#job online
azzedine92 · 2 years
Do you want to earn money online? Listverse was built on the efforts of readers just like you. Readers who didn’t have any experience as writers but decided to put a list together and send it in.
So here is the deal: We will pay you $100 for your efforts. You don’t need to be an expert—you just need to have English equal to that of a native speaker, a sense of humor, and a love for things unusual or interesting.
It works like this: You write your list (10 items per list minimum), you send it in, we reply and say “Great—we’ll publish it” and send you $100 by PayPal (don’t have an account? just make one—it’s easy and free); or we reply and say “Sorry—it isn’t the sort of thing our readers will love—give it another shot.” Just remember, your list should be at least one or two paragraphs per entry.
Either way you win—your list will be read by us and reviewed, and if it’s amazing it will appear on the front page of Listverse to be read by millions of people a month!
We can not accept lists from writers who do not have a PayPal account; this is non-negotiable. If PayPal doesn’t support your country, please don’t request alternative methods of payment.
to register now click here
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earthcookies · 9 months
the resume autofill feature for job applications is. So Useful.
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annvirtualally · 7 months
Why Branding is Important for Your Small Business
There is a misconception about the importance of branding. While many believe branding is only for well-established companies, many are unsure if it really helps their business.
Are you a small business owner saying that you don't need branding to grow your business? If you believe in this, then you're wrong.
What is Branding
Your business brand is your competitive edge over your competitors. Although you need a logo and fonts and colors for your branding, it should not stop from there. This is because your business brand is your total impact and value to your customers. From customer experience and tone of voice, you use designs up to customer service. These create your holistic branding strategies.
Why Branding is Important for Every Business
Accenture report shows that 66% of consumers buy from companies with brand culture and transparency. This is why branding plays a vital role in your marketing strategies. In addition, your branding guides your whole marketing efforts. For example, when Nike consumers hear its tagline, "Just do it!" They are not only reminded of the nice shoes. However, the brand reminds consumers of the overall experience they have from pre-to-post-purchase.
Seven Reasons Your Small Business Needs a Brand
Consider these seven reasons to invest in your brand. Let's look at benefits and understand why your business needs to pay attention to them.
1. Branding enhances recognition
The purpose of branding is creating it to get recognition from your target customers. You want to be recognized that your business exists and that you provide value to your customers/clients. A logo helps your brand be recognized. So, create a nice, catchy, relevant logo for your business. Also, consumers often purchase from recognized companies, so establish your brand well to gain more customers.
2. Your brand helps you stand out from the competition.
As I've said, your branding is your competitive edge. In addition, it puts your business apart from the competition. And the moment consumers hear about your branding, they remember your business through the unique value proposition you provide.
3. Your brand tells people about your company's DNA
From the stiff competition, how your business differs from others? Your branding will educate the market about the holistic DNA of your business. From visuals like logo and branding colors, customer experience and services, and tone of voice used in marketing. These are just a few things that enable the market to understand your business and its relevance to them.
4. A strong brand generates referrals.
It is imperative to meet the promise you have said to your customers. Because doing so allows you to generate referrals. How? By meeting the promised excellent customer experience to your customers, you are gaining their trust. And when customers trust your business, they are at ease in referring your company to others. This is because they're confident you can help or provide excellent products or services to their friends or family.
According to Forbes, 75% of shoppers buy products and services from brands they know. As a result, establishing strong branding enables you to generate more customers.
5. Your brand helps you create clarity and stay focused.
Suppose your branding is consistent and easy to recognize. In that case, it can help people feel more at ease purchasing your products or services. Consistent branding enables customers to identify your business from the crowd. Similarly, creating a clear brand strategy makes you focused on your mission and vision as an organization. On top of that, your branding will guide your marketing efforts effectively.
6. Your brand helps you connect with your customers emotionally.
Emotional branding forms a relationship between a consumer and a brand or product through emotions. And for you to do this, you create content that appeals to your consumers emotions, egos, needs, and aspirations. As a result, you establish how customers make purchase decisions and become long-time fans of your brand.
7. Your brand provides motivation and direction for your staff.
Your company can also benefit from it. By establishing a strong brand, your employees will feel connected and love working with your business. In addition, employees who think they're part of a team are motivated to commit to achieving their business goals. Thus, you'll be expecting positive outputs from your team members.
Need help with your business branding? Ann Virtual Ally is here to help you!
