#jms publishing
canon-in-too-deep · 5 months
Free Peter Pan Typeset
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Here's another free typeset! This time it's Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie. Formatted for half letter (letter folio). Free to use as yee wish, just please leave credit and consider dropping a like/reblog if yee can! Any errors in any of my typesets, feel free to let me know! Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1S2wl_PuxCupofnDpqGuk7VjMHYFMWC6g?usp=sharing Interior page pics below the break:
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pfhwrittes · 8 months
a quick little something for dealing drugs and feelings while i sort out my ghost hc (i’m plotting out johnny and gaz’s now but ngl i’m most nervous of writing gaz’s)
not quite a dark!fic but it could head that way.
TW: Unspecified intoxication, fem!reader, references to implied drug usage.
drabble; 200-300 words.
you grunt softly as a large warm body shifts on the sofa next to you, compressing the stuffing around you and making you blink slowly as your head tilts - rolls - spins - against a firm bicep.
you’re not meant to be here. in a dingy living room, hazy with sweet-sour smoke, surrounded by men, your friend curled in the lap of a stranger on another sofa. you shouldn’t have followed her to this house - a friend of a friend’s she said with a grin that cracked around the edges -
“ - alright luv?”
you thoughts scatter at the deep voice, into the haze of the room. you jolt and tilt away from the arm, the voice that licks up your spine and settles at the nape of your neck like weighty palm -
oh but that is a warm palm at the nape of your neck. when did that happen? your head rolls to the other side. ah. there is another man on the sofa, his arm slung over your shoulders, thighs pressing against yours causing a static hum to bloom under your skin.
suddenly you’re too warm. the cloying haze of smoke is overbearing and the static under your skin whines in shrill panic. you shouldn’t be here.
you wriggle forwards wanting to reacquaint your body with momentum before trying to pitch yourself upwards, desperate for fresher air before you make more of a fool of yourself.
two gazes, one blue and the other brown, meet over your head. across the coffee table on the sofa opposite, two other gazes meet over the top of your friend’s head. either way you fail to notice.
perhaps if you had, things wouldn’t be quite as they are now.
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taglist: @kaadaaan
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partlymadeofgold · 1 year
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I made inserts of the illustrations from Hook to put inside my first edition of Peter and Wendy ✨
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velvetgoldie · 1 year
On Captain Jas. Hook’s timeline: a trick of narration and metatextuality
To most, Captain Hook is, and always will be, Peter Pan’s greatest foe; but that would be without taking into account James Matthew Barrie’s lifework: fleshing out what remains to be his most thorough character.
Sixteen years after the publication of the 1911 novel of Peter Pan, and twenty-three years after the first apparition of the eponymous character on stage, it was not the boy who couldn’t grow up who was chosen to be the center of Barrie’s speech at Eton; neither was it Wendy Darling - by many accounts the true hero of the story. Instead, Eton’s provost sent the following prompt to the revered author: “James Hook, the pirate captain, was a great Etonian, but not a good one”. It was the author’s role to refute this statement; which he did, and magnificently so. But what we learn from this speech seems contradictory from what had been established from the novel... Unless you study it by taking into account Barrie’s chief characteristic as an author: he is, and is remembered as, a wonderful storyteller.
Barrie’s style in Peter Pan (1911) is remarkable as he constantly steps away from his role as a narrator and reveals his hand in spinning the story as its author. For instance, in chapter 5, the narrator/author placidly remarks:
“Let us now kill a pirate, to show Hook's method. Skylights will do.”
We switch from description to action as the narrator dictates; and as such, the narrator shows that he is not only narrating, but also choosing how the story goes along. This kind of storytelling is traditionally used orally; here, it feels as though the written text is alive, being spoken as we read. Funnily enough, this kind of narration isn’t confusing for children at all; instead, it reinforces the fictional aspect of it all. The children reading musn’t fear for Peter or Wendy or the Lost Boys; for it remains, after all, a story.
But is Barrie only using metatextual tools to reassure the children? A closer look at the text shows otherwise.
It’s one thing to write the story as though it were told orally; it is another to create doubt in the mind of the reader by slipping in-and-out the diegesis. Often, the author relates the events as though they had been shared with him by someone else; to keep in mind the fifth chapter of the book, we can read:
“I have been told that he [Captain Hook] was a raconteur...”
And this recurrent use of “being told”, “having heard”, etc., suddenly fleshes out this fantastical world, by connecting it to the seemingly actual life of the author. Not only does Barrie tell and shape the story to his will, but he seemingly takes elements from his friends, acquaintances, and other faceless and nameless figures that only serve to give credit to his story.
This fascinating blur between real and the fake has also been manipulated by other great authors to the destination of children: one of the most famous examples might be none other than “Lemony Snicket” of the Unfortunate Events series. And there might have been some inspiration from Barrie when writing the thirteen mystery books; for Barrie often appears as an investigator himself.
Indeed, his 1927 lecture is not only a reply to the prompt given to him a month prior, but an investigation; as Brian Till puts it in his article “The Secret History of Captain Hook”, 
“Barrie takes the tone of an investigative reporter or prosecutor-judge, dutifully presenting the facts he has found.”
In his speech, and in order to “prove his case”, Barrie presents not fiction, but facts - heard from acquaintances and friends. Barrie mentions names as one would call witnesses to the bar: Mr. Jasparin, or Hook’s Aunt Emily, provide accounts which have to be taken for granted. It becomes difficult to keep in mind it is all fiction, as James Matthew Barrie remains ambiguous of what his actual role might be: both author, narrator, investigator, and witness.
