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im gonna fucking cry.
(also im on the hellsite now so here)
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bloop-bl00p · 2 months
Rewriting the Hollow Knight of Hazbin Hotel
So, am I the only one who finds it weird that Carmilla isn’t getting jumped by the higher class?
The girl has an arsenal of weapons that can kill Goetia’s members AND neutralize their powers. And she sells it at affordable prices? Stricker can buy those weapons for God’s sake! That’s how he kills Blue Bloods, shouldn't that ring a bell in the Royal Class?
It’s surprising that an uprising hasn't happened yet, some imps managed to build successful businesses (Bliztø, Crimson, Stricker, Barbie I guess?) imagine the disaster if one day they have enough of being treated as lesser and just happen to have enough money to arm a large population of imps.
I intended her to be Velvette's mother, but I changed my plan and turned her into my OC. One thing I don't like about Viv’s Hell is how small it looks. You're telling me that everyone either comes from somewhere in America or Europe, Nifty is the only Asian character, and Cherry Bomb is the only Australian but that’s not enough for me.
Add to that the fact that her POC characters are grey. Or that she simply doesn't add any features/accents that could help the audience guess which origin are her characters.
I know Velvette has an accent but that’s the only character who has one. They should have done more research to make everyone have a dialect at least as unique as Zestial.
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Anyways, Carmilla is from South Africa. Don’t get mad at me, Viv’s Hell feels extremely small and I needed multiple POVs to diversify the backstory.
I want my Version of Hell to be a clash of multiple origins, musically speaking you can give the aggressive Spanish guitars to Vaga. Carmilla is associated with Kwela and Soul.
Nomsa Mbatha was born in 1959 and grew to be an impoverished black woman in South Africa during the apartheid, she eventually married gang members to survive.
The Gang was primarily focused on smuggling and economic activities and she participated as a new member when she got married. She partacked in smuggling weapons, drugs, and other contraband into prisons and served as well as an informant gathering intelligence from the outside world and relaying information to gang members in prison or on the streets. Nomsa also provided alibis. All of that is in exchange for protection and money to have a somewhat normal life.
She had her two daughters at 35, the two were twins. Nomsa interchanged between mother and Gang members and, unfortunately, had to bring the girls to do some of the dirty work.
The two girls died with their mother at 20 during a police raid. Nomsa was struck with guilt as she thought she was the reason Odette and Clara went to Hell with her.
In Hell, she renamed herself Induna and used her knowledge to start selling weapons, normal ones at first. Until she started commercializing Blessed Steels.
She didn’t get away with it, she was targeted by many Goetia members scared to lose their position of power since it’s the only thing that can kill them. It’s only through negotiation that she comes up with an arrangement with them with the help of Zestial who’s well-known and respected.
You need to be legally approved (A card to hold one in public) and only royal members have access to it Induna is the exception. The utilization is up to them once purchased.
The weapons are actually mostly harmless to The 72 Lesser Keys of Solomon. It’s the rest of the Goetia, their children who can be killed. The Seven Deadly Sins or The Other Fallen Angels are also safe.
Her employees usually seek the lost Angelic Weapons just right after extermination, they operate during the cleaning of roads and are trained to recognize blessed steel as they can't be noticed with metal detectors. They wear uniforms and it’s usually during these weapons harvesting that people follow them to steal from the company. It’s rare since her workers know how to fight but it happens and a small black market occurred from it, that’s where Stricker got his personal dagger. He also steals from the rich.
→ Nomsa speaks Zulu and Induna means leader of a group of warriors.
Nomsa means The Mother of Compassion and Mbatha can mean Protector. She’s a mother and the protector of her children.
→ The Twins work for their mother and she insists that they work indoors. One works to design the weapons, and the other tests them. Induna regularly trains them on how to fight and defend themselves.
→ Vaga worked for a few years with Induna and sees herself in her. She keeps her daughter safe the same way she tries to keep her brother out of danger.
My take on human Vaggie → here ←
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Watch me fight my biggest enemies, front-facing, and side-profile. I feel like I messed up the head shape in the side profile.
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Vivziepop when she learned it’s easy to moisturize and draw POC characters with actual features.
Anyway, I don’t really know what I want to do with her sinner's forms. I think I’m gonna make her a bear because Mommy Bear. I’ll keep the big paws as a way to say she has the weight of the people she killed on her hands. You could say…
“But she never killed anyone.”
Yes, but she still sold weapons that killed people later, willingly participating in a sin will get you to Hell.
That’s all for the rewrite.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
The way Hazbin’s fan base is trying to sweep Shay’s death under the rug is absolutely repulsive. Imagine being so selfish and delusional that when hearing that you pushed someone into actually taking their own life, the first thing that comes into your head is “Oh no!! That’s awful!! How will this situation make VIVZIEPOP look?!?!” You all are vile. Someone is dead, and you instead choose to make it all about your precious little idol.
The fact that it’s not just Vivienne’s diehard bootsucking fans trying to silence people who speak up about Shay’s death, but actual members of Spindlehorse staff as well is just as horrid. This will only encourage these psychopaths to keep doing what they’re doing even more, because they know that members of the crew will vouch for them, and since they’re somewhat connected to Vivienne, their word is practically law. Absolutely sick.
And the icing on top is that we all know that there’s virtually no chance of Vivienne actually addressing any of it, at least in a respectful manner. She’d rather twiddle her thumbs and let her friends and attack dogs to the talking for her, because telling her fans to quit it with the aggression would potentially lose her her personal army, and she can’t risk losing that.
This is terrible. Absolutely terrible, and we can’t let them get away with this anymore. To anyone reading, please spread as much awareness of Shay’s death as you can. Don’t let Vivienne’s musty band of mole rats stop you. People need to finally acknowledge just how poisonous this fandom truly is. Please. For Shay.
That’s all.
Professor Anon
I'm gonna be straight with you, Professor Anon...the person who wrote that doc didn't want to name names, but I sure as hell fucking do, and there's literally only one thing holding me back from doing so.
Until that changes, spread that doc wherever you can. They can mass report it in an attempt to cover for Viv and themselves, but we can make sure it has the opposite effect.
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
You all know what time it is, time for the review for the most hyped up episode since The Circus!
The Good
Vortex, as always is the best character in every episode he's in. As always he's pretty chill and nice around Loona treating her like a person and he's really nice with his girlfriend Beelzebub. There is one scene of Beelzebub talking about fucking Satan despite the fact that she views him as a brother and Vortex just doesn't say anything..and lets Beelzebub say it.
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This is honestly reminding me a little bit of Rent a Girlfriend, I really fucking hope they don't make Vortex into a cuck because that'll make me lose respect from the writers and Beelzebub. Not so much Vortex because idk what the hell he's even going to do against Satan when he finds out Beelzebub sleeps with him. The most he could do is leave Beelzebub.
Gluttony Ring
The Gluttony Ring looked pretty creative, it's my 2nd favorite one behind Wrath Ring. Why is it my second favorite? Because the atmosphere and the setting a little bit looks more like Earth than it does Hell. And the location where they're at just looks like a bee-themed tropical beach instead of fucking Hell. This is probably the last thing I would think of when I think of "Gluttony Ring in Hell". It's pretty, but it isn't something I'd imagine that Hell would have. Also, why is it that some places in Hell look fucking disastrous but other places in Hell look like oasis? Is this supposed to be a place where Sinners suffer or just Earth 2.0? We don't know and Viv doesn't either.
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The animation in this episode is pretty solid and looks good which is expected for a Helluva Boss episode, but there are some times when I find the animation to be really weird.
In the beginning of the episode, it shows Demons partying, but doesn't show their full appearances just silhouettes.
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And in the same timeframe, Loona and Tex outside has different shading, but once they're inside the shading instantly changes and they have thick black lines around their body. Making their characters not fit with the background. And all this shit happens in the first 47 seconds of the episode, holy shit.
Viv did say that this episode was supposed to be "A grand visual spectacle" but the only grand visual spectacle was the Cotton Candy song which took a significant chunk of time from an insignificant episode.
Yeah, there's not much I actually liked in this episode, so let's move on to the bad.
The Bad
Beelzebub's Design
I don't have any problem with Beelzebub personality-wise. She's cool and surprisingly nice for one of the Seven Princes of Hell. Vortex really does have good taste in women..aside from her wanting to fuck Satan. But I can dismiss that as a joke and pray to God that it doesn't actually happen.
But what I do not like about Beelzebub is her design which I know damn well the animators didn't get paid enough for animating this.
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Nothing from this design tells me that this is Beelzebub. I was completely confused on whether or not this woman was Beelzebub until I saw the credits. Beelzebub is depicted in Demonology as an insect, not a hellhound variant. A lot of people and I assumed that Beelzebub was going to be a bee due to the Bee Aesthetic in Gluttony, but we just got Jay Jay recolored and with four arms with miniscule insect aspects.
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The second reason why I hate this design is because it's not creative at all. This design without a doubt was heavily inspired by Jay Jay, but it wasn't just heavily inspired it's literally copied and pasted. They copied Jay Jay, gave her Loona's legs, recolored her, added so many unnecessary details, and called her Beelzebub. Looking at Beelzebub and the other furry characters that Viv designed in her past you can see that there's little to no difference between them.
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Beezlebub's design reminds me of how video game characters have alternate skins because her design is literally Jay Jay but recolored and with added cosmetics.
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Or how in Injustice: Gods Among Us the yellow costume for The Flash is Reverse Flash but he still looks identical to the regular Flash. So different personality, but the same skin just recolored.
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My third reason why I don't like the design is that Beelzebub's insect features are so miniscule that you can easily miss them. The only insect like features she has are the bee wings, four arms, and antennae in her eyelids and ears. Aside from those, there's nothing else. Now when she increases her size, Beelzebub does have bug like eyes but again that doesn't really say much.
My fourth and final reason why I don't like the design is that Beelzebub has so many unnecessary additions to her design that it looks pretty overwhelming but at the same time distracting. What was the point of giving her a lava lamp stomach? What was the point of having honey levitate from behind her? Why is her fucking eyeliner dripped as if she cried? I'm most likely going to do a design comparison with another iteration of Beelzebub, but yeah those are just my thoughts on her design overall. It's lazy, but also somehow overcomplicated.
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It would fit more if they made her into Cerberus instead of Beelzebub as Cerberus is a three-headed hellhound in the Gluttony Ring of Hell that likes to consume a lot. This design is more fitting for that to me.
