#jihadism isn't a good thing
lordadmiralfarsight · 7 months
So, this is something I've been sitting on for a good while. Mainly because I got too heated each time to write a post about it.
On the 7th of February 2024, France organized a memorial service for the Franco-Israeli killed in the 7/10 attack. That was a good thing but, like many people in France, I personnally felt that it was a bit late. Still, better a memorial service than nothing at all. A nice touch was inviting the famillies of hostages and putting them front and center. That was positive, in my opinion, and a good show of solidarity.
So, you might be wondering what about this has me heated. Two words : Far left. or, in three words : La France Insoumise. LFI is a far left party that has a worrying amount of weight in France, right now. They have some of the common hallmarks : revolution fetishism, radicalist talking points, repeated attempts to delegitimize the election system (like Mélenchon claiming the 2022 presidential election was "stolen" when he ranked 3rd), etc... Recently they have also refused to condemn Hamas' attack. While they didn't openly support it like some fring trotskyist parties, they refused to condemn it, and at least one of their PMs went to Tunisia to basically parrot Islamist talking points blaming Israel for everything. They have overwhelmingly expressed support for "Palestinian liberation", because saying they support Hamas wouldn't be good press, so they skirt around it. But everyone gets the message, really. So, what did they do for that memorial service ? Well first off they participated against the wishes of the famillies of the victims and hostages. That's bad, but it gets worse. Because of course. See, their main representative in Parliament, Mathilde Panot, felt the need to also put front and center Palestinian victims. Now, I do believe Palestinian victims of this war should be remembered, and honored (provided they weren't terrorists). But ... is the memorial fro the 7/10 victims really the place ? No, no it fucking isn't. And that's what has me heated : this was a memorial for Jewish victims, and they were looking to appropriate it. And it gets even worse ! Because you see, Miss Panot had the perfect exemple : two Franco-Palestinian kids from her constituency that had died in Gaza. Why is that worse ? Because of why the kids were there. They were there because their mother fled to Gaza, from ISIS, after embezzeling money meant for Syrian refugees. Let me rephrase : the mother created a charity to support the victims of the Syrian civil war and of ISIS attacks, then made off with the money to deliver it entirely to ISIS. Then had kids with her ISIS assigned jihadi husband. And when ISIS collapsed, she sought refuge with Hamas. And because of that, her kids were in harm's way when Hamas launched a pogrom. And LFI thought that THIS was the correct exemple to bring to that memorial service. Is it tragic the kids died ? Yes. But maybe, just maybe, putting their terrorism enabling mother up as an exemple of martyred mother, during a memorial for the victims of an antisemitic pogrom perpetrated by said terrorism enabler's allies is a profoundly shitty thing to do. And that, among other things, is why most of France considers LFI to be antisemitic.
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myserioussideblog · 9 months
it gives me a good laugh when i see a pro-palestine post which likens hamas to idk some freedom fighters or something.
because then i'll go to their profile, and see that little emoji.
that multicoloured rectangle.
the fucking pride flag.
YOU support....? HAMAS? REALLY.
You just TRY walking in with your pride flag badge and your neopronouns or whatever is the latest fad in the scene. You could be there to provide aid. You could have been their fiercest fighter. You could have fucking paid every fucking penny out of your pocket to help them.
YOU, my dear, will be tortured and killed. Because that's Islam. And that's Hamas.
Your little posts on Instagram and Tumblr and X are going to do jackshit if you're supporting those whose main goal is to commit global jihad and result in a global caliphate, kill all those who do not follow their religion, and, of course... the LGBTQ+ people. YOU.
I'm not saying Israel is perfect (gay marriages abroad are recognised, but gay marriages cannot be conducted on Israeli soil, which is understandable, it is a Jewish country) but it has a strict policy against discrimination against LGBTQ+ people.
Logic, common sense and sanity suggest steering clear of being murdered for who they are.
When have the "wokes" ever had any of those things?
But the fact that these are the same people who have just begun to realise that a hijab isn't a choice doesn't give me much hope that this will go through their thick heads. Where is the outrage over CPL Noa Marciano?? She was MURDERED by a religion that not only justifies but rewards it.
What is happening to civilians on both sides is monstrous, but the focus should be on eradicating the parasite that is Hamas (and all other jihadi groups) from the face of the earth.
It is borderline pathetic that you are so terrified of offending someone that you will support them, even if they spit on and rape and murder you because of something you didn't choose.
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wyrmwhispers · 3 months
On the idea of “is Paul lying about this being the best path” my interpretation is no, he's not. At the very least not purposefully lying, although it may not be the actual truth. And by that i mean that there's no future where all the Harkonnens die miserable painful deaths and then yippee the Fremen rule Arrakis and Paul is there living happily ever after with Chani, that he sees. but what i do think is true is that the path Paul chooses is the one that allows him to meet all his goals which, in relative order of priority I'll say are:
revenge on the harkonnens
keep the people he loves alive (jessica, chani, alia)
free the fremen from harkonnen control (maybe, if it's convenient or if he has time)
and the really shitty thing about this list is that number three is extremely convenient and helpful for number one but not in a good way and number one is really non-negotiable for him. Like from his perspective he needs revenge against the Harkonnens, that's why he joins the fedaykin because fighting against the Harkonnens like that feels like revenge. But the idea of taking it all the way to the top and getting revenge not just against the Harkonnens but also the emperor for killing his family and the entire imperium for standing by and doing nothing is too tempting for him to ignore. And he caveat on the second point is that the people he loves being happy isn't necessary just that they're alive. (*cough cough* Chani in the movies *cough cough*)
So i think that the future Paul picks, the narrow way through is the one that satisfies all those best and you'll notice that “do right by the oppressed indigenous people” and “don't murder 62 billion people” aren't really on there. not because he doesn't care about those but… he doesn't really in comparison to the aforementioned goals. Post-water of life, he sees "the best path through" where he gets everything he wants and sees the jihad as an acceptable price and reasons it as "inevitable" whether or not it actually was.
all of this means that yeah, to him there very well may only be one way and yeah the one that he chooses is the best one from his perspective even if you've read the books you'll know that he kind of fails at point number two in trying to protect both Chani and Alia.