Allow us, after having presented our facts, to round them up with the actual question at hand: what is Captain Hook’s actual timeline? This question might be asked by whoever read both the novel and Barrie’s lecture. Indeed, if one takes into account the novel, Hook is a contemporary of Stevenson’s Long John Silver (the “Sea-Cook”); thus, an 18th century-pirate. However, if one takes into account the latest additions Barrie made with his Eton speech, Hook is a contemporary of Barrie; thus, a 19th century pirate. It is known that only Peter Pan remains forever young; his Lost Boys grow up and are replaced by others. Therefore, it is out of the question to consider that Hook managed to live for over a hundred years.
So while both descriptions can be considered canon, which is actually real?
The following extract is from Hook’s description in the novel:
“In the midst of them, the blackest and largest in that dark setting, reclined James Hook, or as he wrote himself, Jas. Hook, of whom it is said he was the only man that the Sea-Cook feared. [...] In manner, something of the grand seigneur still clung to him, so that he even ripped you up with an air, and I have been told that he was a raconteur of repute. [...] A man of indomitable courage, it was said that the only thing he shied at was the sight of his own blood, which was thick and of an unusual colour. In dress he somewhat aped the attire associated with the name of Charles II, having heard it said in some earlier period of his career that he bore a strange resemblance to the ill-fated Stuarts...”
What transpires from this entire description are the many marks of hearsays (which have reached both Barrie’s ears and, more interestingly, Hook’s). “Of whom it is said...”, “I have been told...”, “it was said...”, “having heard it said...”; all these are proofs that none of these descriptions come from first-hand accounts.
These second-hand accounts somehow differ from the accounts given in Barrie’s lecture at Eton in 1927; in the novel, Aunt Emily or Mr. Jasparin are nowhere to be found - which also means there are no “reliable” sources for these comments on Hook’s character. In the novel, these comments remain sourceless - thus, vague and unreliable. While Barrie turns himself into an investigator for his Eton speech, his intention isn’t the same with the Peter Pan novel. The novel is destined for children, and as such, it makes sure the children feel impressed by the main foe of the novel. In order to accomplish that, it creates a villainous (and by extension, mysterious) aura to wrap around Hook’s shoulders: what can be more impressive than the man itself, if not the man’s reputation?
Therefore, while the most plausible, but perhaps not the most satisfying, reply to the question is saying that Barrie hadn’t planned to make a lecture about Hook more than twenty years after his first apparition (which explains the time difference between both descriptions), one can offer an alternative.
Captain James Hook might very well be a 19th century Etonian who happened to stumble into piracy and chose to contribute to his fearsome reputation by encouraging, if not starting himself, rumors about his encounters with fantastical 18th century pirates such as Long-John Silver. After all, isn’t Hook known to be a talented “raconteur” himself? As a storyteller, Hook has the capacity to re-invent himself; we know that even his appearance is fashioned after that of 17th century English King Charles II, blurring the timeline even further. By incarnating the very idea of a timeless pirate, deliberately mixing elements from three different centuries, Hook conceals himself from his own mortality - even if, in the end, it isn’t enough to avoid his fate.
The similarities between James Hook and James Barrie are many, and most certainly not fortuitous; these resemblances might culminate in their capacity to spin a story to their will, as Hook chooses to reshape his own image, while Barrie reshapes Hook. In the end, it is difficult to understand where one begins and where one ends; the only thing that remains certain, is that there is still many a mystery left within the intricate text that a peculiar storyteller left us with.
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edwardianblouse · 5 months
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Chapters: 1/1- COMPLETE Fandom: Peter Pan Rating: Mature  Relationships: Wendy Darling/Peter Pan Additional Tags: Neverland, Edwardian Period, Romance, Hurt, Betrayal, Mental Institutions, Growing up, Parent-Child Relationship
No matter how viciously Mrs Kilbride, our housekeeper, scrubbed our heads, the fairy dust was buried in our roots, stubborn as fleas. It dusted our pillows when we woke from sleep. The maids spent hours in the garden beating it out of the sheets. Nana running around their legs, barking with each violent thwack.
Wendy deals with her return from Neverland and tries to hatch a plan to be reunited with Peter - but her parents have other ideas.
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joseonederkid · 2 months
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As stoked as ever to have my zines in at the place that taught me how !
Like it was the first time all those years ago, I'm just as gassed to say STRUGGLEVISION 1 & 2 stocked on the shelf at Sticky Institute - the most ardent defenders of zine culture since before my time and forever !
If you're in Naarm anytime soon, head past camp sovereignty to their spot in the park :)
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feral-renaissance-cat · 2 months
I'm actually going to switch this up and give you a line from an original story I'm working on.
"Fresh kelp was offered for barter amongst the Archipelago selkies, and Lonan had witnessed one of Roni’s aunts engage in a form of haggling he could barely follow, simultaneously trying to get the best deal in trading for a pail of clams while insisting that the clams were worth more than she was offering."
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sanjisboyfie · 9 months
when you know, you know.
-> basketball player gojo satoru x male reader
requested!!! a rlly old req from an anon in my inbox <3 ty for the req and jm so sorry it took so long however the 6k+ word count hopefully makes up for that. + listen to margaret by lana del rey on repeat for the full affect
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warnings : satoru ooc (i do NOT agree w that warning but i GUESS I could see why someone would disagree 🙄🙄🙄), very fluffy to the point it seems angsty!!! talk about the homosexuals!!!! satoru mentions small familial conflict in the interview portion
diamond on your ring
cause when you know, you know
when you know, you know
“thank you so much for agreeing to a sit down interview, gojo-sama,” the interviewer politely bows to the tall man the second satoru walks into the room. immediately, he bows in response, finding the sudden formalities almost abnormal.
at this point, he was so used to other interviews he’d done be super quick, informal and just reporters looking for answers to their questions with little regard for things such as respect.
this was a breath of fresh air, but satoru couldn’t help but feel bad for the interviewer whose back must be hurting now with how long they’d been bowing.