Kesha voicing Beelzebub
Kesha voicing Beelzebub was a weird and bad choice not because of Die Young, but because Beelzebub represents what Kesha was running away from in her past. For those who don't know Kesha had a persona called Ke$ha who she describes as a "front for her emotional pain". And there are a few things that conclude to me why Beelzebub and the persona Ke$ha are nearly identical. They both overindulge in partying and drinking since Beelzebub represents overindulgence in those two things and many other things, but that was a really toxic lifestyle for Kesha to go through. There are two differences between the two characters that being Beelzebub also overindulges in eating but Kesha in the past had an eating disorder. She couldn't indulge in eating because as she says "I convinced myself that being sick, being skinny, was part of my job" and having Beelzebub a character who can overindulge in eating but still manages to stay skinny and thin is insensitive and unrealistic. The second difference is Kesha had to go to rehab in order to stay away from all of that and most likely doesn't partake in those anymore while Beelzebub doesn't have to.
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Simply put Beelzebub represents the persona Ke$ha and not the person, the same persona that Kesha used to mask her emotional pain and had to go to rehab to fix. I am fully aware that Kesha is an adult and she can make her own decisions, but having someone voice act a character who represents the persona they had in the past is really absurd and stupid, especially on Viv's part.
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It's likely that Beelzebub will never appear again or will have a different voice actor. Because Kesha being involved caused legal issues that took almost two years to resolve. If Beelzebub does return then I think she'll be voice acted by her singing voice actor Rochelle Diamante or someone else entirely.
Cotton Candy
After listening to the Cotton Candy song multiple times, I've come to the conclusion that this song is ass. It's not even intentionally trying to be bad either that's the worse and funnier part about it. The words "Cotton Candy" takes up 1/3 of the song, there's an entire video called "Cotton Candy, but only when they say Cotton Candy" and it's 1 minute long.
My problem isn't with the singing the singer behind this is fantastic, but my main problem with this song is the lyrics and beat. This song sounds like a bootleg version of Die Young, I know that was intended by Viv but that doesn't mean the song is good. The lyrics rhyme "Cotton Candy" with "Cotton Candy" Whoever was writing this song just needs to stop.
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Also, why is the song about Cotton Candy and not Honey? Beelzebub does have a bee aesthetic around her so wouldn't it make more sense to have her sing about honey. It's sweet and addictive
This video perfectly summarizes my thoughts on this song
Loona barely has a spotlight
Loona was hyped up exponentially a couple of days before this episode came out. From the voice actress stating that she'll return to voice Loona while striking a pose to a Loona plush releasing not too long ago.
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While I don't believe Loona was hyped up for this episode in particular she was still hyped up regardless and this episode was assumed to be a Loona-centered episode...that is until Beelzebub. Beelzebub stole the spotlight from Loona due to her character reveal being the sparkly song it was and a lot of people liking her design due to it being flashy.
Even a couple of days after the episode's release I still see more people talking about Beelzebub than Loona, regardless of how I feel about this character Beelzebub stood out more than Loona did to me. It's amazing that Loona was sidelined in her own episode
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Slight Tonal Issues
There are some tonal issues with this episode particularly in the middle and near the end. So in the middle of this episode, Loona walks out of the party wanting to leave feeling as if she didn't belong there.
When Blitzo was going to leave, she gets flirted with by some other hellhound and that's more than enough to convince her to stay. So apparently, Loona getting hit on allows her to become less insecure and more sociable. Jesus Christ
Near the end of the episode, Loona places Blitzo on his couch after pouring him some water then all of a sudden Blitzo suddenly has a sad moment saying that he'll die alone old and wrinkled.
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I gotta add if you don't want to die alone then stop treating people like shit Blitzo.
But anyway, this scene really just comes out of nowhere because Blitzo didn't express any problem with what happened at Ozzie's before he went to the party. I understand he was drinking all of his pain away but it still felt weird and forced to me.
Then after Loona calls him "Dad" for the second time in this episode, Blitzo suddenly just puked for the sake of comedy...
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Jesus Christ, even a filler episode has tone issues. Oh yeah, speaking of filler episode.
This episode is meaningless
This episode isn't a direct continuation of Ozzie's nor does it affect any future episodes. Viv stated that Ozzie's is the true season 1 finale and that this episode is a "grand visual spectacle"
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So all of this is just meaningless and what reinforces this is Loona's behavior. Loona went from her taking care of Blitzo to even calling him dad to straight up physically and mentally abusing him just because he wanted her to be nicer to the clients. Seeing Stars takes place at least a few days after Queen Bee so there's literally no reason for Loona to even act like this.
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Raises more questions than answers
This episode like all of the other ones in Helluva Boss raises more questions than answers. Hell, I'll even say that it doesn't even answer any of the questions I had. Beelzebub can literally make food from nowhere, so what's even the point of Wrath? Why is Tex and Beelzebub dating good, but Stolas and Blitzo dating isn't? How many abilities does this Beelzebub even have? Does the food she make has any side effects on those who consume it? Like there are so many fucking questions but NONE OF THIS GETS ANSWERED.
At this point, I will be really surprised whenever one of the major questions that the fandom has actually gets answered. Because I'm getting tired of this.
In conclusion, this episode really meant nothing and despite it not meaning anything I didn't like it. Especially Cotton Candy, that song sucks, I don't know why they didn't use Silva Hound's "Monster Ball" it sounds leagues better than "Cotton Candy" plus it's more fitting since Demons are monsters. Anyway, thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day!
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 8 months
💖 Angel Dust 💖
Michael Kovach (pilot)
Blake Roman (series)
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Theme songs:
Fave quote:
“IT’S NOT AN ACT!!! It's who I need to be. [Crosses arms to chest.] And this... [Gestures to the redlight street.] This is my escape! Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... Everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process, if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore. And maybe he'll let me go...���
True name: Anthony
Surname (AU): Romano-D'Amico
Birthday: 1st of April
Sex: Male
Year of Death: 1947
Cause of Death: Drug overdose (angel dust)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 30s (biological)
Zodiac sign: Aries ♈️
Height: 8ft (including the heels he wears)
Nationality: Italian 🇮🇹
Bed type: Submissive
• Human being (formerly)
• Sinner Demon (jumping spider)
Style of speech: Slang
<> Accent(s):
<> New Yorker (standard)
<> Italian twang (when really emotional)
• Adult film star (pornography)
• Sex worker
• Drag queen
• Unnamed mafia (formerly 💀)
• Husk (implied)
• Drugs
• Being abrasive
• Pranks
• Getting into scraps
• Cooking
• Flirting
• The colour pink
• Monetary gain
• Italian food
• Dancing (implied)
• Duets with Husk 🤭
• Pet names
<> Except for Whorebug (which is the only one he dislikes; most likely because that’s what Valentino calls him)
• Being called by his birth name
• His feet
• Losing credibility
• Valentino’s abuse
• Memorising scripts
• Niffty getting into trouble
<> Niffty handling weapons
• Anyone pointing out his facade
<> Being called fake
• How expensive drugs & alcohol cost him
• Anyone else ending up like him
• Anyone discrediting his acting
• Charlie involving herself with Valentino’s affairs
• Forecast conditions
<> confirmed but not canonically shown yet ~ Viv stated that he doesn’t like weather the same way as a dog is scared of thunder
• Politics
• Being triggered when it comes to ownership of Angel & Husk’s (respective) “owners”
• Niffty being talked about (negatively)
• Kat’s life choices
<> Her occupation of being an exotic dancer (because it hits too close to home for Angel and wished she picked a more safer career)
<> Her doing drugs
<> Her rebellion
• Being called “kid” by Husk (considering technically Angel is older than him in Hell since he died first 🤣)
• People being ageist and vindictive about his relationship with Husk
• Agoraphobia (anxiety disorder)
<> Panic disorder
<> Specific phobias
• Animotophobia (fear of emotions)
• Drug addict
• Victim of abuse (by Valentino)
<> Emotionally
<> Sexually (SA)
<> Mentally
<> Physically
• Neurotic
<> Particularly when really, really REALLY pissed off
• Alcoholic
<> Age regression (very common in people with PTSD)
• Self esteem issues (emotionally)
• Physical strength
• Low Frustrated Tolerance
• Self destructive
• Nymphomania (sex addict)
• Parasomnia
<> Night terrors
<> Insomnia
<> Sleep paralysis
<> Sexsomnia 🤣
• Borderline Personality Disorder (environmental)
• High alcohol tolerance
• Carnality
• Character growth (potentially)
<> To the point where Angel Dust may even drop his alias and just become “Anthony”
• Clean (drug-free)
• Physical attractiveness
Romantic interests:
Ex-boyfriend: Valentino (indirectly implied)
<> Definitely hinted at in the song “Poison” — obviously very early into the relationship before things went severely downhill
Husk (canonically implied)
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Stolas of the Ars Goetia (FWB / client)
Axel White (FWB / client)
Mother: Unnamed
Father: Henroin
(older) Brother: Arackniss
(fraternal) twin sister: Molly
Other (surrogate family):
(surrogate) Sister: Charlie Morningstar
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(surrogate) Daughter: Niffty 😂
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(surrogate) Daughter: Crymini (TBA)
Role-play (RP):
Husband: Husk 🤭
(surrogate) Sister: Snow Dust (OC)
(bio) Daughter 1#: Kat Dust (OC)
(Future) Daughter-in-law: T.J. Buckzo
(bio) Daughter 2#: Luster Dust (OC)
• Angie (by Cherri Bomb)
• Mi Amore (by Valentino 🤮)
<> Angel Cakes
• Whorebug (by Sir Pentious)
<> Spider
<> Striped Freak
• My Effeminate Fellow (by Alastor)
• Angel
• Slut (by Travis)
• Anthony (by Husk 🥰)
* Tony
* Ant
(Given the nickname because of how antsy Angel is and can be with his ADHD ~ also for the fact that it’s hilarious that he’s a spider only to be called another insect name)
<> Baby etc
<> Mama (affectionately)
<> Little Incubus
<> Loser (affectionately)
<> Baby doll / baby girl
• A.D. (by T.J., Snow Dust & Blitz)
• Papà (by Luster)
• Daddy (by Kat)
• Fratellino (by Arackniss)
Translation: “Little Brother”
<> Tony
• Romano-D’Amico (AU surname)
• Hazbin Hotel (patron)
• Porn Studios (workplace)
• The Vee Tower (formerly residency)
<> Not confirmed but definitely implied in the music video “Poison” and “ADDICT”
• The Black Dot (1x04)
• Consent (1x06)
• Charlie Morningstar
• Cherri Bomb (close friend)
• Niffty
• Husk (best friend — TBA)
<> Vivziepop has previously described Husk as Angel's "best friend" during later development streams for the pilot, suggesting that their relationship may be planned to greatly improve
• Fat Nuggets (pet)
Porn Studio employees (co-workers):
<> Dia
<> Summer
<> Kitty
<> Travis (client & director)
The Vees (acquainted):
<> Vox
<> Velvette
Hazbin Hotel employees (acquainted):
<> Alastor
<> Vaggie
• Sir Pentious (former enemy)
<> Egg Boiz (former enemies)
• Tiffany Titfucker (rival)
Axel (rival —> one sided)
• Valentino (boss, pimp, and owner)
• Sir Pentious (formerly)
• Exorcists
<> Adam
<> Lute
• Retractable set of arms
• Weapon proficiency
• Weather sensitivity
• Athleticism
• Cooking
• Bilingualism
<> Can speak one or two languages only; which is much different to multilingualism)
• Flexibility
Appearance & Personality:
Angel has a slender build and is the tallest of the main cast of characters. He is estimated to stand around 8 feet with his heels on.
