#jeyne westerling (wife of maegor)
bardsansa · 1 year
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the six wives of maegor the cruel
visenya and rhaenys, alyssa velaryon
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green-watcher · 1 month
Maegor the Cruel had 6 wives total, largely due to his inability to produce an heir. They were Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, and his niece Rhaena Targaryen. His first wife was Ceryse Hightower, whom he married in 25 AC, after the conquest.
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hvrricqneeee · 24 days
Jeyne Westerling (wife of Maegor I aka Maegor The Cruel) died in child birth at the age of 20, with her labour beginning three months early, giving birth to a stillborn child, monstrous, lacking arms and legs but possessing both male and female genitalia. Jeyne herself died soon after.
Alyssa Velaryon (mother of King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne) remarried to Rogar Baratheon and gave him a son, Boremund, and never fully recovered from the birth. Three years later, 47 year old Alyssa became pregnant and went into labour early, and because of this was on the brink of death. Rogar Baratheon order the maester to save the child, killing Alyssa.
Daella Targaryen (Rhaenyra’s maternal grandmother) dies giving birth to her daughter and only child: Aemma Arryn
Alyssa Targaryen died due to never fully recovering from giving birth to a son because she wanted to give her husband “an army of sons”.
Gael Targaryen (Rhaenyra’s great aunt), at the age of 19 was seduced and impregnable free d by a travelling singer. Gael gave birth to a stillborn son, and overwhelmed with grief, she walked into the black water bay and drowned.
Aemma Arryn has multiple miscarriages (at least five) and dies because she is cut open because Viserys wanted a son that badly, only for that son to die mere hours later.
Rhaenyra Targaryen wasn’t just scared of childbirth and pregnancy because of her mother, but because of all of these women.
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coineagan · 1 month
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Queen Jeyne Westerling
Wife of Lord Alyn Tarbeck & then King Maegor I Targaryen.
Mother to Lord Tarbeck. Jeyne had a stillborn child with Maegor.
Reigned as Queen Consort from 47 - 48 AC.
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foxyanon · 3 months
The Seven Wives of King Maegor
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A little backstory for Rhaenerys and her family, a precursor history for my To Love A Dragon series.
Please know I am changing much to better fit with my story. I will keep it canon where I can, but I will be aging most everyone up because it’s really weird that GRRM had Maegor marrying his first wife at FUCKING THIRTEEN?! Yeah, not around here partner, he’s gonna be eighteen instead because I said so. Rhaenerys will be 16 at the start of the series (this will make sense later), however her age is mostly irrelevant to the story in the beginning (again, this will make sense later since I am changing canon dates and meshing them with the TLK timeline).
Maesters write that despite pressure from the High Septon and Grand Maester, King Aenys I Targaryen never forbade his younger brother, then Prince Maegor, from marrying numerous woman. When asked why, he simply stated that House Targaryen would continue to follow Valyrian customs as he and his kin were not of Andal, Rhoynar or First Men ancestry. This only assuaged the Faith a little, but they accepted fully when Dowager Queen Visenya proclaimed she would visit Oldtown astride Vhagar and remind them why they bent to Targaryen rule.
Maegor married his first wife, Ceryse Hightower, in mid 30AC at the Starry Sept in Oldtown. When the marriage was said to be barren, Maegor took Alys Harroway as his second wife in early 31AC. During a trip to Essos in mid 31AC, Maegor met his third wife, Tyanna and was wed to her shortly thereafter. When all three marriages failed to result in a pregnancy, Maegor was once again searching for another wife. It was during a visit to Winterfell in early 32AC where Maegor met his fourth wife, Elvira Harclay. They were wed in the Godswood at Winterfell after just three days, rumors that Maegor had bedded his new bride before the wedding spreading like wildfire. He brought the then Lady Elvira to Dragonstone, where she gave birth to a healthy girl, much to the frustration of Lady Tyanna.
After the death of King Aenys I in 42AC, Maegor ascended the throne and was crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms by his mother, Dowager Queen Visenya. Despite the late king having named his eldest son, Prince Aegon, his heir, the prince and his sister-wife, Princess Rhaena, were besieged at Crakehall by members of the Poor Fellows. After learning of Maegor’s coronation, the Poor Fellows left Crakehall and marched on King’s Landing which allowed Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena to flee to Casterly Rock, where the princess then gave birth to the twins, Aerea and Rhaella.