“oh, please, no need for such strong formalities,” satoru chimed in, gently resting his hand on their shoulder to goad them into standing upright, “gojo is fine, too, no need for the honorifics. it’s not like i’m royalty,” he joked, hoping to lift the mood in the room.
it seemed to work as the interviewer finally cracked a smile and dropped their shoulders from being so stiffly held up to their ear.
“then, gojo-san, please take a seat and we can get you all mic’d up for the interview. it should take no longer than a half hour, longest running an hour and a half, but we really don’t want to take up too much of your time,” satoru shook his head, assuring them that it was fine and then taking his seat.
he noticed that the cameras were already filming, but didn’t think twice on it. technically, from the moment he stepped foot in the room, the interview already started. that’s what it said on paper, at least.
“erm, to just go over what we might be discussing in this interview,” the reporter said, clearing their throat as they looked over their list of questions, “since this is a very specific interview, the questions are going to mainly be centered around your romantic relationships and very personal questions,”
satoru nodded, moving in his seat to allow the staff better access in getting the microphone to stay hidden in his clothes, “yeah, my manager sent me the general idea of questions of stuff you’d be asking, it’s alright with me,” he said, taking off his sunglasses, “plus i think i’m pretty familiar with the publisher and the audience, so it’s alright. really, ask me anything, this would probably the only time i’d do something like this,” he encouraged with a friendly smile, trying to show his genuinity.
the interviewer nodded in understanding, clicking their pen and writing a note in their notepad.
satoru had done his research beforehand. the publisher that was interviewing him, or rather the person interviewing him in steed of the company, was a pretty vocal LGBTQ+ company. it was a rare occurance in japanese media, especially as a standalone party, but they proved successful. satoru knew why they were interviewing him, obviously because he was gay and very outwordly apart of the community. he also knew that they were always respectful individuals, which is why he didn’t hesitate in accepting the interview.
if he was going to be asked about his sexuality and his very much gay relationship, he’d rather it be done through a respectful, and most likely very understanding, person rather than those that would shout at him invasive questions.
“then, are you ready, gojo-san?” the interviewer snapped him out of his daydream, making him nod his head. “let’s test the mic really quick, then we can jump into it,”
“i am gojo satoru,” he recited, looking at the staff for a thumbs up on the feedback. when he got a positive thumbs up, the interviewer followed with their own test and then they were able to get into the interview.
“let’s start with introductions, i’m ishii haruto and i’ll be the one interviewing you today, gojo-san. lovely to meet you,” he bowed his head in greeting, making satoru follow suit.
a relaxed grin was on his face as he introduced himself again, “i haven’t said it before, but i’m gojo satoru,” it was a small joke that uplifted the mood of the room once more. haruto appreciated it, laughing to himself at satoru’s subtle charisma.
”well, to get right into the interview, let’s start with hard hitting questions,” satoru braced himself, clenching his fists in his pant’s pocket, “how are you?”
satoru smiled, shooting a fake warning look haruto’s way, “i’m wonderful, how are you ishii-san? i hope you’re doing well, too,”
“i’m doing very well. it’s an honor to interview you, thank you for giving us this opportunity,” haruto said, subtly bowing his head once more, “you truly don’t understand how inspiring it will be for the rest of japan to hear your story, you’re doing such a big thing for all of us in this room, and for those that will read this interview later. so, really, thank you, gojo-san,”
satoru pursed his lips at the sentimentality, realizing quickly that this interview was going to be really different than anything he’d ever experienced before. “sobering” up a little bit, he smiled at haruto and nodded his head, “i’m happy to be here, too. i hope whoever reads this learns something about themselves,”
“yes, that will be the end goal,” haruto agreed before looking down at his notepad, “well, i guess we can just start off with this one — when did you know you were gay?”
satoru hummed, “i don’t really know. for me, i guess it was always in the back of my mind? i mean, i never had a crush on a girl growing up. and i thought it was normal. my parents did as well, seeing how driven i was from a young age to be successful in basketball, i think they wrote it off as me just being determined to make my dreams come true. no time for distractions, or something like that. but deep down, i think i always knew.” he paused, crossing his legs as he decided to add one more tidbit, “and i never thought it was wrong, either. to me, having a crush on a boy wasn’t a big deal. i just thought, huh, this sucks i like someone, i might get distracted from basketball now,”
the two shared a laugh at his joking remark at the end, but until that point the interviewer was very immersed in the personal story. he was even humming in acknowledgement of everything he was saying, as if he related.
“so when you began pursuing your current boyfriend, it was not a big deal for you? even given your position as a famous basketball player?” then haruto looked at the camera men and held his hand up, a signal of some sort that satoru was cued in on, and leaned forward, “would it be alright if we refer to him with his name?”
satoru quickly nodded, understanding now that the hand gesture meant for their mics to be cut so that they wouldn’t receive any audio.
then they were back on and satoru answered the original question, “no, it wasn’t a huge deal. well, it was to everyone else, i guess. but to me and my close friends, it wasn’t. they already knew i was really into him and had a big crush on him before i did, so it really wasn’t a big shock when i made my efforts more obvious. well, as obvious as you can get with having everyone watching you. i tried to reel it in a little when my friend’s told me he may not be comfortable with all the attention, that was the only time i really was aware of it and began to calm down on my advances,”
“oh, so it wasn’t a big deal to you, but in consideration of his feelings, you kind of held back a little bit?”
