#Bam is a good boy
blu-archer · 2 years
Not Everything Changes
Requested. Snzy Jk after playing with Bam in the rain.
Word Count: 4452
Sickie: Jk
Caretaker: OT7 [kind of, mostly Jin/Tae/Jimin]
Errors; most likely. I should be sleeping.
Enjoy! hopefully its not too much rambling and is actually coherent.
Not everything changes.
He couldn’t believe his luck – or rather lack thereof.
Sure. Maybe it hadn’t been the brightest decision to take Bam to the park when it was raining for the third consecutive day, but it was the only time he could go to the closest one without being recognized by someone new every second step. Anyway, the weather app on his phone had said it would mostly be overcast – maybe some light rain here and there.
He’d organized his entire day around that information, so it wasn’t like he was going to change it for any minor inconveniences – and that’s what that sudden downpour had been. Those heavy clouds that had blanketed the sky? Minor.
So, against his better judgment he’d gone out and had the most carefree time with Bam. He didn’t even want to think about the current state of his bathroom with how much mud and water they’d brought home last night.
But now as he sat perched for his stylists on the set for their most recent photobook, he felt miserable.
His misfortune had started with him sleeping through his alarm at 4am, not by much but considering the screeching that it made it was quite the feat to not wake up immediately. Then he’d zombie walked through his morning chores – accidentally banging into his kitchen table and dropping some of  Bam’s food onto the floor as he refilled the bowl. He hadn’t even bothered to pick up the mess, just stood there and glared tiredly at the pellets scattering his floor. Bam had dived to sniff at the mess before turning to look at Jungkook with a wagging tail. He’d just sighed and scrubbed at his nose  as he went to pull on some sweats and a hoodie before making coffee into a small flask. Then he’d set out to go to work.
Now he was freshly dried after using the company showers and getting his makeup and hair done trying not to be too obvious that his throat had started to hurt despite how much water he chugged, and his nose was beginning to run with each dab of the makeup brushes. Although he was starting to think it was a losing battle. Already he could hear his stylist ‘tsk’ at his reddening nose, trying their best not to agitate him more than he already was. He was just thankful that his hyung’s were already being fitted into their clothes and weren’t anywhere near him to notice – especially when one final stroke on his cheek had him coming undone. He could just barely hear an annoyed sigh after he had pitched into his hands and caught an itchy fit that left him even more frustrated than before.
The stylist slipped him a tissue with the sharp instruction to not wipe off too much of his makeup since they didn’t have much time and Jungkook bowed with growing embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. Wiping his nose did nothing to relieve him, but it at least stopped dripping while he was given the finishing touches before being sent to wardrobe.
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grinned at him as he slipped on his suite jacket, his shirt gapping open in a similar fashion to what Jungkook’s own was. “They’re doing subunit shots before the group. We’re on set 3 with the plants. Taetae is being organized with props already we were just waiting on you.”
Jungkook did his best not to seem too out of it, even if his sinuses were borderline overwhelming with the need to sneeze as he let himself be led to where he was needed. Jimin had continued speaking, rambling about what all they’d been told to do but Jungkook really hoped that it was more optional than anything else because he was not listening to a single word being said.
Before being set in position he’d sneakily tried to wipe at his nose once more with his used tissue from before, hiding it from sight as soon as his members turned to join him amongst the mini forest that had been created on the floor. The photographer was kind in directing them,  positioning them laying down amongst each other and while he appreciated not having to stand or do too much activity, being horizontal wasn’t helping to keep his nose from running. He sniffled as quietly as he could, which really wasn’t quiet at all, but he hoped that the activity surrounding them masked it for the most part.
 His hyung’s were laying to his right with Jimin closest - his head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder while Tae had been set up seated against large potted plants that’s leaves draped over him.
There was a flash of light as the photographer did some final tests and Jungkook froze with the immediate faltering of his breath. His chest heaved once more which had Jimin shooting him a questioning look but before he could answer another flash went off.
“Eh’hESHH’uh…snf*.. H’EISHhew!” He sniffled deeply and winced at how wet it had sounded. At least he had thankfully been able to raise his arm in time, but it didn’t stop him from feeling just a little bit mortified that he could have sneezed on Jimin. Not that his hyung seemed overly bothered besides the beginning crease of concern starting between his brows.
“You okay, Kook-ah?”
“Jusd-“ he sniffed once more, clearing his throat as he got back into position. “Just the lights. I think the plants are getting to me a little bit as well.”
It was a convincing enough lie to make since he didn’t want to make anyone worry or chastise him for his [albeit flawed] choices but he didn’t miss the light kick Jimin gave Taehyung, as if to just keep watch either way.  And then the shoot began.
It was exhausting. Like mind numbingly exhausting and Jungkook had been prompted to sneeze more times than he thought he could get away with, not to mention the growing ache behind his eyes that the studio lights seemed to be amplifying each minute he sat before them. Taehyung had taken to rubbing his back or shoulder each time that they were positioned close enough and Jimin had suggested doing some shots with their eyes closed in hopes that it would help the process go smoother. His tissue from early was now unusable and he had taken to trying to use his wrist before caving and asking if he could take a break just to blow his nose.
