#jess gets weird when she realizes she has feelings for someone
fleming-o · 2 months
Forgetful // Jessie Fleming
Hii so, this fic will be based of adhd reader (I LITERALLY HAVE ADHD SO I FORGERT ALOT.) just forgetting simple small tasks and Jessie making sure she's reassured and makes sure she's 100% okay.
Mostly fluffy and some acts of low mental health but nothing to bad!
I do have to say though, I know how it feels to have a higher level of adhd, I'm always thinking people think low of me if I forget the smallest things so basically that's what this fic is about. The small act of forgetting
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An alarm blaring this morning woke me up, stirring awake i hear the small noise of feet moving around me and Jessie’s shared room in our apartment in Portland.
Jessie had recently transferred over from Chelsea, meaning where she goes I go. always. but since my clothing brand is more focused online it is perfect because I can work on it wherever and whenever.
anyway, besides the point, the point is what has woken me up so early in the morning?
as I turn around in the bed looking for the freckled soccer player that’s usually wrapped around in these blankets, I'm met with a cold side of the bed meaning she isn’t here, but I do hear her
“m’looove” I call out for her, which then causes my ears to hear soft walking back into the room
“good morning to you, sorry if I woke you up” She kisses my forehead sitting on the side of the bed, ah saying sorry. such a Canadian thing.
“what time is it” I say still half awake the brown haired girl laughs at my very so sleepy state “7:30 am, you should go back to sleep, sleepy head” I grown
how in the world can someone wake up that early “mm.. was thinking about it too” I say as I bring the covers back up to my body they moved when Jessie sat down
“Okay, have a good rest princess. I'll be leaving soon due to early practice, just remember to take your meds” she reminds me
pushing off the bed she gives me another kiss on my cheek and grabs what is needed for the rest of her day as I’m slowly lulling myself into a relaxed sleep.
Getting my self awake properly this time is perfect, I'm waking up around 9:00 and getting myself ready for the day
But there's something weird I feel, that I'm missing to do something but I can't seem to figure it out, exiting the bathroom I take in the state of me and Jessies bedroom
Its messy as hell, “maybe today will be a deep clean day” I think to myself grabbing my phone to see that Jess sent me a message
“good morning princess, I hope you have a good day with whatever plans you may have. Just remember to take your pills and eat some food for me, love you” is what Jessie had texted me
Oh right that's what I forgot my medicine, as I walk over to the kitchen grabbing my pill. Setting it down on the counter grabbing some water, I realize I forgot to make my list of what I needed to clean
So doing so I grab my phone from my sweatpants pocket and open my notes app writing my tasks of the day
What to clean
Bedroom - do the dirty laundry and make bed
Bathrooms - switch toilet paper and clean the counter
Kitchen - do dirty dishes and clean counters
Living room - dust bookshelf/re-range books
*sweep floors
I finish off my list with a happy smile ready to take on my tasks I go walk back into our shared room to change into more of a summer outfit
Completely forgetting about the pill I left out for me to take..
It's nearing 3:00 pm, and I've decided to take a break on my so-called ‘deep clean’ and I'm just catching up on some emails I forgot to do the other day
I did a lot today, finished of the bathroom and put dirty clothes in the washing machine and than I finished around taking all the books out of the shelf so I can dust it all off
But what I did not know, was the lack of food or the lack of actual tasks I did today. I may have thought I did them correctly but I sure enough left out many things but that wasn't on my mind at the moment
What was on my mind was Jessie coming home soon, usually her practices go till 12 but since it was recovery day after a match they go longer to do many run-downs of the match and etc
So getting up from the couch and putting my computer down I look around and see the mess I've made…
I really thought that I finished cleaning the kitchen?
But the unlocking of the front door scares me. What is Jessie going to think when she walks in, she's gonna be mad coming to a dirty home. She probably just wants to rest but coming home to this? No its bad its oh so bad
Just when I start to move from the couch she walks in “Y/n I'm ho-” she freezes. What on earth has happened to her apartment
i’m frozen in spot not even knowing what i’m supposed to do in this situation.
she puts her bag down and slowly walks into the living room, she sees me standing but I can’t look at her so I sit back down
But she walks over to me “Baby what happened to our apartment…” she says but I feel too embarrassed to look at her so I sit down back on the couch with my head held low
But that doesn't stop her from coming and kneeling in front of me “Lovey… hey what's up? Talk to me” she says but I shake my head
“I'm sorry” I quietly say not even knowing if she would hear it but I tried
“I-I wanted to clean before you got home..” I say picking at my nails but she's to fast to shut that down and grab my hands to hold
“Dont be mad please Jessie” I finally look at her, I don't even know why I'm acting so small
“I would never be mad, looks like you had a busy day huh?” she says as her thumbs are grazing over my knuckles
“Look I just woke up and I saw our room was dirty so I decided that I should make a list of what to do I tried hard to clean okay I really did but I guess I got distracted. I started in our room and made my way into the living room than the kitchen I thought I could do it all” I ramble out really hoping she isn't to disappointed
“Hm.. Well did you take your meds?” she asks now switching so she's sat beside me on the couch
“I think so?” I look at her weary but I think I took them..
“Did you eat today?” she says as she looks around the state of the living room
“I just thought I could clean I'm so sorry Jessie baby” I ignore her question knowing I don’t want to talk about it
Jess knows eating is a touchy subject and I just find it hard to do sometimes, I just always get overwhelmed when I see food and I can't help it
“M’love did you get any food today?” she tries again when I don't answer her she knows I haven't eaten, so she gets up from her spot on the couch and makes her way into the kitchen
As Jessie enters the kitchen she does in fact see my pill sitting beside a empty glass of water, she sighs but knowing I easily got distracted
I sit and wait for her to come back, chewing on my nails and looking at the pile of books I've created
“Here, just a banana nothing to big” she returns holding a banana and starting to open it while sitting down again
I though sit silently watching her do what she's doing wondering how she can never get distracted like I do
“Princess.. You left your pill on the kitchen counter, I know you were running on a high wanting to clean the house but you need to make sure you're taking it and eating food” she says as she holds out the banana for me to grab
“Im sorry, I tried my best i was gonna take it but I just got distracted” I slowly take small bites from the food she's given me
“I know you try your hardest, but maybe I will start leaving a note on the fridge whenever I have to leave early so you remember what is needed to have a good day” she says as she's rubs my back not ever once looking away from me aswell
“Now, how about you finish up that banana and we put these books away together. I can make us a bigger snack to have while we watch movies for the rest of the day?” she looks at me
“How does that sound? Princess” I hand her my banana peel as she helps me stand up
“As long as we can cuddle and I pick the movies”
“Whatever you want love”
If there are any tips and pointers for anything about my writing please let me know!
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nightowl374art · 1 year
Do you think that there was anything between gwen and hobie? Don't get mad just curious
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There was lot between Gwen and Hobie and it’s all platonic. (Some of the best relationships out there are platonic tbh)
They’re good friends in my eyes. Compare Gwen’s relationship with Miles to her relationship with Hobie and you’ll see the differences. Even she said so. From my perspective, the whole crashing in Hobie’s dimension and leaving her sweater and toothbrush at his place, and wearing his chucks thing means literally nothing if you’re just friends with someone. Real friends don’t often feel weird about how comfortable they are with each other, like they’re crossing some imaginary line between friendship and love. I think that’s why Hobie was pretty transparent about their relationship in front of Miles—because there’s no romantic feelings there. Gwen said herself Miles would like Hobie because in her eyes, Hobie is a good friend and she would like Miles to experience that for himself.
And sorry if you didn’t sign up for all of this but if I were diving further…
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After Gwen left her dad to join the spider society and she realized it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be (and she couldn’t visit Miles, the one reason she even wanted a dimensional watch) I’ve no doubt she was pretty depressed. I think she needed a friend and she found some refuge in Hobie—she was able to relax around him, have fun with him because he’s laid back (not judgmental) or constantly expecting something of her. It’s obvious Gwen feels weighed down by everyone else’s expectations of her. She’s held to a standard she can’t keep up with. Miguel sees her as a loose cannon, thus never wanting to rely on her. Jess immediately condemns her whenever she makes a mistake and shows little to no understanding. And we all saw what happened with Captain Stacy. Jeff and Rio had certain expectations and made snap judgments when they were not met. Even Miles himself had expectations (rightfully so). But it’s stressful to feel like you can never screw up or let anyone down. That’s a heavy burden for someone to bear alone, especially as a teenage girl who hasn’t really come into herself yet (trying to define who she is in the eyes of others.)
So in my opinion, Hobie was the only comfort Gwen had during her time in the spider society— a good reliable friend she could count on. A fun and helpful companion during their missions together. He gave her a place to stay when she needed it. (If that ain’t friendship I don’t know what is). He’s about the only person she can be completely authentic around because he himself is authentic. Hobie has that kind of rebel/doesn’t-give-a-fuck older sibling that’s already been through it and has gotten to the other side. He won’t let others dictate his worth and he chooses how he wants to live his life. I know Gwen admires that—she’d love to be that kind of person too but she’s not there yet.
Like everyone, Gwen has flaws and Hobie knows that, but he doesn’t use them against her. He chooses instead to see her potential. She was never made to feel like a failure around him. Hobie is an ally to the society rejects, “the outcasts” if you will. Just look how he helped Miles. Not to mention the fact he made Gwen a watch so she could go fix her mistake (again seeing the potential in her). Hobie is always there to give a hand up when people really need it most. People like Hobie are some of the truest friends and I think Gwen is very lucky to have him on her side.
In conclusion, Gwen and Hobie have a solid relationship and it’s something I admire. But I saw absolutely nothing romantic between them.
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part IV
I just realized the winter carnival episode is next and tbh I'm pretty stoked about that one.
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Ugh, someone left Gilmores on my front porch. Fetch me my broom. Shoo! Shoo! At Thanksgiving number one, we find out Lane is spinning yet another tangled web of lies to ensnare Soggy Rygalski (my new pet name for him, don't ask). Mrs Kim thinks Soggy is actually in a Christian band that Lane discovered through church and not a sinful rock band. Mrs Kim serves Tofurky and I feel as if our little vegetarian diner rat would have enjoyed that.
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Welcome back, Soggy.
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Dang. When Rory sees how people like her mother and Luke and Mrs Kim treat their employees, it's no wonder she doesn't want to get a job! Bad dum tssssh. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.
Why did I remember that scene as being a lot longer than it was? It lasted less than three minutes. Weird!
Onward, from Soggy to Sookie.
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"According to the National Fire Protection Association: deep fryer fires cause an average of 5 deaths, 60 injuries and more than $15 million in property damage each year. Deep-frying turkeys has become increasingly popular, but the new tradition is a recipe for holiday tragedy."
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Men, eh? One minute they're lying about turkey preparation and the next they're lying about having a vasectomy.
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Rory looking gravely concerned or lost in thought as usual. Thinking deep thoughts about frying. Asked Sookie not once but twice "What do you use the oil for"?
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Granny creakily rising from her lawn chair to join the hordes of Jackson's screaming white trash relatives has to be one of my favorite bits in this episode (maybe the season?) so far.
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Gather round, white trash young and old. Your king has arrived.
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This whole scene is top notch. I tip my hat to you, Miss AmyShermanPalladino. After departing the white trash jubilee, it's time to circle back to Lukes. I know small business owners are hard working people who don't always have the luxury of shutting down and taking a break, but do you think he ever closes the diner? For anything? Christmas Day? Yeah, I'm sure ya'll can name a few times on the show where he closes up shop (would actually be interested to hear what they were). It wouldn't matter. He'd try to close on Christmas Day and the Gilmores would show up anyway and demand to be served instead of drinking eggnog in their own home. For Christmas, Lorelai should buy Luke a massage. (A LEGITIMATE MASSAGE. You filthy readers).
