#jesse pruitt
unofficial-sean · 1 year
On Helicoprion's Pelvic Fins (or lack thereof)
For about a year, now, I've been wracking my mind on the subject of the latest reconstruction of the extinct holocephalan[1] Helicoprion[2]. By all other accounts the latest reconstruction, which can be viewed below, is the best it's ever been. The iconic Eugeneodontid[3] tooth whorl fits into the jaw in a logical way and lends credence to our present understanding of its diet.
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But, as you gaze further posterior, you may notice something queer: no pelvic or anal fins. Now, a not-insignificant number of living chondrichthyes[4] lack anal fins. This is not out of the realm of imagination. But the same cannot be said of the pelvic fins, which aid in control and stabilization and also serve as the girdle for which claspers are attached to in males. All living chondrichthyes possess pelvic fins; from chimaeras like Hydrolagus colliei[5], to sharks like Hexanchus griseus[6], to skates[7] like Raja binoculata[8].
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(Hydrolagus colliei)
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(Hexanchus griseus)
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(Raja binoculata)
So, why are they missing in our latest reconstruction? I made attempts last year to reach out to the researcher responsible for our modern understanding of Helicoprion, Jesse Pruitt (whose lecture on his research set me off on this journey), through LinkedIn, but I never got a response. Looking through my message history, though, the conversation appears to have disappeared, making me wonder if I'd actually sent it at all.
This morning, I tried again. I drafted up my question and reasoning and sent it to Pruitt's LinkedIn and ResearchGate profiles, and I sent it to the Idaho Visualization Laboratory (IVL) which made the Helicoprion model. I had expected considerable delay, but to my mirth, I got a response this afternoon.
On behalf of IVL, Leif Tapanila responded to my email with answers. As it were, other Eugeneodontids from the Carboniferous and Permian periods were preserved better than our Helicoprion specimens. Specimens of Fadenia[9] and Romerodus[10] were preserved very well with full-body imprints in consistent shale rock.
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These imprints lack pelvic fins. Considering their close relation to Helicoprion, this absence was assumed for the visualization. I've inquired after Edestus[11], another Eugeneodontid of the same era, since there are many specimens and imprints, however fragmentary. I have yet to receive an answer, but when I do, I will update this post.
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I was determined to find some oversight, since holocephalan specimens from the Devonian period include pelvic fins in their reconstruction, but it seems the facts have dissolved my suspicions. I wanted to share this with you all, since I cannot edit Wikipedia articles (much to my dismay, as I have learned much and more in my studies of H. griseus that I want to add to its page). This knowledge deserves to be shared, since I find it ponderous.
Until next time,
[1] Subclass of chondrichthyes, containing contemporary chimaeras.
[2] Extinct eugeneodontid. Etymology translates to "Spiral saw"
[3] Order of holocephalan characterized by tooth "whorls" and inability to shed teeth.
[4] Class of chordate (vertebrate) characterized by a cartilaginous skeleton
[5] Chimaera known as the "spotted ratfish"
[6] Hexanchiform known as "bluntnose sixgill shark"
[7] Order of elasmobranch "Rajiformes," adjacent to rays.
[8] Rajiform known as "big skate" (no, really. haha)
[9] Eugeneodontid from the Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic period
[10] Eugeneodontid from the Carboniferous period
[11] Eugeneodontid from the Carboniferous period characterized by its scissor-like teeth and jaws.
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mmoviejournal · 3 months
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The Echo, 2008
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melancholy-ember · 1 year
Missing Moment #3: The Lockdown
This scene is actually in Tennant’s POV, and it’s the scene where Vance comes in and shuts everything down. It doesn’t go into too much detail, and it was actually just a plot point in my outline that I couldn’t resist expanding on, but I kind of like it anyway. So I’m posting it here, for anyone who wants to read it! 
