ineffableclassics · 25 days
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In the innocent time before the Fall complicated everything, one shy, studious chronicler and one curious, chaotic starmaker fell in love. They were left with no memory of each other, but the soul remembers what the mind forgets, and their experiences together left them with a unique kind of synesthesia— the emotional state, mannerisms, and voice of one having a paired physical response (smell, taste, or color) in the other.
Follow Aziraphale and Crowley from the pre-Fall times to the Apocalypse as these heightened earthly senses continually pull them back together. At first, they meet tentatively under Halley’s Comet, the last thing Crowley created as a starmaker and an excuse to keep returning to one another’s orbit. But over the millennia, their relationship deepens and they find new reasons to seek each other’s company.
Words: 98,765
Status: Complete
Rating: Mature
By @jessicafish
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petnews2day · 1 year
The 1 Thing Missing From Your Pets Healthcare Routine NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/QJCYc
The 1 Thing Missing From Your Pets Healthcare Routine NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT
The 1 Thing Missing From Your Pets Healthcare Routine NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT The Pet Parenting Reset, episode 85 💛Join me on 🌟 Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/jessicafisher 💚Check my Linktree 🌳 for links to dog 🐶 training (book, videos, courses): https://linktr.ee/jessicalynnfisher 🧡Check out my 🛒 Amazon storefront for personally curated pet supplies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/myfurryfamily […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/QJCYc #CatCareVideos
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furryfipets · 2 years
Irritable Bowel Disease In Cats: From Prevention to Help After Diagnosis
Irritable Bowel Disease In Cats: From Prevention to Help After Diagnosis
Irritable Bowel Disease In Cats: From Prevention to Help After Diagnosis with The Two Crazy Cat Ladies The Pet Parenting Reset, episode 63 💛Join me on 🌟 Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/jessicafisher 💚Check my Linktree 🌳 for links to dog 🐶 training (book, videos, courses): https://linktr.ee/jessicalynnfisher 🧡Check out my 🛒 Amazon storefront for personally curated pet…
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go-events · 4 years
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GO Rom Com Spotlight: @jessicafish​
The most excellent @jessicafish​ (also DiminishingReturns on AO3) has claimed Wristcutters: A Love Story to adapt for Good Omens in the Good Omens Rom Com Event.
For reference, here’s a little background about the source material!
About Wristcutters: A Love Story: Despondent after breaking up with his girlfriend, Zia (Patrick Fugit) kills himself and wakes up in a bland purgatory populated by other suicides. He takes a job at Kamikaze Pizza and befriends a Russian rocker named Eugene (Shea Whigham) while trying to make the best of a very dull afterlife. Learning that his ex-girlfriend has also killed herself, Zia embarks on a road trip with Eugene to find her, picking up a feisty hitchhiker (Shannyn Sossamon) along the way.
We spent some time chatting about how the adaptation is coming so far, as well as future plans for it! Now, get to know @jessicafish​ a little better!
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goromcom: To begin, You know how if you open a Tumblr chat with someone you haven't chatted to before, Tumblr tells you two things they post about? I wanted to tell you that yours reports that you post "about #crowley and #ineffable husbands". So...is Crowley secretly your favorite?
jessicafish: OH BOY, Tumblr is calling me out, huh? So, here's the thing! I am actually very new to Tumblr. I created my account here after watching Good Omens specifically to interact with the fandom when I started writing fic, and most of my blog is probably Good Omens for that reason. As for Crowley, I think I gravitated towards him at first because my first few stories were in his POV, but he's not necessarily my favorite! I'm one of those people who is almost a 50/50 split when it comes to how I project onto Aziraphale and Crowley, so I'd say I love them pretty equally.
goromcom: You chose to adapt Wristcutters: A Love Story as your rom com. Has this movie been a favorite of yours, or is there some other reason you chose it?
jessicafish: It IS actually a longtime favorite! There's a small handful of movies that I found at the absolute perfect time in my life and they resonated really deeply with me as a result. Wristcutters is definitely one of them. Like most dark comedies, it takes a very bleak premise and works to find the beauty and joy and laughter in it, ultimately offering a message of hope. But there's something just left-of-center enough about this movie that hits my heart in a unique way-- I don't know if it's the trainwreck characters or the subtle magical realism or even just the weird soundtrack, but the whole thing feels like such a comforting hug to me. Also, Tom Waits has been my ride or die since I was a teenager and seeing him play a oddball guardian angel type character was a dream come true.
goromcom: What's your favorite moment of the movie, and are you looking forward to presenting it in your adaptation? Any loose plans for that scene that you can share?
