imsfire2 · 5 years
11 and 13?
Oh no, tumblr’s doing its “Notifications?  What are those?” thing again and I only just saw this!  Can’t even remember what the meme was.  I’m So Sorry and so embarrassed! 
>scuttles off to scroll back however-many days looking for the last time I posted an ask meme
11. Weirdest thing you’ve ever written/thought about writing/etc.?
I’m not sure I have that many really seriously weird ideas.  Perhaps because I both read and write mostly SF/fantasy/magic realism, a lot of ideas seem perfectly reasonable to me that someone who prefers strictly realistic fiction might find odd.
I remember when I started work on what became Guau-guau; a Random Dog story, thinking “K-2 as a greyhound?  That’s a bit cracky!” but of course in fanfic-land, real-world AUs and tropes like certain characters suddenly being dogs/cats/whatever, is so all normal as to be nothing to comment on.
I did make a list once of classic fairy tales I had a fancy to write as Rogue One AUs.  At the end of the list is a note saying “Some of these might end up being rather long” and the only one I’ve had a go at so far grew rapidly into By stardust and moonlight!  Anyway, I think the crackiest of the fairytales was the idea of a “Cinderella”-based story with Cassian as the Cinderella character and Imperial Jyn as the Prince Charming figure. 
I’ve also toyed several times with trying to do a “Miss Pettigrew lives for a day” AU - Art Deco, jazz music, 1930s style, madcap comedy plot with a heart of gold - called, of course, “Captain Andor lives for a day”.  If you know the film, or the book on which it’s based, you’l know that’s a fairly peculiar idea and quite a challenge.
13. Favorite fic from another author?
This is actually the most awful question to be asked!  I have so many favourites and can never manage to pick just one thing. 
Choosing at random, here are three memorably terrific rebelcaptain fics.  Just three, of the many dozens of superb Rogue One stories I’ve read.  We are blessed with so many good writers in this fandom!
Some distant memory by @jenniferjuni-per – the best Reincarnation AU I’ve yet come across; terribly sad in the middle stages but a HEA.
We’ve been here before by @angel-deux-writes – fantastic Groundhog Day/Edge of Tomorrow AU with brilliantly economical writing.
I fought the war (but the war won) by ephemera/ @incognitajones – a MSF AU; immensely powerful, romantic and sad, this will break your heart more than once but it’s a simply stunning piece of work.
Thank you for the ask and my apologies once again for the delay in replying!
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thesvenqueen · 6 years
Happiest of birthdays my dear! Hope you’re having a wonderful day 💛
Thank you!! Hope you do too!!
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callioope · 6 years
castiellover77 replied to your post “[[MOR] OKAY so i have been very bad, because looking for new doctors...”
Sending you good vibes!!!
jenniferjuni-per replied to your post
Sending good vibes <3
Thank you ^_^ I survived! My dentist was amazing!!! So understanding and patient, and she finished 40 minutes early. I have to go back June 4 but I feel much better now. :)
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sleepykalena · 6 years
You got this hun! Try to get a good night’s sleep and eat a good breakfast, and put your game face on 😘
Dammit all, now i have to account for time to put on makeup so i can paint my game face on LOLOL
thanks for the reminder, Jen, that was needed in ways I didn’t expect XD
[distract me! ask me anything!]
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lclrgsl · 6 years
jenniferjuni-per a réagi à votre billet “I was tagged by @jenniferjuni-per thanks!  The rules are as follows....”
I’m sweating
HAHA YEEESSSS i am so glad haha
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movioletta · 6 years
Naples for the European cities asks 😊
Thanks for asking! :*
if you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and for how long?
I’d love to go an a trip to North and Middle America and I guess I’d need weeks if not months if I want to visit all the places I want to see from Vancouver to Panama including basically the whole US.I’d also love to see Australia/New Zealand for some weeks.Another destination would be Great Britain/Ireland because I’ve never been there which is a shame considering it’s barely a one hour flight - maybe I can realise this in the next years, at least with a short trip to London. I’d also love to see some other european cities like Paris, Rome, Budapest, Oslo, Madrid…You see the list is long and especially far too long for my chronically starving bank account but let’ s see what the future brings.