Lastly, in the later books Leto II talks about the Golden Path and that its the only way to save humanity and blah blah blah. Frank Herbert pretends like he mentioned it in Dune and Dune Messiah but he didn't. Although I do believe he had some ideas about it in Messiah but it wasn't fully formed until Children of Dune. How I always interpreted that in retrospect is that Paul saw the Golden Path but wasn't willing to make the sacrifices necessary (becoming a sentient sandworm god, living for four thousand years, etc. which... fair) and tried to half walk the Golden Path without ever fully committing to it and fucks it up and leaves it to Leto II. All of which to say, the Golden Path isn't a thing in the original book so the "narrow way through" is not the Golden Path because Frank Herbert hadn't made it up yet and its not what I'm talking about.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 3 months
re: your last post -- I think Dune is like. it's a tragedy because it was always going to end this way but it didn't necessarily have to come to that end in the way that it did. but it did. and maybe it *would* have anyway. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Yeah yeah yeah I reblogged that post specifically for the uncertainty bit because like. Was it always gonna end this way? We don't know. Yes the characters are trapped by circumstances set in motion thousands of years before they were born, but they also make choices within those circumstances and if they'd made a different choice here or there maybe things would have been different.
I've talked other places about the idea of Dune as a double-edged tragedy, one that Paul is both victim and cause of. I think in the book in particular, it's very easy to take Paul's subjective feeling that he has no choice, that the jihad is coming no matter what he does, and accept that as the objective truth. I think there are some things in the book that reinforce this, particularly the fact that the war just kind of starts without his direct input at the end of the book. And I think people who have read further in the book series tend to look at some of the stuff that comes up later with Leto II and the Golden Path and project that backwards onto Dune and say well Paul really didn't have a choice after all because in 5,000 years you'll see this was the only way to save humanity. But the idea of the Golden Path isn't present in Dune and it's not clear Frank Herbert had even thought of it at that point.
The Villeneuve movies do a lot to emphasize Paul's agency and the idea that it was his conscious choices that led us to where we are at the end of the movie--including the final choice, which is to actively declare war with "lead them to paradise." And I think the possibility that it didn't have to turn out this way is like...intrinsic to that half of the tragedy. That's the half of the tragedy that Paul causes, by choosing to use these people that he was supposed to be in solidarity with to secure his own personal power. For that tragedy to hit, you kind of have to believe that it didn't have to be this way, that another outcome could have been possible.
Like, what would have happened if Paul had gone to the south with everyone else but not drunk the Water of Life and not gone all Lisan al-Gaib at the war council? Who knows! We only see the set of choices that get made. Because part of Paul's motivation is revenge for the murder of his family, he summons the Emperor to Arrakis to hash out his personal beef. Because the Emperor shows up, the Harkonnens alert the other Great Houses who send warships to Arrakis. Because the Great Houses refuse to accept Paul as Emperor and their armies are right fuckin there, Paul has "no choice" but to strike first and start the war he was trying to avoid.
If Paul hadn't been in charge and the Fremen had decided on their own that now was the time to unite and attack Arrakeen and overthrow the Harkonnens, would things have been different? If they won, they would still find themselves in the same geopolitical trap, where they have what every imperialist power wants and now that they have thrown off their current colonial masters all the other Great Houses are eyeing Arrakis like free real estate. Is it possible to navigate this situation without a ""friendly"" imperialist power on your side? This is like, the eternal postcolonial question, and how it could get answered in this fictional universe is only limited by one's political imagination.
So there's that. But at the same time the movies are really good at evoking this sense of doom in that...sometimes you are trapped by historical events so over-determined that there is no way out; you just have to figure out how to survive them. (Which, shall we say, feels relevant!) Sometimes you are a teenager who didn't sign up for any of this shit and you just happen to be living at this massive historical inflection point where literal millennia of Fuck Around turns into Find Out and the entire order of the Known Universe collapses and realigns, and the movies do a good job of capturing just how much that can fucking suck. And they do it in this way that's not excusing or justifying the awful things Paul ends up doing but still has compassion about the shit situation he's in. Something something men make history but not in circumstances of their own choosing and sometimes the circumstances are just gonna Get You. That's the tragedy that Paul is a victim of.
I am super super curious to see how this is all gonna play out in Dune Messiah. Because for a lot of the beginning of Messiah, Paul is very "woe is me there is simply nothing I can do about this galaxy-destroying war that I have unleashed, due to the power of my own myth it is out of my control." And reading the book, the whole time I was like is it though. Is it really Paul?? Those warships don't refuel themselves. Someone is giving the orders. Someone is writing the checks. And especially with Denis saying that Messiah will be about Paul trying to "save his soul," I cannot wait to see how these ideas play out.
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sabrgirl · 3 months
muslims stop judging others challenge
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imagine you're in an olympics race. on your marks, get set, go. but while you're in your lane, you're looking at all the other runners. that one is running funny. why is that one wearing two different coloured socks? that person's hair is flying in their face, how are they even going to see? with all this judgement towards everyone else, do you think you're going to win the race? while everyone else is focused on reaching the end, you're focused on them. yes, you might cross the finish line eventually but
you lost
you finished last
did you even qualify?
it's crazy that this judgement happens so much in this ummah specifically. some non-muslims end up hating on islam because of how muslims treat other people online. and in real life too. and some muslims have left islam because of the way other muslims treated them when they were doing wrong.
we're all humans taking the same test. we just have different trials. do you know what really is the cause of this judgement? your nafs. the ego.
the ego is fuelled by fear and projects its own insecurities and fears onto the world to try and bring itself up. it makes you think that you're superior to other people because, by doing so, it makes you feel 'confident' inside.
for eg, you may wear hijab and see someone else who doesn't. you start judging or gossiping or leaving rude and hateful comments, or even just a comment that you think is going to help her because your ego is saying 'wow, i'm such a good/better muslim than her because i wear the hijab'. but... what about when you see someone who seems like a better muslim than you? do you now all of a sudden feel... insecure? jealous? do you start hating on them or desperately try to find faults in them? do you feel less? if you do this, and you need to be honest with yourself if you do, this your ego/nafs you're listening to.
this isn't true confidence. if you do this, you likely have poor self worth that needs to be worked on and an ego to eradicate. luckily, islam is fundamentally based on the jihad against your inner self/nafs/ego - whatever you want to call it - to reform your character and get closer to Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ as a result of it. but that's a topic for another day.
Allah Himself has said:
O ye who believe! Do not let some men ridicule others, they may be better than them, nor let some women ridicule other women, they may be better than them. Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers. (49:12)
i.e. you will never know the true state of someone. why? because that is for Allah to know and for Him to judge.
when you see someone doing something they shouldn't, first realise that you've been guided by Allah to even recognise that in the first place. how many times in your life did you eventually realise that you were doing something bad and you didn't even know? or maybe you knew a specific thing was bad but you didn't know the reasons why, and now you do? you could've been so deaf, dumb and blind but Allah decided to guide you. so first drop the arrogance and praise Him for guiding you enough to recognise and understand the bad deed.
after this, you have two options:
1. you make du'a for them
'O Allah, please guide them to stop doing ______ / to start doing ______ and guide me closer to You too. please forgive us both for our sins'.
if it's something you used to do: 'O Allah, please guide them better than you guided me and forgive us both for our sins'.
the end. you move on. do not doubt the power of prayer.
