#jinho headcanon
wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Sharing a hotel room with taehun? Lol what would be his reaction pfft
Haha! I did think about putting Taehoon in with the lookism boys but... didn't. Here's my SFW thoughts!
HTF x Reader: Sharing a love hotel room hc
(SFW - Taehoon, Yeonwoo, Museong, Seongjun, Jinho)
Seong Taehoon
Honestly this scenario with Taehoon probably isn't as fun as you think
If he has zero interest in you, he'll enter the room, look around, then walk straight back out. He'd rather find a 24hr/overnight arcade to hang out in
If he likes you, then it'll be a bit more exciting
Surprisingly protective over his beauty sleep
A good night sleep is important for peak Taekwondo performance
So if you keep him up then it best be for something good
He has his night routine that he follows religiously though. He's just so... limber
It makes you think about all kinds of positions and you can't stop staring at his hips
You: Taehoon?? What you doing??
Taehoon: Stretching
You: Why?
Taehoon: To stay flexible
You: [staring in awe] Before bed?!
Taehoon: Want a closer look, pervert?
Ji Yeonwoo, Kim Munseong
These guys are gentlemen through and through
Would offer to take the floor (which is likely covered in questionable stains)
So of course you couldn't let them do that
You'll share a bed, and they would offer to put pillows/blankets etc. in the middle to spare you your modesty
Unlike the Lookism boys, once they're asleep then they're zonked out lol
Divider or not, they'll make their way over to you in the night
In the morning you'll wake up wrapped in their arms (altho Yeonwoo enjoys being the little spoon)
Baek Seongjun
This guy makes my heart hurt
Will try to put you at ease with the situation
Super respectful, and will let you generally set the vibe or he'll try to read the room
Light teasing but if you're comfortable then he would stop
Big cuddler, if you didn't want to do anything then he would offer for you to lie in his arms and you can just watch some NewTube vids together or something
The kind of guy that you would stay up til 3am talking to. It won't be about his past, but you'll find out all sorts about him, and Seongjun about you that he would take to heart
But if you hate the whole vibe? You don't even need to stay in the room if you don't want. He'll go for a walk to ease your mind, find a 24hr cafe, market, sauna. Anything for you
Lee Jinho
Because some posts got me thinking about Jinho
If you ended up alone with this guy?
Tbh, he would probably treat you like you're not really there - a bit of a nuisance but he can ultimately put up with you for 1 night
But what's the point of getting a love hotel if you don't put it to good use?
This would be the perfect night to explore all sorts of kinks
And he means ALL
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jinkoh · 1 year
Pentagon - realizing they have feelings for you
SFW; gender-neutral reader
@huipinkhair requested: Do you think you could write a little ptg ot9 realising they have feelings for you? Like the moment they realise and what they do
a/n: tysm for requesting as always!! ❤️ sorry that it took so long! i hope you'll enjoy these~
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He sees you working hard at something you’re passionate about. You don’t have to be all that good at it, he’ll always be impressed if you put in an honest effort. He can’t help thinking that it’s admirable because it’s a character trait he values.
He’d probably keep his feelings close to his heart. But if he ever sees you falter or feel insecure, he’d at least tell you how impressed he is with your hard work and encourage you.
It’s small gestures, like how you leave small sticky notes or a coffee in his studio to cheer him up when he has to work a lot. When he’s tired or things are tough he’ll find himself wanting to see you. It’s not easy for Hui to let others take care of him, but somehow it’s so easy when it’s you. You just make him feel at home.
He doesn’t tell you immediately. For now it’s enough to seek comfort in your presence.
He does something for you, maybe makes you a sandwich or whatever, constantly thinking about what you’d like the best and what would make you the happiest. The moment he gives it to you and sees your grateful smile he's a goner.
Might turn a little clumsy around you, suddenly hyper aware of every little interaction.
Yeo One/Changgu
He makes you laugh with something silly he says. He didn’t even consider it that funny but when you burst into giggles he thinks he wants to be the source of your laughter many many times from here on out.
Tries hard to be funny around you and then smiles fondly whenever your eyes light up with laughter.
You support him in something he does. Maybe he has a musical role or a concert and you come to cheer him on. When he spots you in the audience he'll be overcome with happiness thinking to himself that he really loves you. Might just tell you after the show in a rush of endorphins.
Maybe you scold him a little for being thoughtless and at first he gets annoyed and defensive. But then you spill that you’re upset because you were worried about him. He realizes that you must really care for him and somehow it makes his heart flutter? Care for him some more please?
He listens to you talking about something you love. Maybe it’s just something small like your favorite yogurt but he realizes he could keep listening forever. And that’s what he does, he keeps listening and thinking over and over how much he adores you.
He catches you humming or dancing by yourself while doing something, clearly in a good mood, and he’s just so endeared by it. He’d probably feel torn between gushing over how cute you are and watching in silence so you don’t stop.
Hyunggu would probably feel very excited about confessing to you and not wait too long. Love is something that should be shared after all.
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It’s a simple moment. You’re watching a movie or show together, joking around a bit and you’re just so comfortable with him, casually leaning your head against his shoulder or playfully nudging him in the side and that’s when realization sinks in. He's so far gone for you.
Now that he’s aware of his own feelings, he can’t help but be incredibly flustered around you, heart racing at every simple touch.
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razypie · 1 year
thoughts on a lookism AU where everyone has chips implanted into their brains and they all live in a medical facility because they’re “special” and are forced to train their bodies to make it to the top fighter list? it’s like everyone is a caged animal, and if they go rabid the chip will shut them down immediately. Charles is probs behind it haha whatcha think? would you read/write anything like this??
hii anon! that is a pretty cool concept you have for a lookism au--the conditions are different, but fighting is still there. it reminds me of the Maze Runner series for some reason lol (with its dystopia-ish vibe and old men forcefully confining children 💀) although im not sure if you want hcs or a oneshot incorporating the au, or just my thoughts on it. would i write anything like this, though? absolutely! in fact, im dropping some of my hcs now 😭😭
What lies outside the Ivory Walls: Lookism AU headcanons
Note: Daniel's POV in most of these.
