#jennifer jareau is autistic
veeluvss · 4 months
fire alarm
autistic!jj who is affected by the fire alarms
this is the first fic i’ve properly written with jj being autistic, pls share your thoughts with me and let me know if you want more … or less
elle and hotch help (mainly elle)
sorry it’s taken me so long to upload new things, i’ve been super busy with uni and life in general :)
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Elle could tell from a mile off. The anxious looks, the finger tapping, the quiet cloud that just came over her. She shot Hotch a look and they both glanced to JJ who was ready to break down any moment. It hadn’t come as a shock either, which was thankful - in a way.
Only half an hour before, the entire building was evacuated due to a fire alarm. They were herded like cattle down the stairs. No one could see their feet, their hands - nothing. It honestly felt like they were on the way to the slaughter house. And then the loudness of the alarm, blaring through the entire building. JJ hated it - yet she tried to keep herself composed. She was better than it. She could do it. She was going to be okay - that’s all she kept telling herself.
They managed to get back into the building after being outside for twenty minutes but the bullpen was a mess. People had just up and left so quickly. Hotch had called the team into the round table room to debrief on the rest of the days plans just as JJ was on her way to the bathroom. She couldn’t miss the debrief so she quickly followed the rest of them. She sat in her normal seat, next to Derek. However, he seemed to be completely oblivious to JJ’s struggles and was going on about how stressful the whole ordeal was. Spencer went along with it, spitting statistics about fires which only panicked JJ more.
Elle knew something needed to happen very soon before JJ had a complete meltdown. Hotch knew too.
“Right, Morgan and Reid, I want you to go down to the terrorist unit and get the files for the recent case. Garcia, we need the names and numbers for the families involved. Rossi if you get started on the directors report please.”
The team members mentioned left the room in a hurry and Elle moved to sit beside JJ. Hotch closed the blinds, shut off the lights and put a do not disturb sign on the door before leaving them alone.
“Sweetheart, can you hear me?” Elle asked gently, putting her hand on top of JJ’s trembling one as it reached to her face to pick at it again.
“So loud,” JJ whimpered, shaking her head.
“It was really loud but it’s nice and quiet in here. It’s just you and me.”
“Hold,” JJ asked, avoiding eye contact. Elle moved closer to JJ and wrapped her in a tight embrace. JJ needed the deep pressure therapy - it helped calm her so well and Elle was proud she recognised that was what she wanted and asked for it.
“I’ve got you. You’re safe now baby,” Elle sighed, squeezing JJ. JJ buried her head deep into Elle’s neck, hiding from the room.
Half an hour later, JJ was feeling much better. She’d calmed down completely and sat in Garcia’s office with her headphones on. Hotch let her off from work for the rest of the day, to relieve the pressure but she didn’t want to go home on her own. Elle still had work to do and they thought it’d be easier for her to be with Garcia. Someone fun, in a small space with little noise or disturbances. She sat on the floor, under the desk in her small safe space whilst playing her Marvel game.
However, it wasn’t long until another fire alarm ripped through the building. JJ didn’t notice at first, too engrossed in her game but then Garcia pulled off her headphones and reached for her hand.
“We have to go Jay,” Garcia said but JJ’s eyes were wide. She didn’t want to do that - not again. She shook her head and turned into the wall, closing her eyes tight and covering her ears. Garcia didn’t know what to do. She opened her door and looked around - just as Elle came round the corner.
“Oh thank goodness, she won’t move,” Garcia said, panicked.
“It’s okay, I’ve got it. You go,” Elle said. She crouched down beside JJ and reached for her but JJ threw up her hands, hitting Elle away.
“JJ, we have to leave now,” Elle told her sternly, ignoring the pain in her wrist.
“No, no no no no, I can’t!” JJ screamed, covering her ears and cowering further in.
“Agent, you need to leave-” a security guard said from the door.
“Give me a minute,” Elle replied, turning back to JJ.
“Come on love please, I’ll be there the whole time. We can go to the back we just have to get out,” Elle pleaded.
“I can’t,” JJ sobbed.
Elle sighed, there was no way JJ was moving and Elle couldn’t leave her. “Darling here, come into my arms.” JJ cried but moved over to Elle. She covered her ears and collapsed into Elle’s arms.
“Ma’am please, you have to evacuate,” the guard said again.
“God, I’m trying okayy.” Elle replied.She was trying her best not to explode at him. JJ was her priority, and the last thing she was going to do was force her to leave before she was ready. This has been a stressful enough day for JJ and she was not making it worse.
“Can’t go, I can’t,” JJ sobbed to Elle.
“Jay, we have to.” Elle stood up and pulled JJ with her. It was a struggle, it was hard and JJ fought. As soon as they got down the stairs, the younger girl collapsed to the floor again, shaking in fear. She swung at anyone who came near her and screamed at Elle from across the car park. The team watched on, as well as the many other FBI agents who had also been evacuated. No one could help the small girl as she screamed, rocked and cried - she wouldn’t accept any of it.
“Stay here with her, I’ll go grab her things. She needs to go home,” Hotch said to Elle after the building was deemed safe again. Elle nodded, agreeing JJ had to go home.
“Jay,” Elle whispered, moving closer to the trembling girl. Her hands were over her ears and her eyes shut tight. Elle rubbed her back, “We’re going to go home now.”
JJ nodded, removing her hands from her ears and agreeing : “Home.”
“Home, let’s go.” Elle smiled. She got JJ in the car as they waited for Hotch to bring her stuff. Elle put her belt on and stroked her hair to keep her settled. JJ was fiddling with her fingers so Elle grabbed a spare fidget toy from the glove box. JJ took it, signing a quick thank you, then played absentmindly.
Hotch came back down and handed Elle the bag. “Take a few days, both of you.”
JJ stimmed the whole way home, her hands fiddled with her fidget toy and she rocked back and forth in the passenger seat. Elle kept the music on a low volume wie and put gentle tunes on, as to not overwhelm her girl. It had beena tough day but Elle knew JJ was strong and knew she could get through it.
thank you to @cmfan2005 for the edits!!!
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bobadiin · 1 month
last day of autism awareness month please be aware of him
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sundrop-writes · 3 months
if ur taking requests then how about female reader being a bau member and is receiving unwanted attention from the local cops but she cant pick up on social cues very well so it’s extra stressful for her to naviagte
Then enter protective and somewhat jealous jj that tries to protect her and shows her what true love and respect is with soft softdom!jj
I really like this, but I like the idea of it more as a short then a full fic, so... here we go.
