#jk lead
blu-archer · 1 year
Not Everything Changes
Requested. Snzy Jk after playing with Bam in the rain.
Word Count: 4452
Sickie: Jk
Caretaker: OT7 [kind of, mostly Jin/Tae/Jimin]
Errors; most likely. I should be sleeping.
Enjoy! hopefully its not too much rambling and is actually coherent.
Not everything changes.
He couldn’t believe his luck – or rather lack thereof.
Sure. Maybe it hadn’t been the brightest decision to take Bam to the park when it was raining for the third consecutive day, but it was the only time he could go to the closest one without being recognized by someone new every second step. Anyway, the weather app on his phone had said it would mostly be overcast – maybe some light rain here and there.
He’d organized his entire day around that information, so it wasn’t like he was going to change it for any minor inconveniences – and that’s what that sudden downpour had been. Those heavy clouds that had blanketed the sky? Minor.
So, against his better judgment he’d gone out and had the most carefree time with Bam. He didn’t even want to think about the current state of his bathroom with how much mud and water they’d brought home last night.
But now as he sat perched for his stylists on the set for their most recent photobook, he felt miserable.
His misfortune had started with him sleeping through his alarm at 4am, not by much but considering the screeching that it made it was quite the feat to not wake up immediately. Then he’d zombie walked through his morning chores – accidentally banging into his kitchen table and dropping some of  Bam’s food onto the floor as he refilled the bowl. He hadn’t even bothered to pick up the mess, just stood there and glared tiredly at the pellets scattering his floor. Bam had dived to sniff at the mess before turning to look at Jungkook with a wagging tail. He’d just sighed and scrubbed at his nose  as he went to pull on some sweats and a hoodie before making coffee into a small flask. Then he’d set out to go to work.
Now he was freshly dried after using the company showers and getting his makeup and hair done trying not to be too obvious that his throat had started to hurt despite how much water he chugged, and his nose was beginning to run with each dab of the makeup brushes. Although he was starting to think it was a losing battle. Already he could hear his stylist ‘tsk’ at his reddening nose, trying their best not to agitate him more than he already was. He was just thankful that his hyung’s were already being fitted into their clothes and weren’t anywhere near him to notice – especially when one final stroke on his cheek had him coming undone. He could just barely hear an annoyed sigh after he had pitched into his hands and caught an itchy fit that left him even more frustrated than before.
The stylist slipped him a tissue with the sharp instruction to not wipe off too much of his makeup since they didn’t have much time and Jungkook bowed with growing embarrassment in the pit of his stomach. Wiping his nose did nothing to relieve him, but it at least stopped dripping while he was given the finishing touches before being sent to wardrobe.
“Jungkook-ah!” Jimin grinned at him as he slipped on his suite jacket, his shirt gapping open in a similar fashion to what Jungkook’s own was. “They’re doing subunit shots before the group. We’re on set 3 with the plants. Taetae is being organized with props already we were just waiting on you.”
Jungkook did his best not to seem too out of it, even if his sinuses were borderline overwhelming with the need to sneeze as he let himself be led to where he was needed. Jimin had continued speaking, rambling about what all they’d been told to do but Jungkook really hoped that it was more optional than anything else because he was not listening to a single word being said.
Before being set in position he’d sneakily tried to wipe at his nose once more with his used tissue from before, hiding it from sight as soon as his members turned to join him amongst the mini forest that had been created on the floor. The photographer was kind in directing them,  positioning them laying down amongst each other and while he appreciated not having to stand or do too much activity, being horizontal wasn’t helping to keep his nose from running. He sniffled as quietly as he could, which really wasn’t quiet at all, but he hoped that the activity surrounding them masked it for the most part.
 His hyung’s were laying to his right with Jimin closest - his head resting on Jungkook’s shoulder while Tae had been set up seated against large potted plants that’s leaves draped over him.