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Sang-a Private Hospital is a medical facility built under the HNH Group to-- you know what? Charles Choi, at this point, could just do whatever he wants without due process as if he's above the law. 🙄
Sooo how would our Lookism characters "get trapped" in the facility? You see, Charles is a shameless mf. He'd do anything to get ahead of others, even at the expense of innocent people. So, he briefed the SPH employees as to what the real function of the facility is--to gather sickly infants (officially declare them dead to not arouse suspicion) and bring them to the secluded basement below the facility, each of them having a separate room.
Then, these kids will be raised and conditioned into thinking they are "special", a fighter, and in need to be subjected into intense training and experiments to obtain results to be reported to Charles Choi for his who-knows-what schemes.
However, little did these SPH workers know that some of these kids really are special and have innate fighting ability (yeah, it's our Gen 2 babies!)
Around ages 17-18, the fruits of their labor will be put to test. Each of their watchers implant chips into their napes to monitor their health--physical, mental, intelligence, and psychological (these are the criteria of making it into the Top Fighters list).
Each fighter gets assigned to another, and they enter a quadrilateral arena caged with wire mesh. They fight until one of them yields, or one of them remains standing to qualify for the next round. This goes on until one victor remains. The chip installed to each fighter transmits points for all of their fights as well as their health status in accordance with the given criteria. Rankings get released afterward, divided into parts: Top Fighters, Average, and Questionable Ones.
The ones in the last category are given 3 more tries to make it into the Average cut. Failure to do so (that or if they go beyond what they were tasked to do) will activate the self-destruct function of the chip... ⚰️⚰️⚰️
This wouldn't be a problem for Big Daniel, of course, since he possesses the copy ability. He always tops the Top Fighters list. Following him are Zack, Vasco, Jay, Vin, Logan, Johan, Jake, Hudson, Samuel, Eli, Warren, Jihan, etc.
This feat, however, isolated Daniel from the group; but he didn't mind. At least he could still sleep at night.
Not until he started having weird dreams of odd places that don't resemble the pearl walls he's seen his whole life, objects he hasn't seen before, and strange human expressions he never thought people could pull, and sensations he is unfamiliar to. But, despite all these things being foreign to him, he found comfort and familiarity in them.
(Big) Daniel wasn't aware that he's been switching between two bodies (Little Daniel) at that point. Although, the dreams of that world became more vivid and coherent that he couldn't brush it off as a dream anymore.
He raised his questions to his watcher, who flinched at them but didn't answer. It didn't stop Daniel, though. He kept on asking, which prompted his watcher to take action (aka violence).
Other Top Fighters saw this and went to Daniel's aid.
That's where their camaraderie formed. And to Daniel's luck, they were also suspicious of the workings inside the basement, which saves him time explaining. Most of them offered a hand in helping Daniel seek the answers he's looking for. Some were skeptical at first but joined afterward (Jake, Samuel, Vin, Jihan, and Hudson), and Logan didn't give a shit at all. 💀
Being a strategic thinker, Daniel had devised a foolproof plan to move out of the basement undiscovered. But he needed the floor layout plan first, and to locate an escape point.
This was no problem to Jay and Johan who could work discreetly; they were able to steal the complete layout of the area as well as its ventilation map.
Vasco, with his spatial ability, was able to comprehend the maps quick and volunteered to scour the entire floor to locate the best escape point. Zack, Eli, and Warren, went with him in order to remain inconspicuous from the watchers.
While the others were busy, Jake, Samuel, Vin, Hudson, and Jihan would go 'patrolling' (eavesdropping) on watchers to gather information that might be helpful for their escape.
Everything was going swiftly. They were also able to maintain their Top Fighter status in all matches so that was no issue. All they had to do now was to follow Daniel's plan to escape.
But then, security became more strict and more watchers were assigned to each fighter. They're pulling the big guns now (as in with capital G kind of Gun, along with the other Gen 1.5 fighters and Gen 1 kings)
Daniel didn't understand. Why out of nowhere? Right after him and the others have already planned their escape? Should they still push through this? Right now, there is at least a watcher in every single corner of the basement already. Do they have to fight the watchers on their pursuit even though it's not part of the plan? But they've worked so hard to get to this point.
"The timing is so suspicious." Daniel murmured.
"I'm sure the chip only detects our health status, though. We were also under the radar the entire time and kept the plan to ourselves."
His eyes widened. "...unless, there's a mole."
aaand that's all my word vomit can offer. my brain just stopped there. 💀💀 i didn't delve much into their survival in that kind of environment, but rather, how to escape from it. jeez, i watch too much attack on titan 🫣🫣
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lexxiie · 2 years
Helloo! I was hoping I could request a viral hit headcanon? As to how they react when you spank them? I loved it in the unholy blood one <3
First viral hit request, yay! I know it's been a while, anon, but HERE IT IS finally.