With an understanding nod from the Head photographer, he practically sprinted out of the lights towards where his manager had already acquired the much-needed tissues and winced as he saw the rest of his hyung’s seated watching the screen upload the photos of his shoot. Obviously they must have finished up already and were waiting for the group photos to begin, which he was holding up because he couldn’t handle a light going off around his sensitive nose.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” His manager at least tried to ask him quietly as he blew his nose. His skin was burning with embarrassment, already imagining the glare the stylist would give him at the amount of makeup that had been wiped off, but it was better than having a mess drip down his face.
He couldn’t even bring himself to answer properly, just nodded and coughed into the next tissue he was blowing into.
He turned back to the set to see Jimin and Tae moving swiftly towards him, both immediately resting a hand on his upper back or leaning onto his shoulder in a way that made him feel just a little bit more comfortable than before.
“They said they have enough to work with, so we need to get changed and move to the main set.” Taehyung explained. “Maybe you will feel better being away from these props.”
He highly doubted that, and he suspected that they felt the same with how they watched him with concerned pity. His manager handed him a bottle of water and the tissue box before disappearing to find out the next steps in the day and Jungkook took the moment to sit.
His nose was swollen to a point of it being mildly painful. He could feel heavy congestion settling in and he just wanted to go home and curl up into the warmest, softest blankets he could find before sleeping for like a week. He couldn’t – obviously. He was still scheduled to work for at least another 5 hours or so, and tomorrow called for various other schedules that he would likely have to be drugged up on medication to the point where he might not even be aware of his tasks, but it was nice to dream.
“Are we moving to the final part?” Hoseok asked, the rest of the member finally joining them. Each lingering hesitantly at the sight of Jungkook. “Is everything alright? You look sick.”
“I’mah-hheh’ekshh’u! Sor-ah-ry’IEESH’U!”
 “Sounds like a cold.” Jin mused, immediately moving to set a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You’re a little warm but that might be because of all these lights.”
“I’b fide.”
There was a brief silence. None of them keen to say the obvious when they watched the youngest member pitch yet another damp sneeze into a tissue. His appearance spoke for itself, despite his words. It was like they could physically see his illness rolling off him in waves and yet he was in adamant denial for some reason. It wasn’t like they’d never been sick around each other before, usually they were quite open about it.
A call from across the room forced them to move back to the wardrobe section, all of them hovering a little closer than before as they watched Jungkook apologise to one of the makeup artists with pitiful doe eyes. She merely smiled with a soft word of reassurance, then got to work reapplying everything he’d rubbed off as well as concealing the deep red that had taken over around his nostrils. 
An hour in since they’d started up again and Jungkook was proud to admit that he had managed to keep his symptoms mostly at bay. Sure, the flash of lights still made the immense tickle in his nose flare dangerously, and his hyung’s still sent him pointed looks when something did manage to slip, but he had yet to actually sneeze.
Namjoon had commented more than once on his mouth breathing when they were positioned beside one another, shooting looks to the staff as if to announce this needed to be wrapped up soon, but Jungkook just brushed it off with a forced grin. He was dressed more casually this time, so the clothes were warmer and cozy to a point where he had started to doze, lazily resting back into the couch that they were all seated on.
 It was only when the photographers called for a break to review things that he let out a heavy sigh and finally relented in closing his eyes without a fight. Letting his body melt into the cushions as he listened vaguely to the soft conversation his hyung’s made until he slipped into complete darkness.
“Should we wake him up?” Hoseok wondered aloud. Jungkook had finally fallen asleep after fighting against it for like last hour and his snores were gradually filling the set while they waited.
“Let him sleep. He’s definitely sick whether he wants to admit it or not.” Yoongi sipped his water, eyes analysing the puffiness that had settled in the sick boys’ face. “We should see if we can reschedule our practices tomorrow.”
“Manager-Pdnim said he has already started to organize a shift of planning in the next few days for all of us in order to get some time off for him.” Jimin said. “Or at the very least a lighter schedule for this week just to accommodate.”
“I’ll go and see if anything has been decided.” Taehyung stood gesturing towards where their manager had left too. Hoseok joined him with one final look of sympathy towards the youngest. It left the rest of them in a moment of blissful silence where they all just took a breath and let the exhaustion of the day wash over them while the crew and staff bustled around. Jin ran his hand through Jungkook’s hair, messing with the hairspray as he removed his hand to touch his own face before settling it back on Jungkook’s forehead with a frown.
“Does he have a fever hyung?”
“Maybe.” Jin shrugged. He couldn’t be entirely sure. “He’s a bit warmer than me but it still might just be because of everything that’s happened today. He’s dressed warmer than me as well.”
“He sounded miserable earlier.” Namjoon added with a sigh. He was on the other side of Jungkook and was probably the sole reason that he was still somewhat upright on the couch despite having instinctively curled closer to his leader in his sleep. “This came on rather quick.”
“There is no way that he isn’t contagious.”
“Hyung,” Jimin spoke as if he was chastising a child. “We’re not going to be busy after this. If we get sick, we get sick. He couldn’t be absent to a shoot that’s been planned for months.”
Yoongi shrugged, if not in agreement then at least to appease the younger. He didn’t really want to get sick, especially with all the work he needed to get done, but he understood that there had been no getting out of this for Jungkook. “You think they’ll let us take him straight home instead of heading to the company?”
“I think we aren’t going to give them a choice.” Jin said firmly but quietly as Jungkook shifted.
Although the attempt was in vain when Jin startled as a hand came down on his shoulder only to see Taehyung’s face splitting into a grin at seeing his hyung jump.
“Yah! My heart!”
