#jimmy henton
ao3statistics · 16 days
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This is self-made. Date: 05.09.2024
Alan Scott was the first Green Lantern before Hal Jordan btw.
OMC = Original Male Character
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the name "Alan Scott.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Now, I still don’t know if you got your life together and that’s what gave you the confidence to come out, or if coming out meant it made all the other little things weighing you down just that much easier to handle. All I knew was I wanted that feeling. I needed something I hadn’t known was missing.
Alan Scott’s full story in DC Pride (2021) #1, the first official canon exploration of his life as a gay man in the 1940s.
(Sam Johns, Klaus Janson)
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gaysideblog · 3 years
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Alan Scott (Green Lantern) & Jimmy Henton in DC Pride (2021)
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malisvaart · 3 years
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Four times a week - Alan Scott x Jimmy Henton (fanart © malisvaart) “That year I rode the train four times a week. The engine room was dark and cramped, but it was my favorite place to see him.” - Alan Scott, DC Pride
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i-r-readcomics · 3 years
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All-American Comics
Volume: 1 #16
The Origin of Green Lantern
Writers: Bill Finger
Pencils: Martin Nodell
Inks: Martin Nodell
Covers: Sheldon Moldoff
Featuring: Green Lantern (Alan Scott), Jimmy Henton, Albert Dekker
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comicposter · 3 years
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lgbtincomics · 4 years
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Come back. Promise me. Promise me.
Alan Scott/Green Lantern & Jimmy in Injustice: Year Zero #13
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jsayyyye · 3 years
From a comic history standpoint I'm glad they didn't make up a new random man to be Alan's love interest but chose to use the man he's shown mourning in his first appearance
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rainingmusic · 6 years
Jimmy Cliff - I Can See Clearly Now
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slaapkat · 3 years
Do you ship alan scott with anyone?
kinda!!! prior to this year’s pride special and the gl 80th special, i “shipped” alan with his friend jimmy henton, who had consistently been included in his backstory of the devastating train accident which left alan the only survivor and often had jimmy giving the lantern alan himself as part of his last dying act.
with these two specials however, this is now canon! so it’s more a fact now than anything.
otherwise I don’t really actively ship him with anyone? i like to think of jimmy as his one and only love and the trauma of the train accident led him to never try again, tho the pride special again confirmed the headcanon that alan visited gay bars now and then (but could never bring himself to actually reach out to anyone). i like to think alan at most has a long-standing and one-sided wildly embarrassing crush on ted grant (wildcat) but that’s about it. additionally @ufonaut and i kinda jokingly ship him with flashpoint batman (aka tommy) but that’s more one of those classic crack ships than anything serious since we also like make him president superman’s (aka el presidente) murder boyfriend lmao
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dccomicrants · 3 years
Green Lantern/Sentinel Part 1
Content Warnings: DC's questionable portrayal of mental illnesses, Internalized Homophobia
Summary: A very brief history of Alan Ladd Wellington Scott
Comic Issues Involved: Injustice Year Zero, JSA 1999-2006, JSA: Classified 2005-2008, Justice Society of America 2007-2011, DC Pride issue 1, Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular 2020, Manhunter 2004-2009
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Let's Talk About Alan Scott. Basic background- He's the very first Green Lantern, a founding member of the All-Star Squadron; see also Justice Society of America. He's originally from Gotham City and he's often cited as the inspiration for the rest of the JSA donning costumes.
Alan Scott uses the Starheart which is powered by the mysterious green flame. He found the material and forged it into a lantern and a ring after a horrific train accident killed his lover Jimmy and he became the Green Lantern. His green flame isn't effective against wood.
He's been married twice unless we add Injustice and we can increase that number to 3. His first wife was Rose Canton, a woman who was also known as Thorn and she was one of his original recurring villains.
Rose is the mother of Jennie-Lynn Hayden and Todd Rice. Rose faked her death before Alan even knew she was pregnant and gave up Jennie-Lynn and Todd for adoption out of fear that Thorn would hurt the twins. Jennie-Lynn became a hero known as Jade and Todd became a hero known as Obsidian. Todd also happens to be openly gay and happily dating Damon Matthews.
Alan's second wife is Molly Mayne also known as Harlequin. Both Todd and Jennie-Lynn seem to like Molly for the most part, but Alan's marriage to Molly still comes with its fair share of secrets.
Both of Alan's wives were enemies of Alan's (Again- Gotham Heroes What The Heck. That's 2 of them now).
In injustice, Alan is married to Jimmy Henton- the same Jimmy that died on New Earth but we're going to ignore this for right now.
Alan is understandably estranged from both of his kids seeing as how he didn't know they existed until Todd investigated himself but that's not important presently, and both Jennie-Lynn and Todd deserve their own analyses. What's more important is historically Alan has been closer with Jennie-Lynn than he has been with Todd.
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The few times people have tried to kill Alan that almost stuck involved literally removing his heart, which has been depicted as the same shade of Green that his Green Flame and Lantern are.