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takorossi · 2 years
Pentagon as Pentagon Songs / Covers
(... that I associate them with, purely self-opinion)
hmmm "Someday - Song By JINHO, HUI"?
i feel like Jinho really slayed the vocals on that one you know
if it's not "Someday" then it would probably be "Round 2 - Bonus Track" because #jinhoWWEcommentator era
"Spring Snow"!!!!!! SPRING SNOW.
spring snow.
i loved how excited he was at wanting to perform "Spring Snow" for Road to Kingdom
and also the feels
would it be basic if i said "Shine"??? not if it's the truth ...
because come on, we all know why it's "Shine", what are you talking about if it's not "Shine"???
maybe "Happiness" because i felt like Hui in that M/V was pretty memorable
but also his line in "Organic song" (E'dawn, Yuto, Woo Seok With Hui), both in the original when Dawn performed it by himself in Pentagon Maker and also the released track
"Basquiat"?? VOCAL KING.
honestly the first thing that comes to mind is "Very Good - PENTAGON Version" (originally by Block B) from RTK
the chocolate abs left an impression
and also the "it's okay as long as he doesn't dance inappropriately afterwards" - an RTK staff member
"Dr. Bebe"
the chocolate back left an impression
"Sparkling Night" because his Oppa-ness really popped off there, ESPECIALLY in this Special Live Clip, wow that video really took me to heaven and back you know, i ascended
if i'm going for associated images seared into my brain, i would pick "DO or NOT" because #jokershinwon era and also "Feelin' Like" even though i know he doesn't like it because POOL SHINWON??? shinwon with GLOVES??? ma lord almighty,,,
if i'm going for music music, it would be "Daisy" because he does my favourite line in that entire song ("haengbokhaeya dwae") in that whisper/breathy tone, sorry i'm just simping at this point
but by that logic, i would also associate him with "Naughty Boy" because of the chicken lyric ... it really stuck
if i don't put "One Shot" here, am i really a Shinwon fan?
so "One Shot" because he wrote it
Yeo One
"Pretty Pretty", definitely
high school Yeo One.
nerd Yeo One era.
mushroom Yeo One era.
Yeo One with GLASSES.
also "Eat" (originally by Zion.T) because :( Pentagon Maker :( Yan An :( comfort chocolate :( ("saranghae ... yO")
Yeo One's verse in "Round 1 - Bonus Track", specifically the part where he goes "nappeun saram ... Yanan, Yanan, Yanan"
"Feelin' Like"
absolute massive badonkerhonker muscles.
but also "Daisy" because i really like the way he dances in it, feels floaty and nice
also "Eat", for the same reasons as Yeo One
also "Round 1", specifically the part where he goes "(ya geuraedo bang gachi sseuneunde) HWAJANGSHI!!!"
probably an unpopular opinion but "Shine" is one of them
his rap and the transition back to the group formation in their "Shine" stages left a sensation in my brain that i don't know how to explain
that one unique #notlikeothergirls "Yuto-da" in "Fantasystic"
those verses of Japanese rap in "Cerberus"? chef's kiss.
that low-toned Wooseok!mock-scream in "Round 2"
first of all, "Dr. Bebe", for less superficial reasons than Hongseok
like i really, and i mean REALLY love his entire persona in "Dr. Bebe"
from the stages to M/V, the facial expression and stature and makeup were EVERYTHING
in chinese, there's this thing we call 病态 (bìng tài), which directly translates to "state of being sickly" and it sounds kind of wack if you put it like that, but basically the way he embodied that psychological inner warfare in his dance and expressions was absolutely Oscar-worthy
"Daisy" because of his tattoo, and his florist dreams, and his dance, and that mafia dance variety thing they did
just. "Daisy". yeah.
i don't know if it's because of his unique rapping tone, but i associate him with a lot of Pentagon's songs
i mean he wrote and composed my absolute favourite Pentagon song, "BAD"
he also did "Nostalgia", which i like
his verse in "Sparkling Night"??? vocal Wooseok???
"Naughty Boy"??????????
okay that one because i hated his hair in it, i'm sorry Wooseok
but also i felt like he was so intrinsically linked with that song for some reason
it just screamed Wooseok to me
"The Magic Flute ("Der Hölle Rache" - Queen of the Night aria)"
i'm sorry that was just for the crack i swear
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mingunissi · 2 years
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HONG JINHO Tag Dump! ⌜* ˚ ✦⌟ JINHO : thread ⌜* ˚ ✦⌟ JINHO : answered ⌜* ˚ ✦⌟ JINHO : reflection ⌜* ˚ ✦⌟ JINHO : headcanon ⌜* ˚ ✦⌟ JINHO : musings
˚ ✦ their stories behind the story : jinho ˚ · ✧*:
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narcissistshandler · 2 years
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⠀⠀𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘪𝘯, 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦
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. . . ✧ 𝗕𝗟𝗨𝗘 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞
. the king's crown, michael kaiser | top!dom reader
. brotherly love, itoshi rin & sae | top! reader
. the more you get, more you want, nagi & reo | top!dom reader
. rude brat, itoshi sae | dom! reader
. in the middle of the night..., barou shoei | top! reader
. motel room, itoshi rin | top!reader, yandere!reader
. not on shopping list, itoshi sae | dom! reader, yandere!brat! sae
. critical phase, reo mikage | top!reader
. there's a sting in the way you kiss me, itoshi sae | sub!reader, yandere!sae
. dumb dumb dumb, yoichi isagi | top!reader, dumbfication
. . . ✧ 𝗟𝗢𝗢𝗞𝗜𝗦𝗠
. prison, jake kim | top!sub reader
. made for your c*ck, jake kim | top!reader
. what are we?, jong gun | top!reader
. virgin!daniel headcanons, daniel park | top!reader
. . . ✧ 𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗢 𝗙𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧
. deal with the devil, lee jinho | top!dom reader
. deal with the devil pt.2, lee jinho | dom! reader
. take your time, seong taehoon, ji yenwoo | top!slight dom! reader
. she, ko hajun | top! reader
. untitled, jay jo | dom! reader implicit, omorashi
. my property, joker | top!dom! reader
. make me feel, geto suguru | top! reader, slight dark content
. please, be silent, choso | top! reader
. a company in the dark, geto suguru | top!mean dom! reader, smut & fluff
. . . ✧ 𝗗𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛 𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘
. . . ✧ 𝗔𝗢𝗧
. thirst, miguel o'hara | rimming (reader giving)
. insatiable and noisy, hobie brown | top! reader
. pleasure to insanity, hobie brown | anal beads, overstimulation
. thought about tying him, miguel o'hara | dom! reader (?)