His fur is white and he has a mop of fluffy white hair that extends from both the front and back of his head, with splotches of light-pink across it. He also has a distinctive and focal light-pink heart pattern on the back of his head. The light-pink outline of a heart also encircles his chest, the bottom point of which extends past his waistband and down to his crotch area.
His eyelids are light pink and the color extends up to his eyebrows, giving the effect of eyeshadow, and his lashes are dark and thick.
His irises are cerise pink. His right eye has a light yellow sclera, his left eye has a dark sclera. He has a wide mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth and possesses a single golden fang that sits slightly to his right of center, a feature he shares with his boss, Valentino. He has three cerise-pink dots under each of his eyes, which are intended to evoke freckles, although they are actually another set of smaller eyes.
One of Angel's most noticeable features is his prominent chest. The chest is actually composed entirely of fluffy fur, however, which Angel intentionally pushes up into a breast-like formation with his tightly pinned jacket for show.
Angel's everyday attire consists of a long light pink suit-blazer with horizontal white stripes down the length, reddish-grey miniskirt, and long reddish-grey thigh-high heeled boots, accessorized with a reddish-grey bowtie with a cerise pink center and a black choker. On his top set of arms he wears long cerise pink gloves with white detailing at the cuffs, on his bottom set of arms he wears long white gloves.
Though usually depicted with six limbs, Angel has a third retractable set of arms that he usually keeps hidden but can summon at will.
In background artwork seen in the pilot, Angel Dust's feet resemble those of a spider's.
How would you describe Angel Dust’s personality?
• Reckless
• Sexual (OTT)
• Sarcastic
• Sharp-witted
• Destructive
• Playful
• Vulgar
• Confident (excessive)
• Flippant
• Callous
• Cynical
<> Particularly about the idea of redemption however has a small hopeful part that it’s possible for him
As Anthony:
• Defensive
• Family orientated
• Shy
<> Through copping constant abuse from Valentino which would often make him nervous in his presence
• Hopeful
• Self assertive (outside the Porn Studios contract)
• Volatile
• Comedic (genuinely)
• Inferior
<> Seen when Charlie declared Sir Pentious as “official patron” at the Hazbin Hotel
• Attentive
<> Seen when Angel Dust rejected Cherri Bomb’s offered drugs after Husk mentioned about “undoing his progress”
• Protective
• Traumatised (via “Poison” at the end)
• Broken
• When it comes to physical contact Angel Dust always backs away (which is common in SA victims) seen with both Husk in “Masquerade” to bring him back to the hotel and Vaggie when throwing him off the building for a trust exercise
• The more Angel Dust (Anthony) gets upset the more his (New Yorker) accent gets thicker and automatically breaks out of his persona
• If Angel Dust hadn’t died at 30 years old he would have been around the same age as Husk if not somewhere between 12 years younger
<> However Angel is actually older than Husk down in Hell because he died first (which is kinda cool)
• Angel & Charlie have a “brother/sister” relationship (both Headcanon and implied but not confirmed)
• In a earlier draft of Angel’s character it appeared that when he blushed it showed on his upper body (face and chest area)
• Blake Roman (Angel Dust’s VA in the Hazbin Hotel series) is a huge Huskerdust fan
• Angel Dust’s birthday lands on April Fools Day (which explains he loves pranks so much 🤭)
• The name Anthony may come from the word "antonia", which means "priceless/praiseworthy and or beautiful".
<> His real name officially appears in the episode "Masquerade", signed on Valentino's soul contract.
• "Angel Dust" is Angel's chosen all-encompassing persona name, and one he uses exclusively in place of his actual name. It is intended as multipurpose for both his drag queen persona and his sex-work persona.[30] It is also a possible reference to his mode of death, a drug overdose.
* Whenever Angel is outside of work and doesn't feel the need to maintain his public persona, he prefers to dress in very cozy, comfortable, unsexualized clothing.
• In an earlier development stream, when asked if Angel is venomous, Vivziepop stated she did not think Angel was venomous due to being based on the jumping spider. However, she returns to this in a later stream, stating that Angel's bite may be venomous. But, that venom in Hell can't actually kill anyone, it just causes temporary pain or disfigurement and making them fall ill.
• During the gang war with Sir Pentious, when Angel's shadow is cast behind him, it appears much larger than him, with six arms and glowing red eyes. This implies that Angel can possibly transform into a larger form like other sinner demons.
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latibvles · 1 month
i cant believe i didn’t ask this sooner but what do you think the dynamics would be like between the mouse hole girls and daisy?
I feel like that one clip of Stitch maniacally laughing on top of a hill over this ask, anon. THIS IS A FUN ONE!!! THIS IS A V E R Y FUN ONE !! I'll go down the list for this one. more beneath the cut!! this would be in some... AU where Daisy works at the hospital at Thorpe Abbotts, I imagine, which funnily enough I have written before, so everyone thank Merc for that one :)
VIVIAN: Okay so I feel like this one is complicated because most of Vivian's relationships are just that: complicated. Little Miss "Keeps People At Arms Length Because She Was Raised To Believe She's Innately Broken" meets Little Miss "I Slapped My Father Before I Marched Off To War." Viv is notoriously bad at letting herself be taken care of while she meanwhile takes care of everyone else. Daisy looks at people like this and goes "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED." I think it'd take them a while before they could call each other friends but there's definitely a deep level of respect there.
WILLIE: I think that it's just a smidgen easier for them because Willie isn't as guarded as Viv is — she's just quiet. But when Willie is wounded after the second Bremen raid, in that recovery period? Daisy's a big help physically and emotionally (everyone but one member of Willie's crew flew Munster, mind you, and Willie has to cope with losing eight of her friends — her crew). This is also like... right on the cusp of Daisy losing her brother. But there's something about a nurse who goes above and beyond for the people in her care and Daisy's always been that. They'd have a very quiet understanding of one another after suffering tragedies.
INEZ: Girls who are both too humble to function (at first) keep giving each other compliments. That's the energy from them. Inez honestly probably reminds Daisy of Patty in a lot of ways and in that way Daisy's pretty... patient? With her? Inez isn't getting hurt too often so I don't think that she's a frequent visitor of the hospital but when Daisy's poking around the interrogation hut like Smokey's little shadow she does check in. Inez feels relief knowing they're all in good hands.
FERN: Lest we forget that Daisy is bisexual and Fern loves to flirt — you are flustering her, Miss Carmine. Truly. Not a frequent visitor of the hospital, more often seeing Daisy at the Officer's Club. Likes to get in on the Nurse gossip especially about the pilots and Daisy finds it a little amusing. I wouldn't put it past Fern to try and set Daisy up on a date of some kind, either, or at least try to gauge how Daisy feels about.... certain members of the 100th [ *loud screaming from Ron, distantly* ].
LENA: My god, the Banter. Like I said before in the Andy & Lena headcanons Lena is... not a shy individual. And she is more than happy to sing Daisy's praises. Throw the arm around her shoulders at the Officer's Club and remind everyone that they'd crash and burn without her. Also calls Daisy "gorgeous" sometimes to tease. Big appreciator, they're two team players and Lena is someone who is determined to make sure those who deserve it get their flowers.
CARRIE: Baby deer :( And also was severely wounded during the first raid on Bremen — Daisy is there for her in every way that matters during that recovery period. Changing bandages, sitting at her bedside, and when her cremates (most often Harrie) come to see her Daisy will be the last person to kick them out. Daisy knows in a way a lot of people may not get, how it feels to be a soft-hearted person and trying to find yourself and find your voice. She has a big soft spot for Carrie.
LORRAINE: Ah, you remind me of my stateside childhood best friend / sort-of-ex-situationship! No but genuinely I think it's harder for Daisy to get a... feel for Lorraine, as it tends to be because Lorraine keeps people at a distance and isn't especially souped to get all buddy-buddy with people. But there is a respect there — for what Daisy does, for how she takes care of people. Lorraine will voice her thanks but she's not especially loud like Lena is.
JOSEPHINE: Boston girls!!! Girls who mother-hen their friends!!! Good God these two would unironically be best friends because they just have so much in common it's kind of funny. Of course, Josie is the middle of five children and is still actively breaking from her mold, whereas Daisy's parents were extremely supportive of her wanting to go to college and have some independence. But still, the ties that bind etc. They talk often, and have 100% made plans to meet up when they're stateside.
HARRIET: Whereas Lena is all banter and teasing about it — I think Daisy looks at Harrie and sees like... pure sunshine, which is what she is for quite some time. Harrie is the type to hug Daisy after a simple patch-up, and Harrie 100% calls Daisy "Doc" which makes her laugh, because Smokey is the doctor. She's very endeared by the praises even when it flusters her. Daisy has also been dragged onto the dance floor by Miss Harriet
JUNE: Dog that bites meet girl offering you the lunch meat in her sandwich. They have a unique relationship because June gets into the most fights out of all the girls — requiring patch-ups, requiring someone (Viv, or Benny, or another officer) waking her up because they know that Daisy isn't in the business of getting people written up. It's love and hate almost because June doesn't know if she could ever be soft like that; maybe there's a little envy there. But Daisy has never once scolded or shamed June for the situations she gets herself into. She's patient and can handle June's sour attitude so long as June lives to dish it to her
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teeth-cable · 1 year
the misogyny in vivz' work bums me out and not only because of the writing. lately i've been thinking about how cool it would be if there were girl characters like alastor, fizz, striker etc. men are allowed to be fully fleshed out archetypes and designs that are drastically different from each other and i wish we had that same creativity for women. i dont really know about the writing but in regard to visuals, i wish there were more women imps that have different and cool designs like fizz and striker, i wish there were more gnc women, i wish there were more women that have good intimidating presence and screen time. i'd lose it if a character like s1 striker could be a girl and they didnt make her into an object or something to further the story along with nothing to provide of her own
I feel ya Anon! The female characters have so much writing potential that the writers wouldn't ignored at first if they were male characters. I wish we get to see female imps look more masculine, GNC, threatening or scruffy like with the male characters. But I actually wouldn't have a problem with how the female characters are treated if the writers were just open of how they prefer writing the male characters more than females.
