#joão gil
talvezsejapoesia · 5 months
A Vida, João Gil
Feliz Ano Novo!
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altamontpt · 9 months
Jorge Palma - Jorge Palma (2001)
Passaram muitos anos até Jorge Palma dar corpo a um novo álbum. O primeiro longa duração de temas inéditos do presente século revelou um músico em muito boa forma e trouxe mais alguns clássicos para o futuro.
Passaram muitos anos até Jorge Palma dar corpo a um novo álbum. O primeiro longa duração de temas inéditos do presente século revelou um músico em muito boa forma e trouxe mais alguns clássicos para o futuro Fazer um novo disco depois de Bairro do Amor talvez não fosse tarefa fácil. Esse álbum de capa amarela foi marcante, como sabemos, e talvez por isso tenha passado tanto tempo até Jorge Palma…
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osomdaspalavras · 1 year
João Gil,  És, assim sou eu I 46 JG 22, 2022
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zemaribeiro · 1 year
“Onde o Rio é mais baiano”
“Onde o Rio é mais baiano”
O mar de gente para ver Gilsons, ontem, na Maria Aragão. Fotosca: Zema Ribeiro José, Francisco e João têm em comum um dos sobrenomes mais musicais do Brasil: Gil. Filho e netos de Gilberto Gil formam o trio Gilsons, rico trocadilho, tradução possível do inglês, literalmente os filhos de Gil. Ontem (11) o grupo esteve pela primeira vez em São Luís, na Praça Maria Aragão, na programação gratuita…
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tocafitas · 6 days
Domingo, 17h
Essa playlist tem mais de dez anos desde a primeira versão, que eu fiz com MP3 pra escutar no celular. Nunca postei porque nunca achei que estivesse pronta. Fiz várias mudanças recentes que foram mudando essa minha percepção. Com o que tenho vivido nos últimos dois meses, acho que fica até desnecessário explicar o que eu queria dizer sobre o sentimento de fim de tarde de domingo que tá nessa…
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reckonslepoisson · 9 months
Brasil, João Gilberto, Maria Bethânia, Caetano Veloso & Gilberto Gil (1981)
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If ever one was to crown a classic on paper alone, Brasil would be it. Gilberto’s soft buzz and undular rhythms, Gil’s lush orchestral compositions, Veloso and Bethânia’s vocals and songwriting contributions... and that doesn’t touch on the session musicians who, in various circles, are just as revered.
Pick: ‘Aquarela do Brasil’
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florencarnada · 1 year
eu tô muito feliz de ter feito esta playlist 💖
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richardanarchist · 1 year
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diyeipetea · 2 years
Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos “Jazz In The Space Age” con Ethan Iverson y David Virelles (JazzMadrid 2022) [Concierto de jazz] Por Carlos Lara y Enrique Farelo
Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos “Jazz In The Space Age” con Ethan Iverson y David Virelles (JazzMadrid 2022) [Concierto de jazz] Por Carlos Lara y Enrique Farelo
Festival Internacional Jazzmadrid 2022 Fecha: Domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2022 Lugar: Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa (Madrid) Grupo: Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos “Jazz In The Space Age” con Ethan Iverson y David Virelles Dirección musical: Pedro Guedes. Solistas: Ethan Iverson (piano y Hamnond B3) y David Virelles (piano). Maderas: José Luís Rego, João Guimarães, Mário Santos, José…
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gravedangerahead · 4 months
top 5 álbuns brasileiros!
Você perguntou o top 10, né? Segue o top 10.
10. Estampado da Ana Carolina
9. Construção do Chico Buarque
8. Chega de Saudade do João Gilberto
7. Acústico MTV da Legião Urbana
6. Elis & Tom de Elis Regina e Tom Jobim
5. AmarElo do Emicida
4. Fruto Proibido da Rita Lee & Tutti Frutti
3. Canções Praieiras do Dorival Caymmi
2. A Arte de Ser Invisível do Juliano Holanda
1. Clube da Esquina
Vou parar de alterar a ordem para eu conseguir terminar isso.