Even though Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon wished to challenge Maegor for the throne on behalf of the young Prince Aegon, he stayed her hand and departed Casterly Rock in mid 42AC for Kings Landing with his family to swear fealty to his uncle. Prince Aegon recognized that he was just a boy of 16 and not prepared to handle to the responsibility of a kingdom. King Maegor spared his life and allowed him to live out his days on Dragonstone.
In late 43AC, King Maegor crowned his wife, Elvira Harclay, as his Queen and equal and named his 11 year old daughter, Rhaenerys, the Princess of Dragonstone. This would only be a short lived celebration, as just a few months later in early 44AC, Alys Harroway birthed a stillborn child and died in childbed. The same fate befell Ceryse Hightower in mid 45AC.
Prince Aegon died mysteriously in his bed in 46AC during a trip to King’s Landing, alongside his younger brother, Prince Viserys. Maester Desmond claimed that Maegor’s wife, Tyanna, had poisoned the princes. This claim was never confirmed and the maester executed for treason. King Maegor, in an effort to produce more heirs after the sudden deaths of his nephews, opted to marry three final woman of proven fertility. Known as the Black Brides, the former widows Elinor Costayne, Rhaena Targaryen and Jeyne Westerling were all wed to Maegor on the same day with their children from their previous marriages in attendance.
In early 48AC, Elinor Costayne delivered a stillborn child. Enraged that he only had one living heir, Maegor set himself on a warpath to determine why his wives were failing to deliver healthy children. It was only then that it was discovered that Queen Tyanna had been poisoning the other queens over the years because she was jealous she herself could not conceive. King Maegor had her executed for treason, though he accepted that Rhaenerys would be the only child he would have.
Throughout his rule, King Maegor managed to put down the Faith uprisings and rebellions that had popped up across the kingdom, effectively earning him the moniker Maegor the Cruel for his brutality. Even though he was feared, his daughter was beloved by both the lords of the realm and the people, many remarking that they were unsure if the princess was truly Maegor’s daughter though never within earshot of the King.
As he only had one child, Maegor doted on and spoiled Rhaenerys, taking her on rides on the back of Balerion before she claimed her own dragon, Abraxsas at the age of eight. She was as gifted with swordplay as he was, and on her 13th nameday, she was gifted Dark Sister by her father. She studied High Valyrian under the tutelage of her grandmother, Dowager Queen Visenya, and was as studious as her own mother, Queen Elvira. While many men within the realm wished to betroth their sons to the young princess, Maegor decided to hold a Betrothal Tourney in mid 48AC to determine who would vie for his daughter’s hand. If any of the lords could best him throughout the week long event, they would have earned the right to wed the princess. None were able to, and by late 48AC, Rhaenerys had set sail on a diplomatic mission to the Saxon Kingdoms at just 16 years of age.
In order of marriage:
-Ceryse Hightower (30AC-45AC): Anita Briem
-Alys Harroway (31AC-44AC): Katilyn Denver
-Tyanna of the Tower (31AC-48AC): Eva Green
-Elvira Harlclay (32AC-): Katie McGrath
-Elinor Costayne (46AC-): Lea Seydoux
-Rhaena Targaryen (46AC-): Jodie Comer
-Jeyne Westerling (46AC-): Caitlin Stasey
Just a little something @zaldritzosrose made for me with the face claims for the wives of Maegor to pair with my Rhaenerys stories. Many thanks my love! 😘
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witchthewriter · 1 year
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𝐌𝐚𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐧
Neutral/Chaotic Evil
King of Swords Reversed
Scorpio Sun, Aries Moon, Capricorn Rising
Better known as Maegor the Cruel, he was the only son and offspring between Aegon I and his sister-wife Visenya Targaryen. The two conquorers were married out of tradition, not love, and bedding Visenya was out of duty for Aegon. Therefore, conceiving was much more difficult for Visenya, as every night Aegon spent with her, he then spent ten with Rhaenys. 
  However, Rhaenys was only able to produce one babe as well, Aenys I Targaryen - the older brother of Maegor. Who was the complete opposite of him. It was Aenys’ line that continued the Targaryen dynasty. 
 There is a lot to be said about Maegor, as he did a lot in his lifetime. Most of it was awful, as he was a man who was quick to anger and slow to forgive. When Aenys died, Maegor decided that the Iron Throne was his, and so he took it. 
   Raised on Dragonstone with his mother, away from his brother, father and step-mother/aunt, Maegor was soon known as the Prince of Dragonstone. Born large, as he grew he was described as ‘bull-like.’ Even in his youth, Maegor had a love for violence. 