“yeah, because if things ended up not working out, then all the neutral attention we were getting would have become negative. rumors could’ve started that would’ve hurt him, and i definitely didn’t want that, so yeah,” satoru said, reiterating his main point from earlier, “i just wanted him to be comfortable whenever we were in public,”
“that’s really considerate of you, gojo-san,” the interviewer complimented, making satoru laugh with a wave of his hand.
“he never asked for all the attention in the first place, i definitely didn’t want to make our already secretive position more hostile than it needed to be,” satoru explained, “so everything had to be toned down. fortunately, he was very understanding and could see where i was coming from.”
“what do you mean by that? did he ever say anything about it?”
“well, we’re just like any other couple. we just want privacy and respect, some people don’t want to give it to us. those people that just want to hurt our relationship just because we’re both guys. if i wasn't as famous as i am, i’d imagine it’d be easier to mange. not that it still wouldn’t be stressful — but at least, not the entire country would be breathing down our necks,” satoru explained, choosing his words carefully. “no matter what, though, if you’re in a relationship with someone of the same sex, it’s going to be hard.”
“that’s true, but you two have faced a lot of very hard obstacles. it’s sad how many times people have wished to see you two broken up,” haruto said, an angry look on his face, “how did you two manage to overcome those obstacles?”
“well, we had each other, loved ones, and close friends as support systems. they were really helpful and sweet, they were the most understanding. but i think, the most important one, was that we had each other. we were in it together. not to say that all the negative attention was good or even worth it, but it made our love for one another stronger,” satoru sighed, thinking about the early days when he was first officially dating [name], “i just wish they were nicer to him. he didn’t deserve any of it,”
there was a pause of respect from haruto before they continued on, “you said you had support of loved ones and close friends — were they supportive from the get-go or did it take “convincing” for them to understand?”
“most of them were really understanding and could see that my love for him was too strong to be denied, so that was nice. but there were definitely instances of family members not understanding or simply refusing to support,” satoru answered with a grim look on his face.
“how did you deal with that?”
“well, it was mainly family members, unfortunately, that rejected my lifestyle. so i had to do the best thing and cut them off. i couldn’t have them in my ear telling me that i wasn’t meant to be this way or that [name] and i’s relationship had to be put to a stop. so i cut them off completely and haven’t spoken to them since. i could afford to make that sacrifice since i had [name] and others as support. he really helped me through that and the realization that not everyone will understand or see it as we do…you just have to learn how to deal with it in each situation and circumstance,”
haruto hummed in intrigue and understanding, “was it hard? cutting them off and coming to that realization?”
“i would say it wasn’t as hard as one would think…not when i love [name] so much i’d sacrifice anything to be with him. i wasn’t going to settle for anything passive aggressive or half-assed when it came to support of my relationship with him. like i said, i wasn’t going to let anyone bad mouth him or our relationship, i wouldn’t settle for that in exchange of keeping blood relatives around. even if someone is family, if they hurt someone i love, it still counts for something. they’re still hurting him and in turn hurting me. that’s not family anymore,” satoru said definitively. he had a hard look on his face. almost the one that was only mirrored whenever he was on the court. it showed how serious of a topic it was to him.
“seeing you so be so openly protective and in love with your boyfriend has gotten you two a lot of attention over the years, most of it is praise from others since they do think it’s adorable. does affection that you show [name] come very naturally?”
“of course it does,” satoru grinned, happy to move onto more lighthearted topics. he had the widest grin on his face now, thinking of when he would go home and cuddle his boyfriend, “i’m a very affectionate person, anyway. ask suguru, he’ll tell you,” with the reference to his best friend, who plays on the same team as him, haruto grins, “but i made sure that [name] was comfortable with it first and then went on from what he was okay with, until we got to the point right now where we both don’t really care,
if i know i’m in love with my boyfriend, i want other people to know as well. there was a bad rep surrounding me, in my early days especially. everyone thought i was a playboy, for some reason,” he shyly scratched the back of his head, “so i thought that me showing that i was very loyal and very much in love with my boyfriend, people would stop thinking that of me. and it worked! so, it was a win-win situation,”
haruto nods, looking at his cue cards with a grin, “and you two have had a really long relationship-”
“almost coming on 5 years now,” satoru giggles, a blush evident on his pale cheeks, “it doesn’t feel that long, though,”
“yeah, it’s as if it was only yesterday the two of you made it public and sent everyone into a panic,” the two laugh at the memory. the headlines that day going hysterical over the basketball player’s very much gay personal life. “and since you’ve been in a relationship for so long, has it ever crossed your mind to tie the knot permanently? settle down with [name]?”
satoru paused, the smile on his face faltering ever so slightly as he repeated the question in his mind.
marriage with [name] always was the answer. but, the idea of when and where and how never crossed satoru’s mind. well, it did. in repeated passing thoughts. but, never long enough for him to commit to the idea. he’s thought of how he would do it, where, but never really when. and even then, the how and where were never set in stone. he wanted it to be romantic, definitely had to be something that the two would retell to their kids one day as the most romantic and loving gesture satoru has ever done.
but “when”…satoru never put a pin in the calendar on what date.
he hummed where he sat, resting his chin in his palms as he thought about how to answer.