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Mommy Daddy please stop fighting
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*smashes Jess and Rory together like I'm 9 years old forcing two Barbie dolls to make out*
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Alarming to see Lorelai treat Jess this nicely because I worry she may be ill. Or possibly delirious from hunger (she didn't eat at Sookie's or Lane's, she threw out Mrs Kim's tofurky and just gawked at Sookie's house). It looks like Luke was nice enough to give Jess the day off, but Walmart (and its Hunger Games-style Black Friday festivities) may still be calling. Is this the first real, hot, home made, lovingly prepared holiday meal anyone had ever served him in his entire life? (I'll give partial credit to The Bracebridge Dinner). No street wieners for Jess Mariano this Thanksgiving! Jess says he's starving, but Luke told him not to eat until the Gilmores arrived first. That's some grade a bullshit.
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All he wants this Thanksgiving is for his fellow white people to Check Their Privilege. Good luck with that, Lucas.
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Serving lewks. Luke has just served the table four heaping plates of hot food and upon hearing that the Gilmores will be trotting off to the McMansion next, presumably to eat way fancier, he says they can just throw everything the fuck out and drink soda if they want. Kay... Jess: Please, Uncle Lucas, don't take away my hot meal. I'm ever so hungry.
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A screen shot of Milo eating makes a great gift or any holiday or special occasion.
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How DARE you Lucas. You are not going to make my poor tired boy serve coffee to the Gilmores on Thanksgiving Day! Lorelai's your ball and chain, you do it.
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Yeah, what a pity that not everyone can kiss like Dean.
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"You and Jess are a couple of chickens pecking each other." Yooo, it's about time you pick a lane, Lorelai. You're confusing the poor girl. The last time an adult got wind that Jess and Rory were about to peck like chickens The Incredible HulkLuke smashed down the door and put those two chickens out to pasture. Rory: Mind your own business. Lorelai:???????? I assure you she does not know the meaning of the phrase. R: I'm not good with public displays. L: You didn't have that problem with Dean Me: Trying fruitlessly to remember any scene where Dean and Rory passionately made out in public or showed any sort of affection with each other anywhere that Lorelai could see it R: I don't know how this first second boyfriend thing is supposed to go. L: Well he's your first second boyfriend so give it time. R: The whole town got used to me with Dean. L: It'll get easier, you'll have hundreds of men. Well maybe not hundreds. A couple. Three more. Dean again, Logan, then Logan again. L:They'll adjust to seeing with you Jess! R: What do I do about Dean? L: Well he'll move on too. All this sensible advice coming from Lorelai? It is truly the Thanksgiving of Miracles.
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God bless you, Babette. God bless you.
The next scene, a Friday (Thursday) Night Gilmores Showdown at the McMansion goes on for around 8 minutes which is going to feel like more than an hour in Salty Time. I'm going to wilt.
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mochinon-yah · 5 months
I just realized we all technically have the power to ask any questions on this site, and I never got to doing it. So....
[Points S.E.E.S evoker at you]
Who are the fictional characters you ship your mutuals to? Doesn't have to be necessarily their self-ship. I am deadass curious. Spill the tea, Imbibitor's lover—
We can lower that down, brynn- no need to get all aggressive now-
*cough* ANYWAY!
I'll list them down below, and if they're not accurate or you're actually gonna fight them rather than making out with the characters that i chose then yeah, that is probably my plan 😀 /silly
Oh and! I'll mostly be using genshin and hsr characters because yeah-
@beloved-brynn -> heizou and ratio. NGL, YOU + HEIZOU, OR YOU + RATIO, OR EVEN THE THREE OF YOU WOULD TOTALLY BE SO FUNNY AND CHAOTIC 😭☝️ they can counter your wild statements while also being the (somewhat) saner one but could also say smth wild as well. I could see you and one of em (possibly ratio) be like "oh yeah, the other day, i was eating my lunch while watching that gorey movie-" "what." "yeah, i was hungry at that time, so like why not yk-" (this is based on my real experience guys, guess which dialogue is me lmao)
@meimeimeirin -> hmmmm, koh zhongli maybe? Okay, let me tell you the reason why... it's simply because she NEEDS someone who can pamper her! I don't know where that conclusion came from, but yeah. Anyway, if we're talking about other characters, then i think welt, or even zayne from lnd could fit. Basically: "I need someone older, just a little bit colder." lmao (oh, mochi, did this conclusion came up because you know rin's the youngest in her family and now you ship her with men older (and more experienced) than her? whaatt... ofc not, haha-)
@leftdestiny-posts -> absolutely cannot see them with anyone other than dottore. Cute and kind but is secretly crazy "i want to watch the world burn" x The human version of the word 'crazy' "as you wish, my love" would be their dynamic, i suppose...? WAIT OH! I can actually see shiro with ayato or maybe sunday! I bet they would like such a cute, innocent-looking darling to control, but then they would get so surprised and maybe super interested into trying to control the darling despite how crazy the darling actually is- (shiro ily, if ur crazy then we can be crazy together 💐)
@navxry -> arlechinno, and maybe black swan. Yeah, that's it. No explanation needed.
@jessamine-rose -> hmmm, would it be weird if i say capitano? I don't know why or how did i get to that conclusion, but yeah. And maybe blade? IDK WHY I'M PARTNERING HER WITH CRAY CRAY MEN- SORRY JESS, I (subconsciously) THINK YOU CAN LIKE CALM THEM OR SMTH AJFIAWOF-
@stardust-for-your-soul -> funnily enough, i can see her with aventurine. They'll say sweet words that probably have a double meaning and also probably have a teeny tiny bit (maybe a lot lmao) of 'enemies to lovers' moment. (wow, cherry, your new bf is a gambler- /smack). But anyway, i could also see her be with march 7th who is so bubbly and sweet, and i'd think cherry would love to tease march hehe
@teabutmakeitazure -> ACTUALLY NGL DAN HENG????? He would listen to her ramblings and also help her write her fics. It just sounds so cute in my opinion lol. Other than dan heng (who is obviously the best choice), zuri would probably look into red flag charas, like... yeah, aventurine- but still tho, dan heng! But i get what zuri is thinking tho, red is such a sexy color- /smack
@harmonysanreads -> ngl alhaitham or kaeya would be cute if paired up with her! Idk where did kaeya come from, but when i thought about it, instantly "cute!". I think, harmony has this really 'weird' calming aura that could make those two charas just fell in love with how comfortamble she can make them feel. BUT LIKE IDK THO-
@fishanonishere -> Albedo...... i think? Fish, i know what you are- i mean like as in how chaotic and just how 'what in the world is this person thinking???' you are. With how calming and 'would jump into any interesting topic' he is, i think fish and him could be such a cute duo. Fish's ramblings and their drawings are some of the things that make him really interested in fish
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
reader has a breakdown ab something and mark is there
This was a little longer than intended
It’s their fourth year, and normalcy is starting to work its way back into the little family.
Philippe has moved on with his crush, realizing that Mom is happy with Mark and that maybe they were just meant to stay friends. He’s happy for Mom and Mark and had really matured in the past few months. The co-parents were back to being best friends once again, her moving in with Mark after dating for a few months helped relieve the strain that had been put on their friendship.
Philippe had let one of the sophomore’s girlfriends set him up with a girl who was seemingly super sweet, Jess was in her third year and was really good to Phil, she was super understanding of his situation and was extremely patient with him, even when it seemed like he was being the most shit boyfriend in the world.
She was perfect, in every aspect, except for the fact that she hated one of the most important individuals in his life. The woman wasn’t sure if it was because Jess saw her as a threat or if it was just because she hated the relationship that the two shared, but she knew that Phil’s girlfriend wanted nothing to do with her. So she held her tongue, she knew that this relationship was important to him, and he was accepting of her and Mark so she let the comments and stares roll off her back.
On the other hand, Mark hated listening to this girl make comments about his girlfriend’s parenting, her relationships, and other big things that the girl was insecure about. It was hard because he knew that she wanted to stay quiet, hoping that the tension between them would die off once she was no longer deemed a threat.
It all went to shit at the first hockey party of the year, the now Juniors decided to hold the first party of the year, meaning Mark, Ethan, and Dylan had accumulated as much beer as possible and were ready for a rager.
“Phil it’s no problem really,” she said trying to convince him to go out, “I heard Jess was going, go be with your girlfriend” She smiled as he rolled his eyes and sunk deeper into the couch cushion, his year-old daughter squished against his chest. “Y’know its okay for you to go out and have fun too” he deadpanned, “besides it’s my weekend with our daughter so I’m gonna sit here watch Disney movies and go to sleep at a reasonable time,” he said motioning to the paused movie on the screen, his new favourite ‘Tangled.’
“Boo you’re no fun” “I’m no fun? You need to go out and get sloppy drunk with your boyfriend, you’ve earned it!” He exclaimed and pointed towards the front door.
And that’s what led to now, the first real-time she’s been out and socialized since she had Florence.
“I forgot how good I was at beer pong” She smiled and turned to Luca whose jaw dropped, she had sunk the pong ball in 5 different cups on her first round. “Drink” she reminded the stunned boys with a smile, Gavin and Seamus who stood on the other side of the long table widened their eyes they took turns drinking the cups she had knocked off the table. “I like this version of you” Luca grinned as he high-fived her. “This feels like frosh year all over again,” she said as she watched both Seamus and Gavin throw the balls and miss the cups.
“Hey, Jess” Seamus greeted as she maneuvered her way around the kitchen, her friends just behind her as she searched the house for someone. She stopped and smiled at the two sophomores, “Oh hey boys, have you guys seen Phil?” “He not here, he’s at home with Flo” Gavin smiled and nodded over to the woman who stood at the other end of the table with a soft smile on her lips, awkward tension filling her chest.
“Why are you here?” Jess’ brows furrowed as she fully came to a stop and turned her whole body to the group. “I live here?” She said confused looking at the boys whom all shrugged at the weird feeling in the air.
She smiled innocently before ushering for her friends to continue looking for the rest of their group, “Shouldn’t you be the one with Flo, you are her mother?”  “Philippe is with her, trust me she’s in good hands” she joked as the boys all smiled, everyone quietly praying that this interaction would end soon and put them all out of their misery. Jess smiled sweetly once more, “I’m just saying, you do put a lot of pressure on him, you think you’d at least let him go out with his friends once in a while” Luca’s jaw dropped and looked over to the girl standing next to him whose eyes just glossed over with tears, “Thank you for the suggestion Jess, really, I’ll take it into account next time I decide to put my needs over his and my daughters” her tone wavering between venomous and tearful as Jess nodded and walked away.
A laugh left the girl’s mouth as she shook her head, “I can’t believe she just said that to me” she said with a soft but shocked tone before excusing herself to go upstairs to her and Mark’s room.
Mark knocked gently on the door and opened it to see her sitting on the edge of her bed, changed into her pyjamas, looking up at Mark with smudged makeup under her eyes, “I can’t do a single thing for myself without feeling like I’m being judged for it” she said quietly as he sat next to her, his arms wrapped around her shoulders to pull her closer, “I feel like such a bad mom all the time lately.” “You’re allowed to have a life, I know you feel like you can’t, but you are allowed to have fun,” he said lowly as she nodded into his frame, her hands gently making their way around his torso as she hugs him, “and trust me there is no better mother out there, Flo is so lucky to have you as her mom, you cherish that little girl more than life itself”.
