#jill anderson
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bestmothertournament · 2 months
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devinwashakie41 · 3 months
Inside Out 2 (2024) Jill Andersen Render
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coraline-mel-jones · 5 months
Smile Virus Symptoms
Bloody nose Headaches Violent outbursts Insatiable hunger itching coughing Uncontrollable Laughter having a big smile clawing/scratching at things vomiting shivering
Smelling something rotten
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goldenshephard · 2 years
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This is so cute
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devinwashakie576 · 28 days
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jillsandwhichs · 1 month
Got called zionist / genocide supporter pretty recently because I enjoy the video game series, The Last of Us. So enjoy this rant!
If you like a video game series, such as The Last of Us and you enjoy the story, gameplay, characters, locations, enemies, atmosphere, horror, action & etc, then that is great! You are allowed to enjoy whatever it is you like! But I've been seeing people claim you're a zionist/genocide supporter if you like them because Neil Drunkman said some untasteful things as to what inspired him to create the games.
Listen closely, and I mean listen, NO 👏🏻 ONE 👏🏻 PLAYS 👏🏻 TLOU 👏🏻 FOR 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 REASONINGS 👏🏻 NEIL 👏🏻 STATED 👏🏻.
Throwing out accusations that someone is a zionist/supports genocide is absolutely disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves if you believe that. People this days... 🤦🏻‍♀️
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sillyunknownkitkat · 6 months
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Ugh, I love women
(This shitty collage is made by me, btw)
There are some of my favorites missing, but the canvas was a bit too small :( (like my COD women, for example...)
Have a good day/night, and be safe, everyone ❤️
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fir3flytv · 4 months
wake up
think about hot women
think about hot women
dream about hot women
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lelelenaxx · 5 months
Hmmmmm which lesbian do I want today? Part 2
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
i get the vibe that if dark!ellie or any dark tlou/resident evil lesbos calls you, they will expect you to come over and there is no option or an action choice to refuse
because they're magnets
they are... they are just so insistent and impatient if you even think about not going and then 'forgetting' to go they are gonna come over and then you really have no choice anymore, not even free will. you messed up oh, and they will help you understand that you did mess up, they will all do their favorite thing to you.
ellie will be pulling her favorite knife out, pushing the tip against your throat, and jawline, and dragging it across it. oh, she just loves leaving her name engraved on your skin, that little heart either at the end of her name or on the 'i' of her name.
abby is not one to use any kind of weapon, she will be taking advantage of the little stupid brain of your thinking she is not really clear on how strong she is and pushes you around, knocking you onto the ground and teasing you, kicking you around then play with you like nothing happened.
jill has her own little thing of either a letter opener or her gun, but the gun is never loaded, just there to tease you until you spit out why you think you could get away from her. you shouldn't be avoiding her, you know that she doesn't like to be away from you too long.
ada likes to tie you up, first, it's just your wrist and dragging you around like a dog, degrading you for being this stupid and not listening to her commands of you getting to her place. then she ties you up to a chair, sickly interrogating you about how you might think it was a good idea to go against her.
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Propaganda Below Cut
Jill Anderson (Mother of Riley) - Loving mother always supportive of her daughter and her daughter's hobbies.
Jenny Franklin/Anya Petrova (Mother of Becca) - supportive of her daughter whilst trying to keep her daughter away from her life as a spy.
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devinwashakie41 · 7 months
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coraline-mel-jones · 5 months
The Smile Virus comes in the form of of rainbow liquid and when someone touches it they start acting different.
They start acting Unstable, Violent, Insane, out of control ect.
The infected can also be unpredictable at times if not most of the time.
They have heightened senses such as hearing, sight and smell which can make it hard for survivors to sneak so they'd have to distract the infected as best as they can…
If caught by the infected the survivor would be ripped apart and eaten and sometimes before the survivor escapes they get bitten by the infected.
When someone is first infected they get headaches, nosebleeds, Insatiable hunger, Violent outbursts and even grabbing a sharp blade and using it on themselves.
Because a humans mouth isn't designed to smile from ear to ear the infected grab a sharp object and use it to create a big smile and they even laugh while doing it.
When they get really hungry they eat meat and they eat human meat…sometimes they eat themselves when they can't get ahold of any meat.
The most disturbing thing about the smile virus is that it causes the infected to start clawing at things…even their own skin and they laugh while doing so
Here's how to avoid becoming a " Smiler "
Stay inside Wear protection at all timed Careful not to make much noise incase it attracts the infected to your location Have a weapon on you at all times Cut into food before eating And DON'T TOUCH THE RAINBOW LIQUID
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auspiciouscat · 6 months
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Favorite type of woman in media tbh
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devinwashakie576 · 28 days
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