblestones and the sidewalks were larger: the concrete had been poured during a time when people utilized the sidewalks as a necessary means of transportation.
The street lamps still looked old-fashioned, despite having been converted from gas lamps to electrical ones. It gave everything a charming feel and seemed to match the aesthetic inside Angelina’s as well.
There was a slight breeze, which normally would have made you chilly, but when linked arms with Ben, between the heat of his skin and your butterflies, you were anything but cold.
You two were walking together at a strolling pace, laughter, and joy radiating from the two of you.
“No….no….see, this what irritates me…They downplayed Vision in the movies so much…in the comic books Vision is so much more of a heavy hitter and force to be reckoned with.”
Even though you agreed with Ben, there was something about his British accent that just made everything he said seem more intelligent and correct.
“Yes! I agree…I mean we get a taste of it in some parts of the movies but they never really let him loose….”
Bed nodded vigorously. “I mean…all of the Avengers are forces to be reckoned with in their own way…and we get to see that in most cases, but It always bugged me that they did Vision like that…they did him “dirty” as Ahsoka would say.”
Looking at you, he quirked up an eyebrow. “Did I say that right? Is that how it goes? “Did him dirty” means to jip someone right?”
You giggled unapologetically.
“Yes…, that is how it goes, good job on picking up the lingo…and I agree, Vision deserves his justice.”
There was a gentle hum of the city that you swear on other nights was so much louder, but tonight everything seemed to be muted; everything but Ben. Ben was lively, bold, and comforting.  
“Do you have any other tastes in film…or do you just restrict yourself to superheroes?” He teased.
“Haha…Well truthfully, it’s the book that’s the best version of any story”
His eyebrows rose as he nodded. “Hard to argue with that.”
“…But I enjoy all types of movies..drama, romance, comedy, period pieces, sci-fi..…even animated ones….”
He bobbed his head in thought.
“Well…” You started to speak again. “...that might be a lie….horror is out, no horror films…”
“Ah, got it. So animation in, horror out….”
Rolling your eyes, you jabbed him gently.
“Holy crap!… This man is all muscle. You would never know it….I mean you can tell he is in fantastic shape but… dang…I think I hurt myself on that jab, it certainly did not affect him.”
Good-naturedly, you rolled your eyes and huffed.  “No…I mean some light suspense movies I do enjoy…but the real horror stuff, like the slasher and gore…or the dark-themed films, that’s not my thing. I don’t enjoy being scared and I can never understand why people pay to be scared. Oppositely, the reason I enjoy animated films is I think that they are beautiful…they usually have great scores, and good lyrics and the artwork is always breathtaking; its moving paintings that tell you a story.”
Ben stopped walking and looked at you, somewhat amused. “...I’ve never heard anyone describe an animated movie like that but I’d be hard-pressed to disagree with you…I always felt that the artwork was astonishing myself… especially in some of the older ones…with the newer ones, its art and technology working together and it is equally as amazing…but the hand-drawn stuff…”
His eyes really were blue….like unbelievably blue as you stared into them. They reminded you of the sky on a sunny day… you could easily get lost in his stare forever.
You were afraid to talk louder than a small murmur, afraid that it would disturb the flow of the night. Why you felt that way, you weren’t sure. The town around you was anything but quiet in reality, despite what you felt, and Ben was talking at the same volume he had been all night.
However, you were feeling enchanted by your date’s charm and charisma. He stared back at you and he felt his hand that had previously been linked with your wrap itself around your waist.
You breathed in and stepped closer to him, desperate for more contact. However, something had broken the trance between you two and Ben took a step back. Regaining composure, he linked arms with you again and restarted the stroll.
‘So movies, books…What about music?” You shifted topics.
“Music, I’m a bit pickier. Anything after the 1960s is not my interest. Anakin loves, like really loves 80’s rock….Padme is big into Jazz and swing…and oddly enough disco…I have no idea what Ahsoka listens to anymore, I can’t make sense of it…”
The two of you chuckled. “Typical teenager, my parents felt the same way when I was her age.”
That was your attempt to defend an innocent teenager and her, most likely, questionable taste in music.
“Sadly…but yeah….anything prior to 1960…Although…some 90’s stuff is really good…”
“Hey, that’s my music! I grew up in the 90s and 2000’s….But I guess I can share considering you’ve got good taste.” You teased.
Ben gave a gracious, exaggerated head nod. “Ever a gracious lady.”
Blushing, you tipped your head back at him.
“Well, we’re flip-flopped then. I will listen to literally any kind of music….jazz, classical, rock, hip-hop, pop, rap, country….as long as the music is going, I’m in…whereas you, Mr.1960, clearly are pickier…”
Ben bobbed his head. “Whereas I will watch just about any film or television show…and you…well, like I said…animation in, horror out…”
He nudged you teasingly with his elbow.
Your head few back as your eyes squeezed shut in exasperation. Ben, however, was amused, his light laughter telling you so.
“I am never going to live that down am I?” You sighed.
The two of you walked, continuing the causal conversation as the two of you continued to learn all about each other.
Ben’s favorite season was fall. His favorite color was blue. His job as a reporter had been a natural path to his job now as a history professor. He learned to play piano as a child. He had a best friend named Charlie growing up.
You both loved chocolate. He couldn’t begin to understand why your favorite season was summer. You also loved piano music. You both loved animals. He was not surprised that your favorite flowers were roses.
“Typical.” He snorted.
“What do you mean typical?!” You shrieked in mock offense.
“Girls always like roses. What about tulips, hydrangeas….orchids? There are so many gorgeous flowers in the world and everyone picks roses.”
“There’s nothing wrong with a classic. I bet I can still surprise you though.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Purple roses are my favorite roses….yellow daffodils are my second favorite flower.”
He smiled. “Okay…you’re redeemed. I don’t believe I’ve heard anyone say purple roses were their favorite. And daffodils are a wonderful choice, not typically what people choose and much more original.”
