#jemma simmons critical
azurecanary · 4 months
I think my biggest problem with the team split in AoS Season 5b is that 1) genuinely the basis is so incredibly stupid and 2) they all suddenly don't give a shit about each other
Because here's the thing, Daisy might've absolutely (and probably would've!) said yes to getting her powers back had she known that they were needed to close the rift. Except Fitz has the chronic problem that he is always right and therefore never questioned his assumption that Daisy would under no circumstances want her powers back, and decided to torture her about it
Not to mention Yoyo and FS' belief that time is fixed based on what? Science? News flash fuckers!! One of you has superspeed and all three of you have traveled across time and space. Literally none of that should be possible under your understanding of science. Your own theories have been disproved literally twice a season. Despite this, they think that this one theory is enough justification to betray their literal family and risk the fate of the earth
Also, what do you mean that Yoyo suddenly hates Daisy??? They are the only Secret Warriors left! They were each other's closest confidants in the previous season!!! And with Simmons, you're telling me she'd leave Daisy to the dirt for Fitz???? Ma'am, once again does Season 4 mean nothing???? And that's without acknowledging how close and tight knit Daisy and Fitz were the first two seasons
Side note, the only reason that Fitz didn't die sooner is because Coulson never learned he drugged and tortured his daughter (however, I'm surprised May didn't do it)
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samanthaswishes · 10 months
I'm bitter over the series finale bullshit plan again.
F!tz' says, "I need to tell you what we're fighting for, so we can map out a plan together and be willing to do what needs to be done, no matter what the cost."
But knowing what happens, he is basically telling them, "Me and Jemma can't risk our lives, so the rest of you have to, and it doesn't matter if you die or not."
And they were just... okay with that??? I hate the fact that they both, mostly F!tz, make plans that bank on other people on the team, particularly Daisy most of the time, to put themselves in harm's way so they may be safe, and this was even before the existence of Alya. He's basically telling them, not asking, to die for them if it comes to it (And it did which is why I bring up Daisy).
They treat others as if their entire livelihoods aren't as important or valuable. Yes, a lot of the time, the team, especially Daisy, are more than willing to put their lives on the line for the people they care about, but when they don't reciprocate it for people who have done it for them time and time again, it's sad and disgusting.
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competitivedust · 1 year
Love how Elena chose to be shitty to Daisy because of the possibility that she might end the world but didn't hold any resentment towards Fitz for the way he violated her. Love that Jemma went on to comfort her husband after he cut into their friend as she screamed in agony but couldn't be bothered to check on said friend even once. If anything she just really wanted Daisy to get over it.
Love how these women of shield decided to side with a white man who violated a woman, gaslighted her. I have always believed AoS has really well written female characters but then I remember these things and it makes me question why I even liked this show in the first place.
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tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
i see a lot of talk going around about how the team were terrible to daisy after 5x14 and one person even said that it was basically a darvo situation, and i want to add my opinion to the pile, cause i disagree with that a lot. i also generally have a problem with how people tend to defend their favourite to the absolute while villainizing almost every other character in this discourse. they all deserve equal amounts of empathy.
lets get a few disclaimers out of the way first: from my perspective, what happened wasnt anyones fault, they were all victims in this situation. fitz cant be blamed for having a psychic split, daisy had every right and more to react the way that she did, thats not even a discussion. it was also just absolutely the right decision, fitz wasnt trustworthy anymore after that. he absolutely did care about what he did though, he mentioned how he was scared by how he still thought he did the right thing at least twice. thats not the same thing as being horrified at what he did exactly, but the reasons for his split didnt go away just because it happened, and this is about as close as you can get in this situation i think. i also think his whole " i didnt have a choice" shtick was more about him trying to make sense of what happened rather than trying to deflect blame, because he generally lacks empathy for other people a bit and getting defensive and not considering whether that is appropriate right now is perfectly in character for him (still terrible on his part despite all that though, and this is probably where the darvo thing comes from as far as it concerns him). now:
the way i see the aftermath of that episode is that with everything still happening, coulson gone and possibly (definitley, its hydra) being tortured for intel, the end of the world still fast approaching, and daisy still being convinced its somehow gonna be her fault (especially after having her powers restored), none of them could allow themselves to break right now. and crucially: noone blamed daisy for the way she reacted or attacked her for it. may thought she wasnt ready for coulsons job after literally just being tortured, and she was right about that, that was way too much pressure to put on her after that (despite that, i still think daisy did a good job, but she shouldnt have had to). mack agreed with daisy fully. simmons was definitley not okay anymore after what happened and acted increasingly irrationally. she just watched her husband torture her best friend while being held at gunpoint by a robot he programmed, after which daisy had no time to talk to her and fitz was locked in a cell and disillusioned about who he was. she was essentially alone to deal with the situation.