Ask me stuff - European City Asks
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incognitajones · 7 years
Trick or treat! (Rebelcaptain please :-)
[ The latest Trick or Treat ficlet, which seems to follow on from this one. Hmm, I think it may be developing into a story…]
On Hoth, it had been easy to pretend. The heating system was feeble and unreliable, the climate was unrelenting, and the Alliance had only so many blankets to go around. Ninety percent of Echo Base had found someone—friends, squad mates, lovers—to bunk with against the cold.
Baze and Chirrut shared, of course, K-2 didn’t need organic warmth, and Bodhi had standing offers (both platonic and most definitely not) from half of the fighter pilots. That left Cassian and Jyn as the obvious pair of spares.
Cassian didn’t seem to mind. He shrugged and gave her his door code, said it was a good idea if someone beside Kay knew it anyway, just in case (in case of what, Jyn pointedly ignored). And she’d taken barefaced advantage of it.
But now Echo Base had been evacuated and its personnel hastily scrambled onto any Rebel vessel close enough to hear the call. Jyn had no excuse to invade Cassian’s space any longer. Both of them had ended up on the massive troop transport Circarpous V, where the temperature was perfectly controlled and even with the sudden doubling of the ship’s complement, everyone had a single berth.
Jyn’s was one in a stack of four. She’d started off on the bottom and hated it, traded for the top thinking that would be an improvement, and continued to hate it. It made her angry to admit, even to herself, but she knew the bunk wasn’t the issue. She’d slept fine in much rougher digs.
No, the problem was that she’d had just long enough on Hoth to get used to the comfort of Cassian’s silent presence while she slept. She’d come to rely on the luxury of waking in a bubble of shared warmth that felt oddly intimate, even though Cassian contorted himself into ridiculous positions to avoid touching her anywhere above the ankles. That wouldn’t work in these berths; they were a standard two by six, more than long enough for Jyn but so narrow that two people would be plastered much closer together…
She threw an arm over her eyes and bit the inside of her cheek to keep from screaming. This was ridiculous. If she wasn’t going to sleep, she might as well get up and do something useful.
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jupiter235 · 6 years
jenniferjuni-per replied to your post: I need advice.  It recently became very apparent...
Ugh. I’ve been in this position more than once and it sucks balls. But yes, everyone is right, stay for as long as you can and milk what you can out of them.
Thank you. I only hope I don't have to stay much longer.
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jeeno2 · 7 years
Trick or treat! (Rebelcaptain pls!)
Dawn breaks cold on Fest, and with it comes a damp, inescapable sort of chill that seems to seep all the way down to Jyn’s bones no matter how many thick layers she puts on in the morning, or how long she stands by their fire at night.
But here, in the soft bed she shares with Cassian, it is always warm.
“Mm,” he mumbles against her collarbone when she moves to get up. He tightens his hold on her, and gently eases her back down to the mattress. “Where are you going?”
She turns in his arms so that she’s facing him. She blinks, trying to see. It’s still very dark. The earliest rays of sunlight are only just beginning to filter in through the thin slats covering their windows. But by now Jyn knows every contour of his face by heart, and has memorized the expansive network of fine scars covering his chest with her fingertips, lips, and tongue.
Even without the light she can see him.
“The sun’s rising.” It’s the only answer she gives him. He knows as well as she does that she cannot sleep once dawn arrives. For Jyn Erso, old habits die very hard. 
He nods against the top of her head, understanding. This is a conversation they have had nearly every morning since the war ended and everything else began. “You need to work on that, Jyn,” he says, gently, his voice still thick with sleep. “There’s nowhere you have to be right now.”
With that, he pulls her even closer. She can feel the warm, comforting heat of him through the thin cotton fabric of his sleeping clothes. The feel of his warm, strong arms around her lulls her, soothes her, just as it always does.
Jyn closes her eyes, allows herself to surrender to it.
“Okay,” she whispers in the dark. 
I’ll try, she doesn’t say.
Jyn doesn’t know what a life spent standing still will be like. Even now, six months after the war.
But for Cassian – her anchor through it all; and a man who, she suspects, is just as scared as she is  – she will try.
