#jensen appreciating the assets
warpedwings · 11 months
Misha Collins - Jensen Appreciating the Rear View
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GIF by @magnificent-winged-beast
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GIF by @purewasteland
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GIF by @purewasteland
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GIF by @sunglassesmish
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GIF by @sunglassesmish
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GIF by @sunglassesmish
Misha - Rear View: 1 2 3
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Warning: Jensen Body Image Rant Ahead
I think it's extremely toxic to hold people to unrealistic standards of beauty and to value their wrapping way more than what they give from their soul and intelligence. Jensen doesn't owe anyone a toned behind, he also doesn't deserve to be objectified in such extreme dehumanizing ways. People have tastes and types so it's natural to express opinions, so this comment is not referring to those that have truthfully and neutrally expressed their opinion but to those that hold him against unrealistic standards and place him on a high pedestal only to knock him down as if he is meant to be an object meant for their consumption only. I am referring to AAs. I saw some comments claiming body shaming due to people expressing their opinion about his behind yet the same people calling that out are the first to sexualize and depersonalize him to the nth degree. For the love of gawd, saying someone's behind is flat when it is doesn't count as body-shaming, it's descriptive, just like saying someone is short or tall or super thin. Of course if said comment is being made with a mean, abusive streak well that's a completely different thing. The same people that objectify him are suddenly scandalized because people are unimpressed by his behind. Yet they still fail to have awareness of what they do and how they contribute to the toxic ways in which Jensen is viewed. I watched the episode and wasn't impressed by his scene, his behind was never toned so I wasn't expecting it to be sculpted, it looked beautiful and normal but I was more impressed with the performances of the cast. He's always had an average body and he's perfect just the way he is, flawless in his own unique way. Part of what makes him so beautiful is that his body has this sheer contrast of perfection mixed with features such as bow legs, for example. It's heartbreaking to note most of his "fans" only care about his uh "assets" and can't really see him or appreciate him as he is beyond his wrapping. It must feel incredibly lonely and painful to always be viewed in superficial ways and one of the main reasons Jensen's career is not as stellar as he wishes is because he can't seem to break out of this superficial audience and into a higher tier one and be considered more seriously instead of superficially. As always, never mind me, I'm just ranting and this is just my personal view. I may not like Jensen as much as I used to due to him being associated with Danneel and due to the plot holes in his image but no one, no one deserves to be torn into and objectified at the levels he is by his own rabid fan-base.
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stockmarketknowledge · 3 months
What Investment Benchmarks Do You Use?
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As an AI language model, I don't have personal investments or use specific investment benchmarks. However, investors commonly use various benchmarks to evaluate the performance of their investments and compare them against relevant market indices or peer groups. Some commonly used investment benchmarks include:
Stock Market Indices: Investors often compare their portfolio returns to major stock market indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), Nasdaq Composite, or specific sector indices. These indices represent the performance of a broad market or specific segments of the market.
Bond Indices: For fixed-income investments, investors may benchmark their portfolio returns against bond indices such as the Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Bond Index or the ICE BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Corporate Bond Index.
Mutual Fund or ETF Benchmarks: Investors may compare the performance of their mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to relevant benchmarks such as the Lipper Category Average, Morningstar Category Average, or an appropriate market index that closely aligns with the fund's investment objectives and asset allocation.
Peer Group Comparisons: Investors may benchmark their portfolio returns against the performance of similar investment strategies or peer group portfolios. This approach helps investors assess how their portfolio stacks up against others with similar investment objectives, risk profiles, and asset allocations.
Risk-Adjusted Performance Measures: Investors often use risk-adjusted performance measures such as the Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, or Jensen's alpha to evaluate the risk-adjusted returns of their portfolios relative to a chosen benchmark. These measures take into account both returns and risk levels to assess portfolio performance more comprehensively.
Customized Benchmarks: Some investors may create customized benchmarks tailored to their specific investment objectives, asset allocation strategies, or investment mandates. These benchmarks reflect the investor's unique goals and investment philosophy and serve as a yardstick for measuring portfolio performance.
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Ultimately, the choice of investment benchmark depends on the investor's objectives, investment strategy, asset allocation, and preferences. It's essential to select benchmarks that are relevant, appropriate, and meaningful for evaluating portfolio performance and tracking progress toward investment goals.
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kickingitwithkirk · 2 years
Paschal Moon
Summary: Jensen finds crossing the tracks isn’t always a bad thing
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Astronomer!Reader
Word Count: 2200
Warnings: some angst, really bad punning(sorry) divorce, cheating, innuendos, cursing, reader says shit like I do in real life🤣
Square Filled: @winchesterandbeyondbingo -midnight @spnmixedbingo -secret dating @spnaubingo -wet dream @j3bingo -camping @howbadcanitbebingo -cliche galore
*no Beta-all mistakes are mine
*photos found online
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It was Saturday night and once again Jensen found himself the proverbial third wheel.
Jared and Genevieve meant well, dragging him everywhere with them since his filing for divorce, wanting to keep him from brooding at home with a bottle when not with his kids.
And it wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy socializing, that wasn’t the problem, it was knowing it would be an evening filled with repetitive I'm so sorry and the look that sent him straight to the open bar first for many a shot nowadays.
Feeling the slight buzz he needed to deal, Jensen put on his game face and with another tumbler of liquid courage in hand made the rounds; chatting amicably with various groups, catching up with old friends.
Things were going pretty well until some dumbfuck with more alcohol than brains turned to Genevieve loudly blurting they’d heard the reason for the divorce was Danneel had been making the rounds with guy’s with more sizable assets..
That’s when her moose sized husband bellowed in the jerks face to shut their unprepossessing cake hole.
Jensen takes the momentary distraction to escape out a side door before he gives into the impulse and punches the sonuvabitch with the double entendre slammed it shut crossed over to the riverside railing and gripping it in both hands wrung it like a chicken neck.
The unexpected swish of fabric made Jensen shift his focus spying a glass half full of liquid being held out in front of him, “looks like you could use this more than me.”
He turns, finding himself gazing into the eyes of the tall drink of water he’d noticed throughout the evening.
Glancing at the glass again she laughed, “I’m not slipping you a mickey,” lifting said glass to her lips he watched her throat ungulate, making Jensen Jr. rise to attention.
“See Peaches, I’m not some crazy charity stalker.”
He took the glass and felt a spark as his fingers brushed hers, “thanks, I wasn’t actually thinking..that,” threw back the rest of the liquid appreciating the smooth slide down his throat, “it’s been a pretty shitty evening.”
“Preaching to the choir honey child. I’m here ‘cause my second cousin on my mama’s side girl broke up with him and now I know why.”
She bends over giving Jensen a fantastic view of her breasts artfully showcased in her cocktail dress retrieves a bottle, “that motherfucker thought he could pimp me out for a promotion!”
She points the bottle at him, “what the hell is it with people? That having a ring on it,” she grabs his left wrist holding it up so the lights glint off the band he hasn’t been able to remove yet, “means absofuckinglutely nothing?”
“Now you're preaching to the choir,” Jensen can’t keep the bitter note out of his voice as she refilled the glass, “my soon to be ex’s been doing that while I was working,” his shoulders dropped, feeling deflated.
“Holy shit, you’re the guy everyone is gossiping about! Is it true your wife’s been running around ‘cause you couldn’t find her clit with a map, GPS and a fucking bullseye paint on it? Hell, most gals just use a vibrator if they wanna get off that bad.”
There was no disguising his blushing this time, even the tips of his elfin ears felt hot and he’d swear they were glowing in the dim lighting as she continues, “or that your package is really,” she wriggled her pinky finger, “don’t get me wrong, no shame if you know how to use it.”
Jensen’s eyes widened in shock and she slapped her hand over her mouth, “oh fuck, I’m so sorry, my mouth doesn’t know how to stop once I get started, blame it on my upbringing.”
Jensen took a drink figuring he’d need a stiffener since there’s no telling what she’d say to his one word question, “upbringing?”
She grinned at him, “you know what they say, you can take the girl outta the trailer park..” Jensen's expression became bewildered, “yep, I’m that relative they always warned you about.”
“Little late with the warning sweetheart.”
She burst out laughing and Jensen found himself doing the same.
They were sitting with their backs against the building working on another bottle she five finger discounted.
Here he was, a forty-three year old man normally in control ‘cause in his profession showing emotions that weren't scripted was a sign of weakness that could be exploited but this woman, whom he’s never met before, had upended his control, making him feel like he’s thirteen year old having his first crush, had him talking and laughing and before he knew it told her everything that’d actually happened.
“That sucks balls and not in the good way!”
“Kicker is she wants alimony.”
“But you caught her doing the beast with two backs..” Jensen hums in response taken another drink before handing her the glass.
“Peaches, I’m no lawyer but I’d say that ain’t fucking happening,” she refills the glass, “and no offense but your ex makes those whores back home look almost pious, they have the decency not to fuck in your bed..most of the time.”
Jensen rubbed his face, “I can’t believe I’ve told a complete stranger about my problems.”
“Sometimes it’s easier to unburden yourself to someone you don’t know.”
“I haven’t even told my family or Jared!”
“And Jared is?”
“The guy who has my back no matter what.”
“That’s probably why, you’re afraid that if he knows what really happened it'll diminish how he sees you.”
Jensen looked at her confused, “guys POV.. if I caught my wife fucking around in our marital bed saying it’s cause I couldn’t keep her satisfied in the sack, I’d not wanna discuss it either but I know it’s,” wiggles pinky again, “horseshit.”
“You dress left..and I’ve never had a phone stand up to say hello.”
Jensen found himself stumbling to come up with some kind of coherent response.
