#jesus f u c k
frnkiebby · 9 months
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fucking PRETTY~🎃
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imminent-danger-came · 2 months
quick comp of line deliveries (from 5x09) that have been fucking killing me my god
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emlos · 2 years
i want all non east-europeans to die
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and the fucking memes?? are you people braindead??
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this is fucking tasteless, people are dying, morons
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pengychan · 1 year
"Nice dog!" "Thanks!" "She'd look better with her tail docked tho." "... Excuse me." "You should dock her tail." "No." "Terriers look good with--" "It's literally illegal." "Well, that doesn't need to stop you." "It's stopping me from hurting you right now so you should probably be glad."
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im gonna fucking cry.
(also im on the hellsite now so here)
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twistedappletree · 11 months
love how one of the main/official MDZS audio drama artists was like “what if i drew jin ling smiling when lan sizhui runs after him and links their arms together in front of everyone and their uncles” and actually drew it
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
hey remember what i said about thinking of a new and interesting way to ruin yoojin's life. au of the secret haunting au. i love ghosts i love talking about ghosts but i especially love when they're real
Han Yoohyun dies.
And then Han Yoohyun wakes up.
To screaming, to strangers' hands stretching out, to his brother with tears staining his cheeks and a glowing red stone in his palm--
Han Yoohyun wakes up, and he's in one of Haeyeon's reception rooms, his brother in front of him. "Hyung-?" he starts, already reaching out, eyes scanning him--no blood, no scars, no awkward stance to keep the weight off his bad leg--
There's a hand on his shoulder. He whips around, slapping the hand off--
It's Song Taewon.
Song Taewon is dead.
"You're dead too," Chief Song says, like he knows what Yoohyun's thinking. His voice is steady and firm, like he's giving a mission briefing. Not looking for a fight. Yoohyun grits his teeth and doesn't let himself relax. "We're ghosts, or something like it. It's a side effect of your brother's skills, as far as we can tell."
(The dragon's claws, ripping through him like scissors through paper. He can't remember the last time he felt that sort of pain, but he can remember thinking worth it.)
Yoohyun turns and stares at his brother. He looks--healthy, thank god, but he also looks... strangely young. "What's..." He frowns, glancing around. He knows this room. Didn't they replace these sofas? "How are we here?"
"A wishing item." Chief Song steps up beside him; out of the corner of his eye, he can see him studying hyung with a frown on his face. "He asked to go five years back in time with his memories."
A do-over? Hope swells inside Yoohyun, only to die just as fast, because-- "Hyung," he says again, loudly. Too loud.
His brother looks straight through him, a hollowness to his eyes.
"He can't hear you," a new voice whispers. Yoohyun glances over sharply to find the room crowded by strangers, except... He knows these faces. Aren't these hyung's old teammates? (A side effect of your brother's skills.) The one who must have spoken is near the front, staring at him. Her name slips his mind, but the brown hair and that sweater are distinct. She was among the earliest people hyung worked with, and if he's remembering the report right, she died in that very outfit.
Whatever her name is, she gives him a cautious glance before taking a slow step closer, peering at Yoojin as her mouth thins into a line. "He can't see you, either," she continues. "And you won't be able to touch him. Oppa's got no idea we're here."
Yoohyun thought so. He's clenching his teeth so tight his jaw aches, and he forces himself to relax, or at least enough to stop the hurting. "How long have you been watching?"
"Since we died," one of the others pipes up. Yoohyun vaguely recognizes him, too. (Hyung's friend, hyung's coworker, hyung's friend, hyung's friend, hyung's teammate, on and on... And Chief Song? whispers a tiny voice at the back of his mind.) The man shrugs. "Like Chief Song said. We're ghosts, right?"
Ghosts, or something like it. Yoohyun swallows. "And you've never been able to--"
That's when someone comes storming through the door, hyung's teammates hastily pulling out of his way. "Hyung," the intruder snaps, and Yoohyun bristles as he looks over (his hyung not yours not yours-!).
It's--him. It's Han Yoohyun.
"Dungeon brokers are--"
"Sorry," hyung says, and Yoohyun feels like shaking apart at the look in his brother's eyes when he gazes at the other-him. "I won't do it again."
Other-Yoohyun's brows furrow. Yoohyun realizes that on his face, surprise looks a lot like frustration. "If you've maybe gotten yourself in trouble-"
He keeps talking, but Yoohyun doesn't want to listen. Five years ago, Chief Song said. He knows the way he was talking to his brother five years ago.