He is also completely composed of the Green Flame by this point, his appearance dictated by his willpower alone. And he's been shown to have a history of accidentally catching on fire.
In DC Pride, Alan finally meets Damon Matthews and has brunch with Todd, the place Todd picked used to be and still is a gay bar that Alan used to frequent back in the day. Alan goes through his experiences as a gay man in the 40s and some of the language Alan uses is antiquated because Alan Is An Old Man, but he says that Alan only felt comfortable coming out because Todd inspired him to do so. Todd posted a picture of him and Damon at pride and that gave Alan- a man who has infinite willpower, who is literally the embodiment of the Starheart- the confidence to come out as gay after all these years of being in the closet.
And I think it's so interesting that the man who inspired so many heroes was inspired by his own son when it came to being honest with himself.
This is, admittedly, a very short summary of who Alan Scott is. He has a much longer and richer history than I'll be getting into in this analysis. Keep an eye out for Part 2 of this analysis where Alan Scott's Morally Grey Past comes to light.
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docgold13 · 4 years
The writer for that Alan Scott story was James Tynion IV, who is a bi man himself. When I read the bylines at the beginning I suspected Alan might be coming out as bi or gay. Like we knew he had a male partner. (Jimmy Henton he died on the train crash where Alan found his magic lantern) Geoff Johns retconned them to be lovers in Doomsday Clock and Tynion wrote a story in the Green Lantern anniversary special where Alan gave his condolences to Jimmy's mother while awkwardly saying how special he was to him. The mother conveyed she knew he was gay without saying it out loud (in that old timey way). That being said with Alan being gay I dont believe that takes away from bi representation. I think biphobia is more like saying Harley is a lesbian because she's dating Poison Ivy. Equating someone's orientation to just their dating history is reductive. I'm bi and I've been on dates with 5 different women and 0 men. Am I straight? Nope. Taken to an extreme someone might say a virgin is asexual. We all know that that's not necessarily true. I feel the trouble is in real life a person's label is a very personal choice that reflects how they feel inside. But with fiction you have a writer speaking for them. Alan Scott's creator is dead and probably would prefer him to stay straight. To me I think they should just choose 1 retcon and stick with it. They sorta have. They chose to make him gay back in 2011 in Earth 2 and stuck with it.
That’s all well said and thank you for sharing your perspective and experiences. I haven’t read this issue but did see the panels and it all seemed like a nice, poignant and well written. The writer had to make a choice and know that which ever avenue they chose there would be fans and readers who would like it and those who wouldn’t.  That’s how it goes.  There’s no good stories without a degree of risk. 
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ufonaut · 1 year
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“I... I was trying to get away.”
“Away from myself.”
Alan Scott’s full story in Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular (2020) #1, the first canon confirmation of his sexuality.
(James Tynion IV, Gary Frank)
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ufonaut · 2 years
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The fire & light motif present in all discussions of Alan Scott’s sexuality.
“He used to talk about it like a light burning inside him. It was our way of... talking about it. That if he tried to keep it caged up, it’d burn him from the inside. That if he let it out, it’d burn everyone around him.” // Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular (2020) #1
“I know what you’re going through, hiding your light inside. When this is over... you live it, Todd. Live your light.” // Tales from the Dark Multiverse: Crisis on Infinite Earths (2020) #1
“All that time, I thought that even in my strange family that never grew up as a family, I was the only one struggling between the light and the dark.” // Infinite Frontier (2021) #0
“But from that darkness... came a light.” // “Does that all make sense? You [Todd] were the light in the darkness. You’re the reason I came out.” // DC Pride (2021) #1
“It’s not the ring or the green fire inside it that I’m afraid of. It’s getting too close to everybody.” // The New Golden Age (2022) #1
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ufonaut · 2 years
The weird and exciting adventures of the man who suddenly appears out of nothingness whenever and wherever there is a wrong to be righted - The Green Lantern!
Back in 1967, DC Comics and MGM had released three full-cast radio dramas on a record entitled The Official Adventures of Aquaman, the Flash and Green Lantern. To the surprise of most listeners at the time, the origin told here is that of the Golden Age Green Lantern in a direct adaptation of All-American Comics (1939) #16.
The story is ten minutes long and features Ron Liss, often remembered as Robin in the Adventures of Superman 1940s radio show, as Alan Scott and Jackson Beck -- also of Adventures of Superman fame -- as the narrator.
While it’s definitely a product of its era in certain voice-acting choices, I think it’s also a rare treat for any Alan Scott fan and an incredible discovery!
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ufonaut · 1 year
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Can you see it? I think you can. I think you know... [...] The light, Alan... do you see it now? || Then a little voice reminds me that I’m not just a normal guy-- tells me in a sharp jade tone that I haven’t been since the day I first saw the light...
Green Lantern 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular (2020) #1 || Green Lantern: Brightest Day, Blackest Night (2002) #1
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