Trick or Treat in my ask box
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thenewleeland · 7 years
I follow you because you always have something insightful to say, you support fic writers in the best possible way (I treasure each and every one of your comments), you are a badass supporter of women, and you are always there with a kind word for those who need it. Also you are funny as fuck and more often than not I am laughing so hard I’m crying at something you’ve said. You are also a kickass writer and your fics have been some of my faves in this fandom.
*incoherent squealing* I feel unworthy to receive such lovely compliments.
I see comments as a humble thank you for all the great story writers there are and (besides kudos) the least one can do if he enjoyed the story. The support of women - it could be more and it should be more, the amount of misogyny that is just embedded into so many parts of life and what’s worse not even seen by so many is disgusting and I’m not lying when I say that I’m very glad to have taken over the line of work that forces me to confront it more and more. If that means having to have more angry conversations with people, well. It is far less of a hassle than what so many have to go through.
I’d like to think that I’m funny occasionally, because that is one very important trait in life, so thank you! I’ll do my best. :D
And especially thank you for the final compliment, it is always so extolling to hear and I can only say the same about your stories. :)
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thesvenqueen · 6 years
#18 for the Disney asks 😊
18: What three locations would you want to stay at overnight in the parksCinderella’s Castle, The Contemporary, Animal Kingdom lodge
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 6 years
Star Wars Creator Tag Game
tagged by the lovely @crazy-fruit and @jenniferjuni-per to list ten things I created for the fandom that I am proud of, so let’s see…
1 - The World Through a Scope There’s something about this girl that makes him careless. (Also, he thinks idly, maybe Kay was right. Maybe she makes him stupid, too.) There’s something about her that takes him back.
It terrifies him, it does, but he’s strangely grateful, too.
[this is somehow mostly for the first fifteen chapters of this fic, I feel like there was a very sudden and very sad decline in all the things I love about those first fifteen after that.] But I am so, so proud of the overall atmosphere in this text, I to this day reread those chapters and have absolutely no idea how I did that, same goes for a handful of lines of dialogue that I’m pretty sure sound too good to have really been written by me. Also the ridiculously extensive, though very depressing, backstory for this fic is an accomplishment I am proud of (and slightly worried about because have you seen this what is wrong with me).
2 - Cold Coffee “Jyn.” His voice sounds all wrong, but he doesn’t have the presence of mind to fix that. “The day I don’t come for you, I’ll be dead.”
a.k.a. the other fic during the writing of which I made myself cry actual tears. Which, yes, for some reason is a point of pride. Also, again, this is one of those fics where I created a level of atmosphere and dialogue I don’t really feel I am capable of. Also also, for someone who’s never gone through a break-up, I seem to have written something that resonated with a lot of people who did, and having managed to describe something I’ve not gone through myself with some degree of accuracy is something that makes me really proud.
3 - A Little Hope Galen smiles. “So no drugs. That’s good.”
for that one I am really happy with the light-hearted, High School movie atmosphere and for the embarrassing amount of references… and also it is kinda sorta funny? For once?
4 - Here With Me He doesn’t say it. She knows. If he says it, it’ll just make it worse – it’s not like she can do anything about the fact that he’s here and she’s there.
It’s not forever, he tells himself.
another one that I feel like turned out a semi-realistic portrayal of a long-distance relationship? Which I also never had so. I am pleased with that.
5 - from the wrong side of the river The boy does not cry; he is very still. For a moment I think he has not understood what happened, but then I see it.
His big dark eyes that look like he has swallowed the darkness of war whole – they look at me.
6 - find someone (to carry you) “What happened to these people?” the shepherd inquires and Mal shrugs.
“Didn’t ask, but looks to me they’re survivors of that Alliance fleet got dusted on Scarif.”
these two I really liked for how well I managed to recreate the tone of the source material - I had a ball taking the jaded yet caring and bizarrely funny narrator from The Book Thief to narrate an actual canon fic, and I was actually surprised to find how easily the Firefly lingo was to write in the end and I had such fun - I might actually still come back to that one!
