#jigoe chapter
loopspoop · 9 months
Chapter 4 here we are! Fujiko is back and everyone’s trying (and failing) to cope! Lots of hurt and comfort in this one but they’re working hard to handle things!
TW: panic attack
Fujiko opened the door, frowning as she looked around. There was a blanket on the ground and the coffee table was moved across the room. Where the hell were the boys? Had they gone upstairs to use an actual bed? Hopefully so..Lupin wouldn’t recover well on just a couch. She walked inside, shutting and locking the door behind her as she looked around.
“Hello? Jigen? Goemon?” She called, walking to the stairs as she began to go up.
Zenigata peered over the railing, smiling as he relaxed a bit. “Fujiko, we’re up here.” He had worried it was an intruder.
“Zenigata-?” Fujiko hesitated. “When did you get here-?” She thought he wouldn’t be able to find them…
“Oh, uh…I’ve been here the whole time actually…you have the medication for Lupin, right?” Zenigata rubbed his nape sheepishly, glancing away.
Fujiko nodded a bit, climbing the stairs the rest of the way. The whole time? So, he was already here and they just didn’t know? That was a little creepy. Where had he been hiding at? And where were Jigen and Goemon? Had he arrested them? She wouldn’t be happy if he had arrested them.
“Where is everyone?” Fujiko looked past Zenigata, frowning.
“Ah..we had some trouble while you were gone. Jigen and Goemon are keeping an eye on him in the bedroom but we really do need to give him some medication.” Zenigata frowned, leading her to the bedroom.
“Trouble? What kind of trouble?” Fujiko frowned, looking into the bedroom quietly.
Lupin laid in the bed, still unconscious. Jigen sat on the ground beside the bed, smoking silently as he tapped his foot. That was an obvious sign he was anxious. She had picked that up early on, whenever he was on edge he fell into the tapping habit. Goemon sat at the foot of the bed, watching Lupin closely as he held onto Zantetsuken. She could see him rubbing the handle with his thumb, another anxious habit she had learned about from her years with them. Whatever had happened must’ve been bad…but Lupin was still breathing, that much she could see.
“Took you long enough.” Jigen mumbled, glancing at her from under his hat.
Fujiko frowned a bit, walking in as she unpacked the bottles. “You try seducing a pharmacist.” She grumbled angrily.
Jigen scoffed. “Took you less time to seduce Lupin every time you show up wanting a cut of our loot. You decided to take your sweet time while he’s here dying on us!”
“Nobody is dying.” Goemon looked at Jigen sternly, holding Zantetsuken tighter. He wouldn’t let Lupin die.
“Guys-“ Zenigata frowned, looking between them all anxiously. This wasn’t the time to fight.
“Oh, easy for you to say, Goemon. You took two weeks to get your ass to the lab to get him out!” Jigen glared at him, standing. “You took two weeks and Fujiko took two hours! And Lupin’s laying here suffering because of it!”
Fujiko narrowed her eyes. “You have no right, Jigen! I didn’t see you get out of that cell before Goemon showed up and I sure as hell didn’t see you busting your ass to get medication for Lupin!”
“Yeah because flaunting your tits is busting your ass!” Jigen rolled his eyes, glaring at them. “It’s like you two don’t even care what happens to him!”
“That is not true!” Goemon’s stood, glaring at Jigen as his hands shook. “Don’t talk to Fujiko that way!”
“This isn’t fair, Jigen! You aren’t blameless here!” Fujiko huffed, poking her finger into his chest angrily.
“Guys, hey-“ Zenigata frowned, trying to get in between them to stop the fighting.
“I am!” He wasn’t…god he wasn’t blameless but blaming them felt better than blaming himself. “It should’ve been one of you!” He growled angrily. “One of you should be in this bed! Not Lupin!”
“Jigen! Enough!” Zenigata got between all of them, glaring. “That’s enough.”
Goemon narrowed his eyes, turning as he stormed out. He couldn’t handle Jigen right now. He couldn’t handle thinking that everything he had said was true. He could’ve done more. He could’ve gotten there sooner or given Lupin better medical care. Instead, he waited two weeks and put Lupin through hell. It should be him in that bed. Lupin did not deserve this.
Fujiko glared, pushing the medications into Jigen’s arms roughly. “You fucking take care of it then, Jigen.” She growled. “And don’t come crawling to any of us when you manage to fuck it up.”
She turned, walking out and downstairs. She didn’t need Jigen to remind her of what had happened. She didn’t need him to remind her of any of the horrors Lupin must’ve faced in that lab and that it was her fault too for getting caught so easily. But Jigen wasn’t blameless either. It pissed her off that he thought he could get out of this blame free. If he thought he was so great then he could handle Lupin by himself!
Zenigata turned to Jigen, frowning. “What the hell was that?” He crossed his arms.
Jigen turned away from him, looking through the bottles quietly. “Forget about it, Pops.”
“No, I will not forget about it!” Zenigata grabbed his arm, turning him around so they faced each other. “I’ve never heard you talk to them like that. What the hell is the matter with you?”
“Leave it alone.” Jigen growled, looking away. He didn’t need this..