Also, to the anon who asked about the reactions to Kate getting shot, I promise I didn’t forget about you! That’s going to be the next missing moment I post, I just need to finish cleaning it up a bit because at the time it was written, FTAHT was going in a slightly different direction. 
“Ernie, tell me something good.”
Ernie grit his teeth in a way that preceded whatever bad news he was about to deliver, and Tennant clenched her jaw in response. They had comms, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to see Lucy with her own two eyes, one so she could help be scope out her youngest agent’s surroundings but also because she wanted to see said agent. She wanted to make sure that Lucy was okay, because for all that the younger woman couldn’t act to save her life around them… uncover she was an entirely different story.
The only way to tell how close Lucy was to breaking would be to look into her eyes and read them.
And knowing this asshole had been cocky enough to install a camera in the warehouse he had commandeered for whatever the fuck he was planning felt like the ultimate taunt.
“I'm trying,” Ernie hissed, fingers still flying over his keyboard. There was a telltale catch in his voice, the only outward sign that he was also feeling concern. Kai and Jesse stood close by, obviously trying not to hover too close, but staying nearby so they didn’t risk missing anything. “Whatever system Pruitt used in his camera is hard to crack without sending up the equivalent of a giant red flare that says hi, you’re being watched—”
“And we can’t risk blowing Lucy’s cover,” Tennant finished quietly, her eyes fluttering closed.
Ernie nodded grimly. “We can’t risk blowing Lucy’s cover.”
What an absolute disaster this was shaping up to be.
When she had first opted to send Lucy in, the case had seemed like it was going to be relatively open and shut. After the display Pruitt had made from the bodies of their four Navy officers and Sergeant, it didn’t seem like he was one to hide behind any kind of reservations. That had been nothing short of a spectacle, and Lucy was sent in to get the confession from what Tennant had thought would be a narcissist who was eager to brag about his “accomplishment”.
She had been wrong.
From the second Lucy stepped into the abandoned warehouse, it was glaringly apparent that Tennant had been so, so very wrong. Furthermore, she had also sent her youngest and most inexperienced agent into what was shaping up to be a fucking lion’s den, as opposed to the rat’s nest she had expected.
And now, the only way out of the mess was through it.
“Still here?”
Tennant blinked out of her spiraling reverie, offering Ernie a silent squeeze to his shoulder for encouragement before unmuting her comm device. Just because they were hitting wall after wall in the task of getting eyes didn’t mean Lucy needed to know that. “Yeah, Luce. We’re all still here. What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Lucy whispered softly. In the background, Tennant could vaguely hear shouting, followed by malicious, hollow cackling. She swallowed back what felt like a mouthful of bile, digging her fingers into Ernie’s shoulder with a bit more insistence. “I really think he is starting to trust me, but there’s still some things that I'm not privy to yet. I'm trying to work him without being too obvious about it.”
More cackling, followed closely by the sound of terrified screaming.
The sharp hitch in Lucy’s breath was audible over the comm system.
Tennant nodded slowly, licking her dry lips. “You do what you can, Luce, but keep your head down otherwise, okay? These guys... you’re a damn fine agent, and I trust you implicitly. So take some deep breaths, it’s going to be okay, alright? We’re here—all of us—and we’re going to be here until this thing is over. Do you hear me?”
“Yeah,” Lucy said in response, very quietly. “Yeah, I hear you. Thanks Tennant.”
She opened her mouth to respond, only for the doors to the bullpen to swing open forcefully. A dozen agents came through, Vance at the head, and Tennant barely had time to mute the comm before pandemonium started.
“I want every single device that is operating shut down, and I want that done now.” Vance ordered sharply, narrowed eyes swinging over to find the four of them congregated around a single monitor. His jaw was locked, eyes blazing with fury, and Tennant slowly straightened up in response to the look. Whatever was happening would have been very, very serious if the NCIS Director had come all the way to the island because of it. “McGee, Knight—take over whatever’s going on here. Tennant, war room. Now.”