JJ Being Protective of You - (Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader)
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Warnings: some harassing behaviour from a random male cop towards the reader; the man uses condescending pet names toward the reader; JJ goes full boss mode; use of the term L/N (as in 'Last Name') to refer to the reader; she reader uses she/her pronouns; the reader experiences a small accidental injury; pre-established relationship. Idk what else. Not proofread.
Paperwork. This is where you thrived. Much like Spencer, you loved a good paper trail.
You were currently in the back room of the police station, going through their old case files, looking at every case from the last forty years that had yet to be digitised. You were looking for previous murders that matched the signature of the killer the team was currently after, since the working theory was that the UnSub had 'taken on' the work of his father or another older figure in his life.
So you had to dig through all the files of unsolved murders and see if you could find a pattern stemming back - to see if you could find more killings that this father might have committed.
It was stuffy and dusty in the file room, but you were finding it to be the kind of work that you did best - your brain churning on all cylinders as you looked through the many files for all the markers in the killings that would have aligned with his killer. You put some files aside and closed the lid on a box, and then moved to a new stack, going to take down a box from 1973 - it was rather heavy and awkward to lift, but you could manage it.
"Oh, little lady, let me help you with that,"
Suddenly, someone appeared beside you, as if out of nowhere, and a second pair of hands began tugging on the box.
"I got it." You grunted out, tugging the box back in your direction, trying to get a better grip on it.
"Trust me, doll, someone like you shouldn't be lugging this crap around on your own." The man's voice argued, becoming slightly strained - angry?
Was he frustrated because it was too heavy for him to lift? Did he feel like he had to help because you looked weak and he was frustrated because of the social obligation?
"It's fine." You assured him, tugging on it again. But - he still wouldn't let go. "I'm stronger than I look, trust me."
That was something that Emily and Derek often joked about. You had used a shovel to break a double welded chain in order to get into a basement when a child was in danger. The police had been arguing about getting a warrant and talking about how they would need heavy duty bolt cutters to get through the chain away, and you were down there in minutes - and from then on, the team all agreed not to mess with you. Especially not in an emergency.
"Sweetie, just let go of it-"
His grip slipped off the box, and it went flying in the opposite direction then, and one of the sharp corners smacked you on the head - a piercing pain went through your whole forehead and and papers came flying out of the box, spilling across the floor and fluttering everywhere.
"Oh my god, ow!" You exclaimed loudly, stepping backward, raising a hand to your forehead toward the throbbing pain. You were alarmed when you felt wetness, and you quickly drew your fingers back and saw blood.
"Oh, goodness. I'm sorry, darlin'." The man appeared in front of you, and soon, completely unprompted, he put his hands on both of your cheeks, trying to lift your head to better inspect the cut. "See, that's why you shouldn't-"
"Don't touch me!" You screamed, reaching up inside of his forearms to shove his hands off you. Your skin was crawling with a terrible, icky itch where his hands had been touching you.
He became slack-jawed with shock at this.
"There's no need to shout." He chuckled. "Calm down."
"Ugh, no!" You shouted back.
You were suddenly feeling terribly trapped in the small, stuffy, dusty room, and though you knew that the papers needed to be cleaned up and you needed to finish your fishing expedition for the trail of murders - you had to leave. You needed air.
You needed JJ.
You shoved past the man and your feet carried you as fast as you could go, frantically looking for that head of blonde hair.
"Listen, babydoll, just calm down-"
"Woah, woah, her name is not babydoll."
That voice. Your hero.
You blinked past a haze if tears you hadn't even noticed was forming, and saw the pale blue shirt and blonde hair that you knew was her - you ran to stand behind her, grabbing her hand tightly, which she gripped back, grounding you, letting you know that she was right there.
"I'm not sure what kind of slack operation you people run around here, but we are professionals. You are going to refer to her by her full title, Special Agent L/N - or you won't talk to her at all. You won't even look at her. Do you understand me?" JJ barked at him.
The pure authority dripping from her voice made you feel so utterly safe.
"Listen, m'am, I'm not sure-"
"It's not 'm'am', it's Agent." JJ corrected him, now straining through her teeth, absolutely seething. "We are here representing the FBI, trying to catch a very dangerous man to help keep your town safe. We're not just little secretaries skittering around to get you your coffee and clean up after you. Just because we're women, we're not here to wipe your ass!"
You heard a chuckle from behind you, and you thought it was Emily's voice. This was followed by a low whistle - probably Derek.
"Is that clear?" JJ finished off, daring the man to talk back to her.
The man sighed and turned around to leave, finally defeated. This is when JJ turned to you.
"Are you okay?" She asked, her voice much softer now. "Oh my god, what happened to your head?"
"There was... a box..." You mumbled quietly, still feeling shaken up.
"He hit you with a box?" JJ snapped, looking back in the direction he had walked off.
"JJ, please." You begged, quietly, squeezing her hand, directing her attention back to you.
She knew what her priority was right now.
"Come on,"
JJ walked you to the bathroom, and as she was cleaning up the cut with a damp paper towel, she was still huffing hard through her nose, the anger still pumping through her.
"I'm going to find that guy's supervisor, I'm going to put in a report about him, I'm going to-"
"It's okay, JJ." You said, reaching out to run a gentle hand along her lower back. "I'm pretty sure he's not gonna come near me again after what you said."
She let out a snort of laughter, and half her mouth upturned in a smile. You both knew that she could be incredibly intimidating despite her looks, and she always protected you - just one of the many things that had attracted you to her in the first place.
"Yeah, well... nobody comes near my girl and gets away with it."
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jemilies · 3 months
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not the point of the meme but autistic emily prentiss is so important to me btw
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Derek: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Reid: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
JJ: I got distracted halfway through.
Emily: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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jenny-from-the-bau · 10 months
Emily loves to nap in JJ's office. When a day runs long, she's bored of paperwork, she needs some quiet, or she just feels overwhelmed, she goes to JJ and asks if she can work with the other woman. JJ never says no.
Sometimes, Emily actually works. She'll sit on the other side of JJ's desk or spread her papers on the floor and do her best to focus. JJ usually works in silence, but sometimes she'll play music quietly. The sound fills the office and relaxes Emily.
There's an unspoken rule, however, that if Emily doesn't bring paperwork when she comes to see JJ, she's going to take a nap. At some point, JJ had found a couch for her office and crammed it into a corner. It's a little small and a little narrow, but Emily doesn't mind. She just curls up and sleeps.
For JJ's part, she loves Emily's company. She thinks she may get more work done when the other woman is there, even if Emily can be distracting. JJ finds her eyes straying from her paperwork to check on Emily as she sleeps. It's nice to feel trusted.
One day, Emily finds a stuffed black cat on the couch when she enters. It's the softest thing she's ever felt, and it's the perfect middle ground between firm and soft. She looks at JJ, wondering if it's a gift, but the other woman is on the phone, double checking a file, and not paying her any attention.
