#jiu headcanons
Sometimes I wonder if Shen Yuan is Shen Jiu himself, just from a different timeline. Shen Yuan is what Shen Jiu could have been if he had the right upbringing — A Sharp, cutthroat nerd with a silver tongue.
People oftentimes forget that Shen Yuan is actually pretty smart when he is not freaking out or fanboy-ing. Maybe not going through the same sickening circumstances of the PIDW world never lead him to develop the wicked shrewdness of Shen Jiu but there are still some uncanny similarities.
Since, some people theorise that Shen Yuan used to be chronically ill in the modern universe, it forces me to think if Shen Jiu ever incurred severe soul damage from Bingge's torture that lead him to be reborn with a weak constitution in the modern universe. The only purpose of Shen Yuan's life could have been to atone for his sins and break the cycle of abuse in the PIDW universe. And everything was planned and settled by the superior being that is the "System" as it cut through and merged different realities and timelines.
It's a different kind of multiverse of madness.
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scumvillainess · 4 months
au where shen qingqiu makes the mistake of telling ning yingying that he used to be engaged prior to joining cqms, and like all things related to shen qingqiu everyone in the sect ends up hearing about it.
the problem is that they have all unanimously come to the conclusion that the person that shen qingqiu was engaged to is none other than the sect leader of cqms himself, yue qingyuan.
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emo-nova · 11 months
What I think what we're missing in the Shen Twin dynamic is the brutal honesty wrapped into sly little words that just make everyone in their sect keel over. It is part of the reason they don't let the two be around other sects for like meeting or conferences, the two would just be like.
SY: Oh, Huan Hua Palace Master seems keen on the looks of his Palace. (His students only look good)
SJ: Hm, pity the walls are decorated with gold leaf than the masterclass of gold. (They have little to no talent)
SY: Indeed, but we must remember, gold never rusts so it will withstand. (One of them is decent, but that's just sad)
SJ: Too much optimism, Shidi. (I doubt it)
Leaving the Palace Master to just sit there seething, as ALL OF CANG QIONG just has to sit there trying not to make eye contact.
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3kidsinacoat · 9 months
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stardust-falling · 1 year
Yue Qingyuan doesn’t want Shen Jiu to be happy and content and nice all the time. He wants the grumpy scowling Xiao-Jiu he remembers from their childhood who constantly threatened to throw a brick into the heads of anyone who inconvenienced him. Yue Qingyuan wants the mostly-feral cat who will bite and scratch at his arms every time he goes to pet it. Sure, it might be nice to give that cat some catnip and watch it curl into a happy purring ball sometimes, but the constant scratches all over his hands are part of what makes the bond so special.
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candysweetslover · 11 months
In SVSSS, Shen Yuan just supposes that Shen Jiu hated Luo Binghe because he was jealous that Luo Binghe had a mother. But I think that that reasoning is wrong, or atleast incomplete.
So, we know that Shen Jiu hated the name Shen Qingqiu because it reminded him of Qiu Jianluo. It’s more likely that Shen Jiu started to hate Luo Binghe because of the ‘Luo’ he shared with Qiu Jianluo. Shen Jiu only showed hostility towards Luo Binghe after he learned that his name was Luo Binghe.
Knowing MXTX, this was probably intentional and it just makes the PIDW have an even worse conclusion, because it wasn’t that Shen Jiu incapable of caring for other people as he absolutely loved Ning Yingying and probably even Ming Fan. He might have even been decent with Luo Binghe if it wasn’t for the fact that he shared a part of his name with Qiu Jianluo.
This doesn’t excuse Shen Jiu’s actions but it does make more sense that Shen Yuan’s theory that Shen Jiu was jealous of Luo Binghe for having a mother. Because if that was the case it would make more sense for him to be jealous of Ming Fan or any other disciple who came from a wealthy background.
I rest my case here.
