#jk snzfic
blu-archer · 2 years
Not Everything Changes
Requested. Snzy Jk after playing with Bam in the rain.
Word Count: 4452
Sickie: Jk
Caretaker: OT7 [kind of, mostly Jin/Tae/Jimin]
Errors; most likely. I should be sleeping.
Enjoy! hopefully its not too much rambling and is actually coherent.
Not everything changes.
He couldn’t believe his luck – or rather lack thereof.
Sure. Maybe it hadn’t been the brightest decision to take Bam to the park when it was raining for the third consecutive day, but it was the only time he could go to the closest one without being recognized by someone new every second step. Anyway, the weather app on his phone had said it would mostly be overcast – maybe some light rain here and there.
He’d organized his entire day around that information, so it wasn’t like he was going to change it for any minor inconveniences – and that’s what that sudden downpour had been. Those heavy clouds that had blanketed the sky? Minor.
So, against his better judgment he’d gone out and had the most carefree time with Bam. He didn’t even want to think about the current state of his bathroom with how much mud and water they’d brought home last night.
But now as he sat perched for his stylists on the set for their most recent photobook, he felt miserable.
His misfortune had started with him sleeping through his alarm at 4am, not by much but considering the screeching that it made it was quite the feat to not wake up immediately. Then he’d zombie walked through his morning chores – accidentally banging into his kitchen table and dropping some of  Bam’s food onto the floor as he refilled the bowl. He hadn’t even bothered to pick up the mess, just stood there and glared tiredly at the pellets scattering his floor. Bam had dived to sniff at the mess before turning to look at Jungkook with a wagging tail. He’d just sighed and scrubbed at his nose  as he went to pull on some sweats and a hoodie before making coffee into a small flask. Then he’d set out to go to work.
Now he was freshly dried after using the company showers and getting his makeup and hair done trying not to be too obvious that his throat had started to hurt despite how much water he chugged, and his nose was beginning to run with each dab of the makeup brushes. Although he was starting to think it was a losing battle. Already he could hear his stylist ‘tsk’ at his reddening nose, trying their best not to agitate him more than he already was. He was just thankful that his hyung’s were already being fitted into their clothes and weren’t anywhere near him to notice – especially when one final stroke on his cheek had him coming undone. He could just barely hear an annoyed sigh after he had pitched into his hands and caught an itchy fit that left him even more frustrated than before.
The stylist slipped him a tissue with the sharp instruction to not wipe off too much of his makeup since they didn’t have much time and Jungkook bowed with growing embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. Wiping his nose did nothing to relieve him, but it at least stopped dripping while he was given the finishing touches before being sent to wardrobe.
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grinned at him as he slipped on his suite jacket, his shirt gapping open in a similar fashion to what Jungkook’s own was. “They’re doing subunit shots before the group. We’re on set 3 with the plants. Taetae is being organized with props already we were just waiting on you.”
Jungkook did his best not to seem too out of it, even if his sinuses were borderline overwhelming with the need to sneeze as he let himself be led to where he was needed. Jimin had continued speaking, rambling about what all they’d been told to do but Jungkook really hoped that it was more optional than anything else because he was not listening to a single word being said.
Before being set in position he’d sneakily tried to wipe at his nose once more with his used tissue from before, hiding it from sight as soon as his members turned to join him amongst the mini forest that had been created on the floor. The photographer was kind in directing them,  positioning them laying down amongst each other and while he appreciated not having to stand or do too much activity, being horizontal wasn’t helping to keep his nose from running. He sniffled as quietly as he could, which really wasn’t quiet at all, but he hoped that the activity surrounding them masked it for the most part.
 His hyung’s were laying to his right with Jimin closest - his head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder while Tae had been set up seated against large potted plants that’s leaves draped over him.
There was a flash of light as the photographer did some final tests and Jungkook froze with the immediate faltering of his breath. His chest heaved once more which had Jimin shooting him a questioning look but before he could answer another flash went off.
“Eh’hESHH’uh…snf*.. H’EISHhew!” He sniffled deeply and winced at how wet it had sounded. At least he had thankfully been able to raise his arm in time, but it didn’t stop him from feeling just a little bit mortified that he could have sneezed on Jimin. Not that his hyung seemed overly bothered besides the beginning crease of concern starting between his brows.
“You okay, Kook-ah?”
“Jusd-“ he sniffed once more, clearing his throat as he got back into position. “Just the lights. I think the plants are getting to me a little bit as well.”
It was a convincing enough lie to make since he didn’t want to make anyone worry or chastise him for his [albeit flawed] choices but he didn’t miss the light kick Jimin gave Taehyung, as if to just keep watch either way.  And then the shoot began.
It was exhausting. Like mind numbingly exhausting and Jungkook had been prompted to sneeze more times than he thought he could get away with, not to mention the growing ache behind his eyes that the studio lights seemed to be amplifying each minute he sat before them. Taehyung had taken to rubbing his back or shoulder each time that they were positioned close enough and Jimin had suggested doing some shots with their eyes closed in hopes that it would help the process go smoother. His tissue from early was now unusable and he had taken to trying to use his wrist before caving and asking if he could take a break just to blow his nose.
With an understanding nod from the Head photographer, he practically sprinted out of the lights towards where his manager had already acquired the much-needed tissues and winced as he saw the rest of his hyung’s seated watching the screen upload the photos of his shoot. Obviously they must have finished up already and were waiting for the group photos to begin, which he was holding up because he couldn’t handle a light going off around his sensitive nose.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” His manager at least tried to ask him quietly as he blew his nose. His skin was burning with embarrassment, already imagining the glare the stylist would give him at the amount of makeup that had been wiped off, but it was better than having a mess drip down his face.
He couldn’t even bring himself to answer properly, just nodded and coughed into the next tissue he was blowing into.
He turned back to the set to see Jimin and Tae moving swiftly towards him, both immediately resting a hand on his upper back or leaning onto his shoulder in a way that made him feel just a little bit more comfortable than before.
“They said they have enough to work with, so we need to get changed and move to the main set.” Taehyung explained. “Maybe you will feel better being away from these props.”
He highly doubted that, and he suspected that they felt the same with how they watched him with concerned pity. His manager handed him a bottle of water and the tissue box before disappearing to find out the next steps in the day and Jungkook took the moment to sit.
His nose was swollen to a point of it being mildly painful. He could feel heavy congestion settling in and he just wanted to go home and curl up into the warmest, softest blankets he could find before sleeping for like a week. He couldn’t – obviously. He was still scheduled to work for at least another 5 hours or so, and tomorrow called for various other schedules that he would likely have to be drugged up on medication to the point where he might not even be aware of his tasks, but it was nice to dream.
“Are we moving to the final part?” Hoseok asked, the rest of the member finally joining them. Each lingering hesitantly at the sight of Jungkook. “Is everything alright? You look sick.”
“I’mah-hheh’ekshh’u! Sor-ah-ry’IEESH’U!”
 “Sounds like a cold.” Jin mused, immediately moving to set a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You’re a little warm but that might be because of all these lights.”
“I’b fide.”
There was a brief silence. None of them keen to say the obvious when they watched the youngest member pitch yet another damp sneeze into a tissue. His appearance spoke for itself, despite his words. It was like they could physically see his illness rolling off him in waves and yet he was in adamant denial for some reason. It wasn’t like they’d never been sick around each other before, usually they were quite open about it.
A call from across the room forced them to move back to the wardrobe section, all of them hovering a little closer than before as they watched Jungkook apologise to one of the makeup artists with pitiful doe eyes. She merely smiled with a soft word of reassurance, then got to work reapplying everything he’d rubbed off as well as concealing the deep red that had taken over around his nostrils. 
An hour in since they’d started up again and Jungkook was proud to admit that he had managed to keep his symptoms mostly at bay. Sure, the flash of lights still made the immense tickle in his nose flare dangerously, and his hyung’s still sent him pointed looks when something did manage to slip, but he had yet to actually sneeze.
Namjoon had commented more than once on his mouth breathing when they were positioned beside one another, shooting looks to the staff as if to announce this needed to be wrapped up soon, but Jungkook just brushed it off with a forced grin. He was dressed more casually this time, so the clothes were warmer and cozy to a point where he had started to doze, lazily resting back into the couch that they were all seated on.
 It was only when the photographers called for a break to review things that he let out a heavy sigh and finally relented in closing his eyes without a fight. Letting his body melt into the cushions as he listened vaguely to the soft conversation his hyung’s made until he slipped into complete darkness.
“Should we wake him up?” Hoseok wondered aloud. Jungkook had finally fallen asleep after fighting against it for like last hour and his snores were gradually filling the set while they waited.
“Let him sleep. He’s definitely sick whether he wants to admit it or not.” Yoongi sipped his water, eyes analysing the puffiness that had settled in the sick boys’ face. “We should see if we can reschedule our practices tomorrow.”
“Manager-Pdnim said he has already started to organize a shift of planning in the next few days for all of us in order to get some time off for him.” Jimin said. “Or at the very least a lighter schedule for this week just to accommodate.”
“I’ll go and see if anything has been decided.” Taehyung stood gesturing towards where their manager had left too. Hoseok joined him with one final look of sympathy towards the youngest. It left the rest of them in a moment of blissful silence where they all just took a breath and let the exhaustion of the day wash over them while the crew and staff bustled around. Jin ran his hand through Jungkook’s hair, messing with the hairspray as he removed his hand to touch his own face before settling it back on Jungkook’s forehead with a frown.
“Does he have a fever hyung?”
“Maybe.” Jin shrugged. He couldn’t be entirely sure. “He’s a bit warmer than me but it still might just be because of everything that’s happened today. He’s dressed warmer than me as well.”
“He sounded miserable earlier.” Namjoon added with a sigh. He was on the other side of Jungkook and was probably the sole reason that he was still somewhat upright on the couch despite having instinctively curled closer to his leader in his sleep. “This came on rather quick.”
“There is no way that he isn’t contagious.”
“Hyung,” Jimin spoke as if he was chastising a child. “We’re not going to be busy after this. If we get sick, we get sick. He couldn’t be absent to a shoot that’s been planned for months.”
Yoongi shrugged, if not in agreement then at least to appease the younger. He didn’t really want to get sick, especially with all the work he needed to get done, but he understood that there had been no getting out of this for Jungkook. “You think they’ll let us take him straight home instead of heading to the company?”
“I think we aren’t going to give them a choice.” Jin said firmly but quietly as Jungkook shifted.
Although the attempt was in vain when Jin startled as a hand came down on his shoulder only to see Taehyung’s face splitting into a grin at seeing his hyung jump.
“Yah! My heart!”
“Aish hyung.” Hoseok laughed as he leant over the couch next to Taehyung. “Are you implying old age?”
“Ya-Yah! Don’t disrespect me!”
He reached up to wildly whack behind him but both culprits ducked out of reach with laughter. The only thing his gestures accomplished was a low moan out of Jungkook, who blinked his eyes open a couple of times before curling further into Namjoon’s side.
“Ah ah ah…” Before he could go back to sleep, Tae hastily reached over to keep him up, willingly taking the weak hit that Jin laid on him as he got closer. “We’re leaving now, Kookie.” Taehyung shook him enough to keep him roused and glanced amongst the others. “We’ve got this afternoon and tomorrow off, but Pd-nim asked if Joonie-hyung and Suga-hyung could still stop by the company before going home – and Hobi-hyung, but he knew that already. Something about not being able to put a meeting off.”
“We’ll group in the one car and you guys can take the larger one to get home then.” Namjoon nodded, encouraging Jungkook to sit upright with gentle nudges in his side. “Jungkook, you need to get changed into your clothes again.”
There was a small hand around his wrist, dragging Jungkook to his feet before he’d even properly opened his eyes. Jimin was leading him off to the wardrobe area where they had the clothes they’d arrived in, the pace perhaps a bit too hasty. He had barely managed to steady himself before forcing them to stop so that he could sneeze towards the floor. He didn’t even have the awareness nor energy to cover, just moaned with a gurgling sniff as he misted the floor twice more. A low complaint from Jimin told him that he might have accidentally caught the other in his mess but there was barely a breath in-between before Jimin’s words turned softer and more encouraging with the promises of home and warm food.
And that sounded like the best thing he’d heard all day.
Getting changed and the car ride had turned into a sleepy haze. Although he’s pretty sure that Yoongi and Seokjin helped get him into his shoes and hoodie - he vaguely remembered soft nudges and gentle words before he was loaded into the car in which he promptly fell asleep in once Taehyung and Jimin settled on either side of him.
He woke up to the muffled sound of rain and the low volume of his tv playing some sport channel. He turned over in bed with a low moan at having forgotten to turn his tv off before going to bed, then jolted up. His head pounded in protest, but he definitely hadn’t left it on. He remembered turning it off the day before. What he didn’t remember was how he was in his bed.
Through his sleep-sick muddled mind he started to remember that he had in fact gotten up that morning already and had gone to work. He also vaguely remembered leaving work, which meant that if there were noises in his apartment that Bam can’t make then at least one of his hyung’s was there. Witnessing the colossal, muddy mess he had left the place in the day before.
God he really should have just cleaned up straight away, even if he had already started to feel bad. At least then he wouldn’t have to face the shame of them knowing his foolish actions.
He fell back into pillows, muffling a cough that just wouldn’t ease the tickle in his throat. At least Bam had had fun at the park – despite his current situation, yesterday hadn’t been an entirely bad idea. He just didn’t think any of his hyung’s would see it like that.
Preparing himself for the worst, Jungkook managed to pull himself to his feet with his comforter wrapped around him and draping to the floor as he walked to his living room. Immediately he could make out Taehyung and Jimin on the couch with Bam, although neither seemed to be watching whatever they’d put on the tv, much more interested in the excited roughhousing of his Doberman.
He stood by the doorway hesitantly watching. The wet clothes and dirt that had scattered the floor of his bedroom that morning had been all gone and he had a suspicion that if he checked his bathroom he’d find that spotless too.  He was about to Join the 95’ers when he glanced to the kitchen and made eye contact with his eldest hyung. Jin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his face void of emotion – there was no anger or disappointment, but there was also no sympathy. Jungkook guesses that that was a disserving reaction.
Foregoing his previous plan, he silently shuffled to join Jin, trying his best not to feel tiny under the weight of his hyung’s gaze.
“You understand that when its pouring with rain and you have a free day, preferably you stay at home.” Jin’s voice was stern and his eyes unwavering from Jungkook’s. “Where its warm and dry. You don’t go out and get drenched in it.”
“I know hyung.”
“And if you do – heaven forbid – and you feel sick, you can tell us.”
“I know..”
“Especially if we have group activities that is both extensive and enforcing close proximity to each other. It’s called being courteous and makes us aware of any possible limitations.”
“I know, Jin-hyung.”Jungkook sniffed, burying the lower half of his face into his blanket as a weak attempt to hide. “I’m sorry.”
Jin’s gaze softened. “I made you some seaweed soup. I went and bought some ingredients and medicine since your place is practically empty.” He pinched at the blanket and tugged once to prompt Jungkook to follow him to the stove. “You need to pay better attention to your health, Kook-ah. I’m not always going to be there to make sure you rest or eat well, so please. Treat yourself with a bit more care.”  
Well that definitely wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but the thought was there now. He could already feel his eyes tearing up as he sniffed and stared into the pot of resting soup.
“Aigoo… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Jin gently pulled him into his chest, ruffling his hair with one hand and pulling him in tightly with the other. “Let’s heat you up some food and join the other two, or you can go back to bed but only once you’ve eaten and taken medicine.”
Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat but the tears he’d yet to shed made him sound croaky either way as he agreed to join them.
“Go sit down then and I’ll bring you everything.”
Jin turned to busily get bowls for the soup and rice he’d made but turned back at the hoarse “hyung”. He blinked expectantly and swiped a single tear that had finally managed to break free and streaked Jungkook’s cheek. “Hyung, could you make me some tea too.”
“Of course, Jungkook-ah.” Jin smiled. “Hyung will bring it to you.”
Jimin and Taehyungs approach was quite different from Jin’s – in which they barely seemed to acknowledge how stupid he had been to get sick like he did. Rather Jimin did what he always did when comforting others, latching himself onto their side and smothering them with soft pets, kind accented words and just general affection that made Jungkook a little homesick for his parents, and if he closed his eyes the lilting Busan dialect could almost transport him back to his childhood home.
Taehyung didn’t really change at all, Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he had expected him too. Instead, his friend tucked into his side and draped an arm around his shoulders, occasionally being a pest and flicking Jimin as he clung to Jungkook’s other side just to hear his soulmate complain testily.
Bam had stayed on the floor for mere seconds after Jungkook was seated and settled, then he had practically molded himself onto Jungkook and Taehyungs laps. Occasionally he lifted his head to try and lick Jungkook in the face but eventually gave up and just stared at Jimin with woeful puppy eyes.
“Can we change this to something more interesting?” Jimin prompted, paying attention to the tv for the first time. “Jungkookie, do you want to watch a movie? Something Marvel?”
“Anything you want, hyung.” He murmured softly, resting his head onto Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin didn’t seemed entirely pleased with the answer but grabbed the remote and went on a search for one of the older spiderman movies. It seemed like the safest option, anything potentially related to Iron man was still a sore topic after the last Avengers film.
“How are you feeling? You slept for a couple hours.” Taehyung asked just as Jin brought in a tray of steaming soup and rice with some apples sliced and put on a plate.
As if Jungkook’s appetite was big enough to eat it all right now.
“A bit better than this morning I guess, but not much different.”
“Hyung’s bringing tea now,” Jin reassured as Taehyung forcibly moved Bam entirely onto his lap so that Jin could set the tray  onto Jungkook’s. [The tray was definitely a large chopping board, but if Jin wanted it to be a tray then that’s what it would be.] “Eat so long and maybe you’ll feel better.”
Doubtful but Jungkook did as he was told as Jin returned to the kitchen and sipped gingerly at the hot soup until the steam started to bother him and he was forced to reach for the unopened tissue box on his coffee table. Scrambling to open it and then blow his nose, grimacing at the sound. His nose still tickled but at least it wasn’t running anymore.
“As long as you feel better quickly.” Taehyung said with a small smile. “You had Jiminie worried earlier.”
“You were worried too!” Jimin pursed his lips and just resumed in his clinging after he pressed play on the movie. “We were equally worried.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.” Jungkook couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left him at that. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on.” He nibbled on a spoon of rice as if to proof his point.