Contact me at email: [email protected]
Source: https://courses.thesurgemarketplace.com/branding-is-important-for-your-small-business/
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I truly, TRULY do not know how to say this, because the fact that I have to say it makes me feel like I am losing my grip on reality. But no, in the post-capitalistic anarchist utopia, I will not be relying on “autistic minecraft girlies” to be building inspectors because - and this may shock you - one of those occupations takes years of education in how to read and interpret hundreds of thousands of lines of regulations based on complicated math and physics that were the result of decades of tragedy and death, and the other one involves playing a children’s video game.
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andisupreme · 4 months
I moved recently to start a new job and part of my commute now involves one of those high capacity toll booths where a two lane road suddenly flares out into 5-7 lanes of total anarchy with no lines anywhere, and then narrows back down to two lanes again, and we're just supposed to sort ourselves out? Who designed this
anyway I dreamed up this helpful anatomical guide on the drive home
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pandadrake · 6 months
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Big backlog at the Go Home Machine.
Was drawing a different idea and it spun off into this doodle of the effect of all-nighters on teenagers vs. people in their late twenties.
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hiifemme · 4 months
edited 22/02/2024 - my mum helped me raise the match goal from £100 to £200
edited again 22/02/2024 - I met and exceeded my goal! Donations are still very welcome because I think it's really impactful to show our collective donations, I will close this on the 27th when I am paid and can make my donation
Idea credit goes to @ibtisams and I was inspired by @stuckinapril and @geekydragon !
I am doing a donation match!
I will match every pound donated, from now until next week, up to £200! I will donate £50 regardless of the outcome.
1. Donate any amount you can to one of the places below:
UNRWA | Palestine children's relief fund | esims (link is a how to guide!) | Operation olive branch (any family that resonates with you)
2. Send me proof/receipt showing the date and amount, cross out any other information you wish
(currency does not matter, I will convert it and donate the equivalent in GBP)
3. I will update in the reblogs how much has been donated so far, and will make my matched donation on the 27th of February (when I get paid the money I plan to donate)
I'm currently planning on splitting my donation across the above sources, but I will donate £200 total.
If we meet the match goal we will raise £400 for people who desperately need it right now! It's easy to feel a small donation doesn't help, so hopefully this is a way to illustrate how it all does really add up.
Any amount helps, if you have £1 to spare please do, but if you can donate more I urge you to
If you have nothing to spare, please reblog and do your daily click
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uesp · 4 months
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Truly amazing. In an incredible display of his power, the Dragon God of Time Akatosh has decided to grant us an additional day this year! Please be sure to pay your respects to Akatosh, as he may deign to grant us another additional day in a few years if you do!
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eduvacancy · 2 years
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annvirtualally · 7 months
Freelancing Can Be a Full-Time Career - Here's You Need To Know
Freelancing as a Full-Time Career
Yes, freelancing can be a full-time career. Freelancing is suitable for either long-term or short-term projects. It's a practical approach that lets you work as much as you want, when, and how you want.
Freelancing is one of the best choices today for a career. Many are becoming freelancers because they want something more productive, bigger pay, flexibility, and many more benefits. In this article, I will explain freelancing, in a nutshell, to help you get started as a virtual professional. And if you haven't heard about it yet, then better read more to unveil something extraordinary!
Reasons Freelancing Be a Full-time
1. You're the Boss
Being a freelancer means being the Boss. This means you can make all the decisions about how, where, and when you work. Since freelancers always have plenty of work available, you'll never have to worry about layoffs. You also get to choose the projects that suit your skillset, including those that pay well. If you are into writing, copywriting, or article writing, many websites will be lined up to hire you and pay for your excellent service.
2. Set Your Work Hours
Working from home can benefit you if you have children or other family obligations. You can set your hours, allowing you to work when your kids are at school or take off an afternoon if you have something more substantial.
It's the best thing about freelancing. You have a lot of freedom at your job because no one tells you what to do. The timeframe for each task is up to you and you want to accomplish.
However, there is always a limitation. Time freedom doesn't mean not meeting deadlines. One of the essential qualities of a freelancer is to deliver outstanding output without compromising deadlines. This is because, as a freelancer, you need to provide value to your client.
3. Freedom to Work From Anywhere
There is no need to sit in an office all day. Working from home, in a coffee shop, or on the beach is an option. You can also travel while you're working. There's no commute to deal with, so you'll save time and money on gas. You can be in your pajamas all day if you want.
Freelancing can be a full-time career. It sounds appealing!