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scribescrawls · 7 months
One headcanon that I sometimes contemplate is that in the original PIDW the reason nyy never spoke up against the false accusations of sj having bad intentions towards her is because sj ordered her not to. And that he did this because he realized that even if she said anything there was a strong possibility the people around them wouldn’t fully believe nyy and dismiss her words as a young naïve girl who got taken advantage of. Sj could probably see where the chips were going to fall and as a strategist he’d know that the odds are against him and it’s likely nyy could get caught in the crossfire. If nyy spoke out, in doing so bingge would also potentially realize nyy might not be fully on his side blindly following him and if she knows differently about the truth of what actually happened and defends sj during the trial than there is a possibility bingge will just see nyy as a loose end and kill her like he plans to do with the rest of the sect, nyy marrying bingge and becoming his wife might have been less childhood love and more of a survival tactic in a shifting political landscape and I think about a headcanon where sj encouraged her to do that as a worst case scenario as long as it ensures she survives.
An alive wife might be better than a dead cultivator dying a horrible death for someone else's revenge, and I think it’s interesting if sj did that as his last act in protecting someone he saw like his own daughter ensuring she lives and told nyy to do whatever she had to do to survive in the future no matter how underhanded or who she had to throw under the bus to do it
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levemetal · 3 months
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POV you are trying to cover for your ghost gege but no one told you the inside jokes between him and his head disciple
I arrived about 20 days with bootleg starbucks late for this, but I had this silly idea and I needed to get it out of my system.
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lovefrombegonia · 9 months
Shen Jiu needs to be possessive about Yue Qingyuan. After they are no longer children, if he even gets a whiff of how it feels like to be with Yue Qingyuan, I bet my life on it that he will NEVER LET HIM GO. He would rather suffocate himself and his qi-ge than tolerate anyone else even seemingly wishing to break them apart. He will destroy those people who try to do so. Pretty sure he would have wanted to raze CQMS to the ground if he found out what it did to his beloved Yue Qi. Remember his thoughts when he found out that YQY was alive. He thought to himself that he would have preferred him dead than deciding to abandon him. While I don't believe that's what he wants truly coz he did try to push YQY away in PIDW in order to save him, SJ definitely would be very protective and possessive of him. He would be drinking vinegar in gallons every time he perceives someone getting too close to the sect leader.
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sleepixgstars · 3 months
rip shen jiu, you would have loved "I just murdered my abusive husband" girl country music 🙏😔🤠💔👢🪓
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liquid-sunshines · 1 year
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Katy perry's hot n cold, but qijiu
He ran away before they could complete the third bow...
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Fic Title if I had one:
A little piece of me in every body
a one shot
The door opened gently on one of the days he’d preferred silence. Normally, the silence unnerves him, irritates him even, but he feels far too tired to entertain himself with meaningless tunes and jokes.
He hums, not looking up from his paperwork, there’s only one person who ever calls him that, and Shen Qingqiu was the one person he didn’t mind listening to on those types of days. He thinks it’s because it’s comforting to be around someone he hadn’t made up in his head. It makes him feel real.
He felt irritated by his king a few times he’d portaled into his office. Eventually, Shang Qinghua had started to make up a mood chart—thing, to which Mobei—Jun had taken note of and respected his boundaries.
Even his martial siblings had noticed which sort of surprised him, he had assumed that they didn’t really care.
He hears some shuffling from wood clinking along wood and soon, the sound of paper flipping every few minutes.
“I’ve noticed something from Binghe.” Shen Qingqiu murmured after a while of quiet.
Shang Qinghua continues reading.
“He’s… well, sensitive sometimes. And clingy and hyperactive.”
“Mn… well, the clingy part might be my fault,” He giggled slightly, “I did advise him to be sticky in order to face your love.”
A deep sigh makes itself known, he knows the man is doing it for dramatic purposes. So he snickers before retuning his focus.
. . .
“Did you project yourself onto him?”
“Don’t all authors do?” He replies genuinely. It earns him an agreeing snort.
“Most authors do,” Shen Qingqiu amended quietly, “but this entire world… feels more like a projection of you more than any other novel.”
