#jesus is the shepard
lightman2120 · 6 months
Jesus is my Savior.
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unabashedllamamusic · 6 months
Yk what's fucking great about Mass Effect? In my two playthroughs so far (both femshep, one with a Traynor romance and one with a Liara romance), Shepard wants a normal family life. With Liara, it's lots of "little blue" kids, and with Traynor it's a house, white picket fence, two kids, and a dog. I feel like 99% of the time when a badass female lead wants children it takes away from their badassery or their independence, it's a way to tie them down and make them seem more domestic. Somehow (I credit Jennifer Hale's incredible voice acting), instead it feels more like Shepard wants to be normal. She spends three games getting thrown into insane situations that she didn't ask for, losing friends, literally dying, having an entire galactic war on her shoulders, going into a mission expecting to die TWICE, and all that on top of whatever trauma her background leaves her with. Bonus points if you do colonist + sole survivor, because that woman must be so far beyond PTSD. But even after all the shit she's gone through, at the end of the trilogy she can say with absolute certainty that she wants to experience a normal life- something she's never gotten before, no matter your background. The best part is she doesn't mention retiring, there's no reason she can't keep her rank and have kids at the same time, she was raised by active-duty officers in one background so it's definitely a possibility. This isn't the "female lead wins by giving up her powers and becoming a mother" trope, it's proof that she's still a normal human despite everything. That's also why I prefer Traynor's romance to Liara, Shepard opens up to her more and seems more human. The mix of flirtyness and honest vulnerability is incredibly normal, through all the galaxy's insanity.
In general, Shepard's trauma is often mentioned in passing but never really shown. No matter the background or choices you make, they've been through hell to begin with and go through it a dozen more times throughout the trilogy. Everyone around them is like "oh wow that must've been tough" but Shepard usually just brushes it off, or gives a line or two about how much they miss whoever it was that died. She definitely had a lot more nightmares than the game let on.
I've walked through a destroyed city once, and it's haunted me daily for five years. I can't imagine being in multiple cities, on multiple worlds, as they're being destroyed, and knowing stopping it is your job, not to mention losing a shit ton of friends + family, your unit, or just the occasional comrade (background depending)
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circesoracle · 9 months
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divine truth argue with the wall
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aratakatism · 4 months
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if yo name tim shepard hmu
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milkywayes · 7 months
lyrics that are so incredibly garrus-about-shepard and then you realize it’s some christian singing about jesus. well. that’s just how it goes innit
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illustratus · 1 year
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The Annunciation to the Shepherds by Alexander Lauréus
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continuous-spec · 7 months
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Replaying ME3. I forgot how insane Shepard was for doing this
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swaps55 · 5 months
I'm in season four of The Expanse right now, and I have to ask - if there was a battle of wills between Sam and Chrisjen Avasarala, who would win?
Sam Shepard stands no chance against the likes of Chrisjen Avasarala, but you know what? I bet they would agree more than they would disagree. She might be the only politician he would actually like. XD
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enderevynne · 9 months
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noirdotm · 2 months
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Shepards Prairie
This is for an art showcase. My church is hosting on August 25! So these art pieces are supposed to be in a Western style about our 40-week series "THE GOOD BOOK" SOOO i decided to do week 12 "The Good Shepard" Psalm 23
I decided to draw David when he was a young shepard boy. I like to think that when David was a shepard boy and the greatest king, it was an example of how God is and how he takes care of us and leads us like how a shepard would lead his sheep. If that makes sense-
Soo yeah! David is my second favorite historical person to look back on and read (not his sins. What he did was pretty bad💀) but he is known to be the greatest king alive.
But yeah! Tada✨️
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lightman2120 · 9 months
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underneathestars · 2 years
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faithfullyfound · 11 months
John 10:14-18 (The Good Shepard)
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord."
Jesus will provide a steady path for your life. When you are worried, stressed, or going through hard times, walk with Jesus. All who walk with Jesus will be seen by the Father. Follow Jesus' voice. You can hear the voice of Jesus by spending time with Him through reading and studying the Bible as well as prayer. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and walk with Jesus for he's the Good Shepard.
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Anonymous poem I saw on Facebook:
I don't like to think About Pat Robertson going to hell. That lets him off too easy. I like to think about Pat Robertson finding himself In a heaven he never believed Would exist.
Where Divine is reading in drag To the children murdered at Sandy Hook and Ulvalde. While Edie Windsor And Gertrude Stein drink coffee In the breakfast nook talking politics with Harvey Milk. Where Matthew Shepard relaxes by A stream, reading poetry to A nameless young man whose family Never claimed his body when he died Of AIDS.