jessicafish: The landscape of the movie is, at a glance, depressing. "Everything's the same here, it's just a little worse" is what's on the tin for this version of purgatory. But there's a point in the story when the characters start leaning into the bizarre and the whimsical and the almost-invisible magic of the world and they begin to find beauty and love in unexpected places. One of my favorite moments in the movie is just past this embracing of the mundane miracles, when the two love interest characters find their way to a beach at night, and have their first open and honest conversation while viewing the world in this new light. It's one of the first scenes I started daydreaming about when I was working out ways to adapt this story for Good Omens, and I'm very excited for where I'm going with it!
goromcom: Do you plan to stick very closely to the beats of the original story, or make bigger changes?
jessicafish: I do plan to stick to some of the largest story beats, but I'm definitely making a fair share of changes in the nitty gritty. Probably the biggest change will be taking the theme of suicide out of the main spotlight. I don't think it fits with any Good Omens characters and I really don't want to romanticize it. Purgatory and the structure of the afterlife are the bits I'm interested in exploring, and I've been doing a lot of worldbuilding around them in order to fit it into the GO universe a little better. The myriad reasons someone might end up in limbo is going to be an important element of the plot.
goromcom: What's an interesting decision you've made in your planning so far--a notable casting decision, a changing of venue, or some other plan you have to paint Good Omens all over your rom com?
jessicafish: There are three main characters in Wristcutters-- Zia and Eugene (the two buds that the story opens on and follows as they set out on their road trip), and Mikal (the hitchhiker they pick up along the way). The relationships in the movie didn't quite line up with what I had in mind, so I'm absolutely bending the script to fit my needs, turning Mikal into the wingwoman instead of the love interest. I've got Aziraphale as Zia, Crowley as Eugene, and Anathema as Mikal. I'm already having so much fun with the three of them and their ridiculous bickering and banter while trapped in a car together.
goromcom: I am blatantly stealing this last question from The Good Place: The Podcast, but here goes: Tell me something "good". It can be something big or small. It can be a charity you think is doing good work, or you can talk about how great your pet is.
jessicafish: Winter is a pretty doldrummy time for me, so I really look forward to this time of year when spring is starting to fight its way through all the cracks. The house I live in right now has kind of a wild backyard, and currently it's a complete explosion of crocuses, snowbells, daisies, daphne, and one extremely early rhododendron. This morning, I left my phone inside and took my coffee outside and sipped it while sitting in the flowers. I know it's a small thing, but it was just the most calming and peaceful balm for the tired-of-winter heart. A reminder that doldrums don't last forever.
goromcom: So there you have it! As we careen out of winter and toward spring, please remember to watch for the GO adaptation of Wristcutters: A Love Story, coming soon.
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mutalune · 5 years
SO i went on a bit of a podfic-making spree this past week b/c 1) i love my friends and 2) i didn’t want to start writing anything because i’m doing nanowrimo this year and i knew i wouldn’t finish anything before Nov 1st 
and 3) i was on PTO and if i’m alone with my thoughts for longer than 15 minutes i need a New Hobby Immediately (this is how i learned to cross stitch, make candles, and Got Really Good at Sudoku if anyone was curious) 
if anyone is interested in listening!!! see below. it’ll probs be awhile before i record more since it’s nano season but i’ll DEF be back because i had a blast 
remember to deliver by imperiousheiress / @imperiousheiress :
Through the branches there’s a son that’s always shone by DiminishingReturns / @jessicafish : 
It’s More Likely Than You Think by curtaincall / @fremulon : 
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glamorousprincess · 4 years
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IG: @jessicafishes 
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call-of-the-ocean · 3 years
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The first chapter of my last reverse bang Dream Walker, written by the wonderful @jessicafish and illustrated by me is now out; a human AU about dreams and being able to walk through them.
i had a blast working with Jess and her writing is absolutely incredible, and we’re very excited to share this! Please check it out!!
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katartstrophe · 4 years
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I knew you in the marigolds. I loved you in the jasmine. I found you so many times. I chose you every time.
Ho. Lee. Smokes. @jessicafish has been an absolute joy to work with for her fic, In Synesthesia, for the @goodomensbigbang . I am honored and humbled to have had the opportunity to bring her Aziraphale and Crowley (excuse me, Joriel, the charmer) to life.
Thank you for everything, Jess. It’s been an honor.
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mllekurtz · 3 years
Beta Appreciation Post
I’m not sure if this is or has ever been a thing, but I think it should be? Since I started writing fics, I’ve been blessed with wonderful beta readers, and I wanted to share some of the love.
@sparvierosart, you’ve been my very first reader and an exceptionally kind one, I will never forget that. @stillseekwill, you’ve always felt like a safe port in a storm. @pinehutch, your insight and meticulousness are unmatched, and I would cherish your feedback on anything, here’s my planner and my shopping list. @saretton, your enthusiasm and cheerfulness are a balm for my soul every single day. @trailingoff, you make what I write a hundred times better, and if I ever wrote a book you bet I would hire you as my editor. @jessicafish, @halfofmysoulistrees, @floatysparrowthing and everyone else who’s ever said yes when I asked if they could take a look at a chapter, a drabble or an outline: you’re seriously, literally the best. To quote that guy, I love you all half as well as you deserve!