I keep seeing critics say Viv can't write female characters and she can. Saying otherwise ignores characters like Bee, Carmen (Zoophobia), her short comics for Hazbin hotel when it was still Zoophobia and characters from her animated shorts like Timber. Writing female characters isn't different from writing male characters, the only thing that is different is the effort and motivation you put for both . Honestly I feel outsiders and critics would respect Viv and the writers more if they were just honest and admit Helluva Boss is a fun writing project for them and not a professional serious show.
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the-void-writes · 2 years
Happy WBW btw c;
can you tell me a little bit more about Veselys motivations ? he seemed like a good dude at first but now I'm like..... why are you like this , my dude 🤣
@bloodlessheirbyjacques 😅✨
@bloodlessheirbyjacques Ooh, thank you for this. Vesely’s such a complicated mess 😂
Honestly, he’s the inverse of Isaiah Shapiro. To him, Humans are the threat that need to be extinguished, but he doesn’t want that immediately. There’s a far-more pressing matter to him; the Freak-children who have no way to control their powers, so they either destroy everything or they’re killed out of fear. He knows that pain far too well.
So Gabriel Vesely is the second of four children. Their father was a known Freak, but had proven himself to the community by providing for them in times of need. If you needed something done, he would do it no problem. Vesely admired how his father had so much respect despite what he was. The thing is, neither him nor his siblings had inherited the genes that make people Freaks. Their father was one of those “we are the future of the species” nuts, which Vesely thought was going a little too far. The kids were instructed to carry on their legacy, to grow the family tree in hopes of increasing the number of Freaks.
The eldest sister, Alma, was unable to have children, so she made herself useful in businesses and stuff. The third sibling, Elijah (ayy), took the quicker route and became a donor, which had less chance of working because the kids could easily be born from a Human and not have the genes at all. The only true hopes for their father’s wishes were Vesely and the youngest sister, Ava, the clear favorite in the family.
Vesely went to college and met a lovely Freak named Vivian. She wanted a family, despite what it might mean for her children, and Vesely offered to give her that. Years later, their daughter, Paisley, starts to develop her powers, and the town hates her for it. Vesely tries to help the town and gain their respect the way his father did, but this town doesn’t care. All they see is a potential monster. Vesely tries to fight back, but they injure him badly and publicly burn Paisley right in front of him. Vivian is devastated and blames herself for bringing Paisley into the world, but Vesely tries to convince her that she was a necessity, and they can’t just give up now. Viv immediately notices how suspicious that sounds and divorces him.
Vesely is now convinced that his father was right about Freaks being superior after losing so much to the Humans. With some old college training and a lot of research, he forces his hereditary Freak genes to activate through experimentation and give him his powers, which is a horrific disease that’s like a flu to Humans and a power-fueling parasite to Freaks. He tests this out on an unsuspecting man at the supermarket, who gets sick almost immediately (and that man was Dante, days before reaching Paradise after Vani dies 😭). With the discovery that he can just create his own Freaks, he builds a company in the middle of the woods with funding from the government under the guise of it being a prison. He recruits his staff, takes in patients, and works on his secret project to turn the rest of the world into Freaks so no one suffers like Paisley did again.
This next bit is spoilers for Freaks of Preston, but I’m not sure I want to keep it anyway. You can tell me if it’s too much:
So before giving himself his powers, Vesely is beating himself up over not being able to fulfill his father’s wishes and be the son that he wanted, but his family calls him with good news; Ava has a little boy now, and they’re not sure how, but she guarantees that he’s a Freak (her story is a whole other can of worms 😂). Vesely takes this as a sign to just let the favorite child make Father proud and start living his own life. He distances himself from the family by taking a new name, Phil Masterson.
Phil is just living his new life in peace when he meets a nice young man, Jason Rhodes. They talk and eventually figure out that they’re both Freaks. Jason is adamant about hiding himself because his father thinks he’s an abomination, and Phil genuinely feels drawn to him. He convinces him that there’s nothing wrong with him, they end up falling in love, and Phil helps Jason move away from his hometown and escape the wrath of his father, who disowns him from the family.
Jason and Phil move to Preston and live happily together, making friends with their neighbor Mary. Everything is going perfect, Phil is set to marry Jason, and then he gets a call from his sister, Alma. She tells him that Ava and her family were killed, but they don’t know who did it. The Phil persona disappears completely, and Vesely returns with an even larger disdain for humanity. That’s when he forces his powers to activate, and he wants to build his facility, but Jason is weighing him down. He decides to push him away and fake his own death to ensure that Jason won’t try to follow him or stop him. It works, but Vesely has no idea how badly that messes Jason up.
As Ves Corp’s development comes to a finish, Vesely realizes how lonely he is. He was tempted to start something with Rio, but the soldier had none of that. If his plans are successful, he wants someone to share that joy with. Vivian is long gone, so he checks in on Jason, who is now happier than ever before with Will and Henry’s families. It’s like a switch of pure jealousy in Vesely’s head. He demands that Rio and Avery accompany him or else he’ll start experimenting on Jin. They head out to town, and they were going to stage an elaborate attack to fake Will’s death, but to their luck, Will was trying to run away that night until Jason found him. Without a single rational thought in his head, Vesely runs them both over and follows them to the hospital. He lucks out with Will actually dying (though Rio and Avery go behind his back to revive him), and uses that to convince Jason to work for him, hoping to reveal himself once his project is finished.
I’m so sorry this is so long, but thank you for letting me ramble about this awful man 😂
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cadopan · 2 years
we have so many stars on this team yet the minute lia doesn’t play/has a bad game, we crumble and become some team that doesn’t deserve to even play in the champs league. it’s a huge problem that a team as rich as arsenal has to depend on one player to sort our shit out. this game really shows how much we depend on lia to hold the midfield together and give viv and stina a chance at being in the final third instead of the midfield.
we kept losing possession in midfield, an area in which lia would be at to spray out passes to the wingers. i thought that leah would be able to compensate but she was having a terrible game and had to hold down the defence as rafa was not available.
we can say it’s bad luck that a good number of important starters weren’t available (beth, rafa, lia) but the fact is that we have squad depth we just keep depending on a few to create miracles week in week out and this season really goes to show that what we need isn’t more star players, but players that can work well together as a team no matter who’s on the pitch.
just look at bayern right, they were missing zadrazil in midfield, asseyi on the wing, wenninger in defence and so many more yet the players on the pitch put up this incredible fight and it was honestly just bad luck that they couldn’t make it to semis.
or even psg who has so many problems within their camp, even they played like a team
wolfsburg didn’t have the best players but they played so well, everyone knew what their job was and there was no one standout because they were playing as a unit. arsenal on the other hand have the tendency to depend on a miracle from one of our star players to create something out of nothing. (tobin with man city, tobin in the first leg, viv against spurs, stina against united)
shout out to lia tho for being the glue that holds both arsenal and the swiss national team together
Everyone who may scroll past this post cause it looks long, stop! go back to the top and read it cause it's quite honestly FACTS.
What you said about the other UWCL teams are so, so true. Especially Wob/Bayern, they're just completely different levels compared to us it's infuriating man. And they aren't even a well-oiled, fully baked team like Barca that has been developing for years, they're actually squads in the middle of rebuilds and transition.
And ofc, it's nice to see appreciation for Lia but to be blunt Lia alone wouldn't have saved that game yesterday. The team at least needed to have been 60~70% plus Lia for us to have had a shot but really it was like a 30% performance. The scoreline looks respectable but it honestly should've been 4 or 5 if Wob finished off their chances.
Beyond it being a "starting XI doesn't work if so-and-so is missing" kinda problem, I think that shouldn't be the case in the first place. We have the depth and enough quality players to be able to make things work even if 1, 2 or 3 players are replaced. If we can't even achieve that with the squad we have, we don't deserve to even be in Europe at all lol. Which is why the system or whatever the hell Jonas is doing (albeit being in his first season) isn't making me very optimistic even for the future going forward. Haven't been convinced by this man for more than 3/4 of the season now tbh.
Well anyway, I may sound agonised but actually I'm not at all 🙃 Pretty much accepted and was already kinda fine with however our season ends, just kinda bored/unamused with the way we keep falling back to zero after a few steps forward. Even if we lose another game I'd please like to see a loss where the entire team fights tooth and nail and goes down trying, cause I haven't seen a single one like this all season actually.
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milkpuddjng · 3 years
sex education s3 thoughts!
oh my god. so many thoughts. i’ve never been too into sexed just cause. but i have SO many opinions about this season and they NEed to be heard. i think i’ll also be making a post about young royals later on so. yes.
i think i’ll just. start off by saying. what the fuck was that? the only enjoyable characters to watch this season were Adam, Ruby, Aimee and the adults. the rest of the cast (that I had originally really enjoyed watching the first two seasons) were absolutely butchered and made to serve extremely boring, there-for-the-sake-of-it ideas. like?? huh?
for one, Otis felt like. an absolute loser this season. not just because he is the archetypical “loser”, but also because he was just so. bland and had such little zest. i understand that the whole point of the season was that he had no more clinic and couldn’t help people and therefore felt like a dampened version of himself, but wtf? his excuse was terrible. that in no ways would make you as different from your original self as you are in this season! the way he went about his relationship with his mum was good though - that was quite nice to watch. but his friendship with Eric this season just felt.. forced. it didn’t feel like it really did anything with the narrative, they were kind of just there for each other as fodder. and and GOD the character just flip-flopped between being spineless and an asshole, and it really didn’t read well with me. I thought the delicate kind of balance and characterisation of Otis they had in the first two seasons really fell through and it’s honestly a shame they let him ‘develop’ into this in this season.
and don’t get me started at ALL on Eric. to me this was the worst and most cruel character DECIMATION this entire season. my reading of Eric was as someone who had only recently developed into his gayness. he had only recently reclaimed his own identity and found pride in his gayness and flamboyance. this being a way-too-overdone gay trope aside, I had originally rooted for him lots in the first two seasons because it felt like he was doing it at his own pace and slowly getting comfortable with that. in s3 though, it feels like he is condescending BECAUSE of this confidence, and frankly that really just did not sit right with me. they made Eric out to be cruel, tone-deaf and insensitive. throughout the entire s3, even in his scenes with Adam, he’s uninterested, and really doesn’t show much interest in Adam apart from wanting a relationship and all its physical and social perks. he’s so preoccupied with having a Perfect gay relationship and takes no interest in actually knowing more about Adam, and that honestly really rubbed me off the wrong way, especially with the way their relationship was portrayed as being more emotional and something vulnerable in the last seasons. Eric this season felt like he was making use of Adam the whole way, and what was originally something I was looking forward to a lot in this season ended up being the thing that disappointed me the most. and i’m not sure if it’s the writing or not, and the lack of material for them to work with, but the chemistry between them this season was so lacklustre. really really disappointing.
