#jeff clarke prompts
stelacole · 4 months
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Dating Jeff Clarke would include/headcanons (part 2) :
- Him constantly holding you as even though he is not a huge fan of PDA, with you, it's different and he is always so comfortable around you and in your arms. He generally loves to hold your hand and literally whenever you two are walking together on the streets, he either wraps his arm around you to pull you closer, occasionally pecking the top of your head, or he holds your hand, but either way, he's always doing either both as he wants everyone to see you two are together.
- He is always worried about you, especially if you work as a firefighter at the Chicago Fire Department or as a police officer at the Chicago Police Department. If he hears that either a firefighter or police officer have been injured, he always fears it's you and he is insane of worry and tries to call and text you and if you don't answer or reply right away, he will call your boss to make sure you are alright.
- Jeff, despite being grumpy and moody at times, with you he is affectionate softie and being with you and around you, makes him happy as you change him into a better and happy person. In his past relationships, he always felt sad, upset, mad, depressed and grumpy, but being with you truly changed him into a happy person.
- He is always there for you and he knows you are always there for him. He knows that hhe could always confide in you, no matter what.
- After a tough case at work, he instantly makes sure you are alright and hugs you, letting you know he is there for you.
- He loves to gaze at you lovingly when you sleep, not being able to wrap it around his head how he could have a goddess like you.
- He loves to give you foot massages and massages in general
- When you two finally got together, he was so proud to call you his girlfriend and introduced you to everyone as his lovely girlfriend
- When he took you on the first date, he really thought it out and made the first date to be special and phenomenal
- He was the first to kiss you. Despite the fact he was legally still married to his wife, but not feeling any romantic feelings towards her, he didn't hesitate when you were so close to him and gently kissed you on the lips.
- Eventually he will propose to you and he will plan for the proposal for months and would ask the help of the Firehouse 51 and his co workers from Chicago Med, and would make the proposal to be special and romantic, taking you to all the places that held profound meaning to you two, especially the place where he first met you and the place where he first realized he was in love with you.
- He is the happiest guy ever when you two finally get married and will say the vows he had been thinking thoroughly for months. He is so happy when you take his last name
- When he hears you are pregnant, he is the happiest guy ever. When hearing the baby's heartbeats for the first time, he tears up as it's yours and his baby in there. He always rubs your belly and kisses it all the time, feeling excited and happy when he feels the baby kicking against his hand for the very first time. He is there through every doctor appointment and sonogram and will be there when you deliver the baby and will cut the umbilical cord of the baby and when he holds the baby, he tears up when the baby wraps their small hand around his finger.
- He and you and family have a happy and solid home life and he loves it and he loves you so much. You are his home and his future and he can't imagine the rest of his life without you or your kids.
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afewproblems · 11 months
In My Heart is a Memory (And There You'll Always Be) Part Two
Part One
Steve spends his week in the hospital on oxygen and fighting pneumonia from his bed. A harsh wheezing sound has developed whenever he pushes too hard but Doctor Sattler isn't nearly as concerned as Steve the first time he hears it.
"It shouldn't worsen over time, but if you feel that the wheezing is becoming more frequent or that feeling of an elephant sitting on your chest comes back, you will need to use your new inhaler, today's the perfect day to learn how it works," Doctor Sattler told him with an air of nonchalance that did not match the news.
Two and two made four, the sky was blue, and Steve Harrington would need medication for the rest of his life.
Most of the time Steve sleeps fitfully, dreaming of cold grey water and kind brown eyes, but on the days he has more energy Steve walks around the ward with Claudia in between practising blowing into something called a spirometer. 
She tells him it's important to test his level of lung function and how he's improving, it should also help to reduce the wheezing sound when Steve is simply resting. He even gets one to take home with him. 
Steve listens as Claudia talks about her own son, he's eight years old and so curious about the world. It's obvious she loves him dearly.
Steve wonders if his own mother ever talks about him like that.
His mother checks in with him twice during the week. His dad has already left for his most recent work trip and Diane is planning to leave as well, at least until Sunday when Steve is expected to be discharged. 
“I’ll be gone for five days, but you’ll be here anyway, and they are taking good care of you aren’t they?” she asks, her voice uncharacteristically soft for once as she takes his cheek in her cold hand. 
Diane’s fingers brush the oxygen hosing around his cheek, Claudia had called it something weird --a canny-something-or-other. 
Diane lets go abruptly as if burned; her nose wrinkling slightly as she rubs her fingers against the palm of her hand. In one fluid motion, she stands up from her seat at the side of his bed and smooths down the blankets as she does so. 
Diane meets his gaze once, her pale blue eyes almost seem to look past him, before she hikes her handbag further up her arm.
“I’m leaving the number of the hotel with your Nurse Henry, and you’ll be home before you know it,” she nods with a forced smile and turns on her heel to slip out the door of his room before Steve can even correct her.
He hopes Claudia did get the number, that there isn’t some strange Nurse Henry with more access to his mother than even Steve is allowed. 
A small part of himself hopes that Eddie will come visit him.
It’s not likely, Eddie had seemed excited initially about showing him his Dungeons and Dragons book but how would he have any idea Steve would still be here.
That doesn't stop Steve from picturing Eddie yelling to his uncle as he bounds down the hallway, ‘Come on old man, Steve’s room’s gotta be here somewhere!’
But Eddie never materialises down the hall, armed with his players book or tales of dragons and knights.
Steve takes it in stride as much as he can.
The days blend together the longer he stays, but it isn't as though Steve has no one to talk to.
He asks Claudia more about her son and listens to the jokes the orderlies tell him when they come by with meals. Even Doctor Sattler stops by to check the machines by his bed and to watch him blow into the Spirometer.
It’s fine. 
Claudia gives him a long hug the day he's discharged. Steve isn't sure she's supposed to by the exasperated look Doctor Sattler gives her, but he says nothing and busies himself with writing something out on a small notepad.
"You be careful sweetheart, use your spirometer to practice and keep your inhaler on you at all times".
She sweeps his hair away from his face and squeezes his shoulder briefly before giving him the barest of pushes towards his mother who stands by the door.
Doctor Sattler hands Diane the two papers he's written out, "you'll have to fill these prescriptions, he'll need both of them before you head home". 
Diane nods and breathes out a clipped thank you before ushering Steve to the doors, he tries to turn to wave only for his mother to grip his shoulder firmly and walk him out.
He catches what he thinks may be concern in Claudia's eyes before the automatic doors close behind them and the familiar jingle of his mothers keys to the maroon beemer fills the air.
"We'll stop at Mevalds, you can wait in the car," Diane says as she opens the driver's side door and gets in. Steve hurriedly opens his own door as the engine starts, a small part of him wonders if she would leave him if he took any longer.
He closes the passenger door behind him, it's heavier than he remembers and a harsh wheeze fills the car as Steve breathes in slowly to halt the stuttering of his chest. 
He buckles in and looks up to find his mother watching him carefully. 
"Perhaps we should wait another week for you to go back to school," she hums, it's a voice she uses when thinking aloud but every instance of it usually happens when that thinking is about Steve.
"Why?" He asks as they pull onto the main road.
"You're making that awful noise," Diane says simply, "we should wait for it to stop, it will be distracting to your classmates".
A deep ache that has nothing to do with his lungs builds in his chest. He hadn't thought the sound was that noticeable. 
None of the other nurses or orderlies seemed to care about the new noise he made, or if they did they never said anything. Steve had been the one to ask about it,  concerned that he was the only one hearing it.
"Doctor Sattler said it should get better, but it won't go away," Steve argues with narrowed eyes, he crosses his arms over his chest and looks away towards the passenger window.
He hears Diane sigh as she signals to pull into the parking lot of Mevalds.
She turns off the engine and reaches into the back seat for her purse, leaning her hand against Steve's seat for balance.
Diane stops with her hand on the door handle, pausing as she turns to face him fully.
"I'm just looking out for you," Diane says softly, "the other children will notice eventually and the world isn't kind to people who are different Steven".
She gets out of the car, letting the words hang in the air. He watches her go into the store, already knowing he's lost. 
Steve's teachers welcome him back with little to no fanfare, Ms. Cuttler, the history teacher, even goes so far as to reprimand him for missing two whole weeks in front of the class. 
Steve doesn't need detention for 'mouthing off' on his first day back, no matter how unfair she's being. He manages to take his seat without speaking; he can't quite hide the angry red flush staining his cheeks though. 
Lunch is what Steve is looking forward to, he just has to make it to lunch, he can keep his head down until then.
Steve's last morning class is science. 
It's not his favourite class, but Mr. Clarke at least tries to keep it interesting for them, and he's always nice. Giving extensions on homework, half marks on tests rather than zeros with little comments in blue ink saying, 'I see where you were going with this, you almost got it!'
As soon as the bell rings, Steve grabs his backpack and books, uncaring of the homework instructions Mr. Clarke tries to yell over the clamouring kids and the last few notes of the bell.
"Oh Steve, you gotta sec?"
It takes every fibre of Steve's being not to just bolt from the room with the rest of the class, pretend he didn't hear.
It's your lungs that are screwed up now, not your ears, he thinks bitterly as he turns towards the front of the room where Mr. Clarke stands with a stack of xeroxed paper.
"Here's the homework you missed, if you can have it done for next week I think that'll keep you on track," he says with a smile that quirks his moustache.
Steve gives him a brief smile as he takes the stack of papers, "thanks, yeah I'll have it done by then," he tries for a grin, wincing at the raised eyebrow Mr. Clark gives him. 
They both know it will be late. 
Steve turns to leave again, with a forced half smile, but stops as Mr. Clarke clears his throat.
"They don't give us a lot of information about absences," he gives Steve a long look, "so all I'm going to say is if you want to chat, about anything, even if it's just homework, my door is open". 
Steve nods as Mr. Clarke gives him a kind half smile, patient like the ones Dr. Sattler or Claudia would give him after explaining how something worked. 
It's not something most adults put a lot of effort into, especially for Steve, writing him off if he doesn't understand something the first time it's explained. 
It's certainly not something his parents do for him.
"Sure Mr. Clarke," Steve mumbles as he tucks the papers into the textbook in his arms.
His teacher nods once and clears his throat awkwardly, gesturing towards the door, "Alright, you better get going," Mr Clarke says, "it's pizza day and I guarantee you the pepperoni is pretty much done at this point".
Steve snorts and takes a step back, "later Mr. Clarke," he calls over his shoulder as he makes his way past the empty desks and into the hallway, letting himself be guided by the stream of kids heading towards the cafeteria.
With the Hawkins Middle and High Schools being the only two secondary schools in the county, the buildings were naturally massive to accommodate all of the children and teens they housed on any given day during the school year.
The cafeteria was no exception.
Finding somewhere to sit was almost always impossible if you ran late to lunch, most students would give up trying to find a table and would end up settling by their lockers or sitting outside in the warmer months, but Steve was on a mission this time.
He looks around the busy room with his lunch tray, head on a swivel as he searches for a mop of curly brown hair. Eddie said he could sit at his table but he hadn't mentioned which one that was.
Steve walks along the wall, eyes scanning the tables, he begins to wonder if he had the wrong lunch period after all.
"I'm telling you, a beholder is the worst thing you could run into in a Dungeon, hands down--" 
Steve perks up at the voice, fairly certain he knows who it belongs to.
The relief is palpable as he continues forward, following the voice. A small part of Steve had begun to wonder if Eddie even went to his school, or if his muddled water logged brain had dreamed that up entirely. 
He finally spots Eddie at a table against the far back wall and has to stop himself from cheering as he makes a beeline for them, albeit more slowly than he would prefer. He's still getting winded easily and doesn't want to have to break out the inhaler the doctor gave him just yet.
There are two other boy's that Eddie is talking animatedly to, his hands gesturing wildly with a broad grin on his face.
Eddie spots him mid sentence and the effect is instant, his face lights up as he smiles and starts to wave before halting abruptly, a strange look passing over his face. 
"Hey!" Steve smiles, slightly uncertain now that Eddie's face has fallen into something unreadable. The other two boys at the table have turned to face him, their eyes scanning Steve up and down. 
The kid sitting closest to Steve, a black boy with braces and a t-shirt with something called Queen on the chest, Steve feels a spark of recognition at the name and makes a note to ask him about it later. He gives Steve a small polite smile which makes him feel slightly less nervous.
The other boy sitting closest to Eddie eyes Steve somewhat warily, he's wearing a Hawkins Middle school shirt, thick glasses with tape around the frame, and wavy brown hair that isn't as long as Eddie's but longer than Steve's mother would ever allow.
They all stare at Steve for what feels like an eternity before he clears his throat awkwardly.