. ecstasy, hobie brown | top! reader
. raw, miguel o'hara | top! reader
. fingerprints all over his body, miguel o'hara | top! reader
. over and over again, hobie brown | oral (reader giving), afab!hobie
. hartarse, miguel o'hara | oral (reader giving), afab!miguel
. sweet boy, hobie brown | top! reader, afab!reader & afab! hobie
. overheated, miguel o'hara | top! reader, squirt
. his silver bell, miguel o'hara | top! reader
. where we can be heard, hobie brown | public blowjob (reader giving)
. insanity to collapse, hobie brown | part 2 of pleasure to insanity
. how to deal with stress, spider noir (peter parker) | oral (reader receiving), afab!reader
. teach me, miguel o'hara | blowjob (reader giving)
. more, please, hobie brown | oral (reader receiving), afab!reader
. atmospherica, hobie brown | public cumming in pants
. sweet sinner without regret, hobie brown | top!sub!religious reader
. . . ✧ 𝗢𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗦
. obsessed with him, bakugou katsuki (bnha) | top!dom reader
. heat, iwaizumi hajime (haikyuu) | insinuated top reader
. thirst, jiang cheng (mdzs) | dom!reader
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stormdragon23 · 5 months
do you have any headcanons for ships?
Oh, I have a ton. Not sure which ships you wanted, but here are a few for my top ships. Feel free to ask for specific ships (I have others. There are just some I like a lot more than others) or more headcanons (I like to ramble, so I tend to limit myself. I also tend to repeat myself since I don't remember what I've posted and what I haven't)
If any of my headcanons don't make sense, you're more than welcome to ask for more details about them. I just don't want this to get too long
Baek Yoon-Ho is very physically affectionate with Choi Jong-In in private. It makes Jong-In very flustered at first
After getting together, they don't argue. They both know what the other is thinking well enough that when they do disagree on something, they either compromise or agree to disagree
They express their love through actions a lot more than words. Yoon-Ho isn't good at expressing himself through words, and Jong-In doesn't like directly stating his emotions. They both understand that about each other though, so they show their love in different ways, either with physical affection or doing things for the other
Park Kyung-Hye was the one who asked Sung Il-Hwan out. Il-Hwan was caught off guard by the pretty girl
Kyung-Hye knew when Il-Hwan was preparing to propose to her and just waited for the moment. Il-Hwan was pretty flustered during the proposal, and Kyung-Hye lightly teased him about it afterward
Il-Hwan likes getting gifts for Kyung-Hye and very much has golden retriever energy. Kyung-Hye finds it cute how excited he gets giving her gifts
Lee Ju-Hee and Min Byung-Gyu met sometime during the Yoo Jinho Raid Party Arc (just after Ju-Hee said she was going to retire and before the Red Gate arc)
Ju-Hee didn't know who he was at first since Byung-Gyu kept a few important details secret. She did freak out later. And scold him for not telling her
Byung-Gyu helps Ju-Hee overcome her trauma a lot more than the other way around. Ju-Hee is still there for him when he gets reminded of it though
Sung Jin-Woo actively tries not to make more work for Woo Jin-Chul since he knows Jin-Chul tends to have a lot of work. It usually doesn't go as planned. Jin-Woo does his best to help clean the mess though
Jin-Woo usually gets food or drinks for Jin-Chul when he doesn't have time to get it himself (Jin-Woo got the "giving stuff" trait from his dad)
Jin-Chul is the one who tells Jin-Woo not to work too hard. Jin-Chul knows that Jin-Woo can physically handle that many gates but thinks Jin-Woo tries to do too much on his own and that Jin-Woo mentally needs a break every now and then
Park Hee-Jin and Eun-Seok became friends during their time at the Fiend Guild. Hee-Jin left, but the two parted on good terms (kind of like how Jin-Woo and Ju-Hee said bye to each other)
They cross each other's path sometimes afterward and would end up spending a lot of time chatting about their lives and friends
They like to get accessories for each other, either hair or clothing accessories
Why do these posts always get so long-
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sungjinwhump · 10 months
another headcanon
imagine that (ignoring canon here) jinwoo doesn't know how to drive.
like, his mom was sick (maybe also working constantly to make ends meet) for a long time before eventually going into a coma, his dad's been gone for the past 10 years—who is suppose to teach him? granted, i don't know exactly how getting a driver's license works in South Korea, so that may ruin this whole thing, but i imagine that he can't spare the money for the multiple driver exam fees, much less a car.
i've read only the first SL light novel so far (up to the end of the Kang Taesik arc), but i found out that's it's jinho that supplies the van (which, okay, ofc he does, he's obviously wealthier than jinwoo) that jinwoo's shown driving after the first red gate incident. but where would he learn to drive if he's not really close to anyone? where would he find the time to learn?
jinwoo doesn't really need worry about transportation much when he acquires kaisel/shadow exchange. these are obviously his transportation methods of choice. but jinah doesn't have these methods at her disposal, and so she probably worries about this, too. who's going to teach her, if Oppa doesn't know and their mom is Asleep?
imagine the shenanigans. oh my god when their mom wakes up i'm going to have her teach jinwoo in my tiktok au so jinah can record the entire thing like the menace she is aslkfjalskdfjas
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minimultiestfandoms · 7 months
Pentagon reaction to you asking to tie a bow around it pt.1
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requested: no
wanted to start doing fake texts as they are easier to do then writing full fledged fanfics and i’ve been busy with uni and work so please note fake texts are only open for now! i might open small headcanons later on when i get more used to my schedule!
