DIRK: AR, unshit my jorts
HAL: I’m sorry, Dirk. I’m afraid I can’t do that.
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wack-ashimself · 2 months
This is how slow 'Fallout' is...
So besides story taking forever to get anywhere good (6 episodes), lackluster acting, the main thing I dislike is how much time they spend on scenery shots and setting up the atmosphere.
But this is how much time they spent on these scenery/wide/'LOOK THE WORLD ENDED' shots that added NOTHING to the overall show.
I admit, I get bored, and can read semi fast, so, if something is dragging, I'll watch it at double speed with captions on. BAD enough, 4x speed. Anyways, there has been at least 3-5 times now (I'll admit, not THAT many) when I was on 2x the speed, AND COULD NOT FUCKING TELL BECAUSE THEY TOOK SO ASS LONG ON A BORING ASS SHOT. I may have enjoyed the game, but, like the games, seeing deserts, holes in the ground, and underground hallways GETS FUCKING STALE. SUBSTANCE is required; not a different angle of the same shit.
Seriously, I couldn't even tell a couple times now I was double the speed cuz they took the longest fucking time to make a shot that few will be impressed by. This show is already forgettable.
Ugh. Only sticking around for the lore. I don't think the season finale is gonna be all that great...
(ONLY way it would? Them going to New Vegas, AND them taking the storyline from that game cuz this boring ass storyline sucks. THE GAMES DID IT BETTER. I seriously rarely want a copy and paste from the original, BUT CTRL+C, CTRL+P.)
<Side note, when the Bethesda owner/ceo/whatever talked about this, he was like 'I doubt we'll do it with other games of ours, but I am proud of what this turned out to be.' REALLY? REEEEEEALLLLLY? DID YOU SEE IT? Or just read some rough draft scripts? IMO, I think you were paid UNGODLY amounts of money, and if they did it again, you'd roll over like the whore you are.>
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ryotarox · 1 year
[B! 増田] 日本語では一つの名前で表されるのに英語だと二種類以上あるもの
亀 - Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) ワニ - Alligator, Crocodile
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はてなブックマークがトリビアの披露大会になっていて、知識が集まってる。 逆パターンも 「英語では一つの名前で表されるのに日本語だと二種類以上あるもの」
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聞く:hear, listen  見る:see, look, watch 海:sea, ocean, waters, marine(海の) 仮説:hypothesis, assumption 罪:crime, sin (「罪と罰」の罪は以外なことにcrimeのほう *)
Museum:美術館、博物館 Requirement:要件、要求 Space:空間、宇宙
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「総称だけ存在して、細かな違いを呼び分けない」ものと、「総称は無いが、個々の細かな呼び分けだけある」ものに分けられるかも。 総称:亀 / 個々に:Turtle (海亀)、tortoise (陸亀) 総称:皿 / 個々に:dish、plate、saucer 総称:brother / 個々に:兄、弟
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秋のAutumnとFallのパターンは、意味もニュアンスも同じで、言い方が違うだけかな。 Fallが「秋」「落下」の2つの意味。
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一番有名なのはネズミ(mouse, rat)だと思ってた。他にもphantom/ghost、coast/beach、house/home、college/university、space/universe、earth/globeとか。厳密には意味が違うんだろうけど。
言語とその話者の世界観が相関することは言語的相対論と呼ばれる。国がcountry, nation, stateに分かれるのは島国と多民族大陸国との違い。https://gijodai.jp/library/file/kiyo2011/yoshitaka_sato.pdf
ちょっと違うが、"将来に対する希望"と、"睡眠中の幻覚体験"を日本語でも英語でも「夢 dream」という一語で表現するのは全くもってピンと来ない。
麦は日本語でも大麦・小麦・ライ麦・エン麦は区別はしてるけど、英語ではbarley wheat rye oatで「麦」に対応する単語がないのよね
アプリ開発で Apple の審査担当とやり取りする際「修正」の言い方が複数あって fix, correct, modify, revise, alter などを使い分けてくるので毎回意図を汲みとれてるか不安になる。(まあ日本語にも修正の類語いっぱいあるけど)
「毒」 poison / venom / toxin
試験: 学力・知識を問う→examination,quiz,test 評価や実験→experiment 試みる→trial▼ただ「試験」で纏められるだけで日本語でも「考査」「実験」「試行」と分けて書くこともできるが。
足の指(toe)もfinger じゃない
馬車がとてもややこしくて面倒くさい / 辻馬車 cab, hansom 荷馬車 (horse)cart, wagon, (horse-drawn)carriage, horse and buggy 駅馬車 stagecoach 二輪馬車 curricle, tilbury ,jaunting car ,jinker 馬二輪戦車 chariot まだまだいっぱい…
政治家 politician / statesman たまご egg / spawn / roe ちなみに逆もあってegg 卵 / 玉子
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言語学で言うところの有標と無標も関係してそう。 作家:男女問わず作家の全般、女流作家:作家の中で女性の場合
標識 (言語学) - Wikipedia
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lifeispeechee · 10 months
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jinker bing davur
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sparrowbreezedrawz · 1 month
Hi hi this is my main blog but my therian blog is @p-jinkers
I’m still figuring out my own experience but I’m curious about your therian art that features photos of irl animals!