There was a flash of light as the photographer did some final tests and Jungkook froze with the immediate faltering of his breath. His chest heaved once more which had Jimin shooting him a questioning look but before he could answer another flash went off.
“Eh’hESHH’uh…snf*.. H’EISHhew!” He sniffled deeply and winced at how wet it had sounded. At least he had thankfully been able to raise his arm in time, but it didn’t stop him from feeling just a little bit mortified that he could have sneezed on Jimin. Not that his hyung seemed overly bothered besides the beginning crease of concern starting between his brows.
“You okay, Kook-ah?”
“Jusd-“ he sniffed once more, clearing his throat as he got back into position. “Just the lights. I think the plants are getting to me a little bit as well.”
It was a convincing enough lie to make since he didn’t want to make anyone worry or chastise him for his [albeit flawed] choices but he didn’t miss the light kick Jimin gave Taehyung, as if to just keep watch either way.  And then the shoot began.
It was exhausting. Like mind numbingly exhausting and Jungkook had been prompted to sneeze more times than he thought he could get away with, not to mention the growing ache behind his eyes that the studio lights seemed to be amplifying each minute he sat before them. Taehyung had taken to rubbing his back or shoulder each time that they were positioned close enough and Jimin had suggested doing some shots with their eyes closed in hopes that it would help the process go smoother. His tissue from early was now unusable and he had taken to trying to use his wrist before caving and asking if he could take a break just to blow his nose.
With an understanding nod from the Head photographer, he practically sprinted out of the lights towards where his manager had already acquired the much-needed tissues and winced as he saw the rest of his hyung’s seated watching the screen upload the photos of his shoot. Obviously they must have finished up already and were waiting for the group photos to begin, which he was holding up because he couldn’t handle a light going off around his sensitive nose.
“Jungkook-ssi, are you sure you’re feeling okay?” His manager at least tried to ask him quietly as he blew his nose. His skin was burning with embarrassment, already imagining the glare the stylist would give him at the amount of makeup that had been wiped off, but it was better than having a mess drip down his face.
He couldn’t even bring himself to answer properly, just nodded and coughed into the next tissue he was blowing into.
He turned back to the set to see Jimin and Tae moving swiftly towards him, both immediately resting a hand on his upper back or leaning onto his shoulder in a way that made him feel just a little bit more comfortable than before.
“They said they have enough to work with, so we need to get changed and move to the main set.” Taehyung explained. “Maybe you will feel better being away from these props.”
He highly doubted that, and he suspected that they felt the same with how they watched him with concerned pity. His manager handed him a bottle of water and the tissue box before disappearing to find out the next steps in the day and Jungkook took the moment to sit.
His nose was swollen to a point of it being mildly painful. He could feel heavy congestion settling in and he just wanted to go home and curl up into the warmest, softest blankets he could find before sleeping for like a week. He couldn’t – obviously. He was still scheduled to work for at least another 5 hours or so, and tomorrow called for various other schedules that he would likely have to be drugged up on medication to the point where he might not even be aware of his tasks, but it was nice to dream.
“Are we moving to the final part?” Hoseok asked, the rest of the member finally joining them. Each lingering hesitantly at the sight of Jungkook. “Is everything alright? You look sick.”
“I’mah-hheh’ekshh’u! Sor-ah-ry’IEESH’U!”
 “Sounds like a cold.” Jin mused, immediately moving to set a hand to Jungkook’s forehead. “You’re a little warm but that might be because of all these lights.”
“I’b fide.”
There was a brief silence. None of them keen to say the obvious when they watched the youngest member pitch yet another damp sneeze into a tissue. His appearance spoke for itself, despite his words. It was like they could physically see his illness rolling off him in waves and yet he was in adamant denial for some reason. It wasn’t like they’d never been sick around each other before, usually they were quite open about it.