fk i hate tumblr. i wrote a whole thing about adam and how much i love that his line was written in a delicate and sweet way, but it got deleted. rip. anyway i liked his relationship with Rahim, Ruby and interactions with Ola far more than his relationship with Eric, and I enjoyed how he became sweeter and more delicate towards Ms Sands and his own mother! to me this season was about him unlearning and trying better to relate to the people around him, and connect with himself on a deeper level and it was really very sweet to watch as that panned out. would have loved to see more interactions of him and Ola and them confiding in each other, but I swear if he and Rahim’s friendship develops into a romantic relationship I would lose it. ok but i love stoic boy learns emotions for people around him trope and the scene of him crying on the bridge really fucked me up :”) OH and i also enjoyed how the entire Groff family had their own individual developmental arcs this season, and i really hope that means something for them as a family unit later on and their reunion as a healthier, albeit un perfect still family.
on the topic of people who deserved more! i think viv for sure. i frankly don’t understand the point of giving her a hot boyfriend and of not exploring her friendship with Jackson more. not TO mention the own blandness of Jackson’s character,,, god. they had so much to work with and truly just abandoned it all. it made sense to me that she would engage in such ‘treasonous’ behavior with Hope and all, but I didn’t understand what the sexy boyfriend and sexting did for her character. i would have much preferred deep emotional talks between Jackson and her, and of the three of them solidifying as a solid friend group. would also have appreciated her becoming better friends with Cal but. wtv. very disappointed with her character this season, especially because her and Jackson’s friendship last season was done so well.
and on Jackson and Cal, i like Cal lots. really. but i really didn’t see the narrative function of their character in the show this season. while I really respect and enjoy the show’s decision to have more diversity of representation etc., i thought Cal as a character was quite unnecessary, especially because this season proved that the writers were struggling a lot to develop everyone’s characters and their backstories etc. Cal, while fun, just distracted from existing relationships and characters the show would have benefitted from exploring more. and i just didn’t see the chemistry between them and Jackson, idk at first I felt it but after a while it didn’t seem very genuine or legit to me and it felt even a bit forced. idk if this is unpopular but i honestly really enjoyed Jackson with Maeve a lot more. this was in my opinion, quite a disappointing match-up. also i missed Jackson’s mums - thought it would have been nice to spend more time thinking about that and showing that relationship as well. also didn’t think Jackson doing drugs was like. necessary. it was nice but like. ? i didn’t see the character development with that.
Maeve and Isaac. i really started off season 3 hating Isaac’s guts, but i thought that as the season went on, I really saw the chemistry between them which I truly thoroughly enjoyed. I also don’t know. why and how Maeve is still attracted to Otis - frankly, Isaac understands her way more, and allows her that much independence that I felt was necessary for her growth. Oh but I did like Maeve’s growing into accepting help and setting down her pride - especially in her relationship with Anna. i felt Maeve was more or less stuck in the same place as last season save for her letting down of her pride though. although her and Aimee as usual! were very enjoyable to watch.
ok i think this is all i have to say for sexed for now, when and if I do find more to talk about i will uPdate this!
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lonclyhcartsclub · 3 years
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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of self-hate, mental health
MENTIONS: @damienramos​ , @acadxmiia​ , @garrickxwan​ , @leighvaughn​
My dearest brother,
It’s weird - you’re literally here at Acadia and right now I’ve never felt more far away from you. I’ve been so in my own head lately, it’s like I barely know myself anymore. it’s an uncomfortable feeling and I hate it. At this point, with the reputation I carry the last thing I want is for people to see just how confused I am. The only person I’d feel even remotely willing to show my vulnerability to is you and here I am - writing a letter to you that will likely never even make it to you. 
I tried making a friend, well, twice - you know how that goes. Everyone who’s come in and out of our lives tends to have it out for us. One of them seems to be going pretty okay. Leighton’s a lot like us, grew up in a very similar environment and constantly wants to be the best fighter she can be. Did you know that she’s the only person besides you who’s ever seen me cry? I know, shocking. I just hope she knows how much she means to me, even if I struggle to tell her myself. Caring for people means that our enemies will use them to hurt us. Regardless, I’m proud to fight beside her and even prouder to call her my friend. 
You already know about Garrick, the guy I TA for. Well, he’s a little more than that. I look up to him a lot. He makes me feel smart, respects me and trusts that I know what I’m doing. It’s not like I’m the student and he’s the teacher, a dynamic that’s present but not overpowering. He looks to me sometimes and allows me to go on rounds with him. You know better than anyone that students usually aren’t allowed to do that, so Professor Wan’s trust is something that’s really valuable to me. One of the thing’s I’m most scared of is letting him down. Not many people’s opinions matter to me. Yours does, of course, but his is not that much further down on the list. 
Is it weird that I look up to him, want him to be proud of me?
Then, there’s the failed friendship attempt. Damien. I used to call him Dames, but he’s lost the right to that nickname. I’ll address him professionally from now on. Maybe I’m not even sure why I’m mad at him anymore. If you tell him I said that we might have some issues. He threw it in my face that he slept with Viv like it was nothing. Again, this is why I stopped telling people things. It was fine when it was just me and you, training. Not with everyone else involved. I know you’d never let me down, like he did. Just like everyone else has. Caring for people can be thrown back at us just as quickly as our walls come down - the strongest weapon of them all. 
How long has it been since I talked about Vivien? I know I talk about her a lot. Maybe I’m mad at Damien because the last thing I ever expected was to feel this way about her. She’s been my best friend since I became a student here. Knowing he was with her is the only reason I can possibly think of why I’m so mad at Damien, even though I never wanted to consider what it could mean. Having feelings for her. I’ve never felt that way towards anyone, you know that. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil. It makes me want to send a punching bag flying across the room. 
But then again, the thought of any harm coming to her makes me want to do the exact same thing. The thought of her experiencing any sort of pain makes me want to get rid of it just as quickly as it began. When I’m around her, life is exciting and I feel like I matter. I’ve always felt the same way about being a guardian, like I have a purpose, but maybe she’s taught me that there’s more to life than that. Maybe she’s taught me that there’s hope for me after all. 
It’s very likely she doesn’t feel the same, so maybe I’ll have to just put it behind me. She’s Vivien Bane, she walks around Acadia like she owns the place and grabs everyone’s attention the second she walks into a room. She could have anyone in the world. For the first time, I’m not confident that I could get what I want. Maybe, just maybe, this is a fight I’m going to lose. 
Man, that was a lot. I needed to get that out. 
Yeah, you’re definately not going to read this yet. Maybe when I’m ready. 
Your sister,  Regina. 
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Three [PT.2]
Words: 4.2k
Warning(s): explicit language, violence, mentions of drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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It's incredibly quiet and filled with tension as Amber looks at Nikki and I, curiously. 
We haven't been to therapy in over a week. 
Nikki hasn't come back to fucking rehab until yesterday and it took me threatening divorce again. 
"Well," Amber starts, smiling at us. "How was your time together?" 
"Good." We both lie simultaneously and Amber raises her brows. 
"Yep." Nikki says, flatly. 
"Like we're dating for the first time all over again." I add, unenthusiastically. "Exactly how it was when we first started dating. Just minus the sex." 
Nikki huffs out a breath. 
"Jesus fucking Christ, Vivian--"
"--Don't bring Jesus into this. Jesus isn't anywhere to be found in this situation."
"It was one night, Viv, cut me a goddamn break." 
"I've been cutting you a break for the last six years, Nikki, I'm done cutting people breaks. You need to cut me some respect--"
"--Some respect? After the shit you pulled, are you fucking me right now?" 
"No, I'm not fucking you right now, no more than you've fucked me the entire time you've been home." 
"Oh, my God."
I slowly start being pulled from my sleep when I feel a tickle up the side of my foot, my ankle, up the back of my calf then my thigh, my hip, up my spine...I feel my body jolt awake only to be trapped under someone for a moment. 
"Shh, shh, it's just me." Nikki assures me in a whisper, looming over me. 
"Oh," I mumble, sighing when he kisses my shoulder blade. 
I try to go back to sleep but my eyes force themselves open, and I look over my shoulder. 
"Why the hell aren't you in rehab, Nikki?!" I ask him, sharply, confused. "How the fuck did you even get in here?! How did you even know where I live?!" 
"I checked out for a few days so I could see you." He explains. "And Sharise let me borrow her key and gave me directions. I wanted to surprise you."
"You what?!" 
"Wanted to surprise you?" 
I sit up and he falls beside me, stretching out over the bed. 
"You checked out of rehab?!" 
"I missed you and Tommy and Vince missed their girls so we just decided to check out for a few days and visit and then we're going back Monday...like a four month long weekend." He explains. 
"You can't do that!" 
"It was highly advised against it by our counselors but let us leave." He shrugs. "And you know what? I've been back in L.A. for an hour and I don't feel the itch to go party like I used to. I think rehab's working." He tells me. 
"...You checked out of rehab…to come home...and you're going back?" 
"Just like that?" 
"Just like that." 
"Like you won't be tempted to do anything you're not supposed to do?" 
"I won't be because I'm gonna be with you the whole time." He shrugs. 
"You do realize how arrogant you sound right now, right?" 
"I'm not interested in drugs or anything anymore, Viv. I've gotten past that." He states. 
"Nikki," I start. 
"Don't say it like that." 
"How else am I suppose to say it?" I ask, raising my brows, looking at him, pointedly. 
He just rubs his lips together and smirks. 
"I know a few ways you can say it." He runs his hand up and down the side of my leg and I raise a brow. 
"You left rehab to get your dick wet." I tell him, knocking his hand off of me, laying back down. 
"No, I didn't." He denies. 
"Okay, then go sleep on the couch." I suggest. 
"No." He argues. "I wanna hold you." 
"Oh, please, Nikki, we both know what that turns into." 
"What does it turn into?" He asks, knowingly. 
"You know what it's gonna turn into." I state. 
"Vivian, baby," he slides his hand over my hip bone, squeezing it for a second, making my skin prickle and heat up. 
"Don't, 'baby,' me." I can't bring myself to push his hand away this time, I just turn my back to him. 