As people scrambled to obey the order, Tennant nodded, sharing one last look with her team before following Vance out of the mayhem that had become the bullpen.
“We have a traitor in our midst,” Vance declared without any preamble or fanfare, the second the war room had been secured. His voice was hard, drawn tight with tension and distrust, and the gaze that pinned Tennant in place was as sharp as razor blades. “I don’t think I need to stress the importance of finding this perpetrator to you of all people, Agent Tennant.”
The less-than-subtle reference to Maggie hit like it was supposed to, and Tennant just barely managed to keep from flinching backwards. All that time, all of those missions and all of those years…
Close calls…
Focus, Tennant reprimanded herself harshly, Lucy needs you right now.
Taking a deep breath and willing thoughts of the woman she had once considered a sister away, Tennant met the steely gaze with one of her own, refusing to be cowed in her own damn building. “And you’re positive whoever they are is here, in Pearl?”
Vance smiled a smile that was all teeth and no humor. “I’m positive. In consideration of that fact, this entire building is in full lockdown. No one in, no one out. All communication will be heavily monitored and must be pre-approved by myself, with absolutely no exceptions.”
It was like all of the air had been sucked out of the room.
Tennant blinked incredulously, heart hammering suddenly. “Director Vance—”
“No exceptions,” the Director reiterated forcefully, holding up a swift hand to stop any kind of rebuttal. Though it physically pained her to do so, Tennant fell obediently silent. “For the agents that have children, there will be an allotted thirty minutes a night to call—that call will be supervised by either myself or Special Agent McGee. You will sleep in the bunks, where one of my agents will supervise you as well. Let me make this as clear as I can, Agent Tennant, until the spy who is selling our secrets to the Russian government is found, there will not be a single moment where you are alone in this building. Everything, and I do mean everything, will be supervised. Am I clear?”
Tennant took a measured breath in through her nose. Losing her temper right now wouldn’t be beneficial to Lucy, which meant that she needed to keep calm. “And the agent I have out in the field, undercover in a hostile situation with at least three hostages and four known and heavily armed assailants? What about her? She’s risking her life—”
“Agent Tara has been cleared of any potential treason and will be working with myself and Agents McGee and Knight for the duration of this lockdown,” Vance’s sharp expression softened just the slightest bit, an ounce of empathy showing in his eyes. “I understand your concern, Tennant. I really do, but she’ll be in good hands. For now, the best thing you can do is try and point us in the direction of who may be the spy—the quicker we get them, the quicker we’re out of your hair. Understood?”
Taking another slow breath in, Tennant attempted to exhale the worst of her panic. Vance was good—there was a reason he was the Director of NCIS—so Lucy would be in safe hands. She knew that… it was just a matter of repeating it until it sunk in.
He doesn’t know Lucy, not really.  
That didn’t matter.
And right now?
It couldn’t matter, not when there wasn’t anything Tennant could do about it. For now, the best thing for Lucy would be following orders, because things were about to get messy enough and the absolute worst thing Tennant could do was rock the boat even more. Compliance was something she could control, and keeping things under control promised the best outcome for her junior agent. The less Vance had to worry about Tennant, the more time he could spend focusing on Lucy.
With those things in mind, there was only one correct answer.
“Understood, sir.”
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10 characters 10 fandoms 10 tags
Tagged by @johnsimms 😘 thank you.
