#jjba ask meme
inkymaws · 5 months
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cyphyree · 1 year
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I threw together a Show / Movie recommendation template so I can find more stuff to watch!!!
PLEASE feel free to fill this out and reblog from me so I can find more cool shows/films!! (hopefully i'll have time to watch them RIP) Or repost with credit :) Anyone can modify/expand it however they want too! Here are some of my recommendations:
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Oh no he’s sunburnt :(
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This started out as me objectifying him and ended up as me concocting the most heinous tan lines for him as are humanly possible as well as biblically accurate hat dent
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Daily Garista Comics April 5, 1999.
@sboopie, @corpsoir Thank you for the gift of Garista.
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maxwell-grant · 10 days
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: Noriaki Kakyoin
I really like that he's a bastard, might actually be my favorite thing about him. He's designed to be "the thin and sensitive one", he's made to be pretty and attractive to an extent the others aren't, and of course he's given a very sympathetic and tragic backstory and death, but a lot of the time the spotlight's on him, he's kind of a mean jerk but in a really understated fashion that makes it funny. There is a line of succession among Araki's pointedly villainous heroes that starts with B.T and is embodied in the current protagonist Jodio, and I think Kakyoin is in there, predating the likes of Rohan and Giorno. It's not for nothing that he is our first villain Stand user, and why they make a point of contrasting his charming honor student personality with his horrible gross tentacle puppet power.
I also like that this ties into his prideful personality, and the reasons why he's tagging along to defeat DIO. He's a guy who's grown used to being disconnected from people and ostracized and self-reliant (much of what I love about Death 13 retroactively is that it's hitting Kakyoin hard with this before we understand why this is a personal button for him, and it's not a beat that would work with the other Crusaders), having maybe the closest bond with his Stand that we see among the Crusaders, and his dynamic with DIO is interesting to me because he blames himself for falling victim to DIO more so than he blames DIO for it. It comes up more prominently in the D'Arby fight and the finale that he's pushing through not just a deep fear, but also a form of self-hatred whenever he thinks about what DIO did to him. He feels ashamed and humiliated and even abused, even knowing about DIO's power and the flesh buds and having seen others in his situation, seeing what happened to Polnareff and Enya, and it doesn't really dissuade him from this thinking.
It's that whole speech he gives to Jotaro in his debut about how evil is determined by who wins and who loses: people tend to forget it because he's being brainwashed, but the flesh bud doesn't alter personalities like that, Polnareff refutes this in his first encounter. That wasn't the fleshbud, that was Kakyoin talking, and he'd come back to that sentiment later. He lost to DIO, nothing else mattered, he was the loser and thus the evil one. And so he wants to make up for it, to stand up to DIO again and not give in, to be freed from him. He's constantly putting his friends first during the journey but at his most personal, when he's steeling himself, he thinks back to that and swears to overcome it. People talk a lot about how Kakyoin was a mega hit with the female demographic because he's pretty and charming in a way the sweaty buff men aren't and because he makes a good pair with Jotaro, and okay sure that's part of it, but I think the fact that his arc being that intimate, that tragic, and panning out into a story about overcoming abuse and standing strong in the face of your abuser, even if all you can do is save others from him, that was the secret ingredient. Intentionally or not, that stings pretty deep.
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But mostly I like him because he is a bastard, and he's the character who's not supposed to look or act like one, so the fact that he is makes it better. "Tricking your friends into feeding a baby his own shit" is not a beat that would work with the others, or even something you could land, no matter how evil the baby was, if the guy doing it wasn't capable of selling it as a cool and funny and karmically satisfying thing to be doing.
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peapodsinspace · 17 days
mermay's almost up :( can we get a mer jodio before it ends? 🥺
yeah 👍
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[ID in alt text]
I don’t really wanna draw him more (for requests at least) until I read jojolands
So enjoy the silly doodle 🫵
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Dio was just misunderstood!
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yallemagne · 1 month
you there❗❗❗
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Oh my gosh, Michael, you can't keep forcing me to do comics like this!! The audacity!!