Eu não sou tanto de ouvir album completo, perdão pela ignorância kkkkkkk
Shout out para as coletâneas de Gilberto Gil e Rita Lee que eu tinha em casa quando era pequena, todos os acústico MTV que eu ouvia, Um Barzinho um Violão, e Beth Carvalho canta Cartola
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celticbotanart · 1 year
Today was a strange day - after I shared yesterday that Origa tribute from Yoko Kanno, Brazil woke up with the sad news today that Rita Lee, one of our most important and proeminent singers in recent BR music, had passed away at age 75 after battling against lung cancer - just like Origa did; a sad coincidence.
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Rita Lee was one of the singers that was present during and fought against the 60's BR dictatorship, alongside with so many other singers from her time. She was literally imprisoned while still pregnant of her first child in 1976. Even Kurt Cobain was a fan of Os Mutantes, the band Rita was in in her early career! She was pretty badass!! So I decided to share a couple of performances of Rita that I really like, cause she totally kicked ass and I think it's great to share more of BR music for y'all from other countries as always, and as a little tribute to her.
The first one is a strange song choice in many ways - first because it's not a Rita Lee/Mutantes song, it's a song by the great Gilberto Gil called "Domingo No Parque" (Sunday at the Park); back in the 60s, Brazil held these anual music festival / contest where A LOT of many important BR singers performed and came from, literally making history.
This is a performance from 67', of Gilberto Gil featuring Os Mutantes - the painted faced girl on the backing vocals is a young Rita Lee! The other two guys in funny Beatles-like haicuts also doing backing vocals are the other members of the Mutantes, Arnaldo Baptista and Sérgio Dias.
I say "Domingo no Parque" is a strange choice not only because this is not a song she wrote, but also because it's a song that's famous for sounding all happy and energetic, at the same time with some very witty, sinister lyrics. It's about these two friends, José (the "goofball, playful king") and João ("troublemaker king"), and a girl named Juliana. On a Sunday morning at the amusement park, José sees João with Juliana, whom José also had a crush, together. In a fit of jealousy, José kills both João and Juliana, using a knife. The song was composed with a lot of "contradictions" going on - like the happy, energetic rhythm against the Shakespearean tragedy that unfolds at the park; the amusement park as the backdrop for the crime that unfolds; João was the troublemaker, always picking fights with everyone, but he was the one who died at the hands of his silly, playful, best friend José. The wordplay is also a bug factor to convey José's jealousy taking him over, making everything look like it's going on so fast, in a blur:
"(...) And then he saw, Juliana at the ferris wheel with João, Holding a rose and an ice cream in her hand Juliana, his dream, an illusion, Juliana and his friend João The roses's thorn hurt Zé And the ice cream froze his heart The ice cream and the rose (hey, José!) The rose and the ice cream (hey, José!) They danced in his heart (hey, José!) In José's silly, playful heart (hey, José!) The ice cream and the rose (hey, José!) The rose and the ice cream (hey, José!) Spinning in the mind (hey, José!) In the mind of the silly, playful José (hey, José!) Juliana is spinning (spining!) At the ferris wheel (spinning!) (With his) Friend João (João!) The ice cream is strawberry-flavored (it's red!) Spinning, and the rose (It's red!) Spinning, spinning (it's red!) Spinning, spinning It's a knife! (it's a knife!) Look at the blood on his hand (hey, José!) Juliana on the ground (hey, José) Another body on the ground (hey, José) (It's) His friend João (hey, José)" (...)
I think this song, as grim as it is, paints such a wonderful narrative. We know exactly who the characters are, until they subvert their initial roles - João the troublemaker dying at the hands of his friendly, goofy friend José; and I can almost see the park so full of life in a Sunday morning that turned very quickly into a tragedy. Like I said, a strange song choice, lol! But you can see why I LOVE this performance, and the fact Os Mutantes are there singing it with Gilberto and a whole-ass big band playing along, makes this performance super special to me, it's my favorite version of this song! <3
And the second and last song i'd like to show is this Rita Lee MTV Unplugged from 1998 - I was eight at the time, and my older sister loved watching MTV, so I remember when this album was released, it was a big hit, as MTV Unpluggeds normally were with both national and international musicians. The song is called "Mania de Você" (something like "Crazy About You"), and it was written by Rita Lee and Roberto de Carvalho. Joining in to sing with her in this performance is Milton Nascimento, A HUUUUUUGE name in BR music and also one of The Big OnesTM from back then against the Military BR days. Milton is no joke my fave BR singer, he has a very unique singing style and is knowm for being a sweet, kind, gentle guy - I'll def make a post on him on another time.
