#job musuem
gmaybe666 · 10 months
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drew some gay people!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈💘🥰💋
the beatles cartoon in my style
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strangeauthor · 3 months
saw the new defunctland. kevin getting mad that he didnt get to go to exchange city and become mayor was the highlight dskjdkjdfkj
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gingerwerk · 7 months
If anyone would like to know how my workday went I smacked my head against a civil war era cannon and then got a blood blister on my hand from crawling around an exhibit case on my hands and knees
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“The Butcher of the Jurassic Period proves that sometimes you don’t need to be efficient! Sometimes it’s enough to just be obscenely violent!”
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Some events went down at my work so that inspired me to talk about this. Its a return-to-form if you will
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benjhawkins · 2 years
is that the maritime museum where you work ?
Nope, I don’t work at a museum, but maybe some day! My next steps after I get my bachelors are grad school and programs with public history and museum studies.
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catlezboyfriends · 8 months
i think wearing a collar every day would greatly improve my mental health. however i am the pickiest bitch alive when it comes to clothes so nothing i own fits with my work uniform
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foxvalleylover · 1 year
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MQ VIENNA FASHION WEEK @vienna_fashion_week // The FashionGuide 2023 - Magazine // 15 Years Anniversary : 11.-16.09. 2023 @mqwien // LES PERTINENTS , The Relevance of Sculptures // Photography https://www.instagram.com/michael_duerr/ Model @johanna_kalinke @das_deck Make Up / Hair @parnia_sar Styling @anothermaier Location @semmelweisklinik Art Direction & Graphics Max Wagner / Creative Headz , Editor in Chief @elvyrageyer // www.MQVFW.com - www.michaelduerr.com
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professional-termite · 5 months
what alien species would the Musuem crew be in the NATM Star Trek AU? (If any)
i actually have some very strong opinions on this so buckle up. also i changed some of their jobs because i realized certain roles might actually fit them better (ive been rotating this au in my head for a while now)
Larry: obviously human, nicky is too. hes the Relatable Protag in natm and he will be in trek too. just your average first officer tbh
McPhee: also human. aggressively british captain who thinks his crew is insane.
Akh: i think hed be half vulcan half human, but unlike spock hes just a really chill dude who was raised only by his human parent. hes just a kid, probably a nurse
Kah: half romulan half vulcan captain, hes totally just out to get his younger half brother. takes great pride in his romulan heritage and constantly makes a big deal out of how his half brother is half human
Al: full romulan. id say hes probably kahs second in command
Ivan: also full romulan, likely a high ranking officer
Napoleon: also full romulan, id say security/weapons or the romulan equivalent of that role
Custer: human ensign, probably an engineer. he acts super confident all the time but really he is the embodiment of anxiety
Attilla: half klingon half human head of security. he likes ripping off peoples legs and by golly he has the clearance to do it in certain situations
Jed: definitely full human. probably one of the 2 guys steering the ship now that i think about it. he and oct are seated next to each other and always argue because of it
Octy: id say hes a vulcan. super serious and likes to act like hes above petty human bickering, but usually gets into dumb fights with jed anyways
Dexter: some kind of q-like entity who just floats around and causes chaos
Amelia: human space wanderer who just kinda shows up sometimes, almost like vash but minus the lawbreaking
Joan/Lance: i fully subscribe to the hc that lancelot and joan of arc are the same person pre and post transition. anyways shes a quarter vulcan and a security officer and super cocky about how it makes her smarter and more reasonable than everyone else (it absolutely does not)
Sacagawea: our beloved head surgeon!! id say shes half bajoran half human, and super proud of both halves of her heritage. also shes in a love triangle between joan/lance and teddy (they will end up in a throuple)
Teddy: chief engineer..the guy....totally just a regular human, but hes got a big heart and hes second officer. also hes just generally The Dad of the ship and everyone feels safe to go to him for advice
Rexy: cat. meow
also for the time frame of this crew id say they were serving sometime after tng, like maybe 5 or so years after
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pbandjesse · 4 months
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I'm sitting at a wedding and I am having a really nice time. I really do hope that this can be more regular in the fall. Because I do really love doing the events and I want to do it more. It makes me happy.