“Aish hyung.” Hoseok laughed as he leant over the couch next to Taehyung. “Are you implying old age?”
“Ya-Yah! Don’t disrespect me!”
He reached up to wildly whack behind him but both culprits ducked out of reach with laughter. The only thing his gestures accomplished was a low moan out of Jungkook, who blinked his eyes open a couple of times before curling further into Namjoon’s side.
“Ah ah ah…” Before he could go back to sleep, Tae hastily reached over to keep him up, willingly taking the weak hit that Jin laid on him as he got closer. “We’re leaving now, Kookie.” Taehyung shook him enough to keep him roused and glanced amongst the others. “We’ve got this afternoon and tomorrow off, but Pd-nim asked if Joonie-hyung and Suga-hyung could still stop by the company before going home – and Hobi-hyung, but he knew that already. Something about not being able to put a meeting off.”
“We’ll group in the one car and you guys can take the larger one to get home then.” Namjoon nodded, encouraging Jungkook to sit upright with gentle nudges in his side. “Jungkook, you need to get changed into your clothes again.”
There was a small hand around his wrist, dragging Jungkook to his feet before he’d even properly opened his eyes. Jimin was leading him off to the wardrobe area where they had the clothes they’d arrived in, the pace perhaps a bit too hasty. He had barely managed to steady himself before forcing them to stop so that he could sneeze towards the floor. He didn’t even have the awareness nor energy to cover, just moaned with a gurgling sniff as he misted the floor twice more. A low complaint from Jimin told him that he might have accidentally caught the other in his mess but there was barely a breath in-between before Jimin’s words turned softer and more encouraging with the promises of home and warm food.
And that sounded like the best thing he’d heard all day.
Getting changed and the car ride had turned into a sleepy haze. Although he’s pretty sure that Yoongi and Seokjin helped get him into his shoes and hoodie - he vaguely remembered soft nudges and gentle words before he was loaded into the car in which he promptly fell asleep in once Taehyung and Jimin settled on either side of him.
He woke up to the muffled sound of rain and the low volume of his tv playing some sport channel. He turned over in bed with a low moan at having forgotten to turn his tv off before going to bed, then jolted up. His head pounded in protest, but he definitely hadn’t left it on. He remembered turning it off the day before. What he didn’t remember was how he was in his bed.
Through his sleep-sick muddled mind he started to remember that he had in fact gotten up that morning already and had gone to work. He also vaguely remembered leaving work, which meant that if there were noises in his apartment that Bam can’t make then at least one of his hyung’s was there. Witnessing the colossal, muddy mess he had left the place in the day before.
God he really should have just cleaned up straight away, even if he had already started to feel bad. At least then he wouldn’t have to face the shame of them knowing his foolish actions.
He fell back into pillows, muffling a cough that just wouldn’t ease the tickle in his throat. At least Bam had had fun at the park – despite his current situation, yesterday hadn’t been an entirely bad idea. He just didn’t think any of his hyung’s would see it like that.
Preparing himself for the worst, Jungkook managed to pull himself to his feet with his comforter wrapped around him and draping to the floor as he walked to his living room. Immediately he could make out Taehyung and Jimin on the couch with Bam, although neither seemed to be watching whatever they’d put on the tv, much more interested in the excited roughhousing of his Doberman.
He stood by the doorway hesitantly watching. The wet clothes and dirt that had scattered the floor of his bedroom that morning had been all gone and he had a suspicion that if he checked his bathroom he’d find that spotless too.  He was about to Join the 95’ers when he glanced to the kitchen and made eye contact with his eldest hyung. Jin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his face void of emotion – there was no anger or disappointment, but there was also no sympathy. Jungkook guesses that that was a disserving reaction.
Foregoing his previous plan, he silently shuffled to join Jin, trying his best not to feel tiny under the weight of his hyung’s gaze.
“You understand that when its pouring with rain and you have a free day, preferably you stay at home.” Jin’s voice was stern and his eyes unwavering from Jungkook’s. “Where its warm and dry. You don’t go out and get drenched in it.”
“I know hyung.”
“And if you do – heaven forbid – and you feel sick, you can tell us.”
“I know..”
“Especially if we have group activities that is both extensive and enforcing close proximity to each other. It’s called being courteous and makes us aware of any possible limitations.”
“I know, Jin-hyung.”Jungkook sniffed, burying the lower half of his face into his blanket as a weak attempt to hide. “I’m sorry.”
Jin’s gaze softened. “I made you some seaweed soup. I went and bought some ingredients and medicine since your place is practically empty.” He pinched at the blanket and tugged once to prompt Jungkook to follow him to the stove. “You need to pay better attention to your health, Kook-ah. I’m not always going to be there to make sure you rest or eat well, so please. Treat yourself with a bit more care.”  
Well that definitely wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but the thought was there now. He could already feel his eyes tearing up as he sniffed and stared into the pot of resting soup.
“Aigoo… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Jin gently pulled him into his chest, ruffling his hair with one hand and pulling him in tightly with the other. “Let’s heat you up some food and join the other two, or you can go back to bed but only once you’ve eaten and taken medicine.”
Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat but the tears he’d yet to shed made him sound croaky either way as he agreed to join them.
“Go sit down then and I’ll bring you everything.”
Jin turned to busily get bowls for the soup and rice he’d made but turned back at the hoarse “hyung”. He blinked expectantly and swiped a single tear that had finally managed to break free and streaked Jungkook’s cheek. “Hyung, could you make me some tea too.”