As you nodded your head in agreement, a small yawn escaped your lips. “Ooo I’m sorry.”
Stopping, he looked suddenly protective of you. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have kept you out so late. I can take you home if you’d like.”
Putting a hand on his forearm, he softened. “It’s okay Ben…I’m a big girl, if I wanted to go home I would have told you so.”
Giving you a bashful smile, he tilted his head. “I apologize. I just want to make sure I am making a good impression…It’s bad manners for a gentleman to keep a lady out later than she’d prefer to be on the first date.”
“Well, lucky for you….You’ve made quite a good impression…So, I wouldn’t stress…but I do apologize, as much fun as I am having, I am getting sleepy.”
Unlinking his arms with you, he wrapped them around you instead, resting his hand on the small of your back, Ben closed the distance between the two of you so that your noses were almost touching…almost.
“Well…if I want to keep myself in your good graces, I should be getting you home then…It wouldn’t be proper for me to let you fall asleep in the middle of the street.”
Butterflies erupted throughout your veins, his velvety voice crisp with his British accent almost sent you weak at the knees.
He was so beautiful…better looking than any other guy you had dated…He was kind, intelligent, charming…well mannered.
Gosh, you were falling so hard for him.
Sometimes it felt like he was from a different time. The way he approached relationships and dating…the way he acted and spoke….How he carried himself, he wasn’t like other men. Especially the men you had dated.
Some of the things he did and said should have sent red flags, but they didn’t. He didn’t feel dangerous. He felt safe.
If he thought he would fall off your good graces by keeping you out late, then he was even more of a keeper than you originally thought.
Jokingly, you bumped your nose against him. “I’ll let you off the hook this time. But next time you will lose points if I yawn and I am not home.”
He bumped his nose back with you and smiled.
Stepping back, he linked arms with you again and pointed in the direction of the restaurant that you had eaten at earlier, where the car was parked. “Your carriage awaits my darling.”
- - - - - - - - - -
The car ride home was quiet but pleasant. You cursed the fact that you were tiered; you wished this date could have just kept going. Not even in a promiscuous way…you were just generally sad to leave his side. Being sleepy made you feel like you were wasting an opportunity for valuable bonding time.
Pulling into your driveway, he turned the car off. Like earlier, he was around the car and opening your door before you had even unbuckled yourself. You must have been really tired.
Helping you out of the car, he walked you to your door.
Getting your keys out of your purse, you turned to address him from the front steps. “I had a really wonderful time this evening.”
Ben smiled brightly. “I did as well, thank you for a wonderful evening….” He suddenly became shy. “If it is alright with you, I would very much like to take you out again.”
“Absolutely.” You didn’t hesitate, and the confidence in your voice made him smile warmly.
“This time you pick the time and place. I’m still off for the summer, so my schedule is wide open…”
“How about coffee one evening? I have to go inside and look at my schedule but I can text you and let you know, maybe this weekend?”
He smiled, eyes practically glowing.
“It’s a date.”
You stared at him, lingering on your front doorstep, not wanting to say goodbye. You wanted to pull him inside and snuggle into him forever.
Ben pursed his lips, sensing the lingering awkwardness. “I apologize, I’m out of practice on current dating trends…and  I do not usually kiss on the first date…”
Not being able to help it, you snorted. “It’s okay, I don’t either…I just don’t want to go inside and say goodbye yet.”
He relaxed. “A comprise then?” One of his eyebrows arched.
You nodded your head, curious.
Ben climbed the two steps of your front porch so he was higher than you. He placed his hands on your forearms, holding you firmly but gently, close to him.
“Don’t move.” He whispered.
As he leaned in, you couldn’t help but close your eyes. You felt his warm, full lips softly touch your forehead in a gentle kiss.
Breaking away, he didn’t back away fully from you. Your body felt as if thousands of volts of electricity were flowing through you, your heart beating widely. Desire and longing spiked within you.
Closing his eyes, he squared his jaw.
“May I hug you?” His voice was low and hushed.
“Please do.” You panted.
Receiving his advances eagerly, you hugged him back, practically throwing your arms tightly around him and burying yourself into the crook of his neck unapologetically. You felt his arms come around, equally as tightly. He held you to him.
Ben smelt like a combination of musk, sandalwood, and spice. The heat that came from his abnormally warm skin surrounded you and made you sigh in comfort, adding to the flaring emotions you were feeling.
Originally, you had feared that you would have made Ben feel uncomfortable or put him off. Instead, he wrapped you securely in his arms and held you tight.
You could have stayed there all night. You had fallen so hard and so fast that it normally would have bothered you how much you had fallen for him….but you couldn’t care at this point. You felt so safe, so wanted when he hugged you like this or even just the way he looked at you made you feel like you were worth your weight in gold.
“Good night Emma.” He whispered as he let go of you.
Closing your eyes, you nodded. Turning and putting the key into the lock, you turned it and opened the door. “Thank you, Ben, for a really amazing time…and good night.”
Ben waited till you went inside. As you leaned against the door inside your house, you heard him walk back to his car. Eventually, it turned on and pulled out of the driveway.
Only then did it feel like it was possible to breathe again.
You walked into your bedroom and plopped down on your bed and stared up at the ceiling.
How was this happening?
This type of romance was only something you had ever thought existed in movies or books. There was no way you were this lucky.
Part of you, the pessimistic and cynical part of you, was waiting for the “other shoe to fall.”
Because, as cynicism loved to remind you, there was no way that Ben could be as perfect as he appeared to be. He had to have some major flaw or secrete that hadn’t been exposed yet.
Staring up at the ceiling and watching the fan spin round and round, you recalled how he seems to get frustrated easily….and that he doesn’t like to talk about himself.
….But that wasn’t so bad…..right?