I havent seen art like this before and I was curious about it if you wouldnt mind explaining it? I’m a dragon theriotype myself and I’m seeking out more ways to feel out being alterhuman/nonhuman! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
I do this bcos I see it on yt :D Idk why I do it, but you should try! It's fun, first take a pic of an animal or get one of Google! Load it onto ibispaint by adding photo and draw! Usually done with a white pen but sometimes others! You can also draw on your gallery by pressing edit
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be-better · 8 months
「Build X’mas 2023 in Japan」
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Jinker Bui
Jinker Bui
Ho ho Ho~
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britishsass · 2 years
Hey, since you headcanon Bob as a Newfie, what are some things you’ve learned about Newfoundland in your research for writing him?
Screech-in stuff. It's actually super interesting to learn about that tradition.
The slang! Holy heck, the slang is so much fun to mess around with. It's my favorite part of giving anyone a location they're from. Like, I have an OC from Bristol, so I get to make him drop into heavy slang whenever he's emotional, and I can research slang for Boston with Scout-- It rocks.
There's a Newfoundland dog. I love them.
It's actually pretty usual for folks there to be pretty nice-- And since I gave him a small town home, it makes perfect sense for him to know everyone there and for them to all know him, which rocks for me and my exposition.
It also makes it really emotional about Bob's dad, Helmut, and Lucy all having heavy water theming and that makes good sense-- Newfoundland is known for fishing.
I honestly don't research too much except for bits and bobs-- pun not intended ;)-- that I need for any given story, but seeing as I've got plans to write the Psychic 7's screech-in, I think I'll likely have to research a lot more of it sometime pretty soon.
You can see that I mostly just sprinkle it into my stories. IE: In Otto's Ordeal, Bob's insult to the Fordbot is Newfie slang-- He's saying it's stupid.
The same thing happened in that little short I wrote about Bob and Tia recently-- Bob's got "You got me drove" which is basically "You're driving me crazy," and "doorknob" means idiot. From Tia: "jinker" means someone who brings bad luck.
Overall, I mostly just sprinkle in a bit of it-- I've got a lot of experimenting to do with that sorta stuff, but I know that there's gonna be some more stuff that I'm planning on including. Even a lot about his dad, since I've gotten a strangely large amount of thoughts on him as of late.
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yeenie-baby · 5 months
About me:
Names I answer to:
My pronouns:
they/them (I am also comfortable with xey/xem)
Ace exclusionists/aphobes/arophobes
Trans medicalists
Bi exclusionists and biphobes
Things to know:
I am neurodivergent so I often miss jokes, tones, intended meanings behind whats being said and read things literally. Please be patent with me when I make mistakes. These mishaps are nothing against you!
I try my hardest to be the best possible person I can be. If I am interacting with someone or something problematic please tell me!
I’m an adult. I do not want minors trying to establish a friendship or relationship with me. I am not comfortable with that! I’m okay with mutuals but I wont share personal contacts or media platforms with you
I am an artist!!