“huh, well…i know i’m going to marry him someday,” satoru assures the interviewer, who was silently panicking that they had accidentally asked a question too invasive, “but, i think i’ll keep the details of that to myself, haha,” satoru played it off as a tease, but internally he was sweating bullets.
there was never going to be a right time. a right time insinuates a moment where satoru is so overwhelmed with love that a proposal would be the only verbal indicator of that feeling.
but, satoru has been so madly and deeply in love with [name] for so long already that the “right time” feels like every waking moment.
when the two moved in together, made that huge, empty house a home for themselves. when he took [name] on their first overseas trip and they learned even more about each other. when satoru takes him home for the holidays where he just so perfectly matches with his family members and comes even more out of his shell.
satoru’s been so in love with [name] for so long it feels like they’re already married. [name] knows him like the back of his hand and vice versa.
it was as if he always knew. he just knew in the back of his mind that they’d end up standing in perfectly tailored suits at the end of the aisle, saying heartfelt and cheesy vows to each other. satoru knows he’ll probably end up crying more than [name] and he knows that that day will be the happiest he’ll ever be.
the question made his head spin around as a flurry of questions of when he would propose filled his head, but it did solidify one thing. the fact that satoru just knows that one day he’ll end up being [name]’s husband and [name] his. and he wants that day to come sooner rather than later.
”well, i think the final question for our interview today that can wrap this up, will be: do you have any advice for young aspiring individuals that might read this and see this side of you?”
satoru gulped, suddenly feeling as if the temperature in the room had gone up twenty degrees. he tugged on the collar of his button up, swallowing as he spoke carefully, “just always be true to yourself and your dreams. it doesn’t matter what other people think because if you know what you want and you know that it’s your dreams on the line, there shouldn’t be anything standing between you and that goal. whether it be a person you want to pursue or if it’s your dream career, don’t give up.” he attempted a smile at haruto and it seemed to have done its work as the interviewer bowed his head deeply in gratitude.
the two finished the closing remarks of the interview with fluidity. he handed the mic back to the staff, who thanked him with their heads bowed. but before he could leave, he pulled haruto aside and lowered his voice, “uhm, could you hold off on publishing this for a while?”
haruto blinked rapidly, a nervous look coming onto his face, “well, the editing and transcription of the video will take some time, probably a little over a month…how long were you thinking of keeping it under wraps, gojo-san?”
it was a plead to not make him push the publication date back further. satoru hums, “a little over a month?”
“yes, that is what my advisor gave me as a “grace” period in editting everything,” haruto nods, the nervous look on his face not disappearing once.
“that should be alright then, sorry for worrying you. a little over a month is fine,” satoru grins, feeling his chest bloom with warmth. “thank you so much for the interview, have a lovely day,”
and with that parting farewell, satoru rushed out of the building with his mask and sunglasses on and practically jumped into his car.
in the safety confines of his car, satoru rested his head against the wheel. his breathing was rapid and his cheeks were ablaze. was he really going to do this? he looked at his phone that had the directions sent to the nearest luxury jewelry shop, his eyes flitting across the screen to take all the information in.
“seriously, satoru?” he panted to himself, leaning back to his seat and looking up at his car roof, “it took some guy interviewing you to grow the balls to do this? really?”
he cursed himself for waiting so long, setting his car into reverse and speeding his way to the shop. he had his sunglasses, hat, and mask on as he exited his car, careful to try and not attract too much attention. if the media caught light of this before he could properly do it, he would have someone’s head on a spike - he didn’t care.
no one was ruining this for him. for [name], too. satoru wasn’t going to let the stupid papparazzi tarnish this moment, as they had done for so many other intimate ones before this.
satoru grit his teeth, pushing the shop door open and breathing a sigh of relief to find that it was empty. he looked at the displays they had out, acting calm when on the inside he was sweating bullets.
“looking for anything in particular?” the attendent asked him, not at all acknowleding his appearance which meant that his disguise had worked.
he cleared his throat, still looking down as he shakily replied, “wedding rings, wedding rings for men, please,”
thank god the attendent wasn’t an asshole or else satoru might’ve really just slammed his head into the wall in frustration. because the attendent just guided him in the direction of where the men’s wedding rings were. he didn’t speak more either, just hovering around in case satoru needed help.
“fuck,” he cursed under his breath, trying his hardest to focus and think about which one [name] would like the most. “fuck, what if i get him one he doesn’t like? what the fuck does that mean for us? oh my god,” he panicked.
and it was almost funny. a 6’6 lean guy practically clutching his chest to stop his heart from jumping out of his ribs and flopping around on the floor. he was seriously getting heart palpitations, satoru swore this is the most nervous he’s ever been in his life.
what the fuck would he say when he actually proposes?
“i love you, marry me?”
fuck no. gojo satoru wasn’t going to settle for a shit proposal like that. and he certainly wasn’t going to settle for a shitting ring either, but it was so stressful thinking of whether or not his boyriend (manifest: soon to be fiance) would like the one he picked out.
satoru never was the one with good fashion or style sense in the relationship.
he was freaking out.
some of the rings on display were too loud and extravagant that he knew [name] wouldn’t enjoy it, but then going for someting super, duper plain was out of the question.
“do you have a particular agenda in mind?”
“i have nothing in my mind right now,” satoru snapped at the worker, apologizing seconds later, “i’m sorry, i’m just really stressed right now.”
“it’s alright, many are when they come in. they see the displayed rings and get self-conscious of the one that they choose. well, just go with your gut feeling on what you and your partner would like. that’s the best advice i can give you. you know them best, after all,”
this fucking attendent was right, satoru knows his own boyfriend (manifest: soon to be fiance) better than anyone. he just has to see something to spark an inspiration in him.
and he thinks he’s found it when he looks at a particular timeless piece that is cushioned on a small red velvet pillow.
“what can you tell me about that one?” satoru asked, although he’s almost completely set on just buying it right now. it was perfect. the coupled ring that pairs with it was also so effortlessly something he would love to wear as well.