“No. I get this is stressful but you don’t get to blame everyone but yourself-“
“I do blame myself, damnit!” Jigen snapped, looking up at Zenigata angrily. “I blame myself for this shit! I sat in that cell for two fucking weeks and didn’t help him!”
Zenigata hesitated, letting Jigen go. He knew that, since Jigen had finally snapped, he had better just listen. He knew the man was usually pretty closed off. No doubt this had been building for a while..
“I got myself caught and Lupin was right down the hall for two damn weeks getting dissected and tortured! And I didn’t help him!” Jigen shouted, slamming the bottles down on the bedside table angrily.
“I couldn’t get out of that damn cell! And when we finally did I couldn’t kill the bastard! Goemon did! And Fujiko got the car and the medication! And Goemon- Goemon treated him!” Jigen clenched his fists, his voice cracking as he looked down at Lupin.
“And when he had his seizure..that was you, Pops. I’ve done nothing for him…what type of partner am I if I can’t do anything for him…?” Jigen pulled his hat down further, trying to hide the emotions that were getting the better of him. “..It should be me in that bed…not Lupin..”
Zenigata frowned, hesitating before he put a hand on Jigen’s shoulder. “You got him out of there. It might not have been all by yourself but you got him out of there. And you’ve been taking care of him the best you could. And I would say…I would say that Lupin would be pretty damn grateful if he was awake right now.”
Jigen bit his lip hard, tears beginning to trail down his face as he sunk onto his knees beside the bed. He had been so worked up…and he said pretty shitty stuff to Goemon and Fujiko when they were hurting too. He had really fucked up. What would Lupin think of him if he had been awake for that? Zenigata sat on the ground beside him, wrapping an arm around him quietly. He had dealt with a fair amount of this with his time on the force. Jigen just needed some time..
“…I love him.” Jigen mumbled softly, shaking his head. “I love all of them..and I fucked up…I fucked everything up.”
Zenigata hesitated, frowning as he thought quietly. “I don’t think you did.”
Jigen glanced at him before glancing down. “I’m sure accusing them of failing Lupin doesn’t win me any points..”
“Maybe not. But they’re in the same boat you are right now. They’re worried about him. And I’m sure if you went and apologized and let them have a moment to feel how stressed they are…it might work out.” Zenigata squeezed him, smiling a little.
Jigen thought quietly for a moment, laughing a little. “When did you get good at being sappy, old man?”
“Hey, I was married once!” Zenigata rolled his eyes, shoving him gently. “Communicating is important..even when things get hard. Now go sort things out. I’ll give Lupin his medication.”
Jigen wiped at his eyes, nodding as he stood. “Thanks.” He looked out at Zenigata from under his hat, smiling a little.
Zenigata nodded, standing as he smiled back and began to look the medication bottles over. He knew the gang weren’t all bad..they just made some bad choices sometimes. They were still human..it was part of what charmed him so much about them. Jigen walked downstairs, biting the inside of his cheek as he looked around. Fujiko was laying on the couch, watching the TV silently. Jigen took a breath, walking down stairs the rest of the way. He would have to settle things, even if they were so mad they wouldn’t talk to him.
“..Fujiko.” Jigen walked into her line of sight. “I’m sorry for what I said.”
“Are you actually sorry or did Zenigata just tear you a new one and make you come apologize?” Fujiko glared at him, sitting up. “You were such an asshole, I’m surprised he didn’t tell you to leave.”
“He probably should’ve.” He sighed, sitting beside her. “I’m actually sorry. I know we don’t always see eye to eye and I can be a bastard-“
“Can be? You are.” Fujiko huffed, glancing at him angrily.
“Fair.” Jigen laughed a little. “All of this just…put me over the edge and I took it out of you and Goe and I shouldn’t have. And I’m sorry. You didn’t take too long. Without you we would’ve been screwed. I’m sorry I said all of that to you.”
Fujiko bit her lip, glancing at him quietly for a moment. “…what happened while I was gone, Jigen?”
Jigen sighed, rubbing his face quietly as he looked over at the blanket on the ground. He could still see Lupin there, shaking, not breathing. The sound he had made when he stopped breathing..it was something he would never forget. He hadn’t been the only one to see it or the only one to deal with the fallout..Fujiko didn’t even know the worst of it.
“Jigen.” Fujiko took his hand, frowning. “Tell me what happened.”
“He had a seizure. Right here, he just..stopped breathing and..” Jigen sighed, playing with Fujiko’s fingers gently. “His fever from the infections got too high…and I thought…I thought he was dying..Pop’s was the only one who knew what to do about it..”
Fujiko eyes widened as she held onto Jigen a bit tighter. All that had happened while she was gone…? No wonder he had snapped at her for taking too long..she probably would’ve done the same thing after seeing something like that. She wouldn’t tolerate his behavior…but she could forgive it. He was sorry, that much was very clear. Obviously the events with Lupin had taken their toll on Jigen…and most likely Goemon too. It was all she could do to keep from imagining Lupin in pain like that. It made her feel sick…poor Lupin.
“I forgive you. But next time just..talk to someone? Don’t accuse us of not caring. We all care about Lupin.” Fujiko looked at him sternly.
Jigen nodded. “That’s fair. I’ll work on it.” He wouldn’t take it out on them again.