"Um, my name is Steve--" he starts to say, reaching out a hand to the closest boy before Eddie stands up from the table.
"Where were you?" Eddie says, uncaring of the sudden climb in volume or the heads that turn their way. 
Steve ignores the faces turned their way and takes another step forward towards the table, a small nervous laugh bubbles up as he moves, “I was sick, remember?"
Eddie frowns, his eyes dart from Steve to the other boy directly in front of him, closest to where Steve is standing.
"I wanted to show you my book two weeks ago," Eddie folds his arms over his chest now, frowning slightly, "Ms. Allen confiscated it," he mutters darkly.
Steve winces at the tone and brings his arms around himself, taking a step back. A small part of him curses his decision to stay home another week to let his breathing find some semblance of normal.
The teen closest to Steve rolls his eyes, "if it wasn't the handbook, it woulda been something else Ed, you know Allen's been looking for a reason to punish us since you told her that you got more out of Gary Gygax than anything Mark Twain ever wrote --plus there's a literal demon on the cover,” he says with a wry grin. 
"I'm Jeff," he says with a wave before pointing to the other kid at the table, "that's Bobby, and it seems like you already know Eddie?"
Steve gives Jeff a small, thankful, smile and takes a step closer, "yeah, it's a bit of a long story--"
"A heroic tale of rescue more like!" Eddie cuts in, the familiar energy fills Steve with relief as he launches into the story.
Jeff rolls his eyes again and shoots Steve an exasperated look before patting the bench next to him, an official invitation.
Steve tries to play off the wide grin that threatens to take over his face and takes a seat next to Jeff, setting down his lunch tray with a clatter.
"So,” Eddie sits up slightly, bringing his leg up onto the table bench to curl up underneath himself, “Uncle Wayne and I were fishing, right?"
"Fishing?" Bobby cuts in with a laugh, wrinkling his nose as he looks Eddie up and down, "you?"
"Yeah fishing, not all of us can just go to the grocery store whenever we want," Eddie huffs impatiently as his ears begin to redden, he waves his hands, "anyway".
"Instead of a trout we managed to catch something a little stranger,” he grins at Steve, “he was all caught up in some old fishing line or something and--hey, you never told us why you were out on the lake by yourself?”
Three sets of eyes turn to stare for a beat though Bobby loses interest fairly quickly, averting his eyes back to the open milk carton on his own orange lunch tray. 
Steve clears his throat, unsure just how to explain his thought process that morning. 
He just had to get out of the house, he couldn’t sit there any longer waiting for his dad to finally leave--
“Well?” Eddie prompts again, the smallest of frowns pulls at his expression before Jeff snorts.
"This is not very heroic so far man, where are the X-Men, the laser battles, come on dude," Jeff grins as Eddie sputters and launches into a rant about comic books that Bobby seems to perk up at, his attention switching from the lunch tray to Eddie.
Steve breathes out a sigh of relief as the attention moves away from him.
"You don't need lasers or special powers for hero stories, Tolkien didn't need idiots in spandex, he just needed a Hobbit and a ring and made a fucking masterpiece," Eddie 
"Are you seriously comparing yourself to Tolkien right now?" Jeff asks with a knowing smirk, it grows wider as Bobby laughs.
"Who's Tolkien?" Steve says, it's not a name he's ever heard before, though they must be some kind of storyteller. Was there a new book assigned while Steve was away recovering?
Eddie blanches for a second in surprise before his face lights up, he waves his hands at the chorus of groans from both Jeff and Bobby and cackles, "Stevie, Stevie, Stevie, we have so much to teach you!"
As the school year comes to a close, Steve finds himself looking forward to the summer for the first time in his life.  
Summer for Steve is normally lonely.
He spends his time looking for ways to avoid his house, counting down the days when he can go back to school. Even sitting through class or trying out for the intramural leagues is better than the monotony of summer.
At least during school he had people to talk to. 
But this summer is different. 
Steve, Jeff, Eddie, and Bobby get on like a house of fire, where one of the boys is, the other three are never far behind. 
They teach Steve about Dungeons and Dragons, Tolkien and the one ring --the book certainly reads like some of the books they had assigned in class, but Eddie and Jeff looked so excited the day Steve brought it home from the library, he couldn’t disappoint them.
In turn, Steve introduces the other boys to the pool, inviting the three of them to the Harrington house on a scorching June day.
“No way,” Bobby whispers as they reach the driveway, Jeff’s mouth drops into a little ‘O’ shape while Eddie’s eyes widen in surprise before his expression shutters. 
“You’re kidding right?” Jeff asks with a laugh in his voice, “seriously, where’s your moat man?”
Steve reaches out to push Jeff’s shoulder as Bobby laughs, “shut up, it's not that bad--”
“No? Are you going to bring out a unicorn next? What else are you hiding in there?” Bobby scoffs as he takes a hesitant steps towards the edge of the driveway, as though worried the ground would fall out from underneath him at any moment. 
“Oh just wait,” Steve says, biting his lip to keep his grin in check, it falters slightly at the pinched expression on Eddie’s face, the way his eyes flick from the house to Steve, before eventually landing on their feet.
Steve opens his mouth to ask what’s wrong but he’s forced to whirl around to keep his footing as Bobby drags him up the drive, “Steve, if you do actually have a horse in there, I will still be very impressed”.
While it may not be a unicorn, Steve knows he has one other ace up his sleeve as he presents them with the crown jewel of the Harrington house, the Atari.
“Oh my god!” Bobby crows as he jumps off the last step of the basement and races towards the television. 
“You have one of these!” he hisses incredulously, snatching the attached joystick from its resting place on the top, Steve winces as the cord pulls slightly from Bobby’s exuberance. 
“I mean, it’s my dads, not mine,” Steve shrugs, he puts his hands in his jeans pockets and turns back to Jeff and Eddie, “but we can play it, he’s not home”.
Diane argues the day his father brings the machine home. 
It must stay in the basement, out of sight, determining that something so hideous has no place in their well decorated living room. 
Ignoring the fact that the only television in the house was in the basement, Diane insists on keeping the rest of the house as pristine as Good Housekeeping has taught her. 
Richard simply rolls his eyes at his wife, ‘It’s not like it matters Diane, one of the investors thinks he’s being cute, like any son of mine would waste his time with one of these, right Steven?’
Steve nods, content to keep his head down, focused on his homework, not to make waves.
‘Course dad, computer games are for losers,’ the words come easily, he’s heard them before.  He flinches as a heavy hand comes down on his shoulder and squeezes lightly.
‘God damn right’.
‘Why are we even keeping it then?’ Diane asks sharply, her tone cool as she follows him down the stairs. 
Steve trails after them to the landing; he can still hear from the wary distance he keeps while his parents continue to talk. 
"Allan and the rest of the partners are coming in two weeks for drinks, and I’m not letting that prick get one over on me”.
Diane is quiet for a beat.
Steve tilts his ear to listen intently. He knows that silence. It's something his mother usually employs while calculating all options before speaking carefully.
‘Fine, I suppose the dust will collect best down here,” Steve can almost hear the sneer that pulls at his mothers mouth as she speaks. 
‘Atta girl,’ Richard  says quietly, almost fondly. 
Jeff raises an eyebrow as he comes to stand beside Steve, “you can’t play it if your dad’s home?” 
Steve falters for a second, scrambling for something to say.
Bobby scoffs by the television, still inspecting the machine, "you know how much one of these things costs? If we had one, my dad would flip if I so much as looked at it”.
Steve settles for shrugging with a mild smile, infinitely grateful for Bobby's ability to blurt out the first thing he thinks in any given situation.
If Jeff questions it, he doesn't say anything, and instead moves to join Bobby where he crouched on the floor.
Steve turns back to find where Eddie went only to find him frozen on the last stair still.
His eyes seem to trace over the room, an unreadable expression on his face, it contorts into something sour before smoothing as his gaze eventually lands on Steve. 
"Didn't know we pulled a rich kid outta the lake," Eddie says after a beat, finally walking further into the room, his arms crossed tightly over his stomach. 
"I guess," Steve says weakly as Eddie nods and moves towards where Jeff is kneeling beside Bobby with one of the game cartridges in his hands.
A spark of annoyance crackles through Steve, licking the inside of his ribcage. If Eddie isn’t interested in playing, he just has to say so, they can do something else - work on their character sheets, go outside. The other day Eddie showed them all the best spot by the quarry for throwing rocks so that the sound seemed to echo for miles as it hit the water. They could easily go, right now. 
They aren’t supposed to be touching this anyway, it’s not like it’s a big deal. It’s not. 
Steve knows the others don’t know how much trouble he could get into for this, the risk he’s taking for even showing it to them, for having kids over unsupervised, uninvited. 
 "Well, does that thing play Asteroids or what?" Eddie asks abruptly, interrupting Steve’s train of thought. 
He nods, quietly tamping down the last fleeting sense of irritation and walks over to the shelf where the rest of the games were dumped, wincing at the impressed chorus of whoops that Jeff and Bobby let out.
It only serves to accentuate the brooding silence that has followed Eddie all morning, since they walked over the threshold of Steve’s front door.
Jeff and Bobby take turns playing the rest of the afternoon. Steve defers to them, content to simply watch his friends try out the games. They bicker back and forth, making noises at key moments to try and break each other's concentration, Steve laughs brightly as Bobby manages to make Jeff crash for the fourth time in a row by simply imitating Rod Stewart.
“If you want my body and you think I'm sexy, come on, sugar, tell me so!” Bobby croons, making his voice older and raspy as he leans close enough for Jeff to twist his head away.
“Get outta here Bobby-- oh you sonovabitch!”
Bobby cheers, lifting his clasped hands above his head, “and the crowd goes wild, what do ya say, Jeff, best two out of three?”
Jeff flops backwards onto the carpet, pretending to catch an invisible dagger to the chest, “mark my words, if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine!”
He rolls his head to the side and reaches out, pointing towards Steve with a cry, “Avenge me!” 
Steve laughs long and loud as Jeff croaks and groans and finally sticks his tongue out of the side of his mouth with a low hissing sigh as he finally pretends to die on the carpet of Steve’s basement. 
“So, what say you, Steve?” Bobby croaks as he lifts one hand to cover his mouth, and the other to hold out the abandoned joystick as he breathes out heavily, “do you dare take up the saber?”
Steve has no clue what they’re doing, a joke from something he’s sure, but he schools his face into something serious, and takes the joystick with a grave nod.
“For Jeff!” Steve cries as the digital melody fills the air.
Finally, Steve lets himself bask in the warmth and friendship that has surrounded him for the last few months, the normal chill of the Harrington home finally absent as Bobby begins to cheer while also doing his damndest to distract Steve. 
Jeff finally sits up with another hiss, “I LIVE, to see Steve beat your sorry ass Bobby!” 
He claps his hand on Steve's shoulder with a grin, “you got this!” 
It isn’t until a throat clears behind them that the three boys notice Eddie hasn’t said a word for the last ten minutes. 
He’s standing now, backpack slung over his shoulder --when did he go upstairs?
“It’s late,” Eddie mumbles quietly, “Wayne will want me home for supper soon”.
The words seem to break the spell that has fallen over the other two boys and they both stand as if summoned from their seats on the floor. 
Steve can only sit and watch as Jeff and Bobby move towards Eddie, albeit reluctantly. 
Jeff stretches out, raising his arms above his head, “yeah, I should probably go too,” he groans out as he drops his arms back at his sides. 
“Thanks for the game dude,” Bobby says with a shrug, though he looks decidedly more annoyed at the interruption than Jeff, “beats trying to escape the heat in the creek anyway”.
Jeff rolls his eyes, “It also beats shelling out quarters at the arcade on 4th Bobby, this was seriously really cool man”.
Steve grins at the pair of them before turning towards Eddie who glares at the floor in silence until Jeff elbows him. 
Eddie breathes out loudly through his nose, “yeah it was cool, but next time we should go over your characters a bit more, especially if you guys are going to survive the next encounter I designed”.
Bobby scoffs as he grabs his own messenger bag from the bottom of the stairs, “well I’m not going back to the library, Mrs. Depencier gives me the creeps”.
“The library is the only place with enough space,” Eddie argues as he turns and makes his way up the stairs.
Steve feels the words lift him up, this is his chance, he takes a step towards the other teens, “I could host?” 
Jeff and Bobby stop, turning back towards Steve with excitement in their gazes. Jeff seems to hesitate though, turning back to back to Eddie whose face is hidden by the edge of the staircase, Steve can only make out the bottom on his legs from where he’s standing.
He walks forward to the bottom of the staircase and stops short of taking the first step, “my parents aren’t home for the next four weeks so I can have you guys over, no problem”.