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cassieoh · 4 years
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My Favorite Ghost
words by @jessicafish​ (ao3: DiminishingReturns), art by cassieoh
Decades after the world didn’t end, Heaven and Hell got their war — and nearly destroyed everything in the process.
When  Aziraphale finally manages to reacquire a corporation and return to  Earth, he discovers he was gone longer than he thought and the planet  has become unrecognizable. As he searches for Crowley and tries to  figure out how he fits in a world that Heaven, Hell, and God have all  wiped their hands of, nature works around him to reclaim the bones of an  old civilization as the scraps of humanity build a new one.
the art for chapter 3 of jess’ minibang fic. now featuring 100% more sad angels (that’s a lie, that’s been there all along, please go read this fic you deserve it)
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diminished-fish · 3 years
new url!
No real reason for it, I was just tired of jessicafish. It’s been years since I went by Jessica (it’s either jess or fish in pretty much all circles) so seeing it in my url was a little weird.
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petnews2day · 1 year
Breaking Down Covered In Pet Hair with Isabel Alvarez Arata
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/wYwqV
Breaking Down Covered In Pet Hair with Isabel Alvarez Arata
Breaking Down Covered In Pet Hair with Isabel Alvarez Arata The Pet Parenting Reset, episode 82 💛Join me on 🌟 Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/jessicafisher 💚Check my Linktree 🌳 for links to dog 🐶 training (book, videos, courses): https://linktr.ee/jessicalynnfisher 🧡Check out my 🛒 Amazon storefront for personally curated pet supplies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/myfurryfamily 🐾 FREE Online dog […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/wYwqV #DogCareVideos
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furryfipets · 2 years
How To Find Confidence As A Pet Parent
How To Find Confidence As A Pet Parent
How To Find Confidence As A Pet Parent The Pet Parenting Reset, episode 62 💛Join me on 🌟 Patreon for exclusive content: https://www.patreon.com/jessicafisher 💚Check my Linktree 🌳 for links to dog 🐶 training (book, videos, courses): https://linktr.ee/jessicalynnfisher 🧡Check out my 🛒 Amazon storefront for personally curated pet supplies: https://www.amazon.com/shop/myfurryfamily 🐾 FREE Online dog…
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mutalune · 5 years
12 and 40 for the handwriting ask!
jess!!! thank u
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darkpurpledawn · 4 years
Ten Very Specific Happiness-Inducing Things (in which I try to be the tag I wanna see on my dash)
1. The smell of pool chlorine combined with the feeling of warm humidity
2. Smoothies that include the magic combination of mango, avocado, lime juice, and cayenne pepper
3. The way 2D movies used to animate magic in the Disney Renaissance era
4. Vertically ribbed jewel toned knit v-neck sweaters with a thin white stripe around the neck and cuffs that have half length sleeves
5. People failing at key changes when singing along to songs in public as a group
6. That moment in early novels when the narrator says “We will not here enumerate his many failings, among which were” and proceeds to list them
7. The fact that the words "vermilion" and "viridian" refer to nearly opposite colors
8. Discovering that someone on Pinterest has made an aesthetic board for a dozen favorite fictional characters
9. Embroidered velvet
10. in the spirit of owning one's cringe, moody black and white photography that makes it look like sea animals are flying above land
would love to see others' lists, ZERO pressure at all, OF COURSE. tagging @persnickety-pen, @silent--sonata @jessicafish, @gottagobuycheese, @runningturnip, @themisspool, @internetkatze, @narumikaiko, @fremulon, @imperiousheiress, @princip1914, @forineffablereasons, @mochacoffee, @mintly, @racketghost, @antikate, @mllekurtz, @caffeinechic, @redfacesmiley, @books-and-omens, @heavens-bookshop, and anyone else who wants to have a go!
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silent--sonata · 4 years
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Bringing to you the second chapter of the podfic for A Portrait in Synesthesia by @jessicafish ! 
It’s an absolutely stunning work about an angel, a demon, and the stars and colours that bring them together. Please, mind the tags and content warnings.
Fandom: Good Omens  Rating: Mature Archive Warnings: N/A Pairing: Aziraphale/Crowley, Crowley & Original Female Human Character  Cast: @d20owlbear, @gottagobuycheese, @imperiousheiress, @internetkatze, and @silent--sonata
Find the chapter here.
As always, this chapter is fully voiced and has original music and art! The cover art (above) has been made by the wonderfully talented @imperiousheiress​ - go and check them out! 
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