“Is there anything I can do to make it feel better?” He whispers, his fingers drawing circles on her back as she pulled away with a serious look on her face.
“Have you drank anything tonight?” He shook his head, “No, not yet” She smiled and placed a short kiss on his lips “Grab your keys, we need to go see Flo” She smiled and grabbed him by the hand to pull him to his feet.
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kylejsugarman · 2 months
as a dedicated andrea crusader i must know, how does au^2 impact andrea and jesse's relationship? do baby and brock get along? i'm picturing it in my head and🥹🥹
ANDREA CRUSADERS UNITE, u are one of the ultimate andrea understanders 🥺 so their relationship is a little different in au squared!! around the time that jesse infiltrates the recovery group and actually meets andrea is the same time that demi moves back to abq and tracks him and baby down. he and demi have a weird, semi-formal relationship for a while before they start developing romantic feelings for one another and during that time, jesse dates andrea. any initial plans to just sell meth directly to her as a recovering addict and put together his own walter white-esque "fund" for his daughter instantly evaporate when he sees brock and realizes that andrea is also just a single parent trying to navigate addiction. they're so similar and jesse, having not encountered anyone in this specific situation yet, kind of desperately clasps onto her. he really likes her and she likes him, but a big part of it is truly just. jesse desperately wanting to be around someone who Understands. and andrea does understand!! she has support from her mom, but she had to figure out a lot of this child-rearing stuff by herself and sees a lot of her slightly younger self in jesse. the way he wants to provide the Best for his kid, but doesn't trust anyone else to give it to her. she feels the same way about brock a lot of the time, even though she knows now that its not necessarily them vs the world.
the thing about au squared andrea is that she realizes through observing jesse's behavior and his feelings about raising baby that he's a very sweet guy who is great to be around, but they are not on the same timeline and she doesnt really feel like "dating" is the right arrangement for them. andrea's not in a place yet where she wants to incorporate a romantic relationship into her life and jesse, god bless him, has an overeagerness to him that tells her that he's diving into this because he badly wants A Connection, which doesn't necessarily have to be romantic!! she talks to him about this and asks instead if they can just be friends, so that's what they become. andrea is his dear friend :') jesse still cares very deeply for her and brock and tries to spoil them both (if he's going to get baby a swagged out play mat, then its only fair that brock gets a sick new transformer toy and andrea gets memory foam slippers for after long shifts on her feet at work. u know. if he's already going to be out). brock adores him, but is initially less enthused about baby because well. she's a baby. she can't really talk coherently or play a significant role in his games and he can't use his toys with smaller, choking hazard parts around her, so he doesn't really know what his mom expects him to do with baby while she and jesse are talking. but he realizes that it's actually kind of fun to assume a "big brother" role (brock's a sweet kid :') he likes to be helpful) and teach baby things; she basically copies whatever he does after a certain point, which is extremely validating to him. plus, she's a pretty patient, docile little playmate, so she can play the role of "building that is on fire that the brave firetruck must extinguish" with tremendous skill. the highlight of his month is when they all go to the zoo together and brock gets to feed a handful of feed to one of the giraffes while baby looks at him just shocked and awed like :O
andrea remains a source of support and eventually befriends demi too, but as things get darker towards the end of the show (post-drew shooting), jesse withdraws a little from her to try to protect her. he already feels responsible for tomas being murdered and drew's killing just reminds him of how nobody, no matter how innocent, is safe from this shit. andrea and brock are too important to him to endanger, even if it means cutting himself off from a good friend. demi visits them a few times while jesse is in captivity just to be around Someone and so baby can play with brock, but it's weirdly uncomfortable and baby isn't acting the same without jesse there and demi soon worries too that the cantillos might become endangered through association with them, so she reluctantly withdraws. once jesse escapes and he and demi and baby make the trip to alaska, he still writes a letter for brock that he gives to ed, but he also writes one for andrea. he wants to thank her for the support she gave him, for guiding him and baby through so much uncertainty, for being such a wonderful woman and friend. "i hope baby grows up to be like u. i want to make sure she grows up to be like u." andrea never learns what became of jesse and baby and demi after the news breaks, but she keeps that letter in her nightstand drawer along with a messy scribble drawing that baby made for her and the ticket stubs from that zoo trip. she doesnt care what the news says. she doesnt care what the dea agents who come to question her think of jesse or their friendship. she knew him, the real him, and she will always love him.
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
So I find it interesting that in the last few years of the show we know almost nothing about how Rory processes the break-up with all three boyfriends.
After Dean dumps Rory for the third time because he realizes they have nothing in common anymore, I don't think we hear anything about him from her side other than telling her therapist that the affair was a bad idea (obviously). The last time we see Dean he's angry at Rory for wanting to move on from Stars Hollow and insisting to Luke that Lorelai will do the same for him and we... essentially never hear anything about him in the OS ever again. In AYITL, he's married, has a gazillion kids, seems emotionally stable for a change, and doesn't seem to resent Rory or idealize their relationship as much as she does. They've obviously run into each other from time to time and they're not bitter. What does Rory think about how all of that ended? I guess we'll never know, because ASP bizarrely thinks Dean was perfect. Whatever! Moving on.
Logan is even more of a question mark. Rory doesn't seem to take their breakup particularly hard, even though he blindsided her with a proposal and refused to accept any sort of compromise. Maybe she figured that their breakup was in some way inevitable as they went through this milestone and moved into adulthood? Who the fuck knows, because in AYITL she seems to be a complete commitmentphobe in every sense of the word (not just romantically) and they're having an affair that definitely looks like a relationship at times but invites no self-reflection from either of them. They don't talk about their relationship and both seem to have accepted they'll never have a real one again or move onto anything deeper and....lol, no one knows why? Do they love each other? Do they regret how things turned out? Would Logan be willing to leave his life behind and give it a go? Does Rory want a relationship with anyone, period? Does Rory even care about him as a person, since she seems to know absolutely nothing about his life and I'm not sure she....wants to? (Seriously. Compare how she interacts with Dean and Jess and seems genuinely interested in what's going on with them). I guess we'll never know any of this either.
Jess is a different scenario because Rory meets him again during the OS and we have an entire year and a half in which her demeanor towards him drastically changes. He leaves town and she's hurt, but claims to have moved on: during their two brief interactions in season 4, he avoids her, confesses his love for her on two separate occasions with zero context, and she's still so pissed at him she could spit nails in his direction and wants nothing to do with him...and runs into the arms of married Dean because she sees him as genuine and safe.
When Rory meets Jess in season 6, she's clearly not angry at him anymore: she's nervous, genuinely interested in his life, proud of his accomplishments, wants to spend time with him, gushes about how she always knew he could do something great because he was so smart and had so much potential. He gets into a fight with her boyfriend and her sympathies are absolutely towards him, not Logan.
Obviously it would be weird if she were still angry, but what changed, specifically? Is it because after her dalliance with Dean she's less inclined to judge him for how he hurt her? Did moving on with Logan (I don't think she ever really loved Dean again) help her finally process all that hurt and anger? Did Jess just obliterate all of her hurt feelings with his charm, maturity, and artfully arranged coiffure?
I guess it was a combination of all these things, but this is the first time in a long time that Rory shows him a lot of respect as a *person* as opposed to someone who frustrates her one minute and delights her the next. She doesn't have to spend her time defending him, because he doesn't need to be defended anymore. And not only is he the person to drag her out of that hole she's sinking in, she lets him.
Then we move onto the open house at Truncheon, where Rory....behaves badly, to put it mildly. I don't think she went there with malicious intentions. She was genuinely proud of Jess and wanted to see him and spend time with him. Still, it's got to be one hell of a blow, for her to show up on a night that was important to him, let him believe he still has a chance with her romantically and that she was single, and then to confess that she's still in love with the other guy and he's only a distraction. What stands out to me about that scene is that Jess flat out tells her that he doesn't deserve to be treated like that while Rory is in the middle of apologizing. While I think that romantically the door was closed for the time being after that incident, Jess doesn't appear to resent her or lash out, and Rory knows that SHE'S done wrong, that SHE hurt him, and she's sorry. She might not love him again like he wanted her to, but she cares about him, she respects him as a person, and she doesn't want to see him hurt. I don't think we have seen her have that attitude towards Jess for years and years.
Does she respect Logan as a person at this exact point in time? I would have to say no. She seems to feel zero guilt about running around on Logan, even if she can't bring herself to go further. She flat out says she's in love with him but he deserves to be hurt (ouch). She only grows tender towards him after he nearly dies. She might love him, but this relationship is not exactly bringing out the best in her.
Season 7 is a different story (I definitely think Rory respects that version of Logan) but since this is ASP's story, we have to return to her fatalism and her belief that Logan can never, ever change, because then he won't be able to ruin Rory's life and effectively crush all her hopes and dreams with his super sperm. Meanwhile, she clearly still respects Jess: not only is his advice the only advice she is willing to take, but she's clearly still involved with him on this writing project afterwards and as a member of her extended family. And shouldn't you, in the end, seek a partner you actually respect as a person, as well as love? Shouldn't you actually....like them?
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edenshiba · 1 year
Hi! I really liked both your Ice and Jesse's fanfiction! Could you do another Ice x Reader? He keeps trying to ask Reader out but he keeps getting tongue tied whenever they talk.
Ask Me Out
Character: Ice x reader
Summary: He saved you, and happened to fall for you.
Note: Hi again my dearest readers and friends. Finally I post this! (Please say yeay) Anywho, I was listening to Tonight by SJB III and I love Elly's part, maybe because I like his rap. Please listen to that while reading. Oh and please send me your request if you want anything.
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You don’t remember how you get here, on the expensive yacht, with unknown men in black and a foreign looking woman. Well, you also a foreign woman.
You remember walking around the poor side of the town just because you’re bored and the next thing you know, the place got raided by these men.
You know them, they’re Doubt. The group that sold woman for money. You hung out at Heaven’s club several times and the women there were saved by the owner from being sold by them.
You heard of them in the street too.
Hell, you never thought that you would be captured by them.
“You’re pretty, I’m sure that you will make will make lots of money.” He said before laughing.
You look at the woman, she’s uncomfortable. You saw the guns on top of the table, it’s not like you can’t beat them but they got guns.
Guns, with s.
You valued your life even though you always feels like you want to die.
Out of the sudden, you heard voices downstairs. The men were shocked and tried to hold both of you at your places. Closing your distance with the woman, you lean down to her ear.
“Can you fight?” She just gave you a weird stare.
“I take that as a yes.” Several minutes later, three guys came up.
The fight escalated too quickly, before you realize, the woman already knock the guys.
“That was awesome.” You said, still shocked.
Those guys took off their mask that hides their faces. You were astonished by their look.
Damn, the one with hat is fine.
“Who are you guys?” The woman ask.
The one with the blonde hair turned around before going near his friends. He then faced both of you.
“We are Mighty Warrior.” He said proudly.
You had enough. You were saved by them and this is good bye.
“ Hi, Mighty Warrior thank you for saving us. I’m gonna go now and thank you.” You got up gave them your smile.
The blonde guy stared at you. His tongue pushed his inner cheek, his eyes never left your figure when you walk past him.
Before you get to move forward, the guy with long hair already stop you. He hold his machete up,stopping you from walking away. You let out a heavy sigh before looking at him.
“It would be highly appreciated if you move that away, kind sir.” You gave him an eye smile.
“ Sit.”
How long has it been? Three months? Five? You’ve lost count already.
Well it doesn’t matter. You already joined them, the Mighty Warrior alongside Sarah, the woman. You finally learn her name after two weeks living together with those men at the big mansion.