Bobby punches his fists into the air, "Yes! Oh my god, huge house, no parents?" Bobby jumps down the last two stairs again and nearly tackles Steve, "this is perfect!"
Perfect, is…certainly a word for it, not necessarily the one Steve would use, but Bobby wasn't here at night. 
Not when the glow of the pool would cast eerie shadows along the treeline that surrounded the Harrington backyard. Steve never felt comfortable sitting outside by himself once the sun went down, even now in middle school. 
All it took was one snapped branch in the dark or one flicker of shining eyes for him to race back into the kitchen, slamming the sliding door shut behind him.
The locked door never really feeling like enough by himself. 
"Four weeks?" Eddie says quietly as he takes a step down, his expression seems pained though Steve can't imagine why.
"I know it's not that long," Steve shrugs, "but we could do it in an afternoon right?"
Jeff's eyebrows rise, cutting shallow creases across his forehead, he and Eddie look at one another, seemingly having some kind of silent conversation before they both turn back to Steve at the same time.
"I need three days to finish it up, but that means we can meet in between to finish your characters," Eddie offers, the words slowly break the strange sudden quiet that has fallen over the basement. 
"Tomorrow?" Steve asks tentatively, 
"I'll be here, and hey if they don't come," Bobby says with a wry grin as he elbows Steve, "then I'll kick your ass at Asteroids!"
"We'll be here jackass," Jeff scoffs as Eddie nods silently.
He has a strange look on his face that Steve can't quite place, but at least he doesn't look annoyed anymore.
"Tomorrow then," Eddie confirms, grinning as Bobby blurts out a loud, 'hell yeah' as Jeff rolls his eyes once more.
The boys do eventually make their way upstairs, though at a snail's pace as the strange tension from earlier fades away. 
Steve walks them all to the door and watches as they make their way down the long drive, taking turns waving as their voices fade into the distance.
Steve swallows hard as he closes the front door, trying not to think too hard about how many hours until he'll hear his friends voices again.
Permanent Tag List: @eriquin @luvinthefreaks @cinnamon-mushroomabomination
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
Midnights Prompt List #5
“kiss you in a crowded room.”
jeff clarke x fem!reader
a/n: happy fri-yay everyone
warnings: kissing, angst, all the things i missed
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“Hey Y/N! You coming to Molly’s tonight?” Herrmann asks only looking up from his news paper briefly as you walk into the common room.
“What’s happening tonight?” You ask confused if there was something important you were unaware of.
“Erm, yeah? Shay is having the raffle thing for the hockey tickets she was tipped with the other day…” He says trailing off trying to see if you have any recollection of what he’s saying. Which you don’t.
“Oh yeah!” You say back unconvincingly.
“I’ll be there don’t worry,” You add on before walking into the kitchen.
You begin pouring some more coffee in your mug before someone approaches you out of the corner of your eye.
“Hey.” Clarke says hastily by your side.
“Hi.” You say briefly looking up at him then looking back down at the coffee again.
“I uh, I thought we were gonna hang out tonight?” He asks now leaning his elbows on the counter bent over in a way that one could even say he was hiding behind you.
“We are hanging out,” You say back a little confused.
“Okay…” He says before pausing again. “So we’re hanging out but you’re going to the bar?” He asks now biting the inside of his cheek to think.
“Y/N.” He says giving you an unamused look.
“What?” You ask not knowing why he has his panties in a bunch.
“So we might as well not even hang out then.” He says rolling his eyes about to walk away before you stop him with your hand on his bicep.
“I don’t know, I could be crazy for suggesting this…” You start sarcastically but when you see his face still irritated you get serious.
“What if we hung out at the bar?” You finally add a little quieter.
“I..” He starts to say as you watched the gears turn in his head thinking it over before, but you ultimately see him default back to his stubborn self. Realizing you’re not going to make any difference, you nod and turn around to make your way to the app floor.
“Y/N.” He calls out, but you hum still walking away.
“Y/N, wait!” He adds a little louder as he catches up to you grabbing your arm to stop you. Now in the hallway between the common room and the app floor, you turn to look up at him with a smile.
“We can’t…No one-“ He sighs as someone passes the two of you and he waits until they’ve passed before hushing his voice, “No one knows about us.” He whispers leaning in closer to you.
“I know, but…don’t you think it’s time to tell them? Tell anyone? I mean, we’ve been together for 7 months.” You plead locking dead eye contact.
He waits a second before exhaling in a way you know his answer isn’t going to be what you want to hear.
“What we have right now is good…Why do we need to mess it up? He asks sighing, making your heart hurt.
“Clarke, why do you think having a few more people knowing we’re together is going to mess us up!? How are we ever supposed to become a real couple if you think having some of our co-workers know we’re together is going to be the final straw to break the camel’s back?”You ask genuinely getting upset.
“I don’t think it’s going to mess us up, I just mean, God Y/N, why do you always have to put me in this position?” He asks taking a step back and running his hands over his face.
“In what position?” You ask completely caught of guard, finally realizing this is your guys’ first fight.
“One where you twist my words and make me out to be the bad guy!” He finally shouts making your eyes go wide.
“You know what? I’m done.” You say trying to walk past him before he stops you.
“Done? Done with what? With me? With us?” He asks getting frantic.
“No! Not with you, or us!“ You say back lightly hitting his chest. “I’m just done with this conversation.”
“Okay, Just, can we talk after shift? Please?” He asks taking a breath of relief, but still with the hint of worry lacing his voice.
You shut your eyes to think for a few seconds before you open them to see him still there worried as ever.
“No, we can’t.” Is all you say before you walk past him but stop again, “I’ll call you when I’m ready, I just need some time.” You finally say now leaving him alone in the hallway.
Your blood is boiling with hurt and anger, but you can’t blame him. You understand where he’s coming from, a small part of you enjoys sneaking around with him. To have something that is just the two of yours, but after 7 months, you’ve fallen in love. When you’re in love you want to scream if from the rooftops not keep it hidden. So this last month you’ve been trying to ease the idea of letting people know you’re together into his mind, but you haven’t explicitly said this is what you want yet. But of course the second you do it explodes in your face.
A few hours later your shift ends and you run home to change. You throw on a pair of jeans, a shirt, and your leather jacket and leave without a second thought.
Once you arrive you decide against getting blackout drunk. It just wouldn’t be as much fun as it would if your boyfriend was here.
“Hey! Can I get everyone’s attention please!” Shay shouts as she stands on the bar counter to announce the raffle winner.
You check your ticket knowing it probably won’t get called but what the hell anyway.
“And the winner is…1…2….9!!!” She calls to which you immediately roll your eyes. You knew it was a scam. You listen to the winner jump up and down with joy for a few minutes while Shay talks about asking people to donate to an elementary school library.
You already put a generous amount in the donation bin earlier, but you watched someone familiar go and add a donation also.
You could recognize your boyfriend anywhere. So when you pay a little bit more attention to this man donating, of course it was him.
Getting up from your seat to see why he’s here you meet him at a table on the wall.
“Hey, you showed?”
“I did…I-I messed up Y/N.” He says grabbing your hand with his.
“I don’t want to fight right now. How about we talk about this in the morning-“ You start to say before he shushes you.
“No, let me fix this right now.” Is all he says before dragging you to the middle of the room. You nod in response as you notice the growing attention on the two of you causing you to blush.
Clarke quickly turns around to grab a glass out of a random person’s hand muttering a quick sorry as he taps it with a piece of silverware to draw attention to himself.
“Excuse me, sorry, if I could get everyone’s attention real quick,” He shouts out never breaking eye contact with you causing you to blush even harder as you actually feel every person’s eyes on you.
“A year ago today, I met my best friend. I met the woman who has been there for me through thick and thin, and the only person who has been my rock in these last 7 months...Y/N Y/L/N, you are the love of my life. You’re the first thing on my mind as soon as I wake up, and the last thought I have before I fall asleep. I love you more than words can describe Y/N. So that’s why i’m here right now, to tell the world. Or just our friends and colleagues, exactly how much you mean to me and how much I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Without realizing tears were free falling from your eyes. You didn’t know what to say. The only thing you did know was that this was the first time he had ever said ‘i love you’ to you. You mean, it really was love at first sight for you, but this was the first time it has ever been said out loud.
“Oh Clarke.” Is all you managed to say after a few seconds before sobbing into your hand. Chuckling a little bit as you wipe your eyes you smile looking up at him.
“I love you too,” Is all you were able to say before he cupped your face and pressed one of the most angelic kisses on your lips. Immediate fire lights through your body as you roam your hands through his hair. You never wanted to let him go. You kiss him eagerly, in way like this was the last time you’d ever have the opportunity to kiss him again.
Cheers rang throughout the bar before someone coughed to get your guys’ attention. Pulling away sheepishly you blush even harder once you make eye contact with Clarke.
All of your colleagues and friends make their way around to congratulate the both of you. Of course it was no engagement, but it was still a big step because they had no clue you guys have been together all this time.
“This was a shocker guys, really no one would’ve guessed,” Cruz says chuckling in the circle of people surrounding you guys.
“Hey no, I called this! Mouch, tell them!” Herrmann yelled, earning a nod from Mouch.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you guys all guessed it, but I wonder how much of a shocker this is for Capp. How many times did you rant at the squad table about how hot Y/N was, especially to Clarke?” Severide says laughing causing both you and Capp to blush from embarrassment. Different reasons obviously, but also the fact that Clarke’s grip tightened around your waist at Severide’s comment.
Feeling bad for Capp you nudge Clarke in a way no one else would’ve noticed, telling him to let Capp know he’s fine. Clarke takes a quick glance down to you then back up to Capp.
“Hey, he didn’t know. It’s all water under the bridge.” Clarke says nodding at Capp who stood tight lipped not daring to make a comment.
“I’m gonna make a quick run to the restroom.” You say excusing yourself from the group.
Once you reach the bathroom door you glance back to Clarke whose eyes haven’t left you this whole time. You give a quick nod towards the door before you enter. Not even 15 seconds later Clarke was barging in behind you chuckling softly. Standing up to hold his bicep you smile at him.
“Thank you for coming tonight…doing that in front of everyone, it really means a lot.” You whisper lightly grazing his jaw.
“I would do it again everyday if it means I get to see that smile again.” He whispers back while covering your hand with his.
Standing on your tippy toes to meet him directly face to face you place a light peck on his lips. After a few seconds Clarke reciprocates this by roaming his hands down your body before grazing over your ass and picking your leg up to dip you.
“I love you future Mrs. Clarke.”
“I love you too, Mr. Clarke”.
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bullet-prooflove · 2 years
Midnights By Taylor Swift Prompt List
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Hi guys, 
I have thrown together a prompt list based on lyrics/themes from Taylor Swift’s new album Midnights!
Feel free to request a prompt from the list for any of your fav chars on my list!
1)     He was doing lines & crossing over mine
2)     I broke his heart
3)     I’m falling in love
4)     I remember
5)     Kiss you in a crowded room
6)     It’s weird but fucking beautiful
7)     Your smoking
8)     He was sunshine
9)     I’ll watch as you’re leaving
10)  Laughing with my feet in your lap
11)  The only kind of girl they see is a one night or a wife
12)  You wanting me
13)  Good girl
14)  Can’t speak
15)  I hear it in your voice
16)  Midnight
17)  Leaving in the middle of the night
18)  The first night you saw me
19)  Sobbing with your head in your hands
20)  You’re terrified
21)  You and I ended up in the same room
22)  Full of cages
23)  Putting up a fight
24)  In the kitchen humming
25)  Break up
26)  Said too much
27)  You did some bad things
28)  They’re bringing up my history but you weren’t even listening
29)  Peering through the window
30)  You’re on your own
31)  One drink
32)  Break down
33)  Running home
34)  Sweet nothings
35)  Your last lie
36)  What did you do?
37)  Swept away
38)  Get it off your chest
39)  Nothing was gonna stop me
40)  Too soft for it
41)  Don’t get sad
42)  Betrayal
43)  The stars aligned
44)  Just what we wanted
45)  Looks can kill
46)  I don’t remember who I was before you
47)  None of it was accidental
48)  Postcard
49)  Dressing for revenge
50)  I don’t start shit, but I can tell you how it ends
51)  That night
52)  Anti Hero
53)  It must be exhausting
54)  I told you
55)  One thing after another
56)  Picture perfect
57)  How’d we end up on the floor anyway?
58)  Can I ask you a question?
59)  Thick as thieves
60)  She had the envelop where do you think she got it from?