A call from across the room forced them to move back to the wardrobe section, all of them hovering a little closer than before as they watched Jungkook apologise to one of the makeup artists with pitiful doe eyes. She merely smiled with a soft word of reassurance, then got to work reapplying everything he’d rubbed off as well as concealing the deep red that had taken over around his nostrils. 
An hour in since they’d started up again and Jungkook was proud to admit that he had managed to keep his symptoms mostly at bay. Sure, the flash of lights still made the immense tickle in his nose flare dangerously, and his hyung’s still sent him pointed looks when something did manage to slip, but he had yet to actually sneeze.
Namjoon had commented more than once on his mouth breathing when they were positioned beside one another, shooting looks to the staff as if to announce this needed to be wrapped up soon, but Jungkook just brushed it off with a forced grin. He was dressed more casually this time, so the clothes were warmer and cozy to a point where he had started to doze, lazily resting back into the couch that they were all seated on.
 It was only when the photographers called for a break to review things that he let out a heavy sigh and finally relented in closing his eyes without a fight. Letting his body melt into the cushions as he listened vaguely to the soft conversation his hyung’s made until he slipped into complete darkness.
“Should we wake him up?” Hoseok wondered aloud. Jungkook had finally fallen asleep after fighting against it for like last hour and his snores were gradually filling the set while they waited.
“Let him sleep. He’s definitely sick whether he wants to admit it or not.” Yoongi sipped his water, eyes analysing the puffiness that had settled in the sick boys’ face. “We should see if we can reschedule our practices tomorrow.”
“Manager-Pdnim said he has already started to organize a shift of planning in the next few days for all of us in order to get some time off for him.” Jimin said. “Or at the very least a lighter schedule for this week just to accommodate.”
“I’ll go and see if anything has been decided.” Taehyung stood gesturing towards where their manager had left too. Hoseok joined him with one final look of sympathy towards the youngest. It left the rest of them in a moment of blissful silence where they all just took a breath and let the exhaustion of the day wash over them while the crew and staff bustled around. Jin ran his hand through Jungkook’s hair, messing with the hairspray as he removed his hand to touch his own face before settling it back on Jungkook’s forehead with a frown.
“Does he have a fever hyung?”
“Maybe.” Jin shrugged. He couldn’t be entirely sure. “He’s a bit warmer than me but it still might just be because of everything that’s happened today. He’s dressed warmer than me as well.”
“He sounded miserable earlier.” Namjoon added with a sigh. He was on the other side of Jungkook and was probably the sole reason that he was still somewhat upright on the couch despite having instinctively curled closer to his leader in his sleep. “This came on rather quick.”
“There is no way that he isn’t contagious.”
“Hyung,” Jimin spoke as if he was chastising a child. “We’re not going to be busy after this. If we get sick, we get sick. He couldn’t be absent to a shoot that’s been planned for months.”
Yoongi shrugged, if not in agreement then at least to appease the younger. He didn’t really want to get sick, especially with all the work he needed to get done, but he understood that there had been no getting out of this for Jungkook. “You think they’ll let us take him straight home instead of heading to the company?”
“I think we aren’t going to give them a choice.” Jin said firmly but quietly as Jungkook shifted.
Although the attempt was in vain when Jin startled as a hand came down on his shoulder only to see Taehyung’s face splitting into a grin at seeing his hyung jump.
“Yah! My heart!”
“Aish hyung.” Hoseok laughed as he leant over the couch next to Taehyung. “Are you implying old age?”
“Ya-Yah! Don’t disrespect me!”
He reached up to wildly whack behind him but both culprits ducked out of reach with laughter. The only thing his gestures accomplished was a low moan out of Jungkook, who blinked his eyes open a couple of times before curling further into Namjoon’s side.
“Ah ah ah…” Before he could go back to sleep, Tae hastily reached over to keep him up, willingly taking the weak hit that Jin laid on him as he got closer. “We’re leaving now, Kookie.” Taehyung shook him enough to keep him roused and glanced amongst the others. “We’ve got this afternoon and tomorrow off, but Pd-nim asked if Joonie-hyung and Suga-hyung could still stop by the company before going home – and Hobi-hyung, but he knew that already. Something about not being able to put a meeting off.”