2. you advise them
and this is the one where it oftentimes all goes wrong. again, let me mention again what Allah has said:
'Do not defame one another, nor call each other by offensive nicknames. How evil it is to act rebelliously after having faith! And whoever does not repent, it is they who are the true wrongdoers'.
notice that Allah said 'it is they who are the true wrongdoers'. the ones who are rude, who defame, who call each other offensive names, who backbite (if they don't repent).
so then, what's a good way to advise someone? a step-by-step guide:
approach them kindly, compliment them for whatever good you can see they already do.
before you advise them, tell them that you don't mean to dishearten them or hurt their feelings but want them to become better in their deen and character for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and see them in jannah.
then proceed to tell them what you noticed is bad. relate your own experiences and struggles without exposing your own sins and tell them you understand the difficulty of reforming your character as you're a human too and have your own struggles and trials.
tell them what things helped/still help you. good deeds and ways of living. tell them how it helps you. reading the Qur'an helps you realise that Allah has bestowed so many favours for eg, and you don't want to upset Him.
share useful resources to help them on their journey. youtubers you watch, podcasts, qur'an verses.
explain to them that they should also do it for Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ's sake and should research why it's bad so that they truly have an understanding first (which will likely make them stop doing it, Insha'Allah)
respectfully acknowledge that they could actually be struggling with this sin and tell them that you understand that growth isn't an overnight journey but wanted to advise them anyway.
tell them that you'll pray for them and ask them to pray for you because you also struggle with things too.
for online/social media advising:
everything i just mentioned above but do it via DM rather than leaving a comment so that they feel less disheartened, let down and publicly shamed.
what not to do:
if you don't want to pray for them or advise them kindly, move on with your life.
do not leave rude comments
do not backbite and/or gossip
do not scold
do not have a harsh tone
we're all taking the same test. perhaps one of your tests is actually the way you treat other people when you see them doing wrong. you might think you simply left a comment because you're 'guiding other people'. but if they leave islam because of your words and treatment... well. what a thing to be held accountable for on the day of judgement, right?
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barblaz-arts · 11 months
Seen your post about Israel/Palestine which is very good to care about, but I'm not sure everyone in the world are aware how fucked up the whole situation is. People think it's either this or that, but they should support the actual people, not Israel, not Hamas.
People from both sides got hurt, but the ones who were hurting longer in short term historical perspective, are Palestineans, if we take the long term (which only maniacs and fanatics actually care about) those are of course Jews, but it's more of a religion/ideology thing than some actual suffering.
The problem of this lack of knowledge, in my opinion, is that both sides, politically are shit bcs they use people and their feelings as pawns. Hamas has their military bases near civilian objects in Gaza, and at the same time Israel doesn't give more than two fucks about the civilian population, because they state that terrorists are hiding within the population, and Israel just makes attempts to swipe it under the rug a but by allegedly telling people to evacuate. If they wanted peace they should have started this whole bullshit conflict of interests half century ago. But I really have doubts that for them, being a very much newly established country, it was a fully uninfluenced decision. It was a way for the USA and Nato to weed their way into the Middle East and be able to control the situation. They have been getting ready for war for decades, hense females in regular military service, which isn't a thing in countries that don't really wait and want for any war happening, or have a stable way to enlist their immigrants into their military. But that's another topic. I made this example only as a means to explain why it was obvious Israel was getting ready for war. You can hide the actual point under the feminism and such, but it's not about feminism if it's not your right but your responsibility to serve the country. I don't really mind of course, but the militarization of society usually shows what is it going to be in the future. Especially if such militarization isn't sporadic, but been happening gradually over the years.
Back to history, The whole thing with Israel been festering previous decades, and first UK and after that USA allowed it to fester. It was the Osman empire region first (and I don't really like those slavers on principle, because they've been torturing my country with slave trader's raids on religious principle, for couple of centuries which prompted several huge wars to stop it from happening). After the dissolution of the Osman, as far as I remember, UK swooped in and basically did the colonising of sorts, they usually did, with no respect for local population and thinking they're the ruling caste while being unable assimilate the people into their culture because a) you can't make people want what they don't understand b) any more or less peaceful assimilation is when they actually want to be with you as allies and understand why exactly.
After that they synthetically made a country for jews, which is idiotic on its own merit and on everyone's merit. Like, their thing is that you had to be jew BY BLOOD to settle in the country, which is the beginnings of ultra nationalism, that's what I'm thinking. Not that many societies aren't nationalistic, but the sheer level of it is very odd. And the forefathers of the Israel aren't some lgbt activists who shine with rainbows and shit with butterflies, they are orthodox zionists. Which means, that their religion makes them free to kill people of other, opposing religion.
But it doesn't make the Hamas, as in the organisation, in any way clean and clear. They are terrorists, and they don't enjoy anything but sharia law, or their own charter, which states basically Jihad and jew killing. That is a very dangerous thing to support, because it's a very obvious thing - in this kind of tribalistic society that spurs from lack of education and all other good things in life, people with guns and moxie will rule the people who can actually make the whole thing better by promoting cooperation. You literally cannot negotiate with people who say that they will kill you if you're this or that, killing is bad, period. There's no way out of it, and I think we all need to step back and actually look at the reasons of conflict that go way back, not just the today's situation. It may lead us to the fact that, yes, Israel could've existed peacefully if it wasn't being militaristic, but only - only if they were no political powers in surrounding countries that made their goal the cleansing of Palestine from Jews. And why the Jews even started to get there? Not because they came on their own, no, it was a fucking plan by the actual colonisers, when they were more toothy and bold with their actions.
On a side note, that's partially why Russia/Ukraine situation is drastically different, they have deep ties to each other and speak the same language, had ability to talk to each other all these decades while being torn apart and pit against each other by lies about Russian colonisation of them, and lies of how it would be better if they join the EU. All the while, Ukraine was the best in agriculture in Europe before the whole EU and fracturing from the Russian orbit shebang, and now the industry was in shambles, even before the russian invasion. The same goes for their trading fleet - the whole Ussr built Ukraine the trading fleet and most of it was left there after the dissolution. What they did, they sold it out even if they couldve used it and by the 2018 they had about 5 big ships of their own. And that's how it was with all the economy - thieving it all out and then blaming it on Moscow.