Emily falls asleep holding the bear. When her phone call ends, JJ snaps a picture on her cellphone, glad the other woman licked the present. JJ bought it at the airport the day before, taken by how much it looked like Sergio.
After that, JJ slowly adds more items to the couch. She leaves a pillow, a blanket knit by Penelope, and bottles of water. Emily always thanks her, but JJ just shrugs. She says it's for her own naps, but both women know she never sleeps.
Hotch learns about Emily's secret naps when he visits JJ's office unexpectedly to say they have a case. JJ is sitting on the couch with her feet propped up a desk chair. She's slowly making her way through case files and slowly combing Emily's hair. The black-haired woman is sleeping with her head in JJ's lap, feet hanging over the edge of the too-small couch. Penelope's blanket covers her haphazardly, she's cradling Sergio 2, and she looks more peaceful than he's ever seen her.
Regretfully, he disturbs them, but the next time they return to JJ's office, there's a new couch. It has an ottoman for JJ's feet, a small table for her files, and plenty of room for Emily's long legs. They take it as permission to continue what they're doing.
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Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau x Autistic nonverbal daughter reader
Summary: Will is busy with Henry and Micheal so JJ brings in their 5 year old daughter to work, the little girl meets Hotch and instantly latches onto him which shocks everyone.
Yes another Autistic reader because I need this right now.
Third person pov...
JJ kisses her husband and sons as she gets ready to leave for the day. The blonde haired woman smiled at her boys. "I'll see you later okay?" She says getting a giggle from baby Micheal, a okay 'mama' from Henry and a smile from Will.
She smiles lovingly at her boys before looking around for her only daughter Y/N, the 5 year old was around somewhere, either playing with toys or watching her favourite show over and over again.
"Y/N!" She yells before remembering the little girl wouldn't respond to her name, Will looks at his wife. "I'll go find her" he says handing Michael to JJ before going off to find their Daughter.
It takes a few minutes to find the little girl before Will finds her in her favourite room in the house her room, the little girl had all her special Interests in her room, it was vastly decorated and made for the little girl.
Her room is where she feels most comfortable, Will watches from the doorway as his only daughter happily rocks back and forth while watching her favourite show. The man then casually sits next to her keep a bit of space between them and not touching her.
Him and JJ learnt early on that their daughter didn't like physical touch unless she wants it, they don't push it on her, they also Learnt that she could profile someone when she first meets them like she can tell if they are a good person or not, another thing that she is Nonverbal.
This means that some children who are Autistc choose not to speak, This doesn't mean that they can't or don't have a desire to communicate though. So little Y/N speaks with movements, writing things down or sign language.
Will taps on the carpet and gains the attention of his 5 year old, the girl looks up at him never meeting his eyes but she is listening to him. "It's time to go, Mama wants you" he says to her, the little girl smiles at him and stands up, he watches as she grabs one of her sensory toys.
The 5 year old H/C child then grabs her Dads hand and begins walking with him to the front door where JJ and her brothers were standing waiting fir her to show up, Michael starts giggling when he sees her, Henry jumps around excited and JJ watches with a smile as her daughter is holding her Husbands hand willingly.
"Ready to go sweetie" she says to her daughter, the little girl smiles at her mum and let's go of her dad hand. JJ and her wave bye before leaving and getting in the car, JJ helps her buckle in before handing the little girl her sensory toy ans little lunchbox woth her usual lunch in.
JJ then starts the car, the two were soon on their way to The BAU headquarters, Y/N was coming to JJs work because she couldn't leave her Husband alone with all three children it wasn't fair and she knew Y/N would enjoy going to JJs work place.
When they arrive JJ opens the door to Y/Ns side, she let her daughter choose I she wanted to be carried in or wall on her own. Surprisingly the little girl reached out for JJ, this made the blonde woman smile and excitedly pick up her daughter. "Ready?" She asks the 5 year old little Y/N grins at her and nods her head.
The two make their way into the building and quickly into the lift, JJ picked the BAU floor. "Now I have your headphones with me, and your sensory toys, if it gets to much come find me okay Honey" Says JJ to her daughter, the 5 year old looks up at her and signs 'yes mama'
JJ smiles "good girl" the elevator doors open and JJ walks into the bullpen, she spots Derek Morgan, Emily prentiss, Spencer Reid and David Rossi standing together. "Hey guys" she says to the others the Agents look over to her, all arw shocked to see the little girl in her arms.
"Who's this JJ?" Asks Emily as she looks at the adorable 5 year old, JJ smiles and bounces thr little girl in her arms. "This everyone is Y/N LaMontagne, My daughter" as she says this Spencer walks over to JJ and Y/N, the little girl makes repeatetive noises as she sees the man.
The little girl has the biggest smile on her face and signs 'Uncle Spencer' over and over as if she was screaming his name. "Heyy Y/N/N!" He laughs before holding the little girls hand letting her se eif she wants his touch.
The little girl wiggles and JJ let's her down once on the floor the 5 year old quickly runs to Spencer who kneels on the ground he let's the little girl touch hid face and hair, letting her feel the textures, a other thing Y/N loves fleeing different textures and on different people.
As the little girl and Dr bond JJ is interrogated by the others. Derek looks at her then at Y/N. "Well she doesn't look that old, so when did you have her?" He asks making JJ laugh. "Y/N is 5 years old, we never told anyone about her because we wanted to keep her safe and not overwhelmed by everyone" she explains to them.
Rossi smiles "she looks exactly like you" he says making the woman smile. "I'm glad" she says. The three watch as the little girl rocks back and worth on her feet and hands flapping excitedly as Spencer talks to her about something random.
Emily notices this and looks to JJ. "She Autistic?" JJ isn't surprised that she finds out, the blonde smiles at her friend. "Yes she is, we recognises the signs when she was 4 but she always had been, thanks to Spence we know last about m having a child who is autistic" she says making Derek smile at her "Your good parents to her" he says.
The others then get on with their work, realising they had been wasting time, Spencer continues to entertain Y/N at his desk.
Time skip...
It had been a few hours since Y/N had turned up with JJ and she was doing incredibly well being around so many people, the little girl soon git bored of sitting and watching her mum and friends work, the 5 year old gets down from her chair and wlaks out of her mums office.
The 5 year old walks around the bullpen and sees a sign on a office it read. 'Aaron Hotchner' the girl had heard the name before her parents spoke of a 'Hotch' alot, the 5 year old then walks over to the office and pushes the door open.
She looks around before walking in the office, she sees shelfs fill of many books, and many case files stacked up on a desk, she then saw a man leaning over and writing in one, silently the girl walks over to him and wayche shis facial expressions change.