Shang Qinghua stops in his tracks, lifting his brush away from the paper, making sure the ink doesn’t ruin the paper, still, he doesn’t say anything.
He hid his eyes under his bangs.
“In most novels, there’s a person of every archetype with each person having a wildly different backstory.”
“My novel has that.” Shang Qinghua muttered.
“I’m getting to that.” He retorted.
“It’s just that… the backstories of your characters feels like it’s overlapping.”
“Are you critiquing my bad writing again?? I’m not in the mood..”He frowned.
Shen Qingqiu shot him a dry look, “That’s not what I meant. I just meant that there’s a lot story beats that just… looks like a pattern. Parts of the story are so incredibly specific that it makes me think that… this was a part of you that you believed in. Even if 50% of the book was based on popular tropes that is.”
“Okay. And?” He asked, unimpressed, his mood declining the more he spoke. Goodness he thought he could’ve had a break today. He guessed not.
Shen Qinghua looks up at the sound of the other standing up, a weird look present on his face.
“Most of your characters, the main ones at least, have a fear of being abandoned.” He comes closer to Shang Qinghua’s table. “Do you fear that too, Airplane shooting towards the sky?”
“I think that you’re trying to rile me up on purpose,” he growled lowly, trying not to show that he had been affected by what the other man had said. He didn’t really notice. It was kind of unintentional, but now that he’d given him a bit of evidence, he couldn’t stop his mind from whirling with thoughts.
“Yue Qingyuan,” Shen Qingqiu started after a long time of having a staring contest, “was terrified of losing Shen Jiu, to the point thatwhen the man had hated him, despised him and scorned him, he never defended himself because he thought he deserved it. And even if Shen Jiu had no love left for him, Yue Qingyuan was fine with it as long as Shen Jiu stayed.”
“And as an opposite, Shen Jiu was so incredibly terrified of being abandoned again, he decides to make sure no one could get close to him so that he wouldn’t be abandoned. So that he wouldn’t feel that sinking disappointment and pain when a promise made by a loved one has been broken.”
He wishes he could say that it hadn’t sounded familiar. The longer Shen Qingqiu talked, the more he sank in his chair trying not to tear up.
He wanted to ask why. Why he was torturing Shang Qinghua with this information. He tried not to think of his parents. Of his highschool group mates.
“Mobei—jun with parents who neglected him, someone who would let you hit him so that you wouldn’t ever leave his side ever again. You said that he was so desperate—“
“Okay!? So what??” He finally snapped, getting tired of these questions, and on such a bad day too, he thought the two of their were close friends dammit.
“Airplane.” Shen Qingqiu hissed, “tell me the truth here.”
“What!?” He demanded.
“How much of this was intentional and how much was a reflection of your own life?”
“Why? So you can make fun of me!? Critique my oh so tragic backstory? Tell me, ‘wow he’s such a whiny ass bitch for—“
Shen Qingqiu squeezed his hand out of nowhere, startling him so hard that his mind went blank. “Because you’ve done a lot to help me, so I want to help you.”
“S—So it’s a debt now!?” He scowled, his defenses building itself up very quickly, (channeling his inner shenjiu amirite) trying to push Shen Qingqiu’s hand away, but to no avail, the man was firm in his hold.
“Because you’re one of my best friends and I love you like one of my family, idiot.”
Shang Qinghua sniffled “Evil, you are.”
“Mhm.” The bastard hummed disinterestedly.
Note: sqq’s been trying to approach him for weeks, that’s probably why SQH’s in a bad mood, cuz why is sqq trying to therapise him or something, it should be his job, listening to other people and then doing the work
“I guess— I guess we can start with Zhangmen—shixiong’s part.” He whispered hours later when they’re both on the couch, Shang Qinghua’s head laying on Shen Qingqiu’s lap.
Shen Qing—no, Shen Yuan nodded.
“Obviously I don’t have a super depressing backstory like he does,” He started with a dry laugh, his gaze heavy and sad.