it doesnt excuse what she did, but i also dont think she wouldve acted the way she did if she was fully sane at that point. i mean, she risked swallowing literal acid because she thought she was invincible due to knowing she makes it past the worlds destruction. before this, she was very, starkly different. those are not the actions of someone whos secretly a sociopath like many regularly accuse her of being, theyre the actions of someone who has been pushed completely past their breaking point. as for yoyo, she lost her goddamn arms and was absolutely convinced that daisys path was going to lead to the entire worlds destruction. and that was what she was mad at daisy about.
this was the entire tragedy of that situation: its not a question of fault. they all acted terribly towards each other, and they all had good reasons for it, even if they were being unfair or vicious. it just happened.
so they all pushed what fitz did aside for the moment to focus on the mission, but its literally the main factor of what drove the team apart for the rest of the season, because daisy was focused on her interpretation of the prophecy and wasnt gonna trust fitz or anything he said anymore, simmons and yoyo were convinced he was right and felt daisy wasnt listening to them, and then they managed to scrape themselves back together as a team, just barely, and saved the world, losing both coulson and fitz in the process. in my headcanon the team patched up most of their differences after 5x22, based on how it ended, flashbacks and mentions from season 6 as well as the team being friendly with each other again, and the fact that this show isnt the kind to just ignore events like this, if things are radically different between seasons its safe to assume that stuff happened off screen, not that the writers were lazy. losing two members of their shared family probably also provided them with some perspective and reminded them of how much they all mean to one another.
and this hit all of them very hard, and they all dealt with it in their own way without involving the others. all of them, not just daisy. mack focused on his job 100%, may and elena helped him, simmons went to space to find fitz and daisy came with her because everything reminded her of coulson and theyre each others best friend. when they all came back together, they had managed to somewhat move on from what happened and probably werent to keen on bringing it up again. i mean we saw how sarge had them all bent out of shape because he had coulsons face. they were not over it. nevermind the fact that they had another alien invasion on their hands at the time.
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0hcicero · 2 years
Calling all readers!
Hey Fitzsimmons fans, Agents of Shield fans, and people who enjoy @atomicsupervillainess on Archive of Our Own! Did you know that’s my AO3 handle?
Would you like a return back to the Corpsey Verse with a masquerade ball, new scenes, and new stories? Would you like to see Tiny Altars Everywhere set in a grimy wartime era, and an all new sexy eldritch horror in Victorian London?
Well guess what - all of that is coming your way! But why, you may ask? It’s been years! Well, some news, friends. My cat Elwood is sick. He’s got hyperthyroidism which is making him restless, uncomfortable, anxious and stressed. It taxes his heart and liver function, and needs to be treated. The good news is that it’s a treatable condition. The bad news is that it’s expensive. I’m trying to find creative ways to pay for it, so I’m going to be adapting some of my fanfic and unpublished writings into self-publisher novellas and stories under the name of Venus Pettingill!
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So if you wanna help a girl help a cat, please watch this space for more news. I’ll be setting up a Ko-Fi account soon to assist in the process, and starting to upload some things to Amazon Kindle.
If you enjoyed my work before, enjoy it still, like sexy nerds or cute cats, please boost this post, watch this space, and keep an eye out for Venus Pettingill!
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eclecticmuses · 4 months
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After Heartbreak
Author: @eclecticmuses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: Explicit Chapters: 15 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz’s Mother, Jemma’s Parents, Milton, Other Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Romance and Angst, Childhood Sweethearts, Second Chances, Class Differences, Angst With A Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: February, 1945. Jemma Simmons is working as a nurse at a Red Cross convalescent hospital in the south of England caring for wounded soldiers when she runs into a ghost from her past: Leo Fitz, her childhood sweetheart, who was cruelly ripped away from her by her disapproving parents several years prior. Can they rekindle their friendship and find something new? Or will Jemma’s responsibilities and family ruin their chance at love once and for all?