Today was a pretty good day overall. Not as successful a market day as far as sales go. But I had fun. It was a good day.
I slept better. Had an easier time falling asleep. The air conditioner noise helps. And I wore a hoodie which seems to trick my brain into sleeping more securely.
When I woke up at 7 I was tired but it was fine. I got washed and dressed and when I got out of the bathroom James was there and they said that when they come upstairs to make the bed and I'm not out yet they get all excited to get to see me and I thought that was so cute.
James had already loaded up the car and they even remembered my tablet. I would still forget my knitting in the end but it was okay. I would draw on my tablet for a lot of the day. It all worked out.
We stopped for breakfast and then over to the market. We were pretty early so James was able tos gay outside and help me set up before they went inside to do their job.
They would continue to help me though. Making a little flyer for my workshop. And they would come out to get baked goods with me later on. I would spend the first part of the morning helping with new vendors and just talking to Ann and Stanley about the drama around the events department and how I got my feelings hurt. They had their own thoughts and issues but it was nice to get another opinion on the whole thing.
I would make some sales. But I wouldnt get my sales goal for the day. I had gotten so many sales last week that it still evens out in the end but it can be discouraging. Especially when it was still a particularly busy day. Lots of people.
I was very focused on my drawing. I haven't made new bear designs in forever and people keep suggesting sports bears. So that is what I did. A baseball. Two football. A Michael Phelps. And then I would make Edwin my best I sleep with but that's mostly for me.
I would also have some nice conversations. The child who I promised the squishmallows to came and got so super nervous but her mom came up to double check with me that I was giving them to her. And I was like yes please take them happy birthday I'm just so glad that a child is actively getting them.
I would spend time talking to Stanley. And just enjoying a beautiful day.
At noon two guys walked up to me and were like "hey Jesse!" And it didn't hit me at first but it was James's friends Meir and Brooks! They were in town for a baseball game and it was so nice to see them. We would talk for most of a half hour. Eventually they would go inside to say hi to James.
I told them I would be able to pack up in 2 minutes and when the market was done I did just that. I packed up. I got eveything in the car. And I went to say goodbye to my husband
Meir and Brooks were leaving as I was coming in and they were surprised I actually was done packing up so fast. (They would come to our house after the game to see it and I was happy to hear about that from James. I hope they thought it was cute.)
I would go right home after hugging James goodbye. We weren't sure we would cross paths when I came back to the musuem later. So we said goodbye and I went home to rest.
When I got home I brought in my one basket because it has baked goods in it. I would hug in Sweetp for a little. And went to put a little frozen pizza in the microwave.
While that cooked and also cooled down I went and changed into comfy clothes. I put my hair in a bun and ate my little lunch. I was in bed by 2.
I struggled to stay asleep. I kept waking up panicked that I had missed my alarm. But even with the waking up I got a good amount of rest.
When I woke up I was pretty dehydrated and a little confused. But I got cleaned up and redressed and felt real nice and very pretty. Everyone loves this dress and I always get lots of compliments. It felt like the right day for that for me.
I would makes a stop at the dollar store before I went to the wedding. I grabbed a small frame and a snack. Paid was $4 and went over to the museum where I was able to briefly see my husband and get a hug. I love them so much.
I'm just getting to my car now after the wedding. And man was tonight busy. It was very exciting in many different ways. But honestly I had a great time. For being probably one of the last events were all three of us will be there I had a really wonderful time and I really hope that we can have more shifts just in general because I really love doing the weddings and I want to continue to do events. Maybe I'll even look into doing events at other locations. We'll see.
After James left I really jumped into my conversation with Merrill about what was up and what I needed to know and all that kind of stuff. And I had been there for the rehearsal yesterday so I kind of had a brief and fleeting idea of what was going to happen at this wedding. And we would pretty much kill it. There was definitely some problems. specifically two medical emergencies. Someone passed out hit their head on the ground and we thought they had a seizure. And then someone else threw their back out so hard they were in tears. So I was getting people ice packs and wheelchairs. My first day training really kicked in in those moments. I was very calm and I was able to help as much as possible but there was also a few people who were there that were nurses so I was also deferring to them and I felt very helpful and that was nice.