Fujiko smiled softly. “Good. Now I’m going to shower the two weeks of cell dirt out of my hair. Go make up with Goemon.” She pulled his beard lightly before she stood.
Jigen rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah..” hopefully it would go well with Goemon..
“And, Jigen?” Fujiko walked to the stairs, smiling softly.
“Hm?” Jigen turned toward her, raising an eyebrow.
“Lupin is oblivious at the best of times.” Fujiko winked, waving as she walked upstairs. “Just remember that.”
Jigen hesitated, blushing. What the hell-? Was he that obvious? Damnit…he would deal with that after he talked to Goemon. At least she wasn’t being a bitch about it... He shook his head, looking around as he rubbed his nape. Jigen checked the rest of the downstairs over, frowning when he found no trace of the samurai. He walked to the back door when he heard the sound of Zantetsuken cutting through something, opening it as he peered outside curiously.
Goemon held Zantetsuken tightly, striking at nearby trees angrily. How dare Jigen accuse him of not caring for Lupin?! He cared for him! Of course he cared for him! He paced angrily, hands shaking enough to make his slices crooked. His chest felt heavy. He had failed Lupin more than once but..this was continuous failure. Lupin could have died because he had taken too long…he had not treated him well enough. Goemon bit his lip, stabbing Zantetsuken into a tree as he leaned against it. He felt like he was drowning, his hands shaking as he panted. Maybe this was deserved…
“Goemon.” Jigen walked over, frowning as he watched. He was definitely worked up..
Goemon glanced at Jigen, body trembling as he gripped Zantetsuken’s handle tightly. Lupin could’ve died..and Jigen was right to tell him it was his fault because it was. Of course it was. Jigen and Fujiko couldn’t get out of that cell. It was all his fault for taking so long. He sank to the ground, vision blurring as he clenched his fists. He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t do anything right!
“Shit-” Jigen frowned, carefully stepping closer. “Goemon.” He crouched beside him.
Goemon curled in on himself, gasping as he teared up. He cared for Lupin…he would’ve given his life to take Lupin’s place! Jigen was right..he had failed and continued to fail. Whatever this was, it was karma for letting this happen to Lupin..
“Goemon. Goe, breathe.” Jigen grabbed his hand carefully.
Goemon flinched away, his hands shaking harder as he looked at Jigen. His chest ached and it was hard to breathe. Tears streamed down his face, his hands gripping his hair roughly. Maybe he would die and fail again by making more work for everyone. It certainly felt like he was dying. Jigen frowned, carefully wrapping his arms around Goemon as he held him tightly. He could feel how tense he was..how much he was trying to breathe properly. He never meant to make the poor guy have a panic attack over Lupin’s condition..Goemon closed his eyes tightly, hyperventilating as he tried to breathe properly. Tears continued to stream down his face as he tried to relax into Jigen. It was his fault this had happened…he should’ve been better.. what Lupin must’ve thought of him had he been awake…he felt nothing but shame over his actions..
“Just breathe, Goe. Breathe with me. In and out. It’ll pass.” Jigen pressed a hand to Goemon’s chest gently, breathing with him.
Goemon bit his lip, shakily breathing with Jigen. He gripped Jigen’s arm anxiousky, the shaking his his hands dying down a bit after a minute. His chest still ached..but breathing came a bit easier as he focused on the pressure Jigen applied to his body and the sound of him breathing. Even thought he detested his and Lupin’s smoking habit, the cigarette smell was calming and familiar and helped ground him. This was so embarrassing..he was a samurai..he was supposed to be strong. This was not strong. He was being childish in front of Jigen of all people..
“That’s it.” Jigen nodded, squeezing him carefully. “Just take it easy. Everything’s okay.” He felt awful for causing this to happen…
“Jigen..” Goemon mumbled, resting his head back against his shoulder as he looked down. This was embarrassing..Nobody should’ve seen him like this…
“I’m right here, don’t worry. It’s just a panic attack, it’ll pass.” Jigen frowned, gently taking Goemon’s hand. “I shouldn’t have blamed you for anything, Goe. I took my stress out on you and Fujiko and I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry. You did everything you could’ve and I know Lupin would’ve appreciated the hell out of you if he was awake.”
Goemon closed his eyes tightly, more tears streaming down his face as he held onto his hand tightly. “I-I would’ve given my life for Lupin..I failed him…”
Jigen shook his head, holding his hand gently. “Lupin wouldn’t want that, Goe. You know he wouldn’t want that. You didn’t fail anybody. You did so much..do you think I would’ve thought of that thing with the sugar? Hell no. You took great care of him and you killed that bastard that did this to him. When he wakes up he’s going to be so grateful..I’m grateful for you too, Goe. We all are.”
Goemon hesitated before squeezing Jigen’s hand. “..I care for all of you…very much..” he mumbled softly.
Jigen blushed a bit, nodding softly. “We care for you too, Goe…” he glanced away, biting his lip. “Me especially..”
Goemon blushed a bit, glancing at him as he nodded little. “..thank you..for assisting me..”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ve had my fair share of panic attacks.” Jigen shrugged a bit. “You’ll probably feel like shit for a while, just a heads up. We can go inside and rest for a bit, that’ll help.”