Read from right to left:
Me: OH? You're approaching me? Instead of running away... you're coming right to me?
Me: OH HO! Then come as close as you like.
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yanderememes · 2 years
What if Yandere Bruno met a darling that's a stand user with a kid? Or if darling's kid was a stand user?
Bruno wouldn't mind since it's just a kid after all. He won't be afraid to put him/her in their place if they try to fight him, though. He wants to make it clear that he has authority and is his future step-father. Bruno will love the child with all his heart but will set boundaries. This capo isn't going to let a child run them over.
I imagine darling's kid doesn't like Bruno because they don't trust him. So they often fight over every petty thing lol
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gab-has-adhd · 5 months
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inkymaws · 5 months
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dead-lausen-journeys · 2 months
|「Despite it all, it's still you.」
|This is the introduction post to my blog, where all my request and rules information is held in one place. As well as links to future master lists.
— Warning! My blog is going to be dedicated to writing about darker versions of characters and my own little ideas. It is all fiction and stays fictional.
Requests; OPEN✓
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Good- whenever you're reading this, you may call me DeadLaus, or C.C, if you prefer. My first language is not English, and I'd love for you to help point out any spelling or grammar mistakes whenever they appear in my works.
Also here's a bit of information regarding my blogs filtering of NSFW contents;
For sexual content, tags like this may be found underneath the post; (examples)
— Tw. (Insert fandom name)-(Insert sexual elements), Tw. (Insert sexual elements), or Tw. MDNI. 🔞, ECT.
Please keep this in mind, and if you do not enjoy reading sexual content or sexually charged content please filter these tags out using ↓
Lack of SW (sexual warnings), No holding hands, Pure post & ✅
⚠️ Warning!!: Those which feature these tags can still have any of the below, as all of my content is going to lean into darkfic territory!
For works that feature more darker themes without being inherently sexual, (I E, things like murder, coercion, gore, other things along this line), these tags can be found;
Tw. (Insert trigger warning), Tw. Cognito-hazard, 🛑, fake fluff, ECT.
And lastly, for content that doesn't have a specific fandom. You may filter it by using these tags;
Author blurbs, Yandere imagines, THIRST💦, (insert nonspecific descriptions), 🌊💌_, ECT.
- I will not tolerate any sort of bullying for people who request. As going out of your way to read things that don't appeal to you is directly your own fault. Not mine.
- Anyone may request anything, except for any sort of (for example) half cat/half human, anything that has to do with scat or piss fetishes, pedophilia, or anything along the lines of that.
- Do not request for me to write outside of the fandoms I list.
- I only write for canon, so nothing like High school or College AU's. Not my thing, but on rare occasions if I'm interested enough I might write one like that.
- Keep in mind this is a DARK FIC blog, please do not request pure fluff, it defeats the point of a darkfic. However there can be fake fluff.
- Also please do not request multiple characters from multiple of the fandoms listed below, the most characters I'll do is with head cannons and "How ▧▧▧ is (insert characters)". But that's about it.
- Please be a little bit specific, though it's not required. It will automatically default as HC(head cannons) if not specific. Like- for example, scenarios or maybe one shot ideas. Or maybe with a specific reader type- like maybe an uninterested reader or something like that, I want to make works that you'd enjoy!
— I write for all types of darling's! Here's a short list to go off of!— Disabled(Mentally or physically)!Darling, Fem!Darling, Masc!Darling, Female/Male/Gn darling, Trans!Darling ECT.
|This section can be subjected to change|
— (Below will be listing the fandoms I write for)
Mainly writing for;
〔進撃の巨人/Attack on titan - All characters
〔ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/Jojos bizarre adventure; Parts 1-9, All characters.
||Personal blurbs, imagines and memes.