The wedding though was beautiful just it was very quick. I feel like some people's ceremonies are 45 minutes and others are 10. This was more like a 15 minute but it was really nice and the dog was involved which is always fun. And people were cheering and just really happy. We were sitting at the front desk after ushering people in and making sure that there was no one getting in pictures that weren't supposed to be there. And it was just really nice.
me and maril would act as educators for the evening. I was doing the first half and she did the second half and honestly I could have done the entire thing and had a blast. Because once I got people to come back and listen to me I was working the crowd and telling my stories and jokes and just really loving it. And just having so much fun just talking about history. And I think that's something that I miss sometimes because I just know those stories so well that it's just nice to fall back into. And I think that I really did a great job tonight and made the guests learn something but also just have a lot of fun.
There was also kids at this wedding and they were really cool and were dressed really awesome and I just thought that was really nice that I was able to connect with them as well. Once Merrill took over I had to like completely disengage and walk away because I want to share more stuff but I don't want to walk on her toes. So I went to go find Jesse and I ate a bunch of deviled eggs which were very good. And that's when the medical emergencies all happened. So I was busy busy busy for a little bit there. And just periodically checking on them throughout the night. Making sure that they were okay and feeling better. We did not call an ambulance for our friend who passed out per request. But honestly I feel like we might have benefited from that. I just thought it was funny that it was the guest that yesterday at the rehearsal told me he was going to cause the most problems at the wedding. So it was something I could bring up later on to him and made him laugh so I hope that he's feeling okay.
The rest of the evening was great. A lot of just talking to people wandering around checking on stuff. There wasn't much I could eat at dinner so I was glad that I had multiple deviled eggs. And much later than we expected we were able to have cake. And it was pretty good. The raspberry one was better than the chocolate. The chocolate's one's icing was not great. It was a little too sweet and gritty in texture. But I was just having a great time talking to Meryl and Jesse and joking and being silly. It was a really really nice event and the couple was awesome. I had come in with my frame ready to print and I made three copies of the print for them. And framed it up all nice. And was able to put it on their card table and I even saw the photographers taking pictures of it and that made me feel very good. I am very glad that I was able to make that for them and I hope that I can keep doing that in the future.
After cake Merrill went home. And me and Jesse would hang out for a while. I talked to Mark our security guard for a bit. He told me some of his backstory and lower. Turns out he was paralyzed for 2 years and in a wheelchair. This came up because after our medical emergencies gave the wheelchairs back I was sitting at one at the front desk. And just kind of rolling myself in a circle for a bit. Which led to me telling him about my dad and I really feel like the imputation, while was very hard on him emotionally, is really for the best in the long run and I think that he will be able to heal and get some of his life back. Even though he is going to be 70 years old he still has multiple decades left that I require him to be alive. And I want him to be having the best life possible so I'm really glad that that talking about that with other people that have family members ( Mark told me that his sister and his niece are both amputees ) are thriving and living with a similar injury is something that I am glad that I can hear from other people.
The last 2 hours of my night was organizing with the caters and making sure that things were getting cleaned the way they were supposed to be. And making sure that I knew where things were supposed to go. Thankfully I already know where a lot of it goes so it really is just me get it gusty to say things out loud so that I am positive that I understand. I am still very uncomfortable with some of the light switches for some reason but I am doing my best to not let them flex me. It is difficult at times.
So I was turning on and off the same lights because I was a little confused about a few of them. And then I ended up missing that there was a puddle on the ground and we had to send the caterers back to finish cleaning. But it was like not a huge deal and it was good for me to practice. I kept saying that I had failed us as a team as a pair of Jesse's.
Caterers were great though. There was some communication stuff that was a little wonky but they were totally down to do their job and we were all just ready to get out of there but we wanted to leave the space nice.
