Derek: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
Reid: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
JJ: I got distracted halfway through.
Emily: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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jjlxver · 1 year
gnc!jj and adhd!jj is real to ME i don’t care
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ambivalent-mess · 2 years
i just want through all your adhd!jj posts and omg i have never been so happy over a headcanon ever- brought me so much comfort fr
awe omg thank you so much this made my day <3 i loved doing all of those asks! maybe when i eventually restart the show i can get back into posting about criminal minds
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pogued · 1 year
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JJ in Season 3, Episode 4: The Diary
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multifandumbmeg · 3 months
Just stopping in to check because I haven't seen anyone mention this on any website but
I mean we're all in agreement that JJ's dyslexic, right? Like the whole "I can't read cursive" thing is not a joke. And it happens multiple times when cursive documents come up.
But Megan, the naysayers are naysaying, doesn't that just mean he can't read cursive? Still sad, but a lot of the letters look different and it's not very useful so maybe he flunked/ignored that unit of third grade.
Nay. Naaaay I have one more piece of evidence. Go back to the episode where they find Big John's compass and open it in season 1. John B says there's a secret compartment and JJ grabs it and says, "Let me see!" When the others ask what it says he struggles to read the single word etched in all CAPS (NO cursive) Redfield. While trying to sound it out, the others cut him off immediately by reading it out loud. They are able to read it at a glance, but JJ isn't.
So there's the compass, the letter from Limbrey where he admits he can't read cursive at all, and then again when they find Tanny's spyglass where he grabs it, sees the inscription, and then hands it to Pope and asks what it says.
Final solid evidence it's dyslexia vs. Not a fluke of writing (consistent pattern) or him being entirely illiterate, is that he DOES read John B's text message, proving he's alive in Nassau, texts Kiara to save him from the ambulance theft disaster, and texts Singh in Barbados with Portis' phone. So he can read, but he can't do it quickly and/or out loud.
Circumstantial bonus evidence - everyone headcanons/believes JJ has ADHD, which he definitely displays a lot of symptoms of, and there's a high comorbidity between ADHD and Dyslexia.
That's all I just wanted to note my theory.
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obx-incorrect-quotes · 3 months
Pope: How did none of you hear what I just said?!
John B: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
JJ: I got distracted halfway through.
Kiara: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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smartycvnt · 11 months
Hc about adhd JJ?
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JJ masks her adhd pretty well at first, and it takes you a long time around her to pick up on it.
She does a lot of pencil/pen tapping as a stim or she'll chew on the end of one or two pens she always has on her.
Exercise is the best way JJ feels she gets her excess energy burned away.
Sometimes JJ can go from 1000 to 0 and when that happens all you can really do is be there for her.
JJ hates it when her ticks are pointed out, especially whenever someone dismisses them as "quirks"
For the most part, JJ doesn't see her adhd as a hindrance, but god help the person who even tries to make her feel that way.
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juniperjellyfish · 9 months
Aughgghhhhghghhhhhhh ADHD is killing me rn
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ironmandeficiency · 5 months
here’s a tip for my girlies, gays, and geese that suffer from executive dysfunction:
if your executive dysfunction manifests like mine does, chances are, there’s one specific chore that makes a cannonball into a wood chipper sound like a vacation. for me, that chore is washing dishes.
this has been my least favorite chore to do ever since i was taught how to do it. the gross water and soggy food bits floating around were a sensory ick even with gloves, the smell was horrendous if the dishes had been sitting without being rinsed beforehand, and standing in front of the sink for a prolonged period was the eighth circle of hell for my adhd addled brain.
i’ve been slowly emerging from yet another depressive funk and my dirty dishes have been taunting me for two entire weeks. my issue is that i built up a big ball of dread about doing the dishes and have found every single excuse in the world to not get it over with, resulting in most of my bowls, plates, cups, and cutlery still being dirty.
what is my solution, you may ask? it’s simple: take the gunky dishes outside and spray off the stuck-on food with a water hose, then bring them inside to wash them with soap. that way, i don’t have to endure sensory hell and won’t have to worry abt my sink taking forever to drain afterwards. as of typing this, it’s half past midnight and i’m abt to hose off my dishes in my front yard
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dubjtodd · 3 months
Current hyperfixation: 1930's etiquette, fashion, and crochet.
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Steve Harrington little space sfw
The reader is a sercet little but steve finds out and helps also the reader has adhd ?
Still Here | Steve Harrington x Reader
a/n: I am not officially diagnosed with adhd so if I’ve gotten anything incorrect please let me know and I’ll immediately fix it
warnings: pacifiers, pet names, crying, mentions of being overwhelmed
───°˖✧✿✧˖° ───
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“Y/n?” Steve calls from downstairs, creeping up the stairs to your room as you haven’t been answering your phone. The two of you are supposed to be going to a drive in movie for the new horror movie that came out.
“Y/n? You in here-.” Steve stops short when he enters your room, staring down at how your sat cross legged on your carpet with a few stuffed animals set out around you and, most notably, a pacifier in your mouth.
“Hey there.” Steve doesn’t know what to think or do, he just stands there, looking at you with wide eyes as you stare back, neither of you move.
“I- I’m sorry-!” After a moment the pacifier drops from your mouth and tears quickly coat down your cheeks, making Steve jump to sit down in front of you.