61)  Sharp enough to kill a man
62)  Peppermint candy
63)  Scheming like a criminal
64)  Ex-wife
65)  Dancing all night
66)  Everything you lose
67)  Too much
68)  Don’t put me in the basement
69)  Diamonds
70)  Now you’re mine
71)  The liquor in our cocktails
72)  The first night I saw you
73)  Miscommunications
74)  The life I gave away
75)  Had to do it this way
76)  He wanted a bride
77)  I made you my world
78)  Had enough
79)  He never thinks of me
80)  Sweet, kind and fun
81)  Does it feel like everything’s second best
82)  You never cared
83)  Do you have a man?
84)  Lost all meaning
85)  Bad surprise
86)  On your mind
87)  Rise above
88)  Wish that you could touch her
89)  Haunted
90)  I’ll run away
91)  I miss you
92)  I polish up real nice
93)  Looks so pretty
94)  Afraid to jinx it
95)  Get it off my desk
96)  Friendship bracelets
97)  Standing hollow eyed in the hallway
98)  I’ll be damned if I do give a damn what other people say
99)  Don’t know what to say
100) The mark they saw on my collarbone
101) I feel you no matter what
102) I gave my blood, sweat and tears for this
103) I wake up with your memory
104) I have this dream
105) A real fuck’in legacy
106) Breathe in
107) Wake up screaming
108) I’m the problem
109) You can face this
110) It only hurts this much right now
111) Waiting patiently
112) Getting over you
113) Perfect kiss
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lavenderstobins · 2 months
who's who in the dragon age au?????
Bear with, this might get long, so I’ll try and break it down by game.
Dragon Age: Origins
Chrissy is the Warden / the Hero of Ferelden, recruited by senior Grey Warden Ser Robert Buckley. I haven’t yet decided her class. Jason had been one of the recruits too but he either didn’t survive the Joining or was killed when trying to back out of it.
Jeff is the other Grey Warden, essentially filling Alistair’s role. Haven’t yet decided whether to incorporate more of Alistair’s plot for him yet! He’s a warrior.
Eddie and Wayne live in the Wilds. Eddie fills Morrigan’s role initially, with Wayne able to save Chrissy and Jeff at Ostagar—not as Flemeth, but as a passerby. Eddie’s a mage!
Nancy fills Leliana’s role. She’s a former chantry sister and a bard. She and Mike are fleeing from Lothering when they meet the trio. Nancy’s a rogue, Mike is a warrior.
Freak joins them at Redcliffe, where Jeff was raised. I’m thinking Freak is a warrior.
Gareth is a Crow (assassin) sent by Brenner to take out Chrissy. Nancy takes him out with ease and he offers to join them on their journey. He’s a rogue.
Barb also lived in Lothering, but she died in the darkspawn attack. She’d been a chantry sister same as Nancy.
Chrissy makes the ultimate sacrifice in order to end the Blight, leaving Jeff as the only Ferelden Grey Warden. He’s the one who goes to find the cure. The group separate after Chrissy’s death, which brings us to:
Dragon Age 2
Steve and Robin are both simultaneously Varric and Hawke. Steve finds his passion in storytelling and writes about their adventures and Robin ends up with the title Champion of Kirkwall. Steve’s the one with the family estate, Robin’s the one with the blood connection to seal away Henry Creel.
Vickie fills the role of the surviving twin, having escaped Lothering with Robin back when the Blight broke out. She contracts the Taint during the Deep Roads expedition and is saved by Jeff and recruited to be a Grey Warden.
Tommy and Carol fill Bartrand’s role, being behind the Deep Roads expedition. Tommy finds the lyrium idol and it eventually drives him mad, which prompts Carol to seek Steve and Robin out years later (after she and Tommy had abandoned them in the Deep Roads prior).
The Byers run the Darktown clinic. Will’s the apostate healer, with Jonathan and Joyce running the clinic with him and keeping him secret.
Max stole a Qunari relic and is trapped in Kirkwall, just like Isabela.
Lucas and Erica are two rogues who live in Kirkwall, friends with the Byers. Dustin’s also friends with them and has far too much of an interest in runes and magic despite not being a mage.
El’s a former circle mage, now apostate, who escaped the circle with the help of a Templar named Benny. Lucas, Erica, Dustin and El imprint on Steve and Robin like ducklings; I think they’d be getting into trouble in the city and Steve & Robin would intervene once and they’d immediately latch on.
Billy would be Meredith I think, I haven’t thought too much about it. I also don’t have anyone specifically behind the chantry incident at the end of the game yet.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
Nancy’s a nightingale now, still filling Leliana’s role.
Eddie’s the Inquisitor rather than Morrigan, having been at the wrong place at the wrong time. He has the rift anchor in his hand.
Steve, Dustin, Lucas, Erica, Max, El, Jonathan and Joyce come to Skyhold once Skyhold is established. Steve claims to have no clue of Robin’s whereabouts, intending to keep her safe.
Hopper I think would have Cullen’s role, being a templar and an advisor. The other advisors are Mr Clarke, Nancy and Murray.
Briefly mentioned prior, I’ve got Henry Creel/Vecna as Corypheus. Robin’s father (Ser Robert Buckley) sealed him away years ago and Steve & Robin accidentally unleashed him while ironically trying to prevent his release.
Argyle is the potions master. I think Jonathan would become the stable master.
Vickie reappears as the Grey Warden contact for Here Lies the Abyss.
They don’t all fit the characters 1:1, more their roles in the plot, and as you can tell there’s a lot of overall changes! It’s SO fun though I’m having a blast
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I got another one! You’ll love it! 😇
I wanna request this one specifically for you! 76. unrequited love that is now requited, and a kiss that proves it from the a hundred different kisses prompts & “i wish i could hate you.” from the 200 random dialogue prompts with Angelo Parker, your true love ❤️
cant get no peace in this dollhouse. yes the title is a dodie clark song
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
'Would You Be So Kind?' Angelo Parker (Jeff) x fem!reader
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gif from @junglehooks
👔 you were like a lovesick puppy when it came to jeff. some would call it an obsession. it wasn't to you though
👔 the two of you were no strangers; having worked in nxt together in years past, but it was like he never noticed you
👔 kiera couldn't wrap her head around how blind you are. he always asked about you. after all: hogan does know best
👔 what you like to do outside of work. favorite things. how he should approach you
👔 she started to feel caught in the middle so she enlisted the help of one of his stablemates: tay melo. tay was a friend of yours and knew she'd want to assist
👔 tay had tampered with that switchblade comb he carries with him everywhere. you were known as a little tinkerer on the roster so she would direct him to you
👔 "i told you to stop flipping it open and closed when you don't need to." matt scolded. tay piped up to mention you could fix it
👔 "you can ask Y/N. she fixed that stereo for max and anthony, i'm sure she can fix your brush."
👔 "it's a comb, for the millionth time." he corrected her, "where can i find her?" she directed him to catering and texted kiera that the plan was in motion
👔 he found you talking to kiera. whatever it was, you seemed to be passionate about it. he saw your eyes had an even more beautiful shimmer in them as you spoke.
👔 "hey, Y/N, uh, could you maybe," he cleared his throat nervously, "maybe help me with this comb? i don't know what happened to it and i know you're great at fixing things."
👔 you could feel the nerves kicking in and when you turned to kiera, she was gone.
👔 "uh, yeah! sit down and lemme see it?" he quickly took the now vacant seat next to you and handed you the retro hair tool. "how long have you had this? i haven't seen one of these things since my days of going to the barbershop with my nana to pick pop up." you asked as you examined the comb
👔 "i don't remember at this point, couple years now." he put his arm around the back of the chair you were sitting in and leaned closer to you; watching your eyes determine the problem
👔 a moment had passed and "ahha i see! couple screws are a little loose. easy fix." you turned your head and noticed how close he was. "is it something you can do now? it's okay if no-"
👔 he shut his mouth when he saw you remove a pin from your hair and manipulate the shape of it to accommodate the tiny screws. you pulled the loose ones out to check if they were stripped and he couldn't help but watch in awe
👔 how the piece of hair, that was now free from the tiny metal confinement, flowed to frame your pretty face perfectly. your tongue poking out through your teeth and locked in eyes focused on fixing the comb;
👔 truly lost in his own thoughts until your hand waved in front of his face gently "um, jeff? she's all fixed." you handed him the comb but he just sat there after taking it. "can i ask you something?" you nodded your head a bit
👔 "how come, after all the time we spent in nxt, did we not talk?" you thought for a second about answering with a lie. oh i don't know. maybe because you took up half my brain space? almost every other girl we worked with you flirted with but never with me? that for years 'i was completely and irrevocably in love with' you but you never even looked at me? is not what anyone needed to hear... or so you thought
👔 "is that true?" he asked. it had dawned on you that everything just spilled out when it wasn't supposed to. you would have happily taken it to the grave. you sighed, but nodded in defeat. "i thought you didn't like me. or hated me for that matter. i thought there was something wrong with me."
👔 his hand came up to your face and stroked your cheek with his thumb, "hate you? i wish i could hate you. i never thought i had a chance with you. the first day you walked into the performance center i wanted to talk to you." you noticed him looking from your eyes to your lips and back. you couldn't stop yourself from biting your lip nervously
👔 his thumb moved down to pull it from your teeth. he looked in your eyes, silently asking for permission, to which you nodded yes
👔 it was gentle, yet oh so passionate
👔 "i know that one kiss can't make up for all those years lost, but i can try."
lovely taglist babes (form in pin to be added) @josiewrites @wwenhlimagines @plentyoffandoms @sunshinevirus @sultryfandoms @alexisquinnlee-bc @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @1rsolideranna @eddiefrickenmunson @daddyhausen
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hosannachicago · 2 years
Kinktober Masterlist
I’ll fill this in with the pairings, prompts, and links as I post the fics. The categories are the only spoilers you get. 😝 
Week 1 - “Getting all Hetero on Each Other” 
Cunnilingus - Kelly Severide/Gabriela Dawson  
Spanking - Jeff Clarke/Rebecca Jones
Office Sex - Boden/Mrs. Boden 
Exhibitionism - Adam Ruzek/Kim Burgess
Phone Sex - Matthew Casey/Hallie Thomas
Handcuffs - Sylvie Brett/Antonio Dawson
Pegging - Stella Kidd/Kelly Severide
Week 2 - “Gays, Firefighters, and Gay Firefighters” 
Week 3 - “Monogamy. Ever Consider It?” 
Week 4 - “Doing a Lesbian a Favor” 
Week 5 - “Sevasey” 
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your-lovely-rose · 1 year
A word of introduction...
If you’re here, you’ll want to order something. Don’t be shy. Below is a list of what you can ask for (I don't judge, and I’m fine with a lots of dark subjects) - it's a safe zone for everyone.
Before we begin: I won't be angry if one person fills my inbox. It is for you to send me your requests (even if there will be more than 10 or 50 or they even will appear every few minutes). Do you have another idea or do you want me to write you something else? Then send it to me.
Additionally, if you accidentally send me the same request several times (because you thought you deleted it by accident or for other reasons, I don't go into detail) I won’t be angry/upset. I understand that it can happen.
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☞ What I can write?
– Alphabet,
– Headcanons,
– Preference,
– Scenarios,
– Short story (One Shot, Drabble),
Important note: Sometimes things can go wrong and something longer will come out...
☞ Typ fic | Genre:
– Crossovers,
– Death fic,
– Dark fic,
- Horror,
- Angst,
- Case fic,
- Romance,
- Fluff,
- Hurt/Comfort (H/C) | Hurt/No comfort,
- Smut | Suggestive/Lime/Lemon,
☞ Ships ♡ Relationship:
– Reader x Character,
– OC x Character,
– Character x Character (Canon/No canon);
- Polyamorous π
- Male/Female ⚥
- Yaoi ⚣
- Yuri ⚢
- Platonic (relationship/love),
- Forbidden Love | Mutual Pining | Unrequited love,
- Friends with benefits (FWB / FWBR),
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☞ What else can you add to your request?
– Reguest with only one character,
– More than 1 character (I have no limit),
– Type of reader,
– Modifications of characters,
– AU's,
– Things from another fandom/crossover (like mixing characters, worlds, etc.)
– Everything you will see on the blog (prompt, etc),
– Mix 2 types (or more) of prompts (but write me what is of what),
– Links - if you think I can't handle something, I don't know something or you just want to be more sure that your request will be accepted give me a link with additional information.
⚠ Various kinks/parafilia (Minors Do Not Interact!),
Note: if you send me a request from your profile (not as anon) it may happen that I will write to you if I need help with the request (or to let you know how my work on it is going).