Goemon bit the inside of his cheek. “What about Lupin?” He glanced back at him anxiously.
“Pop’s watching him. He’s gotten his medication too, so he’ll be alright.” Jigen nodded, helping him stand as he held onto his hand. “Since we’re all here we can rest and take shifts watching Lupin, okay?”
Goemon nodded a bit, pulling Zantetsuken out of the tree as he held onto Jigen’s hand. “..okay.”
Jigen nodded, walking back to the house with Goemon. He knew he was tired, he could see it in how he walked. He knew that was from all the stress and the panic attack. They’d just have to get a little TLC while Lupin recovered..once he woke up it would be a lot easier.. he squeezed Goemon’s hand, the samurai squeezing back as they made their way inside.
“We’ll get some water and then once Fujiko finishes taking her shower you can have one. That’ll help. For now we can just sit on the couch, okay?” Jigen helped him inside, sitting Goemon on the couch while he got him some water.
Goemon nodded, looking down at the floor quietly. They was definitely embarrassing..and he didn’t need to be babied by Jigen for having an outburst…though, it felt nice to be taken care of.. It was reassuring to know that Jigen had been in this situation as well..it made it feel less embarrassing. He just didn’t want to make anyone worry for two people when they had Lupin to worry about.. Jigen walked back in, handing him the water as he sat beside him. Goemon drank some, putting the water down nearby as he laid back against the couch. His eyes ached..his head ached..his body was tired..he hadn’t had a panic attack before..they were definitely something he would have to train against.
“Come here.” Jigen frowned, pulling Goemon up against his chest as he laid back.
“Hm?” Goemon opened an eye, looking up at him as he blushed a bit.
“I’m figuring you’re sore. Just take it easy.” Jigen gently ran his hands through Goemon’s hair, massaging his scalp carefully to help him relax.
Goemon blushed more, hesitating slightly before relaxing against Jigen slowly. It…felt nice. It was hard to let himself relax knowing Lupin wasn’t well off..but if Lupin had more people to watch over him…maybe it was okay? Jigen told him it was…he would trust him..he wanted nothing more than for things to be alright again..
Fujiko watched from the stairs, smiling softly as she dried her hair with a towel. She was glad they had sorted that out. They were cute together when they weren’t at each other’s throats..now they just needed Lupin to wake up and things would start to be okay again. She would go over the notebooks Goemon had brought back and they could figure out what to do for Lupin. They would put him back together and find ways to cope with this…she would make Jigen confess to him too. She wanted things to go back to some type of normal again.
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dandunn · 2 years
My latest tumblr Lupin drabbles are up on ao3! check em out!!!
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beantothemax · 1 year
Hey Bean, do you think Hikari has mixed feelings about his father?
hm. that’s a… good question. Jigo does do the whole ‘burden of having to rule an entire kingdom as a dying wish’ thing, so I could imagine that maybe cause a few conflicting feelings in Hikari…?
then again considering Mugen is. well. doing his thing. that could be plenty reason for Hikari wanting to rule regardless of his father’s wish, so. short answer is I’m not sure.
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auncyen · 1 year
also Ku drives my brain wild with everything that's going on there like
Hikari honestly suggests Mugen should be king in chapter one. LIKE YES HIS MODESTY IS A CONSISTENT TRAIT but there is a difference between "I'm not worthy" and going "MY BROTHER THOUGH" and Jigo having to tell him "YOUR BROTHER'S JUST GOING TO REPEAT THE THINGS I ALREADY REGRET"
and like based on both Mugen's own display in the opening of the chapter and the talk about the army's behavior under Mugen Hikari should know what Mugen's like
the coup is news to him but he should already know what Mugen would push for Ku is wildly different than what he thinks Ku needs!
and yet he still with his own mouth is like "I'm not worthy. My brother, he..." and it honestly comes off like Hikari, even believing that Ku at large needs to continue the new (and about to be broken) peace and not resume warring, is still so mentally entrenched in the culture that he's thinks Mugen being a demon on the battlefield means obviously he's the one who should be king right up until the coup happens
and like I don't think that kind of talk comes up in banters so it's just stuck in my brain of like Hikari admitting to one of the other travelers that he does feel some trepidation about becoming king because he isn't strong like Mugen who would be a good king IF he used that strength responsibly and they just stare at him wondering what the hell he's talking about because he's the physical powerhouse of the team along with Ochette and inspired people in the arena and has studied strategy and also, he wants Ku to stop having wars, why is he stuck on 'traits needed on the battlefield'
and that is just one of the things about Ku and Hikari that drives my brain nuts lol
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soup-for-ghosts · 11 months
ot2 au where everything is okay.
harvey never betrayed osvald. instead, he helps osvald in his studies, and through various (ETHICAL) experiments, osvald discovers that the Seventh Source is Love and harvey is one of the first ones to congratulate him on figuring it out.
trousseau doesn't go insane and kill healeaks with poison. he continues to heal with eir's apothecaries and manages to save more than a few lives. castti is still Tired but she doesn't have to deal with All of That
speaking of All Of That, claude is an okay person! he isn't obssessed with All Of That and helps sebastian and marietta pay for thronè as she grows up! he also helps them pay for their child that they had!