“We’ll group in the one car and you guys can take the larger one to get home then.” Namjoon nodded, encouraging Jungkook to sit upright with gentle nudges in his side. “Jungkook, you need to get changed into your clothes again.”
There was a small hand around his wrist, dragging Jungkook to his feet before he’d even properly opened his eyes. Jimin was leading him off to the wardrobe area where they had the clothes they’d arrived in, the pace perhaps a bit too hasty. He had barely managed to steady himself before forcing them to stop so that he could sneeze towards the floor. He didn’t even have the awareness nor energy to cover, just moaned with a gurgling sniff as he misted the floor twice more. A low complaint from Jimin told him that he might have accidentally caught the other in his mess but there was barely a breath in-between before Jimin’s words turned softer and more encouraging with the promises of home and warm food.
And that sounded like the best thing he’d heard all day.
Getting changed and the car ride had turned into a sleepy haze. Although he’s pretty sure that Yoongi and Seokjin helped get him into his shoes and hoodie - he vaguely remembered soft nudges and gentle words before he was loaded into the car in which he promptly fell asleep in once Taehyung and Jimin settled on either side of him.
He woke up to the muffled sound of rain and the low volume of his tv playing some sport channel. He turned over in bed with a low moan at having forgotten to turn his tv off before going to bed, then jolted up. His head pounded in protest, but he definitely hadn’t left it on. He remembered turning it off the day before. What he didn’t remember was how he was in his bed.
Through his sleep-sick muddled mind he started to remember that he had in fact gotten up that morning already and had gone to work. He also vaguely remembered leaving work, which meant that if there were noises in his apartment that Bam can’t make then at least one of his hyung’s was there. Witnessing the colossal, muddy mess he had left the place in the day before.
God he really should have just cleaned up straight away, even if he had already started to feel bad. At least then he wouldn’t have to face the shame of them knowing his foolish actions.
He fell back into pillows, muffling a cough that just wouldn’t ease the tickle in his throat. At least Bam had had fun at the park – despite his current situation, yesterday hadn’t been an entirely bad idea. He just didn’t think any of his hyung’s would see it like that.
Preparing himself for the worst, Jungkook managed to pull himself to his feet with his comforter wrapped around him and draping to the floor as he walked to his living room. Immediately he could make out Taehyung and Jimin on the couch with Bam, although neither seemed to be watching whatever they’d put on the tv, much more interested in the excited roughhousing of his Doberman.
He stood by the doorway hesitantly watching. The wet clothes and dirt that had scattered the floor of his bedroom that morning had been all gone and he had a suspicion that if he checked his bathroom he’d find that spotless too.  He was about to Join the 95’ers when he glanced to the kitchen and made eye contact with his eldest hyung. Jin stood with his arms crossed over his chest, his face void of emotion – there was no anger or disappointment, but there was also no sympathy. Jungkook guesses that that was a disserving reaction.
Foregoing his previous plan, he silently shuffled to join Jin, trying his best not to feel tiny under the weight of his hyung’s gaze.
“You understand that when its pouring with rain and you have a free day, preferably you stay at home.” Jin’s voice was stern and his eyes unwavering from Jungkook’s. “Where its warm and dry. You don’t go out and get drenched in it.”
“I know hyung.”
“And if you do – heaven forbid – and you feel sick, you can tell us.”
“I know..”
“Especially if we have group activities that is both extensive and enforcing close proximity to each other. It’s called being courteous and makes us aware of any possible limitations.”
“I know, Jin-hyung.”Jungkook sniffed, burying the lower half of his face into his blanket as a weak attempt to hide. “I’m sorry.”