“Of course, Jungkook-ah.” Jin smiled. “Hyung will bring it to you.”
Jimin and Taehyungs approach was quite different from Jin’s – in which they barely seemed to acknowledge how stupid he had been to get sick like he did. Rather Jimin did what he always did when comforting others, latching himself onto their side and smothering them with soft pets, kind accented words and just general affection that made Jungkook a little homesick for his parents, and if he closed his eyes the lilting Busan dialect could almost transport him back to his childhood home.
Taehyung didn’t really change at all, Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he had expected him too. Instead, his friend tucked into his side and draped an arm around his shoulders, occasionally being a pest and flicking Jimin as he clung to Jungkook’s other side just to hear his soulmate complain testily.
Bam had stayed on the floor for mere seconds after Jungkook was seated and settled, then he had practically molded himself onto Jungkook and Taehyungs laps. Occasionally he lifted his head to try and lick Jungkook in the face but eventually gave up and just stared at Jimin with woeful puppy eyes.
“Can we change this to something more interesting?” Jimin prompted, paying attention to the tv for the first time. “Jungkookie, do you want to watch a movie? Something Marvel?”
“Anything you want, hyung.” He murmured softly, resting his head onto Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin didn’t seemed entirely pleased with the answer but grabbed the remote and went on a search for one of the older spiderman movies. It seemed like the safest option, anything potentially related to Iron man was still a sore topic after the last Avengers film.
“How are you feeling? You slept for a couple hours.” Taehyung asked just as Jin brought in a tray of steaming soup and rice with some apples sliced and put on a plate.
As if Jungkook’s appetite was big enough to eat it all right now.
“A bit better than this morning I guess, but not much different.”
“Hyung’s bringing tea now,” Jin reassured as Taehyung forcibly moved Bam entirely onto his lap so that Jin could set the tray  onto Jungkook’s. [The tray was definitely a large chopping board, but if Jin wanted it to be a tray then that’s what it would be.] “Eat so long and maybe you’ll feel better.”
Doubtful but Jungkook did as he was told as Jin returned to the kitchen and sipped gingerly at the hot soup until the steam started to bother him and he was forced to reach for the unopened tissue box on his coffee table. Scrambling to open it and then blow his nose, grimacing at the sound. His nose still tickled but at least it wasn’t running anymore.
“As long as you feel better quickly.” Taehyung said with a small smile. “You had Jiminie worried earlier.”
“You were worried too!” Jimin pursed his lips and just resumed in his clinging after he pressed play on the movie. “We were equally worried.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.” Jungkook couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left him at that. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on.” He nibbled on a spoon of rice as if to proof his point.
 “You better.”
The four of them [five if Bam counted- he did, obviously] sat through both of the Amazing Spiderman movies, none of them complaining or thinking of switching even as Jungkook periodically dozed or sneezed his way through the passing hours. By the time the credits of the second movie rolled in he was exhausted. Pitching breathy, hoarse sneezes into his palm.
 Thankfully both Jimin and Tae had readjusted so that Jungkook had more space to himself or else he probably would have sneezed on them multiple times already. He had drunk 2 and a half cups of tea but only managed the apples and half of the rest of his meal, but Jin wasn’t too hung up on it. He just let Jungkook know that it would be in the fridge waiting for him.
The medicine he’d taken at the beginning of the second movie had started to kick in, but instead of masking his symptoms, it just made him drowsy. Which didn’t help when he kept coughing and sneezing over everything.
The final straw was when he’d sneezed hard enough that he’d gotten thrown into a coughing fit so thick he could barely breathe. Jimin and Taehyung had immediately been there, rubbing his back and handing him tissues while Jin could have probably broken the record for ‘fastest person to ever retrieve glass of water within 6m distance.’ After that none of them wanted to keep him up for longer than necessary and promptly steered him back to his bedroom where he collapsed, star fished on the mattress. One of them – probably Jimin – got to work making sure he was properly covered while the other brought his tissues and water to rest on his bedside table.
He could feel each of them as they hovered and nitpicked to make sure that there wasn’t anything else he would possibly need – only caving when Jungkook repeatedly reassured that he was fine and just wanted to sleep. Then they left the room, each promising not to be far or to call if it got too late and they had to leave for something. One of them pressed a brotherly kiss to the crown of his head, their hand on his forehead checking for a fever one last time before they retreated.
The final words of “Hyung’s here if you need him” making Jungkook so comfortably warm that he had no trouble sinking into an easy sleep again.
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Hopper being harsher on Eddie than any of the others post-Vecna because..."hell the kid's a drug dealer Joyce, and he's always around our kids."
The others run rampant, kids and older teens alike, but the second Munson is out of his sight, Hopper gets all itchy and concerned. It's his cop mode, he can't just switch it off around people he knows are bad for his family. He's being cautious.
So he thinks nothing of it when they're all around for a movie night, and Munson's disappeared. Hopper finds him outside, round the back of the house. But he's not smoking pot or snorting cocaine or breaking into anyone's car or anything.
He's got his tongue down the Harrington kid's throat.
The Harrington kid that Hopper hadn't even noticed was also missing from movie night. Because he's a good kid.
And Hopper backs the hell up and retreats back into the house, hopefully before he's noticed. But Eddie definitely saw him, and finds it hilarious.