  It was rumoured that Maegor killed animals while young. He had received his first sword at age three, and took to swordplay with ease. On his thirteenth name day, his mother gave him the ancestoral sword, Dark Sister. 
   Even though there were several hatchling dragons, Maegor never bonded with one. And when his sister in law, Alyssa Velaryon teased him about being dragon-less, Maegor replied that there was only one dragon worthy of him. 
  His was the fearsome and battle-ready Balerion, the Black Dread. His father’s dragon.
When Aegon died, and Aenys was crowned as King, he gave Maegor the other ancestoral sword, Blackfyre, and said they would rule together. And therefore, Aenys named Maegor as Hand of the King. 
  Maegor remained unmarried until the birth of his niece Rhaena. Visenya proposed that Maegor be betrothed to her, however, many disapproved and the High Septon put forward his daughter, Ceryse Hightower, as his bride. 
 Maegor and Ceryse married, and the day after his wedding night, Maegor boasted about conveiving an heir. He in fact, did not. And try as he did, Maegor never made an heir, even though he had six wives; Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, and his niece Rhaena Targaryen, the last three of whom are known as the Black Brides.
  However, he did not marry all of them at once. Well, not the first three anyway. His marriage to Alys Harroway caused a lot of uproar and Aenys gave Maegor a choice - set Alys aside or go into exile for five years. Maegor chose the latter and left with Alys on the back of Balerion to Pentos. He took both ancestoral swords with him, even though Aenys told him not to. Septon Murmison replaced Maegor as Hand. And in 41 AC, Aenys named his eldest son, Prince Aegon, Prince of Dragonstone.
  There were positives to Maegor’s actions, especially during his ruling. He thwarted the ever-growing power of the Faith of the Seven (claiming that the strictures of the Faith did not rule the blood of the dragon), and created the Red Keep (although he had all the builders executed so the hidden tunnels would remain a secret). 
He also squashed any and every rebelliion in the other Houses, making everyone fall into line. 
 When Aenys died, Maegor came back from exile and claimed the throne. He killed Aegon, Aenys’ son, and his dragon Quicksilver. Afterwards Maegor was known as "Maegor the Cruel" and a kinslayer throughout the realm.
  Before his death, Maegor had done some horrible things to his kin. The majority of which was so the line of succession would stay true to him and his children (although no babe survived). 
   Maegor ruled for six years and sixty-six days and died without an heir. He had three stillborn children by his six queens, all malformed. He was succeeded by his nephew, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, the youngest son of the late King Aenys I.
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yellowsocialbunny · 1 year
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the six wives of king maegor the cruel
Queen Ceryse Hightower was a noblewoman from House Hightower and was the daughter of Lord Manfred Hightower of Oldtown. Her maternal uncle was one of the High Septons during the reign of King Aegon I Targaryen. She eventually married Prince Maegor Targaryen, becoming his first (of many) wives.
Queen Alys Harroway was a noblewoman from House Harroway during the reign of kings Aegon I, Aenys I and Maegor I Targaryen. She was the daughter of Lord Lucas Harroway of Harrenhal and Maegor's second wife.
Queen Tyanna of the Tower, also known as Tyanna of Pentos, was a courtesan from Pentos who married King Maegor I Targaryen, becoming the third of his six wives. Tyanna was a pale beauty with black hair the color of a raven. Her name may come from the fact that Pentos is known for its square brick towers. Tyanna is said to have dabbled in sorcery and alchemy. She is remembered as a black-hearted woman who was hated and feared.
Queen Rhaena Targaryen was forcefully married to her uncle, King Maegor I Targaryen, who had usurped and killed her husband Aegon, becoming one of his Black Brides. She had lively lilac eyes and silver-gold hair. At eighteen, Rhaena was considered brave, fierce and headstrong. As an adult, she was sometimes stern and sometimes shy, frequently brooding. Rhaena had no interest in other people's children, but was possessive of her own, and of people she loved. She was furious when betrayed, and scornful of those she did not trust.
Queen Elinor Costayne was a noblewoman from House Costayne and one of the many brides of King Maegor I Targaryen. Along with Lady Jeyne Westerling and Princess Rhaena Targaryen, she was one of the so-called "Black Brides".