In contrast to the previous one, "Mania de Você" is a pretty sexy song lol. It's pretty much a duet where this couple enjoy each other's presence, it's about the connection they share in that intimate moment with their bodies, but also their minds. I'm not so much into romantic lyrics/songs where sex is pretty much the main theme cause they all sound the same corny, tastleless shit to me, but when people do it right!!!! It's so good!!! And this one is DEFINITELLY one of those!
And not only this performance is super sexy but it's SO, SO CUTE too! Like, they hold hands and smile all the time, it's pretty wholesome!
Not to mention this part where Rita clearly improvised to surprise Milton! There's a part of the song where it originally goes:
"(...) There's nothing better than doing nothing Only to lay down and roll around with you"
This part repeats along the lyrics a couple of times, and you can see on minute 05:30 that Rita improvises and changes the lyrics to:
"Nothing better than having nothing on our minds Just to lay down and roll around with Bituca"
"Cuca" (a funny, playful word for "head" or "mind") and "Bituca" (Milton Nascimento's widely known childhood nickname) rhyme there - and you can see by his face how surprised and delighted he was! The audience also knows his nick, so they just go wild too, ahhh <3 it's SO adorable! And even more considering the song is all sexy smexy and such, lol! I love it so much!!
Earlier today someone shared on Twitter this video where she is on her "goodbye" show at age 67, the last she would do before retiring, and the police comes in for some freaking reason and starts to frisk people in the audience - Rita starts to yell at them, saying that was an absurd behavior; the show was hers and that she was not afraid of the police cause she comes from the Military Dictatorship days and that the police should know their freaking place.
A fucking legend, as you can see. And I hope you like this small fraction of her huge legacy our music history.
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RIP Rita Lee, you were one of the greatest we had for sure <3
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aboutmetamorphosis · 9 months
was tagged by three wonderful people @jlf23tumble @homosociallyyours @ahurricanebehindthedoor to do this game so here we go! 🤍
rules: shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
1. psiu - liniker
2. i could be a florist - olivia dean
3. a ordem natural das coisas - emicida
4. you don’t know me - caetano veloso
5. pagu - maria rita
6. diga que fui por aí - nara leão
7. chega de saudade - joão gilberto
8. esotérico - gilberto gil
9. lili - liniker
10. azul - gal costa
anyone who knows me knows how much i love brazilian music so i’d say these ten tracks are a pretty good sample of what i listen to everyday hehe (tbqh my on repeat playlist absolutely ATE i’m obsessed w it)
alright, i’m gonna tag @blissoftheblue @non-binharry @tofiveohfive @swimmingleo @ialwaysknewyouwerepunk @harryslovelylaurels @delicatepointofview @choface @golddustdyke @mamaharry @faithinthefuturedeluxe @moranginhos <3
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zemaribeiro · 7 months
Lourival Tavares apresenta “Canto Encanto – A noite dos menestréis” no Bar do Léo
[release] Marcos Lussaray e Lourival Tavares em show no Teatro da Cidade (2014). Foto: Zema Ribeiro/ Divulgação Artista será homenageado pela Festa da Música do Maranhão; no show, Lourival Tavares será acompanhado por Marcos Lussaray (violão e guitarra) e terá as participações especiais de Erasmo Dibell, Gildomar Marinho, Joãozinho Ribeiro, Sérgio Habibe, Tutuca Viana e Wilson Zara O cantor e…
