the-shadow-master · 4 years
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•°• 𝓝𝓪𝓱, 𝓼𝓱𝓮 𝓭𝓲𝓭𝓷'𝓽. ♡
Inspiration: a model Danielle Victoria, and a vlogger Blake Steven. 💝
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Jily One Shots - Cinderella? (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/yJDk1zY0T9
~COMPLETED~ Even though these are one-shots, they're in order so it's a bit like a story. It starts at the beginning of the seventh year where James has matured and Lily notices. Publishing when I can Somehow was ranked first in Jily for a bit, who knows how The cover/fanart was done by Upthehillart, I don't know them or anything, found this on the internet but I would like to give them credit and it's an amazing artwork! J.K Rowling owns all the characters and settings.
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the-shadow-master · 4 years
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                           TWO PARTS OF THE SAME SOUL
A very Jily fanfiction
"Padfoot, this is honestly such a terrible idea," James said, with a slight hint of a smile of affection towards his best friend.
"Oh, you noticed?" Remus impatiently asked, rolling his eyes. "I should be working on my Transfiguration homework instead of doing... Well, this."
"I should be working on my anything instead of doing this," James sighed, feeling exhausted and too sleepy to even exist. The only positive thing about Padfoot's idea that James could see at this moment, was the following: Lily Evans on the other side of the room, the most beautiful girl James has ever seen, with her hair tied up in a messy bun, and almond-shaped, bright green eyes that narrowed due to concentration and strong determination. The left corner of her lips twisted into a smile, and James felt his heart skipping a beat. She is so beautiful, he thought desperately. How am I even supposed to focus, when she's standing right there, bewitching me, enchanting me, making me fall in love with her, over and over again?
"For the sake of Merlin's shiny and gorgeous beard, Marauders, stop being such party breakers, that is not what you are made for! This is fun! Come on, look at me again!" Sirius snapped, then pulled out his own wand. He thought about hugging Remus, James, and Peter, he remembered their laugh. Sirius thought about the enthralling, gawky smile of his younger brother. Then he smiled, and exclaimed: Expecto Patronum!
There it was: playful, enormous, magnificent, shiny - a dog. Everyone in the room stopped doing what they were doing, in order to see his Patronus running across the Common Room. Sirius felt as if he was going to cry, he was so touched. I might still possess emotions, regardless of what my mother says, he thought, feeling a lump in his throat.
"He is beautiful, Padfoot," Remus said, with a gentle, calming touch in his voice. And oh boy, how much Sirius needed to hear these exact words! 
"Bloody show-off, that's what you are," James muttered to himself.
Sirius smiled even brighter. "Thank you, Moony. And shut up Prongs! Let's see yours now. Let's see everyone's! If I can do it, so can all of you! I promise."
That was easier said than done. They were all trying so hard. A whole bunch of them spent several hours after midnight, right there in warm and cozy Common Room, in an effort to make Sirius proud of them. Just a group of fifteen-year-olds, attempting to produce magic far beyond their ability. Sirius always had ideas that couldn't come true easily.
James looked around the Common Room. Marlene McKinnon was staring daggers into Sirius, far too angry to cast any Charm, let alone to produce a Patronus, while Mary Macdonald's face became tomato red. Alice Fortescue and Frank Longbottom stopped pretending they were participating an hour ago, and they just sat in one armchair, holding hands and talking casually. Peter and Remus were cheering for each other, but James suddenly forgot what he was even doing.
Lily Evans turned around, like she managed to feel his eyes on her. "What's the matter, Potter?” she arched an eyebrow. “Too afraid to try?"
"No.", James replied sharply. She raised both of her eyebrows, and James blushed. "Are you?"
"Of course not," Lily answered, suddenly looking angry. She is so beautiful when she was angry, James thought. And when she is happy. And sad. And sleepy...
"Why don't you do it, then?" James asked, with a smile on his face. Lily frowned. And she is also beautiful when she is frowning, James added.
"Very well, then," Lily finally said. "But I'm warning you - I think I got the hang of this."