In 2018 polls there were about 20 percent of Ukrainians who said they knew official Ukrainian, and 80 who spoke Russian and the eastern dialect mix of Ukrainian and Russian. You can make your own opinion out of this, ofc. That's not the same with Israel /Palestine situation, those nations are literally alien to each other in many things.
Yes, Ukraine was the synthetic country as well, but instead of being monogenous like both Israel and Palestine, they weren't, and had a very best economy in the Ussr, which made the whole notion of "Russia was is and will be bad" take lots of time in taking root in most of the people who weren't nationalistic, all the while Ukrainians were welcomed into Russia and not discriminated against in any way. Which is totally different to what was happening between Israel and Palestine, they had no actual ties, nothing except the USA military support for Israel so it stays on top, all the economic support to Gaza being settled in the pockets of all the middle men, and that's actually it.
But please, let's not forget, that the radical islamists are actually dangerous, and it's not a reaction to the USA involvement, or the reaction to anything at all but Quran. If there's someone who reads Quran and finds some Jihad mentions, there will be blood spilled over it. The whole, it's these guys fault or those guys fault doesn't really work when it's about politics, domestic or international. For things to work, there should be no radicals in the upper echelons of power. Which is not true in Israel / Palestine war from both sides. It's a very bad situation that may cause all kinds of tensions in all the world, because people aren't being well informed about the whole history of the conflict, without this or that side pushing their narrative.
At first, my knee jerk reaction was reading it as you thinking I support Hamas in any way. Which i dont. I must reiterate i DONT. I decided to revisit this later and calm down a bit and give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that you're talking about other people, as I have myself seen say they support Hamas because history has often called rebellion groups of oppressed people terrorists and it's... Frankly terrifying to see.
Hamas specifically is a complicated situation that I have not yet dived deep enough into to talk about in detail, which is why I dont much talk much about them. I need to know more, I dont wanna talk outta my ass. But I do understand that radical Islamists are no good. I live in the Philippines. We have that too.
But the fact of the matter will always be that Hamas never mattered when it comes to what Israel is doing now and what they've been doing for decades. We must always remember this.
And while I'm on that topic, the "long term" suffering of Jews does not matter here either, because Palestinians didn't do that to them. A lot of zionists use it as an excuse and I am sick of it.
I'm not sure if you're saying one must be neutral about this. You're either hard to read, or I'm too sleep deprived and exhausted for reading comprehension. I think you are, but ai could be wrong. And I completely agree that it's the radicals in power that are to blame. In all my responses it is always the leaders I condemn most.
In any case, I'm just going to take this opportunity to say staying neutral isn't an option either because of the sheer power imbalance. Israel would be counting on the world looking away so they can erase all Palestinians. For this cycle of violence to be over on BOTH sides, Israel has to be the one to back off, as they are and always have been the ones with more power.
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goatfactsofficial · 5 months
Honestly, I consider my self "pro-israel" but still very critical about Bibis goverment, specially since fuckers like Gvir ad Smorvtich are in charge. I think that with Hamas finally gone and this fuckers either jailed for good or gone since they are actually hated by the Israeli population rn (The only reason they havent kicked them to kingdom come is because its the middle of a war) a good faith peace plan for both sides can be established with a third party of trust.
This being said, why the fuck do people root for Hamas? Ive seen this so called progressive even calling them 'resistance'. These fuckers are the main cause that palestinians are in the situation they are in. They use all the money they get from aid to try to attack israel, use their own population as shields because they dont care about them and indoctrictnated them to hate since children. Do they really want to leave them opressing Gazans like nothing happened after oct 7th? Because Ive havent seen any goverment willing to do this dirty work because, sadly, Hamas wont reliquinsh their "power" peacefully.
Honestly, in a past I considered my self pro-palestinian and pro-israel, at least publicly, but these loud minority of Hamasinks seemed to have hijacked a movement that started with good intentions. But sadly it appears that this minority is becoming the majority.
Is there anything that can be done to revert this? To alianeate these extremist from the reasonable voices?
First of all, hell of an anon to get. If you're baiting, nice job. Otherwise I'm going to assume this is a good faith ask. (Though I'm still confused as to why you asked me.) So re: why do people support Hamas. I'm assuming you're referring to the Pro-Pal Left that has reared its head since October 7th. Honestly I think it comes down to the privilege that almost everyone in the Imperial Core has: Freedom from War. These folks learned about War Crimes in highschool or whatever, never bothered to learn what they actually were and the how and why of their drafting, and now they hear about Israel bombing hospitals and they can't imagine any possible scenario where that could be justified. To these folks War is two armies marching at each other in block formations in an open field. And perhaps their only conception of Urban War is the civilian-less and consequence-free set pieces of modern warfare shooters. And it shows! I've seen people praising the Mujahideen in Gaza as brave and noble heroes for slapping the side of a Merkavah with a tandem charge RPG all while ignoring the fact that the person firing the RPG isn't wearing any sort of distinguishable uniform and are therefore committing the crime of perfidy. And it drives me insane because perfidy is such a fucking poisonous thing to do. Any action which erodes a belligerents ability to read actions in good faith is horrific, and actions like that are exactly what Hamas' strategy and tactics are based on and around. To break it down for the pissing on the poor crowd: 1: Hamas plans operation and bases soldiers in hospital 2: Israel bombs that hospital, whichever officer in charge has made the hard decision that the number of military casualties is worth the number of civilian collateral casualties, as well as damage to the hospital infrastructure. (THIS IS LEGAL AND NOT A WAR CRIME) 3: Hamas makes up death count and has their media corps play corpse jenga 4: useful idiots in the Imperial Core see that Israel bombed a hospital (no possible reason for doing that other than killing innocents!) and the 3000 years of antisemitism thats hardcoded into their brains kicks in and all the blood libel floods out. As for alienating the extremists from the moderates. I have no idea. Frankly I could care less about what Johnny Jihad or his leftist brownshirts care about Palestine or Israel or Jews or Palestinians. I give far more of a fuck in making the world a better place where I can. And that takes many forms. Including skipping out on my draft service because I didn't want to risk being a part of the apparatus that does in fact contribute to the oppression of Palestinians. What have any of these "Pro-Palestine" leftists ever done for the Palestinian cause that comes anywhere near that level of direct action?
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xclowniex · 4 months
Also you keep painting Hamas in such a gross light but never even notice how the hostages come out and talk about how they were treated fairly and yet the Palestinians being held by the IDF leave absolutely brutalized and harmed or are murdered at their hands, so which is it?
You don‘t believe in the IDF practices and yet paint Hamas as the worst of the worst even tho they keep saying that they’ll release the hostages if Palestine can just idk be fucking free and not be bombed anymore but of course mister Netanyahu refuses each deal and wants everyone wiped the fuck out so they can have their own place again? Get over yourself
Hamas is not your blorbo.