Excerpt from Chapter 14:
Jemma was about to lose her wits.
Her mum had strong-armed her into allowing a visit, and now that she was here, she was critical of everything. Her furniture was too shabby, her window curtains too cheap, the flat was too small and in a wrong section of the city for her, not close to her preferred haunts, and it was intolerably difficult to get to since the local Tube station still hadn’t been rebuilt. It wasn’t befitting a future Baroness—nay, a future Countess, since Jemma was marrying Milton. Her mother hadn’t let up in the hour she’d been there, and it was giving Jemma a headache.
Her only respite was to let her mother ramble but tune her out. She never really sought a response when she went on one of her rants, anyway; all she wanted to do was denigrate Jemma and make her feel small. So Jemma ducked her head and kept a contrite expression fixed to her face, which was required to survive these diatribes, and let her mind wander.
Read the rest on AO3!
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athenianwit · 6 months
jonathan bailey, homosexual + homoromantic, cis man + he/him, support «—◦—→ well met, atticus welby! the godling born child of athena. it’s been thirty-five years and now they have answered the song in their veins. can he change the course of history with their pragmatism, perception, + creativity? or will their shrewdness, callousness, + neuroticism hinder them? only time will tell before this godling’s name is sung into myth and legend!
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🦉 : # BASICS
full name: atticus nathaniel welby. nickname(s): atty. age: thirty-five. date of birth: august 28, 1988. hometown: london, england. current location: mount olympus, greece. species: demi-god. ethnicity: white (english). nationality: british. gender: cis man. pronouns: he/him. occupation: trauma surgeon / emergency room surgeon. living arrangements: athena's cabin. language(s): english, french, spanish, latin, greek. accent: london
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face claim: jonathan bailey. hair color: brunette. eye color: brown. height: 5'11". weight: 160 lb. build: wiry. tattoos: none. usual expression: solemn, serious. prominent features: smile. warm brown eyes. dominant hand: right. clothing style: business casual. lots of trousers and long sleeve/button up shirts. crewnecks. polo shirts. lots and lots of sweaters and turtlenecks. loafers, oxfords, lace up boots. lots of neutrals/browns + darks/blues. minimal accessories, usually only a watch on his dominant hand. old money aesthetic.
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astrological sign: virgo sun, aquarius moon, capricorn rising. positive traits: pragmatic, perceptive, creative, disciplined. negative traits: shrewd, callous, neurotic, critical. myers brigg: intj. element: air. enneagram: the reformer. temperament: melancholic. hogwarts house: ravenclaw. moral alignment: moral neutral. primary vice: pride. primary virtue: diligence. fears: failing to save another patient's life, spiders. habits: constantly swallows while talking when nervous, raising or furrowing his eyebrows, taking off and cleaning his glasses, readjusting or pushing up his glasses constantly, rubbing his temple when anxious or contemplating, pacing back and forth in a room, bouncing his legs up and down while in a chair, checking his watch repeatedly. quirks: counting his teeth with his tongue when distracted, looking down at his feet when walking, drumming his fingers along surfaces, putting the earpiece of his glasses in his mouth when contemplating, cracking his knuckles when idle, licking his lips when nervous, biting his bottom lip, biting his fingernails, clicking a ballpoint pen open and close, picking at his flesh, shredding paper when idle, constantly needing to organize his own space. pet peeves: people that ignore others, people that roll their eyes when others are talking, blasting music in public/quiet spaces, people who invade his personal space. hobbies: reading, knitting, crocheting, chess.
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🦉 : # FAMILY.
parents: athena, nathaniel welby, harper welby (nee finch) (stepmother). siblings: violet welby, maude welby, louise welby (half sisters). other relatives: none of importance. pets: none
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🦉 : # SEXUAL.
sexual orientation: homosexual + homoromantic. sexual position: versatile with a strong bottom lean. kinks: tbd. anti-kinks: tbd.