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tocafitas · 1 year
A playlist de hoje e autoexplicativa: uma seleção pra ouvir descalço no parque. São 30 músicas com um clima calmo e solar que estimulam uma pausa num lugar gostoso pra comer e/ou beber algo gostoso. Uma coisa good vibes, só que de adulto. 😆 Tá boa de ouvir sem shuffle. Reprises de Jorge Ben Jor, Los Hermanos, Os Mutantes, Tulipa Ruiz e Gilberto Gil. O que tem? Tim Maia – Imunização Racional…
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musicshooterspt · 9 months
Agenda de Setembro 2023
Até dia 2 – MEO Kalorama
Parque da Bela Vista, Lisboa
1 – Du Nothin
Casa da Música, Porto
22:00h . Entrada Livre
1 - HUH! + Úz + DJ Doraemon
DAMAS Bar, Lisboa
23:00h . 5€
1 e 2 – Inferno das Febras
Parque Laser de Casais, Lousada
Entrada e Campismo Gratuito
1 a 3 – Do Quarto para a Rua
Jardim Municipal do Marco de Canaveses, Marco de Canaveses
Entrada Livre
1 a 3 – Festa do Avante
Quinta da Atalaia, Amora
2 – Noite Branca de Gondomar
Vários Artistas: Richie Campbell, Ivandro, entre outros
Vários Locais, Gondomar
Entrada Livre
2 – Colos Rock Fest
Sociedade Recreativa Colense, Colos, Odemira
2 – Música na Paisagem
Vários Locais, Bragança
Entrada Livre
2 – Hip Hop Fest
Teatro Municipal de Vila Real, Vila Real
Entrada Livre
2 - The Mandelbrot Shakes
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
23:00h . 8€ com uma cerveja
3 – Infected Rain
RCA Club, Lisboa
7 - Acoustic Tribal Dance
Spacy Bar & Disco, Caldas da Rainha
7 a 10 – Jazz no Largo
Theatro Gil Vicente, Barcelos
Cartaz Completo
Entrada Livre
7 a 10 - Festival da Juventude – Salfest
Parque Urbano, Alcácer do Sal
8 – Daguida
Casa da Música, Porto
22:00h . Entrada Livre
8 e 9 – Rock N’ Route Fest
Vários Artistas: Baleia Baleia Baleia, Given to Flow, entre outros
Route 66, Freamunde
8 e 9 – Afro Music – Another Banger
B.Leza Associação, Lisboa
8 e 9 – Rock dos Romanos
Largo da Igreja, Condeixa-a-Velha
9 - !! MÖRDÖR FESTA !!
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
9 – Organika
Casa das Virtudes, Faro
13 – Woody Allen & The New Orleans Jazz Band
Super Bock Arena, Porto
E em Lisboa, no Campo Pequeno dia 14
14 - Claustrofonia - Marlene Ribeiro & Inês Malheiro
Promotor: Dedos Biónicos
Domus Municipalis, Bragança
15 – Messer Chups + O Bom, O Mau e o Azevedo
Barracuda Clube de Roque, Porto
15 e 16 – Suave Fest
Largo da Misericórdia, Guimarães
Entrada Livre
15 a 17 – Baldaya Vintage Fest
Vários Artistas: Wild Cat Shaker, Messer Chups, The Dixie Boys
Palácio Baldaya, Lisboa
Entrada Livre
16 – Black Panda + Death After Disease
Vortex, Lisboa
20:00h . Apenas para sócios
Formulário de sócio
16 - Cartaxo Sessions
Casa do Campino, Santarém
21:30h . Entrada Livre
16 - All Kingdoms Fall + Oceans of Apathy + Ashes in the Ocean
Paranoid Beer and Records, Freamunde
22:00h . 7€
17 – Ruttenscale + Derrame + Primal Warfare
RCA Club, Lisboa
16:00h . 16€ com 1 bebida
20 – Rage
Convidados: Dark Embrace, Tri State Corner
RCA Club, Lisboa
21 – Dead Pollys + Albert Fish
Village Underground, Lisboa
PORTAS: 22.00h . Entre 10 a 12€
21 a 24 – MUMI
Vários Locais, Valença (Viana do Castelo)
22 – Sétima Legião
Teatro Municipal de Bragança, Bragança
22 – Tsunamiz
Tokyo, Lisboa
22h30 . 10€
22 – Dead Pollys
Sociedade Harmonia Eborense, Évora
22 - Capela Mortuária
Convidados: Holocausto Canibal e Warout
Café-Concerto RUM by Mavy, Braga
22:00h . 2€
22 a 24 – Amplifest
Hard Club, Porto
23 – VII River Stone Fest
Rio de Moinhos, Penafiel
23 – Barbosas + Eskilograma
Casa do Salgueiros, Porto
23 - Vai-te Foder e de Systemik Viølence
Vortex, Lisboa
20:00h . Apenas para sócios
Formulário de sócio
23 - Barlos
Mais info brevemente