It’s okay if he didn’t like to overshare things about himself, some people are just privet… especially at first. There was no guarantee that this was going to work out and that you two would officially date.
So maybe he was just being cautious? In case things didn’t work out.
“Don’t cover up the red flags just because you really like him. Being humble or even shy about oneself is possible….but he gets downright angry when he talks about himself.”
Maybe you could bring it up to him. Sometimes people do not realize that they are doing things that they are.
Sighing loudly in the silent room, you realized that if things did go badly at this point, or if they just didn’t work out, you were going to get your heart broken.
It wasn’t supposed to happen that way…but it did. You had fallen for Mr. Wonderful despite your constant reminder not to do so…
Deciding that there wasn’t much you were able to do about it tonight, other than the daydreaming that you were most likely going to be doing about him until the next date.
After you showered and toweled dried your hair, you padded your way across the house to get a glass of water before bed.
As you passed through the hall, you noticed that one of the photos on your gallery wall was crooked.
One of your few prized possessions in your house was your gallery wall full of family photos. Even though you hadn’t known your aunts and uncles super well, you had fond memories of your grandparents on both sides when you were kids. Your parents had been close to their siblings growing up, so there was no bad blood. When your parents died, you gathered all the family photos around their house and took them back home with you. Now they and the rest of your family were always with you.
Photos of aunts and uncles, cousins, grandparents, big family gatherings, photos of your parents at various sporting events, graduations, romantic dates, and birthday parties. Even a picture or two of you and Paisly had even made its way to the wall. After all, at this point, she was family.
You even had a photo go your great, great, great grandparents (or however many generations ago it was) from the turn of the 20th century. It was an old family photo that just kept getting passed down from one generation to the next, and you weren’t one to break tradition.
That was the one that was crooked… as if someone had brushed by it and moved it accidentally.
Fixing it, you couldn’t help but marvel at how remarkably well-preserved the photo was for being over 100 years.
Your great-ish Grandmother had been a beautiful lady, elegant and kind-looking. Your grandfather looked kind and dressed well in the photo, but expressionless like all the men in his generation….
While they didn’t look as if they were madly in love, they definitely looked like they liked each other, unlike most marriages in those days, which were either out of obligation or out of being promised (an arranged marriage).
In this particular photo, they hadn’t been too old….if you remember correctly it had taken a few years before the first world war…1912 if you remember what your mom had said correctly.
No, there was definitely a smile between them and warmth in their eyes. They made you smile.
Steeping back, you took in the whole gallery as one, making sure no other pictures were out of place or titled.
A high-pitched “meow” that was more like a “raw” sound. Coal came out of the living room, stretched, and eyed you with an expression that said “And where have you been?”
Full of sass, you resumed your walk to the kitchen as you addressed him.
“I’m sorry warden sir, but I am home by a reasonable hour….and my date was a perfect gentleman mind you, so I’ll have none of your backtalk thank you.”
Coal just looked up at you unamused, his usual condescending look.
Rolling your eyes, you chuckled. “Come on grumpy. Let us go to bed.”
- - - - - -
The spinning cleaning fan in your room created a nice airflow, keeping the room at a pleasant temperature. Normally the summer nights were humid, but you were the type of sleeper who had to snuggle under some kind of blanket no matter what the season was, and this bedroom fan allowed you to burrow under your covers even on the hottest of nights. Even though tonight wasn’t cold, Ben had given you plenty to feel warm about.
Plugging your phone into the charger on your nightside table, you set your alarm for the morning.
Opening the sounds app, you selected a rainy city as your soundscape.
You couldn’t ever fall asleep to nothing. Some nights you played soft instrumental music, other nights you listened to white noise. Tonight, you choose a rainy urban city, filled with the sounds of thunder, pelting rain, and the hum of car motors as they drove about the city.
Snuggling under the bed sheet, finally comfortable, you sighed deeply. Tonight had been absolutely, incredibly wonderful. Ben was just the type of guy you had imagined him to be…but somehow better.
What made your heart soar, even more, was that he clearly seemed to be interested in you as well.
Earlier, you had promised each other that you would go slow.
Relationships had left you with a bad taste in your mouth, especially after your last one, and you had sworn you wouldn’t ever jump head-first into another one again.
But this was different….Ben was different.
Your eyes kept fluttering open and closed as you remembered how his blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight under the warm glow of the old-fashioned street lamps. How warm he was as he escorted you around town…The way his large hands delicately held yours…..his perfect smile, his charming laugh….that delicious accent that you could listen to forever….
Yup….all bets were off at this point. There was no going back. You were truly and utterly in love with Ben Kenobi.
@sillynilly27 @nanagoswife @transcending-time @thewhitedannimal @kirstenvldfan21 @the-clones-and-me @hugmekenobi @naughtyry @nicole-lightfoot​ @janebby​ 
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Ten Random Lines
Hello! It's been a while, hasn't it?
I got tagged by the AMAZING @mrsmungus for this game, and I just had to play! It's been quite a while since I've played a tag game, I miss it so dearly! So, here I am, playing another tag game!
Rules: Pick any ten of your fics, scroll roughly to the midpoint, pick a line (or three) and share it. Then tag ten people.
Who shall I tag...HMM...well, that'll be @hylianjo @lena-hills @bleepbloopbotz @mikaharuka @aislinnstanaka @oceangirl24 @tsunderewatermelon and open tag! I couldn't exactly tag 10 people, so I hope that's ok.
Just like what Miranda did, I picked out the fics from my AO3 stats page with a number generator, and if I get a chaptered fic I choose a chapter through the number generator. So yeah! Let's get on with the excerpts!
Blossoming In the Rain (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 1107 words)
Their relationship blossoming together into a beautiful thing that they would take care of together. Franziska was willing to take care of it, nurture it until it grew into a thing with great beauty, and she knew that Maya Fey was going to be next to her. There may be hardships, rain pouring down on the blossom, but without rain…a blossom would never grow.