“I’m just... a people pleaser like Zhangmen—shixiong. Unable to say no, especially when it comes to paperwork. I guess it started when my parents started fighting when I was younger. Elementary school, I think? It was subtle. Maybe. I—I don’t remember.”
“My mom was the more emotional one. Had a short temper for all of my childhood. And… my dad was calmer, but just as temperamental.”
He thinks about when he was writing an outline about Yue Qingyuan’s and Shen Jiu’s verbal fights with each other, Yue Qi’s guilt for not being able to do enough even though he had tried. Even though it wasn’t his fault that he’d been isolated for so long without proper encouragement.
Maybe this is where Airplane had split parts of him.
He remembers the time after writing the draft, writing out all of his pent up emotions into his characters, he remembers feeling exhausted. At the time, he had thought it was solely because of the word count. But maybe it’d been because he’d been losing his heart all along.
“Mama was passive aggressive and Baba couldn’t care less. When I turned 13, no one was happy. So I tried to be what they wanted to be, I guess.”
He remembers a few chapters where Lou Binghe had met the parents of some of his wives and how they’d hated his personality. How he’d switched up a more than a few times to make them happy, and for what? In the end, most of his wives had been unhappy anyway. Enraged at her parents that he had to fake his personality to gain their approval. Sometimes it ended badly, sometimes it ended good.
Decades after writing those plots, he thinks now that maybe it’s not just a trope anymore. He thinks he can place himself into the spot of the wife. Trying to please the unpleasable.
“Sometimes it worked and they were happy with me. Mama would buy me desserts I liked, lecture me fondly and gives me a big hug. Baba would actually come hang out with me for once, promise he’ll come back after the divorce and then leave.”
Shen Jiu’s tendency to hide behind a wall of barbed wire. The man was like a rose bush with the spikiest thorns. And Yue Qi was a gardener with no gloves. He’d been waiting for years. Desperately hoping that he hadn’t been abandoned.
“When I turned 20, I saw some picture on the internet. Baba had a new family and he didn’t even come to tell me.” Shang Qinghua finally let out a sob, the first time ever admitting it to anyone.
“It—it’s not like I had a bad life, but—but it sucked being the child stuck in between, so I just gave up.”
Shen Qingqiu lifted Shang Qinghua by the shoulders and wrapped him in a warm embrace.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
“Mm.” Shang Qinghua sniffled.
“For parts of Mobei—Jun’s story I guess I just knew a guy who lashed out a lot. I mean, I was never the type to physically mean, so.” He shrugged, “i don’t know what state I was when I was writing him.”
“My friend didn’t have good parents, had a shitty uncle, I felt bad for using his story. But… he was so quiet, he never told anyone what he was feeling and in the end, I was feeling rage for him. When I said he was created as my ideal romantic partner. I guess it was because I never really knew a healthy relationship up close to write about? That’s why a lot of the wives seemed flat, I guess. Haha, you— you were right about the projection.
“What happened to your friend?”
Shang Qinghua shrugged.
“Became an overseas student I think? I remember seeing his face on the news once so he probably got all popular and got forgot about me. Think he was studying law or accounting.”
“I based Liu Qingge and his sister over that friend too actually.”
Shen Qingqiu blinks in surprise when Shang Qinghua has appeared during his lunch break.
“Ah, yeah, how so?”
“Though he hated their parents, him and his sister was super close, kept in close contact always. He was a good big brother. He told me stories about her a few times.”
“So the Xiao Liu…based off of your friends sister?”
“How bout you?” Shang qinghua tilted his head.
Shen Qingqiu smiled sadly, “I had two sisters and an older brother.”
“I’m sorry. It must be lonely.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t trigger the choking hazard.”
Both of them laugh at the dark humour.
Funnily enough I don’t have any head canons about SY’s family. I guess I like thinking that his eldest bro has a little bit Shen Jiu’s snarky ness and mood temperaments. So he’s a little defensive and a little protective.