“Ahh, come on Peaches, you know you’ve given a lotta people wet dreams about you and your alter ego.”
“Why do you keep calling me that?”
“Cause you’ve got the juiciest peach of an ass I’ve ever seen and I wouldn’t kick you outta bed for eating crackers,” she says winking at him.
“Jensen!” They both look up at a fuming Jared coming out the side door. “Fuck man, I’ve been looking all over for you, we’re ready to go,” heads towards them as a church’s bells ring twelve times.
“Well pooh, I was having fun,” she says as they stood up, “guess it’s time to leave the ball and for me to head back to the pumpkin patch.” She gives Jared a nod walking towards the open door.
“WAIT!” Jensen hollars and runs to her, “you can’t just leave this way..I don’t even know your name.”
“Give me your phone,” he pulls it out of his jacket pocket making her smirk seeing its size, enters her digits, “give me a ring if you ever cross the tracks Peaches,” winking at him she then disappears into the crowded room.
“Who was that?” Jared asked as Jensen glanced at her contact info.
It took weeks of Jared’s continual nagging about getting back on the horse for Jensen to decide to call.
Yet he didn’t.
Another two weeks went by when Jared flat out told him to stop acting like a teenage girl made him whip out his phone and pull up her number before going to shut it off again when Jared snatched it and held it over his head out of Jensen’s reach making him squawk taps call.
Two rings and her voice came through the speaker.“Peaches, you’re slower than molasses in January crawling uphill giving a girl a holler.”
Jensen’s irritation with Jared mellowed hearing her voice, agreeing to meet Friday at a hole-in-the-wall for lunch where he wouldn’t be recognized.
Lunch became dinner, dinner became bar hopping which lead to sneaking into Blue Hole to go skinny dipping and doing things that would scare fish, detouring to Waffle House for chili around four in the morning, ends with him spending the weekend at her place.
Jensen was nervous. It didn’t happen often but tonight was extra special.
A few months back she’d bounded into his home excited about an upcoming celestial event and field trip her astronomy class was taking and she really, really, really wanted him to go even though they agreed on keeping their relationship secretive until his divorce was finalized.
It struck him that it'd be the perfect night to do something he’d literally been wanting to since their first date so he said yes while mentally making other arrangements for the night.
“Peaches, this isn’t the way to the observatory.”
“We’re not going there sweetheart.”
“I realize that Captain Obvious! What I want to know is wtf..are you trying to get me fired? I have a class..”
“That Dr. Carnegie is graciously covering.”
“Why is..what did you do Jensen?”
“I went to the head of your department,” she groaned, “and inquired if it was possible for someone else to supervise because I’d planned a special night with my girl.”
“What happened to us keeping on the DL? Carnegie is the biggest blabbermouth..everyone on the planet’s gonna know about us by morning!”
“We don’t have to anymore ‘cause my divorce was finalized this morning.”
“WHAT!” She indignantly squawked,”why the hell didn’t you tell me..”
Jensen bemusedly listens to her ongoing rant, picking up her hand kissing it’s back entwined their fingers as he drove on for another hour to Inks Lake State Park paying for an overnight camping permit.
“Since when do you camp out, ‘cause the one time I asked, you gave me stink face when I mentioned a tent.”
“Since the day you bounded in all excited, asking me to come with you and I wanted to make tonight special.”
She leaned over kissing his cheek, “thank you. I sincerely appreciate you compromising your creature comforts for me.”
Jensen scratched the back of his head, “well, we’re not technically camping out, I got an air mattress that fits in the truck bed.”
Jensen gaze’s up at the moon awash with a pink hue, “I know it's a yearly thing so what makes this one so special?” The question made her lift her head from the telescope’s eyepiece, an amused expression crossed her features taken in his reclining position on the air mattress in the moonlight.
“Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson? Or do you want me to paint you like one of those french girls?”
Jensen peers down at his unintentional position: one hand tucked behind his head, bowed legs splayed, one knee slightly bent, his other hand lying near the sliver of skin peaking out between his dark henley and low riding jeans.
She walks towards the truck, “what makes this years,” sets a foot on the back bumper, “so special,” grips the tailgate and hops over onto the mattress, “is the proximity of the moons orbit,” on her hands and knees crawls forward, “to the earth,” placing her hands on either side of his shoulders she straddles Jensen’s hips slowly sitting down, “is ultra close and..whatthehellisinyourpants!!”
Jensen quickly grabbed her waist, preventing her from hitting the sidewall when she jumped off him, “that’s the other surprise I planned for tonight.”
“That’d better be a sex toy and not Peyronie's disease,” Jensen gave her an bewildered look, “what, I like your cock as is, curves just right for my pleasure.”
“Your mouth is gonna be the death of me..”
“..but what a way to go?”
Jensen flopped on his back groaning, “this isn’t how I imagined tonight going.”
“So let’s pretend we’re on set, I’ve flubbed the scene and do another take.”
“That’s why I love you,” he says, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear, “the fact everything that pops into my head comes flying out of my mouth?” Jensen chuckles, “yeah well, I like you just as you are and would be the luckiest man alive if you’d marry me.” He reaches into his pocket pulling out the box she sat on and opens it revealing the ring he’d chosen takes her hand sliding it on her finger.
Her silence was almost deafening, having never known her to be without some kind of a response, “getting nervous here sweetheart,” Jensen says, “I know we’ve only been together for a short time and I don’t want you to feel pressured in any way to answer...”
“What’s the stone?”
“Umm..it’s a Moldivite,” she has this expression he wasn’t sure what to make of it. “I know it’s not conventional and if you want to pick something..else..” Jensen broke off watching her eyes fill with tears.
“You gave me this ring, not because you’re being cheap, but ‘cause you know what the significance of its origin would mean to me. You’ve never put on air’s with me, never been anything other than yourself, a genuine, caring, funny as hell, beautiful soul who couldn’t be any more perfect and I’m saying yes!”
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @b3autyfuldisast3r @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67
Dean/Jensen @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl @akshi8278 @beabutterfly987
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eljackinton · 3 years
Jack's End of Year Video Game Round-up.
There were many things I couldn't do this year, being in lockdown and all, which in turn meant I played a hell of a lot more video games than I normally do. Here's a quick rundown of what I thought of them.
Hitman 2
IO have sort of perfected the Hitman formula now, so future entries in the series simply have to ask the question of what new directions you can take that formula. In that regard Hitman 2 is a resounding success, setting sneaking and assassination in scenarios around the world from race tracks to holiday resorts, and thus making it the best entry yet. It's possible one day the Hitman conceit will wear thin, but today is not that day.
Most people will go into Thronebreaker just wanting a stand-alone version of the Gwent we played during Witcher 3. Thronebreaker is not that. Indeed, even beyond the changes to the mechanics brought in by the online version, Thronebreaker is more of a puzzle game which uses the mechanics of Gwent to concoct unique scenarios. Still, the story is pretty good and it is fun overall, even if it didn't end up scratching the itch left by Gwent.
Black Mesa (Xen)
I returned to Black Mesa after Xen was finally added, eager to see what the team had come up with. My feelings are complicated. The Xen portions of the game are really well designed, great to play and visually beautiful. However the levels hew so far from the Half-Life originals that it kind of stops feeling like Half-Life. I would have like to have seen a more faithful recreation to be honest.
Neon Struct
If you've been wanting a spiritual sequel to Thief that actually used the mechanics of Thief, here you go. Though low budget, and therefore having somewhat uninspiring visuals based on reused assets, it's still a really impressive game from what the team had to work with, and it's short enough that it doesn't outstay it's welcome.
Acid Spy
I'm generally usually okay at stealth games but this one was well beyond my skill level. Got through the tutorial but just got frustrated and quit on the first mission.
Salting the Earth
A wonderfully put together visual novel about the legacy of war and the nature of national identities. Also you date buff orc women. One of the best VNs I've played, but it does have some pretty bleak potential endings that clash somewhat with the rest of the story's tone.
Speaking of buff orc women, Hedon is a vivid, perfectly designed retro-shooter that really uses the most of it's engine to bring it's world to life, with shades of Thief and Strife thrown in there. Wears its hornieness on it's sleeve, but if you can roll with that you'll have nothing but a good time.
The Painscreek Killings
I really really loved this immersive narrative game, where you explore an abandoned town to piece together a series of suspicious deaths. My only gripes are the town looks very British despite being set in the US, and the final confrontation adding a chase scene felt a little over dramatic.
Deus Ex Mankind Divided
There are many problems with Mankind Divided. Trying to find another story to do with Adam Jensen. Making the game more of an open world by taking away the usual Deus Ex globe-trotting. The clumsy use of racial metaphor being applied to cyborgs. All in all the game just didn't really come together, which is a shame, because the DLC showed such promise, and hinted at the real Deus Ex game we could have had.
Warhammer Armageddon DLC
I managed to complete the Salamanders DLC and got stuck near the end of the Blood Angels one. All in all it's simply 'more' of what the base game offered, and I'm not sure it really needed it.
Easily one of the most interesting games I played this year. So good It inspired me to write a cheesy fanfic. Sure the mechanics of applying squad mechanics to a point and click are interesting, but it's the world, the art and the characters themselves that really make this game. Highly recommended.
Devil Daggers
The ultimate distillation of classic shooter mechanics. One platform, one weapon, endless enemies. I didn't get all that far into it and I think most people won't, but I'm not going to complain for the price. Overdue a revisit.
Dream Daddy
A fun and fluffy dating game that actually does a good job of putting you into the mindset of a recently bereaved bisexual dad. Come for the hunks, stay for the really affecting story of a strained relationship between father and daughter.