Fitted Suits (Ace Attorney, Rated G, 200 words)
It was Franziska and Maya's wedding, and Edgeworth had refused to let Phoenix to wear one of his usually loose suits. He had refused at their wedding, and he had refused now. No way in hell was Edgeworth letting Phoenix wear a loose suit to his best friend's wedding.
Master of the Kurain School of Boobery (Ace Attorney, Rated M, 10563 words)
Maya really had changed a lot about Franziska…but it was for the better. Franziska smiled. Just as Franziska was in the middle of reminiscing about Maya, that was when she was snapped out of her trance by a very familiar sound.
No Longer a Chained Man (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 300 words)
“The court finds the defendant not guilty.” Miles turned to Phoenix, examining his face, studying the subtle ways his face changed with emotions, so subtle that it took years for Miles to understand. “It’s…all over.” Phoenix had said, stunned.
Orange Dyed Hair (Stardew Valley, Rated G, 355 words)
He was working on something on his laptop, when he had heard Dickon enter in from their farmhouse. Sebastian hadn’t seen Dickon all day, since Dickon always woke up early for work. Sebastian never really minded that his husband wasn’t always there every morning, they were both busy people.
Cookies for My Sweetheart (Ace Attorney, Rated G, 1711 words)
Maya stared at Franziska in disbelief, her jaw dropping. “Wait a minute, Franzy. You’ve never baked?” “…Yes, I have never baked.” Franziska admitted. “I just never found a reason to bake. I always thought it was a foolishly foolish hobby.” “Jeez Franzy! You should have told me!” Maya said, adding. “I forget that you’re spoiled sometimes.”
Newly Painted Deluxe Coops (Stardew Valley, Rated T, 2423 words)
Sebastian walked down the stairs that lead to one of the entrances of the farm, and he let in a deep long breath as he admired the farm that he lived in. The farm was truly a beautiful place, the crops and farm buildings were all neatly organized, and the farm was decorated with paths, fences, and other various decorations that Sebastian couldn’t name. Dickon spent so much time decorating their farm, and he even changed the decorations every few months to match the seasons. 
That Someone Will Never Be Me (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 6682 words)
Klavier couldn’t help but think of Apollo as he sang, think about the defense attorney who had so quickly stolen his heart. He thought about the way Apollo smiled, at that smile that he had so quickly fallen in love with. It was every kind of smile that Apollo made that Klavier had fallen in love with.
Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 16 (Ace Attorney, Rated T, 10713 words)
Franziska was looking away at the wall, a cacophony of emotions crossing through her face all at once. Anger, guilt, shame, fear…Maya didn’t want to see those expressions on her face. Maya wanted to see Franziska smile and laugh, as weird as that was.
This Petty Game We're Playing (Ace Attorney, Rated M, 900 words)
Miles didn’t even know why they played this game, why they danced around what they both so desperately wanted, both refusing to cave in and admit defeat, letting the other win. And truly, neither of them ever admitted defeat, at least not without a fight. Perhaps it was the thrill of the competition, perhaps it was the satisfaction when they finally had sex, perhaps it was because they were both petty and refused to lose, perhaps it was all three and so much more.
Welp, that was it...hope you enjoyed my excerpts!
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simthorium · 2 months
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“Tag, you’re it,” Yara said, splashing Ruben with scalding water from the hot tub. He flinched and wiped his wet hair. “Jeez, girl,” he said. “You trying to kill me?” “I told you I was gonna end up on death row some day,” she said, shrugging. “I didn’t think it would be for killing me!” Ruben laughed.
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The two cuddled up after a while, and Ruben sighed into the early evening air. He really loved being married to Yara, and while he knew his family was less than pleased with the unorthodox way they’d come about, he was confident that this was where he was supposed to be.
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After moving back into the legacy house, it didn’t take long for Yara to become pregnant. Ruben couldn’t have been happier. “You sure you’re ready for this?” Yara asked one morning as Ruben rubbed her belly. He looked up at her quizzically.  “100% sure,” he said. “Are you?” “I think so,” said Yara. “I just worry about raising a kid in the same environment that made you feel so trapped, you know?” “I know,” he sighed. “We’ll just have to do things differently.”
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There was no use in hiding Yara’s pregnancy, plus the two had already sprung their marriage on his parents mere months before. Ruben and Yara walked downstairs together, hand in hand. “Good morning, mom,” he said. “Morning, you two,” said Sabrina, eyes focused on her knitting. “Sleep well?”
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“We did, actually,” Ruben said with a smile. The two plopped down on the couch, finally prompting Sabrina to look over. She froze when she saw Yara’s pregnant belly. “Oh my goodness,” she said softly. “Are you pregnant?” she asked. “We are,” said Ruben. “That was weird. Yara is the one actually, physically pregnant. Weird that men say ‘we’ when it’s not the case.” “Ok, weirdo,” Yara said, standing up. “This kid is already pushing the limits of my bladder. Be right back.”
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“You’re gonna be a grandma,” Ruben said to his mother with a smile. “That I am,” said Sabrina as she continued knitting. Ruben scoffed. “Can’t you be happy for me for once in your life?” he spat. “Ruben, all I’ve ever wanted is for you to be happy,” she sighed. “But ever since you’ve moved back in, it seems like everything you do is to spite your father and me. I know you’re upset. I know you’re still hurting from a lot that’s happened. Bringing a child into this world as some sort of ‘gotcha’ to get a rise out of us is just so immature, it makes it hard to even look at you.” Ruben clenched his fists tightly and stormed off.
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Bolt had already made several stacks of pancakes for breakfast and Ruben immediately began chowing down. Alexander joined him soon after. “Come to berate me more, too?” Ruben asked, hardly looking up.