Queen Jeyne Westerling was a member of House Westerling. She was one of the six wives of King Maegor I Targaryen. Jeyne was tall and slender, with lustrous brown hair.
descriptions by A Wiki of Ice and Fire
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houseofpendragons · 6 months
The Six Wives of Maegor the Cruel
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Ceryse Hightower, 25AC-45AC (Abandoned)
My name's Catherine Of Aragon
Was married 24 years, I'm a paragon
Of royalty, my loyalty is to the Vatican
So if you try to dump me
You won't try that again
Alys Harroway, 39AC-44AC (Killed by Maegor/on his order)
For my promiscuity outside of wed
Lock up your husbands, lock up your sons
K Howard is here, and the fun's begun
Tyanna of the Tower, 42AC-48AC (Killed by Maegor/on his orders)
I'm that Boleyn girl
And I'm up next
See, I broke England from the Church
Yeah, I'm that sexy
Why did I lose my head?
Well, my sleeves may be green
But my lipstick's red!
Elinor Costayne, 47AC-48AC (Survived)
Five down, I'm the final wife
I saw him to the end of his life
I'm the survivor, Catherine Parr
I bet you wanna know how I got this far
I said, I bet you wanna know how I got this far
Jeyne Westerling, 47AC-47/48AC? (Died in childbirth)
Jane Seymour, the only one he truly loved
When my son was newly born, I died
But I'm not what I seem
Or am I?
Stick around, and you'll suddenly see more
Rhaena Targaryen, 47AC-48AC (Escaped; so basically divorced his ass)
Ich bin Anna of Cleves
When he saw my portrait he was like
But I didn't look as good as I did in my pic
Funny how we all discuss that, but never Henry's little…
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amnevitahdrawsstuff · 2 months
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Queen Jeyne Westerling
Fifth wife of King Maegor.
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15-lizards · 1 year
Anon that asked for Maegor's wives here!!! Omg, i totally loved your takes about the first three wives (I call them myself "The laughning wives" bcs they married Maegor "happily and laughning" hehe). So, now your takes on the "Black brides", do you think Maegor letted them had their mourning clothes or got her all covered in gold that weighted like chains over them? And for the general fashion of the court? I am sorry if this are a lot of questions, i just really enjoy your fashion takes!
Thank you dear sweet baby anon 🫶
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Being from the Reach, Elinor dressed in the traditional fashions, but based on what we are given about her character, she seems to be a somber and modest woman. Even before she was married to Maegor, she dressed simply, still fitting for a noblewoman but nothing flashy. After her husbands murder she probably never wore anything other than black, unless Maegor forced her into something else. Even her wedding dress was a plain black mourning gown. Once Maegor died and she became a septa to Jaehaerys, she never ditched the bare bones simplicity and coverage of her mourning clothes, dressing like a commoner for the rest of her days
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Rhaena was never exceedingly extravagant, even when her father was king and she wasn’t on the run. Her outfits were always made from the finest of materials but never flashy, looking like they belonged on a merchants wife. Once Maegor called her forward, he probably dressed her in richly decorated, low cut, large skirted gowns more fitting to her station, as a way to anger his niece (though they were always black, as he took pride in causing the death of the husbands of his three brides). After she escaped and Jaehaerys was made king, she reverted back to her old fashion. However in the years that followed Elissa’s betrayal, her mother’s death in childbirth, the poisoning of her companions, and the brutal death of Aerea she became increasingly bitter and closed off. She put almost no effort into how she looked, allowing herself to be dressed like an old merchants widow until the end of her days
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Poor Jeyne Westerling dressed in the typical fashions of the Westerlands once her mourning period had ended (fashions similar to the reach) with slim skirts and high waists and gauzy veils. After Maegor sets sights on her, he dresses her in black once more, the simple and elegant mourning gowns to parade his new bride around in. Once she falls pregnant, a rarely elated Maegor allows her whatever she desires, and lauds her with extravagant gifts, clothing included. Up until the day of her untimely death, she was wearing cloth of gold skirts and puffy sleeves the size of her head.
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asoiafandotherbooks · 9 months
TWOIAF/Fire & Blood: The Pregnancies And Deaths Of Two Queens
Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
It has been half a year since Maegor wed his Black Brides. Edwell Celtigar, the King’s Hand, announced that Queen Jeyne was with child. Maegor announced Queen Elinor’s pregnancy shortly afterwards.
Rhaena Targaryen never had an announced pregnancy. Was someone slipping her moon tea or did the incestuous Targaryen genes collide and prevent any pregnancy?
Maegor “showered both women with gifts and honors, and granted new lands and offices to their fathers, brothers, and uncles”.
Queen Jeyne was six months pregnant when she went into labor. She delivered a stillborn child “as monstrous as the one Alys Harroway had birthed , a legless and armless creature possessed of both male and female genital.” Jeyne died shortly afterwards.