Jin’s gaze softened. “I made you some seaweed soup. I went and bought some ingredients and medicine since your place is practically empty.” He pinched at the blanket and tugged once to prompt Jungkook to follow him to the stove. “You need to pay better attention to your health, Kook-ah. I’m not always going to be there to make sure you rest or eat well, so please. Treat yourself with a bit more care.”  
Well that definitely wasn’t something he wanted to think about, but the thought was there now. He could already feel his eyes tearing up as he sniffed and stared into the pot of resting soup.
“Aigoo… I didn’t mean to make you sad.” Jin gently pulled him into his chest, ruffling his hair with one hand and pulling him in tightly with the other. “Let’s heat you up some food and join the other two, or you can go back to bed but only once you’ve eaten and taken medicine.”
Jungkook coughed, clearing his throat but the tears he’d yet to shed made him sound croaky either way as he agreed to join them.
“Go sit down then and I’ll bring you everything.”
Jin turned to busily get bowls for the soup and rice he’d made but turned back at the hoarse “hyung”. He blinked expectantly and swiped a single tear that had finally managed to break free and streaked Jungkook’s cheek. “Hyung, could you make me some tea too.”
“Of course, Jungkook-ah.” Jin smiled. “Hyung will bring it to you.”
Jimin and Taehyungs approach was quite different from Jin’s – in which they barely seemed to acknowledge how stupid he had been to get sick like he did. Rather Jimin did what he always did when comforting others, latching himself onto their side and smothering them with soft pets, kind accented words and just general affection that made Jungkook a little homesick for his parents, and if he closed his eyes the lilting Busan dialect could almost transport him back to his childhood home.
Taehyung didn’t really change at all, Jungkook wasn’t even sure why he had expected him too. Instead, his friend tucked into his side and draped an arm around his shoulders, occasionally being a pest and flicking Jimin as he clung to Jungkook’s other side just to hear his soulmate complain testily.
Bam had stayed on the floor for mere seconds after Jungkook was seated and settled, then he had practically molded himself onto Jungkook and Taehyungs laps. Occasionally he lifted his head to try and lick Jungkook in the face but eventually gave up and just stared at Jimin with woeful puppy eyes.
“Can we change this to something more interesting?” Jimin prompted, paying attention to the tv for the first time. “Jungkookie, do you want to watch a movie? Something Marvel?”
“Anything you want, hyung.” He murmured softly, resting his head onto Taehyung’s shoulder.
Jimin didn’t seemed entirely pleased with the answer but grabbed the remote and went on a search for one of the older spiderman movies. It seemed like the safest option, anything potentially related to Iron man was still a sore topic after the last Avengers film.
“How are you feeling? You slept for a couple hours.” Taehyung asked just as Jin brought in a tray of steaming soup and rice with some apples sliced and put on a plate.
As if Jungkook’s appetite was big enough to eat it all right now.
“A bit better than this morning I guess, but not much different.”
“Hyung’s bringing tea now,” Jin reassured as Taehyung forcibly moved Bam entirely onto his lap so that Jin could set the tray  onto Jungkook’s. [The tray was definitely a large chopping board, but if Jin wanted it to be a tray then that’s what it would be.] “Eat so long and maybe you’ll feel better.”
Doubtful but Jungkook did as he was told as Jin returned to the kitchen and sipped gingerly at the hot soup until the steam started to bother him and he was forced to reach for the unopened tissue box on his coffee table. Scrambling to open it and then blow his nose, grimacing at the sound. His nose still tickled but at least it wasn’t running anymore.
“As long as you feel better quickly.” Taehyung said with a small smile. “You had Jiminie worried earlier.”
“You were worried too!” Jimin pursed his lips and just resumed in his clinging after he pressed play on the movie. “We were equally worried.”
“I’m sorry I worried you.” Jungkook couldn’t help the huff of laughter that left him at that. “I’ll take better care of myself from now on.” He nibbled on a spoon of rice as if to proof his point.
