rekrootinginc · 10 months
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Advancement opportunities and career growth are often overlooked. Salary and benefits are also a critical aspect but the job should align with your personal and professional goals as well. Share this video with your friends and colleagues who might be navigating the job market so that they can get some ideas about evaluating a good opportunity.
Video Link : https://youtu.be/UCKy8JVX11k
#careergrowth #jobopportunity #jobopportunities2023 #jobfinders
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oldestenemy · 4 months
you know, having to be constantly deadnamed by the state at every step of the unemployment process while i essentially beg them to give me the money i need to live is fucking awful.
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theloonatic · 1 year
He could’ve sworn the job didn’t involve killing.
He didn’t even know this was real.
He was Sebastian delmar, and he lives on a little island in north America.
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jfberlin · 6 hours
Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d) in Vollzeit | 99817 Eisenach
 Wir sind ein erfolgreiches Familienunternehmen in der Geflügelbranche mit ausgezeichnetem Ruf. Auf unseren modernen Produktionsanlagen produzieren wir qualitativ hochwertige Geflügel Convenience Produkte, die europaweit vertrieben werden. Unser überdurchschnittlicher Erfolg resultiert aus der Kompetenz unserer Mitarbeiter, darum suchen wir für unseren Standort in Eisenach einen:
 Produktionsmitarbeiter (m/w/d)
in Vollzeit
Das erwartet Sie:
• Überwachung und Bedienung der automatischen Verpackungslinie
• Qualitätskontrolle der fertig abgepackten Ware nach geltenden Standards
• Kontrolle der gefertigten Beutel
• Bestücken und Bedienen der Maschine
• Qualitätskontrolle der hergestellten Produkte nach geltenden Standards
• Einhaltung der allgemeinen Hygiene Standards
 Ihr Profil:
• Zuverlässigkeit
• Zeitliche Flexibilität
• Körperliche Belastbarkeit
• Deutschkenntnisse
 👉 Weitere Infos unter:
 #jobfinderDE #Mantos #Eisenach #Thüringen #Produktionsmitarbeiter #Anlagenfahrer #Maschinist #Helfer #Qualitätskontrolle #Vollzeit #sofort #jobfinder #Stellenmarkt #Jobbörse #Stelleschalten #JobFinderDe #Job #Jobangebot #Stellenangebot #Stellenanzeige #Stellenausschreibung
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placement-india · 2 months
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Tired of the Job💼 hunt?? Let Placementindia.com 👉𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐲 𝐢𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝 be your guide to a brighter future.
Click here! https://shorturl.at/KVLib 👉Don't miss out on your dream Job in 𝐅𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐛𝐚𝐝.
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easyjobnepal · 2 months
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hrspot · 8 months
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Friends and professional connections are important in the business world. So other than friends, 35% of people found jobs through professional contacts. Community forums helped 19% of people, while 11% of employees found a job through alumni networks, human resources stats confirm. Source-99firms
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neohrhub · 1 year
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Are you struggling to create a winning resume that truly showcases your skills and experience? Our team of experts is here to help! By following our strategies, you can effectively highlight your strengths and make a lasting impression on potential employers. Whether you’re just starting your job search or looking to revamp your current resume, we’ve got you covered. Don’t miss out on your dream job – let us help you create a standout resume today!
For more information,https://neohrhub.com/skill-writer/ or contact us at [email protected]
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techinfoaiblog · 2 years
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(via বিভিন্ন কোম্পানির চাকরির খবর । চাকরি খোঁজার ওয়েবসাইট)
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hexpositive · 1 year
New Merch in the Shop!
New powders and vinyl stickers are now available in the Willow Wings Witch Shop! All of these will be available on my table at future live markets as well.
Curseturner Powder (for counter magic and return-to-sender spells) Deflection Salt (for turning aside anything bad headed your way) Jobfinder Powder #1 (for gig-based work and quick results) Jobfinder Powder #2 (for raises and long-term careers)
Hex The Patriarchy (B&W vinyl, 2×5″) This Witch Hexes Fascists (B&W vinyl, 2×5″) Always Practice Safe Hex (B&W vinyl, 3×4″) Hex Positive, Pride Edition (Rainbow vinyl, 3×4″)
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View On WordPress
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girl-in-a-bubbl3 · 2 months
Glamrock Bonnie(FNAF) x Reader Part 1
Not enough sassy Bonnie fanfic so here we go...I'll try to upload at least once a week.