Maegor and Herny VIII have several parallels when it comes to their wives:
Katherine of Aragorn/Ceryse Hightower – the first, faithful wife who is set aside
Anne Boleyn/Alys Harroway – executed on baseless charges
Jane Seymour/Jeyne Westerling – the pregnant wife who dies while giving birth
Anne of Cleves/Lord Celtigar’s sister – the “ugly” one the king rejects
Catherine Howard/Tyanna of the Tower – The only real resemblance between the two is their execution
Catherine Parr/Elinor Costayne/Rhaena Targaryen – The survivors after the king’s death
Men blamed the stillbirth on Maegor. They said he was cursed as was a kinslayer who made war against the Faith and the High Septon, defied the gods, committed murder and incest, adultery and rape. “His privy parts were poisoned, his seed full of worms, the gods would never grant him a living son.”
Maegor came to a different conclusion: He had Ser Owen Bush and Ser Maldon Moore to seize Queen Tyanna and deliver her to the dungeons. Tyanna made a full confession: she poisoned Jeyne Westerling and Alys Harroway’s wombs. She promised the same would happen to Elinor’s whelp.
Maegor slew Tyanna himself, “cutting out her heart with Blackfyre and feeding it to his dogs”.
The next month, Elinor delivered a “malformed and stillborn child, an eyeless boy born with rudimentary wings”.
The question remains: Did Tyanna poison the wombs of the three women or did Maegor’s genetics/nature of his conception play a factor in the stillbirths? We know Tyanna “confessed” but that could have been Tyanna goading Maegor into a murderous rage to ensure a quick death. Tyanna, of all people, would know what Maegor is capable of and would want to avoid an “Alys/Viserys” fate.
 I believe Tyanna caused the deaths of Alys Harroway and Visenya Targaryen. I’m not sure if Tyanna factored into Jeyne Westerling’s stillbirth. Jeyne’s child didn’t have any of the typical characteristics of the Targaryen “dragon babies” that pop up throughout the bloodline. I’d say there is a slim chance. I don’t know if Tyanna would be foolish enough to poison Jeyne in the same manner as Alys. Tyanna would have been smart enough to realize Maegor would come to the conclusion that he did and it would have ended badly for her (which it did).
Elinor’s stillbirth was pure Targaryen “dragon baby”.
The bigger question remains…was Maegor infertile?
Maegor was married to Ceryse for 18 years (separated for 5), wed to Alys for 6 years, and wed to Tyanna for 6 years. It is unknown if he took any lovers outside of the marital bed. I know an alleged bastard of Maegor will turn up during the Great Council but his claim is dubious. If Maegor had a bastard, even from a member of the smallfolk, he would have brought him/her to court if only to prove he could sire a child. His inability to sire a child has been hanging over his head for decades - Maegor has blamed Ceryse but until he sired a child, the question of who is infertile remains unknown.
If Maegor isn’t infertile, he suffers from low fertility. He was married for decades – at times to multiple women – and it only resulted in three known pregnancies.
He never sired a child with Ceryse Hightower. We can’t say for certain if Ceryse was barren as she had no other known lovers besides Maegor. Maegor claimed she was barren, but his infertility could have been the issue.
The first wife of Maegor to become pregnant was Alys Harroway. She gave birth to a stillborn, deformed son in the third month of pregnancy. The stillborn baby did not have the characteristics of the stillborn “dragon” babies that Laena, Rhaenyra, and Daenerys will later give birth to. So, either a stillbirth caused by non-magical defects or one induced by Tyanna via poison or magical means. We will never know if Alys would be able to conceive again as she was executed for alleged “infidelity”.  I suppose the alleged infidelity could mean the baby was sired by a man other than Maegor but I think the charges were false.
Maegor was never able to impregnate Tyanna. It’s possible Maegor had the misfortune of marrying a second barren woman, but he could have been at fault.
Maegor’s marriages with his “Black Brides” only lasted for a year or so.
Jeyne Westerling gave birth to a stillborn who had both male and female genitalia. Once again, no “dragon baby” characteristics.
Elinor Costayne gave birth to a stillborn child with “rudimentary” wings so this was a Targaryen “dragon baby”.
Maegor was never able to impregnate Rhaena Targaryen and she had a pair of twins with her first husband.
What caused Maegor’s fertility problems? Was it the nature of his conception, rumored to be magical in origin? Or was it his double-Targaryen genetics? A combination of both? Aenys, Maegor’s brother, had multiple children but its important to note that Aenys’ father may have not been a Targaryen. (Always a good thing to deepen the gene pool).
