#jigsaw rants
jigsaw173 · 2 years
Watched Rescue Squad Mater again for fun but I had ideas, so here we go. And so I’m gonna rant for a bit about fire trucks in the Cars world and technicalities and how I think they would work. Basically my headcanons.
1. Mater (and the other trucks, when you look at them) seem to have a lot of hand-operated tools, storage, dials and such.
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I wonder why they need them. They can’t use them themselves, but logically, others like forklifts can. (#1 reason why my fire trucks ocs always have forklifts)
For example, here’s Sparky and Dottie hooking Mayday up to a fire hydrant. Sparky pulls out the hose, hooks it up to Mayday’s inlet. Dottie hooks up the other side to a hydrant.
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Mayday would not have been able to do that by himself, yet that’s an essential task.
But why do they need the hoses anyways, when the firefighters are the trucks themselves? When ran through the truck, it can provide helpful boosts to the water pressure. And, even though they have their own tanks, fire trucks only have a limited amount of water if not hooked up. They can also give hoses to ground forces.
But the gauges? These gauges and dials manually control pumps, display info. Etc. for the Fire Equipment Operator to man the pumps of the firetruck with. The FEO is the backbone of the truck. You could say, the sidekic-
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Anyways- but the fire trucks in the Cars world are alive. It’s not like they’re a base in which you just use to store tools and a pump anymore, they’re your Captains or Lieutenants, doing their own thing. So it’s not like they need them. Unless they’re knocked out or something. Or maybe it’s manual control? But, like I said, the firetruck already works it. It’s judgement over the hose should take priority, if you think about it.
Thankfully, this is the Cars world, and it seems like this question isn’t as hard to answer, as the gagues and everything on the trucks seem to be just a few. So maybe, the gauges are only for reference for when the forklifts plug the hoses into the trucks.
And it all makes sense too, with how fire engines are used IRL. Fire trucks are actually very multipurpose, most capable of storing tools, pumping water, and, of course, the hoses.
2. The ladders.
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The ladders have always bothered me. They’re all pretty skinny, for a world full of vehicles. Also, how are they supposed to climb it when they all have tires??? They can’t grab the rungs, so why are they there??? And with the way Mater uses the ladder, it shouldn’t even be a ladder. (And normally, there should be someone on the ladder to help the victims (cough cough forklift cough))
Thus, towers.
I’ve always liked the idea of towers/platforms more abundant than just ladders in the Cars universe. Towers/platforms are these specialized fire trucks with a bucket on top of a ladder or arm. Way safer than the raw ladder, if that’s how they do aerial rescues in WOC. I think this would fit the most.
Towers(top) would be good, but it’s still just a ladder one would need to climb attatched to a bucket. Plus, it’s not like they can use the ladder, so it’s more obsolete in WOC. Platforms(bottom) however, can be raised and lowered much more freely, with more capabilities.
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I wonder if there would be specialized buckets/ladders, based on bigger vehicles like semis. You don’t expect a semi to be in a skyscraper, but hey, it could happen. Maybe there are specialized units specifically for that situation. I’ll talk about this more in the next point.
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How are the ambulances supposed to fit paramedics? What about larger cars? How do big semis get medical help? Here’s what I think.
First: Non-transporting EMS vehicles. In the HFD, we have these trucks called RRVs (Rapid Response Vehicle). Although they can respond to fires as auxiliary, the main thing the firefighters use them for is responding to medicals, normally to hold it down until EMS arrives. Sometimes, the firetruck itself goes if not an RRV, as the RRV crew can be the same as an engine crew.
In the Cars world, they might as well be transports for paramedics like forklifts, while the ambulance is only hospital transport. They can stabilize the situation before the ambulance arrives. Usually, ambulances aren’t needed unless something major happens anyways.
What you’re looking at are mass casualty units, used to transport medical equipment and personell to scenes where current resources aren’t enough to handle the amount of people.