 “You better.”
The four of them [five if Bam counted- he did, obviously] sat through both of the Amazing Spiderman movies, none of them complaining or thinking of switching even as Jungkook periodically dozed or sneezed his way through the passing hours. By the time the credits of the second movie rolled in he was exhausted. Pitching breathy, hoarse sneezes into his palm.
 Thankfully both Jimin and Tae had readjusted so that Jungkook had more space to himself or else he probably would have sneezed on them multiple times already. He had drunk 2 and a half cups of tea but only managed the apples and half of the rest of his meal, but Jin wasn’t too hung up on it. He just let Jungkook know that it would be in the fridge waiting for him.
The medicine he’d taken at the beginning of the second movie had started to kick in, but instead of masking his symptoms, it just made him drowsy. Which didn’t help when he kept coughing and sneezing over everything.
The final straw was when he’d sneezed hard enough that he’d gotten thrown into a coughing fit so thick he could barely breathe. Jimin and Taehyung had immediately been there, rubbing his back and handing him tissues while Jin could have probably broken the record for ‘fastest person to ever retrieve glass of water within 6m distance.’ After that none of them wanted to keep him up for longer than necessary and promptly steered him back to his bedroom where he collapsed, star fished on the mattress. One of them – probably Jimin – got to work making sure he was properly covered while the other brought his tissues and water to rest on his bedside table.
He could feel each of them as they hovered and nitpicked to make sure that there wasn’t anything else he would possibly need – only caving when Jungkook repeatedly reassured that he was fine and just wanted to sleep. Then they left the room, each promising not to be far or to call if it got too late and they had to leave for something. One of them pressed a brotherly kiss to the crown of his head, their hand on his forehead checking for a fever one last time before they retreated.
The final words of “Hyung’s here if you need him” making Jungkook so comfortably warm that he had no trouble sinking into an easy sleep again.
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ohgodimafraud · 9 months
panic! at the drugstore (j/jk, nanami)
hiiiii @ezynse merry xmas, happy new year, happy day. <3
im ur secret santa. <33 i hope u like this fic. ily. i want u to know the j key on my keyboard is challenged so i wrote "Goo" by accident sm ToT
(sorry for the title i dont even rlly listen to them i- )
please keep this to sneeze kink blogs only! 18+ only!
Summary stuff:
Fandom: J/JK
Characters: Nan//ami, Go/jo, Ijic/hi, Yu/ji,
Pairings: slight nana/go. in the way la croix has flavor
Good future AU (no bad stuff, everyones an adult. set in 2023)
As soon as Nanami detected Gojo’s presence, he should have turned on his heel and left. Instead, he’d gone into the drugstore, reasoning that the necessity of his trip outweighed the aggravation it’d cause. He wasn’t naive enough to hope he’d get out of here without any additional psychic damage but maybe he’d luck out and Gojo would— 
“Nanami!” Gojo sang from a few aisles over. This was starting to play out like one of his nightmares. Verbatim. “Wow, you shop here too?!” 
“Not anymore.” 
Gojo laughed easily and brushed off the obvious rejection with a wave of his hand. “Oh, don’t act like you’re not happy to see your best buddy!”
“I have no such thing.” Nanami sighed and drew out a cough in the process which he managed to muffle into the sleeve of his jacket. Anyone else would have read the room and left him alone, but Gojo continued to chatter on at a volume unfit for the public space they were in. If only he’d move back a few centimeters so Nanami could escape without having to push past him and potentially causing a bigger scene than they’re already causing. He’d already used up his energy—both cursed and otherwise—at work today and he was quickly fading. 
 For the first time, he wished he could focus on the bubblegum pop blasting through the speakers with its sentiments of Sakura blossoms and old times; it would beat trying to follow the embellished story Gojo was telling. He pinched the bridge of his nose. To make matters worse, the temperature change had caused the congestion that had mostly settled by the end of the train ride over here to return with a vengeance. His nose threatened to drip and he risked a small sniffle. Immediately, he recognized it as a mistake when the lingering prickle sharpened and traveled deeper into his nose.
As if he hadn’t sneezed enough today. 
“And after all that I got some wagashi at this great place near the hospital, Great Luck right? And haha it was! Anyway, the point is… I got some stuff for Yuji, but then I got hungry waiting for the car so I figured I’d better make up for it.”
Nanami made a point of checking his watch as a last ditch effort for a polite departure, less for Gojo’s sake and more for the sake of everyone else in this godforsaken store. But most of all for his own sake, considering he’s quickly losing the battle against the pertinent tickle up his right nostril. “I don’t have time to talk,” he said evenly, breath only wavering once he’s gotten the last word out. 
Unfortunately, Gojo clasped his shoulder, refusing to let him leave. “Did you take the train here? We could carpool instead, Ijichi is—”
“ht’KKxt!” Nanami interrupted with a poorly restrained sneeze directed into the sleeve of his jacket. 
“Bless you!” Gojo’s head lolled to the side; he had the decency to release him, but otherwise didn’t move out of his personal space. Nanami nodded and turned away. “Wow, that sounded painful. You okay?”
It was. “hGNXt’ch! h’kKt…chh.” Damnit. “Hh- kmpht’Chhh!” He might not have been able to see Gojo’s eyes, but he sure could feel them on him. This tickle just wasn’t going to quit until he let it out, and he’d rather end this as soon as possible. “h’eSCHh!” 
“Oh bless you.” Gojo, ever uncaring of displaying any decorum, took zero steps away from him. He examined him from a few different angles, tapping his chin as he hovered. “Bet I can guess why you’re here today!”
“Excuse me.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and rubbed small circles all the way into the inner corners of his eyes and tried to ignore the heat that had risen to his ears. His head pounded even harder than it had before. 
“Always so formal, huh?”
Always so inappropriately casual, huh? Nanami glanced at Gojo’s basket and its contents: strawberry shampoo, bags of candy, winter apple body wash, face masks, moisturizer, cotton candy flavored lip gloss, and more items he couldn’t quite make out, but surely none of them were essential enough to inconvenience Ijichi in the way Gojo was. Everything he’s learned about Satoru Gojo has been against his will, and now he’s horrified that his brain was wasting the time wondering if he’s one of those people who can’t go to the store and truly buy one item.
“So, how was your—”
“I don’t have time to talk. Excuse me.” Risking a shoulder check, Nanami walked towards the aisles. He tried not to sniffle more than strictly necessary and tried to ignore the extra set of footsteps behind him. Key word was tried.
“Oh wow, you really sound terrible.” Gojo said sympathetically, continuing to haunt Nanami all the way to the cold and flu aisle. “How long have you had that cold?”
Why did it have to be Gojo?
“Stop following me.”
“You forgot your basket, though.” 
So he did. “I don’dt need that much.” It was true, but Nanami accepted the basket anyway from the pouting man. 
“Mm, really? You kinda sound like you’re dying, y’know.” Gojo wandered around the aisle and picked up a box of medicine that he held up to his blindfolded eyes. “No offense.” A man started walking in their direction, took one look at Gojo, and immediately turned around. Nanami released a small forlorn sigh through gritted teeth.
“I’ll be finde.” he said, clearing his throat. He could curb the hoarse quality his voice had taken on, but the congestion was something he’d have to live with for now. “You mentionded Ijichi is waiting?”
“Yeah, so hurry up, Nanami!”
“I will n’dot be ri-ridi’hhgg wih—” He’d gotten distracted and hadn’t noticed that the itch from before had been slowly respawning. Gojo gave a questioning hum as Nanami his knuckle to his nose, sniffled sharply, and cleared his throat again. “I will not be riding with you.”
 “Aw, not with me?” 
Nanami shot him a glare. All of his efforts were in vain because the urge to sneeze returned with a vengeance and demanded his attention in a way that put Gojo’s efforts to shame. The prickle spread like wildfire through his sinuses, and in spite of his efforts in snuffing it out, he’d allowed himself to get distracted enough to give the enemy the advantage. “Hh-!” He inhaled sharply before shoving the back of his wrist up to his nose. “nGhthsCH! hh’NGXTCHh’ueh!” That last one had been particularly loud but had been just as unrelieving as its predecessors. “hehH’TSChhiuh!”
 Gojo patted his back. There was a warmth to his palm that Nanami could feel even through the layers of fabric acting as a buffer between them. “Bless you.” Using only his free hand, he easily broke the seal of a travel pack of tissues on the shelf and nudged a few tissues into Nanami’s palm.
“You’re supposed to pay first.” In spite of the protest, he fixed his glasses that were in danger of falling off his face and accepted the tissues; by noon, his handkerchief had become unusable and he’d already gone through the tissues he’d accepted at the train station this morning, so his options were limited. He turned away for a moment to blow his nose. While his efforts were productive, they did little to kill the taunting buzzing in the back of his nose. He pinched his nostrils shut from behind the tissue and willed the tickle to recede.
“Not yet! Hey if I buy your stuff will you ride with me? Wouldn’t you get back sooner that way? Oh, bless—”
“—you again!”
He took a moment to massage the bridge of his nose in a silent apology to himself for the poor attempt at stifling before clearing his throat and bringing up sodden tissue to wipe the lingering moisture from the red rims of his nostrils. 
No amount of free cold medicine would make spending his free time with this absolute menace in a small enclosed space worth it, but at the same time it’d be less aggravating for him to just go along with it in the long run. Gojo’s already made it clear he has no intention of leaving him alone. He gave half a nod and picked up the first bottle of cold medicine that he saw and a bag of face masks and took a few steps in the direction of the check out. 
“That’s all you’re buying?” Gojo asked. His lips formed an exaggerated frown and his forehead wrinkled as if he was bewildered by Nanami’s shopping habits.
Nanami was too busy fighting a losing battle against the threat of another sneeze to tell Gojo to stop adding more items to the basket, but he managed to shoot him a pointed glare before his expression crumpled. “Hh- hehhH- …mPHTtshhiuh! Pardon,” he said more out of habit than anything and wiped his nose again, “I have more than enough now.” 
“So frugal.”
He supposed the cough drops, vicks, lotion tissues, vitamins, and nasal spray wouldn’t hurt, especially if accepting them will get Nanami out of here faster. Since he’d already opened the tissues, he figured he might as well put on one of the masks in the pack. His glasses immediately fogged and he tucked them into his inner coat pocket.
After they’d approached the register Gojo told the cashier they would be paying together and nuzzled his cheek against Nanami’s shoulder in an intimate way. He’d smack him later. 
The cold pierced through Nanami’s coat as soon as they opened the door. As annoying as this situation is, he can’t say he’s upset that he won’t have to walk back to the train station. They turned a corner and Gojo pointed out the car. 
“I know, I know.” Gojo opened the door to the passenger side and abruptly wrapped an arm around Nanami’s shoulder, yanking him into the field of vision as if he’d run away. “That took a little longer than I said, but look who I ran into!”
“Nanamin!” Itadori called out from the back seat with a cheery wave. Nanami is just as surprised to see him, though he’d mostly tuned out Gojo’s story. “No way, what a coincidence!”
Nanami shot Gojo a withering look and gave a slight bow to Itadori. “Itadori-kun…” 
“Think fast!” Gojo called out and threw a bag of candy at Itadori. 
He caught it easily. “Wow, thank you, Gojo-sensei!” 
“Gojo-san, we were meant to be back over a half hour ago—“
“Ijichiiii, you need to relax. Seriously, you’re already getting frown lines, that’s no good. Look, I even got something for you. Tadaaa~” He dropped a pack of instant udon into his lap and a face mask and made himself comfortable in the passenger seat. “Can you drop Nanami Kento-kun off first?”
“Don’t call me that.”
Ijichi sighed and took a moment before he half-heartedly thanked Gojo for the gifts. Then he turns to look at the backseat. “Of course, Nanami-san.” He and Nanami shared a quick glance as the cause of their stress tore into his own pack of candy and ate it noisily. 
“Oh, why are you wearing a mask, Nanamin?” Itadori asked as Nanami sat next to him and put on his seatbelt. “Do you have a cold?”
“It’s alright,” Nanami assured him and cleared his throat, “just a mild one.”
“I dunno if mild is the right word there, Nanamin.” Gojo interjected as Ijichi finally started driving.  
Itadori’s face fell and Nanami sincerely considered kicking the back of Gojo’s chair, though he was too busy pinching his nose shut over the fabric of the mask to stifle a sneeze that had nearly escaped his detection. “hGXxt’chshh!- excuse me.”
“Bless you. I hope you feel better soon.” Itadori frowned and offered him a piece of candy. Nanami shook his head and Itadori shrugged and ate it himself. 
“You’re gonna pop an eardrum like that,” Gojo chastised, clicking his tongue.
All of this was past the point of the nightmare he’d thought he was having earlier and was starting to veer into the fever dream category. Perhaps in more ways than one. Gojo flicked through the radio stations until he found what he was looking for and started singing along with a pop song. Itadori joined him and they pointed at each other while Nanami reflected on his life choices and folded his arms more tightly over his chest.  
Nanami glanced at Ijichi’s GPS. Twenty minutes of this felt like a death sentence. His limbs had started aching a few hours ago and now that the adrenaline was long dead and he was sitting again, he felt it in full force. The sudden urge to lean his temple against the foggy window arose and he indulged in it, ever so slowly pressing his forehead to the window. 
While Gojo was especially pitchy, the noise at least took the focus off of Nanami as he muffled a series of throat-tearing coughs against the crook of his arm. His lungs gave a slight whine as he regained his breath and he could feel the silent attention the other three men were giving him. 
“Can you breathe okay, Nanamin?” Itadori asked, patting his shoulder. If it were anyone else, Nanami would have batted the hand away, but doing that to Itadori would feel like kicking a puppy and it's not like he was heartless. While most people become hardened and jaded after living the life of a jujutsu sorcerer, Itadori remained as kind and genuine as ever over the years. 
Instead he nodded. “Yes. Don’t worry.” 
Itadori gave him a thumbs up. The singing continued and he pitied Ijichi for how long he’s had to put up with Satoru Gojo today. 
To Gojo’s credit, he toned down the singing, but Nanami almost wished he’d go back to his caterwauling, because his nose had chosen that moment to betray him yet again. It itched like mad and putting pressure on the tip of his nose did nothing to chase the feeling away. He did his best to muffle it into his sleeve anyway, hoping the extra layers would do anything to make it less intrusive than he knew it would be. “Hh- hgzt’SChhiuh! heHMPHhshh’ieuh!- pardon me.”
“Aw, bless you,” Gojo chimed in, stretching out his seatbelt as he turned his body around to face him. “Do you want my jacket, Nanamin?” He puckered his lips.
This time he let his shoe dig into the bag of Gojo’s chair. “No.”
Ijichi quietly turned up the heat. “Give him a break, Gojo-san,” he said tiredly. 
The rest of the ride quite literally blurred together as Nanami fought to keep his eyes open. With the heat on, his chills were kept at bay, and it was easy to drift off to sleep. He jolted and shook himself awake at least three times before the familiar building came into view, and the third time, it’d been because Itadori was saying his name to get his attention. Ijichi pulled up closer and stopped the car. Nanami thanked him for the ride and held up a hand to stop Itadori from offering a side hug. 
“Get well soon, Nana—”
Nanami shut the car door and ignored the rest of Gojo’s sentence. Getting into the apartment was a blur, but it wouldn’t be the first time he’d come home in rough shape, relying on autopilot. He immediately hung his jacket and loosened his tie, and then he removed his face mask, cringing as he pinched away the lingering moisture from his nostrils. He’d done his best to avoid rubbing his nose all day, but his efforts seemed to be in vain considering how sore it still was. 
As much as he wanted to just collapse into the couch, his discipline won out and he managed to undress. Though, not without challenge. “huhh…HGSCHh’uh!” He sneezed all over his chest, too slow to cover in his exhausted state. Undeniably, it was a relief to be able to sneeze freely in the privacy of his bedroom. “hh-...hDJtSchh’euh! hhaH’DTzSHhh’ih!” 
He found the tissues from the bag and blew his nose, letting out a slight hum of relief as some of the congestion came free. His eyes still ached and with a quick dose of medicine, he was ready to close them. He laid in bed with the extra throw blanket atop the comforter and waited for the chills to die down so he could sleep.
It  was restful for the first few hours. As he’d anticipated, he woke up in the early hours of the morning coughing, hair clinging to his forehead with sweat, and his mouth bone dry. 
3 AM. 
It was too early for this. He forces himself into the kitchen to fill a tall glass with water and to find a few more items from the bag. He took the cough drops out and put one in his mouth and placed the rest of the bag on the bedside table. 
Somehow knowing that he needed as much sleep as possible hindered him from doing so. He drifted in and out of sleeping for the entire morning, occasionally walking up mumbling something incomprehensible. 
He was finally asleep until his phone went off a few minutes past 6 AM. It wasn’t his alarm, but an obnoxious ding.
heyyy nanamin~ 
… Nanami clenched his jaw as he watched the animated ellipses bubble and waited to see what could possibly be so important to disturb him.
good morning! 🌞hope u get some rest today hahaha :D you sounded awful 🤒dont go dying </3
Typically jujutsu sorcerers have about as much paid sick leave as he would’ve had at his former company: basically none. What kind of fucked up—
Nanami frowned, realizing he’d missed some other notifications, including the ones canceling his mission for the day. It’s easy to put the pieces together. He had to put the phone down to sneeze a few times, and it continued to ding throughout his fit.
we’ll have to go out when youre better!! next friday?? theres a new barcade i wanna try and then KARAOKE!!!!!! :DDD
Nanamiiiiii D: 
don’t leave me on read
bless youuuuu :3
no i cant hear u im just guessing
was i right?? o.O 
Nanami silenced his phone and went back to sleep, deciding to address the new situation, along with the strange feelings that’d started coming up, later. For now, at least he could relax. 
Thank you.
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Entertainment Comes In Many Forms.