ochette chose both akalā and mahina that day and befriended both of them. they argue like siblings but they love each other. the scarlet moon still happens and there are still freaky ass shadows but at least there's no terrifying mutation of what could have been your friend!
roque doesn't trick partitio and papp and is very Up-Front about his plans. he even tells them about the Steam Engine business and him and papp establish a new business investing in it. ori also gets therapy courtesy of papp and she doesn't want to end the world anymore.
agnea's story doesn't change much. the only change is that dolcinaea takes a very long vacation to conning creek after aggie's chapter 5 because that woman deserves it.
kaldena and cubaryi are okay! they aren't super fucking evil and actually offer to help temenos in his duties because they know it can get kinda overwhelming! they help him weasel out the corruption in the church! they offer to help him find roi! who is alive and well in tropu'hopu, but still thought to be missing. he destroyed the Darkblood Bow and settled down in toto'haha because he was exhausted and just wanted a nice quiet life away from the stressors of religion for a while. crick also lives in this au!! because kaldena didn't fucking kill him!!!
hikari's family doesn't fucking suck and he tells his friends about the Curse. they all help him through it whenever it shows up, and eventually he has the Shadow Battle. this time he gets extra encouragement from his Actually Good Family Members jigo, mugen and kura. kira and jin mei live in this au. because i said so.
this sounds so nice but reading it also has such an element of dread to it cause I know what actually happened and everything is very much not ok
but honestly yes please, these people deserve happiness
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tobiasdrake · 1 year
*spits water* Wait a fucking second.
Sorry, I was going back through the Travel Banters for Hikari Chapter 3 because I forgot to do that, and I just realized.
Hikari: The treaty was signed by my father Jigo.
Hikari's imperialist shitstain of a dad is Jigo. Fucking Jigo. Jigo Ku. Oh my god. XD Hahahaha.
Jigoku is the Japanese word for Hell.
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99999-damage · 1 year
fun facts about octopath traveler 2’s spanish localization:
Mindt’s name is Trinidad which just makes me feel like the game is more latinoamerican coded than what i originally feel like due to the situations and themes explored LOL. Actually a LOT of the names of side characters change in spanish which is pretty shocking to me because the spanish localization of the first game barely changed names at all. Rai Mei is called Lai Mei, King Jigo is named Rey Yi Gou, Roque is named Locke, Pala is named Paula. etc. Also Agnea’s last name in spanish is Bristarniz which still makes me confused when i have to tag her name and i gotta be careful not to put the z at the end
Allure is actually called Seducir (Seduce) both in the first game and in this one which makes the scene where you have to allure Giselle in Agnea’s chapter 3 pretty gay.
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You have to seduce her in order for her to see the value of her art again. Which i find a completely insane choice.
Tbh it’s quite Odd that uhh Agnea is canonically 18 and the option in spanish sounds sexual, whereas in the first game this wasn’t much of an issue because Primrose was more of a femme fatale kinda character and she was 24. But ok. There really isn’t much of a translation for Allure that doesn’t sound suggestive in spanish though. Maybe something like Encantar? Atraer sounds weird too.
Partitio and Agnea use a lot of very Castillian Spanish expressions which makes it really hard for me to understand what they mean sometimes help??? Like it makes Sense because they even have their own accent in the english dub and localization. But i’m not spaniard. I have gripes with the fact every single game gets a castillian spanish localization and never a neutral latin american because despite them being the same language there are a lot of different words and it annoys me to see hostia and hala like omg i’m so fed up of this
Also Tanzy’s journay entry is written formally with big boy words which i found awesome because it makes it sound more romantic, if that makes sense? Like some quotes coming out of the golden age of mexican cinema. i love toxic yuri
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sombrerokiwi · 10 months
guiding ghosts au but it's literally just ritsu and jigo arguing about what to do with hikari
at one point ritsu literally has jigo at swordpoint and cuani has to pull them off of each other
This implies that Ritsu died like.
In chapter 1 or something.
Makes sense that Ritsu would have died later and now is being very vocal about things. But like. This is implying he died in Chapter 1.
Anyways add Kura in there we are going to have so much arguing between the three. Watch as Kura says in the most serious voice ever “I want a divorce.” Which is serious yes but it can be hilarious in the right circumstance.
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morporkian-cryptid · 3 years
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Dealing with your feelings is difficult. Especially when you’re a 40 year old assassin-turned-thief, and you’re in love with your two business partners slash best friends, one of whom is straight and has a girlfriend, and the other is too busy with his samurai training to care about dating.Little does Jigen know that both of his partners are trying to wingman him with the other. Meanwhile, Fujiko is facepalming in the background and hoping her boys would just take the damn hint.
In the middle - Part 2 chapter 4 is up!
Fujiko finally decides to put to use her uninvited guest. Things go south.
Reblogs are much appreciated!
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lesbianshonen · 4 years
god i love sagiri so much,,,shes a genuinely interesting character and shes been pretty well written so far,,,shes like Gentle Shonen Protag material
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school-of-the-kat · 4 years
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Lupin III Rating: Not Rated Summary: 
When did his chest start to tighten at the mere sight of his partner? When did every brush of the knee or touch on the shoulder start to feel like it meant something? Jigen had been slipping for a while, this much he knew. But when did it all get too much? If he thought hard enough about it, he could almost remember the first time he had thought that Goemon was beautiful.