Up next, the downfall of Maegor the Cruel.
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sammygems · 1 year
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withfireandbl00d · 6 months
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Maegor I Targaryen, also known as Maegor the Cruel, was the third Targaryen king to sit the Iron Throne. He was the son of King Aegon I Targaryen and his elder sister-wife, Queen Visenya Targaryen. He had an older half-brother, Aenys I Targaryen.
The polygamous Maegor had six wives: Ceryse Hightower, Alys Harroway, Tyanna of the Tower, Elinor Costayne, Jeyne Westerling, and his niece Rhaena Targaryen, the last three of whom are known as the Black Brides.
Appearance and Character :
Maegor was a tall, broad, and fearsomely strong man, larger than his father, Aegon I Targaryen. He was bull-like, with heavy shoulders, a thick neck, and huge arms. Though he was on the heavy side, he was not fat, but more massive and square. He kept his hair short and his beard trimmed to his jawline. He had angry-looking, suspicious eyes, and a scowling mouth.
Maegor was a born warrior whose skill with weapons was unmatched. He lived for war, tourneys, and battle, and rose to become one of the youngest and finest knights of his time. However, he was also a hard and brutal man who craved violence, death, and absolute mastery over all he deemed his. His savagery in the field and his harshness toward defeated enemies was frequently remarked upon.
Maegor was quarrelsome, quick to take offense, slow to forgive, and fearsome in his wroth. He was a rigid man, unyielding, and unbending. He preferred fire and steel over settling issues through discussion, and showed cruel tendencies early in his childhood. Although he had many companions throughout his youth, he had no true friends, and even as an adult Maegor trusted no one.
Maegor wore his father's Valyrian steel-and-ruby crown. His armor, however, was more elaborate than Aegon's. Instead of a shirt of scale, Maegor wore a breastplate, covered by a surcoat that displayed the Targaryen three-headed dragon, red on black.
What demon possessed him none could say. Even today, some give thanks that his tyranny was a short one, for who knows how many noble houses might have vanished forever simply to state his desire. —writings of Yandel
Maegor, the First of His Name, came to the throne after the sudden death of his brother, King Aenys, in the year 42 AC. He is better remembered as Maegor the Cruel, and it was a well-earned sobriquet, for no crueler king ever sat the Iron Throne. His reign began with blood and ended in blood as well. —writings of Yandel
Maegor, the First of His Name, came to the throne after the sudden death of his brother, King Aenys, in the year 42 AC. He is better remembered as Maegor the Cruel, and it was a well-earned sobriquet, for no crueler king ever sat the Iron Throne. His reign began with blood and ended in blood as well. —thoughts of Catelyn Stark
King Maegor wanted no rats in his own walls, if you take my meaning. He did require a means of secret egress, should he ever be trapped by his enemies, but that door does not connect with any other passages. —Varys to Tyrion Lannister
Reign : 42–48 AC
Coronation : 42 AC Dragonstone
Full name : Maegor of House Targaryen, the First of His Name
Titles :
Hand of the King
King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms
Protector of the Realm
Predecessor : King Aenys I Targaryen
Heirs :
Prince Jaehaerys Targaryen (disinherited)
Princess Aerea Targaryen
Successor : King Jaehaerys I Targaryen
Aliases :
The Prince of Dragonstone
Maegor the Cruel
The Abomination on the Iron Throne
Born : 12 AC Dragonstone
Died : 48 AC King's Landing
Buried : 48 AC Dragonstone
Race : Valyrian
Culture : Crownlander
Dynasty : Targaryen
Queens :
Ceryse Hightower (42–45 AC)
Alys Harroway (42–44 AC)
Tyanna of the Tower (42–48 AC)
Elinor Costayne (47–48 AC)
Rhaena Targaryen (47–48 AC)
Jeyne Westerling (47–48 AC)
Issue : Three stillborn children A bastardman-at-arms(allegedly)
Father : King Aegon I Targaryen
Mother : Queen Visenya Targaryen
Books :
The World of Ice & Fire (mentioned)
Fire & Blood (mentioned)
The Rise of the Dragon (mentioned)
The Sons of the Dragon (mentioned)
The Rogue Prince (mentioned)
The Princess and the Queen (mentioned)
The Sworn Sword (mentioned)
A Game of Thrones (mentioned)
A Clash of Kings (mentioned)
A Storm of Swords (mentioned)
A Feast for Crows (mentioned)
A Dance with Dragons (mentioned)
Fancast(s) : Peter Franzén / Alexander Ludwig
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horizon-verizon · 2 years
Aemond who was described as "fierce from birth" , who also called his sister a whore in the day his father died , shown sociopathic tendencies from his childhood , these sociopathic tendencies have developed much worse in his adulthood to the point he was able to commit heinous crimes like genocide without a single fuck in the world. And all the sources in the book have similar characterization of Aemond , so that's means that his personality and his actions were all on display for everyone to witness it . But according to Ryan the historians are too biased and they've properly misunderstood everything.