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How I see it is this: If WOC doesn’t have available hospitals or can’t accommodate larger/heavier vehicles, they could bring the hospital to them. Like a mass casualty unit, there may as well be specialized trucks carrying all the medical equipment and personell needed to save, say, a single semi or an airplane. This would allow them to do it on site (if it’s safe).
But what happens if the damage is major?
They’re vehicles. They seem to be able to take a lot and shrug it off, as seen when Dusty crashed twice and seemed fine despite his injuries and never going to the hospital. If Dusty can get put back together by Maru in the middle of nowhere, they can sure as hell save these big bois with some equipment.
And that’s all I have for now. Thanks for listening.
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schrodingersjigsaw · 10 months
Sometimes I think we’ve hit a point in society where people in fandom spaces understand character complexity and how trauma can affect a character’s actions. And then I see Danganronpa fandom spaces
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lesbianwithchainsaws · 7 months
In the community movie, they should mention that Abed's saw analysis is now at least 4 hours long because of the new movies in the franchise. Like Troy should just casually mention how he spent a whole afternoon just listening to Abed talk about saw
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simpofmanymen · 29 days
Missed this
Nah bc. missed Tumblr so goddamn much.
Back though. and I bring you my saw franchise hyper fixation I've had for like 2 months
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Saw is so fun to hyper fixate on bc I swear if you love knowing everything about ur fixation Saw will make you go brrrrr I've watched it for so long now over and over they're just romcoms now ( ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) Gordon and Adam losing it but they're being baby girls I don't care. And I honestly think id survive these later Saw traps man, just fucking listen to the voice! what are you doing! bro said "Don't help her" aight, I'm out, bai. At that point you should know to do that with how many people have gotten out recently, just fucking do what he asks. and when I mean later I mean like Hoffman era, maybe Gordon, But mainly Hoffman, not even just bc I simp for Costas but genuinely, Mark tells you the rules straight up and gives you instructions JUST LISTEN AND DO IT. Sure will be getting hurt but DUH IT'S JIGSAW, that's his whole thing "( – ⌓ – ) Lemme know if you'd survive, and be honest, Live or die?
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riggedtraps · 1 month
❪ if i speak...will i be shot? eleanor bonneville x amanda young ❫
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orphancookie69 · 11 months
Saw Cinematic Universe: In Order!
So, my last post got you all excited for proper justice and revenge. Yes, join the club we have jackets. They are Billy approved. So now you are wondering, what is the proper timeline? See below.
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I would get my hands on what you could before delving into this:
Jigsaw (2017) (1/2 the film)
Saw (2004)
Saw X (2023)
Saw II (2005)
Saw III (2006)
Saw IV (2007)
Saw V (2008)
Saw VI (2009)
Saw 3D (2010)
Jigsaw (2017) (1/2 the film)
Spiral (2021)
If I had to ask myself, if I had the chance to see it in proper order-would I have preferred that? There is something about watching them in release order and then watching them again in proper order. Its a great double experience. Let me know which order you prefer!
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jupitersflytrap · 5 months
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i found some poetry in the names of an eyeshadow palette.
out of the blue,
now you see it.
love, an infinite glow.
for one shining moment, you know
the unreal depths
of the universe.
“what’s the secret?” you ask,
“where’s the big reveal?”
that it’s all just a trick of the light,
smoke and mirrors,
mind games,
nothing more.
“upon reflection,”
you decide,
“it was only pretend,”
and your
dreams and fantasies
perform a
disappearing act
before your eyes.