Hello all 5 people who ship jigoe I have updated my fic for the first time in 4 months 
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loopspoop · 19 days
Jigoe fans come get your crumbs! Pspspspsps
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dandunn · 3 years
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this is my jigoe vibe and I'm sticking with it LOL
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beantothemax · 1 year
Absolutely surprised that there wasn’t more people who go talk about King Jigo’s death in-game. Like I get why but at the same time there probably was at least one person who went “Ding Dong the King is dead” to themselves when they found out the news.
when mugen took over he just told everyone that jigo was on vacation and that he was ‘temporary’ ruler while he was gone. everyone in Ku didn’t (or were too scared to) ask questions so they all go with it. It takes until right after the war for everyone to realize that jigo’s dead.
Hikari has to walk through his entire chapter one to the entire town to make them understand jigo’s dead
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razor-crests · 5 years
Stomp and Grind
Pairing: (Mandalorian/Dyn Jarren x Reader)
Rating: EXPLICIT 🛑
Words: 2.9k
Summary: Delirium[ dih-leer-ee-uh m ] - a state of violent excitement or emotion. A Mandalorian walks into a bar, and it's only a matter of time before he ruins your life.
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AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21954169/chapters/52391470
Business was booming, so to speak.
The lower city joint was what you considered to be comfortably packed from your own familiar spot behind the bar, tucked decisively away from the thunderous energy of colorful clientele. Every booth, table, and stool was spoken for, with excess patrons clamoring to huddle around large groups engaged in conversation or bravely attempt to wrassle their way toward you to gruffly request an order. Evidently, there wasn’t enough starfire ‘skee in the system to keep these thugs sated.
You couldn’t scarcely remember a time that you’d seen the cantina as packed as this. When you took the bartending job initially, Taris was no better than a ghost town, a rusted broken-down shell of what it once was pre-civil war. Truthfully, the history of the planet you called home was one muddled with class warfare and deception, but Taris proved to be prime real estate for the galaxy’s most morally ambiguous, despite remaining 70% decaying rubble and 30% ocean.
See, the thing about Taris was that it had served as the galaxy’s punching bag for thousands of years for a reason. In its heyday, over 60 billion Tarisians resided on the planet’s surface, whether they were privileged enough to afford upper city apartments or otherwise. It was an almost perfect waypoint between Hutt Space and Coruscant, two other juggernauts of industry. Skyscrapers towered hundreds of stories high, breaching the cloud cover so unremittingly that the naked eye might’ve deemed them towers to the heavens.
Only, unlike any other ecumenopolis, Taris was perfectly stationed within the Outer Rim, which naturally meant that nobody was enforcing shit.
All this made it a haven for bounty hunters and travelers alike, or really anyone who sought to make some quick currency without answering to a higher authority.
To distance yourself from that way of life would be absurd. After all, you weren’t just any run of the mill barkeep. Your status as an informant was well kept, but implied, as many of the businesses in the lower city area were not what they seemed at first glance. The man that owned the establishment had connections to smugglers, Separatists, Galactic Alliance politicians- you name it.
Live music began to blare from the stage, prompting another eruption of movement from the crowd as clusters of people began to siphon onto the dance floor, faces alight with the elation that only a back-alley watering hole could inspire.
You finish emptying out a glass of something neon green and cloudy, handing it swiftly to the worker droid for cleaning, and shift to lean forward against the counter when a silvery glint catches your eye, weaving within the crowd but out of sight in a mere flash. Craning your neck to identify it once more, your attention is forcibly yanked away by...ugh.
“It’s been too long,” drawled a familiar voice from beyond the bar, and you were instantly relieved to have said barrier in place. The speaker was a Balosar gang member that you distinctly remember from the week before, having had the privilege of cleaning up after him when he couldn’t hold his liquor. The ordeal only came after his vehement effort to coax you into a date. For three hours straight.
He was a lanky young thing, fresh off the docking bay from his homeworld. His clothes were disheveled, but only just enough that it was evident he was trying too hard to appear rugged. His eyes were glazed over this time, though, and you could tell he was barely lucid. You couldn’t help but wonder how much longer he’d last if staying in town was part of his MO.
“Not long enough, Bez,” you retort, instinctively. Funnily enough, your second instinct was to casually slide your hand underneath the glossy tabletop to grasp the handle of a blaster you kept at arm’s reach for safety reasons. You wouldn’t need it, necessarily, but perhaps you could chase him away so as to not be doomed to a shift spent babysitting. It was either that or staging a brawl, which sounded like way too much work.
“You know I couldn’t keep myself away for- hey, what the-”
While Baz was presumably gearing up to give his new and improved pitch, you were checking the barrel of your WESTAR-34 while your hip shifted to rest snugly against the nearby pillar.
“Oh, by all means, keep going,” you continue, the faint echo of a smile edging across your cheeks. You were occupying yourself with polishing the hilt using your jacket sleeve, watching the refraction of light bounce erratically from multicolored lamps overhead.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m here to speak to a man named Jigo Delac. Is he here?”