— sunnie
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taglist; @bigkpopstan, @baka-writings, @haechansfbuddy, @jeonronwoo, @jiminslostjam, @bluejaem, @jisungismymom, @hyuckography, @i-luvsang, @neocrush, @moonshineboyz, @chewryy, @sugarcherriess, @neochan, @jinkoh, @shinwolo, @hazyhae, @mrkis, @dollyji, @tddyhyck, @mrkjaems
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
Masterlist of HTF/Viral Hit ✨Bullshit✨
Lookism Masterlist | Part 2 ☞ (multi-character headcanons/dynamics)
Lookism Storylines ☞ (fun shit. mix of x reader and with reader)
Gun + Goo | Part 2 | Jake + Samuel | Vin + Ryuhei | Everyone else ☞ (single character-centric standalones)
... Even More Lookism Masterlist ☞ (different characters in same scenarios series)
You're here! How To Fight/Viral Hit Masterlist | Seong Taehoon
Maintained collection of my HTF/Viral Hit silly writing, headcanons and ramblings
Seong Taehoon x Reader: HTF discovering You & Taehoon dating
HTF sharing love hotel room hc (Taehoon, Yeonwoo, Museong, Seongjun, Jinho)
HTF x Reader: tall, quiet, glasses (Hobin, Taehoon, Wangguk, Yeonwoo)
HTF Boys Dating/Boyfriend hc (Taehoon, Seongjun, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Munseong)
Kissing: Seong Taehoon | Baek Seongjun
Being ill + looking after them (Taehoon, Wangguk)
HTF x Reader: Kabedon with Taehoon, Seongjun
Men of Lookism: Bathhouse Meeting Part 3... with Guests
HTF Boys responding to "NICE BUTT!"
Hugs from HTF Guys hc
Comforting YOU hc: Seong Taehoon, Baek Seongjun
Lookism/HTF reacting to your deepfakes
The Way of the Househusband: Lookism and HTF hc
Lookism + HTF: Who fell first and who fell harder hc
Lookism + HTF react to: "Surprise! You're having a baby!"
Lookism + HTF Guys: Boobs, Ass, Thighs or...?
HTF Boys reacting to you wearing their clothes: Munseong, Wangguk, Yeonwoo, Seongjun, Taehoon
Lookism+ HTF guys react to their fanfics...
HTF texting habits: Munseong, Yeonwoo, Wangguk, Taehoon
Baek Seongjun Standalones
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Kimono
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Broken
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Cuddling to a bit more hc
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Happiness
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Prince
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Washing Dishes
Baek Seongjun x Reader: Cooking on the boat
Other standalones
Ji Yeonwoo x Reader: Confessing to You
Ji Yeonwoo x Reader: Older reader hc
Ji Yeonwoo x Reader: Love at first sight
Seo Haesu BS
Haesu x Reader x Taehoon (if you actually want to read something, you're going to be disappointed)
Seo Haesu x Reader: Rainy days
Seo Haesu x Reader: Catnaps
Seo Haesu x Reader: You like me
Meeting Seo Haesu for the first time
Seong Hansu x Reader: an old man and his memories
Baek Seongjun's Dad x Reader (simp over someone else, kid)
Joshua dating hc
HTF/Viral Hit Women
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jinkoh · 1 year
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marriage material
jinho x fem reader
summary: jinho just really wants to marry you
Tags: established relationship, domestic fluff, SFW; word count: 948
a/n: and if writing silly little joji drabbles is my new favorite thing to do what then
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Jinho had always just assumed he would eventually get married. But it'd always just been that, an assumption, a distant idea. Ever since things had gotten more serious with you though, he found himself thinking about it more often. It suddenly seemed like a real possibility, especially now that you'd already moved in together. When you shuffled into the kitchen in the morning, thanking him for making breakfast with a sleepy smile, he couldn't help but think that he wanted to marry you. When he came home to you doing dishes, humming contently as he wrapped his arms around you from behind, he felt that you pretty much already were married in every way except on paper. To him it was just a question of time until the two of you would make it official.
Maybe he even called you his wife in secret sometimes, smiling to himself at the thought of it. He wasn't going to admit that to you though. Maybe he'd tell you on your wedding night, but for now it was a secret he'd keep close to his heart.
Or at least that was his plan.
Thoughts of marriage had been ghosting around in his head for a few weeks already when he received an invitation for his high school reunion. He'd only kept in touch with a handful of people and even among those were a bunch he hadn't seen in a while so it seemed like good timing. Maybe he was also just a little curious what everyone was up to. He asked you if you wanted to come along pretty much the moment he received the invitation—both because it seemed more fun to take you along and because he wanted to share this with you, let you take a glimpse at the person he'd been in high school and the people he'd surrounded himself with. And maybe, just maybe he also wanted to show you off a bit in front of his old classmates, bragging about the amazing person he was dating.
The evening went fine, he connected with old friends and you seemed to be having fun too. To his displeasure, some of his classmates couldn't resist the opportunity to tell you embarrassing high school stories about him—when he saw you giggling, asking "Really?" with glistening eyes he couldn’t even be all that mad about it though.
Everyone really seemed to like you—of course they did, you were you after all—and Jinho couldn’t help feeling a little possessive. He didn't say anything, but he was already looking forward to driving home and having you all to himself again.
He was a little lost in thought, thinking about just that, when someone called out to him.
"Jinho!" The guy smiled widely and it took Jinho a second to recognize him. It was a guy from another class he'd occasionally hung out with. Back then he'd had a huge gap between his front teeth which Jinho had always thought of as somewhat charming, but it seemed he'd had a dentist take care of it since then.
"Hey, it's been a while."
"It has!" He seemed absolutely ecstatic to see Jinho again. "How have you been?"
"Oh, I've been pretty well. What about you?"
Before the guy replied though, you approached the two of them, looping your arm with Jinho's.
"Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt," you quickly apologized when you noticed the break in the conversation.
They guy didn't seem to be all that bothered though, instead letting his gaze wander between you and Jinho and wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ooh, who's this?"
"That's y/n, my wife," Jinho automatically replied, only realizing what he'd said when he saw your head snapping to him from his peripheral vision. His cheeks were heating up with embarrassment but he hoped it didn’t show. Pretending not to have noticed his mistake he just smiled and nodded when the guy congratulated the both of you. Surely, if he ignored it you would ignore it too, right?
Wrong. The moment the door of your apartment closed behind the two of you, you looked at him with a wide grin.
"Your wife, huh?"
"Oh, come on," he rolled his eyes, a weak attempt at hiding how flustered he felt. "It's basically the same thing."
You slipped out of your shoes and coat and walked past him into your living room. 
"Mhm, sure," It was clear from your tone that you were teasing him, but before he could complain though, you turned around to him again, with a cheeky smile.
"If you say so, husband."
"H- what?" Jinho stared at you with wide eyes, not quite knowing what to say. He probably shouldn't have felt so flustered about you calling him that, after all you were just joking. But it just sounded so good.
He shook himself out of it, quickly averting his gaze and focusing on getting his coat off instead.
"Don't call me that."
"Why? I thought it was basically the same thing?"
"That was—different!"
You weren’t going to let him off yet though, stepping back into the hallway and wrapping your arms around him, your chin resting on his shoulder as you looked at him.
"How was it different?"
Jinho still couldn't meet your gaze, his heart racing in his chest and his cheeks still hot.
"Just was," he mumbled, the pout audible in his voice.
"Do you really not want me to call you that? Do you really not like it?"
"Stop joking already."
"What if I'm not joking?"
At your words he finally turned to look at you, your face incredibly close to his. "What are you saying?"
"Aren't we basically already married? All but on paper?"
He couldn’t contain the happy smile tugging at his lips. "That's a terrible way to propose."
"Mhm," you replied with a grin, before leaving a peck on his cheek, "then do it better, husband."
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lgcmanager · 5 months
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NAM JINHO calls SANGHYUN to a meeting after receiving feedback about the ideas he has pitched for his upcoming fanmeeting. handing SANGHYUN the files, JINHO begins the meeting with a beaming smile on his face.
“after the staffs reviewed through your ideas and suggestions, we’re happy to say that we will be proceeding with the fanmeeting. from now until the day of the fanmeeting, JUNE 14, you will be spending a good chunk of your time learning and practicing for your set list. as you may have noticed, this meant having less modeling work to do, especially with your model brand. however, the company and i believe that now is the best time to take this opportunity and let you shine for your talent and hard work.”
as mentioned, starting from today until JUNE 14, SANGHYUN will be spending his free training and practices on the fanmeeting. he will still have the option to participate in the specialized workshops whenever he has time, but majority of his time will be spent on the fanmeeting. aside from training and practices, he’ll also be attending meetings with the staff to help finalize the details ( eg. the vcr, ment, fan interaction segments, feedback on the merchandise, along with outfits, stage lighting, etc. )
for reference, this is how the setlist would look like ( based on the submit and extra segments added in between ):
VCR ( footage of SANGHYUN’s life before he joined legacy )
MENT ( interacting with the fans, talking about the behind the scenes process for the fanmeeting and/or his early days as a trainee/model )
VCR ( footage of SANGHYUN’s trainee days and short clips of his personal channel )
VCR ( footage of future dreams: alumni )
the fanmeeting merchandise will be available from JUNE 1-JUNE 14. for the JUNE SNS, SANGHYUN can promote the merchandise if he chooses to do so.
since some of the songs suggested have point requirements ( choreography, guitar, etc ), SANGHYUN is expected to reach 50 CHOREOGRAPHY ( CLASSIC ) and 50 INSTRUMENT ( GUITAR ) by JUNE 1. this is based on his current points and areas suggested where he may be lacking in points. if SANGHYUN does not meet those point requirements by the deadline, the setlist will be adjusted to fit the current skillset.
FANMEETING DETAILS: write a 400+ word headcanon post about the fanmeeting. the post must include the following: footage shown during the fanmeeting for the vcrs and/or what happens during the ment and stage details ( eg. hairstyle, makeup, outfits for the performances, lighting and/or props for any specific performances ). completing this will earn you +6 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE and +14 NOTORIETY !
PROMOTIONS: create a sns post on SANGHYUN’s instagram promoting the fanmeeting. the post MUST mention the fanmeeting in the captions and can only be posted during the month of JUNE. completing this will earn you +2 MODELING and +1 NOTORIETY ! ** can be done up to two times, but both posts must not be used for the monthly sns points. however, they can be used for fansites **
please use the hashtag lgc:lshfm for everything related to this. you have until JULY 6, 2024 at 11:59PM EDT to complete this task and submit the form to the lgcpoints blog.
MUSE NAME ∙ LSH FANMEETING ( PART 2 ) - DETAILS: +6 ( skill points distribution ), +14 notoriety [ LINK ] - PROMOTIONS: +2 modeling, +1 notoriety [ LINK ] ** can be done up to two times **
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summerdazed · 2 years
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I posted 5,030 times in 2022
1,274 posts created (25%)
3,756 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 786 of my posts in 2022
#summerplaysgenshin - 100 posts
#summersays - 77 posts
#spotify - 54 posts
#summerssoundtrack - 53 posts
#anon - 30 posts
#summersocs - 28 posts
#shilohbright - 14 posts
#ily mwah&lt;3 - 12 posts
#lookism oc - 10 posts
#how to fight - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 116 characters
#reminds me of when a coworker told another coworker that they should wear makeup and we just all kinda looked at him
My Top Posts in 2022:
This conversation will never not be funny to me
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63 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
hi can i request for 244 headcanons please 😭
I live y'all. Shocking I know but I wanted to write about my man. Sorry but these are going to be short. ---- Lee Jinho (244) Headcanons
This man I swear, he's so crazy but that's why I love him
Now Jinho is a character, we know that. He's heartless. His empty. But if all that doesn't matter to you and you actually manage to catch his interest then good for you. As long as you don't try to cross him you should be relatively okay. Hopefully.