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class: support. innate abilities from athena: history, insight. other abilities: acrobatics, medicine, perception, survival, stealth. character inspirations: annette hargrove from cruel intentions. annie edison from community. caroline forbes from the vampire diaries. clarice starling from the silence of the lambs. dana scully from the x-files. diane nguyen from bojack horseman. haley james from one tree hill. jane foster from thor. jemma simmons from agents of shield. meredith grey from greys anatomy. rory gilmore from gilmore girls. spencer hastings from pretty little liars. velma dinkley from scooby-doo. what was atticus doing when he heard the song of their godling blood? he'd been working in the emergency room on a 24 hour shift and was in the middle of surgery with a patient who had been in a fatal accident
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Get To Know Me: Friendships
tagged by the lovely @winterlovesong1 thank you!! 💜
rules: name at least five platonic relationships you love, each from a different fandom.
1) The Crows (aka My Crows) / Six of Crows & Sab
It's the found family of it all for me, but mostly the fact that every relationship within that group is iconic af. Don't get me started about Kaz and Nina being the absolute best worsties. Don't talk to me about Jesper and Inej. Wylan and Matthias being the newbies judging the crows until they realize these are the best companions they could ever hope for. Inej and Nina and all their small rescues. Matthias begrudgingly learning to respect and admire Kaz. Jesper and Nina. Wylan worrying about Inej and deciding to stay until they get her back. Kaz and Jesper being brothers. I love all of my crows and I love how much they all love one another. They are simply perfect, I'll take no criticism about this
2) Lucy/George/Lockwood / Lockwood & Co
Ding ding ding, found family my beloved strikes again. What's better than living with your partner and technically your boss and risking your life with them every day? Nothing, that's what. I simply adore trios in general and it's such a delicate balance to write, but this trio is perfect. Each of them believes themselves to be the normal one bringing balance to the other two and I adore that because they each bring something very specific to the table: Lucy, with her emotional maturity and intelligence; Lockwood and his bravery and skillful leadership; George with his cleverness and his humor. They're best friends and they're a family and George will be best man at their wedding and godfather to their daughter and still their friendship will never waver.
3) Alex Stern & Pamela Dawes / Ninth House
My girls!!! My beautiful badass baby girls. If Ninth House made me love them, then Hell Bent made me go 'this is my ride or die favorite friendship'. Literally Dawes is Sunshine and Alex Midnight Rain and I love them. The love is so potent!!! They think they're opposites at first but truly they're both made of steel.
4) The Bus Kids: fitzskimmons / Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
God, I miss my tiny babies!!! I just adore these three together but also the duos within the trio. Inseparable fitzsimmons even without the romantic aspect, fresh out of the Academy, one brain, one heart; Jemma and Skye ("I already have one sister and her name is Jemma Simmons"), Fitz and Daisy when she feels like her entire world is falling apart and he's the one reminding her that who she is is perfect and doesn't need fixing. My most special children.
5) Weller & Patterson / Blindspot
I just love the big brother/little sister vibe between these two. It's another example of found family, no surprise there, but I think that out of all the relationships, this is the one that stuck the most with me over the years. It's the little things: how much he believes in her, how small she looks in his arms, how fierce and feral she is to defend him. Guess I'm gonna have to rewatch the whole show now and get back in that spiral.