You knew that Sarah doesn’t agree with their principal but she still agree to be part of them. Well, you know the answer already but it’s a wild guess. You didn’t have the actual gut to ask her about it.
On the other hand, your life has been way better than before. Well it’s not like you’re poor, but you never had this kind of life since your parents passed away.
Living with your late grandmother is hard and you eventually had to forget about your dreams. So you began to work. That night, you were fired from your job since you punched a customer after he grope you.
It’s not your fault.
“Can we bet that I will take down more guys than you?” You asked Sarah playfully. The girl rolled her eye as a result.
Both of you wave at each other before separated. You went to the old guy with hat and Sarah went to the other guy. The guys were watching from upstairs but you couldn’t help to notice that someone has his eyes on you.
“Hi handsome, can I help you?” Your sudden appearance making the other girls scowled.
Before they get to do anything, the old man already pushed them away. You gladly sit on his lap and play with his jawline.
Nice, but Ice’s better.
“How can you help me?” You gave him your seductive smile before whispering in his ears.
He laughed and both of you stands up and walk away. The old man kept touching you, for the sake of money you let him even though wanted to cursed him.
Yours and Ice’s eyes met before you gave him a single nod. Not so long after, the guy pushed you to the wall, kissing your neck and his hands lingers all over your body.
“Damn it, be quick guys!” You grumble.
You see Bernie and Pearl from afar. Before they get to get close to you, you kicked the guy in the nut. His body scrunched up on the floor. Curse words living his mouth.
You gave him a hard blow on the head several times and the man pass out. You quickly take the keys on his pocket, curse words leaving your mouth.
“Ouf, that’s too hard don’t you think?” Pearl complained. He and Bernie grab the guy before pushing him to the side.
You gave him side eye before throwing the keys to them.
“I got harassed by this pervert and you guys think that I’m being hard? Please, he deserves to get his dick chopped off.” You rolled your eyes at them.
Several minutes later, Ice, Sarah and the other appears. They look at the unconscious old man before looking at you.
“ Sarah my love!” You screams as soon as you see her. Sarah hug your body before resting her hand on your shoulder.
“Did you get the key?” She asked. She didn’t forget to check up on you to see any wound.
“Of course dear.” You replied.
“Let’s go.” Ice’s voice ruined your talk with Sarah.
If he wasn’t the leader, you would’ve kick him already.
What a rude man.
You yawned, hard. It’s 3 am and they didn’t finish counting the money yet. You can sleep now but your eyes has been occupied by the shine that the gold produced.
The gold bangle, bracelet, necklace and chain.
Oh, heaven.
“Bernie you finished yet?”
“ You can sleep if you want. The gold will still be yours. Necklace and bracelet right?” Bernie’s words making you smile.
Awh, he remembers how much you love gold.
Pure gold only. You are allergic towards mix gold.
“ I’m off then cutie.” You kissed him cheek before walking up the stairs.
Bernie love physical affection, and you love Bernie.
In a friendly way of course, he reminds you of your own siblings. You wondered if they’re doing well in another country.
By the time you arrived upstairs, you saw Ice. He’s putting on his white t-shirt. You managed to get the glimpse of his abs.
Damn, he got a nice body. You almost drool at the sight.
“You’re going already?” He asked.
“Yeah.” Was your only reply.
You see how uncomfortable he is right now. Before you get to get going, he stopped you.
“Hey I was thinking, “ He stopped midway.
You look into his eyes, waiting for his answer patiently. To no avail, Ice then let go of your arms and smile.
“Nothing. I see you tomorrow.” He walk away.
You were confused. He never acted like that.
At least around others.
Ice ruffled his hair. He wanted to screams at his actions earlier. He got the perfect time and chance already. How hard is it to talk to a girl?
Well at least for you it’s hard.
He knows that you are in here because you were forced to. It was his mistake of course but he can’t help it.
You were so pretty that night that he afraid that he might not get to see you again. Of course it would not be impossible to asked Bernie to track you down like how he does it with Jesse’s girl but he want you.
He wants you by his side.
Your smile that night when you thanked them and your small grumble when Ryu forced you to sit.
“Yo what’s wrong?” Pearl asked.
He gave Sarah the last glass of the drink. From afar he saw how conflicted his friend is.
“ Did (y/n) turned you down?” Sarah’s word making him huffed.
“Did you get distracted by her face again?” 9 smile at his friend’s face.
Ice shoo'ed him away. He sat next to Bernie who already finished counting the money and the weight of the gold. He did saw several bracelet, ring and necklace in separate box.
He wants to put it at the same case as the other gold but Bernie stopped him.
“Don’t touch it. (Y/n) wants it.” He said without looking at him.
Bernie closed the box before put it on the nearest table. When he got back he saw how distracted Ice is.
He knows that Ice has been liking you for sometime now.
But he never get to asked you out.
“Did she turned you down?” He asked carefully.
Ice pretends to hit him with the small pillow.
The next day,Ice saw you swimming in the pool. You and Sarah were together but she didn’t swim.
The weather is nice, it would be a waste if you didn’t swim.
“Nee Sarah. Should we go shopping tomorrow?” You took a sip on the juice before swimming back.
“I don’t know. We might have something to do tomorrow.” Her answer automatically making your mood sour.
You saw Ice staring at you, or Sarah.
Might be Sarah. She’s pretty.
That was until Bernie stood next to him and give him something. Both of them disappear from the balcony after that.
Ice couldn’t take his eyes off you. He has been staring at you since he got up.
He didn’t even change his clothes or take a shower yet.
Still in his last night clothes, it’s almost 12 and he saw you swimming since 10. Doesn’t you felt cold?
It’s almost winter.
His eyes following the curves of your body. The swimsuit do give him mixed feelings. He likes how it shows your curves but he didn’t like the fact that others will see you in that.
Of course, who is he to judge but he can’t help it.
You’re too pretty. Prettier than Sarah in his opinion.
“ Stop staring man. What are you? Pervert?” Bernie’s voice making him jump.
He look at him, his serious face making the younger male smile nervously.
“Here, can you give this to (y/n)? I need to run some errands with 9.” Ice took it without hesitation.
He opened the red box, gold necklace with ruby. Next to it is ring with the same gemstone.
“ It’s a secret but (y/n) like gold with gemstone. Trust me, if you ask her out with this she would say yes.” Bernie gave the blond male a wink.
“ Let’s be real, you don’t like Ice?” Sarah nodded.
A loud gasped left your mouth. Sarah’s laugh making it even more worst.
All these time you thought that she like him!
“So who do you like? Ryu? Pearl? Please don’t say 9.”
“I don’t like anyone. For now, well let’s see maybe the cute bartender that we saw the other day.”
Gossiping about men has always been your thing. Since you have become Sarah’s friend, both of you has been gossiping about men during your free time.
Today’s topic happened to be about Sarah’s love life.
It’s quite shocking to hear that she doesn’t like Ice romantically. You always thought she likes him and Ice like her too.
Well you are wrong.
“Wanna know a secret?” She whispered.
You lean your ear close to her, she began whispering.
“Ice like you.”
Now that is questionable.
“Me? Hell no. Have you seen how he always avoided me?” You scoffed.
Ice and you never had a decent conversation. Always ended up with a quarrels between the two of you.
In another word, only god knows what will happen if both of you happen to date.
“Do you want to bet on that?”
Suddenly, Ice appears. He is holding a red box, the same box you saw earlier.
“Ok, five thousand.”
“Bernie gave you this.” He handed you the box.
You opened it up, the necklace that you have been eyeing since last night. You took out the necklace before putting the box on the couch.
You gave the necklace to Ice. The guy gave you a weird look.
“Put it on.” You say, more like ordering.
You saw how his face turned red. Ice took the necklace from you. You turned around and moving your hair from blocking your neck. Ice hesitate at first, he kept staring at your nape.
It would be nice if he get to put his hands around your neck.
“Can you hurry up?” Your words snap him out from his thoughts.
He grumbled before putting the necklace on.
“Do you have anything else to say?” You asked after turning around to face the male.
Ice stared deep into your (e/c) pool, he feels like he was hypnotized by those innocent eyes.
“Hello?” You flicked your finger.
“Nothing.” He walk away and didn’t turn back.
Did he just blush?
You turned around to face Sarah. She gave you the look.
“I told you.” She said before pouring herself another cup.
“Haha, that doesn’t prove anything lady. “ You scoffed.
Ice just blush because of you. You need to tell Bernie about this.
“You are blinder than a bat honey. I’m not surprise.”
You rolled your eyes. You couldn’t take it anymore. You got up and put the glass down.
“ I’m gonna prove to you that he doesn’t like me. Like I said, five thousand.”
You ran upstairs to Ice’s room. His room is at the end of the hall. His room is bigger than yours.
Without knocking, you opened the door. The scenery in his room is not something that you expected.
He just finished putting on his towel. You know he didn’t shower yet since his body isn’t wet.
Ice is shocked by your actions. Luckily he already put on the towel.
“Don’t you know how to knock?” He yelled.
“Stop acting like an innocent virgin Mr. Do you like me?”
His brows furrowed.
“ I’m asking, do you like me?” Hugging your own figure, you showed him your bored expression.
Ice is stunned by the question. If he be honest you might hate him even more.
“I, I...”
You had enough, you walk up to him before pushing his body to the wall, caging him as well.
“Do you like me that much Ice? What’s with the stutter?” You smirked.
Ice felt his sweat dropped from his forehead. He can handle your arrogant act, but not when you ran your fingertip all over his muscles.
"Sarah said you like me, is it true or you just want to messing with me?" You gave him your doe eye look.
Ice gulp at the sight. You saw how his Adam's apple move. You ran your fingertips all over his jawline before stopping at his plump lips.
How can this bastard be so perfect? Why did God put so much effort into creating him?
Ice's body couldn’t react. Is it because of your touch, or he’s enjoying this way too much. Either way, he don’t want you to stop. He was hoping for you to kiss his lips after you play with it.
But no.
“Well, it can’t be help.” You said before turn your back.
Well, if you think of it he’s kinda cute when he is stunned.
“Saturday, 3 pm. I don’t like flower.”
His head perks up when he heard those words.
You stared at his eyes and chuckled lightly.
“Our date idiot. Since you’re too scared to ask me out. And please don’t make it a movie date, they don’t even have a good movie in the cinema anymore.” You complained.
Ice smiled. He loves it whenever you talk or voice out your opinion on certain thing.
“And can I borrow 5 thousand? I lost a bet.”
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stellaluna33 · 2 years
Following up on my post about "I thought everything was fixed," I keep thinking about it. And what's really hitting me is remembering how YOUNG Jess still was at this point. Like, yeah, he's an adult now, but he's only 21, and what I can't get over right now is how naïve it feels to me, that he had these hopes and expectations that all he had to do was "become worthy enough" and everything would be ok. I know it feels weird to call Jess "naïve," but for all his world-weariness, he still had very little experience (either lived or observed) of how Love and relationships actually work, and this also highlights his Romanticism and Fatalistic tendencies. He still has a lot to learn. His heart is in the right place, but it almost seems like he still has some fantasy idea of what their relationship is in his head, without realizing that Rory's life has been going on without him. Just like in Season 4, when he says, "You know we're supposed to be together!" It's something that he feels very strongly, has Faith in almost, so he assumes that she "knows" it too. And maybe in the interim he realized that the last time she turned him down, he was asking her to trust him without proving his trustworthiness, so of course she said No! So he works to prove it. It almost seems like because he believes they're Meant to Be Together, the idea that Rory could truly fall in love with someone else is as unfathomable to him as the idea that he could fall in love with someone else. But it's a rude awakening to find out that Reality doesn't match up with the idea you had in your head. To his credit, he handled his disappointment with unbelievable grace. It turned out that it wasn't just that she couldn't trust him, it was that she really didn't want him after all, and he accepts that, accepts her, doesn't hold her choice against her. And that's it. "It is what it is, you, me."