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raikirikiri · 5 months
thinking about if konoha ninja who became anbu frequently 'died' so they wouldn't be on any registry and so other villages would get word that notable shinobi have 'died'. they don't do it often, that would be suspicious, but they do it to kakashi. minato assigns him to anbu and apologizes blandly when he tells him his death is going to be faked. kakashi, broken traumatized and depressed, thinks nothing of it.
kakashi 'dies' on a mission months after the death of rin, after obito watched, after he lost pretty much everything and any sense of self he had. his body isn't recovered and the circumstances of his death are unclear.
if im being entirely cruel, this means that no one in the village (guy, asuma, iruka, etc.) would know that kakashi is still alive. they all think he's dead and they grieve him and kakashi... disappears. he doesn't know himself anymore and he can't, because he's dead and he's in the anbu now and that's all that matters. his life for konoha in life and death, always.
obito, being the stalker he is, looks for kakashi. he missed him entering the anbu, he missed the faked funeral, he missed a lot. he tries to find him in his shoebox apartment, stakes out minato's home, sits at the memorial stone and rin's grave. but kakashi never shows up and obito decides he'll check the active missions in konoha, just to know where kakashi is (definitely not to follow him and watch him, that'd be weird, duh). so after sneaking into the hokage's office with kamui, he rifles through the piles of s-rank and a-rank missions, but kakashi's name is nowhere to be found. confused and almost insulted on kakashi's behalf, he checks the b-ranks and below, but no dice.
now obito is getting...nervous might not be the word but he's definitely feel angry at this point. if kakashi isn't home, on a mission, grieiving, or with minato then where is he. obito stalks guy next, finds him sitting on a rock by a stream, glum. he's pale, his eyes are watery, he looks exhausted and obito is definitely nervous at this point. he'd never admit it but for something to get guy of all people down... obito fears for the worst.
through much stalking and espionage, obito finds out where kakashi is.
he's dead.
that can't be right.
he would've heard if kakashi was dead, right? zetsu would've told him. he would've known. kakashi has one of his eyes, he definitely would've known. and obito, pissed, scared, and indignant, opens up the connection between him and kakashi, searching for kakashi's vision, for what he can see. he hasn't done it since that night when rin...
he didn't want kakashi to know it existed, never even wanted to take that chance. but he doesn't care anymore. kakashi isn't dead. it's just not possible.
obito was right. kakashi isn't dead.
but he might as well be.
kakashi has no way out of the anbu now, no way that wouldn't give away konoha's secrets. guy can't help him because guy thinks he's dead, minato can't help him, he killed him in the first place. kakashi will forever live, breathe, and die for konoha. it makes obito's blood boil, he feels reminiscent of the night rin died.
he hates kakashi. he wants to hate kakashi. he can't hate kakashi. he can hate the world, he can despise konoha, he can want to kill minato. but kakashi...
he's never been able to hate him. no matter how hard he tried, how easy kakashi made it for him. when it came to kakashi, his balance between love and hate was never more skewed.
there's a particularly awful mission, kakashi is the only one to return to the village and he's...he's not good. obito watches him laugh hysterically as he washes his hands of blood that isn't there. he's never seen kakashi so broken and it hurts more than he ever thought it would.
obito gets kakashi out of the anbu. kakashi hates him for it, fights him, thrashes against him and his will and ideologies. kakashi doesn't know him, obito was too ahamed to reveal himself. it doesn't matter though, kakashi wants to die. he was happy in the anbu, he says. it'd be a quicker death, a noble death.
you've already died, obito shouts at him, enraged and torn apart. how can't he see it? how can he be so naive and blind to it all?
kakashi doesn't answer, doesn't know what words to say to make this stranger believe he isn't worth the trouble. obito has no choice.
with a shaking hand, he removes his mask. kakashi watches, eyes wide and wet and obito throws the mask to the side to hold out his hand. you've already died, but you can be reborn.
with me.
kakashi, broken tattered and thoroughly sure he's lost it, takes obito's hand. yes, kakashi thinks, he's died. but if this is the afterlife, than maybe things won't be so bad...
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gxlden-angels · 1 year
To everyone with Rapture anxiety, I just woke up from a dream where I tripped the lead angel playing the trumpet, ending the whole thing so it's no longer an issue. You can rest easy now
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thisisridiculois · 3 months
Listen back when I was like 12 I was OBSESSED with Tower of God on Webtoon and I followed it closely for a few years but then I got so confused and bored during the arc with the like dog people (to many fight scenes and also everyone can fly now???) that I stopped reading HOWEVER I am still ultimate Khun/Bam trash and whenever I think of them I get wistful and I want to reread but I can never get past the confusion. Idk if I should keep going since I know there’s lots out since I stopped reading. The thing is if it’s still just gonna be like fight scenes with very little substance (+ 10 million characters introduced in every arc just to disappear) I feel like I’m gonna have to stop reading again and I don’t wanna reinvest myself….what to do…the nostalgia is calling to me…
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zmichelle1234 · 3 months
After 73 years of Hell, Edwin would either be really good at obbys or he’d absolutely hate them
Maybe even both
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xxknoxvixenxx · 1 year
knox sets our sweet steve-o alight!
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bl-bam-beyond · 7 months
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Episode 6: The Finale
Post 2 of 2
Hiro (KANEKO SHUNYA) finally got his man. Or was it Kai (NOMURA KOTA) that got his man?