I did this fairly recently so going to pick other characters this time
1. Dream of the Endless - The Sandman
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2. Valkyrie - Marvel
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3. Blackbeard | Edward Teach - Our Flag Means Death
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4. Beauregard - Critical Role
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5. Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
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6. Yennefer of Vengerberg - The Witcher
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7. Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt - Midnight Mass
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8. Laura Moon - American Gods
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9. Jesse Pinkman - Breaking Bad
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10. Kim Wexler - Better Call Saul
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Tagging @jesskier @kingeomer @diabla616 @yoites-good-omens-blog @taleibo @nikosaurushex @kickassfu @unexpected-readings-of-poetry @haeva @bi-aragorn
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4ugury · 10 months
‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ a private multi-muse, extremely private ! ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎‎‎ ‎ 𝚖𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 33
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the sun illuminates only the eyes of the man but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. — ralph waldo emerson
disclaimer: as this blog is labelled, i am extremely private- coming off of "do not follow first", i may return to that status though as comfort dictates ( i am not follow for follow, i follow only those i intend to write with )! also most of these muses are written from memory, and memory can be faulty, so consider a lot of these headcanon inspired & canon div.
activity warning: fluctuating day to day
⁍ ㅤatreus, ㅤgod of war, ㅤin game model, ㅤ15ㅤ &ㅤ all pronouns ⁍ ㅤalec, ㅤtwilight, ㅤoscar novak/nathan o'toole, ㅤ12ㅤ &ㅤ he/they *anti smeyer ⁍ ㅤben braeden, ㅤsupernatural, ㅤtyler lawrence gray, 25 & he/him ⁍ ㅤbruce wayne, ㅤgotham, ㅤdavid mazouz, ㅤ10 - 17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤchris halliwell, ㅤcharmed, ㅤnicholas galitzine, ㅤ21 & he/him ⁍ ㅤconnor angel, ㅤangel, ㅤlouis partridge ㅤ* heavy canon div, ㅤ16 ㅤ & ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤdenzel, ㅤffvii: ㅤadvent children, ㅤmovie model, ㅤ11, ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤeli hale, ㅤteen wolf: movie, ㅤvince mattis, ㅤ15 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him * anti jeff davis ⁍ ㅤgarfield logan, ㅤtitans, ㅤryan potter, ㅤ20 ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤharley keener, ㅤinsomniac's spider-man based, ㅤlucas lynggaard tønnesen, ㅤ21 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤhenrik mikaelson, ㅤto ㅤ& ㅤtvd, ㅤlouis partridge,ㅤ 15 ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ㅤ* anti plec ⁍ ㅤhenry, ㅤthe walking dead, ㅤmatt lintz, ㅤ17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ * heavy ㅤcanonㅤ div ⁍ ㅤjack ryan,ㅤ bioshock, ㅤarchie renaux, ㅤ24 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤjason todd,ㅤ titans, ㅤchristopher briney, ㅤ22 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤjesse turner, ㅤsupernatural, ㅤherman tommeraas, ㅤ25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him. ㅤ* canon div ⁍ ㅤjordan kent, ㅤsuperman & lois, ㅤalex garfin,ㅤ 16 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ* s1 only ⁍ ㅤjordan li, ㅤgen v, ㅤlondon thor & derek luh, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤthey/them ⁍ ㅤleland mckinney, ㅤtexas chainsaw massacre: the game, lorenzo zurzolo, ㅤ19, he/him ⁍ ㅤprompto argentum, ㅤff:xv, ㅤin game model, ㅤ21 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤsam riordan, ㅤgen v, ㅤasa germann, ㅤ18 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤseph mccauley, ㅤthe heir chronicles, ㅤjack champion, ㅤ18 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤtim drake,ㅤ titans,ㅤ jay lycurgo,ㅤ 17 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ test muses: ⁍ ㅤedmund pevensie, ㅤthe chronicles of narnia, ㅤharry gilby, ㅤ19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤethan winters, ㅤresident evil, ㅤchris pine, ㅤ37, ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤfoster lambert, ㅤinsidious franchise, ㅤharry collett, ㅤ19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤpeter parker, ㅤinsomniac's spider-man, ㅤgame model, ㅤ23 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ pending muses: ⁍ matthew lynch, ㅤthe raven cycle, ㅤadrian öjvindsson ⁍ percy jackson, ㅤpjato, ㅤwalker scobell ㅤ* waiting for the show