Where the music plays loudly Welcoming dancers from the Pulse And Club Q to the floor where they Twirl and vogue with All the murdered trans women of color Whose names we never knew.
Where Jesus puts his arm around Pat Robertson's shoulders and Drapes them with a rainbow feather boa. And, gesturing around him says Come, meet my disciples.
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dutyworn · 2 years
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Killed Someone Under Orders | Had Someone Killed On Their Orders | Killed Someone In Self Defense | Spared Someone’s Life | Invented Something  | Been Hungover | Kissed Someone | Slow-Danced | Been In A Long-Term Relationship | Had Sex | Had Sex And Regretted It | Had A One-Night Stand | Had A Threesome | Experimented With Their Sexuality | Had A Kid | Adopted A Kid | Wanted To Have A Family With Someone | Done Something On Impulse They Regretted | Gone Traveling | Had A Bounty Put On Them | Eaten An Insect | Been Groped By A Stranger | Been Groped By Someone They Know | Been Dumped | Dumped Someone | Smoked | Gotten High | Flirted With Someone To Get Free Drinks | Put Someone In A Headlock | Won A Bet | Lost A Bet | Forgiven Someone Who Wronged Them | Indulged In Petty Revenge | Hallucinated | Has A Noticeable Physical Defect | Gotten A Noticeable Scar | Been Permanently Disfigured Through Injury | Kneed Someone In The Groin | Had An Unattainable Crush | Laughed Themselves To The Point Of Tears | Been Kidnapped | Been Brainwashed/Hypnotised | Had A Recurring Nightmare | Been Bullied | Bullied Someone | Experienced Survivor’s Guilt | Been Tied/Chained Up | Given Someone A Massage | Received A Massage | Been Backed Up Against A Wall | Shot Someone | Stabbed Someone | Saved Someone’s Life | Cheated On Someone | Been Cheated On | Been In An Open Relationship | Had A Friendship With Benefits | Been In A Queerplatonic Relationship | Had A Stalker | Been Betrayed | Been A Traitor | Been Possessed | Been In A Bar Fight | Been Thrown Out Of A Bar | Been Arrested | Broken Out Of Jail | Been To A Funeral | Been To A Brothel | Had Surgery | Broken Someone’s Trust | Broken Someone’s Heart | Had Their Heart Broken | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Anger | Broken/Damaged Something Out Of Spite | Gotten A Piercing | Gotten A Tattoo | Used A Fake Name | Been Beaten Up | Been Tortured/Tortured Others | Been Abused | Been Blackmailed | Gotten Away With A Crime | Framed Someone Else For A Crime They Committed | Shared A Bed Platonically | Been In Love | Suffered From Sleep Paralysis | Been Forced To Flee Their Home | Learned A New Language | Joined A Rebellion | Fought On The Losing Side Of A War | Fought On The Winning Side Of A War | Become A Godparent | Become An Aunt/Uncle
tagged by: @pessimistics, thank you! tagging: steal it and say i tagged you!
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abimee · 2 years
i cpul;d go on forever about amaurot. the specific people. thinking about the descriptionds for the philos and aidos minion and having a moment ill brb
#if you wanna know how big of an amaurot fan i am i log out every day no matter what in amaurot#i only ever have out my ancient one or philos minion. i have a locked glam plate thats the sophist robes that ive had since i got them#i switch between living memory and shepard to the stars as my singular two titles. ive dpone every single quest in elpis#literally just did them as a lvl 90 including that bitch of a scavenger hunt one before anybody knew how to do it#ive collected almost every single minion related to amaurot even by the smallest margin including the nagxian cat#and fat cat purely because they show up in an elpis quest#i have almost every single piece of ktisis gear sitting in a retainer and i have duplicates of the pieces i really like in my glam dresser#my top three favorite songs are mortal instants miracle works and dynamis#i own a handmade elpis flower given to me by an azem cosplayer. i cosplayed hythlo at sacanime. i bought $80 in amaurot merch#im deeply unwell. and i dont even like greek mythos i never had a greek mythos phase as a kid i thought greek stuff was boring#this isnt born out of any sort of deeper love i think the ancients just give me brain problems#UPDATE: mags also got me an amaurot keychain i keep on my jesus beater and moosh made me an ancient one doll#i hand sewed two sophist robes after having never sewed a garment in my life.#something deeply wrong with him (he is in love with the idea of a collective society who live for the love of the world)
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