The one in which G/ojo has a cold, a meeting with someone he despises, and a boyfriend with a snz!kink who will also be in attendance. Also known as, G/ojo teases N/anami endlessly while in public, and also gets to torment principal Y/oshinobu (who has ‘a thing about germs’). Two birds with one exaggerated cold.  WELP, it was sure to happen, G/ojo (and J/JK in general) has been SO on my mind recently. Bear with me, it’s my first time writing these guys, so I don’t claim to have them down yet!! Buuuuut, I’m absolutely in love with G/ojo, so I had to do something with him~~ Bit of a shorter one this time, though I have a few ideas for longer J/JK stories if anyone’s interested! To anyone who bothers to read this, thank you! And I hope you enjoy~~ (References to swearing, and snz!fucker play (borderline smut), in case anyone doesn’t like those)  Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, Principal Y/oshinobu, and G/ojo’s cold.  Word count: 2k
It wasn’t like Gojo had planned to have a cold for this meeting. He’s good, but he’s not that good. It just so happens that fate was on his side this blessed fall day. He’d woken up with a scratchy throat a few days ago, which had morphed into congestion and a slight cough the next day, and by today, had grown into a full fledged cold.  The meeting with Nanami and the principal of Kyoto’s school had been planned for weeks, so technically if he had wanted to, he could have prepared for this, which honestly just made it feel sweeter to him. The fact that he hadn’t planned, everything was just working out his way. “Ihh’shuue-! haHH’TISHH’ieww-! hH’ISHH’iew-!” And then there was that. That had started yesterday, but came back in earnest today, just in time for the meeting. A smile breaks across Gojo’s face as he rubs his nose against his hand, delighted at the level of tickle that still buzzed within his sinuses. He was planning to put on a bit of a show, even wore his sunglasses instead of a blindfold for easier access to his eyes, but it was starting to look like his body was prepared to play its part all on its own.  Fashionably late, as always, Gojo takes his seat on the couch, the principal seated across from him on a chair, and Nanami to his left, leaning against the wall, seemingly waiting for Gojo to arrive before choosing a seat. “Aw, were you all waiting for me? How sweet!” Nanami sighs, taking his seat on the chair set just to the left of the couch, reclining just enough to cross one leg over the other. Gojo follows suit, offering a drippingly sweet smile. “We had to wait for you. You can’t have a three person meeting with only two of the people.” Gojo puts on a shocked expression, bringing his hand to his mouth. “You can’t? Oh my, that’s certainly news to me! I’m so sorry for the wait then gentlemen.” The principal remains silent, eyes clouded, but Gojo notices the twitch in his hands against his cane, smirking to himself. ‘Oh, this is gonna be even more fun than I had planned, he’s already on edge!’  “Shall we get started then, principal?”  “Yes. First item to talk about is-” “hhEH’ISHH’CHOOO-!”  Gojo let loose with that one, tacking on a ‘choo’ at the end for good measure, making sure to bring up a wrist to cover with. Gotta start off easy, can’t have them clueing into the game before it gets good.  “Wheew, sorry guys, snuck up on me. I’m battling a bit of a cold, been quite sneezy today.” His eyes flick over to Nanami as he practically purrs the word. His boyfriend shows no real reaction on the surface, but Gojo doesn’t miss the way his eyes trace Gojo’s nose, down his neck, and back up again. The principal, meanwhile, has leaned back in his chair. It’s slight, but it’s enough to get Gojo’s blood pumping. ‘Let round one commence.’  “Well, you can’t exactly be blamed for that. Though, you’d think one as powerful as yourself would have a better immune system.” Gojo just smiles, fake and full of chocolate-coated spite. “One would think that, wouldn’t they? Turns out, not the case, I’m still human after all.” “So it would seem.” The conversation is polite, but each word drips with alternate meanings and tones of deceit. Gojo lets a wet snffff- escape as the topic turns back to the meeting. He’s fairly uninterested in whatever nonsense the principal and Nanami are on about, good thing he expected this. “And so when it comes to training new sorcerers, we’ve decided on-” “Huhh-! heH’ASHHH’OOOO-! Oh scuuhhhse- hEH’KTSHH’CHHOO-! Scuse me!” This time Gojo pretends to bring his arm up, very obviously, and purposefully, missing it entirely. It delights him to see the principal physically wince, pulling back even further in his chair. Nanami, however, let out a noise that, on anyone else, would be classified as a whimper, before clearing his throat and offering a weak blessing. “B-bless you…” “Thank you! Snnfff- guhhh… Still itchy, but I think it’s done for now. What were we talking about before I so rudely interrupted?” The principal starts up again about, well to be honest Gojo doesn’t even know what they’re on about at this point. He’s much more focused on letting the wet cough pour out into his hands. It shakes him enough that the couch rattles, and Nanami gives him a look of sympathy. “You need some water?” Gojo clears his throat, coughing finally tapering off, making sure to give a light sniffle to relight the tickle that was starting to burn through his nose again. He subtly turned his head, making sure Nanami had a full view of his twitching nose, finger rubbing against it. The principal however, would have a great view of his hands not reaching up to cover these ones. “Snnfff- Nah, thank you though Nanami, what a dear! I’m ahhhlriight… heHH-! Uhhh… hAHH- hh’hEHH-! HAH’TISHHH’OOO-! ISHH-TSHHH-hH’ISHHH’CHOO-!”  “Disgusting, at least co-” He cuts the principal off with another shaky inhale, making direct eye contact with Nanami, and taking notice of the way his legs are nearly trembling, before succumbing to another,  “AHH’KSHHH’OOO-!uhhhh hehH! hH’ISHH’iew-! Ishh’iew-! Hh’tishh’iew-!”  A few smaller ones slip out before he can add anything to them, but that’s more than alright. Giving Nanami another glace, Gojo smirks at the way his mouth is practically hanging open. ‘Well well, if I didn’t know better Nanami, I’d say you’re drooling~’  His nose is still trembling, and he brings up a palm to rub at it. While this is all very entertaining, he’s still actually sick after all, so he takes a sip of the water Nanami had set beside him earlier. It delights him when this brings another round of harsh coughs, making sure to aim towards the principal. The man is practically sweating, his knuckles full white as they grip his cane. He’s even showing his eyes, a sure sign of how offput he is. They are wide, and almost vibrating with anxiety. Nanami’s are also fixed on him, but he’s vibrating with a completely different emotion. “Bless you.” It’s soft, weak even. Not a word normally associated with Nanami, but given how his teeth chew at his lip, it’s the best he can do. “Thank you!  Jeez sorry, it’s juhhhst so tickly. Really don’t know why it’s… ihhts… heH’ISHH’SHOOO-! Why it’s this bad today, guess it’s just a fast acting cold.” Gojo smirks yet again as his last words seem to pierce right into the principal, helped along by his utterly uncovered sneeze. The man is practically shaking, sweat dripping from him as he attempts to push his chair right back through the wall. Finally he’s had it, and Gojo gives an innocent smile with a questioning glance as the principal stands up. “Leaving so soon? Don’t we have more business to attend to?” The congestion that’s seeping into Gojo’s voice coaxes a slight moan from the direction of his boyfriend, but the principal seems too preoccupied with fleeing to notice. ‘Probably for the best, I doubt Nanami wants an audience to what, undoubtedly, he has planned for this next part.’  “It can wait for another day. I have… uh… urgent matters… to attend to…”  Normally Gojo would have called him out on such a bullshit excuse, but today he was eager for the principal to take his leave, so he remains silent. Silent, aside from another harsh set of coughing he aims towards the gap between the principal and the door.  Another smirk works over his face as he watches the principal’s eyes narrow, trying to find a way to get out of the room without crossing the line of fire. Eventually he just decides to brave it, quite nearly running out of the room.  As they’re left alone ‘at last’ Gojo lets his attention fall completely on Nanami. The man is still sitting, but his entire body is trembling, his eyes hungry with desire. “Just us now. Anything in particular you wanna d-” He’s cut off by Nanami springing up from his chair, and grabbing Gojo up off the couch. He spins him around, pressing him against the wall, before letting a faint whine escape his lips with his next words.  “You cruel bastard.” “What~? That’s no way to talk to your sick boyfriend, I’m miserable over here. I’m just so tiiihhhckly, and itchy, and I ha- ahhhh- hAH-! Have to sneehheze.”  “No.” Nanami responds, pinching Gojo’s twitching nose between his fingers. “You’ve been tormenting me for this whole meeting, it’s time to return the favour.” Now it’s Gojo’s turn to whine, his nose practically trembling at the feeling of Nanami’s grasp. “Oh come ohhhn Nanami, you can’t b- be sehhhh- hEH-HDT-!uhhhh serious! Touching it juuhhhhh- hehhh- ihHheHH!uhhh just m- makes it tiihhhhckle so much more… you know how se- hehhh- sensitive I am.”  Nanami gives Gojo a smirk, a wicked look in his eyes, before starting to gently rub his fingers back and forth. Gojo gasps, hands suddenly twitching as he fights the urge to pull Nanami’s fingers off. His eyes flutter shut, tears starting to pool in them at the desperation of the tickle.  “When I give you permission, you aim them where I tell you to.” “hehH- ihh…haaahh… hAH-! Guhhhh…”  “Okay, go ahead.” And with that, Nanami releases his grasp, giving Gojo’s nose one final flick, which at this point, was completely unnecessary.  “heH’NNGT-! Knngt-! hh’dngt-! nngxxt-! hEH-!uhhh… hhihHH’knNGT-! hH’NGTT’shoo-!” A low growl breaks loose from Nanami’s throat as Gojo directs the onslaught of ticklish stifles against his neck, biting his lip hard as he feels the warmth of his twitching nose press just under his ear. “Let them out.” “Hmm~? I’m snehhh- sneezing, what else could you possibly mean?” Gojo whispers, his hitching breaths blowing gently against Nanami’s ear. In response, Nanami practically moans, the only thing stopping him is Gojo’s hand pressed against his mouth. “Uh uh uh, not yet. I’m n- hahhh! not quite through with you just yet. Patience is a virtue, Naahhhhnami.” Hearing his name hitched through is almost enough to send Nanami over the edge, but he holds on, Gojo’s hand promisingly close to his hips. Gojo’s nose, on the other hand, is trembling. He gently rubs it along Nanami’s neck, letting a few desperate hitches escape against the warm skin. Feeling a desperate twitch, he presses his nose into Nanami’s shoulder, using it to stifle the next fit. “hH’NNgt-! nNGT-! ehh’DNGGT-!hehh… ihh-HEH’NGXT-!”  Nanami whines, pressing his waist into Gojo’s and biting his tongue hard to keep from moaning at the sensations of the warm trembling nose being rubbed back up to his ear. In response, Gojo lets out a purr, giving Nanami’s ear a soft bite, before finally offering some relief to them both. He lets his breath hitch, gently blowing on Nanami’s neck, before finally releasing against him with a moan that Nanami soon echoes. “hIHH’ISHH’IEW-!  Oh dea- hAH’ASHH’IEW-! Ishh’uee-! So tickly… itch- itchy… hheH’Tishh-tshhh-kshhh-ishhhh’iew-! hahH’KISHH’UUE-! I can’t s- hAH’ASHH’IEW-! Can’t sto- stop- hH’ESHH’ooo-! mMMFSSH’IEW-! Bless mehehhh- Eh’shh’uue-! ESHH’IEW-!”  Both of them are panting by the time he’s done, with Nanami practically licking his lips. “Bless you.” “Guhhh- thank you. Must be one hell of a cold, snfff- I don’t think I’ve sneezed that much without allergic interference snff- or inducing it along in, hmm…heH’ISHH’IEW-! Oh, scuse me- Probably years now.” “You’re all stuffy now.” Nanami purrs, lightly nibbling on Gojo’s neck, and relishing in the whimper it elicits from the sniffly man. “So it would seem. Any- snnffff- any remedies you can think of?” The question is laced with deeper meaning, and Nanami sinks his teeth into Gojo’s lips in response, letting their mouths meet with a deep, hungry kiss. Only breaking it when Gojo needs to gasp for air, no longer able to breathe through his nose. “I can think of a few things.” 
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undercover-horn-blog · 2 months
You guys. The most amazing thing happened!!!
My partner... wrote snzfic/sickfic for me! 🥹🥰
And I'm feeling very normal about it. 🙂
Jk, I'm feeling feral! 🥵🥵🥵
Background info: He's a really gifted writer, but unfortunately can't really motivate himself to write. All stories he's written during the past few years have been gifts for me! Like, the motivation of writing it for me is the only way he can get himself to write, and I love his stories and his OCs so much!
A while back, I sort of joked about him writing on-topic (as in: sickfic) for me. He knows I've written loads of it myself, but I never let him read it.
Anyway, I wasn't fully serious, because I also figured it might be too awkward. I'm super shy in this regard.
So what he did was... write a "sneak peek" (sneeze peek, heh) for me, i.e. just the beginning of a story. And he said I could tell him whether I like it or whether it's too awkward, and he'll either finish the story as a sickfic or rewrite it without illness.
And at first I was feeling soooo shy once again, not sure whether I'd like it, but goddamm, I am ✨️ OBSESSED ✨️
I've already reread it so many times. He thinks it's funny that I have, like, half of it memorised at this point. 😅
Without me fully explaining my niche to him, he's captured it to a T?!! But I guess it makes sense, because I love realism, casualness, understatement... So the way he writes it, as a vanilla, is pretty much perfect?!
Just... yeah. Had to share. He's the best. How did I get this lucky?? ♥️
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suddencolds · 3 months
my favorite writing reflection buddy, thank you so much for your help with putting that list together 🥰 truly appreciate all the chances we’ve had to be thoughtful about the process together and all your insight over the years! Ok without further adieu..
💘🤧💦🌞 (i’m limiting myself to 4 but i would ask you everything)
AHHH THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! I was holding back on sending you the whole list truly KFAJKJFKH
Thank you for all the writing convos we've had after all these years!! I've always seen myself in your appreciation of literary fiction/prose and your thoughtfulness when it comes to writing process :') I feel like I've learned so much from you!!
Okay! Onto answers:
💘 - What are some of your favorite things you’ve written and why?
I've thought about this a lot :')
Bad Timing - an allergy fic (crazy for me, I know), ft. two characters I've never written together ever again? haha. I particularly like the last scene here; I think the caretaking I write is usually more tender. Rosaria's response is neither tender nor sadistic—just detached :') The novelty of that was refreshing to me.
Pretense, pt 1 and pt 2 - This one did not get as great of a reception at the time of posting, I think because part 1 is a little boring LOL. I don't have much to say, except that it's lighthearted and fluffy!
Untrustworthy - Diluc at the scene of the crime again 😭 This was a commission for someone, and it's also one of the few fics I've cross-posted to ao3. Honestly, I write a lot of stuff like this (i.e. similar in tone & character dynamic), but within the niche of what I'm most familiar with, I especially like this piece in terms of execution.
Fool Me Twice, Part 3 - quite possibly one of my favorite things I've written of Yves and Vincent, ever (and it came so early on in the series, too!) There's a certain character moment in this one (iykyk) that I'm particularly proud of :) And stylistically (as in... prose), I think I'm happy with it too.
Foreign Home - for a oneshot, this is long, but I do like the heart-to-heart I wrote at the end of it.
The Worst Timing, part 1 - this got me through the slog (jk, it was fun when it was going well LOL) of writing the 4 subsequent parts. The entire TWT mini-series is 28k words long 😭 Part 1 I think is a solid opener; I honestly have not worked up the courage to reread much of the rest.
🤧 - What’s your process for writing spellings?
I'm embarrassed to say that I've written soooo much snzfic in my life 95% of the time spellings are just something I write something from memory. 😭 That said, I sometimes reread other people's snzfics and with special attention paid to their spellings to expand like, my mental repository of consonant placings & pairings.
When I'm writing 2 different characters, I usually have to explicitly think through how their spellings might differ from each other before I can write them! I can suspend my disbelief if two characters from two different fandoms have similar spellings/snz archetypes, because I'll never write them in the same fic 😭 But if the characters exist in the same universe, in my head, their spellings have to have some level of distinctness/non-overlap.
💦 - Are your favorite snz tropes to read also your favorite ones to write? Elaborate if you want!
AHH I love this question!! Thank you!!!
I think the most memorable snzfic I've consumed has been snzfic that has surprised me, either in terms of tropes or execution. When I'm reading original fic or fanfic for characters I'm not familiar with, I like reading things that feel very different from my own work—sharper, bolder in execution, unexpected in terms of direction, etc. :')
I think I have a decent sense of what I am already familiar with writing. I like seeing other people operate outside of that niche... so long as there's still some overlap with what I personally find hot. (So in that sense, it doesn't align exactly!)
That said! There are some tropes which I write frequently which are soooo hot to me that I could see them written 90580923 ways and not tire of them (eg caretaker catching the sick character's cold?? sign me up please!) 😭😭 I also think I don't care as much for trope novelty/new execution if I already really like the characters.
🌞 - Do you need a specific environment to write? Like music, a certain time of day, a certain type of place?
The one non-negotiable aspect for me is that it needs to be very quiet :') I absolutely can't write with music on (despite being a huge music enjoyer + songwriter). I'm not good at tuning out 'unimportant' audio stimuli, so I'd rather not have music/sound fight with writing for my attention.
Aside from that! I think I do most of my writing in my room btwn like, 7pm-12am (in part because I'm a bit of a night owl, and in part because the house tends to be quieter during those hours).
[ Question List ]
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babybearsnz · 1 year
Can I request a snzfic, where someone from maknae line JK/Tae/Jimin has a pretty bad pollen allergy and other guys help him to endure that? You are doing great writing this, thank you so much😘
Remember to close the window
Sickie: Taehyung
Caretakers: Bangtan, mostly Jungkook
Relationships: Platonic
Jungkook’s pov:
The sweet smell of coffee and a sliver of sunlight hitting my face woke me from a not-so-deep sleep. I rolled over and opened my eyes, expecting to see Tae-hyung lying beside me. Only a tissue box and a bottle of Allegra sat in his place. It was spring, after all. I scanned the room, scoffing at the sight of an open window.
‘No wonder he's already up,’ I thought, ‘he probably couldn't breathe all night.’
The members were on tour in North America and were sweating buckets after their show last night. Naturally, they cracked of few windows in their hotel suite, but Tae had forgotten to close the one in the bedroom we shared. The important thing to know is that Allegra and other meds did jack-shit for his allergies seeing as they were always so bad. He was in for a rough day.
I crawled out of bed and stretched. As usual, a bunch of my joints cracked as well. I grabbed my phone and started walking to the living room, meeting Jimin in the hallway who had seemingly also just woken up.
"Morning, Kookie!" he said as he pulled me into a side hug.
"Good morning," I returned the squeeze, "you'll never guess what Tae-hyung forgot."
Jimin was about to respond when we heard a sneeze from the other room. We glanced at each other, "window," we both said. It was nothing he hadn't done before. I laughed as we entered the room, seeing Tae refilling his coffee mug.