 “You better.”
The four of them [five if Bam counted- he did, obviously] sat through both of the Amazing Spiderman movies, none of them complaining or thinking of switching even as Jungkook periodically dozed or sneezed his way through the passing hours. By the time the credits of the second movie rolled in he was exhausted. Pitching breathy, hoarse sneezes into his palm.
 Thankfully both Jimin and Tae had readjusted so that Jungkook had more space to himself or else he probably would have sneezed on them multiple times already. He had drunk 2 and a half cups of tea but only managed the apples and half of the rest of his meal, but Jin wasn’t too hung up on it. He just let Jungkook know that it would be in the fridge waiting for him.
The medicine he’d taken at the beginning of the second movie had started to kick in, but instead of masking his symptoms, it just made him drowsy. Which didn’t help when he kept coughing and sneezing over everything.
The final straw was when he’d sneezed hard enough that he’d gotten thrown into a coughing fit so thick he could barely breathe. Jimin and Taehyung had immediately been there, rubbing his back and handing him tissues while Jin could have probably broken the record for ‘fastest person to ever retrieve glass of water within 6m distance.’ After that none of them wanted to keep him up for longer than necessary and promptly steered him back to his bedroom where he collapsed, star fished on the mattress. One of them – probably Jimin – got to work making sure he was properly covered while the other brought his tissues and water to rest on his bedside table.
He could feel each of them as they hovered and nitpicked to make sure that there wasn’t anything else he would possibly need – only caving when Jungkook repeatedly reassured that he was fine and just wanted to sleep. Then they left the room, each promising not to be far or to call if it got too late and they had to leave for something. One of them pressed a brotherly kiss to the crown of his head, their hand on his forehead checking for a fever one last time before they retreated.
The final words of “Hyung’s here if you need him” making Jungkook so comfortably warm that he had no trouble sinking into an easy sleep again.
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farrowkeene · 1 month
it’s finally time for paris n1 YIPEEEEEE!!! it’s our first eras tour date after a mini break AND since the release of the tortured poets department 😱 anything could happen…..so please leave your guesses for surprise songs in the tags / replies and i will be giving all of our winners a shoutout 😊 and psssssst as always if you have any guesses about things she might change up for this leg of tour those guesses are always welcome too
i’m going to guess that she adds a ttpd set to the setlist and that the surprise songs will be paris / so high school mashup and clara bow (??? feels like a mistake to not pull a guess from the anthology but this is what my gut is saying. or fresh out the slammer)
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lestatslestits · 2 months
Sorry but JK Rowling loudly announcing to whoever will listen that she is winning her shower arguments with imaginary versions of former child actors from her shitty movies is the funniest thing I’ve heard all week
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raayllum · 10 months
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Just one spell, and you never thought about dark magic again? Well, I've read a lot about it.
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sskk-manifesto · 2 months
Me for the whole episode:
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Me for the 15 seconds of sskk interaction at the end:
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ancientwoolunraveller · 5 months
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brideshead revisited, evelyn waugh 1945 / saltburn dir. emerald fennell 2023
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crumb · 2 months
do you like silly movies
yes... why does this feel like bait of some kind
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ghouljams · 11 months
Valeria? Valeria?
I've been summoned and I'm on my knees for more Valeria. Pleasepleaseplease.
I'd give my left foot for more.
You're on your knees in front of her, head tipped back, her thumb pressing against your tongue, holding your mouth open. It's very important you don't have any blood on your teeth, that you look nice for her. Otherwise people might catch on to your purpose.
"Clean," She tells you with a smile, you close your lips around her thumb and suck. Always eager for her praise. Some days it seems you're the only one she gives it to. You've worked very hard to be her pet, you'd hate to disappoint her.