Well no matter how it's looked at Hiro realized that Kai has made his life so much better. And putting gender aside he chose happiness and love over that damn job.
@pose4photoml @lutawolf @bengiyo @kingofthereblog-boysloveed @thewayofsubtext
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ragnarokhound · 1 month
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For the au ask game!
OKAY I wanted specifically to get to the pokemon au from the ask you sent, it's been cooking a bit so it's time to see what comes out of the oven, so... @azol-otl ty for the ask!
Crossover au's are all about the fused worldbuilding for me and speculating on how characters from universe A would fit into universe B heehee hoohoo - and for Batfam especially it's fun to think about the equivalent of their roles as vigilantes! What kind of people have the same level of celebrity, the same sideways seeking of justice?
Naturally this leads you to the gym leaders because a) it's the most fun and b) they are like. Quasi-law enforcement/educators/professional athletes depending on how you try to translate the innate child's perspective on the pokemon universe into something that makes sense as an adult lol ilu pokemon. [insert 'compels me though' gif here]
SO with this in mind, here's 5 fun facts (that are mostly backstory lmao) from a jaytim pokemon au I would write
I'm deeply ill about pokemon so this one goes under the cut lol:
Jason Todd used to be the Champion. He won the role after Dick Grayson quit a year or two before (Dick had been getting older and chafing under the League rules - meaning he'd been chafing under how Bruce ran the League) and was a fierce competitor who didn't believe in going easy on anyone. His Houndoom was a force to be reckoned with, and despite running a mostly Dark-type team, his Honchkrow cleaned up anyone thinking their Fighting-types could sweep. He looked after the League and Gotham with a cocky, self-assured attitude and the win record to back it up. .
Jason disappeared suddenly at the age of 15. Many assumed him dead, after a Rocket (Or whatever Gotham themed gang name we want to go with lol could be Team Joker) bombing in the area he'd last been seen, but he's officially declared missing. Bruce Wayne took back the duties of interim Champion as he once did for Dick Grayson, but he's not quite the mentor he once was. It's obvious he's grieving, and that he doesn't want to mentor any more twelve year olds. Dick signed up to be a Gym Leader shortly after this, returning from his trip about a year early to help out in the chaos following Jason's disappearance. .
Enter Tim Drake. Tim's gym challenge wasn't all that interesting in the circuit at first; he had a rocky start and had to retake a few gym challenges. He wasn't exactly sweeping on his first try every time like Jason had done. He didn't have the meteoric rise that caught the Champion's attention early, didn't get one-on-one mentorship or face-to-face meetings, cautionary advice and congratulations all rolled into one from Bruce Wayne himself - but Tim had patience and grit, and he paid attention. He was gunning for the Championship, and it wasn't just so he could prove himself. Team Rocket/Joker was still out there, and Bruce needed all the help he could get. He was always better for Gotham when he had a Robin. .
Dick had been nicknamed Robin for his all-Flying-type team and especially his Natu-then-Xatu; Jason followed up with his Murkrow-then-Honchkrow; Tim's Rookidee was one among many (Robin-esque pokemon were popularized by Dick and the trend remains through Tim's day) so he wasn't considered a possible Robin successor until it was a Corvisquire and he was about to face Dick Grayson himself, a badge away from Victory Road. By then, Tim and his team were a well-oiled machine (he runs mostly Steel-types lol but also Normal-types for the unexpected adaptability and the 'underestimate my rattata i dare you it's in the top peRCENTAGE--' of it all. FEAR.), and his loss-record had all but frozen while his win-record ticked higher and higher. .
Shit finally goes down about three years after Tim has become Champion and all but bullied Bruce into mentoring him (he basically said 'if you don't watch me, i'll go find Team Rocket/Joker on my own' and triggers all of Bruce's child endangerment traumas simultaneously) and the mysterious Rocket/Joker leader Red Hood shows up, bringing the gang out of the shadows in pursuit of a hidden agenda. Identity shenanigans and "wait is that a Houndoom? But he's only been using Ghost-types, it CAN'T be..." and heel-face turns abound. .