tagging @flythesail @sunshineandsciencebabies @katherineebishop
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Tony and his witches by FoofyFang Tony Stark was an alcoholic and a weapons manufacturer for a while. Rodin was a weapons dealer and manufacturer for certain people for far longer. He also owned and ran a bar. So of course Tony knew the man, he was a frequent at his bar after all. And as Steve Rogers would soon learn, aliens are nothing against witches and a demon. Words: 3115, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Captain Marvel (2019), Bayonetta (Video Games), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi Characters: Bayonetta (Bayonetta), Jeanne (Bayonetta), Cereza (Bayonetta), Rodin (Bayonetta), Luka (Bayonetta), Enzo (Bayonetta), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark, Phil Coulson, Melinda May, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Maria Hill, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Rogue Avengers - Character, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Peter Parker, Nick Fury Relationships: Bayonetta/Jeanne (Bayonetta), Cereza/Jeanne (Bayonetta), Cereza/Jeanne/Tony Stark, Tony Stark/Bayonetta/Jeanne, Tony Stark/Bayonetta, Cereza/Tony Stark, Jeanne/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers/Consequences, Bayonetta & Enzo (Bayonetta), Cereza & Jeanne (Bayonetta), Rodin & Bayonetta, Rodin & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Phil Coulson & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Phil Coulson & Melinda May & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Maria Hill/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Civil War Team Iron Man, Not Civil War Team Captain America Friendly, A lil Wakanda Critical, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Refers to the three Bayonetta games, Not really talked about much in detail, Rodin is a weapons dealer, tony stark is a weapons dealer, How has no one made this connection?, Enzo is a good parent, Bayonetta Being Bayonetta (Bayonetta), Bisexual Bayonetta (Bayonetta), jeanne is a great friend, They're both bi, Bisexual Tony Stark, Awesome Maria Hill, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, He gets two, Phil Coulson & Melinda May are Skye's Parents, Protective pretty much everyone, Precious Peter Parker, BAMF Melinda May, Phil Coulson & Nick Fury Friendship, BAMF Nick Fury, Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson Friendship, Team as Family
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azurecanary · 1 year
Now i know people like to talk shit about Mack's "God and ghosts" talk throughout the show, but tbh FS's immediate and consistent dismissal of anything to do with magic and psychic powers immediately following the first Avengers movie is infinitely more annoying
I think Daisy sums it up pretty well "And a year ago i wouldn't have believed in alien invasions and magic portals, and yet, here we are"
Come to think of it, she's kinda a middle ground throughout the show of FS's science approach and Mack's paranormal/supernatural approach, which i love
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Stand By You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qXv5EDL
by rose_water_and_ivy
The two women shared a fond chuckle, but then Simmons sighed. Her mouth twitched, and her face grew masklike. “Simmons? Jemma… what is it?” More gently now, Daisy whispered, “You know you don’t have to sugar-coat things with me–” “I’m afraid Lincoln is in very critical condition.” There it was, the elephant in the room. And now this elephant was out of its cage.
 Or, a reimagining of after Season 3
Words: 857, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 7 of (Re)Publishing My Old Fanfics
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Skye | Daisy Johnson, Jemma Simmons, Lincoln Campbell, (mentioned)
Relationships: Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson, Lincoln Campbell/Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Jemma Simmons & Skye | Daisy Johnson Friendship, Skye | Daisy Johnson Feels, Skye | Daisy Johnson-centric, Protective Jemma Simmons, Lincoln Campbell Lives
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/qXv5EDL
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competitivedust · 2 years
So I guess I am making another post about the pairing from hell. I feel like I just need to type this shit out to get over it so here it goes.
Fitzsimmons are obviously a fan favourite ship in the fandom and sure, that's valid. I genuinely don't feel it anymore with these two, but in a way I think they deserve each other because no way in hell do I want anyone else to have to deal with these self centred assholes.
My problem is that being self inserts for the writers of the show meant for most part that both Fitz and Simmons were treated as more important than not just the actual protagonists of the show, but even the story itself.
I am guessing the writers are just as obsessed with themselves as Fitzsimmons are because they just had to separate the two in every fucking season. Sometimes even twice in the same season like give me a goddamn break you freaks!
The narrative just always had to surround them. If it wasn't through separation, though it usually was, it was by bringing the doctor back so he could traumatize someone and Jemma could feel slightly conflicted about it all.
An example of this is season 6, only 13 episodes long, with the most underdeveloped villains of the whole series and still, it has an entire episode dedicated to Fitzsimmons. And ok, let's say it's there to address the psychic split. But they couldn't even commit to that, because not once do the events of the devil complex get mentioned or shown (as in flashbacks). Considering, it's the event that revealed Fitz's mental break, I believe that was necessary. But instead, you get to watch Fitz's inner nazi and Jemma's Ringu monster have an intense makeout session. Because of course, you do.
And while the episode might be well acted, it doesn't tell you anything new because we already know that Fitz and Jemma love each other enough to cross galaxies to find each other. This was precious screentime wasted on two extremely well-established characters instead of giving us even somewhat compelling villains.
I honestly consider the writers to be extremely unprofessional for letting their personal opinions about these characters be detrimental to the quality of the show. Unprofessional, clueless, and just bad at their jobs.