So Aemond was turned into a poor mew mew in the show that didn't mean it , that's makes me wonder actually if Ryan will ever adopted Maegor's reign, would he make Maegor this big softie that everyone in westros misunderstood? All of Maegor's cruel actions are nothing but propaganda from Jaehaerys to destroy the reputation of Maegor the softie ?
No anon, Ryan would have Visenya and Maegor have a really close relationship where Visenya is jealous of her sister Rhaenys for having all of Aegon’s love and affection.
Visenya plots against Aenys I from the beginning because of that vendetta against Rhaenys, and people love Visenya because she is the “official” wife, or the “first”/”prime” wife in Aegon’s “harem”. 
Because Valyrians had full, stratified harems like you’d imagine from the Ottoman empire, you see. The canon historians don’t have enough information to tell us about Valyrian culture, but this is definitely what existed in Valyria.
But she’s actually being honorable; she only usurped Aenys (because it’s not Aegon, Aenys I’s son, who gets usurped, it’s Aenys himself this time, this is in canon you see) and we find out her “true” intentions in episode 4 (while in episode 2 we saw her looking like she wanted to stab Rhaenys and never mentions the succession and the realm’s “well being” at all).
So she forces/manipulates Maegor into marrying all the women he marries, even the Black Brides of Jeyne Westerling, Elinor Costayne, and his niece Rhaena Targaryen. She despises Tyanna, but finds her magic useful and tries to confiscate her potions, etc. for herself on some pretext.
Except Tyanna of the Tower is the only woman he ever loved, you see, because she was his only real choice. Ryan calls Tyanna Maegor’s “mail-order-bride” and “only true lover” in one interview and another. Her Lyseni pussy puts Maegor into a tizzy, from all her “training”. People online also call her a mail order bride and says this proves how evil the Targs are for being white people taking advantage of poor Essosi (Essos is a place of only vacation-locations) peoples for self gratification.
Tyanna, in order to gain back power and make sure his attention is always on her, poisons all of Maegor’s other wives and botches their pregnancies. Maegor, in order to eliminate this threat to his family, orders her execution, and he tears up or cries as he turns away from her for the last time. (The “rumor” of her heart being ripped out is just her personal writings that some maester re-recorded inaccurately, and then another maester [because some parts were too deteriorated to read] wrote down as if her writing Maegor “ripped her heart out” was literal instead of her complaining about him having sex with other women.)
Alyssa Velayron cheats on Aenys with Rogar specifically because Aenys is a little baby bitch boy and Rogar was a man who “did what needed to be done”, even when he tried to usurp Jahaerys for Aerea (Rhaena’s daughter by Aegon “the Uncrowned”). She enlists his help to overtake Maegor (pussy power enslaves men), and Visenya (who apparently survives her canon death and stays the puppet of her son). In all this while, Rhaena lives in the Keep with the other poor brides and abuses Tyanna or dismisses Tyanna’s low birth. Her nose is always up, you see.
Maegor dies when Elinor Costayne pushes him into the Iron Throne, finally drudging up the muster to address him killing her husband while he burned down the holy Sept. Because, you know, he did that and her husband was one of those that were burned alive while praying. *Tear.