They and other jihad organizations treated the hostages like shit! So many of the released hostages have talked about all the terrible things which happened to them.
Ah yes, treated well
You do realize that Hamas breaks ceasefire all the time right? You also realize that Hamas wants all jews dead, not Israelis, jews. They want all jews worldwide dead. They want me dead because I'm Jewish and I don't even live in Israel.
Israel has given so many deals, yet Hamas has also rejected them.
I am a both sides have done bad things person. You are acting as if Hamas is perfect and has never done any wrong. Both sides doing bad things doesnt make one side 100% only good. I'm sorry but writing fanfiction about how the hostages are treated and acting as if Hamas is your fave blorbo isn't cool.
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timetobeaghost · 10 months
Think about it a little bit objectively. Palestine doesn't have an army unlike Israel. Israel created Hamas and Hamas went against them, joined palestine in the war... isn't that a way to tell you that Hamas is palestine's army ? Are you going to ignore the fact that you basically want palestine to have no army and to get bombed when already 8k people died in a week while only 1k israelis died. It's fucking insane that you are calling this thing the genocide of jews when jews could literally end the war if they wanted but no I guess they are more busy making instagram pages about the future town they will create in Ghaza after destroying it. The fact that you support the idea of Israel cutting water, food,electricity and connection from people and that you don't even acknowledge the genocide says a lot about you. This isn't about being Jewish or Muslim, this is about being a human which is aware of the full situation. This is qbout the fact that the Israël army did worse than Hamas by baking babies, writing on their bombs that they wish it will kill a lot of innocent people, making offensive and racist songs,...of this is what you stand for then what can we call you since you called us antisemitic?
If Israel puts down its weapons there is no Israel, if Hamas puts down its weapons, there is no war.
At least that was true before Oktober 7th, now it also entails Hamas giving themselves up. As they attacked Israel viciously in a way you wouldn't ask anyone else to accept. No one ever should accept.
Do you really not know that Hamas is sending bombs at Israel every single day since they started on October 7th? Every day. Also Hezbollah and Yemen joined in. Israel is under attack. They didn't start the war and they can not just stop unless they want to submit, which would be suicide.
This is qbout the fact that the Israël army did worse than Hamas by baking babies,
??? There is unfortunately a story out there of Hamas putting a baby in the oven during October 7th and raping the mother while the baby screamed and died. People claim to have seen this in the Hamas footage. I hope against hope this is somehow not true. But it is possible as they were butchering families, including little kids, as brutal as possible on purpose and as a strategy. A strategy that obviously entailed provoking Israel into war. But Israelis definitely 100% did no bake any babies or attack any directly. This does not make the slightest bit of sense. Israel is called the epitome of evil for bombing Hamas and accidentally killing civilians in the process. Another strategy of Hamas is getting as many killed as possible to blame Israel. They are not protecting the citizens of Gaza, on the very contrary. Unfortunately they also threatened civilians not to leave after Israelis bomb warning, shooting those who did not comply. Israel is trying to kill as few civilians as possible, while finishing Hamas as quickly as possible. It's pretty darn hard with Hamas terrorist tactics. Few people thought that the army will be as quick as it ended up being getting to the heart of Gaza City and the terror centers. Yes, the situation in Gaza is awful, and this is 90% the fault of Hamas (and whoever is behind them).
Do I think Palestinians should have an army? Yes, they should have a state and an army that wants to protect them not get them slaughtered for Jihad! Hence why the Palestinians were failed by every government they has since 1947, as the refused the Two-state.-solution every time. Israel agreed every time.
I do not think Palestinians should have an Islamist, jihadist Terrorgovernment. I would be quite the fucking idiot to want that, as Islamists want me (European Christian) and everyone who is not an Islamist dead! And because they are horrible to their own population. In Gaza Hamas tortures and murders people with dissenting views, as well the gays, as well as everyone they freaking want. There is NOTHING GOOD about Hamas!! I do hope there is a solution possible, if 2 states or 1 state. Definitely the Palestinians need protection from Jihadist terrorists. And they also need protection from radical Israeli settlers too!
Israelis too 100% deserve protection from terrorists. Do you think they should not be protected?
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weatherman667 · 6 months
Look for these warning signs:
He says, "I am thinking about Dune. What a good movie.": He might be thinking about Dune.
He's wearing those piercing blue contacts again: Girl, he's only got eyes for Shai-Hulud.
Your "Eat Pray Love" sign got replaced with a "Fear is the Mind-Killer" sign: It might be true, but he still should have asked.
He suddenly loves sand even though it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere: That is so unlike him.
Computers have been banned from your home: And someone called a "Mentat" keeps following him around. You thought they were friends, but he just keeps asking the guy questions he would previously have googled.
He tries to command the dog using the Voice: On the bright side, Professor Scruffles is finally housebroken.
He goes door to door asking neighbors if they've heard the good news about Muad'Dib: They haven't.
The family Bible is now orange for some reason: And he won't shut up about the Butlerian Jihad.
When Fernando Tatis Jr makes an incredible game-winning catch for the San Diego Padres he reverently whispers, "Lisan al Gaib!":He's not wrong.
Constantly invokes the Tahaddi Challenge to settle disputes: He's been arrested three times.
Sighing, he gazes thoughtfully out the window while sipping a cup of coffee: Oh dear, there's only one thing he could possibly be thinking about — the dunes of the desert planet Arrakis.
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themorguepoet · 1 year
Dq is bae huh? You watched one movie and act like you are some diehard kinda fan lmao. If SitaRamam didn't push the hindutva agenda but had a Muslim lead and Hindu princess I am sure you would be crying love jihad. You are telugu so ofc you are gonna act like its normal. Yall are the most gullible lot of the dravidian lands. I am glad that madness hasn't reached Kerala atleast. How many malayalam movies of dq have you watched even? I see none on your blog. Selective fangirling is real pathetic lmao. Also if you were gonna lie atleast make it believable. How does an Indian have pakistani teachers lol? You bringing up nfak is like how white people say "I cant be racist, I listen to black singers all the time"
Yes, dulquer salmaan is bae. You can't be more wrong, I have watched too many dq movies to count, I won't waste time listing them all here. I dont post everything I watch. Suit yourself with the assumptions.
Anon I can laugh off most of your ignorance but Sita Ramam slander is not tolerated on my blog. Tell me you didn't understand the movie without telling me you didn't understand the movie. No I wouldn't have cried love jihad if the movie with the Muslim lead and the Hindu princess followed the exact same storyline EXACT SAME. In that case I would have loved Fatima and Ali the same as I loved Sita and Ram.