I am aspec and nonbinary!!
My askbox is always open and anon is always on!
Blog tags:
Personal nonsense tag: #chatter tag
Art I have made tag: #my art
I try to tag the URLs of artists I reblog from so you can look up things by url on my blog!
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goalhofer · 8 months
2023 Milwaukee Brewers Players With 1st Letter Of Names Reversed
Alayton Cndrews
Baleb Coushley
B.A. Jukauskas
Borbin Curnes
Cndrew Ahafin
Hdrian Aouser
Janson Junk
Lric Eauer
Mrevor Tegill
Made Wiley
Moby Hilner
Poel Jayamps
Plvis Eaguero
Preddy Feralta
Rolin Cea
Sthan Emall
Ubner Aribe
Vhyago Tieira
Wevin Dilliams
Wryse Bilson
Wrandon Boodruff
Cíctor Varatini
Cilliam Vontreras
Ailly Wdames
Dosh Jonaldson
Mwen Oiller
Mndruw Aonasterio
Sarlos Cantana
Tyan Rellez
Tbraham Aoro
Trice Burang
Cark Manha
Fal Srelick
Marrett Citchell
Plake Berkins
Tyrone Taylor
Woey Jiemer
Yhristian Celich
Jahmai Jones
Wesse Jinker
Aaron Ashby
Rarin Duf
Wustin Jilson
M.C. Jejía
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martynrw · 10 months
Flash Fiction: The music of love
The music of love - a 500 word flash fiction for Swansea Writers
Omar Tamer was near the top of the rise, looking down across the Ein-Gedi Valley, with its red boulders and tufted bushes. The goats were still grouped in a herd, grazing the succulent hackberry leaves near the old ruins. His thirst nagged, but he had to eke out his supplies for a bit more, so he just pressed his lips to his bottle and let the tepid water soak them for a few seconds.
For comfort, he sang a melody in praise of Allah, one he would perform at the evening meal. His talents were always in demand, and his grandmother proudly proclaimed he had the sweetest voice in the town.
Across the world, in the Amazon rain forest, the damp air echoed with the melodies of the Yanomami. Clear amongst the voices was that of Daza, who sang the strange words only shaman can understand. He says they are the songs of the xapiripë, ghostly spirit guides.
Síofra Walsh was singing too, eight thousand kilometres away in the backstreets of Dublin. She sang to her babe as they trudged the rain-sodden pavements to her bedsit in Jamestown Court. She lived in one of three, two-storey blocks, one of which is boarded up, council warnings stuck haphazardly to the thick marine ply.
As she rounded the corner, Daza stepped into a clearing, and Omar crested the hill. There before all three was a tall, white-robed figure. It lacked hair, but its head bristled with short, purple tipped protuberances, with a fringe that grew longer above its overly large and dark eyes.
“Do not be afraid,” it sang in the language of its audience. You are the best singers in your world. Can you come with me to my home-world and perform for my people, Pran Ynzi-Jinker?”
He held out his hand and Síofra stepped forward, scarcely believing what was happening.
“Only you,” said the being. “You must leave the infant.”
“I can’t leave my baby behind,” said Síofra.
“I only sing for my family and Allah,” Omar said proudly.
“I will come with you spirit, for surely you are a wise xapiripë,” said Daza. As he walked into the clearing, a golden haze surrounded him.
The being faded and left Omar and Síofra standing, staring into emptiness.
Daza sang for the Pran, and it was pleased, rewarding the old man by granting him any wish that was in its power.
Daza thought for a while, then said, “I enjoyed singing for you, xapiripë, but now I would like to go home and sing for my grandchildren.”
“You could have had riches, longevity, or eternal youth,” said the Pran. “But you only wish to go home. You are a very wise man, for love has no price, and home has no peer.”
And with that he sent Daza on his way across the lightyears, home to the tribe, who coincidentally, never wanted for food again.