”that one is in the style of an eternity ring, with the VVS diamonds cut into an emerald shape, obviously. the metal is platnium with 11 carats,” the attendent skillfully answers, “goes for about 9,871,750 yen ($70,000 USD). we offer installment plans, though-”
“no, i’ll just take it, thanks, though,” satoru said, easily sliding his card over. “i also want the paired one too,”
“that one is-”
“you don’t have to tell me about it or the price, just box them pretty for me and i’ll be on my way,” satoru grinned, looking at the bills he had in his wallet and pulling out a couple 10,000 yen notes, (adding up to about 200,000 yen - $1,417 USD). as the attendent very meticulously packaged the rings safely, satoru slid over the cash to him.
“thanks for helping,” satoru said, tapping his card and approving the transaction before walking out of the store. the hefty cash tip left on the counter for the attendent to gleam at.
and if he thought that the picking the ring part was hard, now he had to come up with how he was actually going to propose.
he always said that he wanted it to be romantic, but with [name] already waiting at home there was no way he could set something up at their own house. and, honestly, he wanted this to not be so public in fear of it leaking to the headlines. so he would have to settle with making it romantic in his home.
but, the more he thought about it, the more carefree he felt in the atmosphere. as long as [name] was just there exisisting, that was all he could ask for. satoru carefully pocketed the velvet box into his pant leg, keeping the pair safe as he drove back home completely undetected by papparazzi.
when he got home, he had to stop himself from automatically calling out to his boyfriend (manifest: soon to be fiance). the “honey, i’m home,” died in the back of his throat, thankfully, so his arrival home was still a secret. he took off his shoes and walked up the stairs to their shared bedroom where [name] was most likely resting.
it wasn’t too late, but by now his bedtime routine was probably done and he was getting comfortable in bed.
and satoru’s assumptions were right because when he gently pushed the bedroom door open, he saw [name] cuddled into a pillow and watching the TV that was set up against the wall. upon closer inspection, satoru saw that the pillow he was cuddling was actually from his side of the bed. he was cuddling his pillow as he waited for him to come home.
that, unfortunately, made satoru breakdown in tears almost right away. his eyes stung with the salty fluid breaking through his composure. [name] was too far to notice, though, simply lifting his head and waving him over with a loving smile, “you’re home! wow, you were so quiet i barely heard you come in,”
and when satoru just silently stood at the doorway, his hand covering his mouth, that made [name] get up out of bed in worry.
“hey, are you okay? what happened?” then he saw the way satoru’s broad shoulders shook, rushing over and holding him in his arms in an instant, “was it the interviewer? are you okay, satoru? talk to me,” satoru only broke down more, making [name] comfortingly rub up and down his back with “shh”s slipping from his mouth every now and then.
“satoru, are you okay?” [name] worriedly asked, gently pulling him towards the bed and urging him to sit. once the tall man was sat down, he immediately wrapped his arms around him again, hugging him as tight as he could to give him some sort of comfort, “you’re scaring me, satoru, what happened?”
satoru took a couple of seconds to collect himself, holding onto [name] in his arms as a means of grounding himself. but if anything, it made it worse. he was reminded that [name] was really real and not some figment of his imagination. he wasn’t just some “dream” guy, he was real and he was his.
[name] was sitting in their bed with him and comforting him lovingly. he was real and satoru never felt as lucky as he did than right now in this moment.
“nothing happened,” satoru breathed out, pulling [name] back from his torso so that he could properly speak to him. “i’m okay, really,”
“satoru, you’re crying. it’s okay, you can tell me,” [name] said softly, pushing his wet bangs aside and looking into his teary blue eyes, “it’s okay,”
satoru bit his lip, admiring the features of his boyfriend for a couple more seconds. how gentle his touch was, the hand caressing his face only having the lightest featherlike feeling against his skin. how concerned his e/c eyes were, staring into him and understanding him like no one else ever has.
he is so beautiful, satoru thought to himself. he squeezed [name]’s hand that was resting in his lap, making the man look down at their joined fingers.
“i just,” he took in a deep breath, “i love you so much, you know that right?”
he almost laughed at the suggestion, but [name] politely nodded instead, “of course i know that, you show me everyday. i love you, too,”
satoru nuzzled his cheek further into [name]’s touch, relishing in the way the man’s warmth fell onto his skin.
“i love you so much, i’d do anything for you,” satoru breathed out, looking past his wet white eyelashes and into [name]’s concern eyes, “i’d do anything, i mean it. i love you so, so, so much [name],”
“satoru, you’re really scaring me. what’s going on?”
“nothing bad, i promise. just, please, let me?” satoru begged, voice hoarse and tight as he pleaded with [name]. and with a patient nod coming from the man, he continued on, “you’ve made me so happy, happier than i’ve ever been, these past couple of years. you deal with me and my annoying bullshit everyday, you make sure i’m healthy and happy even when you’re so tired. you always take care of me, more than i give you credit for and i’m sorry that i’m so selfish sometimes. but, i promise i’ll do better. i’ll be better, for you. anything you want me to be, i’ll work so hard in becoming, for you. i want to make you as happy as you make me,” satoru gulps, feeling his throat closing up and his tears welling back up, “i love you so much, [name],”
taking in all of his words, [name]’s eyebrows furrowed in confliction. he still didn’t know if he should be concerned and worried or just let satoru go on. but then he felt his own eyes well up with tears when he felt how sincere satoru was being. how tight his large hand was holding his own, as if he were afraid that he’d slip away if his grip on him loosened even the slightest.
even when he tried lifting that hand up to wipe his tears away, satoru didn’t let him, keeping a steady grip on his hand. instead, his slender fingers came up to the side of his face and wiped the tears away with a calm smile on his face.
“you make me so happy, [name]. and i'm so happy to be here with you. you make everything worth it,” satoru said softly, “you love me so gently, so softly — unlike anyone else in my life has. you’re my entire world. i don’t know what i’d do without you here. i know i’m meant to stay by your side forever. i know my place in the world is wherever you are.”
there was a pause as now both of them were crying messes.