I am not Telugu, funny you would assume that although I can see why. If you scroll through my blog though you will find Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, possibly one Kashmiri post and more. And none of the languages I mentioned are my mother tongues. So keep guessing.
Also, you hating on two entire states and a whole community? The blatant superiority complex and hate towards telugu people radiating in your sentence is so low. To be comfortable in your own skin and not compromise on your way of life isn't madness anon. Decolonise your mind. Kerala is a beautiful state and so is Andhra and Telangana. A lot of Telugu people live in Kerala and many Malyalis live in the telugu heartlands. Both of those linguistic families are a pride for the country so stop with your political divide. I don't even understand why you are bringing such random energy on my blog cuz I have never posted any proper political commentaries on my blog.
I can choose what to fangirl over. If I wanna obsess over dq for a month I will do it. You are probably new. My mutuals know how I post about the one same thing on a stretch for a while and then find something new and keep posting that instead. Selective fangirling isn't pathetic anon, you are.
I did not lie. I don't need to prove anything. Maybe consider that some Indians probably live in neutral countries where they interact with the rest of the world. Hence the pakistani teachers.
Fallacies bestie, all your fallacies are laughable. My point was, I appreciate all things good while taking pride in my own identity. I can post about Krishna and Dulquer salmaan in the same blog.
Your rant was very useless but I wanted to answer it anyways. There's more anons from you but i won't be answering anymore. I will just delete them.
@shut-up-rabert ye lo bhoi, maze le lo
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We don't have a Speaker's Corner here in Colorado, so we have to hold our debates wherever we can.  This Christian-Muslim debate occurred at an Marriott in Lone Tree, Colorado and involved famous (or infamous) Islamic scholar Yasir Qadhi and myself.  Apologies for the spotty audio, lots of wind and traffic noise, but I didn't shoot it.  It was shot without my knowledge by someone attending the Muslim Brotherhood affiliated Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), who posted the video on Youtube. 
The occasion was an ICNA fundraiser whose keynote speaker was Yasir Qadhi, Salafist Islamic scholar and then faculty member of Rhodes College, in Memphis, Tennessee. In order to keep the Rhodes job Qadhi had to pretend to be “moderate.”  In fact, however, he had posted Youtube videos stating that Christians and Jews were filthy and that it was legitimate to take their lives and property in jihad.  As for the fundraiser, those familiar with Islamic charity (zakat) know that one of the eight categories for receipt of Islamic charitable donations is for soldiers for Islam that do not wear the uniform of a nation, in other words terrorists. 
The comments on the ICNA posting of the debate, mostly from ICNA sympathizers feel Qadhi won the debate (one referred to mas a "lone wolf") but don't go into detail.  The only comment that went into thorough discussion of the entire debate came from Adrian Russe and says that I won the debate handily.  Here are his comments, what do you think?:
This is the best comment concerning my debate with Yasir Qadhi that was posted to the ICNA video, thanks Adran Russe:
"OK! Good on him, he stayed on track and never fell for any of your bullshit. He is right about pretending to be Moderate, there is no such thing, just as Radical doesn't exist. There are the Pious and Munafiqun (munafiq, singular, Islamic Hypocrites). 1 min 19 in he starts deflecting. He is controlling this thus putting him in Dhimmitude. At 3;30 a great "fuck off"on your part. Then he starts lying about modifying Islam, it cannot ever happen, to do so would be to admit it isn't perfect, so he's lying. At 4:30 he says "I'm an American" that's bullshit. Their allegiance is to the Ummah, NEVER the host, a passport is another weapon of the age. Islam has no nationality.
6 minutes in, they have a duty to further Islam, so, another lie. Sahih Bukhari (49:857) - "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar". 10:30 he starts talking about the cross (itas always going to happen) great move by the way. 10:45 he loves Jesus does he? The Quran agrees with the Bible about the virgin birth of Jesus (and his return), but not his resurrection. In fact, it even denies that he was crucified, which runs counter to all historical evidence. In the Islamic version, Jesus was taken to heaven andwill return to "destroy the cross" and all religions other than Islam. 12:00 heays "we are not preaching violence" another lie, they're muslims. Quran (2:216) –
"Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Not only does this verse establish that violence can be virtuous, but it also contradicts the myth that fighting is intended only in self-defense. 12:23 "food packages for abused women" MUSLIM women OR if not, Sahih Bukhari (55:558) - The Prophet said, "I give to them so as to attract their hearts to Islam."
The only example of Muhammad ever providing charity to non-Muslims was when it served the purpose of expanding personal power, either to buy conversions or loyalty. 12:40 Syrian refugess = Muslims, Any Christians coming out of Syria were missing by the time they reached international water because they wouldn't pray, and their children were kept to manipulate EU authorities. Those Syrian refugees who made it here do not need any charity from the U.S, there are enough arse lickers here to help them.
13:25 the last resort, Label Words. He knows Richard knows. Label words are another tactic to subdue. He has made up his mind and he is not falling for their deceit called Tawriya = Intentionally creating a false impression by saying something that is technically true, when knowing that the listener will interpret it in a different way. THAT was brilliant and God bless him for not falling for their deceptions. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Know whose enemy you are, and why."
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Islamist leader Yasir Qadhi debates me at fundraiser for ICNA
Love to be called “brilliant.”  But if nothing else my presence on the sidewalk in front of the Marriott with a sign that read “ICNA:  Terrorist Front,” clearly disrupted the event including having the keynote speaker feeling he had to confront me.
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bradysbigblog · 5 months
I don't think Dune needed to be funnier.
The books really aren't funny, nor are any of the situations the cast gets into. Because Dune is about (a lot of stuff) really negative feelings (anxiety, hatred, fear, disgust) and working through them. For good or ill. There really isn't anything to be funny for or about during most parts of the narrative.
It's a fundamentally nialistic about people's goals. Dune tries to talk about what it considers "true humans". This is a weird concept for most because it espouses a world view in which there is no God, No Faith that isnt putty in its leaders hands to do with how they please, and that Good and bad people are just as likely as one another to live through everything you throw at them because Karma isn't real.
Frank had HARSH criticisms about all religion. Fremen are an amalgam of Jews and Muslims that just shows them as being as easily trained and molded into their leaders desires as our Christian protag. The missionaria protectiva provides pleanty of cynical commentary about Christian Evangelicalism and Muslim subjugation of primitive peoples. When we finally do meet the Jews they are so focused on the past it's like they never left the desserts of Cannan!
Warning that people and societies tend to give all control and decision making capacity to a charismatic leader, is a primacy in the themes of Dune as a whole.