"Consider me warned," James winked, and she sighed conciliatory. Then she bit her lip, trying to focus. James felt his heart skipping a beat yet again. He couldn't help it. She wasn't just beautiful, she was also funny, and kind, and smart. She was amazing! And James? He was absolutely in love with her. He was in love with her from the moment he figured out what being in love means. Maybe even longer - he just wasn't aware of that fact before.
Lily seemed as if she wasn't there with all of them. And in her mind, she wasn't. A very pleasant memory came across her mind and managed to surprise her. Remembering it, Lily felt as if she was flying, far, far away. The thing that crossed her mind happened during the summer. It was an extremely warm, sunny day, and she inexplicably ran into James Potter himself. She was shocked, and all she wanted to do is to run away, but what he was doing was so odd that she couldn't help but come closer. He was on his knees, holding a handful of hazelnuts. As she was approaching, she noticed that they are the same color as his eyes. She swallowed hard and painfully because her tongue proved to be useless. She felt mesmerized. James Potter has incredible eyes, she suddenly thought. Who knew?
Before she ran away as far as possible from there, she gathered all her courage and cleared her throat. "Hello, Potter. What are you doing?"
The effect was momentary. James winced, and then he pointed dazed look straight into her. He seemed overwhelmed with shock. Lily glanced at him, struggling with feelings she didn't even know she was capable of feeling, let alone capable of recognizing them. Really amazing eyes, indeed, she thought.
"Evans!" he shouted. "Wow! I mean... It's so good to see y... How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you.", Lily kindly said. "And you?"
"Nice. Good. Yeah.", James seemed as confused as Lily felt. For several moments, the silence was awkward, and they just stood there, looking at each other as if they were seeing each other for the first time in their lives.
"I didn't mean to frighten you," Lily said.
"Frighten? Me? No. I'm not frightened," he replied. His voice was thin and squeaky. It was so awkward.
"You didn't tell me what you were doing," Lily finally said.
"Oh!" James shouted once more. "Well, Evans, I'm trying to lure a squirrel."
"Why?" Lily demanded to know. Really, why? Of all the things James Potter could possibly be doing... Like, what the heck?
"Have you ever touched a squirrel?" James answered her question with a question.
"Well... No," Lily gave him a puzzled reply. "What's that got to do with anything?"
"That's why you're asking. Squirrels are amazing! They are so cute and tiny and..." he suddenly stopped talking. She was looking at him with a smile, and she was sure that's what confused him. But she couldn't help it. It was her first time seeing him so excited over small things, and he was too adorable! She didn't even know he could ever be like that. All she ever knew about him was that he was a spoiled brat and an extremely arrogant and selfish young man. But, as it turned out, James Potter was also capable of being adorable and cute. Adorable cutie with amazing eyes, Lily thought. Who knew?
"Anyways..." James shyly said. "This little fella who is hiding in the bushes came straight into my palm in order to take some hazelnuts. Then he scared himself away, or I scared him off, I have no idea. I'm trying to make him come back."
"Oh," Lily said. James Potter and a squirrel. And exactly when she thought this day couldn't become any more weirder. "That's actually... Kind of adorable."
"You think?" he said absently: "Am I adorable, or the squirrel?"
"Both of you," she heard herself saying before she could stop the words to come out of her mouth.
"Really?" James seemed shocked. So was she. Lily couldn't believe she had said that! She felt extreme heat in her cheeks, filled with shame. She really managed to make a fool of herself! But then, James added: "People were calling me all sorts of names, but never have they called me adorable. I feel flattered, Lily, thank you."
Lily smiled. "Well... You're welcome."
"Do you want to try?", James asked suddenly.
"What? To feed the squirrel?" Lily nervously asked. "Why would I want to try?"
"Because it's fun. Wait a minute... Are you afraid of squirrels?", James seemed astonished.
"No!" Lily exclaimed, too little too fast. "I just... I don't know. I've never been close to one."
"They say there's a first time for everything," James winked at her.
"Who says that?", Lily derisively replied.
"I have no idea. But come here."
James lay down on his stomach, and Lily caught herself doing the exact same thing as he was doing. His shoulder was touching hers. She turned her face towards him. His face was so close, and she moved her sight across it, absorbing every detail: his hazelnut eyes, lips that seemed to be very soft, his messy hair... He looked at her as if he could peek right into her soul. She couldn't even describe to herself how he made her feel. But she had to admit one thing: James Potter was really handsome.