⁍ ㅤbasilio "basil" yslas, ㅤfalling skies, ㅤxolo maridueña : formerly harnessed, ㅤ ㅤ14 - 19 ㅤ& ㅤhe/they ⁍ ㅤbooth deering, ㅤtwilight, ㅤfinn cole : ㅤdhampir, ㅤ25 / 500+ ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ㅤ* anti smeyer ⁍ ㅤjack atlas, ㅤoriginal lore & story, ㅤnicholas galitzine : ㅤdhampir, ㅤ24 / 100+ ㅤ&ㅤ he/him ⁍ ㅤlogan mahkent, ㅤdetective comics, ㅤlevi miller : ㅤstudent, ㅤ15 - 30 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤmatthew "mattie" gareis, ㅤmisc vampire, ㅤlorenzo zurzolo : ㅤnewborn vampire, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤmikhail ( hail ) nikolaev, ㅤthe last of us, ㅤsunny suljic : ㅤsurvivor, ㅤ10 - 15ㅤ & ㅤhe/him ㅤ* immune in some verses ⁍ ㅤnicholas "nick" grimes, ㅤthe walking dead,ㅤ colin ford : ㅤsurvivor, ㅤ12 - 25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him, tied to :ㅤ @leftlimp\ ⁍ ㅤtheodore "theo" pruitt, ㅤhorror genre, ㅤaxel auriant : ㅤconduit of a demon, ㅤ22 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤwaylon coin, ㅤgen v, ㅤjosh mcqueen : alloy manipulation, ㅤ20 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him ⁍ ㅤwilliam moore, ㅤbioshock 1 & 2, ㅤasa butterfield : ㅤonly successful attempt at a "little brother" of original lore, ㅤ12 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him
❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚❚ in development : ⁍ malachi "mal" dumas, ㅤx-men, ㅤtimothee chalamet, ㅤ25 ㅤ& ㅤhe/him, ㅤplasma ㅤ& ㅤstellar manipulation.
damien, 27, he/they ! can be found at: shadowcurse & drowish
ㅤㅤㅤ affiliates : @extr4normal, @hallowburnt & @endfght
highest muse: all original characters, ben braeden & jesse turner, eli hale, henrik mikaelson, henry and seph mccauley.
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concerthopperblog · 8 months
North American Tour 2023 Part 2: Elder, REZN, and Lord Buffalo Live @ The Earl
Elder is a four-piece doom metal/progressive/stoner rock band that currently consists of Nick DiSalvo (vocals/guitar), Jack Donovan (bass), Mike Risberg (guitar/keyboards), and Georg Edert (drums). Elder has released six (6) LPs, three (3) singles/EPs, one (1) Live LP, and one (1) collaboration LP (with Kadavar). Elder’s latest release, Innate Passage, was heralded as a complex, progressive rock album full of DiSalvo’s hypnotic guitar riffs mixed with Risberg’s flawless synth work. One reviewer even went as far as to say that this body of work represents DiSalvo’s “best vocal performances… on an Elder release.” I’ve been a fan of Elder since randomly finding their music around 2012, and to hear their progression into the band that they are today is quite comforting. You might have recognized the band name Elder from last year’s review of Elder, Ruby the Hatchet, & Dreadnought: Live at The Earl (2022).
When Elder announced in June their North American 2023: Part 2 tour, I was excited to see that The Earl in Atlanta made this leg of the North American tour. For opening support on part 2 of their North American tour, Elder announced that REZN and Lord Buffalo will join them on the road. This would be my first time seeing either REZN or Lord Buffalo in concert, so I was very excited to see them in such an intimate setting as The Earl. Elder performing live at The Earl is a moment that I know I will reflect on and say that happened not once but twice for me. I would not be surprised if the next time Elder came to your city to play the venue might change to something larger. That is not a bad thing for the band as they can sell more tickets and, in the end, hopefully, more band merchandise.