It's quiet for a moment and I feel him shift beside me, before his lips press to my bare shoulder, then my jaw, then my temple, and I'm rolling to my back, my lips brushing against his, my fingers going to his soft hair, a smile coming to my lips as I say, "couch," and push him away from me, turning back over to face away from him and snuggling into my covers. 
He mumbles under his breath and grabs the pillow from that side of the bed, leaving me alone. 
After a moment of trying to go to sleep, I can't bring myself to. 
I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. 
I pull my blankets off and drag a throw with me as I go to the living room. 
He's taking up the entire couch, and his eyes are closed but I know he's not asleep. 
I crawl on him and he groans, looking at me with furrowed brows.
"Your knee is in my thigh." He grumbles as I try to pull my blanket around myself. 
I just blink down at him. 
"Fine." He winces, sitting up as best as he can, helping me pull the blanket up around my shoulders before he's sliding his hands to my waist and we both lay down. 
I lay my head on his chest and he rubs at my scalp with his fingers. 
"I've missed you, too." I say to him quietly. 
"I know." He replies. "The Sixxter tends to have that effect on chick--ow!" He hisses, tensing up. 
"Oh, sorry, didn't realize your junk was there." I lie, playing off me digging my nails into his crotch was an accident. 
I knew him leaving rehab, even for a few days, posed a threat to his road to recovery. My biggest fear was his dealers hearing he was back. They'd sniff him out and lure him in and I'd lose him again. I couldn't let that happen, and it terrified me to think that it could. But it also made me feel better to see him in a setting that didn't involve stail coffee, therapists, and other recovery patients near by. There wasn't any privacy in rehab--not that we really needed any.
The next morning I'm waking up to the smell of food, good food. Being that I burn most anything I try to cook now (I blame my pregnancy brain), it's nice to be able to smell breakfast without the heavy blanket of charr attached to it. 
I stretch where I've been left on the couch under the fluffy blanket I brought in last night, sitting up and pulling it off of me before going to the bathroom and making myself look somewhat presentable with a toothbrush and a hair brush, hoping and praying that whatever he's cooking up doesn't make me sick. 
I get in the kitchen and see him in front of the stove, and I wrap my arms around him, pressing my cheek to his shoulder blade, and I feel him rub at my arms that are tightly around him, chuckling. 
"Good morning," he says, looking at me over his shoulder. 
I stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. 
"Good morning." I reply, pulling away, grabbing a glass and getting some water. 
I take advantage of him not paying attention to examine any changes. 
I noticed the other day he'd been working out. I see now exactly how much alcohol bloat he's lost, and how much muscle he's built back up. 
His hair and skin even looks healthier, he's gotten his "glow" back to his once pale, sallow looking appearance. 
I reign in my hormones, chugging my water and getting another glass full. 
When he turns around to get the sausage out of the pan and onto a plate, I eye his crotch area, seeing that he's obviously not wearing underwear under his shorts and I'd be lying if I said I don't stare.
"I hope you still like sausage." He comments, oblivious to my eyes on his goods, not even looking in my direction, too busy with trying to get breakfast done. 
"Oh, I do." I comment, taking another few gulps of water, letting my eyes trail down his thighs for a moment. 
Sweet Jesus. 
He is certainly fearfully and wonderfully made. 
"Ahem," he clears his throat and I flick my gaze to his face. 
I've been caught. 
"Whatcha looking at?" He asks me and I shake my head a little. 
"I like those shorts." I lie, shrugging it off. 
"Mmhmm." He doesn't buy it for a second. 
"I do!" I defend myself. 
"I'm sure it's the shorts you like." He comments. 
"Well...I like what's inside the shorts." I blatantly correct myself and he squeezes his eyes closed and laughs. 
"Welcome home, Nikki." He says to himself and I finish my water as he turns the stove off. "It's ready if you wanna make a plate." He offers. 
"Maybe we should give it a few minutes to cool off." I suggest, slowly getting closer to him. 
"Um, I think it's okay." He brushes it off, shrugging, not paying attention. 
"I think we should let it cool off." I state again, my fingers teasing at the top of his shorts, and he looks at me. 
"Get away from me, you freak." He laughs out, shooing my hands off of him.
"Oh, I'm the freak?" 
"You were trying to blow me before therapy the other day and now you're trying to get it in while I'm trying to eat." He points out, still laughing. "I know I'm a lot to handle but just chill out." He smiles, raising his brows. 
"I don't know if you're being serious right now or not." 
"I'm being serious." He points at me. "Now get a plate and let's eat." He adds. 
"You don't want to mess around?" 
"I didn't say that." He states.
"Okay, then food can wait, c'mon," I grab his hand and try to tug him out of the kitchen.  
"Viv," he says as I plant my feet on the floor and use both hands to try to tug at him, my socks sliding against the tile but I try my hardest to get him to move. 
He waits patiently before I'm falling on my ass after slipping, still holding his hand, letting out a breath. 
I let his hand go and lay on the floor, groaning. 
"Are you done?" He asks me, raising a brow. 
"I'm horny." I say it flatly, staring at the ceiling. 
"I can see that." He says, looking between my legs where I feel a wet spot in my panties. 
"Nikki, you're being difficult." 
"I wanna fool around, you wanna fool around, we should just fool around. But you don't want to, even though you just said you do." 
"I haven't gotten thrown around and fucked into a coma in over six months." I blurt, crossing my arms, looking up at him from my place on the floor. 
"...He couldn't scratch that itch after all, huh?" He asks, amused, smirking, and I cut my eyes at him. 
"Because he has morals." I reply. 
"Interesting." He replies. 
We sit in silence for a second, and he nudges me with his foot. 
"Are you gonna survive without jumping my bones?" He asks and I sigh, sitting up. 
"I guess." 
He helps me up and we get our food and sit on the couch while we watch cartoons and eat. 
I notice him staring at me every once in awhile, but I don't pay any attention to him. 
My feelings are hurt, as childish as that sounds. 
It usually doesn't take much to get Nikki into bed, and he's always been up for it whenever I hinted at anything...or blatantly told him I was horny. 
But now things are different. 
A part of me thinks its because he sat down and really thought about the fact I cheated on him.
Maybe that makes me disgusting in his eyes. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant--even though I'm only starting to show. 
Maybe it's because I'm pregnant with the dude's baby that I cheated on him with. 
I can see that ruining his libido. 
I just try not to pay much attention to it, but it's nagging me slowly. 
After I finish eating I'm taking my empty plate to the kitchen and heading to my bedroom. 
"Where you going?" He asks me as he puts his plate in the sink, too. 
"Back to bed." I tell him. "I'm really sleepy." 
"Oh," He replies, not looking all that convinced.
"See you when I wake up." I add.
"Yeah, I'll see you then." He says back. 
I shut the door and crawl into bed, wiping the growing tears from my eyes before they even hit my cheeks. 
I wake up a little later and stretch out, hearing the shower running in my bathroom. 
I just lay in bed for a few minutes until I hear it turn off and in a couple minutes, he's coming in the room with a towel wrapped around him, his hair wet.  
He notices I'm awake and grins, coming over to the bed. 
"Hey," he leans over me, pecking me on the lips. 
"Hey." I reply, my voice still tired, his hand running over my side. "What time is it?" 
"Like, one o'clock, maybe," he replies, about to move away from me. 
"Wait, c'mere," I grab his hand and he furrows his brows. 
"What is it?" He asks me.
I don't say anything, just looking at him, and he chuckles. 
He reads my mind and leans down, lips catching mine before his tongue slips into my mouth. 
I softly hum, my hand going to his hair, his hand fumbling through the covers to find my hip and dig his fingers into it. 
My hands soon go to his towel, about to tug it off but he pulls away and catches his breath. 
"I'm gonna go get some clothes on and head to the store to get some things for dinner tonight...you want anything?"  
Yeah. Sex with my husband. 
"No, thanks." I reply, calmly. 
"Alright, I'll see you later." He kisses me one last time and leaves the room and I rub my hands over my face.
"There's nothing to get so pissed off about, Vivian, it's not a big deal." 
"For once in his life Nikki Sixx doesn't want to hump something, even when his own wife tries to start something, so yeah, to me it is a big deal." I argue. 
"No, it's not, it's not that serious." 
"Do you not understand what it's like to be pregnant and hormonal and just wanting to have a good time with the person you love and they don't want anything to do with it?"
"Oh, c'mon, Vivian. Me not wanting to have sex with you doesn't have anything to do with you in particular." 
"Pretty sure it does since you've had no problem screwing other women behind my back when I couldn't do a good enough job." I throw at him. 
"Woah, woah, woah, that was fucking months ago, Vivian, and I was fucked up and sick." He snaps. "And it wasn't because you couldn't do a good enough job, it was because you wouldn't even try to do a job at all. You'd just lay there and be uninterested, like you were just waiting for me to get the fuck off of you. Matter of fact, I distinctly remember you actually saying, 'are you finished yet? I'm getting sleepy.' And I get that you were depressed and in a funk but shit like that happened multiple times, sometimes for weeks, over the course of our marriage. You know how that made me feel, thinking I couldn't even please my own wife?" 
"Oh, God, Nikki, I can't even imagine that pain. Thinking, 'why am I not good enough? Why am I not attractive to my spouse? Why am I not still desired'," I start, sarcastically. "Oh, shit, actually, yeah. Yeah, I fucking can imagine it because I tortured myself with the same questions anytime you chose going out with your buddies over a night in with me, anytime you chose hiding in your closet with drugs over coming to bed, and not to mention the time, gee, I don't know--I found out you had a mistress, who I was friends with, that you would fuck in our house!" 
"Think you got pretty even with me on that being that I found a couple used condoms  that didn't belong to me, under our bed!"
"That can't possibly be my fault being that me and him never used condoms!" 
"You don't fucking say!" He motions to my stomach.
"Fuck this." I state, harshly, standing up and grabbing my purse. 
"Vivian," Amber starts. 
"No. No. No. Fuck you, fuck him, fuck this. I'm fucking done. We tried rehab, we tried therapy, obviously it's not working or he wouldn't have come home and fallen off the wagon!" 
"Ever considered maybe I fell off the wagon so early on because you kept nagging me for days on end?!" He stands up. 
"You didn't want anything to do with me fucking sober, but as soon as you were under the influence of something, I'm suddenly so fucking beautiful and you're wanting to 'fuck the shit outta me'?! Do you not realize how fucked it is that you only want me when you're fucking on something?!"
The next few days consists of me being unable to keep my...urges...barely at bay, all while Nikki has no problem ignoring my hints--more so blunt statements at times--that I'm in the mood. 
He just laughs it off or teases me about it or pretends he doesn't know altogether. 
I just do what I've been doing: being my own lover. 