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shortbreadly · 6 months
which is your favourite saw film ? (mine is iii)
i’m taking that as an opportunity to rank them and go into detail
saw 2004 obviously. only film with adam (conscious adam anyway) only film with a decent amount of lawrence screen time since he’s in 3D for like five minutes. it’s the first one i ever watched obviously, and also i beat my friend playing snooker while we were watching it so good times
saw vi. INSANELY close with my third ranking but this gets the edge because it not only has a good trap plot but we also see hoffman get his face ripped open. and of course the ‘right now you’re feeling helpless' scene which is just amazing
saw v, like i said very close to saw vi. it’s got hoffman and strahm, like what else am i going to want from a saw film. also the glass coffin and the water cube are two of my favourite traps ever
then saw iii. amanda makes me so sad man and that film has made me cry (so have the majority of them for some reason). VERY good traps (the angel trap will always be a favourite of mine), and plus it's the only film with lynn
saw X, very good film. i loved the john and amanda bits and the idea of everyone just abandoning hoffman while the go to mexico is very amusing to me, i just wasn't that into the trap victims
saw ii. i know it sounds low on the list but honestly i love all of these films almost equally so that doesn't mean much. that being said, as much as i hate eric matthews as a person he was a fucking great character in the film and daniel as well was great (it's a crime i've never drawn him). also the plot twist at then end is brilliant, like i remember sitting with my mouth wide open when i first watched it
saw iv. first major roles for hoffman, strahm and perez so of course i love it for that reason. it's just that to this day i still find it confusing to follow, other than that it's great
saw 3D. yes i know it's not great and i hate bobby dagen with a burning passion, but credit where credit is due i did love lawrence's appearance and twist as well as hoffman acting like a rabid animal. the ending is very bittersweet for me and i choose to believe he lived somehow
i haven't watched spiral because i can't get hold of it, however i still believe it would probably be above the next one
i fucking hate jigsaw. i hate logan, i hate that none of the original characters bar john were in it (because if john was realistically at least amanda could've been), and also it makes no fucking sense. also why doesn't the cop guy have a skull when the lasers cut him open???
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sumbier0 · 3 months
I came up with a crackship some time ago and a few days ago I thought more about it and besides being a bit hilarious this has such a juicy Potential actually. In both game and movie versions of afton.
Because said crackship is William afton and John Kramer
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[imagine one of the purple sprites from the games is there too]
Theres so much these 2 could challenge in eachother. Maybe I havent even thought of everything but here's a few things I thought of :]
1. Kramer's firm belief he doesn't murder people. While Afton MIGHT think he's doing something good overall - atleast in games since in the movie I think it's more about control, atleast in the current moment, though that motif ties with immortality anyways, control over life- either way I don't think he would DENY being a murderer and could try to make Kramer see himself for what he really is.
2. The whole immortality thing would stand in a way in opposite to Kramer. Because can you really cherish something when it lasts forever? Will you instead rot forever in stagnancy no matter unlimited time you have? Afton meanwhile could argue that this allows you to cherish life forever. He experienced grief[well game one did. Probably] and knows value of life so when immortal he can cherish that for eternity [and have more control to just make everything even better]. And the biggest internal conflict coming from this is the fact immortality [even if how it is in fnaf isn't... The nicest let's say] could save Kramer from his illness. Will he fully betray his morals and fully show his hypocrisy or prevail? Can Kramer show him he doesn't need inmortality to cherish life? Is what Afton achieved as immortality even a life? They could have debates on this for hours
3.This thing works more with game afton, atleast in current moment. But Kramer's whole thing is about people changing and appreciating life after drastic circumstances, learning their lessons. Afton could bring in his own experiences [specifically ones post him becoming springtrap] and how they didn't change him and Kramer could argue they did but... Would he? Because those changes definetely wouldnt be in the way he wants.
4. Kramer pointing out how Afton failed his family and Afton shooting back that what if he did? Kramer also failed his own and people he 'saved' [with movie Afton this could even hurt him a bit even if he wont admit it]
5. Additonally their stance on children. Jigsaw DOES put children in traps but VERY rarely and im pretty sure his intention is for them to not be harmed[mentally they're scarred either way☺️] . Meanwhile Afton only really targets children.