7 - Light The light comes and fades, like waves washing up on a white beach.
this was based on an insanely clever little gifset and it hit exactly what I loved so, so much about the elevator scene (I mean other than the look on their faces because C H R I S T), which is the wonderful play with the light that just washes over them and pulls away again and again, it’s so pretty and peaceful and it hurt me so much, and I’m pretty happy with how this text kind of mirrors that gentle back-and-forth, push-and-pull situation.
8 - Rome’s Still Burning & Asphodel Meadows This is what it is: He loves her, and he shouldn’t, but he does. 
On a whim, in front of an empty glass of tequila, in a crowded bar with sticky counters, he offers a beautiful woman his life.
(I know this is cheating, but these two are inseparable for me) this is another work where I am really really happy with how the overall atmosphere turned out, I was aiming for that neo-noir thing where everything is sad and time is pretty much standing still but you can taste the impending doom in the air. I love that sort of vibe and I’m really happy how it worked out here. Also very pleased with how well my little experiments turned out - in changing up my usual narration style for “Rome” and in implementing a big, out-of-context theme for “Asphodel Meadows”, it all blended far better than I’d hoped!
9 - Myosotis He wonders, sometimes, when he’s too tired to stop himself, if she thinks of him. And he wonders, now, if he wants her to.
I wanted to pick one of my works for the @jynappreciationsquad for this one, too - partially because I want to get away from writing “only” shippy things. This one was inspired by a Shakespeare sonnet that was screaming Galen Erso at me, and I am pretty happy with how my views on the relationship between Jyn and Galen translated onto the page here. That, and my last paragraphs are always really important to me and this one hit the exact note I wanted it to.
10 - Beinahe (Once, they were going to die together, on a bright white beach at the end of a world. She hopes that, once they really go, it will be like that.)
I keep forgetting this isn’t actually the first thing I ever wrote for this movie, not only because it has got the most recognition out of all my fics by a good stretch, but also because this fic is just it. Everything else I’ve written was me tweaking and bending the characters in some way, hopefully never too much, but this one right here is my understanding of the characters as they were presented to us in the film, put more clearly than I thought myself capable of before (and while) I wrote it, and I actually return to this whenever I feel like I’m losing my grasp on what the characters were. This fic might actually be my proudest achievement in writing to date, in the end.
tagging @justkeeponthegrass, @thereigning-lorelai, @runakvaed, @shotgunkitten, @yavemiel and @skitzofreak - only if you guys want to, of course :)
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I just think this fandom deserves to know that @jenniferjuni-per​ is a truly naughty influence, because she a.) tried to make me keep a super naughty line in “For Your Information” and b.) she’s trying to make me take it through the end of the movie, which means I’d have to turn it into a fix-it.
JEN. YOU STOP IT RIGHT NOW. Someone stop her! She’s dangerous!!! *runs and hides* *dives into blanket-and-pillow fort*
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sleepykalena · 6 years
Wait wait, what Peggy Carter rebelcaptain au??? Please direct me to this!!!
Alright y’all buckle your seatbelts for some Peggy Carter-themed Rebelcaptain delight!
How Jyn and Peggy Spend an Afternoon
Brought to you by @justkeeponthegrass, the same lovely author who wrote Once You’ve Tasted Flight, so you just know the WWII setting is gonna be well-written
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lclrgsl · 6 years
jenniferjuni-per a réagi à votre photo “I’ll officially study in Sweden next year!”
thank you so much!
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moonprincess92 · 7 years
Your writing is a gift 🎁, and I admire you! Give yourself a pat on the back and share what you like about your own writing📝, then send this to at least five other writers (or more!) you admire, too. 💝
Thank you Jen!!!
What do I like about my writing……………………..shit hahahahahahaha not a lot at this current time. I guess the two things I think I’m possibly good at are dialogue and character? If I had my way I’d never describe a thing and everything would happen through words hahahahahaha. And I’ve always done my best to try and stay true to whatever character I’m writing about. I legit care more about the characters than plot no matter what story it is bc if you can’t care about what happens to the characters, then you’re not gonna care about the plot really ay??? anyway, I like to think that’s what I’m best at! 
u know this was probably good for me, maybe I’ll appreciate my writing a whole lot more now hahahahahah thank you for asking me!! x 
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