She watches him fir a couple seconds before tapping his leg, the man's head shot up he looked around for the thing that tapped him. He then looked down and saw the little girl.
Y/N saw his eyebrow raise in confusion before she gave him a smile and started to make her way up trying to climb him, The still confused man helped the little girl up and she sat happily in his lap.
"Who are you?" He asks her, the girl taps his hand and writes her name on his palm, the man instantly realises she didn't talk and let her communicate with him via writing or sign language.
"So your JJs daughter" he says gaining a nod from the child sat in his lap, he was surprised when she got comfortable in his lap only jsut meeting him.
After a few hours the little girl eventually falls asleep which allows Hotch to stand up and carry her out off his office and into the bullpen where he saw JJ rushing around like a maniac worrying about her daughter.
The man saw his other Agents doing the same thing, looking under tables for the girl, even rossi was voluntary on his knees. "Is this who you are looking for Agents" he yelled over the noise not loud enough to wake the child in his arms but loud enough to be heard.
The intimidating man watches as JJ cries tears of relief as she sees her daughter asleep his her bosses arms. "I can't believe she warmed up to you so well Hotch" Says the mother taking the child into her arms.
Hotch let a small smile escape his mouth. "She must be a good judge of character then, she's my make an amazing profiler" he said making the woman laugh. "I know she will" she whispers carrying her daughter out of the building and back home after a long day.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot for JJ, as always sorry for the grammar and Spelling mistakes.
This took me a while to think off.
Requests are open!
Word count: 1601
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spentfromspence · 1 year
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If the Spencer had Twitter
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
jj and emily advocating for readers needs when traveling for the cm blurbs? whether at police precincts or restaurants or whatever is up to you! please and thanks <3
(ps take care of yourself!)
Emily and JJ help advocate for readers needs when traveling
CW: eating, resturants
The entire team was exhausted and hangry. Anyone would be after working on a case for three days straight with little progress; three days running off coffee, vending machine snacks, and almost no sleep. Hotch finally decided that it was time for a break- a good night of rest and an actual meal before starting back in the morning.
You wanted nothing more than to go to the hotel and order take-out, but the lead detective stepped in before you could say anything. "I know the guy who own the pub down the street. Tell him who you are and have him put it on the department tab."
That's how you ended up with the rest of the team, waiting to get seated at a table. You weren't sure if the exhaustion was amplifying your senses, or if it was causing your mask to slip.
"We've got seats open at the bar," the hostess said. "I don't think a table will be open for another hour."
You felt yourself tense. It was already difficult enough to be at a resturant, but sitting at the bar would make everything worse. You didn't even catch that Emily had taken one look at the panic on your face before saying, "No, you guys go ahead" and then guiding you gently outside.
She helped you sit on the curb and your panic began to settle. The cool night air felt almost clensing- as if it could wash away the noise, and the dirty looks when you fidgeted, and the confusion at strange jokes.
"Thanks, Em," you said quietly. She nodded in understanding, not wanting to interrupt the quiet. "I-I don't want to- you can-"
"We've got it taken care of," Emily said gently.
Before you had time to be confused, JJ came out of the resturant and approached the two of you.
"You ready to go?" she asked. She held up a bag with three take-out boxes. "I got your favorite."
Relief spread through your body, which was already so tired you thought you might collapse underneath you without warning. A simple nod was all it took for the three of you to be on your way to the quiet and cozy hotel to have dinner in peace before getting some much-needed rest.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Little!Jj & Caregiver!Hotchniss living together hcs
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tags : autistic!jj, mentions of her mother/childhood being bad, sensory issues
notes: I feel like I haven’t talked about them in agessssss so take this long ramble | tagging @blackbirdsaltzman for their reply <3
Their house is actually a decent size and has a pretty big backyard, they bought something away from the road so they’d have all the privacy they could need
This means Hotch definitely buys a blow up pool for Jj to splash around in and Emily to dip her feet in
Jj loves the water. Baths, pools, ponds, oceans, she’d spend hours upon hours in it all if she could
It leads to a lot of summer days in the backyard where Emily’s reapplying sunblock every fifteen minutes, she sets a timer, and Hotch is making sure that Jj & Em stay hydrated in the sun
But there are times where Jj’s sensory issues kick in and she doesn’t want anything to do with the heat
They keep the Ac pretty high in the house anyways but sometimes Emily will crank it if Jj’s really uncomfortable
When Jj’s home and doesn’t have to worry about being professional she loves to stim
She has quite a few vocal ones — humming, clicking her tongue, echoing things she hears on the Tv, popping her lips
They can get pretty loud at times but Emily and Hotch have become accustomed to it so they don’t mind
She also has some other stims — flapping her hands is a big one, spinning around and bouncing on her feet are also common
The one she does the most is rocking. It could be as they sit on the couch, when she’s standing, really any space that’ll allow her to move side to side or back and forth
When she’s regressed to a younger headspace Emily and Hotch will hold her on their hip and rock in place with her to calm her down
Overall she’s not a very fussy little, but there’s certain things that get tricky
She hates the taste of peppermint so Hotch bought a tube of kids toothpaste and she uses that, Emily is usually the one actually brushing her teeth
Brushing her teeth isn’t really the issue, it’s more the action of doing it. She struggles to get to all her teeth when she’s regressed
And when she’s big she’d rather just have Prentiss do it for her anyways. She also uses a kids toothbrush as the bristles are softer and are less likely to scratch her gums - which is sensory hell for Jj
Most food she eats is also kid food, she has a sensitive stomach anyways so plain food that her caregivers prepare is always preferred to anything bought
Hotch makes little bags of trail mix for Jj, it isnt a traditional trail mix by any means but it has the things Jj likes
Emily does most of the cooking in the house and will make a separate portion without all the seasoning for Jj, she also keeps premade meals in the freezer incase they try something new and Jj doesn’t like it
Both caregivers are very understanding when it comes to Jj’s issues with food and always have snacks on hand to accommodate
They buy kids plates, utensils and cups too
There are nice “adult” plates and silverware but it stays tucked in a cabinet with a child lock unless someone is coming over for dinner
Emily and Hotch get very protective about who comes over to the house, it’s a safe space for all three of them and is very obviously catered to their caregiver & little lifestyle so having someone random in the house is avoided at all costs
Of course the team is welcomed but Jj likes to clean up before they come over
She’ll go around and hide toys, pacifiers, bottles, etc. as she still gets insecure about her regression
Hotch and Emily both do their best to assure Jj that it’s okay and that the team knows but she insists on hiding her more “baby” items in fear of judgement
Jjs mother is not allowed at the house under any circumstances.