And the Youngest sister also loved stories just like him
Youngest sister wanted to be just like Shen yuan, all smart, sassy, and kind
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scumvillainess · 4 months
while i most definitely don’t believe that shen jiu would be a good parent or even want to have kids in the first place, i think if he ever were to have a kid he would be the type of parent to go “when i was your age-” whenever his kid complains about something being hard or impossible to do, and the funny thing is he wouldn’t even need to exaggerate like most parents do because of how fucked up his life was before joining cang qiong.
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lilapplesheadcannons · 9 months
Jin Ling, when he was a toddler, was absolutely fascinated with Nie MingJue and insisted on following his shushu to all his *cough* business dinners.
It only stopped after he was introduced to Lan Xichen and started following his jiujiu to his *cough* business dinners instead!
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jayktoralldaylong · 1 month
Imagine being the most powerful person in the world, but every time you draw your weapon and use it to fight, your life force diminishes.
That's why Chinese torture remains unmatched, their imagination is out of this world. Ain't no one does suffering like them. I do be gagged when I read their novels.
And yes I'm thinking of Yue Qingyuan! And how he became a pacifist and always fought for diplomatic solutions. Then threw it all away when Luo Bingge basically announced he was going to execute Shen Jiu. How he literally gave up his entire life. 😭😭 All his achievements, his title, his wealth, his power.
And how Shen Jiu only realised this....when Bingge scattered before him the broken shards of Yue Qingyuan's sword. And Shen Jiu realised he'd lost the one person that he sacrificed all his happiness for.
All that time wasted because these mfkers couldn't bring themselves to fking TALK!!!
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analviel · 1 year
I see a lot of examination and discussion of how Shen Jiu had the setting/backstory of a protagonist, could've been a protagonist if not for a twist of fate, and in a way his shape is still a protagonist when SY literally piloted his body- but not. (I think we all get hung up a lot bcs he didn't become protag like he deserves but he also didn't become a full on villain, who's still a protag of his own story, but just a scum villain because of the misunderstanding, somewhere along the way something happened and held him back in that in-between place, unable to tip over completely one way or another.)
It's often brought up that he's undergone his own blackening into a scum villain and I think about that a lot, but you know, his settings never actually trailed off too far from the protagonist setting, with the 'from the lowest to the highest' template- idk if that makes sense, but anyways, I of course have read more than my fair share of fix-its, but often, if not always, it's a time travel scenario.
But what if Shen Jiu, rather than swallowing the shards of Xuan Su, uses it to cut himself free of the immortal binding ropes or whatever is stopping his qi. Which is not LBH's parasite blood I don't think they have that ability but whatever. I mean, you'd ask how would he, without arms and legs, escape? A nifty thing we're all familiar with called author's will.
A time when LBH is away to deal with one thing or another, and SJ, after years of lifeless staring, and even more lifeless staring in the aftermath of YQY's death, moves. The thing about not attempting to escape for a long, long time, is that people lower their guards and grows complacent, and it's not as if there's anyone checking up on him to see if he's eating meals or whatever, LBH is more than happy to get suggestions from his wives for torture ideas but was very controlling of who gets to inflict it (Xuan Su was just left there and he did manage to swallow it). So Shen Jiu, with only Xuan Su's blade and it's inherent property as a spirit sword, not even an active one which means on one hand there's no active qi in it but the latent one from its materials, and on the other hand it's not bound to anyone and was more malleable, whatever. ANYWAYS. Skip.
Shen Jiu knowing of one thing or another, or several things that's a combination of common healing theory, rarer healing practices, less than righteous surgery techniques, equals bastardized body repair and ends with him frankensteining himself with some shaky qi threads. The needle is a piece of Xuan Su. He doesn't blink bcs his pain receptors are no more.