The fae behind you clean up the body you'd torn apart, one of Valeria's seconds briefing her on the latest debt exchanges, the latest blah blah blah. You're focused on licking Valeria's fingers clean. Dragging your tongue along each digit, pulling any traces of the former Court fae off her skin. Impressionable magic, contact transfers, handshakes.
The tight grip Valeria had on the Court Fae's hair when she'd pulled his head up from the floor, crouched to make sure they could see her as they drew their final breath. You lick the tang of blood from her palm until she pulls her hand away to check your work. You wait, feeling your ties to her vibrate with satisfaction. It's a good show for the other fae in the room, but you know she's pleased with your work. She usually is.
She hooks a clean finger under your collar and pulls you to your feet. Her approval is the only reward you need, but... "Later," she promises low against your ear, "we'll put your mouth to better use."
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deus-ex-mona · 6 months
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when the lip differs from the lip
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wroteclassicaly · 5 months
Plus sized women are never fantasized about in media (unless they’re a size 4-16. And even that is pushing it, according to the mainstream). We’re the sidekicks, in secret, the background, the jokes. We are never the lead, we never get the hot guy or hot girl, we are killed off in a show, even shows that are supposed to represent us and be the most for us - they always exclude us. There’s no posters of us on any characters walls. Hollywood builds itself around seeing worth in only thin people.
Media, and even other people do it. If you aren’t thin, you aren’t desirable, you aren’t human, you aren’t even clean, according to the standards of media/the world. Doesn’t matter if you are healthy or have a health condition. If you’re a fat person, you’re already on the outs.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 25 days
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Imma send this to anyone who acts like JK Rowling is just being a bigot for women's rights- she's making it very clear here she's not pro women's rights if you dare disagree with her. If you dare do so and dare to support trans rights, she'll either in a condescending tone tell you your simply naïve and need to experience certain things to see why she and terfs are bigots, or she'll act like your simply craving attention from men. The line, "I forgive-", no one is begging you for forgiveness, JK, get that fantasy out of your head already alongside the fantasy off everyone being wrong if they dare point out how bigoted you are and that trans rights are human rights.
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pathetic-gamer · 5 months
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You write a fun fantasy adventure with your best friend (both of your main characters are very obviously self-inserts lol.) People love it!! It’s great!
Except… everyone is obsessed with how your leads are both in love and super gay
Which is, uhhhh— not that there’s anything wrong with that— but that wasn’t your intention, and now there’s fullass Discourse ™️ about how you and your friend’s direct avatars are deeply in love but refuse to address it directly, and when you deny it, people get really mad and accuse you of not addressing the obvious and being homophobic, because, like, how could they not be in love, bro?? Why don’t you see it hahaha lmao. Well this happened to my buddy Neil Gaiman
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joannerowling · 8 months
I have a found a delicious new hp bad take and i'm in tears
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"JK Rowling is a terrible writer who obviously does no research because kids in her wizard fantasy novels use cauldrons and cauldrons have lead in them so they should all be dead from lead poisoning"
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raayllum · 9 months
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Karim can you stop checking off boxes on Viren's list of terrible choices please
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roseadleyn · 1 year
the way to protect the female lead's older brother;
so basically just setting hcs. these are headcanons about the world of twtptflob. they are not canon. new fans or old fans, please don't take my word and accept these as canon.