REZN is a doom/psychedelic/stoner metal band from Chicago, Illinois that first formed as a band in 2016. REZN consists of Phil Cangelosi (vocals/bass), Rob McWilliams (vocals/guitar/sitar), Spencer Ouellette (modular synthesizers/saxophone), and Patrick Dunn (percussion/sitar). They have released four (4) LPs, two (2) Live LPs, three (3) singles, and three (3) collaborations with Solace being the latest release. I have been known to gravitate towards bands that are labeled psychedelic rock and/or metal but add the genre of doom and I am hooked. I’ve seen some press regarding REZN in the past but never pulled the trigger until now. Yes, you can tell me that I was missing out big time next time you see me at a show. I knew I was in for a treat when I ran into someone that I know from the Atlanta scene, and they told me that they were drawn to this show based on their love and devotion for REZN. I was not shocked about their comment as much as I was intrigued even more now about REZN and their body of work. As REZN played their set, one could feel the vibe coming from the crowd as the band played a very trippy collection of material. Head over to REZN’s Official Bandcamp page and check them out for yourself!
Lord Buffalo is a “mud-folk” band that hails from Austin, Texas, and has released three (3) LPs, two (2) EPs, and two (2) singles since forming in 2012. Lord Buffalo consists of Daniel Jesse Pruitt (vocals/guitar), Garrett Jeffery Hellman (guitar), Patrick John Patterson (violin), and Yamal Said (drums). I don’t know if it was the exuberant stage presence that Lord Buffalo presented on stage or the fact that they incorporated a violin in their music that drew me close to them. I also seem to have a fondness for bands from the Austin area (like Rickshaw Billie’s Burger Patrol, The Well, and The Sword). Follow this link to Lord Buffalo’s Official Bandcamp page today and show them some support!
You have a few more chances to catch Elder, REZN, and Lord Buffalo on the North American Tour 2023: Part 2 below:
09.21.2023 - USA - Syracuse, NY | The Song & Dance
09.22.2023 - USA - Portland, ME | Portland House Of Music
09.23.2023 - USA - Cambridge, MA | Middle East Downstairs
Elder will then embark on their European/UK Tour 2023 with Slomosa* and Steak† at select dates:
10.27.2023 - Germany - Erfurt | Bandhaus  
10.28.2023 - Germany - Hamburg | Lazy Bones Fest * 
10.29.2023 - Denmark - Copenhagen | Pumpehuset* 
10.31.2023 - Netherlands - Amersfoort | Fluor* 
11.01.2023 - Germany - Oberhausen | Kulttempel* 
11.02.2023 - Netherlands - Nijmegen | Doornroosje*  
11.03.2023 - Belgium - Leuven | Het Depot* 
11.04.2023 - France - Paris | La Maroquinerie*  
11.05.2023 - France - Lille | The Black Lab*  
11.07.2023 - United Kingdom - Bristol | The Fleece*†  
11.08.2023 - United Kingdom - Brighton | Patterns*†
11.09.2023 - United Kingdom - London | Electric Ballroom*†  
11.10.2023 - United Kingdom - Glasgow | Slay*† 
11.11.2023 - United Kingdom - Leeds | Brudenell Social Club*†  
11.12.2023 - United Kingdom - Manchester | Gorilla*† 
11.14.2023 - Germany - Frankfurt | Nachtleben†  
11.15.2023 - Switzerland - Dudingen | Bad Bonn†  
11.16.2023 - Germany - Munich | Hansa 39†  
11.17.2023 - Germany - Dresden | Chemiefabrik† 
11.18.2023 - Germany - Berlin | Hole 44†