Hotch and Emily found out pretty quickly that her mother only ever causes Jj stress and upsets her, just the idea of her at the house is enough to send all three of them spiraling
Jj doesn’t talk much about her childhood in general but when she’s regressed she absolutely refuses
She’ll shutdown at even the mention of it
When she does get upset she gets very quiet and can go non-verbal, she’ll mostly communicate through humming/pointing and occasionally writing things down
Her ears get sensitive at times so there’s pairs of sound proof headphones scattered around the house
Emily and Hotch have bought all the types. From ear plugs to industrial headphones
Jj cycles through them all depending on how bad her sensory issues are
A lot of the time she’ll have ear plugs that block out background noise in, they aren’t noticeable and she’s still able to listen to the Tv or to Hotch & Emily talk
There are rare times where Jj doesn’t want to hear anything at all, that’s where the industrial headphones come in
It had started with Hotch & Emily noticing that Jj would plug her ears with her fingers and eventually grew to their extensive headphone collection
She likes to build forts and curl up in them with Hotch or Em
Most times it’s Hotch pulled down with her while they make Emily guess a password (spoiler alert she never gets it right)
Jj climbs into Emily & Hotchs bed in the morning almost every morning, assuming she didn’t sleep in-between them
She always brings at least one stuffie with her and makes sure Emily & Hotch both say good morning to it
There’s many pictures on Hotchs phone of Emily and Jj in these moments, curled up together, in the midst of laughing, Aaron loves the early morning time they all get together
Emily’s phone is filled with mid-day pictures from the places they go and activities they do, Hotch takes pictures of this too but not nearly as many as Prentiss
Technically Jj takes pictures too but most are blurry or of her and Emily making faces at Hotch while he’s turned around (he always knows)
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veeluvss · 1 year
jj x autistic!daughter
some words
jj’s daughter turns up at work after a traumatic event at school
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the bau were working hard on completing recent case files when they heard the commotion in the hallway outside. derek turned around first, being nosy. however, seeing jj’s daughter, he rose to his feet.
people were crowding her. what was she even doing here?
“jj,” derek said, tapping her shoulder and looking out the glass doors.
“i just need my jumper!” she cried, pushing people out of the way. jj jumped from her seat, walking over to her clearly distressed daughter.
“mum! i need you,” she said panicked, stopping in front of her mum.
“what are you doing here, y/n?” jj asked, looking her up and down. her school uniform was disheveled, the plaits in her hair were a mess- like she’d been rubbing her head constantly, something she did when stressed.
“mum my jumper,” she whispered, glaring at her. “where is it?”
“baby it’s not here!” jj said suddenly.
a security guard walked into the bau then, going to grab y/n’s arm but morgan stopped him.
“it’s fine, she’s Jareau’s daughter,” he told the guard.
“she doesn’t have a visitor badge. she just walked through,” he groaned.
“i said leave it dude,” morgan said. the guard walked off, shaking his head.
“mum i need my jumper!” y/n whined.
“you’re meant to be at school!” jj argued.
“mum!” she groaned. she walked around her, beginning to search through jj’s stuff. throwing the things out of her go bag onto the floor.
“baby no,” she heard JJ say and she sighed loudly.
“i need it, why do you not understand?” she cried, shouting at her mum.
“i know, i know,” jj whispered, putting her hands on her daughters arms. “but it’s not here.”
“then where is it? you’ve got to help me find it! they said you had it!” she pushed her mums chest and jj sighed. this jumper was y/n’s comfort jumper. she went no where without it, it was old, tattered and hardly ever got washed but now she couldn’t find it and the world was upside down. jj knew how important the jumper was to her daughter.
“what’s going on?” the team heard emily say from the stairs. y/n turned around from jj’s arms and ran to her auntie emily.
“have you seen my jumper?” she asked, practically begging.
“your jumper? no baby, when did you last see it?”
“at school but- but -but the girls they took it and said mum has it,” she cried out, looking at the team frantically. jj sighed then, taking out her phone and ringing the school. emily guided y/n into her office.
“sit down,” she told jj’s daughter.
“no, i nee- they said mum has it! why is she lying to me?” she cried, rubbing at her head. emily sighed and walked over to the teenage girl.
“was it the same girls? hannah and freya?” emily asked, crouching down in front of her. y/n just nodded, feeling herself growing more and more panicked. these girls regularly bullied y/n, for being different. they’d obviously taken her jumper and told her that her mum had it - causing her to leave school and head here.
“listen sweetheart,” emily muttered, running her fingers down y/n’s arms. she knew it soothed her, she’d been doing it since she was young. “your mums talking to school now. she’ll find your jumper.”
“i need it now,” she began to sob and emily could only comfort her in the way she knew how. arm tickles and forehead kisses.
“put someone on the damn phone who knows what i’m talking about!” jj shouted down the phone. she’s excused herself to her old office, trusting that emily had her daughter safe.
“i am sick to death of this happening,” jj said. “did you even know she’d left? what if something had happened to her?” she was getting angrier and angrier. “no! she’s autistic, not special. why can’t you see that! you’re allowing them girls to ridicule her and bully her day in and day out and you’re doing nothing about it.”
“i don’t care if you understand because you clearly don’t. i am coming to get my daughters jumper and to clean out her locker because there is no way i am sending her back into your care. authorities will be hearing about this,” jj told them. she slammed the phone down and took a few deep breaths.
for the last 16 years y/n had always been excluded, different- unique. she had a mind of a genius, she didn’t talk a lot and she took things very literally. she wasn’t one for physical contact unless it was auntie emily and she needed her routine. but since starting this school, jj had only grown more and more furious with their handling of her. she was a vulnerable child, she did need that extra care sometimes but jj felt like her daughter was being thrown under the bus constantly.
walking out of class, was her fault. lashing out at other kids was her fault. breaking down and going non verbal was her fault. the way she handled anything wasn’t understood and now the school had let the bullies walk all over her again.
jj entered emily’s office to the sweetest sight. emily sat on the sofa, cradling y/n in her arms. her legs were over emily’s thigh and her head in the crook of emily’s neck. emily continued tickling up her arm, singing softly her own song.
“i’m going to get her jumper, is she okay here?” jj asked, feeling so, so grateful for emily.
“she’s okay yeah, you go beat to them kids,” emily sniggered. jj rolled her eyes and walked out, shutting the door quietly behind her.