He blinked, just like he was waking up from some kind of trans, and then he gently took her hand, placed one hazelnut onto her palm, withdrew her hand forward, and whispered: "Try not to move. Be very, very still."
It seemed like they were waiting for hours, but it was very pleasant waiting in silence with James Potter. It was surprisingly pleasant just being here with him, and quiet. Then, their patience paid off. Little squirrel carefully came to them. The little one was really careful and worried, but in the end, it jumped onto her palm, grabbed the hazelnut, and then run away, back into the bushes. Lily was stunned. Her eyes were wide open, and she suddenly realized she was biting her lip. What she didn't realize, was that James Potter didn't even take a look at the squirrel. He looked straight into her, completely hypnotized.
"That...Was... Amazing!" Lily exclaimed, and rolled herself onto her back. She was laughing so much. "It's too adorable to even exist!"
"Told you so," James shrugged. "Hey, Evans?"
"Yes?", she replied cautiously. Now what?
James reached out for his backpack and opened it. "I picked up this one for my mother. Surprisingly, she absolutely adores lilies. I wanted to give this to her, but... Here, I want you to have it."
He took out a lily flower out of his backpack and gave it to her. She instinctively took it, too surprised to even think about it. The flower was so beautiful. It was big, red and with a white rim.
"It's beautiful. Thank you," Lily said.
"My mother always says all lilies are beautiful.", James replied, then cautiously added. "And I agree."
Lily smirked. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
They both giggled.
And that's what came onto Lily's mind when she pointed her wand in an imaginary spot and  said with strong determination: Expecto Patronum!
Her lips separated in surprise when a graceful and beautiful doe jumped from the top of her wand and started galloping across the Common Room. Lily was extremely touched and looked at her Patronus with a lot of gentle affection. Everyone gathered to look at it. Even Alice and Frank stopped doing what they were doing in order to admire Lily's Patronus. She smiled proudly. And then, out of the blue, James said, looking agitated: "You think that was awesome? I can do it as well."
"Then do it," Lily impatiently replied, feeling annoyed because he interrupted her. "Don't just stand there talking about it."
"I will do it, Evans," James said. He stood there beside her, frowned at her, and then decided to focus. James gathered every atom of his strength and determination. He let his mind wander, and the same memory came to him. He held onto the same event as Lily, only he remembered it differently. He caught himself thinking about her green eyes, looking into him as if they are capable of seeing his very soul. He remembered her laugh, gentle touch of her shoulder, and the way her hair spread across the grass when she rolled herself onto her back. He remembered her gaze, as she reached to take a lily flower from him, while rays of sunshine gently caressed her face. All he could remember is her. And he smiled. Expecto Patronum!
And there it was. Shiny and enormous, looking strong, wild and proud – a deer!
The whole Common Room went silent. It seemed like no one even breathed or blinked. A doe... And a deer.
Lily and James looked at each other, and a deer caught up with a doe way above all of them. At that moment, no one existed in this world, no one but the two of them. They both seemed shocked more than ever. But there was something else they finally realized. There was something more.
"James," she mumbled, confused, at the same time when he whispered: "Lily."
"Oh, wow.", Sirius suddenly said. "This became awkward."
"Shut it, Black," Marlene suddenly said: "This is adorable!"
"Adorable, for sure," Sirius confirmed. "And still awkward. But you all have one thing to admit."
“Now what?" Remus asked, staring into two Patronuses with a smirk on his face.
"I. AM. A. BLOODY. GENIUS!" Sirius enthusiastically exclaimed.
Lily and James didn't hear a thing. They were ignorant of their surroundings. The only thing they were doing was staring into each other's eyes, too fascinated to look away. And the world was silent and empty. Nothing was really present, besides one thing. In Lily's mind, the only existing and real thing in this world was James Potter. And in his mind... The only existing and real thing in this world was Lily Evans.
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the-shadow-master · 4 years
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•° James Potter x Lily Evans • 𝓞𝓷𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓲𝓼 𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝓫𝔂 𝓽𝔀𝓸,.𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓯𝓸𝓾𝓷𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾. °• 💝
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