But there's just some things he can do to me that I can't and it's hard to accept that reality. 
I raise my brows when I peek my head into my bathroom, seeing Nikki fixing his hair, only wearing boxers. 
"Where you getting dolled up to go?" I ask, crossing my arms. 
"Me and Tommy are going out." He tells me and I raise my brows. 
"Oh." I reply, rubbing my lips together. 
I don't know how to tell him I'm having my surgery tomorrow to have my uterine abnormality taken care of...I've been meaning to tell him but just can't. 
I was hoping he'd still be in rehab and wouldn't even really have to know I got it done until later. 
I don't want him to worry. 
"You wanna come with us?" He asks next, grinning at me in the mirror. 
I don't know if that's a good idea." I mumble, that article written about that open letter from those anonymous roadies flashing through my mind. 
"C'mon, baby, it'll be fun."
"I don't feel good enough to go out on the town right now." I admit. "What are you guys gonna do while you're out?" 
"Probably go to the Tropicana or something." He shrugs and I raise my brows. 
"Like I said, Viv, you can come with us." He turns and looks down at me and I just smile as best as I can and shake my head. 
"No, I'm okay." I assure him. 
He looks a little disappointed but brushes it off, leaning down and kissing me, wrapping his arms around my waist, his hands smoothing over my ass, and I giggle as he pulls me up to snake my legs around him, kissing my cheek and my neck before hugging me to him, making me squeeze him to me tightly. 
"I love you, Nikki." I tell him, closing my eyes. "I really do."
"I know, Viv." He says back. "I love you more."
"And like always, it's Vivian's fault Nikki's a fucking addict! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's drinking so much! It's Vivian's fault Nikki's so unbearable to be around! It's all that slut's fault because she's a fucking crazy snake-cunt, she-satan that steals, kills, and destroys, and he's left with no choice but to try to numb himself to get outta her grasp!  It's all her fucking fault, even when she's pregnant!" 
I storm out and slam the door behind me, stomping down the hall. 
"Vivian Sixx, don't you fucking walk away from me!" He shouts after me, following me. 
"Vivian Kinston! I don't wanna be a fucking Sixx anymore--I don't wanna be associated with you, you fucked up prick!" I scream back. "Matter of fact, I'm glad I didn't have any of those goddamn kids of your's or else I'd be fucking answering to you the rest of my fucking life!" 
I wake up when I hear the front door open, my eyes shifting to my clock. 
"Fuck," I hear him whisper to himself, dragging his feet to the kitchen…
The sink turns on, a cabinet slams open, a glass shatters on the floor. 
"Fuck." He repeats, cutting the sink off. 
I furrow my brows and sit up in the bed, slowly slipping off the mattress, tip-toeing out to see what he's up to.
"Do you--do you have a broom?" He asks in a slur, motioning to the broken glass on the floor. 
"Yeah, I do." I tell him. 
"Okay, I um, I…" he trails off, eyes on me, drifting down my bare legs, holding his gaze on my lace panties. "...I need it." He finishes, hand reaching down to readjust himself. 
"Have you been drinking?" I ask him, leaning against the doorway.
"A couple shots, nothing I couldn't handle." He replies, walking closer to me. "Something else I can handle, too." He says more so to himself and I take in a breath when his hands grasp at my hips. 
"You smell like tequila." I tell him. 
"It was just a couple drinks." He insists, leaning down, pressing his lips to mine. 
"Just a couple?" I ask when I pull away, and he nods, pulling me back to him, kissing me again, our tongues meeting. 
His hands are tugging at my tank top, pulling it over my head. 
"You're so beautiful." He tells me, licking up my neck and I let out a soft sigh, running my hands down his back, tears in my eyes…
I close my eyes and my mind flashes back. All those times he'd come in drunk or high or both...either telling me how wonderful I am, or wanting to fight…
"Nikki, wait," I force myself to pull away from him as he trails kisses over my breast. 
"What is it?" He asks me, trying to get me close again. 
"You're drunk, Nikki, alright? I don't want to do anything while you're like this." I admit and he just stares at me. 
"Excuse me?" 
"You're drunk. I don't want you to--"
"--You bitch at me all fucking week about your fucking sexual frustration but as soon as I wanna piece of ass you're suddenly too good for me?" 
"Nikki, you're drunk." I state. "I'm not too good for you, but I'm not just gonna be the cumrag you get off on and pass out in a drunken stupor." 
"You never complained about it before." He states. "All the other times you were on your knees with your mouth wide open begging me for it like a cock-starved whore." He adds. 
"That was before. You aren't even supposed to be drunk, Nikki." I sneer. 
"Well, I am,Vivian, you wanna fucking crucify me over it? Huh?!" 
"All of your hard work the past weeks...gone." I remind him. 
"Fuck off." He shoves past me. "If you're not gonna give me any pussy--"
"--Maybe I would if you were sober, asshole, ever consider that?" I snap. 
"I wanna fuck the shit out of you, I've considered that." He states and I feel my face heat up. 
"You're being a pig, right now." I ignore him, turning to go back to bed, pissed and tired. 
"C'mon, baby," he complains from outside my locked door and I roll my eyes. "Baby, seriously, can't we talk about this?" He asks next. "Baby!" He calls. 
I open the door and bitterly mock his voice, "'oh, baby, I'm so sorry, oh, baby, you're so beautiful, oh, baby, just gimme a blow job and it'll completely wipe away the fact that I'm a fucking drunk, ridiculous, asshole, oh, baby, baby, baby, baby'!" I slam the door back in his face. 
"...Well, I never said I was fucking sorry!" He says next. 
"Fuck off, Nikki!"
He snatches me by my wrist, and I see him raise his fist from the corner of my eye as I turn to face him, and I tense up and expect him to hit me but his fist collides with the wall by my head, my hand coming up to my mouth to keep from being too loud in my hysteria, tears rolling down my cheeks as he gives three solid punches to the painted cement bricks. 
He's crying, too, and his hand loosening around my wrist, his face red, his body shaking as he lets out a pained noise and heaves out breaths, his eyes closed.
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chaifootsteps · 9 months
It's me, to be named anon! I think I'll go by Stargazer anon, if that's available and okay.
Dear lord, I didn't expect that episode 4 leak at all (though I honestly should've considering Viv's track record). Angel... deserves a better writer and creator. There's a line between putting your characters through pain and misery for the narrative vs doing it for the sake of your fetish. BDSM personally ain't my thing, but I'm pretty sure it's all about consent. Yet like every kink Viv has, consent is practically dubious or non-existent.
I had a friend once ask me if I liked Angel. I didn't answer them because the only thing my brain could come with was "I like his potential." It's a fact that Angel went through a major rewrite from when Viv first conceived him. That's natural, I made big rewrites to several of my OCs as well. However, like many have pointed out, Angel was given too many traits that kinda contradict each other and lose sense of who he is as a character. Michael's Angel was great, it was character who you felt could get redeemed. Actual series Angel? I... don't wanna comment.
Also, why aren't more people irritated with how Alastor uses modern lingo in his song? Look how they massacred my boy. I had a similar issue in the comic where Alastor started swearing because I felt that he should be the exception in the cast. Passive-aggressive at worst since he's a gentleman. At the end, where he starts assuming a more monstrous form like in his comic, it wasn't too impressive - no point in becoming larger if his tiny waist ruins the effect.
Vox, like Adam, was someone I was surprised to like. He was always interesting to me for his design and rivalry with Alastor. I was worried with how they made his relationship with Val in instagram abusive while Velvette is just there. Screw Val, never liked him, thought his design was bad and everyone's reaction here cemented my opinion. That animatic by Raph gave me the shivers for that one Vox scene eugh. Was it necessary to make Val and Vox a thing? I thought it'd be more natural if all three were in a toxic poly relationship (no offense to actual polygamous people, I respect them and think people should be more open-minded about it).
So many massacred boys, so much wasted potential.
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kidnappedbycartoons · 4 years
My Opinions on LITG Characters
I think the reason why Lottie gets a lot of hate, especially from Gary stans, is because she is his partner by default if MC doesn't end up with him. Therefore, when you are on his route, she can be a little annoying oh, okay a lot annoying. It's because it's coded that way. However, when I wasn't playing his route, she actually ended up being one of my top four favorite girls in the whole game.
Gary is just Rocco in a different font. I think the only difference with them is that Gary is more respectful towards women than Rocco is, but a few times on his route I did think that this would fit well for Rocco as well.
Honestly, I don't think Jake and MC lasted after season one ended. The reason why is that we don't really see them being a couple until the very end of the show, so we don't know how they would act around each other in that type of way.
Talia would have been so much better as a love interest, if we knew more about her. I feel like she and the MC are just vibing together. We don't really know much about her, and to be honest it feels like she and the MC are just going off of how they feel when they're around the other.
Hope is one of the best and well developed characters of this game. From the scenes that we get with her, a lot of the choices and actions she makes, makes sense. She isn't a bad person, she is a flawed person.
Nicky, Viv, Elladine and Seb would have been much better love interest than the ones that we got. Maybe it's just me, but I don't like the love at first sight / infatuation thing that goes on in season three. It just felt like there was no build-up to any of the couples at all, so having our best friends become our partners at the end would have been better.
Allegra should have been a love interest in season 1. I know that they made her a love interest in Matchmaker, but they really could have done an enemies to lovers with her.
None of the Casa Amor boys are worth bringing back. After Casa Amor, they start to lose their personalities. And a lot of their scenes are not really unique to them as individuals. And objectively speaking, they are not that attractive. Nor are they that interesting.
Ibrahim, Lucas, and Gary had some of the best diamond scenes in the whole game.
I don't think Priya and MC were really friends, like we like to think that they were. I think they both respected each other, but I don't think Priya really opened up to MC in the way that the other girls did. Not to mention that we didn't really get a lot of scenes with her as well. Maybe after the Villa, they could be friends. But I don't think Priya what considered MC to be one of her closest friends in the villa.
The best MC was season two. However, season one has the best drama when it came to the MC.
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papermoonloveslucy · 3 years
May 16, 1964
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Last summer I was engaged to write a one-hour special comedy program starring this glamorous bouquet of names: Jack Benny, Danny Thomas, Garry Moore, Lucille Ball, Andy Griffith, and Phil Silvers. (1)
I am not going to single out any certain name, but one of these stars gave me plenty of trouble. If I play my cards right, I may never have to write for her again.
These six television personalities are all under the sponsorship of one advertiser and appear weekly for separate products in their own respective half hour niches. To herald the opening of a new season a week before their first shows appeared. General Foods gathered them all together into one huge bowl to serve up a mighty chef's salad. It was only natural that some ham should have slithered in. 