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slytherinlesbians · 7 months
slytherinlesbians' whumptober masterlist (complete!) *ੈ✩‧₊˚
day one: "how many fingers am i holding up?" | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), derek morgan, emily prentiss, david rossi | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: case fic, concussion, team as a family | word count: 1.1k
day two: "they don't care about you." | fandom: succession | characters: roman roy (centric), shiv roy, kendall roy | ship: none | trigger warnings: mentions of child abuse, neglect, drug use | content: childhood fic, sibling relationships | word count: 1k
day three: solitary confinement | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid | ship: none | trigger warnings: self harm | content: prison spencer | word count: 438
day four: shock | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, alex blake | ship: none | trigger warnings: gunshot, going into shock, anxiety | content: alex & spencer friendship, mom!blake | word count: 535
day five: "it's broken." | fandom: outerbanks | characters: jj maybank, john b routledge | ship: none | trigger warnings: physically abusive parent | content: injuries, jj and john b friendship | word count: 1k
day six: recording/made to watch/"it should've been me." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: derek morgan, emily prentiss, aaron hotchner, jason gideon, penelope garcia, jennifer jaraeu | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: 2x15 revelations, the tobias hankel case, kidnapped spencer reid, team as a family | word count: 507
day seven: "can you hear me?" | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), emily prentiss, jennifer jareau, derek morgan, penelope garica | ship: past spencer reid/maeve donovan | trigger warnings: mentions of drugs/drug use, depression | content: post 8x12 'zugzwang,' spencer's isolation, team as a family | word count: 1k
day eight: outnumbered | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, luke alvez, emily prentiss | ship: luke alvez/spencer reid | trigger warnings: anxiety attack | content: spencer is anxious, luke is there for him, post prison spencer, austistic spencer | word count: 1k
day nine: mistaken identity | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, derek morgan, david rossi | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: 4x07 memoriam, spencer is sad, team as a family | word count: 512
day ten: "you said you'd never leave." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), diana reid, derek morgan, aaron hotchner, jennifer jaraeu, penelope garcia, emily prentiss | ship: past spencer reid/elle greenaway | trigger warnings: parent abandonment, depression, grief | content: spencer reflects on the people who have left him over the course of his life and grieves | word count: 1.3k
day eleven: "all the lights going dark and my hope's destroyed." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: spencer slowly loses hope in prison | word count: 365
day twelve: insomnia | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, david rossi | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: spencer & rossi friendship, dad!rossi, spencer is tired & rossi looks after him | word count: 897
day thirteen: "i don't feel so good." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), aaron hotchner, david rossi, jennifer jaraeu, emily prentiss, derek morgan | ship: none | trigger warnings: gunshot wound recovery, vomiting | content: spencer recovers from an injury sustained on a case, team as a family, dad!hotch | word count: 724
day fourteen: (alt prompt) shaking | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, aaron hotchner, jennifer jaraeu, emily prentiss | ship: none | trigger warnings: gunshot, autistic meltdown | content: spencer has a meltdown after a case, autistic spencer, team as a family, hotch & spencer friendship, dad!hotch | word count: 642
day fifteen: "i'm fine." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, elle greenaway | ship: spencer reid/elle greenaway | trigger warnings: drinking | content: spencer is anxious, elle doesn't know how to help, autistic spencer | word count: 824
day sixteen: "don't go where i can't follow." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, maeve donovan | ship: past spencer reid/maeve donovan | trigger warnings: death of a partner | content: spencer dreams about maeve | word count: 536
day seventeen: collar/touch aversion/"leave me alone." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, aaron hotchner | ship: none | trigger warnings: mention of blood | content: post 2x11 'sex, birth, death,' spencer & hotch friendship, dad!hotch, autistic spencer reid | word count: 896
day eighteen: blindfold | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, luke alvez | ship: spencer reid/luke alvez | trigger warnings: panic attack | content: spencer and luke are kidnapped, post prison spencer, autistic spencer | word count: 835
day nineteen: floral bouquet | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, jennifer jaraeu | ship: past spencer reid/maeve donovan | trigger warnings: vomiting | content: set at the beginning of 8x16, 'carbon copy,' spencer & jj friendship | word count: 372
day twenty: blanket/found family | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, aaron hotchner | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: post 2x15 'revelations,' the tobias hankel case, dad!hotch, autistic spencer, non-verbal spencer, hotch & spencer friendship, team as a family | word count: 589
day twenty one: restraints | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, luke alvez | ship: spencer reid/luke alvez | trigger warnings: nightmares, mentions of blood, panic attack | content: post prison, spencer has a nightmare | word count: 466
day twenty two: glass shard | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, emily prentiss, luke alvez | ship: could be read as spencer reid/luke alvez | trigger warnings: blood, vomiting | content: spencer is injured on a case | word count: 406
day twenty three: stalking | fandom: criminal minds | characters: jennifer jareau (centric), emily prentiss | ship: mentioned jennifer jareau/will lamontagne | trigger warnings: mentions of sexual assault, rape, abuse and stalking | content: a case reminds jj of a past relationship, emily & jj friendship | word count: 1.2k
day twenty four: goodbye note | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, aaron hotchner | ship: none | trigger warnings: none | content: dad!hotch, spencer & hotch friendship, gideon left and spencer isn't dealing well, anxiety, autistic spencer | word count: 951
day twenty five: storm/buried alive | fandom: succession | characters: roman roy, logan roy | ship: none | trigger warnings: detailed discussion of unspecified eating disorder | content: roman struggles with an eating disorder, logan is a terrible parent | word count: 824
day twenty six: working to exhaustion/"you look awful." | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), jennifer jareau, david rossi, aaron hotchner | ship: none | trigger warnings: ableism | content: on a case, local officers treat the team badly, dad!hotch, team as a family | word count: 1.7k
day twenty seven: scars | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, luke alvez, penelope garcia | ship: pre spencer reid/luke alvez, but can be read as platonic | trigger warnings: past self harm, past drug addiction | content: case fic, post prison spencer, autistic spencer, spencer is uncomfortable in his body, luke helps | word count: 1.6k
day twenty eight: bloody knife | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, derek morgan, david rossi | ship: none | trigger warnings: stabbing | content: case fic, spencer is stabbed, team as a family | word count: 371
day twenty nine: "what happened to me?" | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid (centric), derek morgan, jennifer jareau, aaron hotchner | ship: none | trigger warnings: past addiction, gunshot wound | content: spencer is shot on a case, pain relief used in the hospital brings up bad feelings, team as a family, dad!hotch | word count: 888
day thirty: borrowed clothing | fandom: criminal minds | characters: spencer reid, luke alvez | ship: spencer reid/luke alvez | trigger warnings: implied sexual assault | content: luke finds spencer after he's been kidnapped on a case | word count: 718
day thirty one: emptiness | fandom: succession | characters: roman roy, gerri kellman | ship: roman roy/gerri kellman | trigger warnings: detailed description of unspecified eating disorder, vomiting | content: roman struggles, gerri tries to help | word count: 913
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sundrop-writes · 4 months
hiya! Might be a bit broad of a request but could I get headcanons with jj x autistic female reader ?