And I think this is why it actually seems like such growth to me, that in the Revival he never pursues her, even though he still wants her. He keeps his feelings to himself, because he respects her, and he respects that she has her own reasons for the decisions she's made. He's let her go, not because he doesn't love her anymore, but because he does.
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Wip: The face of Destiny
Summary: Who's to say the Spider-verse was the only universe rigged by their protagonists? And what if one of those worlds didn't have their own, could anyone fill the role? Or in this case, could Gwen fulfill the role of protagonist even if she wasn't from that dimension? Or would be her attempts to finding out what's going on end in the everyone's ruin?
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"Shoot, that last part, it sounded different somehow, right? As if was off. Could this cause a glitch?"
Gwen made sure to check her surroundings as subtly as possible, just in case she saw something out of order, that has happened earlier. When she lost her balance on that cliff, it has come natural to her to hold onto the wall even with one hand, she could had pulled herself back together.
Until the cliff started to glitch out, and she let it go out of fear.
She got safe and sound to the ground (her quick reflexes has helped her grab onto her phone, which saved her...why this wasn't the weirdest thing about this place?) And had hastily made friends with this mechanical pokemon. Who could or not be the anomaly that she needed to look out for.
Would be better if she had more information about this case, but what Jess told her before coming here wasn't too descriptive, to top it all off, nothing has been normal since she crossed that portal.
She had a dream, of someone explaining this place in a detail that felt weird in her ears. When she woke up, a note beside her has sent had only made things more confused and in high sight, kind of scary.
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It gave her more questions than answers, and compared with has happened before? Didn't make things better.
Gwen still needed to wait to get more information from anyone in the Spider Society, but this is the information she had at the moment.
This world was inhabited by super powerful creatures that roamed freely as animals. And she had no clue how any of them worked.
This place was far away from the whatever was the name of the Web with their canon events; but it seemed to have some events on its own. Gwen didn't know which ones could be.
The phone that has appeared with her in this world, has only one Contact: Miles.
There were many things that she didn't understand, yet after all the things she had seen now, of being part of the Spider Society and seeing so many new recruits come on-
Who the heck is EleSpider?!
(Future scenes under the cut!)
At first, Gwen hasn't thought of checking the phone she had. She has kind of forgotten about them ever since she had her watch; since it did all what her phone use to, but with the people in the Spider Society.
Now that thing was more a hunk of metal in her wrist than anything useful.
Her guardian (the mom of the girl who was in exchange, apparently in some other academy.) The woman had given her some tips of how to use the map; she hasn't feel sure on what type of situation someone her age wouldn't know how to use a smartphone.
Yet this time around it was a RotomPhone, so Gwen appreciated the help.
And it was when looking around that she realized she had one contact: Miles.
It has been a gamble, it didn't need to be hers- the Miles she knew, (specially considering she has already seeing the Miles of this dimension.)
There wasn't any good reason to believe this could be the other one, but among the sea of weird things happening, it couldn't hurt to try right?
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It felt weird calling him Spiderman, even if he technically was one. Miguel could say what he wanted about anomalies, but destiny or not, she knew what she saw in him.
Yet Gwen felt herself get frozen in shock as she read the response.
She didn't thought she would ever hear from him again.
Remaining calml, and professional (just in case Miguel could peak, even if she wasn't sure if they could probably establish contact.) Gwen had asked directly, wondering if he could have a clue. Neither Miguel nor Jess had given her too much information before coming, from what Jess mentioned; they were clueless about what was going on in an universe so different from theirs.
Somehow, Gwen felt the response surprise her even if it should had felt obvious.
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It couldn't be a coincidence.
Miles was the only one she seemed able to contact without interference, and somehow he apparently to nice this universe well.
Despite Miguel's words about the dangers of anomalies; Hobie had mentioned something interesting to her once she had caved and told him what was Miles's situation (mostly because she felt guilty knowing and being unable to say anything.)
"Ok, not saying I am an expert in this dimensional deal but, if it was that important to be anomaly, wouldn't his universe had collapsed by now?"
Hobie didn't know about canon events, Gwen knew telling that much when their paranoid leader didn't like the guy was a gamble she couldn't risk. But they resonated in the back of her mind, what if he was right?
Right now, she had a few clues of what was going on, but technically she was both an anomaly and someone who needed to complete a role, so she needed to work things carefully or wouldn't end well for anyone.
Canon or not, Miles seemed to be able to do that already.
After learning how canon controlled the lives of the Spider people, Gwen had started to believe there was always an underlying reason that things happened to her, not just coincidences. She just needed to find which one was this.
To answer Miles's question, she decided to take a selfie with Miraidon and Fowglove.
Miles lost his shit.
"That's better" She felt herself sigh in relief, as she ran a hand though her new haircut.
As one of the mysteries of her current situation, she had realized her hair had magically changed to how it looked before; short and wavy. It was a style she had decided after a list of different hairtcuts, looking for the right one.
The hand incident still made her angry, yet when she had looked at herself in the mirror, had realized she missed the uneven haircut she had gotten to associate with herself, and Miles too.
Gwen has managed to get the cut she wanted, even if it had taken getting the right things- Miles had explained is just how things worked here.
Because it was a videogame in his world.
The implications kind of scared her; not so much being in a world that worked with videogame logic (which wasn't that unheard on the Spider Society,) but more of the thought of, if this world had a similar replica as a videogame, could her life be on something like a movie, or a comic?
Yeah, maybe keep those thoughts down until it was 3 am and she couldn't sleep.
For now, she was taking it easy. They were in the wilderness, she had made a picnic for her and her companions, and was focusing in feeding everyone.
Foxglove, (her sprigatito that she choose on the blind thought hat she had at least heard how to take care of a cat,) had taken his piece out of her hand and ran to hide below the table.
Yeah, there was a reason she named him like a poison; it definitely liked to act as a menace to her at times.
Thought with some sadness, she had realized some of these creatures seemed off-put by her, as if they knew she wasn't from here.
"Agia" Miraidon chirped, sniffing her hands as if it was looking for more. It had an impressive appetite.
Smiling a bit, she petted its head.
It was weird, it felt kind of mechanic, but also warm and alive; it moved like nothing she has seen, and she has already seen a lot from other dimensions. It was also, one of the few pokemon who had been friendly to her since the beginning.
That also happens to be a weird pokemon no one has heard of.
Miles haven't been able to provide too much information. Apparently while pokemon was a well known franchise, this "region" in particular has just been announced, he doesn't have the amount of information he has from others. He would offer his advice in what he could, but even he didn't had it all.
"It couldn't had been that easy." She thought, not surprised of this being her luck.
Looking at the Rotomphone, she thought if he would know about ways to win the trust of pokemon; Foxglove was suppose to be her first pokemon partner, and they needed to get along. It was probably part of her job as a protagonist. Or whatever the heck she needed to do here.
She wasn't doing anything wrong, even if Miguel got mad, she could justify it with working with the best she could.
He didn't need to see every single conversation, besides, wasn't rude to ask for what she wanted and not see how he was doing?
They could talk for a bit about other things, too.
Moving around has been easier than she expected, Gwen was also working carefully to not temp her luck.
Galar was the place her guardian and her kid were from, it shouldn't be far- but there was no information she could look to how to get there. Even if she could find a way to risk it, she knew what happened when she tried to go out of the house instead of following instructions.
Gwen preferred not fight with invisible walls again, or deal with creepy voices.
Getting up to Kitakami has been a shock, it was supposed to be a far away place; and for what Miles mentioned, it wasn't that common for the protagonist to go too far from its region. There were no more glitches, so she must be in the right track here.
Though if given the chance, she may had preferred to use Miraidon as a ride (even if swinging could work from time to time without recoil, this wasn't New York. The motor lizard was more reliable.) The fly on the plane has felt eternal, and being trapped on a small bus wasn't helping her mood.
Until the teacher mentioned something that caught her attention.
"Oh this is interesting, did you know that Castelia City has a resident super hero?"
Gwen needed all her self control to not jump from her seat after finally getting a good lead.
"A super hero?" She asks, as casually as she can.
Mrs. Briar smiles politely at her, looking thankful for having someone interested in the subject. "Yes! I know a few years ago we had the incident of the two heroes, but this is completely different! It seems to have powers and everything!"
Feeling her nails on her tight, Gwen kept her grip if only to focus on keeping track of the conversation and acting casual. She needed to be the protagonist, and the protagonist probably should be surprised about this.
"What type of powers?"
"Shooting webs, sticking to walls, sending electric shocks, like it's pokemon partner!" She mentioned in excitement, as if she was relating a story from a comic book. "There are only rumors from now, but someone said the hero was bitten by a joltik that was genetically modified, and that's how they got their powers, doesn't that sound incredible?"
"Aha, yeah." Nodded, Gwen felt in the back of her mind how mundane it sounded for her now.
When she texted Miles if he had heard something about heroes, he told her it was the first time he heard about official super heroes in pokemon.
"People had always been into the idea, but the company has never actually done it. There aren't any super heroes in the world of pokemon."
Yes, just as she had suspected from her previous investigation. None of her powers were natural in this place, so it kind of makes sense that the world would react to them.
"You may hate me for when they fail, but is for your own good."
A voice in her head has mentioned that a while ago, it didn't sound familiar, or even human. And she haven't seen anyone or anything around.
Another thing to the list of mysteries.
Since she was still a novice on this entire pokemon business, (also there were so many species, she couldn't believe Miles could recognize almost all of them in one glance.) So she searched about the companion pokemon of this hero.
Joltiks looked like fluffy, electric spiders. They were cuter than most of the other spider pokemon she had seen, though she didn't have issues with any of them. The pokemon in itself seemed on the weaker side, but it was a first stage which made sense.
Is when she looked at the evolution she got an answer to the clue she had since the beginning.
She wouldn't forget that pokemon, it has been all that has appeared when she had started to look for the EleSpider; because that was it's title, EleSpider pokemon.
After all this time, she had a lead.
Okay, Miles was used to weird things, you know? He got bitten by a radioactive spider, there were multiple dimensions with super heroes like him; and now he has been coaching Gwen on how to live in the pokemon world, somehow.
And a part of him knew this was a dream, he remembered going to sleep. But it has never been like this.
He was underwater, around him there was hexagonal columns of crystals that emitted light on its own, white with a rainbow shine that seemed magical. The water was the most beautiful tone of blue Miles has ever seen. It seemed barren of life however, thought he thought he saw something moving behind the crystals.
Miles could breathe fine, and the light didn't disturb him no matter how powerful it got (it contrasted with the dark sky he saw above him, muted by the water.)
"You are interesting." A voice said.
At this point, Miles wasn't sure what to say. Yes, dreams could mean anything, but they weren't normally this vivid, and his memory didn't work this well either. He knew this place.
Gwen had sent her pictures when she visited this lake.
Not from here though.
It didn't help that the voice was...off, light, yet flat. The words were said properly, but seemed as if it was trying to test they were said correctly. Something wasn't sure if it had trouble speaking this language, or what it could say.
More importantly- Gwen had mentioned a voice like this giving her cryptic advice.
"Um." He answered, eloquently.
Was dumb of him to be relieved Gwen wasn't around to see this?