"Save some for the rest of us, why don't ya!" Jimin joked. Tae turned around and grinned at the sight of us.
"Hey, guys." He said and cleared his throat. He had slight bags under his eyes and his nose was pinker than usual. Despite the smile, he didn't seem like a happy camper.
"Morning, TaeTae!" I said. He sniffled and greeted me, handing a mug to Jimin and giving his second helping to me. "You left the window open last night."
Tae blew his nose and rolled his eyes, "no wonder I feel like shit," he muttered.
Jimin patted him on the back and sat down on the couch with his coffee and a bagel, "I've done the same thing. Rookie mistake, dude."
"Did you even sleep at all?" I asked as we joined Jimin.
Tae nodded, "I slept well but woke up really early." He paused and rubbed his nose, "Got up at like five thirty- hhhuhESHH!" A sneeze cut him off and Jimin chuckled.
"Bless youuuu!" Hobi-hyung sang as he shuffled into the room, "Good morning, maknaes!"
Jimin nearly choked on his breakfast. It's hard to laugh at someone singing horribly on purpose when you have food in your mouth.
I rubbed Tae’s shoulder and invited Hobi to sit, "He would say thank you but he's trying not to sneeze again." Tae smiled and nodded, mouth agape and head towards the ceiling. I smirked as Hobi shrugged in return.
A fully dressed and showered Yoongi made his way into the kitchen, whistling to himself. He flinched at the sound of another sneeze, "Aish, Taehyung-ah!"
"Oh, bless you, Tae!" Taehyung said and laughed. At least he isn't grumpy, I thought.
I put my empty mug in the sink and squeezed Yoongi’s shoulder.
"He left the window open," I whispered.
Yoongi looked at me, then at Tae, then back at me. "There's no way he forgot when I had him set a reminder on his phone." I just shrugged and nodded.
"My phone died!" Taehyung yelled as he got up from the couch, placing his face in his elbow, "ESHHhahh! Oh my god!" he groaned.
"Oh, bless you, Tae!" Yoongi mocked, smiling. He turned to me, "Good luck with that, Kook.”
I rolled my eyes and gave Tae a pat on the head. "Bless you," I cooed.
"Thank you."
"Go get ready," I directed at the three boys still in need of a shower, "We're leaving in 20 to go set up for tonight."
Tonight would be the band's second show in New York but they had plenty of interviews taking place at the venue to keep them busy until then.
********time skip********
Taehyung’s pov:
After arriving at the venue, the members and I were sat down for our first interview of the day. Our manager opened his backpack, rustled around for a bit, and handed me a bottle of antihistamines. I smiled and rubbed my nose. This guy has everything in his bag, I thought.
I sat beside Yoongi as always and popped a tablet in my mouth.
"What's the point if those don't even work on you?" He asked.
I shrugged and took a few sips of water to wash it down. "Placebo affect?" I said and sniffled, "Manager-nim wants me to keep trying them."
I was handed a microphone so I tossed the bottle of pills back.
"Alright guys, anything I should know before we start?" the interviewer asked.
"Tae has been sneezing all morning!" Jungkook blurted out.
"Thanks, Kook." I rolled my eyes, slightly embarrassed, and turned to the interviewer. "Yeah, it's my allergies," I responded and rubbed my eye. "They're so bad right now."
"No worries," he said. He explained that the interview wasn't live and we could take breaks if I needed to. Jin gave me a thumbs up.
The interview went something like this: we were asked a question, someone answered, I sniffled. We were asked a question, I cleared my throat before answering. We were asked a question, "huuRESHH! Sorry." And the cycle continued.
The other two interviews that day weren't any different. Don't sneeze, I kept telling myself, not like that would help. My nose was twitching like a rabbit. It felt like every few minutes I'd go, "ESHHhuhh! Excuse me" or "sorry" or "thank you." It was exhausting. Especially trying to dodge the mic every time I sneezed. I ended up falling asleep on Jimin’s lap in the dressing room when we were finished with the Q&As.
Jimin’s pov:
I rubbed Tae’s back as he slept, glad he could rest after waking up so early that morning. I could hear the congestion in his breathing and propped his head up a bit, trying to relieve it.
"Still asleep?" Namjoon asked, poking his head into the room.
I nodded and checked the time, "I'll wake him in 5," I whispered. RM gave a thumbs up and left us alone.
"You don't have to whisper." I look down and saw tired, brown eyes looking back at me. "I heard the door open," he said as he sat up, making a face.
"What's wrong?" I laughed.
"I feel it in my ears," he groaned and I pulled him into a hug as he sniffled and yawned. A few seconds later I heard his breathing change.
"Are you crying?" I asked as he pulled away.
"No, I- ESHHhaah!" He turned and sneezed into his shirt that he had quickly pulled over his face, "huESHH! I felt them coming." He smiled and I laughed while he let his shirt fall back into place.
Jin’s pov:
"Hey, Jimin-ah?" I called, opening the door to the dressing room. I was greeted by Tae with a sneeze and snickered, "Bless you, Tae-bear."
"Thanks," he replied, yawning.
"What's up, hyung?" Jimin replied.
"Do you have my water bottle?"
He reached behind him, pulling a bottle from seemingly out of nowhere.
“Thanks,” I said. I let the youngers know we’d better warm up and took a sip of the water.
********time skip********
Taehyung’s pov:
We got onstage and were greeted by a huge crowd. New York always knew how to party and I could tell it was going to be a good show.
Surprisingly, I felt fine for most of the show. ‘The adrenaline must be keeping me going, or that nap,’ I thought. Towards the end of the set, the members and I were making jokes and talking with ARMY. I rubbed my nose, feeling my sinuses tingling, and waited for a sneeze. I turned away from the crowd and looked up at the stage lights, trying to coax it out.
Yoongi interrupted Jin who had been saying something and pointed at me, "what is he doing?"
Jin switched subjects, "Tae, what're you looking at?"
"He has to sneeze again," Hobi teased.
I laughed, sniffled, nodded, and then waited. I heard ARMY laughing as well. "haahESHH! Aigo.”
I turned back around and was met with a chorus of bless you's from ARMY and the members, along with Jin nearly falling down from laughing so hard. I gave the crowd a thumbs up,
"I'm good, thanks," I assured them.
********time skip********
Jungkook’s pov:
While heading out after the show, the members and I took a few pictures with some of the sweetest ARMY. We then hopped in the car and Tae rested his head on my shoulder.
"You feeling okay, hyung?" I said quietly.
He yawned, "just tired, but I feel a lot better than this morning." He snuggled into me.
Good, I thought as we both dozed off after a fantastic show.
Namjoon’s pov:
We made it back to the hotel and I was about to climb out of the car when I noticed Tae and Jungkook asleep on each other. I snapped a few pictures, overwhelmed with the cuteness, and then gently shook them awake and we made our way inside.
"Anyone else want tea?" I asked, stepping into the kitchen. Jin and Yoongi took me up on my offer and I took out a few mugs from the cabinet. Hobi and Jin sat down and picked out a movie. I brought everyone their tea and joined the two on the couch. Jungkook grabbed his laptop and said goodnight. Him and Tae typically catch up on a show together before bed.
"Goodnight guys," I said.
Yoongi sipped his tea, "night, you two."
"See you in the morning," Jimin chimed in, "and Tae, remember to close the window."
The rest of us laughed, having nearly forgotten about the events of that morning.
"I will," he promised, and the two disappeared into their bedroom together.
Jungkook’s pov:
I changed into a hoodie and a pair of pajama bottoms and crawled under the covers. Tae got ready for bed as well and made sure to shut the window while I opened my laptop.
"Hey, Kook?" I heard him call, still sniffling.
"Yeah, hyung?"
"I'm thinking just one episode tonight," he said and hopped into bed, sneezing twice more before snuggling close to me, "Geez, 'scuse me, sorry. It's just that I woke up really early today."
"Bless you. I know, hyung," I said and messed with his hair, "you need some rest which is understandable." He thanked me for the blessing and I clicked on Netflix.
We were about halfway through the episode when I heard Tae-hyung’s congested snores, his head still resting on my chest. I grinned, glad he was feeling better and was able to easily fall asleep. Not wanting to continue the show without him, I shut my laptop, and turned the lights out, quickly falling asleep as well.
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
A Little Game, A Lot Of Torture. 
The one in which G/ojo has been a bit of a (loveable) prick, so his friends decide to hold a little contest to see who can get him back the best. Contest rules? Whoever makes him sneeze the most in one attempt wins, you can’t get his help, you can only use one method. Let the games begin! (Do I have requests I should be working on instead? Yes. Was this idea haunting my every waking hour until I finally agreed to write it? Also yes. I promise I’ll get back to requests tomorrow &lt;;3) Takes a minute to get into heavy snz stuff, but hopefully it's still enjoyable! (credits to @snzdreams for the breathtaking headcanon that even talking about sneezing gets G/ojo going, and I hope it’s okay that I borrowed your genius to use in this <3 and doubly hope it's okay that I tagged you in it <33) Also I want to clarify: while they were all in the same class in highschool, this is set post-graduation, imagining a future where they all still hang out. (AU technically I guess haha~) Just making it clear, everyone in this story is meant to be an adult. Picture early 20’s. Characters: G/eto, S/hoko, and G/ojo. Plus a bit of S/atosugu Word Count: 4.1k (whoops-)
(References to swearing in case anyone doesn't like that!)
The rules were agreed upon the day before, Geto insisting that they needed to be clear.
Rule #1: You only get one attempt. If you fail, or he manages to avoid/subdue the attempt, it’s over. You don’t get a second try. If you get subpar results, same as before, no second tries. Amendment added by Shoko: number of sneezes only counts from the first couple minutes. If said attempt results in sneezing for the rest of the day, those are not to be counted.
Rule #2: Gojo is not to be informed of this, or asked for assistance of any kind. You cannot ask him for a list of what makes him most sneezy, you must use your knowledge of him to come up with your own methodology. 
And finally, Rule #3: You can only use one method. Said ‘method’ can include multiple inducing tools, so long as they’re considered one ‘attempt’. Ie. Multiple scented candles at once, or a bouquet of flowers are both considered one method. However, flowers and candles at the same time would be considered two. Amendment added by Geto: Helping him along with words doesn’t count as a method, and is therefore fair play. 
With those in place, Geto and Shoko got to work, each with an idea in mind. 
In order to not taint results the attempts will be held three days apart to give Gojo’s nose time to get back to baseline before the next attempt begins. Shoko is up first. Let the games begin! 
~~ Shoko’s Attempt ~~
‘I’m at a disadvantage. I know Gojo, he’s my friend, they both are, but I’ll never know him the way Geto does. He’ll always know more of Gojo’s quirks, especially since they’re so obviously in love. They both deny it, but the looks they share when they think no one can see tells a different story. If not dating, the feeling is at least mutual.’ 
Shoko pauses her musing, letting a smile take over as she waves to the boys, starting her approach with a hand in her bag. ‘Always together, even when I’m not around. I know they care for me, but the bond they share will always be one step deeper.’ Despite this, she has a plan. Earlier she wrote out a list of what she remembers Gojo showing reactions to in the past, eliminating anything less than a full attack. 
‘He’s quite sensitive, it doesn’t take much to set him off, but getting an actual fit from him is a touch more rare. Normally he has quite the exaggerated buildups, long and hitchy, which he makes a lot of noise about, but the actual sneezing is minimal. At least, compared to the results I’m looking for. No, I need something more than a simple sensitivity. If it was Geto I’d blow smoke in his face, but that’d only prompt a minor reaction out of Gojo.’ 
“Hiya Shoko, take a seat! Geto here was just sharing the mochi he bought!”
“I bought it for myself, you just stole half when my back was turned.” 
“Come on, we both know if you put something sweet in front of me I’m gonna eat it.” 
Shoko seats herself next to Gojo, sharing a glance with Geto when he’s distracted by the sweets once more. A darker tone dips into Gojo’s voice as he lets his sunglasses fall so Geto can see his eyes, a mischievous haze clouding them. 
“You knew the risks, now you pay the price.”
“The price being my mochi?”
“Exactly! Now you’re catching on~.”
With that, Gojo grabs another one, laughter bubbling out as Geto attempts, and fails, to smack his hand away. However, before he can pop it in his mouth, he freezes, hand inches from his face. His breath catches, nose twitching. Shoko finds Geto’s eyes darting over to her, and she offers a slight shake of the head. ‘Nope, not my attempt, this is all him.’ Geto starts to speak, eyes flickering back over to Gojo.
“You alri-” 
“heHh-! hah’adJSHhh’iew-! hep’gshh’iew-!”
“Guhhh- thank you.”
Shoko takes her turn to speak, eager to ascertain any possible advantages. ‘If he’s sick his nose will be extra sensitive, and I may be able to cinch this win. Especially given Geto needing to wait three days, ideally the window of sensitivity will have passed.’ 
“Feeling okay?” 
“Indeed. This is just the price I must pay for being so talented- huEH’djZShh’uu-! I can't be perfect in every aspect, that would just be unfair!”
“Come again?”
Geto rolls his eyes, gesturing to the sky as he turns his gaze back to Shoko once more. Gojo meanwhile wipes a few tears from his cheeks, groaning lightly at the quickly increasing watery nature of his eyes. 
“He’s just allergic to the sun.” 
“I am not allergic- I’m just a tad sensitive to bright lights. Christ this is annoying.”
“Was the mochi really worth it?”
“Suguru Geto, don’t you talk like that! Mochi is always worth it!”
The eagerness has quickly faded out, Shoko letting an airy sigh press out between her pursed lips. ‘Right, I did know about this. I believe it’s called a photic sneeze response? He’s had it for as long as I’ve known him, though I believe he said it’s gotten worse the more he wears those glasses. Blocking out the light so much of the time only adds to his sensitivity when it inevitably breaks through. However, it causes very few sneezes, he said the main issue is his eyes watering.’
“If you touch the last piece I’m making you buy me a new one.”
“Aw- that’s not faiiiir!” 
“Boys, boys, let’s not fight. I have a better solution.”
With that, Shoko swipes the last piece, grinning at the complaints from the guys as she places it against her tongue, savouring the sweet taste. Her mind dips back to her plan as Gojo starts to whine about being hungry again. 
‘He’s incredibly sensitive, even the mention of sneezing is enough to get his nose itchy. Describing how much it must tickle is fair game, but on its own, pretty ineffective. He’s annoyingly good at holding back when he wants to be, so if he catches on that sneezing is what I want, he’ll do everything in his power not to. I just need him to think I’m teasing him for his reaction, can’t let him read deeper into my motives.’ 
Her name pulls her back into the conversation, both Geto and Gojo watching her closely, a lopsided grin spreading across Gojo’s mouth. ‘Oh, I’m going to enjoy wiping that smug look off his pretty-boy face.’  Gojo speaks up again, Geto’s eyes following her movements as she casually lets her hand dip back into her bag. 
“I was asking if you’d want to come with us to the mall, DiverCity specifically? I’ve been craving chocolates that they sell at one of the stores for days.” 
“Funny you mention it, I was just thinking about that place earlier. I’d love to come, but I have an assignment. Next time though, yeah?”
“Aw fiiiine, but Geto, you’re still coming, right?”
“Sure, why not. I could use a few things.” 
Shoko tunes out again, hand tightening around a bottle as she lets a smirk spread across her face. ‘Funny he mentions the mall, seeing as that’s exactly where I got my method from.’ The last time they’d gone together she’d been showing him around a store he’d never been to before. It specializes in calming methods, and given how stressful being a Jujutsu sorcerer can be, she finds herself drawn there often.
An employee next to them had been showing a few people a new pillow spray, and as soon as they’d spritzed it, Gojo had been bent over into his arm with a rapid fit. She’d had to drag him out of the store. ‘Quite embarrassing at the time, especially given how whiny he can get during an attack, but now? Now I’ll get to use that spray to get payback.’ 
“Hey, Gojo.”
She cuts into their conversation with ease, used to interrupting them. ‘With those two, someone is always talking. If you wait for a pause, you’ll never get a word in.’ Gojo turns to her with a curious look, across the blanket Geto mimics it, a hint of something deeper flashing through his eyes. She gives him a quick nod, smirk quickly spreading across his face as he attempts to cover it. 
“You know how I’ve been having a lot of trouble sleeping recently? I found a new spray that has been really helping. I thought you might want to have a look at it, I know you sometimes struggle with insomnia too.”
“Oh, that’s kind of you, yeah show me- show me- show me!” 
‘Kind isn’t quite the word I’d use, but I appreciate your excitement anyways.’ Pulling it from her bag, she’s unsurprised at the lack of recognition in his eyes. He’s never been one for cataloging irrelevant information, and for some reason he’d decided keeping a list of everything that sets him off was irrelevant.
Taking off the cap, she gives him an open smile, before spraying it right in front of his face. ‘Can’t risk actually hitting him, that would be too suspicious, but I want it to get as close to his nose as possible.’ The result, much to her delight, is instantaneous. 
“hhaHhHH-! Wh- whAhht- what kind of sp- spra… sprayisthat… heH’gnDZShh’uuhh-!”
“Something wrong?”
“I think I’m- eH’GNDZSHh’uu-! I think- heHASIhh’oo-! ah’gehhzshh’iew-!”
“Are you okay?” 
Geto’s watching carefully, Shoko’s sure he’s keeping count in his head. Still, needing Gojo to believe her facade, she offers sympathy, pulling a travel pack of tissues out of her bag. ‘Tissues that just so happen to be sprayed with the allergen. Still only counts as one method, according to the rules.’
“Y- yeah- hAgzshh’uu-! knDzshh’iee-! Oh, scus- scuseme- heHhh-!”
“Here, take these, you sound like you need them.”
“Th… thhhehHh- thank you- hH’GUHzshh’oo-! aiYISHH’oo-! aHH’DNGZSHh’uu-! Oh god…” 
“Blessings, Gojo.”
Finally speaking up, Geto catches Shoko’s eye and mouths ‘nine’. She shoots back a whispered ‘so far’, catching a smile in response. Gojo’s too busy tearing into the pack of tissues to notice any of this, bringing one to his nose as he gets a pause in the sneezing. He manages to blow, breathing a sigh of relief, instantly cut short by an itchy inhale. 
“heAHh-! hH’DnZShh’uu-! AYISHH’oo-! KETZSHHH’oo-! What the- henGT-! ainGT’shoo-!”
“Blessings indeed, Gojo. Are you alright?”