Broad in the sense if I could get hcs of her reacting to reader with autism, how she helps reader with overstimulation and struggling with social cues and noise. If you wanna throw in smut hcs (jj being the dom) i’m also fine with that!
Basically anything with jj and autistic female reader, thanks!
I love this request so much!!! If you want smut/smutty hcs with JJ and autistic reader, definitely feel free to send in a separate request - I will come back for that in another post. For now, I hope you enjoy this!!
Requests are currently - OPEN.
Jennifer Jareau x Fem!Autistic!Reader (Headcanons)
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(Warnings: typical CM themes, the reader is described as touch avoidant (with some exceptions); mentions of molestation and murder (related to a case, mentioned in passing); mentions of blood, mentions of someone being shot in the reader's presence. Idk, I don't think there's anything else. Not proofread.)
JJ was raised around everything (neuro)typical, so when she meets you, she doesn't quite get you. Not at first.
You are one of the smartest people on the team - that is why you're there. Your ability to pick up on patterns and bits of detail that others don't see is incredible, and your brain holds mass amounts of obscure information that she could never even dream of knowing.
But you are quirky. More than quirky.
You have difficulty making eye contact, you freak out if someone even motions toward touching you unexpectedly, you have very odd, specific little rituals with your snacks and meals (which JJ does come to find endearing over time) - you go from talking at incredibly fast speeds, blabbering out information to being silent and stoic for long periods of time.
When she finds out that you have autism, she is a bit surprised. She is one of those people who thinks that autism is a disorder related to school aged boys - but you explain to her how it affects your life. How it makes it difficult for you to relate to people, form close friendships, how it's difficult for you to focus on larger 'important' things when smaller details are bothering you.
(It's one of the reasons you're so good at your job - but it also makes it hard to focus on people's words if their shirt is wrinkled and it's distracting you.)
You act cold toward most people on the team, and it's one random day that JJ finally starts to figure you out. A day that you finally warm up to her.
You were helping Morgan escort a suspect out of the police station, to a squad car where he would be driven to jail to be processed. He had confessed to molesting and killing eight boys after being caught with a ninth, and when the father of one of the boys heard the BAU had arrested someone, he came to the police station with a gun.
When the suspect was shot, you were covered in his blood, and in horrible shock from hearing such a loud bang right beside your ear - from feeling the sudden dead weight drop in your arms.
You ran back into the station screaming, and JJ followed her instinct - followed you into the women's washroom, wanting to see if you had been hurt. She was surprised to see you pacing back and forth in front of the sinks, muttering something under your breath.
"L/N." She called out your name, trying to get your attention. "Y/N? Y/N? Hey? Are you hurt?"
You didn't look up, not for a second. But your muttering became louder. And it became more clear what you were saying.
"My pen, my pen, I dropped my pen..."
JJ had no clue why you were so concerned about a pen when you were covered in someone else's blood, your ears likely still ringing from the gunshot - but she knew that you had a pen-clicking habit. It was something that often annoyed Reid and Morgan - but from what she had observed, you did your best work when your thumb was twiddling, clicking the end of your pen insistently. It meant your brain was whirring hard, putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
JJ reached into the breast pocket of her blazer, and took out a pen that clicked on the end.
"Here." She offered it out to you. "You - you can borrow my pen." She said shyly, hoping it would help you calm down.
You extended out a shaking hand, and took the pen, and then began to click it harshly with your thumb. You gripped it so furiously, the skin around your knuckles so tight - but after a moment, you let out a tight breath. And then, for the first time since she had known you - you looked JJ in the eye.
"Thank you." You murmured, your voice ripe with tears.
"Keep the pen." JJ told you, feeling like it was a small consolation if it helped you calm down this much.
You reached up, petting a shaking hand over your face, and pulled back in disgust when you felt the sticky blood.
"Let me help you clean up." JJ said, grabbing some paper towels out of the dispenser and wetting them in the sink.
It was the first time you had ever let her touch you - you clicked the pen the whole time, and from then on, that sound became less of an annoyance and more of a comfort to her.
That was the day she realised one incredibly important thing:
To you, small things matter on such a big scale.
Coffee in your favourite mug instead of a random one she found in the back of the cupboard - that gets a smile out of you. Scones with blueberries instead of raisins - raisins get a shrug at best, blueberries get a giggle and a big 'thank you!'. Organising your files in alphabetical order instead of by date.
You and JJ became close after that day.
She wasn't a profiler, not in training, but she learned to read you like a book.
She knew that you bouncing your knee aggressively meant that you were becoming overstimulated - things in the room too loud, the florescents too bright, the day too overwhelming.
When this happened, she would take you outside for a break - often siting that she herself needed some air and she simply wanted your company. She knew you didn't like to be outwardly babied (who does?), but she also knew that you had a hard time self regulating. You had a hard time deciding when to take yourself out for a break, and if you didn't have one, then you would become irritable, have a hard time focusing, and hardly get any work done.
She also picked up on the fact that you just plain didn't get sarcasm.
Before, she thought you were being cool, or aloof. When someone said something sarcastic and you didn't understand, she thought that you were pretending not to get it in order to snub them or make a joke out of the whole thing.
But during one of your many conversations, you told her that you absolutely didn't understand sarcasm - you didn't get when someone was using a sarcastic tone, and you often took everything people said in its most literal interpretation.
So you and JJ developed a wonderful, silent system - if someone said something and you didn't understand if it was sarcasm right off the bat, you looked to her, and she would nod at you if they were being sarcastic, or shake her head if they were being literal. It was something people on the team picked up on, but nobody said anything about it - they just enjoyed the way you bonded with her, and how your quirky habits were spreading like a delightful little plague.
JJ knew that your life wasn't easy, living with autism, but she always tried to make it a bit easier. Because you were worth it.
Criminal Minds Masterlist
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thatsadfem · 1 year
JJ & Reid friendship headcannons (not a ship post)
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Bi boy + bi gal
JJ is the only person Spencer really trusts when he is having a meltdown. She know all his needs and his triggers, and handles it like a pro
Not only is Spencer besties with JJ, but he is besties with Will
Spencer lets JJ wear his cardigans
He used to only go clothes shopping with his mom, but since she became unable to, he goes with JJ. She knows his style, and what material makes him overstimulated
Spencer and Garcia babysit the boys all the time so JJ & Will can go on dates
When Spencer got out of jail, he stayed with JJ because he didnt feel ready to back to his apartment. JJ and Will love having him over and told him he could stay as long as he wanted
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spencermyangel · 1 year
The girls and Morgan trying to give Spencer an 'attractive makeover' but in the process make him feel insecure about himself.