26 - Pešpäkøvå + Gonçalo Alves & João Clemente
Salão Brazil, Coimbra
21h30 . 7€
27 – The Slow Show
Promotor: Os Suspeitos, Mr November                                               
Teatro Sá da Bandeira, Porto
30 até 1 outubro  - Viseu Rock Fest
Largo do Orfeão, Viseu
*OBS: Recomendamos verificar estas informações junto dos promotores ou sites oficiais
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kaisacobra · 4 months
that’s really reassuring advice and it actually helped me write a few paragraphs as of today. From the outside looking in that’s crazy to me that you thought second best wasn’t that good but just like you said everyone’s gonna be critical when it comes to their own work. (Just would like to once again say your writing is captivating and it’s an example of how I’d like to write someday✨)
I figured they wouldn’t be making an appearance, I thought they’d make be mentioned but it would make sense that R’s life is all about Tara right now, fits the dialogue immensely👌🏼
Is there any particular locations in Brazil that you’d recommend to sometime going for the first time? It’s on my bucket list and I’ve been interested in learning a new language (either Portuguese, Tagalog or German) because I actually wanna move out of the country, I reside in one of the most expensive places in California and the cost of living nowadays is insane.
I don’t know any of the rules when it comes to just about any sport but I love watching them because they’re so intense 🤯. I was wondering if you could possibly recommend any Portuguese artists that you enjoy listening to? I love music and listen to just about everything except for screamo and regularly go to concerts, last person I went to go see was Deorro in San Francisco 🥹.
OMG😭😭😭 THAT'S SO COOL!!! Yeah, baby steps can take you far when it comes to writing! I'm super sure you're gonna write something amazing, buddy! I hope I get the chance to read it🤭
About the locations, I could spend a whole day talking about it. Brazil is a BIG BIG country with tons of different local cultures and it all depends on what you like to do most when you're traveling. I'll try to make some suggestions though.
If you like the beach: Brazil has a lot of littorals so you could find a good beach in almost all of our states. There's Rio de Janeiro, if you like places with vivid nature and historical national landmarks (the Christ, national parks, the bond of Pão de Açúcar mountain). There's also smaller states with killer beaches and a calmer vibe like Florianopolis, Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte (although I would recommend João Pessoa City in Paraíba and Pipa or São Miguel do Gostoso in Rio Grande do Norte)
If you like historical places: We also have a lot of those but my favorite gotta be Minas Gerais. Cities like Tiradentes and Ouro Preto are very pretty, full of history and great great cuisine. Also, there are places like Gramado City in Rio Grande do Sul that are big on germanlike architecture and have a great christmas and new years celebration.
If you're more into big cities, São Paulo is gonna be ideal. (Also sorry i got carried away)
About Brazilian artists, some of my favorites are Jão, Bruno Gadiol, Day Linns, Tinn, NX Zero and Ludmilla (Who's playing in Coachella this year). However, if you wanna have the true brazilian experience you gotta listen to Seu Jorge, Maria Bethania, Gal Costa, Gilberto Gil, Belchior and Ney Matogrosso. (And this is only MPB/Bossa Nova, don't get me started on Samba and Pagode)
I'm so sorry this got so long but I'm just a very passionate brazilian with an immense love for my culture😭😭
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