Do I see him as the type to cuddle you or hold your hand? No but I think that if you were to just do it anyway while he was in a good mood, he would find it amusing and indulge you.
I feel like he would bite honestly. I mean look at him
He's a little shit. He will play with you like another one of his toys. He will lie, manipulate. and do other horrible things to you because at the end of the day he's a bad person. That's what draws us in though, right?
76 notes - Posted February 22, 2022
What happened to him he was so hot 😭😭
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77 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Eli Jang relationship headcanons?
Apologies for this not being long I wrote it before work lol
Eli Relationship Headcanons
Protective. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you. You’re part of his little family after all.
This is a given but you’d have to get along with his daughter. I sort of feel that if Yenna doesn’t like you/you don’t treat her like your own daughter (even if you don’t have one) then you just aren’t going to have a relationship sorry.
Wants to constantly be around you. Not in a clingy way, though I feel like he had his moments, but in a way that he just genuinely enjoys being around you and spending time with you.
Speaking of spending time together, if you plan something and bring all of Hostel along his heart will probably melt. Especially if you get along with all of them. The fact that you are actively working to establish a relationship with his family sends him straight to cloud nine.
Honestly if he found out that you hung out with them outside of when he’s with you he’d die on the spot.
Overall, sweet boyfriend. He really cares about you and if I’m being honest he feels like the type that if he loves someone, he’ll be devoted to them. So that means you better be devoted to my man Eli as well or we’re fighting (I love this man)
101 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Could we have some Seongjun with a s/o headcanons please🧡🕯
In honor of the new chapter that might come out today, I present you this <3
Seongjun with a S/O Headcanons
You saw him in his little flashback dresses up for his girlfriend. He’d do the exact same for you. Boy is absolutely whipped for his lover.
Kisses his lover every morning without fail. Sucker says that kisses from his partner are his good luck charms so expect him to want kisses before streams, interviews, etc.
Absolutely does not let 244 around them. He knows first hand how dangerous Jinho is and just doesn’t want them to be involved with him at all costs.
He loves making food but if they cooked for him a special dinner for a date night or something he’d die. Actually, he’d eat it first then die. His partner does even have to be a good cook for him to eat it. That’s how much he loves them.
Steal and wear his hoodies. Boy will melt. Especially if he doesn’t know then sees a post with his lover wearing it on social media. He will call them right away to tease them.
Sweet, sweet boy that loves his partner. Ride or die for them. Seriously though, he’s the definition of ride or die. He would fight Jinho with his bare hands in a Dennys parking lot at 2 am just for them. 10/10 love him (love jinhoe more tho <;3)
143 notes - Posted April 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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rainismdata · 4 months
Rain is here!! ^^
rainismdata (laufeysongm1n9i) [Ao3]
rainismdata [Twitter/X and Discord]
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[◽️] #hmdlm or "The Living Medicine" is fake tweets of House MD characters; where everybody is alive, healthy, and happy. [◽️] #hilsoneulogy or "Eulogy for The Head and The Heart" is a collection of mini songfic, sickfic, or MCDfic; where I collect my sadness towards House or Wilson's death/sickness/pain in headcanons. [◽️] #hilson ff (with space) is a collection of currently read or subscribed stories (also my recommendations) [◽️]
[◽️] #hmdshots #rainshots or is a collection of LQ screenshots that I took while watching House MD, and then any other movies/series. [◽️] #rainedits is a collection of my amateurly edited pictures (using PicsArt); including wallpaper/lockscreen. [◽️] #rainfics #rainff is a collection of my written stories (fanfictions, prompts, drabble, fake tweet, fake chats, etc). #rainocs is for my OCs. [◽️] rainplays is a collection of me talking about games. [◽️]
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About Me (+preferences):
Welcome to my ✨fantasy world 💖✨
I'm Rain, the “I'm fluent in Google Translate” enjoyer, reader, and writer. [Yes, I am quoting Stephen Strange.]
[[ 2⃣5⃣ she/they 💓💛💙 eng/idn 🔞 (MDNI on NSFW things) ]]
This account stands for every thing I could find or any thing I would read. So, basically I can read anything; and I can just leave it alone if it's not my preferences (on tropes, ships, or genres)
OTPs: Albert×Chris (RE), Batman×Superman (DC), Wong×Strange (Marvel), Wilson×House (House MD), Price×Ghost (CoD), Castiel×Dean (SPN), Eddie×Buck (9-1-1), Maverick×Iceman (TG/TG-M), Higuruma×Nanami (JJK), etc.
I'm also having an agenda with crackpairs/rarepairs.
Also— ✨M-PREG✨
Games I currently got on devices: Arena of Valor, Baldur's Gate 3, Call of Duty (series: OG and Reboot Modern Warfare, Black Ops, Infinite Warfare), Counter Strike, Death Stranding, Dynasty Warriors (6-9), God of War (2018 and Ragnarok), Minecraft, Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, Resident Evil (4-8, Remake 1-4, Revelations 1-2, Code Veronica), SuperStar rhythm games (ATEEZ, SM, JYP, YG, Cube, Woollim), The Last of Us (1-2), Warriors Orochi (3-4, +Ultimate)
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dividers by: @cafekitsune and @enkeli-moonsys
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Now that you're here—
I do have another account for korean thingie (series, movies, music), but here I am still proudly announcing that I am CREZL's Pretzel 🥨 😌✨ I am a fan of a crossover quartet voice group; Lim Kyuhyung (Tenor/Musical), Jo Jinho (Pop/PENTAGON), Kim Suin (Korean Traditional Musician), and Lee Seungmin (Baritone/Opera).