[name]’s eyes were shut as he tried to wipe his stream of tears away. so he didn’t see the way satoru dug through his pocket to take out the velvet box. and he didn’t see the way his hands shook as he propped the box to be open, didn’t see how nervous satoru looked in the moment of unveiling the ring.
what he did see though was the ring blaringly presenting itself to him and a grinning, crying satoru behind it. he heard the words leave his lips, “let’s stay together forever, okay? please, marry me, [name],”
and [name] didn't react.
not immediately. he was too shocked. his jaw had dropped and he looked between the ring and satoru, who was still happily crying. then, finally, he snapped out of it and enclosed his arms around his boyfriend’s (fiance’s?) neck and sobbed into his skin, “yes, yes, yes,” over and over.
satoru cried more, this time a smile on his face as he cried into the air. he felt the stream of wet tears go down his neck, but he didn’t pay them any mind. he only held [name] closer by his waist in a suffocating embrace.
he didn’t know if he believed in multiple universes theory, whatever that was, but he just wishes that if it were true: he’d find [name] in every single one. [name] was his one and only comfort in the hectic life that he lives, the one stable root that keeps him grounded.
the two seperated, smiling and laughing with each other as they messily kissed in celebration. when they pulled away, [name] and satoru watched as the latter shakily slipped the ring onto the former’s ring finger. and the h/c haired man had to cover his mouth once more at the sight. it was slightly loose, running on the bigger side, but it was perfect. he didn’t care. it could have been a paper ring and it would have been perfect.
“i love you satoru, so much, you don’t understand,”
“i love you more,” the other softly breathes out, staring at [name]’s ringed finger with pride, “more than you’d ever know.”
the two smiled and laughed at their confessions, joining in another hug as they were high off of their dopamine. wordlessly, satoru collapsed onto the bed with [name] laying on top of him. and as he took the other velvet box out, he tried slipping the ring onto his finger. but it didn’t even fit on his ring finger, so he had to work with it on his pinky.
“it’s kind of cute that way,” [name] says in amusement, comparing their hand size and laughing at the difference, “i like it,”
“if you like it that way, we can keep it this size, then,” satoru said simply, kissing the top of [name]’s head.
“wear it however you want to, satoru, it’s your ring,” [name] chides him, looking up to softly glare at him.
“the ring doesn’t mean anything by itself, you're the one that gives it meaning,” satoru says, squeezing [name]’s shoulders to bring him closer, “if you like it on the pinky, it stays on the pinky.”
rolling his eyes and deciding that nothing is going to get through his fiance’s head, [name] gave up on challenging satoru. instead, he cuddled closer into his side and breathed in his faint cologne and natural scent.
“i love you, satoru. my dear fiance,” he said into the fabric of his dress shirt, smiling against satoru’s ribs as he repeated the phrase in his head.
satoru didn’t bother biting back his smile as he tilted [name]’s head up to look up at him. he kissed him softly, gently moving their lips against each other in a passionate kiss. and when he pulled away, he made sure to keep eye contact as he said, “i love you more, [name], my dear fiance,”
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nikonladyz4 · 2 months
Members Supporting Jimin and his phenomenal success of MUSE
I will equivocally state that I am a jikooker with Jimin as my bias, but I support ALL members with my money (buying albums, digital downloads, merch, fan club, concerts) and time (streaming, blogs, IG, TikTok).
But, i don’t understand for the life of me the antics of one member. This is Jimin’s promotional weekend and there has not been one ounce of support for Jimin and his album release from Taehyung. Yet most of the other members (Suga does not promote while enlisted) have congratulated JM and shown their support. I expect to see a tiktok post from JK soon, as he did for Hobi and RM.
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But why has Tae not supported this album release of Muse just like he never supported FACE? What he does instead is release a promo for his photo book during Jimin’s promo period. Actually, i was ok with it, because it was not music, but a personal photo project I saw as a gift to Army on Army day.
But today, in the middle of tracking and charting for Jimin, along with the trailer for JM/JK travel show releasing later today, he decides to post a photo of him and JK in Hawaii stating: JK will come quickly because he asked him to and missed him. What was the point of this post? Why is he feeding the taekookers who have been dragging Jimin relentlessly since the announcement of the travel show and the drop of his album. A large group of people who are actively working against Jimin by supporting other acts just to try and hold back Jimin. Mind you, JK is not getting the hate.
I am not saying a member has to publish on social media to show support, but he did for other members and never for Jimin. That whole show where they hugged each other on Jin’s discharge was very touching, but now feels so disingenuous.
Help me understand what is going on and why this seems to continually happen. Last year, JK would come back and provide context to everything that Tae said that put taekookers on a roll. Like Jimin, he has pretty much been absent from social medial and can’t do lives.
Do I believe, they are all friends? Yes! But are they all as close to each equally, obviously not and that is understandable. Tae is closer to his wooga squad than he is most of the members of BTS. But even taking the whole shipping aspect away from jikook, i would still feel Tae’s actions should be questioned, simply because what he does over and over again is to rile up the toxic members of his fanbase and taekookers to hate on Jimin. We saw how bad it got last year with the death threats and reports to the Ministry of Defense from JK solos and taekookers. It is bad now with Jimin’s album release and travel show with JK.
What does it take to be supportive like the other members or just simply be quiet this weekend?
This is not a hate post towards Tae, but a post calling out a behavior that has negative connotations towards Jimin, his supposed soulmate.