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all five houses have a special little something
incase war between the houses break out
we know the house of agriche have a specialty of murder and stuff
but the house of pedelian specializes in this specific branch of magic that attacks a person's body systems
yeah... they might know how to heal but they sure know how to kill
the house of vertium has its puppets
these puppets are very... intriguing
they're people whose will has been drained out of their minds, making them brainless and hopelessly blank
so they have no choice but to be a marionette on strings
the house of gastor has these swords with herculean strength
and don't you think that's lame because they've beat ass with those
and lastly, the house of fipelion (1) has their beasts
beautiful and majestic, but deadly
from wolves to dragons, they've got it covered
obviously, war between such powerful houses would be devastating
like they care
anyways, onto the structure of their society
their society is rigidly sexist
i mean, we see it through the eyes of roxana, who is favored by lant
but pay attention to any other woman, even if it's in agriche, and you'll see the misogyny
like grizelda and charlotte, both pushed down and forced to use their skills for lant
hell, even roxana is a victim of it — she can't use her butterflies unless a male member of the house, lant or dion or whoever, allows her
she doesn't care and does it in secret anyways, but she literally would be killed for defying lant if she was ever to be found out
it just goes to show you
sierra is one of the biggest examples — she's nothing more than a very pretty possession or a beautiful little pet; first for lant and then for maria
even though sierra (these are my hcs) is very intelligent and incredibly well read, she's not at all able to exercise any of her knowledge,
because lant's wives have literally next to zero power — but that's a topic for another day (agriche hcs)
but... you wanna know *the* biggest example?
sylvia. sylvia pedelian, hands down, suffers constantly at the hand of misogyny
in her og life, she was an ideal little daughter and a lovely sex object for the male leads,
and in her next life, nothing changed — everywhere she goes, she's not known as the girl who mastered pedelian's technique faster than their heir —
she's just known as her father's daughter or her brother's sister
cassis does try to defend her, but their father shuts him down, reminding him of how oh-so defenseless, innocent and naive sylvia is
sigh... back to court matters
murdering someone depends on who it was, and why you did it
for house of agriche... man they don't care, commit arson for all you want, they'll literally not give a damn
for agriche, it doesn't matter who it was or why you did it,
they'll just murder you, because why not
they don't care for the departed person, they just wanna dish out punishment, especially if the person killed was from their own house assuming you're strong enough to even harm an agriche, let alone kill them
house of pedelian lets you off or punishes you depending on the reasoning
and since they're the house of justice and all that, they're very fair with this
if you killed one of their own house, or a helpless one like a child, they will punish you
but if the person you killed was a bother, like a genuine bother who was threatening you etc etc,
they'll let you off
house of vertium doesn't care either. and unlike the agriche they're chill with it. they won't kill you either. they're just like: 'oh you killed my son? cool, what's for dinner?'
same with house of fipelion (i literally know nothing abt them), except house of fipelion might send a beast or two after you if it was a member of their house
house of gastor basically just imprisons you and lets you out after a while, depending on who and why
it's basically like historical jail
they have a conference hall where the current heads, along with their heirs, meet to discuss 'important matters' — like finances, defence, for all their collective territories and for walbusta (2), etc
literally, they do nothing but argue
especially rischel and cassis with lant and dion
the other houses are so done with them
court fashion is fickle, and if you're not caught up with it, the nobles, especially noble ladies, tear you to shreds
sylvia and roxana are constantly compared on who's more beautiful, but they're not even aware of it — roxana avoids sylvia anyways we know why
obviously, no pedelian is allowed to marry an agriche, and vice versa cassis and roxana in the corner:
but other than that, marriage is allowed between the houses,
and some houses used to commit inter-family marriages *cough* agriche *cough*
they only stopped because it was causing deformities in their kids, and they couldn't possibly have imperfect kids!
by far the agriche aren't even the most messed up family. i wonder what house of fipelion is hiding?
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(1) i have no idea what the official name of the white family is. if you know then please tell 🫶
(2) it's the place where they have their ball thing. i forgot its proper name and was way way too lazy to check it.
this is not edited, by the way <33
tagging ; @loekas, @crownxie, @mysticmeena, @parkykwho, @d10nsaint, @hmerus, @dxmoness, @chxrrylxdy, @ykassu, @that-one-pretty-bitch, @dion-s-lawyer, @ithil-lucien, @palaceofghosts, @izumi-astra-123, @lady-navier0357, @nxccolo, @sidra-29, @cerisearan, @meow-meow-potato, @writerig, @dianaofsiodonna, @ana-s-boo, and @selenebroke.
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