☞ Dark theme (trigger/warnings), which you can choose:
– Abortion,
– Abuse/Torture/Violence,
– Arranged & Forced Marriage,
– Blackmail,
– Blood/Gore,
– Cannibalism,
– Death (execution, murder, suicide, etc),
– Degradation/Humiliation,
– Drugging,
– Incest/Stepcest (+ pseudo),
– Infertility,
– Kidnapping,
– Manipulation,
– Phobia/Anxiety,
– Prostitution,
– Rape/Sexual assault (Non-con/Dub-con),
– Risk Aware Consensual Kink,
– Stalking,
– Starving,
– Stockholm Syndrome,
– Unplanned Pregnancy,
– Yandere (obsessive/possessive behaviour),
⚠ What I do not write?
– Most illnesses,
– Scat,
– Things that I don't know,
– Phedophilia/Grooming,
– Real person/people fiction (RPF is a fan fiction works, that tell stories about real people, usually celebrities, instead of fictional characters) - I can only write to a fictional character played by an actor (like: Buggy, Draco Malfoy, Connor RK800, Steve Harrington, Eliza Esposito, Harley Quinn, Daenerys Targaryen), but to the actor/actress (Jeff Ward, Thomas Felton, Bryan Dechart, Joe Keery, Sally Hawkins, Margot Robbie, Emilia Clarke), model or singer, to a real person - no.
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If you're not sure about something check here for the answer already [Ask] →
That’s all for now, but the tags/things may change or add as needed in future. If you are unsure, you can always shoot me an ask for clarification.
I don't bite ♡
~ Your Lovely Rose
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steddiekinkmeme · 18 days
This page will be updated regularly. Since we are brand new, here's a basic list to get ideas flowing!
Steve Harrington
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Billy Hargrove
Chrissy Cunningham
Tommy Hagan
Carol Perkins
Jason Carver
Henry Creel
Unnamed Freak
Heather Holloway
Tammy Thompson
Fred Benson
Patrick McKinney
Kali Prasad
Jane Hopper/Eleven
Max Mayfield
Mike Wheeler
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Erica Sinclair
Suzie Bingham
Joyce Byers
Jim Hopper
Wayne Munson
Sam Owens
Martin Brenner
Ted Wheeler
Karen Wheeler
Scott Clarke
Alan Munson
Neil Hargrove
Lonnie Byers
Susan Hargrove
Dmitri Antonov
Phil Callahan
Calvin Powell
Ms. Kelley
Kas Eddie
Flayed Billy
tbd (to be decided upon prompt submissions)
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alaminshorkar76 · 2 years
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seriouslyyoujest · 2 years
This milwaukee health services link represents #2 of 7 or 8, and documents past thyroid script info... as well as other info. That I will be uploading to address the insidious nature of the criminal conspiracy, which I find myself immersed in; because of what can only be concluded to be the dereliction of duty of a departmental office. Where the now disgraced Doj official, that has been identified as the 2020 coup plotter once officiated over. Before it was decided that this lowly office, that oversees the civil protections of the citizens of the USA wasn't high enough for him. Which my friends would seem to be the catalyst for the uploads of the criminal activities; surrounding this broad based, criminal conspiracy, centered at my headquarters. Where we are continuing from where we left off yesterday, with respect to the milwaukee health services link #2; surrounding a suspicious script increase; that would be brought to my attention... only after receiving an overtly ominous, but vague warning, by a third party-coached clown duo, believed to be a part of Jeffrey Mack's extended family. As for those whom didn't know, was the stalking suspect at the center of the US Doj, civil rights complaint; to the office of the now disgraced Doj official Jeffrey Clark in 2015. Which when we left off yesterday, where I was counting the most recent medical discrepancies that have nonsense written ALL over them on their own... despite being flanked with the amature presence of Jeffrey Mack's family members, as well as other members of national security/ aka the enablers of nonsense being detected at every venue. As I spoke of the colonoscophy referral/ appointment, that mysteriously manifested itself into a gall bladder and liver ultra sound exam, where I would be met at the check in of Mt. Siani hospital in milwaukee, Wisconsin. By one of Jeff Mack's relatives; whom are undoubtedly as key in this criminal conspiracy as they were in the illicit escapades of the wayward degenerate... who's sadistic ambitions, much like Jeffrey Clark's. Went WELL beyond the scope of their job description, where they would contradict the capacity they were designed to work within. Nevertheless, the family member met at check, would have seemed to delegate her stalking duties to a suspicious looking, over weight caucasion woman whom I met in the upper lobby of the prospective clinic. Whom would match the stereotypical M.O. of many of the enablers, that were currently creeping around my headquarters; because of initiatives put in place by national security can, ben carson. Who's job description as Housing secretary, afforded him the latitude to make such arbitrarily rhetorical decisions; that would deceivingly have nothing whatsoever to do with saving the tax payers money... much like that of the misleading talking point of lowering taxes, go figure lol.... Needless to say, that THIS scenario would remind me of other similarly suspicious one's; like a recent visit to a milwaukee area dentist. Who's purposely wreckless decision to over drill a filling;that would in turn prompt an ear ringing sensation that was endured for over a year... while I needlessly aimed to address the matter. That the dentist in question wasn't of ANY help with, as this one time milwaukee dental services dentist no longer worked at the clinic... ain't that something. As one can only imagine the motive behind nonsense's influence of this calculated procedure. Which clearly couldn't be for the purpose of prompting one to seek out clinical treatments for sleep disorders, that would have been pursued by ANYONE with common sense on their OWN merit! N,, if these rather obvious , similiar scenarios weren't enough of a clue of nonsense's involvement. Then surely, the added obviousness of amatuer prostitute, surveillers... most of which related to the person whom is in debt for the preferential favors received via elected officials, that are responsible for said suspect not being in prison as we speak... would be. As the dental procedure case, which happened in mid 21 (cont on MHS link #3)
0 notes
A list of my old writing that you can request I revise
Song Prompts
Meeting and Dating Headcanons~
Pretty in Pink
Andie Walsh
Duckie Dale
Blane McDonagh
Steff McKee
Sixteen Candles 
Jake Ryan
The Lost Boys
Poly Lost Boys
Edgar Frog
The Breakfast Club
Brian Johnson
John Bender
Andrew Clark
The Outsiders
Sodapop Curtis
Dallas Winston
Two-Bit Mathews
Steve Hays
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Cameron Frye
Karate Kid
Daniel Larusso
Johnny Lawrence
Veronica Sawyer
Jason Dean
Fast Times at Ridgemont High
Jeff Spicoli
Brad Hamilton
Better Off Dead 
Lane Meyer
Weird Science
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Dream A Little Dream
Dinger Holfield
Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan 
Dating Poly Bill and Ted 
The Princess Bride
Inigo Montoya
Interview with the Vampire
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Children of the Corn
Malachai Boardman
National Lampoons 
Rusty Griswold (European Vacation)
Cant Buy Me Love
Kenneth Wurman
The Chocolate War
Jerry Renault
Archie Costello
The Mighty Ducks
Fulton Reed
Dean Portman
Adam Banks
Les Averman
Brian Schwartz
Anthony ‘Meat’ Tuperello
Tommy Turner
Tim Cavanaugh
Mickey Jarvis
Just One of the Guys
Terry Griffith
Greg Tolan
Dead Poets Society 
Neil Perry
Todd Anderson
Charlie Dalton
Knox Overstreet
Steven Meeks
Earth Girls are Easy
Combat Academy 
Perry Barnett
Waynes World
Garth Algar
Austin Powers
Austin Powers
Toy Soldiers
Ricardo Montoya
Good Will Hunting
Chuckie Sullivan
10 Things I Hate About You
Joey Donner
My Bodyguard
Ricky Linderman
Melvin Moody
Stand and Deliver
Angel Guzman
Something Wild 
Ray Sinclair
Three O’Clock High 
Buddy Revell
Young Guns
Jose Chavez y Chavez
Billy the Kid
Doc Scurlock
Dazed and Confused
Benny O’Donnell
Don Dawson
Kevin Pickford
Randall “Pink” Floyd
Fred O’Bannion
Mitch Kramer
Ron Slater
Shavonne Wright
Eddie Birdlace
Freddy Renfield
Robert ‘Rabbit’ Nurick
Stand by me 
Ace Merrill
School Ties
Rip Van Kelt 
Chris Reece
The Untouchables
Eliot Ness
The Godfather
Tom Hagen
(Young) Vito Corleone
(Old) Vito Corleone
Henry Hill
Little Shop of Horrors
Seymour Krelborn
Near Dark
Friday the 13th
Jason Voorhees
Billy Loomis 
Poly Billy and  Stu
Stu Macher
The Craft
Nancy Downs
Hocus Pocus
Max Dennison
Thackery Binx
Lydia Deetz
Adam Maitland
The Crow
Eric Draven
Ray Stantz
An American Werewolf in London
Jack Goodman
Sleepaway Camp
Ricky Thomas
Herbert West
Silence of the Lambs
Clarice Starling
Fright Night
Jerry Dandridge
Daniel Robitaille
The Evil Dead
Ash Williams
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
Harvey Kinkle
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Full Metal Jacket
Sgt. Hartman
Animal Mother
Preference~ the boys with an s/o whose ex stalks them
Total Recall
Douglas Quaid
Requested “Would Includes” and Imagines/Fics~
Darry falling for Johnny’s sister
Allison Reynolds dating a shy nerdy girl
Starting a family with Cameron Frye
Making out with Cameron Frye
Cameron Frye comforting you when you’re upset
Getting drunk with the Ferris Bueller crew
Gary Wallace dating a tall girl
George Mcfly with a dominant flirty s/o
Comforting and being comforted by Will Hunting
Will Hunting having a crush on you
Being apart of the good will hunting gang
Armand with a virgin s/o (including nsfw)
Lestat and Louis dating a girl who loves horror movies
Making out with Duckie Dale
Duckie Dale cheering you up
Cliff having a crush on you
Making out with Cliff
Making out with Bryce
Bryce having a crush on you
The Lost Boys with an s/o having an anxiety attack + fighting depression
The Lost Boys with a sweet and innocent s/o
The Lost Boys with a curvy mate
The Lost Boys fighting with their mates
The Lost Boys dating a shy short girl
The Lost Boys taking care of you when you’re hurt
Getting drunk with the Lost Boys would include
David x Laddies older sister
Making out with Edgar Frog
Being Married to Archie Costello
Going to the beach with Archie Costello
Making out with Archie Costello
Darrys girlfriend landing a job at a local cafe as a singer
Making out with Kenneth Wurman
Being Cindys friend and Ronalds crush
Harold Sherbico having a crush
Kim Kelly dating her polar opposite
Neil Perry dating an artist
Making out with Charlie Dalton
Jealous Charlie Dalton
Jealous Knox Overstreet
A study date with Steven Meeks
Spending the winter season with Neil Perry
Comforting Charlie Dalton after he gets expelled 
The dead poets walking in on Charlie and his secret, shy girlfriend 
Simon Boggs having a crush on Laneys friend
Faking It-Cindy Mancini falling for the girl who paid her to be her friend
Spike having a crush on you
Steff McKee having a crush on you
Marko having a crush on you
David having a crush on you 
Paul having a crush on you
Dwayne having a crush on you
Dwayne x vampire reader who dresses like Stevie Nicks
Making out with Keith Nelson
Meat having a crush on Peewees sister
Admit it- Mickey Jarvis and his future s/o having crushes on each other
Being a part of team USA and meeting Adam and Charlie
Dwayne Robertson having a crush on you
Sleepover with Bill and Ted (including nsfw)
Being pregnant with Ted Logans child
Starring in the schools Romeo and Juliet with Ted Logan
Ted Logan asking you to be his valentine
Spending Valentines day with Steff McKee
Spending Valentines day with Steven Meeks
Spending Valentines day with Keith Nelson
Spending your first Valentines day with Bryce
Wishing I Was Her (Nick Andopolis)
If You Want Out Just Say It (Ace Merrill)
Going on the Ferris adventure
Going on your own adventure with Cameron Frye
Making out with Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Travelling back in time with Marty McFly
Tommy Devito dating a chubby artist
Years Gone By (Michael Corleone)
Sonny Corleone dating his opposite
Phillipe Gaston x reader~ Fairy Tale 
Being Fulton's sister and Dating Dean Portman
Comforting Todd when he’s upset
Being married to Bill S. Preston Esquire
Being married to Ted Logan
Spending Halloween/October with Knox Overstreet
Making out with Knox
A will they, won’t they relationship with Seth Brundle
Falling in love with Edward Scissorhands
Dwayne Hicks with an Android!Technician s/o
Private Joker dating an artist 
Jareth falling in love with you
Being married to Matt Hooper and going to Amity
The way you make me feel~ John Bender
Being in a long term relationship with JD
J.D. with a chronically ill s/o
Archie with a chronically ill s/o
Making out with Ted Logan
Archibald Craven falling in love
Andy Dufresne falling in love
Nsfw Headcanons~ 
Group sex with the lost boys
Sam Emerson
Threesome with Obie and Archie
Archie Costello
(sub) Archie Costello
Johnny Cade
Cameron Frye
Duckie Dale
John Bender
Randy (Intruder)
Joey Donner
Kenneth Wurman
Keith Nelson
The Dead Poets Kinks
Knox Overstreet
Charlie Dalton
Steven Meeks
Todd Anderson
Neil Perry
Gerard Pitts
John Bender taking your virginity
Louis de Pointe du Lac
Dinger Holfield
The Lost Boys
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
Benny O’donnell
Fred O’Bannion
Johnny Walker
George Mcfly
Brian Moreland
(sub) Perry Barnett 
Bill S. Preston Esquire
Ted Logan
Randy Meeks
Michael Emerson
Nancy Downs
Ray Stantz
Egon Spengler
Angel Guzman
Sgt. Hartman
Brad Hamilton
Douglas Quaid
Chris (night of the creeps)
Sonny Corleone with a shy, virgin s/o
George Mcfly getting jealous and being dominant
Grease Monkey (Keith Nelson smut)
Sins of the flesh and matters of the heart (David x reader + Dwayne smut)
3K notes · View notes
gdwessel · 2 years
Otani Surgery Successful, Treatment Begins; NJPW Windy City Riot 4/16/2022: Surprise Return & Juice Robinson Farewell; NJPW, AJPW, Joshi Summit Shows for Korakuen Hall 60th Anniversary 4/15 + 4/16/2022; AJPW Champion Carnival, STARDOM Cinderella, DDT, Tokyo Joshi, Dragon Gate, NOAH Results
Shinjiro Otani had a surgery on Wednesday on his spine, for the cervical spinal injury he suffered last Sunday in the main event of ZERO1’s show at Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan. It was said the procedure “went as planned,” and Otani has now been moved to another hospital to begin the next phase of his treatment and hopeful recovery. Otani’s wife Eriko also released a statement (translated by POST Wrestling):
"I married a professional wrestler, Shinjiro Otani, so I was prepared to accept a situation like this, but when I think of Shinjiro’s disappointment, I cry. However, we will not look down, but forward, and with the help of pro wrestling, we will continue to support Mr. Shinjiro. We will do our best with your warm support. We hope that you will continue to watch over us warmly. Finally, I would like to ask for your continued support for Zero One and all the wrestlers that Mr. Shinjiro has been protecting."