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“We’re just worried about you, son,” said Alexander. “We’re not the bad guys here, ok? We want the best for you.” “And that’s not Yara, is that what you’re saying?” “We don’t even know Yara, because you refused to let us get to know her,” Alexander sighed. “You barge in here telling us you’re married, now you’re pregnant. We don’t know anything about your life anymore, Ruben. If that’s how you want to live, I guess we have no control over that. But you can’t keep treating us like outsiders. We’re family.”
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Sabrina sat down to her plate of pancakes silently. Ruben muttered under his breath as he finished his breakfast. “You two hurt me worse than I’ve ever been hurt in my entire life,” he said slowly. “I wanted to hurt you back, and I guess I did. So, it looks like we’re even. Let’s call a truce.” Sabrina looked up, then to Alexander, who nodded. “Truce,” he said. “Works for me.” “Me too,” Sabrina sighed. “Congratulations on your baby, Ruben.” “Thanks, mom.”
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rootsofdread · 6 months
Yikes, you weren't kidding about the search function being awful. I just had to update the app for the first time in months and it seems like it's worse than ever. I'm literally out here inputting the characters' full names and it's giving nothing 😂 It's okay though because I can just click on your tags, but jeeze haha. I share your enthusiasm for making lists, too!
Quantum Break sounds fun! And I've heard good things about Control. Isn't it great when you find a game that just clicks with you? ^^ I'm playing Bloodborne for the second time.
I hope you're still having fun writing the requests, too :)
oh yeah, tumblr's search function has always been really bad (or at least for as long as i've used the site...since 2016). you can type in something word for word and tumblr will pull up nothing, or it may pull up something but it won't be what you're looking for (it also often displays search results on blogs completely out of order for some reason, which probably doesn't matter to most people but i find it annoying personally). if i ever want to find specific posts on any of my blogs i'll just dig through my archive for it lol
but i did start making my master lists today! i'm working on two separate ones for killers and survivors so it's not a hundred miles long haha. they'll probably be done by tomorrow! i figured i should make them before i open my commissions (currently planning on the 30th or 31st) so that my writing is much easier to access and reference!
and i actually finished QB the other night!! i was a little disappointed by the ending (it's anticlimactic tbh AND a total cliffhanger -- remedy wanted to make a sequel, but haven't been able to since they don't own it) but it was such a fun game to play through, two of the characters have done irreversible damage to my psyche (/affectionate), and i still love it to death. totally clicked with me. i need to do just two more playthroughs to 100% it with all the collectibles & achievements and i'm really excited to do that :-))) after that i'll get control, & when i finish that i'll buy AW1 remastered! clearly, remedy is my new fave game studio lol (studios that make 'cinematic' games really do something to me. i own every supermassive game that isn't VR. and i'm soooo excited for TCoFS!!!)
i've wanted to play bloodborne!! i'm not great at games so i would probably end up dying every 5 seconds, but idk it's the one soulsborne game i've really wanted to play :-) i really like the aesthetic and the designs are so awesome!!
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livelivefastfree · 5 years
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Hey I know nobody remembers the “Burners are villains and villains are Burners and Mike and Chuck are sad morally gray husbands” AU but have you considered: I still love them anyway.
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ynparker · 2 years
Waiting for Spiderman - (Part 2) Peter Parker x (Y/N)
Peter Parker x fem!stark!avenger!reader
Summary: Peter Parker is new to the Avengers, but that doesn't stop him from falling for Tony Stark's daughter.
Warnings: slightly implied abuse
A/N: Hey guys! This fanfic is inspired by the song 'Waiting for Superman' by Daughtry (I changed it to Spiderman for obvious reasons). Also, Pietro never died. Let me know if you want to be tagged. Enjoy ;)
That night was clear and the stars covered the sky. (Y/N) looked lovingly over the view of Queens, the lights of the city sprinkling her eyes as they raked the buildings, the cars just visible on the highways.
She had lived here since she was four years old, and in those twelve years, it had become her home. She had walked those streets on her way to school, and sat at those benches when she needed a minute to breathe. To her, this was the most beautiful place on earth.
She began to wonder if there was somebody in this world as perfect as the view in front of her, looking for her in every smile and every car window reflection and every neon sign. Was there ever going to be someone else in this world with whom she could share how special this view was to her?"
She turned around suddenly, startled out of her skin by the voice that spoke behind her. "Parker, what in the world are you doing up here?" she asked, pinching the bridge of her nose as she realized who it was.
"I'm really sorry," Peter smiled apologetically. "I didn't mean to scare you. I sometimes like to just look at the city at night. I used to do it all the time when I was younger."
(Y/N) gave a gentle smile. "Then please, be my guest," she said, gesturing beside her. He returned her smile and leaned on the railing in front of them, staring out at the view. She followed suit.
"I didn't know you liked to look at city views," Peter said. "It's one of my favorite things in the world," (Y/N) replied. "I always tell myself I'm lucky to live here... because I get to see this." Peter smiled and looked at the girl next to him, taking in the enchanted look on her face.
"Yeah, I know, right," he agreed eventually, looking back at what was in front of him. "Look," he suddenly exclaimed, pointing up at the sky. (Y/N) followed his pointing finger. "The stars...?" she said at last, giving a small chuckle. He grinned. "Well, technically, yes. The constellation. Orion."
The girl looked back at where Peter was pointing and then narrowed her eyes. "Oh, yes," she finally breathed. "I forgot what that one looked like. It's been so long since I paid attention to the constellations."
"I seek them out every time I look at the stars," Peter said. "Constellations give stars a purpose, keeps the skies organized." (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Organized? That is literally the one thing the sky isn't supposed to be."
Peter frowned. "What do you mean?" (Y/N) turned to him. "Look at the sky, and look at every star individually. Look how beautiful each one is. Now look at it all together as a whole. You see how they all fit together, without having to be separated into different shapes?"
"I never thought of it that way before," Peter admitted, his eyes upwards into the night sky. "I like how you see things, (Y/N) Stark."