I'm also sure you could mesh and twist these concepts even more to find even more fun things
Okay some other things now:
Both have big egos and are a bit of jokesters [atleast movie afton definetely is]
Complicated contraptions. Again especially movie Afton fits here Shreddy Faz Chair is very saw trap looking. They can bond over that
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And of course they are both villains but yet so different they can oppose eachother as I said :] this is basically a mental Kramer torture mostly
In a way they both have some theme with control with Kramer it mostly comes in form of his games and vouerism, while Afton wants control over life and in movie over his victims too. Actually that fits in a way with Kramer too with how he takes some victims in as apprentices, though Kramer views that rather as giving them a second chance and saving them. Also imagine if Afton in security breach actually had followers/cult it would be all even more swaggers [gif I love this theory it pains me it wasnt true <//4].I just think both would find eachother fascinating in some way. I think in Kramer's case it's passive/only subconcious not fully realized control, while in Afton's it's very active, realized, an important need of his.
I CAN make this man better(well in a way Kramer views that] and make him align with my ideals I SWEAR vs I want him to realize what he really is and that's one of few people on similar level to me. It also wouldn't be Afton without some want for control. Again wanting the other to get his ideals.
Ideals propaganda on both sides
Also this made me think of movie Vanessa and Amanda interacting OUFFF The people they were closest to hurt them so bad :[ They need a cathartic crying session
[see this is one of the reasons I like this crackship a bit better with movie Afton-]
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Ekhem anyways the two if they fully agreed on everything would be too fucking powerful.
In conclusion: Please please hear me out this has so much Potential please. Weird old man love and mental torture. Maybe some physical too
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seven-thewanderer · 9 months
Oop said I'd make this post & forgot XDD
But kinda relating to the Sun and Moon Show:
I got this idea while I was making my own Bloodmoon twin designs for fun (i'll share it later, but not right now), but it's about Ruin
I know we all believe/know(?) Ruin's probably faking being nice, but I wanted to be silly & try and prove he could be being sincere (I think that's what im doing)
But imagine: What if Ruin actually knows the others don't fully trust them? Thus he's trying to prove himself!! He didn't want to make his own body to sneak something in it, he wanted to show he was capable!! And also since I believe he said another reason along the lines of 'being worried that someone may try and sneak something into his new body' which valid honestly
But imagine Ruin's not trying to make himself seem suspicious, he's trying to prove himself to be trustworthy and is just happening to make himself seem more suspicious instead
But yeah, imagine he just overheard them talking about not trusting him while he was being a shark (or while he was being an eagle, one of those two), and the others forgot/didn't know he was near, and began talking about him, and he overheard & felt bad!!
But yeah im very silly & don't want my beans (Ruin Eclipse & Forkface) to get plottwisted to evil, so I will probably be imagining this true for Ruin as long as I can
(of course if this gets proven wrong then I'll stop holding onto this probably, but also if he does end up being good, and they don't add any extra info like this, all of this will be fueled immensely. It will probably get put out tho XD)
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moonpie-15 · 3 months
Omg these Found Heaven on Tour vids and photos are amazing
also are we gonna talk about Jigsaw??? I love this man
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cecilia better get the shit kicked out of her in the next film or I'm gonna scream
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femslashspuffy · 7 months
The thing with Amanda is that she does fucking kill it in saw and saw 2 but saw 3 is soo boring and now I kinda just hate any time they flash back even to John I think we need to see less of John I want new apprentices with more convoluted backstories and I want to forget the bad one from jigsaw
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detective-seong · 2 years
Why hasn't anyone pointed out that Tobin Bell (most known for playing John Kramer/Jigsaw) also voiced this dude from The Road to El Dorado 😭
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hidingoutbackstage · 2 years
More movies should have scenes lit prominently by primary colors of light methinks
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randomsawheadcanons · 2 years
Random Saw Headcanon #248
If Mark Hoffman had a kid he would probably be a pretty good albeit slightly overprotective father
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