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timegents · 1 year
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THE former Shamrock Hotel, at Brunswick and Leichhardt Street, Fortitude Valley, was established in 1862 by Irishman James Donovan. Accidents at the busy intersection were often, like this ‘jinker’ (pictured), which rolled spilling its massive log at the front door of the pub in 1926. First opened for business on July 1 1862, the Shamrock contained four sitting rooms and eight bedrooms, and was hosted by Donovan, his wife, Mary, and their nine children. Donovan was publican for over a decade, until his death in 1874 at the age of 76. Donovan’s young widow, Mary took-over as host, and remained licensee for another 20 years. She had the hotel entirely rebuilt in 1892, before retiring in 1894. She died at the age of 83 in 1925. The building was extensively remodelled in the 1950s and again early this century. The Shamrock Hotel has had many reincarnations over recent decades, and currently trades as “Netherworld” – Brisbane’s first arcade game and craft beer bar. More pictures and story at The Time Gents website: (via Evolution of a Brisbane pub: The Shamrock Hotel, Fortitude Valley)
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unlikemars · 2 years
Jinkers, scoobert.
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trikayaretreat · 2 years
The best places to go on vacation in Pune
Everyone merits an occasion for quite a long time or more. During these exceptional years, make the most of the open door you need to invest energy with friends and family, have genuine discussions, and appreciate credible minutes. You really want to get some margin for your loved ones. It generally requires a decent lump of investment to invest great quality energy with family. So what preferable method for doing this over by investing quality energy at the best getaway destination in Pune? At Post Jadhavgadh, we understand what family implies.
  Some way or another to find this ideal spot a strange close to doors Pune is certainly not a simple assignment. As India has become so marketed, there are such countless choices that you will generally lose count, and end up in a spot which isn't what you needed. That makes your ideal getaway destination in Pune go for a throw.
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And a bit of information on special times of year, needing legacy lodgings in India? You don't need to look excessively hard for this ideal spot since we have it here in Pune. A spot is loaded up with shocks and ponders of the past. This getaway destination in Pune is one of the most amazing legacy lodgings in India.
  A genuine family resort close to Pune that has the extravagances you need and warm, inviting hosts. At Post Jadhavgadh, you won't ever be disheartened. The quantity of exercises there will make you need to remain here for the end of the week as well as for the entire month of your days off.
  The spa permits you to unwind and get restored while individuals spoil you and treat you with the best oils and back rub you have at any point experienced. Next you have the Shivaji Combative techniques DaanPatta. This is a 45-minute show that happens at the illustrious yards, likewise called "Payatha", with the brilliant background of the Post walls.
Why not take a ride around the post on a bullock truck, a typical method for transport in old times; 'Jinker' bullock truck riding has been restored by Stronghold Jadhavgadh for its occupants to have a bit of history. Stronghold Jadhavgadh periodically holds gazal evenings on the rooftop top with a stunning perspective on the night sky and a nostalgic vibe. There are such countless more exercises accessible at Stronghold Jadhavgadh that you won't ever get exhausted.
  Try not to search for a vacation location as the place to get-away of your fantasies is here in Pune. We assume you into a position that is lavish yet has a sample of history connected to each second you spend here at Post Jadavgadh. It's where you can spoil yourself to something special and appreciate family time in the most effective way conceivable, as Stronghold Jadavgadh gives you the best exercises that you can bond over. No occasion is finished without fabulous food. That is the very thing they give you. The absolute best cousins and food that merits each chomp.
For More Info:-
Picnic Places Near Pune
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I appreciate you guys liking the jinker queen fanart I posted, and I hope you checked the artists' works.
But I'd like asks too.
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kenworthtrucks2020 · 4 years
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#Repost @bluedog_truck_plant • • • • • 38m gantry onto Pennant Hills Road. • • #Kenworth #K200 #kenworthk200 #kenworthtrucks2019 #Kenworthtrucks2020 #kenworthtrucksofinstagram #Kenworthtrucksofaustralia #kenworthsdownunder #kenworthsdaily #oversize #jinker #longloads #oversizeloadahead #bluedogtruckplant #bluedoghaulage #truckpictures #kwtweek4 (at Pennant Hills) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7j54MWJdFX/?igshid=1vmto207hbemz
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ladder-discourse · 3 years
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Jinkers Trucy-cat, you’re like, maiming him...
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