“The ti- tihhhckle- heH’kNGDT-! haAHh-! eh’dnZZShh’oo-! Scuse me- the tickle got wo- wo… worse… I’m… I’m gonna… heHh-!” 
Shoko smirks as the tears start pooling in Gojo’s eyes, his nose quivering as it starts to flush a brilliant shade of pink. ‘Time to implement phase two: suggestions. Just gotta be careful not to tip my hand. He’s attempting to stifle, which will only help, it only makes the tickle stronger.’
“You must be allergic to the spray, I’m so sorry, I had no idea!”
“heH-! hh’gndJSHH’uu-! AIYShhh’iew-! heH’DJZSHh’uu-!”
“Oh, bless you. Sounds really itchy, are yo-” 
“hH’DJEZSHh’aa-! Sh- Shoko- waaitt… ahh’keTShh’oo-!” 
“-you feeling it? The burning sensation-” 
“eh’GnDJZSH’aahh-! hAHh’inGKt-!”
“-filling your sinuses? Like a feather, gen-"
“nGEHT’choo-! hePt’choo-! eNgEHP’choo-!”
“-gently brushing the inside of your nose?” 
“heAIISHH’uhh-! eh’GdJZShh’uu-! I need… I’m gonna… I can’t…!”
Geto gives her a pointed look, lightly tapping his wrist. ‘Time’s almost up, time for the home stretch. Gotta make sure I get one last fit outta him. I know exactly what to say.’ Gojo’s nose is pressed into his wrist, trembling with allergic need as the tears keep flowing down his cheeks, seemingly making the tickle even worse as they brush up against the edges of his nose.
“I’m so sorry, Gojo. If I’d have known you were this allergic I never would have sprayed it so close to your nose! I mean, the droplets must have just floated through the air, gently landing on your skin, right on the tip of your nose-”
“Cru- Cruel Shoko- hEH’EDZSHH’uu-! eh’KTZSHhh’aa-! aiYISHH-keATzhh’oo-!” 
With that, Shoko meets Geto’s eyes one last time, mouthing ‘how many?’, quite satisfied by the ‘thirty-two’ she receives in return. Her satisfaction only rises as Gojo ducks into his arm with another tightly stifled burst, Geto raising an eyebrow at the display.
“hH’KNGt’choo-! iNGt’choo-! hah’DNGt’choo-!”
“Blessings, Gojo.”
“Snff- Thank you, Geto. Guhhh… I’m gonna be itc- itchy… hh’GNZshh’iew-! for the rest of the day.” 
Shoko pulls the tissues from Gojo’s lap while his focus is aimed towards Geto, replacing them with a second pack from her bag. ‘As fun as it is to watch you suffer, my attempt is over, no need to prolong the exposure. This reaction is gonna last for most of the day anyways.’ 
“Blow again, it might help dispel some of the allergen.”
“Yeah, good- eh’aISHH’uu-! good idea. Ya know, that may help you sleep, but I’m- heHh-! hEZSHHH’aa-! I’m getting the vague notion it wouldn’t do the same for me.” 
Geto laughs, a smile tearing through Gojo’s itchy face at the sound, Shoko soon joining in. ‘Always one step removed, just outside the joke, but that’s okay. At least for now, I’m in on the joke while Gojo isn’t. I can live with that.’
Final Results: Thirty-Two (32) sneezes from Shoko’s Attempt. Method Use/Application: Linen spray Gojo is allergic to, sprayed in front of face/on tissues presented to him. Sneezy talk was also implemented, increasing success. 
~~ Geto’s Attempt ~~
‘Shoko’s try yielded better results then I was counting on. I may know more about Gojo but some facts escape even my grasp. I had no idea he was so allergic to that spray. However, that wasn’t what set her apart, it’s her cunning. She explained to me after that she sprayed it on the tissues. Truly genius, I would’ve never thought of that.’ 
This time it’s Geto’s turn to approach the duo, eyes closing as he smiles, Gojo giving a shout and Shoko putting out her cigarette. ‘I guess she doesn’t want to be called out for interference. It’s no matter, I don’t plan on letting anything distract me from my attempt. I didn’t have to think long about what to use, just how to best utilize it.’ 
“Geto! Shoko was just telling me about a new type of chocolate she saw the other day! Can we go buy some? Pleaaaase? Pretty please?”
“You still owe me for the last pack I bought you.”
“Aw, come on, you know you wannaaa~! You don’t wanna deny me of my happiness, do you?”
“You can have happiness without chocolates, Gojo.”
“How could you say such things?”
Gojo lets a pout spread over his face, lightly huffing as he leans his head against Geto’s shoulder. ‘Dramatic as always. Though, I guess that’s the reason we came up with this little challenge in the first place. One I’m sure to win with what I have planned.’ His mind starts to drift back to the first time he got to witness Gojo and lavender in the same room. 
They’d been in a meeting together, the higher ups needing something Geto can’t recall now. It’s not of importance, even at the time it was one of the last things on his mind. Front and center was Gojo’s losing battle against the vase of lavender sitting almost mocking him on the table.
Normally, should the situation call for it, Gojo could hold off an allergy attack for hours, or at least upwards of twenty minutes. However, against the lavender he lasted no more than three, needing to leave the room just after seven because he was no longer able to form full words between the sneezing. The higher ups had been quite irritated, but today it would serve Geto well.
“Earth to Geto? Suuuguruuu? You there?”
“Jeez, what is it with you two lately? Did I miss something, or is it just ‘stare off into the abyss with a smile creeping at your mouth’ season?”
“Sorry, I was just reminiscing.”
“Any particular memory you want to share, Geto?”
Shoko offers, eyes flashing with mischief as Geto sends a dark look in her direction, quickly replaced by a smile as she playfully sticks out her tongue.
“Not at the moment.”
“Oh, I know! Why don’t we play ‘share your favourite memory of Gojo’!” 
“Yeah, no.”
“Aw Shoko, you’re no fun.”
Geto chuckles, ruffling Gojo’s hair as he gazes up from behind his sunglasses. ‘Just placing the lavender near him wouldn’t work. He could either leave the area, or the attack might not surpass thirty-two. The reason it had such a severe effect in the meeting was likely do to the pollen having a chance to gather in that tiny room.’
“Gojo, I have a gift for you.”
“A gift? You shouldn’t have!” 
“Well if you don’t want i-”
“Hey, woah-woah-woah- of course I want it-!”
Reaching into his bag, Geto starts to set his plan in motion. ‘My best chance is getting some form of lavender where I can get it near his nose, close enough for the pollen to have a chance to float around him, but not obvious enough that he’ll just avoid it. I think this is the perfect solution.’
Making direct eye contact with Shoko, Geto sends her a message clearly. ‘My attempt is about to begin, get ready’. His hands grip around the present, placing it gently on Gojo’s head, fighting a smirk at the joy filling Gojo’s eyes.
“A flower crown!?” 
“Yes. You showed me how to make them a while back, and so I made this one myself. I thought you might appreciate it-”
“Suguru… I love it! What kind of flowers are these?”
“Mostly sakura, though I did add a few other plants I found in the area to tie it together.” 
‘If I just used lavender he’d simply take it off when he started sneezing. However, given that it’s not a type of flower he’s allergic to, it won’t be his first thought. Because of that, he’ll be too focused on sneezing to worry about removing it, letting the hidden lavender keep sending wafts of pollen down into his face. Plus, I made sure the sakura was quite pollen soaked. He’s not allergic, but with his nose already being set off from the lavender, the sickly sweet smell is sure to prompt a few extra sneezes.’  
“It’s bea- hEHh-! Oh, scuse me. It’s beautiful.”
“You alright?”
“Yeah, just thou- ahHh-! Hehh… thought I was… o- oh… I am…. I’m- hH’DjZEShh’oo-!”
“Blessings, Satoru.” 
“iHh’kETChh’uu-! S- sorry I… eH’DtjZSh’iew-! hEh’kezzchh-aiyshhh’aa-knGT’choo-!”
“And again.” 
A glance over to Shoko tells Geto she’s keeping track, fingers tapping against the railing she’s leaning on with every sneeze. Gojo lets out a faint whine, hand coming up to scrub at his nose as tears start dripping from his eyes.
“hH’GNt’choo-! ehH-! Ohfuck- hH’NGT-EINGT-nNGT-knDT’choo-! aINGT’choo-! hAH’DJZSHHEW-!”
“Christ, Satoru, bless you.”
“knngT-! aIghNT’choo-! hH’YEZSHH’aa-! AIYShh’oo-! neH’GEDT’choo-!”
Geto risks another look at Shoko, barely containing his smirk at the dumbfounded expression she’s wearing as Gojo frantically fans his face. ‘I haven’t even started talking about the tickle yet. He’s more allergic than I remembered. I almost feel bad…’ His thoughts are cut off by Gojo pressing his rapidly twitching nose into Geto’s shoulder, hitching against the fabric of his shirt. ‘And that’s why it’s only almost.’
“henGT’choo-! hH’DEHgnT’choo-!”
“You should stop that, you’re not-”
“heH’KNDTZSHH’uhh-! ihh’GNXXZT’choo-!”
“-gonna be able to catch a breath.”
“You- you’re right… Suguru it- it tihhhhckles… hEaHh-! AIYZSZHH’uu-! kuh’MMZSHH’aa-!”
Gojo’s voice is muffled from the congestion already seeping through the cracks, and Geto feels a pang of guilt tear at his heart. It’s quickly replaced by something calmer as Gojo aims the next fit at Geto’s chest, flower crown shaking lightly as he ducks his head, only releasing more pollen. ‘Sorry Satoru, but this is well deserved. Time for a little power of suggestion.’ 
“aH’GnZH’euu-! hehHh-! hH’MMZSHHH’oo-!” 
“Blessings. Those sound quite itchy-” 
“emmpffshh’oo-! hEPT’choo-! ehP’choo-!”
“-don’t they? Something bothering your sensitive-” 
“hHMPPT’choo-! AInGT’choo-! S- Suguru- hNGT’choo-! heH’KDZGT’choo-!”
“-nose? I bet it’s tickling something awful, isn’t it?” 
Meeting Gojo’s watery eyes, Geto lets himself slip right into stage three of his plan, time quickly running out. ‘Knowing him, he should be sensitive enough by now that just the word sneeze will set him off. Let’s try to get a handful more. I believe I’ll win anyways, but better safe than sorry.’
“Don’t you just-” 
“-have to…”
“Sneeze so badly?”
“hAH’ADJZSHH’uu-! keTSCHH’aa-! AIYZSHH’uhh-!”
“Blessings again for those sneezes.”
“I kn- know what…. Ohgod- hEH’EDZSHHEW-! guhhH’DNZSHH’oo-! I know what you’re doing.”
“Doing? I’m simply blessing you as you sneeze.”
“AIYZSHH’oo-! hH’GNkZSHH’uhh-!”
Taking pity on him as Shoko mouths ‘time’s up’, Geto pulls the crown from Gojo’s hair, tossing it to the side as the sneezy man ducks into his arm for another fit. ‘Whoops… maybe I should have removed it a bit sooner…’
“iNGt’choo-! heASHH’oo-! kEtCSHh-aizshh-kezZSHH’uu-!”
“Bless you Satoru…”
“You- hEHnGT’choo-! Sound quite gui- guilty- eh’knSHH’uhh-! Guilty, Suguru. Why ever could- hh’gEZSHH’aa-! Christ… Could that be? Wouldn’t have any-hNGSHH’iew-! Anything to do with my having two allergy attacks in the past four days, would it?” 
Geto’s eyes snap to the floor, a warm tint starting to spread across his cheeks, Shoko chuckling as she lightly pats Gojo’s back, letting her eyes close with a slight huff.
“I think he’s caught us, Geto.” 
“I believe so.” 
“hNNSCHh’iew-! Would someone care to explain to me what’s going on exactly?”
“Of course, but first we should probably get you some allergy medication. There was lavender in the flower crown.”
Gojo’s watery glare meets Geto, his mouth hanging open. ‘Probably less from shock and more for the sake of breathing. I doubt much is flowing through his sinuses right about now.’ Geto can’t help but smile at the sight, pink nose vibrating as Gojo attempts to end the attack by pinching it shut, tears streaming from his gorgeous eyes. ‘If he wasn’t so miserable, I’d want to see this side of him more often, he’s quite adorable like this.’
“I want to be mad bu- knDJZSSH’uu-! But I proooobably deserved this.”
Laughter erupts from the group, Shoko nearly falling over as it bursts from her chest, Geto pulling Gojo closer as they start walking back into the school, explaining the competition to a still sneezing Gojo.
Shoko leads them to her office where she keeps a stash of medications for situations like this. ‘Well, not exactly like this,’ Geto chuckles to himself, ‘I doubt there’s even been a situation quite like this one. Oh, that reminds me-’
“Say, Shoko, I did win, didn’t I? Even not counting-”
“-the bonus ones?”
“Unfortunately, yes. It’s not like I stood a chance in the first place, you two obviously know more about each other.”
“Actually, I didn’t know he was allergic to that spray. That was all you.”
“Huh, really? Interesting. Oh- I guess you want to know the numbers?”
Geto flashes a smile, eyes wrinkling as Gojo whips around with another small fit aimed at the floor. He nods at Shoko, murmuring a blessing against Gojo’s hair as he convulses. 
“heh’gnZSHhh’oo-! eh’kshhh’iew-! heHh-! hAH’DTZShhh’uu-!”
“Again, not counting the extras, you rang in at forty-two. Exactly ten more than mine, surprisingly enough.”
“Oh Christ, that wasn’t counting the ones I- hH’gnZZShh’aa-! I’m still doing?”
A blush spreads across Gojo’s face, one of the strongest sorcerers in the Jujutsu world apparently not immune to embarrassment. Shoko offers a laugh in response, rummaging through her desk until she finds a blister pack, handing it over. Geto grabs a bottle of water from the fridge, passing it to Gojo with another blessing, lightly cupping his face for just a second.
“I saw that, ya know.” 
This time both men blush, Shoka rolling her eyes playfully, then throwing a box of tissues at Geto. Gojo hastily yanks out a handful, blowing his nose with a deep groan before sniffling into the pile.
“Clean him up, will ya? It’s been a long day, I’m headed home.”
“Let’s play again some time, shall we, Shoko?”
“Yes, let’s. Next time I’ll beat you for sure.”
“hAH’ZASHH’oo-! How ‘bout next time it’s a free for all? I’d like a little chance for revenge.”
“This was the revenge, Satoru. Ours.”
“Oh fine, but you two owe me some chocolates! Oh- oh, and mochi!” 
Shoko smacks Gojo upside the head as Geto lets a laugh burst from his chest, the other two soon joining in harmony.
The world outside may be a dangerous place for a Jujutsu sorcerer, and the three of them aren’t immune to the stress, but right here, right now, they’re just three friends sharing a laugh.
Final Results: Forty-Two (42) sneezes from Geto’s Attempt. Method Use/Application: Lavender hidden in a flower crown already dripping with sakura pollen. Also used suggestibility, increasing success with sneezy talk.
98 notes · View notes
waterfallofspace · 1 year
And Revenge Comes In More.