4. Do the Work You Love
One of the most excellent reasons freelancing can be a full-time career is that it allows you to do the work you love. It is a powerful incentive because you will not quickly get tired when doing something you love. You don't dread it and don't feel like you're working.
Many people have jobs they hate and have to do them to make money. However, would they still have those jobs if they could make enough freelancing to support themselves or their family? Probably not.
5. Take Control of Your Future
Having a successful full-time career in freelancing all comes down to setting goals and creating action plans for achieving them. To start freelancing, decide where you want to go with your career and how you will get there. Then make a living as a freelancer, and it's not as hard as you think. It all comes down to setting goals, learning the right skills, understanding the business, and taking action.
6. Earn More Than a Salaried Job
One of the primary motivations for becoming a full-time freelancer is it enables freelancers to earn more money than a salaried job. In addition, freelancing has other benefits, such as having the freedom to choose your schedule. You can also work from home or anywhere else you want. You can work on projects whenever convenient, whether between your classes, during breaks in your schedule or even late at night.
7. Build Up Your Confidence
Freelancing allows you to build your confidence while making money simultaneously. Finding a job that lets you start from the bottom and work your way up is hard. But freelancing is one way to do that. You'll get plenty of training, mentorship opportunities, and hands-on experience with real clients. And most importantly, you don't have to deal with a boss the same in an office setup.
8. You'll Learn A Lot
Freelancing gives you a chance to learn new skills. When you work as a freelancer, you have a lot of freedom and flexibility regarding what you do and how you do it. It exposes you to new skills that will help you expand your career options in the future. You will know much more than what is taught in school or by employers. Moreover, it allows you to work on something that interests you, so you can gain experience in an area that may lead you towards starting your own business.
9. A Work-Life Balance That Suits You
The best part about being self-employed is deciding what work-life balance works best for your needs. Suppose you want an early morning before anyone else wakes up. Also, spend all day doing your thing until bedtime at night. Go for it! Or maybe you'd prefer to do an afternoon shift where you wake up early. Work all day and then go out with friends after work? Again, no problem! The options are endless here, so go with whatever works best for you.
10. Variety of Work
Most people think freelancing is only for people looking for online part-time jobs or a side hustle. But it's not true. Freelancing can be much more than that. It can help you to have a variety of work, and you can earn as much as you want. But some still think it's only a part-time occupation. With new jobs always posted online, you don't have to stick with one type of job for long periods
How to Start Freelancing
Freelancing has many benefits over traditional job Working as a freelancer offers you the flexibility to from anywhere and set your hours. Additionally freelancing provides you the freedom to decide what projects make sense for your career development. There are also some downsides to freelancing. However, you can mitigate problems with some planning and learn from the experts.
1. Identify Your Purpose
We're all here for a reason. It's a powerful thing, and it can be the driving force behind our success. How do you find that one thing that will make you successful? That's where self-discovery comes in.
2. Identify Your Niche
Identifying your niche is the next step toward success as a freelancer. You need to know what type of work you want to do and who you want to do it for. When you know your niche, it's time to start marketing yours building your reputation.
3. Figure Out Your Pricing
As you start freelancing, you must understand your services' value and what clients will pay for them. First, you need to figure out your hourly rate or per project. It can be tricky because it requires that you figure out how much time you spend on a project and how much money you want to make per hour. When you're starting, it's okay to have a lower rate than experienced freelancers. But as you grow in your field, you'll get better at what you do and demand higher rates. You can also find out what other people are charging for similar work on freelance sites like Upwork or Fiverr.
4. Create Your Portfolio
It would help if you had some work samples ready before contacting potential clients. It can be anything from blog posts for a freelance writer to design portfolios for an artist or designer. Include your best work and contact information so people can reach out if they like what they see.
5. Find Some Clients
Finding your clients as a freelancer is a little bit hard at first. Considering the numerous sites and platforms to reach out to clients, you need to identify the best place your clients are dwelling.
To become a full-time freelancer, you must build your freelancing career by providing value because the money comes next when you have established your career. Also, don't stop until you find your premium client.
6. Start Cranking Out Amazing Work
It is a rewarding way to make money while pursuing your passion. However, it would help if you did more than crank out mediocre content to make a successful full-time career out of freelancing. To get people talking about your content, you need to create amazing content. You can share it across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google+, so many clients can see your work.
Many believe that freelancing is not a full-time career and are proven wrong. You can make freelancing your full-time occupation if you want to.