It’s amazing how the specific cadence of someone’s voice can carry such depth and promise, especially if it’s being augmented by a modulator. It was undeniable; your attention was captured in an instant.
You expected Baz to do something idiotic and ask who the fuck this guy thought he was talking to, but he seemed to slink away almost immediately.
Once you raised your head, you understood why.
“Rough timing, friend. You just missed him,” you respond swiftly, adjusting your gaze higher to meet the stranger’s eyes but finding the distinct gleam of a t-visor instead. Of course.
Your shoulders do something funny, not quite tensing up but rather rolling back as your posture shifted. The lone figure was taller than you by a couple inches from what you could tell, seemingly armored in beskar from head to toe. Well, that was what you assumed, given that anything below his chestplate was obscured by your little firewater-filled enclosure.
“But…,” you continue melodically, drawing out the word while simultaneously leaning in his direction until your elbows brushed the tabletop, “He’ll be back soon. You can hang tight ‘till then, if you want.”
Okay, that was a lie, and a pretty big one as well, considering that your boss had left on business two cycles ago and wouldn’t return for three more. It’s just that something was telling you not to let this one walk away so easily. To see the crowd consume him once again and be devoid of alluring conversation for the rest of the night was an unbearable consequence to dwell on.
He wasn’t the first Mandalorian you had the fortune of seeing in person. Their kind was few, practically archaic, and prone to isolation, but Taris was a hub for anyone interested in mercenary work. It was along the Hydian Way as well, previously passing through what scholars referred to as the Mandalorian Road.
You motioned for him to sit with a quick nod of your head and watched the stranger, this Mandalorian, exhibit an apprehensive indication before settling down on the stool directly in front of you. His helmet, though decisively tinted, left room for some expressiveness. Even though you couldn’t perceive any facial articulation, his body language spoke for itself.
Somebody further down the line flagged you down for a drink, and so you shifted into mixology mode, grabbing bottles off the wall. The man’s presence was certainly assertive. It was also strangely serene, as the two of you sank into a comfortable silence over the next twenty minutes.
His stoicism was kind of intriguing you, though. That whole crowd wasn’t really known for their talkative nature. Still, you were growing more intent on picking his brain. A lull in drink orders prompted you to retrieve two short glasses and plunk them down between the two of you.
“Are you sure I can’t get you something to drink?”
“Thank you, but I’m fine,” he said, and you could sense he was looking at you. If you didn’t know better, you would say he was meeting your eyes.
“Is it uh, because of the…?,” you brought a finger up to trace the outline of your own jaw in an allusion to the helmet which remained on; this was according to religious protocol, you had heard.
“Mostly, yes.”
You nodded slowly, pouring a shot in each glass anyways.
“Guess I’ll pick up your slack,” you respond curtly, proceeding to throw back both of them.
You could’ve sworn you heard a low hint of laughter from under his breath.
“I just now realized that you never told me your name.”
The roar of the late night crowd had all but died out, leaving wide open space at a nearby table. You had happily hurdled the bar as you’ve done a thousand times before, tossing a rag to KO-6D as you went. Hours had passed, and you suspected the moons to set soon enough. If he realized something was suspect, he hadn’t let on, instead choosing to trade stories for a while.
“Most people just end up calling me Mando,” he answered. He seemed relieved to see the labor droid power down fully, and reclined a little further back in his chair.
Your acquaintance, now Mando, had taken the seat opposite you once again. You drew your knees close to your chest, forever unable to sit in a chair correctly.
“Alright, short for Mandalorian. That’s what you are, but not who you are though, y’know?”
“Should I cut you off?” The tone was playful, and you matched his sarcasm with an airy giggle that trailed off with the surety that he was staring at you again.
Silence hung like a star in the sky for 10 palpable seconds before you blurted out,
“I might’ve uh...underestimated Jigo’s penchant to turn an errand into a business trip. I’m sorry if I wasted your time.”
Now you were stressing a little bit. Was he gonna be pissed? Even worse, would he leave?
Unable to cope with the uncertainty, you get up to go hop onto the bar, perched with your legs dangling off the edge in a sort of retreat.
“Yeah, I gathered that about an hour ago,” Mando said, mostly unfazed. He tilted his head inquisitively, as if he wanted you to finish a thought.
“Did I waste your time, though?” The second you say it, you want to groan at how stupid it sounds.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be, trust me.”
There was a pronounced softness to that statement, and it brought heat rising to the surface of your cheeks. You were looking very hard at the floor, but you heard a distant shifting from his chair as he went to stand before you, leaving just enough room so that you could get down if you wanted to, but you were close enough to see your own reflection in the helmet.
The courage to look back at him accrued slowly but surely, and you reached for his gloved hand first, as a test.
He allowed you to take it, but did little else.
“I don’t usually…” he trailed off a bit shakily, a surprising display of shyness from someone who spoke with such conviction. You noticed at this proximity that his shoulders, pauldrons or no, were broad as hell. You nodded faintly, finding an explanation needless. Your thumb ghosted over the material covering his palm, and you attempted to tug him closer by the arm.