(Sequel to ‘Entertainment Comes In Many Forms’) 
The one in which G/ojo learns that N/anami is a lot more revenge driven then he had planned on. And enjoys every second of it~. Feat. Allergic/Induced G/ojo and snz!fucker slightly sadistic N/anami. Also known as: G/ojo tormented N/anami with his cold, so now N/anami is gonna torment him with some allergens. Technically this is a ‘sequel’ to my previous fic, but you don’t have to read that one to understand this! Mostly just context on why N/anami wants revenge. But the sneeze fun can be appreciated with or without reading it! (at least I hope haha~~) Also, I’m not the most comfortable (skill or knowledge wise) in writing deeply smutty things yet, so this miiiight be a bit of a tease as I didn’t write any actual full on stuff happening, so consider this a warning for that I guess!! I might do a third of this little series at some point where it goes all the way, but I have no plans just yet, still not sure of that kind of writing style for myself!  Aaaaaaand yes, this is another fic, I have a problem, but I guess worst case no one sees it and I got to have fun writing something I enjoy, so hey, hope y’all don’t mind!! J/JK brainrot is just real and I can’t… I can’t get this out of my head…. hahaha~~ To anyone who bothers to read this, thank you! And I hope you enjoy~~ ((References to swearing, and snz!fucker play (slightly-over-the-borderline smut), in case anyone doesn’t like those))  Characters: G/ojo, N/anami, and N/anami’s sadistic side mixing with a snz!kink.  Word count: 3.2k
~~~~~~~ Gojo knows from the second he walks into the apartment, he’s in deeper trouble than he’d thought. See, about two weeks ago he’d tormented teased his dear boyfriend Nanami with a cold he’d caught. Nanami had told him about a certain… interest… of his. Namely, sneezing. And see, Gojo had a cold… so how could he not use this to his advantage? However, this was…. during a meeting… and Nanami, ever the stickler for things like “privacy” and “decency” was not the biggest fan of this little encounter. ‘Much as he may have enjoyed himself once we were alone’. Because of this, a week ago (after recovering from his illness) Gojo had offered a bit of retribution. His deal was an inducing session. No holds barred, anything goes, Nanami gets to induce him in any way he desires for the whole night, and… whatever that may lead to… will come with the territory. Gojo had assumed that Nanami would get a bit of sneezy fun, and then they’d move on. What Gojo hadn’t planned on was Nanami asking for a week to ‘prepare’. Hence, when he walks into the apartment and sees the tray of items sitting on their coffee table, draped in a sheet, he starts to realize that maybe he’s signed up for more than he bargained for. But upon seeing the look in Nanami’s eyes as he gestures for Gojo to sit on the couch, Gojo decides that he’s completely down for whatever may follow.  “Blindfold off.” Gojo smirks, this was one part he did see coming, especially since the only light currently on in the apartment was in the hallway. Nanami is well aware of how photic Gojo is. ‘Wasn’t even aware that sneezing from bright lights was called photic until I met him.’ he muses to himself, delicately removing the blindfold, and placing it in Nanami’s outstretched hand. Sure enough, the hall light is nowhere near bright enough to invoke a reaction. “Whenever you’re ready, Nanami dear.” Smug grin on his face, Gojo leans back, one leg crosses over the other, the picture of relaxation. All of this changes the second a smirk forms on Nanami’s face. ‘Well that look is deeply unsettling’ Gojo thinks, allowing his confidence to slip just a little. Nanami reaches under the sheet, careful to keep the rest hidden, and pulls out his first object, taking a seat on a chair next to the couch. “A flashlight? Starting pretty basic, aren’t we Nanami? If I’m honest, I expected more from you. With a week to prepare, bright light is what you came up with?” It’s a bluff and they both know it, Gojo’s well aware that bright light is only what they’re starting with, and that Nanami must be saving the best for last. “Close your eyes. You open them when I tell you to.” “Oh~ Bossy, aren’t we~? Power gone to your head, Nanami?”  Despite this, Gojo does as he’s told. While obedience isn’t something he’s known for, he did offer compliance, ‘though I never specified it would come without teasing~’ he allows, making sure to paint another shit-eating grin on his face. Gojo doesn’t need to see Nanami to know his eyes are glued to him, he can feel the lustful gaze burning into his skin. “Open your eyes now.” Gojo complies once more, surprise flooding his face as he feels something soft brush the tip of his nose. He barely has time to get his wrist in front of his nose before the sneezes burst out. “hept’ISHH’shiew-! ihh’kTSH’ue-! hAH’ASHH’iew-! hh’KTishhh’yuu-!”  Sniffling pathetically against his wrist, Gojo manages to lock his eyes onto the feather Nanami is twirling in his fingers, the flashlight sitting on the tray once more. Nanami meets his eyes, a mischief evident in them, suggesting this was always his plan. “Well well well, bit of a trickster today, I see. Proud of ourselves, aren’t we?”  “Bless you.” “Why thank you. Still polite as ever. Some things never change. Shall I expect blessings all night, then?” “I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” Gojo lets the smirk work its way over his face once more, lowering his wrist with one last snfff- not quite wet yet, but if this first fit was anything to go by, they were certainly going to get there.  “Feathers. Not exactly groundbreaking stuff. I do have quite the sensitive nose, but I’m not allergic, they’ll tickle just as much as anything soft would.” Nanami grins, a hand brushing his hair back. A gesture that to most, would seem quite common. But Gojo is not most. He recognizes the action for what it is; an act of pride in himself and his methods. A hint of worry seeps back into Gojo’s mind, ‘Just a feather alone wouldn’t bring this kind of confidence. Not to someone like Nanami. He wouldn’t feel this satisfied with just a mild sensitivity reaction.’  Sniffling again, Gojo notices, quite suddenly, that the tickle is still there. A slight buzzing at the back of his nose. ‘No, this is more than just a sensitivity, otherwise it would have stopped once I finished sneezing.’ “hhAH! Ahhh… What diihhhd… you do to it?” “You see,” Nanami starts, letting himself slip off the chair, and slide onto the couch next to Gojo. “It’s not just a feather. It’s a feather from our feather duster. And, well, it just so happens I had a bit of cleaning to do earlier.” “Hehhh…. ehh! hIH’kTSH’oo-! KISHH-ishh’oo-! hahh’DTSH’yuu-!  I should have gueehhh… g- guessssed- hehh…. hEH’DT-! guhhh… lost it.”  “Bless you.” “I cahhhn’t… Nanami… I… hehh… hIH! gotta… g-hahh gotta sneeze…!”  Gojo’s eyes are fluttering shut, a single tear running down his cheek as he hitches wildly, head tilting back. Nanami smirks, letting Gojo’s hand grab his and pull the feather up to his face. They both pause as he leaves it just out of reach of his nose, well aware of the unstated rule. ‘This is your turn, so unless you allow me, I can’t do it myself.’  Thankfully for Gojo, this is only act one of the revenge, and the torture isn’t meant to start just yet. Nanami moves the feather back to Gojo’s nose, gently tracing around one nostril, then the other, the light touch more than enough to send him over the edge. “Th- thankyou- hEH! hH’ESHH’oo-! hept’kiSHH’ieww-! mMMpfsshh’oo-!”  “Bless you.”  Just as he goes to open his eyes, Gojo finds himself squinting in the light, ducking back into his hands with another fit, this time the softer, ticklish type that he gets from photic fits. “ishh-! tishh’oo-! hh’ishh’shiew-! pshh’oo-! kshhh’iew-! hept’ktshh’ooo-! hEP’shhh-! Nngt-! hh’dNGt-! Nxxgt-!”  Fingers lightly pinch his nose as Gojo stifles the last few, a hint of mischief in his voice as he manages to stop the onslaught. Nanami leans back from where he had hit the light switch, a smirk dancing on his face, mischief matching Gojo’s in his own eyes. ‘God, he looks good like this.’ “I’ll admit, you got me with that one. Wasn’t expecting it in the slightest.” “That was the idea, yes. Bless you again, but don’t think you won’t pay for those stifles.” “Oh~?”  There’s a light sing-song tone in Gojo’s voice as he lets his eyes trace down Nanami’s body. The tremble in his knees doesn’t go unnoticed, and neither does the hunger in his eyes when Gojo’s beautiful, albeit watery, blues meet them once more. Try as he might, Nanami was never able to hide his true intentions from Gojo. He’s always been able to read him like a book. ‘He’s holding out much better than I had thought, but there’s a slight shiver in his voice whenever he speaks. Guess even the most proper of us can’t hide every physical reaction.’  Nanami reaches over and wipes away a stray tear that had broken free from the ocean in Gojo’s eyes, ‘photic tickles do always come with watery eyes’ getting a warm smile in return. As much as he hates to admit it, Nanami was always captivated by the shimmering blue orbs, and the beauty that the glistening wetness brought to them was almost inhumane. Gojo uncrosses his legs, allowing them to slip further onto the couch as he lays back, giving Nanami the perfect position to slide in on top of him, hovering just above his hips, perched on his knees. Now angled over him, Nanami also has the perfect position to further torment Gojo’s nose. Reaching back under the sheet, Nanami pulls it off entirely, the smirk reforming once more as Gojo’s eyes go wide. A single flower of lavender sits on the tray, under a glass bowl. Gojo twitches even just looking at it, a knuckle raising to rub at his already itchy nose. As if just the sight of the blossom was enough to light the fire burning in his sinuses. “I know I said anything you want, but I wasn’t expecti-” “What, you thought I wasn’t going to use one of your most desperate allergens? I’m not a novice at this, Gojo.” “My sincerest apologies, Nanami. You’re qu- heH! quite right, I shouldn’t have underestimated you. Now are wehhehh… gonna get on with it?”  Simply lifting the bowl off it had spread the scent throughout the living room, Gojo’s nose responding in kind. A light snfff- escapes, a mistake, if the way his eyes flutter is any indication. Nanami lifts the blossom gently, Gojo leaning back until his head was on the pillow at the end of the couch, hands tucked at his sides, already bracing against the tickle he knew was coming. Kneeling over him, Nanami allows his hips to gently brush Gojo’s, not missing the gasp in his breath, or the lust filling his eyes. “hihh’KTSH’oo-! hePT’shiew-! nnGXt-!”  “Bless you. Stifling without your hands, impressive, but doesn’t earn you any points today.” “Worth a shot~. Are you plahhhhning to start the inducing any time s- hehhh! soon? My nose is alreahhhhhdy starting to ti… to tiihhhhckle! hEH’ISHH’yuu-! hH’MMFSH’oo-! dnXT’shoo-!”  There’s no response from Nanami, ‘Unless you count the way his whole body is practically trembling~. Or the chewing on his lip, ya know, I’m not even sure he realizes he’s doing that!’ but one isn’t needed. Instead, Nanami starts tracing the lavender around the base of Gojo’s chin, dragging it up his jawline, right up to the bridge of his nose. Gojo, for his part, starts hitching the second it touches his skin, as if the pollen is soaking through into his nose via osmosis. His eyes snap shut, the tickle swelling-  “Hehh… ahh! Ehhh… hihh-hEH! hEPT-” Just to have it crushed by Nanami’s firm grasp on his nose, pinching it shut. Gojo lets out a whine, nose practically trembling beneath the grasp. They pause like that for a second, Gojo managing to pry his eyes open long enough to see the desperate arousal painted clearly over Nanami’s face, before they crash shut again with another wave of hitching. Finally, the tickle dies down, and Gojo’s breathing evens out. “I thought the point was to make me sneeze, not stop me from sneezing?” “That is certainly a part of it, yes. But you were cruel, doing… that… in public, in a meeting no less, so this? This is going to be just as cruel.” “I never knew you had such a sadistic side, dear. I have to admit-” Gojo pauses, letting his eyes meet Nanami’s, lust burning through his own just as fierce as his boyfriends. “-It looks stunning on you.” Their mouths meet, Nanami gently biting Gojo’s lower lip, eliciting a moan in response, before it turns into a shaky inhale. Taking this cue, Nanami continues running the lavender down Gojo’s nose, right around the edge, tracing each pink and twitchy nostril. “hAHhh- I… I have…. I’mgonna… hehh!”  This time, instead of stopping the sneezes, Nanami lets the lavender rest just under Gojo’s nose, the blossoms gently touching the tip, before letting it slide all the way in. The reaction is instant, and he’s careful to keep the blossom in during the fit, prompting Gojo’s hands to grab Nanami’s hips to brace himself. “ISHH’oo-! hehh’TISHH’ooo-! hEPT’DTSHH’yuu-! eHKSHH’shiew-! nN’GSHH’uee-! hAHH… hehh! neH’KTSHU’yuu-! haAH’GNSHH’oo-!” Gojo manages to meet Nanami’s eyes through his watery gaze, noticing the way Nanami’s legs tremble, hips pressing against his, a moan forming in his own throat as one breaks free from the other man. Deciding to try to put on a bit of a show, Gojo attempts to speak through them, a slight flush filling Nanami’s face at the attempt. In response, Nanami’s hands twitch, moving the lavender still inside Gojo’s nose around, relighting the tickle with a passion. “Oh god Nanahhhmihhh- mM’PSHH’oo-! hEH’MFFSSHH’yuu-! It ti- ticklessobad… nnH’ZSHH’oo-! ZESHH’shiew-! I can’t stop… Ijustgotta- hePT’KESHH’yuu-!  hhAH’ASHH’ieww-!” Tears are fully running down his face by the end, his eyes watering so much he can barely see. Nanami gently places his lips on Gojo’s forehead, pulling the (now soaked) lavender out as the sneezing finally starts to taper off. He softly wipes the tears away, meeting Gojo’s bleary look with a deeply lustful one of his own. “Yo- heH’ISHH’shiew-! Ishh’oo-tishh’oo-! You see- hiHH! holdonnotdone…. hAH’ESHH’yuu-! ‘Scuse me! You seem to be enjoying the show.” There’s a teasing tone in his voice, but the soft blush settling over his cheeks has nothing to do with arousal. Instead, it blooms in response to the soft touch Nanami’s hands are giving him, brushing his hair out of his eyes, wiping the tears from his cheeks. A softness that Nanami is always capable of, but only Gojo ever truly gets to see. The blush spreading across Nanami, however, has everything to do with arousal. A feeling that it seems, he’s reached his limit on containing. Letting his hips fully rest against Gojo’s, he leans in, teeth meeting Gojo’s ear. Their breath catches at the same time, Nanami’s releasing in a moan against the flushed skin of Gojo’s neck, while Gojo releases his in the form of- “hH’hEPTShhh’ooo-! nGT-! hh’DTSH-! kNXT’shoo-! Ohgod- ashh’oo-! tishh’oo-ishh’iew-hAH’ZSHH’yuu-! Hehh…!” “B-bless you.” Nanami offers in the pause, he can only keep the whimper out of his voice for so long it seems. ‘It’s honestly impressive he held out this long’. In the pause, Nanami leans back up, mischief flooding his eyes as he waits for Gojo to start hitching in earnest, then pinches his nose shut right as the fit starts again. A desperate look is all Gojo can get in before the tickle takes over completely. “Nahhhnami whatareyou- nNGT-! DNNT-! GNXXT-! P- please I haahhhh-! hH’nGXT-! Knntt’shoo-! ehh’DXGT’shoo-! Nanami it- hAH’gehDNTT’shoo-! It’s just gonna- heH’XGT-! DTNNGT-! Nxxgt’shoo-! Gonna keep going if you don’t let me…. Letme…. Ihaveto… heH! hh’NXGT’shoo-!” Despite the pleading, and the desperately itchy look Gojo’s face has twisted itself into, they both know that if he actually wanted to, he could easily pry Nanami’s fingers off. However, Gojo keeps his hands pinned under his legs, not even attempting to raise them.  “Bless you. Use your words, Gojo. You’ve certainly never had a problem using them before.” “hEH! Nanami I have- ohgodnotagain hH’NXGT-! dgxnnt’shoo-! ktnXGT’shoo-! I have to sneeze-! nN’GTkk’shoo-!” “Bless you love. You seem to be doing just that. What is it exactly you’re asking for?” Gojo lets his mouth hang slightly open, though at this point, it’s not exactly a choice, he’s still human after all, he needs air. But the way he lets his tongue brush against his lips is entirely for the show. “Please let me release the sneehhh-! Sneezes.”  “Clear and concise. See, I knew you had it in you. You have permission.” With that, Nanami removes his fingers, and waits- And waits…?  “hEH-! Ahhh… hihhIH…. hEPT-!guhhhh…. Hehhh…”  Nanami feels his mouth run dry as Gojo’s breath catches, over and over, his pink nose twitching, not unlike a bunny. “nAhnami- god it… it tickles so… I can’t…. I just… hehh-! hAH! Guhhh… hehhh…huH-! HEPT-! Fucking hell… I just…”  Normally he’d receive a punishment for the swearing, but given the current situation, Nanami is feeling forgiving. Gojo’s entire body is starting to tremble with the desperation of his nose. Nanami bites his lip harder, body trembling for a whole different reason. Both of their eyes are glossed over, yet again, for different reasons. Running a hand through Gojo’s hair again, the moan coming from the blue-eyed-beauty only half from the tickle still tormenting him, Nanami leans forward once more, bringing his warm lips to Gojo’s flushed skin. His breath is hot on Gojo’s neck, his teeth sinking into the sensitive skin. A moan falls from Gojo’s mouth as Nanami lets his lips touch his ear. “Nahhnami… I… Ihaveto- hehh! to sneehhhh- sneeze-!” The response that creeps out from Nanami’s mouth is as much a moan as a command. “Beg me for it, Satoru.”  A playful smirk briefly flashes across Gojo’s face, before he lets his eyes flutter closed once more. He allows his breath to hitch for a minute, savouring the way Nanami’s hips grind against him, before forcing his voice back out, not even needing to exaggerate the whining tone. “P- pleaahhh… please… hehhh! hAHH!… please Kento, let me sneeze~! I… I need to so-heHH! so bad….” With that, Nanami leans in, letting their lips meet, hungry and trembling. Gojo gasps against the feeling, pulling back to suck in a deep breath, before pulling Nanami back into it with just as much hunger. They stay like that for a moment, caught in a battle of wills and tongues, before finally, Nanami lets his nose brush against Gojo’s. Shivers shoot down both of their spines, moans spilling out of them in harmony as Gojo rears his head back, having only enough time to duck his head into Nanami’s chest before the long-denied sneezes take their revenge. “Th-thankyou- hAH’heTscH’oo-! hH’ZSCHH’yuu-! Hehh… hah’ketCHH’ooo-! mMpSHH’oo-! nN’KTSHH’yuu-! hePT’ISHH’iew-! mMFFSHH’iew-! hAH’RASHH’uue-! Oh that one was looudd-heH’KSHH’ooo-!” With a brief break, Gojo gasps, letting some air fill his lungs again as the tickle fills his nose. Nanami reaches over to the table, grabbing a handful of tissues, and pressing them to Gojo’s nose as the next wave of sneezes overtakes him. “iSHh’oo-! heH’tiSH’oo-! ASHH’iew-! nN’hetCH’yuu-! mmSHH’oo-! MMPSHH’oo-! heH��mPFShh’iew-!”  “Bless you, Satoru. Blow, while you can.” Gojo does he’s told, letting a harsh blow out, pausing for a few sneezes to slip through- “hEH’ktSHH’oo-! ashh’ieww-! hH’ESHH’oo-!” “Bless you. Again.” He follows the command willingly yet again, knowing he couldn’t resist if he wanted to. After another blow, Nanami switches out the tissues for clean ones, gently cleaning up Gojo’s nose. The feather-light touch of his fingers through the tissues is enough to prompt another small fit from Gojo, which he catches, planting a light kiss on his forehead. “Ishh’oo-! Tishh’oo-! heH’ketshh’iew-! hAH’ashHH’iew-! ishh-tishh’oo-heH’ISHH’yuu-!” “Bless you, love.” “Thank you.” Nanami sits back, letting Gojo sit up fully. Both men are panting, a fierce hunger still burning in their eyes. Gojo lets his hand slide around Nanami’s hips, pulling him in for another deep kiss, this time he nibbles on Nanami’s lip, a light chuckle breaking the kiss at the way Nanami whimpers. “Shall we finish this in the bedroom, Nanami~?”  There’s no answer. There doesn’t need to be. The way he grips Gojo’s arm is answer enough, pulling him up off the couch. They both take a pause to breathe, before they start laughing like teenagers again, a contest to see who can get to the bedroom faster is initiated without words. They never did need words, they have something far deeper. Something that nothing on heaven or earth could ever take away from them. Something true to their very souls. 
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Timing Is Everything.
Characters: Y/uta, G/ojo, I/numaki, M/aki, and P/anda. (feat. I/nuokku pairing implied <3) Word Count: 2.1k
Just a little gift for @ithadtobesneezing as she's been FEEDING us with Y/uta content <33
It's nothing amazing, but you've sparked the fire of love for your guy, so here's a lil something I hope you can enjoy~
All Characters 18+, picture early 20's AU (+ no bad stuff has happened <3)
(References to implied contagion, and high fever, and near fainting/dizziness, just incase anyone doesn't like those!)
A light breeze drifts through the air, the first hint of fall approaching. Summer had dragged on late into September, leaving the cool touch a welcome change to everyone. 
Almost everyone, that is. 
Burrowing deeper in his uniform, Yuta grits his teeth against the cold nestling in his bones. Despite the heat smothering him inside out, each chill seems to leave him trembling. Casting his gaze back to the field, it’s clear no one notices. Their attention is caught by the scene unfolding. 