Like Herbert wanted people to be changed by Dune and at the time, I think too many heartwarming "everything gets better, everyone will love you, we're all in this together" motifs just laid the way for an author who doesn't play in that field to make an amazing splash in the public for the refreshing change of pace.
Frank knew that that's horseshit. Things vary in their "good" or "bad" -ness by viewer, by location, and by time. Just because Paul lead the Fremen out of the desert and into the stars doesn't make it a good deed.
Those same Fremen go on to decimate the galaxy in Jihad. Killing billions and making life a living hell for almost all of humanity in the entire galaxy.
There's nothing to be funny about because there's nothing funny about Dune. It's so focused on asking real questions about real things that happen that it can't spare a moment to do so, less you get distracted or confused.
Dune isn't a comedy.
Cry for these players on our all too short stage for they know not what they do.
Just like life.
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terrifickid · 8 months
I think pets are fundamentally wrong
You bred them with each other for generations, making this weird imbred mutant creature that can't possibly survive on its own, neuter it, then keep it locked up and feed it gruel - demand complete subordinance and punish it for going to the bathroom.
Sounds like ya'll .
And you love your pet! Just like a member of the family. Except when it's inconvenient or too expensive - then they're dropped off anywhere or at a kill prison.
That's great. Oh and free Palestine.
I think this is a big deal since, thus far and what likely drove me insane was being subordinate to you murderous, obstinate, grotesque cowards.
Having fought out of your hell as a schizophrenic for 40 years, losing my will to live and regaining it leaves me with an interesting taken on the human condition.
I think I'll have to live as a political dissident. It's not a choice to live or die, it's what my relationships will be until I'm dead.
Cause I wanted to get all that schooling.
Now that I see as an insane person, bitch I don't have a future, I guess this changes the algebra on what I can and can not accept.
And I think Blockchain is the ultimate egalitarian arena or at least Bitcoin.
I am not a murderous, grotesque, obstinate coward though this is levied upon me on a daily basis. "Who!?" - motherfucker don't speak to me.
I don't know if being a pacifist precludes me from SSI. But maybe it won't. If I were a misogynist that would be a different story but I am not.
So I think I'm going to double down on being as bad as I want to be. Or at least I'm thinking about it thinking about it.
I dunno, tact can be super useful but tact has become the new state religion and isn't this the very thing that's instigating this so called 7th gen warfare and also the arena predators use to kill?
I think I have passed the point of no return. Or intend to cross it. I don't want to go back. My greatest fear was that it was my fault, that I was being an asshole. I guess I kind of was but not because I was an asshole, just that I was severely mentally disabled at birth and well nobody 'had the heart' oh poor you. I could have been aborted, I could have received the medical care I required, I could of been put in foster care but no, I was just kept in the car, like a dog and trained to speak and sit and be a good boy to cover for everyone so they could destroy the environment with their fancy cars and their hairspray and their addiction to their familial rape fantasy romance.
But thanks to the intrepid women of this era, fuck this. And I think this is my great opportunity to openly wage jihad - since, yes, to my astonishment you shit stains dared to say something. Kudos kudos kudos.
If you had ever dared to train at the dojo I'd graduate you.
But instead it's still 100% fuck me, because it's easy and who has the time or inclination to recognize that you're not the ultimate polysci guru the moment you realized there was anything beyond drugs now that you're 'on the road', or that your political party affiliation is just the carefully constructed pimp game you still crave - perpetrated by your now truly living nightmares, festering merchant molechian golem corporations, which you irrevocably committed all rights and privileges grantable- primarily the flesh of your children - which is cut, processed and sold back to you in the form of violence and violent accessories.
Because I am not a misogynist definitely and because I'm schizophrenic, NOT because I huffed paint or just jazzed out to much, and NOT an asshole. Than I guess I 100% fuck you back.
And isn't that the real meaning of Kobayashi Maru solution space in the end?
Dad killed himself - why? Because he feared the retribution and as a doctor he had sworn an oath. An oath we could never share.
To conclude,
Buy your dog a nice shirt or a wallet or something this Christmas, giving is a beautiful thing.
Kirk, like Picard got told. Told by a little boy. Who was creative and not really boldly made emotional contact with people immediately around him. He being actually thoughtful rather than brash was upset and instead of turning to alcohol got high in this weird Indian seance.
I think you know the rest.
Well, some set jerk was mean to him or something I guess and he quit the show and played d&d with his funny friends.
Kirk too, intrepidly leaving the nexus, followed suit and went on to make a difference again being a paid spokesperson in advanced 'name your own price' technology.
As for Picard, last I heard he was saving the universe, again, from some clthuthonic tentacle AI? While Starfleet got back to war with the Klingons using mushroom teleporters cause they're evil now... Something about a vegetarian space beetle.
Morally murky I grant.
The power is yours!!!!!
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tsaomengde · 3 years
As the release of DUNE looms, I find myself thinking deep thoughts about the story again. When people who haven't read it ask me about it, I usually say something along the lines of, "It's an extremely important work in the sci-fi genre, on the level of Lord of the Rings for fantasy, amazing worldbuilding, but it's very dry and the author was a white man in the sixties." Well, it occurs to me that "white man in the sixties" can mean a lot of things, so let's talk more about what it means for Dune!
I see two common criticisms leveled at Dune. The charge of biological essentialism, and the charge of it being a white savior narrative. It is not a white savior narrative, and I'll explain why below. The charge of biological essentialism is accurate, and I'll go into that more as well.
Without getting too spoiler-heavy, the plot of Dune is that Paul Atreides, heir to Duke Leto Atreides, moves to the planet Arrakis when the Emperor awards the planet to House Atreides in fief complete. Basically, the universe in Dune is space feudalism, and House Atreides is one of many noble houses engaged in feudal government. When Paul shows up, the local, oppressed populace, the Fremen, think he's a foretold, prophesied "chosen one," here to lead them out of bondage. Then House Atreides gets betrayed and mostly destroyed, Paul goes into hiding with the locals, and eventually uses them to overthrow his enemies and take back the planet, as well as leveraging the planet's strategic importance and his control of it to place himself on the Emperor's throne.
So, on the surface, definitely white savior stuff. But even a slightly deeper reading, an analysis designed to actually interrogate the text and not just generate a pithy headline to garner outraged clicks, will tell us that this isn't accurate. For one, Paul is a chosen one, but he's not the Fremen's. He is the product of a millennia-long scheme by a shadowy cabal of mystics called the Bene Gesserit to breed a superhuman. We'll get into this more in the biological essentialism bit, but the Bene Gesserit have infiltrated all walks of life throughout the future. They have a branch called the Missionaria Protectiva, which sends operatives to primitive worlds in the guise of religious prophets and has them plant broadly-worded, easily exploitable prophecies and beliefs in local populations. Then, later, if another Bene Gesserit operative shows up and needs, say, an army of religious fanatics, they say the right words and present someone who fits the broad criteria and boom, you have a chosen one.