Scenario A.) I want SJ to play the 'mysterious wandering protag with a mysterious dark past and a mission for vengeance', only wanting to kill LBH before planning to retire from existance himself and he goes with his cool and angsty scarred body that he'd DIY'ed. The blood parasites are solved by something ruthlessly self-destructive only someone with SJ's coldness and lack of actual desire to continue breathing would do without even some initial testing. This would be done quick and dirty to keep LBH from teacking him. OR/AND
Scenario B.) I say or-slash-and because the scenario A could be cut off or maybe they could be combined. The handy dandy sun and moon dew!!! Plant it, grow it, kill himself, and recover his full potential all those years ago! Of course this would take quite a while, so he might need scenario A anyways. And conveniently enough, it puts him in the path of....... dun dun dun ZUZHI-LANG!!! And TLJ by proxy. Allies get! Maybe! Because TLJ wants to kill the sects, right? But his son did it here for him, so maybe he wouldn't bother anymore. Or maybe it's not enough bcs he hadn't killed all of everyone, so let daddy fix that right up. Or/and, LBH feels threatened and threatens in proper blackened protg manner and TLJ threatens back and flat out stomps him.
So. Maybe!
To expand on the rest of the Jianghu, the other 4 Peak Lords we know are alive, SQH, QQQ, WQW, and MQF. Bcs we don't have definite details on the timeline of PIDW, we can conveniently fill in space, put a lot of cause and effect, the cultivator world is in an uproar by the reveal that LBH is a demon (it's not as if they were okay with that, duh, if they'd known he was a demon, SJ's actions would've been treated as the only logical thing to do) and YQY is dead, AND SQH is a traitor, so that's down two - or rather three with SQQ- influential people, two of which were heavily involved in how everything is run (SQQ, while not actually lazy in his cultivation, was indeed lazy and unmotivated in most tasks that involved coordinating with others).
I really don't think SJ would feel even a little bit betrayed by SQH. To be betrayed you have to trust first, and his whole thing was that he never trusted anyone from CQMS. For SJ, SQH didn't betray them so much as his loyalty just belonged to another. Still would kill the rat next time he sees him tho (spoiler alert, he doesn't, kill him that is, but he does see him eventually).
So, I'm of the belief that Airplane's drafts included the Peak Lords as big boss too, where TLJ is the big boss of the demonic realm, they're the ones for the cultivation world, and my headcanon is that they were purposely met with sudden deaths one way or another in PIDW, and none actually died in a straight up fight, which is on brand with LQG's deviation, SQQ's trial, and YQY's thousand arrows (that I say are one of those bullshit golden finger artifacts of PIDW, maybe something like 'heavenly damned arrows of a thousand rays' that always flies true to it's target and could seal rare level pokemon rip-offs beasts for every single one. No reason that they would be normal p arrows, really). SQH might have fought or just been completely taken off guard by his lord killing him out of the blue with no chance to wriggle out. But Like QQQ was backstabbed. WQW was poisoned. MQF sacrificed himself for a beloved disciple (and that's why WQW died because he set out to find his martial brother but didn't know he'd already died. Awww).
(connected to another headcanon, the other five unnamed Peak Lords died long ago in the first battle against TLJ when he was sealed)
These people were meant to be a team. Or at least a set.
So SJ goes on an epic quest of getting power to kill his Qi-ge's killer via sun and moon dew possibly while he gets his tactician brain creating up something to kill LBH (OP characters are not killed in straight up fights, as we've learned, they're tricked or betrayed) and accidentally finding and gathering his siblings who, at that point, happen to have become guardians of havens and refuge communities in pockets of the world that holds the remnants of cultivator and human realm, where the demonic forces have spread far and wide in every realm. It's initially written to later, eventually be conquered by LBH. For example there's a hidden cave passage that leads you to Mu Qingfang's hidey hole, a pocket dimension with much rural fantasy aesthetic, housing parients and normal mortals with farms and houses woven to giant trees. Wei Qingwei is found underground creating weapons and defenses day in and day out to source to QQQ and MQF. Qi Qingqi with her armies always on the move, squads spread out in the realms, resisting against the demonic forces, helping Mu Qingfang rescue stragglers, from her old fairycore ensemble shifting to dragoncore, rarely resting with her inedia in the hollow of a mountain.