"She has been a welcome addition, we are pleased" It spoke as if it was enthusiastic, yet the pitch felt as it didn't understand how to mimic the tone humans used. "However, now that we know who you are, this seems more your area of expertise."
Miles blinked, feeling that if anything, this was the part that now sounded like an actual dream. When he was a kid he used to have so many dreams of living in the pokemon world and being a champion; like many other kids.
Not to shoot his own horn, but considering Gwen didn't even know the basic fire->plant->water->fire combat system because there was no popular equivalent of this format in her world (somehow, or she just didn't care for those types of things.) It wasn't crazy to think he definitely knew better, at least at the beginning.
"So I would be a better pokemon master?" He asks, sounding almost hopeful.
"Uhhh??" The sound it made was not what expected, but at least, Miles thought it was confusion. "Ah, not why we want from you. It helps, but there are plenty of pokemon masters here. That's not the important bit."
Okay, Miles couldn't believe something so lowkey and neutral could sound harsh. Not that he still dreamed about being a pokemon master, but he felt little Miles inside him feeling deflated.
Regardless, something caught his attention.
"What's the important bit?"
"Ah, you don't know, right." It said, Miles thought two blue spheres- could those be eyes? somehow before he could focus better, they disintegrated like powder in water. "Not sure if we should tell, the web of the spiders is not familiar to us. You should ask who you know it knows."
Frowning, Miles wasn't sure what to say. Sure, there were other spider man and women, even animated spiders who got bitten by radioactive pigs. But that was just, parallel universe stuff; right? How much else it could be about?
And as far as he knows, Gwen knew some stuff about the multiverse, but she confessed the physics part wasn't her thing, and sometimes that Miguel could feel like he asked for ridiculous things. Miles trusted that if she knew something he should know, she would tell him.
Even via text, or phone calls or video...Gwen had told him a lot already, he believed that if there was something he needed to know, she would tell him.
So, who he was suppose to ask? Perhaps it was just general advice and didn't know who he knew.
"Would you want to come?" The voice said. Shocking Miles.
"For real?" He asked in awe, before thinking more carefully about it. He was in the middle of his school year, his dad has been preparing for months for this test to become captain, and it was still months ahead. Gwen told Miles it wasn't a big deal her dad didn't know where she was; but him? Yeah, he couldn't do that. "Look, texting Gwen works well for me- for now at least," He may or may not been distracted checking websites to help her out, instead of doing things like homework. It has only been a few classes. "But ghosting my folks? I can't do that, sorry."
There was a pause, to which Miles wasn't sure how to take. There was a heaviness in the atmosphere, like his spider-sense knew something was out there. Not necessarily to hurt, but...was the type of thing to be alert from.
As if it was a type a power that if it wanted, you were toast before you could even evade; so you couldn't ignore its presence. It reminded him of the stories he had read about.
"Could we found someone to cover for you?" It said out of nowhere, shocking Miles.
"Wait, how? Like faking being me? I don't know-" He started to think, it would made things easy; but he didn't like the idea.
Out of nowhere, one of the crystal's started to project an image; it seemed like his house, with his parents reading a letter. Miles didn't think it was real- the colours were a slightly off colour, things seemed flat. Perhaps it was projecting what it could be?
It could do that? He wasn't sure how to take any of this.
"An exchange program?" His mom read, she seemed intrigued.
"Apparently in the west cost, some fancy program for students into physics." Miles's dad seemed a lot more convinced an impressed. On this angle Miles could kind of read the email- huh, it also mentioned Miles as having "extraordinary achievements that made him the perfect candidate."
Damn, was this being was trying to butter him up? He wasn't sure what was special about him, but it seemed interested, enough to make a fancy letter to make him look great.
"Honey, this sounds amazing!" His dad said in excitement, totally on board. "He must had impressed those teachers at the academy! This is what we had been saying all this time, he has this talent and they see it too!"
Miles wasn't sure what to say, yeah, maybe this video was more of an idealized version of what it could be, but he wanted to believe it was trying to show something feasible. Even if the image didn't show him around; Miles hoped he could be there to show him this.
Sure, this wasn't about physics, and he hopes nothing weird appeared in his records, but it seemed like it was just trying to say that it would help Miles learn more on the areas that he needed. And more importantly, this was something bigger than just himself; it was a mission to another dimension, an opportunity of a lifetime.
This just, made it sounds less crazy, right?
"Jeff, this says is in another country." His mom said with worry. "I know the pamphlet says the school there has great counsellors and everything, but that's too far-"
"Love," He puts a hand on top of hers, smiling. "I know it sounds scary, but think about it. He really disliked this school at first, we asked him two weeks, and he had trouble adapting to his classes at first, but now he has straight A's in physics or Art, and they think he can go even farther. Wasn't what we wanted it for him? To do the great things we knew he could do."
Smiling a bit, Miles hoped he could prove them right. Maybe not in the way they wanted (he still wasn't sure how to tell them he was Spider-man, despite all these months.) But he trusted he was doing something right. And maybe he could do something right in other places, with Gwen, and who knows how else.
Miles promised to himself to find ways to make them proud, even if they couldn't know exactly why.
He wasn't sure how much physics he was actually going to learn here but...hey, going to some place far away was more closer to the truth than having some type of clone faking being him.
Regardless, he wanted to believe they could make this happen, and lowkey as possible.
"And who would be there to replace me?" Miles asked, just wanting to make sure.
"Someone sufficient." The voice contested, it almost sounded like...a purr? He wasn't sure. "We didn't think of it before, but we started to realize this has more potential. We have great ideas."
That part was more risky; even in dreams with the heavy presence, his spider-sense reminded him that this creature was probably more powerful that him, saw things in other light. For now they seemed to be in the same page, as weirder out as Gwen has been, she never sounded afraid of it.
Perhaps if it wanted her there, it was for a good reason.
He had reasons to believe in it, for now.
"I want to read that letter before they see it, and I want to give it to them; if you can promise me someone will take care of my city and everything would be cool...I want to hear more."
The lights suddenly went out, the water became as dark as the bottom of the of the ocean, and a whirlpool suddenly pulled him down. He didn't have webs, he barely could move under the current.
There was no pain, or suffocation, just-pull.
The last thing he heard before waking up, was "Then better make sure we start with the right foot!"
Miles couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.
At this point, he had accepted than everything was possible, even in this world of creatures he had grown so familiar it had felt predictable- until now.
The battle he saw years ago, something he thought he could only see on television- It was indescribable.
Starting because he couldn't even begin to explain why, how- why they were here?
"So glad to meet you, Miles!" A voice in his mind said, yet by how everyone reacted, Miles realized it was talking telepathically with the others too. "Definitely you were the one we waited for."
We? Was this also the other creature, or it was just how they talked- Hold up.
All this time it has been-?!
Wait, was that its normal type?
Miles and Gwen were running for their lives, and this once, Gwen was wondering if it was really worth trying to not use their spider abilities for this occasion.
Why do you mean there was glitching monsters looking for them now?!
Miles had taken her wrist, ran turned on a tunnel. She wasn't even sure how he saw it, but as they crouched out of pure survival instinct. The glitching being came by fast- and passed them as if they didn't exist.
With a hand on her chest, Gwen was trying her to control her breathing. She wasn't sure if that thing could hear, or somehow knew? It has been the first time she has crossed their paths with them.
"It has happened so fast-" Gwen thought, a bit anxious. Sure, she has run adjusted to things going south on the last second, or unexpected things appearing at the worst times.
Feeling something cold on her arm, Gwen realized Miles was offering a chilled water bottle, he had one too, of those you bought in the convenient machines.
"Thanks," She muttered, wanting to keep to herself the silent part; thanking for more than just the water. Gwen knew Miles wasn't afraid to open up if needed, but she had more trouble doing so; and asking for help too. Something as simple as water without any words was better for her to feel better than checking if she was fine.
With the sensation of water going down her throat, she felt get more calm, and try to pay attention to their surroundings.
It was night, bug pokemon and other types were around; nothing that seemed too worrisome in her eyes for now. It helped she had excellent night vision, and that ability was passive enough to not cause a fuzz.
Nowadays it was weird, but before- oof, somethings she preferred not remember.
After a few minutes, Miles said. "Okay, those things shouldn't be here, but...they reminded me of something."
Arching and eyebrow, she said, "Of what?"
"Well, sometimes in like the first few games, some pokemon would, glitch? Sometimes it was just straight up black and white code, other skeletons from the museum- yeah I know it sounds like it was on purpose but it was an accident."
"Why it happened?"
"Well- funnily enough, the first games weren't exactly broken, just doing much for the time. You see, as simple as the game has, there was too much content for the cartridges at the time, mostly because the size information was extremely small, and the technology was still kind of archaic at that time.
"The game could fit only so many things, and the gameboy couldn't play them all at the same time at times. Things got misplaced. Missigno appeared trying to fill the space of something the memory couldn't find. Or in some cases, when a specific set of things happened that made the code glitch."
Miles had said very casually, possibly nerding about the coding and creation aspect of games. It sounded interesting, (and perhaps kind of cute,) seeing him like this.
Except that she quickly realized that if Miles was right- well, those things were here because they activated something that that should had been touched?
"Miles" She said carefully, trying to hope there was no reason panic. "What types of things broke the game."
Opening his mouth, his eyes opened in shock, and nothing came out of his lips.
"Well that doesn't look promising."
Biting his lower lip for a second, he says, "...It was random things, Gwen. This didn't happen just because, most of those glitches were made after doing some innocuous, but random combination of things; it could be unpredictable. There was no way to know."
Taking a deep breathe, Gwen tried to think this rationally. Before, there has been times where things glitched for a second but then it returned to normal- it has looked different. Colorful, spiky, like when she was glitching out in her universe.
Those things- white and black, a pattern of change yet almost computerized. They seemed different.
And for now, it was the first time they found it.
"Okay," She said, softly, nodding to herself, and then turning her head to Miles. "We will keep our eyes open, and try to take note of what could be this; maybe they aren't common, we aren't in those old games right? Maybe it would be fine."
Somehow, Miles didn't seem relaxed, but the smile that he gave her was genuine. "Yeah, we will be okay."
Gwen wasn't sure if he believed, or if she did; sometimes it was better to say it and hope it would be the case.
"Grhmm," Her lizard rumminated, between mechanical and animal like, and then dropped it head on Miles's legs and its chest on Gwen's lap.
"Miraidon!" She chuckle, trying to move the doofus- if her body wasn't being so resilient, that would had definitely been painful.
"Jeez, you are so spoiled" Miles commented, but still caressed its head. Miraidon made more motor sounds.
In the darkness of this cave, in the middle of nowhere, they seemed to forget about all those things for just a second.
Not realizing who was looking after them.
"And who says how they are suppose to work? Last time I checked you also bend them at your pleasure!"
It was pandemonium out there, as Gwen and Miles hurdled together amidst the sandstorm around them, thought something told Miles there was most than sand, water and wind out there. Not that he could see.
But those voices- sounding larger than life, so loud he couldn't almost thing, it was jarring, demanding.
"Yeah, which it was why it has pestered you about it. Just imagine the possibilities!"
He heard some type of attack- meteors? Was that gust of wind enough for swift?
"It has worked out well, better than the last attempt on that region- It can work!"
"Miles, what we are suppose to do?!" Gwen screamed, because even beside each other, it was difficult to listen to anything.
He couldn't even open his eyes, this- this has been more than he had ever imagined.
But they had gone to far.
And maybe he was reading too much, maybe he was being delusional, but now- He thinks he understand why he was here.