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superdillin · 15 days
That Time I was on Adventuring Academy
Ok it's a clickbaity title but I've been thinking a lot about where I was in this moment, and who I am now, and what an ENORMOUS difference there is, a verifiably ocean between moments.
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We can get the obvious differences out of the way like:
my name
my gender
my camera situation
all of which have improved drastically I must say.
When I was asked to do this I had published my first game supplement ever, Neverland: The Impossible Island. And I LOVE it still. For what it is, it was a killer first project. A fully playable D&D setting for JM Barrie's Peter Pan setting, Neverland. Concept and execution, I did a pretty decent job.
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Gang, I was SHITTING myself during this entire interview. And I don't really even mean just because Brennan was someone influential to me, someone I didn't know at all at this point, but I was new to interviews and being on a public platform too. I was even still new as a performer, which I would confidently say is my strong suit now. I was being held together by adrenaline. Now, it's kind of hard for me to watch myself stumble through that. I've come like...an exceptionally long way since then.
And I have more to say now than I did then. Brennan introduces me so kindly as a game designer but truthfully I wasn't yet! I had written a module for D&D, and that's all. Fine, and fun, and I did a good job - but I've learned so much and experienced so much and I have so much knowledge and love and feral, unabashed passion for games now that I wish I could tell this past version of me about. I get to share that now, every single week, on One Shot - introducing people to new games and beautiful artists.
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What I care about in this industry has also grown and shifted. Back then I was still fighting my way through the horde of misogynists to create space as a seemingly feminine person in the hobby by getting my mits all over their favorite franchise (D&D).
Now, I want us free from corporate fast food games, I want people to see the magnificent iceberg of art and exploration and humanity that games have that we can experience. I want designers who are paid to create their own art, not serving a corporation's image for pennies. I want to radicalize this hobby against the colonialism and transphobia and imperialism that snuck into all it's roots.
Anyway I'm SO proud of who I've become and where this moment has led me and for how far away it seems. I've lived and I have grown and I've become someone I'm even more proud of.
((oh and one final aside - this was one of the most professional experiences I ever had, from not just Brennan but everyone who set things up behind the scenes. That also taught me a lot about what was acceptable and what was not, going into future, often less good, interviews. ))
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turtletotem · 5 months
New Book Announcement
So, I have a new book out? Sort of? My sister Rachel is also a writer, and we put together an anthology of fantasy/science fiction stories—half of them mine, half of them hers.
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If you've been following my work for a while, my stories may look familiar—one is a reworked Cherik fic, one is available on my Patreon, and one I published on its own a few years ago. But this is the first time any of them have been available in hard copy! And Rachel's should be new to you. :D
New Worlds is available in ebook and paperback. And if you want to check out my other published stuff, look for Elizabeth Belyeu on Amazon or Shelly Greene at JMS Books.
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stormblessed95 · 2 months
I hope that you will publish this ask because understandably I keep seeing posts about how JK is smiling when JM makes the comment about cuddling him. The thing is…that interaction is two different scenes that are just placed together in the trailer. The scene of JK with a huge smile on his face is not in reaction to JM saying he will cuddle JK. This is clear by looking at their surroundings while they’re driving. The background in the two scenes are completely different. You can tell that they’re driving in two different areas during these two scenes. So yes JK did have a huge smile about something JM likely said to him - but it wasn’t the cuddling comment. It will be interesting to see what JK was actually smiling broadly about and how JK reacted to JM’s cuddling comment.
I... Am intrigued by your confidence 🤣 answering this so we can bookmark it and come back to it after the show is released.
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seoul-bros · 10 days
Jikook Week 39 Complete (03/09 - 10/09/2024)
Their 39th week in the military is now complete and it's time to celebrate this milestone with a look back at this week in 2020.
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It was full on Dynamite era. JK posted the picture below on 03/09......
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......and on the 08/09 BTS found out the song was spending a second week at No. 1 on Billboard Hot 100 and there response was this......
S: Number 1! Number 1 for 2 weeks!(x2) JH: Billboard! Number 1 on Billboard for 2 weeks! RM: 2 weeks! S: Number 1 for 2 weeks! (x2) JM: ARMY! (X2)
Cr. Bangtan Translations
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BTS were knocking down walls and making history to coin a phrase 😼BTS were paving the way.
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Season 1 of In the Soop was in full swing and Ep. 3 and 4 were released on 02/09 and 10/09 respectively.
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Ep. 3 includes the famous pancake flipping incident..........
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.....as well as the creation of the theme tune to the series.
In Ep. 4 Jimin & J-Hope painted shoes and V & JK sang karaoke.
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Finally this week, Jikook's September FILA promo photos were published. Look at them! So sassy, so fine!
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Post Date: 10/09/2024
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joseonederkid · 2 months
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covers aka posters from STRUGGLEVISION 1 & STRUGGLEVISION 2
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suassi · 5 months
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My new monograph is now available for pre-order. Malparaíso consists of 81 black and white and colour offset printed photographs in medium and large format.
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luninosity · 5 months
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Happy May the Fourth and also early Cinco de Mayo!
My publisher is having a big sale this weekend - 45% off! - and, coincidentally, I / we also have a novella release!
"As Many Stars" is part of the Regency MMM (yep - three!) trio collection, with stories by me and Ellie Thomas and Alexandra Caluen!
Mine is essentially a big hurt/comfort story, lots of big emotions, lots of love confessions, pining at someone's sickbed, all of that - it was a ton of fun to write, honestly! Plus I got to make Catullus references.
The other two stories in the Trio collection are lovely as well - luscious historical detail! - so grab that if you would like all three stories together!
I hope you enjoy!
"As Many Stars" at JMS Books (on sale!)
"As Many Stars" at Amazon
the Regency Lovers MMM Trio at JMS Books
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