Maki and Gojo are ‘sparring’, a term used loosely. More accurately, Maki is throwing things at Gojo’s infinity. Inumaki and Panda are both laughing, Panda cheering Maki on as Inumaki passes her more weapons to aim. Amidst the chaos, Yuta’s silence is largely overlooked. 
It’s not unusual for him to be a bit subdued during a meetup with his friends; being a special grade sorcerer has some deficits to go along with the profits. Still, he can’t help noticing that Gojo is right in the middle of the group, cheerful as ever despite his own long week. 
A pang of guilt finds its home in Yuta’s chest, the familiar burning leaping to his eyes. The feelings that always seem to grow in ferocity when his mind gets clouded. With a rough sniff, he rubs a sleeve across his face, sucking in a deep breath. Frustration swells, only dispelled when a gasp slips through his parted lips. 
He quickly ducks into his fist, massaging the twitching appendage before it blows his cover. Sunken eyes flicker back to the group, the breath he didn’t realize was trapped in his chest breaking free. They’re all still absorbed in their own world, Inumaki and Panda joining in on the game. 
Taking advantage of the privacy while it lasts, Yuta allows himself a deep sigh, his sleeve-coated hand scrubbing at his nose. The slow crawl of ticklish desire had been creeping its way deeper since this morning. 
He’d hoped to fight it off until he got home, or at least escaped from sight. The glimmer of light dancing across his face as a tear drifts down his flushed cheeks suggests no such hope should be dwelled on. 
The tone is distinct, a melodic sound echoing throughout the yard. Sure enough, as Yuta raises his head from the safety of his hands, Gojo is waving him over. Maki and Panda are yelling about something he can’t quite make out, Inumaki holding up a popsicle stick figure with Panda’s head on it. 
Raising from his seat Yuta lurches forward, the floor beginning to shift under him. He instinctively drops his hand to steady himself, eyes squeezing shut. Once the world decides to let him off the unrequested roller coaster, his eyes begin to reopen. Relief floods his system as none of the others seem to pay him much mind. 
“I did not say that! In fact, I recall you were the one who filled out that report, therefore it was your responsibility to follow up.” Inumaki raises a Maki stick. 
“Oh really? Then why is your signature on the form?” Inumaki raises a Panda stick. 
“What?” Snatching the paper from his hands, Maki groans, aiming a swing at Panda’s chest. “You forged my signature again?!” 
Gojo’s simply watching, a childlike giggle bubbling from his chest as Inumaki raises the Panda stick once more. This time Maki knocks it from his hand, Inumaki glaring at her and huffing out, “Bonito flakes.” 
Once he’s sure the next step won’t realign the world, Yuta begins his trek across the mere feet between him and the others. His breath snags dangerously, the sensation nipping at his sinuses. A hand flies to his face, catching his nose and tightening against the onslaught. 
Catching Inumaki’s eyes, Yuta feels his hand snap back to his side. A single sniffle is all he allows himself before taking in a rush of air and painting his usual timid smile across his cheeks. Inumaki stares for a second longer, but ultimately shakes it off, raising an arm to gesture him closer. 
“What are they arguing about this time?” Yuta asks, aiming the question towards Gojo as Maki takes another swing at Panda’s legs. He’d heard it all quite clearly from the chair, but each vibration from his throat seems to bring new levels of itch to his breath. Best to give Gojo a chance to start rambling. 
For a moment Yuta’s convinced he’s been caught. Normally that kind of question would get Gojo bouncing as he gives a play by play. Today, instead, he simply shrugs, tilting his head just enough to let a single brilliant blue peek from behind his glasses. 
Yuta meets the look with a smile, letting his eyes flutter shut to sell the lie, ignoring the watering that begins as soon as his lashes touch down. It seems to work, however, Gojo yelling something nonsensical at Maki, strutting over with a raised hand. 
The itch chooses this moment to begin another resurgence, scratching through his restraint with a hungry determination. Yuta risks a glance at Inumaki, who appears preoccupied with fixing his popsicle stick Panda. Gojo is still shouting, Maki echoing the noises as she chases Panda around. 
“hHehh!” The hitch breaks through his control, unnoticed by the group. Deciding this is the ideal time to smother one without being caught, Yuta twists himself away from the group, raising an arm to his face. With the other he clutches his shoulder, bracing himself against the fierce tickle. 
“Hey Yuta, we want you to break a tie.” 
Panic grips Yuta’s chest as the field suddenly falls silent, each hitch spouting from his lips seeming to shatter against the peaceful quiet. He attempts to pry open his eyes, to no avail. After permission was given, the sneeze was far too strong to hold off anymore. 
All eyes turn to him, a shimmering ocean beginning to well in his own. Before he can utter a word, his breath catches in his throat. “ihHKzzTSChhiyeww-!” This time he only manages to raise a single hand, bending over with the force of the pitchy whine that bursts forth.
As the earth begins to tilt again, Yuta drops to his knees, only steading himself as a hand grips his shoulder. Keeping his eyes tightly closed, Yuta leans his head against it. After a minute the buzzing fades from his ears, and he slowly rejoins the world. 
He expects to see a few faces of disgust, maybe some anger. To his surprise, no one seems to be looking his way at all. Maki’s yelling something at Gojo, attempting to whack him with her staff. His infinity blocks it easily, though he looks distraught anyways. 
“-are you aiming that at me?! I didn’t do anything!” 
“You-” Maki pauses to swipe Panda off his feet behind her, returning her glare to Gojo as the sound of fur hitting grass sounds off. “You ‘didn’t do anything’? You got him sick!”
Gojo huffs, crossing his arms with an indignant look. “You and Inumaki were sick just a few days ago, how do you know you didn’t get him sick?” The smirk he’s wearing suggests he’s proud of this little deduction, but Maki simply growls in response. 
There’s a break from the conversation as Yuta ducks towards the ground again, raising his arm to catch a fatigued “hH’KNchhZZSHyeww-!”, so few sneezes already sucking all the energy from his body.
Inumaki’s hand tightens on his shoulder, Yuta humming a soft “Thanks.” 
“Maybe we did, remind me for a minute though,” Maki says with a sigh aimed towards the duo, swinging her weapon towards Gojo again. “Who got us sick?”
The sheepish look scrawled across Gojo’s face says it all, and Maki lets up on her assault, instead learning against her pole. “I already had to deal with Inumaki’s symptoms.” 
A vaguely offended, “Salmon roe.” sounds from where Inumaki’s crouched, Maki shooting him a soft look. 
“Sorry- Look, okay, I just don’t want to deal with-” 
“hH’TzzzcSHHyieew-!” Yuta interrupts, groaning faintly as the force of it sends his head careening into his arm far harsher than he’d expected. 
“With that,” Maki finishes, gesturing to Yuta’s trembling form. 
As Yuta gears up for another outburst, Inumaki lightly rubs his arm, humming something unintelligible under his breath. “hH’TIezzsshh’kiew-!” 
Once he’s sure this one didn’t readjust the world too much, Inumaki raises his gaze from Yuta to shoot a glare at Maki. She raises her hands in mock surrender, grumbling under her breath. It quickly fades as Yuta dissolves into a fit of coughing that leaves him gasping for air, Inumaki dropping back to his side. 
“Okay, okay, sorry…” Maki sighs, Yuta managing to catch a glimpse of concern in her eyes as his cough fades enough for a full breath. Maki continues with a softer tone, “I didn’t mean that. I just…” 
Yuta gives her a weary smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I know. It’s… it…” His eyes drift over her shoulder, vision starting to swim. He manages a breath, dancing the edge of control as the tickle retreats. 
“Sorry, thought I was…” Yuta hums, breathless as he attempts to continue the sentence, quickly dissolving into stammering, voice stolen by the pinprick itch spreading through his nose. “Wait, no I am… I’m… I’m uh… hH’yieTZZzshhYEWW-!” 
This time Yuta feels himself tipping forward, the world around him softening at the edges. The grounding touch against his shoulder begins to slip away, a dark sensation touching the corners of his thoughts. Just before he loses consciousness, a sharp pain cuts through the darkness, pulling him back to the light. 
Inumaki’s still gripping his shoulder, but the ache radiates from his face. Managing to get a grasp of his surroundings, Yuta finds Maki kneeling in front of him. Her hand is hovering in the air, as if she was unsure where to leave it. 
“Did… you slap me..?” Yuta manages, voice wavering with a mixture of relief and fatigue.
“Did you just nearly faint?” Comes the retort, Maki’s own voice not as solid as it would normally be. There’s a quiver to it that wasn’t there a minute ago, her eyes burning into his skull with an intensity not unlike her.
Still, there was something different to this gaze. Something distinctly afraid. Blushing under his gaze, she huffs. “You should be thanking me."
Opening his mouth, Yuta attempts to oblige, instead only managing a whimper as his lungs begin to spasm again. 
Maki watches for a minute, glare still pointed at him, before finally she lets up. “Oh just forget it, okay? Just… just try to breathe. You’re alright.” Her tone is soft, a single finger gently brushing some hair away from his eyes. “I think you have a fever, have you taken anything?” 
The silence is an answer, just as true as any sounds would be. At this admission, Maki turns to Panda with a pointed look. Panda gives a thumbs up, running off towards the school to grab some supplies Shoko still keeps there. Attention back on Yuta’s fragile state, Inumaki gently tucks an arm around his back, raising him to a standing position. 
They stand for a minute, Maki securing herself on the other side before beginning the walk back to the school. Yuta holds his breath, a strangled sob dying in his throat as tears begin to pour. At this, Inumaki begins humming again, something quiet and soft. Maki copies the tune, rolling her eyes with a barely contained smile. 
“Where was this softness when I was sick?” Gojo calls, the trio whipping around, nearly toppling Yuta in the process. Both supporters cast glares Gojo’s way, Yuta too busy righting the world in his head to copy their motions. 
“When you were sick you were clinging to our legs and rubbing your germs on everything.” 
Gojo pouts, attempting to sniffle, and instead simply inhaling. “I was sick! None of you did anything for me, I just needed som-” He’s quickly cut off by Maki tossing a dagger at his chest, infinity stopping it easily. Still, he gasps in mock hurt, chuckling as this earns him another (attempted) blow to the gut. 
Yuta soon forgotten, Maki lunges back towards him, daring him to drop infinity and fight her head on. The rest of the battle fades into the background as Inumaki positions himself on the ground, pulling Yuta down beside him. 
A yawn sneaks out from Yuta’s jaw, his eyes beginning to pool again. The same breath turns into a hitch, Yuta muffling a “hieH’tzZZchhyEW-!” into Inumaki’s chest. 
Inumaki hums gently into his ear in lieu of a blessing. Then, draping his arm around Yuta’s shoulder, Inumaki pulls him close, running his fingers through Yuta’s messy hair. 
By the time Panda gets back with the medication, Yuta and Inumaki are asleep, dozing to the soft sounds of Maki and Gojo’s sparring. 
Even through the tangled mess of limbs, Inumaki’s arm remains protectively draped across Yuta’s back.
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Sharing Is Caring.
The one in which G/ojo shares his cold, and N/anami cares that this happened. Turns out G/ojo’s inability to keep any sort of physical distance or semblance of manners when he’s sick has finally beaten its way through N/anami’s ‘iron-clad’ immune system. Feat. sick N/anami & sick G/ojo.  Also known as ‘Today Is Apparently N/anago Day’ so I wrote a little something! It’s short, and my first time giving N/anami the sneezes too, but hey, it’s a day for both of them, so they should both get to suffer equally <3 As always, if anyone reads this, thank you!! And I hope you enjoy it~ (Contains references to swearing and a bit of contagion mentions/inferences, incase anyone doesn’t like those!) Characters: N/anami, G/ojo, and the cold from hell.  Word Count: 1.7k (jus a short boi)
“Hehh-” “Satoru I will throw this cup at you if you don’t cov-” “hahH’ETCH’uuu-! Whoops~.” The hand Gojo had lazily raised sits about an inch below his face, almost mocking Nanami with how close it had come to actually covering that one. Nanami lets out a low sigh, the action apparently too much effort for his lungs who protest with a series of harsh coughs. “Need some water?” “I need you to have learned how to keep your germs to yourself.” Nanami retorts once the coughing lets him get a word in. Gojo just smiles, letting his slender form tremble a little. ‘Entirely a manipulation, his fever broke two days ago.’  “But I’m siiickkk Nanami~” “And thanks to you, n- now… I ahhm… t- too…. huhh-!” “heH’ESHH’uee-! Oh sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt you~”  “hH’NGT-! nnMXTT-! Hehh… ihh! mMZZSHH’oo-!”  “Bless you, darling.”  The way Gojo purrs the pet name into his ear would normally get Nanami considering having him right here and now on the couch. ‘But it’s that line of thinking that probably got me this horrid cold in the first place.’  “Notice how I brought my arm up, and sneezed into it. Not over, or beside, or seven feet away, straight into it. Blocking the spread of germs.” “Ya know, you would sound a lot more commanding if you weren’t still speaking from inside your elbow.” A slight pink tint dances across Nanami’s face, or at least, what little can be seen of it. “Shut up and pass me the tissues.” Gojo does as he’s told, ‘For once’ and hands over the box, turning away to give Nanami the privacy to clean himself up. ‘At least he has some decency.’ Letting a wet blow escape, Nanami doesn’t miss the wince Gojo attempts to cover with a cough. ‘Feeling guilty after all it seems.’  “My throat is wrecked, I could use some tea, you want some too?” A smile creeps over Nanami’s normally steadfast expression. Gojo was just bragging the day before about how his throat didn’t hurt anymore. This was clearly a ploy to make tea for Nanami without having to admit that’s what he was doing. Surprisingly, Gojo is a wonderful caretaker, but quite bashful about it when he’s feeling guilty about the sickness being his own fault. “hept’TCHshh’uuee-! heH…. Hahhh… ihhh-! eH’keTCHH’yuu-!” ‘Apparently not guilty enough to cover his damn sneezes though.’  “You didn’t even lift your hands for that one.”  “I turned away from you!” “Not even into your shoulder, just at the floor!” “Yeah! But not at you! You’re welcome~” Nanami just coughs in response, rolling his eyes in Gojo’s direction. As the coughing eases, he lets his hand raise to massage his aching throat. His voice is still clear, but from experience he knows it’ll be hoarse in less than a day, and most likely completely gone in a couple. ‘Better cancel classes, won’t be much help as a teacher if I can’t get a word out. Plus, I’d be a hypocrite if I infected my students with this after chasticing Gojo for getting me sick.’  “Better cancel classes Nan. You’re gonna have no voice by then, won’t be much of a teacher.” “It’s eerie how you do that, Gojo.” Gojo looks up from the kitchen, pausing his tea preparations to give Nanami a smirk dripping with ulterior meanings. His brilliant blue eyes shine enchantingly from behind the sunglasses he’s tipped down his nose. “Do what, dear?” “hheh… hH’NGT-!uhhhh” “Tsk tsk, I can’t believe you of all people suppress them like that! Shouldn’t you be the one giving me some facts about how ‘suppressing them won’t stop the urge, just contain it, plus you could get a headache or whatever’.”  His hands move to his hips, putting on a stern voice as he copies Nanami, letting his voice dip into a deeper octave in an attempt to complete the mockery.  “hAH’knXGT-!shoo hehh..! guhhh… I don’t sound like that.” “Beside the point. Aren’t I right?” The blush is back against Nanami’s face, and he smothers a wet cough into his sleeve in an effort to disguise it. At the sound, Gojo finishes putting the kettle on the stove, shooting Nanami a sympathetic look, laced with guilt he’d never admit to. “You’re… not incorrect… but your equation is missing a key component.” “Oh? Enlighten me then.” “While you’re correct that holding them in can cause head discomfort, you- you’ve… huhh…. ihH’KNGT-!uhhh… you’ve forgotten to consider the effect letting them out has on my… already sensitive throat.” “So what all your fancy words mean can be summed up in ‘it hurts my throat to sneeze fully’?”  Nanami rolls his eyes again at the blatant nature of the statement, but allows a small nod. He doesn’t need more than that, Gojo could always read him like an open book. Even without words. ‘Hell, sometimes I even think that he can read me better when I’m not speaking. Eerie, as I said. Feels like the space he takes up in my mind has grown it’s own consciousness.’ Glancing over at Gojo as the thoughts pause, Nanami doesn’t miss the smirk that’s settled on his face, shuttering slightly at the implications. “hH’KNTT-! mMNXXT-! hahh…. Hihh- mMMZZCHH’shoo-!”  “Bless you, Kento.” “A blessing, and my first name, you must be feeling quite guilty, Satoru.” Blue eyes watch him carefully, seemingly weighing their options of response. Not willing to admit to guilt, but not wanting to outright lie, no doubt deciding between a topic change, or a dance-around answer. “What type of tea would you like? I’m thinking of something sweet.” ‘Topic change it is, then.’  “When are you not?” “Ach. I do have a bit of a sweet tooth, I admit it! But they’re just so good…”  “You’re practically drooling. Were the other fluids emerging from your face not enough?” “You wound me Nanami. I’m sick after all, and here I am, slaving away to make you tea! Speaking of which, you still haven’t picked one.” Nanami manages to stand from the couch, wincing a little at the way his legs tremble. ‘Note to self, I should check for a fever, I’m not normally this unsteady with just exhaustion.’ Making his way over to the tea shelf, he pauses to plant a light kiss on Gojo’s forehead, eliciting a whine from the clingy man when his lips are removed. ‘As I suspected earlier, the fever hasn’t returned.’  “I’ll take the lemon and honey one, it’ll be good for my throat.” “hehh’kESHH’yuu-! Hahh… have to… ihhh… hehh-! c- can’t…”  Deciding to use the pause, Nanami grabs Gojo’s arm, and plants it squarely in front of his face. “This is how you cover a sneeze. Now go ahead.” Gojo just hitches, blue eyes overflowing with water as his breath catches again, and again, just to leave him disappointed over and over. His nose twitches against his sleeve, mouth hanging open as he manages to shoot Nanami a pleading look. “Oh for christ’s sake- Fine, but you better not sneeze on me.” Nodding frantically, Gojo lets his arm drop enough to provide access to his trembling nose. Nanami notices the red hue, no doubt from the frantic rubbing it’s had to endure over the course of this cold. Bringing up his finger, Nanami gently rubs down the bridge of Gojo’s nose, stopping to tap on the tip. ‘Given how sensitive he is, and how much more extreme it is when he’s sick, this should be more than enoug-’ “hAHH’MMFFSHHH’yuu-! EH’SHHHMMFF’shoo-! Guhhh… Thank you, that one was teasing m… me- heh’hETCHshh’yuu-!”  The first two he manages to catch in his arm, like promised, but Nanami sighs as the last one gets aimed at the floor, his arm lowering too soon so he could talk. ‘Two out of three. Not amazing, but progress certainly.’  “Bless you.” “Whoops, thanks, sorry bout that last one, thought I was finished.” Nanami plants a kiss on Gojo’s lips, letting himself relax a little at the desperation that meets him. While he was never as clingy as Gojo, ‘I don’t think anyone could be as clingy as that man’ Nanami did always appreciate physical comfort when he was sick, as long as Gojo was the one offering it. He had gotten a hug from Itadori once when he noticed Nanami was shivering, and it hadn’t been horrible, but he certainly preferred the touch of his love.  Speaking of which, said love was currently attempting to cut off his oxygen supply, refusing to pull away even as his face began to pale. Nanami pulls away first, letting out a low chuckle at the gasp Gojo takes in an attempt to refill his lungs. The chuckle is quickly replaced with a low hiss as Gojo convulses with a harsh cough, aiming for Nanami’s chest. Normally he’d be chastised for this, but given the water currently escaping from Gojo’s eyes, Nanami figures he’s got bigger issues. “Just breathe, try to clear your throat and let yourself take a breath- yes, just like that, there you go. Easy now, you’re al- alright… heH-! Scuse me, I hav…. have to… hahhh!”  Nanami manages to pull away from Gojo enough to aim for his shoulder as the sneezes burst through, refusing to be suppressed any further. “hH’ZESHH’oo-! mMZZCHHH’shoo-! Ihhhh… huhhh- hUH’ZZUSHH’oo-! Bless me, sorry.” “Don’t need to apologize… I’m the one that gave this to you anyways…” The blush rising through Gojo’s cheeks is, quite frankly, a bit disturbing. As is the outward confession of guilt, only intensified by the tears still dripping from his eyes. Taking pity, Nanami offers him a smile, and another kiss, hungry lips meeting his own. He breaks it first, Gojo whining once more, until Nanami brings his fingers up to Gojo’s head and runs them through his hair, causing his brilliant blue eyes to flutter closed as a low moan escapes. “It’s alright, dear. After all, sharing is caring.” Gojo smiles, pauses, and aims a sneeze right for Nanami’s chest. “hEH’KKESHH’yuu-!”  Which Nanami echoes with two of his own, aimed for his shoulder. “eH’ZZSHHH’oo! haH’ZESHHH’oo-! But maybe next time, we could share something other than the cold from hell?” “S- ihh’hETCH’yuu-! Sounds like a plan.”  The kettle’s whistling interrupts them, and Gojo sets about getting the cups ready as Nanami turns off the stovetop. As the rain outside starts to pick up, the two of them settle into the couch, playfully fighting over the remote, with Gojo letting Nanami win, before cuddling into each other’s warm embrace. Here, with each other, even with sickness and annoyances, everything was perfect. This was their own little world, something just for them. 