As ever, we’ll keep you posted.
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New Japan Pro Wrestling
Last night in my neck of the woods (or really, 20 minutes south of my neck of the woods), New Japan of America ran Windy City Riot, a live PPV event in Japanese on NJPWWorld, and in English on FITE TV. Apparently the FITE TV feed has issues, and from comments seen on Twitter, this is not the first time this has been an issue with the English live feeds on FITE TV (I have never watched any so I don’t know for certain).
I was actually in attendance for this one, my first live wrestling event since AEW Revolution 2020. I missed the first couple of matches due to parking issues, and also the massive line of people that was still outside even after the show started. I ended up actually being sat with a whole bunch of Rocky Romero’s extended family members, including his mother, whom I talked to and is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met on this planet.
Windy City Riot - 4/16/2022 Odeum Expo Center, Villa Park, IL (FITE TV)
Rocky Romero [CHAOS] & Wheeler Yuta [AEW] d. Kevin Knight & The DKC (9:30)
QT Marshall, Aaron Solow & Nick Comoroto [AEW] d. Karl Fredericks, Yuya Uemura & Clark Connors (Marshall > Uemura, Diamond Cutter, 11:56)
Chris Dickinson, Ren Narita, Fred Rosser, Alex Coughlin & Josh Alexander [Impact] d. Danny Limelight, Black Tiger, JR Kratos, Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs [Team Filthy] (Rosser > Tiger, Crossface Chickenwing, 13:50)
NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: “Filthy” Tom Lawlor [Team Filthy] (c) d. Yuji Nagata (Strangle Knee, 13:57) - Lawlor succeeds his 9th defense
Jeff Cobb, Great O-Khan, Aaron Henare, TJP, Mark Davis & Kyle Fletcher [United Empire] d. Scott Norton, Karl Anderson [Bullet Club], Doc Gallows [Bullet Club], Chris Bey [Bullet Club], Hikuleo [Bullet Club] & El Phantasmo [Bullet Club] (Fletcher > Bey, Corealis, )
Chicago Street Fight: Juice Robinson, David Finlay Jr. & Brody King [AEW] d. JONAH, Shane Haste & Bad Dude Tito (Finlay > JONAH, Acid Drop, 24:11)
U-S-Of-Jay Open Challenge: Jay White [Bullet Club] d. Shota Umino (Blade Runner, 15:45)
Tomohiro Ishii [CHAOS] d. Minoru Suzuki [SZKG] (Vertical Drop Brainbuster, 18:46)
Jon Moxley [AEW] d. Will Ospreay [United Empire] (Death Rider, 21:24)
The finish of the main was kinda screwy. A very bloody Mox hit two Death Riders on Ospreay, which lead to a 2.9 count but the bell was rung regardless. Mox then applied a bulldog choke on Ospreay to “fix” the finish, and then hit a Death Rider on the ref before getting a mic. Moxley then declared he actually had respect for Ospreay now for stepping up, and called out Hiroshi Tanahashi one last time, to meet him at Capitol Collision in Washington, DC, on 5/14/2022, or else.
Tomohiro Ishii beat Minoru Suzuki, which prompted a challenge from AEW’s Eddie Kingston, also at the DC show; Brody King challenged Suzuki for the same.
The big surprise opponent for Jay White was introduced via video of Jon Moxley, saying “Go get him, Shooter!” Which was amazing. Shota Umino wrestles his first NJPW match of any kind since his final match in the 12th Young Lions Cup on 9/22/2019, having been in RevPro ever since, including during the pandemic. He looked amazing, very much in a Hiroshi Tanahashi mold, despite the obvious Moxley connection. Hopefully he’ll be back in the NJPW very soon.
Whilst we got one return, we also got what was very definitely a farewell, as it’s become publicly stated that Juice Robinson is not renewing with NJPW once his contract runs out at the end of this month. Indeed, the interview where he said this has him saying he may not return to wrestling at all, as he “doesn’t have the urge to wrestle really anymore.”  He is currently engaged to AEW’s Toni Storm, so he may be able to live vicariously on that Tony Khan money for a little while. In any event, he hugged it out with Finlay post-match, and gave a very extended goodbye, including to a cheering section that was very clearly for him with signs and everything. Whatever he ends up doing, hope he does well. A big part of that match saw both Juice v. Tito and Brody King v. Shane Haste in my area of the seating, so that was fun.
I was also very pleased to see Great O-Khan live, and he even gave a post-match promo as the Empire beat the Bullet Club. There were too many people in that match; Scott Norton is now apparently part of the Bullet Club, betraying TEAM2000 (With Cheeseburger) in the process. Also, Norton was good for a couple of bumps and a suplex or two, but that was about it. Nagata goaded Lawlor into making their match a title match, which Lawlor won.
There were no announcements or teases about the rumored AEW + NJPW joint promoted show in Chicago that has been the talk of Wrestling Twitter this weekend. It looks like anything to do with that will be coming up on AEW Dynamite this Wednesday, as Tony Khan may want to deliver this message on his own.
All in all, it was a pretty fun return to live wrestling, especially for a show I was initially iffy about for various reasons. It does not appear that there was an NJPW Strong episode last night either, so there’s one less thing I need to write up.
Tomorrow begins the Golden Fight Series tour in Japan. As for what the rest of the roster were up to this week? See below….
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Korakuen Hall 60th Anniversary
This weekend saw two shows commemorating the 60th Anniversary, having first opened on 4/16/1962. In addition to its status as the place to go for pro wrestling (indeed, for some promotions Korakuen Hall is the biggest show they run), there were boxing matches held here during the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. I don’t exactly know why they chose not to do the same in the 202(1) Olympiad, but here we are.
Two shows were run here. On Friday, a joshi summit card, with wrestlers from all sorts of companies taking part in the event, while Saturday had a joint AJPW/NJPW 50th Anniversary show. The shows were shown on SKYPerfect TV, so I am assuming they will be available at some point, on NJPWWorld if nothing else for the Saturday event. Attendances for these shows were listed at 1251 and 1588 – if that is the case, that is the highest Korakuen Hall attendance for either NJPW or AJPW since before COVID-19. It makes me wonder if restrictions are looser now, or Korakuen Hall is simply not following them.
Show results:
Korakuen Hall 60th Anniversary Festival: Joshi Pro Wrestling Dream Festival - 4/15/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall
Maria [Marvelous] TLD Riko Kawahata [T-HEARTS] (10:00)
Asahi [Ice Ribbon], Crea [PURE-J], Kaho Matsushita [Ice Ribbon] d. Madeleine [Diana], Nanami [Diana] & Kanon [Sendai Girls] (Crea > Kanon, Sky de Special, 9:24)
Yuki Miyazaki [WAVE], Hirota Sakura [WAVE] & Hibiscus Mii [Ryukyu Dragon] d. Tomoko Watanabe [Marvelous], Kaori Yoneyama [YMZ] & Yuki Mashiro [Ice Ribbon] (Miyazaki > Mashiro, Moonsault Press, 13:03)
Koguma [STARDOM], Manami [Sendai Girls] & Chie Ozora [PURE-J] d. Yuko Sakurai [COLOR’S], Rico Kaiji [SEAdLINNNG] & Lady C [STARDOM] (Koguma > Sakurai, Diving Body Press, 8:52)
Kyoko Inoue [Diana], Sonoko Kato [OZ Academy] & Leon [PURE-J] d. AKINO [OZ Academy], Ayako Sato [Diana] & Rydeen Hagane [PURE-J] (Inoue > Hagane, lariat, 10:21)
Tsukasa Fujimoto [Ice Ribbon] & Arisa Nakajima [SEAdLINNNG] d. Yurika Oka [Sendai Girls] & Ai Hozan [Marvelous] (Fujimoto > Hozan, Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex Hold, 9:34)
Unagi Sayaka & Mina Shirakawa [STARDOM] TLD Rin Kadokura [Marvelous] & Haruka Umesaki [Diana] (15:00)
Chihiro Hashimoto [Sendai Girls] & Yuu [EVE] d. MIRAI [STARDOM] & Maika Ozaki [FREE] (Hashimoto > Ozaki, Albright, 18:51)
Mayumi Ozaki [OZ Academy], Maya Yukihi [FREE] & Starlight Kid [STARDOM] d. Nagisa Nozaki [WAVE], SAKI [COLOR’S] & Takumi Iroha [Marvelous] (Kid > SAKI, Eternal Foe, 29:31)
Starlight spit mist to set up her win. Ozaki questioned it, but understood as she has been a heel in the past too. STARDOM’s champion Syuri stared down Chihiro after the semi-main. Sayaka/Shirakawa will be going to Diana on 4/29/2022 (the date of STARDOM’s big show at Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium) ti challenge for the WWWD tag team titles from Haruka Umesaki & Miyuki Takase.
Korakuen Hall 60th Anniversary Festival: 50th Anniversary New Japan Pro Wrestling + All Japan Pro Wrestling - 4/16/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall
Kosei Fujita d. Ryo Inoue (Boston Crab, 9:32)
Yoshitatsu, Ryusuke Taguchi & Master Wato d. Takao Omori, Yuto Nakashima & Ryohei Oiwa (Yoshitatsu > Oiwa, Backdrop Hold, 8:01)
TAJIRI [TOTAL ECLIPSE] & Toru Yano [CHAOS] d. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG] & Black Menso-re (TAJIRI > Menso-re, Samson Clutch, 10:12)
Tetsuya Naito, Shingo Takagi, Hiromu Takahashi & BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] d. Yuma Aoyagi [NEXTREAM], Atsuki Aoyagi [NEXTREAM], Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma (Naito > Honma, Destino, 17:25)
Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI & YOH [CHAOS] d. Suwama, Shotaro Ashino & Dan Tamura [Evolution] (Goto > Tamura, Shoto, 13:47)
Hiroshi Tanahashi & Kento Miyahara [NEXTREAM] TLD Jake Lee [TOTAL ECLIPSE] & Taichi [SZKG] (30:00)
Tanahashi invited Jake Lee to come to NJPW any time. Kento said he wanted to face Tana once again in the ring, which Tana was all into as well. This is, I believe, Kosei Fujita’s first ever victory!