Greedfall falls short of the mark in most aspects, but I have to give it credit for being one of the few games to give us a Bioware companion-centric adventure during this drought of Bioware games. It lacks the zing of something like Dragon Age, and handles the subject of colonialism really problematically, but if you can get past those issues, it's a fun ride, and a world I'd like to revisit.
Endless Legend
I've been wanting a game to scratch the Alpha Centauri itch for decades now and Endless Legend finally did it. There is a risk of being overwhelmed by the sheer number of unique factions to play, and I know I still haven't really scratched the surface even after 4 full campaigns. Is that a criticism? I suppose it depends if you think you can have too much of a good thing.
Space Hulk Deathwing Enhanced Edition
A valiant effort was put in to make a faithful FPS of the Space Hulk experience, but ultimately it falls far too short. The visuals look great and the game-feel of stomping around as a Space Marine really works, but the game lacks charm and character. Up against Vermintide, there's no comparison.
Sunless Sea
This is a game that feels like a bottomless abyss of secrets and mysteries tied up in a very brutal one-life-only system. I really enjoyed my time with Sunless Seas, with the music calling me like a wailing siren every now and again, yet in many ways I did find it a bit too unforgiving, and it could have benefited from having a bit more of a progression between lives than the almost solid reset it leaves you with.
Age of Empires / 2 / 3 Definitive Editions
The first Age of Empires has an important place in history, but is borderline unplayable by today's standards. Almost every aspect was improved in 2 and going back now feels like trading a car for a horse and cart. It's clear that the game was intending your slow crawl out of the stone age through hunting and gathering to be part of the game in its own right, but today it's just tedious, and the rest of the game is just so slow.
There isn't much to say about Age of Empire 2 that I haven't already said, but I will point out that multiplayer AOE2 has kept me sane over the course of the lockdown, and I'm glad the Definitive Edition enhanced that experience.
Age of Empire 3 tried too hard to reinvent the wheel. Instead of taking 2 and building on it, it instead contorted it around a colonisation theme, and it didn't really work. On top of that, the mechanics really felt they were built more for single-player story missions. The maps are too small, and the expansion factions clash with the rules badly. Still, there is fun to be had, and I'll be checking out the campaigns next year.
Hand of Fate 2
This game takes the original Hand of Fate and adds way, way too much into it. While I appreciate the addition of companions, a longer story mode, and optional side missions, the game is far too experimental with it's formula, and leaves me struggling with complex missions around being lost in a desert or evading barbarian hordes, when all I wanted was a straight forward dungeon crawl. I tapped out two thirds of the way through the campaign.
Wild Guns Reloaded
I love the style and aesthetic, but I just don't have the reflexes (or the gamepad) for these fast paced arcade games.
Vermintide 2 Drakenfels
Fatshark gave us an entire Vermintide campaign for free this year, at the cost of having to be subjected to obnoxious cosmetic micro-tranactions. Hard to say it was worth the price, but Fatshark really do continue to improve, bringing new scope and ideas to every new mission. As good as it gets.
Pendula Swing
A fun little game that apes the visuals of a Baldur's Gate style RPG but the mechanics of a point and click adventure game set in a fantasy version of the roaring twenties. A strong introduction to it's setting but definitely needs building on if we're to see a continuation. A lot of the world-building feels too simple and half-baked at times, and the gameplay feels like too much is going on too fast. Still, a charming story though.
The Shiva / The Blackwell Series
At first I had no idea that Unavowed was connected to a host of other Wadget Eye adventure games, so naturally I had to check them out. I'd known about The Shiva and the Blackwell games for years, but never actually thought about picking them up. Playing them all back to back was a great experience, and almost felt like a prototype to the episodic storytelling many games do today.
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light/Temple of Osiris
Guardian of Light is a fun, inventive co-op game for killing some time with a friend. The puzzles are often unique and interesting and get you thinking, and the story, while nothing fantastic, is fun enough to keep you interested and have a laugh about with your co-op partner in a B-Movie kind of way. Temple of Osiris adds way too much to the formula, with more characters, mechanics and more open exploration and it absolutely loses the charm of the first game, and even then it's buggy as hell. Skip the second one.
Command and Conquer Remastered
Big chunks of my childhood are taken up with memories of playing Command and Conquer and Red Alert, so it's difficult to really gauge my thoughts on the remaster. On the one hand the art direction looks great and preserves the feel of the original, and the quality of life improvements to the gameplay help make it more playable. The nostalgia hit is also palpable. That being said, the mechanics have not aged all that well, with much of the game being far, far too hard. Probably the best way to experience the genesis of the RTS genre but just know what you're getting in for.
Superhot Mind Control Delete
I wrote a lot at length about how unsure I was about Mind Control Delete at the time, and that's because it does feel a little unsure about itself. Is it a continuation of the first game? A fun bonus mode? A mediation on the nature of addiction? A critique of video game content? A joke on the player? I don't know, but I do know one thing, and that is that Superhot is still as addictive as hell.
Opus Magnum
Zachtronic's steampunk alchemy game requires far too much maths brain than I am capable of , and so I had to rely on guides a lot of the time, but that being said, it's still amazingly put together and vividly presented. Really feels like a game that could be used in schools.
Necromunda Underhive Wars (Story Mode)
I'll be checking out Underhive's Campaign mode in the new year, but for now I just want to talk about the story mode. Much like Mordheim, this is a game that's not going to work for everyone, but I really dug it and like it's unique take on a squad based TBS. However, in many respects the game does feel like a missed opportunity. The storyline is fun enough, and the arsenal robust, but much of the character of the tabletop game, the weird, chaotic, and sometimes comical things that can happen over the course of a battle seems to have been lost in translation, as has the quirky character to a lot of the gangs.  
Outer Wilds
There is little I can say about Outer Wilds that hasn't already been said by others, particularly that one should go into the game as blind as possible. A beautiful piece of interactive art, words would fail me in describing it anyway.
Life is Strange 2
Fantastically written, amazingly animated, wonderfully acted, and grim and depressing as all hell. I really love Life is Strange 2, but it it a tough game to bare witness to, especially in 2020. It treats it's subject matter with great maturity, but is so dark it's hard to motivate yourself to continue each gruelling episode. Also, I really think it would have fared better if it had not named itself Life is Strange 2, as not following Max and Chloe turned a lot of people away from a game I think they'd have otherwise enjoyed if they'd named it Wolf Brothers or something.
Half Life 2 / Episodes / Portal / 2/ Mel
After playing Black Mesa earlier this year I decided to revisit the entire Half Life 2 and Portal series. What I concluded is that Half Life 2 is not really all that good. A well told story wrapped around weak combat and average encounter design. This much improves across the episodes of course, but in the end I rather feel Half Life 2 is pretty overrated.
Portal, on the other hand, still feels fresh, though I was surprised I'd forgotten just how much was added in Portal 2, to the point Portal feels more like a game demo. That being said, I think the slowly growing mystery and menace of Portal has aged a lot better than the gagfest the series became with 2. Mel, a stand-alone mod that feels like could be a Portal 3 in it's own right, returns to a more serious tone, and feels all the stronger because of it.
Control has gone from a game I didn't really care about all that much to one of my favourites of the year, if not the decade. Sure there are criticisms I could make, but the world has so much depth, the characters so much potential, and the gameplay such perfectly designed chaos, that it wouldn't really matter. A great time was had.
Icewind Dale 2
Finishing Icewind Dale 2 was the final banishing of the old ghosts of Infinity Engine games I never finished as a kid. Sure there was the nostalgia, but Icewind Dale 2 also feels prefect for the Baldurs Gate era's swan song. Beautiful environments, a well written story and great interface and design, only pulled down due to some overly long busywork at various points and the plot being dragged on a little too long. Still, sad to know I have no further Infinity Engine games left to conquer.
The first half of Elsinore is an absolutely great time-loop mystery, which seems to be an interesting interrogation of Shakespearian tropes and asks the question of how much of a Shakespearian tragedy remains the more you change it. The second half, however, quickly devolves into a cosmic horror story that feels a poor fit for the genre and far too grim for the art style, and that's even before it basically devolves into trying to do the same thing Undertale did but worse. A well put together game whose ending did not sit well with me.
Gwent: The Witcher Card Game
Since Thronebreaker didn't sate my appetite I started playing competitive Gwent. It is a wholly different game than the one that appears in The Wither 3, but is certainly fascinating in it's own right. After 200 hours I am officially addicted, somebody please send help.
And that's that. Not doing a top 5 games of the year because I played too many this year and I've spent too much time thinking about them already. Here's hoping I play less in 2021 and can get back to a more normal life.
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Appreciation post for jib9 protective-Jensen!
Jared was having a rough day, and Jensen, of course, was bound and determined to do everything in his power to make things better/easier for his struggling hubby.
He decided that he should definitely be there at Jared’s side no matter what.
That was a solid necessity.
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Fan: “Welcome, Jared.”
Jensen: “I’m not supposed to be here.”
And once he was there by Jared’s side, he just had to do a quick little thing so that the audience didn’t think he was being too hover-y and overprotective.
That thing consisted of him being all like ‘I’ll just go...’ even though he knew that Jared would immediately nip THAT terrible idea right in the bud.
Which, shocker, he did.
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Jensen: “I’ll just go.” *starts to fake-leave*
Jared: “No! No.”
Once that was settled, Jensen’s new mission was to make sure that nothing was too overwhelming for Jared or happening too quickly.
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Rich: “Let’s field some questions.”
Jensen: “Hang on! You’re jumping the gun, here!”