What else I'll write for;
〔Avatar: The Last Airbender, All characters
〔Avatar: The Legend of Korra, All characters
〔Pokemon; Anime and games, All characters.
|〔Below will be master list links;
〔進撃の巨人/Attack on titan : (WIP)
〔ジョジョの奇妙な冒険/Jojos bizarre adventure : (WIP)
Deadlaus's Blurbs, Imagines and Scenarios! : (WIP)
〔Avatar: The Last Airbender : (WIP)
〔Avatar: The Legend of Korra : (WIP)
〔Pokemon!! : (WIP)
Other accounts;
Wattpad; HERE
Quotev: HERE (WIP)
idk why the links are dumbasses—
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iceicewifey · 1 year
i’m sure something like this already exists, but i couldn’t help making a silly little ask meme.  free to be answered either in character or just described – all totally just for fun!   no need to send me an ask as i don’t have a crusader oc.
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1.)  Introduce your OC!  Who are they and what do they do?  What is their stand and ability?  How does it work alongside the Crusaders’ stands?  Alternatively, did your OC ever fight any of the Crusaders before joining? 2.)  What Crusader are they closest to?  Alternatively, do they have any ‘beef’ or rivalry with any of their fellow Crusaders?  If so, how and when does it get resolved? 3.)  If your OC joined before the beginning of the Egypt arc, how did they react to learning their newest team mate was a dog?  If they joined after, how did they first react to Iggy? 4.)  Do they have any significant fights?  If so, when and during what arc?  Do they aid in any fights with the other Crusaders? 5.)  What was their favorite destination along the journey to Egypt?  Do they have any fond memories from the downtime between fights? 6.)  How did your OC join the Crusaders?  Did they join during a specific arc or were they there from the beginning?  What drives them to want to aid in defeating DIO? 7.)  Does your OC have any meaningful relationships with the other Crusaders?  Either romantic or close friendships? 8.)  Which canon death hit your OC the hardest?  Does your OC survive the journey themselves? 9.)  What enemies and/or stands did your OC find the least tolerable?  Who did they hate the most?  Either to fight against or as a person in general. 10.)  Were there any fights/moments that scarred or changed your OC over the journey?  If so, what were they?  How did the journey change your OC as a person? 11.)  If your OC survives to the end, where do they go after the airport farewell scene?  Does anything significant happen to your OC after the journey ends? — Alternatively, if your OC doesn’t survive to the end of the journey, where and how does their story end? 12.)  Does your OC reappear in later parts?  If so, what do they do? Give a brief description.
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feel free to tweak any questions as needed.  remember to practice good reblog karma and send an ask to the person you reblog from — be good to each other !
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z-paladin · 6 months
🎵 55
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#55 - Bang! (AJR) Runner up was Yoshikage Kira but I also wanted to draw my fail-jojos
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maxwell-grant · 7 days
Reverse Unpopular Opinion: Polnareff
I always think a lot about the craft and evolution of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure whenever I think about it and Polnareff is one of the greatest examples of it, because Polnareff is the exact moment you can see Araki's gears clicking in place regarding how dang useful supporting characters can be when allowed to take the lead. Where as previous main supporting characters were largely split between cheerleaders (Speedwagon, Poco, Smokey, Erina), sacrifices to up the stakes (the Zeppelis, George) or something in between (Stroheim, Lisa Lisa, Hamon masters in general), Polnareff was maybe the first JoJo character to leapfrog out of his designated role and really for real take the reigns of the story for himself. The first guy that people point to and say as "the REAL protagonist of this part", which is almost a tradition at this point.
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In fact, although it's not the first time he has a fight to himself, you could say the first Hol Horse battle is the exact moment when this shift happens, when he's determined to face the odds and die trying in a glorious blaze of righteousness so long as he gets to fulfill his backstory-given revenge (the exact same thing that drove the Zeppelis to their doom) and play the sacrificial role, and then Avdol steals that chance away from him and "dies" instead, and then Kakyoin slams him into the back of a dragulaaaa a pick-up, hears his realization, and elbows him in the face so they can make up and handle this fight on their own, a fight they are not guaranteed to survive because remember, they're side characters, Araki doesn't spare those (heck, he didn't spare either of them in the long run), and thus, the fights they're in inherently have a tension most of the main protagonist fights don't, which means they're a thing worth doing even if, and especially if, they won't be the ones where they're killed off.