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AU Fanfic/NonCanon
Bonnie is terrible but he likes you
5 greenrooms on RSR (we include Monty)
Sun/Moon are the same animatronic
Moon has a lil touch of the virus
Will probably be some spicy parts so...18+
You looked around your new apartment and scanned the sea of boxes. You had been looking forward to unpacking after the move but it just seemed like such a daunting task. You were tired. Mentally and physically. Leaving everything and everyone behind was tough but you had to do it. You needed to have a chance to be you.
Finding a job was difficult. You knew that the job market would be more competitive in the more densely populated areas but you didn't realize how much you needed to stand out. And you didn't.
Instead of putting away your dishes, you plopped down on the worn, plaid couch with your laptop and started scrolling JobFinder again. You had a degree in robotics and programming...but with very little experience. You were young. And not being a male in a male dominated field didn't help either. You sighed.
Third Shift Animatronic Manager - FazBear Entertainment
The position caught your eye. The pay was great, you were qualified, and third shift was definitely more your scene as a night owl. You quickly applied, said a little prayer to whatever was listening, and you closed your laptop before heading to bed. Tomorrow was going to be a long day. You could feel it.
You did not want to get up. But you had to. You had to, because you had to pee. Of course it always happened when you were the most comfortable. You rolled your eyes and groaned, grabbing your phone and checking the time. 6:32 AM. Ugh. Too early.
You begrudgingly got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. You noticed a notification on your phone indicating that you had a new email. You yawned and clicked it.
Hello y/n!
We at FazBear Entertainment have picked YOU to be our new animatronic manager!
If possible, please report to the Mega Plex today at 8 am. We will go over your job details as well as a brief orientation and Meet & Greet with the animatronics.
Hope to see you! Have a Fazerrifc Day!
Your heart started pounding in your chest. Hopping up from the toilet you started the shower and ran to your bedroom to grab a few clothes that had made their way out of the boxes. You had 20 minutes to get ready. You could do it if you rush. You grinned and did a little dance on your way back to the bathroom.
You got a job.
You arrived at the PizzaPlex at 7:50. Perfect. And you actually looked decently cute. Your colorful hair was draped over your shoulder in a side braid. Your makeup was simple but the eyeliner was on point. And your clothes were casual but still appropriate for an interview.
You got this.
It was a Tuesday so the Plex wasn't nearly as packed as it would be on a weekend. A staff bot spotted you and grabbed your hand, pulling you with it towards a set of red doors.
"Woah! Where are you taking me?!"
You tried resisting but eventually gave into the bot. You assumed that maybe it was actually trying to take you to where you needed to go so you caved and started following close behind it. Once through the doors it led you down a tunnel that connected to other doors and tunnels. It made your anxiety spike a little. It would definitely be easy to get lost down here.
The bot stopped suddenly and you almost ran right into it. It pointed towards the door that it stopped beside and looked at you with a blank expression.
"T-thanks..?" You muttered under you breath as you walked up to the dingy green door. You knocked loudly and immediately heard cursing right after. You assumed you may have startled the person inside. Great start.
"Come in!" A gruff voice replied on the other side of the door.
Opening the door and stepping in you immediately notice the large man behind the desk. His face was red and he was rearranging stacks of papers on his desk. He grabbed a file that was sitting to the side, opened it, looked up at you, down at the folder, then back up at you again with squinted eyes, "L/n? L/n, y/n?"
"Y-yes, sir. That's me." You chuckled nervously. His stare was a little unsettling. It was like he couldn't believe that the person in front of him was matching the resume.
"I see here that you've been selected for the Nighttime Handler position. Sorry to call you in on such short notice. They want you to start tonight but there's no managers on nightshift right now so I have to give you a rundown on my shift." Tonight?? "My name is Frank, you'll report to me if you need anything. Your job is simple. Keep the animatronics running smoothly and make sure they behave."
Behave? What did he mean by that?
You watch Frank grab something out of his desk drawer and slide it across to you. "That's a FazWatch. It'll give you a map of the place and help you not get lost. You can also communicate with staff or the animatronics with your FazWatch. It's important. And it's expensive. So don't mess it up."