(also in the mission outline: providing distractions/entertainment/etc. like blowing bubbles, singing, all kinds of fun stuff to take some of the pressure off of Jared)
Of course it was very very important for him to compliment Jared’s beauty, because that’s just something we all need to hear when we’re feeling yucky.
And in Jared’s case, I’m pretty sure there’s actually literally nothing in this universe that could make him anything other than a spectacular thing of beauty by absolutely everyone’s standards, so there’s that too.
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Jared: “I’m not feeling so hot.”
Jensen: “I think you look amazing.”
-okay and speaking of beauty, we can’t forget that a crucial element of supporting your husband when he needs some extra lovin’ is to remind him that he’s got an awesome butt.
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^ Jared’s bubble butt
heh, see what I did there?
Because actually there were bubbles on his butt, in case you were not aware. And also obviously he has the sexiest bubble-butt ever even without the bubbles.
Jensen’s thoughts while he’s watching Jared trying to get the bubbles off of his butt: hmm, how can I comment on Jared’s great ass in a way that won’t draw too much attention?
Aha! Got it.
Jensen (fondly): “Quit showing off.”
Translation: “Your butt is one of your many superior assets and by saying ‘quit showing off’ it’s clear that I am blatantly watching and thinking about your butt and please for the love of god do not quit shimmying it around and swatting at it.”
One of your superior ass-ets. Heh.
Jensen ensured that Jared remained hydrated as well by bringing him water-
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-which they then both drank (same cup) just in case there were any stragglers left on the planet who hadn’t yet noticed their extreme husbandly husbanding.
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And, yes...Jensen finally did leave Jared’s side...
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But not because he was like ‘well, I’ve probably been up here for long enough’ or anything like that.
He had to be firmly ushered off the stage for his autos.
And that is the wonderful jib9 tale of Jensen being a protective, doting husband.
Except, one more thing, just because I love it-
Jensen staring intensely at Jared from behind-
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-and Jared doing the thing he does where he feels it like a heat lamp on the back of his neck and turns around all blushily and flirtily-flustured.
And THAT’S the end. For real.
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tvmoviechristmas · 4 years
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On the 12th Date of Christmas (Hallmark, 2020)
Have fun you tiny little human.
Starring: Mallory Jensen, Tyler Hynes, Ian Collins, Clare Filipow
Plot Synopsis: Two seemingly incompatible game designers team up to create a romantic, city-wide scavenger hunt themed for the 12 Days of Christmas. (x)
In My Humble Opinion: On the 12th Date of Christmas plays by the very generic rulebook for the most part. Two coworkers are teamed together out of nowhere to work on a big project. She’s shy and green but has great ideas! He’s experienced and saavy but he doesn’t work well with others? Can these two get along to make a project work? Can they fall in love? Who ever can guess?!
Even beyond the summary, every single beat of On the 12th Date of Christmas has been done countless times before. How do you soften the loner asshole? You make him very devoted to his extended family who are dealing with a deployed father. How do you underline the fact that the newbie is homespun and sweet? She wakes up at 4 AM to give cookies to everyone and is from a small town. This isn’t by-the-numbers for a Christmas romance, this is by the numbers for a romance. 
However, in between all of these tropes that you have seen before there was one plot element that I found delightfully absurd. You see the female lead is from Iowa. She is a Hawkeye. This movie takes place in Chicago and she is not from there because she is from Iowa. If you took a shot everytime Iowa was mentioned, you would be passed out in the middle of the movie because the heroine’s state of origin comes up so much you would think this movie was campaigning in a presidential primary.
Iowa, inexplicably, drives the conflict for the central part of the movie because the whole company will not stop bringing up how the female lead being from Iowa is a real hindrance to her career prospects. It’s made out as if she’s a sprinter without a leg, except that she’s a scavenger hunt designer who is from a state over. This whole plot point culminates in the white female lead confronting her black male boss about how being from Iowa actually is an asset because she knows about communities or something insane like that. She is from Iowa. She is not from Mars. I do not get the hoopla!
I suppose I should appreciate that tiny bit of absurdity. It is what I will remember On the 12th Date of Christmas for in the future. I don’t have to worry about a day coming where someone asks me about this movie and I have something to say, because I will. I’ll be like, “Oh yes, that movie where growing up in Iowa was seen as the worst thing a career-oriented woman could go through. Of course.”
You wanna be remembered for something!
Watch If: Your thing is blurting things out, if diapers are your specialty or if you don’t lie to people who make cookies.
Skip If: You don’t like cinnamon, if a French lesson doesn’t seem romantic to you or if you have not been able to remember everything your siblings have ever told you.
Final Rating: ★ ★ (★) ☆ ☆
If you like this blog, please consider donating to my Kofi page! You can also donate money to [email protected] through either Venmo or CashApp. Thank you!
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pocmuzings · 5 years
so throughout your time in the rpc, are there any characters written by other people that you adore? people never compliment each other on their writing and effort for their characters enough and i think bringing life to it would be such a nice change of topic on the rpc tags!
GOD WHERE DO I EVEN START?!?!!? there’s so many to choose from. 
firstly, we have @zeldadyke​ who wrote my favourite shy quiet lesbian of all time and basically tore my heart away. i thought my own character was going to be bi or pan, but as soon as she met autumn she just was 1000% gay. i fell in love with the kindness of autumn, the softness, the CHARACTER of her as a whole was written utterly spectacular, even if it was only for a little while we rp’ed together, that character forever sticks with me. 
secondly we have @retribvtions​ and their constant strive for diverse characters, but more than that... nicole fucking woods, ladies and non-gender-conforming individuals. nicole was one of those characters that as soon as i read her and her interactions, i fell in LOVE. she was so absolutely unique and well developed, she had a gamer/geeky personality, but was so confident and just.. i literally was in awe and wish i could have written a character nearly as fantastic.
i don’t even know where to start with @pauljasons​ , somebody who will make a character in .2 seconds and have me in love with them in half that time. consistently, sunny makes characters that are strong, independent, original, and so vastly different. it’s incredible, the range she has. athena was the first character i fell in love with- she was sad, but poignant. jensen had me FALLING HARD with how original and unique he was, and every other character along the way has been nothing short of another treat.
i don’t know where i’d be without @zivadaviid​. the amount of work she puts in to every. single. character, is astounding. writing with her is like being on a whole different page. writing with her is like... writing with a genuine AUTHOR. she has all these little mannerisms, and character quirks for EVERY character. rylie was the first female character i think i EVER rp’ed with that was strong in a way that wasn’t just physical. vina has taught me MULTITUDES on how to write strong female characters.
it’s been so so long since i’ve rped with @greektrcgdy​, but when i say they have my heart from now until forever, i mean it. the original maker of a character that was an asshole with a heart, an asshole who is MULTI DIMENSIONAL and creative. i don’t know anybody who can write characters that are so COMPLEX and genuinely have people FIGHT to want to plot with them. being able to plot and SHIP with holly is literally one of the luckiest thing i’ve ever been able to experience, and something i’ll never forget.
my rp soul mate.. @tigresswrites​. i literally messaged them on about FOUR different character blogs the first time i met them, because i had no idea they played ALL FOUR CHARACTERS bc each character was so VASTLY different and COMPLETELY seperate. it was incredible. i’ve never known someone who can hop on and play a ruthless maniac like walden macnair, and then switch so easily to someone soft and kind like miroslav orlov, THEN SWITCH AGAIN to a strong, fierce female like odella blackburn. i will never ever meet anyone with such a range of characters like that ever again.
@lovcsomebody​.. i don’t even know where to begin. i’ll never forget playing vodka pong with you and learning headcanons about your characters. i’ve never had such a fun time learning about characters, and being with a friend. it literally was one of the best nights of my life, even when i threw up KJGGNF. but listening to the way candy talked with such enthusiasm and LOVE for her own characters... it literally was such a delight. it really reminded me what i love about rping.
i’ve only been rping for a short while with them but the character arc of lane by @fitzalans​ is absolutely insane. seeing the roll, and turn, and demise of a character is something i don’t get to see much, especially not done WELL, but everything cc has lane do is so well thought out and coordinated and planned. it’s impossible to not just WATCH in awe to see what will happen next.
@satan1x1​ is literally someone i haven’t written with in so long, but that doesn’t mean i’ll ever forget what they’ve written or how they’ve written it. the character of carmen lodge was such an insanely creative character, i honestly can’t think of anybody else who will ever come close to pulling off such a manipulative, dark character like gaby did. the way she made a dark, EVIL character still so likeable is outstanding. 
of course i have to mention @jcnghyunnie​ who literally i don’t know where i’d be without them. it’s been so so many years of friendship together, met over tumblr, RANDOMLY in the rpc of all places. getting to rp with sam is something i will never not be thankful for. she can literally make you fall in love with every damn word she writes. her creativity knows no boundaries. her characters are all the kinds of characters i literally YEARN to see and learn more of, but every little taste i get is honestly amazing and just leaves me wanting more. 