(Y/N) hadn't ever had to hide her blush from anybody before. And yet now, she found herself turning away so he couldn't see the tinge in her cheeks when he spoke. She found herself feeling grateful it was cold so it could warm her burning face.
"You're shivering," Peter said, worry creeping into his voice. "Are you cold?" (Y/N) rubbed her arms with her hands. "I'm alright," she said, trying to stop the chattering of her teeth. "No, you're not," Peter insisted. "Come on, take my jacket."
"Oh, I couldn't," the girl protested, but Peter was already taking it off and draping it over her shoulders. "Won't you be cold now?" (Y/N) whispered, suddenly conscious of his face being inches away from hers. "Nah, I'll be fine," he whispered back, his hands still on her shoulders.
Both were holding their breath, waiting to see who would break the moment first. "We... we should probably go to bed, it's a school night," (Y/N) whispered, though every fiber in her body was screaming for her to stay silent. "Yeah," Peter said slowly, removing his hands from her shoulders.
(Y/N) felt the gentle warmth of his hands lifting from her, the absence of his hands on her back. You are an idiot, the voice in her head kept screaming at her. You are a complete idiotic idiot. She hurriedly walked to the door back into the tower, aware of Peter's quick step behind her.
They walked like that till they reached (Y/N)'s room, a few doors away from Peter's. "Well, goodnight," the girl said, scared to even look into the boy's face. "Wait," he said, just as her hand was on the door handle. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened them again, turning to face him. "Would - um, would you maybe want to walk to school together tomorrow? You got transferred to Midtown, right?"
"I did, two weeks ago," she told him. Then, "That would be fine, thank you."
"Cool," the boy gave a bashful smile. "See you tomorrow, then?"
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
With that, (Y/N) went into her room. No sooner had she closed the door than she landed on her bed, her face buried in the pillow, thoughts exploding in her head.
'That would be fine?' the voice in her head screamed. 'Who the heck says "that would be fine"? You seriously had to choose today to talk like a freaking English major?"
And yet, he asked you if you wanted to walk to school with him. As soon as that thought entered her head, she managed to calm down for a moment, looking out at the window, a huge smile crossing her face.
She quickly changed her clothes and got into bed, imagining she could still feel Peter's warm breath on her cheek as he stood behind her, trying to stop the cold from reaching her.
She's dancing with strangers,
Falling apart,
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
in his arms.
Peter's eyes opened a fraction of a second before his alarm went off. He hurried to switch it off and smiled as he remembered what had happened last night. Then he suddenly facepalmed his forehead. He had been so close to pressing his lips to hers, and what had he done? Acted like an awkward jerk.
"Good morning, Mr. Parker," Jarvis's voice rang through his room. "Holy sh-" Peter jumped out of bed, his eyes wide and his fists in combat positions. Then he dropped his hands as he remembered. "Oh, right," he breathed out. "Morning, Jarvis."
"Mr. Stark has requested me to inform you that breakfast is ready and that if you don't get your butt in here now you'll be late for school. His words, not mine."
Peter giggled as he heard the assistant's official-sounding voice repeating Tony's words. "Tell him I'll be right there, thanks, Jarvis," he said. "Right away, Mr. Parker."
With that, Peter hurried to change into his school clothes, grabbed his bag and earphones, and hurried downstairs, where he saw Bucky, Loki, and Tony sitting at the table.
"Morning, kid," Tony greeted him. "Good morning, Mr. Stark!" Peter replied brightly. He gave an awkward wave in Bucky and Loki's direction, saying, "Uh, good morning... guys." Loki smirked. "You may call me Loki Laufeyson, god of mischief and visitor to Midgard." Peter felt his eyes widen.
"Oh, stop bothering him, Loki," a voice behind them said. Peter turned suddenly, and his breath hitched when he recognized (Y/N) walking toward them. She was wearing a white button-up blouse and a short black skirt, complete with high-heeled Mary Janes and knee-high socks. His eyes strayed to her throat, from which hung a string of pearls.
"Good morning, Peter," she smiled at him and swept past the boy to sit down. "Um, hey, (Y/N). I-I mean, um - good morning." He mentally slapped himself for the awkward start and hurried to sit down with a red face.
"I will never understand how Midgardians eat this slop," Loki protested, looking down at the bowl in front of him, wrinkling his nose.
"Loki, call it cereal," (Y/N) laughed, pouring milk into her already filled bowl. "And it's very sustaining if you give it a chance." Bucky scoffed. "Don't try, (Y/N)," he said. "This clown won't ever be able to swallow a spoonful." Loki slapped a hand to the table and stood. "I am a god of mischief and swallow no insults from puny-"
"Now, now, Loki," Bruce Banner said, walking into the room. "You don't want to repeat your mistakes." Loki went red as if he remembered being pulverized by Bruce (or rather, the Hulk) the last time he had called him puny. Then suddenly, his eyes widened as he turned to (Y/N). "I'm sorry, (Y/N), are you alright?" he asked.
Peter looked at the girl curiously, and concern flooded him as he saw her gripping the edge of the table, biting her lip. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." Tony stood from his place at the table and hugged her. (Y/N) was the only one who didn't see the thunderous look Tony sent Loki.
"You should go to school," Bruce said, rubbing the back of (Y/N)'s back. She gave a strange smile and nodded, stepping away from him and her father. "Ok. You ready, Parker?" she asked, looking at him. "Uh, yeah, yeah, let's go," he replied, still looking worriedly at her.
(Y/N) kissed her father and said goodbye to the rest, hurrying out of the kitchen with Peter in her wake.
"Oh, hey, guys!" The two turned around at Tony's face. "Are you sure you don't want Happy to drive you guys? It'll be safer." Peter froze, worrying that (Y/N) wouldn't want to walk alone with him after all. "Dad, I have psychic powers and Peter is literally Spiderman. I think we'll be fine."