(xianxia aesthetic, whimsical aesthetic, aesthetic aesthetic aesthetic!!!!!!!!).
They..... Well. It's an awkward reunion.
SJ was shocked to meet the first lord sibling he'd seen since his imprisonment, shown only by a slight widened eyes, but emotions quickly gone. His first words is, "Do you wnat to kill the beast?"
He didn't care about the answer, if they said yes, then alright, if they said no, then he'd just walk away.
They say yes. Every one.
So, the rest really depends on how you interpret his relationship with them before the trial.
A). Was it a case of it's exactly what it looked like and they oh so very righteously hated him and he hated them back, a bunch of misunderstandings and not-so misunderstandings building up?
B). Did they have mutual respect and mutual awareness that everyone in the room they hold their PL meetings in were assholes of different flavors? Did they expect Shen Jiu to save himself in the trials, was dissapointed when he didn't but since he didn't give any indication of wanting to be saved, shrugged their shoulders and left him to his life, as they have always poked and snided at each other but always kept away from actually interfering with their lives (no matter how evil they thought the others were, because they may be evil, but they were still siblings and that just meant they had evil martial siblings. Love morally dubious group of PL but still ride and die)?
C). Or maybe they actually had a good relationship consisting of a lot of sharp teasing and reckless verbal and physical lashing and tantrums that you can really only get away with to your siblings, but was twisted by outside perpective?
And, on the way, maybe he learns to form relationships properly, with people that he loved nothing like the all-consuming soul twisting and mutually hurtful and destructive way he dedicated everything to Yue Qingyuan (from his loyalty to his shrivelled love and every hurtful words).
Just. Friends. Family. Siblings.
Imagine SJ eventually wandering off, with a burnt down Peak that would never again beholden him to promises, broken and otherwise. Grieving, yes, but somehow at peace than he'd ever been in. A very long time?
Ming Fan, who'd perhaps been in Qi Qingqi's Fairy Haven (of course that's the name, we've got a theme people) that was the group that consisted of people that bayed for the Emperor's blood or just the more active cultivators (with GYX mayhaps), a loyal disciple reunited with his Shizun. Or mayne he'd been the one to have found SJ as a human stick and helped him get spare body parts.
I imagine in this world, once Luo Binghe is... out of the picture, one way or another, busy dying or busy having an appropriately dramatic amnesia arc for him to develop character development, NYY takes over as the Empress, with her court of demoness and humans, and Harems becomes synonymous to Council. LMY her right hand helping keep everyone in line, who are also partially managed by SHL, who weighted her options and pros and cons and found establishing her position as left hand pretty good for now. The rest can come later. Imagine NYY growing up, not in brute strength bcs that wasn't how she was taught, nor is it her strength, but perhaps in a way that SJ would idly wonder if perhaps he should've endorsed her to Qiong Ding. Not all harem members stay of course, and some had to die. Ning YingYing becomes the First Empress of the age of peace in the unified two realms and first order of business is secure her influence. Second is ban slaves. Third is to encourage a tentative cooperation between humans and demons.
(Additional note: LBH having a protagonist halo doesn't make him unkillable, the death just has to meet several requirements, like being suitably glorious and impactful, and also maybe tragic- ehem killed by his own father or shizun, and seeing his washerwoman mother at his last moments. The protagonist is just another tool to set up the story and evidently, genre change is not impossible.)
(I imagine a confrontation between SJ and LMY early on that goes along the lines of SJ saying, "Wouldn't you know better than most, the thirst for vengeance for a brother's death?)
What if SJ's fix-it comes after PIDW, you know. PIDW being his tragic backstory. A slave who climbed so high despite the past clinging heavy on his shoulders, and then falling down lower than he'd ever been and resolving his issues and then climbing back even higher with more stable footing.
Qiu Haitang, Yue Qingyuan, Liu Qingge, their Five Unnamed Martial Siblings, Luo Binghe- regrets, and triumphs, all part of his story to mull over whenever he reaches the top of random hills and sets out his tea set. It's a bittersweet plot I like thinking about.
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