@perstephone who has written so many different characters but always had time to message me and ask me to plot. steph will offer you a shoulder no matter what kind of day you’re having because she’s  so selfless. every time i rp with her i’m literally just .. kissing the ground she walks in. she knows how to make characters loveable, no matter what their traits are, and that must be bc SHE’S so loveable, and utterly creative with everything she writes and every character she moulds. 
god damn @emmanuelnathalie for being an actual asset to every rp she graces. she brings diversity, she brings an independent voice and individual characters . she never falls into stereotypes or tropey characters, but always finds a way to put a spin on a fc and character, it’s honestly incredible how she does it. 
sara over at apogeehq for writing characters so vastly different from each other, but so equally flawed yet incredible. writing flawed characters is so, so hard but she hits the nail on the head everytime and makes writing with her so utterly enjoyable. 
ingrid from soundscapehq, for bringing in possibly the coolest defined character. literally, i can’t think of a character as simply beautifully written and amazing as gala levitz was. as soon as she came into my life, i can’t think of a zoe kravitz character written any other way. 
moose over at soundscapehq, because she just knows how to write and write and create and her artistic abilities are honestly just something i can’t even compete with. she’s someone i only rped with for a short time, but she was so utterly talented, and her characters SO personable, that they’ll honestly always stick with me.
honestly i can’t even think, i know im missing more people but these are the people i can talk to ooc and ic literally anytime and they’ve become so much more than just ‘rp partners’. anybody i’ve ever written with has genuinely given me so so much, and helped further my own writing and i’ll never not be thankful. the entire rpc in general, has helped me further my writing, and my character development skills. it may not be a perfect place, but it’s always helping me and encouraging me to write characters i’d never think to write about anywhere else. so thank you to everyone, and i mean EVERYONE. your work doesn’t go un-appreciated, especially not by me. even if we haven’t ever rped together, i’d honestly love to change that anytime, just shoot me a message. your writing is good. i promise.
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sweetness47 · 5 years
Pairing: Jensen x reader
For the SPN Beautiful Words Challenge @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
#9. Epiphany – a moment of sudden revelation
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YN always stayed in the background during Cons, helping with setup, keeping the fans in order, getting pictures and bottles of water for the guys. She did her job well, even going above and beyond, and was considered a highly valued asset by her boss and co-workers, as well as the actors she worked with. Yeah, she had met the cast numerous times, and it shocked her at times that they even knew her name. Yet, for all she did, she had one secret she never told anyone. She was in love with one of the cast members, Jensen Ackles.
She knew deep down it would never happen, her and Jensen, she wasn’t his type nor was she even close to being in the same league. Whenever they spoke, YN was always careful to avoid a lot of eye contact, although she did blush quite frequently. Yeah, she had it bad. She tried everything to forget the handsome actor…dating other guys, watching Netflix with popcorn and a bottle of Chardonnay. But nothing helped. She was hopelessly smitten. So, with no options left, she put in a request to be assigned to another panel. Her boss put in the request, but not without protest. He told her that he would give top recommendations, although he begged her to stay, even promising a raise. Her peers didn’t want her to leave either. She appreciated all the kind words but saw no other option for resolving her dilemma. Then the day came when everything changed.
It was the night before she was to leave. Her boss found her a position with the panel for the new series, Legacies. As she was packing her stuff, a loud piercing alarm filled the building, and the smell of smoke filled the room. FIRE!!! YN grabbed her bag and reached for the door handle, recoiling as the metal burned her hand. She scanned the room for another exit but found none. She used the only other choice available to her.
“Help!!! Someone please help me!!!” YN screamed as loud as she could above the shrill of the alarm. The air became heavy with smoke and YN began choking, realizing she was fast running out of oxygen.
She sank to the ground as the minutes ticked by, her body weak from lack of breathable air. Her throat was raw and burning, both from screaming and from the choking. Tears threatened to fall as she realized she would die here, thinking no one had heard her calls for help, or even noticed she was missing. As she closed her eyes she thought she heard someone calling her name. But since no one knew where she was, and no one had heard her pleas, she assumed it was a hallucination.
Then she heard her name again, louder this time, and what surprised her even more was the voice that was calling for her. Now she knew she was dreaming. There’s no way in hell that Jensen would be risking his life for her. Well, if she was gonna die, dreaming of Jensen wasn’t a bad way to go. She smiled as she went to sleep, the lack of air becoming too much for her.
Jensen and two security guards burst into YN’s room and saw her lying on the ground. Without care for his own safety, he sprinted over to her, kneeling to check her pulse. “Guys! Over here! She’s alive, but barely. Let’s get her out of here!”
The two officers helped Jensen pick YN up off the floor and carry her outside to waiting paramedics. The put an oxygen mask over her face, and within a few minutes, YN was awake. Jensen let out a huge sigh of relief as he gently brushed her hair away from her face, and bent down to place a soft kiss on her forehead.
“Thank God you’re awake. I thought for sure we were too late.” He said quietly.
YN frowned, confused not only by the kiss, but the implied meaning behind the words Jensen had spoken. “I don’t understand. I’m nobody. How could you possibly have feelings for someone like me?”
Jensen shrugged. “I have always liked you YN, I was just too shy to say anything until today. Everyone was being accounted for when the fire broke out, and my heart skipped a beat when I couldn’t find you anywhere. That’s when it hit me. It was like someone turned on a light and said “Go find her and tell her how you feel before it’s too late!”
Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You had an epiphany? About me?”
He nodded. “Yup.” Then he took her hand in his. “Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? After the paramedics give you the green light of course.”
“I would love that Jensen.”
He smiled. “And, to make sure we aren’t late for dinner, I’m gonna stay right here beside you until you’re done.”
YN smiled and made a mental note to tell her boss that she was going to stay after all.
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Griffith has various festivals occurring all year round. If you want to feel like a true local, you must schedule your visit during the festivities to experience the vibrance and lively atmosphere. During May, the Riverina Field Day is the most anticipated. The 2-day annual event attracts more than 5000 visitors each year. Various locally produced products are all over the place. You should also come and experience the Festival of Gardens and Multicultural Festival during October. If you happen to visit the place during Easter season, go to the La Festa, a food and wine festival. In August, the Feste delle Salsicce or also called as the Festival of the Sausage is the most popular.
Griffith artists in the spotlight at TRACE
Queensland College of Art (QCA) alumni and lecturers feature prominently in this year’s TRACE exhibition, which is designed to get art out of galleries and on to the streets.
The biennial exhibition and auction features contemporary art in a host of unlikely locations around Brisbane’s West End, a stone’s throw from the QCA’s South Bank campus. Read more here.
Bringing arts closer to people is an innovative way to exhibit the talent of seasoned artists and the newly emerging ones. Instead of paying huge fees in galleries and museums, people nowadays, especially the young ones want to see arts as part of their everyday life. Displaying them on busy streets will not only make people appreciate the masterpieces but it will also boost the local tourism in the area. Gone are the days when people have to go to boring galleries to appreciate these artworks. Instead of waiting for people to come, bringing these works to where people are is the best option to promote the field.
Griffith Regional Art Gallery in Griffith Australia
Griffith Regional Art Gallery exhibits the masterpieces of famous local artists. The gallery officially opened in 1983 and from then on, it has continuously been the home for many budding talents. Although there is only a single exhibition space, it still offers so many artworks coming from regional artists, and the Couture Collection. It also has the National Contemporary Jewellery Collection, the only collection of this kind in Australia. Apart from the precious collection, the art gallery also hosts art classes for kids of all ages. It also has a shop that offers hand crafted and artisan products perfect to serve as souvenir for your visit.
Many construction companies are only after your money. They will do their best to make you sign a contract with them and once you affix your signature, you begin to experience all sorts of headache. Asset Building Systems changes the way construction works. They ensure that owners remain hassle-free from the start to the finish. They manage on your behalf, build based on your specifications, budget and time-frame. The highly skilled team ensures that all your requirements are met and exceed the acceptable standards in the industry. They make sure that welding and painting are done off-site to reduce interruption with your regular operations.
Like to Maps
Griffith Regional Art Gallery 167 Banna Ave, Griffith NSW 2680, Australia Head east on Banna Ave/B87 120 m At the roundabout, take the 3rd exit onto Jondaryan Ave/B87 Go through 1 roundabout 400 m At the roundabout, take the 1st exit onto Bridge Rd 350 m Turn right onto Jensen Rd Destination will be on the right 600 m Asset Building Systems Australia 36 Jensen Rd, Griffith NSW 2680, Australia
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jensenfamilylaw12 · 2 years
Divorce Lawyers in Arizona
Divorce lawyers in Arizona are available to help you navigate the complicated division of assets and debts. While some divorces are simple, others are more complicated, as one party may conceal assets or hide money. In any case, both parties need to identify all of their assets and determine their fair value. Assets may include real estate, personal property, business interests, retirement plans, pensions, and other tangible and intangible assets.
For example, several Arizona divorce attorneys are known for their aggressive representation and skill in settlement negotiations. divorce lawyers arizona
The team at Jensen Family Law offers legal services for all types of family law matters. You can choose to pay for services on an as-you-go basis or make an upfront retainer. Phoenix clients appreciate the firm's transparency. Jensen Family Law family law attorney with over years of experience offers free consultations, case evaluations, and evening and weekend appointments. His dedication to his clients' needs is evident in his work, and he also provides free case evaluations.
Arizona law recognizes several complex situations involving children, including child support. While Arizona requires the parents to support their children, Arizona courts consider a range of other factors, such as time spent supervising the children and their actual income. Arizona divorce lawyers will work to ensure that you receive an equitable financial settlement that satisfies all parties. Aside from child support, Arizona divorce attorneys will also handle the case for you if you disagree with your partner's child custody or visitation rights.
If your marriage has lasted just a few months, you may consider filing for divorce on your own. Unlike most states, the process in Arizona requires no-fault, so you can easily file your paperwork without an attorney. Jensen Family Law offers forms and instructions to help you prepare your divorce documents. However, these forms aren't designed for every situation, and you're responsible for paying court fees and serving papers to the other party.
The best way to avoid unnecessary court costs is to make a marital settlement agreement. These agreements spell out the rights and responsibilities of each party, such as the division of assets and debts, child custody and shared visitation. However, a marriage settlement agreement may be rejected by the court if it violates any of the state's laws. Divorce lawyers in Arizona are trained to guide couples through the complicated process of divorce.