Peter tried not to sigh with relief as (Y/N) waved and pulled him down the stairs to the entrance hall. "Come on, what are you waiting for?" she called behind her. The boy laughed. "Ok, ok, I'm coming!"
(Y/N) reached into the wardrobe in the entrance hall and pulled out a bright red coat which she slipped on. Peter noticed one of his jackets in there too and grabbed it before the girl could shut the door.
"Happy, we're going to school!" she called as they walked out of the door. "Don't walk into a car!" Happy called back. "Won't!" (Y/N) laughed and they stepped out into the cool air. "Ever the optimist," she giggled. Peter smiled, seeing her face light up again. "He really does like to say stuff like that."
They walked in comfortable silence most of the day, until Peter gathered the courage to ask the question that had been preying on his mind since breakfast. He scratched the back of his head as he spoke. "Um... (Y/N)?"
"Yeah?" she asked.
"I... um, I understand if you don't want to answer, but... why did Loki apologize at breakfast?"
(Y/N)'s face went blank, and Peter immediately backtracked. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked, I..."
"It's ok," she interrupted. "You should know anyway, if you're going to be living in the tower. Plus, I trust you, so..." Peter ignored the thrill that went through him as she said this and just said, "What is it?"
"Before my dad brought me to New York, I lived with my aunt, and she had a... questionable taste in men. There was a guy who would always scream at me for the littlest thing, and once he punched me when I was three."
Peter's face held nothing but horror. "Oh my gosh, (Y/N), I'm really sorry..." But the girl just kept talking. "He would always hit the table - or whatever surface was nearby - whenever he got mad, and I just hate it now whenever somebody does that."
Peter stopped walking, forcing (Y/N) to do so as well. "I'm really sorry that happened to you. You really don't deserve something like that." She smiled sadly. "I appreciate that, Spidey-boy." The boy smiled at the nickname. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here, ok?"
She laid a hand on his, cutting off the breath in his throat. "That means a lot to me, Peter. Thank you so much."
"Y-yeah," he replied, trying to form a coherent thought. But at that moment, a voice called his name, and he turned to see his two friends Ned and MJ running towards them.
(Part 3 is out now!)
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mrcleanheichou · 3 years
Wolves are (NOT) Scary Chapter 7
Pairing: Werewolf!BTS X Female human reader
Genre: Fluff, smut, angst
Warnings: mention of toe socks... yes those deserve a warning
Word count: 1,888 (so close to 2k but I gotta stay on brand. can’t let anyone think long chapters are possible here)
Summary: All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Author note: I’m Back! I’ve been putting in work the past 4 days at the coffee shop. My house is 15 minutes away so I make the pilgrimage for good coffee and writing since i can’t write at home for some reason.
Tag list: @dustyinkpages @thickemadame @moonlitehunter @thedarkwinterrose @momoriki @iistrangers @openup-yourmind @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @lovelyseokjinnie @scuzmunkie @bjoriis @maddypool31  @tfkp0p @blubearxy @stealth-liberal
 Chapter 6 // Chapter 7 // Chapter 8
Present Day
“Jeez, it’s raining cats and dogs out there.” Yuna remarked moving one of the many potted plants to be able to look out the bay window. The rain hasn’t let up for the past three hours. In order to keep him calm the witch gave Jungkook a sedative which had him quietly snoring in human form curled up on the sleeping mat. A black comforter that had a white half moon and gold stars on it was placed over him. Ryujin said she got it from her bed so he better be grateful. That was the last thing he heard which brought a small smile to his face which broke your heart before he fell asleep.
Taehyung still hadn’t comeback to the shop for hours. He ignored your multiple calls and texts trying to see if he was okay. It had you pacing outside on the covered front porch. You tried following him when he first left but almost as if she could read your mind Yuna waived her hand at you. Saying ‘Oh no you don’t’ stopping you from moving an inch by using her magic to wrap you in the vines that covered the handrails until you promised you wouldn’t go.
“Can you please sit down,” Ryujin sighed sitting in a wicker chair. “I’m getting tired just watching you.”
“I can’t just sit down! I need to find him, he’s all alone out there and who knows where he went.” You say exasperated hugging your arms to your body shivering from the adrenaline coursing through your body and the slight chill of the rain.
The cat shifter’s gaze softened and her big black ears drooped slightly. She does feel bad but she’s not very good at the whole comforting thing. So she gets up, taking off the orange hoodie she had on and offers it to you. “Here, I’ll go get you some sweatpants from upstairs.”
When she was gone you were finally all alone with your thoughts. You don’t care what Tae said, you feel it in your heart Namjoon wouldn’t get rid of Jungkook over this. This had to blow over. Was Jungkook dumb for doing this? Yes, but everyone makes mistakes. This shouldn’t be held against him. Yoongi isn’t the type to hold a grudge, you just know he’d forgive him if he saw how bad Jungkook felt.
It had finally stopped raining around 6 pm and Taehyung still hadn’t comeback. You couldn’t stop the tears from springing forth for what felt like the millionth time today. You stared at the leftover Galbitang that Ryujin made yesterday sitting in front of you on the small dining table. The soup gave off a comforting warmth that you were too sad to appreciate. Feeling Yuna’s concerned stare you grab your chopsticks and pick up a piece of radish slowly chewing it. You had no appetite at all but if eating kept Yuna off your back you’d do it.
The second story of the shop is where Yuna and Ryujin live. The whole upstairs has two bedrooms one bathroom, a small kitchen and a door to an upper porch sitting area. It smells like warm apple cider all year long due to Yuna’s cider addiction and her constant need to make it.
Jungkook was still knocked out downstairs due to the sedative’s strength being twelve hours. The stress of the day’s events were finally starting to catch up to you, feeling emotionally exhausted you just wanted to sleep but you knew that sleep would probably elude you. You didn’t want to rest while Taehyung was still out there, you held onto hope that he’s just at the bakery and didn’t listen to you when you said go back to the pack.