Time to show it off.
Oh ho ho, that was fun! I had heard from a group of writers than doing warm ups was a good idea, and one of those warm up exercises, sometimes consisted in expanding on silly ideas.
This is self-indulgent to the brim, I haven't done any serious crossover work in probably ten years, but I had a blast. Including how to make a low budget fan teaser. I did the same thing I used in photoshop, when you can't do something cool, add more effects!
Probably shouldn't publish this now, but I put a lot of hours in this, even if is more for me than anyone else. Should I do crazy stuff like this more often, is really interesting to see what you can do. I was impressed with the quantity of details I managed to squeeze both in writing and the video, wonder how many of them are obvious and how many of them are actually vague.
Hope anyone liked it! If you did, please consider either commissioning me or donating to my ko-fi, and if not please reblog!
Have a good night.
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youcalledmebabe · 4 months
Rec me films pls because you seem based
Hi!! I took so long to answer this because I was like well now I need to prove that I am based with my movie recs. Jury’s out on that! I chose five of my all time favorites in no particular order.
1. You’ve Got Mail. I LOVE Nora Ephron and she wrote and directed this one so it’s extra special. Tom Hanks (of hbo war fame) and Meg Ryan play rival bookstore owners who are, unbeknownst to them, online pen pals. It’s a classic romantic comedy—the bickering! the chemistry! the banter! But it sticks with me because it has this very compelling sense of melancholy to it that makes it feel more real. It’s bittersweet, and it gets a lot of flack online for the bitter parts of the story, but I think those parts make it truer. Anyway it’s New York in the nineties and it’s Meg and Tom and it’s warm and nostalgic and I watch it every year. favorite line (okay two because I couldn’t pick): “No, but there is the dream of someone else.” “how about coffee, drinks, dinner, a movie… for as long as we both shall live?”
2. Before Sunset. I ADORE this movie. You have to watch before sunrise first, which is also really great, but Sunset is my favorite. Another film that lives and dies by the chemistry between its two actors and the script. If you’ve read my webgott fic you know the gist of the plot but basically: two lovers reunite after one perfect night nine years ago. Jesse wrote a book about Celine and she comes to the reading. Then they walk around Paris and catch up on the last nine years of their lives. It’s all about the magic and the romance of a second chance. But it’s also about how spending so much time apart and growing and changing complicates that. It’s another movie that I find all the more romantic because it feels real. favorite line: “I guess when you're young, you just believe there'll be many people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only happens a few times.”
3. Say Anything. THEE best of the 80s teen movies, endlessly parodied, but somehow underrated. Average guy Lloyd Dobler falls for the beautiful valedictorian Diane Court after graduation. This is the origin of the famous boombox over your head romantic gesture. It’s a very sweet movie about first love and coming of age. Endlessly quotable and clever. John Cusack is just so, so likable and so you really understand why Diane likes Lloyd so much. The John Hughes movies get all of the love but this is the one that stands the test of time. favorite line: “I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen.”
4. The Social Network. I mean it’s the social network! What is there to say? Incredible cast, incredible script, incredible directing. It’s one of those movies that’s such a movie. I’m most interested in it for the tragic doomed friendship between Mark and Eduardo. I LOVE a friendship that rots and crumbles but is somehow always with you anyway. We see them as best friends who create something together and then watch it fall apart and we see how it affects them in the present. They snipe at each other and yet still have the odd impulse to defend each other even as they’re on opposite sides of a lawsuit. Under all the pain there’s still love. favorite line: “I was your only friend.”
5. Bridget Jones Diary. A little bit sillier and fluffier than the rest but still excellent. First off, it’s British, and I love the Brits. The cast is endlessly charming. It’s so funny. Bridget is a mess—like actually a mess, and not in that usual boring rom com way—and I love her so much. It’s based on pride and prejudice (as is you’ve got mail) and that’s one of my favorite dynamics. It has the funniest fight scene in the rain with one of the best needle drops of all time. Honestly it has many great needle drops. It’s a movie about finding someone who likes all those weird messy parts of you and I find that very romantic. favorite line: “No, I like you very much. Just as you are.”
thanks for the ask!!
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captain-lonagan · 4 months
MCD Rewatch S1 Ep43: Shadow in the Dark
Do you need to watch this? 2% <- Laurance appearance in the last 30 seconds and infantile Garmau
Is it fun to watch? 2% <- Laurance appearance in the last 30 seconds
Plot Summary: Aphmau fucks around in Phoenix Drop. Laurance appears in the middle of the night while Aphmau and Levin are alone at the old Lord's house. Cliff hanger woahwoahwoah
Personal Notes:
solemn cutscene of Laurance unconscious in the nether surround by shadows -- "HEY GUYS, JESS HERE"
"They retook their oath to take their own lives in case they became possessed, so that was pretty sentimental for them. Anyway -" JESS YOURE INSANE
Garroth is already here and in the nursery And I Feel The Limitations Of The Medium In This Chili's Tonight
Garroth tentatively shooting his shot but wisely realizes this is a Bad Time and takes it back. love a man who can read the room
Garroth has no clue what to do with toddlers, i treasure him
they reskinned a dog to look like Levin lying on his front. this is Weird he moves so fast while laying completely still and people are just walking on him
this episode is just gonna be a walk-around of Phoenix Drop
Logan and Donna still suck
Aphmau is going to "over time" fix up the old Lord's house as a gift to Levin when he's older since it belonged to his parents
"I don't even know his dad's name" yes you do it's Malik you read the letter he left behind when he suspected he was about to get JFK-ed
Aphmau rambling insane nonsense as she builds an ugly-ass barebones house no windows no roof
Aphmau's endcard for this reccomends her Hunie Pop video. Aphmau are you sure you want the Minecraft Diaries audience to watch your Hunie Pop video
Okay sidenote. Why does this series have me out here advocating for quality heterosexual relationship representation. Back In The Day i enjoyed a bit of Garmau because there was something compelling to me about falling for someone you're close to and still respecting and supporting them when they don't feel the same way. Now I know Garmau is fr just Aphmau being incapable of writing ANY non-romantic non-related relationship between a guy and a girl it's really upsetting. Logan and Donna are fucking caricatures of Man and Woman its Bothersome dude
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nelllover · 2 years
Doing a separate post to talk about Literati in 3x01 because although they don't have any real interaction this episode is still heavy on the Lit stuff:
I love the symbolism of Rory pushing all of Dean's letter (so many letters by the way was he trying to drown her in mail??) to get to the letter for Jess.
My personal headcanon is that she spent the whole summer trying to write the perfect letter, but she never managed to write anything good enough.
Okay I'm not one to pity Dean (ew) but why did Rory still talk to him throughout the summer when she obviously wanted to be with Jess like when she arrived, she clearly wanted to talk to him probably to get together so I don't get why she felt the need to keep up the charade with Dean she should have ghosted him or something. But this is Rory I'm talking about, and I love that girl, but she does not make the best decision when it comes to her love life!!
"I can instantly deduce that when someone hears the name 'Paris' in the same sentence with the word 'date' jaws will drop. Confused looks will cover faces. words like 'How' and 'Why' and 'Quick, Bob, get the children in the minivan because the world is coming to an end' will immediately fly out of people's mouths." Did I mention that I love Paris.
Another favorite scene of mine is Rory describing Jess when she describes her perfect guy
"You'll know, okay? You just have to let it happen. and then probably when you're not looking, you'll find someone who compliments you. someone who likes what you like. someone who reads the same books or listens to the same music or likes to trash the same movies. someone compatible. but so compatible that they're boring. I mean you respect each other's opinions, and you can laugh at the same jokes, but I don't know there's just something about not quite knowing what the other person's gonna do at all time. that's just really... exciting." I would be lying if I said that I don't know this scene by heart!!!
Rory going into the closet with her letter!!! but also, what was she going to do with it she was going home the day after did she ever intend to send that letter?
Rory does not look happy about skipping dinner to spend time with Dean, and I can't blame her!
Geez I wonder why Rory wants to go to this festival? that is such a mystery don't you think. and why on earth could she want to change for?
I'm being sarcastic (obviously). Okay but how did Lorelai not catch what was going at that point!! like she thought Rory wanted to change for Dean? the last that Rory cared about what Dean thought of her outfit was on their weird first date!! (Which if you asked me was more between Lorelai and Dean)
Rory looks beautiful in that dress by the way!
Okay again I ask what on earth was Rory's plan?? Like was she going to go up to Jess and say what? "Hey, I know that I'm still dating Dean but still wanna make out"???? Like Rory honey what is the plan because you havent dumped the Jolly Green Giant yet you kinda need to do that before getting a new boyfriend. I love the girl but what was going on in her head I gotta know!!!
Rory looking around for Jess!!! And getting upset when she finds him with Shane...
Lorelai finally realizes that something is going on with Rory.
(Okay but why did Rory being visibly jealous made me kinda happy like I hate that she's upset but I love the angst.)
ok but the "yes it's Jess" line always makes me laugh. I think my sense of humor is broken.
Again, this is one of those scenes where I agree with Lorelai until her pro Dean agenda becomes obvious. Like I do think that she was right about the make up your mind thing but her bringing up how sweet Dean has been felt of base like Rory does feel bad (contrary has to what some people in the fandom seem to think) and I know that Lorelai means no harm but when she talks about how "great and sweet" Dean his Rory feels some kind of responsibility to stay with him because he is "perfect" and "she has no real complaint" which is ridiculous and as I have already said you don't need a reason to breakup with someone !!!
And then Dean walks in and like always he can't sense Rory being obviously uncomfortable. (Does he just not care???)
and then they kiss (ew as always) and Rory looks at Jess not even a second later!!! okay I know that Rory didn't breakup with Dean right then and there (Like she should have!!) because ASP is addicted to unnecessary drama but still, I hate the fact that Rory and Jess are fighting throughout the first half of the season (I love the angst but come on!!)
I hate how Lorelai is acting like Dean and Rory still being together is a good thing, like good for you I guess you still have someone to change your water bottle, but your daughter is still in an unhappy relationship!!!
"Rory, I don't want you to stay with Dean because of me"
"Okay, because if you decided you really did want to date Jess, I would help you... get vaccinated." Is this what Lorelai think not influencing Rory looks like??? Like Lorelai honey it's comments like this that makes Rory feel like she needs to lie to you about her love life!
(I love this episode, but I also hate this episode but to be honest that's how I feel about most of season 3)
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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Today was a good day. I felt slightly better. Still coughing, but not as weak. I am still really looking forward to going to sleep.
I slept okay last night. I was still coughing myself awake. But I got more rest then I have been. So it was a win.
I woke up at 630 pretty uncomfortable, but I let myself doze for a half hour. James laid with me a bit. I struggled to get up. But I would be okay.
I liked my hair a lot today. And I felt pretty good overall. I loved wearing my new ring. I was feeling positive. James sent me off with my bag packed. And I had a nice drive, but people were still driving stupid. Just going wildly slow. But it was fine. I got to camp and was glad to be there.
Though I discovered the watermelon James has packed me had spilled all over my lunch bag. Ah well. I cleaned that up and soon Elizabeth was coming in. It's weird not having that first hour alone but I won't begrudge someone else wanting to be able to leave earlier.
And we actually had some really nice chats. About art and my drawing project but also about my pipeline theory and some other silly stuff. We had some big laughs.
I worked on my proposal for a diorama workshop and a few other small projects. I did my drawing for the day and realized I had one of the stickers hidden so today actually was the last drawing! I did my favorite Leatherman pocket knife. And closed out the project. I'll order sheets of the stickers as a limited run soon.