This is exactly what happens in the book. Paul's mother Jessica is a Bene Gesserit member, and when they go into hiding, she exploits the fact that a Manipulator of Religions has been on Arrakis to maneuver Paul into position as the Fremen's chosen one. Paul himself is trying to resist embracing the mantle, because he knows that if he leans fully into it the Fremen will go on a wild crusade across the universe and burn everything down in his name. At the end of the novel, he realizes that the jihad is inevitable, that there was no way at all to stop it - even if he had killed himself, he would have become a holy martyr. A certain Fremen character, dying out in the desert, hallucinates his father, who tells him, "No more terrible disaster could befall your people than for them to fall into the hands of a Hero." This is Herbert telling us on the page, in a scene that matters very little to the overall plot, that Paul's very presence on this planet, his status as the Fremen savior, is a terrible tragedy. We are supposed to sympathize with Paul because all of his enemies are categorically worse than he is, but this is not a book about Good People Doing Good Things. Paul is an oppressor, a feudal duke, a tyrant. His story is a *warning.*
Now, where the book gets very sticky: the biological essentialism. I'll quote the OED here: "The belief that ‘human nature’, an individual's personality, or some specific quality (such as intelligence, creativity, homosexuality, masculinity, femininity, or a male propensity to aggression) is an innate and natural ‘essence’ (rather than a product of circumstances, upbringing, and culture)."
In Dune, men and women are biologically distinct on a fundamental, universal level. The aforementioned Bene Gesserit are an order of women. Using the spice (which must flow), they can look backward in their body's genetic memory along matrilineal lines, becoming essentially gestalt consciousnesses of thousands of people. One of their order's chief goals is to create the Kwisatz Haderach, a man who can look back in his body's memory in the same way, but can do so along both male and female lines. There is a scene in the book where Paul explains it - to summarize, in everyone there is a place that takes and a place that gives. Women can look into the giving place, but are terrified of the taking place. Paul, once he has reached apotheosis as the Kwisastz Haderach, can look into both places.
There's a lot of other hoo-hah about men and women having different dispositions - Duke Leto at one point asks Jessica how she can so easily set aside her concerns and distractions, and she says "It's a female thing." When Jessica becomes a Reverend Mother, looking back into her body's memory, she's pregnant with her daughter Alia. Alia also becomes a Reverend Mother in the same instant, before she's even born, and it's made explicit that if she had been a male embryo (because she is less than two months gestated at this point!) she would have died.
This is what people are talking about when they say that an author's world view shapes their work. Herbert was writing in the sixties. Biological sex and gender were not understood to be separate concepts. The Nazis had destroyed the vast majority of all scholarly research into transgender people, since most of it had been done at a university in Germany. Homosexuality was still illegal (reflected in the book's main antagonist, Baron Harkonnen, who is a homosexual pedophile, and in 'effeminacy' being a damning trait in male characters in the book). I'm not saying these things to excuse the fact that he wasn't progressive in his views. I'm saying this because his views and understanding of the world around him literally shape the laws of his universe. In Herbert's mind, men and women were fundamentally distinct, and so in the universe of Dune, they are.
I'm interested in seeing how the film addresses these issues - whether it chooses to just kind of ignore them and hope we don't notice, or if it's going to try to update these archaic notions for modern sensibilities. Dune is a seminal piece of worldbuilding - Herbert's realization of this universe, its eddies and flows of power, the way the entire society is structured around the consumption of spice, the understanding he demonstrated of the feudal system in his translation of it to a far-flung future, and indeed, I maintain, Herbert's multi-layered criticism of the white savior trope - it's all undermined by the fact that the structure of the world itself reflects unfortunate, backward, biological essentialist thinking that we as modern people can no longer engage in.
Anyway that was a very long ramble. If you actually read all this, you're a beautiful, patient soul. :v
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ginazmemeoir · 3 years
hey look at this stupid ass take
i will admit with the first line. Each community has good and bad people, and pedestalizing or making them a permanent victim is a human folly.
however the rest is absolute bullshit. does she even pay attention to *actually* what is happening?
Nobody is saying anything against Hinduism, and i'm saying that as a hindu. what we're saying is against hindutva.
just the same way people talk about nazism, not christianity
zionism, not jews
the taliban, not islam
See the thing is, religious politics is not something new in India - it has been practiced for a looong time. Modern day religious politics are derived from the British, who first introduced it to us. Painting the Hindus as "godless heathens" and Muslims as "wanderers", the Britishers accomplished their first mission successfully by pitting the largest religious communities against each other. Next, following the 1857 Rebellion, they started a massive Islamophobic campaign, deliberately destroying India's secular fabric.
Now onto what this user was ranting about. The only threat, the only damage to my religion - is by these politicians and so called "saviours of the sanatan dharma".
first off, to appeal to the conservative mind since y'all are stuck in the 50s - do you think a religion that has lasted for 5000 years needs protection? and do you think that you, a wimp fed on hatred, is the person to do that?
secondly, your religion isn't the one being seen as "supremacist" or "evil". it's a movement started by your leaders that's being compared to nazism. Hindutva =/ Hinduism. The biggest damage, the biggest threat to hinduism, is from the hindutva movement and it's perpetrators and people who spread these fake propagandas - basically the BJP-RSS and their allies. They have transformed hinduism into something rotten, dark and twisted. they are brainwashing people day by day, and are easily getting away with it. just the same way people condemn Nazism, Hitler, and conservative christians who use their religion as a prop to justify genocide and social evils, in the very same way, we condemn Hindutva, Modi, and orthodox hindus who use their religion as a prop to justify genocide and social evils.
thirdly, nobody is denying the fact that hinduphobia exists, nor are we denying the fact that yes, through some points in the history, the religion did face some persecution. however, suggesting that this happens/happened at a large scale and thus will "wipe off hinduism" is propaganda. suggesting that muslims practice "love jihad" to "devour the hindu population" is islamophobic propaganda. suggesting hindus suffer from "inter-generational trauma due to what was faced by them" (i actually saw a white person write this in a screenshot) is again, brainwashed propaganda.
so in fact, no.
we don't have a problem with hinduism, we have a problem with people like you, user who wrote that stupid soggy paragraph. we have a problem with the hindutva movement. we have a problem with those motherfuckers you worship like Modi, Amit Shah, Yogi etc. who justify Islamophobia and incite hateful propaganda.
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