 Curious about Concerthopper? You can find more music-related articles, interviews, various photo galleries, indie music reviews, our ‘Bars & Bites’ section, our exclusive “She Said, She Said” column, or become a Concerthopper at www.concerthopper.com. Sign up for our monthly newsletter by following this link: The Setlist! Please ‘Like’ our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date in 2022, on all music-related events/festivals such as ‘Rise of Brutality’ Tour: Hatebreed w/ Terror, Inhuman Condition, and Vein.FM @ The Orpheum (Tampa), Double Trouble Live II: Cradle of Filth & Devil Driver @ The Ranch (Fort Myers), Relix Presents Yonder Mountain String Band, Railroad Earth, and Keller Williams and The Keels: Live at The Eastern, AmericanaFest (2023), Sweet Oblivion Tour - Baroness: Live at The Masquerade, Darkbloom II Tour 2023: We Came As Romans live at Town Ballroom (Buffalo), This Wild Life live at Montage Music Hall, Blackout Tour Part 1: From Ashes to New w/ The Word Alive, Catch Your Breath, and Ekoh @ Rapids Theatre, Twins of Evil Tour: Boris & The Melvins @ Variety Playhouse, Beast in Black: Live @ Exit/In, Kiss of Death Tour ’23: In This Moment & Ice Nine Kills w/ Avatar and New Years Day Live at Hertz Arena, It Still Moves Anniversary Show: My Morning Jacket @ Fox Theatre, 10 Years of Wage War: House of Blues (Orlando), and Nth America Tour: Wolfmother @ The Eastern following us on all social media formats: Concerthopper on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  You can also follow my concert hopping on Facebook and Instagram for even more photos not available on Concerthopper.com.
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softersinned-arc · 1 year
I like having exclusives and mains! I think it’s a nice way to build a coherent canon for my character, and to let dynamics develop extensively.
If you’re interested in becoming exclusives or mains with Astoria, please feel free to message me! If I’m already exclusive with a particular portrayal, please do not approach me to write with other versions of these characters on this blog. Please also know that I’m unlikely to drop exclusivity for any reason besides extensive inactivity, or breaking mutuals. Threads which ignore or disrespect my exclusivity will be dropped. 
Aleksander Morozova | Grishaverse — tmiina.
Arthur Pruitt (Pendragon) | Arthuriana — valiantsword.  
Baldwin Montclair | All Souls — balldwin.
Daemon Targaryen | House of the Dragon — dralgon. 
Dane Whitman | Marvel — endlight.
Dracula | Dracula — dracui.
Ellis Cousland | Dragon Age (M!Cousland) — xfindingtrouble.
Harry "Opie" Winston | Sons of Anarchy — reaperlost.
Harvey Dent | DC — acidcaught.
Hope Mikaelson | The Originals / Legacies — serendpitous.
Jax Teller | Sons of Anarchy — gaveldefy.
Jess Mariano | Gilmore Girls — literarist.
Marcel Gerard | The Originals — lovemaim.
Marcus Whitmore | All Souls — mortedoc.
Pamela Isley | DC — ecopoison.
Percival de Rolo | Critical Role — xfindingtrouble.
Rhaenyra Targaryen | House of the Dragon — queenborn.
Robert Langdon | Robert Langdon series — sumbolus.
Rory Gilmore | Gilmore Girls — gilmor.
Rosalie Hale | Twilight — denieddeath.
Steve Rogers | Marvel — shieldrevive.
Talia al Ghul | DC — pitborn.
Alina Starkov | Grishaverse — serendpitous.
Ben Callahan | Original — corpatrem.
Desiderius Mathieu | Original — aeternals.
Diana Bishop | All Souls — sheswoven.
Hale Ashwood | Original — aeternals.
Matthew Clairmont | All Souls — cllairmont.
Matthew Murdock | Marvel — murdcck.
Peter Parker | Marvel — boywebbed.
Shay Sadler | Original — aeternals.
Solas | Dragon Age — arsuledin.
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ganhumara · 1 year
I like having exclusives and mains! I think it’s a nice way to build a coherent canon for my character, and to let dynamics develop extensively.