Pack pov
“Namjoon, you can’t be serious!” Jin exclaimed horrified by his alpha’s decision. Although he knew it was the right call deep down he couldn’t imagine what life would be like after.
“Do you care that little about the fact that Yoongi, or any one of us, could have died today? For something so childish and immature. This won’t hurt just you, I have emotions too!” Namjoon slammed his hand against a tree. “You think I don’t love and care about them? That this doesn’t make me feel like I failed as an alpha? I won’t let anyone hurt this pack even if it means sacrificing members for the greater good.”
Jin opened his mouth to say something but he was cut off by a dangerous sounding growl.
“You can join them if you want,” The alpha growled menacingly at the older wolf, “But I can no longer tolerate insubordination. They both have to go and that’s final.”
The next day
The feeling of a heavy warmth covered your body. It made you feel overheated and you tried to get away from it.
“Please don’t go.” A small voice said in your ear. Turning around in the tight grasp you saw it was Jungkook. You don’t know when he got into bed with you, looking at him he looked small and closed in on himself. Almost like a young boy who snuck into his parent’s bed after having a nightmare.
“Is Tae back?” You ask hopefully.
Jungkook avoids your gaze and shakes his head. “He’s not coming back.”
“What?” you say loudly sitting up. “What do you mean?! How do you know that?”
Sighing before he breaks the news with a shakey voice. “Yuna got a hold of him on the phone. He went back to the pack. He said he’s sorry but he can’t be here.”
A sinking feeling set in your stomach as you put your head in your hands.
“I’m sorry Y/N...”
“I know Kookie. I know.”
3 years ago
“C’mon in!” a cheerful voice called from the back of the store. “Go ahead and take a look around and I'll be right there. Ryujinie can you come help me please?”
The girl in the bucket hat held the door for you, then walked past you to a doorway where the woman from yesterday must have been. That left you to your own devices.
Nothing could have prepared you for the inside of this shop. It literally felt like a shop straight out of Diagon Alley. There was a certain buzzing feeling emminating from all corners. Vines just like the ones outside ran along the walls  leading up to a wall that looked like it was covered in four leaf clovers. They looked almost real but you knew they had to be just a plastic sheeting decoration. There was rows and rows of isles that stretched to the back of the shop with hanging signs at the end that announced what was contained within like you would see at a grocery store. The closest one you could see had ‘Pain relief’ on it in gold cursive lettering that looked like it was etched into the wood instead of just painted on. There was a sales counter in front to the right of where the aisles started. There was a floor to ceiling wall of cubbies that had jars containing what looked like different herbs.
If you had to describe it you would say that it looked like a pinterest aesthetic board threw up. The crystal collection on a table by the window and numerous ‘mystical’ paintings that lined some of the walls really set that feeling in stone.
You headed to the ‘Pain relief’ section and found glass bottles filled with colorful liquids. You could tell they were made in the shop because there were hand written labels adorning each container. Some of the bottles were oddly specific, an orange colored fluid said ‘Left side tooth ache relief’ sat next to a green fluid that said ‘Right side tooth ache relief’.
Walking through the rest of the aisles brought more of the same. The allergy relief aisle had what looked like black gummies in the shape of cat heads, that said they help with black cat dander allergies while another package of red gummies in the same shape just said cat dander protection.
As you moved to the back of the shop there were medications for things like the common cold but also for things like ‘General uneasiness located in the abdomen’ and ‘Recurring sleep paralysis blocker.’ That last one was in a bottle that was shaped like a little demon. That definitely had to be a gag gift you thought chuckling to yourself.
“Would you like some tea?” The woman’s voice sounded in your right ear causing you to jump back in surprise. “Oops, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Feeling your heart pounding in your chest, the thought of there being a specific medication for that feeling somewhere too almost made you laugh out loud. “Yes, please.”
If you had to guess Yuna’s style was definitely intertwined with the subject matter of her shop. Today she had on a pair of skinny jeans and a red long sleeved button up blouse that had black skulls in printed pattern on it. It looked like something straight out of hot topic. You also noticed she didn’t have shoes on, her socks were neon green and they were those ugly ones that went on each individual toe like a glove. More power to the people that can wear them and not be uncomfortable.
Pulling yourself out of your thoughts you followed out to the porch where there was a black iron patio table set. Placed on top of it was a glossy black tea kettle in the shape of a cat. It looked exactly like Jiji from ‘Kiki’s Delivery Service’.  There was two mugs, a white one with an orange witch’s hat and the saying ‘Resting Witch Face’ and the other was black that said ‘Big Witch Energy’ with a white pentagram, it was the closest one to you.
“So Y/N how are you liking it here?” Yuna asks sitting down and reaching for the kettle.
You looked at her a little shocked, “H-how do you know my name?”
You didn’t even realize it but even the other woman knew your name. You haven’t really interacted with anyone outside of the bakery and the cashiers at the grocery store.
“Oh dear, Yeji didn’t tell you? I’m her sister. She told me you were coming.”
“She never said anything about having a sister.” You frowned.
The woman just sighed dramatically and said “She’s too busy for her own good, she’d probably forget her name if someone didn’t remind her every once in a while.”
“I can’t do it anymoooooore”
“Will you stop complaining that’s all you’ve done all day!”
“Because this sucks.” Jungkook sighed putting his head on the counter, subsequently getting leftover frosting on his left cheek. Why did he have to be stuck with Jin hyung? He’s Mr perfectionist and made Jungkook redo the same batch of red velvet three times already. He didn’t know what he wanted to do more, pull his hair out or choke out the older man. He’s too much of a good boy to do the latter, although its very tempting. At least Hobi hasn’t been on his neck for things too. In fact he hasn’t said much of anything today. Wait…
Jin just hummed in reply not paying attention.
“Where’s Hobi?”
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