He remembers exactly why he spoke to him that way, because it's the same reason he spoke to him that way just an hour or so ago. That doesn't stop him from wanting to put a fist through other-him's face when he sees the way hyung just takes it, the sheer lack of fury, of even just indignation. I was being immature, he's saying with a laugh, like it wasn't an hour ago that he threw his weapons aside and faced down a dragon and told Yoohyun I'll save you the trouble of holding a funeral--
He's not sure what sort of expression he's making, but by the way Song Taewon hisses "Han Yoohyun," and the other ghosts draw back, it must not be a very nice one.
Well. It's not like he cares about that sort of thing.
The tangled surge of emotions has his ears ringing, and so it's hard to hear what exactly other-Yoohyun says to their hyung before his brother suddenly steps forward and pulls him into a hug. Yoohyun steps forward, too, unable to stop himself. "Hyung," he whispers, strangled, and he isn't calm enough to hear properly again but he can see his brother's lips shape the words my brother, shape his name.
The next words cut clear through the ringing.
I love you.
There's arms wrapping around Yoohyun, and he shoves them away instinctively, pulling back with a snarl--
Hyung stares back, eyes wide with surprise and--a flicker of hurt that disappears a second later, replaced by blankness, and Yoohyun gasps, reaches out, and when he clutches at his brother's shoulders, his hands don't go through.
His hands don't go through.
(And you won't be able to touch him.)
"…Yoohyun-ah?" hyung asks, tentatively raising a hand before hesitating and going to drop it. Yoohyun instinctively grabs for it before he can lower it completely, wrapping his fingers around his brother's, and hold on, hold on, where's the stiffness in his fingers and the tightness of the skin at his wrist from old injuries and scars--?
Yoohyun slaps his other hand against his own face. Cheeks softer and rounder than he remembers, the line of his jaw not nearly harsh enough. Cold air against his forearms as he fumbles his way through the check; his forearms are bare--
His forearms are bare. He's in a T-shirt. The blood-soaked turtleneck, the rippling coat, they're- they're gone.
Hyung's still here.
"Hyung," he breathes, and yanks his brother back into another hug, tighter than before. Hyung lets out a muffled squawk, but he falls into the hold without a fight, clutching back at Yoohyun just as hard. Yoohyun buries his face in his brother's neck. "Hyung."
"Yoohyun-ah," hyung says, audibly bewildered. He reaches up and combs a hand through Yoohyun's hair. "What's- What happened? What's wrong?"
What's wrong? What's wrong? "You almost died," Yoohyun hisses. "You almost died, you would've died if I hadn't- You would've- You were going to--"
His voice rises as he keeps talking, and Yoohyun's fingers curl into his brother's shirt as he all but shouts- "Don't ever do that again!"
His voice cracks on the last word, and the next breath that escapes him comes out halfway to a sob, and his brother's hand has frozen in his hair, so Yoohyun raises his head to look at him--
Yoojin is staring back at him in undisguised horror. "What?" And then, a second later, eyes widening impossibly further: "You remember?"
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psalmsofpsychosis · 11 months
Blue eye.... samurai.......
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witchwhaat · 11 months
gonna watch men fs now, pray for my sanity🫡
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heartfullyferal · 2 years
At what age did Lizzy find out Katehrine Pierce was her mother? How did that affect her view of herself and the world around her? How did that view change again later when she found out she'd been spoon fed lies about her mother her whole life?
My human flaw is that I fucking don't trust my own memory of events I literally paced out step by fucking step.
I think Lizzy had turned seventeen that January, and Klaus found the paperwork with her in M a r c h. She and Jeremy had not yet done The Fuck I remember checking that recently, apparently they knew everything about her and still went AHEAD.
I could be wrong but I'm holding onto that one, that's what feels r i g h t to me.
By the time Lizzy saw the names on the document, this girl was DEEP in this story about how Katherine was such an evil force, and Damon was this toxic hateful being that shouldn't be allowed near women and children: She literally grew up with Klaus Mikaelson and was still more concerned by these stories of Katherine and Damon because they highlighted these terrifying truths about everything they'd done w r o n g.
Two people who can do nothing BUT wrong and create horrors and mistakes: and their child stood in the middle.
Lizzy didn't come out of her room for three days. It's like hating her body but w o r s e. Her body, her thoughts, her voice, the air she breathes- she wanted to get out of her skin and she was trapped in a body created by the t w o people MOST rejected in her entire tiny w o r l d.