If you’re interested in becoming exclusives or mains with Astoria, please feel free to message me! If I’m already exclusive with a particular portrayal, please do not approach me to write with other versions of these characters on this blog. Please also know that I’m unlikely to drop exclusivity for any reason besides extensive inactivity, or breaking mutuals. Threads which ignore or disrespect my exclusivity will be dropped. 
Aleksander Morozova | Grishaverse — tmiina.
Arthur Pruitt | Arthuriana — valiantsword.  
Baldwin Montclair | All Souls — balldwin.
Daemon Targaryen | House of the Dragon — dralgon. 
Dracula | Dracula — dracui.
Harvey Dent | DC — acidcaught.
Hope Mikaelson | The Originals / Legacies — serendpitous.
Jess Mariano | Gilmore Girls — literarist.
Marcel Gerard | The Originals — lovemaim.
Marcus Whitmore | All Souls — mortedoc.
Matthew Clairmont | All Souls — cllairmont.
Pamela Isley | DC — ecopoison.
Rhaenyra Targaryen | House of the Dragon — queenborn.
Robert Langdon | Robert Langdon series — sumbolus.
Rory Gilmore | Gilmore Girls — gilmor.
Rosalie Hale | Twilight — denieddeath.
Talia al Ghul | DC — pitborn.
Alina Starkov | Grishaverse — serendpitous.
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exdeputysonso · 2 years
🎬📺 Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order 🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice)
I like to have a theme, so I'm going with 10 of my fave current/recent tv fandoms and my fave character from them...
Lalo Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Kendall Roy (Succession)
Dennis Reynolds (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
Ray Person (Generation Kill)
Barry Berkman (Barry)
Irving Bailiff (Severance)
Debra Morgan (Dexter)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
John Pruitt (Midnight Mass)
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unofficial-sean · 2 years
have you read "resurrecting the shark"? it's a book about reconstructing what helicoprion looked like from fossil evidence it's really good
I have not. I did, however, watch an hour+ presentation from paleontologist Jesse Pruitt out of Idaho (gross) who digitally scanned helicoprion fossils and used them them to help come up with a modern interpretation:
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gossipwoso · 3 years
Damn, i love #OlReign ig reels welcoming players before training, just good vibes 😎
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mydisneycollection · 3 years
Songs from and inspired by TinkerBell and the Lost Treasure CD
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I got this years ago as a Sinterklaas gift, I believe from my mother.
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The booklet had a metallic gleaming effect on the outside.
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romancemedia · 4 years
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My Favourite Deceased Characters (1)
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lilypoppy28 · 4 years
Station 19 - Ep 3.05 Into The Woods: Campfire
Credit: ABC
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scenesandscreens · 5 years
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Constantine (2005)
Director - Francis Lawrence, Cinematography - Philippe Rousselot
"I guess there's a plan for all of us. I had to die - twice - just to figure that out. Like the book says, He works His work in mysterious ways. Some people like it. Some people don't."
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the hot priests of television and cinema: a very necessary thread - tumblr version (1/3)
Part 02! | Part 03!
Montgomery Clift in I Confess (1953), dir. Alfred Hitchcock
Father Michael Logan
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Gael García Bernal in El Crimen del Padre Amaro (2002), dir. Carlos Carrera
Padre Amaro
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Ewan McGregor in Angels and Demons (2009), dir. Ron Howard
Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca
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Dominic Cooper in Preacher (2016-2019)
Father Jesse Cusser
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Jude Law in The Young Pope (2016)
Pope Pius XII
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Ethan Hawke in First Reformed (2017), dir. Paul Schrader
Father Toller
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Andrew Scott in Fleabag Season 2 (2019)
Hot Priest
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Hamish Linklater in Midnight Mass (2021)
Father Paul Hill | Monsignor John Pruitt
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Alfonso Herrera in The Exorcist (2016-2017)
Father Tomas Ortega
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Daniel Brühl in Intruders (2011), dir. Juan Carlos Fresnadillo
Padre Antonio
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