This in turn is what allows the Crusaders to gradually come on their own as a cohesive unit of characters, each of whom can take the lead and work out their own missions, solo or in pairs, and take the story through different tones and bumps and highs and lows, each of whom can be selected to better fit whatever cool or stupid or crazy idea Araki was feeling up to that month, and I'd say this breakthrough, working out what it means to write for an actual cast of protagonists and dynamics instead of just the one guy everything rotates around, was just as crucial to the long-term viability of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as the invention of Stands.
Jotaro is the main character, of course, and Joseph is the navigator. Polnareff was the best answer I could come up with for a personality and visual appearance that would still be able to stand uniquely apart from those two. He makes up for what the two Joestars can't do… So he may have always been special to me. (Laughs)
For example, when he's with Jotaro and Joseph, Polnareff becomes a character who can both tell jokes and act serious. Polnareff's the one who always falls into enemy traps and has bathroom trouble on the journey. If that had happened to Jotaro, it would have made him seem too careless, and the story would have gotten off-kilter. That's why I had no choice but to put in Polnareff as much as I did. Compared to Kakyoin and Avdol, Polnareff is a light, straightforward man who goes out of his way for others, and tends to stick his nose where it doesn't belong. Thanks to that, he got a lot of screen time.
Since he got so much screen time, he also got a lot of battles. He fought a lot of DIO's men, and I was always worried that I might have to make Polnareff lose, or even kill him. Within his battles I saw the unique excitement of not knowing who's going to come out of this alive, similar to with "The Magnificent Seven." Polnareff grew precisely because he conquered so many do-or-die situations. - JoJonium special interviews
Polnareff is the Wolverine of Stardust Crusaders: the lone wolf rebel who actually turns out to be the greatest team player of them all. He's the great handyman, the glue that turns every interaction into a scene, every pairing into a character dynamic, every conflict into a worse conflict, and every victory into an emotional triumph. The Crusaders are largely a set of defined, set personalities, with Joseph providing initial levity, but Polnareff is extremely volatile: he never half-asses a decision or impulse or feeling, he is a whole-ass everything guy 100% of the time. He gets to fall into every horrific trap that Jotaro is too cool to have an appropriate pants-shitting response to, he gets to take turns being the clown with Joseph and play the comedy scenes to their respective traits, he is inherently suited to be a comedic and personable foil to Kakyoin and Avdol, he pairs up wonderfully with all of them when it's time to get serious because Polnareff getting serious means something that Jotaro and co. getting serious doesn't, and THEN he gets to be the hapless frustrated straight man to Iggy, because Iggy is Dog Polnareff, the living embodiment of Polnareff's ego being his worst enemy, and then when they do patch up and get serious, it's the most heartbreaking moment in the story. It's a long journey for Polnareff to work his way to being the guy who can have a stand off with DIO and kill arguably the strongest enemy in the entire series up to that point.
If Stands are said to be the thing that made Araki decide to continue the series past Part 3 because he realized he stumbled onto a conceptual goldmine, I'd say it was the development of the Crusaders as a team, and especially Polnareff taking the lead to such an extent, that gave him the legs to carry this for 25 more years and counting. If Joseph was the moment where Araki kickstarted the idea of being able to replace his protagonists with total opposites and thus always have a potential new angle to approach a story from, Polnareff blew wide open the possibilities of who could take the lead in a given JJBA story, the utility of it's supporting cast, and opened the door for the entry of much, much stronger and more varied character dynamics to support and evolve this variety. There aren't many characters who did as much for JJBA as Polnareff did.
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Also yeah no SHIT people joke he's the real protagonist, his fights had a way better batting average than everyone else's, do you remember how boring most of the early fights with Jotaro only were? I'm not gonna say Stardust Crusaders was the best at balancing out the cast just because it was the first part to really try, I definitely think Avdol and Kakyoin got the short end of the stick, Avdol especially, but can you blame Polnareff for overexposure just because he so naturally lends himself to the good stuff? Shit, he really is the Wolverine of Part 3, for better or worse.
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