How to do it? You need to work hard and plan how to earn a living with this. If you're considering freelancing, or you've already started and are looking for ways to make it a more viable career, contact me at [email protected]. We are thrilled to help you have a flourishing freelancing career.
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Source: https://courses.thesurgemarketplace.com/freelancing-can-be-a-full-time-career-heres-you-need-to-know/
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ashleyslorens · 6 months
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📹: kristenaissance
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wildfeather5002 · 2 months
I hate it when xtians reduce my religious trauma to "a religious person said something mean to you once so now you're mad at religion".
Like, shut the fuck up. My trauma isn't just someone being a little rude to me once, it was systematic, deliberate manipulation with the threat of possible eternity of suffering in Hell if I didn't obey religious rules and "keep Christ in my heart". It was "Nonbelievers burn in a lake of eternal fire. Tell your friends to convert to our faith or they'll be damned for eternity".
I have suffered from anxiety, ocd and other mental health issues for several fucking years because of this shit. I've suppressed my sexuality and felt terrible guilt just for the 'sin' of having sexual thoughts. I've feared for my loved one's souls, genuinely believing they would go to Hell for simply not being xtians and that I'd never see them again in the afterlife.
These beliefs are sick and twisted. What I went through was sick and twisted.
I seriously don't know what to say to you if you still think telling anyone, let alone a child, that they're going to be damned for eternity if they disobey 'God's word' is totally fine and not abusive.
Know your fucking place and stop speaking over trauma survivors who have been hurt by your shitty religion.
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hopefulqueer · 5 months
Anyone have any tips on where to buy clothes that look like Ms Frizzle would wear them (for fat people)?
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aardvaark · 2 months
i was thinking about how i wished leverage had a birthday episode for some of the characters cause that would be sweet, but then i realised something and basically…. okay here’s my thoughts in quotes form, just for fun
hardison: so when’s your birthday? i could plan something for us and the team to do and-
parker: i dont know
hardison: you don’t know… your own birthday?
parker: no, how would i know? pshh, cmon, you’re telling me you remember EXACTLY when you were born? watch this - hey, eliot, do you know your exact birth date?
eliot, innocently passing by, who was canonically anonymously dropped off at a hospital as an infant: no, how would i know?
parker: that’s what i said!
hardison: excuse me?? what is going on right now
sophie, walking into the apartment: whats wrong?
hardison: parker and eliot- well, okay, when’s your birthday? i just have to prove something.
sophie: …….july 12th
hardison: why did you pause? wait, is that your birthday or sophie devereaux’s birthday?
sophie: ………… (guilty silence)
parker: see, no one knows their real birthday! haha you’re so weird sometimes, hardison
hardison: what the fuck guys
#leverageposting#wren speaks#leverage#parker leverage#alec hardison#nate knows his birthday i guess so i didn’t include him. if he was watching the whole time he would probably say ‘idk’ to mess w hardison#they’re having this convo in nate’s apartment but it’s like 3am & he’s asleep & they’ve all broken in to hang out#parker doesn’t know either bc of her ridiculously neglectful foster parents or bc she’s parker & her priorities are simply different to most#people. her birthday is irrelevant to thievery. and sadly probably not related to fun happy memories anyway.#sophie obviously is a good enough grifter to answer confidently but she feels a little bad abt lying to her family by now#meanwhile hardison had a normal foster nana who would have known his bday. most kids aren’t safe-surrendered like eliot so assumably#hardison would have a known bday. and he likes birthdays!#and he wants to throw parker a little party even if it’s a very unconventional parker bday that involves rappelling & jumping off buildings#but he is once again thwarted by the leverage team members having the strangest possible lives#he IS gonna give them each birthday parties tho. even if he has to make up some dates & stuff#sophie’s can be the fake date she gives if that’s what she rlly wants. nate’s real birthday is on file somewhere even if he’s being annoying#rn so hardison just has to do some basic hacking. eliot would have an approximate bday such as the day he was surrendered that his parents#would have celebrated throughout childhood. and parker’s would be april 1st bc that’s alice whites bday (and YOURE ALICE!!!)#as in it’s canonically in the online info abt alice white shown in the juror no.6 job & obvs that’s april fools so it’s funny :)#and hardison has a NORMAL bday unlike SOME ppl and yes he DOES expect presents you heathens!!
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edgarallanpoestan · 3 months
grug going to do it for real (kill a bitch)
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