Contact us:
Jensen Family Law
Address: 3740 E Southern Ave Suite 210,Mesa, AZ 85206, US
Phone: 4809992321
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tearasshouse · 3 years
Mostly vidya ramblings - Part 3A cont. . .
Part 1 of Ze Finalists
The final 2 of 2020.
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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4 -- also on XB1, Steam, GOG, Linux, macOS)
I’d put this off for way longer than I should’ve, but end of 2020 seems apropos given that its *the other* cyberpunk themed game, and at least this one isn’t fundamentally broken. Say what you will about the long standing jank in the DX series, or that Square Enix hacked bits off the game for a convoluted and entirely shitty season pass upsell, or that the augmented apartheid metaphor upon which the game’s fiction hinges is stupid, or that MD lacks a 3rd act and will likely never get a sequel, etc. What you get here is a great game, in certain respects inferior to Human Revolution (one of my favorite titles in recent memory), and in others quite different and possibly the better entry.
Look, I’m just glad immersive sims are still a thing and though they’ve always kinda reviewed well but sold like shit, they’re still in somewhat decent health. I’m not fan of the DX series as a whole, but Human Revolution felt special when it came out in 2011, as a near perfect incorporation of old yet solid design principles but reinvigorated with a new sense of purpose and polish. It’s the rare soft reboot / much delayed new entry / prequel that does its originators justice while being a supremely confident game in and of itself.
What strikes you when you try to play the older DX games (recently tried but gave up half way through, using the Give Me Deus Ex mod), is how much Eidos Montreal’s efforts feel like the old games, but with most of the niggles ironed out, making for a far more approachable experience. In fact, they could’ve perhaps gone even further in sticking with the depth and complexity of the OGs, but then I’m not sure the game would be as fun. If say, Jensen’s ability to use weapons should were determined by his character stats, I think that would make the game insufferable, but the first game was definitely more of a CRPG than anything else. 
What I mean to say is that I found MD ridiculously easy, even on the 2nd hardest difficulty, because if you play stealthily (I maintain that this is the so called “intended” approach), then none of the enemies pose a challenge. If you’re thorough about hacking, collecting things, doing side quests, conserving supplies, then you end up being a walking NPC vendor yourself; Praxis and resources overflowing from your person. This is compounded I think by the level design which is superb, but again, far too eager to make this a mainstream AAA experience, so there’s one too many ways to progress and you’re never truly locked out (unless of course you go out of your way to screw your save file over). 
As Yahtzee so succinctly put it (much of this review is cribbing from his videos), you’re not so much roleplaying a character by making tough choices as was sort of the case with the original game, but merely picking what’s most expedient to progress beyond a challenge, and then if you so choose, going out of your way to hoover up the other loot and exp when and if it strikes your fancy. There was one Witcher 2-esque decision the game forces on you in the late game, along with a few others which are less consequential, and I appreciated that kind of explicit branching. But really, the game lets you have your cake and eat it in as many ways as you so choose, is what I’m saying, which removes the necessity for repeat playthroughs (this can be a good or bad thing depending on your free time and personality) and again, weakens the roleplaying roots of the series somewhat. 
Still, well worth a play. Absolutely so if you’re a fan of the prior DX games or other immersive sims / ARPG stealth hybrids like Dishonored, Prey 2017, the Elder Scrolls / Fallout games, etc.
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Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PS4 -- also coming to Steam & Xbox)
I’m super glad the Yakuza series is blowing up, though I suspect largely in part due to the memes with maybe a huge proportion not having actually played the games themselves. It’s one of the rare games that both lends itself to great passive consumption material (all you kids with your Twitch or those who consume traditional YouTube LPs), and are also a blast to play yourself. 
I’ve been playing these in a sort of Western release order, that is: watching the 2BFP LP of Yakuza 0, then doing Kiwami 1 and 2 for myself, and now this (and I also watched their Y4 LP ages ago). You could pretty much go into any entry point and be fine, what with the self-contained stories and generous flashback movies, and from what I can gather fans weren’t exactly super impressed with Kiryuu’s send off here (even I could sense that something was off and it seems most agree Y5 is probably the most fitting end to his arc, with 6 being a kind of meandering epilogue not unlike Toy Story 4 I guess?). But, judged on its own merits and not as a culmination to the Dragon of Dojima’s tenure as RGG’s main protagonist, this is a very solid Yakuza title.
The substories are every bit as good as the best in the series. What was lost in fighting styles, equippable weapons, explorable environs, or mini games is made up for with what has actually remained. The celebrity cameos are well acted. The big plot turn is every bit as dumb and inconsequential as you’d come to expect. Kiryuu still hasn’t aged a day despite everyone calling him an ossan and really? Dude is in his late 40s. If this is truly representative of Japan’s ageist culture then that is just... not good.
Anyway, Onomichi is great! The baseball substory wasn’t bad! The purportedly downgraded Hostesses were actually quite lovable! The Haruto babysitting section is every bit as bad as they say, but thankfully its short. Live Chat was excellent (and you can totally see the liberal ideas/asset reuse in Kiwami 2 where the photo shoot is basically just a rebrand). Clan Creator is a complete waste of time and I’m glad Y7 seemingly dropped it for good. The Dragon Engine’s first incarnation here is rough, esp. on a base PS4, but it’s fine. This game is like what, $10 now at regular price? And likely going to Game Pass for free? Do eeeeet.
0 notes
Reunited- Finale
A/N: Tenth and final part of Reunited. Sorry it took me so long to get it out, but I always take long to write a final chapter. I've loved writing this series, and i'm really sad that it's ending, but i have new projects i'm working on so. Thank you to all that has read, liked, commented and reblogged this series… you are all fantastic. Also a special shout out to my beta @thorne93, I could not have done this without you.
Characters: Jensen x Reader…… Jack
Warnings: Fluff. (i had intended for this series to be more angsty, but….)
Wordcount: 2129
Catch up HERE
One week was all you had left before Jensen had to leave for Vancouver. It sucked. Like.. really sucked, but you had decided to stay positive. It wasn't like he was leaving forever, he would be home almost every weekend, and you would have more than enough to keep yourself busy while he was gone. Still there was this little part of you that wanted to doubt this whole thing, just end it now, rip the bandaid off so to speak. You didn't though, you had made a promise to Jensen, and to yourself, that you were one hundred percent in, and you intended to keep that promise.
Monday morning Jensen woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. He didn't even bother to put clothes on before padding his way down the stairs just in his boxers to find you in the kitchen. He was torn between going over and kissing you good morning or just stay back and watch as you made breakfast wearing nothing but his t-shirt from last night. He decided to watch you for a little, but it didn't take long before he couldn't resist you anymore.
“Good morning, beautiful,” he greeted as he walked up and wrapped his hands around you from behind, kissing your neck softly.
“Good morning, handsome,” you said back, turning around in his arms so that you could look at him. He looked gorgeous, like he did every morning, his hair pointing to all odds and ends, the sleepy look on his face and his rough morning voice. And of course being almost naked helped a lot.
“I like this new look on you,” you said teasingly before taking the last bite of your bacon.
“Not like I had any choice.” He chuckled, pointing to the shirt you were wearing.
“You want it back?” you asked, cocking a brow.
“I'm gonna need it back at some point,” he said before standing up, ready to clear the dishes away.
“Fine, have it your way,” you said with a sigh. You stood from your chair and looked him dead in the eye as your hands grabbed the hem of the shirt, smoothly pulling it over your head. Jensen's eyes were blown wide and he was glued in place as he watched you shed your clothes, leaving you in nothing but your black lacy panties. It was really hard not to giggle as you threw the shirt at him before turning around to walk upstairs.
“Screw this,” Jensen said and you heard the clatter as he put his plate back on the counter. You looked over your shoulder and could see Jensen catching up to you, fast. You let out a squeal and then picked up your pace, trying to outrun him, but it was pointless. Before you knew it Jensen had his arms around you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” he all but growled in your ear.
“To put on some clothes,” you said simply, rolling your eyes at him. You couldn't keep up the charade for long though and before you knew it Jensen had thrown you down on your bed, and there was little you could do to keep the smile off of your lips.
The rest of your week was spent mostly in that fashion, not leaving the bedroom unless you had to, but when Thursday rolled around, it was time to join the real world again.
First thing you did was go into work to grab some paperwork before heading to the bank to apply for a loan.
“You have an excellent credit score miss (YLN), and I can tell your business is growing and doing very well, but unfortunately there's not enough assets in your company to grant you another loan,” the banker told you after you had showed him all the paperwork and told him about the increase in your workload. He was the one who had granted you a loan when you had wanted to open your business in the first place, so you hoped he would be able to help you now as well.
“Is there anything I can do?” you asked, desperately.
“You can come back in a few months and apply again. You have a contract here that will grant you a steady income, but we need that to be regular before we can grant you a loan. So far you've had only one job for this company and you just signed the contract two months ago,” he explained calmly.
“But… if I don't expand, I won't be able to keep doing these jobs. There simply isn't enough room at my current location,” you told him, hoping you didn't sound as desperate as you were feeling.
“I'm sorry,” he said simply.
“Can I take out a second mortgage on my house?”
“You can, but we still won't be able to give you the amount you’re asking for here.”
“Okay. Well. Thanks for seeing me,” you said politely, standing from your chair and reaching out to shake his hand.
“I'm sorry I couldn't be of any more help,” he offered, taking your hand.
To say you were disappointed would be an understatement. You wanted to scream and yell at the man, but you knew it wasn't his fault, he had rules and guidelines he had to follow. That didn't make you feel any better though.