They covered iCorre! (Jesse & Joy), Faith (Stevie Wonder ft. Ariana Grande), Kill This Love (BLACKPINK), Higher (Michael Bublé) on the show as one of the top three quartet finalists of Phantom Singer season 4. [Also, Faith performance has got them the highest score from producers/judges in the whole seasons (S1-S4); 593 points from 6 producers of one for 98 and five for 99 points.]
Recently, CREZL released a mini album "CRE:㘉" with "Forbidden Love" as the title track and 4 more songs in the album.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Pentagon headcanon: Pentagon as mall workers
a/n: I’ve always lowkey wanted to do some sort of mall series but never actually had a solid plot so we gonna just do this instead. and Seventeen will be mentioned bc I wanna do one for them and I want them all to work in the same mall and no one can stop me 😤
Lee Hoetaek
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the manager at FYE
everyone calls him Hui though
really good at reading people and just kind of knowing what they’d like
but y’know he doesn’t wanna be creepy so he asks what kind of music they’re into
and then he can pull any album and know it’s perfect for you
you always go to him when you’re looking for new music
he’s also always up to recommend some new stuff you might not have listened to
knows the store inside and out
if you’re looking for a specific album, he knows exactly where to go
the friendliest dude ever
he loves that you ask him about music so he always gives you his discount
sometimes makes you mixtapes
but he got that idea from his co-worker, Hansol
Jo Jinho
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assistant manager at Music Center
lowkey salty that the manager is Jihoon who’s way younger than him
but honestly together, the two run the store really smoothly
they do their best to help out the other employees who might not know as much
like Joshua, for example since he really only knows guitars
Jinho often sings to himself while he’s working but the customers lowkey love it
honestly you only go in there to listen to him sing
and because Josh flirts with you but that’s neither here nor there
one time you were looking at a keyboard so Jinho offered to ‘demo’ it for you
he’s so talented you don’t know why he’s not famous instead of just working in some music store
Yang Hongseok
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works at GNC
flirts with pretty much everyone who walks through the door
but lowkey though
gives really good advice on how to stay fit and what things to use
knows everything about everything in that store
still wondering why he’s not manager
oh yeah it’s because Matthew is lmao
even though he’s more of a flirt, he does take his job seriously and is a genuinely sweet guy
one time after a bad day, he saw you sitting on the bench outside his store and he went and got you bubble tea from the place downstairs
you go to Hongseok when you’re stressed now and he’ll listen
Ko Shinwon
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works at Gamestop
always laughs about how he’s glad he’s not the manager because all the workers get treated like garbo by 12 year old boys and their parents
so he teases Wonwoo for having to get the bulk of the trouble
gets yelled at for playing the game demos instead of working
takes too many breaks to go get food but then downs it all in the back room in like 3 minutes
tbh the only reason he hasn’t gotten fired is probably because they’re short staffed
but you like him because he plays the game demos with you
you think he’s funny and if he wasn’t there, Gamestop just wouldn’t be the same
Yeo Changgu
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works at Build-A-Bear
does so well with the kids even when they’re bratty
you don’t go into the store because you’re embarrassed to but he sees you always staring at the Eevee Build-A-Bear and he’s waiting for the day you come in to make it
and yes he would absolutely make you do the heart ritual thing
and yes he would giggle at how red your face would get
he loves doing that to people his age when they come in
“can we skip the heart thing?” “absolutely not”
they get so embarrassed doing it and he lives for it
he takes his job seriously ok
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barista at Starbucks
might be the most handsome one there which makes his manager, Jeonghan lowkey salty
kinda slow when it comes to making drinks but nobody seems to care
how could you care?? look at him
whenever you go to get a drink from Starbucks and Yanan’s at the register, you always stutter and get blushy
but it’s fine because he always seem flustered talking to customers too
he usually doesn’t work register though
Adachi Yuto
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works at Hot Topic
he likes it because the store just doesn’t give a shit about anything and hardly anyone goes in so he can just dick around with Wooseok all day
plus he gets a discount on all his goth clothing lmao
people will go in the store just to see him though
you sometimes go in there for shirts or for pop figures and stuff and he’s always really nice
quietly asks how you’re doing and if you need help finding anything to let him know
but he won’t ask Wooseok or Soonyoung to do their job
he’s not annoyed by it anyway so it’s fine
the only responsible worker there tbh
Kang Hyunggu
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works at Bubble Bee
everyone calls him Kino
tbh half the reason anyone goes to get bubble tea is because of Kino
he’s just so smiley all the time and so sweet????
between him and his coworker, Seokmin, they really draw in a good amount of business
and y’know bubble tea is like a big trend now, so there’s that
makes the best taro bubble tea you’ll ever have in your life
one time he was working a shift alone and it got busy and he got your order wrong so now he always always always makes extra sure that it’s what you wanted
like he literally has you try it while you’re in front of him to make sure it’s good
send you off with the biggest smile and a “have a good day, _____!”
Jung Wooseok
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works at Hot Topic
that one employee that does not give two shits about actually working
but he knows he’ll get away with it because as I said, Hot Topic does not give a frick
likes to change the music in the store to bubblegum jpop
Yuto lowkey likes it which is half the reason Wooseok does it
he’s always either fucking around at the counter with Yuto or giggling and fucking things up with Soonyoung in the back
if you ask him for help, he calls someone else over
literally does not do anything
you know well enough to not bother asking Wooseok for anything so he likes you
whenever you go up to the register, he calls to Yuto to give you his store discount and then says “keep up the good work” when you’re leaving
to this day, you have yet to ask him for assistance
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