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ao3feed-fitzsimmons · 2 years
when you love someone but it goes to waste
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZOD15t4
by Bubblebirdie
"Y-Your ego just likes to pretend you're Jane Goodall saving helpless little creatures like me."
“I do not think I’m saving you!"
"Of course you do. Calming my manic mind in the dorm room or… or … or taking Coulson up on his offer to get me into the field…”
- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 6x06
Words: 1475, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons
Relationships: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz & Skye | Daisy Johnson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Episode: s06e06 Inescapable, POV Jemma Simmons, Not Jemma Simmons Friendly, Autistic Leo Fitz, Canon Disabled Character, Ableism, Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons Critical, Jemma Simmons Critical, Jemma Simmons is Not Okay, Leo Fitz is Not Okay, Not FitzSimmons Friendly, Unhealthy Relationships, References to 5x14, Break Up
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/ZOD15t4
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moonlayl · 2 years
I like to think to think about how literally anyone i’ve shipped with Daisy would’ve absolutely destroyed Fitz and stopped at nothing to help Daisy during 5x14. 
Like Lincoln would’ve completely lost his shit and disarmed the ONE robot (that was pointing a gun at Deke and Simmons)  
Robbie would’ve burst it into flames and probably punched Fitz. 
Trip would’ve also tried to disarm the robot and would’ve for sure been absolutely pissed at Fitz and 100% on Daisy’s side. 
Sousa would’ve immediately rushed to Daisy’s side, or shot Fitz with an icer, and immediately checked on her, untied her, and made sure she was okay (his anger from 7x05 at Simmons would’ve come to life and he would’ve been furious). Actually, all the others would’ve definitely checked up on her and helped her up too!
All of them really, would have to be held back, because of their anger, and that anger is 100% justified. They would’ve defended Daisy and stood by her side throughout the season (regardless of whether they were in a relationship with Daisy or not)
But Deke (who was the character being shipped with her a lot that season and who has a lot of fans that ship him with Daisy AND who canonly had feelings for her at that point) and Simmons (Probably the most popular non canon ship in this fandom, AND also Daisy’s best friend in canon) stood by doing nothing, hardly saying anything, and then afterwards, cried for Fitz and proceeded to be unfair and judgmental and disobedient to Daisy and Daisy’s leadership for the rest of the season. Even calling her a hardass for her justified response.
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eclecticmuses · 6 months
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After Heartbreak
Author: @eclecticmuses​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Rating: Explicit Chapters: 15 Relationships/Characters: Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz’s Mother, Jemma’s Parents, Milton, Other Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Romance and Angst, Childhood Sweethearts, Second Chances, Class Differences, Angst With A Happy Ending, Explicit Sexual Content Summary: February, 1945. Jemma Simmons is working as a nurse at a Red Cross convalescent hospital in the south of England caring for wounded soldiers when she runs into a ghost from her past: Leo Fitz, her childhood sweetheart, who was cruelly ripped away from her by her disapproving parents several years prior. Can they rekindle their friendship and find something new? Or will Jemma’s responsibilities and family ruin their chance at love once and for all?
Excerpt from Chapter 7:
“My mother has gone absolutely raving mad about all this,” Jemma said, pacing back and forth across the grass beneath the willow tree. “I can barely breathe or even think without her appearing at my shoulder to criticize me over something having to do with this damn ball!”
Fitz, who was sitting on the grass, leaning against the tree trunk with his legs crossed while he watched her pace, frowned. “What has she got to criticize?” he asked.
Jemma sighed dramatically, then tugged at a lock of her long hair. “This,” she said. “I haven’t been allowed to cut it since I went off to Switzerland last year, all so it can be put up into some fancy updo, and she’s still not happy with it. And she’s paid for a brand-new dress to be made so I’ll ‘stand out’, as she put it, and new shoes, and she complained about how I look in it—my posture is off, the cut of the dress doesn’t flatter me, that sort of thing. She even said the year I spent at bloody finishing school was wasted.” Her shoulders sagged. “My mother wants me to be the best of the best and I’m afraid I’m just really not.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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mobylace · 2 years
I’ve realized one of my favorite character dynamics is a male-female duo (romantic, platonic, sibling, doesn’t matter) who complete one another.
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