And while we are talking AJPW...
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All Japan Pro Wrestling
Champion Carnival rolled on Friday with another round of matches:
Champion Carnival 2022 Night 5 - 4/15/2022, Tokyo Shinkiba 1st-RING
Hikaru Sato & Dan Tamura [Evolution] d. Izanagi & Ryo Inoue (Tamura > Inoue, Boston Crab, 9:21)
TAJIRI & Koji Doi [TOTAL ECLIPSE] d. Takao Omori & Black Menso-re (Doi > Menso-re, Hitogoroshi Lariat, 8:42) 
Jake Lee, Hokurto Omori & Yusuke Kodama [TOTAL ECLIPSE] d. Kento Miyahara, Atsushi Aoyagi & Rising HAYATO [NEXTREAM] (Omori > HAYATO, Narcissist Roll, 9:53)
Champion Carnival A Block: Shigehiro Irie d. Ryuki Honda [TOTAL ECLIPSE] (Flying Headbutt, 10:08)
Champion Carnival B Block: Yuma Aoyagi [NEXTREAM] d. Yoshitatsu (Pinfall counter, 9:11)
Champion Carnival A Block: Shuji Ishikawa d. Shotaro Ashino [Evolution] (Splash Mountain, 12:36)
Champion Carnival B Block: Suwama [Evolution] d. Kuma Arashi [TOTAL ECLIPSE] (Backdrop Hold, 14:48)
Here are the current standings after Day 5:
A Block T-Hawk: 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Irie: 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Ishikawa: 4pts (2W 0D 2L) Ashino: 4pts (2W 0D 2L) Lee: 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Honda: 0pts (0W 0D 3L)
B Block Suwama: 5pts (2W 1D 1L) Aoyagi: 4pts (2W 0D 1L) Nomura: 4pts (2W 0D 2L) Miyahara: 3pts (1W 1D 1L) Arashi: 2pts (1W 0D 2L) Yoshitatsu: 2pts (1W 0D 2L)
Suwama suddenly takes the lead in B Block with Yuma breathing down his neck. All tied up in A Block, except for Honda, who is still winless.
AJPW takes a break until Saturday from Chiba, continuing Champion Carnival.
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STARDOM resumed the Cinderella Tournament 2022 with a show from Tokyo Korakuen Hall. They are listing this one at 1151 attendance, lending credence to the idea that Korakuen Hall, at least, is no longer restricting attendance numbers since we are getting back to what they were pre-pandemic. The second round wrapped up here, as well as the quarterfinals.
Cinderella Tournament 2022 - 4/17/2022, Tokyo Korakuen Hall
Thekla [Donna del Mondo] d. Lady C [Queen’s Quest] (Leg Roll Clutch, 5:35)
Hanan, Hazuki & Momo Kohgo [STARS] d. Tam Nakano, Mina Shirakawa & Waka Tsukiyama [Cosmic Angels] (Hazuki > Tsukiyama, Michinoku Driver II, 8:22)
Utami Hayashishita, AZM, Saya Kamitani, Hina & Miyu Amasaki [Queen’s Quest] d. Ruake, Rina, Starlight Kid, Momo Watanabe & Fukigen Death [Oedo Tai] (Hina > Ruaka, 11:18)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 2nd Round: Saya Iida [STARS] d. Mai Sakurai [Donna del Mondo] (Iidaiwa, 5:52)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 2nd Round: Natsupoi [Donna del Mondo] d. Unagi Sayaka [Cosmic Angels] (Fairy Train, 4:45)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 2nd Round: Koguma [STARS] d. Giulia [Donna del Mondo] (OTTR, 7:38)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 2nd Round: Saki Kashima [Oedo Tai] d. Mayu Iwatani [STARS] (Kishikaisei, 0:17)
Syrui & Ami Sorei [God’s Eye] TLD Maika & Himeka [Donna del Mondo] (15:00)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 Quarterfinal: Koguma [STARS] d. Saya Iida [STARS] (120% Schoolboy, 4:52)
Cinderella Tournament 2022 Quarterfinal: MIRAI [God’s Eye] d. Saki Kashima [Oedo Tai] (Miramare, 6:47)
With this, the semifinals are now set for the tournament final show on 4/29/2022 from Tokyo Ota Ward Gymnasium, that will also feature two title matches. The semis are Hazuki v. Koguma, and MIRAI v. Natsupoi. STARDOM’s next show is Saturday 4/23/2022 from Hyogo Kobe Sambo Hall.
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DDT / Tokyo Joshi
Marika Kobashi has retired from pro wrestling (at least for now, until she finishes college), and her retirement show was today in Tokyo Joshi.
TJPW Spring Tour ‘22 - 4/17/2022, Tokyo Ryogoku KFC Hall (Wrestle Universe)
Hikari Noa & Nao Kakuta d. Yuki Aino & Pom Harajuku (Noa > Harajuku, Rotating Foot Hold, 8:59)
Miyu Yamashita, Raku & Yuki Arai d. Rika Tatsumi, Yuki Kamifuku & Mahiro Kiryu (Yamashita > Kiryu, Attitude Adjustment, 12:50)
Yuka Sakazaki & Mizuki d. Maki Itoh & Haruna Neko (Sakazaki > Neko, Magical Merry-Go-Round, 13:45)
Hyper Misao, Miu Watanabe & Moka Miyamoto d. Shoko Nakajima, Suzume & Arisu Endo (Misao > Endo, Hypami Returns, 12:52)
Marika Kobashi Graduation Commemorative 1 v. 20 Handicap Tag Match: Shoko Nakajima, Yuka Sakazaki, Mizuki, Maki Itoh, Miyu Yamashita, Rika Tatsumi, Hyper Misao, Yuki Aino, Miu Watanabe, Raku, Hikari Noa, Nao Kakuta, Yuki Kamifuku, Suzume, Arisu Endo, Moka Miyamoto, Pom Harajuku, Haruna Neko, Mahiro Kiryu & Yuki Arai  d. Marika Kobashi - All 20 Wrestlers > Kobashi, Goodnight Express, 2:26 - Raku > Kobashi, Front Neck Lock, 17:41 - Yamashita > Kobashi, Attitude Adjustment, 21:10
Kobashi said she is focusing on graduating and doing new things that will help her be a more rounded wrestler, and hopes to return to TJPW some day, as well as actually beat Abdullah Kobayashi. Hyper Misao gets a win on her way to challenging Shoko Nakajima, using Nakajima’s title belt as a weapon both pre- and during the match.
Meanwhile, DDT posted the semi-finals to the King Of Street Wrestling tournament yesterday.
King of Street Wrestling - 4/16/2022, various (Wrestle Universe)
King of Street Wrestling Semi-Final – Shizuoka Fumotoppara: Chris Brookes d. Hikaru Machida (Octopus Stretch on top of a tree, 22:24)
King of Street Wrestling Semi-Final – Kanagawa Ofuronokuni: Abdullah Kobayashi [BJW] d. Shunma Katsumata [The 37KAMIINA] (Bakachinga Elbow into a bubble bath, 22:07)
The first match was at a campground. The second was at a public bath house. The final is Brookes v. Abdullah, which will be shown 4/23/2022, taking place at a Sengoku battle site in Kawanakajima in Nagano Prefecture.
DDT also ran a show with indie promotion ONLY WE.
DDT / ONLY WE Max Bump 2022 Tour In Chiba - 4/17/2022, Chiba 2AW Square (Wrestle Universe)
Soma Takao d. Yuya Koroku (Official Endless Waltz, 8:41)
Danshoku Dino & Yuki Iino [Pheromones] NC Chris Brookes & Antonio Honda (11:33)
Kazusada Higuchi, Yukio Sakaguchi & Hideki Okatani [Eruption] d. Hiroshi Yamato, Naomi Yoshimura & Yuki Ishida (Higuchi > Ishida, Brain Claw Slam, 9:20)
Yukio Naya & KANON d. Akito & Shunma Katsumata [The 37KAMIINA] (Naya > Katsumata, Backdrop Hold, 13:20)
Tetsuya Endo, Jun Akiyama & Yusuke Okada [Burning] d. Yuki Ueno, MAO & Toi Kojima [The 37KAMIINA] (Okada > Kojima, Sudden Death, 20:29)
HARASHIMA [DISASTER BOX], Yuji Hino & Quiet Storm d. Daisuke Sasaki [DAMNATION TA], Shogun Okamoto & Akira Raijin (Storm > Raijin, 50cm Arm Lariat, 14:13)
DDT next run on 4/22/2022 from Tokyo Shinjuku FACE.
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Dragon Gate
The Gate of Passion 2022 tour resumed on Saturday. Earlier today, the company held a matinee and evening show from Fukuoka, both of which were streamed live on DG Network.
The Gate of Passion 2022 Night 8 - 4/16/2022, Nagasaki Heiwakaikan Hall
Kota Minoura, Naruki Doi & Kaito Ishida [Gold Class] d. Yosuke Santa Maria, Strong Machine J & Takuma Fujiwara (Minoura > Fujiwara, R-301, 11:12)
Shun Skywalker [Z-Brats] d. Ishin Iihashi (Moonsault Knee Drop, 10:03)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka [D’Courage] d. KAI & SB KENTo [Z-Brats] (Dia > KENTo, DQ, 10:00)
Jason Lee d. U-T [Natural Vibes] (Inside Cradle, 7:52)
Ultimo Dragon, Eita & Yasushi Kanda d. BxB Hulk, HYO & Diamante [Z-Brats] (Kanda > HYO, Inside Cradle, 9:28)
YAMATO, Dragon Kid, Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] d. Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka, Big Boss Shimizu & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (YAMATO > Kamei, Galleria, 18:02)
The Gate of Passion 2022 Night 9 Afternoon Show - 4/17/2022, Fukuoka Acros Fukuoka (DG Network)
Kota Minoura, Naruki Doi & Kaito Ishida [Gold Class] d. Big Boss [Natural Vibes], U-T [Natural Vibes] & Takuma Fujiwara (Minoura > Fujiwara, R-301, 11:28)
Masaaki Mochizuki d. Stan Ichikawa (Lariat, 0:13)
Ultimo Dragon, Dragon Kid [HIGH-END] & Ben-K [HIGH-END] d. Eita, Yosuke Santa Maria & Ishin Iihashi (Ben-K > Ishin, Spear, 11:45)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka [D’Courage] d. YAMATO & Keisuke Okuda [HIGH-END] (Yoshioka > Okuda, Frog Splash, 12:11)
BxB Hulk & HYO [Z-Brats] d. Jason Lee & Strong Machine J (HYO > J, Nekotamashi, 8:56)
KAI, SB KENTo, Shun Skywalker & Diamante [Z-Brats] d. Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka, Genki Horiguchi & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (Skywalker > Kamei, SSW, 14:44)
Some sort of drama happened between Ultimo Dragon and the members of HIGH-END. Shun basically abducted Jason Lee after the semi-main, leading to…
The Gate of Passion 2022 Night 9 Evening Show - 4/17/2022, Fukuoka Acros Fukuoka (DG Network)
Kzy, Susumu Yokosuka & U-T [Natural Vibes] d. KAI, BxB Hulk & HYO [Z-Brats] (Yokosuka > HYO, Yokosuka Cutter, 11:21)
Eita d. Ishin Iihashi (Boston Crab, 8:34)
Shun Skywalker [Z-Brats] & Jason Lee d. Big Boss Shimizu & Jacky “Funky” Kamei [Natural Vibes] (Lee > Kamei, Maximum Driver, 11:22)
Yosuke Santa Maria, Strong Machine J & Takuma Fujiwara d. Ultimo Dragon, Masaaki Mochizuki & Genki Horiguchi [Natural Vibes] (J > Horiguchi, Machine Suplex, 9:00)
Masaaki Mochizuki d. Stan Ishikawa (Udegatame, 5:44)
Dragon Dia & Yuki Yoshioka [D’Courage] d. SB KENTo & Diamante [Z-Brats] (Dia > KENTo, DQ, 8:03)
Kota Minoura, Naruki Doi, Kaito Ishida & Minorita [Gold Class] d. YAMATO, Dragon Kid, Ben-K & Keisuke Okuda (Minoura > Okuda, R-301, 14:30)
Gold Class dared anyone to challenge them for the Open The Triangle Gate titles to close the show, and nobody did. Shun Skywalker forced Jason Lee into a tag match with him, still calling him his “property.” This will all, hopefully, be resolved at the 4/25/2022 Korakuen Hall show. Shun also made a challenge for the Open The Twin Gate titles for Dead Or Alive 2022, however GM Ryo Saito shot it down, saying Dragon Dia already has a match booked, against Shun’s own stablemate at that. Seems like a very wrestling thing to make someone with two titles defend both on a show, but what do I know.