Spencer was happily breezing through files when he heard soft giggling. He looked up only to see his teammates and friends, Garcia, JJ, and Emily, laughing and pointing at him. He flushed red and immediately began to wonder what he had done to cause their amusement. 
“He could look so good,” Spencer heard JJ whisper. 
The other girls nodded in agreement. Spencer started to shrink in on himself as they approached with devious smiles on their faces. 
“Spencer,” Garcia said in an overly sweet voice, “we were wondering…”
“Well, we thought…” Emily added on. 
“We could help you out,” JJ finished.
Spencer’s eyes flashed between the three of them and he cleared his throat, “help me how?”
“Well, it’s not exactly a secret that you’re not the most fashionable person, no offense,” Emily started, “But, we were talking and we thought with a change of clothes and a little styling you would look great.” 
Spencer glanced down at his outfit. A button up with an argyle patterned sweater vest over it. He blushed in embarrassment. He thought the outfit looked nice, was he wrong?  
“Please let us, Spence,” JJ pleaded, “you could look so good, if you tried.” 
Spencer ducked his head to hide the hurt that he was sure was written all over his face. Did he really look that bad? 
“Welllll?” Penelope asked, dragging out the word. 
Spencer swallowed hard and blinked back his tears before lifting his head and giving them a small smile, “I guess.”
The girls cheered just as Morgan happened to be walking by.
“Woah, what's the celebration for,” He jokingly asked. 
“Reid agreed to let us give him a makeover,” Emily told him.
“He’ll look so handsome when we’re done with him,” Garcia exclaimed, hugging Morgan’s arm in excitement. 
Amusement flashed through Morgan’s eyes as he began to smirk, “oh, i’ve got to see this. Plus with my help, he’ll be getting all the ladies.” 
Spencer looked in the mirror. He took in his friends work, his styled hair, fitted t-shirt, and jeans. He hated it. He didn’t recognize himself and the material of the clothes were bothering him. Everything felt wrong and horrible, but he couldn’t tell them that. They would think he was stupid for being so upset about not wanting to wear an outfit that wasn’t what he picked out for one night. Why couldn’t he be normal?
Spencer sat at the table with Morgan and the girls, all of them staring and smirking at him. Why won’t they stop looking at him? He avoided their eyes and pulled the shirt away from his skin, he hated how tight it was. He always liked his clothes to be a little big. 
“Calm down, you look great, Reid,” Morgan tried to reassure him, as he noticed his fidgeting.
No! Spencer wanted to scream. I don’t like it, the clothes are uncomfortable and the material hurts. Instead Spencer nodded and forced a smile. 
As they waited for the food they had ordered, Spencer continued shifting around and fidgeting. He rubbed his hands on his leg and focused on his breathing. But his hands touching the stiff material of the jeans only made his discomfort worse. 
“Are you okay, Spence?” JJ asked, concern on her face. 
Spencer tried to open his mouth to respond but no words came out, so instead he shook his head, stood up, and left the restaurant. 
Spencer paced outside, shaking out his hands and crying. He longed to be wrapped up in one of his soft sweater vests or cardigans. Not in the shirt that felt like pins and needles and the jeans that scratched his legs. 
“Spence?” JJ softly placed her hand on Spencer’s shoulder. 
Spencer flinched away, but glanced over seeing the girls and Morgan. They had followed him out. 
“What’s wrong, Reid?” Emily asked. 
Spencer shook his head, before tugging at the shirt, “off, off, off,” he repeated over and over again. 
Realization filled Garcia. “Let's get you home and you can change, okay?” 
She watched Spencer fiddle with his fingers, staring at them before he nodded. 
When Spencer and the team were all snuggled up in Spencer’s living room, deciding to have a sleepover, Morgan finally asked what they had all been wondering. 
“If the clothes bothered you that much, why didn't you tell us, Pretty Boy?”
Spencer hesitated and fidgeted with the lion plush Rossi had gifted him. 
“I didn’t want to look bad,” he finally mumbled. 
The other four gave each other glances of confusion.
What do you mean?” Emily questioned. 
Spencer began gently rocking, “you said i would look good and handsome if i dressed better and tried.” 
Penelope gasped, “oh no,” her voice was filled with sympathy, “we didn’t mean it like that. We just meant that you would look fashionable. You do look good, Spencer. Your outfits are just not popular fashion.” 
JJ, Emily, and Morgan nodded in agreement. 
“We’re really sorry, Spence,” JJ apologized, “it did come off as pretty mean, what we said.” 
“It’s okay,” Spencer forgave them, feeling a lot better, “My mind goes to the worst conclusion sometimes.” 
“Well, it was really our fault,” Morgan told him, “we were being rude. You look great, Pretty Boy. And your clothes suit you.”
Spencer blushed, “thanks.”
Send in asks and requests here
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jenny-from-the-bau · 5 months
JJ is so tightly wound always, and never lets them see her upset. Maybe it's just been too may really hard cases in a row or something, but she has to do a press conference, and she’s trying to touch up her appearance in the conference room and can’t find her hair brush in her go-bag and just gets SO mad and dumps her bag on the floor and sobs because her damn hands won’t work right and her skin feels too thick and her hair is touching her neck and the station is too hot and everyone is being too loud and she’s just so tired. She trashes her bag and rips her blazer off and starts pushing her hands through her hair and then realizes where she is and just freezes. She goes absolutely still and then just… turns on her heels and leaves the room.
I think Hotch is the one that goes after her. He tells Morgan to give the press conference and then follows after. She’s sitting in a supply closet and he goes in, too, and sits on the floor with her. She’s curled into a ball, crying, with her hair up in a messy bun, and she can’t look at him, so he just starts talking quietly. He says the past few weeks have been hard on all of them, but JJ really seems worn down, and if she needs any help, or needs some time, that’s totally fine. It’s not a weakness to need quiet or to stay back every once in a while. He’d rather she stay healthy, physically and mentally, then burn out.
She tells him she’s autistic. It’s different than Reid’s, less noticeable and more manageable, but when it’s bad, it’s really bad. She says she’s never told anyone that before, other than her mother, and her mother told her she just needed to work harder to be normal. Hotch thinks she tries hard enough and that she doesn’t need to be normal anyway. He says they can talk about making her life easier when they get back, and he tells her to take it easy. She can go back to the hotel room if she wants, or just stay in the conference room. She stays and Reid sits next to her in solidarity, and Emily gives her a bottle of water and everyone is supportive, but no one makes it a big deal.
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