As others were coming it there was actually stuff for me and Sarah to do! There is apparently another snow storm coming in tonight so we drove up to the Alaskans to get salt to put all around on any wood surfaces because we have a full camp rental this weekend.
I found out it's a Christian school and so I told Sarah all about how she. I was in highschool we would go on winter retreats and it was the most important thing every year but also it was crazy because they wouldn't feed us for so long so that we would get in some weird space. And she was like Jesse that sounds like a cult. And I am like oh I know.
It was fun driving around off road pouring salt on things. And when we got back we were both a bit tired so we took a break.
Heather would have some schedule stuff for me to work on. They want more free choice and so I worked on some ways for that to work. There might be some kind of choice in what specialities they could go to every day. We will see if it's actually implemented.
I had lunch and did some work on canva. Edited some logos for the music festival. Me and Sarah would go out again to deliver bags of salt and shovels to the different cabins just in case. The snow is supposed to come in quick but then it's going to be almost 60 so it'll probably melt fast too. But it was fun being out. Though I kept tripping on my shoes and making Sarah nervous I was going to break an ankle.
The day would wrap up pretty quickly. I reminded Alexi that my birthday is tomorrow and Chloe was like what! Why wasn't it on the calendar and Elizabeth ran out to write it before I left. I just never noticed it didn't make it to the calendar because I was gone for the last week of January and then I was sick. But everyone wished me well and said they will make a bigger deal next week. Which is not necessary but is also very kind.
I said goodbye and headed out. I did stop at 711 to get a piece of pizza. And I'm glad I did because there was a lot of traffic on the drive home. So it was closer to 45 minutes. Which is whatever but still rough. I enjoyed my music and my podcast and was home soon enough.
When I got back here I did some tidying up because Celia was coming over. I ran around with the vacuum and soon she was knocking on my door.
It was nice to have her over. James would come home soon after she got there. I gave her the tour and talked about what we are going to do in different spaces once we have furniture. And then after talking with James for a bit and playing with sweetp we would set up in the studio to do some painting.
Celia would paint a pill bug and I painted Sweetp. And it was fun. We watched a video about the backrooms and painted and James made us stuffed shells. It was a really fun couple hours. We talked about the history of accents and travel and told stories and it was just a really lovely night.
James ran over to the apartment to feed the aquatics and grab a few things. And Celia left a little before they came back. I watched her from the stoop to make sure she made it to her car. And then when I came back inside I went to get a shower.
James got home soon after I got dressed. And they are downstairs talking to their dad. And I am in bed. Coughing a lot. Which still gets worse at night. But I'm sipping water and hoping that the snow isn't bad. So tomorrows plan goes off without a hitch.
Because tomorrow is my birthday! Jess should be here mid morning, weather permitting, and then we are going to IKEA! I hope that we can get everything easily and then we will spend most of the day building things. I'm very much looking forward to my birthday. James is finishing baking a cake for me now. And Jess will be here. And I'm just really happy. Despite the cough.
Sleep well everyone. I love you all so much. Until tomorrow!!
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Love is (not) in the air
Z realizes how different his love life is compared to his friends. Aka Z realizes he might be Aromantic
For as long as he could remember Aaron Z was different from his classmates, as a child he never had crushes on anyone like his peers did, when everyone was getting into relationships in high school he wasn’t
“Oh you’ll find someone” his mother told him when he was fifteen, then he was sixteen and still had no romantic feelings for anyone
“Maybe they just aren’t my type” he’d try and reason with himself but did he even have a type? He was sure he did, everyone had a type
Then he was joining a new boy band, 4town, by this point he was seventeen almost eighteen. He quickly learned that all four of them where very much into romance. Jesse, the oldest was engaged to the “love of his life” he’d met her, she was kind and her and Jesse made a cute couple
Then there was Robaire, who was fittingly born on February 14th, spoke one of the most romantic language ever fluently, and in general just loved the idea of romance (Z was certain he had a secret girlfriend)
Aaron T loved watching romcoms (much to Z’s displeasure), he was a huge flirt as well and would often flirt with Z but the slightly older boy couldn’t even tell that was what he was doing. No one ever flirted with him it wasn’t his fault he couldn’t tell
Tae Young was the biggest sap, he loved any romantic gestures, would constantly talk about finding his “one true love” would awe when he saw a couple showing affection to each other (something Z couldn’t stand seeing, he didn’t understand why couples had to be on lovey dovey out in Public, go home and do that)
“You’re just a hater” Tae Young told him with a laugh as they walked through the park
Z just shrugged, sure maybe he was just jealous because everyone seemed to be able to fall in love and he couldn’t “where you in a bad relationship and now you don’t like romance?” Tae Young asked bringing him out of his thought process, shaking his head he spoke up “never been in one”
Tae Young was shocked by this news “what!? But you’re like every, well a lot of, girls ideal type how are you single??” Z just shrugged “well did you have any crushes” again he shook his head “well I had fictional crushes..?” He muttered “that doesn’t count!” Tae Young Said laughing “did you find people attractive?” “I think so? But it only lasted a few days” he said rubbing the back of his neck
“Wow that’s so weird” Tae Young Said, Z sighed, maybe their was something wrong with him, he felt like this wasn’t normal, his lack in romantic feelings couldn’t be normal maybe he could start dating just to fit in, but he couldn’t waste someone’s time knowing he didn’t have feelings for them
He spent the rest of the walk thinking about himself, about how different he was compared to his friends how none of them could relate to him and how he felt
As they made it back home Z sat down on the sofa immediately looking away from the tv as the guys where watching some stupid romance movie “did you guys know that Z has never dated anyone ever!” Tae Young announced earning a glare from Z “really?” Robaire asked surprised “maybe it’s cause he’s shy, don’t worry man you’re still young you’ll find someone” Jesse said from his spot on the couch
“But do I need to be in a relationship to be happy?” Z wondered aloud “because I have no desire to be in one” Jesse paused thoughtfully “well I guess not but why would you want to be alone?”
“I’m not alone I have you guys” He said shrugging “well what about when we move into our own separate homes?” T asked now pausing the tv “um I don’t know; I kinda like the idea of being alone. I mean I guess the idea of romantic gestures doesn’t bother me but an actual romantic relationship doesn’t interest me at least right now and since I was a child” Z explained
The guys looked at him again trying to understand him. Z just sighed giving up and went upstairs to his room
It was 2002 now, the band was doing amazing, they where the biggest boy band in the world at that point. Aaron Z was now 23 and still hasn’t been in a relationship despite what rumors people started
Unfortunately the guys had gotten really tired of him not showing interest in anyone, so what did they do? Starting setting him up with people
“I hate you guys” Z groaned “I don’t even know the chick”
“I told you her name is Amara she’s 23 so same age as you and she’s very friendly” Robaire said trying to decide between to shirts
Z just huffed and zoned out. Before he knew it she was there at the front door
“Amara hi! So good to meet you” Robaire said opening the door for her “this Aaron” He said pushing Z forward, he froze not really the best at suddenly meeting new people, especially if he was gonna go on a date with them “hi nice to meet you” she said, Z nodded softly “he’s shy and has trouble talking to girls so, we’re trying to get him out there” Robaire said
Z zoned out again, everything was a blur and he hadn’t realized they where halfway to the restaurant “you don’t talk much do you?” Amara asked making him turn red “sorry” he muttered “it’s okay I get it you’re shy”
Z looked at her, she was very pretty but he still felt nothing, but they barely talked, maybe it would change…
The drive back was silent, Z felt absolutely nothing for her. Even when she flirted with him he just responded with “okay” and “thanks” when she complimented him on his physical appearance all he said was “I know” because he couldn’t think of anything else
“Sorry” He muttered getting out of her car and walked to the front door as she drove away. That was the sixth date he’d been set up on and still he felt nothing
He opened the door ignoring the members and went to his room going on Google and typing something into his computer
“Why can’t I fall in love?” He typed searching for an answer
After a while he found something “aromantic?” He muttered reading into it, it felt like everything was clicking, this was it. Aaron Z was aromantic and there where so many people just like him who could relate just like he could
T burst in making him slam his laptop shut and turn towards him “did it not go well?” T asked him. Z shook his head “well I found this-“ “T stop” Z Said shaking his head and handed him his laptop
T raised a brow but opened it seeing what Z was reading “Aromantic?” He asked Reading about it “Aaron are you aromantic?” He asked curiously “I think so? I mean everything seemed to click for me when I read it”
“So setting you up on dates is pointless?” T asked making Z nod “probably” He said, T smiled and hugged him “I’m glad you’ve finally figured yourself out” he muttered
“Thanks T, so am I”
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doyelikehaggis · 5 months
Character: Rachel
Ships: Finn, Puck, Jesse, Brody, Quinn, Santana, Kitty, Tina, Mercedes, Sam
Ooh this is an intriguing concept! Okay, I'll give it a go!
Faberry will win ANY day. They deserved to end up together. So many of their scenes make SO MUCH MORE SENSE in a romantic context, like?? Repressed feelings, much??
Pezberry, my loves. Ugh, their tension was just unmatched (except by faberry obvs) like, I fully loved their bickering, and the New York seasons were so good for them. It was definitely those episodes that made me ship them.
Finchel does admittedly own a piece of my heart. I go back and forth on how I feel a lot about them but when I think a bit harder about them, I know I will always love them just a little. Their story ended far too soon and their ending will never not break my heart.
Cohen-Berry is such a cute concept and when I think of them I always go straight to the episode when Tina hit her head on the fountain and she and Rachel were swapped because their dynamic in that AU was one of the best parts of that episode.
I don't want to admit this one but... Puckleberry. HEAR ME OUT... okay I don't have a good argument, and I don't even really SHIP them romantically if I'm totally honest but there are two scenes that get me every time. The first one is when they're singing "Need You Now" because the way he LOOKS at her! And the fact that he agreed to play guitar and sing back-up for her TO THE ENTIRE FOOTBALL TEAM??? And the second scene is when he defends her to someone, I don't remember who, but he says she's not that bad, and he has a habit of calling her his jewish princess or something and it just-
I didn't hate her and Sam. I need to say it. I did not hate it. It was a bit weird, and it definitely felt like they were just making Sam into Finn 2.0 during their short-lived relationship but I didn't HATE them together. They were a little cute. Like, their relationship worked. Friends who've known each other a while, been through quite a bit together, decided to try out dating as adults after a ton of failed relationships, realize they don't really work well together in that context and break up but just go back to the way they were before because they're just that good at being friends. Do I want them to get married? No. I like what they had. It was very sweet.
Is it fair for me to put Jesse here just because I'M in love with him? Probably not, but it's happening away. Besides, it seems fitting. I didn't love them together, they were as bad as each other half the time which was AWFUL. I don't... love that they ended up together. He would definitely not have been my first, second, third or even fourth choice for her, as shown above. I absolutely think they're a nightmare of a couple. But I can't blame Rachel one bit because I would have fallen for him as well.
To be completely honest, I do not remember very much about Brody and Rachel's relationship except for the duet and the fact that he was a gigolo. I didn't like them together, I remember that much. They were very messy, but I did quite like Brody on his own despite the fact that he was, like, 75% of the mess.
I don't ship Mercedes with Rachel because Mercedes deserves better. They didn't quite have the same frenemies thing that Pezberry or Faberry had, and I fully do not believe that Rachel respects Mercedes enough. Not to mention, Mercedes has far more self-respect than to get with Rachel lmao. Yeah, I just don't think I can see it.
I didn't even know Rachel x Kitty was a ship? Is it? Well, even if it is, I have... no opinion on it, really.
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