It doesn't matter how much you tell her she's not responsible for the sins of her parents. You associate Damon's eyes with violence, and Katherine's hair with manipulation, you're suffocating their child.
There is nothing worse than criticizing their parent in front of them. It is the e n d of the world, they can't handle that until they're older. You h a v e to be gentle.
It's still not entirely gone, you know.
She can lay in bed all day and feel sick to her head remembering how hard Stefan can fall out with people. How much Elena can stand on her self righteous soapbox and renounce people on the spot.
And how fast Jeremy can criticize someone without thinking about who he's saying it to.
And girls just l e t her go through that. Hardly anybody considered for a single second that maybe the ONLY person who could benefit from hearing some of the good about her own mother and how she was once capable of bring people happiness, was Elizabeth herself. Damon might have been the ONLY ONE to tell Lizzy it would be w o r t h getting Katherine out of that tomb for her l o v e because she would make the world o k a y again.
Elijah probably didn't want to get a little girl's hopes up in case her mama had to run again.
Less selfish. More compassionate! Like Stefan.
After a few months of torment and self judgement, confusion loathing- Katherine dropped in to really do what was at the time an urgent rescue operation to save a girl from a clock tower swan dive. We don't like to admit it here, but Lizzy has touched on that thought more than t w i c e.
Camille really should check in.
I guess subconsciously, Lizzy knew the views of her mother would be biased to the people who felt wronged by her? And in essence she could understand that it came from the intention to protect her from heartache or disappointment. Stefan, she gets what you were trying to do. And you weren't taught how to do it. You were doing what you thought was right in the moment, with her best interests at heart.
Or maybe you couldn't stand the thought of Katherine having this one nice thing because you had hold of her f i r s t.
But when Katherine sits you down and tells you she's clinging into survival and hating every step of it, you've lost all leverage in that emotional war.
Going against her mother will never be fair.
It will never make any sense.
This woman who loves her daughter more than words and murder could ever express, could never be as evil as all t h a t. Not when she tells you that she gave you up to protect you against every will in her not to.
These days it's hard? Everyone talks about Katherine the same way, as if Lizzy doesn't know the other side of the story now. The people she saw as holy have since fallen from grace Elena, and she's starting to slowly become accustomed to the idea that maybe evil in the eyes of the virtuous isn't so bad after all.
At least it keeps you a l i v e.
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magnoliamyrrh · 2 years
well. that was one of the most disturbing nightmares ive had in awhile
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frnkiebby · 4 months
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canwesharethelonely · 5 months
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barkingangelbaby · 8 months
I'm screaming!! sometimes I'll listen to the old audio recordings I have on my phone when I'm bored and there's a decent amount from 2014-2016 where I'm just.. CHOMPING on some cheezits and saying the slowest sentences while high/tripping.. so thankful my friends still enjoyed my company bc what the fuck was I saying???
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corpsegold · 2 years
Typing that out has had me panicking and freaking out sweating for the past few hours. I've been miming to myself and rehearsing talking to the woman about it and the only way I can describe how overwhelming and intense this feels is that it's like when I came out to my mum. What the fuck does THAT say
#i feel like throwing up#like anger mixed with shame mixed with a very strange relief mixed with a lots of hating myself and being exhausted#jesus christ its like hard to think about#to be honest i convince myself i have a new mental illness every few months this is probably just the next in a long series#ive had this realization several times over the years but i normally block it out and it makes a huge mood drop#talking to the alcohol guy and this woman and what the p.doc said where theyve been questioning my usual excuses or reasons i tell myself#has got me thinking about it again and this time my mood is clearer and ive typed it out rather than passed out and reading it back is#extremely fucking exhausting#it literally feels like coming out to my mum#what the actual f u c k#bro this is too much#jesus christ#its fine its probably just traits lol like its not the end of the world im literally fine#it literally cant be bad if i can see it#maybe its not true at all like im just completely wrong about this or im missing something or not understanding myself clearly#i need to feel like i can live the life i want one day otherwise i dont know how im gonna cope lmao#im tired of grieving for a person i never was#i cant cope with the idea that i might never get to be that person#ive been too scared to try on my own and if people cant teach me how to try or tell me I'll likely never be able to have normal relatnships#and be liked and secure and feel proud of myself and stop disappointing my parents#oh my god#anyway#just got a notif from the abstinence counting app it says#continuous effort is the key to unlocking our true potential#ig mb thats cool#whatever
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probablybadrpgideas · 6 months
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I'm Graham and Bonding - Paper
(plaintext under cut)
Slender Jesus is here to assign you an RPG
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Last Name
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