You nodded, taking the watch and securing it on your wrist.
Frank stood up and motioned for you to stand too. "I'll take you to see where the band live." Your heart started pounding in excitement as you followed Frank down the hall. The realization of what was happening was sinking in. You actually had a job. And you get to work with robots!
You had heard about FazBear Ent. and their supposedly sentient AI. You didn't know how sentient, but you were excited to find out. Frank had been talking this whole time but you couldn't focus on his words. Coming out of the tunnels, you were met with dazzling neon lights. You were entranced. You loved the lights in the Plex.
Frank stopped abruptly and you almost ran right into his back. "Hey? You listen'?" You looked up to see him staring down at you, slightly annoyed.
You chuckled nervously. "Oh yeah, yeah. Of course." You rubbed the back of your neck as Frank eyed you suspiciously. He gave a quick eyeroll and motioned to the row of rooms on your right. "As I was saying," he shot you another look, "these are the Greenrooms. These rooms are where the animatronics recharge, meet fans, and spend a lot of their time."
You looked from one room to the next until you saw a glimpse of the last window further down Rockstar Row. 5 rooms for 5 Glamrocks. You already knew their names, even if you weren't super familiar with the franchise. Freddy, Bonnie, Chica, Roxy, and Monty.
"So anyway," You turned your focus back on Frank, hoping that you didn't miss a lot of what he said again, "let's continue on. I'll give you a brief tour of the atrium and then I'll let you head home so you can get some rest for tonight's shift. 10pm to 7am, in case you didn't know."
You nodded and continued following Frank around the Plex while he gave you various information about different parts of the building. He was rough around the edges, but he was helpful. It wasn't long before you were back in your car, heading home to get ready for your first shift.
You walked into the Plex an hour before your shift started. You were starting to get anxious at home so you decided to head in early. You nodded politely at staff members who were either leaving or also coming in for their shift. There definitely was a lot less on night shift.
You checked your watch and saw you had a list of tasks to complete. The first one just said "BONNIE AGAIN" in all caps. You shrugged and made your way to Rockstar Row to see if Bonnie was in his greenroom. You'd figure out what was wrong when you got there.
It was strange how quiet the Plex was. You thought the low chatter during the day was unusual for the Plex, but at night it was like someone turned a switch off completely. The usual tunes of the Plex were just a whisper of what they usually were during the day. You assumed they adjusted the volume accordingly. That made sense.
You got to Rockstar Row rather quickly. Without the crowd, it was much easier. Bonnie's room was the first one. There was a soft blue light that shone from a sconce above his door. You made your way to it and hesitated. You were nervous. What if they didn't like you? What if you didn't know what you were doing? Was there programming even remotely similar to anything you've learned?
You were about to turn around and go...somewhere, when the large metal door in front of you swooshed open anyway. Eyelevel, all you saw was a wall of blue. Your eyes slowly traveled upwards until they met a pair of maroon irises behind star shaped glasses.
Your breathe caught in your throat. They are big. You didn't realize they were so big. Bonnie narrowed his eyes and pointed a big, blue finger at your chest. "Can I help you, toots?"
To be continued....
Sorry I gave you so little content this go round ;-; I have to start somewhere. Next chapter will have much, much more. Feedback welcome!
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jfberlin · 6 days
Hausmeister:in (m/w/d) | 50354 Hürth
 Familienmitglied gesucht! ♥
 Werde Hausmeister:in auf dem Gertrudenhof!
In Vollzeit. Ab sofort oder nach Absprache.
 Das machst Du bei uns:
Als Hausmeister:in hast Du auf unserem Gertrudenhof eine wichtige Schlüsselstelle. Auf dem ca. 40.000m² großen Gelände mit Bauernmarkt, Streichelzoo, Schulbauernhof, Spielflächen, saisonalem Markt & verschiedenen Gastronomie Stationen kommst Du viel herum. Du sorgst mit Deinen vielseitigen handwerklichen Fähigkeiten und Deiner einfallsreichen Art für die Instandhaltung auf dem Gelände und sorgst damit für ein reibungsloses Arbeiten in den verschiedenen Bereichen des Hofes. Neben anfallenden Routineaufgaben reparierst oder installierst Du eigenständig mal kleinere, mal größere Dinge, löst Störungen im Alltag und beschaffst selbstständig Material. Dabei bist Du stets sehr aktiv auf dem ganzen Gelände unterwegs und verbringst die meiste Zeit an der frischen Luft. Deinen Arbeitsalltag organisierst Du Dir selbst, angebunden an unsere Bereichsleitung, mit der Du sehr regelmäßig die reinkommenden Aufgaben und Anliegen besprichst und priorisierst. Du arbeitest bei uns i. d. Regel an Samstagen und Sonntagen und hast dafür zwei Tage unter der Woche frei.