It was at once discernible to the writers that to accommodate this array of disparate talent the script concept would have to include two important factors. One, a plot in which they would all be concerned. Two, jokes distributed in equal portions among the six performers. Give one comedian, working with a group of other comedians, fewer lines than the others and you have an actor on your hands who, as rehearsals go along, sinks lower than the second f in Schrafft's. (2)
The plot we came up with was a simple and workable one. Five of our stars see a news item in Variety that General Foods has just hired Phil Silvers to do a new half-hour show. 
"It is rumored," says our Variety story, "that General Foods may drop one of the other five." If that sounds contrived, it was. We put a piece of paper into the typewriter and contrived it. I don't quite know what critics mean when they write that a story line was contrived. I like to think it was conceived. We certainly went through enough labor to bring it into the world. 
In due course an outline in some depth was written and presented to the advertising agency, and there was joy in all the cubicles up at Benton and Bowles. They phoned to say they had engaged as producer a man from the theater with a long list of distinguished plays he had nurtured through their out-of-town tryouts to Broadway successes—Leland Hayward. Mr. Hayward and I were to make the trip to the West Coast and articulate our outline to the stars. Which we did, to unanimous approval. The agency men were quite pleased, and at lunch Ed Ebel, vice-president of General Foods, insisted I have a second dessert. 
Then back we came and the script was written. You know that line about everything being fine at the theater until the curtain went up? In the purified vernacular of television, all heck broke loose. Miss Ball found it highly incompatible with her public image to pretend that she would worry about losing her job to Phil Silvers because everybody knows she is president of Desilu Productions. She wanted a slight change—the script to state explicitly that she is president of Desilu and she wasn't worried. 
Well, this played hell with our premise —excuse it, I'm getting steamed up now. We watered the plot down to "although Miss Ball was president of Desilu and was not worried about losing her job she would pretend to have some concern for the other stars who might lose their jobs and she would help get rid of Mr. Silvers." Some of the enchantment of doing the show was now slipping away. But it got worse. My good friend Jack Benny, when he saw the changes, reminded us that everybody knows he's quite wealthy and he wouldn't be worried about losing his job either. To keep it from spreading through the cast, Mr. Hayward explained that they were playing the parts of people about to lose their jobs—a crisis with which viewers can all identify. 
The point was finally made and the script went into rehearsal. Word came back to us from the Coast that Miss Ball, who evidently wasn't finding it very rewarding laugh-wise to be the public image of president of Desilu, had ordered other changes into the script— among them a scene with Mr. Silvers known in burlesque as "Again I Turn" (3) —ending with the pie-in-the-face bit, in which the president of Desilu pretended to be an old scrubwoman.
After the show went on the air I heard to my sorrow that some viewers found this scene quite hilarious. This I can attribute to only one unfortunate thing—Miss Ball happens to be one of the country's most talented and prolific comediennes. 
The other Sunday night Miss Ball appeared in an hour show with Bob Hope. (4) She played, of all things, the president of Desilu. Also, she was an actress for Desilu. She appeared in one scene as the actress trying on a top hat, white tie, and tails. 
"This is what I wear in the magic act, isn't it?" she asked the tailor. "Where are the tricks?" 
"In the suit," he replied, as the public image of the Desilu president went off gaily to a board of directors' meeting. 
Well, if there was a message in a television program, this was it. No sooner had she arrived at the meeting than she removed the top hat, and there, nestling in the hutch of all that red hair, was a rabbit. Desilu stockholders will please not assume that this is her public image. 
Also, the very next night the president of Desilu appeared in her usual weekly show. (5) The premise: "Lucy takes a job as a summons server to earn vacation money." 
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Goodman Ace (1899-1982) was born as Goodman Aiskowitz, aka "Goody" (as he was known to friends) had a low-key, literate drollery and softly tart way of tweaking trends and pretenses made him one of the most sought after writers in radio and television from the 1930s through the 1960s. In 1957 and 1959 he was Emmy nominated for writing “The Perry Como Show.” He and his wife Jane had a long-lasting radio breakfast show called “Easy Aces” that transferred to television in 1949 - where it lasted just six months.  As per his desires, “General Foods Opening Night” was the first and last time he collaborated with Lucille Ball. 
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This article appeared in the May 16, 1964 issue of Saturday Review, a weekly literary magazine published from 1920 to 1986.  Norman Cousins was the editor from 1940 to 1971. It was described as "a compendium of reportage, essays and criticism about current events, education, science, travel, the arts and other topics."
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(1) The TV special that Goodman Ace was employed to write was titled “Opening Night” airing September 23, 1963 on CBS starring Phil Silvers (“The New Phil Silvers Show”), Lucille Ball (“The Lucy Show”), Jack Benny (“The Jack Benny Program”), Andy Griffith (“The Andy Griffith Show”), Danny Thomas (“Make Room for Daddy”), and Garry Moore (”I’ve Got A Secret”).
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(2) Schrafft’s was a chain of moderately priced New York restaurants which often attracted ladies who were out for shopping trips. It was one of the first restaurants to allow un-escorted females on a routine basis. In 1981, the Boston-based candy company that owned the chain ceased operations, leaving just a few remaining restaurants in private hands. Schrafft’s was mentioned in “Lucy Does the Tango” (ILL S6;E20) and ““Housewarming” (ILL S6;E23).
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Ace writes "sinks lower than the second f in Schrafft’s”.  This is a reference to the company’s distinctive logo.  
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(3) The vaudeville routine is most commonly known as “Slowly I Turned” or “Slowly I Turn” or even “Martha”, but not “Again I Turn,” as Goodman writes.  Perhaps this mistake is intentional to show his displeasure of the age-old vaudeville routine being inserted into his script - or perhaps not.  Lucille Ball had performed “Slowly I Turned” as Lucy Ricardo on “The Ballet” (ILL S1;E9) opposite Buffo the Clown (Frank J. Scannell) in 1952. This time, Lucy takes the role of the clown, and Phil Silvers is the one with the kind face. For plot purposes, Lucille is dressed as a charwoman.  
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(4) The show Goodman Ace is referring to was titled “Mr. and Mrs.” aka “The Lucille Ball Comedy Hour” and was aired on April 19, 1964.  As he points out, the premise has Lucille Ball playing ‘Herself’ as the head of a studio named Consolidated Pictures (not Desilu). Like the real-life Ball, she also has a popular TV show in which she plays a wacky redhead named Bonnie Blakely (not Lucy Carmichael).  
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(5) Ace is referring to “Lucy is a Process Server” (TLS S2;E27) aired on April 20, 1964, in which Ball plays Lucy Carmichael, a single mother of two who takes a second job as a process server to make enough money to go on vacation with her best friend and roommate Viv (Vivian Vance).  Her first summons must be served to Mr. Mooney.  
Original 1964 article by Goodman Ace, transcribed verbatim.  Footnotes by Michael T. Mooney. 
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Hey Mods! So I want to say a thing about Leon from QOT in response to your follower ask. I hope you don’t mind me sending this in, I wouldn’t normally send for the male routes, but respectfully, I feel like the OP has misinterpreted the character and potentially it would put others off reading his route. That would be a real shame as it’s one of the best routes I’ve read and I’d really recommend it to anyone on your blog who also reads male routes.
The Ask was unhappy about Leon often using sex to avoid communicating and always trying to protect the MC. And that MC ‘goes along with it’.
If you don’t want any spoilers, please don’t read any further. I am fully up to date with Leon’s route and have read all the heart scenes, so I think I have a good handle on the story overall and can maybe give a different perspective to what the OP got from the route.
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Firstly, Leon has had a horrible life. He grew up surrounded by crime and spent years in prison. He’s also 12 years older than the MC, who has never been involved with crime, and he’s concerned she’s naive about what she getting involved with and promises to look after her. Given his past, it’s understandable he wants to stop her being exposed to the underworld. Also, he’s not just protective of MC, in one of the first chapters in Paris, Leon is stabbed protecting Nikolai. ‘Protective’ is part of his make up. He was a bodyguard in Hong Kong before The Gilded Poppy, and he wants to look after the people he cares about: it’s a fundamental part of who he is.
It’s a slow burn, and feelings grow as his route progresses: Leon has no intention of falling for MC, and he rails against it. By not getting involved with her, he’s trying to protect her. He believes he’ll put her in danger and isn’t good enough for her because of his past. He’s very deep, but through his route he opens up more and more and it’s a very satisfying character development arc. It’s also a really nice progression of Leon and MC as a couple, he learns and grows to understand what she needs from him in terms of communication and equal partnership, and how she treats him with patience and kindness when he is struggling with his sense of self. MC has a lot of compassion for what Leon has lived through and she doesn’t just go along with anything he says or does without question - there’s compromise on both sides to give the other what they need.
Addressing sex as a means of avoiding communicating: one of the pivotal scenes in Leon’s route is the first time they sleep together. It actually happens after they’ve had a very serious talk about deed, redemption, goodness, and forgiveness. He’s so open and vulnerable it is heartbreaking. When they finally get together it’s born out of Leon’s self-loathing. He’s at his lowest and he’s hurting so much: sometimes you just need a physical connection, someone to cling to, and not to feel alone… Afterwards, admittedly, he does avoid MC, and I hated that, but understand it in the context. He’s ashamed and wrecked with guilt after being so adamant that nothing can happen between them, and about how she deserved so much better. It wasn’t about avoiding communicating, it was about him trying to do what he thought was the right thing: staying away.
Obviously as their romance progresses, there’s more sex, but I’m really struggling to think of any occasion where he manipulates MC into bed to get out of a difficult conversation… Lovestruck are very good at exploring sexuality and feelings, and there’s a variety of sweet / gentle through to fiery / passionate trysts, and while Leon definitely has some things to work through re intimacy, he’s written as a very respectful, loving and kind character, and MC is 100% consenting to any sex they have.
I’m guessing the sex scene in last chapter of the current season is what prompted your follower to Ask. Leon’s troubled throughout this season and is struggling at times. There’s a lot of drama in the last few chapters, and he does have something big he needs to talk to MC about. She is concerned something is wrong, but chooses not to press him, knowing he’ll talk when he’s ready. The language in this scene screams that Leon’s either afraid of losing MC or (more likely IMO) that how she feels about him will change after they talk. Their connection in the sex scene itself is pretty powerful, and they both express how much they needed the physical closeness, and afterwards they have their talk.
Are Leon’s communication skills perfect? No. But it’s part of a much larger backstory and his character navigating these situations is a plot point in itself rather than a flaw.
Thank you so much for taking the time to submit this to us darling! 😘💖 We appreciate it so much! I’ve never played Leon, obviously, but this is super interesting! - Mod Viv
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