When you got back home that afternoon you threw your purse at the wall in frustration. You had been in your office at work, trying to come up with a solution for this problem, but you were drawing a blank. You went straight to the liquor cabinet and retrieved your old friend, Jack.
You sat down in your backyard and hoped the golden liquid would help calm your nerves a little.
“I take it the meeting didn't go well?” Jensen asked as he came up behind you.
“Not so much,” you said, taking another sip from your glass. “I didn't hear you come in.” You kept your eyes on him as he came over and knelt down in front of you, a look of concern etched on his handsome features.
“Want to tell me about it?”
You summed up the meeting for him, giving him just the highlights. All the time you talked, he had his eyes fixed on you, giving you his undivided attention, and you had to admit that just having him there put you in a better mood. “I just don't know what to do now. If I don't manage to move to another location, I will have to buy out of the contract with Wendy, and that's gonna cost me a lot of money, on top of what I'll lose in income for the jobs.”
Jensen could see the despair in your eyes and he didn't hesitate to wrap you up in a comforting hug. He knew he could help you out, but he also knew you would never take a hand out from him.
“How about getting an investor?” he suggested as he released the hug.
“I don't know that anyone would want to risk their money in such a small company though,” you said, looking into those beautiful green eyes of his.
“What if I told you I could invest?” he pressed.
You were quiet for a long time before you answered him, weighing your options carefully. “I really do appreciate it, Jay, but I’ve built this business from the ground up by myself and I want to keep doing that. It's like my baby, you know?” you explained, hoping he would understand.
“I figured you would say that, but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't offer?”
“You are the most amazing boyfriend,” you said, a warm smile on your face as you leaned in to place a soft kiss to his lips.
“There was something I wanted to talk to you about,” Jensen said, grabbing your hand in his much larger one.
“That sounds ominous,” you said, but urged him to continue.
“I know this is soon and all, but I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come live with me? I mean, we could live here if you wanted, but my house is bigger and I have a pool and stuff. Of course, if you don't want to live together at all we don't have to, I just wanted to throw it out there…” Jensen kept rambling on so you decided to shut him up.
You grabbed his face and pressed your lips to his, effectively ending his ramblings. “Yes, Jensen, I would love to live with you,” you said as you pulled apart, tears threatening your eyes.
It was a strange feeling when you realized that you had absolutely no doubts what so ever about moving in with him, strange, but good.
“You think we can swing it before I leave on Sunday?” Jensen asked.
“Do I think we can move all of my belongings from this house to yours in three days? Probably not,” you said, giggling a little at his enthusiasm.
“You want to start right now? Or do you want to celebrate?”
“How about we start in the bedroom and we can do a little bit of both?” you suggested.
Jensen wasn't hard to convince, and once again he chased you up the stairs to your bedroom.
The next few months flew by in a hurry. Jensen was home nearly every weekend, and even when you had weddings to do, you did get to spend a little time with him.
Long distance was hard, no doubt about it, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you had imagined. You talked on the phone every day, texted as often as you could, Jensen had even sent flowers to your door every once in awhile. One day, when work was piling up on you and everything sucked, he had even sent Rose over with a bottle of Jack. He was perfect in every single way possible, and you couldn't be happier.
Work was still busy and you hadn't figured out a way to open a second location yet, but you had rented a storage room as a temporary solution. You had put your house up for sale and you hoped that once it sold, you would have enough money to get the loan from the bank. But you would have to worry about that later, right now you were waiting for Jensen to come home for his Christmas break, which meant over three weeks together.
“Babe? I'm home,” Jensen shouted as he walked through the doors of your shared house. A smile spread on his plump lips when you appeared, all but running towards him before jumping into his arms. He didn't miss a beat and picked you up, spinning you around before placing you back on the floor and kissing you deeply.
“That was the most perfect, cheeky, rom com moment I've ever had,” you said, a wide grin on your face, a slight giggle in your voice, and sparkles in your eyes.
Jensen couldn't imagine himself happier than he was in that moment, looking down at the most beautiful girl in the world, knowing that he didn't ever want to be without you again. Emotions rushed through his body, making tears well in his emerald orbs. He quickly closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against yours so you wouldn't see him tearing up.
“I love you so much more than I can ever put into words,” he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Right back at you, Ackles,” you responded, tightening your hold on him.
“Marry me?” he blurted it out without even knowing what he was saying.
“What?” you tilted your head back so you could look at him, not releasing your hold on him. “Are you serious?”
Jensen took a moment to collect his thoughts before he answered. “I am,” he said with confidence. “I hadn't planned on doing this like this, in the hallway or without a ring or anything, but I am sure I want to marry you. We spent 11 years apart, and I missed you every day. This might sound cheesy and all, but I'm absolutely certain that you are it for me. I love you, and I have never been happier than when I'm with you. So yes… I'm sure.”
You looked up at him, searching for any uncertainty in his emerald orbs, but you didn't find any. Your heart was pounding in your chest, butterflies soared through your body. It was soon in a way, but in another way it had been a long time coming. You loved him with all of your heart, and you knew that he would be the only one for you.
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Everything: @luckyfriess @essie1876 @fangirlextraordinaire @itseverythingilike @melonberri @laurenisnot @mandylove1000 @viviandarkbloom06 @feelmyroarrrr @weaslywinchester @sassysupernaturalsweetheart @mogaruke @smoothdogsgirl @fandomsstolemylife00 @thisishowieroll @jayankles @atc74 @devilgirlindisguise @roxyspearing @dustycelt @iamnotsaneatall @mizzzpink @mamaredd123 @girl-next-door-writes @mrswhozeewhatsis @ginamsmith @moonstar86 @spontaneousam @wwecrazed2010 @just-another-busy-fangirl @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @imaginesofdreams @maddieburcham1 @duckieburns @thereisnolumos @jannalionheart @grace-for-sale @joseyrw @silver-and-green @deansgirl215 @bea789 @boris-lover-13
Dean/Jensen: @boredoutofmymindstuff @koaladean @boxywrites @autopistaaningunaparte @its-not-a-tulpa @keepcalmandbeajunkie @torn-and-frayed @naadestiel @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @daughterleftbehind@bemyqueenofdarkness @melmo-omnomnom @sparklesuperwholock88 @michellethetvaddict @supernatural-jackles @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @superseejay721517 @suzannebeaketa @akshi8278 @redeyedvixen @im-a-light-child @ruprecht0420 @mayasmedberg
Reunited: @maralisa124 @formulafun @supernatural-fangirl13 @hann-loosechester @viviandarkbloom06 @sieera @valerieshubin @boredoutofmymindstuff @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @dancingalone21 @deansgirl215 @appleslicesandmustard @keepcalmandbeajunkie @suzannebeaketa @supernaturalismalife @redeyedvixen @mylifeasafangirlforever @sparklesuperwholock88 @directionernullneun @lexie-mo @mandylove1000 @mayasmedberg @daughterleftbehind @babyjpad
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almaasi · 7 years
hello friends i wanna talk about my new 27k Destiel museum AU fic Night Exhibition for a minute, just tell you about the ideas/themes/reasoning behind it or whatever. (contains some spoilers for the story.) i’ll try and make this brief (hA!), god knows i don’t usually. let’s try bullet points
i wrote this fic in one week, as a rushed project so i could post before the end of may. i spent the rest of may working on a longer fic which i’ll likely post mid- to late june~
this whole thing came about because i wanted to write a sex position that i’mma call power stance rimming. that’s the entire reason this exists.
it took me  m o n t h s  of different au concepts (funnily enough i started with a museum cafe idea, and came back to that. i also considered an ultrasound clinic, a 1800s cowboy ranch out in the desert, and just a plain old coffee shop.)
the ~generic museum~ i set this in is based on probably 5 or 6 i’ve been to in my life, in london, ohio, and new zealand. and art galleries and glass gardens. all of them, all at once. (kinda relieved i could work in the genericness as an in-joke between the characters)
initially, dean and cas’ relationship was heavily inspired by jensen and misha’s relationship dynamics, which i’m inclined to call a “romantic friendship”. dean and cas at the start of the fic are not dating, nor banging, they’re just friends who are quietly in love, not realising their sexual attraction is mutual.
cas isn’t ~outwardly~ autistic in the same way he’s vocal about his a/gender-fluidity and asexuality. i just wanted to comfortably describe him as autistic in the tags without it being Part Of The Story, although it does obviously inform his belated realisation that dean is sexually attracted to him, not just his uniform. there’s a whole host of traits he displays that make him the precious and important beansprout he is. as per usual, i projected onto him an awful lot. the tape rewinding issue? me. i have a headcanon that he uses his headphones while working in the gift shop sometimes, just to block out background noise.
honestly, demisexual + agender + autistic cas is my favourite fruit-machine jackpot of cas traits. he feels so comfortably right when i write him that way.
this is one of the few fics i’ve written where large chunks were written out of order. the videocalls dean and cas have, first with max & alicia, then sam & eileen, were all planned beforehand, but added after i reached the end, because i wanted those guys in there, and not having them there disappointed me. (cellphones are useful. portable characters!!)
a few days ago i was watching this video by noodlerella and i was like “okay what the hell is ‘rick and morty’” so i googled it, ended up on the wikipedia page of dan harmon (the creator of that show, and another show i used to watch, ‘community’), and found a really helpful circular storytelling thing for tv show writing. and i was like aAAH IT FITS MY STORY because i had almost all of it written then, and the stuff i’d written already was literally word-for-word what this story circle described. so i was like, screw it, let’s consciously use a story circle for the first time ever. and thus, it was done. and it helped inform my end scene. i may use it again as a reference in the future, maybe. i seem to do the same thing naturally anyway, but having it broken down like that could be an asset. (also cool: harmon’s page says he figured out he was on the autism spectrum while researching for the character of abed from ‘community’. same for me, while researching for cas in Of Shampoo and Fruit Flies.)