While we were going through checking the lights Jesse gets a phone call from the event planner. The groom had lost his suit jacket somewhere at the wedding and he apparently remembered that they had gone on the roof! No one supposed to go up there! So Jesse went up to explore to see if we could find the suit jacket but I felt like he was up there for a long time. So for the first time I went up on the roof. And I found he was talking to someone who was sitting up in our lights. And apparently this is that person's special spot and I thought that was so funny and so cute. I am glad that they were super chill and they're like we just want to have a nice time and we don't want to ruin anything and we were like cool. We won't lock you in. So we did see them off at the very end of the night but it was pretty funny.
After we finished turning all the lights off Jesse told me that we needed to deal with the gates and I was like cool can do. But then the gate was stuck and then I noticed that the farmer's market sign was still out there and that was a little confusing. So I carried that back to France so that it can get put away in the morning. And then it was time for me to go home. I said goodbye to Mark. That's a good night to Jesse. And then I headed home.
And that's where I am now. I am going to go inside and I'm going to get ready for bed and then go to sleep. James went to bed like an hour ago. And tomorrow I'm going to drive up to meet with Jess and we're going to go to antique stores and I'm really looking forward to spending time with her. I just hope that it is a beautiful day. I hope that you all have a great time and hope the weather is nice. Sleep well everyone. Until next time.
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chapuyes · 3 days
guess who’s getting a second job cause the musuem is paying me shittttttttttttt :))))))))))))))) but it’ll be worth it, I’m getting a sub teacher permit so I can work on my day off in the work week, & if I want to bail on the museum to get a job with better pay & a benefits bundle I can try to become a full time substitute or go back for a post bacc education degree
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jechristine · 4 months
I can relate, for me personally I made the mistake of just jumping straight into academia when I clearly wasn't ready. I got a great teaching position at wisconsin, and me coming from Los Angeles I wasn't used to the slower pace and all I remember was a sense of dread. I love the writing and teaching aspects of academia but I hated the internal politics, the lack of consistent support and the anti blackness of the administration. Slowly everything became so soul crushing and isolating I hated it so much.
Thankfully like you working with children sort of changed my trajectory and really helped me muster up the courage to leave academia. Now I work at a science musuem where Im essentially the bill nye the science girl 😭. I do all fun experiments/ demonstrations for children, I basically develop/ create the lesson plans for all the children focused programs. Its really fun creating and curating a musuem experience just for kids.
Oh thank you for sharing. Your current job sounds incredible!
I can only imagine the added burden of anti-blackness from admin, but otherwise I can relate to the isolation, even without racism. You very much work on your own as a professor, at least as a humanities professor. You do your research on your own, you write you books on your own, you plan your classes on your own, you grade on your own. There are conferences and such when people come together, but the day-to-day is extremely lonely, or at least it was for me (as merely a graduate student). And in English Depts resources are getting scarcer so the politics and jockeying for what is valued are just getting worse.
I’m not saying that no one could be happy there; plenty can be. I’m glad you could realize you truly weren’t and you were brave enough to career change.
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bace-jeleren · 2 years
bace i need ur strongest blessings so i can get the musuem union job i had an interview last Friday and they said theyd let me know in a week and I'm getting more stress as the days pass by
BLESSINGS FOR GOOD EMPLOYMENT NEWS!!!!! ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️
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cupcakestreets · 1 year
What if Ingo and Emmet had other jobs? Taxi Drivers, Pilots, Musuem Staff, Boxing Champions (Little Mac boxed Mike Tyson, Might as well), Carpenters, Doctors and Plumbers etc
I've seen some aus like that one of my favorites tbh is @demongrunge's Seamas AU where they are sailors lol I've honestly have been meaning to draw fan art of them/ It's just a fun AU overall. They're still goofy.
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microid-s · 1 year
yugioh posting again im sure ishizu looks very professional at her musuem job but outside of that i just know shes a bit of a failgirl ok. i dont think ive seen a single scene of her walking around in the daylight. she's only awake in the middle of the night or she's brooding in her room with the lights off. one of her only hobbies includes showering but shes just sprays her clothes with lysol and hopes no one notices she hasnt done laundry in weeks. three trash bags of ramen cups in her room. she needs rishido back or she's gonna get scurvy
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Applying to my local musuem even if they literally pay the minimum wage cuz it will be my second job
go live your dark academia dreams!!
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