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
Tormented By Your Love.
The one in which S/uguru G/eto is given a lovely gift from his caring boyfriend S/atoru G/ojo, that he just so happens to be desperately allergic to. Cue him trying to hold back the attack long enough to get away from G/ojo, but the other is not so keen to be ditched.
Inspired by ~this post~, so the idea’s are not all my own, but the execution is. Also shoutout/thanks to @lycheeehehe for mentioning G/eto in that post because it totally got my mind RACING with this concept. (Hope you don’t mind the tag!! And if you read, hope you enjoy it~ <3) Same for anyone else, thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy~!
Characters: G/eto, G/ojo, and a bottle of expensive cologne with a not-so-secret scent. Word Count: 2.6k 
(References to playful violence, and swearing, incase you don’t like either of those! Also features mentions of J/ujutsu K/aisen world concepts such as curses/techniques, so I don’t believe it’s spoilers, but just be aware!) 
“I got you a present~!” Geto looks up as Gojo floats into the room, hands behind his back, a deep smile across his cheeks. The sunglasses conceal his eyes, but Geto can say with certainty the smile reaches them. “It’s not my birthday… Did I miss an anniversary?” “Nooope~! I just felt like spoiling you!” The tone is light and musical, something Geto has grown quite used to. ‘And yet… the fondness rekindles itself every time I hear it.’ “You don’t have to do tha-” “Uh-uh, shush. I already bought it, and I want to see your face when you open it! Don’t you dare ruin this for me, Suguru!” He’s practically whining, letting his sunglasses slip down just enough to meet Geto’s eyes with his beautiful blues. Geto sighs, a smile slipping over his normally calm expression. ‘This is what I get for falling in love with The Satoru Gojo.’ “Alright, alright. Show me what you got.” “Tadaaa~!” Gojo holds out a bottle, beaming even wider than before. Geto matches the warmth with a smile of his own, letting Gojo delicately place the bottle in his hands. He examines it, finding no label or etchings on the bottle. His gaze falls back up to Gojo, who’s rocking back and forth, practically vibrating with excitement. “I- don’t understand…?” “In that case let me explain it to you!” His voice is as vibrant as his eyes, and he throws himself onto the couch next to Geto, letting his arms fall across the back of it. One leg crosses over the other, and he nearly shakes the couch as he bounces them. “This, my dear Suguru, is a special creation made by yours truly! See, I wanted a scent that’s specifically you, so that I can recognize you by a scent other than your cursed energy. However, as I said, specifically you, therefore I couldn’t use anything from the store, sooo~!” Gojo pauses, ‘For dramatic effect’ Geto reckons, letting his smile reach his eyes in the silence. Finally it seems Gojo reaches his limit, his tongue moving before his brain can even catch up. ‘That’s how he always seems to talk when he’s with me. It’s truly stunning, watching him just let go. He always has to be so careful in front of anyone else.’ “Sooo~ I made this at one of those specialty shops, that way the scent is entirely unique, and distinctly for you! This way not only can I always know your personal smell, I can also…” A blush forms across his cheeks, his words growing uncharacteristically quiet. “I can bring some with me when I need to be reminded of you. Like, a palate cleanser, I guess… just… something that’s distinctly you… that..-” He trails off, but Geto knows the ending. ‘That no one can use against me. If it’s a scent, no one has to know, so then no one will care.’ Without really meaning to, Geto finds his hand tracing down Gojo’s arm, brushing against his cheek, letting his chin rest against it. Gojo gives him a small smile, which quickly turns into a purr as Geto runs his hands through his hair, pulling him in for a kiss. He breaks it to glance back at the bottle. “Aren’t these expensive, Satoru?” “Ach, don’t worry about that. Just means you have to wear it often, I guess~!” Letting the cap tip open, Geto leans in to smell it, and has to fight to keep the smile on his face from wavering. ‘Oh shit-’. From the first whiff, he can tell this is gonna be a problem. “Can you guess what I added? Can you, can you, can yo-” “I- I think there’s some sage… M- maybe a hint of rosemary?” “Correct, and correct! But, can you guess what the secret ingredient is to make sure it’s uniquely yours?” Geto raises a hand subtly to swipe at his nose, nearly gasping at the way the reaction sparks from a simmering buzz to a full blown burning. Keeping his breathing shallow, he manages to avoid sniffling, but the burning feeling is slowly spreading down his throat. A light clearing of his throat sends it barreling up his nose, each inch of his sinuses alight with a tickle so furious he nearly chokes on it. “Pretty sure… Is- is it rose…?” “Ding ding ding! How did you manage to guess that, Suguru? When I had the workers at the shop guess, no one could get it!” The only response Geto can give is a light chuckle, the vibrations from it nearly sending tears to his eyes as his sinuses buzz angrily. He brings a finger up to rub at his nose, feeling it start to drip, just to bite his tongue hard as the feeling of the wetness rubbing against the tip brings a whole new wave of tickle. “hhiHh-!uhh… hhHUhh-!” “Hm? Sorry, didn’t catch that, did you say something?” Geto manages to catch his breath in his chest, sniffling once more to try and quell the building pressure, only to let a faint moan fall from his lips as it does nothing to relieve the itch. “N- no, didn’t say anything. It smells lovely, Satoru. Th-heHh-! Thank you.” “Oh, alright. I’m so happy you like it! Hey, I know, let’s spray it over both of us so we can both smell like it!” “Gojo wai-” The attempt is futile, Gojo already spraying the mist above their heads. All Geto can do is attempt to subtly shield his nose with his hand as he watches the allergen rain down on him. The very air seems to be tormenting him with its existence, his nose deeply aware of each particle falling around his head.  “hHIHhh-! G-god… heEHh- I can’t… hh’knnxxgt-! nnxgt’shh-!” Gojo is focused on the mist, spinning around in it and humming something about ‘getting soaked in the smell of our love’, but Geto’s too focused on his nose to pay any attention. The twitching has started with a fury, each movement sending new chills down his spine as the tickle begs to be released. “ihh’nnGT’shoo-!” “Oh, bless you!” “S- sorry just… just… heH’KNxxgt’huhh-! Excuse me, just a bit of a tickle.” “Bless you again. Ar-” “nnNGT-KNXXGT-iH’DTNGT’choo-!” “Jeez, bless you, are you alright?” Geto feels his face pale, all the colour rushing to his cheeks and nose as a pink tint starts to form. ‘I can’t tell him I’m allergic… he’ll be crushed, he bought this for us, he’s so excited. I can be strong, like him. I won’t be weak.’  “Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit dusty in here, I think. They don’t really clean these old staff rooms that well, since they’re not in use anymore.”  “Oh, why didn’t you say so? It’s a lovely spring day, we can head outside instead, don’t want you feeling miserable here, plus~ you know I love a nice spring breeze!” “Sounds g- hehHh-! good.”  They stand, Gojo playfully bowing, offering an arm to raise Geto from the couch. Geto can’t help but laugh, rolling his eyes pointedly, but accepting the arm anyways. He lets himself be dragged through the halls, using the unwatched time to raise a knuckle to his nose, scrubbing hard. ‘That just ma- haHh-! Makes it worse… the stifling isn’t helping either… this fit is gonn- hEHh-! Gonna be bad when it finally breaks free…’  Once the fresh air hits his face, Geto breathes an itchy sigh of relief. Which is quickly replaced by a watery glare aimed at, well, everything as his nose reminds him once more that this little war is far from finished. “Wow, doesn’t the sakura just look stunning, Geto? Why don’t I collect us some, we can make flower crowns! Have you heard of those? Some of the students were showing me the other day, I can make us some, here hold on-” ‘I must have upset a great many people to be cursed this badly.’ Geto silently complains, sniffling deeply as he weighs his options. Either let Gojo hear him break into a fit caused by his gift, or keep suppressing this until it kills him. ‘At this point, death sounds like a nice release. I just… need to…. sneeze…’ “Here you go~!” With that, Gojo places a sakura crown on Geto’s head, and suddenly, as if the sun had finally come out from behind the clouds, Geto sees an opportunity. Letting himself take a deep sniff, he nearly recoils at the way the tickle magnifies. ‘Okay, maybe a bit more intense then I planned on-’  “heHhH-! hAH’KNNGT’choo-! DNTT’shho-! knxxgt-ehnnxgt-mmNGT’choo-!” “Woah, bless you, are you okay?” “Y- hNGGT-! Yeah, sorry I thi- dtNNXGT-! think I’m a bit aller… alleerrgic- haHhhH-! hAH’INNGXT’shh-! aHNGT’choo-! Allergic to the sahhh-! hEH’ENNGT-! enxggt’choo-! To the sakura…” At the stunned look on Gojo’s face, Geto feels a wave of guilt wash over him. ‘It’s not actually a lie, I am a tad allergic to sakura. Even if it wasn’t for the cologne I’d be sneezing having it so close like this- granted, it wouldn’t be nearly this bad, but that’s just unnecessary details.’ “You’re allergic to sakura?! How did I never know this? Wow, Suguru, must be a bit of a masochist living in Japan when you’re allergic to sakura! How are you still alive?” Geto lets out a strained laugh, the best he can do with the tickle still spreading in his face. It’s grown from a study buzz to an all out hum, deeply unsatisfied with the stifling keeping it from releasing itself fully. “Mostly take medications, avoid the outside when I haven’t. Guess I just… forgot it today.” “Let’s go back inside then.” “You- hAH’ENNGT-! you like it outside, I can go back in alone.” “Don’t be ridiculous, of course I’ll come with you. And Christ, Suguru, take it off your fucking head!” “R- right, forgo-huHH’NGxxt-! Forgot about that.” He lets Gojo pick it off his head, nearly moaning as Gojo’s sleeve brushes his face, sending a new wave of prickles up into his eyes, allergic tears starting to form before he can stop them. “Should’ve known you’d be allergic to something like sakura. It’s so pink, and bright, and you are the king of black and darkness.”  “Hah, very funny, Satoru.”  Gojo once more offers his hand, which Geto takes, letting his other hand come up to pinch his nose as another sneeze threatens to break through, pausing only to wipe at his eyes to remove the tears before they can fall. “No seriously, I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you touch something pink. Hey! Maybe you’re not allergic to sakura, maybe you’re just allergic to the colour pink!” A laugh breaks free from Geto, his eyes crinkling as he bends slightly forward, only realizing his mistake when the feeling of his nose dripping nearly takes away his ability to walk. Had Gojo not had one arm wrapped around him, he would have fallen to his knees, the itch returning with a fury he wasn’t aware his nose could have. “heHhh-! iHhhH…. Guhh… don’t- hEHhh-!” He reaches up to rub at his nose, wincing at the way each brush of his fingers seems to hit a new ticklish spot, spreading the buzzing deeper and deeper. “hEH’KNGT’shhoo-! nnxggt’shoo-! hAH’IZSSHH’uue-!” Geto blushes as the last sneeze breaks through his stifling, raising a wrist to catch it as Gojo stumbles against the force of his body shuddering. ‘Come on, Suguru. Don’t let your control waiver, you have to stay strong.’ “Woah, bless you.” “Thank you, excuse me, that one… got away from me. nnxxgtt-! dnnzzxgt-! hAH’INNT-! ” “Seems you’re more allergic to the sakura than I’d thought… should I go get you some medication or something?” “No no, I’m alright, really. It’ll stop once we’re inside, away from the breeze.” ‘At least… I hope it will.’ His confidence wavers, his sinuses practically vibrating from the accidental release, desperate for more. ‘I should really try to get away from Gojo. I need to let this out before it gets any worse… maybe say I have to use the washroom, he wouldn’t follow me there, right..?’ Geto opens his mouth to try out his excuse, but all that he manages to get out is a faint gasp before he’s crushing his nose against his wrist once more. “heHH’KNGGT’shoo-! INNT’shh-!” “Bless you. Gonna live, Geto?” “I’m okay.” “If you say so~!” A slight groan forces its way out before Geto can stop it as he recognizes the room Gojo’s leading him back to. The scent still hangs heavily in the air, each breath seeming to scrape against his throat, bringing handfuls of allergen soaked air into his itchy lungs. “haHhhh… ca- heHhHH-!” “Oh, I had almost forgotten about this! Let’s spray it again, shall we?” There’s a tone in his voice that Geto can’t seem to place, but there’s bigger issues to attend to first. He tries to talk, to tell Gojo not to spray it, but his voice is lost in the whirlwind of ticklish breaths he’s desperately sucking in. Managing only to cast his watery gaze at Gojo, Geto suddenly notices the playful smirk the other man dawns, as he sprays the bottle right at Geto. “hEH’IZZSHH’UU-! hh’ETTZZSHH-huH’AIEZZSHH’OO-!” “Oh my~. Bless you. Whatever’s the matter~?” Geto doesn’t have to open his eyes to see the smirk painted across Gojo’s face, which is good, because he couldn’t open them if he wanted to.  “heHHh’ESSHHEEWW-! I have- have to- huHH’IZTSHEEWW-! iHH’KNNGT-! haHhh… hIHhhH-! hiH’ISHH’oo-! kezzshhh’uhh-! dttzzzshhh’oo-! hH’eSSHH’oo-!” “You should have just told me you were allergic, Suguru.” “H- how did- heH’AZZshh’oo-! huHh’aiiESHHhh’oo-!” “You’ve been fighting the urge to sneeze since you first sniffed it. You were practically vibrating with allergic need, even your cursed energy was pulsating with it. I’m a special grade jujutsu sorcerer, my love. I have the cursed technique six eyes. There’s not much you can hide from me.” Geto tries to form a reply, but all he can do is-  “hAH’AISSHHEEW-! TTZZZSHH’oo-!” “But even without all of that, I’d have known from the beginning anyways. I know you, Suguru. Every inch of your skin, every ounce of your soul, every fibre of your being. I know you.”  “I didn’t- mmMPFFZZSHH’oo-! didn’t want you to think I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to hurt you, Satoru. heH’MMTSSHH’oo-! I love it, because it was f- from- hhaHhh-! hH’AIISHH’oo-! From you… and I know how much it meant to you.”  At the statement, Gojo lets out a laugh that has him leaning against the wall, tears starting to form in his eyes, matching Geto’s, which are currently streaming. “I don’t care if you wear this specific scent. I’d rather my lover be alive, not sneezing his lungs out because he wants to ‘not hurt my feelings’. We can always go back together and find something you’re not allergic to!” “B- notagain- hH’AIIZZSHHEWW-! IZZSHHH’oo-! Scuse me. But it’s so expensive, I don’t want you spending that much on me.” The laughter returns to Gojo’s lungs, beautiful, and sucking all the breath that Geto had left with its light and airy sound. Something so pure, and full of joy. “I’m a special grade jujutsu sorcerer. I’m in unbelievably high demand. You think I couldn’t make that money back in a week easily? Money isn’t an issue, your health is all that matters, Suguru. The only thing that matters. You’re my one and only, after all.” Geto meets his eyes, the tears running down his cheeks not only from the sneezing anymore. “Satoru… I don’t know what to say-” Without a word, Gojo grabs his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss, their lips meeting with a burning passion, hunger dripping from every breath as Gojo lets his hands roam up to Geto’s hair, purring at the moan he gets when he grips it. Finally breaking away so Geto could get a breath in, Gojo lets his sunglasses dip so Geto can see him wink. “Don’t say anything. We’ve never needed words before, let’s not start now.” And with that, Geto takes his turn to pull him in for a kiss, reveling in the beauty that is his one and only, Satoru Gojo. 
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