“You don’t have to be sorry, it’s okay, you’re okay. Can you talk to me? Tell me what’s going on?” Steve really doesn’t know why in the world you would be sitting in your room with a pacifier and toys but he’s seen enough crazy things to not judge.
“I- I got really overwhelmed earlier and- and regressed because of it and I forgot we had plans and I didn’t call you and- and I’m sorry-!” Your tears are heavy and thick, pouring out at a rate Steve has decided can’t do.
He pulls you against him, shifting so you can sit on his thighs, tucking your head against his chest, and keeping a hand soothing up and down your back. Harrington knows how to help kids when they’re upset and even if he’s not a hundred percent sure what regression is, he can take a guess, one that leads him to rocking the both of you in place.
“Shh, honey it’s okay, you’re okay, we’re all okay. You gotta breathe, just breathe.” Steve assures you, being very thankful that your cries turn into sniffles.
“I- I couldn’t focus on my homework and I gave up after a few hours so I could relax and regress, I’m sorry I didn’t call you.” Steve shushes your worries away quickly.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to worry about it. We’re still hanging out right? I’m still here with you.” You giggle small when Steve grins widely down to you.
“Yeah, you’re still here.” You sigh contently against Steve, sleep pulling on your body, and before you know it he’s slipping the pacifier back into your mouth with a murmur about how you need sleep.
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JJ Maybank has hyperactive ADHD: Part 1/?
Well, y’all wanted this and I also kinda wanted to make it so! Without further ado, I present a DSM-V based analysis of JJ Maybank and the ADHD-H he most certainly has.
Presented as “fidgetiness (hands or feet)/squirms in seat” or “often fidgets or taps with hands or feet or squirms in seat” in the DSM-V.
Rudy has said before that JJ’s lighter was key to understanding and developing his character. We see him playing with the lighter all the time - usually when he’s just lying down or sitting somewhere - he’ll be flicking it open and shut or twirling it around.
In general, though, we rarely see JJ not moving.
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This scene is another example of the fidgeting - playing with the toothpick and the “it’s just nice to have something in your mouth” line. I know that I personally do things like this all the time. I don’t think I’ve ever had a lollipop without chewing the stick afterwards.
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We also see him playing with his hat on numerous occasions - turning it around or twisting it in his hands.
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He is plays with his hair a lot too! Running his hands through it, tugging it, etc. I personally love this one because I’m an absolute menace when it comes to my own hair, it’s my number one fidget - as a kid I pulled out way too much of it because of that whoopsie
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If you look at his hands in this scene, they gave him a little visitor card and he spends the entire scene fidgeting with it instead of holding it like most non-ADHD people would.
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Finally, in this scene he’s literally twirling a knife. Pretty obvious fidgeting.
Those are just a few examples of many. Feel free to reblog with your favourite JJ fidgeting moments!
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masquerading-man · 10 months
Trying to summarize and create myself a reference on some executive dysfunction tips that help me, and I thought I would share!
Getting your brain to work
Collect needed materials before you begin
Pomodoro method
Create a list of steps. Break down the task into extremely small chunks (e.g. to take a shower- start with just standing up from your chair). Begin with the goal of the very tiny first step.
Have an accountability buddy! Find someone who can give you a reward (e.g. spam you with memes when you’re done with the task), or ask them to give you a command (e.g. “tell me to start my work in the next minute!!”)
Listen to music that isn’t distracting! (For me the only thing that works is ragtime- it’s one of my favorite genres, itches my brain in the right way/isn’t boring, and won’t distract me with words)
Get your brain unstuck!
Do a jig! Do a dance! Move your body!
Watching something funny/motivating sometimes kick-starts my brain- (but only do it with a timer/when you feel you won’t get sucked into watching more things!). (It also doesn’t have to be a “motivational video” it can be a video of a bird or maybe a genvy compilation- it’s up to you!)
Draw a doodle of (or imagine) a comfort character encouraging you and cheering you on! Or perhaps ask how a comfort character would do the task.
Hourly timers are also good in case I do get distracted and need a turning point to remind me what I was doing.
Trying a 99 coping mechanism!
Check your HP! (Sometimes it’s helpful to view yourself as a game character that you need to take care of)
Checking HP…. (fix these things!)
Too hot/ too cold?
Too many/ not enough sounds?
Too many/ not enough people around?
Slept well? (If not- since it’s impossible for me to nap- lie down for 25 min!)
Do you have a clean space?
Are you worried? -> (use which ever coping mechanism works best for you! I like to pace and list out every single thing I’m worried about, and then take a couple deep breathes and let them go)
Too many thoughts? -> (put a piece of paper to the side, and write down any thought each time a thought distracts you from the task)
Do you feel affirmed? -> (hype yourself up or tell yourself it’s ok/comfort yourself!)
Bored? -> (ask yourself, “how can I make this exciting?”)
It doesn’t have to be perfect! Done is better than none!
Some is better than none! (1 minute is better than 0 minutes)
It’s ok that you’re having a hard time- it doesn’t mean you’re a bad or lazy person!
You’re alive! How fantastic! Isn’t nature cool?!Aren’t humans cool?! Just think, in a year you’ll be thinking about this splendid (and maybe annoying) thing that you went through!
Another day, another slay!
Maybe something on here might help you! :)
Feel free to add on to this list!! :)
Good luck! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧
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I don't project ADHD and/or Autism onto characters, I just perceive
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chem-echols · 1 year
shoutout to disabled BAU team headcanons <3 love yall <33
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