The tour continues with a house show tomorrow, before a break, then resumes Thursday with a streamed show from Kyoto KBS Hall.
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Pro Wrestling NOAH
NOAH held the final Real Overture 2022 show, before their big weekend at Ryogoku at the end of the month.
Real Overture 2022 - 4/17/2022, Niigata Bandaijima Multipurpose Plaza (Wrestle Universe)
Seiki Yoshioka [STINGER] d. Kai Fujimura (Tornado Strike, 7:26)
Tadasuke & Hajime Ohara [Kongo] d. NOSAWA Rongai & Super Crazy [Perros del Mal de Japon] (Tadasuke > Rongai, Fuyuki Special, 8:36)
Daisuke Harada d. Alejandro (Katayama German Suplex Hold, 10:39)
Daiki Inaba, Yoshiki Inamura & Kinya Okada d. King Tany, Muhammad Yone & Akitoshi Saito [Funky Express] (Inaba > Tany, DDD, 14:59)
Atsushi Kotoge, YO-HEY & Junta Miyawaki d. HAYATA [STINGER], Yoshinari Ogawa [STINGER] & Yasutaka Yano (Kotoge > Yano, Killswitch, 17:38)
Naomichi Marufuji [M’s Alliance] & Kotaro Suzuki [Perros del Mal de Japon] d. Kaito Kiyomiya & Yuya Susmu [STINGER] (Suzuki > Susumu, Tiger Driver, 16:32)
Takashi Sugiura [Sugiura-gun], Go Shiozaki, Masa Kitamiya & Hao d. Kenoh, Katsuhiko Nakajima, Manabu Soya & Nio [Kongo] (Shiozaki > Nio, Gowan Lariat, 20:13)
Shiozaki declared “We Are NOAH!” once more in victory. Kenoh & Nakajima attacked Sugiura backstage. Hao v. Nio will not only be a match for their names, but their hair as well.
NOAH is now off until 4/29/2022, the first night of Majestic at Sumo Hall.
Other News
A Jumbo Tsuruta Memorial Show will be taking place on 5/31/2022 at Tokyo Korakuen Hall. So far only one match has been signed, Yuji Nagata & Suwama v. Taichi & TAKA Michinoku, but Shingo Takagi, Jun Akiyama, Tatsumi Fujinami, Great Kojika, and others will be taking part. Guests will include Stan Hansen, Kenta Kobashi, Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue.
Another memorial show at Korakuen Hall, for Hana Kimura on 5/23/2022, has their main booked, with STARDOM’s Syuri v. DDT’s Asuka. I am still rattled by her death.
Yuko Miyamoto remains BJW Deathmatch Heavyweight Champion, beating Hideyoshi Kamitani today in Sapporo for his fifth successful defense. Drew Parker challenged Miyamoto for Yokohama Budokan on 5/5/2022, whilst Kamitani accepted a challenge from the team of Takuya Nomura & Fuminori Abe for Kamitani/Daichi Hashimoto’s tag team titles.
A lot of other promotions ran this weekend. This weekend was a lot. And Golden Week will be coming soon as well.
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sjhhemmings · 6 months
Chicago Fire Masterlist 🔥
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Character List (closed for requests):
Brian Zvonecek
Matt Casey
Kelly Severide
Jeff Clarke
One Shots:
Give me a hug?pt.1 - Brian Zvonecek
Give me a hug?pt.2 - Brian Zvonecek
It was was never you - Brian Zvonecek
I couldn’t resist - Brian Zvonecek
Buy me a drink?pt.1 - Brian Zvonecek
Happy Birthday - Kelly Severide
Welcome Home - Jeff Clarke
Fighter - Matt Casey
Chief’s Daughter - Brian Zvonecek
What you need - Matt Casey
Forbidden Love #14 - Brian Zvonecek
Deep Cuddling #21 - Brian Zvonecek
Various Question Sentence Starter - Brian Zvonecek
Midnights #5 - Jeff Clarke
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
Hello, I was wondering if I could request prompt 51. You make me feel like the one for Jeff clarke?
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Jeff expects you to break things off when he’s arrested. He wouldn’t blame you, any sane woman would after their boyfriend’s accused of murder. Instead you hire him a lawyer, one of the most expensive criminal attorneys in the city and then you pay his bail.
When he gets home that night he’s surprised to see that the lights are on. He gave you a key a while ago, so you could come and go whenever you pleased. The two of you work weird shifts, it makes sense and if he’s honest, it’s nice to have someone to come home to.
He leaves the truck idling for a second after he pulls into the driveway because he knows what’s going to happen when he steps over the threshold. He’s going to find the stuff you keep in his dresser packed in an overnight bag by the front door. You’ll tell him you’re leaving and he’ll make arrangements to pay you back for the lawyer and his bail. He plays the whole thing out in his head, back and forth until he finally summons the strength to climb out of the vehicle.
He tries to let himself in quietly, only to be assailed by your German Sheppard Rocco. His tail wags as he rushes towards Jeff, sniffing at his pockets for treats. Jeff holds out his palm, allowing the dog to scent him before he crouches down in front of Rocco, fussing over him.
“Sorry boy,” He murmurs, jerking his head away before Rocco can lick his face. “I’ve got nothing tonight.”
He means that. He’s exhausted, numb, hollowed out. He wants to bury his face in the dog’s fur, to live in this moment, because right now nothing has changed. He still has you, he still has Rocco, but Jeff has never been one to shy away from a tough situation, he kisses the top of the dog’s head one last time before he stands up.
You’re curled up on the couch wearing one of his sweaters and a pair of his socks.
“Jeff.” You say softly and he clears his throat, straightening his spine and clasping his hands in front of him.
He doesn’t say anything when you raise to your feet. He won’t make it hard on you, you didn’t sign up for this and he understands that. His life is about to get complicated and he can’t ask you to stick around for something like this.
He doesn’t expect you to wrap your arms around him, he stiffens for a second before he melts into your embrace. The scent of your perfume floods his senses, the undertone of jasmine soothing over his frayed nerves. Something in his chest loosens and he buries his face into the curve of your throat. His eyes sting and he holds onto you just a little tighter because today has been far too much and he's not sure how much more he can take.
“It wasn’t me.” He tells you, his voice breaking just a little. “I didn’t do this…”
“I know.” You whisper as you cradle him close. “Trust me Jeff, I know.”
Love Jeff? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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Screenwriter Tab Murphy Talks “Hunchback,” “Atlantis” and “Brother Bear” During Walt Disney Family Museum Happily Ever After Hours
by Tony Betti | Source (x)
Over the weekend I had the fortunate opportunity to attend the Walt Disney Family Museum’s Happily Ever After Hours Virtual Program featuring screenwriter Tab Murphy.
Tab Murphy has a wide embodiment of work for the screen, but this program primarily focused on his work for what is now known as Walt Disney Animation Studios. He contributed to The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Tarzan, Atlantis: The Lost Empire, and Brother Bear.
Right off the bat, Tab said that his first foray into animation was a bit jarring. He wrote the script, and then partnered with Alan Menken and Stephen Schwartz who, as he put it, had the script posted on walls all around a room and would then go up to certain sections and draw big Xs through the words and say “this is where we think a song should be.” As they worked together though, Tab said he realized how right they were to do that, and the end result is simply amazing.
Anybody familiar with the original story of The Hunchback of Notre Dame may recall that there are a ton of characters present in the original novel aside from the namesake Hunchback, Quasimodo. He said that was where one of the hardest parts of writing the movie adaptation lied, especially for a Disney animated film, noting that there was a certain “checklist” of sorts for a Disney film that the characters had to hit. So they developed the film around the characters that would best fill the roles of the principal lead (Quasimodo), the Hero (Phoebus), and the Princess (Esmeralda), along with the obvious villain, Claude Frollo. He said that the story was exceptionally dark for a Disney film, but he found the heart in it when you would take away everyone else leaving Quasimodo to do his own thing with the birds or the gargoyles, and the world got bright and colorful. This sentiment is actually echoed in the production design of the film, whenever Frollo is present, the colors are grays and dark shadows, and muted and boring hues, but whenever Quasi is involved in his own thing there are far more colors and brightness.
He also elaborated on his love for writing the character of Esmeralda, saying he felt that she was Disney’s original activist, and she was most definitely not a damsel in distress, standing up for the issues, with Tab citing the line (though he flubbed it a little) “You mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people. You speak of justice, yet you are cruel to those most in need of your help!”
When asked about the development of Quasimodo, Tab pointed out that more classic adaptations of the story, such as an earlier incarnation from Universal in their horror movie craze, took the character and turned him into a literal monster, some sort of terrifying creature. “This is a human being,” Tab said, adding that his version would not scare you but draw out empathy. But he still had to be realistic. He couldn’t be the hero either, that wouldn’t be true to the source material, but he echoed thoughts and ideas shared by animator James Baxter in a recent program from the museum, that he needed to be gentle and warm to reinforce that this was a human and not a monster.
Interestingly, Tab said that he had not watched the film in its entirety since the world premiere back in 1996 up until about two weeks before the program, forgetting how beautiful the final product turned out. He said he cried his eyes out and believes that story holds up because of that emotion, something that everyone can relate to at some point in their lives, that they’re different and feeling alienated and an outsider who overcomes that. “Everyone who worked on that movie, everyone was on their A-game.”
After Hunchback, Tab was assigned to tackle Tarzan, though he openly admitted he wasn’t as involved in that one as much as people think he was. Shortly after he began, Gary Trousdale and Kirk Wise (directors of Hunchback) asked him to join their team for a radical new movie that would buck the trends of Disney Animation, Atlantis: The Lost Empire. According to Tab, the pair pitched him the idea while comparing it to Disneyland, saying “You know how you go in to [the park] and go right into Fantasyland, through the castle, see the princesses and fairy tales. Well, we’re going to take a hard left straight to Adventureland.”
Tab was excited, this was going to be something so out of the ordinary and he would be a part of it. He noted that he was especially excited because of the subpods that would shoot out of the Ulysses. At another point in the session, Tab mentioned that he was never worried about budget when writing for Disney animation, noting that the animators were so good they would figure out how to get what he wrote onto the screen successfully, with the Subpods off the main submarine as they battled the Leviathan an excellent example of that. He also elaborated on what he referred to as “movie moments,” those special quotes that you know, when writing them, people will always remember and associate with the movie, with Atlantis having one of his favorites, when Helga is firing the flare gun at Roarke’s balloon and uses his own words, “Nothing personal.”
As many know, the film was not an immediate box office success. It didn’t do poorly, it just didn’t reach the numbers that Disney likes to see. Because of that, Tab thought he had written Disney’s first flop. The film came out in 2001, and he said it wasn’t until last year when he was stuck at home that someone had exposed him to the following that Atlantis: The Lost Empire has acquired over the years. He even started getting letters and messages from fans, some saying that the film had inspired them to be linguists or archeologists as those who were younger when they saw it are now adults exploring their career path.
Tab has an almost Jeff Bridges-like quality to him, almost channeling the Dude from The Big Lebowski, and elaborated on the sentiment of career paths, commenting that when he was in school, he was studying forestry and biology. In one of his best pieces of wisdom from the session, he said that “Part of knowing what you want is knowing what’s not meant for you.” It was his love of movies that continued to grow prompting him to get into the industry as a screenwriter. However, that background in forestry and wildlife would come in handy on his next assignment, Brother Bear.
Tab said goodbye to the kids, and jetted off to Florida for a short-term residence at the Yacht Club resort where he would go to the Animation studio that was part of the Disney-MGM Studios (now Disney’s Hollywood Studios) where Brother Bear was in production. Most of the original story, he said, was created from campfire stories that he and director Aaron Blaise would share. Together they wrote the original story which was mostly similar and had Kenai being transformed and subsequently mentored by an older bear named Grizz, voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan. He packed up and left and only after that did they change one prominent piece of the writing. Grizz would now be dropped for a younger bear, Koda, and that one “movie moment” as Tab says, where Kenai has to say the “he did something bad.”
Tab said the story of what happened on Brother Bear is truly the story of animation. It’s living and breathing. Things get dropped, added, changed, tweaked. He felt like a starting pitcher in a baseball game, there to set you up for success and then be moved or changed out to make sure the game is won, but also only one part of the greater team as a whole. When asked about how he would draw out emotion in his writing he said he would only put the words down, and it was the rest of that same team that would succeed in making you feel something, adding that he might have words that touch you emotionally in scene, but the rest of the team knew how to enhance those words and make it something truly special.
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