yes, the original point of this fic was the sex. but personally i find it hard to appreciate just a sex scene alone without character development and build-up, hence the first half of the fic being exactly that.
my favourite bits of the fic are in the egyptian exhibit (i love dean’s reaction to everything); when dean & cas slowdance to bob dylan; when cas *honks* dean by the fountain; when cas realises dean is attracted to him under the uniform (this used to give me tingles but re-reading it while editing ruINED it dammit); and any and all parts where donna exists. gosh i love donna. i loved writing her speech so much.
also i really enjoyed writing max & alicia. they were a challenge to write as i’d never written them before, but it was also easier than i expected. they’re such chill characters!! i adore their ‘we value your old man opinions’ relationship with dean =u=
 @selfihateyouithink​ in particular nudged to keep dean and cas perfectly in character, specifically with keeping cas accurately autistic. i thought i had everything pretty much nailed beforehand, but i love this fic a lot more post-editing.
as per usual, i’ve spent a lot of time today worrying whether people like the fic, whether i’m aiming my posts at the wrong timezone, whether kudos accurately reflect how good the fic is, why this thing currently has a 16:1 hits-to-kudos ratio rather than a happier 10:1. obsessing, basically, and not in a good way. but so far one person said this fic is now in their top 10, and one person in the comments said top 5. which is way more special a response than i expected. but as much as i adore other people telling me i did good (i’m so freaking grateful), unless i believe it myself i can’t let go of all the anxiety. i just wanted to make this post to remind myself that, yes, i do love this fic, and i will love it regardless of whether other people like it. (i want to rely less on others for my self-worth, and be realistic about what i’ve achieved. it’s not the easiest, especially when as i writer i literally need feedback to improve.)
the overarching theme in this story was about dean learning to leave his comfort zone to grow. writing this story has taught me that that’s what i need to do. i don’t know how to do it yet, but i’ll start by spilling my feelings to thousands of people!!!
i love this fic. i love that it was essentially spur-of-the-moment, but it fulfilled months of my put-off plans, finally giving that sex position a reason for being. and i love that it gave dean and cas a new way to be happy together - thus, giving two divided parts of me a way to communicate and unify.
i love that it’s made other people smile. and i love that it made me smile.
k that’s all. Night Exhibition, read it on AO3~
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Post 2: LEGO
LEGO is a manufacture of toys that they refer to as play materials. Their philosophy has always been that “’good quality play’ enriches a child’s life – and lays the foundation for later adult life.” The word LEGO is a combination of the Danish words “leg godt”, which means “play well”.  The Latin origins of the words mean “I put together.” Many consumers see their products as an educational experience as well as a toy. It is also evident that they have a similar view based on the company’s current mission and vision statements. Their mission is to “Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow” and the company vision is that they are “Inventing the future of play.” I think these are statements that parents, as the purchasing customer, can really appreciate and act on. The customer satisfaction they have earned in the market place has made them a market leader and they have a clear sustainable competitive advantage.
The LEGO Group is a privately held company based in Denmark that began in 1932. The company is still owned by the original family, Kjeld Kristiansen, a grandchild of the founder. The company has its roots in the woodworking craft of the original family. Their initial products were ladders, stools, ironing boards, and yes, wooden toys. At first, they had a production orientation asking themselves what products we know how to make. They explored many different ideas ranging from wooden ducks and board games. In 1946 they purchased a plastic injection-molding system and began to experiment with plastic toys including balls, figures, and yes – binding plastic bricks. The company grew over the years with its focus on construction toys and tapping into families by promoting themselves as a tool to be used in early childhood development. In the late 1990s they made licensing deals to bring popular media properties to their toys such as Star Wars.
This has brought them to where we are today. They are a top 10 world toy manufacturer now with over 17,000 employees and over $5 billion USD in annual revenue. They have completed a transition to a market orientation approach where they are exploring what markets people are looking for. This has brought new products into STEM related toy categories as well as crossing into different gender audiences by introducing toys targeting girls. They are even exploring societal marketing orientation practices now by researching different ways to source their plastics from more sustainable sources. More than 75% of their carbon footprint comes from before raw materials even arrive at the company because of their oil-based plastic. They have started to use a plant-based plastic on some pieces to see if it is feasible as an alternative. They have a goal of using sustainable plastic sources across the company by 2030, but admit they see many challenges in reaching that goal based on current progress. Maybe the simple toy maker that found its success with plastic will become a world leader on research into more sustainable and environmentally sound plastic for all to use.
Jensen, M. V. (2015, February 12). The LEGO Group. Retrieved from https://www.lego.com/en-us/aboutus/lego-group
LEGO Group (2018). Lego Group Annual Report 2017. Retrieved from https://www.lego.com/r/www/r/aboutus/-/media/aboutus/media-assets-library/annual-reports/lego-group-annual-report-2017.pdf
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nellie-elizabeth · 7 years
Supernatural: Regarding Dean (12x11)
As much as I love the angst and pain on Supernatural, I will freely admit that most of their best episodes have been comedic, with a nice strong heartfelt foundation. Think about "Mystery Spot," an episode that takes a turn for the dark, obviously, but that has at its core a lot of laughs. When I saw the description for this episode a while back, I wondered if they'd be taking a dramatic or a comedic take on the idea. I'm pretty happy with the results!
Our plot is basic - a witch places a curse on Dean, who slowly starts to forget everything. Rowena comes in to help. I liked the basics, and I liked most of what came out of it. But it's always a little frustrating when the bad guys are super generic. This family of witches was instantly forgettable. I didn't care about them or feel particularly threatened by them at all. I could have used a bit more nuance with them.
Also, I felt like the drama/comedy balance in this episode was mostly great, but there was just one moment I thought failed - at the end, Dean comes in to save the day with witch killing bullets. He sees one of the witches, then sees Sam, and hesitates, pointing his gun between them. He doesn't remember who Sam is, so he's not sure who to shoot. Sam just tells him - I'm your brother, that guy's a witch - and Dean shoots the witch. This could have been a great moment, if the witch hadn't just stood there and let it happen. Maybe he could have tried to convince Dean that Sam was the witch. And then Dean could shoot the witch, and when asked why he picked the way he did, we could see that Dean has some sort of inherent sense about Sam. After all, he remembered Sam's name after forgetting his own. This could have been a very powerful moment. As it was, it's not like it was bad, it was just... eh.
I laughed out loud watching this episode. Jensen Ackles has such amazing comedic talent. It's always a treat when he gets to stretch his comedy legs on Supernatural, and it hasn't happened effectively in far too long. I loved Dean's utter delight upon learning about the world of the supernatural. He was just so happy about witch killing bullets, and "our best friend's an angel... whaaaaat?!" Dean giggles delightedly at Scooby Doo, is fascinated by Rowena's bouncy hair, and says "cool!" upon seeing what he believes to be his "first dead body." We also get to see him ride a mechanical bull - and enjoy it a little too much - at the end of the episode, which just capped off this hour beautifully. It's all funny, and light, and kind of sweet. Dean is reverting back to this simplistic person who doesn't know what's going on, and who seems to be oddly okay with that. At least to start.
Of course, Jensen can really pull out all the stops when it comes to angst, as well. The critical scene is when he's in the bathroom, looking into the mirror and repeating: "My name is Dean Winchester. Sam is my brother. Mary is my mom, and Cas is my best friend." He's trying to remember, but each time he says it, the truth of his identity is slipping away from him. When he finally admits to himself that he can't remember his own name, it's a real punch to the gut. This is what makes the episode so effective - at this point in the show's long run, no viewer is worried for either Winchester brother's life, especially not in a C-plot episode. But Dean losing his memories? Losing who he is? That's actually a really effective way of ramping up the drama.
The end of this episode sums up the point - Sam says he felt a little jealous of Dean. Losing his memories meant losing all the horrors of their admittedly horrible lives. And Dean admits that Sam has a point - letting go of his burdens for a bit was really nice. But Dean doesn't want to forget the people he loves - he'd rather take the good with the bad. Not the most original of messages, but it was really well done.
Rowena was an unexpected treat in this episode. She can easily be annoying or superfluous, but here it made sense that they would call in their one witch-y asset to help with a witch-related problem. Rowena using Dean to vent some of her personal insecurities was really great. Basically, she knows Dean won't remember, so she feels free to talk a bit more openly about things. She says that her quest for power has always been a quest for happiness, but now that she's seen how unhappy God and Amara were, she's starting to think she has no chance to be really satisfied. It was emotionally effective, and a nice way to have Dean be a sounding board for the motivations of one of our longest lasting baddies.
C-plot episodes of Supernatural often fail to integrate the A-plot in a way that makes sense, but this episode actually did so quite well. There was heavy mention of the other absent characters, especially Cas and Mary, and as Dean kept forgetting everything, it gave Sam an excuse to remind him of their goals: find Lucifer's baby mama. I always appreciate the effort to make the C-plot episodes feel a little less isolated.
Like I said, I'm glad this episode chose to go the comedic route. There's a part of me that wanted more of the angst - I wanted to see how hard it was on Sam to watch his brother forget him. I wanted Dean to freak out at the thought of forgetting the people he loves. I mean, we got one scene of it, but more would have been great. My soul feeds on Winchester angst. But that's a personal preference thing. This episode was better for the fact that it kept things light, while still heartwarming.
And holy mother of Chuck did you guys see the promo for next week?!?! I'm so excited. That's where I'll leave off. Seriously, go watch it if you haven't seen it.
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