(BONUS FACT: Something something, Jason went into deep cover with Looker or whoever he is, that Interpol guy from X & Y (WAIT. LOOKER MIGHT ACTUALLY BE TALIA AL GHUL IN THIS AU HOHOHO), infiltrating the Rocket/Joker gang and going public as Red Hood is the first step in the last phase of the sting. Cue a million tense Jaytim interactions in which Tim is legitimately trying to take Red Hood down and Jason desperately tries to shake him so that he doesn't do anything that forces Jason to blow his cover. There is at least one 'tugged into a tight space to hide them both from the actual bad guys, "wait, did you just HELP me...?" "Think whatever you want, babybird"' interaction because I am a slut for the first sprinkles of a redemption arc that is rife with UST fufufu)
#did i make this pokemon au actually an undercover spy action movie? yes. yes i did#also their full team comp i will leave to the imagination haha#everyone has their preferences for what's appropriate so i'll name a general typing preference and leave it there mostly#but I will defend Dick 'the Flying' Grayson(s) forever. all flying types for him change my mind#I like the idea of city-boy through and through street kid Jason having a stereotypical inner city team at first#but his team changes and expands as his pokemon journey really kicks off#i always think of that one short from the start of Pokemon 2000 with the inner city tire castle that pikachu finds#and the houndour that FUCKS IT UP LOL#so to me houndour is like. okay it's one of my favorite pokemon (COULD YOU TELL *glances at my banner) but it's a def an urban pokemon to m#so i like the idea of scrappy street kid Jason finding a houndour 🥺 and that was his first pokemon 🥺#so he kinda falls into dark-types in part because of the stigma around them being difficult to raise and him calling BS#and then of course he switches to ghost-types after he 'dies' in part to separate his identity as Red Hood from Jason Todd#but also for the joke of it all lmao look the dead boy uses ghost pokemon. who also have a stigma for being creepy/unlovable. i cry forever#Tim's team i am the most *shrug* about but i do think he has either a competitive team or a meme team lol#but for him i do like the aesthetics of steel- electric- normal- because Tim is the robin with secretly unhinged normal boy swag#he's out here doing the math and making you underestimate him look at his big tanky aggron lol so slow and then BAM#pikachu with light orb and x6 agility x6 double team u can't touch that rat electro ball to the face#Does his wigglytuff know thunderpunch? ice punch? fire punch? good luck guessing he switches its move set after every battle mfer#OKAY ANYWAY#ty azol for the ask!! i love pokemon i have many brainworms owo#jaytim#not fic#my writing#ask game#asked and answered#pokemon#dc#edit: had to fix the formatting a bit to make this READABLE. God help me if it sucks to look at RIP
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nicoscheer · 5 months
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The reel
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thebirdandhersong · 11 months
this would be torturous if it weren't so funny :)
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waywardsalt · 1 year
thinking abt bellum v hard. (fyi there are 1658 words under this cut)
there's not a lot of concrete stuff to think abt but there ideas. he's kind of already won by the time link shows up on the scene. he's not really actively antagonizing the world of the ocean king, he mostly just has the ghost ship to go around collecting prey for him while he has the yook and anouki turned against each other and seems to have infested the different temples and whatever with monsters to delay any opposition. is he the one who destroyed the cobble kingdom? they're meant to be supporters of the ocean king so i think we can guess that bellum is the one who tried to eradicate them.
maybe he was the one who... mind controlled? or otherwise meddled with the yook to keep them from checking out the ice temple and keeping the anouki occupied with dealing with them. (tbh theres some untapped potential in the relationship between the yook and anouki) he doesn't really do anything to the gorons but maybe he doesn't see them as a worthwhile threat since they see the crimsonine as more of an artifact and not something they should really do anything with, and link has to pass a test to even be allowed to go to the temple. the cobble kingdom is already destroyed, and it can be assumed that he mightve mimicked their engineering based on eox being the hostile boss of the last temple and turning into sand, suggesting a relationship to bellum, and maybe that he's trying to hide the fact that he's the one fucking with everyone. i'm not even sure if characters (besides the main group) even know that bellum exists until link's quest is more known.
taking a note from the manga, where bellum says something along the lines of feelings of love and friendship creating more worthwhile life force for him, so taking that into account with stuff in the game suggests that he maybe doesnt make his presence well-known to avoid something like a mass panic or a persistent fear in people, which could downplay positive emotions that makes their life forces more worth taking to him along with other worthwhile forces maybe being ones connected to divine power (like his taking of tetra and seeming desperation to keep her specifically, since she's most likely a descendant of hylia's mortal form), so he likely is very hands-off with how he's affected the world in order to preserve the value of his prey, somehow. idk why he turns people into statues maybe its a preservation method. maybe hes saving tetra for some reason or maybe trying to bait link in as well. maybe he wants to grab link, too, but failed to catch him the first time and resorted to allowing him to go down the path of dismantling bellum's work all so that bellum can try and capture him himself.
the spirits he does manage to capture and left alive and instead just sealed away within their temples, which i believe is because spirits and gods and whatever in loz can't really die unless they explicitly permanently become mortal (hylia) and can only really be sealed away temporarily in some form, mostly due to a lot of them being a sort of representation of some part of the world (i like to imagine that demise is the god or whatever who created monsters, he's the father of monsters and opposes hylia due to the way her favored creatures [hylians ig] attack and kill monsters and he wants the world to be habitable and safe only for his creations)
it's probably safe to say that the ghost ship (like. the whole thing) was created by bellum, and in some form is perhaps some kind of living being, hence why bellum is capable of effectively possessing it the way he does, since it's an extension of himself like the boss monsters, it just maybe takes parts from some existing ships, or maybe it's not alive and bellum is capable of creating large structures like that he is compatible with.
bellum himself turns to sand when he is defeated, as well as most of the other boss monsters, but the cubus sisters (who certainly have a relationship with bellum due to having the same eyes and being connected to the ghost ship) do not turn into sand, which makes me think that bellum didn't actually create them; maybe they're corpses or something being remotely puppeted by bellum.
bellum is clearly made up of the sand of hours, a crystallization of life force, and oshus is said to have used those sands to create the phantom hourglass, and the sands are also mentioned to have been created from the force gems connected back to oshus himself, so bellum was probably created from those force gems and therefore those sands of hours at some point somehow (i enjoy the idea that oshus was the one who created bellum; with oshus being our main source of info on bellum, i think it'd be interesting if he was the one who originally made bellum but obscures this fact by just talking about how he 'appeared' and whatnot).