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rozsesandart · 2 years
• ART MASTERLIST - @rozsesandart •
{All artworks belong to me, do not steal or repost without permission. Reblogs, comments and likes are appreciated}
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“Rhaena of Pentos with her dragon egg, Morning”
"King of the Narrow Sea" - Daemon Targaryen
“ Naerea Targaryen” - OC
“ Aurora and Valeria” - OCs
“Laena Velaryon and Rhaenyra Targaryen “
“Six characters fan art challenge” - Daenys the dreamer, Daenerys Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, Bran Stark, Missandei of Naath, Lyanna Stark
"Six characters fan art challenge part 2" - Genna Lannister, Ashara Dayne, Aerea Targaryen, Shiera Seastar, Daeron II Targaryen, Bloodraven
“Six characters challenge part three”- Saera Targaryen, Arianne Martell, Margaery Tyrell, Rohanne of Tyrosh, Daemon Blackfyre, Naerys Targaryen
“Kagome Higurashi”- Inuyasha (anime)
“Nana Osaki ”- Nana (anime)
“Catelyn and Robb”- the newly lady stark with her firstborn
“Lyanna Stark” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Cregan Stark” - sketch
“Sansa Stark”- with her house colors and a winter rose
“Robb Stark” - The King in the North
“ Rhaegar crowning Lyanna Queen of love and beauty”
“Jaime and Brienne”
“Cersei Lannister” - Robert’s Rebellion era
“Jaime gives Oathkeeper to Brienne”
“I Want to be The Queen”- inspired by show! Margaery
“ Highgarden’s rose” - Margaery Tyrell
“Lady Olenna and her granddaughter Margaery”
“ Robb Stark and Margaery Tyrell” - AU made for #housetyrellweek
“ Garlan Tyrell and his wife Leonette Fossoway”
“ Prince Oberyn Martell” - a younger version
"A quiet evening in Pentos"- Laena, Daemon, Rhaena & Baela Targaryen
“Lady Shiera Seastar” - bastard daughter of Aegon IV and Serenei of Lys, paramour of Brynden Rivers and Aegor Rivers
“Jocelyn Baratheon & Aemon Targaryen” - Parents to Rhaenys, the queen who never was
“King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne” - mourning their little daughter and firstborn princess Daenerys Targaryen
“Book! Rhaenyra Targaryen”
“Book! Daemon Targaryen”
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen” - (show version)
“Baela and Rhaena Targaryen”- ( Book version)
“Laena and Laenor Velaryon” - (book and show versions)
“Rhaenyra Targaryen and Harwin Strong” - the queen and her lover
“Rhaenys Targaryen” - The Queen who never was (book version)
"My sweet sister Helaena" - Helaena Targaryen and her half sister Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen
"Velaryon queen and Targaryen king" - Daenaera Velaryon and Aegon III Targaryen
“Rhaegar Targaryen crowns Lyanna Stark” - Tourney at Harrenhal
“The maidenvault’s princesses” - Rhaena, Daena and Elaena Targaryen
“ The three heads of the dragon” -Rhaenys, Aegon I and Visenya Targaryen
“ Queen Alysanne and her daughters” - Saera, Viserra, Maegelle, Gael, Daella and Alyssa
“ Rhaena Targaryen and Elissa Farman” - The Queen in the west and her lover
“ Viserra Targaryen “ - daughter of king Jaehaerys and the good queen Alysanne Targaryen
“The dance of dragons”- team black vs team green
“Lady Rhaena of Pentos” - Rhaena and Morning
“Queen Naerys Targaryen”
“Daemyra” - book version
“Ceryse Hightower” - Maegor the cruel’s first wife
“Alys Harroway”- Maegor the cruel’s second wife
“Tyanna of the Tower”- Maegor the cruel’s third wife
“Elinor Costayne” - Maegor the cruel’s fourth wife
“Jeyne Westerling”- Maegor the cruel’s fifth wife
“Rhaena Targaryen” - Maegor the cruel’s sixth wife
“Six Wives” - Maegor the Cruel Targaryen’s wives
“ Lady Falena Stokeworth” - first mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Megette” - second mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Cassella Vaith” - third mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Bellegre Otherys, the black pearl of Braavos” - fourth mistress to Aegon IV Targaryen
“ Lady Barba Bracken” - fifth mistress to king Aegon IV Targaryen and mother to Aegor Rivers (Bittersteel)
“Lady Melissa Blackwood” - sixth mistress to Aegon IV and mother to Brynden Rivers ( Bloodraven)
“ Lady Bethany Bracken” - sister to Barba and seventh mistress to Aegon IV
“Lady Jayne Lothston” - eight mistress of Aegon IV and rumored bastard by Falena Stokeworth
“Lady Serenei of Lys” - ninth mistress of Aegon IV and mother to Shiera Seastar
“Aegon IV Targaryen nine mistresses” - complete portrait
“ Prince Daeron” - youngest child of Aegon and Betha
“Rhaelle and Ormund” - future grandparents of Robert, Renly and Stannis Baratheon
“The Dothraki”
“House Martell”
“The Night’s Watch”
“House Bolton”
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ao3feed-rhaenicent · 7 months
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