 Das bringst Du mit:
Du liebst Abwechslung! Denn bei uns ist kein Tag wie der andere! Du bist handwerklich ein echtes Allroundtalent und fühlst Dich in verschiedenen Gewerken zuhause. Du kannst mit verschiedensten Materialien umgehen und hast Spaß daran, Dich immer wieder auch in neue Dinge hineinzufuchsen. Für Dich gibt es keine Probleme – Du denkst in Lösungen. Im Bereich Elektro besitzt Du mindestens gute Grundkenntnisse und bist auch technisch recht affin. Ein Führerschein der Klasse BE oder aufwärts wäre von Vorteil.
Besonders überzeugst Du uns aber mit Deiner agilen Art und ordentlichen sowie selbstständigen Arbeitsweise. Durch Deine vertrauensvolle und zuverlässige Art zeigst Du uns, dass wir in jeder Situation auf Dich zählen können. Du liebst unser Konzept!
 👉 Weitere Infos unter:
 #jobfinderDE #Hausmeister #Allroundtalent #Elektriker #Haustechniker #Hauswart #ErlebnisbauernhofGertrudenhof #Hürth #NRW #Vollzeit #jobfinder #Stellenmarkt #Jobbörse #Stelleschalten #JobFinderDe #Job #Jobangebot #Stellenangebot #Stellenanzeige #Stellenausschreibung
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zangren-signal · 10 months
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OMNIVISION NEWS! Coming to you from Ashing City! We go now to five time Eming Award winning actress, Zaq Pizazing, our anchor!
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Howdy y'all! Welcome to Omnivision News. And dinzo do I have news for you! Ever since the old GUN laws began giving us Zangren a headache, we've had to restrict many liberties, from our labour law to our entertainment. But the GUN's reformed now, all cultures are respected for their differences, and so some old traditions have slowly been coming back.
As soon as the reform was heard, changes began, and now we're happy to anounce the return of the old ways! The arenas!
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The arenas never really went away, for a time fell out of popularity due to enforcement. But the trend returned in the underground, in fact it's made such a comeback that the public demand was significant enough to warrent the construction of Ashing City Arena! I know you're dying to see some action just as much as the participants are. So we'll show you a quick free peek. Keep in mind that ACA broadcasts will typically be pay per view and seats require a subscription with ACA Entertainment.
Over to the arena!
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As we can see, this is the middle of a fight, one combatant has already been slain and two remain, one heavily armored and equipped with a laser sword, the other only lightly armored and wielding... is that a stun baton? How did this fight begin? How does it end? Well... subscribe to ACA Entertainment to watch previously recorded fights to find out!
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Since we bought this clip for you, dear viewers, we'll let it play out as we move on, until the break of course...
In other news, the app SwampFinder has recently been bought out by an anonymous businesszang. Previously a dating app, its quickly been transformed into the largest and most popular social media app in the Oligarchy.
Many original users dislike the changes, but it can still be used as a dating app so their complaints are wisely being ignored by the new owners. SwampFinder has a lot more options available, a Live section, a JobFinder section, and more!
How does this change impact other social media companies? Where is the app going with these changes? Why is the app free? Who might you become if you install SwampFinder? Find out this and more after the break.
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hrspot · 1 year
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Friends and professional connections are important in the business world. So other than friends, 35% of people found jobs through professional contacts. Community forums helped 19% of people, while 11% of employees found a job through alumni networks, human resources stats confirm. Source-99firms
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alienpost · 8 months
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Our Creative Ideas will give digital strength to your brand.
Alienspost: Digital Marketing agency
Ensure your online presence reflects your expertise and commitment to quality. Don;t miss out on new opportunities. Let your website be your greatest asset in attracting and retaining customers. Call Now- 9817655353 https://alienspost.com/
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