bellum seems to have a weird sort of... inverted? perverted? ability to create life (perhaps a sort of parallel to the one we can assume the ocean king has if we assume that he created the three spirits as well as bellum maybe) but only in a hivemind or derivative sort of way, only able to create things that follow simple commands and when he possesses something else he takes it over. (i like to take him in a more biological or physiological way rather than magical, when he is removed so is the control, but there might be little remnants, but his influence is gone. i take bellumbeck aftereffects to be terrible sickness rather than others going with the idea of taking on some bellum-like traits or residual controls. the things bellum creates can only follow simple rules unless he is directly in control therefore he can use it as he wishes, but if he takes control of something he did not create, it's a bit more of a battle, he has to contend with that other being's subconscious or whatnot and has no effect unless he is physically connected. his control is more limited and ends up incorporating some of the hosts' subconscious desires with some guiding from bellum himself to achieve a favorable outcome.)
with the world of the ocean king being a sort of parallel/separate world to link n tetra's great sea, it's interesting that the ghost ship can be physically present outside the world in which it was created. definitely there can be contact between different worlds in loz (like hyrule and the dark world/lorule in alttp/albw and a little bit with termina if you take that as a literal place and a little bit with koholint and then the twili realm and whatever i'm missing) but it's interesting to see bellum as a villain capable of (in some way) contact and interact within other worlds and drag inhabitants of those other worlds into his own (oshus can send people out of his world, so i assume he can also bring them in, maybe that's how link gets in despite falling off of the ghost ship, unless somehow the ghost ship is still within the world of the ocean king but is also present in the great sea but the area around it is a fragment of whatever part of the world of the ocean king its in superimposed over the great sea... idk) so it's interesting that bellum could bc considered a villain able to tamper with or at least interact with world boundaries to let things in and out, maybe it's something that he is only capable of with whatever power he's attained by the start of the game.
whatever relationship he may have to oshus and the other spirits is not at all a part of the game, but at the same time we don't learn a whole lot about them anyways. there's also stuff with the chief of the golden frogs as another ally of oshus, but i imagine bellum didn't bother with him because he has no relation to the spirits' locations and the pure metals, and zuaz was left alone perhaps because his location is secret, while astrid and kayo were maybe found due to living on a more populated island (more prey for bellum to go after, more people to know about astrid and kayo). a lot of the monsters in the dungeons were probably already there, while the bosses were specifically made to protect what was hidden there, or maybe the bosses came first and their presences attracted other monsters.
i think bellum created the two monsters you fight overseas on the spot; they existed specifically to try and kill link because at those two times (link going to get the final spirit and link going to get the first pure metal) bellum suddenly panics and decides to try and eliminate link at the cost of the loss of a possible worthwhile piece of prey. bellum was probably also the one to begin the rumor of the ghost ship; i imagine he can take a sort of human form the same way oshus can, and spent a bit of time after defeating oshus and creating the ghost ship integrating him within some pirate crew and using them to grow and spread the rumor of the ghost ship, eventaully leading them towards it and taking them has his first victims (and along the way taking the time to foster good relationships with them in the hopes that their positive emotions and feelings would make them more worthwhile prey, back to the manga snippet idea of feelings of friendship and love [and probably positive emotions in general] being another form of better life force).
bellum's cool
#bellum is a nothing villain def but there are interesting connections to be made within ph and you can tie back to him#i think he's neat :)#loz#legend of zelda#phantom hourglass#bellum#salty talks#this aint a theory this is autistic rambling with a fade-in of that one image of charlie day's character in whatever the fuck#im not good with themes or motifs or stuff like that but boy can i make material connections. or whatever this is. im connecting the dots#i dont like the ph manga too much but i wont deny it had some banger moments. mostly around bellumbeck#i very much prefer the idea that bellum is like. intelligent and sentient as opposed to some primitive monster sort of thing#and a lot of the post backs that up (its either affirmation bias or just literal bias on my end from the start)#but he can still be a fucking animal as a treat. he can do both. scheming mastermind kinda thing and then rabid squid#i like bellum i think hes interesting i want to dissect him <3#hes the other end of the ph autism i think. linebeck has the slow burn more quietly intense effect while bellum is just. brief flares#and then bam bellumbeck is just- *frothing at the mouth*#is this. is this an infodump? im not used to talking for a while abt things i like this was written over the course of a few hours#in the middle of this i took my dog on a long walk and was finishing up the whos lila video essay#anyways. bellum thoughts and ideas ive come up with w/ a mixture of game info and personal headcanon#not even touching on possible ways to make him similar or parallel to linebeck or anything that REALLY deals with linebeck#bc that delves a lot more into headcanon and more specfic au and post-ph ideas and scenarios#long post#its funny seeing people talk abt how bellum is a bad villain without any substance or character and yeah thats true but also i wrote this
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
bam: *minding his business, looking aimlessly around the room*
jungkook: bam 💥 stop being jealous of army 🙅 i love u but i love them too☝️ so u have to endure it today 🤫
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mazojo · 1 year
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Bam stopping in the middle of a life or death battle to tell this dude he looks good is oddly on character
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sharkieboi · 6 months
had a talk with my boss today that was basically “hey this recent bout of covid has put the writing on the wall for me and I can’t do the physical aspect of this job sustainably anymore, can you help me figure out something else, hopefully here at the aquarium cause I don’t want to have to move again and I like working here, or at least can you point me to the person who can help me figure that out” and fingers crossed but here’s hoping I can just land a desk job and still be able to see my birds from time to time
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softly-n-sweetly · 6 months
╮⁠(⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)⁠╭
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y'all still like man boobs? boobs on men? men who have boobas?
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