“C’mere,” is what you could muster, and it worked well enough judging by the way he shifted to settle his arms at your waist. You were drawn in from the get go, but steeled yourself enough to reach for the surface of his chest plating first, letting your hands skim the expanse before landing tentatively on his shoulders.
Effects of the firewater still burned faintly within your chest, swirling around in a vortex of confusion and anticipation and more strikingly, want.
Paying attention to where the beskar plating met twiny, thick fabric, you grasped tighter as if to soothe the tension from his neck. Body heat was radiating from the juncture between his neck and shoulder and you felt the strongest urge to bury your face into it.
Just when you expected it the least, he hooked both of his hands underneath your knees, pulling you closer with ease until he was properly stood between your legs.
You had a bit of a height advantage, situated on the chilly slab of synrock. Thankfully, you’d cleared it off earlier, but broken glass wouldn’t have stopped either of you.
You were caught in a light gasp, suddenly at a much closer proximity. Both of his hands settled steadily on your clothed outer thighs. Clearly, you would be thrilled to be rid of every layer, to feel how rough his palms were from the strain of combat as they dug into your bare skin. It was increasingly apparent, though, that this type of intimacy was already pushing his boundaries. Try as he might to inhibit it, you could detect a tremor in his breaths that you couldn’t resist trying to soothe.
You leaned back briefly in order to shrug the patched bomber jacket off of your shoulders and land on the floor, neglected. All that remained was your black sleeveless top, which was already beginning to ride up on your torso, prompting goosebumps to form.
You were mindful of the blaster at his hip, as well as the blades sheathed along his thigh, but knew better than to think they posed a danger. Nobody had a bounty out on you, surely. Your boss took good care of his charges, provided protection. If you were being tracked, Jigo would be the first to know.
Slowly, you wind your arms around the Mandalorian’s neck until your forehead meets the front of his helmet with a gentle thud. Eyes lidded, you spent a moment just like that, imagining what exactly the galaxy was playing at by bringing this masked bounty hunter to your cantina.
You felt his hands hover at your waist for a beat before one came to grip your inner thigh, and you decided then that this slow burn was no good for your nerves.
“Does a girl have to beg for it?” You ask at a half-whisper, fingers skimming the contours of the helmet.
It seemed like this one was full of surprises. In an instant, he was lifting you and making short work of your pants, which you suspect ended up on the floor as well. Left feeling significantly underdressed and equally aroused, you could do nothing but hold on tight as the hand that wasn’t holding you steady brushed your inner thighs, inching ever closer to where you needed it most.
It didn’t even bother you that his gloves remained on, and you arched into his palm, muttering obscenities while he palmed you over your underclothes.
“Only if you want to,” he retorted, more than a little breathless himself. You made an instinctive reach for the sizable tent below his belt, feeling a jolt of satisfaction when he dropped his head onto your shoulder with a low groan.
You sure as hell didn’t see it happen, but Mando yanked the glove off his right hand and proceeded to continue teasing you.
Whimpering in realization, you understood that he wanted to feel for himself whether you were soaked through your panties.
The answer was yes.
Every part of you was screaming for him, eager to come apart under his hands as he busied himself parting the fabric to give you even better friction. One finger slipped in easily, and two had you keening within his grasp. He was enveloping you, and you felt yourself going mad with it, especially when you inhaled to draw in his scent.
It became apparent that this wasn’t his first rodeo, so to speak. He was crooking his fingers so precisely, kneading the heel of his wrist into your most sensitive area, avoiding any direct contact that would make you flinch or shy away. Within minutes, you were nearing your climax at breakneck speed.
“Go ahead,” he urged, voice alight with the anticipation of witnessing your peak. His hips had been canting against you with his own need, seemingly not of his own accord, and the prospect of getting him over the edge as well made a whimper bubble to the surface of your chest while you spasmed fiercely on his fingers.
All the Imperial troops in the galaxy couldn’t stop you from dropping to your knees after that. One moment, you were mouthing his clothed length, and the next, he was gripping the edge of the table and moaning words of encouragement, even as he came.
It boggled your mind to think that a brief, frankly juvenile sexual encounter could feel meaningful, dare you say...intimate? Living on the lawless side of the systems had its perks, but trustworthy confidants were in short supply; and people that you’d allow in your bed, even shorter.
The two of you spent a good while catching your breath. You threw the bounty hunter a hand towel, exchanging quips like you’d known each other for years. That fondness, the heart-wrenching ease with which he ran his fingers through your hair- that was worth something.
When you parted ways, you were leaning gingerly against the doorway, having had the pleasure of flustering your Mandalorian all over again after standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss to the beskar where his cheek would be.
As you watched him take his leave under the heavy shadow of Taris’ moons, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being sentenced to a great deal of waiting. For what, you didn’t yet understand.
There were worse things than that.
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badlydrawnlupingang · 5 years
Currently at the same time I’m trying to write:
The Moneta fic
The OT5 fic which was supposed to be one short scene but suddenly it’s getting an actual plot???
The jigoe/jilup (whatever this ship is called. Maybe it should be jeeloop) which is probably the second part of my previous fic
The Lupin in Poland fic which already has 3 chapters and I have no idea when I’ll write more (maybe never)
The English translations of Moneta and Polish fics
my master thesis
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